HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/2017 Southold Town Shellfish Advisory Committee (SAC)
Meeting Agenda for 4:00 PM November 29,2017
Town Hall Annex Conference Room
Call to order and introduction of guest speakers and general meeting agenda:
Scott-Curatolo-Wagemann- Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program Scientist: DNA water
testing, a review of the methods and discussion of proposed sampling sites, see below*.
Phil Mastroangelo, Oysterponds Shellfish Co.: "One Count Over the Line", a review of the potential
disasterous impact to commercial aquaculture from a failed NYSDEC shellfish sanitation program.
John Bredemeyer and Michael Collins will review the 2017 sampling program and the status of the
Town Trustee's pending request to the NYSDEC for completing multiple data sets for seasonal
openings versus a single winter conditional program.
General discussion of logistics for winter sampling and committee member availability.
New Business/Concerns.
*Proposed DNA testing for select Town Trustee waters with associated dye testing:
Narrow River,Orient-Potential Ag source from goats. May need an addition to Cornell's DNA
Library for goats.
Village Lane,Orient,Outfall Pipe-Potential human,pet and wildlife impacting Orient Harbor,
Oysterponds Creek public shellfish lands and the Oysterponds Shellfish Co. grounds.
Oysterpond Creek-Potential of wildlife in creek versus Village Lane Outfall impairing the waters of
Orient Harbor and Oysterponds Creek.
Pond at Silveremere Road, Greenport- site of harmful blue-green algal bloom and potential
discharge of human coliforms to shellfish lands and commercial aquaculture in Pipes Cove.
East Creek,Cutcho gue-potential discharge of human coliforms from antiquated cesspools. Creek
has unmet potential for conditional shellfishing that the Bayman's Association seeks. May be an
area worthy of installation of innovative alternative onsite sanitary systems if the impairment from
human sourced coliforms significantly contributes to the current shellfish closure.
Downs Creek and tributaries-Potential Ag source from cattle. Good site to investigate coliform
movement over lands where cattle are distant from the creek.
The sampling schedule will be developed based on Cornell Cooperative Extension(CCE) DNA
scientist, Scott Curatolo-Wagemann's, advice with input from Town Engineer, Michael Collins and
John Bredemeyer for a contract to be executed between the Town and CCE.
Dye testing will be employed to support and help interpret bacteriological findings.
John Bredemeyer,
SAC Committee Chair
Shellfish Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
John Bredemeyer called to order the meeting of the Shellfish Advisory Committee at 4:00 p.m.
on November 29th, 2017 at the Town Hall Annex Conference Room.
In Attendance:
John Bredemeyer— Chair& Town Trustee
Michael Domino—Co-Chair& Town Trustee
Councilwoman Jill Doherty—Town Board Liaison
Michael Collins—Town Engineer/Liaison
Linda Auriemma- Member
Jim Baker- Member
Joseph Hinton- Member
Ray Huntington—Member
Dean Yaxa- Member
Phil Mastrangelo
Reg Tuthill
Scott Curatolo-Wagemann- Guest Speaker—Cornell Cooperative Extension Scientist
Laura Arena—Shellfish Advisory Committee Secretary
- Scott Curatolo-Wagemann-DNA Water Testing Review/Discussion—
Bacterial Water Testing is ongoing to determine the cause of the water closures. Water sampling
results can determine the source of the contamination whether it is human or nonhuman. Fecal
DNA testing is being used to identify the species of which they have identified 7 different strains.
The results so far are only giving a snapshot of the problem, but hopefully a pattern will evolve
over time and that will provide a broader view. A new system is being used to enumerate
fecal coliform bacteria from water samples. It is EPA approved and has cut down on processing
time. NYS DEC's website has a list of sampling stations, emergency closures, and on the Town
of Southold's website there is a link for an interactive map. The link can be accessed at:
-Phil Mastroangelo and Reg Tuthill of Oysterponds Shellfish Co.(OSC): "One Count Over
the Line", a review of the potential disastrous impact to commercial aquaculture from a
failed NYSDEC Shellfish sanitation program.
