HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Annual _�� V1/102O10 Town Clerk Semi-Annual Repo� ~~~�-` Page 1 July 01. 2O17'December 31. 2O17 Tothe Supervisor: Pursuant 8oSection 27sub 1. nfthe Town Law, | hereby oo�i�that the fo�gungisaWUnmstatement an�� eofoU�asandmonoea received byme, BizobathA. ev � 'N i|| TowC.e | rk.Ton of oum th |dduhn�.\hope� stated a dbova inconn�oWmnw,|xhmyoffice, excepting , . .,_ _ n �^^o . . .__ ^ ~_ _ ~^_~ ~_^ ._ Aocount# Qty Local Share AGENCY&TRUST T1 Tree Book' Retail 1 829 T1.030 C|oan'UpDopoait 14 4.750.00 Road Clean-up Dep 3 4.250.00 Sub-Total: $9.008.29 BANK returned check charge 1 '15.00 Sub-Total: '*15.00 F|SD SG2.2138.00 January 2018 56 12.000.00 January F| Sewer District 2O17 2 472.50 June 2018 20 4.500.00 June F| Sewer District 2O17 8 1.170.00 Sub-Total: $18.742.60 High DB.2850 Used Equipment Highway 2 800.00 Sub-Total: $800.00 INTEREST Interest Now Account Interest NOW Account 0 11.40 Sub-Total: *11.40 PART returned check 1 '653.20 B1560.00 Building Permit Fees 49 301.233.39 B.100110 Birth Trans. 8 80.00 Birth Trans.'Genealogical 3 33.00 B.1601.20 Death Trans. 865 8.850.00 Death Trans. Genealogical 10 110.00 B.21 10.10 Public Events 11 3.650.00 ZBAApplication Fees 55 42.850.00 B.2590.10 House Trailer Permit 10 2.800.00 B.2590.40 Fireworks 2 200.00 Sale OfUsed Equipment Used Equipment Part Town 1 756.00 Sub-Total: $359.709.18 PT-HIGHWAY D8.2590.00 Excavation Permits 30 8.451.90 Sub-Total: $8.451.90 SVYMD SR.213040 Bags Retail Largo 83 56025 Bags Retail Medium 112 840.00 Bags' Retail'Small 65 243.75 SR.2590.10 Disposal'2O171otPermit 322 4.822.50 Disposal 2O17Add'| Permit 183 1.372.50 Disposal 2017GueoUL0000e 20 500.00 Disposal' Replacement 226 0.00 Disposal'Void 2 0.00 Guoot/Ln0000- Diopona| 5 125.00 Res Disposal' 1ot 2018 847 35.410.00 Res Disposal'Add'|'2U1O 192 2.880.00 GR.2580.20 2O1O'18Add'| permit 2 120.00 2O17'101utPermit 34 1.020.00 01/10/2018 Town Clerk Semi-Annual Report Page 2 July 01, 2017 -December 31, 2017 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share Sub-Total: $38,359.00 WHOLE A.2590.20 Resident 1 10.00 A.1255.10 Marriage License 62 1,085.00 Marriage Trans. 74 740.00 Marriage Trans. -Genealogical 6 66.00 A.1255.20 Photocopies 2143 1,885.90 A.1255.30 Check Charge 1 20.00 A.1289.10 "Houses" Soft Cover- Retail 8 36.80 "I Love Southold"Sticker 8 9.20 Landmark Register 1 6.44 A.1289.20 Application Fee- Non-Refund 5 450.00 Beach Permits 8 80.00 Daily Filming Permit 5 500.00 Traffic Control Fee 1 975.00 A.1410.4.100.100 Bank Fees 2 123.86 A.1670.4.600.400 Postage 2 11.00 A.2116.10 Alarm- Initial 71 1,775.00 Alarm- Renewal 61 610.00 Alarm-Renewals 922 9,220.00 Renewal 2011 1 10.00 Renewals 2014 6 60.00 A.2116.20 Alarm- Fines 136 13,550.00 A.2540.10 Bingo Proceeds 24 105.28 A.2544.10 Dog License Female, Spayed 124 1,240.00 Dog License Female, Unspayed 13 195.00 Dog License Male, Neutered 133 1,330.00 Dog License Male, Unneutered 16 240.00 Exempt Dog License 1 0.00 Replacement Tags 3 9.00 A.2544.20 Dog Adoptions 2 20.00 Dog Redemption- 1st 20 200.00 Dog Redemption-2nd 5 100.00 Dog Redemptions-3+ 3 90.00 A.2590.10 Commercial-2017 13 650.00 Free-Non-Comm-2017 166 0.00 Marine Contractor 1 100.00 Non-Resident-2017 29 1,450.00 Replacement-2017 2 0.00 Resident- Non-Comm-2017 270 1,350.00 Void-2017 2 0.00 A.2590.10-Shellfish Commercial-Shellfish-2018 19 950.00 Non-Res-Shellfish-2018 1 50.00 Res. Free-Shellfish-2018 93 0.00 Res. Non-Com-Shellfish- 18 26 130.00 Resident- FREE 4 0.00 Resident-Non-Comm 1 5.00 01/10/2018 Town Clerk Semi-Annual Report Page 3 July 01, 2017-December 31, 2017 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk,Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,excepting only such fees and monies,the application of which are otherwise provr sled for by law. Account# Account Description Fee Descri tion ........... Qty Local Share A.2590.20 Beach Personnel 7 0.00 Daily-2017 784 19,600.00 Guest-2017 295 11,800.00 Hotel/Motel-2017 10 400.00 Lessee-2017 156 6,240.00 Non-Resident-2017 45 6,750.00 Replacement-2017 172 0.00 Resident-2017 2355 23,550.00 Void-2017 17 0.00 A.2590.20- Beach Guest 8 320.00 Hotel/Motel 4 400.00 Non-resident 1 300.00 Parking 661 13,220.00 Replacement-2018 1 0.00 Trailer 46 920.00 Void-2018 1 0.00 A.2590.30 A.2590.30 84 574.05 A.2590.50 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 30 5,415.00 A.2650 Used Equipment-Whole Town 1 4,000.00 A.2770.10 Application For Appeal 1 250.00 B.2655.00 Zoning Map- Large 1 40.00 Bell Jar License Bell Jar License 1 10.00 Domestic Partnership Domestic Partnership 2 20.00 Sub-Total: $133,247.53 WWDD SS1.2130.00 Septic Permit-Construct- Resid. 58 580.00 Septic Permit-Construct. Non-resid. 3 65.00 Septic Permit-Operation- Resid. 1 10.00 Sub-Total: $655.00 YARD SALE B.1255.00 Yard Sale 320 4,800.00 Sub-Total: $4,800.00 Total Local Shares Remitted: $573,769.81 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. &Markets for spay/neuter program - 344.00 Amount paid to: NYS EnvirornrrnernW Co nse vatioin 11,067.95 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License -.- - 1,395,00 Amount paid to: State:;alharire Of bell star License 15.00 Amount paid to: "11 ... .dales"V ax 8.72 Y - Total State, County & Lo Revenues $12,830.67 Total Non-Local Revenues: �$586,600.48_ . . ...- .... C... ..._ cal _.. Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn,says that she is the Town Clerk,that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month stated above,excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law. w Southold Town Supervisor Date Southold'1°'own Clerk Date