HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-3628ALL MOORINGS ~%~ STAKES MUST DISPLAY VIS! LE MOORING NUNBERS .ALL DOCKS AND~'~S~LKH~ADS MOST 'Disg~AY VIS2'~LE PEP3,IIT NUMBERS Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Mooring ~ PERM!T NO....~.~.¢ ............... DATE: PSS:amh~....~;.~.. !987 ISSUED TO ........ ~.E~.~.~....~.:....~...~.~.~.E.:.~.~.~.~........:: .............................................. P~rsu~n~ ~o ~e provisions o~ C~ap~er 6]~ o~ f~e Laws o~ fha 5fafe of New York, [893; and Chapier 404 of lhe Laws of ihe Sfafe of New York ~952: and +he Soufho]d Town Ordba~ce rifled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and RE~OVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" ~d b accordance wffh ResoJufion of The Board adopfed ~f a'meeting held on ..~.~ 19.~.~......, end b consideration of fha sum of $.~.:.9~ ........... paid by HA~rv ~ & Arra ~oller of .....~.?.~R~. ...................................................... N. Y. a~d sub]ecl fo fha Term~ and Condff~o~s J~sfed on fhe reverse side hereof, of Soufho[d Town Trusfees aufhor~zes and permffs fhe App!icaMon approved to register ~ dock on property located' on Sterling Creek ~n~ to repair an ex~sMn~ catwalk. 55~ x A' catwalk with ~ t0' ramp with a ~0~ x 5' ail b ~ccordance wffh ~he defa;[ed specifications as presenfed 'fhe or]g[~afing ~N WITNESS ~/HEREOF, The sald Board of Trusiees here- causes frs Corporafe Sea] fo be afl[xed, and fhese presenis ~ subscribed by a ma[orffy of fha as of fh[s dai.e. TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permit~ee Harry T. &Arra Molier jesiding at Beach Road, Greenport. N.Y., as pan of the cormideration for the issuance of abe Permit does tmdemtaad and prexcribe to the fol- lowing: 1~ That the Sou.aold Trustees Permit must be prominently displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of v, ~, That the said Board of Tn.ts't~ mad the Town of S<~uthold are ~teased from any and work -.) all damages, or daizr~ for damages, of suit~ arising directly or indirectly as a rexak of va=7 epee-, under_ _ ~3tlon r--erformed puramnt m th{s permit~ and ~e mid Permirtee ,~I~ ag kis or her owe erjpe~s~e> the ".defend any and ali such ~adts inidate~ by third parties, and the said Permirtee axsumes full 1L~t~ permit wi~ respec~ thereto, m the complete excltulon of the Board of Trastees of the Town o~ 5otrchold 3~ That thh Pe-.m~k ~ valid for a Fexiod of 1 2 mos. which is comqdered re be the suffi3, ient r/me required to complete the work involved, 5u~ should drcumsta~ncas warrmar, for an extension may be made to Eat Board ar a later date. 4.2 Teat this Permit should be retained ~definlte!y~ or as tong as the said Pem:~irree w:~the~ to maintain the structure or proiect involved, re provide e~dence to anyone concerned ~haz au~- orlzation was originally ob.mined. 5~. That the work L~volved will he ?abiecr co the inspection amd approval of the Board or its agents, and noncompliance with the provisioa~ of the origisaung application, may be cause for revocation of this Permk by resolution of [he said Board. 6 o Tiaar there will be no unrmsonable interference with navigation as a result ef the work herein authorized. i 7. That there shall ~e no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and iow water marks. 8 .'That i~ furore pperadons of the Town of Southold requLre the removal and/or in the location of the work here4n an~oN2ed, or if~ in the opivfion of the Board o£ Trustees, the work shall cause um-easonable obsrmcnon to free navigation, the' smd ?ermktee will be require~ upon due notice, to remove er alter this work or proiect herein stated without expenses to the Town of $outhold. 9. That the said. Board will be nori£1ed by the Permlttee el the compledon o£ Eat work orlzed. (See tear offshes' ~. ~ i0 · 'Thht the Permlttee will obtain aH other permits a~Id consenrz that may be requircxt plemental ~o this penmlt which may be subject to revoke upon ~ailure to obtain, same. HENRY P. SMITH. President TF, LEPHONE JOHN M. BREDEMEYER. Vice-Pres. i5!61 765-1892 PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR~ ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold. New York 11971 November 25, 1987 Mr. Harry T. Moiler 143-25 Oak Avenue Flushing, New York 11355 Re: Beach Road, Greenport, NY Dear Mr. Moller: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees regarding your dock on property located on Beach Road, Greenport. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees APPROVE the request made by Harry T. Moller to repair an existing catwalk and to register his dock on property located on Beach Road, Greenport. The Trustees want you to stop cutting the spartina on the property. , Please remit $25.00 which is for the application fee for this request. Very truly yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of Town Trustees HPS:ip cc: file TELEPHO~ {516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOI~N OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, $3095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION NO. __DATE Ol WIDTH ~ ~ HEIGHT ABOVE HIgH WATER YAI~DS TO ]BE EXCAVATED___~_'~____?,~/?~- WIDTH OF CANAL, C~EEK OR BAY F~ONTIN~ P~O~ERTY ~ ~ ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED THAT WOULD P~OHIBIT THIS PROJECT? ~/~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: +l~ww~ ~./~/ ~ l~ SEING DULY SWO~N DEPOSES In completing this application I hereby authorize, the Trusteesj agent or representative to enter ont~/my propert~o ~nspect the premises in conjunction with review~/f this ap~tion.~ _ J DISAPPROVED "~ETLAND~' PERMIT" (CHAPTER 9?) Approved 2/27/85 .. ~