HomeMy WebLinkAbout2914 8 7f57 8i--~ ~ 8000 S~ ~e~ C~o~og~e ~educe land area for existing marina by divid, ing premises ~into two parcels, one as a marina and one for residential use, each having insuff uPland area. 104-8-2.1 Z CUTCI:-IO~UE; L, I., F4E-\V "/0~t4 u~s 5CAL;,o 4o'= I' ..?¢o.&~ ff-:£; = f', 3 O~J' Unauthorized alteration m addition to thtl m,'wW Ii eMMa- tion of ssetion 7209 of the New York State EG~fOn L~w. Copie~ of lf~io .untV mai) nM bearing the Ionci lunmyer'a v~ oW/. Oumlnto~' ¢lel~11~lM]one ind~ated hereon shMI run only to the W far whom Ute survey is prepared, and on his behalf to l~e title comflafly, governmental agency and ion- ding Ir4VJlu~M1 ll~ed hereon, and to the assignees of the leading MMlfution. Guarantees or certifications are not I~ileMI1VaM to addritional inat~utions or subsequent ownar~ AREAS MARINA TOTAL AREA ~ 7'2,3~5 S@. FT. BUILDING LOT TOTAL ~RE~ : 4~,~48 SD. FT. WATER LAND AREA *~3,48~ ~ VENUE MARINA 1000-104- 08-2.1 ~ 2.3 CONTOUR LINE A/VD ELEVATIONS aRE REFffRE/VCEo TO U.S.C& G. DATUM MAP OF PROPERTY NORMAN C. BOOS ,aT EXIST CUTCHO~UE TOWN OF SOUT'NOLD SUFFOLK COUNTYt N.Y. SCALE: I"=/00' XIUG. 19, 1981 OCT. 15, 1981 LAND SURVEYOR N.Y.$. LIC. NO. ,e7~6 RIVEItHEADI N.Y. 144.63' N. 85e 45' 00~' Unaulborized altemt~o¢~ or addition to this su~ey is o violation of section 7209 of the New yor~. State Education Low. Copies of this survey map not bearing the land sunmyor's inked s~al or embossed seo~ shall not be considered Io be a valid copy. Guarantees or cert,ficohons mdmated hereon shall run only to the person for whom the sur~cy is prepared, and on his behalf to the title compc~ny, governmental agency and lending institution listed hereon, and to the assigne~s o~ the lending institution. Guarantees or certifications ore not transferable to additional institutions o~ ~bsequent ow~er~ BUILDING AREA CHA N NEL N. 87e 26' $0'* V/. MA P OF 8t:?OADWATEF~S COVE MARINA AT CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE; I"= 40' OCT. 22, 1975 JUNE 9, 19 78 ~ L~N~ $~¥~ N.~S. LIC. RI VERHEA D, l~l. Y, , NIiNCY GRAt,IAM MARINA N,QNCy GR,6/~M ,' BROADWATERS ?-,/:- ?'~- COVE MARINA ~,C~L_~: HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr..CDairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI. Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 April 28, 1982 Mr. Stephen F. Griffipg, Jr. Attorney at Law ~ 120 Court Street Riverhead, New York 11901 Re: Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Griffing: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 26, the following action was taken: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board deny without preju- dice approval of the sketch map entitled Norman C. Boos, located at East Cutchogue, dated August 19, 1981, as the property is under 40,000 square feet and dual use of the westerly lot is not permit- ~ed under Subdivision Regulations for an A-Residential Zone. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secretary cc: Board of Appealsv/ Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 Pursuant to Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, New York, hereby refers the following to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: _~ Variance from the Zoning Code, Article III ~n v 100-51 Variance from Determination of Southold Town Building Inspector ~ Special Exception, Article , Section Special Permit Appeal No.: 2914 Applicant: Norman C. Boos Location of Affected Land: South Side of Sk%~r~k Lane, Cutchogue County Tax Map Item No.: 1000- 104-8-2.1 Within 500 feet of: -- Town or Village Boundary Line XX Body of Water (Bay, Sound or Estuary) Br~&dwaters Cove __ State or County Road, Parkway, Highway, Thruway __ Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Federally- Owned Land __ Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, or Other Recreation Area __ Existing or Proposed Right-of-Way of Any Channel Owned by the County or for Which The lished Channel Lines, State or Federal Park Stream or Drainage County Has Estab- or Within One Mile of a Nuclear Power Plant __Within One Mile of An Airport. COMMENTS:. Applicant is requesting permission to reduce land area for exist- ing marina Dy dividing premises into two parcels, each with insufficient u~l~d urea. Planning ~oar~ letter ~ated 4/28/82 and relative documents a~e =~,ulu~=d for yvur perusal. Copies of Town file and related documents enclosed herewith for your review. Dated: June 10, 1982. Secretary, Board of Appeals FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ................................ To~Z~. ,.~.7~ . ./. ~.o.....CTo..o...~z.... 5'T.. ........... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that yom ~vv,l,ati,.n/dated ........ for permit to c-~nst-m~t..'~1~./g;?.~-...~/'~:7~'~/~-'~ ................................ at Location of Property ZOOQ . ~J~Z..~'. ........ ~9~..~ ~ouse ~o. ' .... Street ' / fHamldt County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ... {O.~ ..... Block .. O.~ ....... Lot ~'./ ..... Subdivision ~ Filed Map No. -~- Lot No. is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds . .~t~..o~.O Building Inspector RV 1/80 eTOWN OF $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK9 APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ..... I, (~ ..NOPJCMt..C~..BO0S ................................... of ...... 1...~e..d.~.£..~..~t~R.~ .......................................... Name of Appellant Street and Number Municipality ...~....]..1.Z~.I~ ....... HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..................................... DATED . .J...~./...~....~..Z..?/ ....................... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO NOP, NAN C. BOOS Name of Applicant for permit of 1 Cedar Street, Massap. e.qua, NY 11758 Street and Number Municipality State (X) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ( ) 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY S/S Bay Avenue, Cutchogue A Residential & Agricultural Street Use District on Zoning Map ....10.0.0/..1.0.~./.l~.Z,.1...&..2,.~ ................................... Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- s~jna~d Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Arttcle III- T00.3~r Lot Areas 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (ll~ll~(has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the r~ason that AIr~e of land under water shouJd be JRcluded ~n ~ot area since owner has tttle to lands under water tn bed of man made dredged canal. (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because dental would prevent a lawful use tn A Residential and Agr~cultura~ Districts. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because property ts dtvtded by a dredged ~nlet and tttle to land under ~ater remains property of applicant and therefore, should be counted as p~rt of lot area. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because d~v~s~0n 0f. pr0pet~y Ir'educes stze of' pre-existing non-conf.onn~ng Martna Use and adds a residential lot. Sworn to this ......~.d. ................................ day of..Q~:~.e~'~.H....?.:...B...~.(........'~.. ..... 19 81 Notary Public CYNTHIA GANNON NOTAtlY PUBLIC, Stole of New York No. 52-4508729 Qualified in Suffolk CountY9~'~ /u~ Commission Expires March 30, ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ....... ~.~...../......~., 19. Z~..~ Approved ............... .'.: ............... !....~Z'.., 19 ........ Permit No. Disapproved a/c .................................................................... APPLICATION FOR BUILDIN/G PERMIT / Date ................ ....... , INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter o~ in ink and submitted in triplicate to the Building Inspector, with 3 sets of plans, accurate plat plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout ofproperty must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval af this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or a~terations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildings for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) (Address of applicant) ~//~ ~'3~'*''~ State whether applicant Js owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder.~ Nome of owner of premises .................................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No ...... ~~ ............. Plumber's License No ................................................. Electrician's License No ............................................. Other Trade's License No ............................................... 1. Location of land on whicb,.c~.14~.x~.pr°p°sed work~ ,-' ~ ,,~x )"~ '~fwil'l be done. M~p No.: ........................................ ~,~~M///L°t No ....................... ' ~ ~ ' ~ ' t~ ~'~'~ ' ' Street and Number ........ :~.....~.~..~.~.......~. ....................~~..:~....~,., ....... ~ O' ~' Mumc~~ 'pali~ State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of pr~osed const~ction: .. ,.,,,,,, .se ...... ...... ....... . ............... 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building'. ................. Addition .................. Alteration .., ...... ~ ...... Repair .................. Removal .................. Demolition .................... Other Work .................................................... (Description) 4. Estimated Cost ............................................................ Fee .......................................................................................... (to be paid on filing this application) S. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ............................ Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ If garage, number of cars ..................................... '. ....................................................................................................... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each t,/pe of use ............................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ................................Depth .................... Height ........................ Number of Stories ................................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .................................... Rear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ............... I..~.~.. ............... Rear ]..~.. . .. Depth ....... .~....~. ......... Height .................... Number of Stories .................................................................................................................. ............ ; ......... .... 12. Dces proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: .~....~ ....................................... 13. Will lot be regraded ....~. ............. Will e~cess fill be removed from Rre~ises: ( ) Yes ( , . '4. h, ame of ~ner of premises ~¢.~__ Addre~ ~hone No~_.--.........-..... Name of Architect .......... ;; .................................................. Address ................................Phone No ....................... Nome of Contractor ~-~ .............................. Address ................................Phone No ....................... PLOT DIAG~M Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-~ck dimensions from prope~y lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot _- ~ ~ ~' STATE OF N~iYO~K, ;~ [ ~ c S COUNTY O~/~~.,;....~' .................... LL~..~.(~~ ......................... ~.,~0 ~u,~ ~wor.. ~.~o~es ~.~ s~s ,~ ~e ' (Name Df individual signing contrac~ above named. H~ is t~e ..................................... ~~ ~ .................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or Have performed the said work and to ~ke and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set fodh in the application filed therewith. Sworn to be~ore me this ........................ ............................................ ........ Nota~ Public, .~. :. ~~;~~t ~': " ............................ ~/r,~ . .~)~ ............... ~....~//Co~n~ ~..... ......... {~gr , of opplicont) " ~'' March 15, 1963 Mr Angelo Petrucci bay Ave Cutchogue, ~.Y. Dear Sirs I have discussed the possibility of your building a garage to house some of your equipment on your "non-conforming, lot S/S Bay Ave~ Cutchogue~ with the Board of Appeals. It is their opinion that you will have to apply for a variance to Article III, section 300 in order to get a permit to build such a building. Enclosed are a~Jpllcntious for a building permit and forms to apply for a variance to the Board of Appeals. Trusting this will be helpful to you. Yours truly B~ilding IuspectO~ IHSTP, UCI IOHS: -- "--~) l~ order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer Ydll use. currently available infor~:Joi$on concerning the project and ti~e liT:ely impccls of lhe action. It is not expected that additional studie~, research or other iavestigotions will be undertaken. (b) If any question has bean ons',~cred Yes ibc project may be ~ign/~icant and o completed [invirm~aen~al Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If ell questions hove been ~nswered No ii is likely that this pro~ect is not significant. (dj Environmental 1. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. PREPARER'S S1 REPRESENTING ~'J~-~ project zesu±'~-L--in o large physical change to the project site or physically al~er more t}mn ~0 acre~ of land? ........................ Yes x No Will there be a ma~or change to any unique -unusual land fo~m found on the site? .......... Yes x No Will pro~ec¢ alter or have a lar9e cf fleet on existing body of water? ....................... .... ~Yes- ~ Will p:-ojeci have a potentially large impact Yes ' No on groundwater quality? ....................... x ~','~ pro~ect significantly effect drainage flow on ~d)ocent sites? ........................ Yes x No. Will pro~ec[ affect any ~hreotenad or endangered plant or animal species? ........... .. Yes x No aoversc elf eat Will pzo~ec~ result in o ma~or on air quality? Yesx No Will project have o meier effect on visual character of the commuaity or scenic views vis'res known to'be important to the community?, Yesx [qo Will project odver:~cly imlmc[ on/ site or .' structure of historic, prehistoric or poleonlo].ogicol f. mpo~ lance or any ~it.e designalcd os o c~iticcl environmental area by o local agency? ............ ~:...-..,..~.....v.~..~-. Yesx No Will projecl hove o major effcc~ on exisiih9 or fu'turc recreotiona] opportuniiies? ......... Yesx Will project result in .major traffic problems '' or. cause a major effect ia existing tronsportotlon s>,s't~:rns? ....................... Yes x No Wilt pro)ecl regularly cause objectionable odors~ noise, 91are~ vibrotion~ or electrical disturbance os o result of the project's opezotiorJ~ Yes x No Will project have any impact on public health ' " or safety~ Yes x No Will project affect the exlsling community by direclly causing o growth in permtmant populolion oF more then 5 percept over o one year period o~ have a major negative effect on the character oF the community or neighborhood? Yes x No Is there pubx~ic controve project?.. uo~^~ ¢. ~oos ;y ~ff ning the ;Q. ¥ c s_~__N o DATE October 22. lggl .. October 22, 1981 (Today's Date) To: Re: Southold Town Board of Appeals :.lain Road Southo!d, NY 11971 Appeal Application of NORMAN C. 8005 Location of Property: $/$ Bay Avenue, Cutch0que, NY Iax MaD ]000/]04/08/2.] & 2.3 Dear Sirs: In reference to the New York State Tidal Wetlands Land-Use Regulations, 6 NYCRR, Part 661, and Article 25 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, please be advised that the subject property in the within appeal application: (please check one box) Ix] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead in very good condition and at least 100 feet in length.* [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead in need of (minor) (major) repairs, and approximately feet in length. [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead .less than 100 feet in length. [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; and there is no bulkhead or concrete wall existing on the premises. [ ] Is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands to the best of my knowledge.* not appear [Starred items (*) indicate your property does to fall within the jurisd~tion of the N.Y.S.D.E.C.] S i~erely// you~/ / (~[gn ~re p For Norman C. Boos ! / CARD 6FST. SUB. LOT j __ ACR .... j - TYPE OF BUILDING LAND ~70o ;FAS. IMP. TOTAL DATE I BUILDING CONDITION NEW ! NORMAL BELOW ABOVI FARM i Acre Value Per V~lu~ Acre Tillable House Plot i ~_ _ _ -.~ , DOCK ' BULKHEAD TRIM COLOR M. Bldg. £xtension Extension Porch Porch Breezeway Garage Patio Total __-- Dinette ~ Both Foundation K. Floors ---~, Basement ~__ LR. __ --~ Interior Finish -- Ext. Wails ' , Heat ~ -- Place Fire BR. Type Roof FIN. B ~- Rooms 2nd Floor __ Recreation Rooml - -- Driveway LAND I IMP. I TOTAL RECORD CARD DISTRICT SUB. LOT TYPE OF BUILDING DATE ~REMARKS Form j Acre ~ Volu, Per Acre ~ Volue ~ ~ ~ /~ ~ -~ ............................. Wcodlond [ / ~ i ' ~ ................ Sw~mplond ~ ......... ~ ................................... Brushtond '- '~ouse Plot M. Bldg. Both Floors Extension Extension Interior Finish He~t Porch Attic Porch Rooms ]st Floor Extension Br. eezewoy Foundation Basement Ext. Walls Fire Place Patio Driveway Garage ! Rooms 2nd Floor OWNER Dj_ST.] J SUB. LOT TYPE OF BUILDING ~/~t~/ ~ · ':/"' ~'".'/'' ~ES. ~// S~S. VL. ~ FARM COMM. CB, MICS. Mkt. V~lue ~ND IMP. TOTAL DATE R~RKS /":' : "' 0/:' ,'/- 12/~: Tillable ~ FRONTAGE ON WATE~ ....................... ---=~:~Z-~ ...... --'-' ~ _ ~-'.:.~ :- ~ :'. /' M~dowland DEPTH 'q~;use Plot ~ ,, BULKHEAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL. 765-1802 22 July 1982 Mr. Gerald Geohringer Southold Town Board o Southold Town Hall Southold NY 11971 ~ppeals Dear Mr. Geohringer: In reference to the boards decision o~ July 15th of the Norman Boos case. Substantial information and documents have been pre- sented to me, unknown to either the board or myself until now, by Angelo Petrucci, the former owner. I feel what has been pre- sented, to me, is sufficient enough to warrant a review of this case. I would appreciate your arranging such a review, with the Appeals Board at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Victor Lessard Executive Administrator COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING (516) 360-5513 LEE E, KOPPELMAN Town of Southold Board of Appeals July 22, 1982 Applicant: Norman C. Boos Mun. File No.: #2914 S.C.P~D. File No.: SD-82-7 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above referenced application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Comments: Appears inappropriate as sufficient information has not been sub- mitted to demonstrate compliance with applicable variance criteria. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner_ · 11788 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHA]RMAN CHARLES GRIGONI$,JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERTJ. OOUGLASS JOSEPH R. SAWlCKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD-STATE ROAD 25 r~OIJTHOLD, L.h, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 June 19, 1982 Stephen F. Griffing, 120 Court Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Jr. , Esq. Re: Appeal No. 2914 - Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Griffing: On June 16, 1982 the enclosed correspondence was received from the Suffolk County Planning Commission upon receipt of this board's referral to them pursuant to the requirements of the Suffolk County Charter. At your earliest convenience, please submit a sketch indicating the number of boat slips and available parking spaces (at 350 square feet) on the parcel to be used solely for marina purposes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Yours very truly, Enclosure GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHARWOMAN ! · Secretary EsL 1950 Days: 433-0010 Evenin8s: 541,-4604 Igraa#watars da a ari a BAY AVENUE (Skunk Lane), CUTCHOGUE, L. L, N. Y. 11935 Secluded Dockage with Electricity Mailing Address: Norman C. Bo(~ I Cedar St., Massapequa, N. Y. 11758 Juiy 14, 1982 Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road - State Rd. 25 Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Dear Mr. Goehringer; Re: County of Suffolk Dept. of Planning Norman C. Boos ~2914 In accordance with your request dated June 16, 1982, en- closed please find sketch showing entire property, pro- posed division line and further indicating both the marina slips and parking allocated.for same. (43 spaces). As of this date, the most parking we have had at the marina at any one time is 20 vehicles. Hoping this enclosure will meet with your requirements. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Cordially, ~Norman C. Boos cc: Stephen L. ene. Griffing Atty. Building Dept. Plannir~ Boar4 .... Applioan% cop7 to OriEinal for ZBA ~lle :~.~ WE ARE NOT TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER, THEFT, FIRE, ACCIDENTS OR OTHER CONTINGENCIES BEYOND OUR CONTROL, BROAD~¥ATERS COVE APPEAL NO. 2914 NORMAN C. BOOS This is an appeal for a variance of Section 100-31 and Section 100-51 of the Zoning Code to set-off a dwelling parcel of land and thus reduce the area require- ments of an existing marina located on the south side of Bay Avenue, adjacent to Broadwater Cove at Cutchogue, New York. The premises contain a total area of 117, 871 square feet. However, the premises had been dredged to create a boat marina and an area of 47, 364 square feet of the premises is underwater land. There is a total of 70, 507 square feet of land above water. The premises is located in the "A" Residential and Agricultural District in which marinas are not permitted. The marina was in existence prior to the enactment of the Zoning Code and is thus a nonconforming use. Appellant proposes to set-off 45,546 square feet of the easterly portion of the premises and construct a dwelling thereon. The proposed dwelling lot will have a total area of 45, 546 square feet of which 12, 064 square feet is underwater and 33,482 square feet is upland. The Bulk Schedule forming a part of the Zoning Code requires a minimum lot size of 40, 000 square feet for a dwelling in the "A" District, and a minimum lot area of 80, 000 square feet for a marina in the "M-i" General Multiple Residence District (the highest use district in which marinas are permitted use). In a letter of this Board to Appellant's predecessor in title, dated June 1, 1978 (offered in evidence at the hearing of this appeal by Appellant's attorney), the ex-tent of the marina use at the date of said letter was for the docking of not more than 35 noncommercial boats. It is the position of Appellant that in determining the area of the property, the land underwater should be included in calculating the lot area of the marina parcel as well as the dwelling lot sought to be set-off from the marina parcel. Under such a view, the marina would have a lot area of 72,325 square feet and the resulting dwelling lot 45,546 square feet. The dwelling lot would conform to the bulk requirements, but the marina parcel would have approximately 90% of the required area. If only the upland area were to be included in determining the area of both parcels, the dwelling lot would be 84% of the minimum required lot size and the marina parcel would have 46% of the required lot size. If only upland is used to determine the required area, the entire parcel has an upland area of 70, 507 square feet or 88% of the area required for a marina use. It has been the practice of this Board in determining the area of a lot adja- cent to tidal waters to include only the upland in determining the area of the lot. The Board believes that such practice should be followed in this case. The area of the upland is important in this case since the premises are utilized as a non- conforming marina for 35 boats and will require substantial upland area for parking and other marina related uses. Since the Appellant is requesting an area variance, it is incumbent upon him to demonstrate that strict compliance with the Zoning Code will result in practical difficulties. At the hearing, the only evidence presented on the issue of economic hard- ship was Appellant's attorney statement that "the division of the lots into a residen- tial and a marina ..... would undoubtedly produce a great deal more money in the event of sale." The only other evidence presented was Appellant's staternent that "The reason for dividing this land is strictly for liability. I wish to build a house there and live there, and I'd like it separated from the marina strictly for liability pur- poses. I have no intention of selling it. I would like to live there". The Appellant has failed to demonstrate that strict compliance with the Zoning Code would result in practical difficulties and, accordingly, the variance is denied. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHEILD, L.I., N.Y. 11CJ?l TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, a Regular Meeting and the following public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Tuesday, August 17, 1982 commencing at 7:30 p.m. and as follows: 7:30 p.m. Recessed hearing. North Fork Bank & Trust Company. Drive~in Facility reducing frontyard setback at Mattituck Shopping Center. 7:35 p.m. Application of ANN O'SULLIVAN, 144 Colonial Springs Road, Wheatley Heights, NY 11798 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article III, Section 100-32 for permission to construct accessory building in an area other than the required rearyard at 5692 Main Bayview Road, Southold, NY; bounded north by Breslin; west by Burkhardt and Ebler; south by Corey Creek Lane; east by Orientale; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-78-4-41. 7:40 p.m. Application of ALFRED and SUSAN STRETZ, by Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY 11958, for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct deck with insufficient rear and side yards at 555 Mill Creek Drive, Southold, NY; bounded north by Cassidy; west by Mill Creek Drive; south by Egan; east by Hashamomuck Pond; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-135-3-32. Legal Notice of Hearings - Page 2 Southold Town Board of Appeals August 17, 1982 Regular Meeting Date 7:45 p.m. Application of FLORENCE JOHNNIDIS, 800 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32, and Article XIV, Section 100-141, for approval of the construction of an accessory building in the frontyard area at 800 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, NY; bounded north by L.I. Sound; west by Kousouros; south by Sound Beach Drive; east by White; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-99-01-009. BOO8:00 p.m. REHEARING in the matter of the for NO~ C_~. ~ application S, One Cedar Street, Massapequa, NY 11758, by Stephen F. Griffing, Jr.,/ Esq. for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31/ and Article V, Section 100-51 for permission to reduce land area for ~ existing marina by dividing premises into two parcels, one as a marina ~ and one for residential use, each having insufficient upland area. Location of Property: South side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 8000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogue, NY; bounded north by Bay Avenue; west by Brickley; south by Gross; east by Hochbauer; more particularly identified as Suffolk County TaxMap District 1000, Section 104; Block 8, Lot 2.1. Dated: July 29, 1982. