HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-267 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD Of SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No...2.~7. ........... has been granted by the Town Trus{ees according to information furnished in Application No.....3.~ ........... filed by ApplicaDt ....~..o..~...~.....~.~......G..e...~.~.e..~..~... for Bernard ;<i~s~n .....~a.~.......2..~ ......... 19...~.6... A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Trustee Office under the application number c.'ven. Permit granted to do the following work ~.,t;.:...~.~.,s,: ..................................................................................................................................... Location of propert~ on which work to be done ..... ..~..o..q.~.....~.;~...~i~.~..~.~;;C~.~.~.,._~p~.Q~.t. .... New York C~eek, 8ay o~ Ha~bo~ f~on~n~ D~oDe~ ...~R~.~..~.9~.~ ...................................................................... Size of work: Length ....... ~!9.'....~i~...~r...,~...~.~...~.~.~.~ ........................................................ Width ............................................................................................................................. Height Above H~gh Water ...... ~.'. ................................................................................... Depth Below Low Water ....... ~.;~.;;~.;~.;;~. ............................................................... ~Yards to be Excavated .........;~.;~.T.;;.;;~.W= ................................................................ Yards to be Filled .......... .~9.~.~ ..................................................................................... Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited ..~.==.~;=.=~.T.; ............................................... Intended use of prope~y .....~.~.~.~9.~ .......................................................................................... Conditions if any ....... ~..~.~.~...~...~...~.~..D.~AW~...b.~.b~.q~...~k~..~ ............. Expiration Date ~...~.~.z....~.~.~...~...~.~...~..~Q~..~D~D.~&..b~...$~..~ ...... Number of Inspections Required .....~...;...~.~.%~.C.~...¢~.~..~..~.e..~Q~e~..~o~..~D.~D.~.~o~ o~ ~e ~o~. Inspection Fees ..... ~.~ ~.~...~.~ ........................................................................................... ' Liability Policies in the Amount of ~.;;.T.;~.;;.T.;~.==.T. ....................................................................... The.validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is neces~ry, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shah subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Trustees upon receipt by the Trustees- of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume ail responsibility for operations under- taken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees, The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town, and its officers and employees to enter upon the prerr, ises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure thatsuch operations are being con- ducted in conformity with this permit. This operation wi II not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege- tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. Board of Southold Town Trustees ....................... HENRY P. SMITH, President TELEPHONE JOHN M, BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. (5161 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSICI, JR. -ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN- OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 April 25, 1986 Mr. John H. Geideman P. O. Box 416 East Marion, New York 11939 Dear Mr. Geideman: The following action was taken by the Board of Trustees at their regular meeting held on April 24, 1986 regarding Bernard Kirsch. Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud WHEREAS, ~ohn H. Geideman on behalf of Bernard Kirsch applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 22, 1986, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 24, 1986 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the Board considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and it is noted for the record that there has been no public opposition; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the Town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that John. H. Geideman on behalf of Bernard Kirsch be and hereby is granted permission to construct a 110 lin. ft. bulkhead with two 5 ft. returns on property located at the foot of Ninth Street~ Greenport, New York with the provision that no backfill is pIaced behind the structure, as stated by the applicant~This permit is granted under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southoldo This permit will expire on April 24, 1987 if work has not commenced by same. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of the work. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 TELEPHONE Southold, New York 11971 t516 765-1801 SOUTHOLD TOV~N CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL March 20, 1986 To: Southold Town Trustees From! Linda J. Cooper, CAC Secretary The following are recommendations made by the CAC ar their regular meeting held Wednesday, March 19, 1986: No. 344 - Bernard Kirsch M.D. Recommend ~pproval No. 345 - Diana Tendler - Recommend approval No. 346 - Martin & Florence Gellman - Recommend approval No. 347 - Arnold Blair Recommend approval No. 348 - Mattituck Inlet Dryland Marina, Inc. Recommend approval with the stipulation that applicant cannot dig mn front of the bulkhead, Also provisions should be made for a pump-out station for .treatment of waste from boats and fisherman. No. 349 - Village Marina Recommend approval No. 350 - James F. King - Recommend approval No. 351 - Gerard Gallian Recommend approval No. 353 - Goldsmitkts Boat Shop, Inc. - Recommend approval No. 354 - James' Gray Recommend approval No. 355 - Tovey C. Lesnikowski Recommend approval No. 356 - Port of Egypt - Recommend approval No. 357 - Budd's Pond Marine No. 359 - Arthur D. Sarkis~ian - Recommend approval No. 360 - Philip L. Friscia - Recommend approval No. 361 - William D. MeCabe - Recommend disapproval, Too close to wetland. No. 362 - Gusvave C. Bickert - Recommend approval with the stipulation that the bulkhead is built IN PLACE and ~ot allow the 18" leeway. No. 363 - James Meskouris - Recommend approval. No. 364 Dorothy A. Rayno~ - Recommend approval. _ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contacting me. TELEPHONE {516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 YARDS TO BE FILLED AVERAGE RISE IN DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT? ~'~' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: DULY SWORN D£POS£S SWORN TO B£FORt: ME THIS NOTARy PUSUc, $~e of New EXAMINED EXAMINING BODY SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES Approved 2/27/85