HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDF Petition recvd 9/13/2017 dhange.org
: eci°ipi°ient� Heanther Lanza
e &- Greetings,
As concerned neighbors, we move to deny permission to Tenedios and
Fresh and Co to build livestock farm on preserved land at 28140 Main Road,
Orient, based on concern for environmental impact to surrounding tidal and
freshwater wetlands, fish and wildlife habitats and our aquifer. Proximity to
and inclusion of flood zones, freshwater wetlands, and saltwater wetlands
makes this property inappropriate for raising livestock. The proposed 9000
square foot livestock barn for Steve Tenedios/Fresh & Co should be
denied, among other reasons, because it would directly contradict the
deeded sale of development rights to the town of Southold in that it would
"detract from, or adversely affect the open space and scenic value that is
protected by this development rights purchase and easement."
Name Location Date Comment
Sebastian Heath Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-08 I support farming on the North Fork.The proposed facility is,
however,too big,puts wetlands at risk,and involves commercial
activities that should not be allowed.
Jeanne Markel Katonah, NY 2017-09-08 I believe Fresh&Co proposal represents a grave overreach of usage
of land that has previously deeded development rights to the town
and poses a dangerous precedent.
Melanie Essex Chiswick,England, 2017-09-08 Orient deserves better land management.
virginia ludacer orient,NY 2017-09-08 No,no,no.Just no.Development rights have been sold.Animal
waste near these wetands,contaminating the well water of local
residents.The horrible smells associated with livestock will waft
over Village Lane and all of the neighboring streets destroying our
quality of life.
Amanda Welch Trevilians,VA 2017-09-08 I am signing this petition In solidarity with the residents of Orient
Village.Easements need to be upheld,they are put in place to
protect against adverse environmental impact.
Tiffany Bell New York, NY 2017-09-08 I have a house on Narrow River Rd..The proposed plan is too big
and the commercial aspect would negatively impact the area.
Linda Rice Southold,US 2017-09-08 Development rights on this land were sold to Southold town,and
the purchase doesn't allow the commercial activities currently
proposed.The agricultural footprint and the building scale pose
risks to the environment.
Karen Haley Orient,NY 2017-09-09 The proposal is for an inappropriate use of land situated on the
edge of wetlands and in a flood zone.
Jack Boyd Southold,NY 2017-09-09 The dangers to land preservation are insidious and this is the
perfect example.
Nancy Luke Greenport, NY 2017-09-09 Enough already!!
Dorothy Faszczewski Mattituck, NY 2017-09-09 This should not be allowed if the Development rights had been
sold to Southold town!The environmental impact will endanger the
waters with animal waste!!There is enough already being dumped
into our waters endangering our fish&shellfish!
Clarisse Armstrong Orient,NY 2017-09-09 I'm all for farm animals and propper shelters ECT.But not so close
to preserved land where the livestock could end up harming nature
Jacqueline Esposito Orient,NY 2017-09-09 Preservation is important to the environment.If we change the
ecosystem everything changes and not for the better.
Jennifer Payne US 2017-09-09 Please don't let this happen!
Name Location Date Comment
Ian Ogilvie Oklahoma City, us 201/-0e-0e welive onYoungs Road inOrient,but can't bepresent for the
meeting. woone should berunning acommercial livestock
operation onpreserved land.That would, ifanything,seem amore
dolly adriauco niskayuna'wv 201/-0e-0e Stop trying»oruin the east end!Take your"great ideas"elsewhere!
Maria Cartagena Greenport, FL 201/-0e-0e I'm all for supporting our local farmers and zbuy their products all
the time but this isnot inkeeping with the preservation guidelines
ofthe area and more importantly athreat»othe local water supply
which affect usall!
uonGriUi Greenport, NY 201/-0e-0e wehave given too much ofour Wild life habitats away.ubelongs»o
all ofusnn«just the wealthy
uonGriUi Greenport, NY 201/-0e-0e The little Wild life habitat that wehave belongs»ouswoONE has
the right»odisturb preserved land.Goand let this bad idea gowith
Kathleen Becker Orient,NY 201/-0e-0e The proposal would put bevery damaging environmentally.ztwould
have tremendous impact onthe ddecatehealth ofnaUocksBay
aswell asaffect our drinking water.The area floods.There are
restrictions onwhat can bedone onpreserved land.
monicamayper Southold,NY 201/-0e-0e One ofthe last great peaceful wetland landscapes issimply not the
right place for what renediosand Fresh&Company are proposing
tobuild and todo.
co|egedomokus Richmond, US 201/-0e-0e This land should bereserved for the better ofthe county's!
co|egedomokus Richmond, US 201/-0e-0e This land should bereserved for the better ofthe county's!
B|enmcneiUy Orient,NY 201/-0e-0e Wrong use inthis protected,environmentally vulnerable space;too
much potential impact onalready compromised wetlands and the
adjacent critical natural resource areas.
Christine Lauber Orient,NY 201/-0e-0e This would beadisaster for one ofthe last unruinedparts ofLong
Nora Conant East Marion,wv 201/-0e-0e Small scale chicken farming and afield offlowers will bereplaced by
ahuge operation that will threaten the delicate ecology ofnaUock's
Bay and create traffic, noise pollution and foul odors. Now isthe
Frances McArthur Southold,NY 201/-0e-0e This operation sounds»ohuge»obesustained onthis plot ofland.u
threatens not only our scenic views,but also the ecology ofnaUock's
aay.Tastingsand festivals are commercial enterprises and should
not beallowed onthis property.
Charles Dean Orient,NY 201/-0e-0e Pollution from this operation will adversely affect Narrow River and
eydieharris orient,NY 201/-0e-0e This proposal istotally wrong for tis community!What iswrong with
Name Location Date Comment
Arleen Stamp Amityville, NY 201/-0e-0e zlove Orient and spend lots oftime there—. itwould beashame»o
ruin the natural beauty ofthe environment inany way!
Mary Morgan Orient,NY 201/-0e-0e Extreme weather and storm surges are onthe rise.ecoli bacteria,
a public health threat,will be flushed into the bay harming humans
and bay life alike,adversely affecting the quality ofour lives and
Mary Morgan Orient,NY 201/-0e-0e Coastal waters ofeastern uare atrisk ofecoli bacteria pollution,
resulting inwaters closed toswimming and shdlfishing. Extreme
weather and storm surges are on the rise.eco|i bacteria'a public
health threat,will beflushed into the bay harming humans and bay
life alike,adversely affecting the quality ofour lives and area. wo
wancymvins Tallahassee,FL 201/-0e-0e Concern that this farm will bevery damaging tothe surrounding
wetlands,fish habitats and water resources. BAD IDEA.
|izharrigan g|enwmod' wv 201/-0e-10 wemust preserve the land,water and quality oflife onthe North
mrstenoroskoski greenport'wv 201/-0e-10 zbelieve inprotecting our|andm
manaoeJesus cutcxogue' wv 201/-0e-10 Preserved land should bejust asintendedmoexceptions!
John Carter Southold,NY 201/-0e-10 No.No.No.no.No.No.Not going tohappen.
|auraodsner cort|andtwv 201/-0e-10 I'm signing this petition out ofconcern for construction projects
that negatively impact the environment.Allowing projects that keep
chipping away natural habitats have to be stopped.
davidpouer Orient,US 201/-0e-10 No
]u|iernompsow Brooklyn, NY 201/-0e-10 zamsigning because New York needs toprotect the fragile parts
of its environment from inevitable negative impacts of industrial
farming.Orient and naUocksBay are precious and(ne|auve|y)
pristine,at this time.
vmnmosb|ech Sebastian, FL 201/-0e-10 zhave lived inSouthold for snyears and still live here smonths of
the year. No,donot allow this use onstated property»obuild a
livestock farm onpreserved land.
Susan Reed Sag Harbor,wv 201/-0e-10 suffo|kgroundwater water isalready dangerously polluted.wemust
protect against more toxic runoff»ogroundwater and wetlands.
Angela Kirby Adelaide,Australia 201/-0e-10 All natural with nopending disasters ifyou leave ua|onem!
Nikki Weavers New York, wv 201/-0e-10 n000000000000.nokilling fields inorienu!
peggyoeamer Brooklyn, NY 201/-0e-10 iamsigning this petition because the impact ofindustrial farming
onthis sensitive area will beirreversible and devastating.
Virginia Goddard Greenport, NY 201/-0e-10 wemust protect our wetlands.
Name Location Date Comment
Bruce Christopher Riverdale, NY 201/-0e-10 The environment inthat location istoo fragile for anything ofthis
Carr size and impact.