NYS DEC is trying to shut down OSC based on water samples that have been taken from
incorrect locations and go as far back as 2008. OSC has been trying to work with the DEC to get
the right location for the water samples to be taken, which they have had recent success with
(these samples have been coming back with perfect numbers). The problem is the older and
incorrect samples are still being included in there average because the DEC requires a certain
number of tests to be included. This is showing the DEC's failure in getting the correct testing
done to certify shellfish waters mainly due to their lack of employees needed to test the water as
often as they should be. Unfortunately, even though the DEC knows the samples are old and
taken in the incorrect location they are still being used to try and get OSC shut down. Michael
Collins has tried to intercede on behalf of the Oysterponds Shellfish CO.(OSC),with the DEC as
OSC is the only shallow water shellfish operation on the North Fork. As their business has
grown so has the scrutiny from the DEC. OSC has been proactive by dredging the creek
themselves and having an independent lab do the required testing on the water samples. The labs
results are coming back with perfect numbers, but the DEC will not accept these tests because
they did not perform them. The next steps for OSC are possibly contacting Governor Cuomo's
office who is spearheading the Shellfish restoration initiative regarding the problems of dealing
with DEC, ask Town Supervisor Scott Russell to write a letter, or contact our local assemblyman
and Senator.
-John Bredemeyer and Michael Collins discussed the 2017 sampling program and the
status of the Town Trustee's pending request to the NYSDEC for completing multiple data
sets for seasonal opening versus a single winter conditional program. During the period of
April 2016 through May 15"', 2017, sampling was done 4 times a month thanks to the help of
Dean, Jim, Michael, Linda, and John. The results led to the following changes:
Inner Little Bay and Lathams Drain in Orient Harbor-Hallock Bay will be upgraded from
Seasonally Certified to Certified.
The uncertified portion of Wickham Creek in Cutchogue Harbor will be upgraded to
Seasonally Certified.
Currently looking to work on Pipes Neck Creek, Spring Pond, and Mud Creek this winter. John
Bredemeyer suggested that the Shellfish Advisory Committee advertise for people to do the
sampling. This was agreed upon by all.
- John Bredemeyer proposed that the Shellfish Advisory Committees mission statement be
modified to reflect changes. (See attached) and be brought before the Town Board to approve
these changes. All agreed.
- John Bredemeyer proposed DNA testing for select Town Trustee waters with associated
Dye Testing. (Please see attached chart) Dyes were ordered for testing.
Narrow River, Orient-Potential Ag source from goats. Before beginning testing approach the
farmers and discuss with Scott Curatolo-Wagerman the impact of the goats. May need an addition
to Cornell's DNA Library for goats.
Village Lane, Orient, Outfall Pipe-Potential human,pet and wildlife impacting Orient Harbor,
Oysterponds Creek public shellfish lands and the Oysterponds Shellfish Co. grounds.
Oysterpond Creek-Potential of wildlife in creek versus Village Lane Outfall impairing the waters
of Orient Harbor and Oysterponds Creek. Ask the Highway about putting a preventer on the pipe
to prevent backflow or if it's possible to reroute the pipe. If this can be done it would need to be
a public/private partnership to provide the funding.
Pond at Silveremere Road, Greenport- site of harmful blue-green algal bloom and potential
discharge of human coliforms to shellfish lands and commercial aquaculture in Pipes Cove.
Possibly additional alternatives to drainage problems could be done. Would need permission from
land owner to do anything because of a possible septic tank leakage into the pond.
East Creek, Cutchogue—the {Southold?] Bayman's Association seeks conditional harvest status
for East Creek and area residents would like to know that the creek complex is healthy. There is a
notable reduction in European swans and in ulva lactuca.Parts of the area may be worthy of
installation of innovative alternative onsite sanitary systems, but we do not yet know that we have
significant human involvement. Therefore, we should proceed to review DEC data and cooperate
with DEC to upgrade regulatory practices. This to include identification of test stations and any
logical changes to the stations, the addition of coincidental N testing, gathering of supplemental
water samples and transport of same to DEC lab, as well as re-analysis in view of new data.
