HomeMy WebLinkAbout1) RFP Proposal (Shur;Arrieta) a , Proposal to the United States'Mpartment of A ruulture Commodity Credit Corporation Natural Resources Conservation Service For 2006 Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program Funding Town of Southold Purchase of Development Rights Program FARM EASEMENT EASEMENT NRCS TOWN PROJECT ACREAGE COST REQUEST MATCH Shur Farm 15 acres S 870,000 S 435,000 S 435,000 Arrieta Farm 10 acres S 600,000 S 300,000 S 300,000 TOTAL: 25 acres S1,470,000 S 735,000 S 735,000 t • • • i 1 1 • 1 1 i i 1 • i � 1. 1 ' 1,• ' • 1 1 1 • • 1 �:' 1 • 1 1' ' �o�SUFPo{yCO i Gy RESOLUTION 2006-420 `- ADOPTED DOC ID: 1814 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-420 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 9,2006: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes submission of a 2006 proposal to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, whereby the Town of Southold proposes a cooperative effort to acquire the development rights to agricultural properties which have been submitted by their owners to the Land Preservation committee of the Town of Southold for sale of such rights to the Town of Southold, in accordance with the terms of the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP). Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER:William P. Edwards, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS; r � � � - � � � � � i e \. �. - � 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT ABSTRACT ORGANIZATION & PROGRAMS (1a - 1e) LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED (2a - 2d) DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS (2d continued) SHURFARM ARRIETA FARM PURCHASE AGREEMENT & DEED SAMPLES (2-x) MARKET/LEVEL OF THREAT (2-xi - 2-xv) PARTNERS CONTRIBUTION (3) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION (4) PROJECTABSTRACT' 5 � i � ,. . � � � ^ i � it ( � n � _ Jlr i 1 f i� � _ � = 1, i ,- t 1 � � � _ ' � � � � T � � \ it r ' .i - .f �� � 1 � � .� � _ >- � � � 1 � i - i PROJECT ABSTRACT Project title: FY2006 Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program Funding Project duration: Projects submitted are expected to close during timeframe of July 2006 to December 2007 Project dirctor: Melissa Spiro,Land Preservation Coordinator Southold Town Hall—Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main Road) P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0950 631-765-5711 (phone) 631-765-6640 (fax) melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.us Project collaborators: Town of Southold to partner with NRCS { Proposed Parcels: 1) Shur Farm—approximately 13-15 acres 2) Arrieta Farm—approximately 10 acres Project objectives:, To work with NRCS to acquire development rights easements on active farmland. Summary of performance: Purchase of development rights easements in accordance with all NRCS requirements. Total project cost: 1) Shur Farm -$870,000 2) Arrieta Farm-$600,000 Total federal share: 1) Shur Farm -$435,000 2) Arrieta Farm-$300,000 Total partner contribution: not applicable—no partners ,ORGANIZATION-&.PROGRAMS, �< _ � - 1 � , 1. �` � � , , � �'�_ J � I - � � .I _ r � '� ! , . , - � v�, C z ,' �, � , - S - - ,5 _ .. CRITERIA FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION 1. ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAMS (a) Commitment to Agriculture: Since its founding over 350 years ago, the Town of Southold (the Town)has been a farming community. Throughout the years, the Town has seen many changes including substantial population increase and, consequently, the encroachment of development. Of the Town's approximately 34,000 acres, farmland still comprises a substantial portion—over 10,200 acres. According to 1997 data, the Town contained 22% of Suffolk County's remaining agricultural acreage. Agricultural production is of vital importance to the character of the Town and its economy. Town residents have shown their commitment to agriculture by approving bond issuances in 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1994 for $1.75 million a piece in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999, for $2 million a piece, and again