Myrna Burks Southold,NY 201/-0e-10 This will have adverse effects onthe landscape and ontraffic»oand
from the Ferry.
suephaniesenemeus Princeton,NJ 201/-0e-10 zhave had ahome onthe North Fork for over Thirty years.This
would materially impact the environment near naUocksBay and
Narrow river road and zoppose this
]ackiemckee Orient,NY 201/-0e-10 zlive inEast Marion,and have spent znsome years onnaUocks
Bay sailing, kayaking,swimming and just enjoying one ofthe
North Fork's greatest treasures.The Bay and surrounding area has
already been compromised byfertilizers and road run-off.Let's
not compromise uany further with animal waste and short term
human financial interests which would alter the unique character
ofthe area which zunderstand that Southold Town iscommitted to
preserving through their Comprehensive Plan.
Patricia Hope East Hampton,wv 201/-0e-10 It's abad idea all the way around.
]effreycyronek Jersey City, w] 201/-0e-10 These are wetlands.This isthe wrong location for livestock farming.
Susanna Neumann New York, us 201/-0e-10 adverse impact onthe environment.
mimiFahs New York, wv 201/-0e-10 This isaprecious natural resource many have fought to preserve
this environmental gem from development.vsanover sn-year
Orient home-owner'zstrongly oppose the proposed building ofa
large agri-businessonthe shore ofthese sensitive wetlands and
James Sime Blairsville,GA 201/-0e-10 The bay cannot handle the added nitrogenous effluent.
Monica Coyne-Sadler Paradise Valley,xz 201/-0e-10 Protected land
uebeccawienkamper New York, wv 201/-0e-10 This type offarming has noplace inOrient.There isone road inand
out.The area issimply too small tosupport anything more than
what already exists. LEAVE zrALONE.
Wendy Innes Wading River, wv 201/-0e-10 It's important toprotect our local ecosystems from the negative
impacts this type ofbusiness will have on adjacent waterways.
nanci|agarenne east hampton'wv 201/-0e-10 It's not right to consider this here.
mwGxcuxuv Southold,NY 201/-0e-11 This has noplace onthe North Fork.Fresh&coshould look upstate
for livestock farming. Furthermore the barn building project is
too immediate toNarrow River Road which needs tobeprotected
because itistoo special tobedestroyed bycrass commercialism /a
pamdafocarino New York, wv 201/-0e-11 Look atTexas and Florida and see ifit's agood idea tomess with the
Name Location Date Comment
Nancy Butkus Southold,NY 201/-0e-11 I'm concerned about the impact this will have.
Ellyn Stein Middle Island, wv 201/-0e-11 Animal agriculture has anenormous environmental impact and is
the leading contributor»oglobal warming.Our waters need»obe
protected from further pollution.
Jennifer Rudolph Massapequa Park, 201/-0e-11 Pollution
Janet Hands Orient,NY 201/-0e-11 It's bad enough zhave»olook athis damn ugly signs every time z
come»othe end ofmyroad!
vJieshaper cutchogue, wv 201/-0e-11 I'm signing this petition because North Fork bays and creeks are
anessential part ofthe Eastern United States ecosystem,including
being apart ofthe East Coast Bird Migration Flyway.Ifour local
waters are polluted with fertilizers and animal waste, it will not only
affect our local fish and marine|de' but itwill also disrupt important
good sources for resident and migratory bird populations alike.
Jane Utz Southold,NY 201/-0e-11 zwant the lad preserved asis.
aarryeergdoU New York, wv 201/-0e-11 This plan violates the restrictions operative onthe land at the sale»o
Fresh&Co; uendangers sensitive wetlands which feed akey north
fork recreational area(Narrow River)and brings traffic and potential
party noise»oavery quiet neighborhood,aswell asroad already
overburdened once anhour byferry traffic
0wemGodi Italy 201/-0e-11 zbelieve weshould preserve nature byall means
vmdrewpomfreu Enfield, England, 201/-0e-11 People not profit
rheodonesuraud Orient,NY 201/-0e-11 zamvery concerned about agrunoff into our waterways.
rheodonesuraud Orient,NY 201/-0e-11 zamvery concerned about agrunoff into our waterways.we
have enough trouble keeping our harbor and inlets clean without
another source ofpollution.
megoanisi Orient,NY 201/-0e-11 weneed»opreserve our natural land that wehave left onthe north
forknKeep the water asclean aspossible and wildlife aplace»o
cam|inegno|an key west,n 201/-0e11 The effect onsuch large and varied operations onthe surrounding
wetlands would betoo great.Greer wo|anowner,zzs King su.orient,
NY 11957
Carol Morton Orient,NY 201/-0e-11 There's areason somany ofthe duck farms onLong Island were
dosed down years ago.They polluted the nearby stream and bays.
wecannot let this happen tonaUocksBay.
c|audiandinski Greenport, NY 201/-0e-11 Pristine wetlands atNarrow River xoadoisgusungindustrial
use inbucolic setting. nsustoinab|eseuing.Fake^community"
advemsingmo' nono!
Name Location Date Comment
Brad Ascalon New York, wv 201/-0e-11 vsanew resident ofthe North Fork,zcame»othis region because
of its pristine' untainted nature,and its focus on local farming,not
corporate sprawl.And as new resident who was required to pay
peconicPreservation raxequa|»oz%ofthecostofmynowhome»o
protect the sanctity ofthe region,amove like this would not only be
aslap inmyface but anoutright immoral move bythe township.
wckygermaise new suffo|k, wv 201/-0e-11 vsaNorth Fork resident,zhave concern for environmental impact
to surrounding tidal and freshwater wetlands,fish and wildlife
habitats and our aquifer. Proximity»oand inclusion offlood zones,
freshwater wetlands,and saltwater wetlands makes this property
inappropriate for raising livestock.
u|enwex|er New York, wv 201/-0e-11 zlive and vote inSouthold 'and have spent over snyears
inthe area kayaking,swimming and enjoying the beaches,
small farms and open spaces ofthe North Fork.The Bay and
Sound and the surrounding areas has been compromised by
over-population of deer,farms that use fertilizer and poison
sprays and over-building ofhouses that are way too large for their
surrounding neighborhood.This has contaminated our waterways
and ground water and diminishes the beauty ofthe North Fork.If
are not»obecome Nassau County weneed»ofocus onencouaging
the small local organic farmers and preserving open spaces and
woodlands-not bow»olarge animal-raising companies. Let's not
compromise our future»ofinancial interests which would alter the
unique character ofthe North Fork weneed»obeconfident that
our officials inSouthold Town are committed»opreserving the rural
nature ofout community what isleft ofit.
Jodi Harris Brooklyn, NY 201/-0e-11 I'm signing because zlove Orient and everything urepresents»oour
community-a quiet refuge where nature and the sanctity of the land
and local business are paramount. Please don't ruin one ofthe true
gems ofour great state.Show usthat Fresh&cohas integrity and
Perry Schaffer New York, wv 201/-0e-11 Not correct usage for this location.
vmgdoean Providence,RI 201/-0e-11 zvisit Orient alot»osee mybrother.zknow that alivestock farm
would have aserious detrimental impact onthe fragile eco system.
vmdeeuadu wvc' wv 201/-0e-12 I'm signing because zcare
]oannaramin Greenport, NY 201/-0e-12 SAVE WHAT'S LEFT!It's almost already too late!
Phyllis Lambert Montreal,Canada 201/-0e-12 Preserved land,essential»othe environment isbecoming much too
scarce.Furthermore the noxious effect ofcattle onthe environment
releasing a high level of methane is well known and their polluting
excreta would bedisastrous»o Southold and orient.
Kevin McAllister Sag Harbor,wv 201/-0e-12 xconcentrated animal feeding operation inthis location would pose
aserious threat»owater quality innaUock'sBay.Approving this
misplaced operation would be direct contradiction»owvoec's
designation ofnaasaCritical Environmental Area.xdesignation
intended»oprovide greater protection.Lastly,what aninsult»othe
purposes ofthe cpF.Kevin McAllister,Defend nzo
Name Location Date Comment
cxrisxohnken Sag Harbor,wv 201/-0e-12 Our Bays and local waters are already indangers byhigh nitrogen
Jane Rosenblum New York, wv 201/-0e12 This isthe wrong use for that particular part ofland.I'm sure there
are other places in the north fork,that could be used as livestock
Gayle Hessler Mount Sinai, wv 201/-0e12 I'm not completely opposed»othis idea ingeneral, but zagree with
the comments stated here,that this parcel should bekept pristine
and natural.There isplenty ofspace inland further west, Riverhead
]eannudd Montreal,Canada 201/-0e-12 ...onconcern for environmental impact»osurrounding tidal and
freshwater wetlands,fish and wildlife habitats and our aquifec.