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN By Linda F. Kowalski, Secretary x Instructions to newspapers: Please publish once, to wit, August 5, 1982 and forward one affidavit of publication to: Board of Appeals, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 on or before August 10, 1982. x Copies to the following on or about 8/2/82: Abigail A. Wickham, Esq., attorney for NFBTC, Main Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 Mrs. Ann O'Sullivan, 144 Colonial Springs Rd., Wheatley Heights, NY 11798 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stretz, c/o Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY 11958 Mrs. Florence Johnnidis, 800 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, NY 11952 Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq., attorney for N.C. Boos Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Boos, One Cedar Street, Massapequa, NY 11758 BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of : NORMAN C. BOOS : to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold : TO: Cutchogue New Suffolk Park District Nassau Point Causeway Association NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a (Variance) ($1~k~*,~:l~lae~i~lkRe~0~it~ (the following relief: _~ to divide premises into two (2) lots. ). 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: S/s Bay Avenue. Cutchogue Tax Map #1000/104/08/2.! 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: g Residential and gqricultural 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: reduce size of non-conforming Marina and create a buildinq Plot for a sinale-f~mily residence. $. That the provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- signed are Article III Sect.ton lf}fk31 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. (516) 765~1809. 7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such bearing. Dated: May 24, 1982 . Petitioner STEPHEN F. GRIFFING, JR., As Attorney for Norman C. Boos Post Office Address 120 Court Street, Box 982 Riverhead~ NY 11901 (516) 727-1660 NAME PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS ADDRESS Cutchogue New Suffolk Park District #P27 3600544 Nassau Point Causeway Association #P27 360O545 Cutchogue, NY 11935 The following ~ervice is ~quested (check one) [] Show to whom and date delivem~ ......... [] Show to whom, date, and iddre~s of (~qi~/. ~ R~I~ED DELIVERY Sh~ to whom and date delive~ ......... ~ R~I~ED DELIVERY. S~w to whom, date, a~ add~ o~ deli (CONSULT ~S~ASTER FOR ICLE A : Cutchogue, NY 11935 u · ~I have ~ei~d the a~ide d~d a~ve. [SI~T~ ~ Addle ~ Auld STATE OF mr.w COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss.: ....... _ Cynthia Gannon ,residingat 23 Adams Avenue, Miller Place, NY 11764 , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 24th day of May ,19 82 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the re- verse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of $outhold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- fice at Ri verhead, NY ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) ~legi~ele~nail. CYNTHIA GANNON ' ~IOTARY PUBLIC, State of No. 52-15747~0 qualified in Suffolk Couq ~mmlssion Expires March APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, .IR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RI3AD- STATE RI~AD 25 5nUTH[3LD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, the following matters will be scheduled for public hearings to be held at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Wednesday, May 26, 1982, commencing at 7:30 p.m. and as follows: 7:30 p.m. Application of ROBERT AND EILEEN WALL, Montauk Avenue, Fishers Island, NY 06390 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32 for permission to construct detached two-car garage in the sideyard area. Location of Property: Southwest Side of Montauk Avenue, Fishers Island; bounded north by Strunk and Montauk Ave.; east by Kernan & Montauk Ave.; south and west by Kernan; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-10-8-13. 7:35 p.m. Application of ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., 15345 Main Road, East Marion, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-35 for permission to increase fenced area around frontyard pool to a height exceeding the maximum-permitted four feet. Location of Property: 15345 Main Road, East Marion; bounded north by L.I. Sound; east by Swick & Woglom; south by Main Road; west by Gillispie; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-23-1-5. 7:40 p.m. Application of ERNEST E. WILSBERG, by Richard J. Cron, Esq., Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for approval of insufficient area and road frontage of two parcels located at Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck; bounded north by OleJule Lane; west by Hunt and others; south by OleJule Lane; east by Wilsberg; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-122-5-12 and 13. 7:45 p.m. Application of the ESTATE OF ANN DONAHUE, by Madeline J. Heinisch, 86 Beverly Drive. Albertson~ NY 11507~ for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct addition to dwelling with an insufficient frontyard setback at 41575 C.R. 48, Southold; bounded north by Spyropoulos; east by Hobson; south by C.R. 48; west by Larsen; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-59-3-21. 7:50 p.m. Application of JOHN H. & KATHRYN ROSE, 1710 Pike Street, M~tituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoninq Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct addition Page 2 Legal Notice of Hearings Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting of May 26, 1982 to existing garage reducing the rearyard setback. Location of Property: 1710 Pike Street, Mattituck, NY; bounded north by Pike St.; west by Eckert; south by Verme and Pike; east by Zahra; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-140-3-19. 7:55 p.m. Application of Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY as agent for LEIGHTON WIGLEY, for a Variance to New York Town Law, Section 280-a for approval of access over a private right-of-way located off the north side of Grand Avenue, Mattituck, NY. Location of Property: 3325 Grand Avenue, Mattituck, NY; bounded north by Black; west by Mat- tituck Cr=~; south by Ely; east by Black & Ely; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-107-1-12. 8:05 p.m. Application of PETER S. TERRANOVA, Box 77, Peconic, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sections 100-31 and 100-34 for permission to construct deck with insufficient yard setbacks and exceeding the maximum-permitted lot coverage requirement at 565 Sound Avenue (a/k/a 1170 Huntington Boulevard), Peconic, NY; Peconic Shores Subdivision Filed Map Nos. 117 and 654, Park of Lot #12; and further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-67-2-1. 8:15 p.m. Application of ANTHONY & CARMELA PRISCO, 93 Croyden Court, Albertson, NY 11507 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct extension to existing dwelling reducing the rearyard setback. Location of Property: 370 Sunset Way, Southold; Cedar Beach Park Filed Subdi- vision Map 90, Lot 161; further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-91-1-7. 8:20 p.m. Application of ALICE G. LEVIEN, Box 992, Cutchogue NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30A for permission to construct storage building on a vacant lot. Location of Property: 990 Beebe Drive, Cutchogue; Moose Cove Filed Subdivision Map 3230, Lot 25; further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-97-7-9. 8:30 p.m. Application of NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO., by Abigail A. Wickham, Esq., Box 1424, Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 100-71 for permission to construct a drive-in banking facility with canopy entending into the frontyard area. Location of Property: Mattituck Shopping .Center, Main Road, Mattituck; bounded north by New Bethany Cemetery Page 3 - Legal Notice of Hearings Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting of May 26, 1982 Assoc~ation; west by Factory Avenue; south by Ardprop Inc. and Main Road; east by Main Road; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-142-1-26. 8:35 p.m. Application of JEROME E. & M. DOROTHY BLOOM, by Richard J. Cron, Esq., Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for approval of~insufficient width of two proposed parcels located on the north side of Main Road, East Marion; bounded north by Jayne & L.I. Sound; west by Swick & Shikler; south by Nodine and Main Road; east by Hicks and Williams; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-23-1-10 and 11. 8:40 p.m. Application of NORMA______~N C__. BOO__S, One Cedar Street, assapequa, NY 11758, by Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq. for a ariance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and rticle V, Section 100-51 for permission to reduce land area for ~ existing marina by dividing premises into two parcels, each with ~ insufficient upland area. Location of Proper?y: South Side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 8000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogue, bounded north by Bay Avenue; west by Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District and Nassau~ Point Causeway A~sociation; south by Groff; east by Lehmann and Broadwaters Cove, County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-104-8-2.1. Dated: May 15, 1982. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski, Secr. Copies have been furnished to the following on or about May 15, 1982: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wall Mr. Robert W. Giltispie, Jr. Richard J. Cron, Esq. as attorney for Mr. Ernest E. Wilsberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Bloom Mrs. Madeline J. Heinisch for the Estate of Ann Donahue Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rose Environment East Inc. for Leighton Wigley Mr. Peter S. Terranova Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Prisco Mrs. Alice G. Levien Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. as attorney for NFBTC Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq. as attorney for Mr. Norman C~ Boos Town Clerk Bulletin Board Supervisor and Members of the Town Board ZBA individual files INSTRUCTIONS TO L.I. TRAVELER-WATCHMAN and SUFFOLK TIMES, INC.: Please publish Thursday, May 20, 1982 and forward 12 affidavit(s) of publication to: Board of Appeals, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 on or before May 25, 1982. BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of : NORMAN C. BOOS : to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold : TO: D. P. Brickley Stephen Gross Chester Hochbaum & Wife NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a (Variance) ($1aer~akE~ep~ie~.~$pe~iaLl~er-m~.(tbe, f~J~wing, r_eJ~: to di '/i de premises into two (2) lots. 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: $/S 8ay Avenue, Cutcho~]ue Tax Map #1000/104/08/2.l 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: g Residegti~_! ~-~ a~.,~+ .... ~ 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: reduce size of non-conforming Marina and create a buildinq plot for a single-family r~irl~n~_ $. That the provisions of the $outhold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- signed are Article III SectJ. c~ 100_3] 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. (516) 765--1809. 7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers~:ud~ished in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such noti~'~; that you or y~m~r~ repr~ntati~e have the righttoappearandbeheardatsuchhearing. V~,~,~ /~,~//f \~ / ~ Dated: October 22~ 1981 . //~ ~~ l~titioner//~TEP~ENJ F. ATTORNEY FOR NORMAN/C,~O0~ Post Office Address L~' 120 Court Street~ Box 982 Riverhead, NY ~lg01 (516) 727-1660 NAM~ PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAILRECEIPT~ ADDRESS P14 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE MIOVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TO Mr. D.~._~P .~ B_~i ck~l e~Y- STREET AND NO 144__Shoo_re_ Avenu_e_ _ P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE Quincy, Mass. 02169 ~= RESYRIC~O DELIVERY ~ ~ ~ __ ~ OATEDEUVE~EB I R,--,......----, I STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss.: Cy.~thia Gannon , residing at 23 Adams Av~plue , M111 er P1 aCe m NY 11764 , being duly sworn, deposes and Says that on the _ 23rd day of ~lctnhmr ,19 ~1 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the re- verse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- fice at Riverhead ~ NY ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (rA~i~te~xI) mail. CYN~IA GANNON ' Southold Town B~d of Appeals 1982 ENVIROMENTAL DECLARATION: Appeal No. 2914~ Application of ~0RMAN C. BOOS. Reduce land area for existing marina. On motion by Mr it was RESOLVED, to declare the folloWing Negative Environmental Declaration concerning the matter of Norman C, Boos: ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION: Pursuant to Section 617.13 of the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Act, Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, and Section 44-4 of the Southold Town Code, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board of Appeals has determined that the subject project as proposed in this appeal application is hereby classified as a Type II Action, not having a significant adverse effect upon the environment for the following reason(s): An Environmental Assessment in the Short Form has been submitted which indicates that no significant adverse effects were likely to occur should this project be implemented as planned. This declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also be in- volved, nor for any other project not covered by the subject appeal application. Location of Property: South Side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, NY. Vote of the Board: Ayes: M~srs. Douglass, Coehringc~, OCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING (516) 360-5513 oard ol ppeal LEE E. KOPPELMAN DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Town of Southold Board of Appeals June 14, 1982 Norman C, Boos #2914 Gentlemen: Please be advised that pursuant to Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application will not be reviewed because of noncompli- ance with requirements for notice and maps as stipulated in Informational Bulletin No. 8 of the Suffolk County Planning Commission. The following information will only be accepted upon submission through the offices of the municipal referring agency. Please indicate the number of boat slips and available parkin~ spaces on that portion of the premises to be used for marina purposes. Thank you. Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner Southold Town Boar~f Appeals Mae26, 1982 Regular Meeting PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal No. 2914. Application of NORMAN C. BOOS, One Cedar Street, Massapequa, NY 11758, by Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq., for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Article V, Section 100-51 for permission to reduce land area for existing marina by dividing premises into two parcels, each with insufficient upland area. Location of Property: South Side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 8000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogue, NY; bounded north by Bay Avenue; west by Brick- ley; south by Gross; east by Hochbaur and Broadwaters Cove; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-104-8-2.1. The Chairman opened the hearing at 8:43 p.m., and read the application and legal notice of hearing in its entirety. MR. CHAIRMAN: We have a copy of a survey prepared on October 15, 1981 indicating the marina. We have total land area of 72,325 square feet; water area of 35,300 square feet; land area 37,025 square feet...that's the marina; building lot area of 45,546 square feet; water area of 12,046 square feet; and land area of 33,482 square feet. And we have a copy of the Suf- folk County Tax Map indicating this property and the surrounding properties in this area. Mr. Griffing, would you like to be heard on this application? STEPHEN F. GRIFFING, JR., ESQ.: This application is to reduce a nonconforming marina, which is lawfully existing according to this letter I have in the file here, which defines what uses may be made...I think I gave you a copy of that, did I? MR. CHAIRMAN: I'll look. MR. GRIFFING: I have one here I can give you. (Reference was made to the June 1, 1978 letter ex-chairman of this board, Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Angelo G. Petrucci.) from the to Mr. MR. GRIFFING: It reduces the nonconforming 2.1 acres, roughly 92,000 square feet, to 72,000 square feet. We're creating a building lot with approximate 33,400 square feet if you exclude the water and I call your attention to the tax map...most of the lots in the area are 25,000 feet or less. Most of them are 100-footers rather than 150' frontage. And it certainly will not change the character of the neigh- borhood. We have all the approvals from the D.E.C., Suffolk County Health Department and everybody else. This is a letter that I referred to about the marina being a lawful marina even though it's nonconforming. MR. CHAIRMAN: We have them i~ the prior file. MR. GRIFFING: And of course there would be financial hardship if Mr. Boos were not able to do this...the division of the lots into a residential and a marina...would undoubtedly produce a great deal more money in the event of sale. We feel it would be beneficial for the town to put down the nonconforming Southold Town Boal~of Appeals y 26, 1982 Reg. Mtg. (Appeal No. 2914 - Norman C. Boos, continued:) MR. GRIFFING continued: use and put a building plot on the tax roles. That's substan- tially my cases...so in fact it won't have any effect on anybody at all. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anybody else that would like to speak in behalf of the application? NORMAN C. BOOS: Yes, I'm Norman Boos. The reason for dividing this land is strictly for liability. I wish to build a house there and live there, and I'd like it separated from the marina strictly for liability purposes. I have no inten- tions of selling it. I would like to live there. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Is there anybody else that would like to speak in behalf of the application? Anybody like to speak against the application? WILLIAM PETERS, PRESIDENT, NASSAU FARMS ASSOCIATION: I'm not sure I want to speak against it .... I want to speak. My name is William Peters and I'm President of the Nassau Farms Associa- tion. Mr. Boos' property is part of our belly-wig. I think the description here is wrong...you have east and west mixed up. Number one. And Number two, there's a piece of property east of yours... MR~ BOOS: East of mine, yes, belongs to somebody else. MR. PETERS: Which is not described here. MR. BOOS: There's another piece of property east of me. Hochbauer. Yes. It used to be Wenk. And the west of me is not the Park District, but Brickley. The park district is not by us at all. As far as the tax maps are concerned. MR. correct, CHAIRMAN: Concerning the tax map numbers, that is that is the reason we have the dual numbers there. MR. BOOS: I don't understand that. MR. CHAIRMAN: MR. GRIFFING: far as I know. Well you wouldn't unless you have a tax map. We gave service on everybody all around as MR. PETERS: Ok, I'm still not speaking against it. It was, we had on the survey, you were going to build a house on that property. MR. BOOS: That's the whole intention of mine on this lot. MR. PETERS: Yeah. All right. I have no further comments. Southold Town Boa~of Appeals May~, 1982 Reg. Mtg. (Appeal No. 2914 - Norman C. Boos, continued:) MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there anybody else that would like to speak either for or against? Any questions from any board members? {None) SHIRLEY BACHRACH: I have a question...is MR. BOOS: No, MR. CHAIRMAN: MR. GRIFFING: MR. CHAIRMAN: MR. GRIFFING: MR. CHAIRMuAN: Do you have to place your well on the existing site? that Mud Creek? it's not. It's basically Broadwaters Cove. A man-made extension of the Code. Right. The Petrucci's dredged that, I think. Can I ask you a question, Mr. Boos? MR. CHAIRMAN: Under the road. MR. BOOS: In and approved, it's under the water. I have three lines coming into the property. My septic tank and pools are in and approved. They were in and approved before I bought the property. MRS. BOOS: We have those papers if you would like them? MR. CHAIRMAN: No, it is not necessary. MR. BOOS: So I know the health problems are resolved. MR. PETERS: May I just speak in behalf of that statement-- the property east of you already draws its water from Mr. Petrucci. MR. BOOS: That's in the same well area that I'm in. Yes. MR. PETERS: As long as you know about it. MR. BOOS: Oh yes, I know about it. MR. GRIFFING: I used to represent Mr. Petrucci and I think there are three parties that have rights to get water from across the street. MR. BOOS: Not any more. MR. GRIFFING: Wenk's out now. MR. BOOS: I have a well that's in and approved behind Petrucci's house, which I have a right-of-way to. I got a deeded right to it. Southold Town Boat (Appeal MR. MR. MR. MR. MR. anybody? of Appeals May No. 2914 - Norman C. Boos, continued:) BOOS: And I bought the other property. GRIFFING: And Lehmann's out. BOOS: I have that. GRIFFING: There was three then. ing the hearing and reserving decision until a later date. CHAIRMAN: Ok. Thank you very much. Any comment from Hearing no further comments, I'll make a motion clos- On motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED, to close the hearing and reserve decision until a later date in the matter of Appeal No. 2914, application of Norman C. Boos. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Doyen, Grig- onis, Douglass and Sawicki. 1982 Reg. Mtg. MEMBER DOUGLASS: Second. ¢ 8:05 p.m. Application of PETER S. TERRANOVA, Box 77, Peconic, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article II1, Sections 100-31 and 100-34 for permission to con- struct deck with insufficient. yard setbacks and exceeding the maximum-permitted lot coverage requirement at 56.~ Sound Avenue (a/k/a 1170 Huntington Boulevard), Pe- conic, NY; Peconic Shores Subdivision Filed Map Nos. 117 and 654, Park of Lot//12; and further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-67~2-1. 8:15 p.m, Application of ANTHONY & CARMELA PRISCO, 93 Croyden Court, Albertson, NY 11507 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article 111, Section 100- 31 for permission to construe'/ exlension to existing dwelling reducing the rearyard setback. Location of Property: 370 Sunset Way, Southold; Cedar Beach Park Filed Subdivision Map 90, Lot 161; further--' identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-91-1-7~ 8:20 p.m. Application. of ALICE G. LEVIEN, Box 992, Cutchogue NY for a VarianCe to the Zoning Ordinance, Article Ill, Section 100-30A for permission to constru~ stor~ age building on a vacant lot; Location of Property: 990 Beebe Drive, Cutchogu% Moose Cove Filed Subdivision Map 3230, Lot 25; furthei identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-9%%9. ' 8:30 p.m. Application of NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO., by Abigail A! Wickham. Esq., Box 1424~ Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance; Article VII, Section 100-71 for permission to construct a. drive-in banking facility with canopy entending into the frontyard area. Location of Property: Mattituck Shopping Center, Main Road, Mattituck; bounded north by New Beth~ any Cemetery Association: west by Factory Avenue; south by Ardprop Inc. and Main Road: east by Main Road; County Tax Map Parcel No. 100-142-1-26. 8:35 p.m. Application of JEROME E. & M. DOROTHY BLOOM, by Richard J. Cron, Esq., Main Road, Cutchogue,../ NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article [I1, Section 100.31 for approval of insufficient width of two pro- posed parcels located on the north side of Main Road, East Marion; bounded north by Jayne & L.I. Sound; west by- Swick & Shilder; south b~ Nodine and Main Road; east by Hicks and Willinms; County Tax Map parcels No. 1000-.23- 1-10 and- 11. rant8:40 p.m. Application ORMAN C.BOOS, One Ced- Street, Massapoqua, NY. 11758, by Stephen F. .Ir., Esq. for a Variance to the zoning Ordinance, Article 111, Section 100-31 and Article Section 100-51 for permission to reduce land area for existing marina by dividing premises into two parcela, each ~vith insuficient upland area. Lbca- tion of Property: South Side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 8000' Skunk Lane), Cutchogue', bounded north by Buy Ave- nue; west by Cntchogue-New Suffolk ParkDistrict and Nas- sau Point Causeway Associa- tion; south by Groff; east by Lehmann and Broadwatere Cove; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-104-8-2-L ,Dated: May 15, 1982 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPE.~LS,,~' GERARD P. GOEHRIN~ER CHAIRMAN NOTIC~ NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIV- EN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town law and the Provi- sions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southeld~ the following matters will be scheduled for public hearings t6 be held by the Southold Town Board of Appeals, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Soathold. N.Y. on Wed- nesday, May 26, 1982, com- mencing at 7:30 p.m. and as follows: 7:30 p.m. Application of ROBERT A N D EILEEN WALL, Montauk Avenue, Fishers Island, NY 06390 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordi~._t. ance, Article IlL Section 100- 32 for permission to construct detached two-car garage in thc sideyard area. Location of Pro- pety: Southwest Side of Mon- tauk Avenue, Fishers Island; bounded north by Strunk and Montauk Avenue; east by Kernan & Montauk Ave.: south and west by Kernan; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-10-8-13. 7:35 p.m. Application of ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., 15345 Main Road, East Mar- ion, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Section 100-35 for permission to increase fenced area around frontyard pool to a height.~ exceeding the maximum- permitted four feet. Location of Property: 15345 Main Road, East Marion; bounded north by L.I. Sound; east by Swick & Woglom; south by Main Road; west by Gillispie; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-23-1,5. 7:40 p.m. Application of ERNEST E. WILSBERG, by Richard J. Cron, Esq. Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Or- dinance, Article HI, Section 100-31 for approval of insuf- ficient area and road frontage of two parcels located at Ole Jule Lane, Matt'Rock; bounded north by Ole.lule Lane; west by Hunt and others; south bye... OleJule Lane; east by Wils- berg; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-122.5-12 and 13. 7:45 p.m. Application of the ESTATE OF ANN DONA- HUE, by Madeline J. Hein- isch, 86 Beverly Drive, Albert- son, NY 11507, for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article Ill, Section 100-31 for permission to construct addi- tion to dwelling with an insuf- ficient frontyard setback at 41575 C,R. 48, Southold, bounded north by Spyropeu- los; east by ~aol~on; south by C.R. 48; west by Larsen; County Tax Map Parcel No~ 1000-59-3-21. 7:50 p.m. Application of...-. .IOHN H. & KATHRYN ROSE 1710 Pike Street, Matiituck, NY for a Variance to the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct addition to exist- ing garage reducing the rear- yard setback. Location of Pro- perty: 1710 Pike Street, Matti- tuck, NY; bounded north by Pike St.; west by Eskert; south by Verme and Pike; easy by Zahra; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000.140-3-19. 7:55 p.m. Application of Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY as agent for LEIGHTON WIG- LEY, for a Variance to New York Town Law, Section 280-a~ for approval of access over a . private right-of-way located off the north side of Grnd Avenue, Mattituck, NY. Location of Property: 3325 Grand Avenue, Mattituck, NY; bounded nortlv by Black; west by Mattituck Creek; south by Ely; east by Black & Ely; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-107-1-12. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, soys that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in. Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ................... ./.. .................. weeks successively, commencing on the ............ ~ ................... day ........... ................. Sworn to before me this ~ ~ ~( day of 19 ........ CLEMENT J. 'THOMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Now York ~o. 52-f~32~.725 Residing in Suffolk County ~/ Commission Expires LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Pro~/isions of the Amended Co~ of the Town of Southold, thefloilowing matters will be sci~duled for public hearings to be held by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Wednesday, May 26, 1982, commencing at 7:30 p.m. and as follows: 7:30 p.m. Application of ROBERT AND EILEEN WALL, Montauk Avenue, Fishers Island, NY 06390 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 100- 32 for permission to construct detached two-car garage in the sideyard area. Location of Property: Southwest Side of Montauk Avenue, Fishers Island; bounded north by Strunk and Montauk Ave.; east by Kernan & Montauk Ave.; sooth and west by Kernan; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-10-8-13. 7:35 p.m. Application of ROBERT W. GILLISPIE. JR., 15345 Main Road, East Marion, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-35 for permission to increase fenced area around frontyard pool to a height exceeding the maximum-permitted four feet. Location of Property: 15345 Main Road, East Marion; bounded north by L.I. Sound; east by Swick & Woglom; south by Main Read; west by Gillispie; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-23-1-5. 7:40 p.m. Application of ERNEST E. WILSBERG, by Richard J. Cron, Esq., Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for approval of insuf- ficient area and road frontage of two parcels located at Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck; bounded north by Ole Jule Lane; west by Hunt and others; south by Ole Jule Lane; east by Wilsberg; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-122-5-12 and 13. 7:45 p.m Application of the ESTATE OF ANN DONA- HUE, by Madeline J. Heinisch, 86 Beverly Drive, Albertson, NY 11507, for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct addition to dwelling with an insufficient frontyard setback at Z1575 C.R. 40, Southold; bounded north by Spyropoulos; east by Hobson; south by C.R. 40; west by Larsen; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-59-3-21. 7:50 p.m. Application of JOHN H. & KATHRYN ROSE, 1710 Pike Street, Mattit{Ick, NY for a Variance to the Z6ding Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct addition to existing garage reducing the rearyard setback. Location of Property: 1710 Pike Street, Mattitack, NY; bounded north by Pike St.; west by Eckert; south by Verme and Pike; east by Zahra; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-140-3-19. 7:55 p.m. Application of Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY as agent for LEIGHTON WIGLEY, for a Variance to New York Town Law, Section 200-a for approval of access over a private right-of-way located off the north side of Grand Avenue, Mattituck, NY. Location of Property: 3325 Grand Avenue. Mattituck, NY; bounded north by Black; west by Mattituck Creak; south by Ely; east by Black & Ely; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-107-1-12. 0:05 p.m. Application of PETER S. TERRANOVA, Box 77, Peconic, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sections 100-31 and 100-34 for permission to construct deck with insufficient yard setbacks and exceeding the maximum-permitted lot coverage requirement at 565 Sound Avenue (a/k/a 1170 Huntington Boulevard), Peconic, NY; Peconic Shores Subdivision Filed Map Nos~ 117 and 654, Park of Lot//12; and further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-67-2-1. 0:15 p.m. Application of ANTHONY & CARMELA PRISCO, 93 Croyden Court, Albertson, NY 11507 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct extension to existing dwelling reducing the rearyard setback. Location of Property: 370 Sunset Way, Southold; Cedar Beach Park Filed Subdivision Map 90, Lot 161; further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-91-1-7. 0:20 p.m. Application of ALICE G. LEVIEN, Box 992, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30A for permission to construct storage building on a vacant lot. Location of Property: 9~0 Beebe Drive, Cutchogue; Moose Cove Filed Subdivision Map 3230, Lot 25; further identified as County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-97-7-9. 8:30 p.m. Application of .... NORTH FORK BANK & TRUST CO, by Abigail A. Wickham, Esq., Box 1424, Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 10071 for ~irermission to construct a ive-in banking facility with canopy extending into the frontyard area. Location of Property: Mattituck Shopping Center, Main Road, Mattituck; bounded north by New Bethany Cemetery Association; west by Factory Avenue; south by Ardprop Inc. and Main Road; east by Main Road; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-142-1-26. 8:35 p.m. Application of JEROME E. & M. DOROTHY BLOOM. by Richard J. Cron, Esq., Main Road, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article III, Section 10031 for approval of insufficient width of two proposed parcels located on the north side of Main Road, East Marion; bounded north by Jayne & L.I. Sound; west by Swick & Shikler; south by Nodine and Main Road; east by Hicks and Williams; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-23-1-10 and 11. I8:40 p.m. Application ~NORMAN C. BOOS, One rCedar Street, Massapequa, NY 11755, ~hen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq. for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Article V, Section 100-51 for permission to reduce land area for existing marina by dividing premises into two parcels, each with insufficient upland area. Location of Property: South Side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 0000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogue; bounded north by Bay Avenue; west by Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District and Nassau Point Causeway Association; south by Gruff; east by Lehmann and Broadwaters Cove; County Tax Map Parcel No. r 1000-104-8-2.1. Dated: May 15, 1982. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski, Sect. 1TMy20-3967 · OF SUFFOLR, | )F NEW YORK, ? ss: J r Gustavson .............................. being duly Sworn. t . ..h.e .... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK g TIMES, a newspaper published ~t Greenport. in said :nd that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed is been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times each week, for one weeks rely commencing on the ... 2/~th, ................. :o belore me this ... ?.O..t.h.,. ] · ...... HELEN K DE VOE NOtARy PU~UC, Sla/e ot New York No 4707878, Suffolk ~oun~v lerm Expires March 30, K JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR O1' VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE ($16) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 October 23, 1981 To: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 2914 application of Stephen F. Griffing, Jr. Attorney a/c ~orman C. Boo~, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York for a variance. Also included is notification to adjacent property owners, Short Environmental Assessment Form, Letter relative to N.Y.S. Tidal Wetlands Land-Use, Notice of Disapproval from the Building Department, and survey of property. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk JTT/bn Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 119'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS '~ JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI TO: Southold Town Planning Board DATE: April 16, 1982 SUBJECT: Matters Tabled Pending Planning Board Comments The following is a list, as of today's date, of the matters before the Board of Appeals which have been tabled pending review by and receipt from your board concerning the subject subdivisions and their proposed layouts: ~/~BOOS, NORMAN C. Appeal No 2914 GOLDEN, GRACE Appeal No 2958 HARREN, HUBERT Appeal No 2945 KUJAWSKI, PETER Appeal No 2946 MANOS, JAMES Appeal No 2970 REEVES, GERTRUDE K. Appeal No 2962 WILSBERG, ERNEST E. Appeal No 2811 YOUNG, RAYMOND & JOAN Appeal No 2964 Once you have determined that the layout of the subdivision appears satisfactory, please let us know as early as possible in order that we may arrange to schedule them for public hearings. Also, any time you may need information from our files, we will be glad to provide you with same. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J, DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Southold Town Board of Appeals NIAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 2.5 SOUTHOLD, L.h, N.Y. 119'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 April 13, 1982 Stephen F. Griffing, 120 Court Street P.O. Box 982 Riverhead, NY 11901 Jr. , Esq. Re: Appeal No. 2914 Application of Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Griffing: It has been brought to our attention that you have recently inquired as to the status of the above-mentioned project. On March 4, 1982 our office received copies of the D.E.C. permit with your covering letter and immediately you were advised of the status of your application with the Planning Board relative to the variance application on the proposed subdivision. To date we have not received notice of action or recommendations by the Planning Board. As soon as we are advised by the Planning Board of their action or recommendations concerning this project, we will be in a position to expeditiously process your application in accordance. Please do not hesitate to call our office if you have any questions or if we may be of assistance. Yours very truly, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski Secretary APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT .J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- BTATIE ROAD 25 ~OU'I'HOLD, L.I., N.Y. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 March 4, 1982 Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., 120 Court Street P.O. Box 982 Riverhead, NY 11901 Esq. Re: Appeal No. 2914 Application of Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Griffing: Receipt is acknowledged of your March 2, 1982 correspondence with enclosures. By letter dated November 10, 1981, the Planning Board has requested-that the Board of Appeals not entertain this applica- tion until the subdivision approval has been determined by them, and it is our understanding that you have made formal application to the Planning Board for a subdivision. Normally, we are notified as early as possible of the actions taken by the Planning Board; however, if you wish you may keep us advised of developments. Thank you for your cooperation. lk Enclosure Yours very GERARD P. GOEHRINGER Chairman March 3, 1982 Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Roadl State Road 25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Norman C. Boos Dear Sir or Madame: Enclosed please find complete photocopy of NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Permit with regard theabove. Kindly re-open my application formerly submitted. If there is anything further you require, please contact me. Very truly yours, SFG:cg Encs. cc: Mr. Norman C. Boos i Cedar Street Massapequa, NY 11758 NEW YOI~ STATE D~PART~NT .OF ENVIP, ONMENTAL CCN~ERVATION Building &O, Sta~.e University of New York S~ony Brook, New York 11794 516-751-~900 Feb. 2~ 1982 Norman C. Boos 1 Cedar St. ~,~assapeq ~a~ ~]. Y. 1175~ Re: 10-$1-018~ Dear Sir: In conformauca with the requirements of the State I~nffo~"m Procedures Act (At,late 70, ECL) and its implementing lle. gu!ations (6_~ri~Cl~ Part 622+.) we are anclozi~%o° your ~e~-mit. P!ec~ read all conditior~ carefully, 'Jlf you are unable to cou~ly with any condi- tlc, ns, ptaase con:~act the P,~g±o~al R;=gulztc~z Affairs Office, ~CfS Depar~.m~o~ of Environmental Conservation, Stace Univ~r-~itY of New York at Stony B~ook, Building 40, Stony Er~.~k, New York 11794. }~.se enclosed ia a permic sign which you are to conspicuously pcst at t. ha pro~ect site, protected from the weather. Very truly your$~ ~ Da~t.el J ~'~trkin Regional ~ermlt Ad~nistrato~ DJL: 11 Eucls. We are returning your Check which is not needed at this time. NEW PERMIT NO. STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONME NTA L .CONSEI~N [10-81-018~, PERMIT UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW ARTICLE 15, (Protection of Water) ~. ARTICLE 25, (Tidal Wetlands) ARTICLE 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) [~] ARTICLE 36, (Construction in Fiood Hazard Areas) PERMIT ISSUED 10 NORMAN C. BOOSn ADDRESS OF PERMIFIEE 1 Cedar St., Massapequa, N. Y. 11758 LOCATION OF PROJECT (Section of stream, tida~ wetland, dam, building) Broadwaters Cove Dredged Inlet DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT .Construct a single family dwelli_ng~, _sanitary system and driveway all greater than 85' from the inlet. Subdivide the property into two lots pursuant to the Robert A. Kart, COMMUNITY NAME (City, Town, Village) East Cut chogue COUNTY L.S. survey dated 10/15/81 ~ubmitted. TOWN &outhold FIA COMMUNITY NO. J DAM NO. DATE GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate Regional Permit Administrator, a notice of intention to commence work at least 4~ hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. 2. The permitted ~rk shall be subiect to inspection by an authorized order the work suspended if the public interest sorequires. 3. As a condiDon of the issuance of this permit, the applicant has ac- cepted expressly, by the execution of the application, the full legal respon- sibility for all damages, direct or indirecl, of whatever nature, and by whom- ever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and has agreed in 4. Any material dredged in Ihe proseculion of the work herein permitted bed of Ihe waterway or flood plain ar deep holes that may have a tendency to 5. Any material to be deposited or dumped under this permit, either in the waterway or on shore above high-water mark, shall be deposited or dumped thereon, within or behind a good and substantial bulkhead or bulkheads, such the heallh, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or loss or destruction of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modificalion of the waiercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners shall, condition Ihe navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any~such removal or alteration. 8. That the State of New York shall in no case 0e [table far any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. That if the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorized is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pre- scribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the owner. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accor- dance with established engineering practice and in a workmanlike manner. 11. If granted under Articles 24 or 2S, the Department reserves the righl to reconsider this approval at any time and after due notice and hearing to continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found to be just and equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the modification of the wetland hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site lo its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 12. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights, title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. 13. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, ap.. provals, lands, easements and rights-of-way which may be required for this project. 14. If granted under Article 36, this permit is granted solely on the basis of the requirements of Arhcle 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law and Part 500 of 6 NYCRR (Construction in Flood Hain Areas having Special Flood Hazards - Building Permits) and in no way signifies that the project will be free from flooding. 15. By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that the permit is contingenl upon strict compliance with the special conditions on the reverse side. 95-20-4 (9/75) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) CONDITIONS 16. sanitary System to be located between the proposed dwelling and Bay Ave. and at least 100' from any surface water. 17. The driveway shall be of a pervious nature and not paved or oiled. DJL:cg c.c. LAW ENFORC~2~ENT .. attachment File Note: We are returning Your Check No. 842 for $25.00-- PERMIT ISSUE DATE 2/2~/82 Per. RMIT ADMINIST~TOIJ;e. /: / /- //~ - J~. IADOeESS ~, ,Stony Brook, N.Y. PERMIT SIGN __ ~lllliliilllll Iii No. 10-81-0184 has been issued to: ~o~ o. ~oo~ address: 1 Cedar St., ~assapequa, N. Y. 11758 for: Construct a single family dwelling, sanitary system, and driveway ~l greater than 85 feet from the~ ~nlet. Subdivide the property into two lots pursuant to the Robert A. Kart, L.S. survey dated 10/15/81 submitted. Suffolk County under the Environmental Conservation Law, Article 15, (Protection of Water) Article 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) Article 25, (Tidal Wetlands) New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 9.S -20.1 (9/7S) · Formerly EA-93 Article 36, (Construction in Flood Hazard Areas) ~ Permitr AdministYa~o~ rv~'~ "~ 2/2~/82 Date Issued Expiration Date eCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES January 4, 1982 DAVID HARRIS, M,D., M,P.H. Mr. David DeRidder Associate Environmental Analyst New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Bldg. 40, SUNY, Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 RE: Development of Norman C. Boos Property S/S of Bay Avenue Cutchogue (T) Southold ZBA Appeal No. 2914 Dear Mr. DeRidder: I am in receipt of your letter dated December 16, 1981. We have no objection of the determination of lead agency. It should be noted that: ]. The proposed septic system will water. be less than 100 feet to surface 2. The water supply is questionable due to its close proximity to the inlet. It appears that the split of property does not meet our minimum standards requiring lot areas of 40,000 square foot where the individual water supply and sewage disposal facilities are pro- posed. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to. contact me. RRR:ljr cc: Southold Town Zoning Board Very truly yours, Royal R. Reynolds, P.E. Public Health Engineer General Engineering Services (~16) 727-4700 Sou= .o .d NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION ~C THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ~e .................. ~ ............... ~ TO: Applicant No~ C. ~os DateO~ber 31~ 198] Address 1 C~a~ S~ree~ App. Nos, ~ssa~eq~, ~ 11758 Permit(s) applied for: Tidal Wetlands, t~icle 15 Project Description Town Son,hold County ~ and 5i~e Location: Subdivide land on $ou~h side ~y Avenue, ~ Cu~cho~ue ~o ~ lo~s a~ cons~ruc~ single fmmt~y d~ellin~ on ~2erly lo= ~*i~h onsi~e dispos~ of saniZa~ wasZe. PUBLIC COMMENT: App]ica~ons may be reviewed at t~e address [isled below and specific commen[s on eot, or a ~equest in become a 0ally-in-interest i[ a 9ub[ic Headn~ is ~e]d, must be submitted in writin~ to ~he contact person named below no ]a~er than Februa~ff 3~ 19~2 (~y [aw, Ibis date must be a~ least ~4 days (30 days for a SPO[S Permit) from ihe date tNe no~ice will appear in the Envkonmema[ Notice 5u[[e~in.) L~AOAGENCY: New York S~a2e Denar~n= of Envtronw~-e-~] Conse~atfon 5[QR OEYHRM[NAT[ON: (check appropriate box) ~ 5EQR-1 Pro]ec~ is not sub[ecl to SEQR because it is exempt, excluded, or a Type U actiom ~ 5[QR-2 Pro~ect is a Yyoe 1 action; it has been determined that ~he pro~ect (may, wile not) (circle appropriate) Nave a significant effect on tNe environment. A Negative Oec[aration has been pre~ared and is on flee. ~ SEQ,-3 Proiec~ is an un[isted action; it has been determined ~baf ~e pro]ec~ wi[[ not ~ave a siSnificam effect on ihe euvironmenL ~ SEQR-4 A d~a[~ envkonmenta[ impact sta[ement has bee~ prepared on ~his proiect and is on flee. ~ SEQR-5 A final environmental impact statement has been ~repared on this pro[ecl and is on ~i[e. CONTACT: (name, a~ency, address, telephone numbe0 Daniel J. ~rkin ?.,[[C ~.~, ~T3. AliT. ~SDEC, Bldg. 40, S~.~--~ 219 (516) 751-7900 ~'~.~' TO TH[ This is to advise that your application is complete and a review has commenced. Additional information may be requested from you APPLICANT: at a future date, if deemed necessary in order lo process the application. The project has been classified non-minor. Accordingly, a decision will be made within 90 days of the date of this notice. I[ a public hearing ~s necessary, you will be notified within 60 days, and Ihe hearing wilJ commence with 90 days o[ the date o(this notice. ][ a hearing is held, the final decision wiU be made within 60 days after the hearing is completed. cc: Chief Executive Officer Environmental Notice Bulletin, Room 509, 50 Wolf Road. Albany, N. Y, 12233 ~ ~ '~..~,", * .-~ DRA--CEN New Yo~k State Department ot Envi(onmental Conservation Regulatory Affairs Bldg. 40, SUNY - Room 219 -~ Stony Brook, New York 11794 516-751-7900 Commissioner December 16, 1981 DEC I Southold Town Board c/o Supervisor 53095 Main Road $outhold, New York 11971 Re: Subdivision of Norman C. Boos property south side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue ~BA Appeal No. 2914. Dear Sir: The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has received application(s) for NYS Tidal Wetlands Permit No. 10-81-0184. Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, the project is defined in 6 NYCRR, Part 617, as an u~listed action. As such, coordinated review by involved agencies is optional. This Department has made a preliminary determination that the action will not sig- nificantly affect the enviormment and wishes to coordinate review to confirm this deter- mination. As anagency also involved in approving this action, you are hereby requested to indicate whether or not you agree with this Department's initial determination and as- sumed status of lead agency. Enclosed is a copy of our application(s) and Environmental Assessment Form (EAF). Also, please make known to this Department your concerns for this project so that our final determination of significance will reflect your views and recommendations. Please reply by December 30, 1981 Sincerely, David De Ridder Associate Environmental Analyst cc: M. Fiscina SHORT ENVIRONMEt!TAL ASSESSMENT FORM Appenc~ B Pert 617 INSTRUCTIONS: ( a ) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action, it is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. ( b ) if any question has been answered Yes, the project may have a significant effect and the full Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. Maybe or Unknown answers should be considered as Yes answers. [ c ) If ail questions have been answered No it is likely that this proiect will not have a significant effect. ( d ) If additional space is needed to answer the questions, please use the back of the sheet or provide at- tachments as required. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT YES NO 1. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or physicaily alter more than 10 acres of land? [] 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or unusual land form found on the site? [] 3. Will project a{ter or have a large effect on an existing body of water? [] 4. Will project have an adverse Impact on groundwater quality? [] 5. Will project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites? [] 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal specres? [] 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality? [] r~~ 8, Will project have a major effect on the visual character of the community or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? [] L~r 9. Will project adversely impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric, or paleontological im- portance or any site designated as a Critical Environmental Area by a local agency? [] 10. Will project have a major adverse effect on existing or future recreational opportunities? [] 11. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation systems? [] 12. Is project non-farm related and located within a certified agricultural district? [] 13. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturbance as a result of the project's operation? [] C~. 14. Will project have any adverse impact on public health or safety? [] 15. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth m permanent population of more than 5 percent over a one-year period or have a major negative effect on the character of the community or neighborhood? [] 16. Is there public controversy concerning any potential impact of the project? [] Preparer's Signature: Preparer's Title: Agency: FOR A~;ENCY USE ONLY NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV~T!ON ALBANY~ NEW YORK 12233 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT APPLICAI ION N(I. Read inslructions on back beiore completing this application· Please type cji prim clearly in mk. Use separatn ~ddenda and exhibits to provide all required data and explanations tot which space on /he I,rm is inadequale. [] ARTICLE 15, TITLE 3 (CONTROL OF AQUATIC INSECTS, WEEUS, OR UNDESIRABLE FISI4) [] ARTICLE 15, TITLE S (PROTECTION OF WATERS) ~ For the construclion, reconstruction, or repair of a DAM or other impoundment struclure. [] For the construction, reconstruction, or repair of any permanent DOCK, pier, or wharf; and any dock, pier, []] For the disturbance of a STREAM BED or excavation in or fill of navigable waters. [] ARTICLE 15, TITLE 15 [] WATER SUPPLY ~ LONG ISLAND WELL [] ARTICLE 24 (FRESHWATER WETLANDS) [] Permit ~] Letter of Permission ~:] ARTICLE 25 (TIDAL WETLANDS) t. NAME OF APPLICANT: NORMAN C. BOOS 2. APPLICANT IS A/AN [~lndividual [] Parlnership ~ '; Association [~,Corpora on ' ~4unicipality ~ Governmenla! Agency NAME & TITLE OF (516) 541-4604 OFFICIAL SIGNING APPLICATION Norman C. Boos _ PHONE STREET ADDRESS i Cedar NY m P. o. BOX b~reet. __ POST OFFICE _Mas_sa_pe_qua STATE ZIP CODE~I/b~ 4. NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER Same (If not applicant) __ PHONE STREET ADDRESS OR P, O. BOX ...... POST OFFICE ........ STATE ZiP CODE 5. PRUJECT LOCATION: a) City or Village of East Cutc hocLu_e .... E own of _S o~u t~hgl~d 6. WILL PROJECF UDLIZE STATE OWNED LAND? ~ [xi No ~_j Yes County of Suffolk _Dredged Inlet_=_~road_waters Cove b) Specific protect site or area is marked on U.S.G,S. or equivalent map, attached as I xhibll 7. PROPOSED USE: [] Private 8. PROPOSED STARFING DATE; I 9. APPR()XI,k!A FE COMPLETION DATE ~ Public : lCommercial · As soon as possible 4 months after starting 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (Feet of rip-rap new channel; cubic yards of material to be remow,d; draining, dredging, filling, and Io~ation of d~sposal sites; type of structure to be installed; height of dam; size of impoundment; Gonstruct sin91e-family residence on S/s Bay Avenue, East Cutchogue, NY subdivide the land into two ~ots in accordance with Section 661.5, Category 57 in accordance ~ith survey annexed hereto & made a part hereof. (previously sent surveys with prior application on 11/16/81) previously sent 11/16/81 12. This project ~ill require the following additional permits, applications lo; ~x,lich ale the r~ sponsihiiity of others: 13, NA~4E AND ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF LOCALilY WHERE PROPOSED WORKS \Ri LO(AiED: LI Traveler Watchman, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-3~25 14. IS ANY PORTION OF TIlE ACTJVI[Y FORWli]CII A PERMITtS SOUGliT NOV~ BEGUN (IRC()kPL[II! lYes ~-](NO 15, CERTIFICATION: I hereby affirm under pena ty of perjury that informatian provided on this form and zH attachmenls submitte~)ji,ere-jJ/. ~ % arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless Ihe State from stats, actmns, "~f"~z~(,~, ~ December , 1981 *'~ / . ..