HomeMy WebLinkAbout1) RFP Proposal (Rutkoski; Elak) Proposal to the United States Department of Agriculture Commodity Credit Corporation Natural Resources Conservation Service For 2002 Federal Farmland Protection Program Funding Town of Southold Purchase of Development Rights Program FARM ACREAGE TOTAL COST REQUEST Rutkoski Farm, Mattituck, NY 27.7 acres $554,000 $277,000 Elak Farm, Cutchogue, NY 27.0 acres $540,000 $270,000 Simon Farm, Peconic NY 32.1 acres $577,000 $288,900 Damianos Farm, Peconic, NY 21.7 acres $434,000 $217,000 Adamowicz Farm, Peconic NY 40.0 acres $800,000 $400,000 TOTAL 146.8 acres $2,905,000 $1,452,900 i Y i Submitted By: Contact Person: _ - Joshua Horton, Supervisor Melissa Spiro, Coordinator •tet Town of Southold Land Preservation Department 53095 Main Road Town of Southold ` PO Box 1 t79 53095 rain Road Southold,NY 11971 PO Bo 1179 631 765-180011971 ( ) Southd,NY , (631) 5-5711 *w6mv-& I SSW Foure Aw ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE I� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK r a P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS s ' ` r Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER ® Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ��®�/ ��®� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 453 OF 2002 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 2, 2002: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes submission of a 2002 proposal to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Federal Farmland Protection Program,whereby the Town of Southold proposes a cooperative effort to acquire the development rights to agricultural properties which have been submitted by their owners to the Land Preservation committee of the Town of Southold for sale of such rights to the Town of Southold, in accordance with the terms of the Farmland Protection Program. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk r , CRITERIA FOR PROPOSAL. EVALUATION 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAMS: (a) Commitment to Agriculture: Since its founding over 350 years ago, the Town of Southold (the Town)has been a farming community. Throughout the years, the Town has seen many changes including substantial population increase and, consequently, the encroachment of development. Of the Town's approximately 34,000 acres, farmland still comprises a substantial portion—over 10,200 acres. According to 1997 data, the Town contained 22% of Suffolk County's remaining agricultural acreage. Agricultural production is of vital importance to the character of the Town and its economy. Town residents have shown their commitment to agriculture by approving bond issuances in 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1994 for$1.75 million apiece and again in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999, for $2 million a piece. In June of 1998, the Peconic Bay Region Community Preservation Act was signed into law, which created a mechanism whereby Southold Town can use a 2%real estate transfer tax to acquire properties critical to the preservation of agricultural land and open space within the Town. The Town adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan(Exhibit A) in accordance with the legislation that lists parcels eligible for consideration under the terms of the Community Preservation Fund. Also in 1999, the Town commissioned a full farmland inventory and in 2000, unanimously adopted a Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy(Exhibit B). Over the past 16 years, since the Town's first purchase of development rights, the Town has protected sixty-seven(67) farmland parcels, totaling 1348 acres. Through its Code, the Town also helps to protect agriculture with a 50% cluster development provision and a"Right to Farm" clause. (b)Acquisition,Management and Enforcement: Acquisition—As discussed above, the Town is very active and has been very successful in its farmland protection efforts. To date, the Town has protected sixty-seven(67) farmland parcels, totaling 1,348 acres (see list, Exhibit Q. Last year alone the Town protected 209 acres at a cost of$2,535,325 and, this year, the Town has already protected 61 acres at a cost of$1,070,400. Additionally, Suffolk County has helped to protect 1,414 acres within the Town since its first purchase in 1977 (see list, Exhibit D). The Town of Southold's goal is to protect eighty percent(80%) of its approximately 6,900 unprotected farmland acres. While this proposal requests matching funds for only five (5) farms, the Town is under serious discussions with an additional eight(8) landowners who own farmland totaling over 200 acres. Outreach efforts are underway with another 30 farmland owners. The Town employs a full-time Land Preservation Coordinator and has an active 7 member Land Preservation Committee. The Town's pro-active efforts include: direct outreach to farmland owners through the Coordinator, committee members and staff members of Peconic