HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/2017 ;Iw,,I-,4- 11F NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Spay and Neuter P.O. Box 975 Albany, NY 12201-0975 Month of Submission: �[..�G a 017 County: Suffolk TCV Code: 14710 - Suffolk � Southold Prepared by: Elizabeth Neville Date Prepared: Animal Population Control Program Submission Submit by the 5t'of the month covering activities of the preceding month LICENSE TYPES AND FEES COLLECTED FEES AMOUNT Spayed and Neutered Dogs Q $1.00 $ �, a s Unspayed and Unneutered Dogs= $3.00 $ TOTAL AMOUNT REMITTED $ gp1 D d Check Number: "'�" — ,--:.�...'..."3°!u�t��sL ,. .. a i„'.�.';}� ''� w.,♦ A...,$W.,bjfi:.=�r*.M::>>------��-- ., c s. o• .. .. V, _- _ St}UTHQLD TOWN CLERK n��aRIOGSHaan Toy nrATtoNA�.�a�K 1974 !{ i 53095:MA1N:ROAD,TOWN HALL 5070 MAIN ROAD PO BOX 11.79 , SOUTHOLp;NY 1,1971 .-. SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 50 666!214 8/8/2017_ 'PAY TO THE NSA ncultu're&Markets. ORDER OF Y 9 . -$ --8800 Eighty-Eight Only DOLLARS c^ d m F- U e ♦ N S C q � Y +- Ir'If.100 7/17 Dogs is 1IM001974110 100 2 14066678: 05000 LS4GGv From: 7/1/2017 To: 7/31/2017 DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT 08/08/2017 Suffolk 97 Send Copy To: Animal Population Control Elizabeth A. NevilleX Town of Southold 10 Southold Town Clerk - LICENSE TYPES [ - AND FEES O o 10Unspayed Spayed w h y N Statutory Fee Statutory Fee Local Fee (D) Late Penalty (E) Spayed Fee (F) Unspayed Fee (G) (B) (C) 1. Spay/Neuter 70 70 0 _ NO FEE @ 0.00 0.00 @- 10.00 _ 700.00 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 70.00 110 FEE 2. Unspay/Unneut 6 6 0 6 @ 0.00 0.00 NO FEE @ 15.00 90.00 0 @ 0.00 0.00 NO FEE @ 3.00 18.CuD, 3. Exemption 0 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 4. Purebred(1-10) 0 0 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 5. Purebred(11-25) 0 0 0 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 50.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 6 Purebred(26+) 0 0 0 @ 100.00 0.00 @ 100.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 @ 1.00 0.00 @ 3.00 0.00 7. TOTALS 76 76 0 6 $0.00 $0.00 $790.00 $0.00 $70.00 $18.00 REPLACEMENT AND PUREBRED Column H Column I (Local) Column J (Statutory) TAG ORDERS PROCESSED # Each Tag Fees Tag Fees 8- Replacement Tags 0 0.00 0.00 9. Purebred Tags 0 0.00 0.00 10. TOTALS 0 $0.00 $0.00 DISBURSEMENTS (to T.C.V.) (to County) (to Animal Population Control) 12. Local% of 7B + 7C $0.00 15. Stat% of 7B + 7C $0.00 18. 1000 of 7F + 7G $88.00 13 Local% of 7D + 7E + 10I $790.00 16. Stat% of 101 $0.00 14. Total $790.00 17. Total $0.00 Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.00 Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $88.00 LICENSE SUMMARY 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 20 2. Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses: 0 3. Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses) : 56 4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 0 5. Total of Lines 1-3: 76 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower !Monthly Report of Bureau of Accounts Management-Revenue Unit-Room 1717 Albany,New York 12237-0016 Marriage Licenses Issued SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. July 2017 City or Town of Southold Check# County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law,as last amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2003,I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Hdalth