HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenhouse Guidelines
. Policy Intent- It is the declared policy of New Y
conserve, protect and encourage the improv
the production of food and the preservatio
value as open space and natural and ec
intended to properly balance the des'
open farmland without threatening t e
agricultural community.
d Suffolk County to
ral lands both for
eir soils, scenic
ide lines are
ated with
A. Accessory Greenhouse Use-Spec1!!lf~~!d}gric ral equipment which is
specifically desi ned, construct!}P ilUB us~tfT~rfhe culture and propagation of
horticultur ities and mflY include such structures as greenhouses,
hoop ho nels, winter-over houses, and the like. An accessory
green e, but is not limited to, the use of heating devices,
water and e d sup ing poles embedded in a non-continuous
oun eenhouses shall be operated in conjunction
ural activity that shall constitute the principal use (at
i Accessory greenhouses shall not be used more
B. use Use- Specialized agricultural equipment which is
ned, constructed and used for the culture and propagation of
mmodities and may include such structures as greenhouses,
hoop ho ,high tunnels, winter-over houses, and the like. A principal
greenhouse may include, but is not limited to, the use of heating devices,
water and electric utilities and supporting poles embedded in non-continuous
concrete. A principal greenhouse use is intended to function more than six
months a year.
C. Lot Coverage- The floor area of the greenhouse(s) as defined herein as a
percentage of the total lot area. The total lot area shall only include the
Purchase of Development Rights area.
1. Prior to consideration of an application for a greenhouse(s) or an addition to
an existing greenhouse, the applicant shall submit plans for the proposal to the
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Suffolk County office in
Riverhead. The applicant shall provide adequate plans for the facility as
needed by NRCS to evaluate the proposal. Any design changes and
improvements recommended by NRCS shall be incorporated into the plan to
be submitted to the Farmland Committee.
2. The use of greenhouses for retail sales of any type i~,J>r()hiRited.
3. For principal greenhouses, the permitted lot cover~geshall not exceed 25% of
the total lot area of the PDR parcel. The FarrrlIl\lld Cormnittee may approve
coverage greater than 25% only after a public hearing with notice provided to
the local municipality and to all property owners within 200 fe.;:t of the subject
parcel. The notice shall be conducted by the applicant in accordance with the
requirements of the Suffolk County Dep!\.l1meqt of planning.
4. For accessory greenhouses, the permitted lot coverage shall not exceed 40'10
eel. The Farri!lll,qd Committee may approve
ublic he~Rlwith notice provided the
withjll 200 feet of the subject
cant in accordance with the
t of Planning.
5. s, whether accessory or principal,
ommittee may approve coverage
hearing with notice provided to the local
roperty owners within 200 feet of the subject parcel.
d by the applicant in accordance with the
County Department of Planning.
6. lications for the placement of greenhouses, the Farmland
onsider the agricultural needs of the applicant, the impact to
act to drainage and the overall impact to the farm. In addition,
ee may consider the impact to adjacent properties and scenic
vistas an may require reasonable changes to the applicant's proposal where
such changes do not significantly impact the agricultural operation.
7. The suggested minimum front yard setback from a public road shall be 150
feet. The suggested minimum setback along secondary public roads shall be
50 feet.
8. The minimum setback from side and rear property lines shall be 20 feet.
9. The use of paved or concrete surfaces, including floors, walkways, driveways
and similar hard surfaces, shall be limited. Any such surfaces that are
proposed shall only be permitted with the prior approval of the Farmland
Committee and only for the minimum area necessary for the agricultural
10. A loading dock may be constructed of concrete, metal or wood material upon
application and approval by the Farmland Committee. The maximum width of
the principal loading dock may not exceed fifty feet. The Farmland
Committee may require setbacks, visual screening, ainage and other site
improvements as deemed necessary.
of adoption of these
may remain. Any
11. Nonconforming use- Greenhouses that exist
requirements shall be deemed to be non~o
expansion or replacement shall be in ac -k .
25% AND 40%
Lot Occupancy
Size of Farm 25% 40%
10 acres 108,900 sf (2.5ac) 172,240 sf (4 ac)
25 acres 272,250 sf (6.25ac) 435,600 sf (10 ac)
50 acres 544,500 sf (12.5ac) 871,200 sf (20 ac)