HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousehold Hazardous Waste Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of December 19, 2017 RESOLUTION 2017-1046 Item# 5.17 CoQ �f�7aa ADOPTED DOC ID: 13605 �a THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-1046 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 19,2017: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Care Environmental Corporation to supply the town with household hazardous waste acceptance and disposal services for the years 2018 and 2019 at the costs detailed in their bid opened by the Town Clerk on December 7, 2017 all in accordance with the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr,Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Generated December 20, 2017 Page 25 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC �o�OgufEO[��oG Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK �� P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 0 Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER ,j. ®�. Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ��,( �`� www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 2, 2018 Francis McKenna, Jr. Care Environmental Corp. 1620 State Highway 57, Unit A Hackettstown,NJ 07840 Dear Mr. McKenna, Jr.: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on December 19, 2017, the Town Board accepted the bid of Care Environmental Corp. for Household Hazardous Waste removal from the Southold Town Solid Waste District. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. Your bid deposit is being returned to you. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, �4 1 Y Ve Lynda M.Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. IIID PROPOSAL STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CONDUCTING FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2018-2019 Bidder's Name Address City State Zip OCa 49 L 1-• a Telephone z ' / �7O for bids to be opened at corgi'liance with your advertisementp and subject to all v s con ions.thereof the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized iii this p'raposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications herein for the following prices: CHEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR =l . [Nt7TE AmoUNTS SHOWN BELOW ARE BASED ON HHW COLLECTED IN THE EIGHT(8) HHW EVENTS FROM N, EMBER 2015 THROUGH AUGUST 2017 FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS THAN , ;INDICATED, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF Cg1-LECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF 1`HH41T EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN THE YEARS COVERED BY THIS BID.] I'I`EIYI DESCRIPTION fI Removal of Drums—unless otherwise indicated, prices are per fifty-five (55)gallon drum of they collected wastes a)through n); 11/15-8/17 Amount a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids (paints and thinners,pour out of containers) $ 00 78 drums 2. Lab Pack Flammable liquids (mostly paint) $_I 55 YD3 1 b) 1. Price per fifty-Five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: $ 15o o(D 1 drum 2. Price per five-gallon container of lab pack flammable solids $ 0 Q 00_ 11 containers ! m DESCRIPTION 11/15-8117 Amount }]?rice per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack 'gison liquid: 33 drum, J4 ice per,fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack -poison solid; $ �J• a 22 drums price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: 12 drums f price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: $ SO-00_ 29 drums price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: 6 drums L price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack oxidizers: 17 drums -i)` price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected aerosols: $ 12 YD3 price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous solid-Mixed Household batteries: 00 2 drums g. k) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: 012 drums 9 0 1- Asbestos Waste 0 lbs r. Mercury Waste(5-gallon containers) -8 containers 1,'A Propane Tanks (55-gallon drums) OD 8 drums 0-) Fire Extinguishers (55-gallon drums) $ 135- 00 8drums "Mobilization-Demobilization as specified (price per event) � s a two (2) year contract. January 1, 2018 through December_3)1, 2019, with a TOWN OPTION to renew reement for one(1) additional year (i.e.,through December 31,2020) at the prices bid above. ,id proposal, as presented, shall be returned intact. P t • f 21 :TO` LD REMOVAL & DISPOSAL of HHVV 2018-2019 R�-c '�,i•y �%' r"Y t J .w..1 j� x ,�• 4ji�y.��t.` }� a! .{` _5w.6 C,ur latnorvnr.+6ti�(inl! `�$ »;li���,'v&ai,r a i.r..•r �� s• y ' fiq A y,nnµ 5K1 ° .7��2 _ }p•�'�i..S.%�».t�•o�w. :.d .y.'�� ��.�..X��w� n, �My��,�[� �i�\ ,,.I�....,�„"t.,�,�jro'Eaein,��h,;�i� %�." ,.°+, "'++ 4,*�°,'1'°`.+'yiq�s`s» ��1`T �•S1.1 '1 °:4t y?.ry.l ,° V..cf`.7' 4,` ",i x� - �.,F1.i�.�s� r�":{'°"r."`er�'a`+' _ Y .�pS q 111 t�” 7 �4 is "� �t�,i.i•.`ffi�`�.v.tra ,1;Z,�, ..; :=3�;•}t:9;�'�' "e•4'°�' �1i;�n 6 '� �.afj pts. ,,y „Js,..�y..•a° � r",'",t�+ x .'l�•: sx'.�:..a,•:i5' i r.ra-••i ' y ry ������a _ "`.d.1' .��f � °l"`',1• ��,1:.'Cl����.�&lf� �. � W},���✓iN a�d;;;v a'�"f... y5 ids 77��J'� {� Ri�'o-+i �""`^�,'l�R. 1�•. ��"lyri ���•`':.`r;:�+,y..: �i.r?.s�,r�'S..Q;cY",),�i h'<ker:>t" p;��°v`","FF"�'�'.tF;,i yegw. 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Care Environmental Corp. is a contractor who since 1992 has been engaged in the business of collection, identification, storage, transportation and disposal of household hazardous waste materials. We hold all the necessary licenses and possess the technical expertise and experience to provide these services safely, efficiently and economically. Care has complete mobile capability and is fully computerized. ' We are therefore able to accept and perform contracts outside of our immediate location. We have familiarized ourselves with this bid/proposal and completely understand the requirements of the contract and our responsibilities as contractor, should we be awarded the contract. Those,requirements include, but are not limited to characterization, packaging, storage, transportation and final treatment and disposal services listed throughout the Bid/Proposal. Upon award a Certificate of Insurance will be issued to Town of Southold naming them as additionally insured. Care Environmental Corp. agrees to assume responsibility as "generator" and to list items to be transported for the program. The waste will be shipped directly to disposal ,facility where the waste will be processed according to hazard class. Corporate Office Georgia Office Florida Office Maryland Office South Carolina Office 429 E. Blackwell St 714 Gil Harbin Industrial Blvd. 5901 Y6ung Pine Rd. 3400-A Brown Station Rd. 4999 Carolina Forest Blvd.,Suite 21 Dover,NJ 07801 Valdosta,GA 31601 Orlando, FL 32829 Upper Marlboro,MD 20774 Myrtle Beach,SC 29579 Transportation Processing&Storage (866)HHW-CARE (866)HHW-CARE (843)903-2880 EPA ID#NJR EPA IN GAR Fax (843)903-2881 Fax:(843)903-2881 Fax-(843)903-2881 986637296 000035899 i� (973)398-5100 (229)242-6565 Fax:(973)3'61-5550 Fax (229)242-6590 www.careenv.com -Care Environmental Corp. fully complies with all OSHA regulations, applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations in both services and contract items. We will secure and maintain any necessary additional license and permits required by the terms of the contract. We have read the Bid/Proposal, understand the requirements and are prepared to fully comply with all provisions. The Care Environmental representative responsible for this project will be Francis J. McKenna, Jr., President of Care Environmental Corp. He will be your contact individual and project supervisor from conception to completion of each event and of all, contract requirements. He will be the individual responsible for reviewing the sites and preparing site specific health and safety plans. If Our combined effort to,keep household hazardous waste managed professionally will keep the State of New York commitment to the environment its main priority: Care Environmental's turn-key approach to household hazardous waste programs takes out the guess work and provides a smooth transition to your,next scheduled pick up. Care looks forward to your review of these documents and to servicing Town of Southold. Care Environmental Corp. appreciates the opportunity to present this Bid/Proposal. If any clarification of additional information is required, please contact Mr. McKenna at 1-800-494(CARE)2273. Very truly yours, Care...for t r env' nment! Franc' M nna; Jr. Presid t TABU OF CONTENTS CORPORATE STRUCTURE & QUALIFICATIONS I COST PROPOSAL 2 REFERENCES 3 BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE 4 KEY PERSONNEL &RESUMES TRAINING PROGRAM 6 RECORD KEEPING 7 LICENSES & PERMITS 8 H.H.W. SITE PLAN DESIGN 9 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 10 3" _ _- - __ ='S_` __~s � - - __ :'yam`-�'_'�GTn`r5 r-�_ -C-�.'-�a=T-c�-i•�..w- _ -_ _ _ _ - --i'.ei�i'-'_C'' I - it{K''-y _-a~n."J '' S� - �I - _ _ -C�'-y i�3a a!l"r a•nru - -�' ��` - _ ra_ _ __,��`r=.. _ - - ^ ____ _ -__'o l'�'.�_ __ J'T =v''-T`•F N_:1•=-i`__r-�__ �� _-�__ r.1.--r_�F - _."I�' -__ ___ �-�'AA - �i -Y-c - '!- n A ll- ni} Ci:.� -I - _�L .In•1_ �rr�-•- �-_ .-t• _ _ uci"��- �'`-.'^Li9 = _-j_ _ _ -ri=____•..'a__ _ T'F'-•- _--_ __ _ r}'-i..= -'UM _ u_y=; �v -�{'_rL� _-._ _{,6�- -__=ivF Y'- +•��:�:L.M1_�1-...___, �=�� I '- CARE- Clean And Resourceful Environment ... our Vision of the future. OUR MISSION Recognizing the importance and long term benefits of protecting our environment and natural resources, Care Environmental Corp. is dedicated to providing quality, affordable, safe/ and efficient hazardous/non hazardous waste removal and transportation services cradle to grave. COMPANY (HISTORY AND CAPABILITIES Care Environmental Corp. and its staff are committed to the preservation and protection of our environment. We will dedicate all our efforts to fulfilling our contractual obligations in the performance of each contract. Care Environmental Corp. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey. The corporate office is located at 1620 Route 57, Unit A, Hackettstown, New Jersey, 07840. The company staff includes 30 full-time employees and more than 150 part-time employees. The firms President/CEO is Francis J, McKenna, Jr. His knowledge of the industry and twenty years of expertise in the field has lead Care Environmental Corp. to one of the premier leaders in environmental services. The team of managers, with a combined years of experience of over 60 years, will continue to lead the firm into the future. To provide our clients the highest level of support and service we have strategically placed offices in Florida, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina and our Permitted Hazardous Waste / Non Hazardous Waste Transfer, Storage and Processing Center located in Valdosta, Georgia. As Care continues to grow, ,more offices will open to support our commitment to provide the highest level of service. Care Environmental Corp. has been engaged in the business of collection, identification, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste materials over the last twelve years. The firm is fully insured and able to secure any necessary financial requirements for all work being performed. Care fully complies with all OSHA regulations and applicable Federal, State, and Local laws I nd regulations. Today we service more than 2000 clients throughout the United States, including governmental, municipal, military, private agencies and institutions. A leader in cradle to grave services, Care provides a single source for all aspects of transportation and waste management services. Our complete environmental services provide comprehensive coverages to all of our clients. Our in depth knowledge of the industry allows our clients to rely on our ex I!n standard industry practices. E:.S61 IF t` SERVICES Care Environmental Corp. offers an extensive-range to cradle to grave services. These services include, but are not limited to the following: Waste Management Lab Packaging Emergency Response Transportation: Full and/or LTL Consulting Training Household Hazardous Waste Management Pesticide Collection UST/AST Management On Site Field Services 10 Day Hazardous Waste Transfer Permit Universal/Nonhazardous Waste Processing Center RESPONSIBILITY Whatever the client's specific needs, Care Environmental Corp.'s level of responsibility remains the same. Our expertise assures the proper identification, packaging, transportation, and disposal of waste material. The firm's transportation protocol complies with the strict compliance with all DOT, Federal, State and Local rules and regulations. We will dedicate and secure all necessary equipment and vehicles to provide our clients the comfort level they require. Upon award of contract, a Certificate of Insurance will be issued naming the client as additional insured for current work being performed. �r EQUIPMENT The firm is dedicated to providing our clients the latest vehicles and equipment for industry practices. The, state of the art equipment is maintained and a professional image is kept up at all times. PERSONNEL The firm maintains a staff of OSHA -trained, personnel, including chemists, environmental scientist, drivers and environmental technicians who not only possess high-level expertise, but also are dedicated to preserving the integrity of the environment. COMMITMENT Care Environmental Corp's diverse, extensive experience, knowledge and commitment to preserving the environment allows us to confidently address any and all of a client's needs. Whether you are best served by Care Environmental on an "as-need" basis, or you require a complete, fully staffed, "turn-key" operation, we respond in the most efficient, economical and environmentally sound manner. We are your "single source" for all aspects of "cradle to grave" waste management. All collected waste will be handled, transported, stored and disposed of in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations. We are committed by offering to our clients our 24 hour toll free assistance hotline. The toll free number which is manned 24 hours a day 7 days a week is (866)HHW-CARE. i Examples of our client base includes these on-going, long standing contractual relationships: New York: Town of Huntington k Town of East Hampton Town of Southold Cortland County Town of Southampton City of Albany Town of Bethlehem Town of Colonie Putnam County Delaware County Sullivan County Schyluer County Eastern Rennslear County City of Cohoes Otsego County Schoharie County Fulton County Town of Milton Town of Clifton Park Town of Guilderland Allegany County Cayuga County . Chemung County GLOW Town of Hempstead Schnectady County ` Town of Queensbury Saratoga Springs Mississippi: Mississippi'Department of Agriculture Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Kessler Airforce Base City of Jackson X Monroe County 717- ._ North Carolina: * North Carolina Department of Agriculture 'i Massachusetts: * Town of Yarmouth City of Haverhill * City of Cambridge Town of Wrentham City of New Bedford City of Dartmouth New,Hampshire: * City of Dover SERTA, N Hampton Town of Salem I , i; North Dakota. f North Dakota Department of Agriculture • Colorado: Weld County Department of Health Connecticut: * Litchfield Hills Council Of Elected Officials * Naugatuck Valley Council Of Elected Officials New Jersey: AIG International Insurance Company * Zurich International Insurance Company * Bergen County Utilities Authority j Cape May County * Salem County o Cumberland County Improvement Authority Virginia: * Virginia Department of Agriculture * City of Alexandria * Loudoun County Prince William County * Fauquier County Frederick County * Rivanna Solid Waste Dist. * Tennessee Valley Auth. Stafford County City of Mannasas * Orange County * Prince George County * Louisa County * Culpeper County * Scott County * Russel County * Wise County * Virginia Prision System Florida: * Florida Department of Agriculture * Hendry County * Charlotte County * Orange County * Seminole County * Florida D.O.T. * St Lucie County Georgia: * Georgia Department of Agriculture Maryland: * Prince George's County * - City of Baltimore * Allegany County Dept. of Health MD Dept. of Agriculture * Anne Arundel County * Baltimore County • I I THE PROBLEM Throughout the United States household products are purchased on a daily I asis. Some of these products contain hazardous substances. Due to the nature of these hazardous substances, limited disposal options are available to homeowners. Due to the cost associated with disposal options, homeowners cannot afford to hire environmental firms to dispose of the material. This problem leads the homeowners to either stockpile the material until a better method becomes available or disposing the waste material illegally in the municipal solid Waste system or abandoning and dumping the material illegally. This environmental dilemma can become a health and safety concern to family members. Improper storage of chemicals or chemical incompatibility may present potential exposure to individuals, children, animals and the environment. Local fire departments have expressed their concerns when responding to house fires. The fear of a chemical fire awaits each firemen as they put their life on the Fine for you. THE SOLUTION 'I The main goal of this program is to provide a safe and convenient disposal method whereby citizens and can drop-off their stored hazardous waste. Participants are provided an environmentally sound disposal option which at the same time offers relief from long term liability. Care Environmental Corp. is ready to put in effect a full service program which entails a detailed and safety orientated collection program. Care is committed to utilizing all company resources and vast experience to ensure the safe and successful completion of this project. III ' Francis J. McKenna, President of Care will provide the Commun'ity,with the most experienced staff available in household hazardous waste. Care has successfully completed numerous household hazardous waste collection programs throughout the States of: Florida, Mississippi, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, Georgia and Colorad The professionalism and quality of service that Care provides can be expressed by contacting one or more clients listed in our proposal package. The key ingredient to program success is complete satisfaction from participants along with timely completion of goals and objectives set by the Department. Care will assist the Department in planning and organizing the collection program. Safety, in all aspects of on site operations, is a primary concern that Care prides itself with a impeccable track record. We are experienced and equipped to prepare all necessary permits, manifests and all documentation associated with the collection and disposal of the household hazardous materials. Care will provide trained professionals, materials and equipment necessary to receive, segregate, package and transport all waste generated throughout the collection program. Care will utilize the best methods of treatment in the industry for the safe treatment and disposal of collected household hazardous waste in compliance with all applicable State and Federal regulations. We feel that Care Environmental Corp. can provide the Community with the most diverse, economical and safety orientated HHW collection program in the industry. LOGISTICAL APPROACH: Should Care Environmental Corp. be awarded the contract, we anticipate the following logistical approach to your project. Prior to the event, Care's mobile unit will be dispatched to the site. This is an entirely self-contained unit, carrying our own equipment and supplies. The number of personnel to be dispatched will be coordinated in advance with the Department, and will be based upon contract requirements. Any unique requirements of the site will be accommodated by our team, including an absence of water, electrical power, and/or communications capability. Information concerning the site will be input into our computer system and a complete overview showing traffic direction, segregation areas, consolidation area, chemistry area and safety equipment area will be generated. Prior to the start of the contract a site specific health and safety plan will be issued to the Community. .M . The site will be fully operational one-half hour prior to the opening of the site to the public. Our OSHA trained staff will receive, handle, consolidate, package and transport all of the waste that is collected at the site and Care will provide all of the equipment necessary to perform those functions. A manifest will be prepared for each event and supplied to you in a bound summary report. The report will have a copy of the manifest, customer receipt, invoice, summary page and container content sheets for each drum of waste collected during each event. Upon completion of the day's event, the site will be restored to its original condition. We will provide proof, within 60 days of the event, that all material collected has been managed. The signed certificates of disposition will indicating methods of treatment along with destruction or reclamation dates. Prior to the start of the collection day a site safety meeting will be coordinated with all personnel who are going to be a part in the collection day program. Safety training will be,provided to volunteers. Care Environmental's primary objective is to protect its workers from unsafe working conditions. Care Environmental takes pride in providing all necessary protective equipment for protecting its personnel. Care Environmental's staff-is trained in bulking and lab packing techniques. Certain steps are taken prior to bulking of compatible waste. The first step is evaluating the material by screening the person dropping of the waste material. The second step is reading ;the label for chemical contents. If the material is deemed at that point compatible it is bulked with other liquids. If the material is not able to be identified, it is 'brought over to the chemist area for classification. The chemist will utilize various field techniques to identify what the material is. After the material is identified it is 'either lab packed or bulked. During the lab packing and bulking procedures Care's staff has access to all necessary personnel protective equipment. Respirators will be utilized if air is not circulating or if fumes become pungent. ;Protective eye care and foot protection will be worn at all times in the work area. PROJECT APPROACH: Care Environmental; will provide and complete the services specified in the contract in the following manner: PRE-EVENT MEETING Upon award of contract Care will be available to meet with the Community to review all facets of the collection process. We will participate in advance meetings, review our health and safety/spill contingency plans, assist in the promotion of the events, and explain step by step how sites will be prepared and set up, and how the collection process will work. Care will coordinate with sponsor and local emergency response personnel to develop a site contingency plan and train all site personnel including volunteers in Site Safety procedures such as evacuation signals and rules. We offer a technical support hot line to answer any questions or assist in any way necessary. HOTLINE SERVICE Care Environmental currently operates a toll free hotline. The toll free number is (800)494-2273(CARE). The number will be available during normal business hours to answer technical questions that the Community are unable to answer. . Our phone number (973)398-5100 is manned 24 hours a day seven days a week. Upon award of contract the Community will be given a list of mobile telephone- numbers of key people. COLLECTION EVENT STAFFING The number of personnel dispatched to a site will be discussed prior to the event and determined by forecasted collection estimates. Based upon our conversation Care will supply ample amount of OSHA certified personnel. Should participation by the public be greater than expected, additional Care staff will be mobilized on site within two hours. Care Environmental's competent, professional, OSHA trained staff will receive, handle, inventory, weigh, package and transport all waste processed through the collection site. Care's staff has been working together since 1992. WASTE HANDLING, SEGREGATION AND PACKAGING Upon receipt of the materials from the participant, the container label and contents will be examined for acceptance. We will accept unknown materials since we have the capabilities to provide on-site identification. All materials will be categorized as specified in the contract and packaged accordingly. Only State and Federally approved containers and packaging material will be utilized. Every shipping container will be properly labeled, marked and container content lists will be placed as appropriate in preparation for transportation and disposal. Record keeping documents generated during the course of the event will be examined and organized in order to provide a cross reference sheet indicating category, number of drums and container content sheet for each drum of HHW collected and packaged for each shipment. TRANSPORTING Once the collected material has been properly prepared and labeled, Care staff will load the properly labeled containers into a licensed hazardous waste transport vehicle. The hazardous waste manifest will then be fully executed and • distributed accordingly with additional paperwork following proper transportation regulations. The hazardous waste will then be transported to a hazardous waste facility previously approved by the Department. It will be our responsibility to ensure that all facilities and transporters have the correct federal and state permits and licenses and comply with all regulations. Please refer to Section 8 of our bid proposal for a listing of Licenses & Permits. A manifest, prepared for each event or shipment, will be supplied to the Department. Care'will also supply a signed receipt of the manifest from the TSD Facility. Care will obtain and prepare all manifests or bills of lading. A Community representative will review all shipping documents prior to signatures. EQUIPMENT DEMOBILIZATION At the completion of the event at which time all hazardous materials have been removed from the staging area and loaded for transport, Care Environmental staff will demobilize all equipment, supplies and materials. Care Environmental shall leave each site clean and free from the accumulation of wastes or debris an shall restore the area to its pre-existing condition. r • ' f�fW63�^ � _ RECORD KEEPING Care will maintain records of all activities for household hazardous waste collection services. Records will be kept separately for each collection. An accurate count of participants will be recorded for each event. Accurate container content sheets will be prepared for each lab pack container. Care will comply with all provisions on reporting requirements as specified in the scope of services. EXCLUDED WASTE Care will assist homeowners in finding alternative disposal options for excluded waste streams,. If ammunition come into the program the homeowners will be directed to the local police departments. If any radioactive or biomedical waste streams appear Care will direct the homeowners to the local health departments. WASTE TRACKING Care Environmental Corp. has a computerized tracking system that tracks each drum of hazardous waste from conception to destruction. Each drum is-coded and downloaded into our computer system. This state of the art software packages allows us to track and manage our waste at all times. INSURANCE COVERAGES Please refer to the Certificate of Insurance section of our bid proposal package for listed coverages of Care and subcontractors. Upon award of contract an original Certificate of Insurance will be submitted to the Community. REGULATORY CHANGES Care will comply with all regulatory changes that have been announced and may be enacted during the duration of the contact. MISSION STATEMENT Recognizing the importance and long term benefits of protecting our environment and natural resources, Care Environmental Corp. is dedicated to provide quality, affordable, safe, and efficient hazardous waste removal services cradle to grave. � %r , N, r } In Ei } - • .rl BID PROPOSAL CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2014-2019 Car-c- Enywron m Ar Bidder's Name IS o S-�ak 4w�a Address City State Zip 50D- 49 Lk- D- Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLI) .. w ,b :� � In compliance with your advertisement for bids to be opened at ` ;.: t Yv „ , '-;`:. ..:,. and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General.Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CHEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR [NOTE:AMOUNTS SHOWN BELOW ARE BASED ON HHW COLLECTED IN THE EIGHT(8) HHW EVENTS FROM NOVEMBER 2015 THROUGH AUGUST 2017 FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN-AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS THAN INDICATED,AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED. THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE'TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN THE YEARS COVERED BY THIS BID.] ITEM DESCRIPTION A. Removal of Drums—unless otherwise indicated, prices are per fifty-five (55) gallon drum of the collected wastes a)through n); 11/15-8117 Arrwuut a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids (paints and thinners,pour out of containers) $ 140 _00 78 drums 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids,(mostlypaint) $ 5 -�Qo 55 YD3 b) 1. Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: ( $ 15O 00 1 drum 2. Price per live-gallon container of lab pack flammable solids co I I containers ITEM DESCRIPTION 11/15-3/17 Amount c) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison liquid: $ I co 33 drums d) Price per,fifty1five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: $ 5. O 22 drums e) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: $ 12 drums f) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline iiquid: 29 drums g) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: $ ( 6 drums r 11) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack oxidizers: 17 drums i) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected aerosols: $ •M 12 YD3 j) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous solid-Mixed • Household batteries: -2 drums k) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: $ - 12 drums 1) Asbestos Waste $ lzo-m 0 lbs m) Mercury Waste (5-gallon containers) $_4A D • Co 8 containers n) Propane Tanks (55-gallon drums) $ 135. OC) 8 drums a) Fire Extinguishers (55-gallon drums) $ I sS- 00 8drums B. Mobilization -D;mobilization as specified (price per event) $L')n C �Ij� This is a two (2) year contract,January 1, 2018 through December 30-1,2019, with,a TOWN OPTION to renew the agreement for one (1)additional year(i.e.,through December 31,2020) at the prices bid above. