HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1633 GFALL DOSi~ A~iD BU~~mDS ~UST D=Sr~ ViSiBLE PEP~'~iT Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOU~HOL.. NEW YORK P~RMI~c - NO. .. ..~.~.~ ............... ~ DATE: ISSUED TO _:.....~.~:~.EZ~....~.~.~ ......................................................................... ~ ' ' ~ .0-: o, fn_ Laws ot fne ~heS,ate o{NewYor~, 1893;an~ ChaD,er4 ~ ; '= ' The Soutno[~ Tow~ Ordinance Stale ' Or New Yor~ 1c~,' an~"' .... ~,,Je~ R=GULATING AND TH= PLAC]N~ OF OSSTRUCTIO~S IN AND ON TOWN WA~=¢,S AND PU;LJC LANDS an~ REMOVAL.OF SAND. ~ * ;f -~? ~R~V__ OR O~, ,_~ MATmJALS FROM LANDS UNDz~ TOWN WAIc,,S; and in accordance wffh fhe hal on ......... g ............... Reso]uf[on of The Boarda~o=rea' ' ' afa meefin9 ~ Au ust 9 19..~.~..., an~ b cons[~eraflon of fha sum of S..6.._OD.... . Gustmve Ki~ins of .............. ~%.~.%.%~.¢.k .......................................... N. Y. ~nd sub[ecl fo fha Terms and Con~fflons [kfed o= fha reverse side hereof, of Souzno[~ Town Trusfees aufnonzes and permits ,he foJowm=: Your &ppl.iogtion ~o secure a permit number ~or .Bulkhead in ~gttitnck Creek hms been ~pproved un,er the Grgndfather Clguse. 110' long. al[ in accordance wffh fha dalai[ed spec[fica~[ons as eresenfed fha or[ginafing appl~cafion. IN WITNESS ~/, ,~R~OF, The said Board ot Trustees here- 'by causes its Corporate Sea[ fo be affixed, and fhese pres~nfs su~scn~e~ by a ma[or~ty o~ fh~s daf.e. TERMS ,~nd CONDITIONS ~r'z3e Permircce~ Gustave Kimmins para of ~he co~/dcradon fo~ ~e ~c: of ~e P~ d~ ~dc:~d ~d low~ng: 1. That the Southold Trum=ees Permit mum= be prominently disD!aved on ,the premises effected thereDy during the period cf work ~ damages, or da~ foz d~g~, of ~ z~g ~y or ~2v adoa ~rfo~d p~t :o ~s ~ ~d ~e ~d Pe~ defend any ~d M1 su~ ~m ~t~ by ~d pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~m~ ~ ~ ~ . w~m respec: ~ereto, to ~e ~mpl~e ~cI~ioa of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e Town of ~ozdPer ~_t. 3. That ~ Pe~ ~ v~d for a ~ of.O~ ~AR w~ ~ ~d~ to ~ s~fficien~ ~e r~uized ro ~mpm~e ~e work ~votv~ but ~hould for ~ exe=ion may he ~de =o ~e B~d at a lazer dam. 4. ~mt ~s Petit shoed b~ remN~ ~def~tely, or as long to main:aim the s~e or p~i~ involve, to provid= e~d~nce to ~yone ~nc~m~ ~ au~- - - orka6on w~ ori~lly obt~ned. 5. ~at ~e work ~volved wHI be ~bj~ ~o ~e ~sp~oa im agents, and no=-comphance ~hth the provEio~ of ~= o~i~a~g app~m~o% ~y ~ ~e for revoca~on of this P:~it by r~otudon of ~e said 6. ~at there will be no mqrmsonable inrerf~ence wi~ na~oa herein aud:orked. 7. That ~ere shall ~ no L~te~erence wi~ the Hgh~ of ~e ~bEc to ~e bea~ be~eea high and iow water m~ks. 8.. Tha~ ~ future oper~io~ of ~e Town o~ ~otd r~e in the location of ~e work her~: au~o~ or ~, ~ ~e o=i~ of work sh~ ~use u~e~onable obs~mon to fr~e n=~gaHon. ~e u~n. due no~ice: ro remove or alter ~s wot:< or proje~ herein s:ated ~ou~ of Soun~ol< o~d. (See tear off sheet. ) t0. ~at the Petrol:tee will obt~n zl] o~er pe~= and co~en~ NAPSE OF CREEK  BOAP~D OF TOE~N TRUSTEES ~ Southold. New York ~1971 APPLICATION FOR k BULKHEAD. DIKE, t. Does this proiect invo!vJ~ the use of WETLANDS os defined in the Southoid Town Wetlands Ordinance? YES or N~. If it does. you must rite through the Town CJerk's Office. 2. Is the proposed work entirelylwithin the boundaries of your own properW as substant~efed by ~ur_~ed. or. Su~'ey>. . Y~ or MO, if t is, a Parrot'is NOT. .require~ from th.s Board, but the ~own Bu~ldmg Inspector sho~d be contacted for~ull .......... ............... 4. Centimeters name anB cddres~: ......... ~ ........ ~~ ............. ..... .......... ......... ...................................................................................................... 6. After i~u~rce of Permit,work must be completed witkin one year. ~RGE 7. Secure i'h~ correct Area M~p fram the Clerk of this Boar~. and b/ usinga/ X A C~RCLE as o mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this pro~ect. On the reverse s~de, provide a SCALE D~WING wblch w~[l show Ordinary High Water Mark a%weH cs tnt size and sho~e of the ~tructure cr work to be done. Also ~nclude aH dimensions for portions which extend offshore from the O. N. W. M. State Adjacent property owBe ~s. 8. Provide the folJo,,~;in9 documents: (o~ A Licensed Engineer's Su~ev of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plan and S~ecific~tions. (c) Shor: Environmental Assessmen: Form. 9. Does th~s project extend into Town Waters beyond,an ~m~gma~ line or ~ndary formed Dy existing works of a similar nature along ~his area s shoreline? YES or N~. I~ it does, state the approximate distance beyond, ............ %~/[~{ thi~ construction reGuire ~he Filling of any Jend offshore of tree Ordinn~ H~h Water Mark or the Qredgmg of any mater~al from Town Lands under woter? YES or N~ If ~t does~ Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as parr of this application. In requesting approval of this application, t susmit thor: the information presented here~n ~s true aha correct to the best of my knowledge an~ be!itt; I om the person accounra~Je for the serformonce of the work in cccordance wilh the ~[ans end specifications attached7 I have re~ or em familiar with the provis~ons of any Southotd Town Ordinance pertinent to the work involved; and furtherl I Jntend re adhere to on5 abide Dy the Terms ~md Conditions of PermJL when ~nd if reseed to me. 12. TO EXPEDITE FINDING SPECIFIC LOCATION FOR INSPECtiON. INDICATE A/3 Rev. 2/82 L.S.~~r,,r..*.~~