Land Trust via a consulting contract, mailings and educational literature(see—A Property Owner's Guide to Preserving Farmland and Open Space—Exhibit E). Management and Enforcement--The Town's Land Preservation Coordinator compiles Baseline Documentation for each easement with the assistance of the Town's GIS Specialist and consultants, as necessary. The Baseline Documentation includes a survey,USGS map, aerial photograph,tax map,photographs of property and copy of deed of the development rights and enables the Town to manage and enforce easements. The Town has a strong support staff to manage and enforce easements. The Town's Land Preservation Department, through its Committee, consultants, Community Development Office and Buildings and Grounds Department monitors each parcel at least annually. The Town's Code Enforcement Official, with the assistance of the Town Attorney's Office, enforces any easement violations. (c) Stewardship: As stated above,the Town's Land Preservation Coordinator has Baseline Documentation for each easement. The Town has a dedicated stewardship staff comprised of the Town's Land Preservation Coordinator and Committee, consultants, Community Development Office and Buildings and Grounds Department. Each property is monitored at least annually. (d)Availability of Funds: The Town has committed funds through its voter approved Community Preservation Fund described above. As of June 1, 2002 the Town has over $3,800,000 in its Community Preservation Fund to match the proposed USDA grant. Please note that in addition to this revenue source,the Town has three (3)voter approved unissued bonds totaling another$6,000,000. (e) Pending Offers: See attached letters and appraisals following each project description. 2. LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED: (a) Map: See attached map showing proposed farmland development rights acquisition parcels. (b)Amount and Source of Funds: The Town has committed over$3,800,000 in funds from its Community Preservation Fund to match the proposed USDA grant. Please note that in addition to this revenue source, the Town has three (3)voter approved unissued bonds totaling an additional $6,000,000. (c) Criteria Used to Set Acquisition Priorities: The five proposed projects meet objectives outlined in the New York State Open Space Conservation Management Plan(Exhibit F), the Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan(Exhibit G), the Suffolk County Code, Chapter 8, Agricultural Lands (Exhibit H), the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan(Exhibit A), Southold Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy(Exhibit B) and the Town's Code criteria, Chapter 6, Community Preservation Fund and Chapter 25, Agricultural Lands Preservation(Exhibit I) for farmland protection. Criteria used to numerically rank the five projects in include: ♦ Soil suitability for agricultural use and history of agricultural production; ♦ Visibility/frontage on major thoroughfares; ♦ Contiguity with other protected agricultural lands; ♦ Development potential and threat; and ♦ Conservation commitment of landowner. (d) Lands to be Acquired ❑ Map of Proposed Projects ❑ Individual Project Information including: ■ Project Outline ■ Aerial Map ■ Protected Lands Map ■ Letter of Intent/Pending Offer ■ Appraisal Town of Southold Farmland :, Location Map for Subject Parcels } Subject Parcels Unprotected Land In Agricultural Use Protected Land In Agricultural Use Protected Land Not In Agricultural Use U1 Land Not In Agricultural Use Damianos Farm 74.4-3.2 � Adamowicz Farm P 74.-1-40.1 Rutkoski Farm i 108.-2-3& 115.-240 " � y 1 Estate of Charles Simon Farm 86.-1-10.9 Elak Farm 115.-8-3.3 Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS July 9, 2002 Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency ' GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2002,County of Suffolk, N.Y. (x) Accessibility to Markets: The farmers in the Town of Southold have accessibility to both retail and wholesale markets. There is a very strong local market for the sale of fresh agricultural produce sold at roadside farm stands to residents, a significant tourist population, second homeowners and to local restaurants. Produce is also sold in local food markets and is featured in larger supermarket chains that serve all of Long Island such as King Kullen. Additionally, the New York City markets (including the Hunts Point Terminal) are within approximately 90 miles to the West. Less perishable items such as potatoes are sold all along the eastern seaboard and travel as far as Puerto Rico. Long Island wines now enjoy a national market. (xi)Agricultural Infrastructure: Southold farmers have accessibility to significant agricultural infrastructure and resources. The following are located in Riverhead Town which abuts Southold Town: John Deere(farm equipment), Long Island Cauliflower Association(seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, etc.), Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County(agricultural