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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITACCHIONE, STEVE & DANIELFebruary 6, 1968
Lefferts P. Edson,
Main Road
$outho!d, L.I.
New York 11971
Re: Steve & Daniel Mitacchione
Dear Mr. Edson ;
The Southold Town Trustees
feet that in view of the peculiar circum-
stances of the property of Steve and Daniel
Mitacchione that i~ is not in the province
of the Town Trustees to issue a dredging
permit to them.
Enclosed herewith is a
copy of the application and a copy of the
letter received from the Southold Planning
Board in reference to this application.
Sincerely yours,
Southold Town Trustee~
Marion A. Regent, Sec.
Southold Town Planning Board
-~OUTHQLD, L. I., N. Y.
John '~/ickhem, Chairm~n
Henry ~Ao~sa
Alfred G~ebe
A~¢hib~Id Younfj
~illi~m Un~elbac~
November 16~ 1966
Southold Town Board of Trustees
Town Office
Main Road
Southold~ New York
Re: Steve and Daniel Mitacchione -
This is to advise that the following action was taken by the
Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on November
15, 1966:
"On motion by Mr. Moisa~ seconded by Mr~ Grebes it was
"RESOLVED that the Planning Board does not approve the application
of Steve and Daniel Mitacchione for dredging a canal leading to Br~d-
waters Cove. This would bring salt water into this area by deepening
the natural drain. It will result in salt intrusion problems for the
homes in the immediate ~icinity~ In addition~ this proposed canal would
make it possible to sell nine lots of'12~500 square feet each. All of
them on existing highway~ and each one of them~ almost certain water
problems° In addition to this~ since all the lots would be on Town
Highway~ the owners would not have to file a map nor get the approval
of the Suffolk County Health Department. For these reasons we would
strongly urge the Town Trust~es not to permit this proposed canal."
"Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr~ wickham~ Mr. Moisa~ Mr° Grebes
Mro Unkelbacho"
Respectfully submitted,
n Wickham~ Chaiman ~
Southold Town Planning Board
llain Road
Southol, d,
Steve and Danlel Mitae~hione
The ~3ard o£ Trustees referred t~he
request of Steve and Daniel Mitecchione to dre/lge
the area ~n the southea~rl[ corner of ~ay Avenue
~ for ~etr opinion.
The PLanning ~oard, for-various
reasons, ,ergs that ~he To~n Trustees not a~rove
this proposed canal.
We, therefore, suggest that your
clients clear the .proposed work wi~h the ~lanning
Alvah B. ~old~mith
Southold Town Trustees