in 2003 for $4 million. In June of 1998, the Peconic Bay Region Community Preservation Act was signed into law, which created a mechanism whereby Southold Town can use a 2% real estate transfer tax to acquire properties critical to the preservation of agricultural land and open space within the Town. The Town adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan (Exhibit A) in accordance with the legislation that lists parcels eligible for consideration under the terms of the Community Preservation Fund. In`August of 2002, the 2% real estate tax was extended to the year 2020. Also in 1999, the Town commissioned a full farmland inventory and in 2000, unanimously adopted a Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy (Exhibit B). Over the past 20 years, since the Town's first purchase of development rights, the Town has protected eighty(80) farmland parcels, totaling 1725 acres. Through its Code, the Town also helps to protect agriculture with a 60% cluster development provision and a"Right to Farm" clause. (b) Acquisition, Management and Enforcement: Acquisition: As discussed above, the Town is very active and has been very successful in its farmland protection efforts. To date, the Town has protected eighty (80) farmland parcels, totaling 1725 acres (see list, Exhibit C). Over the last five years, the Town, on its own, or with partial State or Federal funding, has protected over 700 acres at a cost of over $15,000,000. Additionally, Suffolk County has helped to protect over 1,600 acres within the Town since its first purchase in 1977 (see list,Exhibit D). The Town of Southold's goal is to protect eighty percent (80%) of its approximately 6,900 unprotected farmland acres. While this proposal requests matching funds for only two (2) farms, the Town is under serious discussions with over thirteen (13) additional landowners who own farmland totaling over 200 acres. In addition, outreach efforts are underway with many other farmland owners. The Town employs a full-time Land Preservation Coordinator, a Preservation Assistant, a part-time Stewardship Manager and has an active seven (7) member volunteer Land Preservation Committee. The Town's pro-active efforts include: direct outreach to farmland owners through the Coordinator, committee members and staff members of Peconic Land Trust via a consulting contract, mailings and educational literature (see—A Property Owner's Guide to Preserving Farmland and Open Space—Exhibit E). Management and Enforcement: The Town's Land Preservation Department compiles Baseline Documentation for each easement with the assistance of the Town's GIS Specialist and consultants, as necessary. The Baseline Documentation includes a survey, USGS map, aerial photograph, tax map, photographs of property and copy of deed of the development rights and enables the Town to manage and enforce easements. The Town has a strong support staff to manage and enforce easements. The Town's Land Preservation Department, through its Committee, consultants, and Buildings and Grounds Department monitors each parcel at least annually. The Town's'Code Enforcement Official, with the assistance of the Town Attorney's Office, enforces any easement violations. (c) Stewardship: As stated above, the Town's Land Preservation Coordinator has Baseline Documentation for each easement. The Town has a dedicated Stewardship Manager in addition to the Town's Land Preservation Coordinator and Committee, consultants, and Buildings and Grounds Department. Each property is monitored at least annually. (d) Availability of Funds: The Town has committed funds through its voter approved Community Preservation Fund described above. As of December 31, 2005, the Town has over $8,600,000 in its Community Preservation Fund to match the proposed USDA grant. In addition to this revenue source, the Town has four (4) voter approved un-issued bonds totaling another$10,000,000. (e) Pending Offers: See attached letters with pending offers and appraisals following each project description. : LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED 2. LANDS TO BE ACQUIRED (a) Map: See attached map showing proposed farmland development rights acquisition