HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Code Supplement - 01/01/2017 GENERAL CODE " INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No.39 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT Table of Contents,v—viii Table of Contents,v—viii 17:1 — 17:2 17:1 - 17:2 17:2.1 17:9— 17:10 17:9— 17:10 17:21 - 17:22 17:21-17:26 177:1— 177:3 DL:7—DL:8 DL:7—DL:8 Index Pages 1 —45 Index Pages 1 —45 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 8-2016; 11- 2016. 01-01-2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CODE PART I: ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION 1. General Provisions...........................................................................................................1:1 Article I Adoption of Code Article II Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Code 5. Appearance Tickets..........................................................................................................5:1 9. Assessors..........................................................................................................................9:1 Article I Election Article II Number 13. Committees,Appointment of.........................................................................................13:1 17. Community Preservation Fund...................................................................................... 17:1 Article I Southold Community Preservation Fund Article II Southold Community Preservation Project Plan Article III Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board Article IV Two-Percent Real Estate Transfer Tax Article V Water Quality Improvement 21. Defense and Indemnification.........................................................................................21:1 Energy Benchmarking for Municipal Buildings—See Ch. 177 26. Ethics.............................................................................................................................26:1 30. Expenses of Town Officers............................................................................................30:1 34. Housing Fund.................................................................................................................34:1 38. Local Laws,Adoption of...............................................................................................38:1 42. Officers and Employees.................................................................................................42:1 Article I Town Clerk Article II Superintendent of Highways Article III Residency Requirements 47. Personnel........................................................................................................................47:1 Article I Grievance Procedures 51. Police Department..........................................................................................................51:1 55. Public Hearings,Notice of............................................................................................55:1 59. Records..........................................................................................................................59:1 Article I Public Access to Records Article II Records Management v 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD CODE 64. Transportation Access Management..............................................................................64:1 68. Youth Board...................................................................................................................68:1 PART H: GENERAL LEGISLATION 70. Agricultural Lands Preservation....................................................................................70:1 72. Agricultural Uses...........................................................................................................72:1 75. Alarm Systems...............................................................................................................75:1 79. Alcoholic Beverages......................................................................................................79:1 Article I Public Consumption 83. Animals..........................................................................................................................83:1 Article I Ducks Article H Dogs Article III Dog Licensing and Identification Article IV Waterfowl and Gull Feeding and Domestic Pet Waste 88. Bicycles ....................................................................................:....................................88:1 92. Bingo and Games of Chance............................................................ ..................92:1 Article I Bingo Article 11 Games of Chance 96. Boats,Docks and Wharves............................................................................................96:1 '• l Article I Obstruction and Use of Town Waters Article II Public Docks Article III Boats Article IV Floating Homes Article V Administration and Enforcement 100. Buildings,Unsafe;Property Maintenance...................................................................100:1 104. Burning,Outdoor......................................................................................................... 104:1 111. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas..................................................................................... 111:1 117. Sanitary Flow Credits,Transfer of...............................................................................117:1 121. Domestic Partnerships.................................................................................................121:1 126. Electrical Inspections...................................................................................................126:1 130. Environmental Quality Review...................................................................................130:1 139. Filming......................................................................................................................... 139:1 144. Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration....................................................144:1 148. Flood Damage Prevention........................................................................................... 148:1 vi 01-01-2017 � TABLE OF CONTENTS 157. Ifuzbwz Management—.---_-----_—.-----------.------.-.----..---' l57:l Article Fishers Island Harbor Management 161. Highway Specifications--...----_--------..-------------...---.l6l:l 163. Hunting--_—'_------...---'----'-------'---.---_—...--..'.l63] 160. Rmkyards---------._—_—.----_—_.--_—_.------_—._'---l66:I 170 Landmark Preservation................................................................................................ }7U:l 172. Lighting,Exterior......................................................................................................... 174. Littering___—.--.----_._--_..--.-----.—..._..---._—.----.l74:l 177. Municipal Building --.—'-_—.._—'-.----_------.l77:l 180' Noise,� Prevention nf.................................................................................................... lQU:l 105. Open Space Preservation............................................................................................. l05:l 189. Parking—_--.---._-----_—_—..--'_—.--_----.—_—.-_'---_. l09:l Article Parking at Beaches 103. Parks and Recreation Areas.........................................................................................l9]:l Article Use Regulations and Restrictions 197. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants...................................................l97:l 205. Public Entertainment and Special Events....................................................................205:l � 211. Salvage Centers ...........................................................................................................2ll:l Sanitary Flow Credits,Truoa§: of--See Ch. 117 215. Sewers and Sewage Disposal.......................................................................................2l5:l Part Scavenger Wastes Part Sewer Use Part Sewer Rents and Charges 219. Shellfish and Other Marine Resources................................:.......................................2l9:l 228' Soil Removal...............................................................................................................228:l 233. Solid Waste..................................................................................................................Z33:I Article Gad,agge`Rubbish and Refuse 236. Storozvmtur Management.--...----.---.-----------.----..-----236:l 237. Streets and Sidewalks..................................................................................................237:l Article Notification ufDefects Article I[ Street Excavations Article III Snow and Ice Removal Article IV Street Numbering Article Removal ofUtility Poles 240. Subdivision ofLand.....................................................................................................240:l - vii 01-01-2017 � � SOUTHOLD CODE 245. Taxation.......................................................................................................................245:1 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Targeted Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans'Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers Article VI Exemption for War Veterans and Gold Star Parents Article VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans Article VIII Exemption for Historic Properties Article IX Assessment and Tax Relief for Superstorm Sandy Impact 249. Tobacco Advertising....................................................................................................249:1 253. Tourist and Trailer Camps...........................................................................................253:1 Article I General Regulations Article II Recreational Vehicle Parks 260. Vehicles and Traffic.....................................................................................................260:1 264. Vehicles,Motor-Driven...............................................................................................264:1 Article I Unlicensed Motor-Driven Vehicles Article R Motor-Driven Vehicles 268. Waterfront Consistency Review..................................................................................268:1 275. Wetlands and Shoreline...............................................................................................275:1 277. Wind Energy................................................................................................................277:1 - Article I Small Wind Energy Systems 280. Zoning..........................................................................................................................280:1 APPENDIX A290. Police Department Rules and Regulations................................................................A290:1 DERIVATION TABLE DISPOSITION LIST INDEX Vill 01-01-2017 Chapter 17 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND ARTICLE I ARTICLE III Southold Community Preservation Fund Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board § 17-1. Title. § 17-2. Findings. § 17-16. Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board established; § 17-3. Legislative purpose. purpose; membership. § 17-4. Definitions. § 17-17. Severability. § 17-5. Southold Community § 17-18. When effective. Preservation Fund established. § 17-6. Purposes of fund. ARTICLE IV § 17-7. Acquisition of interests in Two-Percent Real Estate Transfer Tax property; public hearing and other requirements. § 17-19. Legislative findings. § 17-8. Management of lands acquired § 17-20. Definitions. pursuant to chapter. § 17-21. Imposition of tax; use of tax; § 17-9. Alienation of land acquired applicability. using fund moneys. § 17-22. Payment of tax; filing of § 17-10. Severability. return; recording. § 17-11. Effective date. § 17-23. Liability for tax. § 17-24. Exemptions from tax. ARTICLE II § 17-25. Additional exemptions. Southold Community Preservation Project Plan § 17-26. Credit. § 17-27. Cooperative housing § 17-12. Legislative findings; purpose. corporation transfers. § 17-13. Community preservation § 17-28. Designation of agent by project plan adopted. County Treasurer. § 17-13.1. Community Preservation Fund § 17-29. Liability of Recording Officer. Management and Stewardship § 17-30. Refunds. Plan adopted. § 17-31. Deposit and disposition of § 17-14. Severability. revenue. § 17-15. When effective. § 17-32. Judicial review. § 17-33. Apportionment of consideration subject to tax for property located only partly within Town. 17:1 01-01-2017 § 17-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-3 § 17-34. Determination of tax; petition ARTICLE V to Town Supervisor. Water Quality Improvement § 17-35. Proceedings to recover tax due. § 17-36. Interest and civil penalties. § 1741. Purpose. § 17-37. Confidentiality of transfer tax § 17-42. Authority. returns. § 1743. Definitions. § 17-38. Intergovernmental agreement § 17-44. Community Preservation Fund authority. Project Plan. § 17-39. Severability. § 17-45. Certification. § 1740. Effective date; referendum § 17-46. Water Quality Advisory requirement. Committee. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL.REFERENCES Open space prevention—See Ch.185. ARTICLE I Southold Community Preservation Fund [Adopted 8-25-1998 by L.L.No. 12-19981 § 17-1. Title. This article of the Southold Town Code shall be known"and may be cited as the "Community Preservation Fund." § 17-2. Findings. The Town of Southold possesses a rich heritage of scenic, historic and natural resources which are vital to the Town's sense of place and to its economic success as,a community. The lands which comprise these resources are rapidly being lost to development, however, and the Town's special identity is in danger of being damaged forever. In furtherance of its objective of preserving the Town's remaining natural, scenic and historic treasures, the Southold Town Board finds it necessary to establish a dedicated fund for their conservation. Such fund is specifically authorized under § 64-e of the New York Town Law and is necessary to the enactment of a two-percent real estate transfer tax, which is also authorized by Town Law § 64-e and-Tax Law Article 31D, and which the Town Board finds to be necessary to effectuate the Town's community preservation goals. § 17-3. Legislative purpose. It is the purpose of this article to establish and create the Southold Community Preservation Fund for the purpose of community preservation as that term is defined in Town Law § 64-e, 17:2 01-01-2017 § 17-3 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND § 17-3 Subdivision (1)(b), and § 17-4 of this article. Community preservation includes protecting and preserving open and undeveloped lands in the Town of Southold, including wetlands, woodlands, agricultural lands and shorelands, and the other natural resources of the Town for the purpose of protecting historic places and properties within the Town and for the purpose of providing the Town's visitors and residents with outdoor recreational opportunities, all in 17:2.1 01-01-2017 § 17-18 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND § 17-20 § 17-18. When effective. This article shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. ARTICLE IV Two-Percent Real Estate Transfer Tax [Adopted 8-25-1998 by L.L. No. 20-19981 § 17-19. Legislative findings. A. The Town of Southold enjoys a worldwide reputation as a community of great scenic beauty, rich in natural resources and open spaces, including agricultural lands, woodlands, wetlands, waterways, dunes, bluffs and other natural features. The Town also possesses a rich historic heritage as one of the oldest colonial settlements in the State of New York and, indeed, in the nation. Finally, because the second home industry and tourism are such important components of the local economy, the Town must preserve its scenic beauty and provide recreational areas in order to continue to attract visitors. B. The Town's natural and historic resources collectively provide the people of Southold with an unequaled community character. In fact, the Nature Conservancy has included the region which includes Southold Town as one of its twelve "Last Great Places" in the Western Hemisphere. The Town has done much to foster, protect and promote its community character. Southold enjoys a reputation as being creative and innovative in the area of land use and land conservation. C. The Town is today under extreme development pressure, with development out-pacing current conservation efforts. If exceptional action is not taken, Southold's unique character may be irretrievably lost and the substantial investment of the Town's citizens in protecting that character made moot. New financial resources are imperative if the Town is to preserve its special identity. D. Pursuant to § 64-e of the New York Town Law and Article 31-D of the Tax Law, Southold Town is authorized to create and establish a Community Preservation Fund and to impose a two-percent real estate transfer tax, with the revenue derived from said tax to be deposited into the Southold Community Preservation Fund. The creation of the fund and the imposition of the tax are subject to mandatory referendum. It is the purpose of this article to impose the two-percent real estate transfer tax in order to place the revenue derived from the tax in said dedicated fund. E. The Town Board finds that this article is an excellent opportunity for achieving balance between development and conservation which is needed to ensure the Town's community character. § 17-20. Definitions. As used in this article, unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: 17:9 01-01-2017 § 17-20 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-20 CONSIDERATION— The price actually paid or required to be paid for the real property or interest therein, including payment for an option or contract to purchase real property, whether• or not expressed in the deed and whether paid or required to be paid by money, property or any other thing of value. It shall include the cancellation or discharge of an indebtedness or obligation. It shall also include the amount of any mortgage, purchase money mortgage, lien or other encumbrance, whether or not the underlying indebtedness is assumed or taken subject to. A. In the case of the creation of a leasehold interest or the granting of an option with use and occupancy of real property, consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the value of the rental and other payments attributable to the use and occupancy of the real property or interest therein, the value of any amount paid for an option to purchase or renew and the value of rental or other payments attributable to the exercise of any option to renew. B. In the case of the creation of a subleasehold interest, consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the value of the sublease rental payments attributable to the use and occupancy of the real property, the value of any amount paid for an option to renew and the value of rental or other payments attributable to the exercise of any option to renew, less the value of the remaining prime lease rental payments required to be made. C. In the case of a controlling interest in any entity that owns real property, consideration shall mean the fair market value of the real property or interest therein, apportioned based on the percentage of the ownership interest transferred or acquired in the entity. D. In the case of an assignment or surrender of a leasehold interest or the assignment or surrender of an option or contract to purchase real property, consideration shall not include the value of the remaining rental payments required to be made pursuant to the terms of such lease or the amount to be paid for the real property pursuant to the terms of the option or contract being assigned or surrendered. E. In the case of the original conveyance of shares of stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold by the cooperative corporation or cooperative plan sponsor and the subsequent conveyance by the owner thereof of such stock in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold for a cooperative unit other than an individual residential unit, consideration shall include a proportionate share of the unpaid principal of any mortgage on the real property of the cooperative housing corporation comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings. Such share shall be determined by multiplying the total unpaid principal of the mortgage by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of shares of stock being conveyed in the cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer of a proprietary leasehold, and the denominator of which shall be the total number of shares of stock in the cooperative housing corporation. CONTROLLING INTEREST— A. In the case of a corporation, either 50% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of such corporation, or 50% or more of the capital, profits or beneficial interest in such voting stock of such corporation; and 17:10 01-01-2017 § 17-37 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND § 17-39 § 17-37. Confidentiality of transfer tax returns. A. Except in accordance with proper judicial order or as otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the County or Town, or any person engaged or retained on an independent contract basis, to divulge or make known in any manner the particulars set forth or disclosed in any return required under this article. However, nothing in this section shall prohibit the Recording Officer from making a notation on an instrument effecting a conveyance indicating the amount of tax paid. No recorded instrument effecting a conveyance shall be considered a return for the purposes of this section. B. The officers charged with the custody of such returns shall not be required to produce any of them or evidence of anything contained in them in any action or proceeding in any court, except on behalf of the Town in any action or proceeding involving the collection of a tax due under this article to which the County or Town or an officer or employee of the County or Town is a party or a claimant, or on behalf of any party to any action or proceeding under the provisions of this article when the returns or facts shown thereby are directly involved in such action or proceeding; in any of which events the court may require the production of and may admit in evidence so much of said returns or of the facts shown thereby as are pertinent to the action or proceeding and no more. C. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the delivery to a grantor or grantee of an instrument effecting a conveyance, or to the duly authorized representative of such grantor or grantee, of a certified copy of any return filed in connection with such instrument or to prohibit the publication of statistics so classified as to prevent the identification of particular returns or the items thereof or to prohibit the inspection by the legal representatives of the County or Town of the return of any taxpayer who shall bring action to set aside or review the tax based thereon. D. Any officer or employee of the Town who willfully violates the provisions of this section shall be dismissed from office and be incapable of holding any public office in the state for a period of five years thereafter. § 17-38. Intergovernmental agreement authority. The Town Board shall be authorized to, by resolution, enter into any intergovernmental agreement necessary with the County of Suffolk or any successor County for the effective and efficient administration and enforcement of this article. § 17-39. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this article shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. - 17:21 01-01-2017 § 17-40 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-41 § 17-40. Effective date; referendum requirement. [Amended 8-27-2002 by L.L. No. 8-20022 ; 9-5-2006 by L.L. No. 14-20063; 8-23-2016 by L.L. No. 8-20164] - This article is subject to a mandatory referendum as set forth in § 1449-bb of Article 31-D of the Tax Law. This article shall take effect after the approval at the general election to be held on November 8, 2016, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Southold and filing with the Secretary of State; and provided fiuther that the real estate transfer tax imposed by Local Laws No. 8-2002 of 2002 and No. 14-2006 of 2006 shall expire and be deemed repealed as to any conveyance taking place after December 31, 2050. ARTICLE V Water Quality Improvement [Adopted 8-23-2016 by L.L.No. 8-20165 § 1741. Purpose. A. The purpose of this article shall be to implement the authority delegated by the state to the Town of Southold pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Laws of 2015. B. Specifically, this article shall permit the Town to use up to 20% of the Community Preservation Fund's annual revenues to undertake water quality improvement projects, as defined herein, in order to preserve community character by improving water quality. The Town shall use the prior calendar's year revenue to determine the maximum amount available for water quality improvement project allocations pursuant to the state-mandated limit of up to 20%. C. Projects eligible for funding shall include: ) (1) Wastewater treatment improvement projects; (2) Non-point source abatement and control program projects developed pursuant to Section 11-b of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law, Section 1455b of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, or Article 42 of the Executive Law; (3) Aquatic habitat restoration projects; (4) Pollution prevention projects; and (5) The operation of the Peconic Bay National Estuary Program, as designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. D. Eligible projects shall also include those undertaken by the Town through a watershed protection improvement district, created pursuant to Article 12 or 12-A of Town Law. 2. Editor's Note: This local law was subject to a mandatory referendum and was approved by a majority of the qualified electors at the general election held 11-5-2002. 3. Editor's Note: This local law was subject to a mandatory referendum and was approved by a majority of the qualified electors at the general election held 11-7-2006. 4. Editor's Note:This local law passed at mandatory referendum on 11-8-2016. 5. Editor's Note:This local law passed at mandatory referendum on 11-8-2016. 17:22 01-01-2017 § 17-41 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND § 17-43 E. No monies from the fund shall be expended for a water quality improvement project by the Town unless such project has first been certified by the Town Board pursuant to § 17-45 herein. § 1742. Authority. Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Laws of 2015, the Town Board is hereby authorized to utilize revenues from the Community Preservation Fund to implement water quality improvement projects in accordance with a plan to preserve community character, pursuant to Article III of this chapter. A maximum of 20% of the Fund's annual revenues may be utilized for the implementation of water quality improvement projects, provided that where such water quality improvement funds are utilized for the operation of the Peconic Bay National Estuary Program, the use of such funds shall only be utilized to match federal, state, county, or other public or private funds on a dollar-for-dollar basis, not to exceed 10% of the annual amount appropriated for water quality improvement projects. § 1743. Defmitions. As used in this article, the following words and terns shall have the following meanings: AQUATIC HABITAT RESTORATION PROJECT — Planning, design, construction, management, maintenance, monitoring, reconstruction, revitalization, or rejuvenation activities intended to improve waters of the state of ecological significance or any part thereof, including, but not limited to, ponds, bogs, wetlands, bays, sounds, streams,rivers, or lakes and shorelines thereof, to support a spawning, nursery, wintering, migratory, nesting, breeding, feeding, or foraging environment for fish and wildlife and other biota. POLLUTION PREVENTION PROJECT — Planning, design, construction, improvement, maintenance or acquisition of facilities, production processes, equipment or buildings owned or operated by municipalities for the reduction, avoidance, or elimination of the use of toxic or hazardous substances, or the generation of such substances or pollutants so as to reduce risks to public health or the environment, including changes in production processes or raw materials. Such projects shall not include incineration, transfer from one medium of release or discharge to another medium, off-site or out-of-production recycling, end-of-pipe treatment, or pollution control. