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SEPARATION 015TMGE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE GALL: ZONING INFORMATION: ry 0A5T IRON FRAME AND DOVER TO GRADE PROPOSED SITE PLAN: G a O STORMWATER LEACHING STRUCTURES AND r r lay N CAMPBELL 1152 G OR APPROVED EGIVAL STORM WATER DRAINAGE 5TRZTUR-5 PROVIDE FOR R200 LOW-DEN51 TY RE51 DENTI AL PIPING (OTHER THAN RESIDENTIAL): i , 7RUNOFF FROM PROP05ED 5TRIJGTURE5 ONLY. 51TUATE AT: ORIENT LOT SIZE;200,000 5.F. MIN N e `nEny o d FINAL GRADE HORIZONTAL SEPARATION P15TANGES FOR STORM TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD EX15TINO OA.: 1,505144 S.F. (34552 ac) 5. 4 �s " DRAINAGE LEAGHING POOLS: SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK iv MjN PROPERTY LINE = 10'MINIMUM VOLUME = AREA X RAINFALL X COEFFICIENT ° ' 6" THK GONG SGTM NO.: 1000-Iq-OI-1.3 AND 1.4 EXISTING WETLAND: 86,814 S.F.(2.0 ac) y�i�, S _' �c BUILDINC-6 WITH GELLAR = 10'MINIMUM RAINFALL = 2/HR = 0.161 EX15TING UPLAND: 1418140 S.F. (32552 ac) OLD 4141 r 15"PIPE DIA.MIN. ® ® ® I COVER BUILDINGS ON SLAB = 10'MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF ROOF = ID ZONING 015TRIGT: 'R-200' LOW-DENSITY RE51DENTIAL IAi MIN.(AS REQUIRED) ® ® ® PROPOSED: N.G. 1 WATER 5ERVIGE LINE/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 10'MINIMUM CURRENT USE: FARM Fo od �A�N oO "J 0 0 ® ® ® 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM PROPOSED U5E: N.G. o z z 3' MIN. ® ® ® u ® © ( 3' MIN. PROP05ED ARCHITECTURAL STORAGE BARN LOT WIDTH;210' MIN "c i �� SANITARY 5EPTIG TANK = 20 MINIMUM PIPE, 4 0 ( ROOF AREA = 8,664 S.F. FEMA FLOOD ZONE: N/A + !� H16H DENSITY POLYETHYLENE t1•IDPE) ® ® � ® m LL ® ® ( SANITARY LEACHING POOL = 20 MINIMUM EXISTING: -1233 J 3 9d SIZE: 1 ® ® ® ® ® © WRAP 5TRUGTURE5 WITH 6REA5E TRAP = 20'MINIMUM 8,664 S.F. x O.I61' x 1.0 = 1,441 G.F.VOL. PROP05ED: NL. o, DRN INLET TO 5D CONN = 10*0 MIN I ® ® ® ® ® ® I FILTER FABRIC, NSE PUMP STATION = 20'MINIMUM 1,441 GU.FT./b8.42 5.F.(10'0 L.P) = 51TE DATA: U5E: EXI5TIN(5: PROP05ED: oF9j ty s s s 50 TO 50 CONN = 15"m MIN ® ® © ® ® ® I 6EOTEX 351,BY PROPER) MANHOLE = 20'MINIMUM 21.15 VERT FT. FZEQ'D OVERALL SITE: FARM (1,505144 S.F. (34.552 AG) N.G. ROOF LDR CONN = 4•m MIN LOT DEPTH;400' MIN 1 PRIVATE WELLS = 50 MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIRED: 1441 GU.FT. WETLAND AREA: WETLAND 56M4 5.F. (2.0 AC) N.C. EXISTING: 1,044.11' RETAINING WALLS = 10'MINIMUM ro o Q z UPLAND AREA: FARM ±I 418,140 5.F. (32.552 AG) N.G. 90 g : PROPOSED: N.G. 10-0 DIA. NON-RATEABIJr FUEL STORAGE TANKS(BELOW GROUND) = 20 MIN N 0RII i1 i' r SOIL uSE: : � SITE ,• � �_ 6ND WTR HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM (8) 10 mx3 LIQUID DEPTH LEACHING POOL FRONT YARD SETBACK;60' MIN DRAINAGE NON-LEAGHING 5TRUGTURES: (OPEN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: EXISTING: 142.9' LOCATION, -1 A f. g WATER SERVICE LINES/LATERALS/MAIN5 = 5 MINIMUM LOCATION �GOLLAR MATERIAL 6" MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM VOLUME PROVIDED = 1,642 GU.FT. PROPOSED: 520.0 Oqp a "-# '' 'r I p EXISTING AREA: 3,233 S.F. (0.4154515) (PENETRATION) GREASE TRAP = 5'MINIMUM INTERCONNECT A5 5WWN PROP05ED AREA: 4,46q 5.F. (0.5141%) RATEABLE 501L PUMP STATION = 5'MINIMUM (PERGENTA6E5 BASED ON UPLAND AREA [118,368.q 5.F.] ) REAR YARD SETBACK: 100' MINQj MANHOLE = 5 MINIMUM EXISTING: 9%16' 4 �SANIT�5EP-TIG TANK = 5'MINIMUM P05TAL D15TRIGT: 5OUTHOLD PROPOSED: N.G. UNDERLYING SAND AND 6RAVEL STRATA / VERTICAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM SCHOOL DISTRICT: OYSTER PONDS UFSD 1 1 Crtr(rd R° p O p DRAINAGE LINES: FIRE DISTRICT: ORIENT FIRE DEPT. a1-r'i" SIDE YARD SETBACK: 30 MIN " ELECTRICAL 5ERVIGE: P5E6 LI1415' ncr►4fro �w �� I 7 WATER SERVICE LINES = 18 MINIMUM EXISTING: ' NOTES: SANITARY WASTE LINES = IS"MINIMUM \� ��p. FLOOD ZONE: WA PROPOSED: N.G. ` Qo -` °� � $ 0 0 0 I.COLLAR DEPTH 15 NOT REQUIRED WHEN RATEABLE MATERIAL EXISTS FOR FULL DEPTH. I ��Ppn2 / ....-......._._.._.... �. j 2. COLLAR MATERIAL SHALL BE GLEAN GRAVEL ONLY. N a - ~ SMC N�S2 �x , r[a; £ kP ,' EayleP[ 3.ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES MUST BE WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC. OF pP x,x SIDE YARD SETBACK CUMULATIVE: 60 MIN sr s 4. USE 15" DIA GORRIGUGATED HIGH DEN51T'Y POLYETHYLENE(HDPE) HEAVY DUTY PIPE FOR : �Q x� \ N EXISTING: 1-fb.q' �••.W °v►� �, os ,r INTERCONNECTION OF ON-51TE STORM WATER LEACHING POOLS 2� ��x �� 5 PROPOSED: Sq3 2' A.HDPE PIPE 5PEGIFIGATION(AA5HTO M-244) B. INSTALLATION OF HOPE 5PECIFIGATION(ASTM D-2321) 10 ¢� G� / \� LIVABLE FL. AREA /DWL6 UNIT: 850 S.F. MIN �a� •�° LingBeachF�ay ���a �t oQ G.WATER-TIGHT JOINT TESTING SPECIFICATION(ASTM 0-3212) q(�j�o N (z a �, LANDWARD®6E OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS EXISTING: N,A. �o G D.GASKET SPECIFICATION(A5TM F-471) \ / GON \� AS DELINEATED BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED: N.A. V, / GON5ULTIN6,INC.ON JANUARY 25,2001 ! ° \'� J° �':.';::° �!�•..S ��� MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS. TYPICAL STORM CATER 9 \ LOT COVERAGE: 5% MAX,10,qGrl S.F. LEAGHIN5 POOL (52) DETAIL 2 ,-/� � / T NPLAND AREA) (FOR H16H GROUND WATER) FOR WORK IN THIS AREA. EXI5TING: 1,132 S.F. (0.12210 �/ POND PROP05ED: 10,3gb S.F. (0.1331%) NOT TO SCALE (N � /�/ , x°.5' PROPOSED PARTIAL SITE PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.l I . ti ,.,�,,:. d Browns PP �D x� PROPOSED PARTIAL LIGHTING PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.2 BLS HEIGHT: 35 FT /�4 STY'S MAX ``.:.. EXISTING: 13011 STY 1 PROPOSED: ±28.5 / V2 STY 1 Pefers Neck Pt ° �`3° : � ,$� � �` { LOCATION MAP: ° x� m x� x ,,L x1.0' N.T.5. 10 l BLDG INFO / AREA COVERAGE m b sao � A-, o \ EXISTING PROPOSED PROP.GVRG ^ f -P DE51G.: STRUGTURE,uSE: GRADE SCOPE OF WORK: W N rn N� �32 • 7- GRADE FL. Ist FL. ® EX. 15TY FR.BUILDIN6, ttb5 5F N/A Vb5 5F I. BUILD PROP05ED METAL AGRICULTURAL BARN (ITEM 'E'). T" PROPOSED METAL BUILDING ,,L � �� EQUIPMENT STORAGE 'as 2. PROVIDE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM POWER AND LIGHTING � (Y n `-30 3 /��� o / AREA: 8,664 50.FT. '� L � ' COMPACT FILL ^ [Y °21 4 � / \ �� B EX, 15TY FR.BUILDING, 181 5F N/A ±87 5F TO PROPOSED BUILDING. ,�/ O Q 3 / FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0 �� -j0 O 1�Tr-1 m �C 1-i-i ER1051PROP�NTR4L MEASURE: � USE: AGRICULTURAL BARN � GARDEN SHED z o � Ex. 1 5TY FR.BUILDING, ±n8 5F N/A ±115 5F \ HORSE STALL -� 411 ELECTRICAL SERVICE W 1L PROVIDE STABILIZED 5- , CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �� �- Q EX. I STY FR.BUILDING, ±142 5F WA t►42 5F � 2 MIN MIN GABLE IN GONDUiT: RECEIVED � XZ M Z • OCCURS AT PROPOSED 51TE ACCESS \ @ GHl6KEN COOP T.O.CONDUIT 200 AMP(2"CONDUIT,MIN), o N @ 1 E V2 STY STEEL SUILDIN6 WA 8,664 SF 8b64 SF 320 AMP (%" CONDUIT,MIN) , y N • INSTALL PER DETAIL ON DWG Not FEB 19 2019 � O EAST WINS-LIVESTOCK, s O-n a 3 WEST WING-FARM EQUIPMENT , -- Q Q s -1PROPOSED L.P. SERV. 400 AMP(4 GGNDUIT MIN) 2. 