- /-,~ , . ~f~? riot1 of ~,~tion 7209 of the New York State Education L~w Copies "f this sur~ey map not bearing the [and survevoc's valid copy. to the person fo~ whom ~ survey is prepared and cn behalf to the title company, gevemmentel ~gency and len- din~ Ir~titutien #atari ~ and tot the ~s$igr~e$ of the lending instttutlo~ Guemntet or eeftifk:e~ons ere nm transferable to aciditional IneUtution$ ~' subsequent ownem. " '""'" RECEIVE 'IINFORMATION ONLY: AS TO MINOR .~ ~ ~ NOV 17 -:; "'!: :,:L ' ~ ,', 7' .... . --~ ."_ CO~VT~R,L/N~- ~ND ~LEV~T/ON$ A.~ R~RE~C~D TO t].~P~ ~. DATU~ MI1P OF PROPERTY NORMAN C BOOS AT EAST CuTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY~ N.Y. SCALE: I"= /O0' ,~us. 19, OCT. , 15, I981 vENUE 69.65' N. 85'46"00# E' t50.0' TOTAL AREA=45,5~SO. FT. ;4/ATER AREA= I2,064 LAND AREA O l/VI. ET.'. /2. N/0/F NANCY GRAHAM ARE REFERENCED TO U.$.C. SG, BENCH lYI~RK 0326 EL,$1.804~ . ~i :~ '-' -~- , ,-, NOV SURVEY FOR NORM.qN C. BOOS ' AT EAST CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: AUG. I0, 198/ AUG. II, 1981 November 23, 1981 Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road, State Road 25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Norman C. Boos Dear Sir or Madame: Kindly adjourn my application on Norman C. Boos until I have had a chance to complete my application to NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to construct a single-family residence. SFG:cg I will immediately notify you when DEC permit has been issued. Southold Town Board of Appeals I~IAIN ROAD-STATE RnAD 25 SnUTHI3LD. L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI November 12, 1981 Mr. Daniel J. Larkin, Permit Administrator Environmental Analysis Unit, Building 40 N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Stony Brook, NY 11794 Re: Appeal No. 2914 - Norman C. Boos Tw#15276-0108 and Subdivision Project Premises Located at the South Side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue Dear Mr. Larkin: On October 23, 1981, our office received an appeal application of Mr. Norman C. Boos (by Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq.) for a proposed division of property at the south side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a Skunk Lane), Cutchogue, and fronting Broadwaters Cove. Mr. Boos is appealing a decision of the Building Inspector of the following: That the proposed division creates two lots of insufficient area; (the nonconforming marina requires 80,000 square feet, Article V, Section 100-51 of the Code; a building lot requires 40,000 square feet, Article III, Section 100-31). The premises is zoned A-Agri- cultural & Residential. We are enclosing a copy of the appeal application together with applicant's survey indicating this project. The proposed parcel with the nonconforming marina appears to have a buildable upland area of 37,025 sq. ft. and the proposed residential parcel appears to have a buildable upland area of 33,482 sq. ft. The Southold Town Planning Board is also processing Mr. Boos' application for a subdivision and have requested that this Board not entertain the appeal application until the subdivision has been determined by the Planning Board. This Board has not scheduled the appeal application for public hearing at this time and has requested the applicant to obtain approvals from your agency. Page 2 - November 12, 1981 Mr. Daniel J. Larkin, Permit Administrator N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Re: TW#15276-0108 Appeal No. 2914 - Norman C. Boos We hope that this information will be of assistance to you; and if you have any questions concerning these matters, please do not hesitate to call or write. Yours very truly, CG:lk Enclosures CHARLES GRIGONtS, JR. CHAIRMAN HENRY E. RAYNOR. Jr., Chairman ~~l~XX JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, Jr. William F. Mullen, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 November 10, 1981 Mr. Charles Grigonis, Chairman Board of Appeals Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Grigonis: At a regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday November 9, 1981 the following action was taken: RESOLVED that the ZBA should not entertain an appeal (No. 2914) by the applicant, Norman C. Boos, until such time as his proposed sub- division is determined by the Planning Board. Yours very truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Susan E. Long, Secreta~ November 9, 1981 Daniel J. Larktn, Permit Administrator NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation Environmental Analysis Unit SUNY - Bldg. 40 Stony Brook, NY 11794 Re: ~ITW-15276-0108 Dear Mr. L&ektn: Referring tomy letter of October 29th and our conversation of November 5th or 6th, I enclose survey of Robert A. Kart, LS last dated October 6, lgS1 showing proposed house location. I again question whether an~appltcatton for permit has to be made; In view of the vmrious existing bulkheedtng permits and the location of the house being 85 feet from the dredged inlet. Very truly yours, SFG:cg [nc. cc: Mr. Norman C. Boos Southold Town Beard of Appeals Stephen F. Grifftng, Jr. October 29, 198l NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation Environmental Conservation Analysis Unit SUNY - Bldg. 40 Stony Brook, NY ll7g4 Re: #TW-15276-0108 Gentlemen: Reference is made to the above captioned Petition and letter addressed to Angelo Petrucci under date of November 4, 1974 saying construction of two homes would have no adverse affect on tidal wetlands. I did not make this application on behalf of Mr. Petrucci, so I do not know what lands were involved. However, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold has referred me to you. My question is whether the lands sho~n on the enclosed survey showing the marina and residence plot were covered under your letter of November 4, 1974. If ee, I would not have to make further application. If not, advise me and send me the necessary forms to make the application. Very truly, yours, / Stephen F. Griffing Jr. SFG: cg Encs. cc: Southold Town Board of Appeals v Mr. Norman C. Boos NEW YORK STATE DEPART~4ENT OF ENVIROi~'~NTAL CONSERVATION Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11794 Mr. Angelo Petrucci Bay Avenue, Box 99 E. Cutchogue, New York 11935 November 4, 1974 Re: Petition No. ~- 15276-0108 Your petition for a Tidal !~etlands ~oratorium Permit has beenrevi'ewed by this office. As a result, we have determined that Construction of two homes and associated septic systems, Bay Avenue, E. Cutchogue, New York, with no construction or fill within 30' of line of mean high water will have no adverse affect upon adjacent tidal wetlands. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25-0202 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR, Part 660.3 (c), you are hereby notified that no permit will be necessary. A copy of this determination must be available at the job site a~ all times during construction activity. Sincer_~Ly your~ ~ D~{~el J ./LaEkin'- D3L:GCC:n cc: Corps of Ensineers, New York District LOUIS ~0 Concra APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GR[GONIS, .IR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER JOSEPH H. SAWICKt Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RI-lAD- STATE RrlAD 25 5r'IUTHI"ILD, L.I., N.Y. 119'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 October 27, 1981 Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., 120 Court Street, Box 982 Riverhead, NY 11901 Esq. Re: Appeal No. 2914 Application of Norman C. Boos Location of Property: South Side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue Dear Mr. Griffing: The N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, Regulatory Affairs Unit, Building 40, Room 219, S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook, has recently informed our office that they require application for a New York State Tidal Wetland Permit for any subdivision of land into two or more lots within 300 feet of a wetland. Upon receipt of their approval, the Board will consider this matter for public hearing. Yours very truly, CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. CHAIRMAN CG:lk APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER JOSEPH N. SAWlCKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 c:DUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. t1971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals October 23, 1981 Appeals Scheduled for November 5, Involving Planning Board 1981 ZBA Meeting Gentlemen: Referred to you herewith for your consideration are the fOllowing matters: (1) Norman C. Boos. Appeal No. 2914. Mr. Boos has filed an appeal for permission to divide premises into two parcels, to wit, westerly marina parcel C~ have a total area of 72,325 sq. ft. and the easterly proposed-residential parcel to have a total area of 45,546 sq. ft., each including land underwater, located at the south side of Bay Avenue, East Cutchogue. Article V, Section 100-51, Article III, Section 100-31 and bulk schedule. (2) Allan C. Dickerson. Appeal No. 296. Mr. 'Dickerson proposes a 20' by 30' addition to existing business building with a setback off the westerly property line of approximately five feet. The subject premises is in a B-1 General Business Zone. The Building Department requires approval by your department. A copy of this letter is being forwarded to .applicant in order that he may apply to your board. A written reply is requested at the earliest possible date. Yours very t~uly, CHARLES GRI~NIS,~JR. CHAIRMAN CG:lk Enclosures June 1, 1978 xxxx 1802 xxxxxxxxxxx Mr. Angelo G. Petrucci Bay Avenue Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Petrucci: As you know, your business on the south side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, is classified as a non-conforming marina or boat basin. According to our present zoning ordinance, a non-conforming use is any use, whether of a building or tract of land, or both, existing on the effective date of the zoning ordinance, which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is located. The definition of a marina is any premises containing one (1) or more piers, wharves, docks, moorings, bulkheads, buildings, slips, basins or lands under water, designed, used or intended to be used primarily for the docking, or mooring of boats, for or without compensation. Using your letter of May 17, 1978, and the above definitions as a guide, it seems to us that your non-conforming marina includes the following: The seasonal operation of a marina or boat basin with docks or slips for not more than thirty-five (35) non-commercial boats not more than 24 feet in length. Special services for owners such as fresh water, electricity, oil and gasoline are also permitted. We think that this service barge is an integral part of your marina operation and may be stored on your property when not in use. You are not permitted to store boats, build boats or conduct the retail sale of boats on your premises. Hopefully, this clearly defines all permitted uses for your property. If there are any other questions, please bring them to our attention. Your very truly, RWG:bcc cc: Mr. Charles Grigonis Mr. Edward F. Hinderman ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR. CHAIRMAN June 18, 1979 Mr. James E. Gillies, President Nassau Point Property Owners Association P. O. Box 346 Cutchogue7 New York 11935 RE: Petrucci property, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Gillies: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 4, 1979, regarding the Petrucci property on Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New Yor~. I am enclosing herewith photostatic copies of two letters: The first is a letter dated May 17, 1978, from Angelo Petrucci addressed to the Board of Appeals. This letter was written at the request of the Board to define exactly what type of business Mr. Petrucci had conducted on his property. The second letter is dated June 1, 1978, and is the result of the afore~mentioned letter and an informal discussion held with Mr. Petrucci at the May 4, 1978 meeting. I believe the letter to Mr. Petrucci is self-explanatory. Please be advised that it is our understanding that Mr. Petrucci sold his marina parcel to Mr. Norman C. Boos on August 23, 1978. If we can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, bcc Enclosures Babette C. Conroy, Secretary Southold Town Board of Appeals NASSAU POINT PROPERTY OWNERS AssnrI. IATIrlN · P. 0. Box :346 0UTr~HOnuE:, L. J., N. Y. 11c~3.~ Zoning Board of Appeals1~ Board of Trustees Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 June 4,1979 Gentlemen: Over the years we have observed the Petrucci boat marina on Skunk Lane in Cutchogue expand to a sizeable operation° We have been told that this business was star~ed before residential zoning was ~dopted for this area. While this property is not on Nassau Point,our members have an interest in its use as it is on the only access road to our area. Apparently, this business has now been sold and we are interested in making sure that this non-conforming use is not expanded in the future. We would appreciate receiving from the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Trustees copies of the most recent permits which define how this land may be used commercially and what defined areas may be dredged and bulkheaded and used for the mooring of boats. We are also interested in what businees can be carried on ( i.e. sale of gasoline, rest rooms, food and ~beverage sales, staring of boats off-season, etc.). Our Board of Directors may then observe the continued compliance with the permits and report any exceptions to the proper Town of Southold officers. We feel that the Town of Southold has provided a valuable tool in its use of property and waterfront uses. We hope that we can help in this area of protection for the Town and the residents of Nassau Point. Gillies, resident. XXXX 1802 May 16, 1978 Mr. Angelo G. Petrucci Bay Avenue Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Petrucci: Relative to your appearance before the Board of Appeals on Thursday, May 4, 1978, the Board would appreciate your setting forth all phases of business that you conducted on your property on the south side of Bay Avenue since you have owned the property. Upon receipt of this ~D~ormation, we should be able to solve all problems concerning this property. Thank you for your help in this matter. Yours truly, RWG:bcc ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR. CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TO~N BOARD OF APPEALS ~21- May 4, 1978 MR. SNYDER: It is, These here are worth about $75,000.00. We are not spraying with any turbin equipment out there. THE CHAIRMAN: side of the road. a few years ago. You would not particularly leave this along the Due to tke fact that we. had a loader stolen here MR. GRIGONIS: I think this is probably the best ~6e'-in'the~ area for this .... THE CHAIRMAN: Are there any other questions concerning this application? (There was no response) After investigation and inspection, the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to base helicopters on a portion of farm- land during the farm spraying season. This is a necessary adjunct to agriculture and that the operation proposed does not constitute an airport. The Board finds that strict application of the ordinance would produce practical difficulties.or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created in unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood, and will observe the spirit of this Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Bergen, it was RESOLVED that Albert Orlowski, Main Road, Cutchogue, New York (Richard J. Cron, Attorney), be GRANTED permission tobase helicopter on a portion of farmland during the farm spraying season. Location of property: Sterling Lane, Cutchogue, New York, bounded on the north by Bolenius; east by Bolenius and Imbriano; south by Sterling Avenue; and west by Scott, subject to the following conditions: (1) The location chosen by the Applicant for use as a heliport shall be used only for the purpose of agricultural purposes. (2) Shall not be used before May t5 or after October 30. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis, Maimone. Mr. Angelo Petrucci appeared informally before the Board relative to his summons from the Building Inspector regarding his marina. The Board will write a letter informing Mr. Petrucci specifically what he is legally able to do with this Marina. Bsuth~ld T~w~ ~oa~d o~ppeals '~outhold,L.I.,E.y. Attention. Robert W.Gillispie,Jr. Chairman ~y 17,i978 Dear Sir. In reference to your letter dated May 6.1978 about the business Iconduct on the South Side of my property on Bay Avenue or Shunk Lane Cutchogue,N.y. To the best of my knowledge I give yo,z the following information. I bought my property in 1947 from iv~. Ralph Sterling of Cutchogue. In 1948 I applied for and received a dredging Permit foom Southold To~wn Trustee ~ Goldsmith with approval of Supervisor Norman Klipp, to Dredge my property for the purpose of a Boat Basin or Marina. In the fall of 1948 I hired the South Shore Dredging Co. of Patchogue,N.y. To Dredge the Boat Basin for me. By 1950 the Boat Basin was in full working operation with fresh water and electricity. That same year I accommodated dockage for about 18 or 19 boats By 1954 I had 28 boats more or less,that year I started to sell gas and oil, ~ for the convenience of my customers. In 1957 members of the zoning Committee consisting of the followin~ members,~ Otto Van Tyle,Harold Reeve, and John wickham insoected and approved the existance of my present Boat B~sin and agreed th4t this community was in need of this type of service ,as all my customers then and now are neighbors, and residents of Nassau Pto and Nassau Farms,who need the facilities that this Boat Basin provide In reference to this same property I would like to Point oUt and have the Board be aware of that I was in the Dredging,Excavating and Bulkheadlng Business from 1954 To 1974, and conducbed all phases of this business including the Boat Basin Business on the same Parcel of Preperty. As of to date I could accommodate with ease Forty or Forty Five Boats Between Sixteen or Twenty Four Feet. However for my purpose I choose to keep Thirty Two to Thirty Five Boats. Hoping this resume will meet with your approval,and I will receive a Statement from your Board. Thank You very much. ~~ ~~ Yours Truly ~2ql~LO P~T~UOCI Broadwaters Cove Boat Basin Bay Avenue Cutchogue L.I.N.Y. 11935 Code 516-7345 6684 Attached fin~ one of my Sillheads. Memorandum from.... Southold Town Board of Appeals TOWN HALL, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 . 765-1809 To: From: Memorandum from .... Southohl Town Board (,f Appeals TOWN HALL, Sou:'rHOLD, N.Y. 11971 765-1809 To: From: Date: ~h/w'~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT 45 This Wetlands Permit No ..................... has been granted by the Southold Town Board according to information furnished in Application No ..... ,,~..9. ........... filed by Applicant ....~.o..~..m..~....C..=....~...o..o...s. ...... ........................................ on ....~Q.~.~Rgb.~r...1.? 19~.Q ..... A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Town Clerk's Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following work ...... .d.?.~.e...c~e.~.b~..~..1...~.'h..e'..a:.d.~..~.?.~.~.S.~j:..d..e.~.~ ............... existing marina. rtA--A Broadwaters Cove Marina, Location of property on which work to be _u.u ..................................................................................... ...B..a.y.....A..v...e..n..u.e./...S..k..u..nlk Lane Cutchogue New Y.or.k.: ..................... Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Broadwaters Cove Size of work: Length Approximately 140 ft. ',,, ,/,~,,,{ .k~ ,,/ Width 4 ft. to 5 ft. Height Above High Water ..... .1....~.t..:....6.....J:.?..: ............................................................... Depth Below Low Water ...................: ................ : ....... ; ........................... ...' ...................... Yards to be Excavated .~.p..p..?..o...x..5..m..,a:~.?..]:.y.....3...0..0....¥..d..s..:. ................ Yards to beFilled Approximately 100 yds. Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited Removed - crane and dump truck. Deposited - dump truck and front end loader. Intended use of property Access to docked boats. Conditions if any Work to be accomplished to be followed strictly in .a..q.q.o...r..d.?,...n..e..e...w...i.~.h.. attached plot plan as submitted by Norman C. Boos. ~k~iuc~x..~unatr~ct.io~..~m..in~lu~e...de~d..m¢~..~d..~..r.Q~...~ ................ standard bulkhead construction. Numberoflnsp~tionsRequired ...................................................... Inspection Fees ................................ ~..-..': ............................................................................................... Liability Policies in the Amount of --- The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Town Clerk upon receipt by the Town Clerk of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations under- taken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by ~is permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town, and its officers and employees to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations are being con- ducted in conformity with this permit. This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege- tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. S i g n ed~:;;~._......¢:f~..~.'.~ ........ ~ .'~.'..~ ............. Town Clerk, Town of So,hold Date JanUa.r..y. 13., 1981 -6- Southold Town Bo~d of Appeals MINUTES- Continued September 18, 1958. Chairman read the application, letter to sppl~cant advising of date of public hearing, legal notice with affidavit from the official newspaper attesting to its publication and letter from Mr. William Wlckham, attorney for Mr. Victoria, to which he attached s letter signed by Elizabeth Bedell granting permission to W~lliam Victoria to erect and maintain a sign on her property in Peconic, New York. There was no one present to speak either for or against the appeal. Board studied the application end unanimously granted the special exception to erect a directional sign, dimensions of which are to be approximately the same as that formerly advertising the Cedar Beach Inn in the same lo- cation. Sign to advertise only the facilities provided by Victoria's Cottages and to be located on the property of Elizabeth Bedell, south side of Main Road, Peconic, New Y~rk. Sign to be located not closer than 5' from any property llne, not to exceed 15'6" from ~round level to upper edge and lower edge of sign to be at least 3' from ground level. Permit is valid until~ revoked. Minutes of the September llth meeting were read. On motion made by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. BerSen, and carried. Minutes were approved as submitted. Chairman read letter received from Mr. S. F. Sarnowski, Secretary of the Nassau Point Property Owners Association, Inc., in which it' was stated that he was attaching a petition signed by the members and residents of the sssocAation with respect to the parking of Angelo Petrucci on the south side of Bay Avenue. The Board unanimously agreed to have the Chairman write Mr. Sarnowski advising that it was the board's suggestion that the parking of trucks and equipment of Angelo Petrucci occurs on Mr. Petrucci's property ~nd that it was also the board's understanding that Mr. Petrucci conducts a non-conforming business estsblised prior to the enactment of the Eoning Ordinance, and to inform Mr. Sarnowski that the board has no control of the situation referred to and assumes that if Mr. Petrucci parked his equip- ment within the boundary lines of Bay Avenue it might be a matter for police investig,tion. By resolutio~the Board agreed to set the time of hearing on the.applic- ation of Clifford Tyler, application for s Special Exception, for 9 P.M. on October 2, 1958. Legal notice to be published in the official newspaper on September 25, 1958. Although hea~in~ is scheduled for 9 P.M. on October 2, 1958, be resolution Board agreed to meet at 8 P.M. on this date. Next meeting of the Board is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, Septem- ber 25, 19%8. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Respectfully submitt4d, Grace B. Meyer Secretary .! MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING HELD DECEMBER 16, 1980 WETLAND'APPLICATION OF CAROL GALGANO WETLAND APPLICATION OF NORMAN C. BOOS A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on Tuesday, December 16, 1980 at 3:30 o'clock p.m. concerning the application of Carol Galgano and at 3:35 o'clock p.m. concerning the applica- tion of Norman C. Boos, both for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Present were: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman George R. Sullivan Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Absent was: Justice Francis T. Doyen SUPERVISOR PELL opened the hearing at 3:30 o'clock p.m. COUNCILMAN NICKLES read the legal notice of hearing concerning the Galgano application, as follows: ...NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on December 16, 1980 as follows: 3:30 o'clock P.M. in the matter of the application of Carol Galgano for a permit under the provisions of the Wet- land Ordinance of the Town of Southold for permission to construct a catwalk, ramp and floating dock on her property located on a right-of-way off of the north side of Westphalia Road, on Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York... All persons interested in said matters shall appear the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. at Dated: December 2, 1980. JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Page 2 December 16, 1980 Public Hearing Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos COUNCILMAN NICKLES (continued): I have proof of publication from the Long Island Traveler, Patricia Wood, and also proof of publication from Joan Gustavson of the Suffolk Times, and proof from the Town Clerk, Judith T. Terry that it was affixed to her Bulletin Board. We have a letter from the Chairman of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council, to the Town Clerk, which reads as follows: ...The following action was taken Conservation Advisory Council at a November 25, 1980. by the Southold Town regular meeting held RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of wetland application of Carol Galgano to place a catwalk over wetlands at private property of the applicant at Mattituck Creek. Yours' truly, Frank Cichanowicz III Chairman .... We have another letter addressed to the Town Clerk from Mrs. Anna T. Hataier, President, Board of Town Trustees: ...The following action was taken by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held December 3, 1980: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wetland application of Carol Galgano to erect catwalk over wetlands at private property of the applicant at Matti- tuck Creek with the condition that the catwalk be kept in line with the existing catwalk and be kept above the grass. Yours truly, ANNA T. HATAIER, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES .... SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Does anybody wish to speak in favor of the application? In favor of the proposed ap- plication? Does anybody wish to speak in opposition to the application? Does anybody wish to speak on the application at all? (There was no response.) I will declare the hearing closed. SUPERVISOR PELL: And we have another hearing. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK read the legal notice of hearing concerning the application of Norman C. Boos, as follows: Page 3 December 16, 1980 Public Hearing - Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos ...NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on December 16, 1980 as follows: 3:35 o'clock P.M. in the matter of the application of Norman C. Boos for a permit under the provisions of the Wet- land Ordinance of the Town of Southold for permission to dredge and bulkhead the' west side of an existing marina, Broadwaters Cove Marina, at Broadwaters Cove, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: December 2, 1980 JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK .... .COUNCILMAN MURDOCK (continued): I have an affidavi~ from Pat- ricia Wood that it was published in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman. I also have an affidavit of publication from Joan Gustavson for the Suffolk Weekly Times. I have an affidavit from Judith T. Terry that the public notice has been on display on the Town Clerk Bulletin Board at the Town Hall. I have a letter from the Board of Town Trustees to Mrs. Judith T. Terry: ...The following action was taken by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held December 3, 1980: RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold of the wetland application of Norman C. bulkhead west side of existing marina. Town Board approval Boos to dredge and It wa~ discussed and Mr. Boos understands that there is no work to be done on the south side and this work will only go to where 'it turns at the retaining wall on the end. Yours truly, ANNA T. HATAIER, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES .... I also have a letter from the Conservation Advisory Council to Mrs. Judith T. Terry: ...The following action was taken by the Southold Town Con- servation Advisory Council at a regular meeting held Novem- ber 25, 1980. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval Page 4 December 16, 1980 Public Hearings Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos of wetland application of Norman C. Boos to dredge and bulkhead west side of existing marina. Yours truly, FRANK CICHANOWICZ III, CHAIRMAN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL .... We also have in the file several letters from citizens expressing their approval. I don't'think it's necessary to read all the letters. One is from Arnold M. Behrer, Jr., M.D. of Stewart Avenue, Garden City. One from James Reale, 7845 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. One is from W.J. Schneider, 92 Stony Ridge Drive, Hillsdale, New Jersey. We have one other from Gerard Galliano, RD l, Box 47, Cutchogue, New York. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Larry. Does anyone wish to speak in opposition to the application? Speak in opposition to the appli- cation? ~ GERARD CONROY: My name is Gerard Conroy, and I live in Cutchogue. In fact I live in Broadwaters Cove. I am representing the Broadwaters Cove Association. I would ask one question from Mr. Murdock's reading, are all the applicants or those who are pro, are they living in the area, or are they customers to Mr. Boos? MR. BOOS: I think everyone that you read just lives in the area. They own property on Nassau Point. MR. CONROY: All right. Then I'll proceed. I am speaking in opposition to this and I would ask that it will be withheld. There was an advertisement from the Department of the Army, and we did ask for input. We did respond individually and as a group. I have a letter here that we did forward to the Department of the Army, Mrs. Lynch, I believe it was. And we have various signatures that need be I would submit--this letter and the signatures to the Board. We do feel in opposition to this. We do feel it would be detrimental to our area. As far as .the bulkheading is concerned. And the finger docks are already in, and we feel that there is no necessity to further bulkhead that area, that it would completely destroy the wetlands on the west side of Mr. Boos' marina. This is the only issue we have Mr. Boos. It was nothing personal about this--because we are property owners in the area that we are doing this. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Does anybody wish to speak in opposition to the applicant? Mr. Gardner? W.S. GARDNER: My name is W.S. Gardner. I'm President of the Nassau Point Property Owners Association. I'm not sure I want to Page 5 December 16, 1980 Public Hearing Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos (W.S. Gardner continued): speak in opposition, but I have some points that I want to make. Over the last 20 years, I've seen this marina grow a little bit here, a little bit there, and t think it's time to stop it. There's nothing we can do about the nonconforming use that's there. We want to keep it the way it is without any growth, without any, I call it, nudging size of growth--a little bit here, a little bit there, has been going on for the last 10 or 15 years. I think we all know that. We feel very strongly on Nassau Point, some of our members use it and want to keep it the way it is, without any growth, without any more activity there. We have a letter from the Town Board of Appeals which rigidly defines the use of that marina, and believe me we on Nassau Point will watch that very closely to the extent that we can. Another point that I feel I don't really have an answer for it now, this is a business in a residential area, and today it was brought home to me when I received the tax bill to my property. I know businesses are taxed on maybe a different assessment value than private properties, and few of us plan to look into the assessed value of this property with all the many thousands of dollars that have been put in over the last five years. And we will probably have more on that. That's my only comment. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Gardner. Does anybody else wish to speak in opposition to the application? Does anybody wish to speak in favor of the application? Mrs. Petrucci? MRS. A. PETRUCCI: My husband and I are the former owners of this marina, and what Mr. Boos has done is within what the Board of Appeals told him he could do. He does not wish to extend this any more than the 38 boats he can put. He is serving our community, on Nassau Point. And we approve everything he has done, and we are just opposite him and all his immediate neighbors do too. That's all I've got to say. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mrs. Petrucci. Mr. Petrucci? MR. A. PETRUCCI: I want to answer 'to, I don't know what's his name, the new comer over there-- SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Gardner. MR. PETRUCCI: Yes, a ( ) you never know what's he talking about. The bulkhead that they's talking about not to do over there, that was approved by the Army Engineer, by the Environment Depart- ment, by the Southold Town Board by Albert Martocchia, by. the Zoning Inspector Howard Terry, because only five or six years, up to five, six, seven foot of land over there--from East ( ) to West of Bay. If we no put a bulkhead over there, the bank will keep going to wash down, wash down, wash down, and we going to lose the property over there. That's an important reason to build a bulkhead. What is he talking about? He no live in a waterfront. He don't know what a Page 6 December 16, 1§80 Public Hearing Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos waterfront is. He don't know. That's all I got to say. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. favor of the applicant? Yes, sir, your name. Anybody else wish to speak in please use the mike and state WILBUR A. BALDWIN: Yes, my name is Wilbur A. Baldwin, 1725 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue.. I have an interest in this situation. I rent a space from Mr. Boos. I have a 22-foot O'Day sailboat, which I can't even put on my own property in Broadwaters Cove be- cause of shallow water. I have watched the progress since Mr. Boos has taken over this property, and I think it's a definite credit to the area, and me as a boat owner, I plan on putting a second boat over there. I would like to see it go through. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Anybody else wish to speak in favor of the applicant? Anybody wish to speak at all on the application for Mr. Boos? Yes, sir? HENRY STEINBRECKER: My name is Henry Steinbrecker, and I live on Nassau Point. t understood Mr. Murdock to say that he had an application to bulkhead this property and to dredge it. Now on my way to the point, on my out of the point, for several weeks there was dredging going on the north side of the marina, and there was dredging being done on the west side, and the permit hasn't been granted yet, then I say the whole thing is illegal. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Steinb~recker. Mr. Norman Boos? MR. NORMAN BOOS: When I first started this project I came to the Town and I asked the Town what permits I needed. The Town told me I need the State permit, I need the Army Engineers permit. It took me one year to get those permits. After I received those permits, I came down to the Town, I brought them copies of all my permits. I asked, "What else do I need?" I was told, "Nothing." From there I proceeded with the work. I worked for one year until I got stopped. And that's whY I'm here. The only reason I didn't have the permit was because I was told I did not need it. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Boos. W.S. GARDNER: Who told you that? I'd like to get it on the record who told him that. MR. BOOS: The girl in the Board of Trustees. W.S. GARDNER: What's her name? Page 7 December 16, 1980 Public Hearing Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos MR. BOOS: I don't know her name. MR. GARDNER: An important point like that and you don't know the name, Mr. Boos? MR. BOOS: Her name is down on the desk-- MR. GARDNER: And we can question her on that? MR. BOOS: Yes. MR. PETRUCCI: Excuse me, I also had an indication to build a bulkhead over there and I came down here, I came in the meeting, and Mr. Horton was the chairman of the meeting at the time I was there, the Trustees. Mr. Horton told me in front of the Trustees and everybody else that the private property is a bottom that ( ) and we have no jurisdiction. As far as we concerned, you can do whatever you want to do over there and we can not issue a permit at all. That's the Trustees of Southold Town. ~ SUPERVISOR PELL: One at a time. One at a time. Mr. Petrucci, are you finished? MR. PETRUCCI: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Gardner, do you want to say something? it. W.S. GARDNER: Yes. Apparently the Trustees are at fault on SUPERVISOR PELL: Apparently we do not know. We are having a hearing today to get all the facts out, and then the Town Board wilt go from this. We are pointing the finger at no one. We want to get the facts out, get input today, then the Board will deliberate and go ahead. Anybody else wish to be heard on the application at all? Yes, sir? LEW PAINE: My name is Lew Paine. And I would like to know to what extent this gentleman, Mr. Boos, wants to develop this project of his. How far is he permitted to go so that the residents in our area have a concise understanding. Would you please answer that for me? SUPERVISOR PELL: Larry will read the application again. Description of work. MRS. PETRUCCI: And you have the letter from the Board of Appeals which tells you exactly what Mr. Boos can do when we sold it to him. SUPERVISOR PELL: I think that letter is dated June l, 1978. Page 8 December 16, 1980 Public Hearing Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos MRS. PETRUCCI: That's exactly right, sir. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: We have that. MRS. PETRUCCI: And it states do. If you would read it, I think here. what he can do and what he cannot it would satisfy this gentleman SUPERVISOR PELL: What 'the question is and we will stay with the question that was application? that the gentleman asked asked, what was in his COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: "...Norman C. Boos, Broadwaters Cove. Instructions for Permit. Permit requested to dredge and bulkhead west side of existing marina. Location of property: 'Broadwaters Cove Marina, Bay Avenue, Skunk Lane. Size of property work: the length approximately 140 feet. The width, 4 to 5 feet. Height above high water: 1'6". Depth below low water: 4'. Yards to be Excavated: Approximately 300 yards. Yards to be filled~: approxi- mately 100 yards. Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property: 165'. Depth at low tide: 4 to 6 feet. Average rise in tide: 2'6". Business. Area zoning: nonconforming. Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: removed crane and dump truck. Deposited - dump truck and front end loader. Intended use of the property: access to docked boats .... " Does that answer your question, sir? MR. PAINE: Yes, it did. It answers it to a point. But I think the general public in our area, the residents, feel that he is going beyond that point. SUPERVISOR PELL: And we have a he doesn't go beyond that point. If then it will be in violation. Building Department to be sure he did go beyond that point, MR. PAINE: And he has built the bulkhead that I understand had filling behind it to increase and enlarge that property. SUPERVISOR PELL: would have known. The and make sure he stays I'm sure if he was the Building Department Building Department will issue and enforce, in with whatever regulations he has. MR. PAINE: Have you seen that property? SUPERVISOR PELL: Personally myself? MR. PAINE: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: No, sir. Not in the last six ~onths. We were down there six months ago and saw it. Five months or so. Page 9 December 16, 1980 Public Hearing Carol Galgano and Norman C. Boos MR. PAINE: I advise you to see it now. SUPERVISOR PELL: Gentleman in the back of the room? CARL BOOS: My name is Carl Boos, brother of Norman Boos, and there seems to be quite a bit of confusion as to what the dimensions are of this property. My brother and I are in business together, and a few years ago he came out and bought this piece of property and so expressed desire to move out here permanently. He has a boat which everyone knows is moored at the property, for like 10 years. He had it in another marina in the area and he has been coming out here for, I'd say, a good 12 years and he fully intends using this as a supplemental income and he intends building his house right next door. Now I'm sure that, anyone at least stop and think about it, he's not going to have a boatyard there with five million boats during the winter and live next door when no one else wants to. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Does anybody else wish t.o be heard on the application at all? Mr. Frank Bear. MR. FRANK BEAR: I have seen this area, of course, and my concern would be that the project would go into the wetlands. I don't know whether there's 140 feet that he's asking to go back actually goes in the wetlands because I haven't measured that. But I would hope that if any approval is given on this, it would be given with the specific requirement that no wetlands be disturbed, that none of the spartana grass be disturbed. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Does heard on this application? Yes, person Environmental Council, Mrs. Ruth Oliver. anybody else wish to be from the North Fork MRS. RUTH OLIVER: Ruth Oliver. I'd just like to ask Mr. Boos if he was given a ticket by the D.E.C. MR. BOOS: On what? MRS. OLIVER: On your dredging or puttqng spoil up on wetland? MR. BOOS: Nodded n6oatively. MRS. OLIVER: Are you sure? I'd like to refer this with the D.E.C. because I was given the understanding that he was given a ticket for $250.00. MR. BOOS: That was not on this. MRS. OLIVER: What was it for then? MR. BOOS: That was for the finger slips which has nothing to do with this issue. Page 10 December 16, 1980 SUPERVISOR PELL: No. Right. We have two issues here. That one got mixed up. I'd like to keep one issue-- MRS. OLIVER: May he answer it, Mr. Pell? SUPERVISOR PELL: I will be on the record, Mr. Boos. SUPERVISOR PELL: I would like to stay on this one issue if I could. He has two different, permits. We are aware of that. We are on this one before us now. MRS. OLIVER: All right, thank you. Anybody else wish to be heard on the application not, I will declare the hearing closed and reopen regular Town Board meeting. The hearing was declared closed at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda F. Kowalski SUPERVISOR PELL: before us now? If the · LEGAL NOTICE · NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road. Southold, New York, on December 16, 1980 as fol- lows: 3:30 o'clock P.M. in the matter of the application of Carol Galgano for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for permis- sion to construct a catwalk, ramp and floating dock on her property located on a right- of-way off of the north side of Westphalia Road, on Mattt- tuck Creek, Mattituck, New ,York, 3:35 o'clock P.M. in the matter of the application of Norman C. Boos for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for permis- sion to dredge and bulkhead the west side of an existing marina, Broadwaters Cove Marina, at Broadwaters Cove, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York. All pei'sons interested in said matters shall appear al; the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: December 2, 1980 JUDITH'F. TERRY Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1T, 12/4/80 (4) C COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Potricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG tSLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for J ........................................ weeks successively, commencing on the ..... ~ ........................... da~ .................... , 19..~.~--.~ Sworn to before me this ........... ,~. .................. day of 19...~?... Nota~ Public ~,--~ ............... Southold Town Board of Appeals h4AIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. llg?l TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Mr. Norman C. Boos One Cedar Street Massapequa, NY 11758 Re: Appeal No. 2914 June 16, 1982 Dear Mr. Boos: Today we received the enclosed correspondence from the Suffolk County Planning Commission. At your earliest convenience, please submit a sketch indicating the number of boat slips and available parking spaces (350 square feet each) on the parcel to be used solely for marina purposes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Yours very truly, Enclosure GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda F. Kowalski Secretary Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L,I., N.Y. 11cj71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 July 20, 1982 To: Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Happauge, NY 11787 Re: Appeal ~ 2914 Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Newman: Enclosed for your file is the reply we received pursuant to your request of June 14th. Very truly yours, LC Enclosure GERARD p. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By, Linda Kowalski, Secretary APPEALS 8OARD M~:MBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONI$, JR. SERGE DOYEN. JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- E~TATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y, 11~J?1 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 July 19, 1982 To: Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Planning Commission Veterans Memorial Highway Happauge, NY 11787 Dear Mr. Newman: Please find enclosed copy of decision in the above matter your file. Thank you. Very truly yours, for Enclosure Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman By Linda Kowalski, Secretary $outhold Town oard of Appea! MAIN ROAD- STAT£ ROAD 25 S0UTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINCER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGO~IS. JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICK[ July 15, 1982 To: Stephen F. Griffing, 120 Court Street Riverhead, NY 11901 Jr., Esq. Mr. Norman Boos 1 Cedar Street Massapequa, NY 11758 Dear Sirs: Please find attached herewith a copy of the formal findings and determination recently rendered and filed this date with the Office of the Town Clerk concerning your application. Yours very truly, LC Enclosure Copy of Decision to: Building Department Planning Board GE~RD P. GOE~INGER C~IR~N By Linda Kowalski, Secretary inkld sell e'MliimildlIM M nM b6 c~-~idemd ~o be · vMid N//. G~l~M~ll~kllllk~e In(/JcMed hereon shaft run only tO the W ~fW~ft the ~urvey is prepered, and On his behalf to ~ ~e~mflanY. ~evemmental agency and len- ding ~ ~ hereo~, end to the assignees of the lendi~l ~ Guarantees or certifications are not ~anaM~a~e t~ eddltlo~l institutions or subsequent ownem. MARINA TOTAL AREA = 72,$25 S@, IrT. WATER AREA * $,5,$00 $0. IrT. LA,FOAMEA $?.025 S0. IrT. BUILDING LOT TOTAL AREA . 4~,$46 SO. IrT. AVENUE MARINA N/ NAN~' GRA NAM I000 - I0~i - 08 - 2.1 ,~ 2.3 CONTOUR LINE AND EL£VATION$ ARE RE'Ir~RENCED TO U.S.C ~ ~. DATUM MAP OF PROPERTY /VOF~M,,d N C. BOOS AT EAST CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. SCALE: I'8 /00' AUG. 19, 1981 OCT. 15, 1981 ROBERT A, KART LAND SURVEYOR N. YI. LIC. NO.I~TEB RIYERH£A~ N.~ · 5 kc\ ~5 B_~OADV/A TEte$ TOWN OF I ~JNDERWAT/R LANO) 31 4 A(c) SOU, HOLD '1 I.OA(c) Bt~OADV/A TOWN OF 31,4 k(c ) BROAD'.~t~ TERS CO ,WE 3L 4 A(c ) Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Telephone (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Charles Grigonis, Jr. BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN Ok SOUTHOLD SCOTF L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Principal Inspector Victor Lessard Code Enforcement Officer Vincent Wieczorek Town Attorney Harvey A. Arnoff Asst. Town Attorney Matthew G. Kiernan Board of Appeals NPPOA Letter Received July 18, 1991 Complaint Received Concerning Boos Marina July 22, 1991 Transmitted herewith is a letter, with attachments, from John J. Slattery, President of the Nassau Point Property Owners Association (NPPOA) requesting an investigation or other action to correct possible violations at the Skunk Lane, Cutchogue marina site, which is not, as you know, in our purview. We are attaching for your convenience and use copies of the current assessment property card and ZBA memorandum outlining the restrictions and conditions of the marina site. Attachments APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. James Diniz~o, Jr. Robert A. Villa Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 July 22, 1991 Mr. John J. Slattery, President Nassau Point Property Owners Association P.O. Box 346 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Boos Marina at Skunk Lane, Cutchogue (1000-104-8-2.5) Your Request Concerning Enforcement Dear Mr. Slattery: We are in receipt of your recent letter concerning observations by the Association Members of violations. Inasmuch as you are requesting enforcement of possible violations, we have transmitted your letter to Principal Inspector Victor Lessard and Vincent Wieczorek, Code Enforcement Officer, both in the Building Department and the Town Attorney's Office for the appropriate courses of action. Since the Board of Appeals is of a quasi-judicial nature, we are not authorized by law to enforce violations or to investigate complaints. Data from our files concerning the conditions and restrictions imposed at the marina site and necessary for proper enforcement has this data been distributed to both departments. Very truly yours, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN lk Copies of This Letter with ZBA File Data to: Victor Lessard, Principal Inspector Vincent Wieczorek, Code Enforcement Officer Harvey A. Arnoff, Town Attorney Matthew Go Kiernan, Asst. Town Attorney ZBA Members NASSAU POINT PRnPEtRTY OWNERS ASSI-II~.IATION P. O. Box Zoning Board of Appeals Board of Trustees Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 1193S Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to call your attention to what we believe are clear cut violations of the town zoning laws. We are concerned that the non-conforming marina located on the south side of Skunk Lane, Cutchogue has grown beyond the size and scope as outlined in your June 18, 1979 letter to the then owner. Recent observations by our members indicate the following matters for you investigation: · The marina has grown to thirty seven (37) boats from the thirty five (35) as shown in the attached letter · An additional eight boats are now secured to a cat walk which runs along the south side of what we understand isa residential lot, next to the original marina · Not only has the number of boats grown by 28% but we now have the adjoining lot being used for boat storage · A house trailer has also been added to the adjoining lot and we believe that this trailer is being used as an office In light of our previous correspondence, and the letter of understanding which the town issued to us on Jur~e 18, 1979, we find thisto be a totally unacceptable situation. We request that you move to immediately correct these violations and that you inform us of your course of action and timetable. Sincerely, JP°reh~Snl~tte rY py/JJS attachments $outhold Town Bo rd of Appeals MAIN ROAD- C:TATE: ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y, 119'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI INTERDEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Jerry Goehringer, Chairman, Z.B.A. November 7, 1983 Premises Now of Norman C. Boos (formerly of A. Petrucci) Location: South Side Bay Avenue, Cutchogue County Tax Map Parcel N6s. 1000-104-008-2.1 and 2.3 This memorandum is in reply to your November 3, 1983 request con- cerning the premises of Norman C. Boos and located at the south side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue. We'have reviewed the documents submitted with your request and have researched the history of this property, finding as follows: (A) The marina has been in existence as a nonconforming use since the adoption of zoning in 1957 and is located in an "A-Residential and Agricultural Zone." (B) Pursuant to a ZBA letter of clarification to Angelo P~trucci, who was the former owner of the premises, dated June 1, 1978: (1) Operation of this marina was restricted to not more than 35 noncommercial boats, not more than 24 feet in length; (2) No storage of boats and no sales of boats would be allowed. (C) In Appeal No. 2914, a conditional variance was granted allowing Memorandum -November 7, 1983 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Re: Norman C. Boos Property the construction of a one-family private dwelling, provided: (1) the entire premises re~ain as one parcel [117,871 sq. ft. of which 47,36~ sq. ft. are under water]; (2) there be a minimum of 43 parking spaces for the marina use to be submitted to and approved by the Planning Board; (3) construction of the new one-family dwelling as per the filed site plan and in compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations. (D) Wetlands Permit ~45 allowed certain dredging and bulkheading west of the existing marina; (E) The recently-filed Wetlands Permit Application #172 requests the placement of additional catwalk(s) with fingers to accommodate 18 additional boats. It is our opinion that expansion of this nonconforming marina to accommodate more than 35 noncommercial boats would require addi- tional approvals. Due to the fact that this is a "nonconforming" marina in a resi- dential area, any proposed changes to this property should be referred to the Building Department for their certification. Southold Town Board of Appe .i s APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS OBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., CHAIRMAN HARLES GRIGONIS, JR. ~OBERT J. DOUGLASS June 18, Mr. James E. Gillies, President Nassau Point Property Owners Association P. O. Box 346 Cutchogue, New York 11935 RE: Petrucci property, New York Dear Mr. Gillies: Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 4, 1979, regarding the Petrucci property on Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York. I am enclosing .herewith photostatic copies of two letters: The first is a letter dated May 17, 1978; from Angelo Petrucci addressed to' the Board of Appeals. This letter was written at the request of the Board to define exactly what type of business Mr. Petrucci had conducted on his property. The second letter is dated June 1, 1978, and is the result of the afore-mentioned letter and an informal discussion held with Mr. Petrucci at the May 4, 1978 meeting. I believe the letter to Mr. Petrucci is self-explanatory. Please be advised that it is our understanding that Mr. Petrucci sold his marina parcel to Mr. Norman C. Boos on August 23, 1978. If we can be of ahy further help, please do not hesitate ko contact us. Very truly yours, ~nro~ Southold Town Board of Appeals bcc Enclosures NASSAU PDINT PRDPERTY DWNERS ASSDF:IATIDN P, O, Box 346 CUTCHOGUE, L. I., N. Y. 1193.