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN— A water quality improvement plan adopted pursuant to state or federal law, which has as its purpose the improvement of water quality in all or part of the Peconic Bay region, including, but not limited to: A. The comprehensive conservation and management plan (CCMP) for the Peconic Estuary Program pursuant to the National Estuary Program (P.L. 100-4) under the Clean Water Act (P.L. 92- 500); B. The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for the Long Island Sound Estuary Program,pursuant to the National Estuary Program(P.L. 100-4) under the Clean Water Act(P.L. 92-500); 17:23 01-01-2017 § 17-43 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-44 C. The South Shore Estuary Reserve Comprehensive Management Plan, pursuant to § 46 of the Executive Law; and D. The Long Island Nitrogen Management and Mitigation Plan, pursuant to Chapter 53 of the Laws of 2015, including any amendments or updates to such plans. STORMWATER COLLECTING SYSTEM — Systems of conduits and all other construction, devices, and appliances appurtenant thereto, designed and used to collect and carry stormwater and surface water, street wash, and other wash and drainage waters to a point source for discharge. VESSEL PUMPOUT STATION — The planning, design, acquisition, or construction activities in furtherance of a permanent or portable device capable of removing human sewage from a marine holding tank. WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT — (i) wastewater treatment improvement projects, (ii) non-point source abatement and control program projects developed pursuant to § 11-b of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law, § 1455b of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act, or Article 42 of the Executive Law, (iii) aquatic habitat restoration projects, (iv) pollution prevention projects, and (v) the operation of the Peconic Bay National Estuary Program, as designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Such projects shall have as their purpose the improvement of existing water quality to meet existing specific water quality standards. Projects which have as a primary purpose to permit or accommodate new growth shall not be included within this definition. WASTEWATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT — The planning, design, construction, acquisition, enlargement, extension, or alteration of a wastewater treatment _ facility, including alternative systems to a sewage treatment plant or traditional septic system, to treat, neutralize, stabilize, eliminate or partially eliminate sewage or reduce pollutants in treatment facility effluent, including permanent or pilot demonstration wastewater treatment projects, or equipment or furnishings thereof. An incentive or rebate program established by the Town Board for the upgrade of existing septic systems or cesspools shall constitute an eligible project within the definition of a wastewater treatment improvement project. Stormwater collecting systems and vessel pumpout stations shall also be included within the definition of a wastewater improvement project. § 1744. Community Preservation Fund Project Plan. A. Preservation of community character shall include the protection and improvement of the quality of all water resources. B. Before any revenues from the Community Preservation Fund may be spent on water quality improvement projects as defined in this article, all such projects shall first be approved by the Town Board as part of the Community Preservation Fund Project Plan, adopted pursuant to § 64-e of Town Law and Article H of Chapter 17 herein. C. Said plan shall prioritize each project to be undertaken pursuant to this article. In setting such priorities, the Town Board shall consider the most prevalent pollutants affecting water quality in the Town and which projects will maximize the removal of such 17.24 01-01-2017 § 17-44 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND § 17-45 pollutants in the most cost effective manner. The plan shall provide a detailed written elaboration for the cost benefits in setting such priorities on a project-by-project basis. D. Said plan shall list every water quality improvement project which the Town plans to undertake pursuant to the Community Preservation Fund, and shall state how such project will improve existing water quality, and the estimated maximum cost of such project. E. The proposed water quality improvement project shall be for the planning, design, or implementation of a capital project with a probable useful life of at least five years, pursuant to the state Local Finance Law. F. The proposed water quality improvement project shall be consistent with one or more regional water quality improvement plans. G. Such projects shall advance measurable water quality improvement for the Peconic Bay region. H. Such projects shall comply with specific existing or proposed state or regional water quality standards or targets. I. In the case of aquatic habitat restoration projects, the project shall'promote aquatic habitat restoration. J. In the case of pollution prevention projects, the project shall reduce, avoid, and/or eliminate the use of toxic or hazardous substances, or the generation of such substances. K. Projects which have as their purpose and effect the accommodation of new growth, as opposed to the remediation of water quality, shall not qualify for funding under this article. § 1745. Certification. A. No monies from the Community Preservation Fund shall be expended for a water quality improvement project by the Town unless such project has first been certified by the Town Board, by resolution,pursuant to this Article. B. In making such certification, the Town Board shall fmd as follows: (1) The proposed water quality improvement project is for the planning, design, or implementation of a capital project with a probable useful life of at least five years, pursuant to the state Local Finance Law; (2) The proposed water quality improvement project is consistent with one or more regional water quality improvement plans; (3) Such project advances measurable water quality improvement for the Peconic Bay Region; (4) Such project complies with specific existing or proposed state or regional water quality standards or targets; 17:25 01-01-2017 § 17-45 SOUTHOLD CODE § 17-46 (5) In the case of aquatic habitat restoration projects, the project will promote aquatic habitat restoration; and (6) In the case of pollution prevention projects, the projects will reduce, avoid, and/or eliminate the use of toxic or hazardous substances, or the generation of such substances. C. The Town Board shall not certify projects which accommodate new or additional growth. § 1746. Water Quality Advisory Committee. A. A Water Quality Advisory Committee shall be established pursuant to Town Board resolution to review and snake recommendations on proposed water quality improvement projects using monies from the Fund. B. Such committee shall consist of (five or seven) members who shall be residents of the Town and who shall serve without compensation. No member of the Town Board shall serve on said Committee, nor shall any member have a direct interest in any project for which funding is sought. C. The members shall include individuals with demonstrated expertise in water quality issues, estuarine science, civil engineering, shellfish restoration, or similar relevant credentials. D. The responsibilities of such Committee may include, but not be limited to, assisting in the development of the project plan, drafting requests for proposals to implement water quality improvement projects, reviewing and prioritizing proposed projects, and offering such further advice and recommendations as the Town Board may specify and deem necessary. 17:26 01-01-2017 Chapter 177 MUNICIPAL BUILDING ENERGY BENCHMARKING § 177-1. Definitions. § 177-4. Disclosure and publication of § 177-2. Applicability. benchmarking information. § 177-3. Benchmarking required for § 177-5. Maintenance of records. covered municipal buildings. § 177-6. Enforcement and administration. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 11-22-2016 by L.L. No. 11-2016. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 177-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: BENCHMARKING INFORMATION — Information generated by Portfolio Manager, as here in defined including descriptive information about the physical building and its operational characteristics. BUILDING ENERGY BENCHMARKING — The process of measuring a building's energy use, tracking that use over time, and comparing performance to similar buildings. COMMISSIONER— The head of the Department. COVERED MUNICIPAL BUILDING— A building or facility that is owned or occupied by the Town of Southold that is 1,000 square feet or larger in size. DEPARTMENT— The Town of Southold Department of Public Works ENERGY— Electricity, natural gas, steam, hot or chilled water, fuel oil, or other product for use in a building, or renewable on-site electricity generation, for purposes of providing heating, cooling, lighting, water heating, or for powering or fueling other end-uses in the building and related facilities, as reflected in utility bills or other documentation of actual energy use. ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE— The numeric rating generated by Portfolio Manager that compares the Energy usage of the building to that of similar buildings. ENERGY USE INTENSITY (EUI) — The kBTUs (1,000 British thermal units) used per square foot of gross floor area. GROSS FLOOR AREA — The total number of enclosed square feet measured between the exterior surfaces of the fixed walls within any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. PORTFOLIO MANAGER — ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, the internet-based tool developed and maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to track and assess the relative energy performance of buildings nationwide, or successor. 177:1 01-01-2017 § 177-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § 177-4 UTILITY— An entity that distributes and sells energy to covered municipal buildings. WEATHER NORMALIZED SITE EUI— The amount of energy that would have been used by a property under thirty-year average temperatures, accounting for the difference between average temperatures and yearly fluctuations. § 177-2. Applicability. A. This chapter is applicable to all covered municipal buildings as defined in § 177-1 of this chapter. B. The Commissioner may exempt a particular covered municipal building from the benchmarking requirement if the Commissioner determines that it has characteristics that make benchmarking impractical. § 177-3. Benchmarking required for covered municipal buildings. A. No later than December 31, 2016, and no later than May 1 every year thereafter, the Commissioner or his or her designee from the Department shall enter into Portfolio Manager the total energy consumed by each covered municipal building, along with all other descriptive information required by Portfolio Manager for the previous calendar year. B. For new covered municipal buildings that have not accumulated 12 months of energy use data by the first applicable date following occupancy for inputting energy use into Portfolio Manager, the Commissioner or his or her designee from the Department shall begin inputting data in the following year. § 177-4. Disclosure and publication of benchmarking information. A. The Department shall make available to the public on the internet benchmarking information for the previous calendar year: (1) No later than December 31, 2016, and by September 1 of each year thereafter for covered municipal buildings. B. The Department shall make available to the public on the internet and update at least annually the following benchmarking information: (1) Summary statistics on energy consumption for covered municipal buildings derived from aggregation of benchmarking information; and (2) For each covered municipal building individually: (a) The status of compliance with the requirements of this chapter; and (b) The building address,primary use type, and gross floor area; and 177:2 01-01-2017 § 177-4 MUNICIPAL BUILDING ENERGY BENCHMARKING § 177-6 (c) Annual summary statistics, including site EUI, Weather Normalized Source EUI, annual GHG emissions, and an energy performance score where available; and (d) A comparison of the annual summary statistics (as required by § 177-4B(2)(C) of this chapter) across calendar years for all years since annual reporting under this chapter has been required for said building. § 177-5. Maintenance of records. The Department shall maintain records as necessary for carrying out the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to energy bills and other documents received from tenants and/or utilities. Such records shall be preserved by the Department for a period of three years. § 177-6. Enforcement and administration. A. The Commissioner or his or her designee from the Department shall be the Chief Enforcement Officer of this chapter. B. The Chief Enforcement Officer of this chapter may promulgate regulations necessary for the administration of the requirements of this chapter. C. Within thirty days after each anniversary date of the effective date of this chapter, the Chief Enforcement Officer shall submit a report to the Town Board including but not limited to summary statistics on energy consumption for covered municipal buildings derived from aggregation of benchmarking information, a list of all covered municipal buildings identifying each covered municipal building that the Commissioner determined to be exempt from the benchmarking requirement and the reason for the exemption, and the status of compliance with the requirements of this chapter. 177.3 01-01-2017 § DL-1 DISPOSITION LIST § DL-1 Local Law Adoption No. Date Subject Disposition 4-2014 3-11-2014 Fire prevention and building code Ch. 144 administration amendment 5-2014 3-25-2014 Southold Community Preservation Ch. 17, Art. II Project Plan amendment 6-2014 4-8-2014 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 7-2014 6-17-2014 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 8-2014 6-17-2014 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 9-2014 8-26-2014 Stormwater management amendment Ch. 236 10-2014 8-26-2014 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 11-2014 10-21-2014 Southold Community Preservation Fund Ch. 17, Art. I; Ch. amendment; two-percent real estate 17, Art. IV transfer tax amendment 12-2014 12-2-2014 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 13-2014 12-16-2014 Subdivision of land amendment; zoning Ch. 240; Ch. 280 amendment 1-2015 3-10-2015 Officers and employees: residency Ch. 42, Art. III requirements 2-2015 3-10-2015 Southold Community Preservation Ch. 17, Art. R Project Plan amendment 3-2015 3-24-2015 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 4-2015 5-28-2015 Hunting Ch. 163 5-2015 6-30-2015 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail Ch. 197 merchants amendment 6-2015 8-11-2015 Zoning Map amendment NCM 7-2015 8-25-2015 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 8-2015 9-22-2015 Shellfish and other marine resources Ch. 219; Ch. 280 amendment; zoning amendment 9-2015 12-15-2015 Wetlands and shoreline amendment; Ch. 275; Ch. 280 zoning amendment 1-2016 1-19-2016 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 260 2-2016 3-22-2016 Water Supply Plan Map amendment NCM 3-2016 5-3-2016 Fire prevention and building code Ch. 144; Ch. 280 administration amendment; zoning amendment 4-2016 5-3-2016 Housing Fund amendment; zoning Ch. 34; Ch. 280 amendment 5-2016 6-14-2016 Peddlers, solicitors and transient retail Ch. 197 merchants amendment 6-2016 7-12-2016 Zoning Map amendment NCM DL:7 01-01-2017 § DL-1 SOUTHOLD CODE § DL-1 Local Law Adoption No. Date Subject Disposition 7-2016 8-23-2016 Zoning amendment Ch. 280 8-2016 8-23-2016 Community Preservation Fund: Ch. 17, Art. IV; two-percent real estate transfer tax Ch. 17,Art. V amendment; water quality improvement 9-2016 8-23-2016 Community Preservation Fund: Southold Ch. 17, Art. R Community Preservation Project Plan amendment 10-2016 10-18-2016 Tax levy limit override NCM 11-2016 11-22-2016 Municipal building energy benchmarking Ch. 177 DL:8 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX I DEFINITIONS NOTE:For the AGRICULTURAL- Investigation,75-1 convenience of the Code user,all CONSERVATION(A-C) Penalties for offenses,75-5,75-6, terms defined in this Code are in- DISTRICT(TWO-ACRE 75-8 cluded in the Index under the MINIMUM) Permit,75-3,754 heading"Definitions and Abbrevi- Subdivision of land,24042 Purpose,75-1 ations." AGRICULTURAL LANDS Rules and regulations,75-6 PRESERVATION Severability,75-7 Acquisition of development ALCOHOLIC:BEVERAGES -A- rights,70-4 Parks and recreation areas,193-9 ABANDONMENT Alienation of development rights, Police department rules and regu- Harbor management,157-8 70-5 lations,A290-15,A290-24 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Definitions,70-3 Public Consumption,79-1,79-2 37,215-43 Hearing,70-4,70-5 Consumption of alcoholic Solar energy systems,280-58, Improvement,70-2 beverages in public re- open space,70-2 stricted,79-1 280-62 Permits,70-5 Penalties for offenses,79-2 Subdivision of land,240-37 Purpose,70-2 Vehicle,79-1 Vehicles and traffic,260-23 Sale,70-4,70-5 ANCHORING Vehicles,motor-driven,264-19 Severability,70-6 Boats,docks and wharves,96-3, Wind energy,277-6 Title,70-1 96-7,96-11,96-12,96-22, Zoning,280-76,280-88 AGRICULTURAL PLANNED 96-23 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- STRUCTURES Zoning,280-170-280-181 13 Fire prevention and building con- AGRICULTURAL USES Flood damage prevention,148- struction,144-8,144-15 Farm stands 14,148-16,148-18,148-21 Landmark preservation,170-7 Appeals,72-11 Harbor management,157-4,157- Wetlands and shoreline,275-2, Area,yard and bulk regula- 6 275-5 tions,72-5,72-6 Wind energy,277-4 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-15, Definitions,72-6 ANIMALS 280-19,280-22,280-104, Farm stand offerings,72-7 Community Preservation Fund, 280-107,280-116,280-149, Farm stand permit required, 17-4 280-154 72-5 Dog Licensing and Identification ACCESSORY USES Farm stand permits issued Definitions,83-18 Historic Preservation District without requirements of Exemptions,83-23 (HDP),280-193 site plan approval,72-6 Fees,83-23 Plum Island Research District Maximum size of farm stand, Identification tag,83-24 (PIC),280-187 72-8 Issuance of license,83-24 Plum Island Research District Off-street parking,72-6 Legislative authority,83-16 (PIR),280-183 Parking,72-5,72-6 Licenses issued only by Town Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-15, Penalties for offenses,72-12 Clerk,83-20 280-17,280-22,280-27,280- Permit,72-12 Licensing,83-19 35,280-38,28041,28045, Setbacks,72-6 Notices,83-24 280-48,280-52,280-55,280- Variance procedures,72-11 Penalties for offenses,83-25 58,280-62,280-78,280-127, Zoning,72-5 Proof of vaccination against 280-172 Zoning Board of Appeals,72- rabies,83-21 ADOPTION OF RENUMBERED 11 Purpose,83-17 2006 CODE General provisions Rabies vaccinations,83-21 General provisions,1-14-1-18 Definitions,72-4 Records,83-24 ADVERTISING Purpose,72-2 Repeal of inconsistent local Tobacco advertising,249-1- Statutory authorization,72-3 laws or ordinances,83-26 249-5 Title,72-1 Term of license and renewals, Wind energy,2774 Variances,72-3 83-22 Zoning,280-80,280-81,280-85 AIR CONDITIONING Dogs,83-7-83-15 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Age requirements,83-6 Subdivision of land,240-10 36 Arrest warrant,83-9 Zoning,280-137 AIN POLLUTION Barking or howling,83-6 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Zoning,280-77.280-111 Confinement,83-12 (AHD)DISTRICT ALARM SYSTEMS Disposition,83-12 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- Alarm device,75-2,75-3,75-6 Enforcement,83-7 42 Charges for false alarms,75-6 Filing of complaints,83-8 Zoning,280-30 Definitions,75-2 Fine,83-13 AGE RESTRICTIONS Disorderly conduct,75-8 Impoundment,83-11,83-12 Zoning,280-30 Emergency,75-1,75-2,75-5,75- Penalties for offenses,83-13 AGPDD,see AGRICULTURAL 6 Permit,83-9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT False alarms,75-5,75-6 Prohibited activities,83-6 DISTRICT Fees,754 Property damage,83-6 Fine,75-8 Redemption,83-12 Intentional false alarms,75-5 Seeing Eye dogs,83-10 1 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Seizure of dogs at large,83-11 Plum Island Research District Ethics,26-13 Severability;83-14 (PIR),280-183 General provisions,1-4 Summons,83-9 Public entertainment and special Littering,174-5 When effective,83-15 events,205-6 Public hearings,notice of,55-1 Ducks,83-1-83-5 Records,59-8,59-10 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Deposit of waste matter in Subdivision of land,240-10,240- 5,215-33;215-50,215-52 Town waters prohibited, 45,240-57 Soil removal,228-6 83-4 Waterfront consistency review, Subdivision of land,240-7,240- Keeping of ducks for private 268-4,268-5 44 use,83-2 Zoning,280-4,280-9.280-13, Targeted Business Investment Penalties for offenses,83-5 280-17,280-22,280-28,280- Exemption.245-7 Permit,83-1,83-3,83-4 31,280-35,280-38,280-41, Taxation,245-3,245-4,245-8, Water,83-3,83-4 280-45,280-48,280-52,280- 245-9,245-11,245-12 Harbor management,157-11 55,280-58,280-62,280-78, Waterfront consistency review, Parks and recreation areas,193-2 280-79,280-81,280-86,280- 268-3,268-5 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 92,280-100,280-121,280- Wetlands and shoreline,275-4, 37,215-38 130,280-131,280-137,280- 275-6 Subdivision of land,240-44 140-280-142,280-144- Zoning,280-45,280-88,280-92, Waterfowl and Gull Feeding and 280-150,280-154 280-133,280-159 Domestic Pet Waste APPEARANCE TICKETS See also SUPERSTORM Appearance tickets,83-29 Animals,83-29 SANDY IMPACT,AS- Definitions,83-27 Appearance tickets,5-1-5-3 SESSMENT AND TAX Enforcement,83-29 Certain public servants authorized RELIEF FOR Fecal matter,83-28 to issue appearance tickets, ASSESSOR Livestock,domestic,83-28 5-2 Taxation,245-3 Penalties for offenses,83-28, Dogs,5-2 ASSESSORS 83-30 Parking,5-2,5-3 Election,9-1,9-2 Pet waste,83-28 Purpose,5-1 Approval by referendum,9-2 Pet waste disposal,83-28 Safety,5-2 Continuation as elective office, Police/Bay Constables,83-29 Sanitation.5-2 9-1 Prohibitions,83-28 Service of appearance tickets,5-3 Number,9-3-9-5 Sanitation,83-28 Signs,5-2 Amendment of Session Laws, Statutory authority,83-31 Vehicles,5-2 9-3 Stone sewers,83-28 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Approval by referendum,9-5 Waterfowl feeding,83-28 CO.NIMITTEE Conditions as to effectiveness, Zoning Inspector,83-29 Zoning,280-131 9-4 Waterfront consistency review, AREA,YARD AND BULK REG- 268-3 ULATIONS Zoning,280-13,280-17,280-58, Agricultural uses,72-5,72-6,72- _B_ 280-62, B- 280-62,280-78,280-85,280- 8 98,280-99,280-111 Community Preservation Project BACKFILLING 37-13 ANE%IALS,DOMESTIC Plan,17-13 Streets and sidewalks, 0-36 Wetlands and shoreline,27 Parks and recreation areas,193- Plum Island Research District Subdivision of land, ,275-11 3.1 (PIC),280-188 BACKGROUND CHECKS ANTENNAS Plum Island Research District Wireless Communication Facili- (PIR),280-184 Peddlers,solicitors and transient ties,280-76 1 Solar energy systems,280-58, retail merchants,197-7 BARRICADES Zoning,280-68,280-70,280-72, 280-62 280-73,280-76,280-76.2 Stormwater management,236-20 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- APARTMENTS Zoning,280-28,280-62,280-137 43 Streets and sidewalks,237-12, Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-22, ASBESTOS 280-27,280-38,280-45,280- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 237-13 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 48,280-78 43 APPEALS ASHES BATTERIES Agricultural uses,72-11 Parks and recreation areas,193-2 Junkyards,166-1 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Solar energy systems,280-58, 24-111-26 38 280-G2 Community Preservation Fund, ASSESSMENT AND TAX RE- BAY CONSTABLE 17-34 LIEF FOR SUPERSTORDI Powers and duties,219-23;275- Ethics,26-13 SANDY IMPACT,see SU- 12.1,275-15 Shellfish and other marine re- Expenses of town officers,30-1 PERSTORM SANDY IM- Flood damage prevention,148-4, PACT,ASSESSMENT AND sources,219-23 148-22 TAX RELIEF FOR Wetlands and shoreline,275-12.1, 275-15 Landmark preservation,170-11 ASSESSMENTS Lighting,outdoor,172-8 Buildings,unsafe;property BED-AND-BD-BREAKFAST Plum Island Research District maintenance,100-10 Zoning,280-13,280-52,280-55 (PIC),280-187 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- BICYCLES 10 Applicability,88-8 2 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Carrying children,88-5 Anchoring,96-7,96-11,96-12, Registration,96-10,96-24 Coasting,88-5 96-22,96-23 Regulation of personal watercraft Cutouts prohibited,88-4 Applicability,96-6 and specialty prop-craft,96- General provisions,1-2 Aquatic events,96-18 16 Light required,88-1 Bathing and swimming,96-19 Safety,96-14,96-15 Operation of bicycle,88-3 Boats,96-6-96-25 Sale,96-10,96-25 Parks,88-1-88-3,88-5 Definitions,96-7 Sanitary regulations,96-8 Penalties for offenses,88-7 Disabled,96-10 Scuba diving,96-20 Use of bell or whistle as alarm, Drug,96-15 Short title,96-6 88-2 Dumping,96-8 Signs,96-23,96-24 Use of sidewalks,88-6 Emergency,96-17 Spearfishing,96-21 Vehicles,88-1-88-6 Equipment,96-14 Speed limits,96-13 Zoning,280-137 Explosive,96-16 Storage,96-10,96-25 BINGO AND GAMES OF Floating Homes,96-26-96-29 Towing,96-12 CHANCE Definitions,96-27 Unnavigable boats,96-10 Bingo,92-1-92-11 Emergency,96-26 Vehicle,96-9,96-24 Bingo perutted,92-2 Legislative findings,96-26 Water,96-12,96-16 Leased premises,92-4 Permit,96-28 Water-skiers,96-12 License,92-2,92-3 Pollution,96-26 Zoning,280-137 Management and operation, Prohibited acts,96-28 BONDS 92-9 Recreation areas,96-26 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Maximum value of all prizes Safety,96-26 15,111-27,111-28 on one occasion,92-8 Severability,96-29 General provisions,14 Maximum value of single Storage,96-26 Highway specifications,161-46, prize,92-7 Water,96-26 16149 Penalties for offenses,92-11 Water pollution,96-26 Housing fund,344 Purchase of bingo equipment, Fuel,96-16 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 92-5 Garbage,96-8 42 Purpose,92-1 Gas,96-17 Soil removal,228-8,228-9 Remuneration prohibited,92- Gases,96-16 Stormwater management,236-20 10 Hazards to navigation,96-10 Streets and sidewalks,237-9, Use of proceeds,92-6 Hunt,96-20 237-18 Games of Chance,92-12-92-15 Inspection,96-24 Subdivision of land,240-3,240-7, Approval by electors,92-15 Internal-combustion engines,96- 240-20,240-23,240-25,240- Definitions,92-12 17 30-240-35,240-37,24045 Games of chance authorized, Liable,96-10,96-25 Wetlands and shoreline,275-9 92-13 - Lien,96-10,96-25 Zoning,280-137 License,92-13,92-14 Lighting,96-14 BRUSH,GRASS AND WEEDS Restrictions,92-14 Manner of operation,96-13 Burning,outdoor,104-1,104-2 BLOCK Mattituck Creek,96-23 Highway specifications,161-16, Fire prevention and building con- Mooring and anchoring,96-22 161-30 struction,1448 Mooring permits,96-24 Solid waste,233-4 Flood damage prevention,148-21 Mooring without a permit,96-25 Tourist and trailer camps,253-5 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- Mufflers,96-17 BUFFERS 17,240-21,240-45 Noise,96-17 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Wind energy,277-2 Notice,96-10,96-13,96-25 12 Zoning,280-4,280-116,280-133 Obstruction and Use of Town Subdivision of land,240-3,240- BLUE CLAN CRABS Waters,96-1-96-3 17,240-21,240-42,240-43, Shellfish and other marine re- Anchoring,96-3 24049 sources,219-11 Issuance of permits by Board Wetlands and shoreline,275-2, BOARD OF APPEALS of Trustees,96-3 2754,275-5,275-7,275-11 Powers and duties,280-146 Permit,96-1,96-3 Zoning,280-92,280-94-280-96, Zoning,280-145-280-150 Restricted areas at end of 280-118,280-137,280-143 BOATS,DOCKS AND Town highways,96-2 BUILDING INSPECTOR WHARVES Operation of boats near beaches Buildings,unsafe;property Administration and Enforcement, and bathers,96-11 maintenance,100-7,100-9 96-30-96-33 Operators,96-15 Electrical inspections,126-3 Compliance required,96-33 Parade,96-16 Filming,139-8 Enforcing officer,96-30 Parks,96-15 Fire prevention and building con- Fine,96-33 Permit,96-15,96-18,96-20,96- struction,144-8 Hearing,96-31,96-32 24,96-25 Flood damage prevention,148-11 Meeting,96-32 Public Docks,96-4,96-5 Powers and duties,100-9,280- Notice of violation,96-31,96- Definitions,96-4 151 32 Monopolization of docks, Soil removal,228-4 Notices,96-31-96-33 bulkheads and landing Solar energy systems,280-58, Penalties for offenses,96-33 places prohibited,96-5 280-62 Permit,96-31-96-33 Ramps,96-9 Streets and sidewalks,237-28 Record,96-10,96-25 3 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Waterfront consistency review, Fire prevention and building con- CHIEF ENFORCEMENT OF- 