5.C,. TAX No. 1000-ra-01-1.4 „ F 'Z 5� CENTER-FEED a HAY STORAGE INSTALL/PROVIDER,LP-6A5 CODE S6uCho-id Town W O \ \ DEVELOPMENT R16HT5 CONVEYED x-10. / ° NFPA 58,FEDERAL, 5TATE AND LOCAL COMMUNICATION Planning Board Q/ Q o AREA TOTALS: 11,132 5F Sb64 SF 10,386 5F CODES. SEE 5P5 FOR TRENCH DETAIL � TO TOWN OF 50UTHOLD / / ° / (TV d TEL) EXI5TING 51TE COVERAGE: 1,132 5.F.(0.1221`0 TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL \\ w PROP05ED 51TE COVERAGE: 10,386 S.F.(0.13310 Cf) ER051�CONTROL MEA5URE: k�2 \o 9 /(o EXISTING F.A.R. = 0.001221 (1,132 S.F.) L.P., POWER GOMMUNIGATION SERVICES J INSTALL 51LT FENCE BARRIER ��� �N s� fir' PROP05ED F.A.R. = 0.001331 00,386 5.F) �T \ OCCURS W IERE SHOWN tis /00" NOT TO 5GALE F-+-1 J �\ APPROX.11586 LF OF FENDING • ° 04,38' ' BUF R TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD / x • SEE DETAIL ON DW6 No 2 �0 0 INE GONDITION5 FOR APPROVAL: 10 \ \ B� BUFFER\ WORK 5E551ON HELD ON: AUGUST 20,201b PROPOSED �Z ° !/ ' • \ DETERMINATION LETTER DATED: AUGUST 24,2018 I" WATER SERVICE LINE ( �� ENGINEER: \o \ 4 o PROP.U/6 POWER a. LIVESTOCK PADDOCKS,SHELTERS AND ENCLOSURES SHALL BE LOCATED TO BLDG SEE :• /\ h'�°� �3 \ OUTSIDE THE VEGETATED BUFFER5 SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN; o� 1 R +. O b. LIVESTOCK SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING THE VEGETATED TRENCH [D? \ x BUFFERS. �� BU 'f'* THIS DWG •�P� VEGETATED BUFFER Not AND VEGETATED BUFFER No3 SHALL BE LANDWARD E06E OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS '� `(\ No.3 x MANAGED FOR THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: AS DELINEATED BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL / c aGENTER,WETLAND FINGER \a / 1. PROVIDE DENITRIFICATION AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE �° �' II SLOW WATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE INFILTRATION CON9ULTIN6,INC.ON JANUARY 25,2001rrja x TAP FRi - - dNG \ �/ x / III TRAP POLLUTANTS IN 5URFAGE RUNOFF 4 SUBSURFACE FLOW fro �2 COLLEEN M DONOU6H \l��0 \ /✓ T1TAN5FG.SER,CONNECT PER mo x 0,15'x t \ q �� \y �� Iv STABILIZE SOILS 9� a HELEN HOOKE /001. UTILITY'PRBVIDER`RE-AMTS �✓ ��� 160 \� ��c X ��,4Zf�\ d. VEGETATED BUFFER No.l SHALL BE MANAGED TO MAINTAIN EXISTING TREES, '/'s� 073 ` G�aP I"ND B {G o 5HRUB5 AND 6ROUNDC.OVER; 0!� 5� x x�' �"�`7g EX.XFRMR a bh \• LANDWARD E06E OF TIDAL PROP05ED METAL BUILDING ��(' ROFES APPLICANT: ° 3�'L 6� © * WETLANDS A5 DELINEATED BY �\ AREA: 8,664 SQ.FT. \L��o / e. THE BARN AND THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BARN SHALL BE USED FOR JEFF -T'6UTLER, P.E. POND cep \!/ EX,ELEC.MTR 2 EX.FR,BLDG \� Q / AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY AS PER THE TOWN'S EASEMENT; MORTON BUILDINGS Fx tiF 3�✓ ��. D SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL GON5ULTING,INC. 4j FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' E ' 22355 COX LANE,UNIT No.4 +�F \ . EXISTING WELL EX.FR.BLDG S ti 12.3'x 60.3' ON JANUARY 25,2001 0P� ° / Sb F. THE PUBLIC 15 NOT PERMITTED TO ACGE55 THE BARN; �R \ Sz �s AREA: 142 S.F. \' USE: A6RIGULTUFZQL BARN P� / 5Q-. ANY 516N THAT REQUIRES A 51GN PERMIT MUST BE REVIEWED AND GUTGHOGUE, NY 11935 +FF�� b.4'x 10.3' s� '� ° \O`� !,•..•� 1 :fj'1J AREA: 81 S.F. S, r� l2� '�:: g --I 631-T34-4060 / •AA E o o>, So 0 4.... o APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION; EX.FR.BLDG L=62.1- 11.5' h. THE ONLY EXTERIOR L16HT FIXTURES PERMITTED AT TH15 51TE ARE A5 �Q 51TE PLAN BASED ON ORIGINAL 5UR BY: 9 , �� 5 63 x 10.3' \ 66 / ° Se,o o 5HOWN ON THE LIGHTING PLAN OF THE APPROVED 51TE PLAN. ANY FUTURE F- �� u AREA: 118 S.F. \ \ \� / o / o EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES BEYOND TH05E SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLAN NATHAN TAFT CORKIN, LAND SURVEY R AL �,, + 1586 MAIN ROAD 9 �� A EX.FR BLDG � o $ • �g ° / MUST BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING JAME5PORT, NY IIg41 „ 00 24.3'x 32.3' \�� � \ \ q� / 'JoQ BOARD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. - Q! SURVEYED: JAN. 25 2011 G .OL N/E TAYLOR ° L{ j AREA: 185 S.F. 6 �6 o Q / / Z W : 18 5 � � � `� �X• � � ,�5 .� � 0 THE PLANNING BOARD STRONGLY ENCOURAGES THE PROPERTY Z � LAST UPDATED: FEB. 10,2011 Z O Q ks• / o OWNER TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES DEVELOPED BY THE U50A }- ��\ l 1 � \F ��,•`°* � o / !:'Y� `1 �' � FOR SUSTAINABLE NUMBERS OF ANIMALS ON PASTURE. THE • • z � Z CD W ELEVATIONS BASED ON TOPOGRAPHY MAP - ,� r \,� 6, \ !� / / > J: :;o:� BOARD FURTHER ENCOURAGES THE FARM OWNER TO REQUE5T W ('() 5 EASTERN TOWNS, e 0 3 '� Q - ' Z SUFFOLK COUNTY,NY $ x3. EX.WIRE FENCE �� \� �i �• \�• � ° � ti •�:Y`� p`�5 ° A NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE ANIMAL HU56ANDRY DATED: 10-03-Ig15 tiR \ AR,WND GARDEN \A `S%s * / / V, gip" l2�\ PORTION OF THE FARM,A5 WELL A5 CONSULTING WITH THE < < a DATUM: ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO \ �� A,R r PROP. EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: \ s �jG \ o NATIONAL CONSERVATION SCIENCE. THE BOARD A-50 VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON MEAN 5EAL LEVEL �, �� �� EQ �, STRONGLY ENCOURAGES THE PROPERTY OWNER TO DEVELOP / e� INSTALL 51LT FENCE BARRIER g \� s �= Q A COMPREHENSIVE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN(CNMP) TO N OF IcI2q A5 ESTABLISHED BY THE U.S. COAST AND �j, 6� \ /� OCCURS WHERE SHOWN p•( ¢ jk GEODETIG SURVEY AT SANDY HOOK N.J. �,, LT/'`� /� \ Q FL ADDRE55 NUTRIENT LOADING TO SURFACE AND GROUND .JOHN N. ABATINO v \ �N0� • APPROX. ±1,178 LF OF FENDING \o �/ YG�G Q\��'•.0 e ° t^_..�� - N I.1O1�rj; BLINDA A.SABATINO 50'ALONG WSW /� Q • SEE DETAIL ON DW6 Not Jixl;.� HATERS BY WORKING WITH THE SUFFOLK COUNTY 501E AND F-�•1 W O a' �� '� WATER CONSERVATION D15TPJGT AND/OR USDA NATURAL W s PROPERTY LINE \i \ ,> - gp y p o ° 1' I. