HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1703 GF ALL :'iCC?~~L~o .... AND S?A~LES ~':UST DISPLAY ViSiBLE ,~'~.~.'.~. ...... ALL DCCi~ A~D BU~Z~EADS' ' .'~UoY' '- Di~PL%Y ViSiBLE ~EPZ-~IT ~.S' ' ~-~ ,~. ~ ~.R,. . ~ ..... - ' -' TJ%'Z_ ~=-.~:~:~ Of5outno, d own Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~ -" N/A P~IT NO ......... 12.0~ ............ :' DAT~: ...mc.t...2~.+. 198 TO Marlene Nash ISSUED ............. :_:.....: ........................................... ~ursuanf fc ~he pr=vls~ans, o{,C~apfer 615 of fhe Laws ~ f~e Sfafe of N~w Yo~, 18~; ~n: Cha~fer 404 of fhe Laws Stale O~ N~w Yo~' 952' an~ ~k~ ~h+~ ~,,,~ ~.~. - rifled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS - IN AND ON,TO~N WA~:~S ND PUBLIC LANDS ~nd REMOVAL O~ SA~D, GRAVEL OR. OTHER MATERIAl. FROM ~ND~ UNDER TOWN WA :z.S; en~ ,n acc~Mance wszn Re~eluff~n ~¢ T~e Board adopied at a mge~in~ ~e~ on ....~.t.....~J Marlene R. Nash '-'~ o~ Mattituck , . Term~ and CondO} ohs ~s}ed on ~he reverse s~de hereo{, o{ Sou=no~ Town /~u~zees au%horkes and pe~m~ }he . Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to s~cure a pe~it for a bulkhead in Deep Hole Creek. fhe or[g~naHng app~caf~on. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees here- '~y cause~,frs Cor~orafe Seal fo be affhed, and fhes~~ pres'e~s ~Be su~scnaea~~y a melor:fyor' f~ sa~d ~oar~ as o* ...... ['~fh~s data. Board Of $oufhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD NEW YORE Grandfather MOOP. Z~G NO. N/A Clause PERMIT NO ....... %.7.b3 .... DATE: ....O.~t. 24~, 1983 ISSUED TO Marline N~s~tt DOCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST .............. : .................. j ......... ~f~'P%"_K'F'VI~]SLE PERMIT NUMBERS certify Cnac the -~- wo... as authorized ~.,_s perm2u has been ccmpleced and %s now rbady for your inspec- ti=n. Also, the n'um~ser required on this pro, oct is clearly visible. ...... e_ undersuand this permi'~ is no~ valid until ~his tear sheet - is re~;urned to the Trustees. TER~S and CONDITIONS Marlene R. Nash r~iding at 1700 Deeo Hole Drive, Mattituck N. Y, pa~ of the coasiaeradon for ~e ~ce of ~e P~: d~ ~dem~d ~d p~ to ~: lowln~: 1. That the Soutkold Trustees Permit must be prominently disD!aved on the premises ef__cted thereby during the period of 2] ~Har ~= ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~ Town of ~u~ofd ~ ~ed from ~y ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ a~g ~y or ~r~dy ~ a r~t of ~7 o~- ~nder adon ~rfo~d pm~t to ~s ~ md ~e ~d Pe~r~ w~ ~t ~ ~ her own defend any ~d ~i su~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pam~, and ~ ~d Pe~=~ ~ ~ U~H~H~ the wi~ respec: ~ere:o, to ~e mmFi~e ~c1~ion of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of ~oldP 3. That ~ Pe~: ~ v~d for a ~ of ~ ~AR w~ ~ ~d~ to sufficiant ~ r~uired ro mmpiete ~e work ~volv~ bu~ should &c,~c~ w~ for ~ e~e~ion may be ~de to ~e B~d at a later dam 4. ~at ~* Per~ shoed be rera~ ~def~te~7, or as long ~ ~ ~d P~e to maintain the s~e or pmje~ involv~, to provide e~d~nce to ~yone mncem~ ~ ~u~- - - orhadon w~ ori~lly obt~ned. iu agents, ~d nou-compEa~ce ~th the prov~io~ of ~a ori~aa~g a~pE~do~ ~v ~ ~n~e for revocaaon o[ this Pe~it by r~oludon o~ ~e said B~rd. ' 6. ~nar there will be no ~r~souabl~ interf~euce wi~ na~o2 ~ a r~t of herein authorhed. 7. That ~ere shall M ~o ~teffer=nc= ~ the HShr of ~e ~bEc to p~s ~d rep~ mhe beach be~eea hi~n and low warer 8.. ~ar ~ ~umre oper~io~ of ~ Tow= o~ ~old r~uke ~e'r~oval =d/or work sh~ ~use u~e~onable obs~on to free navigation. ~e s~d Pe~=eg ~H ~ r~ u~n due notice, [o remove or alter ~{s work or pro~ecr herein s~ted ~out ~ to ~ 9. ~a: nh= s~d ~oard will ~ nodfi~ By the Pe~=ee ox ~e c~FteSon of ~e w~rk ~- o~=d. (See tear off mheet.) 