HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1583 ALL MOORIZ:G~ STAi~ES MUST DISPM%Y Vl%~I~LE I,~OORING NUbIBE?.S -- ALf~ DOCKS AND BULL~EADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PEPd,~IT NU~ZBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOO,%ZZ~G NO. N/A P~.RMIT NO. _ 1583 ....... DATE; March 3, 198 ISSUED TO ....... ..F..ri.t ~._~5_o.h .D.. .......................................................................................... Pursuanf fo ~he provisions of Chaofer 615 of fhe Laws of fhe Sfafe of New York IB93: aha Chamfer 40¢ of fhe Laws of fhe Sfefe o~ New York 1~52; and +he Soufho'a Town Ordinance ffflea "REGULATING AND THE PLAOING OF O~STRUCT[ONS IN AND ON TOWN WA~:mS~ AND PU:~L~C LANDS aha fhe REMOVAL Or SAN~. GRAVEL OR OTHER MATEUALS. FROM - LANDS UNDER TOWN WAT~,,S; and in ec:ordan:e wffn fhe Re~olufion of The Boara adopfed a~ a meefin~ he[~ on ...~k...~ 19..B3.., and in consiaeraH:n of fhe sum of $....~.~..~Q. .. ...................................................... ~.$.tz..~ .................................................................... of .....~o~o~e ..................................................... N. Y. aha sub[ecl +o fhe Terms and Condff~ons ]isled on- f~e reverse si~e hereof, of Soufhbid Town Trusfees auf~or]ze[ and permks fhe .~Z&oat&o~ a~p~o~ed to oo~st~ot a b~Zkhea~ 60' all m accoraance wifh fne aerad-= specmcanons as ~resenfed ~he originating app~[caf~on. IN WI~N:~S WH~K~OF, The sald B6ard of Trusfees here- ' by causes ,ifs Oorporafe Seal fo be aff[xe~, and fhese pres~nfs Board Of $Outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOORING NO. PERMIT NO. DATE: ISSUED TO I, , certify that the work as authorized in this permit has been completed and Cs now ready for your-inspec- ~tion. Also, the number required on this project is clearly visible. -- I further understand this permit is not valid until this tear sheet is returned to ~he Trustees. _ TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permi~ Fritz Kohn re~idlng at Old Har'bOr Road, Cutchogueo New York N, ¥., as pan of ~e co~Jd~rauom for ~e ~ce of ~e P~: d~ ~dem~d ~d p~ to ~e {ol- [o~ng: !. That the Southold Trus=ees Permit must be prominently displayed on the Dremises effected thereby during the oeriod of 2~ ~nat ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~o~d ~ ~ed f~om ~v ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ a~g ~dy o~ ~2f ~ a ~t of ~y o~- ~der a~on ~ffo~d p~r to ~s ~c ~d ~e ~d Pe~ will at ~ ~ her own ~g the defend any ~d ~I su~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pa~, amd ~e ~d Pe~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ re~ec: ~ere:o, to ~e ~mpl~e ~ci~ion of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~ To~n of ~oldPermzt 3. Tha~ ~ Pe~t ~ ~d for a ~ of ~z~ sufficient ~e r~u~red to ~m~iem ~e work ~volv~ but should ~c~ w~m~, z~u~ 4. ~mt ~s Per~: shoed be zeta~ ~def~tely, or as long ~ ~e s~d P~ ~m to mMn/a~n the stma~e or pm~e~ ~nvolv~, to provide e~da~ce to ~yone ~ncem~ ~ au~- orhadon w~ ori~tty obt~ned. 5, ~at ~e work ~volved w~I be ~b]~ to ~e ~sp~on ~d approv~ of ~e ~d or i~ agents, ~d non-c~pHance ~th the prov~io~ of ~e ori~a~g appH~fio~ ~y ~ ~e fo~ revocanon of this Pe~it by r~olufion of the said B~d. 6. ~at there will be no ~sonable interf~eace wi~ na~don ~ a re~t of ~e w~ herein aud~or~ed. 7. That there shah ~ no ~teffer~ce w{~ the ~ght of ~e ~bHc :o p~s ~d rep~ ~ong ~e beach be~eea high and Iow water m~i~. O.. That ~ furore oper~iom of ~e Town of ~old r~uke ~6' rmoval ~d/or Mt~fiom in the location of ~e work her& au~o~ or ~, ~ ~e op~m of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ ~e u~n due noric~ to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated ~4~out ~ to ~e To~ of Sou~ol& 9. ~ar ~e smd Board will ~ no~i~ by the Pe~nee ox ~e cmFteffon of ~e ~rk ~- o~ed. (See tear off sheet. ) 10. ~a~ the Permk:ee ~i1 obt~a all o~er p~m and co~enm ~t ~y ~ t~ ~ ~lementai [o ~s pe~[ wh~ ~y ~ ~bj~ to revoke upon f~ to ob~ ~e. (516) 765-1801 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1_1971 ....... March 2, 1983 Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town Hall Southold~ New York Dear Mrs° Terry, The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees at a regular meeting held March !, 1983: RESOLVED to recommend to the Sou~hold Town Board approval of the wetland application, $!21', of Fritz Kohn to construct a bulkhead 60' long, in Schoolhouse Creek, Cutchogue, New York° Yours truly~ Board of Town Trustees Paul Stoutenburgh, Pres° PS/ip Town O:f Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR ~ETLA1N~DS PERM~ ^pplication No ......~...~...Z ................ Date of App;icolion ..~.,2.5~..8.~. ................................ identity of Applicant ]~'~ii;~ ~. R'O~ . ' Applic .0~.~ .1~3~9~. Road~ New ~folk, New York 11956 A~re~ of ant. ...................................................................................................... .. . IN-STRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town C~erk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter permission from the owner of the property Jf not the some as the applicant. B Pibt Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of property, the names aha [0cations of owners of ac, ioining properties, and a detailed description of proposed prelect. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be mode by a copy machine and attached to the Permit Application.') C. No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until oil permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map ce~fied by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. 