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO LANDWARD EDGE of TIDAL WETLANDS Q� ry� �� x2.5' o :: .Y pf��.. / RESOURCE CONSERVATION SERVICE. W Z Uj FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP \ AS DELINEATED BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL sq �b P SO✓��`�0SQ / ° O 4 5.C,. TAX No. EX15TIN6 ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: x5.o CONSULTING,INC.ON JANUARY 25,2001 l2� o ►--1 Z m_ 1 11 EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: - -5 - \ 1000-0-01-1.3 \• 2� � o \�\\� o / C O W O N DEVELOPMENT o`� Cr �` LEGEND: d- N �, � o��� meq'. RIGHTS RETAINED w oo PROPOSED STORM DRAINAEQE SYSTEM: ~ N r in www.dignetnycli.com � gJ�3b�� `� �((/� -per ° 51ZED FOR ROOF RUNOFF OF PFZOP05ED BLDG ONLY PROPERTY LINE N v LL Q of NEW YORK CITY www.cal 811.comAL 1W °�oro ¢ o O / USE: � &LOKG ISLAND for othir states 4i� Dplk�:. ° (8) IOV x Y LIQ. DEPTH STORM WATER LEACHING STORM DRAIN -sD 50 ( ) - •� O o POOLS OPEN COVER I- Z W N/O/F �. 81,7 L-1845 ¢� p o d::�� / • INTERCONNECT TO GUTTER AND LEADER SYSTEM FLOW/PITCH ARROW Z ~ 00-272-4480 811 \ 5TATE OF NEW YORK '0 "� �� ° +C �'i ��\G 8� �4 . . yE6ETA�D oP � � y� �g� ,�.: � � INSTALL PER DETAIL,THIS'•BHT i_�, � O Q O /yJ Va (rG ,A .: \ ..... o STORM LEACHING POOL I O PROP. ER05ION CONTROL MEASURE: By law, excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly a4'VEGETATED , `" Q j / \� PROVIDED FOR INLET PROTECTION �. . . ,. o five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouraged to call as well when planning any ,L I SCA / w / (�� • OCCURS AT ALL OPEN DOVER 3 EXISTING CONTOUR 6 Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact type of digging on their property.Homeowners 5W GARNER ° �Q \� DRAINAGE 5TRIJGTURES \\O DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by 5 / / oe �� EXISTING GRADE x 6.0 fDA(5E : but no more than 10 working days(excluding calling 811,the national call before you dig �� X / X . COQ • SEE DETAIL ON DWG No.2 \J/1 Q Qj)� weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning number. For excavation work completed on �� rn / CP` FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION G I i PARTIAL SITE PLAN ��� FIN. FL. EL. any mechanized digging or excavation work to personal property,it is the contractor's OVERALL SITE TE �L A I�l '}`` �� '�'` o ensure underground lines are marked. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact +� / Q o Excavators and contractors can also submit DigNet. Having utility lines marked prior to CP r^ \� locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not digging is free of charge. � ry V currently use ITIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 0 y ° �� �/ X AREA OF DISTURBANCE• for more information. 100 50 O 100 200 300 xb.5' 40 20 O 40 80 120 / \ GRAPHIC, 5GALE I" = 100'-O" GRAPHIG 5GALE 1" = 40'-0" 51,815 SQ.FT. OF 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND AGGOMPANYING 5PEOFI6ATION5,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXGLL61VE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL 51TE FOR WHIGH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUGTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARGHITEGT.TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARGHITEGT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENGE OF AGCEPTANGE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WOVEN WIRE FENCE SYMBRAB NOTES: OL WPLED l0Y o (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE 5o'MIN• EXISTING O „_.-.-____.._-•---------•-------.__.-__............... --.- `} r`+ PAVEMENT 'THE LIGHT L055 FACTOR(ELF)IS A PRODUCT OF MANY VARIABLES,ONLY LAMP LUMEN W/ MAX. 6" MESH x u �f �� -'r-- 3' DEPRECIATION(LLD)HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE CALCULATED RESULTS UNLESS LED INFO: O _a 10' MAX, G. TO G. S/ � OTHERWISE NOTED. THE LLD 15 THE RESULT(QUOTIENT)OF MFJ�N LUMENS/INITIAL LUMENS WATTS: IOW FILTER -� MOUNTABLE 3 PER LAMP MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. COLOR TEMP: 3,000K d Q 36" MIN. LENGTH FENCE EXISTING -� BERM i COLOR ACCURACY: b3 GRI ° ° PO5T5 RIVEN MIN. 16 GROUND CLOTH ) TED IN PAN. 00 D PROF • HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL PREDICTED ASTDESIGNA " K N SUMMARY METER ORIENTATION I5 NORMAL TO THE PLANE OF . . ... .. . INTO GROUND. 50'MIN. 'ILLUMINATION 5H0 AND TATI i LUMEN5E5 BIbA (OPTIONAL) TION EITHER of NEW YOR CITY &LONG ISLAND CALCULATION. EFFICACY: 13 LPW z z z � :� ?:Man" FILTER e ' � ♦ THE GALGULATFJ7 RESULTS OF THIS LIGHTING SIMULATION REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED =I6 MIKEXISTINO 0 800-272-4480 8 1 1 PREDICTION OF SYSTEM PERFORMANGE. ACTUAL MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM GROUND I THE ANTICIPATED PERFORMANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO MEANS AND METHODS WiIGH ARE I S S S BEYOND THE CONTROL OF RA13 LIGHTING,INC. DRIVER INFO: y �Q 41 y �Q � y dl) i_ 12 MIN. EXISTING www.dignetnycli.com .,, .� TYPE: CONSTANT CURRENT g g r v W PAVEMENT or •MOUNTING WIGHT DETERMINATION 15 JOB 51TE SPEGIFIG,OUR LIGHTING SIMULATIONS N www.call8ll.com ASSUME A MOUNTING HEIGHT(INSERTION POINT OF THE LUMINAIRE SYMBOL)TO BE TAKEN 120V: O.IA z (for other states) AT THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL FOR CEILING MOUNTED LUMINARIES AND AT THE BOTTOM OF 205V: 0.07A PERSPECTIVE VIEW PLAN VIEW z� THE SYMBOL FOR ALL OTHER LUMINAIRE MOUNTING GONFIGURATION5. 240V: O.ObA 36" MIN. FENCE POST -� O By law, excavators and contractors working in the LED 10W&13 Wallpacks.Patent Pending thermal management system.100,000 277\/: N/A WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 I/2 five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and 'RAB LIGHTING,INC.LUMINAIRE AND PRODUCT DESIGNS ARE PROTECTED UNDER U.S.AND hour v0 lifespan.5 Year Warranty. INPUT WATT5: I2W ppec GAUGE Vd/ MAX. 6" MESH N Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. Color:Bronze Weight:3.3 lbs tE N O DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours PATENTS I55UED OR PENDING APPLY. 0 U) 5PACIN6) WITH FILTER CLOTH �_ GONSTRUGT I ON SPEG I F I GAT I ONS but no more than 10 working days(excluding ._..-......._...............-...._...------�-�----•--- ---•--_......_................._............._ ......................._.__...---..._..-.. _..._..........._........._..-____..............._._._...._................. .... . . .. FLOW z WA 4.