HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/2017 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Application Coordinator Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 PM, April 18, 2017 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: Anne Surchin, James Garretson, James Grathwohl, Robert Harper, Gary Parker, Edward Webb, Damon Rallis  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:08 p.m. by Chairman Garretson.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of March 21, 2017 were approved unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Webb and a second by Commissioner Harper. Chairman’s Comments  There were no chairman’s comments. Pre-Submission Conference  John Bassett for Matthew Aselton/Sara Lamm, 1045 Orchard Street, Orient (SCTM# 1000-25-2-20.22). Proposed additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling and conversion of an accessory building to a pool house on a landmarked property. Mr. Bassett gave a brief overview of the proposed project. o Commissioner Harper asked that Mr. Bassett include a description of the roof o material being used on the accessory structure renovation. Commissioner Surchin asked that Mr. Bassett show mullion types on the plan. o With the changes being made to the accessory structure, Commissioner Harper o questioned the half-moon window. According to Mr. Bassett, the clients wanted to preserve something from the original structure and that was why they chose the half-moon window. Commissioner Grathwohl asked the width of the exposed clapboard proposed for o the main structure. Mt Bassett said that it would be 8 inch and commissioners recommended that he reconsider. Commissioner Surchin also asked the Mr. Bassett provide the commission with a o complete window schedule. Based on the additional information requested by the commission, it was o suggested that Mr. Bassett return for an additional pre-submission conference on May 16, 2017. Public Hearing (Held over from pervious meeting)  Peyser F M III & J M Living Trust, 1420 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-24.-2- 6.1). “As Built” “Under Construction” additions and alterations (roof deck) to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. The public hearing was resumed by Chairman Garretson at 3:30 PM. Michael o Kimack presented changes made to the project since the previous meeting which included closing the deck with a large fascia and the addition of the horizontal “string” railing. Commissioner Harper asked why the applicant did not consider recreating the o original railing. Mr. Kimack explained that the new rail was required to meet state code and that they chose the “wire” rails to have the least amount of visual impact. Resolution # – Passed: 4-2  Resolution #, “As Built” “Under Construction” additions and alterations (roof deck) to an existing single family dwelling at 1420 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000- 24.-2-6.1). (A full copy of the resolution is on file in the Southold Town Building department.). Mover: (Webb/Parker) Public Hearing  Scofield, 2355 Village Lane, Orient . (SCTM# 1000-26.-1-13)Proposed alteration (roofing – metal to asphalt) to an existing accessory building on a landmarked property in the Orient Historic District. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Garretson at 3:45 PM. Richard o Gillolly, on behalf of the applicant, presented a quote to commissioners for replacing the roof in kind, which he said was cost prohibitive for the applicant. He also offered a Timberline architectural grade shingle as a possible alternative to the asphalt. Resolution #– Failed: 2-4  Resolution #, Proposed alteration (roofing – metal to asphalt) to an existing accessory building at 2355 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-26.-1-13). (A full copy of the resolution is on file in the Southold Town Building department). Public Hearing  Karin and Doug Constant, 555 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-25-2-5.4). Proposed alterations (siding, window replacement, bay window addition) to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Garretson at 4:30 PM. Bob Brenner, o Architect, presented the plan on behalf of the applicant. He explained that the applicant chose the Anderson 400 Series window because it o allows the existing sill to remain untouched and allows for the elaborate trim to remain untouched. Resolution #– Passed: 4-2  Resolution #, Proposed alterations (siding, window replacement, bay window addition) to an existing single family dwelling at 555 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-25.-2-5.4). (A full copy of the resolution is on file in the Southold Town Building department). Public Hearing  Sara Garretson, 1620 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-25-2-16). Proposed alteration (garage door) to an existing accessory garage on a landmarked property. The public hearing was opened by Vice-Chair Surchin at 5:00 PM after Chairman o Garrettson recused himself from the proceedings. The applicant presented the plan, which called for the replacement of an existing o fiberglass garage door. Resolution #– Passed: Unanimous  Resolution #, proposed alteration (garage door) to an existing accessory garage on a landmarked property 1620 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-25.-2-16). (A full copy of the resolution is on file in the Southold Town Building department). Public Hearing  AW LLC, 640 Skippers Lane, Orient . (SCTM# 1000-24.-1-10)Proposed alteration (chimney) to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. Mark Kafaga presented an overview of the plan to the commission. o Commissioners said they could not consider the application at this time because o they needed more detail on the plan. Chairman Garretson called for the hearing to remain open until more details, o include a list of materials, were provided by the applicant. Old Business Chairman Garretson called for all “old business” items to be tabled until the next o meeting due to time constraints. New Business  1747 Case-King House on Rt. 48 in Southold Commissioner Grathwohl reported that the building, which is under threat of o demolition to make way for a proposed gas station, may be saved through the Peconic Land Trust. The organization is considering moving the building to a new location (Horton and Route 48) to be used for farm worker housing. Meeting Adjourned  The meeting was adjourned unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Grathwohl and a second by Commissioner Surchin.