HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/2017 Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall September 18, 2017 Meeting Called to Order: 10:03 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich. Members Present Councilman William Ruland, Town Engineer Jamie Richter, Police Chief Martin Flatley, Planning Director Heather Lanza, Frank Field, Jim Baker, Jim Kalin, Greenport Trustee Mary Bess Phillips and Tom Fox. Also Present: Denis Noncarrow, Town Government Liaison Officer. Approval of August 21, 2017 Meeting Minutes Ms. Phillips offered a correction on page 3, 1St paragraph, line 2: delete "traffic study" and insert "planning grant." A motion to approve the corrected minutes was made, was seconded and was carried. Update — Meeting with the Town Code Committee Several Commissioners met with the Code Committee on September 14, 2017 to discuss town- wide parking issues. Neb summarized that meeting, which was followed by the Commission's lengthy discussion of the main suggestions which emerged: • Inventory town-wide on-street parking spaces, public lots (owned and leased) and road ends, as well as identify other venues such as school and unoccupied buildings parking lots for consideration. (A detailed inventory of the Town's parks beaches and open space was presented at the Commission's meeting.) • Improve the layout or organization of on-street parking spaces and in town-controlled parking lots, with immediate attention to business and recreational parking problems in New Suffolk. • Identify regular occupiers of on-street parking spaces in way of businesses and consider the establishment of on-street"no delivery zones" in way of businesses, as practicable. • Consideration of the VGPT parking enforcement code with 30 minute, 2 hour, 24 hour and handicapped parking spaces, as well as measures introduced by other municipalities. • Expanded use of parking permits for residents and non-residents and the introduction of parking fees. In considering parking permits and fees, a "why" (compelling reasons) for those measures will be necessary for discussion with businesses and civic associations. • Provide professional assistance to the Commission. The Supervisor had suggested securing a "Downtown Revitalization" grant. 1 • Finalized results will be included in the Transportation and Infrastructure Chapter of the Town Comprehensive Plan. (See below.) Public Requests Request for a Traffic Signal – Boisseau Avenue and SR25 - Southold Councilman Ruland advised that he spoken with Dick Mullen of Mullen Motors concerning that request. He referred Mr. Mullen to Chief Flatley's review of motor vehicle accidents over the past three years at that intersection, which had detailed a total of 21 various types of MVA's. Based on that report, Mr. Ruland advised that him it was unlikely that NYSDOT would install a traffic signal or lower the speed limit in that area. He also suggested that Mullen Motors might wish to solicit other area businesses concerning the submission of a petition concerning the situation. Request for Two Speed Limit Signs - Mary's Road & Pike Street - Mattituck A concerned local resident's letter to the Commission sought the placement of two speed limit signs on those roadways due to speeding and parking issues during sports activities and lunch time periods at the high school. Neb subsequently visited the scene and found no speed limit signs. Chief Flatley will review the matter and report on his findings. He also advised that NYSDOT designates speed limits within the Town, for implementation by the Town. Supervisor, Town Board & Town Trustees Requests Boat Ramp at Hashamomuck Creek Update - Southold In response to Neb's letter of July 18, 2017 concerning traffic safety issues at location at the intersection of the Old Main Road and SR25, NYSDOT's letter of August 15, 2017 advised that it has ordered an investigation. The Commission will be notified of NYSDOT's decision after the conclusion of its study. Current Transportation Issues - Updates Southold / Greenport Bus Shelters— No Installation Contract– Next Spring Neb reported that SCDPW has advised that there will be no contract from that agency for installation of the shelters until the spring of 2018. Planning Board Requests Town Comprehensive Plan The Transportation and Infrastructure Chapter of the Plan will include the final conclusions of the Commission's Parking Options Review. (See above.) Old Business North Fork Promotion Council - North Fork Trolley Shuttle Proposal for Southold Town – Update Denis Noncarrow reported on the progress to date on the trolley shuttle trials: • There were trolley-related traffic congestion issues in Greenport last weekend. • The first round of trials will run from September 9 to October 7, 2017. The second round will operate from October 14 to November 11, 2017. • Parking for trolley riders remains a long-term issue. 