=4UNDISTURBED GROUND weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning THE LIGHTING ANALYSIS,EZ-LAYOUT,ENERGY ANALY515 AND/OR VISUAL 51MULATION5 I.STONE 51ZE - U5E 2" 5TONE,OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. any mechanized digging or excavation warkto ("LIGHTING DESIGN")PROVIDED BY RAB LIGHTING,INC.(W')REPRE5ENT5 AND ANTIGIPATED Technical Specifications ensure underground lines are marked. PREDICTION OF LIGHTING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BASED UPON DESIGN PARAMETERS AND Listings Cold Weather Starting: Electrical o p o ry COMPACTED 501E 2. LENGTH -NOT LE55 THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE Excavators and contractors can also submit INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. THESE 0516N PARAMETERS AND INFORMATION UL Llstin Driver: u' v N cr 4- A 3� A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). PROVIDED BY OTHERS HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY RAB AND THEREFORE ACTUAL g' The minimum starting temperature is 40°Cl 40°F 7 r ry EMBED FILTER CLOTH locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not Suitable for Wet Locations as a Downlight.Suitable Multi-chip 10W high output long life:LED Driver � $ O O O z currently use ITIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. RAB RE�'AMMENDS Ambient Temperature: - - - A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUND. 4" 3. THICKNESS - NOT LE55 THAN 51X(6) INGHE5. THAT DESIGN PARAMETERS AND OTHER INFORMATION FIELD VERIFIED THE REDUCE i for Damp Locations as an Uptight.Wall Mount only. Constant Current,Gass I1,120V-24oV,50!60!Hz, for more information. Suitable for Mounting within 4ft.of ground. Suitable for use in 40°G(104°F)ambient 350ni SECTION VIEW 4. WIDTH -TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM,BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT VARIATION. temperatures POINTS WHERE INORE55 OR EGRE55 OGCUR5.TWENTY-FOUR(24) FOOT IF SINGLE For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED WITH REGARD TO ACTUAL MEASURED Dark Sky Approved: Optical LIGHT LEVELS OR ENERGY CONSUMPTION LEVELS AS COMPARED TO TH05E ILLUSTRATED BY Thermal Management: GONSTRUGT I ON SEED I F I GATI ONS ENTRANCE TO SITE. encouraged to call as well when planning any The International Dark Sky Association s field has approved Lumen Maintenance: THE LIGHTING DESIGN. RAB NEITHER WARRANTEC-5,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED,NOR . this product as a full cutoff,fully shielded luminaire. Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for type of digging on their properly.Homeowners REPRE-5ENT5 THE APPROPRIATENESS,COMPLETENESS OR SUITABILITY OF THE LIGHTING DESIGN optimal heat sinking.The LPACK is designed for cool The LED will deliver 70%of its initial lumens at I. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FA5TENED 5EGURELY TO FENCE P05T5 WITH WIRE TIE5 5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLAGING IESNA LM-79&IESNA LM-80 Testing: operation,most efficient output and maximum LED life 100,000 hours of operation. OF STONE. can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by INTENT AS,COMPLIANT WITH ANY APPLICABLE REGULATORY CODE REQUIREMENT'S WITH THE OR 5TAPLE5. P05T5 5HALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD. calling 811,the national call before you dig EXCEPTION OF TH05E SPECIFICALLY STATED ON DRAHN65 CREATED AND SUBMITTED BY RAB LED luminaires have been tested by an by minimizing LED junction temperature. Other 6. SURFACE WATER- ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD GON- number. For excavation workcompleted on RAB. THE LIGHTING DE516N 15 ISSUED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,AS ADVISORY DOCUMENTS FOR a independent laboratoryin accordance with IESNA Housing: 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE TO BE FA5TENED 5EGURELY TO WOVEN WIRE GON5TRUGTION ENTRANGE5 SHALL BE PIPED AGRO55 THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 personal property, it is the contractor's INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES D 15 NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION NOR AS BEING PART OF 1 LM-79 and 80,and have received the Department of California Title 24: AN FENGE WITH TIES 5PAGED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID 5EGTION. IMPRACTICAL,A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 5LOPE5 WILL BE PERMITTED. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact A PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PACKAGE. Energy"Lighting Facts"label. Pression die cast aluminum housing,lens frame. See WPLED10/PC fora 2013 CaliforniaTitle 24 FENCE 5HALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 12 1/2 GAUGE,b" MAXIMUM ME514 OPENING. DigNet. Having utility lines marked priorto LED Characteristics Mounting: compliant model. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY 5HALL BE OVER- 7.MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE 5HALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL digging is free of charge. i Lifespan: Junction box. Patents: PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY,ALL1 LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 Green Technology: The LPACK design is protected under patents in the LAPPED BY 51X INGHE5 AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH 5HALL BE EITHER FILTER X, SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED OR TRAGTED ONTO PU13LIG RIGresultsults and JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 15 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SAFETY sahour nd TM-21 calculations. RAB LEDs are Mercury,Arsenic and UV free. U.S.Pat.D608,040,Canada Pat.1130,243,China Pat. MIRAFI IOOX,5TABILINKA TI40N,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. MU5T BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. AND 5EC.URITY` R151<5 DUE TO INADEQUATE L16HT LEVELS. TH15 200930183252.2,and pending patents In Taiwan and IS NOT A RECOMMENDED LIGHT LAYOUT. IT 15 A DE515N Color Consistency: For use on LEED Buildings: Mexico. 