Downs Creek and tributaries-Potential Ag source from cattle. Good site to investigate coliform
movement over lands where cattle are distant from the creek. Would need to have the creek
dredged and gain cooperation from the owner. Removing the boat and Yacht Club Floats may
improve the sampling.
The sampling schedule will be developed based on Cornell Cooperative Extension(CCE) DNA
scientist, Scott Curatolo-Wagemann's advice with input from Town Engineer, Michael Collins
and John Bredemeyer for a contract to be executed between the Town and CCE.
- Dye testing will be employed to support and help interpret bacterial findings. Adding Nitrogen
results to our bacteria results can help highlight the benefits of the oysters taking the nitrogen out
of the water.
John Bredemeyer adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Laura Arena
Minutes approved by: John Bredemeyer
Proposed Additional Water Quality Monitoring
(adjunct to Fecal Coliforni Testing w/NYSDEC Lab)
Water Body Impairment BST DNA Fecal Other Possible
_ Coliform Tests Sources)
Narrow River, Fecal .. ..... ... ._ yes _._., yes. .. wa...? wl'. . ..
1 Orient Coliform
2, orm _
.._ ..® . . .. .e�._g._ , , ._.. Coliform ..�_ Y _._....._ ��---Y--._ - _ *
Village La. Fecal es es ? h,wl,
O utfa 11,
.._�._..e 3.__ �....._
Orient ........_ .........._....__
Oysterponds Fecal yes yes ? h,wl,
Creek,Orient Coliform
Silvermere Fecal yes yes ? h,wl
Pond, Coliform
Greenport hab's
rJ E.Creek, Fecal yes yes ? h,wl
Cutch Coliform cesspools
. .. -.A_..- . ._�__ __..� _ � � .. � m,. ..
6 Downs Creek, Fecal yes yes ? wl,ca,
CutchNue . .. . ...Colirm fo — __ ----
Legend: BST-Bacterial Source T . .... .
racking using Cornell CE DNA Library, h=human,wl=wildlife,ch-chickens,g=goats,
ca=cattle,hab's=harmful algal blooms
*=possible public/private partnership to fund DNA sampling
?=other tests such as:qualitative/quantitative dye test flow study,human mitochondrial DNA,Nitrate Nitrogen,free
ammonia,caffeine/metabolites of medicines and laundry brightners only if advisable,affordable,available and with
some standing with Standard Methods/FDA/EPA/NYSDOH.
Prioritize based on pending closures/openings subject to rainfall contingencies,creation of baseline data
John Bredemeyer
SAC Meeting 11/29/17
Reconsideration of proposed changes to SAC's Mission Statement for forwarding to the
Town Board:
Posted Mission Statement:
The Shellfish Advisory Committee represents the Town of Southold before the New York
State Department of Energy Conservation and regulatory agencies relating to the sanitary
certification and water quality testing of Town-owned shellfish harvest lands.The
committee shall facilitate the timely certification/re-certification of Town shellfish lands with
the goal of improving harvest of Town waters.
Proposed Mission Statement Revision:
A mission statement revision was proposed March 2015 by Ray Huntington and adopted
by a consensus of the committee. It corrected the clerical error and clarified the mission:
"The Shellfish Advisory Committee represents the Town of Southold before the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation and other regulatory agencies relating to
the sanitary certification and water quality testing of Town-owned shellfish harvest lands.
The committee shall develop local and DEC understanding and validity of the water
management methodologies and facilitate the timely certification/re-certification of Town
shellfish lands with the goal of improving harvests in Town waters"
This revised statement is timely and more accurately reflects our goals.Absent the need
for further revision it should be transmitted to the Town Board for their consideration and
Submitted for SAC review 11/29/17