Cathy Fizz Northport, NY 201/-0e-12 zoppose the use ofscenic land for development ofall kinds and
particularly livestock'asugreatly impacts the natural beauty,
wildlife and health ofour children here onthe east end .
cherry|arad|ey Riverhead, NY 201/-0e-12 This would cause serious environmental impact and zamagainst
animals raised for slaughter!
Henry Diaz Shirley, NY 201/-0e-12 This use ofland does not fit the environmental needs ifthe
Frankswes/y Stony Brook,wv 201/-0e-12 zsupport the protection ofour surface waters.The proposed
construction isincompatible with that goal.
Kia Pedersen New York, wv 201/-0e-12 zamaShelter Island resident.Open land should bepreserved!
Christopher Rudolph Torrance,CA 201/-0e-13 The environment ismore important.
jamesmacmiUan amagansettwv 201/-0e-13 Livestock farming isdetrimental»othe environment inmany ways
but even more damaging inthis fragile area.Are they crazy orgreed
Kath|een|ehey Sound Beach, wv 201/-0e-13 Water quality isessential»othe physical and financial health ofour
Scott Persson Fairfield,CT 201/-0e-13 myfamily lives out there,and the area isprecious»ome.
Jonathan Wise Chicago,IL 201/-0e-13 xBeef lot over we |ands?!zstheneanyone,wthabrainonyour
: eci°ipi°ient� Heanther Lanza
e &- Greetings,
As concerned neighbors, we move to deny permission to Tenedios and
Fresh and Co to build livestock farm on preserved land at 28140 Main Road,
Orient, based on concern for environmental impact to surrounding tidal and
freshwater wetlands, fish and wildlife habitats and our aquifer. Proximity to
and inclusion of flood zones, freshwater wetlands, and saltwater wetlands
makes this property inappropriate for raising livestock. The proposed 9000
square foot livestock barn for Steve Tenedios/Fresh & Co should be
denied, among other reasons, because it would directly contradict the
deeded sale of development rights to the town of Southold in that it would
"detract from, or adversely affect the open space and scenic value that is
protected by this development rights purchase and easement."
Name Location Date
Ambriel Bostic New York, NY 2017-09-08
Hawes Bostic New York, US 2017-09-08
Leslie Cohen Mattituck, US 2017-09-08
Sebastian Heath Cutchogue, US 2017-09-08
judith Fried Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Catherine Shainker Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-08
Carole Server Frankel New York, US 2017-09-08
Liz Welch Orient, NY 2017-09-08
Jeanne Markel Katonah, NY 2017-09-08
Fredrica Wachsberger Monsey, US 2017-09-08
Yvonne Force New York, NY 2017-09-08
Libby Potter US 2017-09-08
Bill Adams New York, US 2017-09-08
lisa yuskavage Southold, US 2017-09-08
Oliver Frankel New York, US 2017-09-08
clan welch Palmyra, VA 2017-09-08
douglas gray Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Allison Eisen-Kiener Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Barbara Friedman Greenport, US 2017-09-08
Nadja Pinnavaia Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-08
Name Location Date
Joshua Nefsky Greenport, US 2017-09-08
Ellen Camp Greenport, US 2017-09-08
Louis Yoh Us 2017-09-08
Melanie Essex Chiswick, England, UK 2017-09-08
Clifford Cohen Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Gwyneth Ketterer New York, US 2017-09-08
virginia ludacer orient, NY 2017-09-08
jape friesen Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Peter Marren Southold, US 2017-09-08
sam kirby New York, US 2017-09-08
Blaise Hayward New York, US 2017-09-08
Clare Air Greenport, US 2017-09-08
Chris Wedge Us 2017-09-08
Rebecca Nienkamper New York, NY 2017-09-08
Ed Manning Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-08
Theodore Rock Us 2017-09-08
cindy mckinney New York, US 2017-09-08
Marran Ogilvie Oklahoma City, US 2017-09-08
Priscilla Bull Mattituck, US 2017-09-08
Mary Goldman Southold, US 2017-09-08
David Hoffman New York, US 2017-09-08
rea silvia feriozzi Yonkers, NY 2017-09-08
Name Location Date
Nancy Ferraris Clifton, US 2017-09-08
Frances McArthur Southold, US 2017-09-08
Martha Watts Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Deborah Davis Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Lilienne Barlow Ridge, NY 2017-09-08
Susan Gardner Southold, US 2017-09-08
Peter Smith East Meadow, US 2017-09-08
Amanda Welch Trevilians, VA 2017-09-08
Georgia Whidden Somerset, US 2017-09-08
Darien Leung Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
elaine wood New York, US 2017-09-08
Richard Gluckman Dunellen, US 2017-09-08
Edward Varites Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-08
Dianne Leung Valatie, NY 2017-09-08
Tiffany Bell New York, NY 2017-09-08
Paul fried Brooklyn, US 2017-09-08
Carolina Zapf New York, US 2017-09-08
stephan forstmann New York, US 2017-09-08
Angelica Bengolea Southold, US 2017-09-08
Evan Lewis Mattituck, US 2017-09-08
Linda Rice Southold, US 2017-09-08
Sharon Bogden Southold, US 2017-09-08
Name Location Date
Lynne Biggar Us 2017-09-08
Jennifer Fistere Brooklyn, Us 2017-09-08
Shakespeare Erin New York, Us 2017-09-08
Monique Gohorel New York, US 2017-09-08
Richard Leslie Southold, US 2017-09-08
Claudia Hamilton Us 2017-09-08
jorge macias Mexico 2017-09-08
Sheena Wagstaff Secaucus, US 2017-09-09
Leslie Koch Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
Judy Giannelli Bronx, US 2017-09-09
Jackie Ramseyer Danbury, US 2017-09-09
Chris Astley Us 2017-09-09
Lucy Barnes New York, NY 2017-09-09
Connie Schraft New York, US 2017-09-09
Karen Haley Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Burke Liburt Southold, US 2017-09-09
Mark Francis Rocklin, US 2017-09-09
Edward Caufield Roosevelt, US 2017-09-09
Andrew Zarmett New York, US 2017-09-09
Ted Webb Greenport, US 2017-09-09
jade Buell Pomona, US 2017-09-09
Rich Gillooly Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Meghan Philipps Groton, US 2017-09-09
Natalie Exum Washington, US 2017-09-09
sarah parker Ithaca, NY 2017-09-09
Jayne Balick Oranjestad, Aruba 2017-09-09
Andrea Berne Southold, US 2017-09-09
Ann ffolliott Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Raymond tabor Us 2017-09-09
Keith Morton Us 2017-09-09
Ann Ffolliott Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Liana Sananda Los Angeles, CA 2017-09-09
Nina Caufield Us 2017-09-09
Eleanor Leslie New York, US 2017-09-09
Stacey Stebbins Selden, NY 2017-09-09
Gideon Burnes Heath New York, NY 2017-09-09
Bryant Tabor Miami, US 2017-09-09
Janet Markarian Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Mike Ramseyer New York, US 2017-09-09
Mark Robbins Us 2017-09-09
amanda vibert Southold, US 2017-09-09
Jan Pomerans Polstead Heath, England, UK 2017-09-09
Laura Riggins Orient, US 2017-09-09
Harley Britt Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Donald Rose Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Emily King Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Amanda Sanders Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Petros Panagopoulos Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Patti Norden Southold, US 2017-09-09
Tim Hermance Cutchogue, US 2017-09-09
Bonnie Palmer East Marion, NY 2017-09-09
Cassie Kanz Southold, US 2017-09-09
Charles Jelling haus Us 2017-09-09
Alisha Silvester Clinton, MA 2017-09-09
Donna Goldense Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-09
Jennifer Place Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Robert Place Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Jack Boyd Southold, NY 2017-09-09
Krislyn R Lynbrook, NY 2017-09-09
Nancy Luke Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Dorothy Faszczewski Mattituck, NY 2017-09-09
Howard Shainker Southold, US 2017-09-09
Alan Norden Southold, US 2017-09-09