research and education), Long Island Farm Bureau(farm-related support), and First Pioneer Farm Credit. In addition, there are a variety of other companies within Suffolk County that provide products and services for the farming community. (xii)Level of Threat: The Town of Southold faces significant development pressure from an expanding year-round population, a large and ever-growing demand for seasonal vacation homes and golf courses and golf course communities. The Town Planning Board has twenty-three(23) pending major subdivision applications and twenty-seven(27)pending minor subdivision applications. In 1990,the US Census Bureau defined the western edge of the adjacent Town of Riverhead as urbanized. This increasing development pressure has caused land values to skyrocket in the past few years. Only five years ago,the Town of Southold purchased development rights for approximately$6,000 an acre. Current appraisals support prices upwards from $20,000 per acre. As part of the effort to protect farms from development pressure, there is a State Agricultural District in the Town. 07/12/02 FRI 11:10 FAX 631 753 6776 REP FELIX GRUCCI DIST ID002 FELIX J.GRUCCI,JR. COMMITTEES: 1sT DIsTFIcT,Naw YDRc FINANCIAL SERVICES 5USCCMMITTGESI PINANCUIL INSTITUTIONS AND CONSUMER L:KGDIT 31 Weer MAIN STrear,9wTE 300 PATCHOGUE,NY 11772 HCLS-NG AND COMMUNITY 0PPCRTUNITY 1331)736-4600 Dowmic MONETARY POLICY, TEcHNcLoGY Aao ECONC# c GRDwrN Wcv"HTDN DPRCE, �'� , aniteb Stattz 16DI!I.eNGweRTN HoLe¢e O.rlee BoR.DINe WW � WwsNCIGTON,DC 24515 SCIENCE 1�)22 6 Pouge of AepregentattbO SUECOMMITTEES. ENVSIONMENT,TEcKjoLOGY stinfftan,MC 20515 AND STANDARDS ResEARCR July 17,2002 SMALL BUSINESS SUECOM PArrMES Joe DelVecchio, State Conserva Monist WORKFORCE,EMPOWERMENT AND GOVEANMC PROGKAMa ATT: Marilyn Stephenson,:FPP Program Manag,.—, RURAL ENTERPRISES.AGRICULTURE USDA—MRCS AND TECHNoLDOY O'Brien Federal Building Room 333 Albany,NY 12207 Dear Mr.DelVecchio, I wish to express my strong support for the grant application submitted by the Town of Southold for funding to assist in the acquisition of development rights on farmland located within the Town in Mattituck,Cutehogue, )Ind Peconic. The Town. of Southold has a proven track record of preserving farmland and has already preserved approximately 1,350 acres. Development pressure is intense and prices have risen ' dramatically. Southold is the h)me of Long Island's beautiful and fruitful wineries, as well as various family farms producing.iuits,vegetables,greenhouse iters, and many commodities. Without question, urban sprawl :ontinues to threaten the Nation's farmland as evidenced by the increasingly high conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses. Once developed, productive:farmland, with its i ich topsoil, is lost forever, placing this Nation's future food security at great risk. We must,11 do all that we can to secure the vanishing farmland within our rural communities. With this i 1 mind, I urge you to support the application of the Town of Southampton for the 2002 U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farmland Protection Program grant cycle to assist their farmland pre.lervation efforts. Thank you for your consideratio)>. Sincerely, -40 /erofiCongres FECtYI, Me PRINTED ON AECVCLE7 CAPER 07/12/02 FRI 10:14 FAX _ 2002 THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK KENNETH P L-%VALLE 121 V-117 LE COUNTRY ROAD I ST SENA"i'UISTRICT SELDEN.NEWYORK I I%RJ CHAIRMAN,MAJORfTY CONF&At:NCE CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON 1C[('HKR EDUCATION July 11, 2002 Joe DelVecchio, State Conservationist ATT: Marilyn Stephenson, FPP Program Manager USDA-N RCS O'Brien Federal Building Room 333 Albany, New York 12207 Dear Mr. DelVecchio: I am writing in support of the Town of Southold's application for funding through the Farmland Protection Program administered by the Department of Agriculture. Farmland in eastern Suffolk County is under extreme development pressure, and the Town is seeking to purchase development rights to farmland in the region which is most threatened. The Town of Southold has been very proactive in preservation of farmland, and has already preserved 1350 acres. This funding would assist the Town to acquire development rights to farmland in Mattituck, Cutchogue and Peconic. I believe that this is a most important program, and is key to ensuring the continuation of our farming heritage in eastern Suffolk. The preservation of these prime agricultural lands in productive farming would have multiple benefits to our region. Farmers can continue in their livelihood, and open space which is so vital to our tourist industry would be preserved. Thank you For your kind consideration of this application. ncerely yours, Ke eth P. LaValie State nator KPL:al 07/17/02 WED 10:02 RU 5163693869 ACAMPORA Z001 I THE ASSEMBLY r STATE OF NEW YORK RANKING MINORITY VEMBER I