HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-83-2-6.6 Ti~USTEES ' John'M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice Presidem Henry E Smi~ John B. Tmhill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-t823 BOARD OF-TOWN TRUSTEES ?OWN OF SOUq'HOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. FL~RIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road PO. Box 1179 Southold, New ¥~rk 11971 COASTAL EROSION M~kNAGF~/F~qT: PEP~XT Permit Nu/mber: 83-2-6.6 Name of Applioant/A~nt: En-Consultants N~me of Permittee:~Murray Xlapper A~dress of Permittee: P.O~ Box 291~ Oregon Road~ Cutchogue Property Located: SCT~ ~1000-83-2-6o6 same as above. DESCRIPTIO~ OF ACTIVI~J: To rmmove an~ replace 206° 1.f~ of timber buS,head approx~ 12~ landward of present location and armor with 1~3 %on stone. Small returns 3 =/-%'will be necessary on both sides to attach to existing walls that remain and are functional~ Backfill with 300+/- c.y. of olean sand to b~bro~ght in. ~ D~ts'of permit issuance: June 4~ 1992 This p~a~it is valid for a period of two years from the date of issumnce. SPECZAL CO~ITIONS: ~,~ Bluff restoration attached hereto and is permit. through a re-vegetation agreement is a necessary special condition of this A relocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. _X12_A maintenance agreement is attached hereto mhd is a necessary special condition of this permit. Approved on April 30~ 1992 by resolution o~ the Board of Trustees. John M. Bredemeyer, [II President, Board of Trustees c~: Murray Klapper Eh-Consultants, CAC oard Tovm Tr,J ees: :'SOUTHOLD', NEW YO~I( ~ f~ S~ o~ New ~:~bd R~U~T~NG AND THE P~CI~ ,OF¢~ IN AND ON TO~N ~AT~S AND PUbLiC ~E~VAL OF SAND, ~AVEL O~ :OTHER MATERIALS to remove a~d rent,ce 206 If of ~imber 'B~lkhead approx. 12' ward ofpresenz location and armored with 1-3 ton ston~. Sm~l returns (3=/-~) will be necessary on both sides to attach to e~is~ing walls that remMn and ar~ function~l. _ack~zH w/ 300+/ ~ ~ ~ccordance w;f~ fhe ~efa~[ed specific~f~on~ as p~e~nfe~ f~e omg~aflng app,icaf~on. c.y. o{ cle~n IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees h~re- by causes ifs Corporaf~ SeaJ fo be affixed, and fhese presents fo be ~ubscr]bed by ~ mejorffy of fhe said Boerd as of fh[s daf,a. January 22, 1993 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Associates P.O. Box 188 Valley Stream, N~11580-9998 RE: 83--2-13.4 &13.5 - to be pttrchased by Charles Bank Dear Mr,. Blakeraan: 1993 this office has checked Town we%land ordinance and~C6astsI Erosi~ Act appears to be Rc structural ~iolations under either ordinance, F~r. Klapper has net properly concluded a maintenance agreement for the site in that we still need 3 copies of a licensed land survey of the 206' b~lkhead c~0nstructed tknder permit 83-26.6-'92. Unfortunately our file does not contain the original notarized agreement and we must ask that another be this sUrVey. ls the Encl~s~ is an.application for the maintenance agreament~ provided. 3 !c~ples of ~ re~ent land s,u_rve~r, and a timely agreement are submittea, we would accept them in either the present owne~ or future owner"s name. It wou~d appear that there are no pendiRg violations aq~n~t this p~emises as seen on building department records. Howeven, this o~fice is not in a position to formally speak for that department. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. ~h~a M. Br%demeye~, III President, Board of Trustees ROBERT CERTIFIED M-AIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Post Office Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 January 8, 1993 Gentlemen: I am the attorney for Charles and Jennifer Bank who are purchasing certain real property located at 3300 Digmans Road, also known as Oregon Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, from Murray Klapper. We have been advised that Mr. Klapper obtained a permit to do certain work on a bulk head, among other things, on or about Juno 4, 1992. It is our understanding that the work to be performed over the permit was completed by Mr. Klapper. I would appreciate if you would indicate whether or not a final inspection and approval is necessary and, if so, has Mr. Klapper obtained such an inspection and approval? In addition, please indicate if there are any outstanding violations or complaints concernin§ said property by either the Building Department, the Coastal Erosion Management Department, or any other department having jurisdiction over this property. I would greatly appreciate if your office would contact me by January 20, 1993, inasmuch as we intend to take title on or about that date. Thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation. BAB:jhc cc: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bank BRUCE A. BLAKEMAN John M. Bredemeye_r; Iii, .