268-6 struction,144-8 FICER Wind energy,277-7 General provisions,1-2 Municipal building energy Zoning,280-6,280-8,280-13, Junkyards,166-3,166-7 benchmarking,177-6 280-31,280-81,280-85,280- BURNING,OUTDOOR Powers and duties,177-6 88,280-92,280-109,280- Agreement with Fire District, Reports,177-6 127,280-130,280-131,280- 104-1 CHURCH 146,280-151-280-155 Brush,104-1,104-2 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- BUILDING PERi1HTS Burning,104-1,104-2 41 Electrical inspections,126-3 Exclusions,1044 Streets and sidewalks,237-20 Ethics,26-21 Fine,104-5 Vehicles and traffic,260-17 Fire prevention and building con- Fires,104-1-104-3 Zoning,280-38,280-48,280-143 struction,144-3,144-8,144- Grass,104-1,104-2 CLAXIS 11,144-12,144-17 Grass fires,104-2 Shellfish and other marine re- Landmark preservation,170-5, Penalties for offenses,104-5 sources,219-9 170-6 Permit,104-1,104-2 CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Supervision of fires,104-3 Subdivision of land,240-10.240- 41 BUS STOPS 42-240-45 Streets and sidewalks,237-25, Vehicles and traffic,260-21,260- Zoning,280-137 237-26 27 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD Subdivision of land,240-10,240- AREAS 25 Administration and Enforcement, Wind energy,277-3,277-6 -C- 111-27-111-34 Zoning,280-8-280-10,280-31, T Bond,111-27,111-28 CAT et ALKS Coastal erosion management 280-70,280-71,280-74,280- g 114,280-121,280-124,280- Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 CEMETERIES permit,111-27 125,280-127,280-130,280- Conflicts,111-31 134,280-140,280-151- Zoning,CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL AEnforcement,111-29 TES 280-153,280-180 Environmental review,111-33 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE;PROP- Subdivision land,240-21 Fine,111-34 ERTY MAINTENANCE Hearing,CERTIFICATES OF C0141PLI- Hearing,111-27 Assessments,100-10 ANCE Inspections,111-29 Building Inspector,100-7,100-9 Electrical inspections,126-3 Interpretation,111-30 Cesspools,100-4 Flood damage prevention,148-14 Notice of violations,111-29 Contents of notice,100-7 Wetlands and shoreline,275-10, Penalties for offenses,111-29, Costs and expenses,100-7,100- 275-13 111-34 10 Zoning,280-4,280-13 Permit,111-27,111-28,111- Definitions,100-3 CERTIFICATES OF INSUR- 31 Emergency measures to vacate, ANCE Powers and duties of Admmis- Filming,139-3,139-11 100-9 trator,111-29 Filing a copy of notice,100-8 Public entertainment and special Records,111-29 Garbage,rubbish and refuse,100- events,205-7 Reports,111-27,111-29 4 CERTIFICATES OF OCCU- Severability,111-32 Hearings,100-7 PAriCY Sign,111-29 Inspection and report,100-5 Electrical inspections,126-3 Variances,111-27 Landscaping,100-4 Ethics,26-21 Water,111-29 Liability,100-11 Fire prevention and building con- Amendments,111-35,111-36 struction,144-15-144-18 Liens,100-10 Certification,111-36 Notices,100-9 Stormwater management,236-34 Hearing,111-35 Penalties for offenses,100-6, Streets and sidewalks,237-25 Newspaper,111-35 Subdivision of land,240-49 100-10,100-11 Notice,111-35 Zoning,280-4.280-10,280-13, Purpose,100-2 Procedure,111-35 Safety hazards,100-9 280-31,280-33,280-85,280- Report,111-35 112,280-130,280-151,280- Service of notice,100-6 Emergency Activities,111-17- Severability,100-12 154 111-19 Standards,100-4 CESSPOOLS Applicability,111-17 Title,100-1 Buildings,unsafe;property Emergency,111-17-111-19 Unsafe buildings,1004,100-5 maintenance,1004 Improper or insufficient notifi- Unsafe premises,100-4 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- cation,111-19 Vehicles,junked,100-4 2,2154,215-5,215-7,215- Notification.111-18,111-19 Violations and penalties,100-7 8,215-11,215-12,215-19, Permit,111-19 Water,1004 215-21,215-22,215-27,215- Safety,111-17,111-18 28,215-37,215-39 Wells,100-4 General Provisions,111-1-111- When effective,100-13 Soil removal,228-4 6 See also PROPERTY Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, Definitions,111-6 MAINTENANCE 275-5 Enactment,111-1 BURNING Findings,111-5 Burning,outdoor,104-1,104-2 Grading,111-6 4 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Purpose,111-4 COLD WAR VETERANS'TAX Severability,17-10 - Title,111-2 EXEMPTION Southold Community Preser- Water,111-5,111-6 Taxation,245-17,245-18 vation Fund established, Well,111-4,111-5 COMBUSTIBLE 17-5 When effective,111-3 Junkyards,166-1,166-7 Title,17-1 Wildlife,111-6 Soil removal,228-7 Water,17-8 Regulations,111-7—1 I1-16 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Wildlife,17-4,17-8 Anchored,111-13 Solid waste,233-1,2334 Southold Community Preserva- Assessment,111-10 Zoning,280-78,280-110 tion Project Plan,17-12,17- Beach area,111-12 COMMITTEES,APPOINT- 14,17-15 Bluff area,111-14 MENT OF Community Preservation Fund Bond,111-15 Committee members,13-2 Management and Stew- Buffer,111-12 Duties,13-3 ardship Plan adopted,17- Coastal erosion management Effect on statutory provisions,13- 13.1 permit,111-10,111-11 5 Legislative findings,17-12 Drainage,111-14 Establishment of committees,13- Open space,17-12 Dune area,111-13 1 Purpose,17-12 Erosion protection structures, Expenses,13-4 Severability,17-14 111-15 Meeting,13-3 When effective,17-15 Establishment,111-7 Minutes,13-3 Two-Percent Real Estate Transfer Excavation,111-10 When effective,13-6 Tax,17-19—17-40 Gas,111-10 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Additional exemptions,17-25 Grade,111-10—111-13 Police department rules and regu- Appeal,17-34 Nearshore area,11 I-11 lations,A290-45 Applicability,17-21 Obstructions,111-11,111-13 Tourist and trailer camps,253-14 Apportionment of considera- Open space,111-13 Zoning,280-13 tion subject to tax for Permit,111-8—111-15 COMMUNITY FACILITY property located only Record,111-10 Historic Preservation District partly within Town,17-33 Structural hazard area,111-10 (HDP),280-196 Confidentiality,17-37 Traffic control,111-16 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Confidentiality of transfer tax Vehicles,111-16 FUND returns,17-37 Water,111-7,111-10,111-13, Community Preservation Fund Cooperative housing corpora- 111-14 Advisory Board,17-16—17- tion transfers,17-27 Well,111-13 18 Credit,17-26 Wildlife,111-13,111-15 Community Preservation Fund Definitions,17-20 Wildlife management,111-12, Advisory Board estab- Deposit and disposition of rev- 111-14 lished,17-16 enue,17-31 Variances and Appeals,111-20— Membership,17-16 Designation of agent by Coun- 111-26 Purpose,17-16 ty Treasurer,17-28 Appeal to Board of Review, Severability,17-17 Determination of tax,17-34 111-25 When effective,17-18 Easement,17-24 Coastal Erosion Hazard Board Community Preservation Project Effective date,17-40 of Review,11 I-24,111- Plan,17-13 Exemptions from tax,17-24 25 Community preservation project Filing of return,17-22 Expiration,111-23 plan adopted,17-13 Hearing,17-34 Fees,111-22 Southold Community Preserva- Imposition of tax,17-21 Format and procedure,111-21 tion Fund,17-1-17-11 Inspection,17-37 Hearing,111-23 Acquisition of interests in Insurance,17-32,17-34 Notice,111-25 property,17-7 Interest and civil penalties,17- Variances from standards and Alienation of land acquired us- 36 restrictions,111-20 ing fund moneys,17-9 Intergovernmental agreement COASTAL EROSION HAZARD Animal,17-4 authority,17-38 BOARD OF REVIEW Definitions,17-4 Judicial review,17-32 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Easement,17-9 Legislative findings,17-19 25 Effective date,17-11 Liability,17-23,17-29,17-31, COASTAL EROSION MAN- Findings,17-2 17-34,17-35 AGEMENT PERMIT Hearing,17-7 Liens,17-27,17-35 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Improvements,17-8 Natural features,17-19 10,111-11 Legislative purpose,17-3 Notice,17-32,17-34 CODE ENFORCEMENT OF- Management of lands acquired Open space,17-24 FICER pursuant to chapter,17-8 Parks,17-24 Powers and duties,219-23,275- Open space,17-4,17-8,17-9 Payment of tax,17-22 12.1 Parking,17-8 Penalty,17-35,17-36 Shellfish and other marine re- Parks,17-4 Petition to Town Supervisor, sources,219-23 Public hearing and other re- 17-34 Wetlands and shoreline,275-12.1 quirements,17-7 Proceedings to recover tax Wind energy,277-7 Purposes of fund,17-6 due,17-35 Sale,17-9 Records,17-22,17-34,17-35 5 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Referendum requirement,17- COUNTY CLERK Alter hydrology from pre-to post- 40 Zoning,280-175 development conditions, Refunds,17-30 CROSSWALKS 236-5 Report,17-34 Subdivision of land,240-3 Amplified sound,180-4 Sale,17-24 CURB Antenna,280-69 Severability,17-39 Highway specifications,1614, Antenna support structure,280-69 Use of tax,17-21 161-34,161-38,16141,161- Apartment,2804 Water Quality Improvement,17- 45,16146 Apartment house,2804 41-1746 Police department rules and regu- Appeal,1484 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION latrons,A290-37,A290-38 Appear and appear before,26-2 FUND NIANAGEN1ENT AND Streets and sidewalks,237-16 Applicant,236-5,240-3,275-2, STEWARDSHIP PLAN Subdivision of land,240-17,240- 280-4 Community Preservation Fund, 21,240-45 Application,275-2 17-13.1 Vehicles and traffic,260-27 Application for development, COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Zoning,280-4,280-55,280-78, 2804 PROJECT PLAN 280-92,280-131,280-133, Aquaculture,275-2,280-4 Area,yard and bulk regulations, 280-137 Aquatic habitat restoration pro- 17-13 CURBS ject,17-43 Community Preservation Fund, Zoning,280-131 Archives,59-13 17-13 Area light,172-2 Meeting,17-13 Area of shallow flooding,1484 Wetlands,17-13 -D- Area of special flood hazard,148- COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 4 DECKS Flood damage prevention,148-22 re pArmed forces,245-17 Fire and building con- Soil removal,228-6 144-8 Artisan market,280-191 Subdivision of land,240-3,240-4, structiN INDEAINIFICA- Artist studio/workshop,280-191 240-10,240-11,240-19,240- DEFENSE AND NDAs-built plans,275-2 42,240-43,240-53 TION Asset,280-25 Zoning;280-29 Adoption of statutory provisions, ASTM,215-36 CONFIDENTIALITY 21-1 Attendant,233-1 Community Preservation Fund, Town to provide defense for em- Authorized private receptacle, 17-37 ployees,21-2 174-1 Police department rules and regu- DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVI- Auto,166-2 latrons,A290-41 ATIONS303(d)list23G-5 Automobile sales lot or building, , CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 280-4 Access,280-4 Ethics,ZG-3 Automobile trailer or house car, Water Quality Advisory Commit- Accessory apartment,280-4 253-1 tee,17-46 Accessory building or structure, Auto repair shop,280-4 CONSTRUCTION 280-4 Base flood,148-4 Stormtivater management,236-7, Accessory structure,275-2 Basement,148-4,280-4 236-9,236-18-236-20,236- Accessory use,280-4 Base station equipment,280-69 30 Access path,275-2 Bay,275-2 Subdivision of land,240-10 Acquisition,185-3 Beach,111-6,275-2 268-3 Actions, Wetlands and shoreline,275-5, Bed-and-breakfast,280-4 275-11 Active duty,245-17 Benchmarking information,177-1 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Adaptive reuse,170-3 Benz,2804 280 4 Sewers and sewage disposal.215- Addition, Best management practices 16 Administrative permit,275-2 (BMPs),236-5 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Administrator,111-6 Billboard,280-4 Wind energy,2774 Advisory board,17-4 Block,280-4 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Aesthetics,275-2 Bluff,111-6,275-2 268-3ency, Peddlers,solicitors and transient AgBluff line,275-2 retail merchants,197-6 Agricultural debris,233-1 Board,215-2,275-2 Agricultural lands,70-3 CONTRACTORS Boarding-and tourist houses, Stormwater management,236-22 Agricultural production,70-3,72- 2804 CONVENIENCE STORES 4,236-5 Board of appeals,280-4 Agricultural uses,72-4 Zoning,280-45,280-48 Board or Department of Public COSTS AND EXPENSES Agriculture,236-5,240-3,275-2, Health,253-1 Buildings,unsafe;property 2804 Boats,96-7 Agriculture and markets law,83- maintenance,100-7,100-10 ABoat/vessel,219-4,275-2 Solar energy systems,280-58, 18 BOD(denoting"biochemical ox- 280-62 Agriculture reserve area,240-3 ygen demand"),215-36 Stormwater management,236-31 Arrbome sound,180-4 Body fluids,A29045 Subdivision of land,240-10 Alarm installation,75-2 Bowriding,96-7 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Alienation,70-3,185-3 Breakaway wall,1484 Wind energy,277-6 Alteration,170-3,280-4 Breezeway,280-4 Zoning,280-76.2,Z80-177 Buffer,280-4 Buffer area,240-3,275-2 6 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX l Buildable area,280-4 Commercial solar energy produc- Decking,275-2 Buildable lands,240-3,280-4 tion system,280-4 Dedication,236-5,280-4 Building,148-4,236-5,280-4 Commercial vehicles,233-1 Demolition,170-3,280-4 Building area,280-4 Commission,64-3 Department,47-1,177-1,236-5, Building connection lateral,215- Commissioner,177-1 A290-46 36 Committee,70-3,185-3 Design manual,236-5 Building drain,215-36 Common driveway,240-3 Design professional,236-5 Building energy benchmarking, Common open space,280-4 Developer,236-5 177-1 Communicable disease,A290-45 Development,148-4,236-5 Building Inspector,236-5 Community facility,280-191 Development right,70-3,185-3 Building line,280-4 Community preservation,174 Development rights,280-171 Building or house sewer,215-36 Community preservation project Dial alarm,75-2 Building permit,144-3 plan,17-4 Direct actions,268-3 Bulkhead,275-2,280-4 Complainant,A290-36 Direct alarm,75-2 Camp cottage,253-1 Comprehensive plan,240-3 Direct discharge(to a specific Campsite,253-20 Condominium,280-4 surface water body),236-5 Canopy,1443 Conservation,240-3,275-2 Discharge,236-5 Cans,233-1 Conservation areas,primary,240- District,215-2,215-36 Carter,215-2 3 Dock,275-2 Catwalk,275-2 Conservation areas,secondary, Dock length,275-2 Cellar,148-4,280-4 240-3 Domestic livestock,83-27 Central alarm station,75-2 Conservation easement,240-3 Domestic or sanitary sewage, Certificate of compliance,280-4 Conservation subdivision,240-3 215-36 Certificate of occupancy,280-4 Consideration,17-20 Domestic pet(animal),83-27 Cesspool,215-2, Consistent,268-3 Double pole,237-31 Channel,236-5 Construction,236-5 Drainage right-of-way,240-3 Channel system,96-7,219-4 Construction activity,236-5 Drainage systems,236-5 Charitable event,180-4 Construction and demolition(c Drain field,215-2 Child care,280-4 &camp;d)debris,233-1,275- Drain layer or licensed drain lay- Child-care center,249-2 2 er,215-36 Chlorine demand,215-36 Construction device,180-4 Dune,111-6,275-2 Churning,2194 Consumer price index,280-25 Dwelling,249-2 Cigarette,249-2 Containment,219-4 Dwelling,multiple,280-4 Cigarette tobacco,249-2 Continuing care facility,280-4 Dwelling,one-family,280-4 Clean fill,236-5 Controlling interest,17-20 Dwelling,row or attached,280-4 Clean Water Act,236-5 Convenience store,280-4 Dwelling,semidetached,280-4 Clearing,236-5,240-3,275-2 Conveyance,17-20,280-25 Dwelling,two-family,280-4 Clerk,275-2 Cooling water,215-36 Dwelling unit,280-4 Clerk of the Planning Board,240- Cooperative,280-4 Easement,215-2,240-3,280-4 3 Corrugated cardboard,233-1 Eel,2194 Club,beach,280-4 Court,depth of outer,280-4 Elevated building,148-4 Club,membership or country or Court,inner,280-4 Emergency alarm,75-2 golf,280-4 Court,outer,2804 Employee,47-1 Club,yacht,280-4 Court,width of outer,280-4 Energy,177-1 Cluster,240-3,2804 Covered municipal building,177- Energy Code,144-3 Coastal area,268-3 1 Energy performance score,177-1 Coastal assessment form(caf), Crawl space,1484 Energy use intensity(EUI),177-1 268-3 Creeks,275-2 Engineer,240-3 Coastal erosion hazard area map, Critical environmental areas,275- Enlargement,280-4 111-6 2 Environment,268-3 Coastal erosion hazard line,275-2 Crops,livestock and livestock Equipment shelter,280-69 Coastal high-hazard area,148-4 products,280-98 Erosion,111-6,236-5 Coastal waters,111-6 Crosswalk,240-3 Erosion control,275-2 Coastline,111-6 Cul-de-sac,280-4 Erosion Control Manual,236-5 COD(denoting chemical oxygen Cul-de-sac(court),240-3 Erosion hazard area,111-6 demand),215-36 Culling,219-4 Erosion protection structure,111- Cold War veteran,245-17 Cultural features,240-3 6 Co-location,280-69 Curb cut,280-4 Erosion,sedimentation and Combined sewer,215-36,236-5 Curb level,280-4 stormwater runoff control Commence(commencement of) Curbline,260-1 plan,236-5 construction activities,236-5 Customer or client,26-2 Essential lighting,172-2 Commercial agriculture,275-2 Custom workshop,280-4 Excavation,236-5 Commercial dock,275-2 Days,47-1 Excessive lighting,172-2 Commercial purposes,219-4 dB(A),180-4 Existing manufactured home park Commercial self-haulers,233-1 Debris line,111-6 or subdivision,1484 Commercial service equipment, Dee,215-36 Existing resource and site analy- 1804 Decibel("dB"),180-4 sis plan(ersap),240-3 Deck,275-2,280-4 Existing structure,111-6 7 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Expansion to an existing manu- Functionally dependent use,148- IESNA recommended practices, factured home park or subdi- 4 172-2 vision,148-4 Fund,17-4,17-20,34-3 Illegal dumping,233-1 Exterior lighting,172-2 Gabion,275-2 Illicit connections,236-5 Exterior property,100-3 Garage,private,280-4 Illicit discharge,236-5 Facade,170-3 Garage,public,2804 Illuminance,172-2 Fall zone,280-69 Garage,repair,280-4 Immediate family member,26-2 False emergency alarm,75-2 Garbage,100-3,174-1,215-36 Immediate project area,275-2 Family,280-4 Garden center,280-191 Immediate supervisor,47-1 Family/household,A290-36 Gasoline service station.2804 Impacted tax roll,245-20 Family member,280-4 Gift and financial benefit,26-2 Impervious surface,236-5,275-2, Family offense,A290-36 Glare,172-2 280-4 Fame,2804 Glass,233-1 Improved value,245-20 Fain buildings,2804 Gold star parent,245-15 Income eligible individu- Farm stand,724,2804 Golf course,standard regulation, als/families,34-3 Federal emergency management 280-4 Individual sewage treatment sys- agency,148-4 Government Liaison Officer,280- tem,236-5 Feed,83-27 25 Indoor dog and cat care facility, Feeding,83-27 Grading,111-6,236-5,240-3 2804 Fence,2804 Grantee,17-20 Industrial activity,236-5 Filling,236-5 Grantor,17-20 Industrial sewage or wastes,215- Final plat,240-3 Greenhouse,280-4 36 Final plat approval,240-3 Grievance,47-1 Industrial storinwater permit, Final stabilization,236-5 Grocery store,280-4 236-5 Fire departments,75-2 Groin,275-2 Infiltration,236-5 Fire or police alarm device,75-2 Gross floor area,177-1 Interest in real property,17-20 First-time homebuyer,17-4 Ground floor,280-4 Interior-mounted,280-69 Fish processing,280-4 Ground-mounted,280-69 Intrusion,75-2 Fixed dock,275-2 Guest,219-4 Jetty,275-2 Fixed gear,219-4 Guest unit,280-4 Junked vehicle,100-3 Fixture,172-2 Guyed antenna support structure, Junkyard,280-4 Flat or mansard roof,280-4 280-69 Jurisdictional wetland,236-5 Flea market.280-4 Habitable floor area,280-4 Lamp,172-2 Float,275-2 Habitat,275-2 Land,100-3 Floating dock,275-2 Habitat fragmentation,275-2 Land-based aquaculture,219-4, Floating home,96-27 Handbill,174-1 2804 Floating home marina,96-27 Harvesting,275-2 Land development activity,236-5 Flood boundary and floodway Hazardous materials,236-5 Landmark designation,280-4 map(fbfm),148-4 Head of household,280-25 Landowner,236-5 Flood elevation study,148-4 Health care facility,280-4 Landscaped buffer,268-3 Flood hazard area,2804 Height,280-69 Landscape lighting,172-2 Flood hazard boundary map Height of accessory building, Landscaping,280-4 (f ibm),1484 280-4 Landward,275-2 Flood insurance rate map(firm), Height of building,280-4 Larger common plan of develop- 148-4 Highest adjacent grade,1484 ment or sale,236-5 Flood insurance study,148-4 Highway,237-5 Latest class ratio,245-17 Flood or flooding,1484 Historic,170-3 Latest state equalization rate,245- Floodplain,280-4 Historical society,280-4 17 Floodplain or flood-prone area, Historic building,280-4 Lattice antenna support structure, 1484,240-3 Historic significance,64-3 280-69 Floodproofing,148-4 Historic structure,1484 Laws and ordinances,A290-46 Floodway,148-4 Holiday lighting,172-2 Licensing authority,75-2 Floor area,2804 Holidays,260-1 Life care community,2804 Floor area,livable,2804 Home business office,280-4 Light industrial uses,280-4 Floor area ratio,280-4 Home occupation,280-4 Light industry,280-4 Flush-mounted,280-69 Homeov mer's light residential Lighting,172-2 Food catering facility,2804 outdoor equipment,180-4 Light pollution,172-2 Food processing facility,280-4 Homeowners'or homes associa- Light source,172-2 Footcandle(FC),172-2 tion,275-2,280-4 Light trespass,172-2 Fraternal organization,280-4 Home professional office,280-4 Litter,100-3,174-1 Frontage,280-4 Horticulture,275-2 Livable floor area,111-6 Front or frontage,237-23 Hotel or motel,resort,2804 Living area,2804 Full cutoff(FCO),172-2 Hotel or motel,transient,280-4 Loading berth,280-4 Fully shielded,172-2 Household,280-25 Local administrator,148-4 Functional,275-2 Housing,34-3 Local waterfront revitalization Functional bulkhead,275-2 Identification tag,83-18 program or lwrp,268-3 Functional jetty/groin,275-2 IESNA,172-2 Lot,240-3,280-4 Lot area,280-4 8 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Lot,comer,280-4 Natural outlet,215-36 Partial self-service gasoline ser- Lot coverage,280-4 Natural protective feature,111-6, Nice station,280-4 Lot depth,280-4 236-5,268-3 Patent lands,2194,275-2 Lot,interior,2804 Natural protective feature area, Patio,280-4 Lot line,2804 111-6 Peak lunar tides,275-2 Lot]me,front,2804 Natural vegetated buffer,268-3 Peddler,197-2 Lot line modification,240-3 Natural watercourse,236-5 Performance bond,240-3 Lot line,rear,280-4 Natural watershed,236-5 Performance guaranty,280-4 Lot line,side,280-4 Nearshore area,111-6 Period of war,245-15 Lot,rear or flag,2804 Net worth,280-25 Permanent fixed improvement, Lot,through,280-4 New construction,148-4 280-25 Lot width,280-4 New manufactured home park or Permanent mooring,96-7 Lower-and moderate-cost hous- subdivision,1484 Permanent resident,2194 ing,2804 Newspaper,174-1,233-1 Permit holder,144-3 Lowest floor,1484 New York Scemc Byway(North Person,17-20,26-2,83-18,83- Low-profile jetty,275-2 Fork Trail),268-3 27,964,96-27,100-3,111- Low-sill bulkhead,275-2 Noise pollution,180-4 6,144-3,166-2,174-1,180- Lumen,172-2 Nonconforming building or steno- 4,197-2,215-2,215-36,233- Luminaire, ,197-2,215-2,215-36,233- Luminaire,172-2 ture,280-4 1,237-5,249-2,275-2,2804 Main floor,2804 Nonconforming lot,280-4 Personal watercraft,96-7 Maintenance agreement,236-5 Nonconforming use,280-4 Pervious nonturf buffer,268-3 Maintenance dredging,275-2 Nondisturbance buffer,275-2 Pervious surface,236-5 Major addition,111-6 Nonessential exterior lighting, pH,215-36 Man-made pond,275-2 172-2 Phasing,236-5 Manufactured home,148-4 Nonfertilizer,275-2 Pier,275-2 Manufactured home park or sub- Nonpoint source pollution,236-5 Pier line,275-2 division,148-4 Nonrecyclable waste,233-1 Planning board,280-4 Manufacturing,2804 Nonresident,2194 Planning board or board,240-3 Map,237-23 Nonstormwater discharge,236-5 Plastics,233-1 Mariculture,219-4,280-4 Nonturf buffer,275-2 Plat,280-4 Marina,96-27,275-2 Normal maintenance,111-6 Platform,275-2 Marina or boat basin,2804 NPDES,215-36 Police headquarters,75-2 Marine resources,219-4 Nuisance wildlife,268-3 Pollutant,236-5 Master plan,280-4 Nursery school,280-4 Pollutant of concern,236-5 Material,275-2 Occupant,100-3 Pollution prevention project,17- Mean high water(mho►•),275-2, Off duty,A290-46 43 2804 Officer,A29046 Pond,275-2 Mean low water,111-6 Official map,240-3 Portfolio manager,177-1 Mean low water(mlw),275-2 Official time standard,260-1 Preexisting nonpemritted and/or Mean sea level,148-4 Off-premises sign,280-4 nonconforming structures, Member,A290-46 Off-street parking space,2804 275-2 Minor actions,268-3 On duty,A290-46 Preliminary plat,240-3 Mobile home,1484 One-hundred-year flood,148-4 Premises,100-3,236-5 Moderate-income family,280-25 One-hundred-year floodplain, Preservation,240-3 Moderate-income family dwelling 236-5 Primary dune,111-6 unit,280-25 On-site system,215-2 Primary frontal dune,148-4 Moderate-income family unim- Olsen development area,240-3 Primary residence,280-25 proved lot,280-25 Open space,280-4 Primary residential property,17-4 Modification,280-69 Open space or open area,185-3 Principal building,111-6,280-4 Monopole,280-69 Operations,275-2 Principally above ground,148-4 Monopolize,96-4,275-2 Order of protection,A290-36 Principal use,2804 Mooring,275-2 Ordinary and usual maintenance, Priority water body,268-3 Motel,resort,280-4 275-2 Private dwelling,249-2 Motel,transient,280-4 Ordinary maintenance,280-69 Private premises,174-1 Mount,280-69 Original structure,275-2 Private warehousing,280-4 Mounting height,172-2 Outdoor storage,2804 Proactive restoration,275-2 Movable structure,111-6 Outside employer or business,26- Probable cause,A290-36 Multiple dwelling,249-2 2 Processed agricultural product, Multiple dwelling unit,249-2 Owner,83-18,100-3,237-23, 72-4 Municipal permit,236-5 280-4 Professional,A290-46 Municipal separate storm sewer Owner of record,83-18 Professional office,2804 system(MS4),236-5 Park,174-1,249-2 Project,236-5 National geodetic vertical datum Park and recreation fee,240-3 Property,245-20 (ngvd)",148-4 Park dedication,240-3 Publicly owned property,83-27 Natural buffer,240-3 Parking capacity,205-2 Public parking lot,260-1 Natural drainage,236-5 Parking lot,2804 Public place,174-1 ' Natural features,resources or sys- Partially shielded,172-2 Public property,264-3 tems,240-3 Public sewer,215-36 9 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLDINDEX Public warehousing,280-4 Roof-mounted,280-69 Standard subdivision,240-3 Public water:public sewer,2804 Rubbish,100-3,174-1 Start of construction,148-4 Qualified inspector,236-5 Rules,130-2 State Pollutant Discharge Elimi- Qualified owner,245-17 Run at large,83-18 nation System(SPDES), Qualified professional,236-5 Rural significance,64-3 236-5 Qualified residential real proper- Salvage center,211-1 State Pollutant Discharge Elimi- ty,245-17 Sand dunes,148-4 nation System(SPDES) Radio frequency(RF)emissions Sanitary sewer,215-36 General Permit for Construc- or radiation,280-69 Scap net,219-4 tion Activities GP-0-10-001, Radio frequency(RF)profession- Scavenger waste pretreatment fa- 236-5 al,280-69 cility,215-2 Stop-work order,236-5 Radio frequency(RF)signal,280- Scenic significance,64-3 Storm sewer or storm drain,215- 69 School,249-2 36 Real property,17-20 Seasonal structure,275-2 Stormwater,215-36,236-5 Receding edge,111-6 Secondary dune,111-6 Stormwater collecting system,17- Recession rate,111-6 Sedimentation,236-5 43 Recharge,236-5 Sediment control,236-5 Stormwater hotspot,236-5 Recording officer,17-20 - Sensitive areas,236-5 Stormwater management,236-5 Records,59-13 Septage(scavenger waste),215-2 Stormwater management control Records center,59-13 Septic tank,215-2,2804 plan,236-5 Records disposition,59-13 Seqra,240-3 Stormwater management facility, Records management,59-13 Service connected,245-17 236-5 Recreation,active,240-3 Servicing,59-13 Stormwater Management Officer Recreational areas,193-1 Setback,275-2,280-4 (SMO),236-5 Recreational facilities,280-4 Sewage,215-36 Stormwater management practic- Recreational vehicle,148-4,253- Sewage treatment plant,215-2, es(SMPs),236-5 20,280-4 215-36 Stormwater pollution prevention Recreational vehicle park,253-20 Sewage works,215-36 plan(SWPPP),236-5 Recreational vehicle site,253-20 Sewer or drain,215-36 Stormwater runoff,236-5 Recreation facility,commercial, Sheathing,275-2 Story,2804 280-4 Shellfish,2194 Story,half,280-4 Recreation,passive,240-3 Shopping center,280-4 Street,237-23,280-4 Recyclable,mandated,233-1 Shoreline structure,275-2 Street,arterial,240-3 Recyclable,other,233-1 Side-mounted,280-69 Street,collector,240-3 Recyclable wood,233-1 Sign,280-4 Street line,2804 Refuse,174-1,233-1 Sign area,280-4 Street,local,240-3 Refiise hauler/carter,233-1 Significant fish and wildlife habi- Street or right-of-way width,240- Regional water quality improve- tat,111-6,268-3 3 ment plan,17-43 Silt boom,275-2 Stripping,236-5 Regulated activity,111-6 Site plan,280-4 Structural alteration,280-4 Regulation equipment,A290-46 Site preparation,236-5 Structural components,275-2 Regulatory floodway,148-4 Skyglow,172-2 Structural hazard area,111-6 Relative,26-2 Sloping roof,280-4 Structure,70-3,111-6,148-4, Relief Act,245-20 Slugs,215-36 185-3,236-5,275-2,280-4 Removal,170-3 Small business office,280-191 Structure-mounted,280-69 Rental permit,280-4 Small wind energy system,277-1, Subdivision,240-3 Research laboratory,280-4 280-4 Subordinate of a town officer or Resident,83-18 Smokeless tobacco,249-2 employee,26-2 Residential,275-2 Solar power fast track program, Subsoil drainage,215-36 Residential cluster,280-4 144-3 Substantial damage,148-4 Residential dock,275-2 Solicitor and/or canvasser,197-2 Substantial improvement,148-4 Residential horticulture,275-2 Sound,275-2 Siibtidal,275-2 Residential self-haulers,233-1 Sound-level meter.180-4 Superintendent,193-1,215-36, Resource buffer area,275-2 Spawner sanctuary,275-2 237-5 Responsible party,236-5 