HomeMy WebLinkAboutMULHOLLAND, JOHNFRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., Presiden[ ALBERT J. KRUPSK1, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. BENRY P. SMITH TELEPHONE (5161 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 June 24, 1988 Mr. Peter R. Stoutenburgh President Environment East, Inc. RR No. 3 - 3075 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, New York 11958 Re: John Mulholland Dear Mr. Stoutenburgh: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during their regular meeting held on June 23, 1988 regarding the above matter: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees approve the request made by Peter R. Stoutenburgh on behalf of John Mulholland for a waiver of the wetland ordinance to construct a 3' x 36' x 12' addition to an existing residence and a front stoop on property located at 725 Island View Lane, Greenport. Please be advised that the grasses 30' landward of the stake with the flag on your property, can only be mowed to a height of one foot. No other mowing is permitted in this area. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Please n~te also due and payable. FAK: ip cc: File that the $25.00 fee for this waiver is now _ ~,~'~'y truly yours F ~ Frank A. Kuj/aw~ki, President Board of To~n Trustees TELEPHONE (.516) 765-1801 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouthoM. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL To: Southold Town Trustees From: Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Dated: June 22, 1988 Re: Wetland Application Recommendations The following recommendations were made by the CAC at meeting held Thursday, June 22, 1988: its regular No. 625 - Clifford Eginton - Recommend disapproval. No major need is shown, CAC suggests applicant revegetate the slight problem area. No. 628 - Anthony Panzarino - CAC divided the application into parns A and B. It recommends approval of Part A which is to repair existing deck; constuct a timber dock with a fixed elevated walk; hinged ramp; float; and consnruct an additon ot w/s of beach house. The CAC recommends disapproval of Part B which consists of a retaining wall with returns; backfilling; additions to existing wood decks; construct concrete pads on n/s of beach house. The CAC feels that the applicant has shown no need for the retaining wall and additional deck would be too close, and as a result wetlands would filled. The land is stable, further work would destroy wetlands. No. 629 - Linda Wilton- Recommends.disapproval. Check for possible violation. Property is wetlands. No. Andrew and Bernice Lettierl Recommend disapproval. Not enough space for prosposed project, presents a navigational hazard. Recommend approval of Waiver Requesns of Henry Smith, Policano, George W. Bornschein, Venetia McKeighan and Jon Mulholland. Joseph Environment East, Inc. R. R. No. 3 - 3075 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, New York 11958 516-734-7474 June 1~, 1988 Sbuthold Town Trustees Town Hall Main Road Sbuthold, hr~l1971 FJear ~r~stees; As agent for John Mulholland we are ~equesting a letter of waiver For the p~oposed addition to the Mulholland nome ag 725 Island View Lane, Greenport, The proposed constrmction encromches on the wetlands at fu~the~ than the existing Duildir~ with the excep- tion of a stai~mT~ If any is needed, please let me know. Sincere! Pe tel~ R. Preside · Int. BOARD OF TO~'N TRUSTEES TO;~ OF SO. HOLD Town ' ' Hall, 53095 Mare Road P.O. aO~ 728 Southold. New ~ork 11971 APPLICATION IS HEREBy MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF TELEPHO~NE [51~176~-i~g2 ID.ENTITy ;;OF 'APl: QviPoQ~IOQ1; Inc ~ov John .............. LOCATION OF ~ROP~RT¥, FOR WHICH PERMIT WANTED BAY O~ HAE, BQR FRONTING [BAy PROJECTS IN THE AREA PTi val;e ~/_A .... IN WHICH MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY ~J~.i.l_y_dwelllni~ with addition DESCR[ BE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPEF~ATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREM!SE AND WHETHER ANY PRI OR LI CENSE OR PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO ER~ECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE O~-DEPOS I T F I LL ON SA I D PRE~ I SES AND WHETHER A~Y PERM i TS OR L I CEASES WERE EVE~ SUSPENDED OR ~EVO~E~ BY A GOVE~NME~ DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABILITATION AND PREMISES AFTER THE WORK I S COMPL TED THE PROJECT ,~.~.~ IF NECESSARY PROPOSED CONDITION OF THE INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEy OF WRI TTEN CONS~T. OE THE O~/NER OF THE PROPERTY, I F NOT THE SAME AS THE APPL I CANT. · ARE ~THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIO,NS.. IN YOUR DEED TtLAT WOULD P~OHIBIT TIIIS PROJECT? ; OF SUFFOLK ~ E~INING VIEW LANE PRIVAT~ FtOAD ) '~ RI GHT F30"E. OF 75.00' CERT~FI:ED TO: ~Or PLAN \il~: W z4' f 1:: O(O N F.> >?- ~ 0 ?"-,5 FO., U/'J/_,%A,7-/o~,J ' DRAWING NUMBER //r/ & ~