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TB changes to Supervisor's Proposed budget
t Town of Southold Town Board Changes to the Supervisor's Proposed 2018 Budget 10/24/2017 GENERAL FUND REVENUES: 1-111._11-11., _....._.______,...... _. .............._�___,�__,__.., __� __. � .. 1111-__-.._......_..._1-11-,1..1- �� �..�.,.,,.,,,,_�..__.__..._.,.._,_—,___..__..____.,,,..,..,.,...., _..,,...,,,,,,.,......._....... .._._..,_ 11,1,,1 Property Taxes A.1001.00 Real Property Taxes $ 9,136.00 Offset to increased expenses .....__. ..........___.............._ ......... .. ...._... ._.,.. ..._.._.....___ _.. _11-1-1. ... 111-1--__ _...._._._.._.._......_.. __..__.-.... ._...__...._., ...._._..._. ,. _.,,._._.. ...................___.....-�._._.._......., _ _,_.,11-11_._ _. Recreation A.2001.10 Recreation Fees 500.00 For disabled programming participant fees .1-11.1__ _ . . _.. _. m_., _._._.__.._ _____...._ 1111__. _.,_....._ .,,. 1111. Other Governments A.2210.80 Roadway Engineering Study Reimb 15,000.00 Account for reimbursement of costs 1-1-11-__ .. _---_ _., _._ 1-11-1-_ _............. ._111 1 _ _._.�_..... _-..-_..................._. .._._. 1-11-1............_._..........._-111-1- 1-111__.__. — 1-1-1-1_..�_.. Total Revenue Change $ 24,636.00 EXPENDITURES: 1-11-1 ._. _..._-- _...._..... ..._....._ .. _ ....._...._.___.____. _. . , ._..,._._.._...__ ._......._.__ _,_.,.....____._._.. .. _ __..._._._ ___,.._...__....___............ ... _ ...,....,,,,,.._,_.....__......_...._,,,,..,._,_._ ._..__.._.._ Accounting A.1310.4.500.200 Actuarial Services $ 5,000 00 Hire ACA Third Party Admirnstator 1-11-1 _.. _..._._____.._.._ ......_, __.-...._.._._._._ _,_.___._,m,...........,_..._......._... ___ _._...._ 1-111__. _._.............. Town u Clerk A.1410.1.300.100 Seasonal Regular Earnings 6,500.00 Seasonal Clerk Typist 1-111- _..,.., ._.....g... _...__..__...._g._,._..,....._. _ ............._..._ _..._ .__,__....._..__.. _...,...,,........,.....,,...,..........,....____. _..._......._ 1-11-1--._ 1-1-,1-1 Special Items A.1980.4.000.000 MTA Payroll Tax 12 00 Cumulative staff changes .............. _.. ,..__ ._... .__..._. .. _..,. __... ___-._.......-.--,,,,.,,.,,...._. Special 1-1- Items A.1990.4.100.100 Cont.i,n,..g..e....n.._c._ies M_._... .-..___. 9_..21.00 _Cu._.m.......u...._la.....t....iv..e.....,Changes ..11. .....__ 1-1.1-_...... ..1.1....... Police A.3120.2.500.850 Traffic Cones/Barricade 2,300.00 Adjust amount arr -----. . ..1-11-1-_�___.._.____. _.._..__...___.--1-1-1-1---...,,����___ HRC100 Part Time Regular Earnings (31,288.00) 200 1 Retirement/ReplacementA.6772. . . _..._..... __.__....._...... ...___.__ .. ..____..., _ __._..._____..._._._.__.____..__.....________._.__.__...._____..__._..____.___......_..__..__...,...._..._._.......__._.,........__, _..__..__....___._.........___._ ___.-._....._...�__..__._.___....._ _. - Recreation A.7020.1.100.100 Part Time Regular Earnings 18,200.00 New PT hire-replacement ......,..__._...__._..._..._., _ _._.._,,,,,,,,,.,,_.,___._..........................._,.,,,._...... ._ _ _._...___. _, __ _._ __.._._.__._— -,,...,,.......,__.,.,...,.,. ......... .,..... 1-1-11, RecreationA.7020.4.100.250 Disabled Program Supplies 500.00 Funding disabled programs ____...,.._._.__..___.._....._,,......_____........._.,. _..__.____ ..,,,,.. .___..__.,....,..._.,...,.-... _ .,....._____.,....... r.. . .............__..._,1111._. _._..,_..........._. ._ ., ............. BeachesA.7180.300.100 Seasonal Regular Earnings 10,000.00 Increase attendants to 5 days/week ,. _._._.._._g.___......_.._.,.,.._._ g.,_..,,.. ...�,... ___�.��„_....__....�..,.__. Employee Benefits A.9030.8.000.000 Social Security 261.00 Cumulative staff changes 1-111 _._..___.. . _.___._..._._..,.,,.___........____.,._._..._._..._....._._....,._...,_._..-_ _.....__ ___..._.__. Town Clerk-Capital A9901.9.000.100 Transfer to Capital 12,230.00 Laserfiche Licenses , . 1111... _-..._.._. ----- , 1111. _.._...___._ _._,_.._...___. __.._,..._ _........... .... . _,. _...._.. __._......_ Total Expenditure Change $ 24,636.00 R ECE1 V Eke PART TOWN FUND z REVENUES: ., _............ ......_... ._ _ _._.. _...._____.___.._...___.._...____. ............................. ._._._.._.._._.._.._._...___.___,..._....._._.._____.. Property Taxes B.1001.00 Real Property Taxes $ (8,600.00) Offset to decreased expenses . _..._..