Caitlin Grilli Riverhead, NY 2017-09-09
Tim McElroy Riverhead, US 2017-09-09
Sarah Jellinghaus Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Karen Sitaro Us 2017-09-09
Dan Partridge Southold, US 2017-09-09
Laurie Citera Brentwood, US 2017-09-09
Timothy Gadomski Southold, US 2017-09-09
Jeremy Garretson Southold, US 2017-09-09
Peter Laurelli New York, US 2017-09-09
Daniel Duran Laurel, US 2017-09-09
Alexis Reed Wilkes-Barre, PA 2017-09-09
Edward Campbell Queens, NY 2017-09-09
Jane Lear New York, NY 2017-09-09
Sean Charters Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Joseph milnes Shirley, NY 2017-09-09
Megan Gevinski Center Moriches, US 2017-09-09
Mari Kate Connolly Towson, US 2017-09-09
Alice Falcone Princeton, NJ 2017-09-09
Patricia wood Cutchogue, US 2017-09-09
Jason Mann Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
Clarisse Armstrong Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Jennifer Wysocki Westport, US 2017-09-09
Jacqueline Esposito Orient, NY 2017-09-09
isabelle kanz peconic, NY 2017-09-09
Laura Westlake Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Gina Detrick Cutchogue, US 2017-09-09
Simon Eisinger Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Christopher Thomas Us 2017-09-09
Nicolle Bogden Riverside, US 2017-09-09
Jennifer Payne Us 2017-09-09
William Doucett Shirley, US 2017-09-09
kaitlyn lyons New York, NY 2017-09-09
Grace Zuhoski New Suffolk, US 2017-09-09
Isabel Wacker Freeport, US 2017-09-09
Jon Foster New Suffolk, US 2017-09-09
LYNN SUMMERS Mattituck, NY 2017-09-09
Joel Foster Orient, US 2017-09-09
Elizabeth Powe Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Sara Archer Manchester, US 2017-09-09
Ian Ogilvie Oklahoma City, US 2017-09-09
Jamie Fitzgerarald Oxford, US 2017-09-09
Tom Rand Boston, US 2017-09-09
Martin Faint Bronx, US 2017-09-09
Brooke Pollock Bronx, US 2017-09-09
Jacqueleen Anderson Conway, US 2017-09-09
Linda Sabatino Southold, US 2017-09-09
Debbie DeSalvo Brookhaven, NY 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Colegedo Mokus Richmond, US 2017-09-09
ethel sussman new york, NY 2017-09-09
Erin Creedon Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Daniel Nelson Rome, US 2017-09-09
Brian Tuthill Buffalo, US 2017-09-09
Elise Hazard Poland, NY 2017-09-09
Cara Vaccariello Southold, NY 2017-09-09
Rosa Ross Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
christina quarty Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Eddie Rogers Oneonta, US 2017-09-09
dolly adriatico niskayuna, NY 2017-09-09
Tracy Watts Southold, US 2017-09-09
Allison Forstmann Larchmont, US 2017-09-09
Kevin Cozine Port Jefferson Station, US 2017-09-09
Jared Grilli Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
MARTHA GEISSINGER Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Kaitlin Macomber Wantagh, US 2017-09-09
Skye Gillispie Tampa, US 2017-09-09
Carlina Valenti Deer Park, NY 2017-09-09
Sarah Tuthill Vestal, US 2017-09-09
Casey McMahon Long Beach, NY 2017-09-09
Julia McKinney Buenos Aires, Argentina 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Stephanie Licciardi East Marion, NY 2017-09-09
jack wedge New York, US 2017-09-09
Cailyn McCarthy Buffalo, US 2017-09-09
Sebastian Alarcon Us 2017-09-09
Adrian Martens New York, NY 2017-09-09
Tyler johnson New York, NY 2017-09-09
Peter Peterson Patchogue, US 2017-09-09
Jane Cuthill Fort Lauderdale, FL 2017-09-09
Maria Cartagena Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Vanessa Canavan Oneonta, US 2017-09-09
Isabella Essex Chester, US 2017-09-09
Peter Miele Staten Island, US 2017-09-09
Daniel Cartagena Baltimore, US 2017-09-09
Jeffrey Rogers Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Leticia Dominguez New York, US 2017-09-09
Gillian Francis New York, US 2017-09-09
Eleanor Thomas New York, NY 2017-09-09
Elias Fokine Rhinebeck, US 2017-09-09
Ron Grilli Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Nida Lee Cutchogue, US 2017-09-09
Tyler Connell Coventry, US 2017-09-09
Monica Mayper Southold, US 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Kathleen Becker Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Emily Stupka Poland, NY 2017-09-09
Jabari LeGendre Cambria Heights, NY 2017-09-09
Michelle Beauchesne Wantagh, US 2017-09-09
Lars Westvind Southold, US 2017-09-09
Abigail Collier us 2017-09-09
Cristina Alejandra Morales Spain 2017-09-09
Gideon D'Arcangelo New York, NY 2017-09-09
Lloyd Ziff Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Alix Pearl New York, US 2017-09-09
Jennifer Knight us 2017-09-09
Claire Weinraub Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Armand De Luca Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Ellen mcneilly Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Mary Dorman Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Elijah Krause Cutchogue, US 2017-09-09
Reid Newton New York, US 2017-09-09
Sylvie Wilk New York, NY 2017-09-09
Jarer Martin Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Mary Beth Henson Southold, US 2017-09-09
Gabrielle Walters Chico, CA 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Barbara B. Stires Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
john darcangelo Buffalo, US 2017-09-09
Adam Irving Jersey City, US 2017-09-09
Barbara Gallimore New York, NY 2017-09-09
Gail Barlow Southold, US 2017-09-09
Janis Rose Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Julie eigenberg Great Neck, US 2017-09-09
olivia serpico Riverhead, NY 2017-09-09
Cindy Gold smith-Ag osta Southold, US 2017-09-09
Rachel juzapavicus Lunenburg, MA 2017-09-09
Elaine Romagnoli New Suffolk, NY 2017-09-09
Julie Mazzaferro Westbury, US 2017-09-09
Anne Brouillard Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Tj Mazzaferro Bronx, US 2017-09-09
Marilyn Flynn Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-09
Britta Babashak Southold, NY 2017-09-09
Jonathan Reinecke Westport, US 2017-09-09
Christine Lauber Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Mereline Blickman Castricum, Netherlands 2017-09-09
Bina gilmour mattituck, NY 2017-09-09
Susan Holden Fontana, US 2017-09-09
Rodrigo Mercader Topeka, US 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Sarah Salm New York, US 2017-09-09
Charlotte Greene Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Susan A Forbes Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Catherine Chaudhuri Brooklyn, US 2017-09-09
Joan Turturro Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
Nora Conant East Marion, NY 2017-09-09
David Galicia Boston, US 2017-09-09
valerie english Cutchogue, US 2017-09-09
Theo Kennedy Montpelier, US 2017-09-09
Colleen McDonough Dublin, Ireland 2017-09-09
Cooper Nefsky Greenport, US 2017-09-09
Charles Dean Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Helen Hooke Dublin, Ireland 2017-09-09
Christine Braunstein NYC, NY 2017-09-09
Maxwell Mastrangelo Buffalo, US 2017-09-09
louise Pecoraro Southold, US 2017-09-09
Sarah Warren Us 2017-09-09
Audrey Strauss East Marion, US 2017-09-09
eydie harris orient, NY 2017-09-09
judith maciura orient, NY 2017-09-09
Evelyn Witherspoon Southold, NY 2017-09-09
Arleen Stamp Amityville, NY 2017-09-09
Name Location Date
Mary Morgan Orient, NY 2017-09-09
Irene Kassow Southold, US 2017-09-09
Adrianna Chandler Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Kanz Nancy Wells, US 2017-09-09
Sylvia Molloy Southold, US 2017-09-09
Nancy Bivins Tallahassee, FL 2017-09-09
Katen Sauvigne Southold, US 2017-09-09
Stephen Kelemen Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
Miriam Bissu Orient, NY 2017-09-09
ina bertucci new york, NY 2017-09-09
Mary Creedon Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