10. ~at the Pefmk:ee will obt~= all o~er p=~m and corena ~a~ ~y ~ r~ plemenr~ to ~s pe~t w~dn ~y ~ ~bj~ zo revoke uFom f~a-to ob~ TELEPHONE ~516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWI~ TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. BOx 728 Southold. New York 11971 October 24, 1983 Mrs. Marlene Nash 1700 Deep Hole Drive Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Nash: Transmitted herewith is your permzt which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard [o this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Ilene Pfifferling V Clerk to Trustees Attachment :LL DOc~S ~xND bULKH:ADS MUST BOARD OF TO~'N TRUSTEES DISPLAX V!SIgLE PERMIT NUMgEKS Town of Southold 5Iain ALL f IOgRi GS STAKES ,IUST So,,th0la, New York 11971 31SPLAY VISIBLE IOORING NOTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PEa,lIT 1. Your application, dated 9/6/83 ........................................................................ has been reviewed by this ~card, at a meeting of the Trustees held on October tl, 1983 and resulting in the action, as indicated below: ~.XXXX~.~X Applicat'ien approved · ( ............ ) Application den[ed. ( ............ ) Application tabled. Application approved under the Grandfather Clause to secure a permit number for a bulkhead in Deep Hole Creek. A PEP~MZT FEE Ij vcur coc~llcation is oo~roved above. 7~"f'~'?rmff .-~:~ is no'.~ due. and should be made payable ?,t~.orf~r oS Te Spare of Southo,a Town Trustees Th s fee is com~uted b"'-w ..... "' * Permi~ Fee person t~the Secretary of ~he Board, The Permit will be cb;'~inc~e ' - is acid in - ~ yzn9 an~ a~zczonal' zee wzzz ~e necessa the same time. If ~he fee ~s paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply. ComDut~t~on of Permit Fee: Total Fee for this aPPlication ............................. , ' $ .............. Pres. Board cT ~ ALI. DOCKS AND BULKIql;AD$ MUST -r ~- DiSPI.A¥_VISlBI.E PEBJ~IT ~UMBERS, Town Of South~ld Somhohl. N'ew York 12971 ~ ' Main I'oad ~ I. Does this proiecr involve the use of WETLAI%D5 os defined in the Southo/d Town Wetlands Ordinance? Y£S or NO. Il: it does, you must file ~througn the T6Wn CIer~c~ Office. 2. Is the proposed work entirely wit,bin the boundaries ~of your awn property os substnntioted by your Deed or Survey? YE5 or NO. t: it is, a Perm ~ s NO'F're~u red from this but the Town Elu Id ng lnspec,gr should b-'2 contacted for full details. nome o,d ad ress: ....... ...... .......................... ............... 5. Explain briefly the purpose of this application: ....... .~......4~...~.~./4. F.(~..7',...,_ZZ.J-..~....."~..~'....-~. .... -..~....~'..~./~.,'z~.~..'.....:.?./.....}& r....../.~,.¢.¢ ......2'~ ................................................................... .~, - 6. At'tot issuance of Permit,work mklsc be cam,glared withirl one year. 7. Secure th~ correct Area Map from the Ctork of this Board and by uslnga/ X A CIRCLI5 as a mark, indicate as closely as possible lhe location of this prolect. reverse side. pray*de o SCALE DP..A'¢VING which will shaw Ordinary High Water Marl< es well as rhe size and shape of the structure or wor~. to be done. Also include all dimensions for porhcns which extend offshore from the O. H. W. M. St:ace hd]ace~,t propcrt;y 8. Pre:ida the follow[rig documents: (o-P--A _it. ensed £nginem% _qa,'v~:y of the prc~,,:rty invulYed. (bl A cody' of the Controc,or s Plan and $~ecificotions. (c~ Shore Snv±ronmenta:L A~sessraent Form. 9. Do*[s this proiect extend into Town Vv'aters be,~ond on imaginary fine or boundary formed by existing 'works oi a similar nature along this are&s shoreline? YES or NO. If it does. st:to the ~pprox~mare distance beyond, . ........... ft, 10. Wilt this con~tru-'tion retxuire Ina Fiilinq of an,, land offshore of the Ord;r}ary kllgh V/crer Mark or the Dredging or any materml from Town l.an Js under wctvr~ YES cr ~O. Farm A/4 (,~piicatlon for Drcdgmg./Filling) must be completed and attached as port oF this invak, cd; eno /urtH~r. I intend rD adhere to ¢nrJ aD~ae by the -Farms end Conditions or the 12, TO EXPEDZ~ FINDING SPECIFIC LOCATION PaR INS~EC~ION~ BY USING A TEMPOP~RY ~RKER.: ~_ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 3 Rev. 2 82 ~ ~ , · / / -- / t / / / / / ~ ~ / / / / ,-