HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2106 GF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~-~ Pu~suan~ ,o ,he provisions o~ Chap,er 615 of ~he Laws of the S~fe of New York, 1893~ ~nd Ch~p~er 404 of ~he L~ws of fhe Slate of New York 19~2; ~nd the Sou~hold Town Ordln~nce en- flfled "RE~U~TIN~ AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS ~nd the RE~OVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR'OTHER ~ATERIALS ~NDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" ~nd in ~ccord~nce with ~he Resolution of The Bosrd ~dopted ~f ~ meeting held on .~.~b......21.,. 19...8..~..., ~nd in consideration of ~he sum of $.....~..,..~..~ ........... p~id by .................................................. ~.~.~...~.~.~.~ ~ ................................................................. of ....... ~.q.~.~.~. ..................................................... N. Y. ~nd subje~ Terms ~nd CondifJons lls~ed on ~he reverse side hereof, of Sou~hold Town Trusfees ~u~horlzes ~nd permifs ~he following: ~1t in ~c~ord~nce wlfh fhe detailed speclflc~ions ~s presented in the orlg~n~Hng IN W~TNESS WHEREOF, The s~id Board of Trustees kere- by c~uses i~s Corporate Se~l fo be ~ffixed, ~nd fhese presenfs be subscribed by ~ m~jori~y of the s~d ~srd ~s ~f this d~/ ........ ~~~ ....... Please tear off and return to the Trustee Office. TERMS and CONDITIONS T~ P~ Robert Moeller ~idL~gae Maple Lane, Southold 1~. ¥~ F~ ~ ~ ........... low~: 1. ~t ~e T~stee P~t ~st ~ pr~y ~lay~ on ~he pr~ses eff~ ~y d~g ~e ~i~ of '~rk ~d~ ~ne ~t. defend ~y ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ by ~d p~, ~d ~e ~d Pe~ ~ ~ ~ wi~ ~pect ~ereto, .to ~e ~mplete ~d~oa of ~e ~d of Tme~ of ~e To~ of 2. That ~ Pe~t h ~d for a ~ of 12 m~. w~& h ~d~ to ~ ~ated ~e r~ed to complete &e work ~volv~ but ~o~d ~mtmc~ ~m% for an a~emion may be ~de to &e ~d at a la~z da~ 5. ~at ~s Pe~t ~o~d be ret~ ~d~tely, or as long ~ &e smd P~ ~ to ma~t~ ~e m~e or pmje~ ~volv~, to prodde e~d~ce to ~vone mncern~ ~ orhafion w~ ori~By ~t~. 4, ~at ~e work ~volved ~I be ~bj~ to ~e ~sp~on md approv~ of ~e ~d or -i~ agents, ~d noa-comp~ance M~ ~e pro~io~ of ~e ori~na~g appHmfio% ~y ~ ~e rev~afion of ~is P~t by r~oludon of ~e said B~d. 5, ~at there ~ be no ~onable interf~ce wi~ m~fion ~ a r~t of ~e work herein aud~o~ed. 6. That ~ere shall ~ no ~teHerence ~ the right of ~e pubic to pass md rep~ ~oag · e beach be~een ~ ~d low water 7. That ff furore op~atio~ of ~e Town of ~oId r~e ~e moval ~d/or ~tm~o~ ia ~e Iom6oa of ~e work her~ au~o~ or H, ~ &e o~on of ~e Bo~d of T~e~, work sh~ o~e u~o~ble obsmmon ro free navi~don, ~e s~d Peewee ~ ~ upon due noti~, zo r~ove or ~ter ~s work or proj~t her~a stated ~out ~s to ~e To~ of Sou~ol& 8. ~ar ~e smd Board wHl ~ nofifi~ by the Pe~Ree o~ ~e c~ple~on of ~e work o~e~ 9. ~at the Permktee will ~tMn a~ o~e~ p~ and comenm ~at m7 ~ r~ m~ plement~ ro ~is pe~r w~ m7 ~ ~bj~ to revoke upon f~ ro oB~ - (See t~ of~ ~t. - BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO;~ OF SO.HOLD Town Hall, 5~095 Main P.O. Box Southold, Hew York 1 [971 GRANDFATHER APPLICATION ' 8. Telephone N~ber: ~/~ 4. Year of Construction: 5. Sketch of the work includinE 6. ~a~k off o~ ~~~d, ~here your property using an X.