SPDES General Permit for Superior officer,A290-46 Restaurant,2804 Stormwater Discharges from Superstorm Sandy,245-20 Restaurant,formula food,280-4 Municipal Separate Storm- Supervisory officer,A29046 Restaurant,take-out,280-4 water Sewer Systems GP-O- Surface waters of the State of Restoration,111-6 10-002,236-5 New York,236-5 Resubdivision,240-3 Special conditions,236-5 Suspended solids,215-36 Retail sales area,72=4 Special event,205-2 Swimming pool,280-4 Retail store,2804 Special exception use,280-4 Swim platform,275-2 Retaining wall,275-2,280-4 Special projects coordinator,280- Taking,219-4 Revetment,275-2 25 Taxpayer,219-4 Right-of-way lies,280-4 Specialty prop-craft,96-7 Telecommunication tower,2804 Riprap,275-2 Split-rail fence,275-2 Temporary anchoring,96-7 Roadside farm stand or agricul- Stabilization,236-5 Temporary stabilization,236-5 tural stand,2804 Standard installation,144-3 Tent,144-3 10 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Tidal�vaters,275-2 Wetland boundary or boundaries DISCLOSURE PROVISIONS Tobacco,249-2 of wetland,275-2 Zoning,280-174 Tobacco product,249-2 Wetlands(freshwater),275-2 DISCRIAIINATION Tobacco product advertisement, Wetlands(tidal),275-2 Personnel,47-2 249-2 Wharf,275-2 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Toe,111-6 Width of creek,275-2 Alarm systems,75-8 Topsoil,236-5 Wildlife protective structures, Police department rules and regu- Total assessed value,245-20 111-6 lations,A290-9,A290-15 Total maximum daily load Wireless carver,280-69 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- (TMDL),236-5 Wireless communication facility, 40 Tourist camp,253-1,280-4 280-4 DOCKS Tourist cottage,280-4 Wireless communications,2804 Wetlands and shoreline,275-5, Tower height,277-1 Wireless communications facility, 275-7,275-11 Town,17-20,34-3,83-18,130-2, 280-69 DOGS 174-1,237-5,275-2 Wireless services,280-69 Ammals,83-6-83-12 Town agency,130-2 Yard,280-4 Appearance tickets,5-2 Town board,237-5,280-4,A290- Yard,front,280-4 Parks and recreation areas,193- 46 Yard line,280-4 3.1 Town garbage bag,233-1 Yard,rear,280-4 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Townhouse,280-4 Yard,side,280-4 retail merchants,197-5,197- Town officer or employee,26-2 Yield,240-3 10 Town of Southold,75-2 Youth,68-2 DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS Town supervisor,17-20 Youth service project,68-2 Fees,121-5 Town waters,96-27,219-4,275-2 Zone,280-4 Filing of statements,121-5 Trail,240-3 Zoning Board,280-4 Penalty,1214,121-5 Trailer or mobile home,2804 Zoning Map,2804 Purpose and objectives,121-2 Trained contractor,236-5 DEMOLITION Record,121-4 Transfer of sanitary flow credits, Fire prevention and building con- Requirements,121-3 117-3 struction,144-5,1448 Statement of domestic partner- Transfer station,private,233-1 Highway specifications,161-21 ship,121-4 Transfer station,Town,233-1 Landmark preservation,170-2- Title,121-1 Transient rental property,2804 170-7,170-9,170-10 DRAINAGE Transient retail business,197-2 Solid waste,233-1,233-4 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Treasurer(county treasurer),17- Wetlands and shoreline,275-2 14 20 Zoning,280-140 Fire prevention and building con- Tropical hardwood,275-2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC struction,144-10 Trustees,275-2 WORKS Flood damage prevention,148- Uniformity ratio("U Ratio"), Municipal building energy 12,148-15-148-17,148-19 172-2 benchmarking,177-4 Highway specifications,161-2- Unit,253-1 DESIGN STANDARDS 161-4,161-8,161-9,161-13, Unlicensed motor-driven vehicle, Flood damage prevention,148- 161-18,161-25,161-27- 264-3 14,148-18 161-33,161-36,161-45 Unregulated activity,111-6 Stormwater management,236-7, Junkyards,1664 Unshielded fixture,172-2 236-18 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Usable open space,2804 Subdivision of land,240-36 28,215-36,215-38,215-39 Use,280-4 Zoning,280-70,280-72 Soil removal,228-2,228-4,228- Use,accessory,280-4 DIRECTOR OF CODE EN- 5,228-7 Utility,177-1,237-31 FORCEMENP Storm-water management,236-13, Variance,148-4 Powers and duties,275-15 236-18 Vegetated wetlands,275-2 Wetlands and shoreline,275-15 Subdivision of land,240-3,2404, Vegetation,111-6 DIRT 240-7,240-9-240-11,240- Vehicles,1741,193-1 Highway specifications,161-9 17,240-19-240-21,240-23, Vessel pumpout station,17-43 Parks and recreation areas,193-2 240-25,240-30,240-32,240- Veteran,245-15 Peddlers,solicitors and transient 35-240-37,240-41,240-44, Waler,275-2 retail merchants,197-10 240-51 Wastewater,236-5 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Tourist and trailer camps,253-5, Wastewater treatment improve- 21,215-37 253-22 ment project,17-43 Streets and sidewalks,237-20 Wetlands and shoreline,275-5- Watercourse,215-36,236-5 DISABILITY 275-7,275-11 Water-dependent uses,275-2 Police department rules and regu- Zoning,280-4,280-78,280-91, Waterfowl,83-27 lations,A290-3 280-127,280-129,280-133 Water quality improvement pro- Taxation,245-18 DREDGING ject,17-43 DISABLED BOATS Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Water quality standard,236-5 Boats,docks and wharves,96-10 DRIVEWAYS Waterway,236-5 Harbor management,157-12 Highway specifications,161-39, Waterways,83-27 DISABLED VETERANS 161-46 Weather normalized site EUI, Taxation,245-18 Littering,1742 177-1 Soil removal,228-4 11 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Subdivision of land,240-3,240- Duties of Electrical Inspector, ENI,IRON11ENTAL QUALITY 45 126-3 REVIEW Tourist and trailer camps,253-3, Emergency,126-3 Actions involving more than one 253-10,253-11,253-22 Inspections,126-1-126-3 agency,130-18 Vehicles and traffic,260-9,260- Insurance,126-2 Compliance required,130-3 15,260-17,260-18,260-27 Penalties for offenses,126-5 Decision to approve or disap- Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, Permit,126-3 prove action,130-14 275-5 Reports,126-3 Definitions,130-2 Zoning,280-48,280-78,280-85, Restrictions on materials,126-4 Environmental impact statement, 280-92,280-93,280-137 Severability.126-6 130-9-130-14 DRUG When effective,126-7 Exceptions,130-3 Boats,docks and wharves,96-15 ELEVATORS Fee,130-19 Taxation,245-1 Flood damage prevention,148-16 Filing of copy of determination, Vehicles,motor-driven,264-15 Zoning,280-104 130-16 Zoning.280-13 EMERGENCIES Filing of written statement by ap- DUMP Buildings,unsafe;property plicant,130-5 Highway specifications,161-19, maintenance,100-9 Hearing,130-10-130-12 161-21 Police department rules and regu- Inspection,130-17 Junkyards,166-7 lations,A290-11 Maintenance of files open to pub- Parks and recreation areas,193-2 Solid waste,233-6 he inspection,130-17 DUMPING Stormwater management,236-29, Meetings,130-7 Boats,docks and wharves,96-8 236-32 Newspaper,130-6,130-10 Junkyards,166-3 Streets and sidewalks,237-13 Notice of completion of draft en- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Wetlands and shoreline.275-5, vironmental impact state- 27 275-11 ment,130-10 Solid waste,233-1,233-2,233-7 EMERGENCY Notice of completion of final en- DUST Alarm systems,75-1,75-2,75-5, vironmental impact state- Highway specifications,161-23 75-6 ment,130-13 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Boats,docks and wharves,96-17, Notice of receipt of complete ap- retail merchants,197-10 96-26 plication,130-6 Soil removal,228-2,228-5,228-7 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Notices,130-6,130-10,130-13, Zoning,280-13,28048,280-58, 17-111-19 130-17 280-62,280-91,280-99,280- Electrical inspections,126-3 Permits,130-5 111,280-143 Flood damage prevention,148-4, Preparation of draft environmen- 148-6,148-9.148-10,148-13 tal impact statement,130-9 -148-15,148-22 Preparation of final environumen- -E- Harbor management,157-6 tal impact statement,130-12 EASEDLENTS Highway specifications,161-20 Processing of proposed actions, Housing fund,34-2,34-6 130-8 Community Preservation Fund, Park and recreation areas,193-3 Processing of proposed actions 17-9,17-24 Police department,514 not affecting environment, General provisions,14 Police department rules and regu- 130-11 Highway specifications,161-2- lations,A290-3,A290-33 Required findings in written de- 161-4,161-13,161-18 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- termination,130-15 Landmark preservation,1704 23,215-38 Time limit,130-14 Sanitary flow credits,transfer of, Streets and srdew.lks,237-13, Time limit for written determma- 117-5 237-22 tion by agency,130-7 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Subdivision of land,240-10,240- Title,130-1 2,215-20,215-43,21544 42 Types of actions,130-4 Stormwater management,236-9 Vehicles and traffic,260-23 When effective,130-20 Subdivision of land,240-3,240- Vehicles,motor-driven,26418 EROSION AND SEDII4IENTA- 10,240-17,240-21,240-26- Waterfront consistency review, TION 240-28,24042,240-44,240- 268-3 Stormwater management,236-7, 51,240-54 Zoning,280-13,280-137,280- 236-18,236-34 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 143 Waterfront consistency review, Zoning-280-3,280-4,280-133, EMERGENCY VEHICLES 268-2 280-175,280-177,280-179, Flood damage prevention,148-22 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, 280-180 Highway specifications,161-20 275-11 EELS Vehicles,motor-driven,26418 ETHICS Shellfish and otfier marine re- ENIVIRONAIENTAL BIPACT Code of Ethics,26-1,26-2 sources,219-13 STATEMENT Definitions,26-2 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Environmental quality review, Legislative intent,26-1 Administration,126-1 130-9-130-14 Disclosure Requirements,26-17- Building Inspector,126-3 Subdivision of land,240-18,240- 26-20 Building permit,126-3 19,240-22,240-25 Annual disclosure,26-17 Certificate of compliance,126-3 Applicant disclosure,26-20 Certificate of occupancy,126-3 Designation of officers and Designation of Inspectors,126-2 employees required to file 12 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX annual disclosure state- Soil removal,228-1,228-3-228- Streets and sidewalks,237-10 ments,26-18 7 Subdivision of land,240-8,240- Licenses,26-17 Streets and sidewalks,237-4, 10,24049 Maintenance of disclosure 237-6,237-9,237-11-237- Tourist and trailer camps,2534 statements,26-19 13,237-16 Wetlands and shoreline,275-7 Permits,26-17 Subdivision of land,240-36 Wind energy,277-5 Retirement,26-17 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Zoning,280-13,280-74,280-81, Variances,26-17 Zoning,280-114,280-129 280-129,280-137,280-138, Ethics Board,26-21-26-25 EXPENSES OF TOWN OFFIC- 280-149 Building permits,26-21 ERS FENCES Certificates of occupancy,26- Appeals,30-1 Fire prevention and building con- 21 Compensation for expense of at- struction,144-8,144-10 Establishment of Ethics Board, tendance at official meetings, Height regulations,280-58,280- 26-21 30-1 62 Inspection,26-25 Meetings,30-1 Highway specifications,161-16, Investigations,26-21-26-23, EXPLOSION HAZARD 161-29,16141,161-42 26-25 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Junkyards,1664,166-7 Licenses,26-21 38 Soil removal,228-4,228-7 Meeting,26-21 EXPLOSIVES Solar energy systems,280-58, Permits,26-21 Boats,docks and wharves,96-16 280-62 Powers of the Ethics Board, Junkyards,166-1 Subdivision of land,240-36 26-22 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Tourist and trailer camps,253-15 Public inspection of Ethics 38 Wetlands and shoreline,275-2, Board records,26-25 Zoning,280-58,280-62,280-111 275-5,275-11 Records,26-23,26-25 Wind energy,277-4 Reports,26-25 Zoning'280-4,280-13,280-41, Review of lists and disclosure -F- 280-48,280-78,280-82,280- statements,26-24 85,280-92,280-94,280-99, Penalties,26-26-26-28 FALSE ALARAISAlarm systems,75-5,75-6 280-104-280-106,280-114, Debarment,26-28 FARMLAND BELL OF RIGHTS 280-133,280-134,280-149 Liable,26-26 Zoning,280-97-280-103 FILL Penalties for offenses,26-26 FARMS AND FARMING Flood damage prevention,148- Voidable contracts,26-27 12,148-15,148-18 Rules of Conduct,26-3-26-16 Fire prevention and building con- Highway specifications,161-25 Appeals,26-13 struction,144-8 Police department rules and regu- Appearances,26-10 Zoning,280-13,280-174 lations,A290-33,A290-36 Assessment,26-13 FARM STANDS Soil removal,228-7 Avoidance of conflicts,264 Agricultural uses,72-5-72-8, Stormwater management,236-18 Confidential information,26- 72-11,72-12 Streets and sidewalks,237-13 11 FECAL MATTER Wetlands and shoreline,275-6, Conflicts of interest,26-3 Annuals,83-28 275-11 Exclusion from Code of Eth- FEES FILMING ics,26-16 Alarm systems,75-4 Applications,139-3 83-23 General prohibition,26-5 Animals, Building Inspector,139-8 Coastal erosion hazard areas,11 I- Gifts,2G-8 Certificate of insurance,139-3, Goal,26-3 22 139-11 Inducement of others and brib- Domestic partnerships,121-5 Cleanup deposit,139-5 ery,26-15 Environmental quality review, Compliance with other laws,139- 130-19 Political solicitation,26-12 10 , Record,26-7 Fire prevention and building con- Exemption,139-2 Recusal,26-6 struction,144-8,144-11, Extension of permit period,139- Recusal procedure,26-7 144-15,144-18 13 Representation,26-9 Flood damage prevention,148-12 Fees,139-6 Restriction on elected official Historic Preservation District Inspection,139-12 280-195 or member of board,26- (HDP), Insurance,139-3,139-11 Junkyards,166-6 13 Insurance requirements,139-11 Landmark preservation,170-14 Revolving door,26-14 Liability,139-11 EXCAVATIONS Peddlers,solicitors and transient retail merchants,197-9 No alterations to Town property, Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- 139-9 10 Public entertainment and special No donations accepted,139-7 Fire prevention and building con- events,205-4,205-7 Notice,1394,139-8 struction,144-8 Records,59-9 Parking,139-3 215- disposal,disp , Highway specifications,161-2, Sewers and sewage Parks,139-8 161-17,161-18,161-25,161- 41 Penalties for offenses,139-14 29,161-30,161-36 Shellfish and other marine re- Permit,13 9-1-13 9-5,139-7- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- sources,219-7 139-13 42,215-43 Soil removal,228-11 Purpose,139-1 Solid waste,233-4,233-6 Safety,139-1,139-3 13 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Severability,139-15 Definitions and Abbreviations, FISHING Traffic control fee,139-4 144-3 Parking,189-3 Trees,139-9 Demolition,144-5,144-8 Vehicles and traffic,260-9 Vehicles,139-3 Drainage,144-10 FLAALMABLES When effective,139-16 Excavation,144-8 Junkyards,166-1 FINAL PLANS Farms and farming,144-8 Sewers and sewage disposal.215- Highway specifications,161-3, Fees,144-8,144-11,144-15,144- 38 161-4 18 Zoning,280-48 FINAL PLATS Fences,144-8,144-10 FLOOD DAA1EAGE PREVEN- Subdivision of land,240-3,240-6 Firesafety,144-6,144-8 TION -240-8,240-13,240-15, Fuel,144-8 Anchoring,148-14,148-16,148- 240-16, 48-14,148-16,148- 240-16,240-19-240-25, Garages,144-8 21 240-28,240-31,240-32,240- Grading,144-10 Appeals,148-4,148-22 35,240-36,240-41,240-42, Heating,144-8 Appeals board,148-22 240-44,24045,240-51- Hotel,144-8 Applicability,148-5 240-53 Improvement,144-8 Basis for establishing areas of Zoning.280-4 Inspections,144-6,144-8,144-16 special flood hazard,148-6 FINGERPRINTS Issuance of certificate of occu- Blocks,148-21 Peddlers,solicitors and transient pancy,144-17 Building Inspector,148-11 retail merchants,197-6,197- Licenses and permits,144-6 Certificates of compliance,148- 7 Lots,144-8 14 FIRE ALARM Motel,144-8 Comprehensive Plan,148-22 Subdivision of land,240-17 Multifamily dwellings,144-6 Conflict with other laws,148-7 FIREARMS Notices,144-8 Definitions,148-4 Parks and recreation areas,193-6 Nuisance,144-10 Deposit,148-12 Police department rules and regu- Penalties for offenses,144-12, Designation of local admimstra- lations,A290-9,A290-33 144-13,144-20 tor,148-11 FIRE EXTINGUISHER Performance of work under per- Design standards,148-14,148-18 Junkyards,166-7 mit,144-10 Drainage,148-12,148-15-148- Tourist and trailer camps,253-14 Permit,144-8 17,148-19 Zoning,28048 Powers and duties of Building In- Duties and responsibilities of lo- FIRE HYDRANTS spector,144-5 cal administrator,148-14 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- Property maintenance,144-6 Elevation of residential structures 17,240-21,240-35,240-36, Purpose,144-2 (except coastal high-hazard 240-48 Records,144-16,144-17 areas),148-17 Vehicles and traffic,260-14,260- Right of entry,144-14 Elevator,148-16 18,260-27 School,144-8 Emergency,148-4.148-6,148-9, Zoning,280-133,280-137 Signs,144-8 148-10,148-13-148-15, FIRE LANES Single-family dwellings,144-8 148-22 Junkyards,166-7 Site plan,144-8 Emergency vehicles,148-22 Vehicles and traffic,260-14,260- Smoke detectors,144-8 Fees,148-12 27 Solar energy systems,144-8 Fill;148-12,148-15,148-18 FIRE PREVENTION AND Special exception,144-8 Findings,148-1 BUILDING CONSTRUC- Sprinklers,144-8,144-17 Floodplam development permit, TION Stop-work orders,144-13 148-12 Abatement of violations,144-21 Storage,144-8 Floodway,1484,148-14,148-15, Accessory buildings,144-8,144- Stormwater,144-10 148-23 15 Swimming pools,144-8 Gas,148-3,148-15,148-22 Administration and enforcement Temporary certificates of occu- General standards,148-15 officers designated,144-3 pancy,144-18 Grade,148-2,148-4,148-16- Applications,144-8,144-15 Tents,144-6,144-8,144-20 148-19,148-221 Block,144-8 Tests,144-19 Heating,148-16 Building Inspectors,144-8 Title,144-1 Height,148-21 Building permit,144-3,14417 Vacant lot,144-8 Improvements,148-4,148-13- Building permits,144-8,144-11, Water,144-8,144-10 148-20,148-23 14442 Watercourse,144-10 Insect,148-16 Burning,144-8 Yards,144-8,144-10 Inspections,148-12,148-14 Certificate of occupancy,144-15 FIRE PROTECTION Insurance,148-2,148-4,148-6, -144-17 Zoning,280-174 148-7,148-12,148-14,148- Compliance required,144-20 FIRES 15,148-17,148-18,148-21, Compliance with standards,144- Burning,outdoor,1041-104-3 148-23 19 FIRESAFETY Interpretation,148-7 Conflicts with other regulations, Fire prevention and building con- Liability,148-10 1444 struction,144-6,144-8 Lots,148-13,148-23 Cooperation with other depart- FIRE ZONES Manufactured homes,148-4,148- ments,144-7 Vehicles and traffic,260-20,260- 13-148-15,148-21 Decks,1448 27 Meeting,148-4,148-16,148-19 Mobile home,148-4 14 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Nonresidential structures(coastal Zoning,2804,280-13,28045, License,1-4 high-hazard areas),148-20 280-48,280-58,280-62,280- Littering,1-2 Nonresidential structures(except 78,280-104,280-134,280- Matters not affected,1-4 coastal high-hazard areas), 137 Parking.1-2 148-19 GARBAGE,RUBBISH AND RE- Penalties for offenses,1-4,1- Notices,148-9,148-14.148-23 FUSE 11 Nuisances,148-23 Boats,docks and wharves,96-8 Repeal of enactments not in- Objectives,148-3 Buildings,unsafe;property cluded in Code,1-3 Obstructions,148-16,148-18 maintenance,100-4 Sale of Code book.1-10 Parking,148-16 General provisions,1-2 Severability,1-6 Parks,14843-148-15 Littering,174-1,174-2 Supplementation,1-10 Penalties for offenses,148-9 Parks and recreation areas,193-2, Vehicles,1-2 Permit,148-9,148-11-148-14, 193-7 When effective,1-13 148-16 Public entertainment and special Zoning Map,1-4 Purpose,148-2 events,205-7 Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Records,148-22 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Code,1-14-1-18 Recreational vehicles,148-4,148- 36-215-38 Continuation of provisions,1- 13-148-15,148-21 Soil removal,228-7 16 Report,148-6,148-22 Solid waste,233-1,233-2,233-4 Incorporation of provisions in- Residential structures(coastal Tourist and trailer camps,253-7, to Code,1-17 high-hazard areas),148-18 253-14 Legislative intent,1-14 Safety,148-2,1484,148-7,148- Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Nonsubstantive changes in 18,148-22,148-23 GAS previously adopted legis- Sanitary facilities,148-19,148-20 Boats,docks and wharves,96-16, lation,1-15 Screening,148-16 96-17 When effective,1-18 Severability,148-8 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- GLARE Standards for all structures,148- 10 Lighting,outdoor,172-5 16 Flood damage prevention,148-3, Solar energy systems,280-58, Stop-work orders,148-14 148-15,148-22 280-62 Storage,148-12,148-16 Junkyards,1664 Zoning,280-91,280-94,280-111, Utilities,148-3,148-13,148-15, Police department rules and regu- 280-117,280-129 148-16,148-19-148-22 lations,A290-15 GOLD STAR PARENTS TAX Variances,148-4,148-7,148-9, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- EXEMPTION,see WAR 149-14,148-22,148-23 38 VETERANS AND GOLD Vehicles,1484,148-13-148-16, Subdivision of land,240-35 STAR PARENTS 148-21,148-22 Zoning,280-13,280-58,280-62, GRADE Warning and disclaimer of liabil- 280-83,280-111,280-129, Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- ity.148-10 280-143 6,111-10-111-13 Water,148-2,148-3,148-14- GENERAL BUSINESS(B)DIS- Fire prevention and building con- 148-16,148-18,148-19,148- on- 148-16,148-18,148-19,148- TRICT struction,144-10 22 Subdivision of land,24042 Flood damage prevention,148-2, Watercourses,148-13,148-14 GENERAL PROVISIONS 148-4,148-16-148-19,148- FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Adoption of Code,1-1-1-13 21 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3 Amendments to Code,1-8 General provisions,1-4 Zoning,2804,280-129,280-133 Assessments.14 Highway specifications,161-2, FLOODWAY Bicycles,1-2 161-4,161-18,161-19,161- Flood damage prevention,1484, Bond,1-4 21-161-24,161-29,161-30, 148-14,148-15,148-23 Burning,1-2 161-35,161-42,161-46 FUEL Code book to be kept up-to- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Boats,docks and wharves,96-16 date.1-9 43 Fire prevention and building con- Copy of Code on file,1-7 Soil removal,228-4,228-6,228-7 struction,144-8 Distribution of local laws,or- Streets and sidewalks,237-6, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- dinances and resolutions, 237-13 38 1-2 Subdivision of land,240-3,240-4, Wetlands and shoreline,275-5 Easement,14 240-6,240-10,240-17,240- Zoning, 40-10,240-17,240- Zoning,280-48,280-52,280-55, Effect on previously adopted 19,240-21,240-41,240-45, 280-58,280-62,280-111 legislation,1-5 240-49,240-51 FUMES Enactments saved from repeal, Tourist and trailer camps,253-5 Zoning,280-13,280-58,280-62 1-4 Wetlands and shoreline,275-7, Fine,1-11 275-11 Garbage,1-2 Zoning,280-4,280-78,280-85, -G- Grade,1-4 280-99,280-108,280-114, GARAGES Improvement,1-4 280-129,280-133,280-134, Incorporation of provisions in- 280-136 Fire prevention and building con- to Code,1-12 GRASS struction,soli 144-8 Junkyards,1-2 Burning,outdoor,104-1,104-2 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Legislative intent,1-1 Highway specifications,161-42 retail merchants,197 4 Liability,1-4 Junkyards,166-7 15 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Mooring maintenance,157-8 Sanitary flow credits,transfer of, 21 :Notices,157-3,157-9.157-12, 117-9,117-12,117-14 Soil removal.228-7 157-14 Soil removal,228-5,228-12 Solid waste,233-4 Penalties for offenses.157-14 Solid waste,233-6,233-8 Streets and sidewalks,237-13 Pernnt,157-6,157-14 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- Subdivision of land,240-10 Rafting,157-10 13,240-19,240-25,240-29, Wetlands and shoreline,275-2, Record,157-12 240-30,240-53 275-11 Registration,157-12 Taxation,245-4,245-13 Zoning,280-93,280-95 Safety,157-6 Tourist and trailer camps,253-2, See also BRUSH,GRASS AND Sale,157-12 253-4 WEEDS Severability,157-13 Wetlands and shoreline,275-8 GRASS CLIPPINGS Speed and wake regulation, Zoning,280-11,280-13,280-26, Solid waste,233-4 157-4 280-29,280-92,280-131, GRAVEYARDS Storage,157-6,157-12 280-137,280-141,280-146, Junkyards,166-1 Traffic control authority,157- 280-150,280-157,280-159, GUARANTEE 2 280-174,280-175,280-177 Streets and sidewalks,237-9 Unnavigable boats,157-12 HEAT Subdivision of land,240-31,240- Use of private moorings by Fire prevention and building con- 33,240-34 guests,157-9 struction,144-8 Wetlands and shoreline,275-9, Use of vessel as abode,157-7 Flood damage prevention,148-16 275-10 Water,157-1,157-5 Highway specifications,161-22, GUARANTEES Waterskiing,157-5 161-23 Stormwater management,236-20 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Severs and selvage disposal,215- GUARANTIES Waterfront consistency review, 38 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 268-3 Zoning,280-22,280-58,280-91 42 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES HEIGHT REGULATIONS Subdivision of land,240-34.240- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Fences,280-58,280-62 38 28 Flood damage prevention,148-21 Zomng,280-4,280-131 Waterfront consistency review, Harbor management,157-6 GUNS 268-5 Highway specifications,161-44. Parks and recreation areas,193-6 HAZARDOUS WASTE 161-46 Police department rules and regu- Police department rules and regu- Lighting,outdoor,172-5 lations,A290-15 lations,A29045 Soil removal,228-7 Solid waste,233-2 Solar energy systems,280-58, HEARINGS 280-62 -H- Agricultural lands preservation, Streets and sidewalks,237-26 704,70-5 Subdivision of land 240-10 HkNILET BUSINESS(HB)DIS- Boats,docks and wharves,96-31, Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 TRICT 96-32 Wind energy,277-2-2774 Subdivision of land,240-42 Buildings,unsafe;property Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-15, HA3a.ET DENSITY RESIDEN- maintenance,100-7 280-28,280-48,280-70,280- TL4,L(HD)DISTRICT Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- 71,280-76,280-76.2,280- Subdivision of land_240-42 23,111-27,111-35 78,280-82,280-85,280-94, Zoning,280-137 Community Preservation Fund, 280-104-280-109,280-117, HANDICAPPED FACILITIES 17-7,17-34 280-122,280-134 Zoning,280-129 Environmental quality review, HIGHWAY SPECIFICATIONS HANDICAPPED PARKING 130-10-130-12 Final Dedication of Roads,161- Vehicles and traffic,260-17,260- Historic Preservation District 49 27 (HDP),280-195 Bond,161-49 HARBOR MANAGEMENT Housing fund,34-4,34-6 Inspection,161-49 Fishers Island Harbor Manage- Junkyards,166-6 Meeting,16149 anent,157-1-157-14 Landmark preservation,170-5, Procedure,161-49 Abandonment,157-8 170-7,170-14 Report,161-49 Anchoring.157-4,157-6 Lighting,outdoor,172-8 Sale,161-49 Animals.157-11 Local laws,adoption of,38-1,38- General Construction Require- Applicability,157-1 2,384,38-6 ments,161-5-161-14 Disabled boats,157-12 Open space preservation,185-4, Dead-end streets,161-11 Discharge of refuse,157-11 185-5 Dirt,161-9 Emergency,157-6 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Drainage,161-8,161-9,161- Fine, 61-8,161-9,161- Fine,157-14 retail merchants,197-11 13 Fishers Island Harbor Com- Personnel,47-4 Easements,161-13 mittee,157-3 Plum Island Research District Improvements,161-6 Hazards to navigation,157-12 (PIC),280-187 Lots,161-11 Height,157-6 Plum Island Research District Progress schedule,161-5 Inspections,157-8 Liable,157-12 (PIR),280-183 Protection of nein drainage in- Police department,51-6 stallations,161-9 Lien,157-8,157-12 Public hearings,notice of,55-1 Responsibility of developer, Meeting,157-3 161-6 16 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Safety,161-6,161-7 Drainage,161-18,161-25, Utility,16146 Signs,161-11,161-12 161-27-161-33,161-36, Vehicles,161-20 Speed limit,161-12 16145 Vibration,161-21 Stonni.vater,161-6,161-8 Drainage design criteria,161- Water,161-30,161-39,16144 Street signs,161-12 27 Weeds,16142 Temporary roads,161-14 Drainage pipe criteria,161-36 Well,161-30,161-46 Test,161-6 Driveways,161-39,161-46 Yard,161-24 Topsoil removal,161-10 Dump,161-19,161-21 HISTORICAL FEATURES Traffic maintenance,161-7 Dust,161-23 Zoning,280-133 Trees,161-11 Easements,161-18 HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND Vehicles,161-7 Embankment,161-18 DISTRICTS Water,161-11 Emergency vehicles,161-20 Zoning,280-75 Plans and Maps for Subdivisions, Excavations,161-17,161-18, HISTORIC PRESERVATION 161-1-161-4 161-25,161-29,161-30, Zoning,280-75,280-131 Construction plans,161-4 161-36 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Curbs,1614 Fences,161-16,161-29,161- COMMISSION Drainage,161-2-161-4 41,16142 Historic Preservation District Easements,161-2-161-4 Fill,161-25 (HDP),280-195 Excavation,161-2 Grade,161-18,161-19,161-21 HISTORIC PRESERVATION Final plans,161-3,1614 -161-24,161-29,161-30, DISTRICT(HDP) Grade,161-2,1614 161-35,16142,16146 Accessory uses,280-193 Lighting,161-4 Grass,16142 Applicability of amendments, Major subdivision,1614 Heating,161-22,161-23 280-190 Manholes,161-2 Height,16144,161-46 Application procedure,280-195 Monuments,161-3 Illumination,161-46 Community facility,280-196 Preliminary plans,161-2,161- Improvements,161-25 Definitions,280-191 3 Insect,161-44 Eligibility,280-192 Sketch plans,161-1 Inspections,161-19,161-21, Failure to comply,280-196 Streetlights,161-3,161-4 161-42,16146,161-48 Fees,280-195 Test,161-2 Landscaping,161-42,16143 Hearings,280-195 Trees,161-3 Lighting,161-46 Historic Preservation Commis- Wells,161-3 Lots,161-15,161-16 sion,280-195 Roadway Construction,161-15- Major subdivisions,161-38 Maintenance and termination, 16148 Manholes,161-35 280-196 Alterations or modifications to Minutes,161-27 