____._._._..._.__.._ _._. ___ __. _......... .. .a _.__ Total Revenue Change $ (8,600.00) _...,.,_ EXPENDITURES. Plan11 ning B.8020 2.100.300 Chairs $ (800.00) Reduction per department ._..... _...___.___ __.___._.....__ _.- ..._....,.. . _.......... .____._._,_.__.. _._.___,_____..._.... _....__________„_____,_,,.,.,,_,,.,.......... __. PlanningB.8020.4.500.400 Court Reporters (2,000 00) Reduction per department Planning B.8020.4.600.200 Meetings&Seminars (2,000.00) Reduction per department Planning B.8020.4.600.300 Travel Reimbursement (1,300 00) Reduction per department _... ........... ......................_.,..._ _._.._.._._.._..__...__,_..._...__ ._._.. _. __.___....__.....__._.._...._..........._._,... ..._.___._ .. . ........__...._....___ . ...,._.._----..,.,.--------------------.... .. ,,...._._..._......__.__._.._ _. ___. Zoning B.8010.4.600.300 Travel Reimbursement (2,500.00) Reduction per department _._.. __._.. _.__. _ _....---__ . .. __. .. _.... ... ._.__._. ..._m_ __.__. ..�.__. ..._._.._.._..__.....___. Total Expenditure Change $ (8,600.00) °. HIGHWAY s REVENUES: Property Taxes DB.1001.00 Real Property Taxes $ 43,355.00 Offset to increased expenses _...._ ___.. .._._...._.. ___.._. .._.._. . _... ...._.... W... ...__.._ .. _.._._ __._.. _._.._... . _.._._,.__. __.._ .__.................. ___. _ _ _.__ .................._ .....___.__ Total Revenue Change $ 43,355.00 EXPENDITURES: __. .. ._._..... .............. ......... ..__....._...__.._......._...___. ,. __._.... . . ...__..__..._..................... _............._.-----------.__..............___.._...._..._.._....._._..........................__..__-------..._....w......_..........._._.___.._...__.__._____._._._...,._..____.. Highway DB.5110.1.100.100 Full Time Regular Earnings 8,200.00 Promotions(HEO/CEO) ___,.._..._..__ .__......__.__.. _.. .._._._......._____ __._._.._....._.. ... ._..__.-..__.. _........_.....___.__...._.,._,....._._._._..._...,....__.__.._..___..................___.._.__._._.___._...__._._____..._.______.. __._.._._.__._.___.__..__.. Special Items DB.1980.4.000.000 MTA Payroll Tax 28.00 Cumulative staff changes Employee Benefits DB.9010.8.000.000 NYS Retirement 1,500.00 Cumulative staff changes _._._.... __..._..._._...__........ . ______........_.___._._._._. __._.._..,..,._.,,...._..................._.._...___.__ ._.._...__....__ __ _, ___..._..._._._._ __.__....,.._,_.._...__.__„ Employee Benefits DB.9030.8.000.000 Social Security 627.00 Cumulative staff changes Highway DB.9901.9.000.100 Transfer to Capital 1000.00 Additional amount for striping machine Highway DB.9901.9.000.100 Transfer to Capital 32,000.00 Flo'n' Dump sander body _.�..._... __...._.. ..__ _. ___. _ ._....__., .__._... _ ., W............... .._.._.__.. ..__ ............._... . _..... _ Total Expenditure Change $ 43,355.00 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND iffmoni=1 �. �• R Accounting CM.9055.8.000.100 CSEA Benefit Fund(Dental) $ 21200.00 Correction of employee allocations m..._._.._......,...._,., .r .____. ___...___._.._.. _.. __...._._.,...,_. _........ ...... ___.___.,..,.._.._......__.._._._.,.._.,.,,.., _ _.-..__- ..,,._,. _.......___. . Accounting CM.9060.8.000.000 Medical Insurance NYSHIP 27,000.00 Correction of employee allocations _._W.__ _._....._...... ......... ...._.. _............._..,... ___._. _.._.._._._._.... _._..__.____ . _......_.._._.................__._.....__.._.__.. ............................................_.---_.. Accounting CM.8660.2.600.100 Land Acquisitions (29,200.00) Due to increase in benefits _..._,_._. -_ _____ _____.__ ..___.__._.._ _........... _..�.......__..........-_..___.____._ _._... ._..__..._ ___ Total Expenditure Change $ - CAPITAL SUMMARY Add to payloader purchase,total debt payment will not Solid Waste F-250 Truck with Plow Debt $ 32,000 exceed fall off in 2019 ...__..._._,. ..___ ........................_.._......... ...._..__._.------.-----_._._....._.......__...._..................... ......__..._........_..___..,._....... :Town Clerk Laserfiche Licenses Appopriations 12,230 Add'I 10 licenses-Year 1 of 3 _ __...._�_..__....... .._ ._ ,., �__., .._ . ...._.m__.._.._ _ _..._......__....,, _,...___...._........._..,.....__. _ _.._..__.__...__ ..._._.........,�._ . .... . ............. .__._.,.,__.__.---- Total Changes $ 44,230.00