HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT Board of Fire Commissioners PO Box 131 • Main Road • East Marion, NY 11939 (631) 477-0163 • Fax (631) 477-8310 Email: EMFDistrict@optonline.net RECEIVED OCT 2 5 2017 October 23, 2017 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk SOUtbOld `l` Wn Clerk Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Final 2018 Budget Dear Ms. Neville, Please find two certified copies of our 2018 Budget. Please email a confirmation of receipt to us at emfdistriet cz;:optonlin(z.net. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Walter Gaipa Fire District Secretary Encl.: 2018 Budget October 18, 2017 East Marion Fire District 2018 Final Summary Budget East Marion Fire District 2018 Final Budget-10/18/172017 ;2018 110 Salaries and Pension - $49,924.05- $50,500.00 210 Firematic Equipment, Uniforms, Training, Fire Prevention $48,5.00.00 $66,500.00 260 Administration, Contractual $29,100.00 $27,100.00 - - - - t - 270 Utilities. Phones $23,900.00 1$27,400.00 280 Travel Conventions, Inspections, Physicals $25,800.00 1$24,500.00 29(guildings and Grounds Repair 1$45,000.00 $45,000.00 300 Fire Equipment Repair, Fuel - .$37,000.00 $37,000.00 310 Insurance, Contractual 1$40,500.00 $40,500 00 540 Insurance Exempt-Workers, Comp, Unemployment $219 500.00 1$20,500.00 500 NYS Retirement (Employer) $6,000.00 $6,000.00 - 520 Service Award (LOSAP) $85,200.00 i$85,200.00 530 FICA and Medicare- Employer $3,000.00 $3,000.00 - - - - - -- 601 Hydrant Rental 46,500.00 1$6,500.00 681 Redemption of Notes (Roof repayment) ,$7,712.47 ;$0.00 Transfer to Reserve $155,000.00 1$155,000.00 Contingency Fund(Planned Balance) -- $25,000.00 ,$25,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - $609,636.52 ,$619,700.00 TOTAL EST REVENUES AN (UNEXPENDED PAL., 1$100,200.00 ;$107,600.00 - - - -- - TOTAL TAX LEVY (Estimated) ,$509,436.52 ;$512,100.00 RECEIVED OCT 2 5 2011