parcels. (b) Amount and Source of Funds: The Town has over$8,600,000 in funds from its Community Preservation Fund to match the proposed USDA grant. In addition to this revenue source, the Town has four(4) voter approved un-issued bonds totaling an additional $10,000,000. (c) Criteria Used to Set Acquisition Priorities: The two proposed projects meet objectives outlined in the New York State Open Space Conservation Management Plan (Exhibit F), the Suffolk County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan (Exhibit G), the Suffolk County Code, Chapter 8, Agricultural Lands (Exhibit H), the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan (Exhibit A), Southold Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy (Exhibit B) and the Town's Code criteria, Chapter 6, Community Preservation Fund and Chapter 25, Agricultural Lands Preservation (Exhibit I) for farmland protection. Criteria used to numerically rank the two projects in include: ♦ Soil suitability for agricultural use and history of agricultural production; ♦ Contiguity with other protected agricultural lands; ♦ Development potential and threat; ♦ Visibility/frontage on major thoroughfares; and ♦ Conservation commitment of landowner. (d) Detailed Project Descriptions: ❑ Map of Proposed Projects ❑ Individual Project Information including: ■ Project Outline ■ Aerial Map ■ Protected Parcels Proximity Map ■ Pending Offer ■ Appraisal FARM, ITAXMAP APPROX. ESTIMATED FUN7DIN6' ," TOAVN NAME; 'NUMBER .EASEMENT VALUE.OF -REQUESTEDI MATCH ACREAGE DEV.RIGHT FROM MRCS EASEMENT Shur Farm 1000-94-3-1.6 13 to 15 acres $754,000 to $435,000 $435,000 $870,000 Arrieta Farm 1000-94-3-1.3 10 acres $600,000 $300,000 $300,000 TOTALS: " 1`13'tol5'acreg ' $1,354,000 to $735,000 �73S,oQ0 $1,470,000 (See attached information for each farm) Town of Southold Hifi Farmland Location Map For Subject Parcels n:R: ❑ Subject Parcels '�' Protected Farmland Unprotected Farmland Protected Non-Farmland Unprotected Non-Farmland L' Shur Farm Scale: 1 inch equals 9000 feet 94.-34.6 Arrieta Farm Farmland Inventory Updated: 2004 94._34.3 >,.V, Map Prepared by Town of Southold T Geographic Information System May 8, 2006 ' ` .�y Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency GIS Basemap COPYRIGHT 2006, County of Suffolk, N.Y. SHUR.FARM . ,` , r � I _ i � „ 1 • f ' � - ,1.`' ` i � � I 1 - ^` +_ SHUR FARM Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-94-3-1.6 R r (i) Priority of Offer: 1 (ii) Name of Landowner: Randy Scott Shur and Angela Shur (iii) Address: 4050 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck (iv) Size of Property: Easement area is on 13h to 15 ±acres of 16.7 acre parcel (v) Soils: Property contains 15.3 acres Prime Soils and 1.4 acres Statewide Soils (vi) Acres Cropland: Farm contains 15± acres Prime soils suitable for cropland. (vii) Historical and Archaeological Significance: None known. (viii) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent to 10 acres pending Town purchase of a development rights easement. Across the street from, and within the vicinity of, approximately 314 acres of protected farmland (see attached map). (ix) Estimated Cost: $754,000 to $870,000 (based on pending offer of$58,000 per acre for the 13-15 acre easement.) The Shur property, including the existing house, is currently for sale. The Shurs were operating a nursery on the property. Nursery stock remains on part of the farm. The lower half of the farm is currently leased and will be planted this season in pumpkins and squash. The farm contains an irrigation well. The farm is located within the Town's main area of agriculture. The parcel is within the Agricultural District and receives an Agricultural Exemption. A waiver to allow up to six percent impervious structures will be requested. The Town, together with the Peconic Land Trust, is negotiating with the Shurs, to facilitate the preservation of the farmland prior to sale of the property. The current market in the Town of Southold makes this property highly desirable for development. The Town has made a current offer to purchase a development rights easement on the property. There are currently two scenarios being discussed and reviewed