John Wells Stroudsburg, PA 2017-09-09
Katie Peters Mattituck, US 2017-09-09
Catherine Creedon Greenport, NY 2017-09-09
Patricia Hovey Southold, NY 2017-09-09
Candice Odell Greenwich, US 2017-09-09
Takami Yao New York, US 2017-09-09
Nikos Spiridakis Durham, US 2017-09-09
Soleil Ball Van Zee Claremont, US 2017-09-09
Vanessa Aslan-Blair Peoria, US 2017-09-10
liz harrigan glenwood, NY 2017-09-10
Kirsten Droskoski greenport, NY 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Bob Mills Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
Nancy Staker Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
Jessica Lukas Central Islip, NY 2017-09-10
Sandy Standish Southold, NY 2017-09-10
Lara stilley ny, NY 2017-09-10
Jeanie Reyes Monticello, US 2017-09-10
Diana DeJesus Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-10
John Carter Southold, US 2017-09-10
Nina Eshoo New York, US 2017-09-10
Charlotte Tuomey New York, US 2017-09-10
Danielle Henripin Southold, US 2017-09-10
Laura Oelsner Cortlandt, NY 2017-09-10
Bruce Campbell New York, NY 2017-09-10
Nancy Agabian Jackson Heights, NY 2017-09-10
Tara Wayt Hopewell, US 2017-09-10
Jesse Gordon Newyork, NY 2017-09-10
Ellen wexler New York, US 2017-09-10
Whitney Carlson Harrisonburg, US 2017-09-10
Francesca Fontanez West Haven, US 2017-09-10
Alexandra Georgolakos Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
Carol Greenstreet Millbrook, NY 2017-09-10
Barbara amirto Peabody, US 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Douglas Brierley London, UK 2017-09-10
Stephenie Pisacano Phoenix, US 2017-09-10
Dennis Akins Holyoke, US 2017-09-10
Jessica Whatley Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-10
Laura Santisi East Meadow, US 2017-09-10
Alison O'Malley Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-10
Janice Caufield Southold, US 2017-09-10
Christopher Fitting Broomfield, CO 2017-09-10
Dorry Christy Lake Placid, FL 2017-09-10
Alberto Gelado Blanco Spain 2017-09-10
Thomas McCloskey McCloskey Southold, US 2017-09-10
Linda Sime Madison, WI 2017-09-10
David Potter Orient, US 2017-09-10
Jean Hoins Gansevoort, NY 2017-09-10
Theodore V.H. Mayer us 2017-09-10
Anne Trimble cutchogue, NY 2017-09-10
Julie THOMPSON Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-10
Keith Scott Morton Cutchogue, US 2017-09-10
Robin Mayer Southold, US 2017-09-10
Angela Meredith Jones New York, US 2017-09-10
chester mayer Southold, US 2017-09-10
Amy Gross New York, NY 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Susan Wadle Boulder, US 2017-09-10
Camille Lowe Atlanta, GA 2017-09-10
Lori Cohen Mattituck, US 2017-09-10
Ellen Singer New York, NY 2017-09-10
Jimena Faerber Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
Melania Frentzel Bellmore, US 2017-09-10
deborah marland Orient, US 2017-09-10
david Backus Orient, US 2017-09-10
Grayson Murphy Greenport, US 2017-09-10
Diane Hulse Southold, US 2017-09-10
Harold Griffiths Southold, US 2017-09-10
Henry Salmaggi Bridgewater, US 2017-09-10
Amy Astley New York, NY 2017-09-10
Alex Wilkens Somerville, US 2017-09-10
Beth Knight Us 2017-09-10
Ann Mosblech Sebastian, FL 2017-09-10
Cosette Simon Traverse City, US 2017-09-10
sarah kolodny new york, NY 2017-09-10
Susan Reed Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-10
Jo Ann Constantino Caltanissetta, Italy 2017-09-10
Angela Kirby Adelaide, Australia 2017-09-10
Carolyn Witmitz Australia 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Emily Mathis West Newton, MA 2017-09-10
Nikki Weavers New York, NY 2017-09-10
Andrea Hines Madison, US 2017-09-10
Peggy Deamer Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-10
Karen Schneider Minneapolis, US 2017-09-10
Patricia Sznurkowski Mattituck, US 2017-09-10
Judith Scofield Miller Cutchogue, US 2017-09-10
Catherine McCullough Traverse City, US 2017-09-10
Paige Novick Southold, NY 2017-09-10
Elizabeth Gordon New York, NY 2017-09-10
Barbara Bloom New York, US 2017-09-10
John Josephson New York, US 2017-09-10
Miriam Foster New York, US 2017-09-10
Christine Padilla Ronkonkoma, NY 2017-09-10
s colton ny, NY 2017-09-10
Maggie Hoag Shelter Island Heights, US 2017-09-10
chris oliver Deer Park, US 2017-09-10
Toby Bannister Greenport, US 2017-09-10
David Cammarota Mattituck, US 2017-09-10
Virginia Goddard Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
christian lange Stamford, US 2017-09-10
Bruce Christopher Carr Riverdale, NY 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Edward Constantino Caltanissetta, Italy 2017-09-10
Cary) speck Melbourne, FL 2017-09-10
Matvey levenstein New York, US 2017-09-10
Helen Reiss Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
Elanna Allen New York, NY 2017-09-10
Mike Serpe EGG HARBOR, WI 2017-09-10
John Holland Barre, MA 2017-09-10
McKenna Demarest East Marion, US 2017-09-10
Jeanne Betancourt New York, US 2017-09-10
Marie Sorensen Chelsea, England, UK 2017-09-10
Jessica Swetland Greenport, US 2017-09-10
Andrea Schulz Southold, US 2017-09-10
Timothy Grattan Us 2017-09-10
Augusta Duffey Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
BARBARA PFANZ Shelter Island Heights, US 2017-09-10
Judith Barry Us 2017-09-10
Raegan LANGE New York, US 2017-09-10
Nancy Green New York, NY 2017-09-10
Madeline Mcintosh Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
Lindsay Gehrke-Shainker Us 2017-09-10
Victoria Pollard Chappaqua, US 2017-09-10
Baylee Brown-Proffitt New York, NY 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Alice Grace Edgewater, US 2017-09-10
Camila Villa Los Angeles, US 2017-09-10
Alex Ragona Jersey City, US 2017-09-10
Lori Hollander Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-10
mary eisenstein Southold, US 2017-09-10
Jackie mckee Orient, NY 2017-09-10
Myrna Burks Southold, US 2017-09-10
Virginia Flynn Great Barrington, US 2017-09-10
Kara Hoblin Blue Point, NY 2017-09-10
Mary Roman Southold, US 2017-09-10
Stephanie Seremetis Princeton, NJ 2017-09-10
Judith Woodard Southold, US 2017-09-10
Manuela Soares New York, US 2017-09-10
robert marchica Mattituck, NY 2017-09-10
Suzanne Nystrom Lexington, US 2017-09-10
Douglas Constant Southold, US 2017-09-10
Kelly Franke Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
Pamela Valentine Southold, US 2017-09-10
Christina Katz New York, US 2017-09-10
Lucas Natali Southold, NY 2017-09-10
Ashley Barr Southold, US 2017-09-10
Coco Kim Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Karin Constant Southold, US 2017-09-10
Jean Partridge East Marion, NY 2017-09-10
A. Ferrone Mattituck, US 2017-09-10
Nell Gluckman Us 2017-09-10
Bruce Powell antigo, WI 2017-09-10
Elizabeth Thompson Edgewater, US 2017-09-10
Deborah Falk New Hartford, US 2017-09-10
tom Crowley orient, NY 2017-09-10
Julianne Mundell Carmel, US 2017-09-10
George Hossenlopp Southold, US 2017-09-10
Patricia Hope East Hampton, NY 2017-09-10
Tanya Gates Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
jess anderson Stamford, US 2017-09-10
Lea Hope Birmingham, US 2017-09-10
Kirsten Michel Mattituck, US 2017-09-10
Amory Millard New York, US 2017-09-10
Alice Cahn Us 2017-09-10
George Fredricks Mattituck, US 2017-09-10
Brad Ascalon New York, NY 2017-09-10
Robert Vasiluth Commack, NY 2017-09-10
Ryan Anderson Stratford, US 2017-09-10
Charles Ihlenfeld Shelter Island, US 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
jennifer gioe peper centerport, NY 2017-09-10
Vincent Rutherford Los Angeles, US 2017-09-10
Jeffrey Cyronek Jersey City, US 2017-09-10
Billy story Staunton, VA 2017-09-10
A Mitchell Us 2017-09-10
Susanna Neumann New York, US 2017-09-10
Peter Garnham East Hampton, US 2017-09-10
Elizabeth Fanneron East Orange, US 2017-09-10