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned intact. NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without-collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type , described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by'the bidder,nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees agents,to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith r to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate' ' (if any) PSS Printed Name /� Company Name Ca(e-of Bid on DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES 2018-'2019 1 , SUBMITT BY: Sig,zzC ennaizc Printed-Name Title '2 En\;krcnmaj �ocp Company Name Address \ Lvci q �q3' Company Phone — _ ' _ • _y— __ — _ — — — '— ':_vJ_vitiK,v. .tT. _ _, _ 1�A a — ., .. __ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _— e� _ — �l� .pix':` _ �,�� — f1i �, __ —— — — __ v' _ •_—- ___ _ _ vim,='�J. _— s-"�l..0 _ __ _ ___— __ � a_v*5�* — __ _ _ aT '9 REFERENCES 1 Town of Southold P.O. Box 962 Cutchoque, NY 11935 631-734-7685 jbunchuck@town.southold.Lly.us 2 Town of Smithtown 124 W. Main Street Smithtown, NY 11787 631-360-7514 Ray 3 Town of Shelter Island 34 Menantic Road Shelter Island,NY Brian 631-774-0511 7-CIA-1' � �rn (rd61 • -"ip,DL • 1-1SC) J Town of Greenwich 101 Field Point Rd Greenwich, CT 06830 Attn: Pat Collins 203-869-6910 CITY of STAMFORD/OPERATION OFFICE 888 WASHINGTON BLVD STAMFORD, CT 06904-2152 ATTN: DAN COLLELUORI 203-977-4117 TOWN of TRUMBULL 5866 MAIN STREET TRUMBULL, CT 06611 ATTN: TOM Baldwin 203-452-5142/452-5070 TOWN of ENFIELD 40 MOODY ROAD ENFIELD, CT 06082 Attn: Paul Kelly 860-763-7521 LITCHFIELD HILLS COUNCIL OF ELECTED OFFICIALS 42 NORTHSTREET GOSHEN, CT ATT: RICK LYNN PHONE: 860-491-9884 REFERENCES TOWN of ALPHARETTA DPW 1790 HEMBREE ROAD ALPHARETTA, GA 30089 ATTN: TERRY PORTER 678-297-6000 CITY OF ROSWELL 38 HILL STREET, SUITE 130 ROSWELL, GA 30075 ATTN: JANET LIBERMAN 678-860-2834 770-594-6197 FLOYD COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 12 EAST FOURTH AVE, SUITE 106 'ROME,,GA 30161 ATTN: MARK SKEGGS 706-291-5266 SPARTANBURG COUNTY 355 NORTH CHURCH STREET SPARTANBURG,SC 29303 ATTN: Jes Sdao 864-949-1658/864-949-0926fax CITY of GREER 301 E. PONSETT STREET GREER, SC ATTN: SKIPPER BURNS 864-848-2180 BEAUFORT COUNTY SOLID WASTE PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX 120 SHANKLIN ROAD BEAUFORT, SC 29906 ATTN: JOHN MILLER 843-441-4876 o - ecw..:3ait'iU ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE DIVISION 5901 YOUNG PINE ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32829 ATTN: OSCAR RAMOS 407-836-6636 HENDRY COUNTY Bd of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASTE MGMT. DEPT. -SPECIAL DISTRICTS 3300 UTILITY DRIVE LABELLE, FL 33935 ATTN:TONI WRIGHT(863)675-5252 CLAY COUNTY DEPT. of ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. 3545 ROSEMARY HILL ROAD GREEN COVE SPRINGS, FL 32043 ATTN: CHRISTINE ROKEN 904-284-6374 FLORIDA DEPT of AGRICULTURE & CONSUMER SVCS 3125 CONNER BLVD TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399 ATTN. SHANNON TURNER 386-418-5507 COLUMBIA COUNTY 135 N.E.HERNANDO AVE LAKE CITY, FL 32056 ATTN: BILL LYCAN 386-752-6050 5 _ ��' _ :'1: �c, � -' �- 'in?dz,";!ix YL„ 1"i'i�"' �<$.i�� -_sy .X�` ,.Y - �"��. ��rv��'` i' p {yY 5 � 'V t,' °�' �� til� xk,,::• �i f - ' ' ��d: � - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CORPORATE EXPERIENCE....................................................................... 1 OPERATIONAL PLAN, PROCEDURES AND POLICIES ...................... 1 - 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN................................................................... 2 - 4 Waste Determination List of Unacceptable Material Waste Identification Waste Segregation Waste Packaging HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN..................................................................... 5 - 8 On-Site Health and Safety Procedures Emergency Management Plan Spill and Leak Contingency Plan EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES........................................... 8-10 Containers Absorbent Packaging Material Equipment Safety Equipment Supplies Paperwork WASTEDISPOSAL........................................................................................ 11 ULTIMATE DISPOSAL FACILITY LIST................................................... 12 - 14 KEY PERSONNEL AND EMERGENCY CONTACTS ............................ 15 . F 7• CAFE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. EI® PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION EVENTS Care Environmental Corp.'s experience is based on thatof it's highlytrained and qualified staff, whose combined knowledge and experience totals eleven years in the Household Hazardous Waste field. Over seven hundred collection events in total have been handled, and without a single incident, by the Care Environmental staff. This exceptional service record underscores Care Environmental's proven ability to provide successful turn-key collection events. Care Environmental Corp.has three objectives in Household Hazardous Waste Collection events: 1. To safely collect, package and transport household waste to approved facilities. 2. To provide for safety and protection of all persons and for environmental protection. 3. To comply with all Federal, State, City and O.O.T. Rules and Regulations. OPERATIONAL PLAN, PROCEDURES AND POLICIES l Successful completion of a Household Hazardous Waste Collection event depends on a working guideline that incorporates an overall operational plan with standard procedures resulting in a safe event. Care Environmental's Household Hazardous Waste Collection event guidelines are flexible enough to meet the demands of a massive, dynamic public event, yet specific enough to detail highly technical operations. A. Procedures Care Environmental's procedural overview is as follows: 1. Resident vehicles will approach the designated "reception area" in two lines, side by side, with trunk open. 2. Evaluation/approval chemists and/or technicians will be positioned at the reception area" to unload a minimum of eight vehicles at one time per r rag area. Household hazardous waste will be unloaded and placed on resistant carts for examination. • 3. Residents will be asked to remain in their vehicles while the evaluation/approval chemists and/or technicians examine the household hazardous wastes. 4. If resident assistance is required to properly identify the waste, the chemist and/or technician may interview the resident at the driver's window. The Care Environmental staff is well-schooled in the psychology of household hazardous waste collection events. Residents, while curious and eager to become involved in the day's activities, will be respectfully encouraged to remain in their vehicles. Professional etiquette will be utilized to eliminate resident wandering. 5. Upon identification, household hazardous waste will be carted to the respective consolidation "packaging area". 6. Care Environmental personnel will sort substances into further hazardous waste categories, i.e., latex paint, oil based paint, corrosives, oxidizers, etc. 7. Chemist and technicians will then package/consolidate the hazardous waste in accordance with all Federal, State, City, D.O.T., Care Environmental Corp., and Disposal Site guidelines, as well as the contractual agreements between Care Environmental and the county. • 8. Assistant technicians will secure all hazardous waste containers using mandated lids, rings and bolts. The necessary identification labels will be affixed and the containers will be removed to the "staging area", where shipment technicians will load hazardous waste containers onto trailers for transport to approved disposal facilities. WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN The execution and ultimate completion of a Household Hazardous Waste Collection event requires a Waste Management Plan. The plan begins with the acceptance by Care Environmental of household hazardous•waste transported to a select site by residents. The plan ends with the recycling, processing and/or disposal of hazardous waste in compliance with all Federal, State, City, D.O.T. and Care Environmental riles and regulations. There are four aspects of Care Environmental's Waste Management Plan: 2 ' � A. Waste Determination Care Environmental's chemist and/or environmental scientist will inspect household waste and waste container labeling to determine the hazard classification of the material. If a particular material is acceptable (that is, if the material is confirmed to be household waste or waste excluded from regulations under 40CFR Part 260), the material will be accepted from the resident for disposal by Care Environmental Corp. If a particular material is unacceptable, (that is, if the material is listed as "Unacceptable" pursuant to 40CFR Part 260 or by the county), the resident will be advised of safety precautions to follow for disposal of the material. Material which Care]Environmental deems as unacceptable will not be collected. The following is the list of wastes that will not be accepted: 1. Explosives and munitions 2. Infectious waste 3. Radioactive Materials Should any of the above materials be brought to the site for collection, the resident will lie informed immediately of the hazardous characteristics associated with the waste, the reasons why the waste will not be accepted, and what safety precautions should be taken and/or disposal options within the county (i.e. Health Department, Bomb Squad etc.) B. Waste Identification Care Environmental will perform HAZ-CAT testing on unlabeled material from residents, which includes but not limited to pH, odor, flash, viscosity, color and physical characteristics. However, in some cases, selective judgement calls can be utilized by Care Environmental personnel, without analytical testing methods, to properly identify, classify and segregate household waste. Care Environmental's field chemists and technicians draw from a wealth of knowledge and years of experience in the process of hazardous waste identification and classification. Their experience, plus interviewing techniques directed toward residents, enable chemists and teeluricians to determine whether the waste meets disposal criteria as presented by Federal and State regulations and the contractual agreements formulated for the hazardous waste collection event. C. Waste Segregation Hazardous waste will be segregated according to the Department of Transportation waste hazard classifications. Additional segregation may be required, depending on the ultimate site criteria, if applicable. t. All hazardous waste segregation begins on-site with receipt from the resident and ends with the sorting process. Segregated hazardous waste is classified,packaged, labeled and removed in accordance with Care Environmental's "Waste Packaging" procedures (see following). The segregation process meets the requirements of 40CFR Part 260 and 261. All hazardous waste will be transported pursuant to 49CFR, State rules and regulations. D. Waste Packaging The following packaging methods will be used for all material received from residents during the Household Hazardous Waste Collection event: 1. Consolidation For the following materials: a. Oil Paints b. Latex paints c. Motor Oil d. Antifreeze • e. Non-halogenated Solvents (including gas, thinner, kerosene) 2. Loose-pack Containerization For the following: a. Aerosols b. Asbestos c. Adhesives/Resins/Solid Paints d. Button/Nickel/Cadmium/Household Batteries 3. Lab-pack Containerization For the following: a. Reactives b. Acids/Bases c. Oxidizers d. Solid/Liquid Pesticides and Poisons e. Halogenated Solvents f. Non-halogenated Solvents (including Toluene, Xylene) y�i:yr 1 ice' HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN Even though the hazardous wastes collected at Household Hazardous Waste events are mostly consumer products, the potential of having substantial quantities of hazardous waste in the presence of the general public justifies the implementation of a comprehensive and efficient Health and Safety Plan. The best Health and Safety Plan starts with an extensive evaluation of the most remote possibilities of a hazardous incident. Once the possibilities have been identified, procedures are instituted which provide the safest operational steps to follow. Care Environmental's Health and Safety Plan provides for the security of personnel, residents and others, assuring the safety of all as the hazardous waste collection process is undertaken and completed. Care Environmental's primary objective is to maintain the minimum number of resident on-site at all times to eliminate the remote possibility of additional exposures during the collection event. The ground will be protected by a 6-mil impervious liner to safeguard against contamination. A 3-inch chemical absorbent berm will be constructed to contain any hazardous spill runoff. Finally, Emergency Response carts will be maintained on-site if required. The Health and Safety Plan coincides with Care Environmental's Operational Plan, Procedures and Policies. This careful and detailed planning has resulted in the effective and safe servicing of thousands of residents, without a single incident, over the years Care Environmental has worked in Household Waste Collection. A. On-Site Health and Safety Procedures Given the fact that residents will have already transported hazardous material to the site, the following procedures will be implemented by Care Environmental in the collection, removal and disposal process: 1. Traffic cones and stanchions will be placed on-site to direct traffic flow. Care Environmental personnel will instruct and direct the flow of traffic to minimize additional exposure to residents and others. 2. The number of residents on-site will be kept to a minimum at all times until all hazardous wastes have been safely packaged and transported from the site by Care Environmental. 3. No residents will be permitted beyond the designated "reception area". Drive-through residents will not be permitted to leave the immediate vicinity of their automobiles. 4. All hazardous wastes will be removed from automobiles and placed on a four-wheeled, chemical-resistant cart having a gross capacity of 400 pounds and a containment capacity of 4.5 gallons for spillage. 5. A team consisting of a graduate chemist OR environmental technologist AND a chemical technician will interview, evaluate, receive, and arrange transport of all hazardous materials-to an approved waste facility. 6. A designated Emergency Response Cart will be assigned to the "reception area". This Emergency Response Cart will contain the following supplies: a. Absorbent Material b. Acid Spill Kit c. Caustic Spill Kit d. Chemical Respirators e. Fire Extinguisher f. First Aid Kit g. Mercury Vapor Absorbent Kit h. Plastic Bags i. Protective Clothing j. Rubber Gloves k. Small Shovel and Broom 7. No smoking will be permitted in the designated "reception area", "packaging area", or in the area designated as "temporary waste storage". 8. In the unlikely event of an on-site spill, (which is usually limited to small containers) and depending on its severity, Care Environmental will implement the following procedures: a. If an evacuation is requested by the on-site coordinator, evacuation directions will be issued by the coordinator to all persons in the area. If downwind of the incident, evacuation will be perpendicular to the wind direction, over the most accessible route. If upwind of the incident, evacuation will be in the upwind direction. b. If evacuation is not required, all non-emergency response personnel will be requested to leave the immediate spill area. Care Environmental personnel will commence soil containment and decontamination procedures immediately. c. Wearing full personal protective clothing and, if required, appropriate respiratory equipment, Care Environmental personnel will remove residual hazardous material from the spill area in a procedural manner suitable to the chemical and physical characteristics of the spilled material. 6 T. . d. After the waste has been removed and repackaged, the area will be decontaminated. All decontamination agents and/or spill cleanup supplies will be packaged, transported' and disposed of as hazardous waste in an approved waste facility. 9. All devices for opening paint cans will be non-sparking to reduce the chances of potential ignition of the material. 10. All consolidation funnels and paint spinner devices will be tightly secured on each drum to decrease the potential of accidental spillage. 11. The entire hazardous waste "packaging area" will be covered with a 6-mil, impervious liner to guard against found contamination in the unlikely event of an accidental spill. 