a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 38 to 47 inclusive. (If ONE license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write"NONE"in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Elizabeth A. Neville Department of Health Signatur of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH 08/08/2017 Mailing Addr s ' Amount of remittance with this report P,O Box 1179 225.00 Southold,NY 11971 $ E-mail Address Phone E.neville@town.southold.ny.us (631) 765-1800 ,tv.s. ..',.., _ Mry,".,�.�.... ..-,�;z•. ..r-i..s ��''��'�S'�_: :"'2 "':ir,�7:37?"";;'BQ,wr.. '•:'.7z^.r:....^-^a^-:m-a«.—.,.r•---,i, }r.,.:.`"'<.-.'.�."".'...''s—•s'%x'."'•'.�`T' —"","^°;Z';"7 -S,, Y- r� � J (�j3J �e � THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE,LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance of a marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of$22 50,regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law,the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof DOH-963 (09/2004) n 50UTH0LQ,T0WN11:97L.1'" 'y`>''''.'�°THE;!"B,ttq:R'IOGO5E9UH9TA7HM0OPMLTADONN�RYNOA1TA19IDO7 N1rr";A�";`.L<''.B-- -A'NK"r'" 9095MAIN'ROA ;TOWN HALL 50=666214OLDNY 'F8t;/;-8F/'t PO t0i 2"0 17-',.SOUTH ' , PAYTO''THE, :�' .. s-':.. ,' y;.,:.,° '`'=4'ri,; a`• 225.00 ORDER OF NYS'Department of;Health ';;`, ,: '':r,;t, " a: Two Hundred Twenty-Five Only****** ='i'' ' a''' s" " ,%;' DOLLARS e r f r , o� MEMO --------- nr � SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK THE BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK 1974 t 53095 MAIN ROAD,TOWN HALL 54970 MAIN ROAD 3 PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 j SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 50-666/214 8/8/2017 oPAY TO THE ORDER OF NyS Agriculture& Markets I $ **88.00 k � l Eighty-Eight Only u DOLLARS v c t I �if s c? rv;;=nno 7/17 Dogs -- 11.00197411' 1:0 2 L4066671: 05000 & 546611' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK_ THE BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK 53095 MAIN ROAD,TOWN HALL -5406 MAkRO'AD: PO'BOX'1179, Ir " SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 - - 50-666/214= SOUTHOLD;-NY 11971 - 8/,812017` PAY TO THE 'Department ' **225.00 NYSDrtment of Health ` ORDER OF r Two Hundred Twenty-Five-00y*** *` ' !w DOLLARS :lT w C H a ,- , � MEMO ^— 6 � AV a 7/17 marriage 11'00197511' 1:0 2 140666 71: 0S000IS1,GP:3 n n— e w Js� a• 9 0 ®• o _ SOUTHOLD TOWN=CLERK THE BRIDGEHAMPTON NATIQNAL BANK 1989' 53095 MAIN ROA(? TOWN HALL_ "' '' _ °. :54970 MAIN„ROAD = ,r PO.BO $auTlioLD°NX:1187.1Y` }-” ` X"1179 SOUTHOLD NY 1'1971 a <,- 'a ;50 sss/2i4 ° _., <' i ' , -. 8/8%201.7,' .ty - �•S' crt - xs S3 PAY T03HE ORDER OF Supervisor Scott'A.'Russell' , ''' = ". 100,506:47 _ u rid i e 'undred.S!z a id 47/100****** One Hundred Tho sa F v H n ,,,•.' '?° s. "<<:' ''',µ. `,e ;(. `� DOLLARS' co V. 04 n ,i - :` °, ..Y a f`...*� �• _ •iii;.•,ii:'; • +.,Y P1BEM0 7/17 Receipts Q 11100 L98 L11' 1:0 2 140666 71: 05000 & 546611' 08/08/2017 Town of Southold Page: 1 9:22'23 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report Lynda M Rudder July 01, 2017-July 31, 2017 Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 07/11/2017 500 028 472 LYNDAR 07/20/2017 2500 1 38 2362 SABRINA 07/24/2017 2500 1.38 2362 SABRINA 07/26/2017 500 028 4.72 BONNIED 07/28/2017 1000 055 945 BONNIED Report Totals: $70.00 $3.87 $66.13 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 Y Transfer Confirmation Processing Complete: August 08, 2017 10:08:00 AM EST Transfer From: Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance *****5466TOWN CLERK 66.13 12189746 Transfer To: Transfer To Deposits Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****7685 TOWN CLERK-CONS 6613 6613 400294586 LICENSES OK https://web3.secureinternetbank.com/pbi_pbi1961/Pbi1961.ashx?WCI=ExpressXfr&WCE=PFConf.. 