HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1646 ALL i-iOO~i:;GS AND ~'wr~ " ..... - .... " ~-"~ ALL DCC:~ AND Bu~EADS MUST DiSP~Y ViSiBLE ~*:Y:~' :'~t~ ~A~y;. -~: -.~?p~ ~-. · - ~.~- . SOUTHOLD, NEW PER~tT NO .... Z6A6 .............. - DATE: .Aq.~Z...~.~.z....~983 -,' ISSUED TO Ingeborg G. Mueller Pursuanf fo f~e provls~ons o~ Chaplet 615 o{ f~e Laws fhe Sfafe o[ New Yor~, 1893: an~ Chamfer 404 o~ ,ne Laws Sra,e oF New Yar~ ~952; and :he Sou*no!o Town Or~nence en- rolled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF O~STRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC~ LAND_ q and fhe REMOVAL OF SAND. GR~V~L OR OTHER ~AT~RIALS FRO~ -. LANDS UNDER TOWN WATc,,S; and ~n eccoroance w~tn ResaIu~[an o~ The ~oard ado?ed afa meeflng he'~ on .....~.A.~.Y ..~.~. 19.83, an~ in con~:er~*mn o* ,~e sum o{ $.....~.~.~.~0~ .. .............................. ~Debo~ G. ~ueZ1e~ .... :' ......................................................................................... N. Y. ~n~ sublet+ Terms an~ Con~[Hons Jlsfe~ on ~e rever~e si~ ~ereo{, ~{ oou~no_ Town Tru~fees ' ' - aufnonzes an~ perm~fs f~e to~owmg: A~110~1o~ A~o~ed ~o Amend e~ls~l~g ~om ~0 ~. o~ pe~A~e~ ~AZA ~o ~2', ~A~ 10~ ~o 16~ A~d ~1o~ do~A o~ 15~ ~o ~o ~o~s, accordance w~fn ~ne defai~e~ specl;~ca~ons ~s ~resenfe~ f~e or;glnaf~ng app[~af~cn. IN WITNESS W~:~ ......... T~e sa~ ~oar~ o~ Tru~fee~ ~ere- '~y causes.,~fs Corporate. SeaJ fo ~e a{{ixe~, an~ f~es~ presenfs ~ ' ~ . ~..Z..... ~~~ ""'"~"~'~ ~ ~.%. x-)~ ............. -" .............................................. ',2~";~'~ 72~:4 '-'~.~ TERMS and CONDITIONS /~ae Perrai~e~ Ingeborg G. Mueller r~idbg at Westview Drive, Mattituck, New York 11952 N. ¥., pas of ~e co~iderafion for ~e mca of ~e Prat d~ ~demmd ~d p~ to ~e fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trus:ees Permit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of 2- ~nar ~e ~d B~ of T~s ~d ~e Town of ~u~ofd ~ ~2~ed from ~y ~d work ~ damages, or da~ for dmag~, of ~m arJmg ~y or ~dy ~ a r~r of ~y o~- under adon ~rfomd p~t to ~s ~q ~d ~e ~d Pe~ ~L a:~ ~her own defend any ~d ~I su~ ~ ~t~ by ~d pa~, and ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~. t~e wigs respec= ~erer% ro ~e ~mpl~e ~ct~ion of ~e ~d of T~em of ~e Town of ~oldPermit 3. That ~ Pe~r ~ v~d for a ~ of _O~T;~ ~R wN~ ~ ~d~ to sufficient ~e r~uired ro complete ~e work ~volv~ but should O~q~c~ w~ for ~ e~e~ion may be ~de to ~e B~d ar a later da~. 4. ~]ar ~s Peter shoed be reta~ ~def~tely, or as long ~ ~ smd P~e ro maimain the s~e or pmje~ involve, to crovide eGd~nce ro ~yoae ~ncem~ ~ au~- - - 5. ~at ~e work bvoh. ed will be mbj~ to ~he bsp~on ~d approv~ of ~e ~d or i= agents, and non-compSance ~Sth the provNiom of ~e ori~a~g appSmfio~ ~7 ~ ~e revocation of this Pemi~ by r~otufion of ~e said B~rd. 6. ~at there w~l be no ~r~sonable interf~ence wi~ na~fion ~ a re~t of ~e herein audmr~ed. 7. That ~ere sh~ ~ no ~te~erence wi~ the ~ghr of ~e ~b~e ~o p~s ~d rep~ ~g ~he beach be~een high and Iow water m~as. 8.. That ~ furore oper=iom of ~e Town of ~old r~uke ~e' r=oval ~d/or ~te=~o= in the location of ~e work her~a aurora< or fi, ~ ~e opi~ of ~e Bo~d of T~e~ ~e u~a due notice, to remove or alter ~is work or project herein stated ~our ~ ro ~e To~ of Sou~ol~ 9. ~ar ~e smd Board wHi ~ nofiH~ by the Pe~uee ot ~e cmpleffon of ~e work ~- o~e6. {See ~ear oEE 10. ~at ~e Permkree will obt~n all o~er perm and co~en~ ~at ~y ~ ~ plement~ ro ~is pe~t whi~ ~y ~ ~j~ [o revoke upon f~e to obr, i, s~e. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold ~, Southold. 11971 O 1. Ycur application, doted ..... ~.~.~,~ ................................................... has aeon rev~ewec by this 8=ord, at a meeting of the Trustees held om ......... ~...~.,...~.9.~ ........................................... OhO resuleing in the action, os indicated below: (..Y-,XXX~ AppHcat on approved. { ............ } Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabled. Comments and remarks: Your application has been approved az.the July 5, 1985 . meeting. A PEILMZT FEE 3. If your aoOl~Cat/or~ is o~Droved above, R ,-'~ rm~--=r.-~ ',s.ne~.Oge~ an~ should be made payable ~o t~ order of the Board of Southolo Town Trustees. This fee is cam;uteri below occordino to . . , _ . ~,u m person ro m~ ~ecrerory or the Board The Permit will b~ ob?aincx'~ or ne some t:me. . the fee ~s pa*d by mo~, the permit will be mailed in redly. ~- Comgutation of Permit Fee: 325 s~. Z¢. o~ o~$~&o~&~ doa~ ~ .25 s~. ~. =8~.25 37Z s~. ~. o~ ~e~ 8oa~ e ~5 sq. ~. =92.75 $ ~.50 ~o~&~ Amou~¢ d~e.. Total Fee for this application ...................... . $ ...... 1.],,,,~Q. ...................... Pr~s. Board of Southold Fawn Trustees. :qg'-~.%~ .'. ' ,. /. ~ ........ C 1 eryc ~ /~e ~'"~'