HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/2017 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Application Coordinator Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 PM, March 21, 2017 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: Anne Surchin, James Garretson, James Grathwohl, Robert Harper, Gary Parker, Edward Webb, Damon Rallis  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Garretson.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of February 21, 2017 were approved unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Parker and a second by Commissioner Surchin. Commissioner Webb abstained. Chairman’s Comments  Chairman Garretson briefly discussed commission goals, complementing the commission on the work that had been done thus far and noting that there was more to do. Public Hearing  Peyser F M III & J M Living Trust, 1420 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-24.-2- 6.1). “As Built” “Under Construction” additions and alterations (roof deck) to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Garretson at 3:15 PM. Michael o Kimack presented the project on behalf of the property owners, explaining that the intent was to replace a second story deck that once existed on the house. Commissioner Parker asked about a railing and noted that it would have to be o drawn on the plans. Mr. Kimack explained that they were likely going to use a wire rail. Commissioner Grathwohl asked whether or not there could be less of a pitch on o the roof and the group agreed that the spacing between the deck and lower roof should be enclosed. Mr. Kimack agreed to send the plans back to Architect Mark Schwartz for o revisions. The hearing was left open for the April meeting. o  Pat & Kevin Brogan, 2595 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-24.-1-21). “As Built” “Under Construction” additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Garretson at 3:15 PM. Joan o Chambers presented the proposed project on behalf of the property owners. Ms. Chambers explained that the applicants had originally been given a permit for o interior renovations. However, during the project the builder discovered rot in the window sills. She explained that the existing windows were cheap vinyl and explained that the applicant would be using Anderson 400 Series with snap ins. Commissioner Parker explained that the window type should be noted on the o plans. Resolution # – Passed: Unanimous  Resolution #, “As Built” “Under Construction” additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling at 2595 Village Lane, Orient (SCTM# 1000-24.-1-21). (A full copy of the resolution is on file in the Southold Town Building department.). Mover: (Grathwohl/Parker) Old Business  HPC Awards Chairman Garretson led the discussion about HPC Awards and suggested two o properties for awards; The Cutchogue Library; the Terry House and the Asch house in Orient. Commissioner Webb asked how “pure” the nominated structures should be. o Commissioners discussed various possibilities for award categories, including a o “conservation” award, “adaptive reuse”, and a “creativity” award. Chairman Garretson agreed to check with the Town Supervisor’s office on where o to get award certificates printed up.  HPC Goals Commissioner Harper asked to discuss HPC goals that had been circulated among o commissioners via email. However, no copy was made available for the meeting and no commissioner had a copy. The discussion was tabled until the next scheduled meeting.  Brochures Commissioner Grathwohl explained that he had lost the photos that he planned to o send to Anne for the brochure as a result of computer problems. He said he was working on recovering them. Chairman Garretson noted that Commissioner Harper has a library of pictures and o suggested that commissioners get together to choose some. Commissioner Surchin said that additional “tweaking” was needed on the o brochure language. New Business  Public Comment Orient resident Richard Gillooly addressed the commission regarding the Scofield o roof project and asked that they reconsider their previous decision. Commissioners said that although they had voted against the original proposal o they were open to other options. Commissioners suggested that Mr. Scofield reapply and the project would be put o on for public hearing in April.  Orient Historic District Commissioner Webb brought up the issue of the Orient Historic District and the o fact that there were discrepancies between the town’s registry of landmarked structures and the true boundaries of the Orient Historic District. The commission agreed that the matter was urgent; as it appears that a number of o buildings that should be on the town’s registry are not and have not been since the commission’s inception. Commissioners agreed to bring the problem to the attention of the town board. o  Threatened Structure Commissioners discussed a historically significant structure at 46770 County o Route 48, in Southold, that is under threat of demolition. Although the property is not landmarked, commissioners said they would like to see the building saved. They briefly discussed the possibility of a delay of demolition law, like other towns have. Commissioner Garretson said he would float the idea with Supervisor Russell.  Unapproved Fence Commissioner Surchin reported that a fence had been put up in front of the o William Steeple Davis House in Orient without Commission approval. She asked that it be placed on April’s agenda for discussion.  Meeting Adjourned The meeting was adjourned unanimously on a motion by Commissioner o Grathwohl and a second by Commissioner Parker.