HomeMy WebLinkAboutKOKE, FREDUSED TIIIS INDENTUllE, !nade the day of August . nineteen bundred a Id seventy, BETWEEN THE TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a legally constituted Township, being in the ~09~gY of ~ffQlk and State of New York, with principal office at Main Road (no number), Southold, New York 11971, partyofthefirstpart, and ~, qTr''~ .... ':1' ALEXANDER W. KOKE, residing at Youngs Avenue (no number),Southold New York 11971, and FREDERICK C. KOKE, residing at Youngs Avenue (no number), $outhold, New YOrk 11971, parry of the second part, WITNE$$ETH, that thc party of the first part, in consideration of Ten ($10.00) ............................................... -dollars. i IawfulmoneyofthelJnitedStates. and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party o£ the second part, does hereby remi~e, release and quitciaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party o£ the second part forever. ' vacant ALL that certffin plot, piece or parcel of/land, ~Xhrflf~ll~F4y~41~/xffilg~~~ sim- ate, lying and being'A~:fl!~ at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point about 480 feet south/southwesterly from the southerly line of ~ain Bay View Road on the division line between other property of the grantees herein and land now or formerly of Victoria; running thence south/southwesterly about 100 feet to the ordinary highwater mark of Corey Creek; running thence westerly and then southerly along the highwater line of Corey Creek about 1100 feet; running thence westerly, northerly and northeasterly along the said highwater line of Corey Creek about 1800 feet to.the said other land of the · . sourneaster±v , grantees here~n; runnzng thenc~_~long t~e ordinary hzghwater mark of Corey Creek as it existed in 1951 about 400 feeu ~o the point and:place of BEGINNING. The said described parcel consists of sand land-fill over previously existing marsh islands owned by the grantees herein. The said parcel of filled land being quit claimed hereln is as shown on map attached hereto made by Van Tuyl & Son and dated 7-22-70. STAT~ OF HKW YO~, COUNTY 0~: ES: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who executed We foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that STAT~ OF ~W YORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk SS: On fl~,e day of August, 19 70, before me personal}y canle to me known, who, being by me daly sworn, did depose and say ~hat he resides at 2~o. ; ~at ~e is theChat~man OZ the Boar~ o~ ~ Trustees of the Town of Southold, , ~e co.option desc~bed ~n a~d which execute~ the ~oregoin~ ins~ment; ~at he knows ~e seal of said corporation; that ~e seal a~ed ~o s~kl instrHment ~s such corporate s~; ~t ~ was so a~xed by order of ~e board of d~r~to~ of sa{d co~ra~ fion, and that he s~ed ~ s n~e ~ere~o by l~ke order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: ~ On the day' o£ [9 , be:t'or~ me personally came to me Imown to be the individual ' described in ad~ executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledg~[ flt~f executed the same. ~ _ STATE OF NEW YORKi COUNTY OF On the day of 19 - , be£or~ personallycame the subscribing witness to the. foregoing instrument; whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me sworn, did depose an~I say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the indi~idttll described in and who executed the foregoing instrum~tl that he, said subscribing, wi~ess, was present and execute the sarae, and that he, said witn~ at the same time subscribed h name as witness theretO, uitda m Trustees of the Town of Southold TO Alexander W. Koke and Frederick C. Koke Distributed by SECTION BLOCK LOT ~(~t~ TOWN of Southold COuntzy of Suffolk Reeokded at~ Request o£ CHICAGO TITLE }NSERANCE COMPANY Return by Mail to Lefferts P. Edson, Esq. 5Z755 Main Road Southold ~e~ York Zip No. 11971 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if- any, ot the party o£ the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above*described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETI-1ER with the appurtenances and altk thee estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO }lAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section lS of the Lien Law, hereby covenhnis that the party of the first part wtll recetve the constderatton for tht~ conveyance and w~tt hold thertght toreceivesuch ~ consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying~the ~O~t ~f~tt{~"i~pr~vement and will apply the same fi~t to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of 'the same for ~ny Other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day,and year first above IN PRESENCE OF: Trustees of By: ' MARION A. REGENT ~'~OTARY I~JBL!~ State of New >: ,;~ .:':"3- ~' . : , - . : .. ~ ~-,,~,. ,~:_ . h day of Se~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~v~:Bj ~0~o, ..... ~ =u~er,- 1970, ~-~ ~ ' ' and JO~' ...... af GEORGE A. SI~SON ~ -- e Personally came ~__~ . . ~u~l~uLTy,. to me known ,.~- _,-~.m. ROBERTSoN, . ~ew York, 149 R~ k~ reside at Hobart R~ ,_ ~Y Sw0r~,' di~d,de-' nu~e - · . . , Green ~ .. )', ,Southol ... ~ r), Cfi .... _ port~ New ' .... '.- ~ ..~, ~ ~A%.,,,~,~,~.~ ~ ~, ~.~t, New ~Yomk, j~,~-:~ .... York,~ Browns ~H~11. i~ .res e . .......... ~ levard ~ ~ ..... ~-~ , ..... ~. SUffO1 · ~, P Ctlvely,. that '- .... (~g~nU~er);?fl~ ,-.~.~ ~,%~,~ ~. ~..~ ...... the c - ~ :, ~.La~el- .., ~ , .~.. Y ompose the ~=~ = _, .... , ..... ~W,:Yo~k,'~., -' o~ South~ld; the corporation.des - ? g9 gg :instrume t ' eha Z,_ fr bed and wnie ~nat' th~':'s2~ ~. ' ~ ~ey ~now the ...... ~-~=~ one that i~: w~r2o~fS~e.d_to said instrument ~2-2:.of. said corporation; -/ .' ,. · '.. ~zlXSd by orde~ ~ ~- - . ucn COrporate .s' a :-' : c°rporatlon; and fha~ ~e_ '; . ~ u~ 5ne Doaro of tr,~ _ ~ I,.. ~ .unuY Signed thei~ A=~ ' "~ ~===s.oz.said ...... ,es unereto by like 'order.¢ :Y Public :~. ~.: , TITLE NO. ~ '* ~. Trustees of. the Town of i ~' Southold -: t L . oke ' - ~rickz' C. ~Kok~ "~ '~" '"", LOT . ~f~X~(~ TOWN Southold , . CoUnty of Suffolk CHI(~AGO TITLE I~ISUI~iNCE COMPANY' Return by Mail to - ~ ' <' Le rts 51755 Main Road Southold New York Esq. zip No. 11971