by the landowners, both of which will result in preservation of the Shur farm. Scenario #1 involves the landowner to the south (Arrieta) either purchasing the entire Shur property (including existing house) or moving his northerly property line further to the north to encompass the Shur farmland (excluding the house lot) in order to extend his farm operation. In conjunction with his purchase, the Shurs will sell the development rights easement to the Town, and Arrieta will sell the development rights on his farm to the Town(The Arrieta project is described in APF Project#2.) Scenario #2 will occur if Arrieta does not purchase the Shur Farm. In this case,the Peconic Land Trust will purchase fee title to the farm area(excluding a lot around the existing house). The Peconic Land Trust will then sell the development rights easement to the Town and will put the restricted farmland on the open market for sale as preserved farmland. There may be a Bargain Sale component involved in the Shur to Peconic Land Trust fee title purchase. y - j4 l ! t r hj O • ? Pelt. �Ot ��AlllP P 40 41 Reserve rArea !lP 'll 11 `� P l Shur Farm tj N - ! 4 rieta Farm • .. Coetnty evelopment Town�� 4 �I✓� . Rights �4 .. Development Rights Area ®o / A, Town 11 • y Development Rights : 1 - R' ■ Shur Farm ��• �♦ 94.-3-1.6 •���••'�I �•••••�� A�4 .rtllrlrlrlrlh/1ISf. �i��iii• ••,•°•°••••° M,MM'IYY'ItM' °iiii•,"MYMti. ��•���•. hMA'�N�1Vt'r,' ������'4FM�1Nt�t'Yt�Y. ��/�, �������• iNJY4h�JJ�hSlr ������'4ry � I IIII, rrrr'fwt ��•����•YIhWt'rhWt't�V, •y������h1hWJtNt�t�tin V�.y r .•��•••.MMM�T�YYW+Ir ����������/,�,l,�,v,/,/yy, I IIII ���i����'M�IM'1hWrW1�4.'• ��������� IIS II MM�.... ?ii�i��• WtM�'riM�tM�t1 ���� �9999����, WWt�VYt �••Qigi� ��•�R,��i.+�{.J'�1�Y.l1�lAfy�h. ��� •�������.�1�11A' �i'e,�.�,.. ���•��O•'A lSk1�1�f�M�VYv.`��� ���•••��.+Myyyyytily� ���••�i'i �iyy����• �IAhW'1tNth�`���� ��•���•••.WIMM� ��������� •,•.....,.vy��yy��yti, .���� .•°....ve,yVW1J °���i'�R,•r.� ` ' ,. �i���• Wt�JVYY�'•+�VW,1111 ��� ��������,yyyyt � i'i•�•r ���ii�•�uV1MM�tNV41Mk, ������ �•�'.���� . �0�����i,.�'/Y1lt''lYYW1�r •�•� r�U*v��i••�ii�•� i��.'•�••�i;'i 111111 ••••.t�lhlN1 f�l� �•••�•••�•••••••••••��•• �• III �. i'����.!ylf�hlyti(�, r b �••���iii�•i��iiiii������i•• �� � 1l1w II IIII �•. ����MIVWVh�114 �����������������������i'i��� ���„ �;%�., ����• ��•��WVNIIAIW",V IIII + ��������•�•�•���•��������••i .� •�• ,�,��•o ������ i.�/ilVl/y1MrWV� I IIII r° ��������������������������� ` •••�•� rp��; ����� '�!�/tlYVllllt �5'.` i/1�1,i h�Yti����ii��i'i�i�����iiiiiiii ` •��•� WY�M `M�VYt�J4 V4tirr�,h/Vyy`1Y����������•��•�������•�� e ����� ,W °M VM1�A�1M�1 .�rtrtr5h4WthM'��•����������������•��•• %•;�� ���„ �•, !IRr � �l'�'�NtMM/V111r�������•.% .iii •••• ��•• �' �•. 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'�����������•��� r �'VVVYJJJtNJJt�MMMNtNV11�V4��••••�����•�•es°nam 1 ••••�••�����•�• tihhM�t�'tWVlfYvi�44rVV1rVYY1�1INti�����•��•��������i° iii �a �i��i�������••� . �111F1'ft/1/t/1/1/1/1/1/Irti��lRlh/wVVkw1/������i6��•�'i•�•����•��••j MELISSA A.SPIRO 0 � f S0VryO OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR ,`O 1 54375 State Route 25 melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.us (corner of Main Road&Youngs Avenue) Southold,New York Telephone(631)765-5711 S G Q Facsimile(631)765-6640 'Q �� MAILING ADDRESS: lyCoum P.O.Box 1179 . Southold,NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 4, 2006 Randy Scott Shur and Angela Shur 4050 Soundview Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: Shur Property SCTM #1000-94-3-1.6 Location: 4050 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck Dear-Mr. and Mrs. Shur: On behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, I am pleased to outline the Committee's offer for the purchase of a development rights easement on your property. -- The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's preservation program. Details of the offer are as follows: • The total area of your property is 16.7 acres. The property is located within the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) zoning district. There is an existing residential dwelling at the northerly end of the property. • You will be