8/8/2017 8/2/2017 Account Statement Summary Agent ID 2059 Telephone (631)-765-1800 Agent Name TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Address: 53095 Main Road Southold NY 11971 Account Notice#: 2059-43 Account Notice Date: 08/01/2017 Billing Period : 07/01/2017-07/31/2017 Sales Summary Gross Sales: 7000 Commissions 387 Net Sales: 66.13 Account Details Open Amounts Pending Amounts Previous Balances 0.00 0.00 Current Charges. Net Sales 6613 Current Charges:Adjustments 000 Current Charges Non Returned Documents 000 Previously Disputed Transactions (Resolved this period) 0.00 0.00 ACH Failures reported 000 ACH Failures Paid(this period) 0.00 ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(this ACH) 0.00 000 Total 66.13 0.00 Agent Review Activity Since 08/01/2017 Open Amounts Pending Amounts Amount Disputed 0.00 0.00 Disputed Amounts Resolved 0.00 0.00 New ACH Failures Reported 0.00 ACH Failures Paid 0.00 ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(since 08/01/2017) 0.00 0.00 Total 000 000 Account Summary Amount to be Swept on or after 08/16/2017 12.00.00 AM 66.13 Pending Charges 000 Account Balance 0.00 Page 1 of 2 08/08/2017_ Town of Southold Page- 1 t*. S 0921.04 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder July 01, 2017—July 31, 2017 Cash Category Sub-Category Qtv Fee Description Amount Adoption 1 Dog Adoptions 1000 1 Category Sub-Total . .. $10.00 Agency&Trust 4 Clean-Up Deposit 1,00000 4 Category Sub-Total . .. $1,000.00 Alarm Permits 4 Alarm-Fines 40000 4 Alarm-Initial 10000 3 Alarm-Renewal 3000 128 Alarm-Renewals 1,28000 139 Category Sub-Total. .. $1,810.00 Bank Fees 2 Bank Fees 12386 2 Category Sub-Total . . . $123.86 Beach Permit 379 Daily-2017 9,47500 171 Guest-2017 6,84000 8 Hotel/Motel-2017 32000 73 Lessee-2017 2,92000 24 Non-Resident-2017 3,60000 65 Replacement-2017 000 1727 Resident-2017 17,270 00 6 Void-2017 0.00 2453 Category Sub-Total. .. $40,425.00 Beach Permits 4 Beach Personnel 0.00 4 Category Sub-Total . .. $0.00 Building Permit Fees 8 Building Permit Fees 33,139 45 8 Category Sub-Total . . . $33,139.45 Certification, Birth 2 Birth Trans -Genealogical 2200 2 Category Sub-Total . . . $22.00 Certification, Death 150 Death Trans 1,50000 6 Death Trans -Genealogical 6600 156 Category Sub-Total . . . $1,566.00 Certification, Domestic Part 2 Domestic Partnership 2000 2 Category Sub-Total. .. $20.00 Certification, Marriage 16 Marriage Trans 16000 4 Marriage Trans -Genealogical 4400 20 Category Sub-Total . .. $204.00 08/08/2017_ Town of Southold Page, 2 09.21 04 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder July 01, 2017—July 31, 2017 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Conservation (DECALS) 5 Conservation (DECALS) 7000 5 Category Sub-Total . . . $70.00 Dog Licenses Original 7 Dog License Female, Spayed 7700 1 Dog License Female, Unspayed 1800 9 Dog License Male, Neutered 9900 3 Dog License Male, Unneutered 5400 20 Category Sub-Total . . . $248.00 Dog Licenses Renewal 33 Dog