2 • The Peconic to Greenport run has provided operating insights for improvements for 2018. The "app" covering trolley ETA's is delayed due to the resolution of technical issues. • Grants will be sought for 2018 in order to operate two loops simultaneously. The local community and businesses have donated about$30,000 to support the 2017 operation, which requires $2,000 per day for two trolleys on an eight hour loop. Tourist Marketing • A Tourist Market Districting is supported by other East End towns. The Town of Southold currently does not participate. • A visitor's center should be considered at Exit 71 of the LIE, for the marketing of local produce and transportation access to the NF and SF wine trails. • Tourist marketing efforts should be focused on younger residents of Brooklyn and Queens, with outreach efforts to the LIRR. Councilman Ruland emphasized that the Southold Town Board would like any revenues derived from marketing efforts to remain on the East End. Peconic Water Taxi Proposal Based on its recent experience with a Sag Harbor— Greenport water taxi service, Tom Fox reached out to Hampton Jitney's management concerning the proposal. New Business None. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 23, 2017 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town Hall. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM. cc: Town Clerk Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. 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'Chl" y. and provided.9m all,bdsinoss,oppqr-,,_ bs,fb t�pse��40,,i(ndy*_n'q'fh,' aye, " had.theiriprMoti fY.* HI, p But heir i I�dded is°&., am ons,,l b unptetenuolus,..P,asio�rai,n' ' ott&I "qigh the"h6fth-hMm astoe , e7-, 7 that higT increak-in traffic" iy* 6u§--': If ent-in astru -anm8ufil�k­`- ",� Y'd ing-and permanent'jonp '0 §is'A!hatis,i"' for6ing,lbdWis'-(young " and,oldjj­6ttt­,_b h d'-,- A' sbyrocketingpyce5, at ave,wlden-a- `the gufbetveen"rich';':and"poor. , This pdismotsustal.habI6.A -pealing'to"touiists,ex.c,lu§ively,ab6s -notsuppo�zt,"d,. og:-youhd,ei�onbzhy-, � � y din J% _gnd i�lQa,. 9 to in-: ty qqal' of.life orr6gid6nis.lfiw Il - .66iidn eisj�we,pg, trend' ,q,, `turningjnt&a�transiont one M of seasonaLemployosm- atturn. n.a nd,put,omashbw_pakt&, e year. `'�64`&ftfi SN �jil 66:f Ifigh high;price ' S` ih 0,16s§-of , e«--, ` W"' � tureand'- storythat m TRANSPORTER COMMITTE SOUTHOLD,New York Dear Committee: I WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU FOR A COUPLE OF SPEED SIGNS TO BE PUT ON MARYS ROAD IN MATTITUCK WHICH IS NEAR THE HIGH SCHOOL. WHEN GAMES ARE PLAYED„CARS ARE PARKED BY THE FENCE. THE SPEED ON THIS ROAD IS GETTING BAD AN NEEDS TO SLOW THE CARS DOWN DURING SCHOOL DAYS. ALSO DURING LUNCH TIME WHEN CARS LEAVE USING THIS ROAD. HOPING TO HEAR AN SEE SIGNS FOR SAFETY. ohn Wilcenski 385 Mary's Road Mattituck,New.York. 631-298-8655 Mary's Road Mattituck https:Hwebtop.webmail.optimum.net/viewmessage?r=<request><mail... From: "Flatley, Martin" <mflatley@town.southold.ny.us> To: "Neboysha Brashich (nrbl@optonline.net)" <nrbl@optonline.net> Cc: "Orlando, Vincent" <vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us> Date: 09/22/2017 03:16:36 PM Subject: Mary's Road Mattituck Attachments: *.image001.7pg (6KB), `---speed marys.pdf (559KB) Hi Neb, With regards to the request for speed limit signs on Marys Road, Mattituck, I researched my traffic orders and determined that this area falls into an 'area speed limit'designated for the"North Mattituck Area"of 35 mph. I believe area speed limits'are posted a little more loosely in a neighborhood, but I did not see any on Marys Road in either direction. I will forward this to Highway Superintendent Orlando for his review of where the placement of any'area speed limit'signs should be placed. Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Southold Town Police Department 41405 State Route 25 Peconic, New York 11958 631-765-3115 .A s 1 of 1 9/22/2017,3:46 PM n a; a, ~i WEST LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC. ' Southold, New York ; F; August 15, 2017 :3 Transportation Commissioner Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11598 n� vi Dear Commissioner: West Lake Association, Inc. is a homeowners association that consists of twenty (20) homes at _? West Lake in Southold, which is bounded by Little Peconic Bay Lane, West Lake Drive, Midway Road and Cedar Point Drive West. i This letter is being written in support of the petition of our neighbors at Cedar Beach Park Association, requesting your consideration of a STOP sign at the southeast corner of Main Bayview Rd. and Cedar Beach Rd. as :j We agree with the petitioners that a STOP sign in this location is necessary, in order to avoid a j tragedy occurring at this heavily travelled intersection. 