12. A 3-inch chemical absorbent berm will be constructed with respect to ground slope to protect the surrounding area from any spill runoff. 13. To assure that non-compatible hazardous wastes are stored apart from one another, there will be a separate sorting table for each hazard classification in the packaging area. 14. All employees involved with the collection event will wear safety glasses, steel-tip safety shoes and chemical-resistant gloves. Any employee involved with consolidation will wear Hepa filter-equipped respirators, if necessary, full body suit tyveks, and full- face safety shields. 15. As an added precaution, portable and/or mobile phone will be available on-site to contact outside emergency support personnel, such as police, fire, medical and emergency response teams, if required. 16. The management of all material on-site will be performed in compliance with current Federal, State, City. D.O.T., and Care Environmental Service Rules and Regulations. Emergency Management Plan An on-site coordinator will be ultimately responsible for the Emergency Management Plan. The coordinator will direct all phases of emergency management, based on previously established procedures and methods. This assures thorough and efficient emergency management. A designated Emergency Response Cart will be assigned to the "reception area". The emergency Response Cart will contain the following: 1. Absorbent Material 2. Absorbent Pads oe � Y• .imp... 3. Acid Spill Kit 4. Caustic Spill Kit 5. Chemical Respirators 6. Drum Booms 7. Emergency Eye Wash 8. Fire Extinguisher 9. First Aid Kit 10. Full Face Mask Respirators with air-purifying canisters (NIOSH approved) 11. Mobile Telephone 12. Plastic Bags 13. Protective Clothing 14. Rubber Gloves 15. Safety Goggles 16. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) 17. Small Shovel and Broom 18. Spill Neutralization Kits The following safety equipment will be utilized by Care Environmental personnel, as required: 1. Full-face Mask Respirators, with air purifying canisters (NIOSH approved) 2. Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) 3. Chemical-resistant clothing/tyvek and/or Acid Suits (full body) This material is in addition to standard safety equipment used by Care Environmental personnel, detailed later in this proposal. C. Spill and Leak Contingency Plan As stated earlier in the Health and Safety Plan, the entire hazardous waste packaging area will be covered with a 6-mil impervious liner to safeguard against ground-contamination in the unlikely event of an accidental spill. A 3-in chemical absorbent berm will be constructed with respect to the ground slope to protect the surrounding area from any spill runoff. In the unlikely event of an on-site spill (which is usually limited to small containers) and depending on its severity, Care Environmental will implement the following procedures: 1. Evacuation of all persons from the site, if necessary. The on-site coordinator will determine whether evacuation is required. If downwind of the incident, evacuation will be perpendicular to the wind direction over the most accessible route. If upwind of the incident, evacuation will be in the upwind direction. 2. If evacuation is not required, all non emergency response personnel will be requested to leave the immediate spill area. Care Environmental personnel will commence spill containment and decontamination procedures. 3. Wearing full personal protective clothing and appropriate respiratory . equipment, Care Environmental personnel will remove residual hazardous material from the spill area in a procedural manner suitable to the chemical and physical characteristics of the spilled material. 4. After removal and re-packaging of the waste, the containment area will be decontaminated.All decontamination agents and/or spill-clean up supplies will be packaged and disposed of as hazardous waste. A copy of the site specific Emergency Contact List, which will be posted at each collection event EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES The following equipment, materials and supplies will be on-site for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection: A. Containers 1. New 55 gallon ®®T approved Specs. 17H open head drums 2. Recon 55 gallon ®®T approved Spec. 171 open head drums 3. Cubic yard boxes ®®T approved with pallets and liners B. Absorbent-Packaging Material 1. Vermiculite -- Packaging Material 2. Speedi-Dr! --Absorbent Material C. Equipment 1. Extension Cords 2. Tool Kit 3. Brooms 4. Shovels S. Lab Carts 6. 4' x 8' Plywood Sheets for Tables 7. Plastic Funnels a. Drum golly 9. Impact Wrench 10. Portable Generator 11. 30 x 30 Tent (As Required) 12. Paint can spinners 13. Scale 14. Tents , .�.� t. D. Safety Equipment 1. Gloves -- disposable chemical resistant rubber gloves, and leather work gloves 2. Boots -- chemical resistant booties (disposal); steel'toe and shank boots 3. Face Shields/Safety Glasses 4. Emergency Eye Wash 5. Safety Goggles 6. Fire Extinguishers 7. First Aid Kit 8. Mobile Telephone 9. Spill Neutralization Kits 10. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 11. Absorbent Pads and Drum Booms 12. Saranex Suits 13. Hard Hats E. Supplies 1. Cases 55 gallon liners 2. Cases 5 gallon liners 3. Cases Zip Lock Bags • 4. Plastic Sheeting to cover work area 5. Rolls Duct Tape 6. Sample Jars 7. Sample Tubes 8. Rain Gear F. Paperwork 1. Hazardous Waste Manifest 2. Department of Transportation Drum Labels 3. E.P.A. Hazardous Waste Labels 4. Chemical Waste Disposal Record Receipt 5. Packing Lists 6. Packing List Drum Envelopes 'ULTIMATE DISPOSAL FACILITIES LIST The following are the names and address of all recycling, �,� . .. Treatment, Fuels Blending, Incinerators, Secure Landfills and Interim Storage Facilities that may be the recipients of all material collected on the HHW Day. FACILITY ID# ADDRESS PHONE TYPE OF WASTE CONTACT 482 Seven Mile Road, GRR-Giant Resource Recovery SCDO03351699 Harleyville, SC 29448 803-496-2200 flammables, paint, oil Tammy Hamilton 1229 Valley Drive Atalla, AL GRR-Atalla,lnc. ALD070513767, 35954 800-637-4023 flammables, paint, oil Debra All types HHW, lab packs all types, bulk, pesticides, corrosives, bleach, cleaners, 182 James P. Rogers Circle flammables, paint, oil, Permafix GAD093380814 Valdosta, GA 31601 229-244-0474 aerosols, light bulbs, non regs. Lacen 1 E. Porter Street PIOI Box 1026 Metal Convergence Cartersville, GA 30120 678-721-0022 batteries Steven Byers W. Savannah Ave. P.O. Box fire extinquisher,lead,acid, Rice Iron and Metal, Inc. 672 Valdosta, GA 31603 912-242-7832 batteries Customer Service 21211 Durand Avenue Union Mercury Waste Solutions,LLC. WID988580056 Grove, WI 53182-9711 800-741-3343 bulk mercury Pat,Baskfield 1923 Frederick St Detroit,Ml EQ Detroit MID980991566 48211 313-923-0080 pesticide solids Customer Service 36790 Giles Road - Grafton, Ross Incineration Services,inc. OHDO48415665 OH 44044 440-748-5839 pesticide solids,poisons Jim Sparrow 1250 Saint George Street Heritage W-171,Inc. OHD980613541 East Liverpool, OH 43920 330-385-7336 pesticide liquids Customer Service 1250 Saint George Street Von Roll,WTI OHD980613541 East Liverpool, OH 43920 330-385-7336 pesticide liquids Customer Service 5738 Cheswood Houston,TX SET Invironment, Inc. TXD055135388 77087 713-645-8710 gas cylinders Customer Service All types HHW, lab packs all types, bulk, pesticides, corrosives, bleach, cleaners, 4650 Spring Grove Road flammables, paint, oil, EEI OHDO83377010 Cincinnatti3OH 45232 513-541-1923 aerosols, light bulbs, non regs Gary Davis 2995 Wetherington Lane solid waste RCRA empty Onyx Pecan Row Landfill Valdosta, GA 31601 229-241-8440 container Darren 88 Landfill Road Thomasville, solid waste RCRA empty City of Thomasville Landfill GA 31757 229-225-4316 container Steve 3799 N Dupont Hwy Dover, DE Poores and Propane 19901 302-734-7433 propane Micahel Steiner 2300 Madison Hwy Valdosta, Southeastern Record Management GA 31601 229-241-8895 a waste recycle James 98 North Industrial Road Creative Recycling System Palmeto, GA 30262 e waste recycle Customer Service 953 North Osceola Ave American Fire&Safety Ocala, FI 34770-5326 352-732-5326 fire extinquisher Roger Smith All types HHW, lab packs all types, bulk, pesticides, corrosives, bleach, cleaners, 2002 North Orient Rd. flammables, paint, oil, EQ Industrial Svcs - FL FLD981932494 Tampa, FL 33619 813-319-3411 aerosols,-light bulbs, non regs. Bob Mulholland 2701 North 1-94 Svcs Dr. EQ Industrial Svcs - Ml M10000263871 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 734-547-2511 same as above Judy Napier 5800 Farrington Ave. FCC ENVIRONMENTAL Alexandria, VA 22304-4893 703-461-2661 Antifreeze, oil Andrea Brown Care Environmental may utilize any or all of the above listed facilities, those facilities utilized for the contract will be supplied upon contract award. _ �. '} E .,I1r�.`�vT1 .:�:I- a,;��`•�'(p, .z,`w���11..1l ox�",Ta RM. Ne- „ � CARE ENVIRONMENTAL C®RR'S PERSONNEL FLOW CHART: FRANCIS J. MCKENNA, JR. President JAMES McKENNA Northeast Operations Manager SMITH TOUSAINT Southeast Project Manager JOHN DOEFFINGER Chemist Frank Cilenti Debbie McKenna Dennis Hall Michael Gray Cedrick Frazier Steve Friggie Vernon Lee Clifford Snaith Ken Dass Steve Fisher Kareem Davis Teddy McDonald FIELD SUPERVISORS * The above list details Care Environmental's key staff of qualified personnel and corporate structure. Additional staffing will be provided by Care Environmental and additional trained personnel will be furnished upon request. v Ate- - _ CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. LIST OF TRAINED PERSONNEL Care Environmental Corp.'s experience is based on that of it's highly trained and qualified staff, whose combined knowledge and experience totals eleven years in the environmental field. FIELD OF COMPETENCE Our staff specializes in the following: Hazardous waste minimization/management,hazardous waste disposal rules, regulations and applications, emergency response, regulatory compliance, site remediation, site assessment, underground storage tank,closures, assessments, remedial action techniques,ground water remedial investigations,assessment and remedial action applications,and regulatory liaison with state/local officials. TRAINING The following list of key personnel have completed the following training: 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher Confined Space Entry(29 CFR 1910.146) DOT Hazardous Materials 181 - Hazardous Substance Transportation Household Hazardous Waste Program Safety Training Francis J. McKenna, Jr. President James McKenna, Operations Manager John Doeffinger, Senior Chemist Smith Toussaint, Project Manager Frank Cilenti, Project Manager Deb McKenna, Project Manager Dennis Hall,Field Technician Michael Gray, Field Technician Teddy McDonald, Field Technician/Driver Field Supervisors listed have completed the following: 40 Hour OSHA Training(29-CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher Household Hazardous Waste Program Safety Training FRANCIS J. McKENNA, Jr. PRESIDENT Care Environmental Corporation Landing, New Jersey FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Hazardous Waste Management, Household Hazardous Waste Management, Emergency Response Coordinator, TSD Facility Management, Environmental Audits, Facility Compliance Auditing, Regulatory Liaison, Waste Management/Safety Training. EXPERIENCE Francis J. McKenna, Jr.began working in the hazardous waste field in 1984. In this time period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Field Technician, Sales, Operation Manager to Compliance Officer, and Household Hazardous Waste Director. Mr. McKenna has a broad knowledge of the permitting and day-to-day operating procedures of a licensed hazardous waste facility. Areas of specialization include: Compliance with all Federal, State and Local Regulation, involving but not limited to all safety features, daily inspections, facility maintenance, and transportation of hazardous material. Mr. McKenna is responsible for all training. His training covers all aspects of operating and maintaining a hazardous waste facility. He conducts both classroom and hands-on training in emergency response procedures, first aid, hazardous material documentation and employee right-to-know. His training also reaches out to local firefighters, policemen and emergency service personnel. By having the individual entities come through the facility, he teaches them the hands-on emergency procedures for their facility. Mr. McKenna is also the liaison with all regulatory agencies. He is responsible for all site inspections performed by Federal, State and Local Agencies, and insuring all documents are provided to them on an annual basis. Mr. McKenna has also managed a twenty-four hour per day emergency response team, which provided the manpower and equipment needed for any type of incident for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection. His background in firefighting commands allows him to be able to control emergency situations and prevent any further environmental hazard. i•Y .. FRANCIS J. McKENNA, Jr. PAGE TWO Mr. McKenna has also directed many remediation, laboratory decontamination, and Household Hazardous Waste Projects. His responsibilities include detailed project descriptions, site specific contingency plans, on-site coordination between State and Local Agencies. He also ensures all appropriate documentation is complete and submitted for the tracking and ultimate disposal of waste material. In the duration of Mr. McKenna's career, he has successfully completed over one thousand Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days, in which,Mr. McKenna's range of responsibilities were from initial meetings with county representatives and bid openings, to arranging all on-site logistics and personnel management and upon job completion, Mr. McKenna was responsible for all contract completion, not limited to invoicing, all proper documentation, and follow up meetings with county representatives. EDUCATION Firefighting Techniques,Morris County Firefighters Academy 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refreshers Permit Required Confined Spaces (29 CFR 1910.146) 1993 and refreshers DOT HM 181 -Hazardous Substance Transportation (1994) and refreshers PROFESSIONAL,ASSOCIATION National Fire Protection Association State of New Jersey Firemen Association New York State Motor Truck Association Notary Public State of New Jersey v t��Y`�.117 txF�� • Yf. JAMES M. Mc KENNA SALES OPERATIONS MANAGER Care Environmental Corp. FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Household Hazardous Waste Minimization/Management, Small Quantity Generator Programs, Hazardous Waste Management,UST Closure, Health and Safety Programs,Emergency Response, Site Remediation,Site Assessments,Chemical Profile Characterization,Chemical Classification and Regulatory Liaison. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Mr. McKenna has five years experience in the-Hazardous Waste Field. During this period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Field Technician, Field Supervisor, Sales Operations Manager and Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator. DETAILED EXPERIENCE -- Sales Operations Manager for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include sales consultation, scheduling projects,writing proposals, drafting operational plans, implementing and facilitating health/safety procedures. Experienced in developing,promoting and scheduling projects through direct contact with clientele. Skilled at customizing detailed operational health/safety plans and procedures to clients. -- Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include prospecting potential j obs,attend bid openings,liaison with county/state representatives,site visitations,preparation of site operational plans,correlate project day itinerary,coordinate collection day, prepare manifests and provide post collection data to clients. Experiences in SQG feasibility studies and SQG public awareness. Mr. Mckenna successfully completed over 200 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events. During this period he has learned and excelled in all aspects of the collection event. -- UST Field Technician for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include preparation of equipment, documentation of site logistics, analyzation of data collected from field instruments, collection of soil/water samples and preparation of data for future reports. Experiences in all fields .procedures for UST projects in accordance with regulatory guidelines. • F '7 N u- JAMES M. McKENNA PAGE TWO -- Field Supervisor for chemical/radioactive waste disposal firm. Responsibilities include overseeing duties performed by field technicians. Administered and coordinated chemical removal and demolition projects in hazardous waste environments. -- Field Technician for chemical/radioactive waste disposal firm. Responsibilities include chemical lab packing, field sampling, emergency response, hazardous material demolition and certified hazardous materials driver. Experienced in chemical identification,segregation,packaging and chemical compatibility. Performed waste characterization sampling procedures for laboratory analysis and waste disposal criteria. Knowledge of emergency response procedures for hazardous substance releases. EDUCATION Widner University, Wilmington, DE September 1985 to May 1987 County College of Morris, Randolph,NJ 1987-1988 Morris County Police and Fire Academy,Parsippany,NJ 1982 to present . HazMat International 1992 to present - 40 Hour OSHA Training (29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher Confined Space Entry 12/93 UST Regulatory Guidelines 2/94 DOT Hazardous Materials 1815/94 Fire Fighter I&II, Heavy Rescue, Incident Command, Haz Mat Response, CPR. EMPI.,OYIENT Care Environmental Corporation-Denville,New Jersey Operations Manager 1/93 to present Morris Plains Police Department- Morris Plains,New Jersey Police Dispatcher 10/89 - 01/93 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Cedar Knolls Fire Department&First Aid Squad 12/82 to present � r` Care Environmental Corp. John A Doeffinger CHEMIST FIELDS OF COMPETENCE: Chemical Profile Characterization, Chemical Classification for Household Hazardous Waste Programs, Small Quantity Generator Programs, Hazardous Waste Management, Waste Agricultural Programs, Emergency Response, Site Remediation, and Site Assessments. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: Mr. Doeffinger has four years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period his duties and responsibilities included Chemical Profile Characterization, Sorting and Segregating Hazardous Wastes, Health and Safety Plans, Organizing, Planning, and Executing Household Hazardous Waste/Agriculture Events with Project Managers. Mr. Doeffinger has a total of eleven years in the Environmental Field. DETAILED EXPERIENCE: Household Hazardous Waste and Agriculture Pesticide Lead Chemist. Responsibilities include assisting Project Managers in site visitations, preparation of site operational plans, coordinate collection day, and manifest preparation. Direct responsibilities include segregating and packaging hazardous wastes,preparing container sheets, container labeling and chemical profiling. Experience includes executing Health and Safety Plans, Contingency Plans, and Emergency Response. ® Environmental Lead Chemist. Responsible for chemical identification, segregation, packaging and chemical compatibility. Performed waste characterization sampling procedures for laboratory analysis and waste disposal criteria. Knowledge of emergency response procedures for hazardous substance releases. © Environmental Field Technician. Responsibilities include preparation of equipment, documentation of site logistics, analyzation of data collected from field instruments, collection of soil/water samples and preparation of data for future reports. Experienced in all field procedures for remediation projects in accordance with regulatory guidelines. JOHN DOEFFINGER PAGE TWO Supervisor responsibilities included, supervise sample control technicians, bottle prep technicians, and drivers. He supervises and schedules sample pickups and bottle preparations and performs percent solids and pH determinations. He is directly responsible for the timeliness of the sample log-in procedure as well as the generation of laboratory work lists and is responsible for the notification of the lab staff of all rush work and short holding time tests. Mr. Doeffinger also is responsible for the storage of samples while project is in progress through the disposition of samples with hazardous waste disposal companies. As Organics Extractions Group Leader, Mr. Doeffinger supervised up to seven technicians on two shifts. Over his five years in the department, Mr Doeffinger has experience in extracting semivolatiles, PCBs,pesticides and herbicides in a variety of matrices. He was also Assistant Health and Safety Officer as STL/NJ. EDUCATION. Bloomfield College, Bloomfield,NJ B.S. Biology, 1989 40 hour OSHA Training(29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher PROFESSIONAL EXPEDIENCE: 1996-Present Care Environmental Corp. 1990 - 1999 Severn Trent Laboratories,Inc., Whippany, NJ Position Sample Control Group Leader Position Organic Extraction Group Leader 1989 - 1990 York Laboratories,Whippany, NJ Position Organic Extraction Team Leader Position Organic Extraction Analyst ,�� •ass'{- __ i FRANK CILENTI PROJECT MANAGER -FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Household Hazardous Waste Management Techniques, Health& Saftey Awareness, Hazardous Waste Characterization,Emergency Response. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Mr. Cilenti has 20 years experience in the Hazardous Waste Field. During this period, his duties and responsibilities have varied from Environmental Technician, Field Specialist, Chemist and Project Manager. DETAILED EXPERIENCE Prdgram Manager for environmental services firm,Responsibilities include implementing and facilitating health/safety procedures, scheduling projects, coordinating household hazardous waste collection days and preparing post collection data Mr. Cilenti successfully completed over 1000 household hazardous waste collection events. During this period he has learned and excelled in all aspects of the collection events. Field Specialist for environmental services fum. Responsibilities include preparing waste profile characterization, coordinating emergency response activities and preparing site assessments. Environmental Technician for environmental services firm. Responsibilities include preparation of field equipment, collection, segregation, consolidatioii and documentation of household hazardous waste activities. TRA-DUNG EXPERIENCE 40 Hour OSHA Training(29 CFR 1910.120) and Annual Refresher DOT Hazardous Materials 181 49 CFR Annual Function Specific Training CPR Certified r / � t r � INTRODUCTION Care Environmental's 40 hour review OSHA approved safety, health and emergency response training program. This section provides a brief description of the following topics which will be discussed during the training seminar: o Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Hazardous Substances/Waste o Occupational Toxicology o Respiratory Protection o Levels of Protection o Site Monitoring and Instruments o Site Safety Plan o Standard Operating Safety Guidelines CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCESIWASTE Personnel conducting hazardous waste operations may be exposed to a variety of substances or wastes that are dangerous because of biological, chemical and physical, and radiological characteristics. Biological hazards are living organisms that may cause illness, sickness, or death to exposed site personnel. Radiological substances are hazardous due to their ability to emit various types of radiation at intensities harmful to inadequately protected personnel. Chemical dangers are defined by four characteristics: flammability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. The physical state of these hazardous substances and wastes will directly affect the potential danger posed to site personnel. OCCUPATIONAL TOXICOLOGY Toxicology is the study of how hazardous substances interact with people to produce harmful responses. To better appreciate occupational toxicology, it is necessary to understand certain fundamental concepts in order to achieve rational decisions regarding personal protection. These concepts are (1) dose-response relationship, (2) routes of exposure,'(3) factors influencing toxicity, and (4) health hazards resulting from exposure. The dose-response is a quantitive relationship between the dose of hazardous substance an individual is exposed to and the resulting effect or response. There are four routes by which a substance can enter the body: inhalation, skin (or eye) absorption, ingestion, and injection. Many factors effect the reaction of an organism to a toxic chemical. Some factors are duration and frequency of exposure, route of entry, interspecies variation, intraspecies variations. Toxicology differentiates between the toxicity of a hazardous substance and risk. The substance's toxicity is its capability to cause harmful response. The toxicity of substance can be classified as low, medium or high. Risk is the likelihood or probability that a substance will cause a harmful response under specific conditions. A highly toxic substance may present minimal risk when handled or managed correctly by personnel. RE,SPIRAT®RY PROTECTION Respiratory protection is needed to filter out unwanted contaminants in the air. The respirator assembly must be approved for protection against the contaminant at the concentration which is present in the work area. The concentration must not exceed the levels designated for that type and size cartridge or canister. The wearer must pass a qualitative fit-test for the make, model, and size of air-purifying device used. To assure proper protection, the facepiece fit shall be checked by the wearer each time he puts on the respirator. The normal atmosphere contains approximately 21% oxygen. Based on oxygen content only, the atmosphere must contain a minimum of 19.5% oxygen to permit use of an air-purifying respirator. The different types of respirators are: air purifying, disposable dust, mouthbit, quarter mask, half mask,full face, powered air purifying, and face piece. One would distinguish which respirator to use by concentration ratio and concentration contaminants. Respiratory apparatus must frequently be used during response to hazardous material incidents. If the contaminants is unknown or the requirements for using air purifying respirators cannot be met, then an atmosphere supplying respirators is required. Several types of atmosphere supplying devices are available: oxygen generating, hose mask, airline, self contained breathing apparatus. LEVELS OF PROTECTION Site personnel must wear protective equipment when there is a probability of contact with hazardous substances that could affect their health. Chemical resistant clothing protects the skin from contact with skin destructive and absorbable chemicals. Equipment to protect the body against contact with known or anticipated toxic chemicals has been divided into four categories according to the degree of protection afforded: Level A: Should be worn when the highest level of respiratory, skin, and eye protection is needed. Level B: Should be worn when the highest level of respiratory protection is needed, but a lesser degree of skin protection is needed. Level C: Should be worn when a lesser level of respiratory protection is needed than Level B. Skin protection criteria are similar to Level B. Level D: Should be worn only as a work uniform and not on any site with respiratory or skin hazards. It provides no protection against chemical hazards. The Level of Protection selected should be based on the hazard and risk of exposure, Lazard: Type and measured concentration of the chemical substance in the ambient atmosphere and its toxicity. I 4' SITE SAFETY PLAN The purpose of the site safety plan is to establish requirements for protecting the health and safety of responders during all activities conducted at an incident. It contains safety information, instructions and procedures. A site safety plan must be prepared and reviewed by qualified personnel for each hazardous substance response. The plan must contain safety requirements for routine (but hazardous) response activities and also for unexpected site emergencies. General Requirements the site safety plan must: o Describe the known hazards and evaluate the risk associated with incident and with each activity. o List key personnel and alternates responsible for site safety, response operations, and for protection of public. o Describe Levels of Protection to be worn by personnel. o Delineate work areas. O Establish procedures to control site access. o Describe decontamination procedures for personnel and equipment. o Establish site emergency procedures. o Address emergency medical care for injuries and toxicological problems. o Describe requirements for an environmental surveillance program. o Specify any routine and special training for responders. o Establish procedures for protecting workers from weather-related problems. STANDARD OPERATI®N SAFETY GUIDELINES The quality of a response to an emergency situation is directly related to the knowledge, ability, and availability of emergency response personnel. These individuals may be site employees or local emergency support personnel. Regardless of their affiliation, it is crucial that their deployment be well organized and that a chain of command be clearly established before an emergency occurs. The key to the successful implementation of an emergency contingency plan is an informed and instinctive response to emergency situations. • 1'sw�'q✓ 1 r Risk: Potential for exposure to substance in air, splashes of liquid, or other direct contact with material due to work being done. In situations where the type of chemical, concentration, and possibilities of contact are not known, the appropriate Level of Protection must be selected based on professional experiences and judgement until the hazards can be better characterized. SI'L'L MONITORING AND INSTRUMENTS Airborne contaminants can present a significant threat to human health. Identifying and quantifying these contaminants by using direct-reading instruments are essential parts of a health and safety program at hazardous materials incidents: o Assess the potential health risks to the public and response workers. o Delineate areas where personnel protective equipment is needed. o Select personnel protective equipment. o Determine actual or potential health risks or effects on the environment. Direct-reading instruments were developed as early warning devices for use in industrial settings. 