License Female, Spayed 36300 21 Dog License Male, Neutered 231 00 2 Dog License Male, Unneutered 3600 56 Category Sub-Total . . . $630.00 Filming 3 Application Fee-Non-Refund 25000 8 Beach Permits 8000 3 Daily Filming Permit 30000 14 Category Sub-Total... $630.00 Highway Excavation 4 Excavation Permits 1,05730 4 Category Sub-Total . . . $1,067.30 Historical Items 1 "I Love Southold"Sticker 1 25 1 Category Sub-Total . .. $1.25 House Trailer Permits 4 House Trailer Permit 40000 4 Category Sub-Total... $400.00 Interest Now Account 1 Interest NOW Account 2.71 1 Category Sub-Total. .. $2.71 Misc Cash 21 Photocopies 31900 21 Category Sub-Total . .. $319.00 Postage 1 Postage 100 1 Category Sub-Total. .. $1.00 Racing And Wagering Bingo 2 Bingo Proceeds 1262 2 Category Sub-Total. .. $12.62 Redemptions 8 Dog Redemption-1st 8000 1 Dog Redemption-2nd 2000 9 Category Sub-Total . .. $106.00 Sale Of Used Equipment 1 Used Equipment-Highway 500.00 1 Used Equipment-Whole Town 4,00000 08/08/2017 Town of Southold Page 3 09:21:04 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder July 01, 2017—July 31, 2017 Cash Category Sub-Category Q�L Fee Description Amount 2 Category Sub-Total . .. $4,500.00 Shellfish 2 Commercial-2017 10000 101 Free-Non-Comm-2017 000 15 Non-Resident-2017 75000 183 Resident-Non-Comm-2017 915.00 1 Void-2017 000 302 Category Sub-Total. .. $1,765.00 Solid Waste Management 6 2017-19 1st Permit 118000 District 3 2017-19 Add'I Permit 4500 6 Bags-Retail-Large 4050 25 Bags-Retail-Medium 18750 11 Bags-Retail-Small 41 25 163 Disposal-2017 1 st Permit 2,43750 74 Disposal-2017 Add'I Permit 55500 12 Disposal-2017 Guest/Lessee 300 b0 65 Disposal-Replacement 000 1 Disposal-Void 000 366 Category Sub-Total. .. $3,786.75 i Vital Statistics Marriage 10 Marriage License 400.00 10 Category Sub-Total... $400.00 Wastewater Disposal District 7 Septic Permit-Construct- 7000 Resid 2 Septic Permit-Construct 4000 Non-resid 9 Category Sub-Total... $110.00 Yard Sale Permit 72 Yard Sale 1,08000 72 Category Sub-Total. .. $1,080.00 ZBA Application Fees 7 ZBA Application Fees 5,45000 7 Category Sub-Total . .. $5,450.00 Zoning Board Of Appeals 5 Public Events 2,000.00 5 Category Sub-Total . .. $2,000.00 08/08/2017 Town of Southold Page: 4 0921 04 Summary Daily Cash Report Lynda M Rudder July 01, 2017—July 31, 2017 Cash Category Sub-Category Qty Fee Description Amount Received Through Total Cash Total: $31,263.65 Bank $271 Check Total: $47,337.37 COUNTER $100,39237 Credit Total: $21,781.35 ONLINE $48886 Debit Total: $20.00 Money Order Total: $0.00 Online Total: $488.86 Other/Unknown: $2.71 Grand Total : $100,883.94 r 08/08/2017 Town of Southold Page: 1 9 23 06 AM Summary of Deaths Report Lynda M Rudder For: All Districts Date Range: 07/01/2017 to 07/31/2017 Group By: Date of Death District Town Of Southold Registration# Name/Location Date Of Birth Age Date of Death Date Filed 91 Pressler,Joan Patricia September 28, 1937 79 Y July 03,2017 July 05,2017 San Simeon By The Sound Nursing Home Greenport,N 92 Kuch,Edward March 16,1922 95 Y July 06,2017 July 07,2017 San Simeon By The Sound Greenport,N Y i 93 Stars,William November 27, 1927 89Y July 04,2017 July 07,2017 1505 Wickham Avenue,Mattituck N Y i 94 Russo,Catherine S. September 26,1955 61Y July 04,2017 July 07,2017 1200 Rosewood Drive Mattituck,N Y I 95 Beebe,Nelson E May 03,1925 92 Y July 07,2017 July 10,2017 san simeon by the sound,greenport,n y 96 Tonnessen,Joan T. April 18,1925 