Julie bondarchuk Greenport, NY 2017-09-10
Mimi Fahs New York, NY 2017-09-10
Paul McNamara New York, US 2017-09-10
Andru Moshe Franklin Square, US 2017-09-10
Marge Hdelenchild Margaretville, NY 2017-09-10
elaine kelfer Orient, US 2017-09-10
Leslie LaVecchia New York, US 2017-09-10
Geraldine McNamara New York, US 2017-09-10
Margaretha Kloos Orient, US 2017-09-10
Cathy Bassett Portland, OR 2017-09-10
Martha Ann Campbell Princeton, NJ 2017-09-10
James Sime Blairsville, GA 2017-09-10
Margaret Pisani laurel, NY 2017-09-10
Rachel Hames Rincon, GA 2017-09-10
Name Location Date
Allissa Goodale Mattituck, NY 2017-09-10
Michelle McCloskey Southold, US 2017-09-10
Nancy Jessup North Bergen, NJ 2017-09-10
sheppard webb, and Us 2017-09-10
William Cavanagh Queens Village, NY 2017-09-10
Brian Gallagher Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
Sarah Khorram Wading River, NY 2017-09-10
Cabell Hatfield New York, US 2017-09-10
A Schatz New York, US 2017-09-10
Cleo Beletsis Riverhead, NY 2017-09-10
Monica Coyne-Sadler Paradise Valley, AZ 2017-09-10
Scooter Ferrari Southold, US 2017-09-10
kelly o'connell Staunton, VA 2017-09-10
Kiefer Hayward London, Canada 2017-09-10
Ottilie Nienkamper Toronto, Canada 2017-09-10
Katie Zurek Brooklyn, US 2017-09-10
KINGA CRARY Southold, US 2017-09-10
Susan Shainker Us 2017-09-10
Wendy Innes Wading River, NY 2017-09-10
nanci lagarenne east hampton, NY 2017-09-10
Peter Morris Montreal, Canada 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Dominic Valois Hawkesbury, Canada 2017-09-11
Alley Nilsen Southold, NY 2017-09-11
Leslie Benway Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
Anthony Mattis Riverhead, US 2017-09-11
Anne Smith Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
Hannah Council) Ajax, Canada 2017-09-11
Jason Mandella New Rochelle, NY 2017-09-11
Carol Linguanti Warwick, NY 2017-09-11
Marisa Hogenkamp Canada 2017-09-11
Tony Spiridakis Cutchogue, US 2017-09-11
John Litchhult Hamlin, NY 2017-09-11
Susan Sievers Northport, US 2017-09-11
Anne Howard Cutchogue, US 2017-09-11
Kathleen Tuthill Nesconset, US 2017-09-11
Sara Berliner Cutchogue, US 2017-09-11
Sally Steiner Orlando, US 2017-09-11
Caroline Manwaring Cutchogue, US 2017-09-11
Todd Shaw Babylon, NY 2017-09-11
Pamela focarino New York, NY 2017-09-11
Lee Kurman New York, US 2017-09-11
Andreas Lazar New York, US 2017-09-11
Nancy Butkus Southold, NY 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
arnold shainker Andover, US 2017-09-11
maria borrayo Queens Village, US 2017-09-11
Maryanne McCarthy Orient, US 2017-09-11
Eric Melrose Us 2017-09-11
Annabel Merseburg Montauk, NY 2017-09-11
Ellyn Stein Middle Island, NY 2017-09-11
Jennifer Rudolph Massapequa Park, NY 2017-09-11
Janet Hands Orient, NY 2017-09-11
Victoria Cortese Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
dawn Bennett cutchogue, NY 2017-09-11
Alie Shaper Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-11
Ken Saylor Us 2017-09-11
Rachel Feinstein New York, US 2017-09-11
Anne Chimelis Setauket- East Setauket, NY 2017-09-11
Walker Sutton Southold, NY 2017-09-11
Beth Meredith Ossining, US 2017-09-11
Ryan Sullivan Us 2017-09-11
Donna Lieblein Greenport, NY 2017-09-11
Joachim Yahalom New York, US 2017-09-11
Margaret Newman New York, US 2017-09-11
John Citera Greenport, NY 2017-09-11
Christine Churchill Us 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Dianna Word Southold, NY 2017-09-11
Mary Ann Bollman Greenport, US 2017-09-11
' Callahan New York, US 2017-09-11
Robert Hulsmann Orient, NY 2017-09-11
scott stein New York, US 2017-09-11
Susan Dunning New York, US 2017-09-11
Jeremy Rossman Us 2017-09-11
Esther Rotella New York, US 2017-09-11
Sue Avery Stony Brook, NY 2017-09-11
Susan Rasmussen rogot Westhampton, NY 2017-09-11
Bruce Weber New York, US 2017-09-11
Jane Utz Southold, NY 2017-09-11
rena wilhelm greenport, NY 2017-09-11
Dennis Chimelis Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Grant Cowell Ocean City, NJ 2017-09-11
Joseph Zizzo Bronx, US 2017-09-11
Diane D'Alessandro New York, US 2017-09-11
Julian Lorber New York, US 2017-09-11
Amy Singer Hightstown, US 2017-09-11
AW Frame Us 2017-09-11
Chris Pavone New York, US 2017-09-11
John Spohn Mobile, US 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Barbara Betsch Mattituck, US 2017-09-11
Kerry Macpherson Maplewood, US 2017-09-11
Christopher Smith Laurel, US 2017-09-11
David Berson Mattituck, US 2017-09-11
Peter Treiber Southold, US 2017-09-11
Allison Radzin New York, US 2017-09-11
rich aldrich New York, US 2017-09-11
Charles Sherman Edgewater, US 2017-09-11
David Bentha) Woodhaven, US 2017-09-11
Ann Henebery Gaithersburg, US 2017-09-11
dan Boyle greenport, NY 2017-09-11
James Fortin Walla Walla, WA 2017-09-11
Chorley Bunce Southold, US 2017-09-11
Barry Bergdol) New York, NY 2017-09-11
Madison Fender Greenport, NY 2017-09-11
Emma Milligan New York, NY 2017-09-11
Mark Heidemann Woodbury, US 2017-09-11
Cherry) Bradley Riverhead, NY 2017-09-11
Kenneth Caufield Stamford, US 2017-09-11
Maureen Dacimo Greenport, US 2017-09-11
Brandon Andrews Mattituck, US 2017-09-11
kiki mcdonough Toronto, Canada 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Andrea Koch Temecula, US 2017-09-11
Emily Caufield New York, US 2017-09-11
Marina Gluckman Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Megan Iverson Long Island City, US 2017-09-11
larissa Cleary Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
Oliviero Godi Italy 2017-09-11
Matthew Michel Mattituck, US 2017-09-11
Warren James New York, NY 2017-09-11
Sean Blem Effretikon, Switzerland 2017-09-11
Michael Blaha Saint Paul, US 2017-09-11
Susan Darnell Riverhead, NY 2017-09-11
Blayne Smith New York, US 2017-09-11
Elizabeth Koscianski Annapolis, MD 2017-09-11
Colin L New York, US 2017-09-11
Libby Koch Greenport, US 2017-09-11
Juan Marquez New York, US 2017-09-11
Heather Hamilton Farmville, US 2017-09-11
Matthew Byrd New York, US 2017-09-11
Zac Kollegger Us 2017-09-11
Josh Finno Us 2017-09-11
Kevin Ehlinger Hampton Bays, NY 2017-09-11
Grant Stitt New York, US 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Laura Weil Weil New York, US 2017-09-11
Andrew Pomfrett Enfield, England, UK 2017-09-11
Edward Betsch Floral Park, NY 2017-09-11
Maryann Tracy Sebastian, FL 2017-09-11
Christine Gannon Staunton, US 2017-09-11
Susan McGraw Keber East Hampton, NY 2017-09-11
Drianne Benner New York, US 2017-09-11
C Krasanakis Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Krista Koch Charlotte, US 2017-09-11
Joyce whitby east hampton, NY 2017-09-11
jennifer miller Mastic Beach, NY 2017-09-11
Bill Pell Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Carolyn Wojtusiak Seneca Falls, US 2017-09-11
Paul Sauer Us 2017-09-11
Chris Caufield Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
karen Wells Shelter Island, US 2017-09-11
John O'Rourke East Hampton, US 2017-09-11
Mike Martinsen montauk, NY 2017-09-11
seas mann Greenport, NY 2017-09-11
Elisabeth Cholnoky New York, US 2017-09-11
Robert Koch Katonah, NY 2017-09-11
Taylor rose Loper Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Susan Urban Us 2017-09-11
John Baxter Bronx, US 2017-09-11
Geraldine Haines West Hempstead, US 2017-09-11
Theodore Straue) Astoria, US 2017-09-11
Holly Rand Kailua, US 2017-09-11
Wayne Swiatocha Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
maggie trakas Orient, NY 2017-09-11
Richard Johnson New York, US 2017-09-11
Meg Danisi Orient, NY 2017-09-11
Sarah Morton Somerville, US 2017-09-11
Jacob Bogden Southold, US 2017-09-11
James Bogden Southold, US 2017-09-11
Joe - Franke' Tracy Levittown, NY 2017-09-11
Tara Geraghty Reykjavik, Iceland 2017-09-11