'E We appreciate your attention to this matter. `E WEST KE AY'S ' OCIATION, INC. "3 3 By: A vin Schein, President Li ;3 t ti 3 INEWYORK ark ert� �� ANDREW M. CUOMO E OF p Governor ORTUNITY. Transportation CATHY CALHOUN Acting Commissioner JOSEPH T.BROWN,P.E. Regional Director September 15, 2017 Mr. Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Southold Transportation Commission P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Re-Alignment of Intersection Route 25 at Old Main Road Southold Case No. 179230TC Tag No. 17-0263 COM 17-17878 Dear Chairman Brashich: We have completed our investigation regarding your safety concerns on Route 25 at Old Main Road in Southold. Please note that reconfiguration of the intersection at Route 25 and Old Main Road would require a reconstruction project and may necessitate the taking of right-of-way, preparing an environmental analysis, utility relocation and roadway widening. Unfortunately, we have no projects in our capital program at this location and current funding is fully committed to other projects. Due to the above complexities and lack of appropriate funding, we are unable to initiate a project at this location. Should the town wish to pursue a reconfiguration of Old Main Road at Route 25 on its own, this work would require a highway work permit. Please contact our Permit Engineer Mr. Eugene Smith at (631) 952-6022 for specific guidance regarding the permit process. I thank you for your interest in transportation safety. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me or Nicole Jones, the Long Island Director of External and Government Relations, at (631) 952-6632. Sincerely, /oseph T. Brown Regional Director cc: Nicole Jones, Director of External and Government Relations JTB:mm 50 Wo'f Road,Albany,NY 1221,2 1 v"Ai .dot.ny.gov o�*OF SOUTyo! SCOTT A. RUSSELL O Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 SUPERVISOR l l�[ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax(631) 765-1823 Comm Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Transportation Commission FROM: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor DATE: October 11, 2017 RE: Weight Limit on Peconic Bay Blvd. At the Town Board work session held on Tues., October 10, 2017, the Board discussed the possibility of instituting a weight limit on Peconic Bay Boulevard due to the growing concerns of large trucks using a residential street as an alternative route. Limousines and buses are also using the road due to the increased amount of traffic on Main Road and Sound Avenue. Given the current traffic climate, the Board respectfully requests the Transportation Commission re-visit this important issue. In addition we ask that, if adopted, the commission provide recommendations on how to best implement the plan. Thank you. Town Hall,53095 Route 25 SCOTT A.RUSSELL {' P.O. Box 1179 Supervisor `'L Southold,New York 11971-0959 Fax(631)765-1823 � Ql Telephone(631)765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Transportation Commission FROM: Scott A. Russell, Supervise 5 11�- DATE: October 6, 2017 RE: Weekend Farm Traffic Please review the following letter from Tim McManus and provide my office with your recommendations. Thank you. I was pleased to read in today's Suffolk Times that Southold and Riverhead officials have been working closely together to mitigate weekend farm traffic. Have the towns ever discussed changing the traffic flow on Sound Avenue and Main Road so that each only runs in one direction during the peak weekend hours in September and October? For example, between Northville Turnpike &Factory Avenue, limit Sound Ave. to eastbound traffic only, and Main Road to westbound traffic only; and station traffic agents at each of the turnoffs where there is not a traffic light on Northville, West Lane, Tuthills, Manor, Herricks &Aldrich. I believe traffic would flow significantly better if there were two lanes of traffic and control over turns. I also believe there would be many willing to contribute to a fund to defray the additional costs—I know I would! Thank you for your consideration. Tim McManus Cutchogue