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS 5HALL BE 6EOFAB,ENVIROFENGE,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 8. WHEN WASHING 15 REQUIRED, IT 5HALL BE DONE ON A AREA STABILIZED WITH BASED UPON THE TOWN OF 50UTHOLD CODE - 5ECTION 1-12 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent IDA Dark Sky Approval means that this fixture can be Warranty: STONE AND WHIGH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. LI6HTIN6,OUTDOOR fixture-te-fixture color. used to achieve LEED Credits for Light Pollution RAB warrants that our LED products will be free from 5. MAINTENANCE 5HALL BE PERFORMED A5 NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN q, PERIODIC IN5PEGTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE 5HALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH Calor Stability: Reduction. defects in mate(Ws and workmanship for a period of LED color temperature is warranted to shift no more Gaskets: five(5)years from the date of delivery to the end user, "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. including coverage of light output, color stability,driver than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. High Temperature Silicone. STABILIZED 28" g p performance and fixture finish. U.S.DEPARTMENT OF A6MMTURE U5.DEPARTMENT OF A6RICULTURE 160 701 Color Uniformity: Equivalency: NATURAL CONSERVATION 5MVICE SILT NATURAL RESOURCES,GON5ERVATION SERVICE CONSTRUCTION ��- ----- -- RAS's of CCT(Correlated color temperature)follows NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION FENCE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION I 1 the guidelines ofthe American National Standard for The wPLED10 is Equivalent in delivered lumens to a • NEW YORK STATE SOIL t WATER CONSERVATION GOMMITT� F + Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State 7oW Meta}Halide Wallpack. Tvl (`{) NEW YORK STATE SOIL E WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ENTRANCE Juntion B©X Mount Lighting(SSL)Products,ANSI C78.377-2015. HID Replacement Range: 0 4 Construction The WPLED10 can be used to replace 35 100W [121.76] I Configuration Construction Metal Halide Walipacks based on delivered lumens. d) 1 1 • 2 X4 WOOD FRAME .............._._._._.. Our environmentally friendly polyester powder N coatings formulated 1 1. 3 long- lasting color, r,and containsof VOC orbg toxic heavy ^ �[ 3 STAKE 28" �. .-. w. 2$ 2$ metals. �- I _............................................._...-------_._...__.......[53.671 [53.671 [60.70] FABRIC- .......... ..... �0 Galwlatlon Summary W m X z 129.53] I; Label Description GalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Pt5pcLr Pt5pclb w LL a � 1p CaIGPt5 51te Readi 5 Taken at O'-0" AF6 Illuminance Fc 021 4.'16 OA NA. N.A. 3 3 X Z 111=1111=IIIIIII o 22 ng O -II II-_I�-1I i_ °a [1z7.ao]� ED O ILII=IIIA-I�=III o [53.50] M ET BURIED FABRIC O W � DROP INE � 0 W WITH GATE FRAME FS IILI i It �-- AT 3 RECEIVED w � z 6AiHER EXGE55 ti CORNERS FEB 19 2019 PROP05ED METAL BUILDING t��Nj ° L_____iold Ta_ GONSTRUGTI ON SPEC I F I GTI ONS, AREA: 8b64 sQ.Fr. EN N Planning Board OF p9 FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' pp5�0 oa% �� SU I. FILTER FABRIC 5HALL HAVE AN E05 OF 40-85.BURLAP MAY BE U5ED FOR 5HORT TERM U5E: AGRICULTURAL BARN p�/ �Q- �Q� F9 APPLICATIONS. / 2. GUT FABRIC FROM A GONTINUOU5 ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINT5. IF JOINTS ARE NEEDED THEY * w OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT STAKE. / ° z WILL BE r 3.5TAKE MATERIALS WILL BE STANDARD 2" x 4" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A M LED IOW PLEDIO GK2 �p �J MODEL No. WPLEDIOY WARM LIGHT (3000K) o / 0.10.2 os 2s 073 MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET. 4.5PAGE 5TAKE5 EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE A MINIMUM IS INGHE5 MOUNTING HEIGHT = 12' ABV GRADE o / AOFESS DEEP. 5PAN5 GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRIDGED WITH THE USE OF WIRE MESH BEHIND THE FILTER FABRIC,FOR SUPPORT. o / o ° JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 5. FABRIC 5HALL BE EMBEDDED 1 F00T MINIMUM BELOW GROUND AND BAGKFILLED. IT 5HALL BE 5EGURELY FASTENED TO THE 5TAKE5 AND FRAME. ° D b. A 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME 5HALL BE COMPLETED AROUND THE GRE5T OF THE FABRIC, FOR OVER FLOW STABILITY.MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA I ACRE ° c� m Co 0 FILTER FABRIC g.lg\05 $ p \ v U.5.DEPARTMB'lT OF AC7RIGULTURE r NATURAL RE50URGE5 CONSERVATION 5ERMCE DROP INLET o>8 02 �} �' �l � NEW YORK 5TATE DFARTTENT OF ENVIROWENTAL CONSERVATION �- ° LL PROTECTION a4�. �2 . . / � ,. � z D � o / �Z Q NEW YORK 5TATF 501L E WATER GON5EWATION COMMITTEE LUZ \ W wm Z 0. O lL < � � < HTIN0 PLAN Z HO S- 3v p� / WZn _ �[ - v�� W O J O k\ o 46RAPHIOG SCALE 40 80 1�, 40'-O'o a H � z LL Q m N LL Z 5 O < O � p Luminaire Schedule V Symbol Tag Qty Label Arrangement TI Lamp Lumens Lum.Lumens LLF Description MNT6 HT. Lum. Watts Arr.Watts Total Watts O A 4 WPLEDIOY Sill 3,504 876 1.000 LED IOW WALLPAGK 12.0' 20D TOA &O'D P A(5E WARM L16HT(3000K) RILL CUTOFF,FULLY SHIELDED of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING 5PEGIFIGATION5,AS IN5TRUMENT5 OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR U5E AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL 51TE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLIGATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERM155ION FROM THE ARCHITEGT.TITLE TO THESE PLAN5 SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITEGT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THIE5E RESTRICTIONS. _ SEPARATION 015TANGE REQUIREMENT5 FOR STORM DRAINAGE GALL: GG G TC I ZONING INFORMATION: ° � GASMPBREOLL s2 cEORNAPPRovE E De 5TORMWATER LEAGHIN6 5TRZTURE-5 AND STORM WATER DRAINAGE STRUCTURES PROVIDE FOR PROPOSED J I I L PL I 'R2O0' LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PIPING (OTHER THAN RESIDENTIAL): RUNOFF FROM PROPOSED STRIJGTURES ONLY. 51TUATE AT: ORIENT ���' a �� 4 - 7LOT 51ZE•200000 5.F. MIN �'�� °'� AEny o d FINAL GRADE HORIZONTAL SEPARATION D15TANCE5 FOR STORM TOWN OF 50UTHOLD s / �: DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS: �'o \ G. z 10 VOLUME = AREA X RAINFALL X COEFFICIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK EXISTING OA.: 105144 S.F. (34552 ac) � ss� `�ys � � p�- ° PROPERTY LINE = 10 MINIMUM EXISTING WETLAND: 86M4 5.F. (2.0 ac) . a MIN. 6" THK GANG RAINFALL = 2"/HR = O.Ibl' 5GTM NO.: 1000-Iq-01-1.3 AND 1.4 yah, S � ° ° BUILDINGS WITH CELLAR = ID MINIMUM EXI5TIN6 UPLAND: 1418140 5.F. (32552 ac) o�n nrn, r ® ® ® COVER BUILDINGS ON SLAB = 10' MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF ROOF = 1.0 ZONING DISTRICT: 'R-200' LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ' 15"PIPE DIA.MIN. 1 PROP05ED: N.C. �N 9 I%MIN.(AS REQUIRED) ® ® ® I WATER 5ERVIGE LINE/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 10'MINIMUM CURRENT USE: FARM \o N �A o 3' MIN. 