HomeMy WebLinkAboutMORRISON, JOHN D. THIS AGR~EHENT made this 24th day of February, 1960 BETWEEN: JOH~ Do MORRISON and DOROT~FY V~ M~RRISON~ ~is wife residing at 232 Crescent Avenue in the Township of Wyckoff, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey AND : ROBERT To HALLIDAY and DOROTHY R. HALLIDAY~ his , residing at 19-14 = 81st Street, Village of Jackson Kings County, State of New York WITNESS ~ETH: That WE~ the undersigned, being the o~rs of' Lots in the area k~o~ as Westview, at Mattituck, To~n of Southold~ Co,duty of Su~_fol~ State of Hew York~ ~'hich lots are lD=memz~tely ~djacent and to the west of Lots 3 and A owned by JOHN D. M~RRISON ~d i~ROT?~ V. MORRISON~ his wife, in such Westvie~ Section, hereby consent tc the conveyance by the Board of T~ Trustees, Tow~ of Soutno!a, Suffolk ~ = ' ' ~o%lnuy, New York to the said JOHN D. KORRISON and DOROTHY V. MORRiSON, his wife, of the filled area abutting Mattituck Creek from the old High water mark to the new ~~tgn water mark and in zront of the Morrison prop erty. This filled property to be conveyed to JOHN D. MOERIS0~ and DOROTHY V. MORE_SON, his wife~ is more particularly described as follows: Filled area snore of Mattituck Creek abutting land of Morrison: BEQII~,[ING at a voint on ordinary high water mark of Mattituck ~-reek as found in 1950~ at the southeasterly corner of land conveyed by ~LLIA£~ H. MASON and HARRY E. MASON, to said JOHN Do MORRISON ~nd DOROTHY V. MOR~ISON~ his ~fe~ by deed dated January 2!~ 1959, recorded January 22, 1959 Suffolk County Cterk~s Office Liber A577, page 113 and running thence in tee extension of the easterly line of said land~ S. 28 110~ more or less, to the existing ordinary high water mark; thence southwesterly along the ezistin~ brdinary high water mark ~bout 125~ to a ~oint in the extension southeasterly of the southwesterly line of ~a l~.nd~ t~ence o_ong said ~xtension of the last described line~ to said ordinary high water mark as found in 1950; t£aence north- easterly along the last~described line 160~, more or less, to the point of BEGI~ING~ Signed~ sealed and delivered in the presence of ~ ~ie of New York My cormv£ission expires: IN ~TNESS ~ ~ .... W~EPEOF, %~e, the undersigned o?aers of said lots 5 & 6 have hereunto signed our names and affixed our seals this 2Z~thday of Februsry, 1960. /// // STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on 1960 before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of New York, personally ~ppeared ROBERT T. HALLIDAY and DOROTHY Ro HALLIDAY, his wife, who, I am satisfied, are the persons named in the within Instrument to whom I first made known the contents thereof, and thereupon they acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the same as their voluntary act and deed= for the uses and purposes therein expressed. Benjamin Katz Notary Public State of New York No. 30-2043410 Qualified in Nassau County Term expires March 30~ 1961 THIS AGREEMENT made this 6th day of April, 1960 BETWEEN: JOHN D. MORRISON and DOROTHY V. MORRISON, his wife residing at 232 Crescent Avenue in the Township of Wyckoff, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey MARY ANN SMITH residing,~ State Hospital Cottage 7 Central Islip Suffolk County, New York WITNESSETH: That the undersigned, being the o~aerf of Lot 2 in the area known as Westview, at Mattituck, Tcwn of Sou~hotd, County of Suffolk, State of New York, ~aich lot is i~ediately aa~acent and to the east of Lots 3 and A owned by JOHN MORBISON and DOROTHY V..10R2~ISON~ his wife, in such ~estview Section, hereby consent to the conveyance by the Board of Town Trustees~ Town of Southold, S~f~ol_~_ Coumty~ New York to the said JOHN D. MORRISON and DOROTHY V. MORRISON~ his %~fe~ of the filled area abutting Mattituck Creeek from the old High water mark to the ne~ high water mark and in front of the Morrison prooerty. This filled property to be conveyed to JOHN D. MORRISON and DOROTHY V. MORRISON, his wife is more particularly ~escribed as follows: Filled area shore of Msttit~lck Creek abutting land of Morrison: BEGi~ING at a ooint on ordinary high water mark of Mattituck Creek as fo%und in 1950, at the southeasterly corner of land conveyed by Willi~ H. Mason and Harry E. Mason to said JOHN D. MORRISON and DOROTHY V. MORRISON, ~is %W~fe~ by ~eed dated January 21, 1959, recorded Jan~s~y 22~ 1959 in the Suffolk Cou~uty Clerk's Office in Liber A577 at page 113 and r~c~kning t~ence in the extension of the east~rly line of said land S~ 28° i?~ 20~ E. !10~, more or less, to the existing ordinary high water marks thence southwesterly along the existing ordinary high -~ater mark about 125: to a ooint in the extension southeasterly of the southwesterly ~line of $~mm lanm~ t_ence among said extension of the last descr'ibad ling. N~ £5° 00~ We 100~ more or less, to said ordinary high water mark as four~d in 1950; thence north- easterly along the last described line t60~ more or less to the poing of BEGI~ING. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOE~ a~e, the undersigned o~r~er/ of said Lot 2 ~ave h~re~3_nto signed~ name~ ~ud affixed ~. sea!~ this ~ day of ~, t960. ~. Signed, sealed and Lonzo ~ith delivered in the presence of My co,mission e~?ires: ~TATm OF NEW YOPZ{ · SS BE IT R:~_m~BERE~)~ that on this T,~ousmnm ~ine Hundred and Sixty before me, the subscriber, _ Yor a Notary ~ublic of the State of ~iew k personally a. ppeared MARY A. SMITH ~L-I~FZO ~ ~.,~H who, I sm satisfied, ~erson~ rimmed in the ~thin instrument to ~om I first the made ]~o~ the contel.ts thereof, and thereupon ~ acknowledged that , signed, sealed and delivered, the s~e as ~r vol~3m_tary act and deed~ for the uses and purposes therein expressed. A Notary/Publi~e~fork My co~mission expires: ~ Nm/