ALBANY Alcoholism&Drug Abuse COMMITTEES Consumer Affairs&Protecton PATRICIA L ACAMPORA Corporations,Authorities&Commissions Assemblywoman is:District Oovommartal Emplcyvas Suflolk County labor July 12,2002 Attention: Marilyn Stephenson,FPP Program Manager Joe Del Vecchio,State Conservationist USDA-MRCS O'Brien Federal Building Room 333 Albany,NY 12207 Dear Mr.Del Vecchio: This letter is written to express my strong support for the grant application submitted by tl:e Town of Southold for funding to assist in the acquisition of development rights on farmland located within the Towns of Matatuek. Cutchogue and Peconic. i The Town of Southold has a proven track record of preserving farmland and has already preserved approximately 1,350 acres. Development pressure is intense, and prices have risen dramatically. Without question,urban sprawl continues to threaten the Nation's farmland as evidenced by the increasingly high conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses. Once developed, productive farmland with its rich topsoil is lost forever,placing this Nation's future food security at great risk. We must do all we can to secure the vanishing farmland within our rural communities. With his in mind, I urge you to support the application of the Town of Southold for 2002 U.S, Department of Ag iculture Farmland Protection Program grant cycle to assist in their farmland preservation efforts. As a State legislator who lives in Mattituck, I have secured State ftmding for farmland preservation. Thank you for your consideration. S' erely, P cia L.Acampora 1VIBER OF ASSEIviBLY PLA/abs DISTRICT OFFICE:400 West Man Street,Suite 201,Rwerhead,New York 11901,(631)727.1363,FAX(831)389-3889 ALBANY OFFICE:PD=725.Legislative ORIce Bulldog,Albany,New York 12248,(518)455-52.94,FAX(518)465-4740 ��� Printed on recycled paper. Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board ago Comen ccooerative Extension . Suffolk County 246 Grdng Avenue. Rivemeao. NY 1190 •3086 June 26, 2002 Mr. Joe DelVecchio, State Conservationist ATT: Marilyn Stephenson, FPP Program Manager USDA-NRCS O'Brien Federal Building Room 333 Albany,New York 12207 Dear Ms Stephenson: I am writing this letter in support of the Town of Southold application for Federal funding from the Farm Bill 2002 for the preservation of farmland by purchasing the development rights. The Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board met on June 26, 2002 and voted to endorse the Town's application. The Town of Southold has a proven track record of preserving farmland and has already preserved over 1,000 acres. Development pressure is intense and prices have risen dramatically. Sincerely, Kenneth Schmitt Chairman Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board Proposal to the United States Department of Agriculture Commodity Credit Corporation Natural Resources Conservation Service For 2002 Federal Farmland Protection Program Funding Town of Southold Purchase of Development Rights Program EXH I BITS TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibit A Town of Southold Community Preservation Project Plan Exhibit B Town of Southold Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy Exhibit C List of Town Protected Farmland Exhibit D List of County Protected Farmland Exhibit E A Property Owner's Guide to Preserving Farmland and Open Space Exhibit F New York State Open Space Conservation Management Plan Exhibit G Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan Exhibit H Suffolk County Code, Chapter 8, Agricultural Lands Exhibit I Town Code, Chapter 6 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 25 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) RUTKOSKI FARM aw (i) Priority of Offer: 1 (ii) Name of Landowner: Henry and Helen Rutkoski (iii) Address: NYS Route 25 (Main Road) and C.R. 48 (North Road), Mattituck,NY 11952 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-108-2-3 & 1000-115-2-10 (See attached map) (iv) Size of property: Total of 27.7 acres (v) Soil: HaA(Haven loam), RdA(Riverhead sandy loam) and RdB (Riverhead sandy loam) (vi) Historical Significance: None known (vii) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent and contiguous to 38 protected acres; within the vicinity of approximately 456 protected acres (See attached maps). (viii) Estimated Cost: $554,000 (Based on accepted offer of$20,000 per acre) The Rutkoski family has been farming this parcel for three generations. The farm is a traditional Long Island farm producing mainly truck crop vegetables. The Rutkoski's also operate a small retail farm stand along NYS Rt. 25/Main Road. The next generation is anxious to continue with the family's farm heritage. The family has a commitment to conservation and has participated in a Peconic Estuary Program grant for nutrient and pest management related to the local waterfront initiative and has completed an Agricultural Environmental Management(AEM) Plan which is on file. The farm has approximately 500 feet of road frontage and is visible from the two main thoroughfares in the Town—NYS Rt. 25 (Main Road) and C.R. 48 (North Road). The parcel is enrolled in the New York State Agricultural District Program. Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS July 9, 2002 Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2001 Flight Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2002,County of Suffolk, N.Y. i Rutkoski Farm 08 2-3 & 115.-2=10 i s s i ME [] Under Consideration Map , r ,��ocJ11FFOtf�CO MELISSA A. SPIRO ���p G� Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATORO C4'y ^ A 5 rFax o 7909 Pry Y 1 17 -011 �� OCT65-1366 .1 � OCT 3 0 2001 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATfON DEPT OF LAND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PRESERVATION I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this land under the Town's Land Preservation programs. Name of Owner(Please Print) z L, Names of other owners T/.�e/s AJ Mailing Address h2f�TrlTu Phone Number --:7--10 Tax Map No. 1000 -- -- -- Acreage offered for if-7 3 8 ky rog _Z-3 preservation • �� Property Location MR i /Z 41 ow7�/-` r c.,C-it- .k-:L t-. -L �Z p .-W At f-*r l T(-r e-k Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you may have about preservation of your property. J--,< R tic lt-d I'd r%.,IL jer-c e d 6 u o W a C--(r- You .2You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee. I understand that this application does not commit me, or the Town of Southold, to the sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rights thereto. Rather, it signifies an 1 interest in serious dialog concerning the merit and method of possible preservation of my land. date nr j Z6- J, ° Please return the completed form to Southold Town Land Preservation Department When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other readily available information that describes your property. o�oS�FFoc,��, MELISSA A. SPIRO �� �G.y Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR P.O.Box 1179 CA Southold,New York 11971-0959 p .F Telephone(631) 765-5711 Fax(631) 765-1366 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 2, 2002 Henry and Helen Rutkowski 18275 Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 RE: , Development Rights Application for Rutkowski Property SCTM# 1000-108-1-2 1000-115-2-10 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rutkowski: Please accept this letter as confirmation of the Land Preservation Committee's offer to purchase the development rights on your property at $20,000 per acre. The Committee and I thank you for your interest and participation in the Town's land preservation program. Please feel free to call me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator ELAK FARM q (i) Priority of Offer: 2 (ii) Name of Landowner: John Elak (iii) Address: NYS Rt. 25/Main Road, Cutchogue,NY 11935 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-115-8-3.3 (See attached map) (iv) Size of property: 27 of 29 acres (v) Soil: HaA (Haven loam), RdB (Riverhead sandy loam), RdB (Riverhead sandy loam) (vi) Historical Significance: None (vii) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent and contiguous to 164 acres of protected land; within the vicinity of approximately 456 protected acres (See attached maps). (viii) Estimated Cost: $540,000 (based on new appraisal at$20,000 per acre) The Elak family has been farming this parcel and an adjacent parcel for three generations. The farm is a traditional Long Island farm producing mainly truck crop vegetables,but the family also operates a small retail farm stand along NYS Rt. 25/Main Road. The next generation is committed to continuing the farming tradition. The family is anxious to sell the development rights for estate planning purposes. The Elak's have a completed Agricultural Environmental Management(AEM)Plan on file. The parcel has over 1000 feet of road frontage and is enrolled in the New York State Agricultural District Program. Downs Farm Preserve / Fort Corchaug Development National Hlistoric Landmar Elak FarmRiqhts 1153:3 Owned Town®fid • !� ® �� O Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS July 9, 2002 v •� ■� Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2001 Flight ®�R �■ Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basernap COPYRIGHT 2002,County of Suffolk, N.Y. � III'�I �Q��gUFFO(,�-c MELISSA A. SPIRO � ��/y Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATORc 1 P.O.Box 1179 COD = Southold, New York 11971-0959 O Telephone (631) 765-5711 4,i- �a0� Fax(631) 765-1366 �c DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION December 15, 2000 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD John Elak� I 2 � E 2 ti I1n i� 20730 Main Road FR 15 V E Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Purchase of Development Rights Easement JAN t 0 SCTM# 1000-115-8-3.3 DEPT.OF LAND Dear Mr. Elak: PRESERVATION On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, I