'Today, some direct-reading instruments have been developed to detect contaminants in the parts per billion range. Direct-reading instruments provide real-time data and do not require sending samples to a laboratory. This character of direct-reading instruments enables rapid decision-making. t 5: YY� YI a w^-err, • ">7W Y�3 RECORD KEEPING Care Environmental Corp. will provide to the County records to account for the costs incurred during each collection. The forms that will be utilized on this project will be easily cross- referenced by waste category and manifest number. The form entitled "Summary Report" will be used to summarize the "Waste Categories" for each collection event. The "Summary Report" includes information such as County, Site Location, Date of Service, Manifest Number, Waste Category, Drum Total, Unit Price, and Total Cost. The final report will be submitted to the County upon completion of each event. The final report will include the "Summary Report", packing lists and the signed off copy of the ultimate disposal site's manifest(s). An example of the records to be maintained can be found on the following pages. SUMMARY REPORT CATEGORIES AND AMOUNTS OF WASTE DATE: COUNTY PROJECT MANAGER: SITE LOCATION: CARE PROJECT MANAGER: MANIFEST NUMBER: WASTE CATEGORY DRUM# UNIT TOTAL COST PRICE OF DRUM R nw J r IV ra � Certification 12523 • CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYEE INFORMATION REPORT BENEW%L �.ar.J1JT1,-�lY:�U➢AiY#yTgyyg� This is to certify that the contractor fisted�:fy�l6+ry:•t�a Msu6mift d�,paj'trtpioyee Information Report pursuant to N.J.A.C, 17:27-1.1 et. seq,and the 5 af,;,Tt'eapprer ha§,tapproved7sa*,teport. This approval will remain in effect for the period of =;. ,JP CORP t U%,;,;_ r' r CARE ENVIRONMENTALt r 2 t 1520 IST. 57, UNIT A SP J , •,.ud "e r,` _T _ k_ ` HACKETTSTOWN NJ 078 %ra,„FA�� _fr� lr FORD M.SCUDDER State Treasurer Certificate number Registration Date: 93/29/2617 859337 '8111z TExpiration Date: 03/1912018 C2 Jersey Department. of Labor and Workforce Development Division of Wage and Hour Compliance Public Works Contractor Registration Act Pursuant to N.J_S.A. 34:11-56.48, et seq, of the Public Works Contractor Registration Act, this certificate of registration is issued for purposes of bidding on any contract for public work or for engaging in the performance of any public work to: 20 it �1 espohsible Rapresenta�tive(s): �' `' n' •.c s 't Francis Mckenna jr., President � � o n_dro 1 i;. Fichtner, Ph.D. Acting Commissioner This certificate may not be transferred or assigner Ospar'tment of La er anti jprz:.rrisorCr ve'JC Cir int (i'1 1p� arw may be revoked for cause by the Ctr~missrcn r �� M TRANSr ERt•®....E nff 1 1-Ihf, -:ZEIti %Aine!el:Are,0 i ict.laln z�rn.-..,5 1 N.J. Department of Treasury - Division of Revenue, On-Line Inquiry Page 1 of I STATE OF NEW JERSEY " Ru BUSINESS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE Taxpayer Name: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. Trade Name: Address: 1620A STATE RTE 57 HACKETTSTOWN, NJ 07840-5714 Certificate Number: 1101614 Effective Date: November 03, 2004 Date of Issuance: December 01, 2017 For Office Use Only: 20171201114448763 httns-//wwwl.state_ni.us/TYTR RRC',/.ervlet/common/RRCT,ngin 12/l/2017 c James E.McGreevey Department of Environmental Protection Bradley M.Campbell Governor Commissioner Mr. Francis J. McKenna, Jr. , President JA 2 7 pw Care Environmental Corp. 10 Orben Drive Landing, New Jersey 07850 RE : Hazardous and Solid Waste Transporter License N.J.S.A. 13 : 1E-126 et seq_ Dear Mr. McKenna: This is to advise you that the investigative report from the Attorney General required under N.J.S.A. 13 :1E-126 et sea. has been received by the Department of Environmental Protection. Based on our review of the aforementioned investigative report, the Department is hereby issuing •a hazardous and solid waste transporter license to: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. This letter will serve as documentation that both a hazardous �' and a solid waste transporter license have been issued. This license must be renewed annually by filing the Annual License Update form and any other change of information concerning your company or its operation as required by the Department. You may also be required to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity prior to commencing solid waste business operations. Questions regarding this certificate should be directed to the Bureau- of Solid Waste Regulation at (609) 984- 2080 .Any transportation equipment must be registered prior to commencing operations; and in accordance with the hazardous waste regulations, your company must undertake provisions for a training program in the safe management of hazardous waste for all employees who will handle such waste. Questions regarding equipment registration of the above license should be directed to the Bureau of Hazardous Waste Regulation at (609) 292-7081. Sincerely, Norine Binder, Chief Bureau of Hazardous Waste Regulation LC: 03/CareEnv-S&H.: lc c: Harley Williams Michael Hastry Michael DeTalvo New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer Recycled Paper State of NeNv Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDEP Transporter Vehicle Registration Card Solid Waste Compliance&Enforcement Expiration Date: 6/30/2017 9 Ewing Street,Mail Code 09-01 Decal Number: HWL-17-414651 P.O.Box 420 Vin ID#: 1JJV432W77L026377 NJ Trenton,NJ 08625-0420 License Plate#: TNE46C (609)292-7081 Vehicle Type: Trailer LICENSED HAZARDOUS WASTE Vehicle leased?:,N NJDEP Registered Transporter: If Yes,lessor's name: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP NJDEP Registered Transporter: 429 UNIT A EAST BLACKWELL ST., CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP DOVER,NJ 07801 NJDEP#: 50214 This card must be carried iri the cab of the vehicle at all times. This registration card&decal are valid for use only by the listed registrant. Leased equipment can only be used to transport waste by the listed registrant. STATE OF W JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ENI M NTAL PROTECTION HAZARDOUS PORTER SO E D; s A 4 _ y 4 0 1, SF a_ EMBES HE 309 2017 n��.aowye4j - State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Compliance&Enforcement NJDEP'Transporter Vehicle Registration Card �`°'m"`'+�• 9 Ewing Street,Mail Code 09-01 P.O.Box 420 Expiration Date: 6/30/2017 Trenton,NJ 08625-0420 Decal Number: SWL-17-010915 (609)292-7081 Vin ID#: 1XP5DB9XX4D817818 NJ License Plate#: AM194A Vehicle Type: Cab LICENSED SOLID WASTE Vehicle leased?: N NJDEP Registered Transporter: 1f Yes,lessor's name: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP NJDEP Registered Transporter: 429 A EAST BLACKWELL ST, CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP DOVER,NJ 07550 NJDEP#: 32615 This card must be carried in the cab of the vehicle at all times. This registration card di.decal are valid for use only by the listed registrant. Leased equipment can only be used to transport waste by the listed registrant. t 2 t t �i.�, '�' ^'•`;d#-� ar� 5;, :t'tw'v-r';`>t%. 4 y.dH..,r ��,?�.ur'`.u,..=�"�''4�, M b+p,�r.�ry � ,�.:'w "++,$�ti{�sxt44 '1.y'r`�` 4'}`'�'S'.`A`-Yi` Y ;'�"`,c-tom', '`r+f''c i;�'�'Ia.'-S'.ss+,,,N�' �,�: s.'� � ?.q,,,>rtx��`• i"�'��,-'i.�. ,��`�,Li"-- A_".+:?t,. �: ?S*zr �� r!t`� •' ,'F,' t �.�5'hw�,t•-,tx rr ;y',-+t`�,sfu''�„>�:a#y,'s. t rb �r z;,�'.."'�^< �'',_ .$•"j e.� A „ t;,7^'•�,,,��'�3,'�' ^v!,t, _- y •„ Y"•� :�.fya.r.�u*1+'x-�R%''�„'�`rp�nti-' { `� .�9„;,�u��'�'° 't'�u.,+'n �.:'� '�-,y'� u�t>• P� ••rn �' ";�, ' i-�i� �r'nrrtr 'T gar sx..Br" 4., �i• :�`:,'" ,}%'-..'�� ✓- cA,l;'�:Yp';tTx..�. {� .1�.�' .u,I�'d^.A 1 i�}g{F,.g,y�a t sf,-Yt i��-r-•cw r 3:v�J�•t`s.- jd�;;.hf�i,�7,' ...a+r n"6�'�+.7,' �S Ra'l„rF„�,ipy •j`,�`•F-' �.•,tIJ u°.,'�j' "^:dL 2' R�- 't+i 4'. rgSl.lP ''-s {.t• _ die..{ .�'".Yr- 1 1,�.• f,✓yy`r. r�p��y'��.r;1 `�7r� K =•.'iter_ }'_ ( .,..���,�-� m" ?E� Yf fl N. 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McKenna 1620 Route 57, Unit B Hackettstown, NJ 07840 This certifies that the registrant is registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation as required by 49 CFR Part 107, Subpart G. This certificate is issued under the authority ol'49 U.S.C. 51011. It is unlawful to alter or falsify this document. • Reg. No: 061616 552 073YA Effective: 07/09/2016 Expires: 06/30/2019 HM Company I®: 038195 Record Keeping Requirements for the Registration Program The tbllowing must be maintained at the principal place of business for a period of three years from the date of issuance of this Certificate of Registration. i (1) A copy of the registration statement tiled with I'IIMSA;and (2) 'I'lris Certificate of'ltegisn-ation Each person subject to the registration requirement must furnish that person's Certificate of Registration (or a copy) and all other records and Information pertaining to the information contained in the registration statement to an authorized representative or special agent of the U. S. Department of Transportation upon request. I'ach motor carrier (private or for-lure) and each vessel operator subject to the registration requirement must keep a copy ol'the current Certificate of Registration or another document bearing the registration number identified as the "U.S. DOT llazmat Reg. leo." in each truck 'rind truck tractor or vessel (trailers and semi-trailers nut included) used to transport hazardous materials subject to tine registration requirement. Tile Certificate of Registration or document bearing the registration number must be made available,upon request,to enforcement personnel. For hil'o nation,contact the iIazardous Materials Registration Manager, PI-111-52,Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, %shington,DC 20590,telephone(202)346-4109. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE ACTIVITY September 13, 2016 This is to acknowledge that you have filed a Notification of Hazardous Waste Activity for the Site located at the address shown in the box below to comply with Section 3010 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA). Your EPA Identification Number for that Site appears in the box below. The EPA Identification Number must be included on all shipping manifests for transporting hazardous wastes; on all Annual Reports that generators of hazardous waste, and owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities must file with EPA; on all applications for a Federal Hazardous Waste Permit; and other hazardous waste management reports and documents required under Subtitle C of RCRA. EPA I.D.NUMBER:NJR986651743 SITE NAME:CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP SITE LOCATION ADDRESS: 1620 Rt 57 Unit A Hackettstown,NJ 07840 SITE MfAILING ADDRESS: 1620 Rt 57 Unit A, Hackettstown,NJ 07840 NJ Department of Environmental Protection Hazardous Waste Compliance&Enforcement 9 Ewing St.3`d Fl. Mail Code 09-03 P.O. Box 420 Trenton,NJ 08625-0420 TO. CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP 1.620 Rt 57, Unit A Hackettstown,NJ 07840 FRANCIS MCKENNA 1 NEWYORK Department of tAnOF,Nm Environmental NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Conservation DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT FART 364 WASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT NO. NJ-459 Pursuant to Article 27,Telles 3 and 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR 364 PERMIT ISSUED TO: PERMIT TYPE: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION ❑ NEW 1620 ROUTE 57, UNIT A ® RENEWAL. HACKETTSTOWN, NJ 07540 ❑ MODIFICATION CONTACT NAME. FRANCIS J.MCKENNA,JR/SMITH TOUSSAINT EFFECTIVE DATE. 07/01/2017 COUNTY: OUT OF STATE EXPIRATION DATE: 0613012018 TELEPHONE NO: (908)651-5724 US EPA ID NUMBER: NJR986651743 AUTHORIZED WASTE TYPES BY DESTINATION FACILITY: The Permittee is Authorized to Transport the Following Waste Type(s)to the Destination Facility listed Destination Facility Location Waste Type(s) Note CARE ENVIRONMENTAL VALDOSTA,GA Non-Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Asbestos Petroleum Contaminated Soil Waste Oil ECOFLO GREENSBORO,NC Non-Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Asbestos Petroleum Contaminated Soil Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Waste Oil • ENVIRONMENTAL ENTERPRISES,INC. CINCINNATI ,OH Non-Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Asbestos Petroleum Contaminated Soil Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Waste Oil ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DETROIT,MI Non-Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Hazardous Industrial/Commercial EQ FLORIDA TAMPA,FL Non-Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Hazardous Industrial/Commercial EQ INDUSTRIAL SERVICES YPSILANTI,MI Non-Hazardous Industrial/Commercial Hazardous Industrial/Commercial "**AUTHORIZED WASTE TYPES BY DESTINATION FACILITY LISTING(continued on next page) NOTE:By acceptance of this permit,the permittee agrees that the permit Is contingent upon strict compliarce with the Environmental Conservation Law,all applicable regulations,and the General Conditions printed on the back of this page. ADDRESS: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Materials Management-Waste Transporter Program 625 Broadway,9th Floor Albany,NY 12233-7251 _ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: '" u eH Date:r'} r . PAGE 1 OF 3 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 'DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PART 364 WASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT NO. NJ-459 Pursuant to Article 27,Titles 3 and 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR 364 PERMIT ISSUED TO: PERMIT TYPE: CARE. ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION ❑ NEW 1620 ROUTE 57, UNIT A 0 RENEWAL. HACKETTSTOWN, NJ 07840 ❑ MODIFICATION CONTACT NAME: FRANCIS J.MCKENNA,JR/SMITH TOUSSAINT EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2017 COUNTY: OUT OF STATE EXPIRATION DATE- 06130/2018 TELEPHONE NO: (908)651-5724 US EPA ID NUMBER: NJR986651743 AUTHORIZED WASTE TYPES BY DESTINATION FACILITY.(Continued) The Permittee is Authorized to Transport the Following Waste Type(s)to the Destination Facility fisted Destination Facility Location Waste Type(s) Note EQ INDUSTRIAL_SERVICES YPSILANTI ,MI Waste Oil GIANT RESOURCE RECOVERY-SUMTER SUMTER,SC Hazardous Industrial/Commercial i n PAGE 2OF3 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PART 364 WASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT NO, NJ-459 Pursuantto Article 27,Titles 3 and 15 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR 364 PERMIT ISSUED TO: PERMIT TYPE: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION ❑ NEW 1620 ROUTE 57, UNIT A • N RENEWAL HACKETTSTOWN, NJ 07840 ❑ MODIFICATION CONTACT NAME: FRANCIS J.MCKENNA,JR/SMITH TOUSSAINT EFFECTIVE DATE: 07101/201'1 COUNTY: OUT OF STATE EXPIRATION DATE: 06/30/2018 TELEPHONE NO: (908)651-5724 US EPA ID NUMBER: NJR986651743 AUTHORIZED VEHICLES The Permittee is Authorized to Operate the Following Vehicles to Transport Waste: (Vehicles enclosed in-'s are authorized to haul Residential Raw Sewage and/or Septage only) 13(Thirteen)Permitted Vehicle(s) NJ AS271 U NJ AT108E NJ T31 E6W NJ T75U5Y NJ T81 R7G NJ TEV9$F NJ TRN60C NJTRN61C NJ TRN62C NJTRN64C NJ TRN65C NJ TRN66C NJ TRN68C End of List n PAGE 3 OF,3 WASTE TRANSPORTER PERMIT GENERAL COMMONS The permittee must: 1. Carry a copy of this waste transporter permit in each vehicle to transport waste. Failure to ptoduce a copy of the permit upon request is a violation of the permit. 2. Display the full•name of the transporter on both sides of each vehicle and display the waste transporter permit number on both sides and rear of each vehicle containing waste.The displayed name and permit number must be in characters at least three inches high and of a color that contrasts sharply with the background. 3'. Transport waste only in authorized vehicles. An authorized vehicle is one that is listed on this permit. 4. Submit to the Department a modification application for additions/deletions to the authorized fleet of vehicles.The permittee must wait for a modified permit before operating the vehicles identified in the modification application. 5. Submit to the Department a modification application to add a new waste category or a new destination facility,or to change the current waste or destination facility category.The permittee must wait for a modified permit before transporting new waste types or transporting to new destination facilities. 6. Submit to the Department a modification application for change of address or company name. 7. Comply with requirements for placarding and packaging as set forth in New York State Transportation Law as well as any applicable federal rules and regulations. 8. Contain all wastes in the vehicle so there is no leaking, blowing, or other discharge of waste. 9. Use vehicles to transport only materials not intended for human or animal consumption unless the vehicle is properly cleaned. 