HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1775 GF AL~ i-iCC.q~i,G~ AND SCA}LES ,'.US~ DiSr~£ ViSz'J~ ALL DCC~ A~;D BU~EADS :'~UST DiSF~AY ViSibLE - ' Trustees DO rd Or Sout ,o,d own ~:~:~'" SOUTHOL~ NEW YORK ~!CCP. Z~G ~O. N/A .~ P5~I/ NO... 1775 - DATE* Dec. 14, 1983 ISSUED TO Joseph Patrick Kirin Pursuanf }o fha provMons of Chapier 615 aha Chap,er 40-~ ot fne Laws of ,ne fhe Sfafe of New York, 18~3; ' ' ~ S~a,e cz New Yor~ f%z; end ;ne Sou~no,d Town OrSMance en- fffle~ "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTICNS IN AND ON TOWN WAT[RS AND PU~LIO LANDS aha +he REMOVAL OF SA~D. ~Av=- U~ u~ :, MAT=MALS. FROM .. LANDS UNDER TOWN WAT[R5" e~d in acccrdance wlfh fha Resolution of -he Board ado/ed afa meefing he[~ on .~.~.~.....~.c 19.....~.~, ~nd in cor~iaer~fio: Of fha sum of $ ................. 5.00 .. paid by_.~ ............................ .~.s a;k_R~%~&.C.k...~.&~i~ ................................................ of ....~.%D. b9.~.~. ................................................ N, Y. an,d sub[ecl fo fhe Terms and Ccnaffions -lisfed on fhe reverse side hereof, of SoumeL Towr, Trusfees aumonzes and permffs fne Application appzoved ~o secure a pez~it ~o~ a dock Z0' x 4' in ~ud Czeek unde~ ~he G~andffa~he~ Clause. TERMS and CONDITIONS %~ne Permlrt~ Joseph Patrick Kirwin P. O. Box 43, Pinetree Road, Cutchogue re~idbg ar part of the consideration for ~ ~ce of ~e P~k d~ ~de~d ~d p~ to ~: fol- lowing: i. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominently disolaved on the oremises effected thereby durin9 the period of 2: ~a: ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~ofd ~ ~ed from ~7 ~d work a~on ~rfo~d p~r to ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pc~ wH~ at ~ ~ ~er own ~% the defend any ~d ~] su~ ~u ~t~ b7 ~d pa~, znd ~e ~d Pe~m~ with respec: ~erem, ~o ~e ~mFl~e =cl~{on of ~ ~=d of T~e~ of ~= Town of ~oxgPe-ml ~- 3. The: ~ Pe~z ~ v~d for a ~ of_O%? ~AR w~ sufficient ~ r~ui;ed zo comMeze ~= work ~volv~ but should ~o~m~c~ w=~ for ~ e~emlon ma7 be ~de to ~e ~d ar a later dam. 4. ~mt ~s Per~t shoed be rera~ ~def~tely, or as long ~ to maintain the s~e or p~je~ invotv~, to provide e~dence to ~)'one ~ncern~ ~ au~- - - orkafion w~ ori~tly obt~ned. S. ~at ~e work ~volved wHI be ~bj~ to ~e ~sp~on ~d approv~ of i= agents, and noz-compEasce ~Sth th= prov~io~ of ~e ori~ma~g appE=~o% revoca~on of this Pe~it by r=oiuHon of the sald B~rd. 6. ~at rSere w~l be no ~r~sonable interf~ence w{~ na~Hon ~ a r~t of ~e ~..= herein aud~or~ed. 7. That there shah ~ no Ntefferenc= wi~ the Hghr of ~e ~bHc to p~ ~d re=~ ~ong ~%e beach be~eea high and low water 8.. That g furore oper~io~ of ~e Town of ~otd r~=~e ~e' in the location of ~e work her~n au~of2~ or ~, ~ ~e opi~ of work sh~ ~use u=e=onable nbs=eon ro free navigariom ~e s~d u~ due notice, to remove or ~ter ~is work or project herein stated ~out ~ =o ~= To~ 9. ~ar ~= s~d Board will ~ nodfi~ by the Pe~=ee o: ~e cmFIegon of o~=d. {See tekr off sneer.) !0. ~a: the Permir:ee will obt~n alt o~er pe~= and comen= plemenr~ zo ~is pe~: whi~ ~7 ~ ~bj~ :o revoke upon f~-to ob~ ' TELEPHONE [516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWl~ TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 December 14, 1983 Dear Mr. Kirwin: Transmitted herewith is your permit which was granted under the Grandfather Clause, for your structure. Please post your permit number on your structure, so that it can be seen from the water. Thank you for your co-operation, in regard to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Clerk to Trustees Attachment BOARD OF TO~'N TRE~T,',~ Town Of Southold Main Road SoutI~old. N~ew York 11971 '~-~ APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCi~S ;2. Contr*¢tor'$ name and odd:ess: 3. Briefly ex~l~[n the ~ur~*se o{ t~ c~pli¢:t~on: ............... ~ ................................................. ........ ......... ....... : ................................................................... A~_~ iss~snce o~ a Per~i~, ~,ork mus~ be co~eted '~' ~ . wi_n_~, one year 5. Secure the correct Area MoD from the Clerk of mis Sccrd. and by using a/X WITHIN ~ ClRCL5 indica:e cs c[cselv ~s ccsslb~e the oc~ficn cf this dock. On the. _reverse s:de of '~;.,.s mcp, provlce o SCALE DRAWING which will snow Ordinary High Water Mark, the cna size o~ the dc~k ~nc any susDlemental piNngs which ere nee*aa to hoed a ,,~,,n~ ~- ,, oetermine the oreo :f me d~-~- surface or fie-ua ~ beat. Give all dimensbn~ n_~ar, ro ...... ' ~.x:m_~D~ OFFSFiOF~ frcm the O. H. W. ~l. If adlacen~ prope~y owners have docks, .specify location and lengmh to scale. 6. Will nny portion of ,k ,,,,s construction extend offshore into Town '.~cters beyond cn line or boumda~/ ~ormed By o~her similar structures along the area's sho¢eJine¢ Y55 or NO. J~ Jr does exrema beyond this so-caNed d~k Nme indJcare byhow far, ~pproximateJy,, ......... 7. ~rcvJde the {allowing documents: (a) A LJcensed Eng,neer's Survey o~ the prope~y involved. (b) A cody of the'Contrcctor's Plans cnd Specifications. Wetlands .Apg] zcatzon . . 8. J this ccns~ruc,icn-reauirc the Fling of any [and o~fsnore of the OrdJnap/ Hi;h Mark. or the Dredging ox any material From Town Lands under water? YES or NO. li~t d:es, Form A/4 (Ag:licat~an for Dredging/Filling) must ae cornp~erea xna attached as parr of this 9. In requesting oDorovaJ a~ this cDDllcction I submit that: the *nfcr~ 2t;on orc¢_ent,-d herein 10. TO expedite finding snecifLc . loca~cn for inspection, indicate ' ":':{-:::: ~/2 Re~,~-'2/82 t 5.~~....~._~._..=~ ....