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Department of Public Works
Monthly Report
Date: December 2017
Town Hall
- Decorated building for the holiday season
- Spackled and sanded Tax Assessors office
Parks/Beaches/Road Ends
- Replaced and repaired stairs at 67 Steps in Greenport
- Cleaned and cut back cliff are at 67 Steps in Greenport
- Patch holes on Klipp Park boat ramp
- Replaced broken chain on New Suffolk boat dock
- Monthly stair inspection at road ends
Wildlife Management/ Deer
- Managed deer management program
- Maintained Town and DEC documents
- Monitored deer cooler and transported deer to process facility in Oakdale
- Installed new stove at Katinka
- Repaired heat at HRC east end of building
- Decorated building for the holiday celebrations
- Rebuilt driveshaft B2
- Repaired exhaust on B11
- Rebuild and wired sander
- Oil & filter service on PW 17
- Completed moving auto shop to new station
- Replaced tires on PW17
- Replaced Vjoints on B14
- Oil & filter service on PW19
- Replaced front tires on PW 19
Managed several snow events
Hired and trained new full time custodian