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5' MINIMUM PROP05ED ARCHITECTURAL 5TORA6E BARN PROPOSED USE: N.G. LOT WIDTH;210' MIN ' : z ® ® ® ® ® SANITARY SEPTIC TANK = 20 MINIMUM FEMA FLOOD ZONE: N/A PIPE. 4 o I ROOF AREA = 8,664 5.F. �? H16H DENSITY POLYETHYLENE(HDPE) ® ® ® ® m ® ® I SANITARY LEAGHIN6 POOL = 20 MINIMUM EXISTING: ±1233 1 rd l SIZE, ® ® ® ® ® ® WRAP STRUCTURES WITH GREASE TRAP = 20'MINIMUM 8,664 S.F. x O.I61 x I.0 = 1,447 G.F.VOL. PROP05ED: N.G. o I ® ® ® ® ® ® 1 SITE DATA: USE: EXISTING: PROPOSED: vRN INLET TO SD coNN = to m MIN 1 FILTER FABRIC NSE PUMP STATION = 20 MINIMUM 1,441 GU.FT.l 68.42 S.F.(IO Q) L.P) _ 5D TO SD CONN = 15"0 MIN ® F___7 ® ® ® ® I 6EOTEX 551,13'r PROPER) MANHOLE = 20'MINIMUM 21.15 VERT FT. REQ'D OVERALL SITE: FARM ±1,505144 S.F. (34.552 AG) N.G. ROOF LDR CONN - 4'"m MIN PRIVATE WELLS = 50'MINIMUM WETLAND AREA: WETLAND 86,g74 S.F. (2.0 AC) N.C. LOT DEPTH;400' MIN RETAINING WALLS = 10'MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIRED: 1,441 GU.FT. + EXISTING: 1;044.11' UPLAND AREA: FARM _I 418,140 5.F. (32.552 AG) N.G. Ao 10'-0" DIA. NON-RATEAE)LE FUEL STORAGE TANKS(BELOW GROUND) = 20'MIN PROP05ED: N.G. =- N i.31;ii; 's" - Y ry SOIL HORIZONTALSEPARATION 015TANGE5 FOR STORM (8) 10'0x3'LIQUID DEPTH LEACHING POOL SITE'. GLAD WTR FRONT YARD SETBACK;60 MIN DRAINAGE NON-LEAGHING STRUCTURES: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: , WATER SERVICE LINES/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 5'MINIMUM (OPEN EXISTING AREA: 3,233 5.F. (0.41540 EXISTING: 742.q I':: °� LOCATION °` a �GOLLAR MATERIAL 6" MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM VOLUME PROVIDED = 1,642 G).FT. PROP05ED: 520.0 24 0 `� �T i i INTERCONNECT A5 5HOWN PROPOSED AREA: 4,46q S.F. (0.5741%) ,• (PENETRATION) GREASE TRAP = 5' MINIMUM y RATEABLE: SOIL PUMP STATION = V MINIMUM (PERCENTAGES BASED ON UPLAND AREA [778,368.q S.F.] ) REAR YARD SETBACK: 100' MIN MANHOLE = 5' IMUM EXI5TIN6: 5%h' `' a S : SANITARY SEPTIC TANK = 5'MINIMUM P05TAL 015TRIGT: SOUTHOLD PROP05ED: N.G. UNDERLYING 5AND AND GRAVEL STRATA VERTICAL SEPARATION D15TANCE5 FOR STORM �_ 5GHOOL 015TRIGT: OYSTER PONDS UF50 _ o / FIRE D15TRICT: ORIENT FIRE DEPT. Antis SIDE YARD SETBACK: 30 MIN . , DRAINAGE LINES: ,�i ELECTRICAL 5ERVIGE: P5E6 LI w �_�_ancrinria oak WATER SERVICE LINES = 18 MINIMUM EXISTING: 1415 c� y NOTES: SANITARY WASTE LINES = 18"MINIMUM ��$. FLOOD ZONE: N/A PROP05ED: N.C. ��� g - I.COLLAR DEPTH 15 NOT REQUIRED WHEN RATEABLE MATERIAL EXISTS FOR FULL DEPTH. J �1Ppw2��° Snei i J -� I 2. COLLAR MATERIAL SHALL BE GLEAN GRAVEL ONLY. ;..._�_ _� - y. ......_.; �� .._.. ...._...._......._._.._..\ !. 3.ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES MUST BE WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC. OF 51DE YARD SETBACK CUMULATIVE: 60' MIN ;�s £ '�� Pagle Pt 4. USE 15" DIA GORRIGU6ATEO HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) HEAVY DUTY PIPE FOR �OG�, x� \ N EXI5TING: INTERCONNECTION OF ON-51TE STORM WATER LEACHING POOLS I �OG�'�� r�F�x \ ��5 \ PROPOSED: 5q3.2' \ r st G A.HDPE PIPE SPECIFICATION(AA5HTO M-2q4) B. INSTALLATION OF HDPE SPECIFICATION(A5TM 0-2321) to , � 2 . NGS \� LIVABLE FL. AREA /DWL6 UNIT: 850 5.F. MIN `\ dor Q o Ll ng Beach Flay G.WATER-TIGHT JOINT TESTING 5PEGIFIGATION(ASTM D-3212) EXISTING: N.A. aG Slat:,Tidal t`' D.GASKET SPEGIFIGATION (ASTM F-41-1) \ (,jt�q'co�'�'� PROP05ED: N.A. '�y os e° `�� A...'.` ?' U1lellands w23 5 MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMEN51ON5: TYPICAL STORM 14ATER � .��� �� LOT COVERAGE: 5SK MAX,70,g07 S.F. LEAGHING POOL (SD) DETAIL LAPLAND AREA) FOR WORK IN THIS AREA. EXI5TIN6: 1,132 5.F. (0.12210 (FOR HIGH GROUND WATER:) Gj• 1 j POND PROP05ED: 10,3% 5.F.(0.1331%) NOT TO 56ALE �N 2 �� xOS PROPOSED PARTIAL SITE PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.l Browns Pt 00�� ���� PROPOSED PARTIAL LIGHTING PLAN SEE DRAWING No.2 .... �. BLDG HEIGHT: 35 FT. /2115TY'S MAX 1 EXI5TING: 13.0' / 15TY PROP05ED: ±2b.5' 1 (V2 5TY Peters Neck Pt �' ILI LOGATION MAP: xl.o' N.T.5. (Y1 s BLDG INFO / AREA COVERAGE U o 10 EXISTING PROPOSED PROP.GVRG � �, 2• \ �a -� DE51:G.: STRUCTURE/USE: GRADE SCOPE OF WORK: W N O 1st FL. 1st FL. 'o ° EX. 1 5TY FR BUILDING, V55 5F N/A ±785 5F I. BUILD PROP05ED METAL AGRICULTURAL BARN (ITEM 'E'). r PROPOSED METAL BUILDING ,,L y�� G EQUIPMENT 5TORA6E � "� COMPACT FILL o a� 3 2 TO PROP05EDILpI�GE SYSTEM POWER AND LIGHTING 3 o / AREA: 8,664 5Q.FT. ±Sl 5F WA ±81 5F 2 / (\� EX. I STY FR BUILDING, FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0 �� -Ip B'' GARDEN SHED PROPOSED USE: AGRICULTURAL BARN X EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: EX. I STY FR BUILDING ±IIS SF WA 1118 SF z ° 11 i(� � � O ��c \ �' -F „ ELEGTRIGAL 5ERVIGE !, 1 I LJ LU 1-�P + PROVIDE 5TABILIZED 5_ O C' m :CI1�R �� GOIN5TRUCTION ENTRANCE � HORSE STALL + C"IMIN r1PX Z Mti� ( EX. I STY FR BUILDING, ±142 5F WA _l42 5F GABLE IN CONDUIT: � �"� • OICGURS AT MOP05ED 51TE ACGE55 `•/ CHICKEN COOP " OCT I r 2018 O y NG � • IfJISTALL PER DETAIL ON DWG Not T.O. CONDUIT 200 AMP(2 CONDUIT,MIN), A 1 E l�STY STEEL BUILDING WA 81664 5F 81664 5F 320 AMP (V'2" CONDUIT,MIN) I .r , _.w.. . _. [n WE5T WING-FARM EQUIPMENT !,[,;i (ti.l n O 3 PROPOSED L.P. SERV. 400 AMP (4" CONDUIT MIN) °�` _ CENTER-FEED e HAY 5TORAGE INSTALL/PROVIDER,LP-6A5 GODS I '' = W d� S.G. TAX NO. 1000-1 q-OI-1.4 ° �, NFPA 58,FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL O \ DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS CONVEYED x-10' / o AREA TOTALS: ±1,132 5F Sb64 5F 10�b SF GOMMUNIGATION d) TO TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD / / o \ CODES. SEE 5P5 FOR TRENCH DETAIL (TV d TEL) Z O EXI5TINCG 51TE COVERAGE: 1,132 S.F.(0.12210 - PROP05ED 51TE COVERAGE: 10,3gb 5.F.(0.1331%) TYPICAL TRENGH DETAIL @ m ER05ION CONTROL MEASURE= >2 0 ° /( /� ° EXISTING F.A.R. = 0.001221 (1,132 5.F) L.P. POWER GOMMUNIGATION SERVICES I _ .. J \ IN5TALL 51LT FENCE BARRIER p s� PROP05ED F.A.R. - 0.00133100,3gb 5.F) • OCCURS WHERE SHOI^N $ ': \ NOT TO SCALE TOWN OF 50UTHOLD PLANNING BOARD W w • APPROX.±1,586 LF OF FENDING / � '!: �. , c 4.38' SEE DETAIL ON DH6 Not GONDITION5 FOR APPROVAL: ►� 10 \ PROPOSED \ �2�°\�/ � \ WORK 5E5510N HELD ON: AU6U5T 20,2018 DETERMINATION LETTER DATED: AUGU5T 24 2018 I" WATER 5ERVIGE LINE � / ENGINEER: PROP05ED \ � �, a. LIVESTOCK PADDOCKS,SHELTERS AND ENGL05URE5 SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE VEGETATED BUFFERS SHOWN ON THE 51TE PLAN; +�• U/6 POWER TO BLDG _ 162 ° ° ' 3°" b. LIVE5TOGK 5HALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING THE VEGETATED of NEw yl- *� 5/, / 5EE TRENCH DTL, Ex.FR.BLDG TH15 DH6 '� X > BBUFFE �!