HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/2017 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Application Coordinator Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 PM, August 15, 2017 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: James Grathwohl, Anne Surchin, Edward Webb, Donald Feiler, Robert Harper  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Anne Surchin.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of July 18, 2017 were approved unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Webb and a second by Commissioner Grathwohl. Chairman’s Comments  Chairman Garretson was not in attendance Old Business  Updated Brochure Status Commissioner Surchin said that she had a draft word document for o commissioners to review and that she would email it out to the group. There was a discussion on using the HPC budget to cover printing costs. Brochures will be placed at Town Hall, Public Libraries, and Real Estate Offices.  Awards Status Commissioner Harper proposed the home of Sofia and Mike Antonidadis at 8485 Main Road in East Marion for a restoration award. The Asch house at 250 Skippers Lane in Orient was also proposed.  Update on Real Estate Agents seminar on the HPC law Commissioner Webb will contact Tom McCarthy to set up a meeting. Commissioner Grathwohl will contact Benninatti Realty to set up a meeting. Commissioner Surchin will contact Nick Planamento to set up a meeting.  Moses Case House Commissioner Grathwohl reported that this was moving along  Updated Application Cover Letter Status Commissioners Webb and Surchin circulated of updates and corrections. o • Bertault Barn Update Commissioner Webb reported that at the time of the meeting, no additional work had been done on the barn and that it remains out of compliance with the plans originally submitted to the Commission in June, 2014. Motion: Vice Chair Anne Surchin will meet with the Town attorney to explore options for dealing with this property. Motion passed unanimously.  Proposed Building Materials Checklist Commissioner Feiler once again presented his Building Materials Checklist to the Commission. After a discussion the following motion was brought to the floor: Motion: To accept the proposed Building Materials Checklist that would be part of the Historic Preservation Application package. Motion passed 3 to 1. Meeting Adjourned  The meeting was adjourned unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Grathwohl and a second by Commissioner Webb.