Meetings,280-195 specifications,16147 Modifications to existing pn- Permitted uses,280-193 As-constructed survey,16145 vate roads,161-25 Planning Board,280-195 Asphalt binder course,161-22 Notification,16144 Pre-application procedure,280- Asphalt pavement cores,161- Parking,161-15 194 26 Permits,16146 Purpose,280-190 Asphalt wearing course,161- Recharge basins,161-41 Reports,280-195 23 Recharge basins Type A and Site plan approval,280-193 Base course for asphalt pave- drainage areas,161-29 Town Board,280-195 ment,161-21 Recharge basins Type B and Use regulations,280-193 Base course for stone blend drainage areas,161-30 Zoning,280-190-280-196 road,161-19 Recharge Basins Type C,161- Zoning Map,280-195 Bituminous surface treatment 31 HISTORIC PROPERTIES TAX double application,161- Safety,161-44,16146 EXEI4IPTION 24 Screen,161-22-161-24,161- Taxation,245-19 Bonds,161-46 29,161-30,16142 HOLIDAYS Brush,161-16,161-30 Seeding,161-43 Lighting,outdoor,172-6 Catch basins,161-34 Stone blend wearing course, HOME OCCUPATIONS Clearing and grubbing,161-16 161-20 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-78 Concrete curbs,161-38 Storage,161-29,161-30 HOSPITALS Concrete cylinders,16140 Storm drains,161-33 Police department rules and regu- Concrete footings,slabs and Stormwater,161-27,161-29, lations,A290-44,A29045 headwalls,161-37 161-30,161-32,161-36 Zoning,280-13,280-17,280-48, Concrete sidewalks and Stormwater drainage systems, 280-78,280-79 driveway entrances,161- 161-32 HOTELS 39 Streetlighting specifications, Fire prevention and building con- Construction specifications, 161-46 struction,144-8 161-15 Stripping and stockpiling soil, Parking,189-3 Curbs,161-34,161-38,161- 161-17 Zoning,280-4,280-35,28041, 41,16145,161-46 Tests,161-26,161-29,161-30, 280-44,280-45,280-48,280- Demolition,161-21 161-40,161-46 55,280-78,280-79,280-85 Design criteria for leaching Trees,161-16,161-29,161-30, HOUSING FUND basins,161-28 161-42,161-44 Bond,34-4 Trenches,161-36 Definitions,34-3 17 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Emergency,34-2,34-6 Zoning,280-25,280-30,280-45, 148-14,148-15,148-17,148- Findings,34-2 280-88,280-129,280-131, 18,148-21,148-23 Fund established,34-4 280-133,280-137,280-174 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Hearing,34-4,34-6 INDUSTRIAL WASTES 42 Housing Advisory Commission Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Soil removal,228-6 established,34-6 28,215-36-215-38 Streets and sidewalks,237-8, Improvements,34-2,34-5,34-6 INSECTS 237-18 Meetings,34-6 Flood damage prevention,148-16 Taxation,245-1 Open space,34-6 Highway specifications,161-44 Wetlands and shoreline,275-9 Parking,34-6 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Zoning.280-10,280-38,280-52, Purposes of Fund,34-5 retail merchants,197-10 280-55 Sale,34-2,34-4-34-6 INSPECTIONS INTOXICATION Water,34-6 Boats,docks and wharves,96-24 Police department rules and regu- HUN'T Buildings,unsafe;property lations,A290-9 Boats,docks and wharves,96-20 maintenance,100-5 INVESTIGATIONS Parks and recreation areas,193-2, Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Alarm systems,75-1 193-6 29 Ethics,26-21-26-23,26-25 HUNTING Community Preservation Fund, Peddlers,solicitors and transient Purpose,163-2 17-37 retail merchants,197-7 Title,163-1 Electrical inspections,126-1- Personnel,47-3 Waivers,163-3 126-3 Police department,51-6 Environmental quality review, Police department rules and regu- 130-17 lations,A290-7,A290-15, -I- Ethics,26-25 A290-17,A290-19-A290- ILLEGAL DISCHARGES Filming,139-12 21,A290-24,A290-25, Fire prevention and building con- A290-31 Stormwater management,236-25 struction,144-6,144-8,144- Records,59-2 ILLICIT CONNECTIONS 16 Waterfront consistency review, Stormwater management,236-25 Flood damage prevention,148- 268-3 ILLICIT DISCHARGES 12,148-14 Wetlands and shoreline,275-8 Stormwater management,236-29, Harbor management,157-8 Zoning,280-130 236-35 Highway specifications,161-19, ILLUifHNATION,see LIGHTING 161-21,161-42,161-46,161- IMPOUNDAIENT 48,161-49 _J_ Animals, J- Animals,83-11,83-12 Junkyards,166-6 Vehicles and traffic,260-24 Local laws,adoption of,38-2 JUNK DEALER Vehicles,motor-driven,264-9 Junkyards,166-6 Parking,189-3,189-4 Wetlands and shoreline,275-6 JUNKED VEHICLES,see VEHI- IMPROVlations,A290-7,A290-155,EMENTS Police department rules and , CLES,JUNKED Agricultural lands preservation, A290-27 JUNKYARDS 70-2 Batteries,166-1 Records,59-2-59-5,59-9,59-10 Community Preservation FundBurning,166-3,166-7 17-8 Sewers and Sewage disposal,215- Combustible,166-1,166-7 21-215-24,215-37,215-38, Fire prevention and building con- 215-41,215-43,215-44 Definitions,166-2 struction,144-8 Display,166-6 Stornnvater management,Flood damage prevention,148-4, Solid waste,233-4, ,236-9Drainage,166-4 , 148-13-148-20,148-23 Dump,166-3,166-7 236-20,236-24,236-31,236- General provisions,14 34 Duration,166-6 Highway specifications,161-6, Streets and sidewalks,237-14 Existing businesses,166-5 161-25 Explosive,166-1 Subdivision of land,240-9,240- Housing fund,34-2,34-5,34-6 Fee,166-6 20,240-32,240-33,240-36, Lighting,outdoor,172-4 240-37 Fence,166-4,166-7 Records,59-15 Tourist and trailer camps,253-13 Fire extinguisher,166-7 Soil removal,228-4 Vehicles and traffic,260-27 Fire lane,166-7 Streets and sidewalks,237-6, Waterfront consistency review. Flammable,166-1 237-16 Gas,166-4 268-3,268-5 Subdivision of land,240-6,240-9, Wetlands and shoreline,275-7, General provisions,1-2 240-10,240-16,240-17,240- Grass,166-7 275-9-275-11 20,240-30-24041,240-45, Graveyards,166-1 240-51,240-53,240-59 Zoning,280-13,280-74,280-110,280-137,2880-1510-1511, Hearing,166-6 , Transportation access manage- 280-154 Inspections,166-6 ment.64-5 INSURANCE Junk dealer,166-6 Vehicles,motor-driven,264-6 Junkyards,166-1 Community Preservation Fund, Water quality,17-44 17-32,17-34 Legislative intent,166-1 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, Electrical inspections,126-2 Liable,166-8 275-5 Fihmng,139-3,139-11 License,166-1,166-3-166-8 Flood damage prevention.148-2, Notice,166-5 148-4,148-6,148-7,148-12, Nuisances,166-1 18 1 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Penalties for offenses,166-8 Stop-work order,170-12 Sanitary flow credits,transfer of, Permit,166-7,166-8 Terms,170-4 117-10 Regulations,166-7 Title,170-1 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Revocation,166-6 LANDSCAPING 4-215-6,215-31,215-41, Sale,166-3 Buildings,unsafe,property 215-42 Sanitary facilities,166-7 maintenance,100-4 Shellfish and other marine re- Septic tanks,166-7 Highway specifications,161-42, sources,219-6,219-7 Storage,166-3 161-43 Solid waste,233-2-233-4,233-8 Tires,166-1 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Stormwater management,236-20, Transferability,166-6 21 236-21,236-27,236-30 Water,166-4 Soil removal,2284 Subdivision of land,240-21 Well,166-7 Solid waste,233-4 Tobacco advertising,249-2 Zoning,2804 Subdivision of land,240-32,240- Tourist and trailer camps,253-3 36,240-42,240-43,240-49 Vehicles and traffic,260-9,260- Waterfront consistency review, 17 -K- 268-3 Wetlands and shoreline,275-6 KENNELS Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, Zoning,280-48,280-133 275-11 See also PERMIT Zoning,280-13 Zoning,280-4,280-7,280-41, LIENS 280-70,280-72,280-76.2, Boats,docks and wharves,96-10, 280-78,280-91-280-95, 96-25 280-123,280-129,280-131, Buildings,unsafe;property LAND-BASED AQUACULTURE 280-133,280-134,280-137 maintenance,100-10 OPERATIONS LEASHING REQUIREXIENTS Community Preservation Fund, Zoning,280-13,280-58,280-62 Parks and recreation areas,193- 17-27,17-35 LANDMARK PRESERVATION 3.1 Harbor management,157-8,157- Accessory buildings,170-7 LIABILITY 12 Appeals,170-11 Boats,docks and wharves,96-10, Littering,174-5 Application for certificate of ap- 96-25 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- propnateness,170-7 Buildings,unsafe;property 33,215-50,215-51 Building permits,170-5,170-6 maintenance,100-11 Solar energy systems,280-58, Certificate of appropriateness for Community Preservation Fund, 280-62 alteration,demolition or new 17-23,17-29,17-31,17-34, Subdivision of land,240-34,240- construction,170-6 17-35 44 Criteria for approval of alteration Ethics,26-26 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 of facades of historic land- Filming,139-11 Zoning,280-76,280-88,280-92 marks,170-8 Flood damage prevention,148-10 LIGHTING Criteria for approval of demoli- General provisions,1-4 Boats,docks and wharves,96-14 tion or removal of historic Harbor management,157-12 Highway specifications,161-4, landmarks,170-9 Junkyards,166-8 161-46 Definitions,170-3 Salvage centers,211-6 Streets and sidewalks,23.7-12 Demolition,170-2-170-7,170- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Subdivision of land,24044,240- 9,170-10 38,215-42,215-44,215-51 46 Designation of historic land- Streets and sidewalks,237-14 Tourist and trailer camps,253-3 marks,170-5 Subdivision of land,240-54 Transportation access manage- Easements,1704 Vehicles,motor-driven,264-20 ment,64-5 Enforcement,170-12 Wetlands and shoreline,275-9 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Fees,170-14 Zoning,280-88 Wind energy,277-4 Fine,170-13 LICENSES AND PERMITS Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-70, Hardship criteria for approval of Animals,83-19,83-20,83-22,83- 280-81,280-83,280-87,280- demolition,removal or alter- 24 88,280-111,280-117,280- ation of historic landmarks, Bingo and games of chance,92-2, 129,280-133,280-137 170-10 92-3,92-13,92-14 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Hearings,170-5,170-7,170-14 Burning,outdoor,104-2 Appeals,172-8 Historic Preservation Commis- Ethics,26-17,26-21 Applicability,172-4 sion,1704 Fire prevention and building con- Conflict with other laws,172-3 Meetings,170-4 struction,144-6 Definitions,172-2 Membership,170-4 General provisions,1-4 Exemptions,172-6 Minutes,170-4 Junkyards,166-1,166-3-166-8 Glare,172-5 Newspaper,170-7 Parkmg,189-3,1894 Hearings,172-8 Notices,1704,170-5,170-7, Parks and recreation areas,193- Height regulations,172-5 170-14 3.1 Holidays,172-6 Penalties for offenses,170-13 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Improvements,172-4 Permit,170-5,170-6 retail merchants,197-3,197- Penalties for offenses,172-9 Powers and duties,170-4 4,197-6-197-9,197-11, Poles,172-5 Purpose,170-2 197-13 Prohibitions,172-7 Record,170-5,170-11 Police department rules and regu- Recreational,172-6 Reports,170-5 lations,A290-33 Review procedures,172-8 19 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLDINDEX Site plans,172-8 Vehicles and traffic,260-12,260- MODERATE-INCObIE FAMILY Standards for exterior lighting, 27 DWELLING UNITS 172-5 Zoning,280-9-280-11,280-13, Subdivision of land,240-10 Streetlighting,172-5 280-15,280-30,280-31,280- MODERATE-INCOME HOUS- Title,172-1 41,280-48,280-61,280-70. ING Utilities,172-5 280-78,280-79,280-95,280- Zoning,280-137 Variances,172-8 106,280-109,280-113,280- MONUMENTS Vehicles and traffic,172-6 116,280-124,280-137,280- Highway specifications,161-3 LIMITED BUSINESS(LB)DIS- 173 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- TRICT 17,240-21.240-41 Subdivision of land,240-42 Wetlands and shoreline,275-6 LITTERING -M- Zoning.280-104 Assessment,174-5 MOTELS MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Definitions,174-1 Fire prevention and building con- Driveway,174-2 Highway specifications,161-4, struction,144-8 Fine,174-7 161-38 Parking,189-3 Garbage,174-1,174-2 MANHOLESZoning,280-4,280-35,280-44, Garbage,rubbish and refuse,174- Highway specifications,161-2, 280-45,28048,280-55,280- 2 161-35 80-55,280- 161-35 General provisions,1-2 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- MUFFLERS0-85 Handbills,174-6 38,215-40 Boats,docks and wharves,96-17 Lien,174-5 Subdivision of land,240-17 Parks and recreation areas,193-3 Litter in MANUFACTURED HOMES parks,beaches and bod- MULTIFAitIILY DWELLINGS ies of water,174-4 Flood damage prevention,1484, Fire prevention and building con- Litter in 148-13-148-15,148-21 public places,174-2 struction,144-6 Litter on private property,174-5 1tiiASTER PLANSubdivision of land,240-10,240- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Newspapers,174-1,174-6 41 Notice,174-5 17 Zoning,280-108 Zoning,280-4 Parks,174-4 hIUNICIPAL BUILDING EN- Penalties for offenses,174-7 ERGY BENCHDiARKING Boats,docks and wharves,96-32 Record,174-5 Applicability,177-2 Committees,appointment of,13-3 Sign,174-6 Benchmarking required for cov- Tires,174-3 Community Preservation Project ered municipal buildings, 13 17- Transportation access manage- Plan, 177-3 ment,64-5 Environmental quality review, Chief Enforcement Officer,177-6 Vehicles,174-1,174-3,174-6 130-7 Definitions,177-1 Water,1744 Ethics,26-21 Department of Public Works, LIVESTOCK Expenses of town officers,30-1 177-4 Animals,83-28 Flood damage prevention,148-4, Disclosure and publication of Subdivision of land,240-44 148-16,148-19Harbor management,157-3 benchmarking information, gement, Zoning,250-98,280-99 177-4 Highway specifications, -49 LOCAL LAWS,ADOPTION OF seci161Enforcement and administration, Filing of proof of publication and Historic Preservation District - 177-6 posting,38-4 ()IDP),280-195 Maintenance of records,177-5 Hearings,38-1,38-2,38-4,38-6 Housing fund,34-6 Reports,177-6 Landmark preservation,170-4 Inspection,38-2 MUSSELS Newspaper,38-1 Parks and recreation areas,193-9 Shellfish and other marine re- Notice,38-1,38-2,38-4,38-6 Police department rules and regu- sources,219-12 Numbering,38-5 lations,A290-7 Posting and availability of copies, Streets and sidewalks,237-2 38-2 Subdivision of land,240-13,240- -N- Posting N-Posting of copy upon adoption, 23,240-40.240-43 38-3 Wetlands and shoreline,275-8 NATURAL FEATURES Rezonings,38-6 Zoning,280-29,280-38,28045, Community Preservation Fund, LOTS 28048,280-78,280-131, 17-19 Fire prevention and building con- 280-133,280-137,280-157, Subdivision of land,240-3,240- struction,144-8 280-173,280-174 43,240-53,240-54 Flood damage prevention,148- METERS Zoning,280-133,280-143 13,148-23 Servers and sewage disposal,215- NATURAL FEATURES Highway specifications,161-11, 38 PRESERVATION 161-15,161-16 MINORS Zoning,280-129 Soil removal,228-7 Tobacco advertising.249-1 NATURAL RESOURCES Subdivision of land,2404,240- MINUTES PRESERVATION 10,240-17,240-21,240-26, Committees,appointment of,13-3 Plum Island Research District 240-27,240-30,240-41- MOBILE HODS (PIR),280-182 240-45,240-49,240-51,240- Flood damage prevention,1484 NEWSPAPER 53,240-57,240-59 Zoning,280-4,280-78 Coastal erosion hazard areas,1 11- 35 20 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Environmental quality review, Filming,139-4,139-8 -0- 130-6,130-10 O- 130-6,130-10 Fire prevention and building con- Landmark preservation,170-7 struction,144-8 OBSTRUCTIONS Littering,174-1,174-6 Flood damage prevention,148-9, Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Local laws,adoption of,38-1 148-14,148-23 11,111-13 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Harbor management,157-3,157- Flood damage prevention,148- retail merchants,197-4 9,157-12,157-14 16,148-18 Public hearings,notice of,55-1 Highway specifications,161-44 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Records,59-10 Junkyards,166-5 retail merchants,197-10 Soil removal,228-12 Landmark preservation,170-4, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Solid waste,233-1 170-5,170-7,170-14 38 Subdivision of land,240-19,240- Littering,174-5 Streets and sidewalks,237-1, 25 Local laves,adoption of,38-1,38- 237-20 Tourist and trailer camps,2534 2,38-4,38-6 Vehicles and traffic,260-23 Zoning,280-157,280-159 Parks and recreation areas,193- Zoning,280-80,280-104,280- NIGHT FISHING 10 106,280-111 Parking,189-3 Police department,51-6 ODORS Vehicles and traffic,260-9 Police department rules and regu- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- NOISE lations,A290-33,A290-44 38 Boats,docks and wharves,96-17 Public entertainment and special Subdivision of land,240-44 Peddlers,solicitors and transient events,205-4,205-8 Zoning,280-13,280-48,280-58, retail merchants,197-10 Public hearings,notice of,55-1 280-62,280-99,280-111, Soil removal,228-5 Records,59-10 280-143 Transportation access manage- Sanitary flow credits,transfer of, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ment,64-5 117-9,117-10,117-12-117- Residency Requirements,42-9, Wind energy,277-2,277-3 14 42-10 Zoning,280-13,28047,280-48, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Eligibility requirements for 280-58,280-62,280-91,280- 23,215-31,215-32,215-37, Town Attorney,42-10 94,280-99,280-111,280- 215-38,215-41-215-43, Supersession of Town Law 143 215-45 and enactment authority, NOISE,PREVENTION OF Soil removal,228-5,228-9,228- 42-9 Definitions,180-4 12 Superintendent of Highways,42- Enforcement,180-8 Solar energy systems,280-58, 5-42-8 Exceptions,180-7 280-62 Referendum to be held,42-7 General prohibition,180-5 Solid waste,233-6,233-8 Supersession of Tovvn Lave, Penalties for offenses,180-9 Stormwater management,236-12, 42-6 Purpose,180-2 236-27,236-32 Term of office,42-5 Standards,180-6 Streets and sidewalks,237-1, When effective,42-8 Statutory authorization,180-3 237-2,237-11,237-13 Town Clerk,42-1-42-4 Title,180-1 Subdivision of land,240-13,240- Referendum to be held,42-3 NONCONFORMING SIGNS 18,240-19,240-22,240-25, Supersession of Town Law, Zoning,280-90 240-29,240-30,240-32,240- 42-2 NONCONFORMING USES 36,240-44,240-54 Term of office,42-1 Zoning,280-2,280-4,280-90, Taxation,245-3,245-4,245-6 When effective,42-4 280-120,280-121,280-123, Tourist and trailer camps,253-4 OFFICIAL MAP 280-154 Vehicles and traffic,260-25 Subdivision of land,240-3,240-4, NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Vehicles,motor-driven,264-8 240-10,240-17 Boats,docks and wharves,96-31, Wetlands and shoreline,275-8- Zoning,280-4 96-32 275-11,275-16 OFF-STREET LOADING Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Wind energy,277-3 Zoning,280-79 29 Zoning,280-26,280-29,280-30, OFF-STREET PARKING Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 280-74,280-76,280-88,280- Agricultural uses,72-6 31 92,280-97,280-100,280- Subdivision of land,240-4,240- Stormwater management,236-35 101,280-131,280-137,280- 45 NOTICES 141,280-146,280-150,280- Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-27, Animals,83-24 153,280-155,280-157,280- 280-28,280-45,280-48,280- Boats,docks and wharves,96-10, 159,280-174 58,280-77,280-78,280-95, 96-13,96-25,96-31-96-33 NUISANCES 280-109,280-129,280-133, Buildings,unsafe;property Fire prevention and building con- 280-137,280-143 maintenance,100-6-100-9 struction.14410 ONE-FAXHLY DWELLING Coastal erosion hazard areas,1 I I- Flood damage prevention,148-23 Zoning,280-10,280-13,280-109 18,111-19,111-25,111-29, Junkyards,166-1 OPEN SPACE 111-35 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Agricultural lands preservation, Community Preservation Fund, 38 70-2 17-32,17-34 Soil removal,228-5 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Environmental quality review, Vehicles,motor-driven,26414 13 130-6,130-10,130-13,130- Zoning,280-58,280-62,280-97, 17 280-99 21 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Community Preservation Fund, Penalties for offenses,189-8 Dirt,193-2 17-4,17-8,17-9,17-12,17- Permit,189-2-189-5 Dump,193-2 24 Policy,189-1 Emergency,193-3 Housing fund,34-6 Registration,189-3,189-4 Enforcement,193-12 Open space preservation,185-1- Removal of vehicles parked in Firearms,193-6 185-3,185-5 violation,189-7 Garbage,193-2,193-7 Subdivision of land,240-2,240- Sign,189-3,189-4 Guns,193-6 10,240-21,240112-240-45, Storage,189-7 Hours of use,193-10 240-49,240-54 Trailers,189-2 Hunt,193-2,193-6 Waterfront consistency review, Vehicles,189-1-189-4,189-7 Intoxicating,193-9 268-2,268-5 Water,189-1 Leashes,193-3.1 Zoning,2804,280-8,280-16, Parks and recreation areas,193-3, Licenses,193-3.1 280-127,280-128,280-137, 193-9 Meetings,193-9 280-181 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Muffler,193-3 OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION retail merchants,197-10 Notices,193-10 Acquisition,1854 Plum Island Research District Parade,193-9 'Alienation of fee,interest or right, (PIC),280-188 Parking,193-3,193-9 185-5 Plum Island Research District Penalties for offenses,193-12 Definitions,185-3 (PIR),280-184 Penalty,193-12 Findings,185-2 Public entertainment and special Permit,193-7,193-9 Hearing,1854,185-5 events,2054 Recreation area,193-7 Instrument of conveyance,185-5 Salvage centers,211-3,211-4 Regulations concerning bath- Open space,185-1-185-3,185-5 Soil removal,228-7 ing and swimming,1934 Open Space Committee,185-5 Subdivision of land,240-4,240- Regulations concerning dogs Permits,185-5 44,24045 or domestic animals,193- Sale,185-4,185-5 Transportation access manage- 3.1 Severability,185-6 ment,64-5 Regulations concerning motor Title,185-1 Vehicles and traffic,260-1,260-8 vehicles,193-3 OUTDOOR LIGHTING,see -260-12,260-14-260-23, Restrictions concerning certain LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 260-27 games and sports activi- OYSTER.S Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-14, ties,193-8 Shellfish and other marine re- 280-18,280-23,280-27,280- Safety,193-6.193-11 sources,219-10 28,280-36,280-39,280-42, Signs,193-3 280-45.280-46,280-48,280- Toilet,1934 49,280-53,280-56,280-58, Tree,193-2 -P- 280-59,280-62,280-63,280- Use of picnic areas,193-7 PARADE 65,280-77-280-79,280-85, Vehicles,193-1,193-3,193-4 280-92,280-95,280-109, Water,1934 Boats,docks and wharves,96-16 280-110,280-117,280-127- Weapons,193-6 Parks and recreation areas,193-9 280-129,280-131,280-133, When effective,193-13 PARKING 280-134,280-137,280-143 Wildlife,193-6 Agricultural uses,72-5,72-6 PARKS AND RECREATION Zoning,280-7,280-137 Appearance tickets,5-2,5-3 AREAS See also PLAYGROUNDS Community Preservation Fund, Bicycles,88-1-88-3,88-5 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS AND 17-8 Boats,docks and wharves,96-15, TRANSIENT RETAIL Filming,139-3 96-26 MERCHANTS Flood damage prevention,148-16 Community Preservation Fund, Licensing and Regulation,197-1 General provisions,1-2 17-4,17-24 -197-13 Highway specifications,161-15 Filming,139-8 Application for license,197-6 Housing fund,34-6 Flood damage prevention,148-13 Background checks,197-7 Parking,189-1,189-3-189-6 -148-15 Contagious diseases,197-6 Parking at Beaches,189-1-189- Littering,174-4 Definitions,197-2 8 Parking,189-3 Dirt,197-10 Designation of parking areas Subdivision of land,2404,240- Dogs,197-5,197-10 on Fishers Island,189-4 10,240-42-240-44,240-52 Dust,197-10 Designation of parking areas -240-54 Exemptions,197-4 requiring permits,189-2 Tobacco advertising,249-1 Fees,197-9 Fishing,189-3 Tourist and trailer camps,253-23 Fingerprints,197-6,197-7 Hotels,189-3 Use Regulations and Restrictions, Garage,197-4 Inspection,189-3,189-4 193-1-193-13 Hearing,197-11 License,189-3,189-4 Animals,193-2 Insects,197-10 Motels,189-3 Ashes,193-2 Investigation of applicant, Night fishing parking permit, Authority to promulgate rules 197-7 189-3 and regulations,193-11 Legislative intent,197-1 Other regulations,189-6 Beach activities,193-5 License,197-3,1974,197-6- Parking,189-1-189-6 Behavior and conduct,193-9 197-9,197-11,197-13 Parking permits,189-3 Certain acts prohibited,193-2 Newspapers,197-4 Parks,189-3 Definitions,193-1 Noise,197-10 22 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Obstructions,197-10 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Parking,189-2-189-5 Parking,197-10 5.215-7,215-9,215-32,215- Parks and recreation areas,193-7, Penalties for offenses,197-13 38,215-45,215-49 193-9 Permit,197-10 Shellfish and other marine re- Peddlers,solicitors and transient Permitted activities,197-5 sources,219-6,219-22 retail merchants,197-10 Possession,197-8 Soil removal,228-13 Police department rules and regu- Records,197-8 Solar energy systems,280-58, lations,A290-7 Registration,197-1,197-4, 280-62 Public entertainment and special 197-6 Solid waste,233-3.1,233-7,233- events,205-3,205-5,205-6, Restrictions,197-10 8 205-8 Sales,197-4-197-6,197-10 Stormwater management,236-25, Records,59-3,59-7 School,197-10 236-29,236-31,236-33- Salvage centers,211-2,211-3, Signs,197-12 236-35 211-5,211-6 Vehicles,197-10 Streets and sidewalks.237-17, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Well,197-10 237-21,237-29,237-30,237- 8-215-17,215-21-215-23, PEDESTRIANS 33 215-25,215-31,215-32,215- Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Subdivision of land,240-44,240- 37,215-38,215-40-21543 Zoning,280-137 60 Shellfish and other marine re- PENALTIES FOR OFFENSES Taxation,245-5 sources,219-16 Agricultural uses,72-12 Tobacco advertising,249-6 Soil removal.228-3-228-12 Alarm systems,75-5,75-6,75-8 Tourist and trailer camps,253-19 Solid waste,233-2.233-3.1,233- Alcoholic beverages,79-2 Vehicles and traffic,260-9,260- 4,233-6,233-8 Animals,83-5,83-13,83-25,83- 27 Streets and sidewalks,237-6- 28,83-30 Vehicles,motor-driven,264-9, 237-11,237-13,237-15- Bicycles,88-7 264-10,264-20 237-18,237-25,237-26 Bingo and games of chance,92- Waterfront consistency review, Subdivision of land,240-10,240- 11 268-7 25,240-26,240-34,240-36, Boats,docks and wharves,96-33 Wetlands and shoreline,275-12.1, 240-39,240-45,240-49,240- Buildings,unsafe;property 275-15,275-16 51 maintenance,100-6,100-7, Wind energy,277-7 Tobacco advertising,249-2 100-10,100-11 Zoning,280-13,280-32.1.280- Tourist and trailer camps,253-2- Burning,outdoor,104-1,104-5 33,280-76,280-88,280-130, 253-4 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- 280-136,280-155,280-156 Vehicles and traffic,260-9,260- 29,111-34 PENSION 17,260-27 Community Preservation Fund, Waterfront consistency review, Vehicles,motor-dnven,264-7, 17-35,17-36 268-3 264-15,264-20 Domestic partnerslups,1214, PERMIT Waterfront consistency review, 121-5 Agricultural lands preservation. 