` �,l • 8 T�� �-* \ 5 / 12.3'x 60.3' /�q)0 TA�p c. 6E BUFFER Not AND VEGETATED No3 SHALL BE �Q' 1 9 \ PROPOSED / AREA: 742 S.F. 811 H03 ;X -� MANAGED FOR THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: v� 4 d JU N/O/F o SPE CENTER,WETLAND FINGER xo 1. PROVIDE DENITRIFIGATION AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE COLLEEN MGDONOUGH �. / POWER CONN. POINT E� �rn 11 5LOW WATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE INFILTRATION r w a HELEN HooKE \ \ TAP FROM EXI5TIN6 w\ x �c 111 TRAP POLLUTANT5 IN 5URFAGE RUNOFF d 5UB5URFAGE FLOW n 2 \ \ ORMER,CONNECT�PER o S \ x0.75' _ x \{G� iv STABILIZE SOIL5 �2S ag9 P� * UTILITY VI EES REQMTS �e� �g �� . �� d. VEGETATED BUFFER N0.1 5HALL BE MANAGED TO MAINTAIN EXI5TIN6 TREES, 4F, O� �4 EX.XFRMR b°�' E3 , SHRUBS AND 6ROUNDGOVE ROFESS a \. LANDWARD EDGE of TIDAL PROPOSED METAL BUILDING NG R; APPLICANT: �� ��D EX.ELEC.MTR o 3 2�� © X YETLAND5 A5 DELINEATED BY AREA: 8,664 5G.FT. S\\���o e. THE BARN AND THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BARN SHALL BE U5ED FOR JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. MORTON Bl11LDIN65 � x FX \� � SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING,INC. hl FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' EO / AGRICULTURAL PURP05E5 ONLY A5 PER THE TOWN'S EASEMENT; 22355 COX LANE, UNIT No.4 ��oFF FR\ EXISTING WELL EX.FR.BLDG s �� ON JANUARY 25,2001 ix pP�' ° / sd f. THE PUBLIG 15 NOT PERMITTED TO AGGE%THE BARN; �R5.4'xA s, \' USE: AGRICULTURAL BARN p4Z / GUTGHOGl1E, NY IIg35 ) + FFA \ „ ya los' s, � o o \Q 5�:?.�/� ANY 516N THAT REQUIRES A 51GN PERMIT MUST BE REVIEWED AND Q �y c� .�j'J AREA:8l S.F. � i$,.S, f\ � ,SJ `� �s:> g' _I 631=134-4060 �� \ ,AA " ti O o>, s "1' APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD PRIOR TO IN5TALLATION; O �� 63 oAk53 EX.FR.BLDG �� \ L=62.1' h. THE ONLY EXTERIOR L16HT FIXTURES PERMITTED AT TH15 51TE ARE A5 = (n 6� + 5 3 9 11.5'x 10.3' o 'b 51TE PLAN BASED ON ORIGINAL SUR BY: Q �x b `u AREA: IIS S.F, \ X66, p`� ' / �� /n 5HOWN ON THE LIGHTING PLAN OF THE APPROVED 51TE PLAN. ANY FUTURE F- NATHAN TAFT CORWIN,LAND 5URVEY0R -� �� \ EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE5 BEYOND TH05E SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLAN 1586 MAIN ROAD �, �4 \ O EX.FR BLDG �\o �°� y ° / MUST BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING d; JAME5PORT, NY 11441 N/0/F „ 0.00 24.3'x 32.3' \�� / �JoQ BOARD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ° L} 10 \ AREA:"185 5.F. � / o / CQ SURVEYED: JAN. 25, 2011 G OL LEE TAYLOR 18 5 � \� �' go .�S�-. p� THE PLANNING BOARD 5TRON6LY EN(OURA6E5 THE PROPERTY Z D LAST UPDATED: FEB. 10,2011 �°i x ���\ ° LU \p ::.,Yi �° `9 ,Z 0 1\ o OWNER TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES DEVELOPED BY THE U5DA }- \ Y� ``� / FOR 5U5TAINABLE NUMBERS OF ANIMALS ON PASTURE. THE Z CO ,� Z ELEVATIONS BASED ON TOPOGRAPHY MAP - \, \ / a'::;.i s�1 J, } 6,a 0 3 �'` BOARD FURTHER ENCOURAGES THE FARM OWNER TO REQUEST �j W_ M Z O 5 EASTERN TOWN5,5UFFOLK COUNTY, NY x3. \ EX.WIRE FENCE �� \�� $ \\• ° �hA Y� p`�5 A NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY O �'� \ s * / / �P `� l2�\ PORTION OF THE FARM A5 WELL AS GON5ULTING WITH THE O ~ DATED: 10-03-Ig15 AROUND GARDEN s O �, DATUM. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO �`° \ s' „� v \ Q MEASUREs G NATIONAL CONSERVATION 5GIENCE.THE BOARD AL50 </ QL VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON MEAN SEAL LEVEL %; �� ���� 4 �� PROPCONTROL 4 \.\ ' 5TRONGLY ENGOURA6E5 THE PROPERTY OWNER TO DEVELOP LL OF Ig2q AS E5TABL15HED BY THE U.5. GOA5T AND O 6 �� INSTALL SILT FENCE BARRIER S,\n\� s �r Q �+ L \ � VE6ETATED \ i w . .gy p ` .. A GOMPREHEN51VE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN(GNMP) TO Qil N i GEODETIC 5URVEY AT SANDY HOOK N.J. �+ o APPROX. WHERE SHOWN Q o O N /F �y BUFFER NO2 \ w \ t C R0. ADDRESS NUTRIENT LOADING TO 5URFAGE AND GROUND N dL�DA A. ABATING 50 ALONG WSW / /� } • SEE DOETAIL ON DW6 NO2 GING o n E� \ELS 0 1..� Q O NOTES: ::::• 0 ° WATERS BY WORKING WITH THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SOIL AND LU s PROPERTY LINE rye ' \ y \� ` ° o WATER CONSERVATION D15TPJGT AND/OR U50A NATURAL. a W 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO 9� \ n 41'°'Y� bp' ' Z O r b ry y. x2.5' o ::�t~ p�,.. / RE50URCE CONSERVATION 5ERVIGE. w FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP s9 4 th b' �• So✓4 �0��5 � , / o -J O EX15TINO ELEVATION5 ARE 5HOWN THUS: x5.0 \ o \ '� \ 21 ►-+ O h 5.C,. TAX No. Q l o Z m EXI5TINC GONTOUR LINE5 ARE SHOWN THUS: - -5 - - 1000-M-01-1.3 '. �� o \CN\\� o / O U_ O N DEVELOPMENT ,� �` �f LEC7END: c) www.di etn cli.com � RIGHTS RETAINED �' �4� d� I - m g r Y c/c� \ Qj� �� o�e� \� �� 0 51ZED FOR ROOF RUNOFF OF PROP05ED BLDG ONLYof NEW YOU PROPERTY LINE N O 1L O Q �5���In www.cal 8l l.com ��o�� �¢ �O / E' STORM DRAIN -sD sD sD- O O 3 "I `.. Fit (for other states) \ 'h '�� , 0 0 / • (8) 10 m x 51_161. DEPTH STORM WATER LEACHING � Z 11J L=l84S' Q. o POOL5,OPEN COVER FLOW/PITCH ARROW Z LD 00-272-4480 811 N/o/F x2.o' Q- ��` \C 3 INTERCONNECT TO GUTTER AND LEADER 5Y5T•EM O STATE OF NEW YORK 3 (Z� �+. c4� �4GEtA �P ,�Q y� �\\�� /o g ,v,• /S • IN5TALL PER DETAIL,TH15 5HT O 8/.p v� \2' o J STORM LEACHING POOL ! O -7 w k\2 / �y\P fid:. / N, v �, E p CZ PROP, EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: By law, excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons,homeowners are strongly / Q � / NG�� PROVIDE? FOR INLET PROTECTION -�five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouraged to call as well when planning any ao4 VEGETATED / / ° F� EXISTING CONTOUR 6 Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact / / • OCCUR-5 AT ALL OPEN COVER type of digging on their properly.Homeowners \ �•I o 0 5\\' PA /� . Di Net, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours can contact us direct) at 1-800-272-4480 or b 5 51^J CORNER / / �� DRAINAGE STRUCTURES A(5 OVERALL / 5EE DETAIL ON DW6 No.2 ��� EXISTING GRADE x 6.0 9 Y Y but no more than 10 working days(excluding calling 811,the national call before you dig I TE � ��s\ X / x3.0 / ° OQ� • weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning number. For excavation workcompleted on �/yU �, (P` FINISHED FLOOR ENATION FIN. FL. EL. any mechanized digging or excavation workto personal properly, it is the contractors ?