HomeMy WebLinkAbout2) Award Denial OOPA2/2006 15:06 FAX 5184314112 NRCS [d]002
United States Department of Agrimiture
Natural ResOureas Conservation SOM00
Leo O'Brien Federal Building
Room 333
Albany,NY 12207-2350 FAX: (618)431-4112 PHONE: (518)4$1-4110
rune 12,2006
Mr, Scott A.Russell
Supervisor,"Gown Hall
53095 Route 25,P.O. Box 1179
Southold,New York 11971-0959
Dear Mr.Russell:
Thank you for your response to the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program"Announcement
for Program funds"("APF"),posted to www.erants-ggy website on Monday,March 27,2006.
in New York State,Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS)received responses from 13
New'Yozk entities,requesting$ 11,761,017 in federal funds for 19 farms on 3,890 acres of prime
agricultural land. Conservation easements proposed for those farms are currently estimated at
more than$ 30.6 milliou.
NRCS in New York received an allocation of$2,166,297 in Farm acid Ranch Lands Protection
Program (FRPP)financial assistance for enrolling the highest ranked pending offers.
Your application was reviewed and ranked. The results of your application are indicated below:
Farm Name Points Funding Requested
Arrieta Farm 51 $300,000
Slur Farm 46 $435,000
You're pending offers ranked 51 and 46 points out of a total 57 points and unfortunately,
although your application was eligible,the funding was exhausted before we reached this
pending of ie,T. You should be aware that we requested additional funds for this project;however,
I we have been informed that all funds have been allocated and no additional funds are expected
ithis year. If funds become available I will be in contact with you. I would encourage you to
apply next year.
JUN 2 2 2006
0622/2006 15:06 FAX. 5184314112 NRCS IM003
Please contact rine if you have any questions about the program,or your application. My phone
number is(518)431-4110 extension 102_
Marilyn C. Stephenson
FRpp Program Manager
Natural Resources Conservation Service
cc: File
The United States Departmetrt of Agriculture(USDA)pTohibils discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis Of race,color,
national origin,age, disability,and where applicable,sac,marital status,familial status,parental status,religion,sexual Orientation,genetic
information,political beliefs,reprisal,or because all or part of an individuaPs income ib derived from any public assistance program (Not all
prohibited bases apply to all programs,) Persons with disabitibeS who require alternative means for eommumcation Of program informauoa
(Brune,large pent,audiotape,cte.)should contact USDA's TARGET Center at(202)720-2600(voice and TDO). To file a complaint Of
discrimination,write to USDA,Director,Office of Civil Rights,1400 Independence Avenue,5 w.,Washington,D.C.20250-9410,or call(800)
7453272(voice)or(202)720.6392(TDD), USDA is an equal Opportunity provider and employer