268-3 Electrical inspections,126-5 70-5 Wetlands and shoreline,275-2, Ethics,26-26 Agricultural uses,72-5,72-6,72- 275-4-275-14,275-16 Filming,139-14 12 Wind energy,277-3.277-6,277-7 Fire prevention and building con- Alarm systems,75-3,75-4 Zoning,280-2,280-3,280-8- struction,144-12,144-13, Animals,83-1,83-3,83-4,83-9 280-10,280-13,280-16,280- 144-20 Boats,docks and wharves,96-1, 20,280-31,280-45,280-48, Flood damage prevention,148-9 96-3,96-15,96-18,96-20, 280-58,280-62,280-70,280- General provisions,14,1-11 96-24,96-25,96-28,96-31- 76.1,280-81,280-85,280- Harbor management,157-14 96-33 89,280-90,280-113-280- Hrghway specifications,161-19- Burning,outdoor,104-1,104-2 115,280-121,280-122,280- 161-23 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- 124,280-125,280-127,280- Junkyards,166-8 8-111-15,111-19,111-27- 130,280-131,280-134,280- Landmark preservation,170-13 111-29,111-31 140,280-141,280-146,280- Lighting,outdoor,172-9 Electrical inspections,126-3 149.280-151-280-154, Littering,174-7 Environmental quality review, 280-180 Norse,prevention of,180-9 130-5 See also LICENSES AND Parking,189-8 Ethics,26-17,26-21 PERMITS Parks and recreation areas,193- Filming,139-1-139-5,139-7- PERAIITTED USES 12 139-13 Historic Preservation District Peddlers,solicitors and transient Fire prevention and building con- (HDP),280-193 retail merchants,197-6,197- struction,144-8 Plum Island Research District 13 Flood damage prevention,148-9, (PIC),280-187 Police department,51-6 148-11-148-14,148-16 Plum Island Research District Police department rules and regu- Harbor management,157-6,157- (PIR),280-183 lations,A290-15,A290-19, 14 Zoning,280-13,280-17,280-22, A290-33,A290-36 Highway specifications,161-46 280-27,280-35,280-38,280- Public entertainment and special Junkyards,166-7,166-8 41,280-45,280-48,280-52, events,205-5,205-7,205-9 Landmark preservation,170-5, 280-55,280-58,280-62,280- Salvage centers,211-6 170-6 143,280-146,280-175 Open space preservation,185-5 23 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX PERSONNEL Town Board,280-183 Definitions;A29046 Grievance Procedures,47-1-47- Use regulations,280-183 Detectives,A290-16—A290-32 4 Wetlands and shoreline,280-185 Additional duties,A290-19 Declaration of policy,47-2 Zoning,280-182—280-185 Assignment,A290-17 Definitions,47-1 POLES Composition,A290-18 Discrimination,47-2 Lighting,outdoor,172-5 Cooperation with other law en- Hearing,47-4 POLICEBAY CONSTABLES forcement agencies, Initial presentation,47-3 Animals,83-29 A290-22 Investigation,47-3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Detectives to be on call,A290- Review-by Town Board,47-4 Administration,51-5 32 PET WASTE Board of Police Commissioners, Documents,A290-28 Animals,83-28 151-2 Dress,A290-29 PET WASTE DISPOSAL Charges,51-6 Inquiries,A290-25 Animals,83-28 Compensation,51-1 Inspections,A290-27 PLACES OF WORSHIP Disciplinary action,51-6 Intoxicating,A290-24 Zoning,280-13,280-38;280-78 Emergency,514 Investigations,A290-17, PLANNING BOARD Equipment,51-1 A290-19—A290-21, Historic Preservation District Establishment,51-1 A290-24,A290-25, (HDP),280-195 Fined,51-6 A290-31 Plum Island Research District Hearing,51-6 Offenses,A290-19 (PIC),280-187 Investigation,51-6 Procedures,A290-30 Subdivision of land,240-10 Members,51-1 Qualifications,A290-16 Zoning,280-28,280-131,280- Notice,51-6 Records,A290-28 174,280-181 Powers and duties,51-1 Report,A290-31,A290-32 PLAYGROUNDS Qualifications of members of Po- Requesting assistance,A290- Subdivision of land,240-43,240- lice Department,51-3 26 44,240-52.240-53 Record,51-2 Rules of conduct,A290-23 Zoning,280-13 Rules and regulations,51-5 Scene of investigation,A290- See also PARKS AND RECRE- Special policemen,51-4 20 ATION AREAS POLICE DEPARTMENT RULES Use of intoxicating beverages, PLUAIBING AND REGULATIONS A290-24 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Chief of Police,A290-6,A290-7 Disciplinary Action,A290-47 - 36,215-43 General duties,A290-6 Types of action,A290-47 Subdivision of land,240-47 Inspections,A290-7 General Rules,A290-34—A290- Zoning,280-41,28045;280-48, Investigation,A290-7 45 280-58,280-62,280-78 Meeting,A290-7 Communicable/infectious dis- PLUM ISLAND CONSERVA- Permit,A290-7 eases,A290-45 TION DISTRICT(PIC) Records,A290-7 Confidentiality of official Accessory uses,280-187 Reports,A290-7 business,A290-41 Additional standards,280-187 Specific duties,A290-7 Curb,A290-37,A290-38 Appeals,280-187 Civilian Members,A290-12— Duty of Department,A290-35 Applications,280-187 A290-14 Fitness for duty,A290-39 Bulk,area and parking regula-- General duties,A290-12 Grooming,A290-43 tions,280-188 Report,A290-13 Hazardous waste,A290-45 Hearings,280-187 Safeguarding information, Hospital,A29044,A29045 Permitted uses,280-187 A290-14 Maintenance of order,A290- Planning Board,280-187 Specific duties,A290-13 34 Purpose,280-186 Conduct,A290-15 Minor.A290-36 Setbacks,280-189 Alcoholic beverages,A290-15 Notification,A290-44 Special exception uses,280-187 Disorderly conduct,A290-15 Patrol duty;A290-37 Use regulations,280-187 Fine,A290-15 Pro-arrest policy,A290-36 Wetlands and shoreline,280-189 Gas,A290-15 Records,A29045 Zomng.280-186—280-189 Gun,A290-15 Report,A290-36—A290-38, PLUM ISLAND RESEARCH Inspection;A290-15 A290-44 DISTRICT(PER) Intoxicating, A290-15 Safety,A29045 Accessory uses,280-183 Investigation,A290-15 Sick time,A290-44 Additional standards,280-183 Penalty,A290-15 Sidearms,A29042 Appeals,280-183 Record,A290-15 Sign,A290-36 Applications,280-183 Report,A290-15 Smoke,A290-45 Bulk,area and parkmg regula- Rules of conduct,A290-15 Streetlights,A290-37,A290- tions,280-184 Tobacco,A290-15 38 Hearings,280-183 Towing,A290-15 Supervisory officers,A290-38 Natural resources preservation, Vehicles,A290-15 Testing,A29045 280-182 Weapon,A290-15 Vehicles,A290-45 Permitted uses,280-183 Construal of Provisions,A290-48 Water,A290-45 Purpose,280-182 Conflict with Police Benevo- Well,A29043 Setbacks,280-185 lent Association agree- Lieutenant,A290-8,A290-9 Special exception uses,280-183 ments,A29048 Disorderly conduct,A290-9 24 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX i Firearms,A290-9 PRIVY VAULT -R- General duties,A290-8 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Intoxication,A290-9 37 RABIES VACCINATIONS Records,A290-9 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES Animals,83-21 Reports,A290-9 Animals,83-6 RADIATION Specific duties,A290-9 PROHIBITED USES Zoning,280-13 Members of the Department, Zoning,280-8,280-111 RECORDS A290-33 PROHIBITIONS Animals,83-24 Duties,A290-33 Animals,83-28 Boats,docks and wharves,96-10, Emergency,A290-33 Stormwater management,236-6 96-25 Fill,A290-33 PROPANEILIQUID GAS TANKS Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Firearms,A290-33 Wetlands and shoreline,275-5 10,111-29 License,A290-33 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Community Preservation Fund, Minor,A290-33 Fire prevention and building con- 17-22,17-34,17-35 Notice,A290-33 struction,144-6 Domestic partnerships,121-4 Offenses,A290-33 See also BUILDINGS,UN- Ethics,26-7,26-23,26-25 Record,A290-33 SAFE;PROPERTY Fire prevention and building con- Report,A290-33 MAINTENANCE struction,144-16,144-17 Retirement,A290-33 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT Flood damage prevention,148-22 Safety,A290-33 AND SPECIAL EVENTS Harbor management,157-12 Vehicle,A290-33 Enforcement Landmark preservation,170-5, Weapon,A290-33 Modification or rescission of 170-11 Organization,A290-1-A290-5 permit,205-8 Littering,174-5 Absence or disability of Chief, Notices,205-8 Municipal building energy A290-3 Penalties for offenses,205-9 benchmarking,177-5 Chief of Police,A290-2 General Provisions Peddlers,solicitors and transient Disability,A290-3 Definitions,205-2 retail merchants,197-8 Emergency,A290-3 Permit required,205-3 Police department,51-2 Order of rank,A2904 Purpose,205-1 Police department rules and regu- Powers and duties,A290-1 Special Events Requiring Chair- lations,A290-7,A290-9, Report,A290-3 person of the Zoning Board A290-11,A290-15,A290- Seniority,A290-5 of Appeals'Approval 28,A290-33,A290-45 Sergeants,A290-10,A290-11 Appeal from denial of a spe- Public Access to Records,59-1- Emergencies,A290-11 cial event permit,205-6 59-10 General duties,A290-10 Application requirements, Appeals,59-8,59-10 Record,A290-11 205-4 Definitions,59-1 Reports,A290-11 Application review procedure Denial of access,59-8 Specific duties,A290-11 and standards,205-5 Designation of records access Vehicles,A290-11 Fees,2054 officer,59-3 Word usage,A290-46 Notices,205-4 Designation of records loca- POLLUTION Parking,2054 tion,59-4 Boats,docks and,.vharves,96-26 Penalties for offenses,205-5 Duties,59-3 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Permit,205-5,205-6 Exceptions,59-2 38 Special Events Requiring Town Fees,59-9 Soil removal,228-7 Board Approval Hours for public inspection, Stormwater management,236-24, Certificates of insurance,205- 59-5 236-28 7 Inspection,59-2-59-5,59-9, Waterfront consistency review, Events held on Town lands or 59-10 268-3 events exceeding 1,000 Investigations,59-2 Water quality,17-44 attendees,205-7 Maintenance of list of records Wetlands and shoreline,275-3 Fees,205-7 by subject matter,59-7 Zoning,280-48,280-58,280-62, Garbage,rubbish and refuse, Newspaper,59-10 280-77,280-91,280-111, 205-7 Notice,59-10 280-143 Penalties for offenses,205-7 Permit,59-3,59-7 PRELLNI HNARY PLANS PUBLIC HEARINGS,NOTICE Records,59-2-59-10 Highway specifications,161-2, OF Safety,59-2 161-3 Assessment,55-1 Public hearings,notice of,55-1 PRELIl4DNARY PLATS Hearings,55-1 Records,59-2-59-17 Subdivision of land,240-3,240-6 Newspaper,55-1 Records Management,59-11- -240-8,240-10,240-13, Notice,55-1 59-17 240-15-240-20,240-22, Providing notice of public hear- Custody and control of rcc- 240-24,240-25,240-53,240- rugs,55-1 ords,59-16 58 Record,55-1 Definitions,59-13 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Setbacks,55-1 Designation of records man- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Sign,55-1 agement officer,59-12 37 Disposition of records,59-17 Improvements,59-15 Intent,59-11 25 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Powers and duties of records Police department rules and regi- RIGHT OF ENTRY management officer,59- lations,A290-3,A290-7, Fire prevention and building con- 14 A290-9,A290-11,A290-13, struction,14414 Program established,59-12 A290-15,A290-31-A290- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Records,59-11-59-17 33,A290-36-A290-38, 23 Records Advisory Board,59- A290-44 Stomnvater management,236-20, 15 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 236-31 Sign,59-15 5,215-7,215-38 Zoning,280-151 Storage,59-12,59-14 Stormwater management,236-20, ROOFS Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 236-23 Zoning,280-71 35,215-43 Subdivision of land,240-19 Soil removal,228-6,228-9,228- Tobacco advertising,249-1 12 Tourist and trailer camps,253-14 _S_ Storinivater S- Stomiwater management,236-20, Transportation access manage- SAFETY 236-31,236-32 ment,644 Streets and sidewalks,237-24 Waterfront consistency review, Appearance tickets,5-2 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- 268-4 Boats,docks and wharves,96-14, 17,240-19,240-21,240-25, Wetlands and shoreline,275-7, 96- 96-26 erosion 240-29,240-34,240-38,240- 275-8 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- 41,240-44 Zoning,280-29,280-30,280-70, 17,111-18 Filming,139-1,139-3 Tourist and trailer camps,253-13 280-74,280-151,280-157, Zoning,280-7,280-31,280-52, 280-174 Flood damage prevention,148-2, 280-55,280-92,280-133, RESIDENCY REQUI VENTS 148-4,148-7,148-18,148- 280-151,280-154 Officers and employees,42-9,42- 22,148-23 Harbor management, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 10 ,16 Hi Flood damage prevention,148-4, Water Quality Advisory Commit- Highway specifications,161-6, 148-13-148-15,148-21 tee,17-46 161-7,161-44,161-46ndrecreation real, Tourist and trailer camps,253-20, RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY Parks and recreation areas,193-6, 253-21,253-23,253-24 (R-40)DISTRICT(ONE- 193-11 Police department rules and regu- Zomng,280-4,280-137 ACRE DHNJAIUM) RECYCLABLES Subdivision of land,240-42 lations,A290-33,A290-45 Solid waste,233-1,233-2,233- RESIDENTIAL LO\'V-DENSITY Records,59-2 3.1,233-4,233-5 (R-80)DISTRICT(TWO- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- RECYCLING ACRE MININIUXI) 44 Soil removal,228-1,228-5,228-7 Solid waste,233-7 Subdivision of land,240-42 REGISTRATION RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY Subdivision of land,240-2,240-4, Boats,docks and wharves,96-10, (R-120)DISTRICT(THREE- 240-10,240-38,240 43,240- 96-24 ACRE DHNIMU:4I) sp45,240-46,240-56 cation, cess Harbor management;157-12 Subdivision of land,240-42 Transportation 64- access manage- Parking,189-3,189-4 RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY merit. d traffic, Peddlers,solicitors and transient (R-200)DISTRICT(FIVE- Vehicles and traffic,260-26 Vehicles,motor-driven 264-2, retail merchants,197-1,197- ACRE MINIMUM) 4,197-6 Subdivision of land,240-42 2n 264-15 Solid waste,233-4 RESIDENTIAL LOW-DENSITY Wetlanndsds and shoreline,275-3, 5-12 Tourist and trailer camps,253-14 (R-400)DISTRICT(TEN- 275-11,2,280- Zoning, Vehicles and traffic,260-27 ACRE MINIMUM) 280-2,280-3,280-13, Vehicles,motor-driven,264-11 Subdivision of land,240-42 280-28,280-67,280-82,280- RENTAL PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL OFFICE(RO) 88,280-97,280-99,280-111, Zoning'280-13 DISTRICT 280-125,280-128,280-129, REPORTS Subdivision of land,24042 280-131,280-133,280-137, 28 Buildings,unsafe;property RESORT RESIDENTIAL(RR) 280-143,280-146 HAZ SAFETY HAZ maintenance,100-5 DISTRICT ARDS Chief Enforcement Officer,177-6 Subdivision of land,240-42 Buildings,unsafe;property 00-9 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- RESTAURANTS maintenance, 27,111-29,111-35 Wetlands and shoreline.275-11 SAFETYSTANDARDS Community Preservation Fund, Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-35, Wind energy,277-3 17-34 280-38,280-41,280-45,280- SALES Electrical inspections,126-3 48,280-55,280-78,280-85 Agricultural lands preservation, Ethics,26-25 RETAINING WALLS 70-4,70-5 Boats,docks and wharves,9G-10, Flood damage prevention,148-6, Wetlands and shoreline.275-11 96-25 148-22 RETMAIENT Highway specifications,161-49 Ethics,26-17 Community Preservation Fund, Historic Preservation District Police department rules and regu- 17-9,17-24 General provisions, (HDP),280-195 lations,A290-33 ,157--1212 Landmark preservation,170-5 Taxation,245-1,245-2 Harbor management,15 Municipal building energy Waterfront consistency review, Highway fund, specifications,4-2, 4161 49 benchmarking,177-6 268-3 Housing fund,34-2,34 4-34-G Junkyards,166-3 26 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Open space preservation,185-4, SANITATION Plum Island Research District 185-5 Animals,83-28 (PIC),280-189 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Appearance tickets,5-2 Plum Island Research District retail merchants,197-4- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- (PIR),280-185 197-6,197-10 30 Public hearings,notice of,55-1 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- SCALLOPS Soil removal,228-5,228-7 36 Shellfish and other marine re- Subdivision of land,240-19,240- Subdivision of land,240-34 sources,219-8 42,240-43,240-45 Taxation,245-1,245-2 SCHOOL Tourist and trailer camps,253-21 Tobacco advertising,249-1 Fire pievention and building con- Waterfront consistency review, Waterfront consistency review, struction,144-8 268-3 268-3 Peddlers,solicitors and transient Wetlands and shoreline,275-2, Zoning,2804,280-13,280-30, retail merchants,197-10 275-3,275-5 280-31,280-38,280-41,280- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Wind energy,277-3 45,28048,280-52,280-55, 41 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-15, 280-58,280-62,280-78,280- Subdivision of land,240-4,240- 280-24,280-28,280-43,280- 79,280-85,280-86,280-98, 53 50,280-60,280-64,280-70, 280-104,280-118,280-174- Taxation,245-11 280-72,280-76.2,280-85, 280-177,280-179-280-181 Tobacco advertising.249-1- 280-104,280-116,280-123, SALVAGE CENTERS 249-3 280-133,280-134,280-137 Access,211-4 Vehicles,motor-driven,264-6 SEWAGE TREATMENT SYS- Applications,211-3 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-26, TEXTS,INDIVIDUAL Definitions,211-1 280-38,280-45,28048,280- Stormwater management,236-26 Fees,211-3 52,280-55,280-58,280-62, -236-28 Liable,211-6 280-78,280-79,280-143, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DIS- Parking,211-3,211-4 280-154 POSAL Penalties for offenses,211-6 SCREENS AND SCREENING Administration and Enforcement, Permit,211-2,211-3,211-5,211- Flood damage prevention,148-16 215-30-215-32 6 Highway specifications,161-22- Administration and enforce- Storage,211-3 161-24,161-29,161-30,161- ment officer,215-30 SANDY,SUPERSTORM,see SU- 42 Compliance required,215-32 PERSTORM SANDY IM- Sewers and sewage disposal,215- License,215-31 PACT,ASSESSMENT AND 38 Notice,215-31,215-32 TAX RELIEF FOR Soil removal,228-7 Notice of violation,215-31 SANITARY FACILITIES Solar energy systems,280-58, Penalties for offenses,215-32 Flood damage prevention,148- 280-62 Permit,215-31,215-32 19,148-20 Subdivision of land,240-49 Sanitation,215-30 Junkyards,166-7 Tourist and trailer camps,253-16 Construction and Alteration,215- SANITARY FLOW CREDITS, Zoning,2804,280-7,280-72, 8-215-10 TRANSFER OF 280-78,280-91-280-94, Cesspool,215-8 Applicability,1174 280-129,280-143 Civil penalty,215-9 Covenants and restrictions,117- SEARCH WARRANTS Fees,215-10 11 Stormwater management,236-31 Penalty,215-9 Definitions,117-3 SEEING EYE DOGS Permit,215-8-215-10 Determination of credits to be de- Animals,83-10 Septic tank,215-8 posited,117-7 SEIZURE Construction Requirements,215- Easements,117-5 Animals,83-11 19-215-21 Expiration,117-13 Vehicles and traffic,260-24 Cesspools,215-19,215-21 General prohibitions,117-4 SEPTIC SYSTEMS Covering,215-21 Hearings,117-9,117-12,117-14 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Dirt,215-21 Irreversible transfer,117-8 25 Easement,215-20 Licenses and permits,117-10 Subdivision of land,240-10 Grass,215-21 Notices,117-9,117-10,117-12- Wetlands and shoreline,275-5 Inspection,215-21 117-14 SEPTIC TANKS Landscaping,215-21 Powers and duties,117-7 Junkyards,166-7 Location,215-20 Procedure for transfer from bank Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Permits,215-21 to receiving district,117-9 2,215-4,215-5,215-7,215- Septic tanks,215-19,215-21 Purpose and intent,117-2 8,215-11,215-12,215-19, Standards,215-19 Return of credit to bank,117-14 215-21,215-22,215-27,215- Trespassing,215-20 Revocation,117-12 37,215-39 Costs and Expenses,215-33 Sanitary flow credit bank,117-5 Stomnvater management,236-28 Assessment of costs,215-33 Sanitary flow credit certificates, Tourist and trailer camps,253-7 Lien,215-33 117-10 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3 Disposal Fees,215-26 Sanitary flow credit transfer,117- Zoning,2804 Fee to be set by resolution, 6 SERVICE STATIONS 215-26 Title,117-1 Zoning,2804,280-48,280-79 Effective Date,215-34 Town Clerk,117-7 SETBACKS When effective,215-34 Agricultural uses,72-6 27 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX General Provisions,215-1-215- Penalty for late payment,215- Plumbing,215-36,215-43 3 49 Pollution,215-38 Cesspool,215-2 Purpose,215-48 Powers and authority of in- Definitions,215-2 Rents,21549 spectors,215-44 Easement,215-2 Sewer rent fund,215-52 Private sewage disposal,215- Purpose,215-3 Sewer Use,215-35-21547 37 Septic tank,215-2 Abandoned,215-37,215-43 Privy,215-37 Title,215-1 Air conditioning,215-36 Pnvy vault,215-37 Water,215-3 Animals,215-37,215-38 Purpose,215-35 Improper Disposal,215-27 Asbestos,215-43 Record,215-35,215-43 Cesspool,215-27 Ashes,215-38 Report,215-38 Dumping,215-27 Barricades,215-43 Safety,215-44 Septic tank,215-27 Bond,215-42 Sale,215-36 Inspections and Maintenance, Building permits,21541 Schools,215-41 215-22-215-25 Building sewer permits,215- Screens,215-38 Cesspool,215-22 41 Septic tanks,215-37,215-39 Civil claims,215-24 Cesspools,215-37,215-39 Severability,21547 Emergency,215-23 Churches,215-41 Standards for building sewers; Frequency of inspections,215- Definitions,215-36 21543 22 Dirt,215-37 Storage,215-36,215-38 Inspections,215-22,215-23 Discharges from private sys- Stormwater,215-36,215-38 Notice,215-23 tems,215-39 Tampering prohibited,21540 Permit,215-22,215-23,215- Disconnection,21545 Tests,215-38,21543,21544 25 Discretionary monitoring of Toilet,215-36 Responsibility of owner,215- effluents,21546 Toxic substances,215-38 22 Disorderly conduct,21540 Tree,215-43 Right of entry,215-23 Drainage,215-36,215-38, Trenches,215-39,21543 Right to require maintenance, 215-39 Utility,215-42,215-43 215-25 Easement,21543,21544 Water,215-36-215-38,215- Septic system,215-25 Emergency,215-38 43 Septic tank,215-22 Excavations,21542,215-43 Watercourse,215-36 Prohibited Wastes,215-28,215- Explosion hazard,215-38 Water pollution,215-38 29 Explosive,215-38 Well,215-43 Cesspool,215-28 Fees,215-41 Word usage,215-36 Discharge,215-29 Flammable,215-38 Transportation,215-4-215-7 Drainage,215-28 Fuel,215-38 Assessment,215-5 Hazardous substances,215-28 Garbage,215-36-215-38 Cesspools,2154,215-5,215- Industrial waste,215-28 Gas,215-38 7 Prohibited wastes enumerated, General discharge prohibi- Fees,215-6 215-28 tions,215-38 License,215-4-215-6 Water,215-28 General waste disposal re- Penalty,215-5,215-7 Rates and Fees,215-16-215-18 quirements,215-37 Reports,215-5,215-7 Construction permits,215-16 Grade,215-43 Septic tanks,215-4,215-5, Fees for alteration and con- Guaranty,21542 215-7 struction permits,215-16 Heat,215-38 Vehicles,215-5 Fees for operation permit,215- Industrial wastes,215-36- SHELLFISH AND OTHER AIA- 17 215-38 RINE RESOURCES Permit,215-16,215-17 Inspection,215-37,215-38, Angling for fish,219-2 Tax rate,215-18 215-41,215-43,21544 Aquaculturelmariculture exemp- Well,215-18 Insurance,21542 tion,219-21 Septic Tanks and Cesspools,215- Liability,215-38,21542,215- Bay Constable,219-23 11-215-15 44 Blue claw crabs,219-11 Affected properties,215-11 License,21541,215-42 Claims,219-9 Cesspool,215-11,215-12 Licensed drain layers,215-42 Code Enforcement Officer,219- Exceptions,215-13 Manholes,215-38,21540 23 No permit required of tenants, Meters,215-38 Coordination and enforcement, 215-14 Multifamily dik ellings,21541 219-23 Permit,215-11-215-15 Notices,215-37,215-38,215- Culling shellfish and restoration Septic tank,215-11,215-12 41-215-43,21545 of underwater lands,219-14 Sewer Rents and Charges,21548 Nuisance,215-38 Definitions,219-4 -215-52 Obstruction,215-38 Display,219-7 Actions to collect rents,215- Odor,215-38 Dredges and scrapes,219-19 51 Penalties for offenses,215-38, Eels.219-13 Assessments,215-50,215-52 215-40,215-45 Enforcement,219-14-219-23 Liable,215-51 Permit,215-37,215-38,215- Expiration,219-7 Liens,215-50,215-51 40-215-43 Fees,219-7 Penalty,21549 Persons authorized to work on Fixed gear,219-15 sewers,215-42 28 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Licenses and permits,219-6,219- SITE PLAN Garbage,228-7 7 Zoning,280-74 Grade,228-4,228-6,228-7 Mussels,219-12 SITE PLAN APPROVAL Grass,228-7 Oysters,219-10 Agricultural uses,72-6 Hearings,228-5,228-12 Penalties for offenses,219-6, Historic Preservation District Height,228-7 219-22 (HDP),280-193 Improvement,228-4 Permit,219-16 Zoning,280-71,280-72 Insurance,228-6 Planting of shellfish seed,219-17 SITE PLAN REVIEW Intent of regulations,228-2 Prohibited activities,219-14- Solid waste,233-6 Landscaping,2284 219-23 SITE PLANS Legislative declaration,228-1 Purpose,219-5 Fire prevention and building con- Lots,228-7 Residence requirements,219-1 struction,144-8 Newspaper,228-12 Restricted areas,219-14-219-23 Lighting,outdoor,172-8 Noise,228-5 Scallops,219-8 Soil removal,2284 Notices,228-5,228-9,228-12 Title,219-3 Subdivision of land,240-42 Nuisance,228-5 Transplanting of shellfish,219-18 Tourist and trailer camps,253-3 Operations excepted,228-4 Variances,219-21 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-17, Parking,228-7 Vegetation removal prohibited, 280-22,280-29,280-31,280- Penalties for offenses,228-13 219-20 35,280-38,280-41,280-45, Permit,228-3-228-12 SHOPPING CENTERS 28048,280-52,280-55,280- Pollution,228-7 Vehicles and traffic,260-14 58,280-62,280-92,280-104, Records,228-6,228-9,228-12 Zoning,280-4,280-48,280-87 280-119,280-127,280-129- Regulations,228-7 SIGNS 280-134,280-136-280-138, Safety,228-1,228-5,228-7 Appearance tickets,5-2 280-151,280-154 Screening,228-7 Boats,docks and wharves,96-23, SKETCH PLANS Setbacks,228-5,228-7 96-24 Highway specifications,161-1 Site plan,228-4 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Subdivision of land,240-7,240- Storage,228-7 29 10,240-13,240-16,240-20 Stormwater,228-4 Fire prevention and building con- SKETCH PLAT Stomnvater management control struction,144-8 Subdivision of land,240-6-240- plan,228-6 Highway specifications,161-11, 13,240-17,240-20,240-26- Vibration,228-5 161-12 240-28 Waiver by Town Board,228-10 Littering,174-6 SMALL WIND ENERGY SYS- Water,228-2,2284,228-5,228- Parking, 28-2,228-4,228-5,228- Parking,189-3,1894 TEMS 7 Parks and recreation areas,193-3 Zoning,280-13 Well,228-1 Peddlers,solicitors and transient SMOKE Yards,228-6,228-11 retail merchants,197-12 Fire prevention and building con- SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS Police department rules and regu- struction,1448 Abandonment,280-58,280-62 lations,A290-36 Police department rules and regu- Area,yard and bulk regulations, Public hearings,notice of,55-1 lations,A29045 280-58,280-62 Records,59-15 Tobacco advertising,249-1 Batteries,280-58,280-62 Solar energy systems,280-58, Zoning,280-13,28048,280-58, Building Inspector,280-58,280- 280-62 280-62,280-99,280-111, 62, Solid waste,2334 280-143 Costs and expenses,280-58,280- Streets and sidewalks,237-13, SMOKE DETECTORS 62 237-26 Fire prevention and building con- Decommissioning/removal,280- Subdivision of land,240-17,240- struction,144-8 58,280-62 19,240-21,240-32 SMOKING Fences,280-58,280-62 Tobacco advertising,2494 Tobacco advertising,249-1 Fire prevention and building con- Vehicles and traffic,260-4,260- SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL struction,144-8 6,260-8 Streets and sidewalks,237-20 Glare,280-58,280-62 Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 SOIL REMOVAL Height regulations,280-58,280- Wind energy,277-4 Assessments,228-6 62 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-35, Bond,228-8,228-9 Liens,280-58,280-62 280-38,280-41,280-45,280- Building Inspector,2284 Notices,280-58,280-62 48,280-52,280-55,280-58, Cash deposit,228-9 Penalties for offenses,280-58, 280-62,280-70,280-78,280- Cesspool,228-4 280-62 80-280-90,280-101,280- Combustible,228-7 Screen,280-58,280-62 131,280-133,280-134,280- Comprehensive Plan,228-6 Signs,280-58,280-62 137 Drainage,228-2,2284,228-5, Special exceptions,280-58,280- SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS 228-7 62 Fire prevention and building con- Driveway,2284 Utilities,280-59,280-62 struction,144-8 Dust,228-2,228-5,228-7 Waivers,280-58,280-62 Stormwater management,236-19 Excavations,228-1,228-3-228- Zoning,280-58,280-62 Wetlands and shoreline,275-5 7 SOLID WASTE Zoning,280-28,280-38 Fees,228-11 Garbage,Rubbish and Refuse, SITE DESIGN STANDARDS Fences,228-4,228-7 233-1,233-2,233-4,233-5, Zoning,280-70 Fill,228-7 233-7,233-8 29 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Brush,2334 Highway specifications,161-12 STORARVATER CONTROL Commercial vehicles,233-1, Transportation access manage- Stormwater management,236-15 233-4 ment.64-5 STORMWATER MANAGE- Conveyance and transportation SPRINKLERS HENT of refuse,233-5 Fire prevention and building con- Additional Requirements Definitions,233-1 struction,1448,144-17 Activities covered,236-19 Demolition,233-1,233-4 STABLES AND RIDING ACRD- Application process,236-20 Disposal and collection of sol- EAIIES Area,yard and bulk regula- id waste and recyclables, Zoning;280-13 tions,236-20 233-3.1 STEEP SLOPES Bonds,236-20 Dumping,233-1,233-2,233-7 Subdivision of land,240-4 Construction,236-20 Emergencies,233-6 STOP-WORK ORDERS Construction activities,236-19 Fees,233-4,233-6 Fire prevention and building con- Contractor identification and Garbage,233-1,233-2,2334 struction,144-6,144-13 certification,236-22 Grass clippings,233-4 Flood damage prevention,148-14 Inspection of stonmvater facil- Hazardous waste,233-2 Landmark preservation,170-12 ities after project comple- Hearing,233-8 Waterfront consistency review, tion,236-24 Hearings,233-6 268-6 Inspections,236-20 Inspection,233-4 Wetlands and shoreline,275-12.1 Licenses and permits,236-20 Inspections,233-6 STORAGE Maintenance guarantees,236- Issuance and duration of per- Boats,docks and wharves,96-10, 20 nuts and licenses,233-4 96-25,96-26 Other environmental permits, Landscaping,233-4 Fire prevention and building con- 236-21 License,233-2-233-4,233-8 struction,144-8 Performance guarantees,236- Newspaper,233-1 Flood damage prevention,148- 20 Notice,233-8 12,148-16 Pollution,236-24 Notices,233-6 Harbor management,157-6,157- Recordkeepmg,236-20 Penalties for offenses,233-3.1, 12 Reports,236-20,236-23 233-7 Highway specifications,161-29, Right of entry,236-20 Permit,233-2,233-3.1,233-4, 161-30 Single-family dwellings,236- 233-6,233-8 Junkyards,166-3 19 Recyclables,233-1,233-2, Parking,189-7 Stormwater Management Of- 233-3.1,233-4,233-5 Records,59-12,59-14 ficer,236-20 Recycling,233-7 Salvage centers,211-3 Stormwater pollution preven- Registration,233-4 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- tion plans,236-20 Signs,233-4 36,215-38 SWPPP and other documents Site plan review,233-6 Soil removal,228-7 retained on site,236-23 Solid waste,233-3.1 Subdivision of land,240-44 Administration and Enforcement To-,kn transfer station,233-3 Tourist and trailer camps,253-14 All stormwater discharges, Transfer station special permit, Vehicles and traffic,260-24 236-34 233-6 Vehicles,motor-driven,264-19 Certificates of occupancy, Trees,233-4 Waterfront consistency review, 236-34 Vehicles,233-1,2334,233-5 268-3 Enforcement,236-33 Yard,233-4 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-38, Erosion and sediment control SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 280-41,28048,280-58,280- inspection,236-34 Fire prevention and building con- 62,280-78,280-79,280-88, Illicit discharges,236-35 struction,144-8 280-101,280-104,280-110, Notice of violations,236-35 Solar energy systems,280-58, 280-111,280-118,280-119, Penalties for offenses,236-33 280-62 280-134,280-137 -236-35 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-17, STORM SEWERS Remedies not exclusive,236- 280-22,280-35,280-38, 36- 280-22,280-35,280-38,280- Animals,83-28 36 41,280-45,280-48,280-52, STORMWATER General Provisions 280-55,280-58,280-62,280- Fire prevention and building con- Amendments and modifica- 71,280-73,280-74,280-78. struction,144-10 tions to stormwater man- 280-130,280-131,280-139- Highway specifications,161-6, agement control plan, 280-142,280-144,280-146, 161-8,161-27,161-29,161- 236-12 280-149,280-154 30,161-32,161-36 Applicability and prohibitions, SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 236-6 Plum Island Research District 36,215-38 Construction,236-7,236-9 (PIC),280-187 Soil removal,2284 Definitions,236-5 Plum Island Research District Subdivision of land,240-11,240- Findings of fact,236-3 (PIR),280-183 19,240-36,240-44,240-50, Maintenance easements.236-9 Zoning,280-4,280-13,280-35, 240-51 Maintenance,inspection and 280-38,280-41,280-45,280- Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, repair of stormxvater facil- 48,280-58.280-62,280-78, 275-7 ities,236-9 280-140,280-141,280-144 Zoning,280-129,280-133,280- Notices,236-12 SPEED LIMITS 143 Performance and design cnte- Boats,docks and wharves,96-13 ria for stormwater man- 30 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX agement and erosion and management control plan, General maintenance,237-20 sediment control,236-7 236-18 Intent,237-19 Powers and duties,236-8 