10. Comply with requirements for manifesting hazardous waste, regulated medical waste, or low-level radioactive waste as set forth in the New York State Environmental Conservation Law and the implementing regulations.Transporters who provide a pre-printed manifest to a generator/shipper/ offeror of regulated waste shall ensure that all information is correct and clearly legible on all copies of the manifest. 11. Deliver waste only to transfer,storage,treatment and disposal facilities authorized to accept such waste. Permittee must demonstrate that facilities are so authorized if requested to do so. 12. Maintain liability insurance as required by New York State Environmental Conservation Law. 13. Maintain records of the amount of each waste type transported to each destination facility on a calendar- year basis. The transporter is obligated to provide a report of this information to the Department at the time of permit renewal, or to any law enforcement officer, if requested to do so. 14. Pay regulatory fees on an annual basis. Non-payment may be cause for revocation or suspension of permit. 15. This permit is not transferrable. A change of ownership will invalidate this permit. 16. This permit does not relieve the permittee from the obligation to obtain any other approvals or permits, or from complying with any other applicable federal, state, or local requirement. 9.7. Renewal applications must be submitted no less than 30 days prior to the expirat3,on date of the permit to* New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Materials Management,Waste Transporter Program 625 Broadway,9t"Floor Albany, NY 12233-7251 OV-G Ratural AeourreoLU I"6 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION SOLID WASTE HANDLING PERMIT Permit No: 092-023P Date: March 17, 2006 Permittee: Name: Care Environmental Corporation Address: 10 Orben Drive Landing, New Jersey 07850 In accordance with the provisions of the Georgia Comprehensive Solid.Waste Management Act, and the Rules promulgated pursuant thereto, this permit is issued for the following operation: Lowndes County - Care Environmental Corporation — Household Hazardous Waste Processing Facility located in Industrial Park west of intersection of Gil Harbin Industrial Blvd and M.E. Thompson,Drive south of Valdosta, Georgia (Latitude 30048'13", Longitude 83 o 1615911). This permit is conditioned upon the permittee complying with the attached conditions of operation, which are hereby made a part of this permit. All statements and supporting data submitted to the Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources have been evaluated, considered and relied upon in the issuance of this permit. This permit is now In effect; however, under Georgia Law K is subject to appeal for thirty (30) days following issuance, and is subject to modification or revocation on evidence of noncompliance with any of the provisions of the Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Art, or any-of the Rules promulgated pursuant thereto; or with any representation made in the above mentioned application or the statements and supporting data entered therein or attached the to; or with any condition of this permit. VE Carol A. Couch, Ph.D., Director Environmental Protection Division I Georgia DI'martment of Natural Resources 2 Martin Luther King,Jr. Dr., Sulte.1154 East Tower,Atlanta, Georgia------ 9000 r Environmental Protection Division i Carol A.Couch,Ph.b.,Director Hazardous Waste Management Branch Phone 404/656•_-b02 FAX Q4/651-9425 April 2, 2004 n 2 FRANCIS J MCKENNA JR CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 714 GIL HARBIN IND BLVD RE: EPA ID # GAR000035899 CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 714 GIL HARBIN IND BLVD VALDOSTA, LOWNDES COUNTY, GA 31601 Dear FRANCIS J MCKENNA JR:- We R:-We have recently received your notification of regulated waste activity(EPA Form 8700-12). The above referenced EPA ID number has been assigned to the facility at the address.given.This number is site specific and will be used by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division and the US EPA.for identification purposes. if'.you move to a new location, you should deactivate this number and apply for another number at the new location. 'You should also request deactivation of this number if the facility closes or you no longer generate hazardous waste or have activities that require a number. This number is not a permit. It is used for data management and information tracking purposes. Your cooperation in protecting Georgia's environment is appreciated. Sincerely, Jacquelyn D. Hymel Clerk Transcriber II Hazardous Waste Support Unit Hazardous Waste Management Branch r , i i �����`9� CITY OF V�+ T �g'1,OST A Expiration Date �P��� �T CITY -�.[+�.a..�r�.l-.+.J' ".iAL'�T 12/31/.2017 ,� S TA ���� Certificate Number VA L 15015 �R CARE ENVIRONMENTAL-CORP- 714 GIL HARBIN INDUSTRIAL BLVD VALDOSTA,'GA 31601 'NAICS TITLE&CODE BUSINESS l[.DESCRIPTI®N 48-49 -TRANSPORT WAREHOUSI, 493110 WAREHOUSE The City,of Valdosta appreciates your buarness, Important information about this Business Occupational Tax Certificate i$• Before relocation your business; please contact the Business License Office and,get a change, of address form. The Zoning Office needs to review your new location before you move: Your business is associated with you and your tax filing information. If you sell your business, the new owner needs to apply for his/her own business license. They' cannot continue operating under, your, business license. «° All Alcohol, Regulatoty Licenses need to be reviewed and updated' annually.• Please notify, the Business License Office of any-changes to employees handling alcohol. This would include both new hires and changes due to promotion or replacement. If you plan to change your current business hinction or add additional lines of business to your operations, please contact the Business License office before adding to or changing your current business. 'These changes'must be approved by the Zoning,Office prior,to commencement of operations. When you decide to close your business please notify the Business Licenses,Office so,that eve can issue you a.closing certificate and the necessary forfas for the liquidation of your inventory. Once you have decided to close, there is a"90"day closing period from`the day you start to close until you cease operations. Inventory trust be taken and,no,additional inventory may .added. i If you,have questions please contact the Business Office. +City o ,Valdosta Business Licehse Office ' 102`North Lee Street Valdosta, Georgia 31601 Phone# 229.259.3520 Bax#,229.333.1865 Citybusitnesslicense@Fraldostacnty.com CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP' 714 GIL HARBIN INDUSTRIAL BLVD VALDOSTA, GA�31601 -- - ---- ---- ----------------- - COUNTY OF HORRY, BUSINESS LICENSE COUNTY OF HORRY, BUSINESS LICENSE CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP 0 CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP -.� 4999 CAROLINA FOREST BLVD 21 ' 4999 CAROLINA FOREST BLVD 21 MYRTLE BEACH,SC 29579MYRTLE BEACH,SC 29579 Committed to Excellence Comnntted to Excelle ce LICENSE # 13224 YEAR 2017 LICENSE # 13224 YEAR 2017 EXPIRATION DATE: 04/30/2018 EXPIRATION ®ATE: 04/30/2018 Chris Eldridge Chris Eldridge Business License Administrator Business License Administrator COUNTY OF HORRY 2017 BUSINESS LICENSE BUSINESS LICENSE # 13224 EXPIRATION ®ATE: 04/3012018 - BUSINESS ®ESCRIPTION: ® ®ann LICENSE OWNER All Other Business Support Services ComrmttedtoExcellence CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP NAME OF BUSINESS: CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP License to conduct business In conformity with and 4999 CAROLINA FOREST BLVD 21 subject to the provisions of the Ordinances of Horry County and the Laws of the State MYRTLE BEACH,SC 29579 This license must be displayed in a conspicuous place.Transient or � � nonresidents shall carry the license upon him/herself or in a vehicle of Chris Eldredge the business readily available for inspection. Business License Administrator HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORTERS AND PERMIT AND LICENSES US DOT MATERIAL REGISTRATION# #061616552073YA US DOT#746147 EPA ID#NJR986651743 NJDEP50214 DOT EXEMPTION: Cyanide exemption Paint exemption STATE PERMIT# EXPIRATION DATE ALABAMA NJR986651743 4/18/2019 ALLIANCE U P W-0746147-MV (IL,MI,OK,MN,NV,OH,WV) ARIZONA NJR986651743 ARKANSAS H-1656C 5/2/2018 COLORADO HMP-03631 6/30/2018 t CONNECTICUT CT-HW-768 6/30/2018 DELAWARE DE-HW-0511 6/30/2018 FLORIDA BROWARD CO WT-08-0008 6/30/2018 FLORIDA(HAZ WASTE) NJR986651743 6/30/2018 FLORIDA(LAMPS) NJR986651743 6/30/2018 FLORIDA(USED OIL) NJR986651743 6/30/2018 GEORGIA NJR986651743 INDIANIA NJR986651743 IOWA NJR986651743 KANSAS NJR986651743 KENTUCKY KYU163256 No expiration date LOUISIANA NJR986651743 MARYLAND H W H-602 MISSISSIPPI NJR986651743 MISSOURI 1403001000 7/12/2018 NEBRASKA NJR986651743 NEW HAMPSHIRE TNH-0287 6/30/2018 NEW JERSEY H50214 6/30/2017 NEW JERSEY SW2739 6/30/2019 NEW YORK NJ-459 6/30/2018 NORTH CAROLINA NJ NORTH DAKOTA WH-0881 4/28/2018, PENNSYLVANIA PA-AH0735 12/11/2017 SOUTH CAROLINA NJR986651743 12/11/2017 SOUTH DAKOTA NJR986651743 TENNESSEE NJR986651743 TEXAS 86669 UTAH NJR986651743 VIRGINIA NJR986651743 WYOMING NJR986651743 ****REVISED 10/19/2017 Care Environmental Corp DOT HMR# 051209005005- DOT# 746147 As of December 2016 DOT 5 Haz Mat Inspection violations ® Improper descriptions ® Unsecured load Placard violation Ga Facility Improper storage (location) Leaking containers Unsealed container Insufficient aisle space USEPA December 2013 inspection no RCRA Violations found OSHA 2012 Inspection No violations V- HHW SITE PLAN DESIGN HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CORP. GENERIC SITE PLAN HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION ®AY Cheaucal Packing Area Pesticide Paclana Area Emergency Spill Equipment ..............................Container Staging..................... ging Area Paint,Flammable Chernijtry Solvent&Glycols t Paint Recycling Area Consohdabon Area Solid WF,CnMampr Segregation Tables Cardhaard ro mpr � 4]7 Oheck in ------------- __. ---- -----------------------0, 4 , t 1 ' � ' IFIC ffiTE'OF-INSURANCE - 9 c - ilki uta�� __-- A�COW E® C E RT I R CAT E OF L IA UTY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD,YYYY) , 8/8/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS; CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements . PRODUCER CNONTACT AME Danielle Spann Dale Group PA"c°N o Ex 73- 77-7000 TA No).973-377-4614 PO Box 6 E-MAIL Florham Park NJ 07932 ADDREss danielles&dalegroup corn INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A-Horneland Insurance Com Delaw 1423 INSURED CAREENV-01 INSURER B.Atlantic Specialty Ins Co 27154 Care Environmental Corp. INSURER C:Hartf rd Underwriters Insurance Com 104 714 Gilharbin Industrial Hywy, INSURER D• Valdosta GA 31601 INSURER E• INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:265708928 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSR ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP TYPE OF INSURANCE LTR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER MM/DDNYYY) (MMIDDIYYYYI LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y 7930067080000 7/31/2017 7/31/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 X DAMAGE TO RENTED COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES Ea occurrence $100,000 CLAIMS-MADE a OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $5,000 X MCS90Included PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 X Pollution Liab GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 POLICY X I PRO- LOC $ JECTB AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y Y 7930067070000 7/31/2017 7/31/2018 Ea .adentRIEDSINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 t ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ , ALL OWNED X SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS NON-OWNED Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ X HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS A X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR Y Y 7930067090000 7/31/2017 7/31/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DE I RETENTION$ $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION 6SOUB8H248271 7/31/2017 7/31/2018 X WC STAT%- OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ITORyLIMITS ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y I N E L EACH ACCIDENT $500,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N❑ N/A (Mandatory in NH) E L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $500,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Proof Of Insurance THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1983-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved- ACORD 25(2090/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD gm jq �. 1iI51£ ON—, 2 _ i 1 sli�• le, 'Ir r ,fir �� •�t� _ nom. .��t �r k_ � }.a. � � �:,, �:�`�_ aw, t f i �Yt S 4 .,A '�•3 ', � '�r'�`",F��'- 4.� s�,J`.K,,,; •`F'i,����3Ke+�� ��_�C�.` `"`S s � c��`y '� � �?.�� ¢t ,r 'ai'-� a.a,��a�-F'�'�z�.. .sk R t,.� .:�t� r,:�.�..::,°n�x�r•�.x,°.&.,.s •.,t�4.�`_��k.�`:a:5.Q",.;.�-� �� r �a I_.s ?.§ "+sli 1='' r-p sf+'Y g -i .5"�?yt �`7i*`5 t �^'j,' �•�w3k• a 'j f.a:Y .� :§�a'i i`.�_ "'y_ ". �y `-`` ?iLN.•:r.7�_.l+wFf�..,3'k...},. i'�m.d.... ..��1i+_.w3 Ya'�s-3r'•"�-r.. 'Ti r�urt.R33 .S�fi.6��!�?L:�i3:k .3+ �2' 4s..":ia? 91z�•.ac1�"�` �.��,�'. #0002148270 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck,in said county,being duly sworn,says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES , a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks(s),successfully commencing on 11/30/2017 � ✓ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of • r CHRISTINA VOLINSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01 V06105050 QU011f1®d In Suffolk County My Commission 4ripirQG Fobtyary AS,2020 f TYPESET Mon Nov 27 17 18.36 EST 2017 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law,that sealed bids are sought and requested for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste for Calendar Years 2018-2019 from the Southold Town Collection Center, Cox Lane, Cutchogue, New York, all in accor- dance with federal, state, and local reg- ulations. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk,Town of South- old,Town Hall,53095 Main Road.Southold, New York 11971 The sealed bids, together with a Non- Collusive Bid Certificate,and bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100 00,will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,at the Southold Town Hall,PO Box 1179,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971,until 2:00 P.M.,December 7,2017 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public.The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in en- velopes plainly marked"Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal',and submitted to the Of- fice of the Town Clerk The bid price shall not include any tax,federal,state,or local,from which the Town of Southold is exempt Dated- November 21,2017 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 2148270 Rudder, Lynda From: legals <legals@timesreview.com> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 10:58 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: screened sand, Tire Removal, Uniform Cleaning Notice, hhw, Milk yearly bids for publication Attachments: Ad_Order_Form[17].pdf, Ad_Order_Form[18].pdf,Ad_Order_Form[19].pdf, Ad_Order_Form[20].pdf,Ad_Order_Form[21].pdf Importance: High Hi Linda, Please find confirmation/invoices for the 5 notices scheduled to run in the Suffolk Times on 11/30/2017. Thankyou rT P11M E S Rev IEW Cerria Onentale Torres Advertising Coordinator 631.354.8011 (D) cto rresCaDti m es revi ew.co m www.timesreview com From: <Rudder>, Lynda Rudder<lynda.rudder@town.southold.nv.us> Date: Monday, November 27, 2017 10:10 AM To:Times Review<legals@timesreview.com>, "Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com)" <lisaahfinn@gmail.com>, "Michaelis, Jessica" <iessicam@southoldtownny.gov>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.nv.us>, "Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com)" <denise@southoldlocal.com>, "Dinizio,James" <fames.dinizio@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <iill.doherty@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doroski, Bonnie" <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bob.ghosio@town.southold.ny.us>, Louisa Evans <lpevans06390@gmail.com>, "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Nevilie@town.southold.ny.us>, "Noncarrow, Denis" <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>, "Norklun,Stacey" <Stacey.Norklun@town.southold.nv.us>, Lynda Rudder <Iynda.rudder@town.southold.nv.us>, "Russell, Scott" <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.nv.