am pleased to confirm your verbal acceptance of the offer of$15,000.00 per acre for the sale of a Development Rights Easement to the Town of Southold. The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's farmland preservation program. The return of a copy of this letter with your acceptance-endorsement will allow me to proceed with the scheduling of the Town Board public hearing process. The purchase is subject to approval by the Town Board.Assuming that you return the endorsed letter in a timely fashion, I anticipate a public hearing in mid to late January. A resolution of acceptance by the Town Board will be followed by the preparation of a purchase contract by the Town Attorney. The Town of Southold will order and pay for a survey of your property. The survey will show the Development Rights Easement area,which will be located on all but the approximately 2 acre area you wish to reserve on the New Suffolk Avenue side of your property. Please feel free to contact me if you would like some assistance with the design and layout for the reserved area. The survey will be subject to your approval, as well as that of the Committee. In addition, the Town of Southold will order and pay for an environmental site assessment and a title report for the property. I will do all I can to keep you informed of the process. However,please feel free to call me with any questions you may have. Since ly Zelissa piro Land Preservation Coordinator cc: Land Preservation Committee I/We accept the above offer to purchase the Development Rights. Date: !;f, Owner: ,, - o Phone: 765-1801 LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM I am the owner of property which 1 hereby submit for consideration by the Town of Southold under the Land Preservation Program. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO. _ 9 g- R& 9"�L PROPERTY LOCATION �c-c �C, O to- TAX MAP NO. / ��7 3 3 TOTAL ACREAGE °� 51' -' e S it is understood that this submission does not commit the Town of Southold to the purchase of my property . Please return ,this completed form together with a 'copy of your deed and any existing survey to: Southold Town Land Preservation Committee n�, Southold Town Hall DECE L U P.O. Box 1179' Southold, NY 11971WV 2000 WV 14 DEPT.OF LAND PRESERVATION O��SUFFOL,��oG ELIZABETH A-NEVILLE �� y:�G Town Hall,53095 Main Road- TOWN CLERIK - P.O.Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Q Southold,New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ��,� �a Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 187 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 27,2001: WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Town Board of the Town of Southold to preserve prime agricultural soils and to protect the scenic, open space character of the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Board on August 28, 1998, adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan in which prime agricultural parcels where listed as eligible parcels that should be protected; and WHEREAS, all of the following parcels are listed on the Community Preservation Project Plan; be it therefore RESOLVED that the Town Board is considering the purchase of the following properties: Robert Schreiber John Elak SCTM# 1000-95-1-4 SCTM# 1000-115-8-3.3 Charles Simon Estate Ruth Pollio as Trustee SCTM# 1000-86-1-10.9 SCTM# 1000-108-1-1.1 Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk pECE 'P MAR - 1 2001 >r DEPT.OF LAND 5 PRESERVATION SIMON FARM (i) Priority of Offer: 3 (ii) Name of Landowner: Estate of Charles J. Simon (iii) Address: NYS Rt. 25/Main Road,Peconic,NY 11958 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-86-1-10.9 (See attached map) (iv) Size of property: 32.1 acres (v) Soil: HaA (Haven loam), RdA(Riverhead sandy loam) (vi) Historical Significance: None known (vii) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent and contiguous to 164 protected acres;within the vicinity of approximately 831 protected acres (See attached maps). (viii) Estimated Cost: $577,800 (based on appraisal of$18,000 per acre) This farm has been in the Simon family for two generations and is in immediate jeopardy of development. It has significant road frontage (over 1,300 feet) and accessibility to public water. The parcel is enrolled in the New York State Agricultural District Program. The family is interested in conservation for estate planning purposes, as well as to help maintain the rural character of Southold Town. Town' F' Development Rights v Town t „a Development / Rights ` County Development Rights Colfgv Torn Development Development Rights ,w e � Rights � 101 �l Oh ISN b Il �I \ .. �. Town Development Rights c �.i fkL v(y c� O-"%SFFO���, MELISSA A. SPIRO �� �G.f, Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR P.O.Box 1179 C3 2 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-5711 Fax(631) 765-1366 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN'OF SOUTHOLD July 10, 2002 