excluding the residential dwelling from the development rights easement together with an area of approximately 2 to 3.5 acres around the house. • You have offered a development rights easement on all but the 2 to 3.5 acre area with the existing residential dwelling. The easement area will be approximately 13.2 to 14.7 acres in area. • The Committee's offer for the 13.2 to 14.7 acre development rights easement described above is $58,000.00 (fifty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre. • The Land Preservation Committee's offer is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of this letter and is subject to approval by the Town Board. The return of this letter, signed by all owners of the property, will allow me to work with the Committee's attorney to prepare the contract and to start the acquisition process. Upon receipt of the contracts signed by the all owners of the property, I will schedule a Town Board public hearing for the purpose of electing to purchase the development rights on the subject property. All land acquisitions are subject to the approval of the Town Board by resolution adoption at which time the Supervisor will execute the contracts. For your information, a title search and environmental site assessment will be ordered and paid for by the Town of Southold. The Town will also pay for the survey costs associated with the actual acquisition area. Please feel free to call me with any questions that you may have. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator MS/md I (we) accept the above,offer to purchase the Development Rights on my (our) property. Date: Owner(s): ( c1 I i i COMPLETE APPRAISAL — SELF CONTAINED REPORT OF REAL PROPERTY OF RANDY SHUR AND ANGELA SHUR f ? LOCATED SOUTHERLY SIDE OF SOUND VIEW AVENUE MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK f ` SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP # A DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 94, BLOCK 3, LOT 1.6 (P/O) I : ' PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE 54375 SR 25 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 VALUATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2005 (P DATE OF REPORT: OCTOBER 3, 2 1 � FILE #2005310 OCT 4 2005 PREPARED BY DEPT OF LAND PRESERVATION r PATRICK A. GIVEN, SRPA N.Y.S. CERTIFIED GENERAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISER#46-704 e MICHAEL P. GIVEN N.Y.S. CERTIFIED GENERAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISER #46-44071 _J .� P... GIVEN A S S O C I A T E S L ARRIETA-FARM I ARRIETA FARM Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-94-3-1.3 THIS PROJECT WAS RANKED AS PROJECT#4 ON FPP FY2003 AWARD REQUEST TO INCLUDE ON FRPP FY2006 PROPOSAL (i) Priority of Offer: 2 (ii) Name of Landowner: Allan Arrieta (iii) Address: 3305 Oregon Road, Mattituck (iv) Size of Property: Easement area is on 10±acres of 12.5± acre parcel (v) Soils: All Prime soils (vi) Acres Cropland: Farm contains 10±acres Prime soils suitable for cropland. (vii) Historical and Archaeological Significance: None known. (viii) Other Protected Parcels: Adjacent to 13-15 acres pending Town purchase of a development rights easement. Across the street from, and within the vicinity of, approximately 314 acres of protected farmland (see attached map). (ix) Estimated Cost: $600,000 (based on pending offer of$60,000 per acre) The Arrieta Farm is currently planted in pasture mix appropriate for grazing horse stock. Mr. Arrieta leases the farm to the east, which he has planted in the same pasture mix for rotational purposes. Mr. Arrieta owns and operates Arrieta Friesians. He raises and breeds Friesian horses. He currently runs his operation from leased land in Riverhead Township. He will be moving his operation from the Riverhead farm to the subject farm. The subject farm is located within the Town's main area of agriculture. The parcel is in the Agricultural District and Mr. Arrieta recently completed a conservation plan. A waiver to allow up to six percent impervious structures will be requested. Mr. Arrieta will be excluding a Reserved Area from the development rights easement. The Reserved Area will include approximately 1 acre around