Jill Kelly New York, US 2017-09-11
Cynthia Barrett Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Theodore james Straue) Astoria, US 2017-09-11
Anne Keating Us 2017-09-11
Bill Goldston New York, US 2017-09-11
Tara donovan Sunnyside, US 2017-09-11
Lisa Davey West Hempstead, US 2017-09-11
olivia shao North Bergen, US 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Terry Werden Southold, US 2017-09-11
Merry Retus Orient, NY 2017-09-11
Pamela Paynter Southold, US 2017-09-11
Carmine Arpaia Greenport, US 2017-09-11
Peter W Kren Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Will Nystrom Jamaica Plain, US 2017-09-11
caroline g nolan key west, FL 2017-09-11
Anthony Oliva Jersey City, US 2017-09-11
Alice Jump New York, US 2017-09-11
Diane Arpaia Cutchogue, US 2017-09-11
Marie-paule Cournoyer Us 2017-09-11
Servane Mary New York, US 2017-09-11
Kathleen Travers Cutchogue, US 2017-09-11
Carol Morton Orient, NY 2017-09-11
Joseph Kelly Smithtown, NY 2017-09-11
Cecile Casablancas New York, US 2017-09-11
Toby Bryce Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-11
Tessa Liebman Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Randal Breski Us 2017-09-11
Joseph Caufield Middletown, US 2017-09-11
Claudia Helinski Greenport, NY 2017-09-11
Bryan Mcgowin Southampton, NY 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Sharon Scholl Wilton, US 2017-09-11
vicky germaise new suffolk, NY 2017-09-11
Barbara good man-fischtrom mtka., MN 2017-09-11
Lucy Steele Southold, US 2017-09-11
Paul zullo pound Ridge, NY 2017-09-11
Kim Littlefield New York, NY 2017-09-11
Geralyn Lang Southold, US 2017-09-11
Howard Thompson Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
Catherine Matthews Southold, US 2017-09-11
Adrienne Weber Southold, US 2017-09-11
Jane Martinsen East Northport, NY 2017-09-11
Andrew Scott Post Falls, US 2017-09-11
Paul Gertner Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Andrew Cunliffe Southold, NY 2017-09-11
Jodi Harris Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-11
R. CAPP New York, NY 2017-09-11
darline mcginness Greenport, US 2017-09-11
Veronica Gonzalez Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-11
Eileen Sayre Southold, NY 2017-09-11
Rebecca Hoey Ridge, NY 2017-09-11
debbie miller essex, MD 2017-09-11
Anne Gohorel Bovina Center, US 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Kamron Farman-Farmaian Kearny, US 2017-09-11
Mary Ellen Stevens Southold, US 2017-09-11
Adrian Cockerill New York, US 2017-09-11
Alex Gohorel Bovina Center, US 2017-09-11
Vinny Petrucci Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Teresa Caufield Middletown, US 2017-09-11
Byron Brinkmann East Hampton, NY 2017-09-11
andrew zajic Middle Island, US 2017-09-11
Albert Leutwyler Mattituck, NY 2017-09-11
David Fiedler Southold, US 2017-09-11
Gretchen Infanzon Brentwood, US 2017-09-11
Perry Schaffer New York, NY 2017-09-11
Sean Anderson Sydney, NY 2017-09-11
Ali Osborn Bridgeport, US 2017-09-11
Daniel Sollinger Pico Rivera, US 2017-09-11
Kathy Halbreich Us 2017-09-11
Rochelle Gertner Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Isabel Alvarez Us 2017-09-11
Teresa Martin San Leandro, CA, CA 2017-09-11
Judith Prouty Us 2017-09-11
Valerie Hallock Southold, US 2017-09-11
Liz Taylor Bronx, US 2017-09-11
Name Location Date
Janine Harrigan Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-11
Laura Helf Southold, US 2017-09-11
Loren Baldwin New York, US 2017-09-11
Amy Bail Laurel, US 2017-09-11
Jake DeSimone Bronx, US 2017-09-11
Alexa Ladd Monrovia, US 2017-09-11
Nancy Betsch Sound Beach, US 2017-09-11
Claudia Ramone Southold, US 2017-09-11
Farran Liehr Southampton, NY 2017-09-11
Gabrielle Brown Morristown, US 2017-09-11
Laurie Wojtusiak Sparta, US 2017-09-11
Angel Dean Providence, RI 2017-09-11
Sara Lamm Los Angeles, US 2017-09-11
John Pelan Woodmere, US 2017-09-11
Barbara Gladstone New York, US 2017-09-11
Raymond Lombardo Brooklyn, US 2017-09-11
Dane Brown Morristown, US 2017-09-12
Peter L. Robattino Oakland, NJ 2017-09-12
Matthew Raynor Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Diane Goleb Mattituck, NY 2017-09-12
Melissa Pinkham Pasadena, CA 2017-09-12
Mark Urban Fairfield, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Jim Urban Fairfield, US 2017-09-12
Mary Beth Joseph Troy, US 2017-09-12
Jackie Maloney Us 2017-09-12
Jacqueline Wilson Weston, US 2017-09-12
maureen malone Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-12
Caitlin Palmer Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Fred DuBose New York, US 2017-09-12
Robert Crawford Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Kenneth Miller Davis, US 2017-09-12
L Maglia Riverhead, US 2017-09-12
Tricia Murphy hampton bays, NY 2017-09-12
Michael Groen Us 2017-09-12
Roger White Venice, CA 2017-09-12
Erin Kelly Tampa, US 2017-09-12
Hank Linhart Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-12
Abbas Basim Sydney, Australia 2017-09-12
Karen Danzer Greenport, US 2017-09-12
Lisa Kalb Schaffer Elmont, US 2017-09-12
Molly Barton Staten Island, US 2017-09-12
sarah wedge Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-12
Andee Radu NYC, NY 2017-09-12
Regina Gee Bozeman, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Jen Smith Greenport, US 2017-09-12
Claire Gohorel Bridgeport, US 2017-09-12
Justin Israels Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Tiffany Stone New York, NY 2017-09-12
Asha Gallacher Greenport, NY 2017-09-12
Philip matthews Southampton, NY 2017-09-12
Juani Tantillo South Orange, US 2017-09-12
Carl Timpone Greenport, US 2017-09-12
Andrea Grover Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-12
Dawn Sealy Us 2017-09-12
Deborah Adkins Long Beach, US 2017-09-12
Diana AI-Hadid Hawthorne, US 2017-09-12
Chris Novak Southold, NY 2017-09-12
Thomas Baber Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Jennifer Croft Tabernacle, NJ 2017-09-12
Alex Demir Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Susan L Brooklyn, NY 2017-09-12
Lisa Suttner Princeton, NJ 2017-09-12
Andrew Greller Flushing, NY 2017-09-12
Miles Messinger New York, NY 2017-09-12
Joanna Tamin Greenport, NY 2017-09-12
Fausto Perez Bronx, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Mary Fahy Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Lisa Vitale Bonn, Germany 2017-09-12
Tobin Smith Bronx, US 2017-09-12
Carol Halliburton Greenport, NY 2017-09-12
Daphne Shih New York, US 2017-09-12
Phyllis Lambert Montreal, Canada 2017-09-12
Dianne Sacchetti Durham, US 2017-09-12
Barbara Poliwoda Southold, US 2017-09-12
Kevin McAllister Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-12
Paul Gomez Us 2017-09-12
Hillary Brown FAIA New York, NY 2017-09-12
Fred Menges Bayville, NY 2017-09-12
Cathy Hansen Amagansett, NY 2017-09-12
Valerie Boergesson Southold, NY 2017-09-12
Margaret Fiedler Southold, US 2017-09-12
Brian Tymann East Quogue, US 2017-09-12
Chris Kohnken Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-12
heidi oleszcuzuk Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-12
Jennifer McNamara Mattituck, NY 2017-09-12
Kathleen Bresnan Mattituck, US 2017-09-12
Carleton raab Greenport, US 2017-09-12
jon troyan Riverhead, NY 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Jane Hinter Mattituck, NY 2017-09-12
Marie Haeg Southold, US 2017-09-12
Lindsay Yogan Phoenixville, US 2017-09-12
Chris Cangeleri Manorville, NY 2017-09-12
Kay Norman Murfreesboro, TN 2017-09-12
Alison Ventura Chappaqua, US 2017-09-12
Liz Vastola New York, NY 2017-09-12
Tracy Miller Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Carol Canner-Nunez Orlando, FL 2017-09-12
Catherine Chermayeff New York, US 2017-09-12