~esidem Albert J. Krapstd, Jr-, Vice Pres/dent Henry E Smith John B. Tulhitl William G, At,orison Telephone (516) 765-t892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L, H3~RIS Town Hall 53092 . Re. Box Sau~old. August IB~ 1992 JOSsDh ~is~hetti, Jr. ~abart Road So~thold, ~ 11971 RE: ~urray_Klapper S~T~4 ~i900 83-2-6.6 Dear Mr o Fisohettig - ~ae. Droposal to place a 2000 sq.ft, addition ?nlthe South side of Mr. Klapper~s home is non-jurisdictional w!th respect to South~id~s Coastal~ Erosion Law (Capt. 37) as t~e proposed structure is landward of the Coastal Erosion ~asard Area tine at this time. ~iven the size of the propose~t addition in relation to the site, it would be prudent for the owner,~to take a very har~ Look at the engineering ~nd practical ownership concerns surrounding s~ch a ma~or addition on this point:of land. You migh% want to study any available "oldTM surveys for this sit~ ~o look at the "recent historic" beach erosion and ~lu~f failure rate[s) an~ consider a practical angle of repose that Mr. Kl~ppers lot ~y attain under best and worst case scenarios. Once you have established a practical bluff retreat rate~ you simply have to ask how long it is before a move of the house is going to be an engineering necessity? Although non-jurisdictional, i would recommend any ne~ a~dition for the site be of a movable tl~pe on pitinps and be located at least 50~ landward of the top of the bluff as you might expect it to lie 40 years fr~ now. VelD' truly yours~ .. Bred~moyer, 5ii President, Board of Trusteos JFi8: jd TRUSTEES John M. Bredem~yer, Iii, President Alber~ L Krupild, Jr., Vice President lax (516) 765-~S23 BOAPJ3 OF TOIYN TRUSTEES TO~W OF SOU~'HOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t179 Southold. Ne~ July 8, 1992 En Consultants~ Inc. 1329 North $,ea Road $0~th~'~Pton~ krf 11968 R~[ ~urray K~,,a~per . Dea~, Mr.: Ha3e: The' foilow~mg action was taken by the Board of.T~ Trustees its re~.la~ meeting hel~ en May 28~ 1992 regard!n9~t~e. ~0ve ~p~E2~, Eh-Consultants on behalf of Murray Klapper applie~ to the Southol& Town T~z~aes for a ~it ~der the the Wetland ordinate of the To~ of 23} !992 :~ said application was referred to the ,Coli~ervation Adviao~ Co.oil for thair :ind 3 and~..' , ; ' ~;j~,. a 'p~!io hearing Was h~t~ ~y the To~ ~'aid applica~i0n on ~y 28, 1992 at .pe~so~ ~ere given ~ opportunity to be hear~, ~(::~S, the'B6ard m~ers.have p ~¢$, na .ly N~, ~FO~ BE IT ' . RESOLED that t~e Board of Trustees approves the! app Murray Ktapper to r~ove and replace 206 l.f. approx. 12~ l~nd~ar~ of present location and stone~ ~all returns (3+/-~) will be attached to existing walls that remain andre onal~ with 300+/- c.y. of clean s~d to be brought This pe~it will e~pire two years from the date must be paid~ if ~D~le_ and pe~,~t issue~ ol the date of this notification. ~o the Trustees are to be notified uDon comple~ion .e~rmlt-w~t! ~e ~ssued ~ut~n payment of the following fees for work to be done beI~ Mean High Water Mark: No fees Very truly yours~ ~. Jo~ M.'Bredemeyer~ III President, Board of Trustee JMB:jt To: From: Dated: Re: Southotd Town Trustees Southold 'Town Conservation Advisory Council April 29, :.1992 Recommendation of Wet,and Applications The following recommendations were mede by"the CAC at its meeting held Tuesday, April 28, 1992: On a motion by Bruce Loucka, seconded by Stephen Angell, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees ~ with ~ the apph~atlon of V[_j~9~n~a Rumbrpler. 75-I-B. to instal! a bulkhead and backfill. The CAC recommends approval pr0v~ded the applicant plant an a~propriate vegetative buffer. Goose Creek Lane, ~uthold Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion by Bruce Loucka, seconded, by Stephen Angell, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval with s~Upu!ations the application of Michael Maher 11I-9-3 to construct bulkhead, stairs, etc. The CAC recommends approval provided the applicant install a drywetl for draining the hot tub and, if not being done a~ready, install a drywell for the swimming pool. 3485 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue Vote of Council: Ayes: A~ Motion carried. On a motion by Stephen Angell, seconded by John McCormick, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees _approva] with st~p~ulation__s of the application of Savvas Milienos b_y_ Sidne~v Otmstead 114-7-14.1 to constroct a dock, ramp and float. The CAC recommends approval provided the proiect does not impinge the neighbor's navigation. ~240 Westphalia Road, Mattituck Vote of Council: Ayes: AH Motion carried. On a motion by Stephen AngeII, seconded by John McCormick, it RESOLVED ' ' ~ ~' ' ~ r tO recommend ~0 [he Sou~hold Town Trustees ~.~ application o~ M~r~,~'l~t~~:~;~..~o~ remove and reprace a bulkhead and backfill. Oregon Road, Cutchogue Vote of Council: Ayes: all Motion carried. On a motion by Stephen Angell, seconded by Bruce Loucka, it was RESOLVED to recommd to the Southold Town Trustees appro_val with stipulation the application of Sa[vatore Passalacqua 83-2-4 to construct a stone ar'rooted timber retaining wall, returns, backfill, and construct stairway. The CAC recommends approval provided the applicant keeps ~he bulkhead landward of the huge boulder at HWM. Oregon Road, Cutchogue Vote of Council: Ayes: All /. CLHYFqOg~