HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1674 GF ALL DC~i<S A~iD BULd~,~DS .'I~o~ DiSF~z ViS---~- P=F""~T~ .... ~,_ ..__... .......... ~ ............. Board Of Soutno, d own Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~oo~z;:~ ~o, ~/~ Pursuanf fo fhe provisions of Chaplet 615 of fhe Laws of fhe Sfafe of New Yor~, o ' ' ' ~ ' ' ~' 18,3: aha Chapter 40-~ o~ fhe Laws o~ ,ne ~-:~ Sfafe o~ New Yor~ t~z; and zhe Sou~no,d Town Oramence rifled "REGULATING AND THE ?LACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WA~,¢~S AND PU~LJC,LAND~ and ~i'~ REMOVAL OF SAND, ~v=_ ~r~ OTHER MATERIALS, FROM - ~.:~:~: LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" end inac~raance' wi~h fhe Re~olur on o, Zne Boera aoo::ed afa m*efing he[= on .~.~...~..}..~.. ~' ...fl.3, ano m cons~erancn o~ ,he sum o~ $:.$~..Q.Q. pa:o by James ~. Klein of Maftif~cX ..... N.Y. and sub)ec~ fo fhe Terms and Conditions llsfed on +he reverse side hereof, of SournoId Town Trustees aufnor~zes and permits fne reviewing: · o secure a pe~it n~ber for a Dock in James Creek. ~{: ...~ p~j TER~S and CONDITIONS Toe Permic,~ James H. Klein r~idin§at RFD #1, Box 157 B, ~attituck par~ o£ the co~iaera~on for ~a ~ce of ~c P~r d~ ~dc~d ~d p~ to low{n~: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominen~!y disD!aved on ,the premises effected therebv during the period of 2~ ~ac ~: ~a B~ of T~ ~d ~e Towa of ~u~o~d ~ ~ed f:om ~v ~d work ~ dz~ag~s, or da~ for d~ag~, of ~ afJ~g ~y or ~r~dy ~ z r~r of ~y o~- under aden ~rfo~d p~r to ~s ~% ~d ~e ~d Pe~r~ will ar ~ ~ her own ~ the defend any ~d ~I su~ ~ ~t~ b7 ~d vamp, and ~e ~d Pe~=~ ~ ~ ' ' of ~= ~d of T~em or ~ Town of 3. That ~ Pe~r ~ v~d for a ~ of ~OP~ ~R w~ ~ ~d~ to suff~ci~ ~e r~ulred re ~m~iere ~e work ~volv~ but should ~m,~c~ w~ for ~ e~e~ion may be ~de to ~e B~d at a later da~. 4. ~at ~s Per~t sho~d be retaN~ ~def~gety, or as long ~ ~ smd P~e to ma~nra~n the s~e or p~je~ involv~, to provide e~de~ce :o ~,'o~e ~ce=~.,~ au~- - - ot~a~o~ %-~ ori~ily obr~ned. 5. ~at ~e work ~volved will be ~bj~ re ~e ~sp~oa ~d approv~ of ~e ~d or ~ age=rs, and non-compEa~ce ~ the prov~io~ of ~e ori~aa~g a~pE~o~ ~y ~ ~e for revocation of this Pe~t by r~oluffon of the sold B~rd. 6. ~z~ there wUt be no ~rmsonable iaterf~euce wi~ na~don ~ a r~t o~ herein au~or~ed. 7. That ~heze shall ~ no ~:ederence w{~ the Hght of ~e ~bEc :o p~s md rep~ ~ong ~he beach be~eea high and Iow water m~ks. 8.. ~r ~ furore oper~io~ o~ ~e Town of ~old r~uke ~e' t~ov~ ~d/or in the Io~:ion o~ &e work herd= uu~od~ or ~, ~ ~c opi~ o~ &e Bo=d of T~e~ work ,h~ =use u=e=onable obs,=on to free naviga=io=. =he s~d Pe~=ee ~H ~ u~a due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated ~our ~ to ~c To~ of Sou~oi~ 9. ~nae ~e s~d ~oa~ wHI ~ no~fi~ by ~he Pe~=ee oz ~e c~FleHon of ~e work ~- o~t& (See tear off sheet.) 10.' ~a* ~e Permk:ee MIl obr~n *11 o~er pe~ a~d ~o~en~ ~t m7 ~ r~ plememM to ~is pe~r '; wa~ m~ ~ ~bi~ ~o revoke upon f~e'to ob~ ~ TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 September 27, 1983 Mr. James H. Klein RFD ~1 Box 157 B Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Klein: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your dock in James Creek. Please be sure to post this number on your structure. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Clerk to Trustees Attachment BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Soutl~olcI. h'ew York 11971 APPLICATION FOR F/XED anal or FLOATING DOCKS '.-~. ^~p~,~'~ no~ ~n~ =~:e~,: ....~.~.~e~ ....... ~.......~...:.~.L~ .............................. ........ ....... ...... 2 C~n,rac,or s name and caaress: ......... ~.~..2 ..... 4,~ ...... .~.q.~.;....~. ..... ................................................................................................................................ ,~.~I, ......................... ............ ...... .......................................................................... 4 ASter issuance of ~ Permit, work mus~ be complened within one year. LARGE 5. Secure the correct Area ,Mo~ From the Clerk 2f this Board. end by using a/X WITHIN A CIRCLE ink,cure ~s c[esely us posstbfe the Icceticn of rn~s ucc~. On the reverse side of this mc2, provide ~ SCALE DRAWING wnicr will show Ordinary High %Vate~ M~rk~ me shape cna s~ze of rne ~:ck and ~ny supplemental pilings which crc needed ~o hoed a flccriag dock ~r tie-up n be~t. Give ail dimensions ~ece~surv ~o deform;ne the area cf me dock surf:ce ~'Z-(iCH EXTEl'iDS OFESEOP~ from the O. m. W. M. Z~ ad3acenu )rope~y owners have docks, specify Location and length to scale. ¥7~11 uny 3orrion of this c=nsrrucrion extend offshore into Town Waters beyond llne or bouncu~/ ~ormed by other similar structures o[ong rne orec's shoreiine? YE] or NO. tf it cass ex~nd beyond mis so-called dcck Fine indicate ~y now far, approximately,. ......... 7. Provide the fei =wlng aocumenrs: (b) A co~y of rne Contractor's Plens aha Specifications. ~],or~ Envzronmenua/ Assessmen~ Form. ~,et !anas Apoiicazi,on ~ Mark or. me Dredging of :~v materml Frcm Town Lands under water? YES cr NO. If i~ aces, Form A/4 (Appttcer:on for OredgmE/Fil[i~(;) must be compmred cna ~rrccnea as parr of-this cpphc=ticn. 9. n reeuesrm~ c:Drov~l of this ciD[]cct~o~ [ submit mar: the inicrmot~on >resented ,-,crein ~s true and correct re rme Best cf my kno~l~d;e aha belief; I cm the person QCCC~rGDI~ for lO. To expedite finding specific loca~on for :.nspection, indicate bv using a temporary marker~ ~) . ; 13~ ' GREAT PE¢ON/C, BAY