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.nv.us>,William Ruland <rulandfarm@vahoo.com>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd@southoldtownny.gov>, "Hagan, Damon" <damonh@southoldtownny.gov>, "Silleck, Mary" <marvs@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: "Bunchuck,Jim" <ibunchuck@town.southold.nv.us>, "Orlando,Vincent" <vincent.oriando@town.southold.ny.us>, "Blasko, Regina" <rblasko@town.southold.nv.us>, "McLaughlin, Karen" <Karen.McLaughlin@town.southold.nv.us> Subject: screened sand,Tire Removal, Uniform Cleaning Notice, hhw, Milk yearly bids for publication �j Please publish the attached five (5) legal notices in the November 30, 2017 edition of the Suffolk Times and the Town website,thank you. .F 1 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste for Calendar Years 2018 -2019 from the Southold Town Collection Center, Cox Lane, Cutchogue,New York, all in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00,will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, at the Southold Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 P.M., December 7, 2017 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Hazardous Waste Removal", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: November 21, 2017 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON NOVEMBER 30', 2017, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Information Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck STATEMENT OF INTENT AND SPECIFICATIONS SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES (HHW) I. INTENT The Town of Southold holds several household hazardous waste (HHW) drop-off days (hereinafter called "Events") each year for the convenience of its residents. The intent of this bid proposal is to secure one (1) chemical waste contractor to provide HHW collection, removal, and disposal services to the Town of Southold in connection with the holding of these events for up to a 3 (three)year period II. TERM The base term of this agreement is January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019, WITH A TOWN-HELD OPTION TO RENEW THE AGREEMENT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR TERM (hereinafter, "Option Year"),such renewal to occur at the sole discretion of the Town. As contemplated under this agreement, renewal by the Town could therefore extend this agreement through December 31, 2020. Nonetheless, the Town retains the right to decline to extend the agreement for any reason whatsoever. The Town agrees to notify the successful contractor of its intention to renew/not renew the agreement for the Option Year not later than 30 days prior to the end of contract year 42 (i.e., not later than December 1, 2019). In responding to this solicitation, Bidders agree herein to abide by these terms. III. DETERMINATION OF WINNING BIDDER The Town will accept the LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BID in response to this solicitation. The Town reserves the right to weigh involvement in environmental hazards, regulatory violations, demonstrated instances of non- performance in other municipal agreements, and overall experience in handling household hazardous wastes in its evaluation of any bid received. Cost proposals will be evaluated based on prices bid for the removal, transportation, and disposal of household hazardous wastes, as applied to the Town's expected volume of such wastes received (see "BID PROPOSAL" section). IV. DEFINITIONS A. Contractor- The chemical waste hauler who is providing the services for the Town of Southold. B. HHW- The acronym for Household Hazardous Waste and is the term which shall include all pesticides and other chemicals or otherwise harmful or potentially harmful waste originating only from residential homes as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 366. Such HHW items shall only be accepted from residential generators, not from commercial establishments. C. EVENT-The term given for one or more specially designated 'HHW Drop-Off Days,' wherein Town residents may deliver their HHW to a location where it will be collected for proper removal and disposal, such collection point to be at a time and place to be determined by the Town. D. RCRA-the acronym for the Resource Conservation and Recover Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments and re-authorizations. V GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES REQUEST Services requested by the Town through this bid include: (a) the knowledge, management skills, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and any other resources necessary to staff and operate periodic HHW Events wherein the contractor will receive, prepare, log,pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor by residents, at a time and place to be determined by the Town; and (b) appropriate eight (8) or forty (40) hour OSHA hazardous materials training for Town personnel as may be requested by the Town. Wastes to be accepted by the contractor at Events shall include at a minimum those listed in Section'A 'of the Description of Services, " contained in the Bid Proposal Section of this Statement (attached). The Town will provide a suitable location on Town property for all Events. During each calendar year included in this specification (2018-2019), the Town expects to hold four (4) HHW Events at 3-month intervals. Specific dates will be coordinated with the contractor,however all Events will be held on Saturdays. The Town reserves the right to hold more or less Event days, as it may deem necessary, and does not commit herein to holding any specific number of Event days. At the discretion of the Town, the contractor may be required to enter into a written contract with the Town formalizing the rights, roles, and responsibilities of each party pursuant to this bid. In the absence of a separate contract,this specification will be regarded as contractual and binding. VI SCOPE OF WORK A) Operating Event Days The contractor will guarantee to provide all services, including but not limited to supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and other resources necessary to: 1. Provide for complete, safe, and efficient mobilization, conduct, and de-mobilization for HHW Events to be given on Town property at a time and place to be determined by the Town. 2. Receive, prepare, log,pack, load, remove, and dispose of HHW delivered to the contractor at an Event. 3. With respect to waste flammable liquids consisting of non-latex based paints, thinners, and other like items the Town, as per DEC approval, wishes to handle such items as 'bulk' wastes. Accordingly, the contractor agrees to 'bulk' such wastes by pouring off the contents of such containers into drums to the extent practicable. Determining the feasibility and practice of 'bulking' specific containers or types of containers/materials will be agreed upon in advance between the Town and the contractor, with emphasis and pre-disposition being in favor of bulking whatever containers possible. 4. Ensure that all containers used to transport HHW collected at an Event are fully in accordance with US Department of Transportation(DOT) regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials. 5. Transport and dispose of said containers of HHW to/at the appropriate hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) in accordance with all Town, County, State,US DOT, and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards, rules and regulations. 6. Guarantee the presence at each Event of a sufficient number of qualified employees, including the necessary supervisory personnel, trained in the proper handling of HHW materials to be collected at an Event. 7. Provide proof of all necessary local, state, and federal permits and identification numbers pursuant to the handling, management, transportation, and disposal of HHW not less than two (2) weeks prior to the execution of a contract with the Town of Southold. 8. Provide and complete any applications, permits, manifests, certifications, representations, or inventory control logs pursuant to the HHW collected or to be collected at an Event. 9. Complete any pre-Event filings or notifications to any local, state, or federal agencies that may be required. B) Training At the Town's request, the contractor will provide eight (8) hour update training or a full forty (40)hour training course, as outlined under the federal occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines for those involved in handling hazardous materials on the job, for any employee(s) designated by the Town. All training will include the proper procedures for: 1) identifying and segregating HHW; 2) the proper labeling and preparation of drums of HHW for shipment; 3) responding to emergency exposure and/or spill incidents. Training for any Town personnel shall be provided pursuant to New York State Department of Labor and Federal OSHA regulations. It shall include procedures for handling hazardous wastes as well as the proper use of safety equipment in a manner that is protective of the public health and welfare, and the environment. BID PROPOSAL CONDUCTING STOP DAY EVENTS FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2018-2019 Bidder's Name Address City State Zip Telephone TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In compliance with your advertisement forbids to be opened at[- ;. _ ___ and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies and/or services itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices: CHEMICAL WASTE CONTRACTOR [NOTE: AMOUNTS SHOWN BELOW ARE BASED ON HHW COLLECTED IN THE EIGHT(8) HHW EVENTS FROM NOVEMBER 2015 THROUGH AUGUST 2017 FOR EACH CATEGORY SHOWN. THEY ARE GIVEN AS A REFERENCE TO BIDDERS ONLY. ACTUAL MATERIALS COLLECTED MAY TOTAL MORE OR LESS THAN INDICATED, AND MAY INCLUDE OTHER TYPES OF HHW NOT LISTED HEREIN. NO MINIMUM NUMBER OF COLLECTION DAYS IS IMPLIED, THE TOWN MAKES NO WARRANT WITH REGARD TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF HHW IT EXPECTS TO COLLECT IN THE YEARS COVERED BY THIS BID.] ITEM DESCRIPTION A. Removal of Drums—unless otherwise indicated, prices are per fifty-five (55) gallon drum of the collected wastes a)through n); 11/15-8/17 Amount a) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected flammable liquids: 1. Bulk Flammable liquids (paints and thinners, pour out of containers) $ 78 drums 2. Lab Pack flammable liquids (mostly paint) $ 55 YD3 b) 1. Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack flammable solids: $ I drum 2. Price per five-gallon container of lab pack flammable solids $ 11 containers ITEM DESCRIPTION 11/15-8/17 Amount c) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack r poison liquid: $ 33 drums d) Price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack poison solid: $ 22 drums e) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack acid liquid: $ 12 drums f) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack alkaline liquid: $ 29 drums g) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack corrosive solid: $ 6 drums h) price per fifty-five gallon drum of lab pack oxidizers: $ 17 drums i) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected aerosols: $ 12 YD3 j) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous solid- Mixed Household batteries: $ 2 drums k) price per fifty-five gallon drum of collected environmentally hazardous liquid Bulk anti-freeze: $_ _ 12 drums 1) Asbestos Waste $ 0 lbs m) Mercury Waste (5-gallon containers) $ 8 containers n) Propane Tanks (55-gallon drums) $ 8 drums o) Fire Extinguishers (55-gallon drums) $ 8drums B. Mobilization-Demobilization as specified (price per event) $ This is a two (2) year contract, January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019, with a TOWN OPTION to renew the agreement for one (1) additional year (i.e., through December 31, 2020) at the prices bid above. This bid proposal, as presented, shall be returned intact. SUBMITTED BY: Signature Printed Name Title Company Name Address Company Phone NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Printed Name Company Name Bid on DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES_2018 -2019 Rudder, Lynda From: Bunchuck,Jim Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 1:55 PM To: Rudder, Lynda` Subject: RE:YEARLY BIDS Off, we do them again in 2019. From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 12:50 PM To: Bunchuck, Jim Subject: RE: YEARLY BIDS What about the yellow bags? On or off? From: Bunchuck, Jim Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 1:35 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: RE: YEARLY BIDS See attached specs for HHW and Tire bids—Yellow Bag goes to bid in 2019. And I have to work up a spec for the scale bid. Also, the tire bid'is written up as part of the legal notice, I probably did that years ago but if it should be separate let me know and I will re-do. James Bunchuck,Solid Waste Coordinator Town of Southold DSW P.O. Box 962 Cutchogue, NY 11935 631-734-7685 631-734-7976(fox) Limb(a)southoldtownny.aov cFLea.ie coneldet the need heMe pt&fLnd tht�e=inatl. From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8:40 AM To: Orlando, Vincent; Tabor, Roger; McLaughlin, Karen; Martinez, Jacqui; Blasko, Regina; Flatley, Martin; Bunchuck, Jim; DeFio, Valerie Subject: YEARLY BIDS Importance: High Please let me know by the end of this week if something needs to be added/removed from the list below. Specifications will be emailed for your review at a later date. Bulk Sand for the Highway Department Milk for the Human Resource Center Purchase of Police Department Uniform Clothing Cleaning of Police Department Uniform Clothing � 1 . Household Hazardous Waste Removal Vehicle Scale Maintenance and Service Yellow Bags o� RWAVZI Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Principal Account Clerk Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 631/765-1800 ext 210 631/765-6145 z STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 271h day of November - , 2017, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. 2018 Household Hazardous Waste bid lizabeth A. Neville outhold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 27th day of November , 2017. Notary Public LYNDA M RUDDER Notary Public, State of New York No. 01 RU6020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 8,20—L1 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of November 21, 2017 RESOLUTION 2017-959 Item# 5.5 ADOPTED DOC ID: 13533 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-959 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 21, 2017: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the followinlz items for 2018: Bulk Sand for the Highway Department Milk for the Human Resource Center Cleaning of Police Department Uniform Clothing Household Hazardous Waste Removal Scrap Tire Removal Vehicle Scale Maintenance and Service Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell,Neville, Duffy ABSENT: James Din izio Jr Generated November 21, 2017 Page 13