John Simon 1 Dolphin Way Riverhead,NY 11901 Re: SCTM#: 1000-86-1-10.9 Dear Simon: Per our discussion,the Town of Southold has received the independent appraisal for the purchase of development rights on your farm parcel referenced above. The appraiser values the development rights at$18,000 per acre. We would like to meet with you as soon as possible to review our offer. Thank you for your continued patience and interest in conservation options for your farmland. Sincerely, r c Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator 09/25/00 IMON 09:15 FAX 6312930235 PECONIC LAND-ST _�' PL`1NT�ING_ - x� 09122eCa FRI 13:36 F." 6412a4o223 PECONIC LAn TRST �JOG2 4`o.5mFf0zr . • � s o� FUZE:7&94903, TAm--Rm=y aTTn!q piotmam Y am thg*want of prol3er7r which I ibsftb*. s3} t E*r eomddersd64 by the Town of So=-Ixgld zmcWr tha Ind li-a�dcu Pragr,= ADDRESS 4DI s.• momaY:.0CATIGN' TOTAL ACV—TaC£ ��•�•3 �. - S:iz=d*=toad that this subt iUloa doew ttot cast tae T0"2 of 8onehoid to tI�a puss ese of psaP 'id g-®Gtje> rr r �- Oki C � ?!erse rei<irm tilt aasnpldted farm tagcdmV ruins a=pylQ€,roux deed gild any wttdug=-vcv to. Sau+lscld Town La"Preservadon Cc-==awu So&lm9d Town stern T 0$eC n79 r Td WdZc:SO OM c,d 'd9S ST9Z 4EL 91S 'ON R QHi WpZ{� o�ISlyFFOL,��o ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE _�' y�c Town Hall,53095 Main Road- TORN CLERKP.O.Box 1179 C* Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Oifi O� Fax(631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER o,( �a Telephone(631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 187 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 279 2001: WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Town Board of the Town of Southold to preserve prime agricultural soils and to protect the scenic, open space character of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Board on August 28, 1998, adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan in which prime agricultural parcels where listed as eligible parcels that should be protected; and WHEREAS, all of the following parcels are listed on the Community Preservation Project Plan; be it therefore RESOLVED that the Town Board is considering the purchase of the following properties: Robert Schreiber John Elak SCTM# 1000-95-1-4 SCTM# 1000-115-8-3.3 Charles Simon Estate Ruth Pollio as Trustee SCTM# 1000-86-1-10.9 SCTM# 1000-108-1-1.1 " Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk pECE " •C LIAR - 1 2001 DEPT.OF LAND _ PRESERVATION DAMIANOS FARM i-1 tow .... � � ry i1'�1ir,err.- +.. ro•-- (i) Priority of Offer: 4 (ii) Name of Landowner: Herodotos Damianos (iii) Address: C.R.48/North Road, Peconic,NY 11958 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-74-4-3.2 (See attached location map.) (iv) Size of property: 21.7 acres (v) Soil: HaA (Haven loam), HaB (Haven loam),RdB (Riverhead sandy loam) (vi) Historical Significance: None known (vii) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent and contiguous to 111 acres of protected land; within the vicinity of approximately 831 protected acres (See attached map). (viii) Estimated Cost: $434,000 (based on average value of $20,000 per acre) The parcel has 1,176 feet of road frontage on C.R. 48 (North Road). With over 600 farmland acres,Dr. Damianos has the largest land holding in Southold Town. In 2001,he donated an approximately 23-acre open space parcel to the Town for parkland. This is the first parcel on which Dr. Damianos is considering selling the development rights. He hopes to be able to continue conservation efforts in the future. Dr. Damianos has a completed Agricultural Environmental Management(AEM) Plan on file. The parcel is enrolled in the New York State Agricultural District Program. ®I � o® h. D'amianos°Farm 74.-4-3.2 \ Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS a ® July 9, 2002 Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2001 Flight Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2002,County of Suffolk, N.Y. 10 Protective nants cell Town of Southold NIM Proposed Development Rights Purchases ap Prepared by Town of Southold GIS El Under Consideration July 9, 2002 Protected Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency Outreach Parcel GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2002,County of Suffolk, N.Y. Q�oSUFFoL,�� MELISSA A. SPIRO �� �G.fi Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR P.O.Box 1179 CA Southold,New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-5711 Oy�01 aQ�� Fax(631) 765-1366 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 10, 2002 Herodotos Damianos -------- -- - ---- - POB 957 Port Jefferson Station,NY 11776-0957 Re: SCTM#: 1000-74-4-3.2 Dear Dr. Damianos: Per our discussions,the Town of Southold is very interested in purchasing the development rights on your farmland parcel located on Rt. 48 in Peconic and referenced above. Given the protection efforts around the parcel and the Town's purchase of development