christine sorsa Patchogue, NY 2017-09-12
Ofrit Peres New York, NY 2017-09-12
Jane Rosenblum New York, NY 2017-09-12
Gayle Hessler Mount Sinai, US 2017-09-12
Diane Gerrity Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Christine McFall Southold, US 2017-09-12
Monique Gaylor Huntington, NY 2017-09-12
Bernadette Johnson Boston, US 2017-09-12
James Dunning New York, US 2017-09-12
Allan Schwartzman New York, US 2017-09-12
Ellen Birenbaum New York, US 2017-09-12
Debbie O'Kane Southold, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Jean Trude) Montreal, Canada 2017-09-12
Emily Johnson Shelter Island, NY 2017-09-12
Tim Fechter Greenville, NC 2017-09-12
Kimberly Coyne Farmingville, NY 2017-09-12
anisette kattau Patchogue, NY 2017-09-12
sandra elkholti estepona, Spain 2017-09-12
Thomas Kelly Kings Park, NY 2017-09-12
Marielena Rosso Bayport, US 2017-09-12
Pauline Saliga Chicago, IL 2017-09-12
Diane Gunder Greenport, US 2017-09-12
Cathy Fizz Northport, NY 2017-09-12
James Harris New York, NY 2017-09-12
Kurt Fuchs Sayville, NY 2017-09-12
Adele Cangeleri Mastic Beach, US 2017-09-12
Amy Baglivi Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
John Fahey Southold, US 2017-09-12
Ashley O'Neil Us 2017-09-12
margo nathanson Oakland, CA 2017-09-12
Linda Saeli Southold, NY 2017-09-12
Alexander Brock Kraebe) Tiverton, US 2017-09-12
Mark Anderson Brentwood, US 2017-09-12
Bob DAndrea hampton bays, NY 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Eli Sten Ticonderoga, NY 2017-09-12
Jerie Newman Riverhead, US 2017-09-12
Nancy Lucas Long Beach, NY 2017-09-12
Isabelle Huiban Montreal, Canada 2017-09-12
sieve helinski New York, US 2017-09-12
Sally Gelling Greenport, NY 2017-09-12
Henry Diaz Shirley, NY 2017-09-12
Kathryn Liset Southold, US 2017-09-12
Irene Bradley Mattituck, NY 2017-09-12
John Dowling Cutchogue, US 2017-09-12
Nora Gomez-Strauss Forest Hills, NY 2017-09-12
Katie Merrill New York, US 2017-09-12
Kathleen Leary West Babylon, US 2017-09-12
liana Schmidt-O'Brien Rego Park, US 2017-09-12
D D'Andrea Lake Grove, US 2017-09-12
Margaret Conover Stony Brook, NY 2017-09-12
Karen Kane Elmhurst, US 2017-09-12
Bernard moor-jankowkski Orient, NY 2017-09-12
deborah dumont Southold, US 2017-09-12
Laurie Kratochvi) New York, US 2017-09-12
Rebecca Odom Water Mill, NY 2017-09-12
Macall Polay Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Michael Gold New Paltz, US 2017-09-12
Phoebe Briggs New York, US 2017-09-12
Monica Ruiz Ziegler Rego Park, US 2017-09-12
Irene Dandrea Westbury, US 2017-09-12
Frank Swesty Stony Brook, NY 2017-09-12
Beatrice Ducrot Jersey City, US 2017-09-12
James Mcbreen Hampton Bays, NY 2017-09-12
Carol Lewitt Rome, Italy 2017-09-12
Paulamarie Rosso-Thompson Midland Park, US 2017-09-12
merica moynihan Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Keith Wheelock Somerset, US 2017-09-12
Shaun Savage Nashville, US 2017-09-12
Helen Sweeney New York, US 2017-09-12
Helen Lechmanski Orient, US 2017-09-12
Dorothy Melaniff Central Islip, US 2017-09-12
Mia Choi New York, US 2017-09-12
Margi Bielser Ridgewood, US 2017-09-12
Donna Edgar Bayport, NY 2017-09-12
Blake Dowling Cutchogue, US 2017-09-12
Diane Dunbar Cutchogue, US 2017-09-12
Renee Serritella Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Cheryle Amara Southold, NY 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Katherine Scharf Jamesport, NY 2017-09-12
Kia Pedersen New York, NY 2017-09-12
Donald Walden Mahwah, NJ 2017-09-12
janet culbertson shelter island hgts., NY 2017-09-12
Eileen Grogan East Quogue, NY 2017-09-12
marilyn macula Fredericksburg, VA 2017-09-12
Robyn Donnelly Us 2017-09-12
Aynsley Schopfer Portsmouth, RI 2017-09-12
Michael Sellis Whitestone, NY 2017-09-12
John Kiriazis New York, US 2017-09-12
Mark Apidopoulos Walker, US 2017-09-12
Nicholas Eckert Us 2017-09-12
Donna Rudolph Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-12
Rita Digesu Bronx, US 2017-09-12
Stephanie Boulden Us 2017-09-12
Vinny Neglia Levittown, NY 2017-09-12
Teresa Grassi Hicksville, US 2017-09-12
Dan Cole New York, US 2017-09-12
Chris Hamilton New York, US 2017-09-12
Janice Montoya Manitou springs, CO 2017-09-12
Aubree Davis Charlotte, US 2017-09-12
Eileen jaklevic Southold, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
Elizabeth Anderson Manlius, US 2017-09-12
Wil Weiss Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-12
Marie George Fresh Meadows, NY 2017-09-12
Anna Morton Us 2017-09-12
Rich Hesse) Us 2017-09-12
Matthew Montes Us 2017-09-12
Don Anderson Denver, US 2017-09-12
JILL Tatter Stafford, VA 2017-09-12
Joan Gustayson Cutchogue, US 2017-09-12
Adam Apidopoulos Oradell, US 2017-09-12
Howard Schaffer New York, US 2017-09-12
Alex Passanant Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
carissa donarummo Port Jefferson, NY 2017-09-12
Mark Privett Riverhead, US 2017-09-12
Erin Prince Baiting Hollow, NY 2017-09-12
Cassie Ranke) Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
carrie Blair Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-12
Heidi Kelso Cutchogue, NY 2017-09-12
Tara Coppola Deer Park, US 2017-09-12
Carrie Solomon New York, US 2017-09-12
Beth Schupp Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
Cathy Dandrea Westbury, US 2017-09-12
Name Location Date
david rosenbaum greenport, NY 2017-09-12
shelly hanyo westhampton beach, NY 2017-09-12
Elaine Ornalley Ridge, NY 2017-09-12
Barry Brett Brooklyn, US 2017-09-12
connie Aldrich Rocky Point, NY 2017-09-12
Heather Dawson College Point, NY 2017-09-12
McNaught William Greenport, US 2017-09-13
Paul Griffin Brooklyn, US 2017-09-13
Zane Sellis San Francisco, US 2017-09-13
Maria Brown Sayville, NY 2017-09-13
rose dreiss massapequa, NY 2017-09-13
Arnie Kennedy Riverhead, NY 2017-09-13
Katerina Daly Yaphank, US 2017-09-13
joe Moses North Babylon, NY 2017-09-13
Joann Hamilton Shelter Island Heights, US 2017-09-13
Jeff Potter Coram, US 2017-09-13
Lois Sottile Wading River, US 2017-09-13
Kirsten Weiner New York, NY 2017-09-13
Jan Shadrin Walden, NY 2017-09-13
Tamara Masem Patchogue, NY 2017-09-13
cecile heron new york, NY 2017-09-13
Ignazio Scaglione Monticello, US 2017-09-13
Name Location Date
Kenneth Meraglia Pleasantville, US 2017-09-13
Mark Greenberg Sag Harbor, NY 2017-09-13
Ananda Moor Jankowski Portland, US 2017-09-13
Esther Forrester Old Westbury, NY 2017-09-13
Yngve Digernes Columbia, US 2017-09-13
Christopher Rudolph Torrance, CA 2017-09-13
Joan Schmidt New York, NY 2017-09-13
Penny Zahler New York, NY 2017-09-13
Barbara Jermann Brooklyn, US 2017-09-13
Karin Beecher Garden City, US 2017-09-13
Morgant Fiedler Mattituck, US 2017-09-13
Laurie Burke Westwood, NJ 2017-09-13
Emma Pearce Torrington, CT 2017-09-13
John Masem Medford, NY 2017-09-13
melissa rello long beach, NY 2017-09-13
R.Jonathan Robitsek Setauket- East Setauket, NY 2017-09-13
Scott Hunzinger Mattituck, US 2017-09-13
Kaitlyn McEneaney Huntington Station, US 2017-09-13
Marilyn Lee New York, NY 2017-09-13
Nicole Miller New York, US 2017-09-13
Peter Humphrey Shelter Island, US 2017-09-13
stephanie Semidei Brooklyn, US 2017-09-13
Name Location Date
Mike Griffin Southold, US 2017-09-13
Lisa Garcia Brooklyn, US 2017-09-13
Molly JOHNSON Jacksonville, US 2017-09-13
berna guvenc Mattituck, NY 2017-09-13
John Neely Hampton Bays, US 2017-09-13
Nicolas Amara Brooklyn, US 2017-09-13
craig chippindale Deer Park, US 2017-09-13
Joanne Phelan Orange Park, FL 2017-09-13
Robert Anderson Anderson Us 2017-09-13
james macmillan amagansett, NY 2017-09-13
jason wilhelm Mattituck, US 2017-09-13
James Lechmanski Hartsdale, US 2017-09-13
Nicolas Ducrot France 2017-09-13
Corey Best Virginia Beach, US 2017-09-13