HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-83 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES PERMIT NO ....... ..... Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1893 of the State of New York and Chapter 404 of the Laws of ~c)52 of the State of New York and in accordance with the reso!ution of the Bo~rd of Trustees of the Town of $outhold adopted at a meeting of said Board on ...........~e~t~.~...2~...3~B&~....., and in consideration of the sum of $ ......... ~O ............ lawful money of the United States, paid by ...C~..&..~Z~.~..~.~n residing at .............. ;~O~,..,~.~p~...~..&~...~.~..~c~......~'r¢,¢.~¢.~¢,~ ........ , New York, the said Board of Trustees of the Town of SouthoJd, Suffolk County, New York, hereby authorizes and permits said ....... .g&~.~..~...~.~.~[¢~ ............................................. to dredge meadow and waist in ~he creek in front of their property ~Lot i4A} ~ all in accordance with the plan~ The said ...~e~..&..~e~t~..~D~ ...................... , as part of the consideration for the ~ssuance of this permit does hereby re!ease the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southo!d from any and all damages claims for damages or suits that may arise or occur direct[y or indirectly es a result of any operation carried on under and pursuant to this ~,, permit, and will at his own expense, defend any and off suits which may be brought by third \', parties as a result of any operation carried on pursuant to or m accordance w~tn ,he terms of this permit, and assume full I/ability with respect thereto to ,h~ complete exclusion of said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold. THiS PERM1T is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That there shal~ be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 2. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along that portion of the beach between Iow and high water mark. 3. That the work shali be subject to the supervision and approval of the said Board of Trustees or its agentS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Said Board of Trustees of the Town of Southoid has caused its corporate see! to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be subscribed by o majority of the said Board of Trustees, the day end year above written. sea~ · ~¢.¢'~¢x¢',~~ (L S.) ......... i .................. · ...... ............ ...... STAT~ OF NEW YOR~ ) SS: COUN~ OF SUFFOLK ) O~ THIS...~.....i~dou o{ .................... ¢~ ................. , 19..~....., before me ~ Suffo!k~ ~ John ~ulty, of ~el~ ~Y~ Philip Wailer of ~ie~t~ ~ and ~v~ ~old~ith~ of So~hoid~al~onaHy known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, severally said that they each resided in the Town of Southold, Counb/ of Suffolk, State of New York, a~d were members of the Board of Trustees of said %oWn of Southold and constituted e ma[ority of the same; that they k~ew the corporate seal of s~id Town of Southold; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal; ~at it was so affixed thereunto by order of the B~rd of Trustees of said Town of Southold a~d that' each one sianed his name thereto as ~ Trustee and by like order. ~ot'ory Public ............. . TOVVN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TO\/VN TRUSTEES Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of 1893 of the State of New York; Chapter 40i of the Laws of 1952 of the State .of New York; the pro- vmions of an ordinance entitled "Southo!d Toxvn Ordinance Regulating the Plaelng of Obstr~aeti,ons in and on Town Waters and Public Lands, and the Removal of Sand, Gravel ~r .other Materials from Lands under To~ Waters", and ~ accord~ce with d~e resolution of the Board .of Trustees of the Town of Southold adop~d at a meet- ing of said. Board on , .~g. ~*..~ ..... and in em~ideration of the sum of g. ~¢~.., la¢,~ul money of the United States, paid by .~.~¢..~. residing at .~;~..~.'.~. ~g~. ~*~ ........ New York, ~e said Board of T~stees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereby autborlzed mud permits said ...... ~.$~..~_~ ...................... to The said ....... ~%~..%~. ~9~ ........... as p~ .of ~he consid~a~on for ~he ]ssuaUce of this 9e~it does hereby ~elease the said Board of Trustees and the ~o~n of South.old from Shy and aH dema~es claims f~ damages or su~s that ma~ ar~se or occur directly o~ ~ndirectly ss a Pesu]~ of any op~a~ion ca~ed on der and pursuant to th~s permit, and ~]] at h~s o~n expense, defend any ~d aH su]~s ~h~ch may be brough% by ~hird pa~t~es, as a resuh of any oDera~ion c~ed on pursuant to .o~ in accordance with ~he terms of th~s permit, and assume t~abHhy w~th respect thereto to the complete exchsion of sa~d Eo~rd of T~s~ees and the Town of Southold. ~S pERb!!T is subject ~o ~he follow~n~ ~e~s and conditions: 1. ~a~ there shall be no ~ressonable ~nte~erence w~th navigation as a ~esult of the ~o~k herein authorized. 9. That there shall be no inte~erence ~ the r~ht of the public to pass and re- pass alon~ ~hat po~on of ~he beach between Io~ and h~h ~ater mark. S. That the work ~hall be subject 5o the supervision and appmoval of ~he said Board of Trustees or i~s a~en~s. 4. That if furze operations of the To~,n of Southold ~e~u~e ~he removal ~d/or aheratiou in the loc~t~on of the ~ork here~n authorized, or g, in ~he open,on of the Board of T~s%ees of %he To~n of Southol~ such ~ork .shall cause reasonable obs~ction ~o free nav~gation~ the said . .~..~. ~ ....... ~i]l be re~u~d upon due not~ce from the said Board of T~stees, ~o remove or alter the location of the ~ork hereby au~orized ~ithout expense ~o To~n of Sou~hold, so as %o render ~v~at~on reasonably free and ed. The authority conferred by this permit may be terminated by the Board of Trustees for a failure on the part of the said ................. ~.~..~..~..,...~.~.~..~. ................................. to comply with the terms and conditions herein imoosed. In the event of such termination, this permit shall be deemed revoked five (5) days after the date when the Board of Trustees shall mail to the said Clem S~ ~ at the address given in his application, a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees directing such termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board of Trustees, the day and year above written. (L. S.) (L. S3 ........................................................ (L. S.) ........................................................ (k S.) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ON THIS ....~.8....~... ...... day of .......... .~..~..9~...~..t,.. ....................... , 19...6..~,, before me oersonally appeared AlVah B. ~mi~, ~ra~ Da~o~, John ~. ~alty an~ ~uglas ~r~on, all personally known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, severally said that they each resided in the Town of Southold, Coun~ of Suffolk, State of New York, and were members of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and constituted a majori~ of the same; that they knew the corporate seaJ of said Town of Southold; that the seal affixed to thc foregoing Mstrument was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed thereunto ~y order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as o Trustee and by like order. ~~...~.: .... Fil~ A~TI~ 19, tg~g Notary Public FOR~'V~ ~0. I . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ~a~ne~ ~ ~...~ ............... 19.~ Application No ............................................. Approved ...~~~ ......................... Permit No ....................~.-~. .............................................. Dtsap~rove~ a/c ........................................ ~.,~.~ ........................ ~~~__~~ ....... charon, Board of ~tees ~ APPLICATIO~ FOR PER~IT A. This ~pHcat~on ~o be comp~eteIy filled ~ by type~iter o~ i~ ink ~d sub,fred to the, To~ ~s~ees ~ dup- licaie. B. Plot plan showing location o~ lot a~d bnil~ngs on premises, relation to ~o~ng premises, pubic s~reets, p~ks, etc., and g~ng detailed description of proposed l~Yout o~ project m~t be ~ o~ dia~am w~ch is p~ of this a~pHc~io~. C. The work covered by t~s applica¢io~ may ~o¢ be commenced befor~ the issuaace, of a permit. D. Upon approv~ of t~s a~pHcation, To~ Trustees w~ issue a pe~t to applicant. Such perle sha~ be ke~t on the pre~ses and available for ~spectio.n a~ a~ lime~. E. Applicant sha~ nolify the. Board o~ ~ustees upo~ completion of the work covered by pemit. APPLICATION IS HEREBY M~E to the Board of ~tees o~ the Town of So~lhold, S~ffo~ Ooun~y, New Yo~k, for ~he issu~ce o~ a permii pur~uamt to the laws, Ordnances a~d regulations governing oonst~c~ion of: decks, piers, b~d~e~s, jetiys and dredg~g in; under, and over the ~ters of T'ewn of S,o~hold. The applicant agrees to comply with a~ applicable la~s, er~ances, reg~atio~s amd conditions specked by s.~d trustees, and ~o. hold the Town of Southold, and aH To~n o~cials free from HabR~ty ~d damages of any ~d. 0reek, Bay or Harbor Fronting Prope~y ........ ~.~-.~.~... '.-............~...~.~.~...~.f ~ ~ ~- ..... Width of C~I, Creek or Bay Frunting Property, s, ~ .................................................. Depth at L~~' .. ...................... STATE OF N~W YORK) )S.S. : COUNTY OF ) ................................................................................. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the, applicant for the above de- scribed permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and be]ie£; that work will be. done in the manner set forth in the application and as approved by the Board o~ Trustees of the Town of Southold, and the applicant agrees t:o hold the Town cf So.Uthold and said trustees harmle~ss ~nd free from any (applicant) Sworn to before me this .............................. day of ............................. 19 ............. Notary public .................................... county of .................................... FOP, Z~ NO~ 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ................................ 19 ..... Application No ................... Approved ............................... :. ............ ' Permit No .......... ~.-~ .............. 7/~) Disapproved a/c ............................................................................................. ..................................................... chairman, Board of Trustees APPLICATION FOR PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS A. This application to be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Town TrusZees licate. B. Plot plan showing locatien of lot and buildings on premises, relation to adjoining premises, public streets, parks. ere:, and giving detailed description of proposed layent o~ project must be drawn on diagram which is part o~ this application. C. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before the issuance o~ ~ pertain D. Upon approval of this application, Town Trustees will issue a permit re applicant. Such ~ermk shall be kept on the premises and available for inspection at ali time~. E. Applicant shall notify the Board of Trustees upon completion of the work covered by permit. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Board of Trustees of the Town o~ Southold. Su{folk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the laws, Ordinances and regulatlons governing construction o{: docks. piers, bulkheads, jettys and dredging in, under, and over the wa~ers of Town of Southold. The applicant agrees ro comply with all applicable laws ordinances, regulations and conditions spedfied by said trustees, and ro hold the Town of Southold. and all Town offic~ls ~ee from l~abilit~ and damages of anX kind. Name of Owner of Premises .............................................. ~ .................................... Street Address of Property ,..~(~.~ .... ~ .... g~.L4 .... ¢~.¢~'.~.¢~S~.2. Home Address If Other Than Location .~¢ ..... Creek, Bay or Harbor Fronting Proper~y ........................................... } .......................... Size o~ Proposed Work: Length .. ~ ~ .. Width .... ~ ~ .... Heighth Above High Water ............. Complete plo't plan to be drawn on reverse side of this application, STATE OF NEW YORK ) )s.s. COUNTY OF Suffolk ) C~. ~,..~Q~ ........ being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permir~ and that all statements contained herein are true ro the best oi his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in the application and as approved by the Board of Trustees of the Town oi Southold. and the applicant agrees ro hold the Town of Southold and said trustees harmless and free irom any and all Jamages and claims arising under or by virtue oi said permit. ......... ............... Lapplican~) Sworn to before me this . .¢~.'~ ........ day of ......... f~ ......... 1~...