the existing house on Oregon Road, and will be connected to an area of approximately 1.5 acres located behind an adjacent existing parcel. The total area excluded from the development rights easement will be 2.5± acres. Mr. Arrieta intends to construct an indoor riding arena on the northerly part of the Reserved Area. t As discussed in AFP Project #1, Mr. Arrieta is negotiating with the property owners to the north(Shur Farm) to purchase the farmland once it is preserved in order to expand the size of his acreage and farm operation. C � t N r \ o alt• ��FG O 4, �� `Lil OrG bs'1F • rev, tla! y l�T Reserve Area c Shur Farm Arrieta Farm '4 ------------ �. County ! evelppment Rights Town Development Resery RightsAre ` _ y ... _, m may, l •". S ' • � • . ' • • • • • • • ow/1 ;. 1 1 • Development '�,,. , - • • • . • • • • 1 1 , • Rights i Shur Fa r4. �..: '.�• 1YYYr. ��•• iNi' ��••���• Cyt ��°° �FNtiMWY1Mr, tWYYt �•����••, M tWW1�, •,•,•,•, •'vM1VV1lY1Mh. iAtMhlh •`�•��••. ,�YYY�!YYYYYr, •,•,• •,•,i'1'YV`MN/v4. 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The Committee thanks you for your interest and participation in the Town's preservation program. Details of the offer are as follows: • The total area of your property is 12.5 acres. The property is located within the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) zoning district. There is an existing residential dwelling at the southerly end of the property. • You will be excluding a Reserved Area from the development rights easement. The Reserved Area will include approximately 1± acre around the existing house, connected to an area of approximately 1.5± acres located behind an adjacent parcel known as SCTM #1000-100-2-7 that fronts on Oregon Road to the west of the house on your property. The total area reserved from the development rights,easement will be 2.5± acres. It is understood that you propose to construct an indoor riding arena on the northerly part of the Reserved Area. • You have offered a development rights easement on all but the 2.5 ± acre area described above. The easement area will be approximately 10 acres in. area. • The Committee's offer for the 10 acre development rights easement described above is $60,000.00 (sixty thousand dollars) per buildable acre. • The Land Preservation Committee's offer is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of this letter and is subject to approval by the Town Board. The return of this letter, signed by all owners of the property, will allow me to work with the Committee's attorney to prepare the contract and to start the acquisition process. Upon receipt of the contracts signed by the all owners of the property, I will schedule a Town Board public hearing for the purpose of electing to purchase the development rights on the subject property. All land acquisitions are subject to the approval of the Town Board by resolution adoption at which time the Supervisor will execute the contracts. For your information, a title search and environmental site assessment will be ordered and paid for by the Town of Southold. The Town will also pay for the survey costs associated with the actual acquisition area. Please feel free to call me with any questions that you may have.. Sincerely, Melissa Spiro - Land Preservation Coordinator MS/md I (we) accept the above offer to purchase the Development Rights on my (our) property. Date: Owner(s): r - i * COMPLETE APPRAISAL - SELF CONTAINED REPORT OF REAL PROPERTY OF a - ALLAN ARRIETA LOCATED f F i _ NORTHERLY SIDE OF OREGON ROAD CUTCHOGUE r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK n PREPARED FOR 1 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE s 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP Fl } DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 94, BLOCK 3, LOT 1.3 1 VALUATION DATE: NOVEMBER 28, 2005 T DATE OF REPORT: DECEMBER 5WFILE #2005355 IF FDEC2 :21905 DEPT.OF LAND F PREPARED BY PRESERVATION �t PATRICK A. GIVEN, SRPA N.Y.S. CERTIFIED GENERAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISER#46-704 t� MICHAEL P. GIVEN N.Y.S. CERTIFIED GENERAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISER#46-44071 FG E IV N � � A S S 0 C I A T E S