HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1628 ...~ I-~OORI::GS AND STAY~E~ ~'~US~~ DiSPlAY ViSiBLE ~,:O0~iNG NU~-iBEP. S ~SF~ VISibLE P~r~.I~ L~.~ERS ALL DCC2~ AND Bu~EADS MUST D' --,z =~"~ ~"-~.~:~..~t~ :~ ~-~.~ ~. ~"~'~":~ '~ ~5'f~-~' .~ .%~/.-.~,,~'~ .. Board Of 5outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO ..... Z~a8 .............. ' DAT,: ....... ~-~.~..-.6~-.- Z98, ~,,' ISSUE~ TO .................... ~.a~.a ~.,- [~ ........................................ %he S~afe 0¢ New York, 1893; and Cha~fer 404 o{ +he Laws of ~'ne Sfafe o~ New Yor~ 19:-; and ;ne Sou;no,d Town Ordinance ~flef "RE~ULATIN~ AND THE PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUELIC LANDS an~ RE~OVAL OF SAND. ~KAVm. OR OTHER MATEEIALS. FROM LANDS UNE:~'~ TOWN WATERS;" and m" accords' nee w;~h Resolufion o~The Boar~amc?es' ' ' ar' a meeting he[~ on ........................ R~pa¢._.~.....~.¢.~a¢2 ............. '- 0¢ ....... .q~.¢h~g.R~ ................................................. N. Y. and sub[et+ Term~ ant Cond;flons Ils;ed on +he reverse alde hereof, o~ aoutno ~ Town Trustees au+boll=es and permi*; fha A~plicat&on approved to secure a permit no. ~or retainkng wall 150' kong with 2 retnrns and to re,air a catwalk 100' x 3' constructed kn 1955 ~o ~end this by adding a 4' z 12' dock with 4 pil ~he orlqlnafing appl;ca~ion, ' by causes ils Comora+e Seal fo be affixed and +hesd pres~n+s i:,: A~ ~ ~ ¢.__.~ ............ _x .................... ~ ~ ............ ...................... Board Of $oufhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK ~4OO-q Z'.~G NO. N/A _- PSRMIT NO ...... .1..6-28 . G..~. DATE: ...~uly 6.[....83 ISSUED TO ............... Rkymo nd....J......Ke.nn e ¥ ................. -I, cer~zfy thaU the work as au~orize~ in thls permln has been completed and ~s now r~adv for your lnspec- rich. Also, the num~ber required on this pro3ect is clearly visible. I further understand this permit is nec valid until this tear sheet is reuurned to the Trustee~. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold ~I=in Road Sou~old, New York 11971 i~OTICE OF ACTION - NOT A PERPIIT 1. Your application, dated .......... .~ ./..1. . .5. /. . .8. .3. ............................................. has been reviewed b? this Boarci, ot a meeting of the Trustees held on July. 56 ]_983 and resulting in the action, os indicated below: (.X. JXX.~.) Application approved. ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. Your application has been approved under the Grandfather clause, and to amend this by adding a 4' x 12' dock. A PERMIT FEE 3. If :,cur eupllcel'ion is aooroved above. R .-cr~ raft ,'-5e-~ ,s no,.~ du~ and should De made payable to thC,or,er ot the Board of Southo[d Town Trustees Th s fee is compu~ea below accordin~ to the.Ssne~u.l¢0f R~kesgs' s~t fo~h in the .instruction Shee~Eorm I/1) ~his f¢¢ ~ust De pal~ %qlS~!rz ~U fla~yu or re-applying an~ a~lulonal zee w!~& De necassaL" ~f the Permit Fee is oaid in person }o the Secretary of the ~oord,/he Permit wiJJ be ob[-a~ncb~e Com~utarion of Permit Fee: 1- 4' x 12' dock = 48 sq. ft. ~ .25 sq. ~t. = $12.00 Total Fee for this application ...................' , ......................... $ $12.00 Paid ............ ~:¢'~ "~"TTB'O ..... Pres. Board of 5outhold Fawn Trustees. ..... Clerk APPLICATION FOR F~ED and/or FLOAT!Z{G DOC2iS 2. C~ntraator'$ name rind address: ................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ?..e..i..: ......................... '~'3. Briefly explain the purpose of this ~ppIicotion: .................... .~_,. .................................. ...... ............ .......................... ................... , .................... ~ ................................................. ~ ~ ~L~*~ ~ ~' ............ ~ ~~ ...... T;: ................. ~ ~~~~'"'T7TM .................... 4. A~tar issuance of a Permit, work musz be completed ~-n onp year. L~ ~ 5. Secure the correct Area iM~P from the Clark of this Boarc, cna by using a/X A C~RC_z ma,cate as c!ose[v cs Doss~bJe the t~cation of thru d~cK. On me /ez~r~ sma aZ tins mop, proy~e a SCALE DRAWING wmcn will snow Ordinary High Water Mark, me cna s,ze cf the deck and ony s~co~men,c[ pUings which cra neeoea re hold a f!ocfing deck or ne-u~ a boat. Give oil dimensionsn~--'~or', re J,,f~.m ..... ~ the cam o~, me deck surface' ~*,nZC:4 ..t;~:~b O~SHOP~ from the O. ~_ W. ,~. Z~ adjacen~ ~o~e~cZ owners docks, specLfZ ~oca2&on and length ~o state. 6. ~Vill ary ~orfion of this ¢~nstrucdon ex~end offshore into Town ~Va,er. beyond an ~ne or bounda~ formed Dy other similar s~ructures along the arno's shoreIineP YE$ o~ NO. If it does extend beyond this so-called acc~ line indicate bk how far, ~.pprox,;m~,~-.ty,. .......... 7. Provide the following documents; (~ A L[censea Engineer's Survey of the prope~, involved. ~b) ,~ cody of the Contractors P~_ns eno Speoificationm ~} Short Environmen~a! Assessment Form.w ' .etland~ Appl ~cat =~on 8. il this ¢onsfruJion reauire the Filling of any land offshore of Ina OrdJno~ High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from-%wn bands underwater? YES or NO. If ~does. Form A/4 (Application for Dredgmg/FHling) mus~ be completed and azmcnea as part of this ~pphca~ion. 9 ~n reauesring approval of thls application, [ sub~{? that: the {nfcrmcnon presenrea is wue and correct to the best of my kno%~iedge and belief; i am znc person ccc3t~nrabJe for [mvolvec; aha further, [ intend ro adhere to aaa aside by the ~erms aha Cona{t[ans 10. To expedite finding specific location, fo~ inspectiDn, indicate ..o::.-. Al2 Re+~' '2/82 . . + k. S ...... ' ....... ~.'..'