~ June 4,1979 Zoning Board of Appeals t~ Board of Trustees Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. 11971 Gentlemen: Over the years we have observed the Petrucci boat marina on S~unk Lane in Cutchogue expand to a sizeable operation. We have been told that this business was star~ed before residential zoning was adopted for this area. While this property is not on Nassau Point,our members have an interest in its use as it is on the only access road to our area. Apparently, this business has now been sold and we are interested in making sure that this non-conforming use is not expanded in the future. We would appreciate receiving from the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Trustees copies of the most recent permits which define how this land may be used commercially and what defined areas may be dredged and bulkheaded and used for the mooring of boats. We are also interested in what business can be carried on ( i.e. sale of gasoline, rest rooms, food and _beverage sales, storing of boats off-season, etc.). Our Board of Directors may then observe the continued compliance with the permits and report any exceptions to the proper Town of Southold officers. We feel that the Town of Southold has provided a valuable tool in its use of property and waterfront uses. We hope that we can help in this area o£ protection for the Town and the residents of Nassau Point. V~ truly yours, APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ROBERT W. G I LLISPIE, JR,, CHAIRMAN ROBERT BERGEN CttARLES GRIGONIS, JR, SERGE DOYEN, JR. 11971 TELEPHONE 7 G S~ ?;~ ~0~ 1802 June 1, 1978 Mr. Angelo G. Petrucci Bay Avenue Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Petrucci: As you know, your business on the south side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, is classified as a non-conforming marina or boat basin. According to our present zoning ordinance, a non-conforming use is any use, whether of a building or tract of land, or both, existing on the effective date of the zoning ordinance, which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is located. The definition of a marina is any premises containing one (1) or more piers, wharves, docks, moorings, bulkheads, buildings, slips, basins or lands under water, designed, used or intended to be used primarily ~or the docking or mooring of boats, for or without compensation. Using your letter of May 17, 1978, and the above definitions as a guide, it seems to us that your non-conforming marina includes the following: The seasonal operation of a marina or boat basin with docks or slips for not more than thirty-five (35) non-commercial boats not more than 24 feet in length. Special services for owners such as fresh water, electricity, oil and gasoline are also permitted. We think that this service barge is an integral part of your marina operation and may be stored on your property when not in use. You are not permitted to store boats, build boats or conduct the retail sale of boats on your premises. Hopefully, this clearly defines all permitted uses for your property. there are any other questions, please bring them to our attention. RWG:bcc cc: Mr. Charles Grigonis Mr. Edward F. Hinderman CIIAI IL~AN ' I LL~R. If TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL. 765-1802 22 July 1982 Mr. Gerald Geohringer Southold Town Board o $outhold Town Hall Southold NY 11971 ~ppeals Dear Mr. Geohringer: In reference to the boards decision of July 15th of the Norman Boos case. Substantial information and documents have been pre- sented to me, unknown to either the board or myself until now, by Angelo Petrucci, the former owner. I feel what has been pre- sented, to me, is sufficient enough to warrant a review of this case. I would appreciate your arranging such a review, with the Appeals Board at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Victor Lessard Executive Administrator e ~outhO~d, ~,~', Bay.Ave { 3kunk Ou%oho~ue, L.I.N.Y. Sear Sir; In ~ep-m~e to y u~ visit to my home today az~ the questions raise4, I dl~tinctly re~em~e~ vlsttl~ your p~pe~y on the S~th eld · of B~y Ave ( ~e~iy ~no~ a~ ~kunk L~e") wXta ~he ~a~ of One of t-e visits - ~ am not shu~e of the ~xaot date- we looked p~po~ed tc k~ep. The Boa~ a~ed that the~ was l~d enough ~o m~e two les~ ~lldi~ lots, ~d to keep the marimba as It was. Some t.~e later I ~emember advleln~ you to ~et i~e~i~h Dept. approYa~ for ~I1~ and oee~,o~! o~ sash lot ~ there were eo~¢ eha~cs beingpropo~ed in both Health Dept a~ e~viron~ental ~qu~ment~. wmlkl~'W~, ove~,, the,~ amd ~e~Mrin~ %he~ %0 sheik ~%~t the ~upvey d%mention~. ! believe that I wrote 7~.~ a letter thereafte~ - ~ain X am not ehure of the ex,ct date- ~tatln~ these we~ two leg~ and usab)e !otto unde~~ our ~ul~ment.. y~ Oould mol! either one or ~th and g. et build~,~:~ ~er,~it:~ f'o~ o~e f~,~lly dwetlin~se There 8houZd be o¢,piee of %he letter and ~oard dec!~!~n on file lr~ t~:~ ? , C!e~k~ ,.o~r. office. ::e alpaca made copies for the fils. T~umtln~ the &boys will be helpful to you. Yours truly ut!~ n~ ANC~ PETRUCC I Bay Avenue (Skunk Lane) Box 99 Ch~tchogue, N.Y. i1935 ~e wish to thank you for your kindness by writing for us a letter to the Board of Appeals with regard to the facts on the "Boos" matter ( property we sold th~n ). The result, is a re-hearing scheduled for Tuesday, August 17th at 8:00 P.M. Enclose please find photo copy of notice for same which states there is insufficient land for both the marina mind building plots. They do not seem to recognize that the marina and building lots were created prior to zoning in 1950. Respectfully, /~ Ange!o & Georgette Petrucci CC: Gerard P. Goehringer Robert W. Gillispie Howard Terry John Wickham John Nickles (Chairman of the Southold Board of Appeals) (Retired Chairman of the Southold Board of Appeals) (Retired Building Inspector) (Retired Chairman of Southold Planning Board) (Councilman Southold Town Board) Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RI-lAD- -~TATE RDAD 2.5 srlUTHI3LD, L.I., N.Y. 119'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONI$, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Petrucci Bay Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 August 2, 1982 Re: Rehearing - Norman C. Boos Application Dear Mr. and Mrs. Petrucci: Pursuant to Mr. Petrucci's request, the following is a listing of the names and addresses of the members on the Zoning Board of Appeals: Mr. Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Bay Avenue, Box 812 Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. Serge Doyen P.O. Box 263 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Mr. Charles Grigonis, Pine Neck Road Southold, NY 11971 Jr. Mr. Robert J. Douglass Willow Terrace Orient, NY 11957 Mr. Joseph H. Sawicki North Road Southold, NY 11971 Yours very truly, Linda F. Kowalski, Secretary LE Ial Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, a Regular Meatin~ and the fol- lowing public hearings will be held by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Tuesday, August 17, 1982 commencing at 7:30 p.m. and as follows: 7:30 p.m. Recessed hearing. North Fork Bank & Trust Company. Drive-in Facility reducing frontyard setback at Mattituck Shopping Center. 7:35 p.m. Application of ANN O'SULLIVAN, 144 Colon- ial Springs Road, Wheatley Heights, NY 11798 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32 for permission to ~onstruct accessory building m an area other than the required rearyard at 5692 Main Bayview Road, Soutbold, NY; bounded north by Breslin; west by Burkhardt and Ebler; south by Corey Creek Lane; east by Orientale; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-784-41. 7:40 p.m. Application of ALFRED and SUSAN STRETZ, by Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck ~_Vari,~e to the Zoning OrdUre, Article III, Section OF NEW YORK ) 100-31~nd Article V, Section 100-51 for permission to reduce ) ~: land area for existing marina ry OF SUFFOLK ) by dividing premises into two parcels, one as a marina and one for residential use, each having insufficient upland area. Location of Property: South side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 8000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogue, NY; bounded north by Bay Avenue; west by Brickley; south by Gross; east by Hochbaum; more particularly identified as Suffolk County Tax Map District 1000, Section 104; Block 8, Lot 2.1. k,Dated: July 29, 1982. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN By Linda F. Kowalski, 1TA5-4027 Secretary !..D:.....~ .e..~..~....~!~.~..~._o. ......................... of Greenpert, in said County, [/she is a representative of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly iper, published at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County )lk, State of New York, and annexed is a printed copy that has 'egularly published in said newspaper once in each week ~ ...... week(s) successively, commencing the...OT.....~., day to before me this........~...~... .......................... · ..~ ................... 19..?,.. ,~:.. ............................ HELEN K DE V0E NOTARY PUgLIC, State ot New York No. 47078?3, Suffolk (~ounty Term Expires March 30, 19~.~ Lane, Pecorgc, NY 11958, for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 for permission to construct deck with insufficient rear and side yards at 555 Mill Creek Drive, Southold, NY; bounded north by Cassidy; west by Mill Creek Drive; south by Egan; east by Hashamomuck Pond; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-135-3-32. 7:45 pm. Application of FLORENCE JOHNNIDIS, 860 Sound Beach Drive, Mattithck NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32, and Article XIV, Section 100-141, for approval of the construction of an accessory building in the frontyard area at 800 Sound Beach Drive, Mattithck, Ny; bounded north by L.I. Sound; west by Kousourns; south by Sound Beach Drive; east by White; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-99-01-009. 8:00 p.. REHEARING in the the application for I C. BOOS, One Street, Massapequa, NY 11758, by Stephen F. Jr., Esq. for a NO~CE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Pro- visions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, a Regular Meeting and the following public hearings will be held by the Southold Tovm Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, N.Y. on Tuesday, August 17, 1982, commencing at 7:30 p.m. and as follows:~ 7:30 p.m. Recessed hearing. North Fork Bank & Trust Company. Drive-in facility re- ducing frontyard setback at Mattituck Shopping Center.~ 7:35 p.m Application of ANN O'SULLIVAN, 144 Col- onial Springs Road, Wheatley Heights, N.Y. 11798 for a Variance to the Zoning Or- dinance, Article IH, Section 100-32 for permission to con- struct accessory building in an area other than the required rearyard at 5692 Main Bay- view Road, Southold, N.Y.;,.,~ bounded north by Breslin~ west by Burkhardt and Ebler; south by Corey Creek Lane; ~ east by Orientale; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-78-4-4!. 7:40 p.m. Application ALFRED AND SUSAN STRETZ, by Environment East Inc., 3075 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, N.Y. 11958, for a Variance to the Zoning Or- dinance, Article HI, Section 100-31 for permission to con- struct deck with insufficient rear and side yards at 555 Mill Creek Drive, Southold, N.Y.; bounded north b~ Cassidy; -west by Mill ~,.~reek Drive; south by Egan; east by I-laxha.- momuck Pond; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-135-3-3.2. 7:45 p.m Application of FLORENCE $OHNN1DIS, 800 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, N.Y. for a Vsriance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article IH, Section 100-32, and Article XlV, Section 100-141, for appwval of the construction of an accessory b~llding In the frentyard area at 800 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, N.Y.; bounded north by L.I. Sound; west by Kousoums; south by Sound Beach Drive; east by White; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-99-014)09. 8:00 p.m REHEARING in the matter of the application for NORMAN C. BOOS, one/ Cedar Street, Maxsapequa, N.Y.11758, by Stephen F. Gfiffing, ,Ir., Esq. for a Var- lance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article IH, Section 10031 and Article V, Section 10051 for permission to reduce land area for existing marina by dividing premises into two parcels, one as a marina and one for residential use, each having In sut~icient upland area. Loc~- tion of Prepe~,~,. South side of Bay Avenue (a/~!& 8000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogu~, ,NY; bounded north by Bay Av- enue; west by Brickley; south by Gross; east by Hochbaner; more particularly identified ax Suffolk County Tax Map Dis- trict 1000, Section 104; Block 8, Lot 2.1. Dated: ,Inly 29, 1982. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPFAI~ GERARD P. OOIHtRNqGER, By Linde F. Kowsislfi, 1T-8/5/82(28) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being du[y sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a pub!lc newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, Nas been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ......................... ../. ............ weeks successively, commencing on the ~- ~ day of .............. (. · .~..?..~i Z · .~. · · .-~'-. .............. 1 ~....~i... Sworn to before me this ................................ day of .................. ....... , 19 ........ Notary-i~ublic - JEFFREY LEVITT ATTORNEY AT LAW July 15, 1987 Francis J. Murphy Southold Town Supervisor Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Broadwaters Cove Association Dear Mr. Murphy: I represent Broadwaters Cove Marina and am writing with regard to an application of Broadwaters Cove Association before the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. The reason for writing to you is that it is my concern that both Town regulations and customary procedures are being bypassed and that potential approval by the Board of Trustees on a matter concerning wetlands will be used to expand docking facilities without the approval of the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals. I am enclosing a copy of a transcript of minutes before the Board of Trustees indicating that when my client previously attempted to do the exact same thing that the association is attempting, that there was a requirement for an environmental impact statement, review by the Planning Board, a variance by the Zoning Board of Appeals as well as approval by the Board of Trustees. In the instant application by the association, to the best of my knowledge, there is no application pending before the Planning Board, no application before the Zoning Board of Appeals, no environmental impact statement and even the environmental impact provisions of the application before the Board of Trustees was not completed by the applicant. I would be most appreciative of your review of this matter so that it can be determined whether the current applicant is complying with Town regulations or whether those regulations and procedures have changed so Francis T. Murphy July 15, 1987 Page Two that it is no longer necessary to do anything other than have approval by the Board of Trustees. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. Very truly yours, rd Enc. cc: JEFFREY LEVITT Planning Board Town of Southold c/o Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold c/o Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF JAMES E. FITZGERALD, JR., PRES. BROADWATERS COVE ASSOCIATION, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE~ THAT Ai-PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, AT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ON THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1987 ON THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. In the matter of the applicationof James E. Fitzgerald, Jr., Pres./Broadwaters Cove Association, Inc. to replace existing bulkhead., return, and replace three existing pilings, bulkheaded catwalk; add approximately 20' of open catwaIk, maintenance dredge the docking area; add three floating docks with 4 fingers. Property is located on the eastern end of Mason Drive, Cutchogue. Trustee Smith: I believe that we are going to have to table this application? We do not have the comments from the C.A.C. Secretary: You can open the meeting and then recess it. Trustee Smith: Is there anyone here having anything to say pro or con regarding this application? James Fitzgerald: My name is James Fitzgerald and I will be happy to answer any questions. I would like to know why you are going to table this. Trustee Smith: The Conservation Advisory Council is required to give us an opinion on the application. We can't vote on this until they give us their recommendation. James Fitzgerald: Oh yes, I received a letter from them two days ago. The letter indicated that I would have to wait until their June meeting to present the informatic they need. Is that correct? Secretary: Submit the information that they requested. I would contact the secretary to the C.A.C. to ask her if she knows what information they need. Trustee Bredemeeyr: That' right. James Fitzgerald: I contacted her yesterday, and she didn't know. Trustee Bredemeyer: Then you may want to talk to the Chairman and see what they want, try to meet with them on field inspections to answer any questions prior to their meeting. The New York State D.E.C. has raised some questions. Have they advised you of their concerns? James Fitzgerald: Yes they have. I met with them and I think we arrived to an amicable decision. The two major concerns were the increase in the boat population in that area. Toward the end I suggested that instead of having 4 fingers extending from the new dock that we intended to provide space for 8 boats. We reduce that to 3 fingers which would be for only 4 additional boats. The other concerns were how we would contain the spoil from the dredging so that it would not flow towards the south into the wetland area. We indicated that if it were appropriate, we would Page 2. James E. Fitzgerald, Jr. Pres., Broadwaters Cove Association, Inc. Public Hearing - May 28, 1987 build a 15 or 20' return along inside, but parallel to our property line there. If necessary put in temporary barricades during the dredging operation. As I said both of those things, in our conversation, seemed adequate. After the conversation I submitted it in writing and I haven't heard from them yet. Trustee Krupski: What about the Army Corp of Engineers? James Fitzgerald: Steve Mars was suppose to be out two weeks ago, tomorrow, and he was not able to make it. He will be out tomorrow. The only problem with the Corp of Engineers at this point is, or administrative detail, was that I didn't put in an arrow on the locus map and things of that nature. I think that was all of his concerns in regard to the application or things that I could do at hand that it didn't have any impact on the actual application. Secretary: Will you forward a copy of your letter that you sent to the D.E.C so that we know what agreement was made? For our file. James Fitzgerald: I understand that they haven't said that it was okay as yet. It was just a suggestion in response to their comments. Trustee Smith: Thank you. Steve Latson: Mr. Fitzgerald why is it you want to dredge? I looked over there and I found that there is 3 ft. of water at the end of the little docks at low tide? Mr. Fitzgerald: At low tide there is no water against the bulkhead. Because of the prevailing winds in the area~ the people who have power boats dock them with the facing east. We have had situations in the past where the floaters were in the sand. I have a little sail boat that is in a more southerly position. Where the catwalk goes east and the sand has built up in that corner to the extent that even though the boat is a 14' Boston Whaler Harpoon, and even though it only draws 4" it is on the sand at low tide. Steve Latson: I was curious to know why they dock that way. Trustee Smith: Thank you. Do any of the Trustees have anything they want to say. No comment. From the audience: I have something to say. Trustee Smith: Will you please state your name. Jeffrey Levitt: Jeffrey Levitt, I am an Attorney at 119 West Oak Street, Amityville. I represent Mr. Norman Boos who owns the Broadwaters Cove Marina which is about 500 ft. north of the subject property. The issues that I really want to raise with you tonight involve the standards that the Board is going to apply to this particular application. In the latter part of 1983, Mr. Boos made an application to this Board to add dock space to his marina. Trustee Smith: I think that you are getting off of the track here. This is a Public Hearing for the Broadwaters Cove Marina. Mr. Levitt: Yes, I understand, may I make a point here. Believe me I did not spend two hours to come out here to waste your time. Or to waste my time. Both of these properties are zoned the same. Both of these properties are non-conforming uses. Page 3. James E. Fitzgerald, Jr., Pres., Broadwaters Cove Association, Inc. Public Hearing - May 28, 1987 In 1983 Mr. Fitzgerald wrote to this Board, and I have a copy of this letter, strongly protesting on behalf of the property owners. I have a copy for each one of you. Strongly protesting any change in the area by which there would be any increase in the marina facility. As a result of that objection, there was a subsequent letter from the Association in 1984 making complaints. That applicant was forced, I'll take back the word forced, he was requested to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. Now, what I'm leading up to is this -- we feel that the standards that should be applied to this application should be consistant standards. For example, Mr. Boos had to get an Environmental Impact Statement, why doesn't the Association have to get an Environmental Impact Statement? Now I have read the application and I don't know if there has been a change in the application in the last three days? But there were pages and pages that deal with environmental matters that were totally left blank. There was nothing written on them. Now, does that mean that if Mr. Boos comes before the Board with an application that there would be no necessity for an Environmental Impact Statement. That he would not have to fill out any of the environmental information in an application? The application of the Association where there is a question "Is there a permit necessary from the Army Corp of Engineers?" It says no. Now would that mean that the Board would pass on it without the Corp of Engineers? Now there was a Zoning issue. This is a change of a non-conforming use. This was the position that the Association took a few years ago. That someone just a few hundred fee~ away with the same property could not add just one more boat without going to the Planning Board, without going to the Zoning Board of Appeals. As far as I know, there is no application by this applicant before the Planning Board, before the Zoning Board of Appeals? So, what is being done here is to by pass all of the normal governmental controls that were requested by this very applicant just a few years ago with regard to one of it's neighbors insisting, and it is my understanding that the Board took the position that before it was going to give any approval that all of those conditions of Environmental Impact Statement, of Planning Board Approval, Site Plan, it was a very expensive proposal and going to the Zoning Board of Appeals which the applicant did. Then because there was objection from the neighbors, very heated objections, this application was withdraw~. By the way, what about parking, there has to be off street parking requirements. There were requests by the Association against it's neighbor a few years ago. Did Mr. Boos have enough parking if he wanted to change the non- conforming use status? The Trustees I understand, made him go to the other governmental agencies to make sure that that was done. I don't understand that there is any such application pending anywhere with regard to parking issues? Issues were raised at that time that Mr. Boos was a profit making organization and this is not a profit making organization. I suggest that the birds and the bees and the fish don~t know the difference as to what is going into the water whether the person who is driving the boat docks his boat with someone who is making a profit, or is docking his boat with someone who is not making a profit. By the way, I heard it said that there will be three finger docks for four boats. I think three finger docks will be six boats. If my arithmetic is correct. The physical attributes of the dock, I also find very interesting. It shows a 50 ft. width being proposed here. Unless the boats are going to be 12 ft. boats, they are going to be facing each other on a 50 ft. width, the likely hood is that this is going to have to go out much further into town waters than it is being proposed. If you have two 25 ft. boats facing each other on 50 ft. I don't understand how they will both turn or anyone would turn or exit any area to be able to leave. Now Page 4. James E. Fitzgerald, Jr., Pres., Broadwaters Cove Association, Inc. Public Hearing - May 28, 1987 that doesn't mean necessarily what I'm saying is opposing the application or I'm infavor of the application. I'm raising an issue that the Trustees act in a continual, that's the right word. The persons may change but the concepts are suppose to remain the same. The rules are suppose to remain the same. It seems to me to be very unfair to be bought at that time, to have indicated that those are the rules. Apparently, I'm assuming that if the gentleman came in again, that those are still the rules, but there is a different set of rules. I~m here tonight, to make sure that if that application the Association is granted that there are no mistakes that are made. That in the future Mr. Boos should come in, and he is told that he needs an environmental impact statement, and he says "What about the Association?" There is no one that says that was a mistake we forgot. Or if he asks about parking, no one says it was a mistake, we forgot. Or if he asks about Zoning? Theoretically from what is being proposed here if he didn't ask for 8 boats and he asked for 80 boats the implication is that you could give approval and he wouldn't have to go to any one to change his non-conforming use. I just want to make sure that these things are brought up in a public session so that we understand and the Board understands, I hope, what the guidelines are suppose to be. Now, they have changed. Now, if none of that is true any longer, we assume that you will apply those standards to this application and to any other application that comes before you. Trustee Smith: Thank you. Trustee Bredemeyer: Thank you. Trustee Smith: I'll recess this public hearing until we receive the comments from the Conservation Advisory Council. Jeffrey Levitt: Mr. President, can I leave with you also a letter of Jan. 4, 1984 from the Association to Mr. Stoutenburgh, Presidemt of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Smith: Thank you. Trustee Krupski: I~m sorry Henry, you recessed the hearing before I could comment. Could we contact the planning board about the parking? Trustee Bredemeyer: ITm generally agreed to that. Trustee Krupski: Instead of getting the comments from the C.A.C. and then saying "What about parking" we should get all of our concerns together at once. Trustee Bredemeeyr: I would like time to get all of the information together and review the application before expressing a position on it myself. Trustee Smith: Then I'll open the hearing again. Do you want to go down there and look at the project again? Talk to Mr. Fitzgerald again? Trustee Krupski: Sure. Do you think we should communicate with the Z.B.A.? Trustee Bredemeyer: I'm glad the gentleman came to the meeting and spoke. I think Page 5. James E. Fitzgerald, Jr., President., Broadwaters Cove Association, Inc. Public Hearing - May 28, 1987 that we have no alternative. It would be prudent, I'm glad the gentleman came to the meeting and spoke. This is the first time that I've seen an Association project, that some valid issues were raised. Trustee Smith: I think what ever he asked us to look into we have to do it. Like he said no mistakes. We have to do it. Okay. Trustee Krupski: This is over Town bottom. Trustee Smith: Right. I'll recess this meeting. Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RDAD- STATE RDAD 25 SDUTHDLD, L.I., N.Y. llg?l TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI INTERDEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Jerry Goehringer, Chairman, Z.B.A. November 7, 1983 Premises Now of Norman C. Boos (formerly of A. Petrucci) Location: South Side Bay Avenue, Cutchogue County Tax Map Parcel N6s. 1000-104-008-2.1 and 2.3 This memorandum is in reply to your November 3, 1983 request con- cerning the premises of Norman C. Boos and located at the south side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue. We have reviewed the documents submitted with your request and have researched the history of this property, finding as follows: (A) The marina has been in existence as a nonconforming use since the adoption of zoning in 1957 and is located in an "A-Residential and Agricultural Zone." (B) Pursuant to a ZBA letter of clarification to Angelo P~trucci, who was the former owner of the premises, dated June 1, 1978: (1) Operation of this marina was restricted to not more than 35 noncommercial boats, not more than 24 feet in length; (2) No storage of boats and no sales of boats would be allowed. (C) In Appeal No. 2914, a conditional variance was granted allowing Memorandum -November 7, 1983 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Re: Norman C. Boos Property the construction of a one-family private dwelling, provided: (1) the entire premises remain as one parcel [117,871 sq. ft. of which 47,36~ sq. ft. are under water]; (2) there be a minimum of 43 parking spaces for the marina use to be submitted to and approved by the Planning Board; (3) construction of the new one-family dwelling as per the filed site plan and in compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations. (D) Wetlands Permit #45 allowed certain dredging and bulkheading west of the existing marina; (E) The recently-filed Wetlands Permit Application #172 requests the placement of additional catwalk(s) with fingers to accommodate 18 additional boats. It is our opinion that expansion of this nonconforming marina to accommodate more than 35 noncommercial boats would require addi- tional approvals. Due to the fact that this is a "nonconforming" marina in a resi- dential area, any proposed changes to this property should be referred to the Building Department for their certification. API~EAL$ BOARD MEMBERS ROBERT W, GILLISPIE, JR., CHAIRMAN ROBERT BERGEN CHARLES GRIGONt$, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. Southold Town Board o£ Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I.,N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 1802 June 1, 1978 Mr. Angelo G. Petrucci Bay Avenue Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Petrucci: As you know, your business on the south side of Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, is classified as a non-conforming marina or boat basin. According to our present zoning ordinance, a non-conforming use is any use, whether of a building or tract of land, or both, existing on the effective date of the zoning ordinance, which does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is located. The definition of a marina is any premises containing one (1) or more piers, wharves, docks, moorings, bulkheads, buildings, slips, basins or lands under water, designed, used or intended to be used primarily for the docking or mooring of boats, for or without compensation. Using your letter of May 17, 1978, and the above definitions as a guide, it seems to us that your non-conforming marina includes the following: The seasonal operation of a marina or boat basin with docks or slips for not more than thirty-five (35) non-commercial boats not more than 24 feet in length. Special services for owners such as fresh water, electricity, oil and gasoline are also permitted. We think that this service barge is an integral part of your marina operation and may be stored on your property when not in use. You are not permitted to store boats, build bpats or conduct the retail sale of boats on your premises. Hopefully, this clearly defines all permitted uses for your property. there are any other questions, please bring them to our attention. very ~/ly, ~ RWG:bcc cc: Mr. Charles Grigonis Mr. Edward F'. Hinderman If Southold, July 26, 1982 ~r. ~mgelo Petrucci Bay Ave ( Skunk La) Cutchogue, L.I.N.Y. Dear Sir; In response to your visit to my home today and the questions raised, I distinctly remember visiting your property on the South aid e eT Bay Ave ( generaly kno~ as "Skunk Lane") with the Board of Appeals on several occasions. One of the visits - I am not shure of the wxact date- we looked ~Lt the two lots you proposed to set off and the "Marina" which you proposed to keep. ~h$ Board asreed that there was land enough to make two legal bulldi~ lots, and to keep the marina as it was. Some time later I remember advising you to get Health Dept. approva~ for wells and cesspools on each lot as there were some char~es being proposed in both Health Dept and environmental requirements. Further I remember seeing these a.provals for both lots, and walking over them and measuring them to check out the survey dimentions. I believe that I wrote you a letter thereafter - ~ain X am not shuts of the exact date- stating these were two legal and usable lots under our r~quirements, you could sell either one or both and get building peri. ts for one family dwellings. There should be copies of the letter and Board decision on file in the Town Clerks office. We always made copies for the file. Trusting the above will be helpful to you. Yours truly Retired ?uillng Inspector C.C. Board of Appeals Southold Town Board of Appeals September 18, 1958. MINUTES- Continued Chairman read the application, letter to applicant advising of date of public hearing, legal notice with affidavit from the official newspaper attesting ~o its pu%llcation and letter from Mr. William Wlckham, attorney for Mr. Victoria, to which he attached a letter signed by Elizabeth Bedell grantin~ permission to W~lliam Victoria to erect and maintain a sign on her property in Peconic, New York. There was no one present to speak either for or against the appeal. Board studied the application and unanimously granted the special exception to erect a directional sign, dimensions of which are to be approximately the same ss that formerly advertising the Ced,r Beach Inn in the same lo- cation. Sign to advertise only the facilities provided by Victoria's Cottages and to be located on the property of Elizabeth Bedell, south side of Main Road, Peconic, New Y~rk. Sign to be located not closer than 5' from any property line, not to exceed 15'6" from ~round level to upper edge and lower edge of sign to be at least 3' from ground level. Permit is valid until~ revoked. Minutes of the September llth meeting were read. On motion made by Mr. Rosenberg, seconded by Mr. Bergen, and carried. Minutes were approved as submitted. Chairman read letter received from Mr. S. F. Ssrnowski, Secretary of the Nassau Point Property Owners Association, Inc., in which it was stated that he was attaching a petition signed by the members and residents of the assocAation with respect to the parking of Angelo Petrucci on the south side of Bay Avenue. The Board unanimously agreed to have the Chairman write Mr. Sarnowski advising that it was the board's suggestion that the parking of trucks and equipment of Angelo Petrucci occurs on Mr. Petrucci's property and that it was also the board's understanding that Mr. Petrucci conducts a non-conforming business establised prior to the enactment of the Eoning Ordinance, and to inform Mr. Sarnowski that the board has no control of the situation referred to and assumes that if Mr. Petrucci parked his equip- ment within the boundary lines of Bey Avenue it might be a matter for police investigation. By resolution, the Board agreed to set the time of hearing on the applic- ation of Clifford Tyler, application for a Special Exception, for 9 P.M. on October 2, 1958. Legal notice to be published in the official newspaper on September 25, 1958. Although hea~ing is scheduled for 9 P.M. on October 2, 1958, be resolution Board agreed to meet at 8 P.M. on this date. Next meeting of the Board is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, Septem- ber 25, 1958. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Grace B. Meyer Secretary APPEALS BOARD MEMRERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR SERGE DOYEN, JR ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H, SAWICKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- ~TATE ROAD 2.5 SDUTHDLD, L.I,, N.Y. llg?l TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 September 17, 1982 Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq. 120 Court Street, P.O. Box 982 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Appeal No. 2914 Rehearing - Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Griffing: Attached herewith is a copy of the formal findings and deter- mination rendered September 16, 1982 and filed this date with the Office of the Town Clerk regarding the above-entitled matter. Please note that condition No. 2 requires submission of a parking plan to the Planning Board for approval. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call either our office or that of the building inspector (765-1802). Enclosure Copy of Decision to: Planning Board Building Department Mr. Angelo Petrucci Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Boos Yours very truly, / GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski Secretary JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL $1AI ISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 November 3, 1983 Mr. Gerald Goehringer, Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold, New York 11971 Dear Jerry: Attached hereto is the application of Norman C. Boos for a Wetland Permit. The Town Board questions whether Mr. Boos' proposal to construct additional floating catwalk to accomodate 18 additional small boats is an expansion of an existing non-conforming use and should, therefore, be addressed by the Board of Appeals May I have your opinion in this matter, and if in the affirmative, the necessary forms I may transmit to Mr. Boos for an application before your Board. For your further information, I am also attaching herewith a former Wetland application and permit issued by the Town Board in 1980. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachments Mei~l~randum from.... $outhold Town Board of Appeals TOWN HALL, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 765-1809 To: Robert W. Task~r, Esq. Town Attorney From: Z.B.A. Office Date: 8/24/82 Attached are the verbatim minutes of the "rehearing" in the matter of Norman Boos' marina, Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. Also attached is a copy of the board's prior decision concerning the original hearing for reference. If anything else is needed for the draft findings, call me. Thanks for your helD. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING (516) 360-5513 tEE E. KOPP~'IMAN DIRECTOR OF PI. ANNING Town of Southold Board of Appeals Applicant: Mun. File No.: S.c.P~D. File No.: July 22, 1982 Norman C. Boos #2914 SD-82-7 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above referenced application which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Comments: Appears inappropriate as sufficient information has not been sub- mitted to demonstrate compliance with applicable variance criteria. GGN:Jk Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner_ VICTI~RANS MI[I~-ONiAL HIGHWAY · H&UP/~Ai. IGE, L.. I.. NEW YO~IK 11788 Southold Town Board Appeals -14- ust 17, 1982 Regular Mtg. At 8:10 p.m., the Chairman called a five-minute recess. The meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m. REHEARING: Appeal No. 2914. In the matter of the application of NORMAN C. BOOS, One Cedar Street, Massapequa, NY 11758, by Stephen F. Griffing, Jr., Esq., for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Article V, Section 100-51 for permission to reduce land area for existing marina by dividing premises into two parcels, one as a marina and one for residential use, each having insufficient upland area. ("A" Zone). Location of Property: South Side of Bay Avenue (a/k/a 8000 Skunk Lane), Cutchogue, NY; bounded north by Bay Avenue; west by Brickley; south by Gross; east by Hochbauer; more particularly identified as Suffolk County Tax Map District 1000, Section 104; Block 8, Lot 2.1. The Chairman opened the hearing at 8:15 p.m. and read the legal notice of hearing in its entirety. There was no objection by Mr. Griffing or others present for "waiving the reading of the entire application." STEPHEN F. GRIFFING, JR., ESQ.: First, I would ask you, Mr. Chairman, if all the enclosures that I sent in my letter of July 26th are made part of this record? That is Petrucci's map of April 25, 1972; letter from Howard Terry confirming that May 4th minutes, Terry's letter was dated April 29, 1974; and the Health Department approvals; and the D.E.C. per- mit et cetera; everything mentioned in my letter...those are the main ones. Also, I believe you received some letters last month from Howard Terry, John Wickham and Robert Gillispie, all retired officials of this township. MR. CHAIRMAN: Yes, we did. And they appear all to be in this file. MR. GRIFFING: They're in the record. MR. CHAIRMAN: That's correct. MR. GRIFFING: Well, gentlemen, I think we proceeded under misappre- hension of the facts the first time around, referring to Mr. Petrucci's map of May 4, 1972 which was approved in principal by this particular board as a matter of fact. And then of course there was the letter in 1978 pertaining to the use of the marina. The map defines the area of the marina, which is smaller than our original application. On the other hand, Mr. Boos again referred to the map, the second lot to the east away from the marina was originally sold by Mr. Petrucci to Craig Lehmann and his wife. Thereafter, Wenk and Boos bought the property from the Lehmanns, and they each took 75 feet of that 150 feet; and in my opinion that is not an illegal subdivision because they didn't create anything...they just made larger lots for themselves. So at this stand- ing, Mr. Boos, based on the records of the Town and your Board, has a piece of ground that's 225 feet long, frontage on Bay Avenue, for residential purposes. And that would be well in excess of the area that your require even excluding the land under water. So I would say that Southold Town Board o~ppeals -15- · ust 17, 1982 Regular Mtg. (Appeal No. 2914 Rehearing: Norman C. Boos): MR. -GRIFFING continued: at this moment, based on the records of the community and your Board, that we have a marina that's nonconforming, preexisting, or be it without proper parking. It was defined in 1978 and in 1972, it being as shown on this map of May 4th--April 25th, 1972. And so the marina should be able to be split off because it preexists, and due to the fact that Mr. Boos acquired an additional approximately 20,000 square feet, he has enough land for a residence. Mr. Boos is flexible and that if in your judgment you feel there should be more parking for the marina, he could still spare some land, and still under your regulation which excludes land under water, have an adequate building lot without needing any variances. So we're willing to leave the line as shown on the Petrucci map of April 25th, or we can go along with this map which is the map that was submitted, or we would be willing to move that west line a little farther west so that there would be no question about having proper square foot- age excluding the water. And we'd still be creating a little more room around the marina and take the cars off the street. And I would say that the hardships that there are in this case were to some extent imposed by the Town because they didn't look at the records. And I think we have a legal building lot and legal nonconforming marina right now. The line could be moved. MR. ANGELO PETRUCCI: The water, cesspools too. MR. GRIFFING: Yes. That's part of the record, Mr. Petrucci. I asked that everything in my letter be part of the record. There is water supply and there are cesspools approved by the Health Department. MR. CHAIRMAN: What is the approximate square footage of the proposed dwelling that you want to build on this lot? MR. BOOS: Approximately 2,700 square feet. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is it a one-story structure? MR. BOOS: One story with two bedrooms up on one end. MR. CHAIRMAN: Like one and one-half. MR. BOOS: Like a one-and-one-half, yes, basically. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Anything else, Mr. Griffing? MR. GRIFFING: Well, of course, we can go through the change of the neighborhood and so forth, which it does not. It is one of the largest lots in the neighborhood. In fact the tax map will reflect that. And in an area variance, I don't think we need to show financial hardship, but there would be a financial hardship if Mr. Boos couldn't utilize his property. And also as I said the last time, it's a well known fact that you can get two lots instead of one, you're going to make money. I've Southold Town Board ~ppeals -16- ust 17, 1982 Regular Mtg. (Appeal No. 2914 - Rehearing: Norman C. Boos): MR. GRIFFING continued: been in the Real Estate Law since 1947, and I think I'm pretty well quali- fied as an expert, having closed for several savings banks...it's practical- ly my whole practice...real estate. MR. CHAIRF~%N: Thank you very much. You might as well stay right there in case somebody has some other questions. MR. GRIFFING: I'll be glad to answer them. MR. CHAIRMAN: Does anybody else wish to speak in behalf of the application? Sir? MR. KALLER: My name is Kaller. I live directly across the street from this, and of course I'm delighted that instead of two houses, there will be only one house there, and I think that it would be a feather in the hat of the town fathers to allow this to be done. I can't help but think that you're saying a lot about the parking at the marina. Since the marina is there, I have not noticed ever a car parked on the street. He has always had all the cars park off the street, and I don't think anybody can do more than he does to try to do what's right. MR. GRIFFING: I'm glad to have you (), Mr. Kaller. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Kaller. MR. KALLER: I've only lived there 28 years. So I think I've got a little idea. MR. CHAIRMAN: Could we have your name, Sir? JAMES REALEY: James Realey. I'm his neighbor, to the west of him, and everything he said, he said before me. And I've never seen any cars parked in the road...especially if you want to say Saturdays and Sundays, which would be his heaviest days, and I've never seen a car out there. And I live directly across the marina. And it's an asset to the community. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Is there anybody else that would like to speak in behalf. Mr. Petrucci. Certainly. ANGELO PETRUCCI: I would like you to know that the little boat basin by the building over here I would say it's 90% people from Nassau Point, and those people that come there, they either leave their key and they'd go home again, or they'd come back, and get in the cars again and go home again. No one in this boat basin goes fishing at four o'clock in the morning. I see boats over there that never went out to Montauk this year. The parking on the road, there is plenty as far as I'm concerned. That's all I can say because we never had any problem. You can call the police department. We have no accidents, ever since I am there 35 years. ~outhold Town Board )eals -17- 17, 1982 Regular Mtg. (Appeal No. 2914 Rehearing: Norman C. Boos): MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. MR. GRIFFING: We're not concerned about enlarging the parking if the Town doesn't require it. But the opportunity if you want it it will leave a little more for the future. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Is there anybody else that would like to be heard in behalf of the application? Anybody against the application? (None) Anything else, Mr. Griffing, before I close it? Mr. Lessard. VICTOR LESSARD (Executive Administrator, Bldg. Dept.): If this board saw fit to move that west line to give more parking relief to the marina, would that effect the cesspools on that lot? MR. BOOS: No. They are way down the other end. MR. LESSARD: They wouldn't wind up in the parking lot? MR. CHAIRMAN: I have it right here. but it's adjacent to the house. It doesn't indicate how far, MR. BOOS: We will now have 75 feet more on the side On this map. MR. LESSARD: What I'm saying is, if the board saw fit to maybe slide this existing line and if he wouldn't object, over this way... MR. BOOS: It makes no difference to me. MR. LESSARD: That would give relief to that marina, assuming it's what you want to do. It's just a thought, that's all. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Lessard. Anybody else? (None) Ok, hearing no further comments, I'll ask any board members if there are any comments? (None) Hearing no further comments, I'll make a motion closing the hearing and reserving decision until a later date. MEMBER DOUGLASS: Second. On motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded bi Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED, to close the hearing and reserve decision in the matter of Appeal No. 2914, REHEARING in the matter of the application for NORMAN C. BOOS, until a later date. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Douglass and Sawicki. (Member Doyen, Fishers Island, was absent.) This resolution was unanimously adopted. Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Southold, N. Y. 11971 LUICKHRm's F'RUIT F'RRm Route 25, Cutchogue. Long Island. New York ~.1935 Te~. t516) 734-6441 July 26, 1982 Gentlemen: Today Nr. Angelo Petrucci called on me in reference to some matters pertaining to bulk requirements for lots which include wetlands. For many years the bulk requirements for lots in the A zone have been allowed to be fulfilled with saltwater wetlands. The area of such wetlands has also been allowed in computing units in the "~" district. If the code has been changed in this regard I am not aware of it. At the same time, in years past, the PlanniNg Boar~in at- tempting to be reasonable, and with the approval of the County Board of Health, arbitrarily set a minimum area of about 30,000 square feet of buildable land as the minimum they would require. Again, buildable land was expected to be above normal high water line and where oak trees grow in the natural state. ~r. Petrucci's minor subdivision was granted because it filled these requirements. His pre-existing private marina also fulfilled requirements at the time. ful- I n reading the appeal, it appears that the proposed vari- ance would result in ~uildable areas in excess of that required of minor subdivisio~unless regulations have been changed with- out my knowledge. ~ CC: Southold Town Planning Board .... Building Insp. Stephen Griffing, Esq. Sincerely yours, John Wickham Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road Southold, NY 11971 STEPHEN F. July 26, 1982 Re: Norman C. Boos Dear Mr. Goehringer: I respectfully request a re-hearing on the application of Norman C. Boos to divide his property into a one residential plot adjoined by a pre-existing non-conforming marina. I have discovered some additional information, which was not presented to the Board and elect the opportunity to present these newly found facts, which may affect your decision. The circumstances under which I am making this application are that I have been able to locate a copy of the minutes of the Board of Appeals of May 4, 1972, which is enclosed and indicates that the Board of Appeals tacitly approved Mr. Petrucci's Map last dated April 25, 1972. In reliance upon that Mr. Petrucci thereafter, communicated with the Building Department and received the letter from Howard Terry, Building Inspector, dated October 29, 1974 confirming the May 4, 1972 minutes, a copy of which is enclosed. Thereafter, with Health Department approval septic tank and water supply were installed upon the lots shown on the April 25, 1972 survey and was inspected and temporarily approved by letter of Robert A. Villa, Chief Engineering Service, Department of Health. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Permit was also obtained for bulkheading, a copy enclosed. Thereafter in 1974 by Deed Liber 7777 Page 251 the Easterly 40,000 square foot lot was conveyed to Craig and Susan Lehman leaving Petrucci with the property that is the subject of this application in which he subsequently sold to the applicant, Norman C. Boos. In the offering of this property by Mr. Petrucci to Mr. Boos, it was represented that it was a buildable lot and a marina with Health Department approvals. The definition of the non-conforming marina as set forth in the letter of the Zoning Board of Appeals dated June 1, 1978 was also a part of the contract of sale, a copy hereto annexed. Accordingly, the applicant feels that to some extent the hardship in this case is to some extent caused by the communications and assurances made by the Town of Southold's Building Department and Zoning Board of Appeals. SFG:cg ~' - · Encs. Thanking you for your consideration of this request for reopening the re-hearing. 5outho!d Town Board of Appeals -15- May 4, 1972 The menfoers of the Board of Appeals held an informal dis- cussion with i~ir. Robert Parkin, Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York, regarding swimraing pool. Ma-. Parkin asked the Board of Appeals to look over plans to see if, in their opinion, it is feasible to start op:cavating. The Chairman stated that they did not see any a:__~c_lty and scheduled a hearing for 7o-~ Thursday, .~ P.M. , :':aT 25~ 1972. The members of the Boar%,~_of Aopeals held an informal dis- cussion with Angelo and~~etr'~cci, Bay Avenue, Cutcho ue ..e., _o .... ~r..etrucc~disc~eo 1968 map o~ has property with :ne ooard and stated that he wishes ~o sell three lots. The Puilding Inspector informed the = '~' ~ ~o~.c ~h=~ on this survey- there is mo?e than enough area for two lots but not enough for three. ,_.e Chairman stated that according to the l~]oo survey three lots would be out of the question but two lots of 30,000 sq. ft. each could be justified on a hardship b ..... Mr. Petrucci presented the Board with a new survey of Van Tuyl sho.~_..5 40,000 sq. ft. and 43,000 sq. ft. and a piece of land across the ~anal that goes with ................. n informcd ?ir. Petrucci that according to the new ~urv~y cameo .