'Fha horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval loca~ coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- ings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fiji on said premises and w~ether any such permits or licenses were ever revoked gr suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This filing fee inc]udes one inspection. there is a $5,0Q fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request _~t~/e applicant for a permit, may waive in whole or in part, the provisions of Article ~1, Se~tio~,' sub~Jivisions (~ and (~rwhere it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions are not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. l. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such permi~ shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. Examined .................................................. 19 ....... Approved ............................................................... Disapproved Examining Body .................................................................................................................................... Signature of Chairman ......................................................................................................................... APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the To,am Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuaace of a permit oursuant to ~e Laws, Ordinances and Regul~Jons ~em- ~g the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, FI~ Plains and Drainage ~mos of ~e To~ of S~thold: Permit ~quested to ........ ~:~.~..~K~..o.~ ....... ~..~.~...~,~. ................................................. Location of property for which permit wanted ..................................... Home address of permzt apphcant ~f d~frerenT from afar sa d Size of proposed work: Width t0 JZ Height Above High Water ...... .,~... ......................................................................................................... Depth Below Low Woter ........................................................................................................................ Yords to be [xc~ted ........................................................................................................................... Yards to be Fill~ Width o~ con~l, creek or boy frontin~ ~rope~ ............................................................................... D ~th at Low Tide Avero~e Rise in Tide ............................................................................................................................ .. Is ,h~s for private or bus[ness use? ~ Areo 7'an ng ........................................................................................................... Mo~er in which mterlat will ~ removed or deposited .............................................. ~. .......... tntend~ use of ~roce~ ....... ~.~.~ .[.. ~..( ~..~ .~f ................................................. Wri~en consent of owner of pr~er~ ff not ~o some os the ~ppllc~nt ........................................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: and soys that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be dane in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of $outhoJd. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and att damages and claims arising under or by virtue of sa~d permit, if grar/re, d. Sig~ture o~pplicont ............. Sworn to before me this ................................ ......... 7 .......... .................................. jO~ P, ~sO~l No, 4732613 BOAYd} OF T0~rN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Southold. New York 11971 Main Road APPLICATION FOR ~ BULKtlEAD, DIKE, OF, JETTY 'I. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as aefined in the Southold Town WetJands Ordinance? YES or NO. if it does, you mus~ file through the Town CJerk's Office. 2, Is the proposed work entirely within the boundaries of your own property as substantiated " by your Deed or Survey? YES or NO, If it is, a Permit is NOT required from this Board, but the Town Building Inspector should be contacted for full details. 3. Applicant's name and address: ~' ~zz- [(0/~ ,~ .... z.x ...... ...................................................... Tel. ~ploin briefly the pUT,aSa of this oppl~cati~n: ...... ~.r.~ ...... &.~. ...... ~.(.~...~.~ ............ ......... ........ .............................................. 6. A{ter issusnce o~ Pe~ff,work must be completed within one year. ~ k 7. Secure th~ correct Area M~p from the Czar of this Boar~, and by usinga/ X WITHIN A CIRCLE a~ o mark, indicate as closely os possible the location of this project. On the reverse side, prov/de-a SCAuE D~WING which will show O~inaw H~gh Water Mark as well as the size and shape of the ~ructure or work to be done. Also include all dimensions 'for portions which extend offshore fram the O. H. W. M. State adjacent property 8. Provide the follo~ing documents: (a] A Licensed Engineer's Sumey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the ConTracTor's Plan and Saecificstio~. (c) Short Environmental Assessment Form. 9. Does this prelect extend info Town V~roters beyond on imagino~ Hne. _ ._ dc~ formed by existing works of a similar nature along th~s area's shoreline> YES o ~t does, state the approximate distance beyond, . ........... tO. Will this construction require ~he FHIin5 of any land offshore of the Ordin~ Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from To~n Lands under water? YES ~r NO. i~ it does, Form A/4 (,Application for Dredging/Filling) must ee completed and attache~t of this application. ~ 1 I. In reauesting approval of this application, I submi~ that: the informotion presented herein is t~e and correct to the best of my kncwledge and belief; [ om the person accountable for the Derformonce of the work [n accordance wil'h the plans and specifications attached; [ have read or om familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance pe~ment to the work involved; and further, [ ln~end to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and i~ issued to me. A/3 Rev. 2/82 . ~f.~,~=~ ......... : .....................................