92 Y July 09,2017 July 12,2017 505 Holbrook Lane,Mattituck N Y 97 Pruitt,William S. February 18,1937 80 Y July 11,2017 July 13,2017 San Simeon Nursing Home Greenport,N Y 98 Zemsky,Barbara T. November 29,1930 86 Y July 12,2017 July 14,2017 The Shores @ Peconic Landing Greenport,N Y 99 Ward,Evelyn M. May 01, 1926 91 Y July 14,2017 1 July 18,2017 The Bluffs @ Peconic Landing Greenport,N Y I 100 Kumjian,Gmette M September 17,1923 93 Y July 20,2017 j July 24,2017 San Simeon Nursing Home Greenport,N Y 101 Johnson Jr.,Wilson Marshall July 19, 1944 73 Y July 21,2017 July 25,2017 220 N View Drive Orient,N Y 102 DeLutio,Ivy F Aka Ivy F deLutio March 14, 1923 94 Y July 24,2017 July 26,2017 San Simeon By The Sound Greenport,N Y 103 Duff,Priscilla B July 18, 1921 96 Y July 25,2017 July 26,2017 The Bluffs @ Peconic Landing Greenport,N Y 104 Riches,Winifred B. February 19,1913 104 Y July 23,2017 j July 27,2017 250 Wells Road Laurel,N Y 105 Curry,Mary Elizabeth May 07, 1928 89 Y July 27,2017 July 31,2017 11045 North Bayview Road Southold,N Y 08/08/2017 Town of Southold Page. 1 9.22 02 AM Proceeds Report Lynda M Rudder For All License Types Date Range 07/01/2017 to 07/31/2017 License Type License# Organization Name Receipt Date Occasion Receipts Expenses Profits Cash 2017-Bingo 4019 American, Legion Post 803 07/18/2017 07/11/2017 $1,151 00 $87375 $26893 $832 2017-Bingo 4019 American, Legion Post 803 07/18/2017 07/18/2017 $1,01700 $87375 $13895 $430 Totals: $2,16800 $1,74750 $40788 $12.62 8/2/2017 6aily'Spllt.of the Billing Period.,: ate I #of Txnsl Gross Salesl Commissions Net Sales 01-JUL-17 0 000 0.00 0.00 02-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 03-JUL-17 27 0.00 0.00 0.00 04-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 05-JUL-17 13 000 0.00 0.00 06-JUL-17 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-JUL-17 11 000 0.00 0.00 08-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-JUL-17 0 000 000 0.00 10-JUL-17 2 000 0.00 0.00 11-JUL-17 6 5.00 0.28 4.72 12-JUL-17 4 0.00 000 0.00 13-JUL-17 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 14-JUL-17 2 0.00 000 000 15-JUL-17 0 0.00 000 000 16-JUL-17 0 000 000 0.00 17-JUL-17 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 18-JUL-17 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 19-JUL-17 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 20-JUL-17 10 2500 1.38 23.62 21-JUL-17 11 000 0.00 000 22-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 23-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 24-JUL-17 5 25.00 1.38 2362 25-JUL-17 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 26-JUL-17 3 5.00 0.28 4.72 27-JUL-17 4 000 0.00 0.00 28-JUL-17 3 10.00 0.55 9.45 29-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 000 30-JUL-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 31-JUL-17 4 000 0.00 0.00 Total: 70.00 3.87 66.13 Page 2 of 2 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 , Transfer Confirmation Processing Complete:July 17, 2017 11:29:00 AM EST Transfer From: Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance *****7685 TOWN CLERK-CONS LICENSES 1.66 879.40 Transfer To: Transfer To Deposits Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****5466 TOWN CLERK 1.66 50,352.75 401895470 OK https:Hweb3.secureinternetbank.com/pbi_pbi 1961/Pbi l 961.ashx?WCI=ExpressXfr&WCE=PFCo..,. 