rights on similar type parcels,the Town's Land Preservation Committee would be willing to make an offer to purchase the development rights on your parcel(subject to a Town ordered independent appraisal)',within the next 2-4 months. We look forward to working with you on this exciting conservation opportunity. r Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator MELISSA A. SPIRO h� Gy Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR c 1 P.O. Box 1179 C* 2 Southold, New York 11971-0959 O Telephone (631) 765-5711 Fax(631) 765-1366 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I am the owner of the property described below and I would like to explore preservation of this land under the Town's Land Preservation programs. Name of Owner(please print) UP-rnr1nl-ns rami anus Names of other owners Mailing Address Po Box 957 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 Phone Number (631 ) 7340-6200 Tax Map No. 1000 -- 74 -- 4 -- 3 . 2 Acreage offered for preservation 21 .7 acres Property Location Snnth of Mi add a RnAd ((' -'R - 4F)# Par+nni Briefly describe the property (e.g., open space, active farmland, wetland, etc.) and ideas you may have about preservation of your property. Prime agricultural land currently in vineyards Roiling topography, immediately adjacent to Aliano property which is currently under contract to be preserved. You may talk with the Coordinator at 631-765-5711 to discuss questions or to arrange to participate in any of the regular meetings of the Land Preservation Committee. I understand that this application does not commit me, Town of Southold, to the sale/purchase of the property or any portion of the rig is ther to. Rather, it signifies an interest in serious dialog con cerni a merit nd method possible preservation of my land. OA'O04 � date l Z Please return the completed form to Southold Town Land Preservation Department When you return this completed form, it would be helpful to include an existing survey/sketch and any other readily available information that describes your property. ADAMOWICZ FARM (i) Priority of Offer: 5 (ii) Name of Landowner: Adamowicz Family (iii) Address: C.R.48/North Road, Peconic,NY 11958 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-74-1-40.1 (See attached location map.) (iv) Size of property: 40 of 51.4 acres (v) Soil: HaA (Haven loam), HaB (Haven loam), He (Haven loam) (vi) Historical Significance: None known (vii) Other Protected Parcels: Within the vicinity of approximately 831 protected acres (See attached map). (viii) Estimated Cost: $800,000 (based on average value of $20,000 per acre) This farmland parcel has approximately 350 feet of road frontage on C.R. 48 (North Road). The Adamowicz family has a commitment to conservation in Southold Town they have recently accepted an offer from Suffolk County to purchase a 71.4-acre parcel they own in Mattituck. � ♦ �\oto► s �♦ OI/ � 0, Ill Adamowicz ' arm 74..-1-40.1 a Damianos'Farm Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS ® Jul 9' 2002 y Aerial Photographs Taken From Spring 2001 Flight Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2002,County of Suffolk, N.Y. n< o�oSufFot,��oG MELISSA A. SPIRO �� .y Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATORc .�� P.O.Box 1179 C fZ Southold,New York 11971-0959 p Telephone(631) 765-5711 y O� Fax(631) 765-1366 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 10,2002 Adamowicz Family c/o Chris Calderone Number Five 18'h Street Wading River,NY 11792 Re: SCTM#: 1000-74-1-40.1 Dear Mr. Calderone: We are pleased to learn from you that the Adamowicz family is interested in selling the development rights on approximately 40 acres of their 51.4 acre parcel. We are in receipt of the family's full,value appraisal for the entire property. Given the protection efforts around the parcel and the Town's purchase of development rights on similar type parcels,the Town's Land Preservation Committee would be willing to make an offer to purchase the development rights on approximately 40 acres of the parcel(subject to a Town ordered independent appraisal)within the next 2 -4 months. We look forward to working with you and the Adamowicz family on this potential conservation opportunity. i14- Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator Town Of Southold Protected Lands Location Map for Subject Parcels ❑ Subject Parcels Churches, Cemeteries Cour,'y Owned Museums Park District Peconic Land Trust ❑ Peconic Land Trust Easement El Subdivision Park ■ Schools County Development Rights ❑ State Owned ® Subdivision Open Space Town Development Rights Town Development Rights (Partial) ❑ The Nature Conservancy Town Owned Village Owned Damianos Farm Water Utilities 74.4-3.2 r Adamowiez Farm 74.-1-40.1 Rutkoski Farm 108.-2-3& 115.-2-10 Estate of Charles Simon Farm 86.-1-10.9 J Elak Farm 115.-8-3.3 Map Prepared by Town of Southold GIS July 8, 2002 Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2002, County of Suffolk, N.Y.