Requirements for all land- Obstructions,237-20 Purpose,236-4 disturbing activities or Penalties for offenses,237-21 Statutory authoriza- impervious surfaces,236- Snow and ice removal,237-20 tion/conflicts with other 14 Vacant lot,237-20 laws,236-2 Stormwater management con- Weeds,237-20 Stormwater Management Of- trol plan,236-17 Street Excavations,2374-237- ficer and authority,236-8 Stormwater Management Of- 18 Stormwater pollution preven- fiver,236-16 Applications,237-7 tion plans,236-12 Watercourses,236-13 Backfilling,237-13 Technical standards,236-7 Wetlands,236-18 Barricades,237-12,237-13 Title,236-1 Zoning,280-142 Bond,237-9,237-18 Water quality standards,236-7 STORNIWATER MANAGE- Completion of work,237-14 Illicit Discharges 111ENT CONTROL PLAN Curbs,237-16 Access and monitoring of dis- Soil removal,228-6 Definitions,237-5 charges,236-31 Stormwater management,236-12, Emergencies,237-13 Activities contaminating 236-17,236-18 Fees,237-10 stoimwater prohibited, Subdivision of land,240-17 Fill,237-13 236-27 Wetlands and shoreline,275-6 Fine,237-17 Costs and expenses,236-31 Zoning,280-133 Grade,237-6,237-13 Discharge and connection pro- STORMWATER MANAGE- Grass,237-13 hibitions,236-25 AIENT OFFICER Guarantee,237-9 Emergencies,236-32 Stormwater management,236-8, Improvements,237-6,237-16 Failing individual sewage 236-16,236-20,236-29 Inspection,237-14 treatment systems prohib- STORI4IN'VATER POLLUTION Insurance,237-8,237-18 ited,236-26 PREVENTION PLANS Liable,237-14 Failure to comply,236-29 Stormwater management,236-12, Lighting,237-12 Illegal discharges,236-25 1236-20,236-23 Notices,237-11,237-13 Illicit connections,236-25 STREETLIGHTING Penalties for offenses,237-17 Indi-vidual sewage treatment Highway specifications,161-3, Permit,237-6-237-11,237- systems,236-27,236-28 161-4,161-46 13,237-15-237-18 Industrial or construction ac- Lighting,outdoor,172-5 Protective measures,237-12 tivity discharges,236-30 Police department rules and regu- Repair,237-16 Inspections,236-31 lations,A290-37,A290-38 Responsibility for damages, Licenses and permits,236-27, Subdivision of land,240-17,240- 237-16 236-30 21,240-46 Revocation,237-15 Notices,236-27 STREET OPENINGS Short title,237-4 Notification of spills,236-32 Streets and sidewalks,237-13 Signs,237-13 Penalties for offenses,236-25, Waterfront consistency review, Street opening,237-13 236-29,236-31 268-3 Trenches,237-13 Prevention,control and reduc- STREETS AND SIDENVALKS Utilities,237-11,237-16 tion of stomtkvater pollu- Notification of Defects,237-1- Waiver of insurance and bond tants by use of best man- 237-3 requirements,237-18 agement practices,236-28 Meeting,237-2 Water,237-13,237-16 Records,236-31,236-32 Obstruction,237-1 Street Numbering,237-22-237- Right of entry,236-31 Prior written notice required, 29 Search warrants,236-31 237-1 Building Inspector,237-28 Septic tanks,236-28 Statutory provisions supersed- Building permit,237-25,237- Suspension of access to MS4 ed,237-3 26 in emergency situations or Transmission and presentation Certificate of occupancy,237- due to illicit discharge, of notices,237-2 25 236-29 Removal of Utility Poles Changes,237-24 Testing,236-25 Definitions,237-31 Compliance deadline,237-27 Requirements for All Stormwater Failure to comply,237-30 Definitions,237-23 Discharges Legislative intent and purpose, Display of numbers,237-26 Activities requiring storm- 237-30 Emergency,237-22 water management con- Penalties for offenses,237-30, Enforcement,237-28 trol approval,236-15 237-33 Fine,237-29 Application process,236-17 Removal of damaged or dou- Height,237-26 Compliance,236-16 ble utility poles,237-32 Legislative intent,237-22 Construction activities,236-18 Superintendent of Highways, Numbering system estab- Drainage,236-13,236-18 237-32 lished,237-24 Erosion and sedimentation, Utility poles,237-30 Penalties for offenses,237-29 236-18 Snow and Ice Removal,237-19- Permit,237-25,237-26 Fill,236-18 237-21 Posting of numbers,237-25 Performance standards for ap- Church,237-20 Records,237-24 proval of stormwater Dirt,237-20 Sign,237-26 31 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Style and size,237-26 Performance bond,240-32 Residential Low-Density(R- Tax bill,237-27 Permit,240-34 120)District(three-acre Unnamed roads,237-24 Purpose of performance bond, mimmum),24042 Vehicles,237-26 240-31 Residential Low-Density(R- Well,237-22 Record,240-34 200)District(five-acre Subdivision of land,24042 Sale,240-34 mimmum),240-42 STREET TREES Sign,240-32 Residential Low-Density(R- Subdivision of land,24049 Cluster Development,240-42— 400)District(ten-acre Zoning,280-129 240-44 minimum),24042 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Affordable Housing(AHD) Residential Office(RO)Dis- Additional Requirements,240-52 District,240-42 trict,240-42 —240-58 Agricultural-Conservation(A- Residential site plans,240-42, Appeals,240-57 C)District(two-acre min- Resort Residential(RR)Dis- Comprehensive Plan,240-53 mil in),240-42 trict,24042 Easements,240-54 Animals,240-44 Safety,240-43 Effect on existing plats,240- Assessments,240-44 Setbacks,240-42,240-43 58 Authority and purpose,240-42 Storage,240-44 Final plat,240-52,240-53 Buffers,24042,240-43 Stormwater,240-44 Hearing,240-53 Cluster development,240-43, Streets and sidewalks,240-42 Improvement,240-53 240-44 Utility,240-42 Liability,240-54 Comprehensive Plan,24042, Vehicles,240-44 Lots,240-53,240-57 24043 Water,24042,240-44 Natural features,240-53,240- Determination of location of Wells,240-44 54 open spaces created by Wildlife,240-44 Notice,240-54 cluster development using Definitions,240-3 Open space,240-54 primary and secondary Design Standards,240-45—240- Parks and recreation areas, conservation areas,240- 48 240-52—240-54 43 Plumbing,24047 Playgrounds,240-52,240-53 Drainage,24044 Safety,24045,24046 Preliminary plat,240-53,240- Easements,240-42,240-44 Setbacks,240-45 58 Emergency,240-42 Streetlighting,24046 Reservation of lands for pedes- Final plat,240-42,240-44 Streets,240-45 trian trails,240-54 General Business(B)District, Wastewater treatment systems, Reservation of parkland on 240-42 240-47 subdivision plats contain- Harslet Business(HB)Dis- Water,240-48 ing residential units,240- trict,240-42 Water supply systems,240-48 53 Hamlet Density Residential Well,240-45 Safety,240-56 (FID)District,240-42 Yard,240-45 School,240-53 Landscaping,240-42,240-43 Enforcement,240-59—240-61 Standards and procedures for Lien,24044 Improvements,240-59 acceptance of streets,240- Lighting,240-44 Lots,240-59 52 Limited Business(LB)Dis- Methods of enforcement,240- Time limitations.240-55 trict,240-42 61 Variances,240-57 Livestock,240-44 Penalties for offenses,240-60 Vehicles,240-54 Lots,24042—240-44 Violations,240-59 Waiver,adjustment of proper- Meeting,240-43 Final Plat Review,240-20—240- ty lines,240-57 Natural features.240-43 25 Waivers of certain provisions. Notice,240-44 Action on final plats which are 240-56 Odors,240-44 in substantial agreement When effective,240-58 Open space,240-42—240-44 with approved prelimi- Bonds and Other Security,240-31 Parking,240-44 nary plats,240-24 —240-34 Parks,240-42 Block,240-21 Default,240-34 Penalty,240-44 Bond,240-20,240-23,240-25 Drainage,240-32 Playgrounds,240-43,240-44 Buffer,240-21 Expiration and terms of bonds, Protection and use of open Building permits,240-25 240-34 space lands created by Certificate of approval,240-21 Final plat,240-31,240-32 cluster development,240- Coordination of review of per- Forms of security,240-34 44 formance bond estimate, Guarantee,240-31,240-33, Record,240-44 240-23 240-34 Recreation areas,24043,240- Curb,240-21 Guaranty,240-34 44 Drainage,240-20,240-21, Improvements,240-31—240- Residential Low-Density(R- 240-23,240-25 34 40)District(one-acre Easements,240-21 Inspection,240-32,240-33 minimum),240-42 Environmental impact state- Landscaping,240-32 Residential Low-Density(R- ment,240-22,240-25 Liens,240-34 80)District(two-acre Environmental review,240-22 Maintenance bond,240-33 minimum),240-42 Final plats not in substantial Notification,240-32 agreement with approved 32 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX preliminary plats or when Steep slopes,240-4 Waiver of requirements,240- no preliminary plat is re- Subdivision classifications, 15 quired,240-25 240-5 Water.240-17,240-19 Fire hydrants,240-21 Utility,240-4 Wells,240-17 Grade,240-21 Water,240-4 Preservation of Natural Features, Hearings,240-25 Wells,2404 240-49-240-51 Improvements,240-20 Open Development Area,240-26 Buffer,240-49 Inspections,240-20 -240-30 Certificate of occupancy,240- License,240-21 Bond,240-30 49 Lots,240-21 Creation of lots,240-30 Clearing,240-49 Meeting,240-23 Drainage,240-30 Drainage,240-51 Monuments,240-21 Easement,240-26-240-28 Easements,240-51 Newspaper,240-25 Establishment,240-26 Final plat,240-51 Notice,240-22,240-25 Final plat,240-28 Floodplains,240-50 Open space,240-21 General requirements,240-27 Grade,240-51 Permits,240-25 Hearings,240-29,240-30 Grading,24049,240-51 Preliminary plats,240-20, Improvements,240-30 Improvement,240-51 240-22,240-24,240-25 Lots,240-26,240-27,240-30 Landscaping,240-49 Records,240-21,240-25 Notice,240-29,240-30 Lots,240-49,240-51 Signs,240-21 Permits,240-26 Open space,240-49 Sketch plan,240-20 Procedure,240-29 Permit,240-49,240-51 Sketch plat,240-20 Records,240-29 Screens and screening,240-49 Streetlights,240-21 Sketch plat,240-26-240-28 Stormwater,240-50,240-51 Submission.240-20 Submission requirements,240- Stormwater,drainage and eio- Technical requirements,240- 28 sion control,240-51 21 Preliminary Plat Review,240-15 Street trees,240-49 Test,240-21 -240-19 Tree fee,240-49 Trees,240-21 Action on preliminary plat, Trees,240-49 Utilities,240-21 240-19 Water,240-51 Water,240-21 Block,240-17 Required Public Improvements; Wells,240-21 Buffer,240-17 Inspections;Fees,240-35- General Application Procedure; Comprehensive Plan,240-19 240-41 Submission Requirements; Curbs,240-17 Abandoned,240-37 Fees,240-6-240-8 Drainage,240-17,240-19 Administration fee,240-37 Assessment,240-7 Easements,240-17 Backfilling,240-36 Bond,240-7 Environmental impact state- Bond,240-35,240-37 Drainage,240-7 ment,240-18,240-19 Bonding,240-35 Fees,240-8 Environmental review,240-18 Design standards,240-36 Final plats,240-8 Final plat,240-15,240-16, Drainage,240-35-240-37, General application procedure, 240-19 240-41 240-6 Fire alarm,240-17 Excavation,240-36 Grading,240-6 Fire hydrants,240-17 Fencing,240-36 Improvement,240-6 Grade,240-17,240-19 Final plat,240-35,240-36, Preliminary plat,240-6-240- Hearings,240-19 240-41 8 Improvements,240-16,240-17 Fire hydrants,240-35,240-36 Sketch plan,240-7 Lots,240-17 Gas,240-35 Sketch plat,240-6-240-8 Manholes,240-17 Grading,24041 Submission requirements,240- Master Plan,240-17 Guaranties,240-38 7 Monuments,240-17 Improvements,240-36 General Provisions,240-1,240-2 Newspaper,240-19 Inspections,240-36,240-37 Open space,240-2 Notices,240-18,240-19 Landscaping,240-36 Purpose,240-2 Official Map,240-17 Lots,240-41 Safety,240-2 Records,240-17,240-19 Mapping of completed im- Statutory authority,240-1 Reports,240-19 provements,240-41 General Requirements;Classifi- Setbacks,240-19 Meeting,240-40 cation,240-4,240-5 Signs,240-17,240-19 Modification of design of im- Comprehensive Plan,240-4 Sketch plan,240-16 provements,24040 Drainage,2404 Sketch plat,240-17 Monuments,240-41 General requirements,2404 Stormwater,240-19 Notice,240-36 Grade,240-4 Stormwater management con- Permit,240-36,240-39 Lots,240-4 trol plan,240-17 Records,240-38,24041 Official Map,240-4 Streetlighting,240-17 Required improvements and Off-street parking,2404 Submission,240-16 utilities,240-35 Parking,240-4 Technical requirements,240- Safeguards during construc- Parks,2404 17 tion,240-39 Recreation areas,240-4 Test,240-17 Safety,240-38 Safety,240-4 Trees,240-17 Stonnwater,240-36 School,240-4 Utilities,240-17 Testing,240-35,240-36 33 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Utilities,240-35,240-36,240- SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGH- Assessor,245-3 41 WAYS Conditions,245-2 Waiver,240-38 Officers and employees,42-5- Drug,245-1 Water,240-35,240-36 42-8 Fine,245-5 Watercourse,240-41 Streets and sidewalks,237-32 Hearing,2454 Wells,240-35,240-36 SUPERSTORM SANDY IM- Insurance,245-1 Sketch Plat Review,240-9-240- PACT,ASSESSMENT AND Notice,245-4,245-6 14 TAX RELIEF FOR Notices,245-3 Action on sketch plat,240-13 Applicability,245-24 Offenses,2.45-5 Affordable housing,240-10 Definitions.245-20 Partial exemption for senior Affordable Housing(AHD) Eligibility criteria,245-22 citizens,245-1 District,240-10 Implementation and adoption of Penalties for offenses,245-5 Appeals,240-10 Superstorm Sandy Assess- Reapplications,245-4 Block,240-10 ment Relief Act,245-21 Retirement,245-1.245-2 Building permits,240-10 Other provisions,245-23 Sale,245-1,245-2 Cluster development,240-10 Relief granted,245-22 Targeted Business Investment Comprehensive Plan,240-10, Taxation,245-20-245-24 Exemption,245-7 240-11 SWIMMING POOLS Assessments,245-7 Construction,240-10 Fire prevention and building con- Exemption granted,245-7 Coordination with other agen- struction,144-8 Veterans'Exemption,245-8,245- cies,240-12 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, 9 Costs and expenses,240-10 275-11 Amount of exemption,245-9 Decision,240-13 Zoning.280-4,280-13,280-52, Assessments,245-8,245-9 Drainage,240-9-240-11 280-55 Purpose,245-8 Easements,240-10 Veterans,245-8 Emergency,240-10 War veterans and gold star par- Expiration,240-14 -T- ents tax exemption,245-15, Fees,240-10 245-16 TAXATION Final plat,240-13 TAX RELIEF FOR SUPER- Fire hydrants,240-10 SuperAssessment and Tax Relief for STORM SANDY IMPACT, Grades,240-10 245-2 -245-24 Sandy Impact, see SUPERSTORM SANDY Grass,240-10 245-20 t tans't IMPACT,ASSESSMENT Hearings,240-10,240-13 Cold War veterans'tax exemp- AND TAX RELIEF FOR Height.240-10 tion,245-17,5-17 TECHNICAL STANDARDS Improvements,240-9,240-10 Definitions,45-18 Stormwater management,236-7 Inspection,240-9 Disability, grants TENTS Lots,240-10 Exemption granted, Persons Fire prevention and building con- Master Plan,240-10 Exemption for Disabled Persons struction,144-6,144-8.144- Meeting,240-13 With Limited Income,245- 20 Moderate-income family 10 TESTS Disabilities,245-10 anted, Fire prevention and building con- Monuments, units,240-10 P g Monuments,240-10 Exemption granted,245-10 struction,144-5,144-19 Notice,240-13 Exemption for Volunteer Fire Highway specifications,161-2, Official Map,240-10 Fighters and Ambulance 161-6,161-26,161-29,161- Open space,240-10 Workers,245-11.245-12 30,161-40,161-46 Amount, lit,,2 Police department rules and re Parks,240-10 P �- Pcrmit,240-10 Applicability,245-11, lations,A290-45 Planning Board,240-10 Assessments,245-11,245-12 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Preliminary plat,240-10,240- Effective date, t ,245-11 38,215-43,215-44 13 Exemption granted,2Hearings,245-13 Stormwater management,236-25 Record,240-10 Killed in the brie of duty,245- Subdivision of land.240-17,240- Recreation area,240-10 21,240-35,240-36 Review of sketch plat,240-11 Qualifications,245-11 Wetlands and shoreline,2754 Safety,240-10 School,245-11 Zoning,28048,280-58,280-62 Septic systems,240-10 TIRES Sketch plans,240-10,240-13 Unreeased spouses volunteer fire of Junkyards,166-1 Storinwater,240-11 ceased re Littering,174-3 Submission,240-9 fighters or ambulance Zoning,28048 245-13 Technical requirements,240- workers, TOBACCO 10 Historic properties tax exemption, Police department rules and regu- Trees,240-10 245-19 lations,A290-15 Real property exemption,245- Tobacco advertising,249-1- Utilities,240-10 g• Waivers,240-10 19 249-5 Water,240-9-240-11 Senior Citizen Exemption,245-1 TOBACCO ADVERTISING Wells,240-9,240-10 -245-6 Definitions and word usage,249- Zoning,280-137 Applications,245-3 2 Assessment,245-4 Exceptions,249-4 Assessments,245-3 34 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Legislative intent and findings, Records,253-13 TRAILERS 249-1 Registration,253-14 Parking,189-2 License,249-2 Report,253-14 Vehicles and traffic,260-8 1 Minors,249-1 Roadways and driveways, Zoning,280-137 Parks,249-1 253-11 TRANSPORTATION ACCESS Penalties for offenses,249-6 Screening by plantings,253-16 MANAGEMENT Permit,249-2 Septic tanks,253-7 Definitions,64-3 Report,249-1 Sewer system,253-7 Duties of Commission,64-5 Restrictions,249-3 Site plan,253-3 Improvements,64-5 Sales,249-1 Site requirements,253-5 Lighting,64-5 Schools,249-1-249-3 Storage,253-14 Litter,64-5 Severability,249-7 Trespassing,253-15 Noise,64-5 Sign,249-4 Trespass on adjoining proper- Parking,64-5 Smoke,249-1 ty,253-15 Purpose,64-2 Smoking,249-1 Vehicles,253-14 Report,64-4 Time frame for compliance,249- Water,253-3,253-6,253-14 Safety,64-5 5 Water supply,253-6 Speed limits,64-5 Tobacco,249-1-249-5 Weeds,253-5 Title,64-1 Variance,249-1 Well,253-5,253-11 Transportation Commission,64-4 Well,249-1 Recreational Vehicle Parks,253- Vehicle,64-5 When effective,249-8 20-253-24 Water,64-5 TOILET FACILITIES Applicability of other chapter When effective,64-6 Parks and recreation areas,193-4 provisions,253-24 TREES Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Dates of operation,253-23 Filming,139-9 36 Definitions,253-20 Highway specifications,161-3, TOPSOIL REMOVAL Drainage,253-22 161-11,161-16,161-29,161- Highway specifications,161-10 Driveways,253-22 30,161-42,161-44 TOURIST AND TRAILER Parks,253-23 Parks and recreation areas,193-2 CAMPS Roadways and driveways, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- General Regulations,253-1- 253-22 43 253-19 Setbacks,253-21 Solid waste,233-4 Application,253-3 Site requirements,253-21 Subdivision of land,240-10,240- Brush,253-5 Time limit for accommoda- 17,240-21,24049 Communicable diseases,253- tion,253-23 Vehicles and traffic,260-4,260-6 14 Vehicles,253-20,253-21,253- Wetlands and shoreline.275-2 Definitions,253-1 23,253-24 Wind energy,277-3 Distance between cottages and Yard,253-21 Zoning,280-83,280-92-280-95, other buildings or trailers, TOWERS 280-98,280-118,280-129, 253-9 Wind energy,277-2-277-4,277- 280-130,280-133,280-136 Distance from property lines 7 TRENCHES and roadways,253-10 Zoning,280-4,280-104 Highway specifications,161-36 Drainage,253-5 TOWING Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Driveways,253-3,253-10, Boats,docks and wharves,96-12 39,21543 253-11 Police department rules and regu- Streets and sidewalks,237-13 Duties of owner,253-14 lations,A290-15 TRESPASSING Entrances and exits,253-15 TOWN ATTORNEY Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Fees,253-4 Wind energy,277-7 20 Fence,253-15 Zoning,280-175 Tourist and trailer camps,253-15 Fine,253-19 TOWN BOARD Vehicles,motor-driven,264-14 Fire extinguisher,253-14 Historic Preservation Distnct TWO-FAAHLY DWELLINGS Garbage,253-7,253-14 (HDP),280-195 Zoning,280-13 Garbage collection,253-7 Plum Island Research District Graded,253-5 (PIR),280-183 Hearing,253-2,253-4 Powers and duties,17-42 _U_ Inspection, U- Inspection,253-13 Water quality,1742 License,253-3 Wind energy,277-7 UNSAFE BUILDINGS Lighting,253-3 Zoning,280-173,280-174,280- Buildings,unsafe;property Management,253-12 176,280-177,280-180 maintenance,100-4,100-5 Minimum unit dimensions, TOWN CLERK UTILITIES 253-8 Officers and employees,42-1- Flood damage prevention,148-3, Newspaper,253-4 42-4 148-13,148-15,148-16,148- Nonapplicability.253-18 Sanitary flow credits,transfer of, 19-148-22 Notice,253-4 117-7 Highway specifications,161-46 Other ordinances and regula- Zoning,280-174 Lighting,outdoor,172-5 tions,253-17 TOXIC SUBSTANCES Sewers and selvage disposal,215- Penalties for offenses,253-19 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- 42,21543 Permit,253-2-253-4 38 Solar energy systems,280-58, Public hearing,253-4 280-62 35 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Streets and sidewalks,237-11, Police department rules and regn- Parking for limited time only, 237-16 lations,A290-11,A290-15, 260-11 Subdivision of land,240-4,240- A290-33.A290-45 Parking or standing prohibited 10,240-17,240-21,240-35, Sewers and sewage disposal,215- during certain times,260- 240-36,240-41.240-42 5 15 Vehicles and traffic,260-8 Solid waste,233-1,2334,233-5 Parking prohibited at all times, Waterfront consistency review, Streets and sidewalks,237-26 260-8 268-3 Subdivision of land,240-44,240- Parking prohibited during cer- Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 54 tain hours,260-9 Wind energy,277-2-2774 Tourist and trailer camps,253-14, Parking prohibited during cer- Zoning,280-2,280-4.280-13, 253-20,253-21,253-23,253- tain months,260-10 280-22,280-29,280-58,280- 24 Penalties for offenses,260-9 62,280-83,280-112,280- Transportation access manage- Permit.260-9,260-17 127,280-129,280-133 anent,64-5 Public parking lots,260-12 UTILITY POLES Vehicles and traffic,260-1-260- Shopping center,260-14 Streets and sidewalks,237-30, 32 260-7,260-8,260-8.1, Signs,260-8 237-32 260-9-260-27 Stopping prolubited at all Vehicles,motor-driven,264-1- times,260-13 264-7,264-9,264-11,264-14 Trailer parking prohibited at -V- -264-16,264-18-264-20 all times,260-8.1 Zoning,280-2,2804,280-48, Utility,260-8 VACANT LOT 280-58.280-77-280-79, Vehicles,260-8.1,260-9 Fire prevention and building con- 280-99,280-110,280-143 Penalties,260-27 struction,144-8 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,260- Bus stop,260-27 Streets and sidewalks,237-20 14 Curb,260-27 Zoning,280-30 Emergency Removal of Vehicles, Driveway,260-27 VARIANCES 260-23-260-25 Fines,260-27 Agricultural uses,72-3,72-11 Abandoned,260-23 Fire hydrant,260-27 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Authority to remove vehicles, Fire lanes,260-27 20-111-24,111-27 260-23 Fire zone,260-27 Ethics,26-17 Emergency,260-23 Handicapped parking,260-27 Flood damage prevention,148-4, Fees,260-24 Inspection,260-27 148-7,148-9,148-14,148- Impoundment,260-24 Lots,260-27 22,148-23 Notices,260-25 Parking,260-27 Lighting,outdoor,172-8 Obstruction,260-23 Penalties for offenses,260-27 Shellfish and other mann re- Parking,260-23 Permit,260-27 sources,219-21 Seizure,260-24 Registration,260-27 Subdivision of land,240-57 Storage,260-24 Vehicle,260-27 Tobacco advertising,249-1 General Provisions,260-1,260-2 Wells,260-27 Waterfront consistency review, Authority to install traffic con- Stop and Yield Intersections,260- 268-3,268-5 trol devices,260-2 4-260-6 Zoning,280-10,280-28,280-30, Definitions of words and School,260-6 280-76.3,280-81,280-86, phrases,260-1 Signs,260-4,260-6 280-92,280-121,280-131, Peng,260-1 Stop intersections with flash- 280-137,280-146,280-149, Lighting,outdoor,172-6 ing signals,260-5 280-154 One-Way Streets,260-3 Stop intersections with stop VEHICLES Parking,Standing and Stopping, signs,2604 Alcoholic beverages,79-1 260-7-260-22 Tree,260-4,260-6 Appearance tickets,5-2 Additional parking regula- Wells,2604,260-6 Bicycles,88-1-88-6 tions,260-18 Yield intersections,260-6 Boats.docks and wharves,96-9, Application,260-7 Truck Traffic,260-26 96-24 Bus stops,260-21 Restricted truck traffic,260-26 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Church,260-17 Safety,260-26 16 Driveways,260-9,260-15, Zoning,280-129,280-137 Filming,139-3 260-17,260-18 VEHICLES,JUNKED Flood damage prevention,1484, Fire hydrants,260-14,260-18 Buildings,unsafe;property 148-13-148-16,148-21, Fire lanes,260-14 maintenance,1004 148-22 Fire wells,260-14,260-16 VEHICLES,MOTOR-DRIVEN General provisions,1-2 Fire zones,260-14,260-20 Motor-Driven Vehicles,264-14- Highway specifications,161-7, Handicapped parking,260-17 264-22 161-20 License,260-9,260-17 Abandoned,264-19 Littering,174-1,174-3,174-6 Loading zones,260-22 Confiscation and redemption Parking,189-1-189-4,189-7 Lots,260-12 of vehicles,264-19 Parks and recreation areas,193-1, Night fishing parking permit, Drugs,264-15 193-3,193-4 260-9 Emergency vehicles,264-18 Peddlers,solicitors and transient No stopping zones,260-19 Enforcement,264-17 retail merchants,197-10 Parking,260-9-260-12,260- Exceptions,264-18 14,260-16-260-22 Fine,264-20 36 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Intent,264-14 WAR VETERANS AND GOLD Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Liable,264-20 STAR PARENTS TAX EX- 36 Nuisance,264-14 E1%IPTION Stormwater management,236-13 Penalties for offenses,264-20 Assessments,245-16 Subdivision of land,24041 Permit,264-15,264-20 Definitions and Abbreviations, Zoning,280-116,280-133 Presumptive evidence,264-16 245-15 WATERFOWL FEEDING Restitution,264-20 Exemption granted,245-16 Animals,83-28 Restrictions,264-15 Taxation,245-15,245-16 WATERFRONT CONSISTENCY Safety,264-14,264-15 WATER REVIEW Severability,264-21 Animals,83-3,83-4 Animals,268-3 Storage,264-19 Boats,docks and wharves,96-12, Appeals,268-4,268-5 Trespassing,264-14 96-16,96-26 Assessment,268-3,268-5 When effective,264-22 Buildings,unsafe;property Authority and purpose,268-2 Unlicensed Motor-Driven Vehi- maintenance,100-4 Building Inspector,268-6 cles,264-1-264-13 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Definitions,268-3 Conflicts with state law,264- 5-111-7,111-10,111-13, Emergency,268-3 11 111-14,111-29 Enforcement,268-6 Definitions,2643 Community Preservation Fund, Erosion and sedimentation,268-2 Exceptions,2646 17-8 Hazardous materials,268-3 Impound,264-9 Fire prevention and building con- Hazardous substances,268-5 Impounded,264-9 struction,144-8,144-10 Inspections,268-3,268-5 Impoundment,264-9 Flood damage prevention,148-2, Investigations,268-3 Improvement,2646 148-3,148-14-148-16,148- Landscaping,268-3 Notice,264-8 18,148-19,148-22 Management and coordination of Operation on private property Harbor management,157-1,157- LWRP,268-4 restricted,264-5 5 Open space,268-2,268-5 Operation on Town property Highway specifications,161-11, Penalties for offenses,268-7 prohibited,2644 161-30,161-39,16144 Pension,268-3 Parents or guardians to be no- Housing fund,34-6 Permit,268-3 tified of violations,264-8 Junkyards,1664 Pollution,268-3 Penalties for offenses,264-10 Littering,174-4 Report,268-4 Permit,264-7 Parking,189-1 Retirement,268-3 Purpose,2642 Parks and recreation areas,1934 Review of actions,268-5 Registration,264-11 Police department rules and regu- Sale,268-3 Responsibility of parents or lations,A29045 Setbacks,268-3 guardians,264-7 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- Stop-work order,268-6 Safety,264-2 3,215-28,215-36-215-38, Storage,268-3 School,264-6 215-43 Street openings,268-3 Severability,264-12 Soil removal,228-2,2284,228- Title,268-1 Title,264-1 5,228-7 Utility,268-3 When effective,264-13 Streets and sidewalks,237-13, Variances,268-3,268-5 VETERANS 237-16 Water,268-2,268-3,268-5 Taxation,245-8 Subdivision of land,2404,240-9 Wildlife,268-2,268-3 VETERANS TAX EXEMPTION, -240-11,240-17,240-19, WATER POLLUTION see WAR VETERANS AND 240-21,240-35,240-36,240- Boats,docks and wharves,96-26 GOLD STAR PARENTS 42,240-44,240-48,240-51 Sewers and sewage disposal,215- VIBRATIONS Tourist and trailer camps,253-3, 38 Highway specifications,161-21 253-6,253-14 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3 Soil removal,228-5 Transportation access manage- WATER QUALITY Zoning,280-48,280-58,280-62, ment,64-5 Authority,17-42 280-99,280-111,280-143 Waterfront consistency review, Certification,1745 268-2,268-3,268-5 Community Preservation Fund, Wetlands and shoreline,275-2- 17-41-17-46 -W- 275-4,275-7,275-11,275-12 Community Preservation Fund WAIVERS Zoning,280-2,280-4,280-7,280- Project Plan,17-44 Hunting,163-3 8,280-13,280-16,280-22, Definitions,17-43 Solar energy systems,280-58, 280-29,280-34,280-35,280- Improvements,17-44 51,280-54,280-55,280-91, Pollution removal,17-44 2 Subdivision of land,240-10 280-96,280-99,280-104, Purpose,17-41 280-112,280-113,280-128, Town Board,17-42 Wetlands and shoreline,275-6 280-129,280-133,280-143, Rater Quality Advisory Commit- Zoning,280-76.2 280-174 tee,17-46 WALLS WATERCOURSES WATER QUALITY ADVISORY Wetlands and shoreline,275-11 Fire prevention and building con- COMMITTEE See also RETAINING WALLS stiction,144-10 Compensation,17-46 Flood damage prevention,148- Conflicts of interest,17-46 13,148-14 Membership,1746 Powers and duties,17-46 37 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Qualifications,1746 Landscaping,275-3 Homes,new and remodeled, Residency requirements,1746 Permit,275-2,2754 275-11 Water quality,17-46 Pollution,275-3 Impoundment,275-6 WATER QUALITY STAND- Purpose,275-3 Improvement,275-5 ARDS Safety,275-3 Inspections,275-7,275-9- Stormwater management,236-7 Septic tank,275-3 275-11 WATER SUPPLY Setbacks,275-2,275-3 Insurance,275-9 Zoning,280-174 Stormwater,275-3 Landscaping,275-11 WEAPONS Swimming pool,275-3 Liability,275-9 Parks and recreation areas,193-6 Test,275-4 Licenses,275-6 Police department rules and regu- Title.275-1 Liens,275-11 lations,A290-15,A290-33 Trees,275-2 Lighting,275-11 WEEDS Water,275-2-275-4 Meeting,275-8 Highway specifications,161-42 Weeds,275-2 Monument,275-6 Streets and sidewalks,237-20 Wildlife,275-3,275-4 Notice,275-8-275-10 Tourist and trailer camps,253-5 Word usage,275-2 Notices,275-11 Wetlands and