7/17/2017 r 7/17/2017 Account Statement Summary Agent ID 2059 Telephone (631)-765-1800 Agent Name TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Address 53095 Main Road Southold NY 11971 Account Notice# 2059-42 Account Notice Date. 07/01/2017 Billing Period 06/01/2017-06/30/2017 Sales Summary Gross Sales. 89500 Commissions: 1560 Net Sales- 87940 Account Details Open Amounts Pending Amounts Previous Balances 000 0.00 Current Charges- Net Sales 87940 Current Charges:Adjustments 000 Current Charges: Non Returned Documents 000 Previously Disputed Transactions (Resolved this period) 000 0.00 ACH Failures reported 0.00 ACH Failures Paid(this period) 0.00 ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(this ACH) 000 000 Total 87940 0.00 Agent Review Activity Since 07/01/2017 Open Amounts Pending Amounts Amount Disputed 000 0.00 Disputed Amounts Resolved 000 000 New ACH Failures Reported 000 ACH Failures Paid 0.00 ACH Failures Scheduled for Payment(since 07/01/2017) 000 000 Total 000 000 Account Summary Amount to be Swept on or after 07/16/2017 12-00.00 AM 87940 Pending Charges 000 Account Balance 000 Pagel of 2 7/17/2017- Daily: /17/2017Daily Split,of"th,e'-Billing,�Per.iod . ate I #of Txnsl Gross Salesl Commissions Net Sales 01-JUN-17 7 000 000 000 02-JUN-17 13 000 000 0.00 03-JUN-17 0 000 000 000 04-JUN-17 0 000 000 000 05-JUN-17 13 000 000 000 06-JUN-17 9 0.00 000 000 07-JUN-17 6 000 000 000 08-JUN-17 12 000 000 000 09-JUN-17 12 000 000 000 10-JUN-17 0 000 0.00 000 11-JUN-17 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 12-JUN-17 21 76500 8.42 756.58 13-JUN-17 9 000 0.00 000 14-JUN-17 11 0.00 000 000 15-JUN-17 6 000 0.00 000 16-JUN-17 15 30.00 166 2834 17-JUN-17 0 000 000 000 18-JUN-17 0 000 0.00 000 19-JUN-17 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 20-JUN-17 5 25.00 1.38 2362 21-JUN-17 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 22-JUN-17 11 25.00 1 38 2362 23-JUN-17 7 000 0.00 0.00 24-JUN-17 0 000 000 000 25-JUN-17 0 000 000 000 26-JUN-17 17 2500 1 38 2362 27-JUN-17 9 0.00 000 000 28-JUN-17 10 000 0.00 000 29-JUN-17 12 25.00 1.38 23.62 30-JUN-17 6 0.00 000 000 Total - 895.00 1560 87940 Page 2 of 2 Bridrgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 Transfer Confirmation Processing Complete: July 17, 2017 11:29:00 AM EST Transfer From: Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance *****7685TOWN CLERK-CONS LICENSES 1.66 87940 Transfer To: Transfer To Deposits Number Account Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****5466TOWN CLERK 1 66 50,352 75 401895470 OK https://web3.secureinternetbank.com/pbi_pbi l961/Pbi 1961.ashx?WCI=ExpressXfr&WCE=PFCo... 7/17/2017 Bridgehampton National Bank Page 1 of 1 Transfer Confirmation Processing Complete: July 05, 2017 09:09:00 AM EST Transfer From: NumberAccount Transfer Amount New Balance *****5466TOWN CLERK 881 06 145071 65 Transfer To: Transfer To Deposits NumberAccount Transfer Amount New Balance Confirmation Number *****7685 TOWN CLERK-CONS 88106 881.06 400979601 LICENSES OK ://web3.secureinternetbank.com/pbi_pbi 1961/Pbi 1961.ashx?W CI=ExpressXfr&WCE=PFCon£.. 7/5/2017 07/05/2917 Town of Southold Page I 8 57 46 AM DECALS Import Transaction Report Lynda M Rudder June 01, 2017-June 30, 2017 Date Agent Total Sales Less Commission Net Due to Encon UserlD 06/12/2017 76500 842 75658 BONNIED 06/16/2017 3000 000 3000 BONNIED 06/20/2017 2500 1 38 2362 LYNDAR 06/22/2017 2500 138 2362 SABRINA 06/26/2017 2500 1.38 23.62 SABRINA 06/29/2017 2500 1 38 2362 LYNDAR Report Totals: $895.00 $13.94 $881.06