~p. zl 25, !972 he does not need ~ variance. :.irs. Gilbert of the 0ysterponds Historioal Society held an informal discussion with the Board cf Appeals. ¥~s. Gilbert said ~, the Society had had a little souven:er shop inside Village House whcre they sold postcards, m~ps~ etc. smd that this year they would like to expand that operation. ~ ---=~ would like to have the shop in the right hand front room of the Vail House. It would be open only two days a week, ' '~ T~rsa=y and Saturday, from 2:00 P.M. to ~:00 P.M. in addition to maps and postcards they would like to :?.ye some old, or antLoue, ~-~ ~ -- ~ ..... ~ ~.~, people l~e to take home. "'~-. ,~/l'3ert sho:.~od ~ ....... to the Board of the Vall House and -,~ .... =u cue t::e room ~- - w .... to use. Z'u would only be open -~:' s:&~ce mourns of the year. The Chairman ct~ted that the thing ~o do would be to apply for a soecial exce~tioM as relocating a non-conforming us~ from one bui~dlng to another would be by special exception under the present Ordinance. On motion by Pm~. Gillispie, seconded by :.h-'. Bergen, it was RE$0LI~D ~ * ~ ~- ~,~..,~, the next .... '~ '"~ ~' - of ~-' · ..~e~n~ ~:.e Southol~ Town Board of Appeals will be held at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, May 25, 1972, ~ ~ne Town 0~ce, Main Road, So Vote of the Board: ~--~ i~onls. Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD OFFICE DF ~'UILDING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y, 11~'71 October 29, 197W Mr. Angelo Petruccl S~y Ave. Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Sir; In reply to your telephone call today~ please be advised: You have enough property on the South side of Bay Ave. ( Skunk La) to set off two lots of 150 ft width and ~0~OO0 sq ft area. This land was fi!!ed prior to the "wetland ordinance" and" Department of Environmental Conservation" rules and regulations~ so there will be no aroblem there. You will have to submit "D.E.C" letter of approval to the Suffolk County Health Dept. to get a cesspool ~:ermit for each lot. . t.e pools Once you have the cesspool termit you can install ~ any time it is convenient ~or you. Yours truly Building Inspector COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES MARY C. McLAUGHLIN, M.D., M.P.H. November 5, 1975 Mr. Ang~lo P~Cruc~ Box 99 Cutehogue, New York 11935 Re: 4S0-159 Dear Mr. Petruc~: In regard to the application referenced above, please be advised that the septic tank and leaching pools have been installed and inspected by a representative of this office. The w~ll has also be~n installed b~ not inspected, and the ~er analysis is satisfactory. ~ Since there is no ho~e on the plot a~ th~ ~ime, we cannot issue any approval u~il such time as the ho~e is cons~racted and the w~ll and sew- age disposal connected to it. Once the proper connections se made, our final approval ~ be granted pendin9 proper submission of the required paperwork. We hope this letter clarifies the situation. Very truly yours, Rob~t A. Villa, P. E. Chief General Engineering Services RAV:cah NEW YORK STATE DEPARTb[ENT OF ENVIROi'~iENTAL CONSERVATION Building 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, I,.',ew York 11794 ~.ir. Angeio Petrucci Bay Avenue, Box 99 E. Cutchogue, New York 11935 November 4, 1974 ]k::r:t of _ 1'ow .n of $oo l old Re: Petition No. ~4- 15276-0108 Gent} emen: Your petition for a Tidal Wetlands bIoratorium Permit has beenreviewed by this office. As a result, we have determined that Construction of two homes and associated septic systems, Bay Avenue, E. Cutchogue, New York, with no construction or fill within 30' of line of mean high water have no adverse effect upon adjacent tidal ~.~ettands. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25-0202 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR, Part 66].3 (c), you are hereby notified that no permit ~ill be necessary. A copy of this determination must be available at the job site at all times during construction activity. SincereLy yours D'~'ie 1 J./Larn~n Loca~l Tid~Wet lands Permit A~a~n~sEraror DJL:GCC:n cc: Corps of Engineers, Ne~ York District Louis M. Concra B!ew York State Deporh~enJ of Environn~ental Co~serv~J'ion Date Issued ]'own ot $oulhoid The Sale of this Property includes the following: Three hundred and seventy feet (370 ft.) on- Bay Avenue or Skunk Lane Cutchogue, New York 11935 1. The Marina or Boat-Basin provides slips for dockage of 35 boats, up to 24 ft. 2. Electricity a, nd Fresh Water. 3. A ramp to launch, take-out, service, or paint bottom of boats, etc. 4. A tool and utility concrete-block storage building with toilet. 5. The sale of gas and oil, consisting of a 575 gal. tank and electric-pump. Inspected and passed May 29, 2978 by Suffolk County No. P-00854-P00853. 6. Water front building-lot, (43,500 sq. ft.) for construction of a house and septic-system, no construction within (30 ft.) of line mean high-water. Passed and Approved November 4, 1974 by New York State Dept. of Environmental Conse,-vation, Stony Brook, New York. 7. Precast 900 gals. Septic tank, 5 shallow pools already installed, and inspected. Approval date November 3, 1974, Permit No. 450159, Health Service Referenco No. 4-50-159. 8. Water Supply tested and approved Oct. 24, 1975, Lot-A-4S0-160 by H-2-M Corporation Water Analytical Service 500 Broad Hallow Water Road Melville, New York 11746 Real Estate Property Tax for 1977-$460.12 Liability Insurance for 3 year policy--S210.00 NEbIYORK STATE DEPARTItENT OF ENVIRONHENTAL CONSERVATION Buildin8 40 State University of New York Stony ~rook, New York 11794 Mr. Angelo Petruccl Bay Avenue, Box 99 E. Cutchogue, New York 11935 November 4, 1974 Jom ol So t old Re: Petition No. ~- 15276-0108 Gentlemen: Your petition for a Tidal Wetlands ~ioratorium Permit has beenreviewed by this office, As ~ result, we hsve determined that Construction of two homes and associated septic systems, Bay Avenue, E. Cutchogue, New York, with no construction or fill within 30' of line of mean high water will have no adverse effect upon adjacent tidal wetlands. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25-0292 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR, Part 660.3 (c), you are hereby notified that no permit will be necessary. A copy of this determination must be available at the Job site at all times durin& construction activity. D~[ffie 1 J. Local Ti~ Permit A~ ~,our~-~ land s Ln/sCrsCor DJL:CCC:n cc: Corps of Engineers, Ney York District Louis N. Contra I~OBERT W. I~"ILL. ISPIE, ,JR. BOX ;33B g-AST iVIARION, L.I.,N.Y. ~9;39 ~16-477-13D9 July 27 1 982 ~ G.P Goehrir~er Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold New York Appeal #2914 Norman Boos Application Dear Gerry Mm, Angelo Petrucci came to see me today on behalf of Boos. You have also spoken to me about this application. I enter the discussion with hesitation and not to interfere. Ny recollection is that a four lot subdivision was approved by the Board of Appeals sometime in the 1960's adjoining the Petrucci marina..that the 100' easterly lot of this subdivision was sold (now Wenks)..that at some point this 100' lot was increased in width to 175'. Without tracing the complicated history of the balance of the property as amended to two lots on 4/25/72 survey.. my understanding is that ownership of the balance rests with Boos. with upland of 70507 sq ft..and that Boos wants to separate the marina from the residential site. , The result of all this is that instead of four possible residential lots and a marina.the possible density has been reduced to two residential sites and a marina. It seems to me that this reduction in density goes a long way toward making what was a perfectly legal use(prior to Zoning) conform to ever-increasing standards most of which the applicant has already met including Board of Health,D.E.C.,and parking requirements. It should further be remembered that any expansion of minimal services which the marina provides is limited and defined by the June 1 1978 letter and controlled by the Board of Appeals. Havir~ been sued a number of times(even thou~ in a dO-gooder role) and fully aware of small business difficulties in Southold as are other members of the Board,I tend to sympathize with the applicant's desire to separate his business liabilty from his residence. In this connection I am increasingly aware of professional people leaving the state of New York because of liability premiums. In view of the foregoing special circumstances..some of which may be new to you and the Board..it is my view that reconsideration of this application without prejudice would be part of an orderly procedure. Further I am convinced that an outcome favorable to the applicant would not injure the safety,health,and welfare of the Town of Southold ~}~Re sp~t fully .~ Retired CBho;ri~m~ OApfpetahesl ~pZ~d Town July 26, 1982 Board of/lpPeai own o{ Sonll]old Board of AHpeals Scuthold Town Southold, N. Y. 11971 Gentlement Today Mr. Angelo Petrucci called on me in reference to some matters nertaining to bulk requirements for lots which include wetlands. For many years the bulk requirements for lots in the A zone have been allowed to be f~lfilled with saltwater wetlands. The area of such wetlands has also been allowed in comouting units in the "N" district. If the code has been changed in this regard t am not aware of it. At the same time, in years ~ast, the Planning Boar~ in at- temHting to be reasonable, and with the approval of the County Board of Health, arbitrarily set a minimum area of abou~ ~0t000' square feet of bu~Au=u~e za~u as ~ne mxnlmth~ ~ey woulG require. Again, buildable land was exDected to be above normal high water line and where oak trees grow in the natural state. ~r. Petrucci's minor subdivision was ~ranted because it ful- filled these requirements. His ore-existin~ Drivate marina also fulfilled requirements at the time. I n reading the aooeal, it anpears that the proposed vari- ance would resul~ in buildable areas in excess of that required of minor subdivi~ons unless reMulations have been changed with- out my knowledge. Sincerely yours, OCs Southold Town Planning Board " " Building Insp. Steohen Griffing, Esq. John Wickham $outhold Town Board of Appeals -15- May 4, 1972 The members of the Boar~ of Appeals held an informal dis- ' w~th Ma. Robert Park~n, Bay Avenue, C~tchogue, New York, S~SSlOn ~ regarding swimming pool. Yz*. Parkin ~skea the Board of Appeals to look over plans to see if, in their opinion, it is feasible to start excavating. The Ch~zrman stated tnav they did not see any "~' , .~ o~culty and scheduled a hearing for 7.~0 P.M., Thursday, Xay 2~, 1972. The members of the Board of Appeals held au informal dis- .cussion with Angels and Hazel Petrucci, Bay Avenue, C~tchogue, New York. Ma. Petrucci discussed 1968 map of his property with the Board and stated that he wishes to sell tb~ee lots. The Building Inspector informed the Board that on this survey- there is more than enough area for two lots but not enough for three. Ti~ Chairman stated that according to the 1958 survey three lots wo~ld be out of the question but two lots of 30,000 sq. ft. each could be justified on a hardship basis. Mr. Petrucci presented the Board with a new survey of Van T~yl showing 40,000 sq. ft. and 43,000 sq. ft. and a piece of land across the canal that goes with it. The Chairman informed M~. Petrucci that according to the new survey dated April 25, 1972 he does not need a variance. ~V~s. Gilbert of the 0ysterponds Historical Society held an n~or~.~=l discussion with the Board of Appeals. Mrs. Gilbert said that the Society had had a little souvenier shop inside Village wnc. e they sold postcards, maps, etc. s.n~ that tnzs year they would like to expand that operaticu. .... y would like to have the shop in the right hand front room of the Vail House. It would be open only two days a week, Thursday and to ~:00 P.M. In addition to maps ~ ~ao~rday, from 2:00 P.I~. a.a postcards they would like to have some old, or antique, things that people like to take home. ~. Gilbert showed pzctures to the Board of the Vail House and pointed out the room that they want to use. it would only be open for three months of the year. The Chairman stated that tho thing to do wonld be to apply for a special exception a~ relocating a non-conforming use from one building to another would be by special exception under the present Ordinance. On motion by Y~. Gillispie, seconded by ~-- ' · ~. Bergen, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals will be held at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, May 2~, 1972, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Origonls. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r'IFFIF~E OF B*UlLDING INSPEnTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFIOE SOIITHOLD, N. Y. 119'71 TEL. October 29, 1975 Mr. Angelo Petruccl S~y Ave. Cutchogue, N.Y. Dear Sir; In reoly to your telephone call today, please be advised: You have enough property on the South side of Bay Ave. ( Skunk La) to set off two lots of 150 ft width and 40,000 sq ft area. This land was filled prior to the "wetland ordinance" and" Department of Environmental Conservation" rules and regulationsy so there will be no problem there. You will have to submit "D.E.C" l~Zer of approval to the Suffolk County Health Deot.. to get a cesspool .~er=it ~o. ~ ~ each lot. Once you have the cesspool permit you can install the pools any time it is convenient ~or you. Yours truly Building Insr~ector :'~Y 17,1978 In reference to your 1.et%er dated ~ay 6.i97~ accel bas 'buulness Iconduc% on ~he ~ou%n ~ide cf my property on ca3 ~v~nu~ or *fo= t:~e oeat of my Anowledge I j~v~ you the fo!lcwlnz. Information. . ~ou.~C my proper~y in 19*7 from ~..2alph tt~mllr~ of Cutcnogue. In 194u I applied fo~ and received a ~1~ Pe~lt Imom Sou%hold To~n T~atee .~ ~oldsmith with approval of ~upe~isor ~o~an ,~y ~3roper~y ~r ~he p~:',po~o o~' a ~oat ~sln ~- In ~he fall of 1948 I hired %~e Sou~a Shore Dr~X~ To Jredge %no 3oat ~sln for ~y 1950 Lne 3oat Basin was in full workin~ operation with fresh water electricity. That same year i accommodated doc~a~e for' m~ou~ i~ oz, 19 By 1954 ! h~d 28 boats more or less,that year i started %o sell E~s mn'! o11, for the convenience? of my customers~ In 1957 members of th~ zoning Committee Consis~In.~ Of' ta~ followin~ memDers, ~to ~an Tyle,Harold Eeeve, and John wickham insp~cted and approve~ the existence of my presen~ ~oat ~aeln and a~reed %hat ~his community was In need of this type of service ,as all my c~atomers then and now are nei~bore~ and residents of l:a~sau Pt. and Easeau Farms,who ne,fl the f~cllltles that taxa Scat Basin ~rovlde In reference $o thim same property I would like %0 ~oI.~% out a~nd h::v~ the Soard ~e a~are~of ~ha% ~slnesa ~ 1954 To 1974, and conducmed all phases oi* ~aXs ous/ncs~ inelu~ %he Boa~ ~asln 5~siness on %he s~e 2a~=el of Zrepc~y. ~s of %o ~te I o~ld acco~oaa~e De%ween Sixteen or Twenty He,ever fo~ my ~rpoze I choose ~o Xee~ Thirty iwo %o i~.Irty ~lve ~oa%s. Hopln~j ~hl~ reduce ~111 mee~ wl~ your approval,and i will meceiv~ a ~ta~=men~ f~om your ~a~ You very much. 3roadw~ters Cove Boat ~y :~v~nuo ~cd~ ~1:~-7Z4~ 66~4 ,/ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., CHAIRMAN ROBERT BERGEN CHARLES GRIGONI$, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ,\ Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. 119'71 TELEPHONE 765 ~L-~× 1802 May 16, 1978 Mr. Angelo G. Petrucci Bay Avenue Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Petrucci: Relative to your appearance before the Board of Appeals on Thursday, May 4, 1978, the Board would appreciate your setting forth all phases of business that you have conducted on your property on the south side of Bay Avenue since you have owned the property. Upon receipt of this information, we should be able to solve all problems concerning this property. Thank you for your help in this matter. Yours truly, ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR. CHAIRMAN RWG:bcc NEW YORE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PERMIT ~ PERMIT NO. 10-81-0184 UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LAW ARTICLE 15, (Protection of Water) :]~ ARTICLE 25, (Tidal Wetlands) . ARTICLE 24, (Freshwater Wetlands) ~ ARTICLE 36, (Construction in Flood Hazard Areas) J PER,~'HT ISSUED TO NOm N C. OOS AO°R~SSo~P~'fE~Cedar St., Massape.qua, N, Y. ll?SS LOCATION OF PROIECT tSec~ion of stream, tidal wet!and, dam, building) Broadwaters Cove Dredged Inlet Construct a single family dwelling, sanitar~ system and driveway all greater than 85' from the inlet. Subdivide the property into two lots pursuant to the Robert A. Kart, L.S. survey dated lO/15/gl submitted. COUNTYSuffolk EIACOMMUNITYNO: GENERAL t. The permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate Regional Permil Administrator, a nolice of intention to commence work at least 48 hours in advance of the time of commencement and shall also notify him promptly in writing of the completion of the work. :. The pe~mdled work shall be subject to inspection by an authorized represeutative ot the Department of Environmental Conservation who may let the work suspended if the public interest so requires. As a condition ot the issuance of this permit, the applicant has ac- copied expressly, by the execution of the application, the full legal respon- sibilily for all damages, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, and by whom- ever suffered, arising out of the proiect described herein and has agreed to costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. 4. Any material dredged in the prosecution of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across lhe bed of the walerway or flood plain or deep holes lhat may have a tendency to at the ~ocality shown on [he drawing hereto attached, and, if so prescribed !hereon, within or behind a good and substantiaf bulkhead or bulkheads, such 6. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the 7. That if future operations by the State of New York require an a~teration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flow~ or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or loss or'destruction ~f the nalural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Depart- ~ereby without e~pense to the State and if upon the expiralion or revocation ~ ~h~s permit the structure hH excavaUon or other mod~ficat on of he ercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners shall, :~ut expense 1o the State, add to such extent and in such time and manner ,~0rtion of the uncompleted structure or fill and resoe o s Jormer · ~n Ihe navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall (SEE REVERSE SIDE) ~outhold DAM NO. J PER~SE~%R.~ON DATE i ~,/....,,/.~./ CONDITIONS 8. That the State of New York shall in no case be liabJe for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 9. That if the display of lights and signals on any work hereby authorized is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be pre- scribed by the United States Coast Guard shah be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the owner. 10. All work carried out under this permit shall be performed in accor- dance with established engineering practice and in a workmanlike manner. 11. If granted under Articles 24 or 25, the Department reserves the right to reconsider this approval at any time and after due notice and hearing to continue, rescind or modify this permit in such a manner as may be found to be just and equitable. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the modification of the wetland hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicanl shaH, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the 5tale of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 12. This permit shall not be construed as conveying to the applicant any right to trespas§ upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others to perform the permitted work or as authorizing the impairment of any rights, title or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. 13. The bermittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, ap- provals, lands, easements and rights.of-way which may be required for this project. 14. If granted under Article 36, this permit is granted solely on the basis of the requirements of Article 36 of the Environmental Conservation Law and · Part 500 of $ NYCRR (Construction in Flood Plain Areas having Special Flood Hazards - Building Permits) and in no way 5isnifies that the project will be free from flooding. 15. By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the special conditions on the reverse side. 'SPECIAL CONDITIONS 16. Sanitary System to be located between the proposed dwelling and Bay Ave. and at least 100' from any surface water. 17. The driveway shall be of a ~pervious nature and not paved or oiled. DJL:cg c.c. LAW ENFORCEMENT attachment File Note: We are returning Your Check No. 842 for $25.00-- PEP. MIT ISSUE DATE 2/2/~/82 I OA~TW,~. ,¢/.~ I?-¢¢,~?~':*, ¢4" ¢_ I~Z~g. ~0, SUer Brook, PERMIT SIGN No' has been issued to: ~o~ o. ~oo~ address: ~ Cedar St., bfassapequa, N. Y. 11758 the ~nlet. Subdivide the property into two'lots pursuant to the Robert A. Kart, L.S. dated 10/15/81 submitted. Suffolk County fsmily dwelling, sanitary system, and driveway ~1 greater than 85 feet from survey under the Environmental Conservation Law, Article 15, {Protection of Water) Article 24, {Freshwater Wetlands) Article 25, {Tidal Wetlands} Article 36, {Construction in Flood Hazard Areas} ~ ~ Pe~nlit Administ~tbt ~ '"~-'iR Environmental Conservation 2/m+/82 Date Issued New Yo~k State Department of k NEW YORK STATE DEPART~NT OF ENVIROI~ENTAL CONSERVATION Buildin8 40 State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11794 Mr. Angelo Petrucci Bay Avenue, Box 99 E. Cutchogue, New York 11935 November 4, 1974 Re: Petition No. ~- 15276-0108 Gentlemen: Your petition for a Tidal Wetlands ~ratoriua Permit has beenrev~ewed by this office. As · result, ye have determined that Construction of two homes and associated septic systems, Bay Avenue, £. Cutchogue, New York, with no construction or fill within 30' of line of mean high water will have no adverse effect upon adjacent tidal vetlands. Therefore, pursuant to Section 25-0292 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR, Part 660.3 (c), you are hereby notified that no permit w~ll be necessary. A copy of this determination must be available at the Job site at all times during construction activity. Local Ti~ Permit A~ ~our~.~ Lnistrator DJL:C, CC:n cc: Corps of Ensineers, New York District Louis N. Concra COUNTY OF SUfFOLI~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES . February 20, 1980 Angelo Petrucci Bay Avenue Box 99 Cutchogue, New Yor. k SECOND NOTICE 11934 DAVID HARRIS, M.D., M.P.H. RE: 4-SO-159 - s/s Bay Avenue, 300' Cutc~ogue, N. Y. Dear Mr. Petr?~ci~ w/o Pinetree Road, A recent check of our files indicates that this office has never issued a final approval for the above referenced job. Please be advised that it is'illegal to occupy the building until the following paperwork is submitted to this office and/ or the following inspection(s) are completed: Well Driller's Certificate Water Analysis Cesspool Certification Final Surveys (4 prints - no photocopies) Other we must make an inspection of line to tank and the final grade over the poolS. We. must also make an inspection of the well. Should you have any questions, please this office. Very truly yours, Calvin M. Smith Senior Sanitarian cc: Town Building Department feel free to contact H2 CORP. / Environmenfel Engine(~x Scientists HOLZMACHER, McL[NDON & MURRELL 500 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD, MELVILLE. NEW YORK 11746 (516) MY 4-3043 WATER RESOURCES WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT SEWERAGE & TREATMENT -Date Date of Received 10/22/75 i Anal,/sis Wafer ] Supply Harry Goldman Lab. Date No. 506547 & 560368B Co ecfed 10/21/75 Premises An$elo Petrucci s/s Bay Ave. Cutchogue Address cold water faucet One: Distribution LmJ (specify) One:Check ['~ RouHn. E] Resample D Special DComplalnf Field No. 3 Time Col. By HG TEST 5603~8~ RESULT TEST RESULT ,~ TEST RESULT APC/ml ~ Phenol 35°C 24 hrs. -- Nifr~es (mg~lN)~] i 8 Alkalinity (mg/lCaCO3) Coliform Chemical O~/gen Total MPN/~00ml < 2 2 Demand {rog/I} " ~ ~ ~ Phosphate {mg/IP} Odho Co'or (unHs) ChlorMes (mg/I)i I I I~4,~ ~hosphate (mg/, ~} ~ Turb;dffy (units) Total MISCELLANEOUS Hardness (mg/JCaC03) Test Code Result Alkelinify (mg/ICaC03) Copper (mg/I) 0 Oaor: Ho~ pH 6 ,3 (mg/~ SO'] 0 S Total Acidity t Manganese (mg/i) Specific L Free CO2 (mg/I) I Magnesium Nomograph . Titration M~AS (rog/I) 0 (rog/I) I 5 ~ O~ygen (rog/il Nitrogen (m~/I) i 6 ~_ ammonla (rog/IN) Chromium {mg/ICr+6} j Ammonia {rog/IN) ~ Hardness (rog/ICrC03) Copies fo: Remarks: Lot A 4 S0-160 : Satisfactory. AMOUNT PAYABLE Signafu( Ti fie Date 10/24/75 Laboratory Director Reported 5. C. McLendon Phone: 516-298-8393 MATTITUCK PLUMBING & HEATING CORP. BOX 1429, MATTITUCK, N. Y. 11952 WE SELL · WE INSTALL · WE GUARANTEE October 21, 1975 SuFfolk County Dept. of Health County Center Riverhead, N.Y. 11901 Gentlemen: Job ............... A. Petru¢ci Location ...... ~--Bay Ave., Cutchogue Lot ~A Depth ............. 33' Static ............ Licence .......... -~864 well ............. -~S-56590 Public Health .... -~,4-S0-160 well size ......... 2" Remarks: Driving discontinued due to salt water at lower level. Very truly yours, MATTITUCK PLBG. & HTG. CORP. Harold wllsberg ]~//ab SHALLOW LEACHING SYSTEM () A. Use one (1) 900 gallon reinforced precast concrete Septic Tank. B. Use five (5) 8 ft. diameter, 2 Et. high precast concrete leaching rings. C. Use 4 inch diameter, class 2400 pipe throughout. D. The wasteline from the Septic Tank should enter the middle ring as high as possible. E. Use four cross-over pipes between the middle ring and the four outside rings, ~ inches above the bottom. F. Backfill material shall be course sand and gravel. G. Slabs shall be a minimum of 6 inches thick, 8 ft. in diameter. H. Solid concrete cover to be minimum 1 foot below grade. I. Bottom of pool to be minimum of 2 feet above ground water. Sewlge Dzsposal .~' Water Supply Inspection ' .J~b: _..~ ............................................ Permit No..~..~...,_0._~._~ [] Disposal System Apprgved-Backfill ~]~....~LC~¢ ......................................................... · ........ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Phone: Hauppauge: 234-2622 -- Riverhead: 727-4700 SUF LK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH S"~RVICES Health Services Reference Number APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT : A PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND A WATER SUPPLY 3. Public Wate~ Compan~ Name 4. Lot size: Width ~h~ feet lO. Appl~cantO~'~~ ~ Phone ?~ - Address ?.~-~ ~ c~.~ ~.~..~., -, Property Location ..... ~,~. ,~.~_~ f.~..., Village /~ Township 5. Subdiv. ~ 6. Section 7. Lot Number 8. Private Well 9. Public Water ll. Sewage Disposal System: A. ~O'gallon septic tank: Precast ~Equivalent Block Length B. Leaching pools: Number of pools., ~ Precast [~ Block Special If private well, fill in the fol- lowing blanks: A. Tank capacity ~gallons B. Pump G.P.M... ~ C. Total well depth.,, D. Depth to ground water E. Amount of water in well Distance to main feet (For Health Services 'Dept. Use) The undersigned CERTIFIES: "Construction of authorized installations wil1 be in accordance with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services' current standards thereto." This application will be valid for one year from the date of approval indicated below and may be renewed if a current local Building Department Permit is in effect. Date Signed FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES~ USE ONLY. Based on the information presented here- with, it is the opinion of the Department of Health Services that an adequate and satis- factory Sewage Disposal System and Water Supply can be installed on this plot. APPROVAL DATE S-15 SIGNED