shoreline,275-2 Yard,2754 Pedestrians,275-11 See also BRUSH,GRASS AND Permits,275-5-275-12,275- Penalties for offenses,275- WEEDS 12.1,275-13,275-14 121 WELLS Accessory structures,275-5 Permit procedures,275-5 Buildings,unsafe;property Administrative permits,275-5, Processing of application,275- maintenance,1004 275-8 8 Highway specifications,161-3 Application,275-6 Propane/liquid gas tanks,275- Subdivision of land,240-4,240- Assessment,275-6 5 10,240-17,240-21,240-35, Backfilling,275-11 Reports.275-7,275-8 240-44 Barricades,275-11 Restaurants,275-11 Vehicles and traffic,260-4,260- Bay Constable,275-12.1 Retaining walls,275-11 6,260-12,260-14,260-16, Bond,275-9 Safety,275-11,275-12 , 260-27 Buffers,275-5,275-7,275-11 Septic systems,275-5 Zoning,280-133 Catwalks,275-11 Setbacks,275-5 WETLANDS AND SHORELINE Certificate of compliance,275- Shoreline structures,275-11 Administration and Enforcement, 10,275-13 Signs,275-11 275-15,275-16 Cesspools,275-5 Single-family dwellings,275-5 Bay Constable,275-15 Code Enforcement Officer, Standards for issuance of per- Compliance requirements, 275-121 mit,275-12 275-16 Conditions,inspection fees, Stop-work orders,275-12.1 Coordination and enforcement, performance guarantee Stormwater.275-7 275-15 upon issuance of permit, Stonnwater management con- Director of Code Enforcement, 275-9 trol plan,275-6 275-15 Construction,275-5 Swimming pools,275-11 Failure to comply,275-16 Construction and operation Transferability,275-14 Fine,275-16 standards,275-11 Utilities,275-11 Notice,275-16 Contents of permit,275-10 Waivers,275-6 Penalties for offenses,275-15, Costs and expenses,275-11 Walls,275-11 275-16 Dock and float fees,275-7 Water,275-7,275-11,275-12 Permit,275-16 Docks,275-5,275-11 Wildlife,275-7,275-11,275- Zoning Inspector,275-15 Drainage,275-5-275-7,275- 12 Community Preservation Project 11 Yards,275-7 Plan,17-13 Dredging,275-11 Zoning Inspector,275-12.1 General Provisions,275-1-275- Driveways,275-5 Plum Island Research District 3 Easement,275-11 (PIC),280-189 Accessory structure,275-2 Emergencies,275-5 Plum Island Research District Assessment,275-4 Emergency permits,275-11 (PIR),280-185 Buffer,275-2 Erosion and sedimentation, Stormwater management,236-18 Buffers,275-4 275-11 Zoning,280-116 Cesspool,275-3 Excavation,275-11 WILDLIFE Definitions,275-2 Failure to comply,275-11 Coastal erosion hazard areas,111- Demolition,275-2 Fees,275-7 6,111-12-111-15 Driveway,275-3 Fences,275-5,275-11 Community Preservation Fund, Erosion and sedimentation, Fill,275-6,275-11 17-4,17-8 275-3 Fuel,275-5 Parks and recreation areas,193-6 Exceptions,275-4 Fuel tanks,275-5 Subdivision of land,240-44 Fence,275-2 Garbage,275-11 Waterfront consistency review, Findings,275-3 Grading,275-7,275-11 268-2,268-3 Flood hazard areas,275-3 Grass.275-11 Wetlands and shoreline,275-3, Grass,275-2 Guarantee,275-9,275-10 275-4,275-7,275-11,275-12 Improvement,275-3 Hearings,275-8 Zoning,280-129,280-133 Jurisdiction,275-3 Height,275-11 38 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX r WIND ENERGY Terms of office,68-5 Maintenance and upkeep,280- Small Wind Energy Systems, Youth Bureau,68-3,68-4 32.1 277-1-277-7 YOUTH BUREAU Meeting,280-29 Abandonment of use,277-6 Youth Board,68-3,68-4 Notice,280-26,280-29,280- Advertising,2774 Youth Bureau Director,68-4 30 Anchoring,277-4 YOUTH BUREAU DIRECTOR Off-street parking,280-27, Application,277-2 Powers and duties,68-4 280-28 Block,277-2 Youth Bureau,68-4 Parking,280-27,280-28 Building Inspector,277-7 Penalties for offenses,280- Building permits,277-3,277-6 321,280-33 Code Enforcement Officer, -Z- Permit,280-31 277-7 Permitted uses,280-27 Construction standards,277-4 ZONING Planning Board,280-28 Costs and expenses,277-6 Accessory buildings and struc- Purpose,280-24 280-15 Definitions,277-1 tures, Records,280-31 Development standards,277-3 Administration and Enforcement, Reports,280-29,280-30 Enforcement,277-7 280-151-280-156 Residency requirements,280- Fees,277-5 Accessory buildings,280-154 30 Fences,277-4 Administrative and enforcing Safety,280-28 Height regulations,277-2- officer,280-151 Sales,280-30,280-31 Appeals,280-154 277-4 Schools,280-26 Lighting,277-4 Building Inspector,280-151- Setbacks,280-24,280-28 Noise,277-2,277-3 280-155 Single-family dwellings,280- Notices,277-3 Building permits,280-151- 28 Penalties for offenses,277-7 280-153 Site plan,280-29,280-31 Permit,277-3,277-6,277-7 Certificates of occupancy, Use regulations,280-27 Remedies for violations,277-7 280-151,280-154 Utilities,280-29 Safety standards,277-3 Fine,280-155 Vacant lot,280-30 Setbacks,277-3 Inspections,280-151,280-154 Variance,280-28 Signs,277-4 Nonconforming use,280-154 Variances,280-30 Towers,277-2-277-4,277-7 Notice,280-153,280-155 Water,280-29 Town Attorney,277-7 Penalties for offenses,280- Well,280-31 Town Board,277-7 155,280-156 Yards,280-28 Trees,277-3 Permit,280-151-280-154 Zoning Map,280-29 Utilities,277-2-277-4 Records,280-151,280-154 Agricultural-Conservation(A-C) Zoning,280-13 Remedies,280-156 District and Low-Density WINERIES Report,280-151 Residential R-80,R-120,R- Zoning,280-13 Right of entry,280-151 200 and R-400 Districts, School,280-154 280-12-280-14 Site plan,280-151,280-154 Accessory buildings and struc- -y- Special exception,280-154 tures,280-13 Stop orders,280-153 Accessory structures,280-13 YARDS Variance,280-154 Accessory uses,280-13 Fire prevention and building con- Affordable Housing(AHD)Dis- Animals,280-13 struction,144-8,144-10 tact,280-24-280-33 Highway specifications,161-24 Accessory uses,280-27 Apartments,280-13 Soil removal,228-6,228-11 Administration,280-31 Apartments,accessory,280-13 -13 Solid waste,233-4 Age restrictions,280-30 Appeals,on revs Subdivision of land,240-45 Apartments,280-27 Application review, 80-1 3 Bed-and-breakfast,280-13 Tourist and trailer camps,253-21 Appeals,280-28,280-31 Building Inspector,280-13 Wetlands and shoreline,275-4, Applicability,280-26 275-7 Application procedure,280-29 Bulk,area and parking regula- tions,280-14 Zoning,280-4,280-7,280-8,280- Building Inspector,280-31 Cemeteries,280-13 13,280-15,280-28,280-41, Building permit,280-31 Certificate of compliance,280- 28043,280-48,280-50, 80- 280-43,280-48,280-50,280- Bulk,area and parking regula- 13 58,280-60,280-62,280-64, tions,280-28 Certificate of occupancy,280- 280-78,280-79,280-86,280- Certificate of occupancy,280- 13 93,280-96,280-104-280- 31,290-33 Communicable diseases,280- 106,280-109,280-122,280- Comprehensive Plan,280-29 13 124,280-143 Definitions,280-25 Drug,280-13 YOUTH BOARD Fine,280-33 Dust,280-13 Appointments,68-5 General regulations and re- Emergency,280-13 Definitions and Abbreviations, quirements,280-30 Farms and farming,280-13 68-2 Hearing,280-26,280-29 Fees,280-13 Membership,68-5 Height,280-28 Fence,280-13 Powers and duties,68-5 Improvements,280-25,280-30 Fumes,280-13 Removal of members,68-5 Lots,280-30,280-31 Salaries and compensation,68-5 Garages,280-13 Gas,280-13 39 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Hearings,280-13 Fire protection,280-174 Rules of conduct and proce- Height regulations,280-15 Hearings,280-174,280-175, dure.280-148 Home occupations,280-13 280-177 Safety,280-146 Hospitals,280-13 Improvements,280-174 Special exceptions,280-146, Inspection,280-13 Lots,280-173 280-149 Kennels,280-13 Meetings,280-173,280-174 Variances,280-146,280-149 Land-based aquaculture opera- Notices,280-174 Zoning Map.280-146 tions,280-13 Open space,280-181 Density,Minimum Lot Size and Lighting,280-13 Permit,280-180 Bulk Schedules,280-65, Lots,280-13,280-15 Permitted uses.280-175 280-66 Noise,280-13 Planning Board,280-174,280- Conformance required,280-66 Odor,280-13 181 Incorporation of new sched- Off-street parking,280-13 Price for development rights, ules,280-65 One-family dwelling,280-13 280-176 Parking,280-65 Parking,280-13,280-14 Purpose,280-170 Repeal of existing schedule, Penalties for offenses,280-13 Reports,280-174 280-65 Permit,280-13 Requirements for eligibility, Districts,280-5-280-11 Permitted uses,280-13 280-173 Appeals,280-9 Places of worship,280-13 Sales,280-174-280-177, Building Inspector,280-6, Playgrounds,280-13 280-179-280-181 280-8 Purpose,280-12 Subdivision,280-181 Building permits,280-8-280- Radiation,280-13 Subsequent development right 10 Registry of permits,280-13 sales to Town,280-177 Certificate of occupancy,280- Rental permits,280-13 Town Attorney,280-175 10 Restaurants,280-13 Town Board,280-173,280- District boundaries,280-7 Safety,280-13 174,280-176,280-177, District designations,280-5 Sales,280-13 280-180 Effect of establishment of dis- Schools,280-13 Town Clerk,280-174 tricts,280-8 Setbacks,280-13,280-15 Water,280-174 Hearing,280-11 Signs,280-13 Water supply,280-174 Insurance,280-10 Site plan,280-13 Zoning approval,280-174 Landscaping,280-7 Small wind energy systems, Zoning Map,280-174,280- Lot recognition,280-9 280-13 175 Lots,280-9-280-11 Smoke,280-13 Agricultural uses,72-5 Merger,280-10 Special exception,280-13 Amendments,280-157-280-159 One-family dwelling,280-10 Special exception uses,280-13 Additional notice requirements Open space,280-8 Stables and riding academies, relating to petitions for Parks,280-7 280-13 proposed amendments, Permit,280-8-280-10 Storage,280-13 280-159 Prohibited uses,280-8 Swimming pools,280-13 Assessment,280-159 Record,280-7 Two-family dwellings,280-13 Fees for petitions for proposed Screening,280-7 Use regulations,280-13 amendments,280-158 Variance,280-10 Utility,280-13 Hearings,280-157,280-159 Waiver of merger,280-11 Water,280-13 Meeting,280-157 Water,280-7,280-8 Well,280-12,280-13 Newspaper,280-157,280-159 Yards,280-7,280-8 Wind energy systems,280-13 Notice,280-157,280-159 Zoning Map,280-6,280-7 Wineries,280-13 Procedures,280-157 Farmland Bill of Rights,280-97- Yard,280-13,280-15 Report,280-157 280-103 Agricultural Planned Develop- Zoning Map,280-157-280- Animals;280-98,280-99 ment District,280-170- 159 Appeals,280-100 280-181 Board of Appeals,280-145-280- Definitions,280-98 Accessory uses,280-172 150 Dust,280-99 Application and review proce- Accessory buildings,280-149 Enforcement,280-102 dure,280-174 Accessory structures,280-149 Fences,280-99 Building permits,280-180 Additional conditions and Grading,280-99 Classification,280-172 safeguards,280-147 Holidays,280-99 Clearing house,280-179 Appeals,280-145-280-150 Inspection,280-101 Conditions,280-180 Appointment,280-145 Livestock,280-98,280-99 Conditions of approval,280- Building Inspector,280-146 Noise,280-99 175 Fees,280-149 Notices,280-97,280-100, Costs and expenses,280-177 Fences,280-149 280-101 County Clerk,280-175 Hardship,280-146 Nuisance,280-97,280-99 Definitions,280-171 Hearings,280-146,280-150 Odor,280-99 Disclosure provisions,280- _ Membership,280-145 Right to farm,280-97 174 Notice,280-146,280-150 Right to notice by brokers and Easements,280-175,280-177, Permits,280-146,280-149 agents,280-101 280-179,280-180 Permitted use,280-146 Right to notice provided by Farms and farming,280-174 Powers and duties,280-146 Town agencies,280-100 40 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Right to undertake protected Accessory use,280-4 Garages,280-45 farm practices,280-99 Apartment,2804 Grocery stores,28045 Safety,280-97,280-99 Appeals,280-4 Hotel,280-44,28045 Sale,280-98 Block.280-4 Improvement.280-45 Severability,280-103 Certificate of compliance,280- Meeting,280-45 Sign,280-101 4 Motel,280-44,28045 Smoke,280-99 Certificate of occupancy,280- Off-street parking,280-45 Storage,280-101 4 Parking,28045,280-46 Trees,280-98 Curb,2804 Permit,28045 Vehicles,280-99 Definitions,280-4 Permitted uses,280-45 Vibration,280-99 Drainage,2804 Plumbing,280-45 Water,280-99 Easements,280-3,280-4 Purpose,280-44 General Business(B)District, Fence,280-4 Restaurants,28045 28047—280-50 Final plat,2804 Retail stores,28045 Accessory uses,280-48 Flood hazard area,280-4 Sale,280-45 Apartments,280-48 Garage,280-4 School,28045 Appeals,280-48 Grade,280-4 Signs,280-45 Bulk,area and parking re- Guaranty,280-4 Site plan,280-45 quirements,280-49 Height,280-4 Special exception use,280-45 Church,280-48 Home occupation,280-4 Use regulations,28045 Convenience stores,28048 Hotel,2804 Hamlet Density(HD)Residential Driveways,280-48 Interpretation and conflicts, District,280-20—280-23 Dust,25048 280-3 Accessory buildings.280-22 Fence,28048 Junkyard,280-4 Accessory uses,280-22 Fire extinguisher,28048 Landscaping,280-4 Apartments,280-22 Flammable,280-48 Lighting,2804 Appeals,280-22 Front yard setbacks,280-50 Master Plan,280-4 Applicability,280-21 Fuel,280-48 Mobile home,280-4 Bulk,area and parking regula- Garages,280-48 Motel,280-4 tions,280-23 Height,280-48 Nonconforming uses,280-2, Heat,280-22 Hospital,280-48 2804 Parking,280-23 Hotel,28048 Official Map,2804 Permit,280-20 License,28048 Off-street parking,2804' Permitted uses,280-22 Lots,280-48 Open space,280-4 Purpose,280-20 Meeting,28048 Parking,280-4 Site plan,280-22 Motel,280-48 Permits,280-2,280-3 Special exception,280-22 Noise,280-47,280-48 Purposes,280-2 Use regulations,280-22 Odor,28048 Recreational vehicle,280-4 Utilities,280-22 Off-street parking,28048 Restaurant,2804 Water,280-22 Parking,28048,280-49 Safety,280-2,280-3 Zoning Map,280-21 Permit,280-48 Sales,280-4 Historic Preservation District Permitted uses,280-48 School,2804 (HDP),280-190—280-196 Plumbing,28048 Screening,280-4 Accessory uses,280-193 Pollution,28048 Septic tank,280-4 Applicability of amendments, Purpose,28047 Service station,2804 280-190 Restaurants,280-48 Setbacks,280-4 Application procedure,280- Retail stores,280-48 Shopping center,2804 195 Sales,28048 Signs,280-4 Community facility,280-196 School,28048 Site plans,280-4 Definitions,280-191 Service stations,280-48 Special exception use,280-4 Eligibility,280-192 Setbacks,280-50 Storage,280-4 Failure to comply,280-196 Shopping centers,28048 Swimming pools,2804 Fees,280-195 Signs,28048 Title,280-1 Hearings,280-195 Site plan,280-48 Tower,2804 Historic Preservation Commrs- Smoke,28048 Utilities,280-2,280-4 sion,280-195 Special exception,28048 Vehicles,280-2,2804 Maintenance and termination, Special exception use,28048 Water,280-2,280-4 280-196 Storage,28048 Yard,2804 Meetings,280-195 Testing,28048 Zoning Map,2804 Permitted uses,280-193 Tires,28048 Hamlet Business(HB)District, Planning Board,280-195 Use regulations,280-48 280-44—280-46 Pre-application procedure, Vehicle,28048 Accessory uses,28045 280-194 Vehicles,28048 Apartments,280-45 Purpose,280-190 Vibration,28048 Appeals,28045 Reports,280-195 Yards,280-48,280-50 Assessment,28045 Site plan approval,280-193 General Provisions,280-1—280- Bulk,area and parking regula- Town Board,280-195 4 tions,28046 Use regulations,280-193 Accessory building,280-4 Convenience stores,280-45 Zoning,280-190—280-196 41 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLDINDEX Zoning Map,280-195 Pollution,280-62 Hotels,280-41 Landscaping,Screening and Purpose,280-61 Landscaping,280-41 Buffer Regulations,280-91— Sales,280-62 Lots,280-41 280-96 School,280-62 Parking,280-42 Appeals,280-92 Setbacks,280-64 Permitted uses,280-41 Assessment,280-92 Signs,280-62 Plumbing,28041 Buffer,280-92,280-94—280- Site plan,280-62 Purpose,28040 96 Smoke,280-62 Restaurants,28041 Building Inspector,280-92 Solar energy production sys- Sales,28041 Curbs,280-92 tem,commercial,280-62 Setbacks,280-43 Drainage,280-91 Special exception use,280-62 Signs,28041 Driveway,280-93 Storage,280-62 Site plan,28041 Driveways,280-92 Testing,280-62 Special exception use,28041 Dust,280-91 Use regulations,280-62 Storage,280-41 Fences,280-92,280-94 Utility,280-62 Use regulations,280-41 Front landscaped area,280-93 Vibrations,280-62 Yards,280-41,280-43 General requirements,280-92 Yards,280-62,280-64 Low-Density Residential R-40 Glare,280-91,280-94 Light Industrial Park/Planned Of- District,280-16—280-19 Grass,280-93,280-95 fice Park(LIO)District,280- Accessory buildings,280-19 Hearing,280-92 57-280-60 Accessory uses,280-17 Heat,280-91 Accessory uses,280-58 Animal,280-17 Height,280-94 Animals,280-58 Appeals,280-17 Landscaped parking area,280- Appeals,280-58 Bulk,area and parking regula- 95 Bulk,area and parking regula- tions,280-18 Lien,280-92 tions,280-59 Hospital,280-17 Lots,280-95 Dust,280-58 Open space,280-16 Noise,280-91,280-94 Explosives,280-58 Parking,280-18 Notice,280-92 Fuel,280-58 Permit,280-16 Off-street parking,280-95 Fumes,280-58 Permitted uses,280-17 Parking,280-92,280-95 Garages,280-58 Purpose,280-16 Pollution,280-91 Gas,280-58 Site plan,280-17 Properties located adjacent to Heating,280-58 Special exception,280-17 creeks,280-96 Land-based aquaculture opera- Use regulations,280-17 Purpose,280-91 tions,280-58 Water,280-16 Record,280-92 Noise,280-58 Marine R(MII)District,280-54— Screen,280-91—280-94 Nuisance,280-58 280-56 Site plan,280-92 Odors,280-58 Accessory uses,280-55 Transition buffer area,280-94 Off-street parking,280-58 Appeals,280-55 Trees,280-92—280-95 Parking,280-58,280-59 Bed-and-breakfast,280-55 Variance,280-92 Permit,280-58 Bulk,area and parking regula- Water,280-91,280-96 Permitted uses,280-58 tions,280-56 Yards.280-93,280-96 Plumbing,280-58 Curb,280-55 Light Industrial(LI)District,280- Pollution,280-58 Fuel,280-55 61-280-64 Purpose,280-57 Hotels,280-55 Accessory uses,280-62 Sales,280-58 Insurance,280-55 Animals,280-62 Schools,280-58 Motels,280-55 Appeals,280-62 Setbacks,280-60 Parking,280-56 Area,yard and bulk regula- Signs,280-58 Permitted uses,280-55 tions,280-62 Site plan,280-58 Purpose,280-54 Bulk,area and parking regula- Smoke,280-58 Record,280-55 tions,280-63 Solar energy production sys-• Restaurants,280-55 Dust,280-62 tem,commercial,280-58 Sales,280-55 Explosives,280-62 Special exception use,280-58 School,280-55 Front yard setbacks,280-64 Storage,280-58 Signs,280-55 Fuel,280-62 Testing,280-58 Site plan,280-55 Fumes,280-62 Transfer stations,280-58 Special exception,280-55 Garages,280-62 Use regulations,280-58 Swimming pools,280-55 Gas,280-62 Utility,280-58 Use regulations,280-55 Land-based aquaculture opera- Vehicles,280-58 Water,280-54,280-55 tions,280-62 Vibrations,280-58 Marine I(MI)District,280-51— Lots,280-61 Yards,280-58,280-60 280-53 Noise,280-62 Limited Business(LB)District, Accessory uses,280-52 Nuisance,280-62 28040—280-43 Appeals,280-52 Odors,280-62 Accessory uses,280-41 Bed-and-breakfast,280-52 Parking,280-62,280-63 Appeals,280-41 Bulk,area and parking regula- Permit,280-62 Bulk,area and parking regula- tions,280-53 Permitted uses,280-62 tions,280-42 Fuel,280-52 Plumbing,280-62 Fencing,28041 Insurance,280-52 42 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Parking,280-53 Restaurant,280-78 Certificate of occupancy,280- Permitted uses,280-52 Sales,280-78,280-79 85 Purpose,280-51 School,280-78,280-79 Driveway,280-85 Record,280-52 Screening,280-78 Fees,280-81 Sales,280-52 Service station,280-78 Fences,280-82,280-85 School,280-52 Signs,280-78 Gas,280-83 Signs,280-52 Special exception uses,280-78 General design principles, Site plan,280-52 Storage,280-78,280-79 280-82 Special exception,280-52 Vehicles,280-77—280-79 Grade,280-85 Swimming pools,280-52 Yards,280-78,280-79 Height,280-82,280-85 Use regulations,280-52 Plum Island Conservation District Hotel,280-85 Water,280-51 (PIC),280-186—280-189 Improvement,280-88 - Nonconforming Uses and Build- Plum Island Research District Liable,280-88 ings,280-120—280-126 (PIR),280-182—280-185 Lien,280-88 Appeals,280-121 Residential Office(RO)District, Lighting,280-81,280-83,280- Building permit,280-121, 280-37—280-39 87,280-88 280-124,280-125 Accessory uses,280-38 Limitation of content or copy, Height,280-122 Apartments,280-38 280-84 Involuntary moves,280-126 Appeals,280-38 Motel,280-85 Landscaping,280-123 Bulk,area and parking regula- Nonconforming signs,280-90 Lots,280-124 tions,280-39 Nonconforming use,280-90 Nonconforming buildings with Churches,280-38 Notice,280-88 conforming uses,280-122 Insurance,280-38 Obstructions,280-80 Nonconforming buildings with Meeting,280-38 Parking,280-85 nonconforming uses,280- Parking,280-39 Penalty,280-88 123 Permitted uses,280-38 Perut,280-81,280-85,280- Nonconforming lots,280-124 Places of worship,280-38 89,280-90 Permit,280-121,280-122, Purpose,280-37 Prohibitions and general re- 280-124,280-125 Restaurants,280-38 strictions,280-83 Purpose,280-120 Sales,280-38 Purpose,280-80 Repairs and maintenance,280- School,280-38 Restaurant,280-85 125 Signs,280-38 Safety,280-82,280-88 Safety,280-125 Single-farmly dwellings,280- Sales,280-85,280-86 Setbacks,280-123 38 Setbacks,280-85 Variance,280-121 Site plan,280-38 Shopping centers,280-87 Yard,280-122,280-124 Special exception uses,280-38 Sign illummation,280-87 Parking and Loading Areas,280- Storage,280-38 Specific sign requirements, 77-280-79 Use regulations,280-38 280-86 Accessory use,280-78 Resort Residential(RR)District, Specific signs,280-85 Air pollution,280-77 280-34-280-36 Storage,280-88 Animal,280-78 Accessory uses,280-35 Transition,280-89 Apartment,280-78 Appeals,280-35 Tree,280-83 Appeals,280-78,280-79 Bulk,area and parking regula- Unsafe,abandoned and unlaw- Commercial vehicles,280-78 tions,280-36 ful signs,280-88 Curbs,280-78 Hotels,280-35 Utility,280-83 Drainage,280-78 Motels,280-35 Variances,280-81,280-86 Driveways,280-78 Parking,280-36 Yard,280-86 Fence,280-78 Permitted uses,280-35 Site Plan Approval,280-127— Garages,280-78 Purpose,280-34 280-138 Grade,280-78 Restaurants,280-35 Accessory uses,280-127 Height,280-78 Signs,280-35 Affordable housing,280-137 Home occupation,280-78 Site plan,280-35 Appeals,280-130,280-131, Hospital,280-78,280-79 Special exception use,280-35 280-137 Hotels,280-78,280-79 Use regulations,280-35 Applicability,280-127 Landscaping,280-78 Water,280-34,280-35 Application requirements, Lots,280-78,280-79 Severability,280-160 280-133 Meeting,280-78 Signs,280-80—280-90 Approval of site plan required, Mobile home,280-78 Abandoned,280-88 280-130 Motel,280-78 Advertising,280-80,280-81, Architectural features,280- Off-street loading areas,280- 280-85 129 79 Animal,280-85 Architectural Review Commit- Off-street parking areas,280- Appeals,280-81,280-86 tee,280-131,280-135 78 Applicability,280-81 Architectural review stand- Parking,280-77—280-79 Application,280-81 ards,280-134 Place of worship,280-78 Approval,280-81 Area,yard and bulk regula- Plumbing,280-78 Assessment,280-88 tions,280-137 Pollution,280-77 Building Inspector,280-81, Assessment,280-133 Purpose,280-77 280-85,280-88 Bicycles,280-137 43 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Block,280-133 Off-street parking,280-129, Gases,280-143 Boats,280-137 280-133,280-137 General standards,280-142 Bonds,280-137 Open space,280-127,280- Hearing,280-141 Buffers,280-137 128,280-137 Matters to be considered,280- Building Inspector,280-127, Parking,280-127-280-129, 143 280-130,280-131 280-131.280-133,280- Natural features,280-143 Building permit,280-127, 134,280-137 Noise,280-143 280-130,280-134 Parks and recreation areas, Notice.280-141 Certificate of occupancy,280- 280-137 Odors,280-143 130 Pedestrians,280-137 Off-street parking,280-143 Cluster development,280-137 Penalties for offenses.280- Parking,280-143 Comprehensive Plan,280-129 130,280-136 Permit,280-140,280-141 Curbs,280-131,280-133,280- Permit,280-127,280-130, Permitted uses.280-143 137 280-131,280-134 Pollution,280-143 Drainage,280-127,280-129, Planning Board,280-131 Purpose,280-139 280-133 Purpose,280-128 Safety,280-142,280-143 Driveways,280-137 Records,280-133 School,280-143 Duration of plan,280432 Recreational vehicles,280-137 Screening,280-143 Easements,280-133 Review procedure,280-131 Smoke,280-143 Emergency,280-137 Safety,280-128,280-129, Stormwater,280-143 Excavation,280-129 280-131,280-133,280- Stormwater management,280- Failure to comply,280-130 137 142 Fees,280-137 Screens and screening,280- Vehicles,280-143 Fee schedule for site plan ap- 129 Vibration,280-143 plications,280-138 Setbacks,280-133,280-134, Violations of conditions,280- Fences,280-133,280-134 280-137 141 Findings of fact,280-128 Signs,280-131,280-133,280- Water,280-143 Fire hydrants,280-133,280- 134,280-137 Yards,280-143 137 Site plans,280-130-280-132 Zoning Board of Appeals, Flood hazard areas,280-129, Special exception,280-130, 280-142 280-133 280-131 Supplementary Regulations,280- Garages,280-134,280-137 Standards for residential site 104-280-119 Gas,280-129 plans,280-137 Accessory buildings,280-104, Glare,280-129 Storage,280-134,280-137 280-107 Grade,280-129,280-133,280- Stormwater,280-129,280-133 Accessory structures,280-116 134,280-136 Stormwater management con- Access requirements,280-109 Guaranty,280-131 trol plan,280-133 Air pollution,280-111 Hamlet Density Residential Street trees,280-129 Animal,280-111 (HD)District,280-137 Subdivision of land,280-137 Block,280-116 Handicapped facilities,280- Trailers,280-137 Buffer,280-118 129 Tree fee,280-129 Building Inspector,280-109 Hearings,280-131,280-137 Trees,280-129,280-130,280- Building length and separation Height,280-134 133,280-136 for buildings containing Historical features,280-133 Utilities,280-127,280-129, multiple dwellings,280- Historic preservation,280-131 280-133 107 Improvements,280-129,280- Variances,280-131,280-137 Building permit,280-114 131,280-133,280-137 Vehicles and traffic,280-129, Building setback requirements Inspections,280-137 280-137 adjacent to water bodies Investigations,280-130 Water,280-128,280-129,280- and wetlands,280-116 Land clearing,280-136 133 Certificate of occupancy,280- Landscaping,280-129,280- Watercourses,280-133 112 131,280-133,280-134, Wells,280-133 Commercial vehicles,280-110 280-137 Wildlife,280-129,280-133 Comer lots,280-106 License,280-133 Special Exception Uses,280-139 Courts,280-108 Lighting,280-129,280-133, -280-144 Dust,280-111 280-137 Additional conditions and Elevators,280-104 Lots,280-137 safeguards,280-144 Excavations,280-114 Meeting,280-131,280-133 Appeals,280-140-280-142, Exceptions and modifications, Meetings,280-137 280-144 280-104 Moderate-income housing, Application,280-141 Explosives,280-111 280-137 Approval,280-141 Fences,280-104-280-106, Natural features,280-129, Approval required,280-140 280-114 280-133 Buffer,280-143 Filled land,280-113 Natural features preservation, Building permit,280-140 Fuel,280-111 280-129 Church,280-143 Garage,280-104 Notice,280-131,280-137 Demolition,280-140 Gas,280-111 Objectives,280-129 Dust,280-143 Glare,280-111,280-117 Emergency,280-143 Grade,280-108,280-114 44 01-01-2017 SOUTHOLD INDEX Height,280-104-280-109, Federal aviation regulations, 280-117 280-70 Inspection,280-110 General requirements for all Land under water,280-113 wireless communication Lighting,280-111,280-117 facilities,280-70 Long-term outdoor display or Height regulations,280-70, storage,280-119 280-71,280-76,280-76.2 Lots,280-106,280-109,280- Historic buildings and dis- 113,280-116 tricts,280-75 Monuments,280-104 Historic preservation,280-75 Multifamily dwelling,280-108 Inspections,280-74 Noise,280-111 Landscaping,280-70,280-72, Obstructions,280-104,280- 280-76.2 106,280-111 Liens,280-76 Odor,280-111 Lighting,280-70 Off-street parking,280-109 Lots,280-70 One-family dwelling,280-109 Notices,280-74,280-76 Open storage,280-110 Penalties for offenses,280-76 Parking,280-109.280-110, Permit,280-70,280-76.1 280-117 Preexisting antenna support Permit,280-113-280-115 structures and antennas, Pollution,280-111 280-76.1 Prohibited uses in all districts, Purpose,280-67 280-111 Radio emissions,280-70 Provisions for community wa- Relief,280-76.3 ter,sewer and utility facil- Removal,280-76 ities,280-112 Reports,280-70,280-74 Public roads,encumbrances to, Required approvals,280-71 280-111 Roof mounting,280-71 Safety,280-111 Safety,280-67 Sales,280-104,280-118 Scope,280-68 Setbacks,280-104,280-116 Screen,280-72 Site plan,280-104,280-119 Setbacks,280-70,280-72, Smoke,280-111 280-76.2 Storage,280-104,280-110, Severability,280-76.4 280-111,280-118,280- Signs,280-70 119 Site design standards,280-70 Temporary outdoor display or Site plan,280-74 storage,280-118 Site plan approval,280-71, Tourist camps,camp cottages 280-72 and trailers,280-115 Special exception,280-71 Towers,280-104 Special exception approval, Trees,280-118 280-73 Utility,280-112 Special exceptions,280-74 Vehicles,280-110 Standards,280-73 Vibration,280-111 Variances,280-76.3 Water,280-104,280-112,280- Waivers of criteria,280-76.2 113,280-116 When effective,280-76.5 Yards,280-104-280-106, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 280-109 Agricultural uses,72-11 Zoning Map,280-113 Zoning,280-142 Wireless Communication Facih- ZONING DISTRICTS ties,280-67-280-69 Zoning,280-5 Abandonment,280-76 ZONING INSPECTOR Antennas,280-68,280-70, Animals,83-29 280-72,280-73,280-76, Powers and duties,275-12.1,275- 280-76.1,280-76.2 15 Application fees and require- Wetlands and shoreline,275-12.1, ments,280-74 275-15 Base station equipment shelter, ZONING MAP 280-70 General prov 14 Building permits,280-70,280- Historic Preservation District 71,280-74 (HDP),280-195 Consultant review,280-74 Zoning,2804.280-6,280-7,280- Costs 80-4.280-6,280-7,280- Costs and expenses,280-76.2 21,280-29,280-113,280- Definitions,280-69 146,280-157-280-159, Design standards,280-72 280-174,280-175 Fall zones,280-70 45 01-01-2017