`�8\ ° / � o o PARTIAL. SITE PLAN ensure underground lines are marked. responsibility-NOT the homeowner's-to contact + `v� o� Excavators and contractors can also submit DligNet. Having utility lines marked prior to be �� locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not digging is free of charge. 100 50 O 100 200 300 currently use ITIC,please call 1-800-524-7603 GRAPHIG 5GALE 1" = 100'-0" o y o ��'�/x AREA OF DISTURBANCE: x6.5' 40 20 O 40 80 120 / \ 51,815 5Q.FT. for more information. GRAPHIC, 5GALE 1" = 40'-O" of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARGHITEGT.TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WOVEN WIRE FENCE SYMBOL o (MIN. 14 I/2 Gs0"IN. AUGE , EXISTING RAB PLED 10Y NOTES: N � 0 PAVEMENT THE LIGHT LOSS FACTOR(ELF)IS A PRODUCT OF MANY VARIABLES,ONLY LAMP LUMEN 10' MAX, G. TO G. MAX. 6" MESH 3' S/ DEPRECIATION(LLD)HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE CALCULATED RE5ULT5 UNLESS LED INFO: p F OThERH15E NOTED. THE LLD 15 THE RESULT(QUOTIENT)OF MEAN LUMENS/INITIAL LUMENS WATTS: IOW o PER LAMP MANUFAGTUREW5 5PEGIFIGATION5. �� 36 MIN. LENGTH FENCE EXISTING � FILTER � MOUNTABLE P05T5 DRIVEN MIN. 16" GROUND CLOTH PROFILE BERM i DOLOR TEMP: 3,000K o Q 6ROUND ILLUMINATION COLOR AGGURAGY: 83 GRI •. . TED IN PAN 00 METER ORIENTATION IS NORMAL INTO 5io'MIN PL OF CALCULATION EITHER HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL OR INCLINED AS DE516NA L�0 LIFE 100,0 . PLANES � 5 of KEW YORK CITY THE CALCULATION SUMMARY. TATI TO THE PLAN of r i LUMENS: 8'16 � J rill _ &LONG ISLAND CALCULATION. HE16HT OF FILTER Z �_ w'•"h.,:........:::.: .• - w,,.r' Ib'MIK 800 2l2 4480 811 �'THE CALCULATED RESULTS OF THIS LIGHTING 51MulATION REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED ' H EXISTING O - PREDICTION OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. ACTUAL MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM GROUND yA THE ANTICIPATED PERFORMANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO MEANS AND METHODS WHICH ARE �0 y y F z 12'MIN. EXISTING www.dignetnycli.com BEYOND THE CONTROL OF RAB LIGHTING,INC. i S S y v + DRIVER INFO: PAVEMENT or MOUNTING HEIGHT DETERMINATION IS JOB SITE SPECIFIC,OUR LIGHTING 5Ih1lAATION5 TYPE: CONSTANT CURRENT Q www.call811.com PERSPECTIVE VIEW ASSUME A MOUNTING HEIGHT(INSERTION POINT OF THE LUMINAIRE SYMBOL)TO BE TAKEN 120V: O.IA _z (for other states) PLAN VIEW AT THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL FOR GEILING MOUNTED LUMINARIES AND AT THE BOTTOM OF 20bV: 0.01A 36" MIN. FENCE P05T THE 5YM130L FOR ALL OTHER LUMINAIRE MOUNTING CONFI6URATION5. 240V: O.O6A By law, excavators and contractors working in the LED 10W&13 Wallpacks.Patent Pending thermal management system.100,000 2-11V: N/A g WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 I/2 five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and «RAB LIGHTING,INC.LUMINAIRE AND PRODUCT DESIGNS ARE PROTECTED UNDER US.AND hour L70 lifespan.5 Year Warranty. 6AU6INPUT WATTS: 12W E W/ MAX. 6" MESH N Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW5. , O Color:Bronze Weight:3.3 lbs 5PACIN6) WITH FILTER CLOTH DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours PATENTS I55UEP OR PENDING APPLY. GONSTRUGTI ON SPEG I F I GAT1 ONS - FLOW ? but no more than 10 working days(excluding r� WA weekends an legalholidays)prior to beginning THE LIGHTIN6 ANALYSIS,EZ-LAYOUT,ENERGY ANALY515 AND/OR VISUAL SIMULATIONS UNDISTURBED GROUND I.STONE 51ZE - U5E 2" STONE,OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. any mechanized digging or excavation worktoTechnical Specifications CLIGiiTIN6 DESIGN)PROVIDED BY RAB LIGHTING,INC.(RAB)REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED COMPACTED 50194- ensure underground lines are marked. PREDICTION OF L16HTIN6 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BASED UPON DESIGN PARAMETERS AND Listings Cold Weather Starting: Electrical o N o 0 2. LENGTH - NOT LE55 THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE Excavators and contractors can also submit INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. THESE DC516N PARAMETERS AND INFORMATION EMBED FILTER CLOTH A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). UL Listing: The minimum staring temperature is-40°C/-40°F A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUNz locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not PROVIDED BY OTHERS HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY RAB AND THEREFORE ACTUAL g p Driver: 3. THICKNESS -NOT LE55 THAN 51X(6) INGHE5. currently use ITIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. RAB RECOMMENDS Suitable for Wet Locations as a Downlight.Suitable Ambient Temperature: Multi-chip 10W high output long life LED Driver '�� $ O O THAT DESIGN PARAMETERS AND OTHER INFORMATION BE FIELD VERIFIED THE REDUCE for Damp Locations as an Uplight.Wall Mount only. Constant Current,Class II,120V-24OV,50160!Hz, SECTION VIEW 4. WIDTH-TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM,BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT for more information. VARIATION Suitable for Mounting within Oft.of ground. Suitable for use in 40°C(104°F)ambient 350mA. POINTS WHERE IN6RE55 OR EGRE55 OGGUR5.TWENTY-FOUR(24) FOOT IF 51NC-SLE RA13 NEITHER WARRANTEE5,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED WITH RE6ARD TO ACTUAL MEASURED Dark Sky Approved:roved: temperatures For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly Optical GONSTRUGT I ON SPEG I F I GAT I ONS ENTRANCE TO SITE. encouraged to call as well when planning any L16HT LEVELS OR ENERGY CONSUMPTION LEVELS AS COMPARED TO THOSE ILLUSTRATED BY The International Dark Sky Association has approved Thermal Management: THE LIGHTIN6 DESIGN. RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED,NOR this product as a full cutoff,fully shielded luminaire. Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for THE Maintenance: I. WOVEN WIRE FENGE TO BE FASTENED 5EGURELY TO FENCE P05T5 WITH WIRE TIES type of digging on their property.Homeowners 5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TD PLACING REPRESENTS THE APPROPRIATENESS,COMPLETENESS OR SUITABILITY OF THE LIGHTING DESIGN optimal heat sinking.The LPACK is designed for cool The LED will deliver 70%of its initial lumens at OR 5TAPLE5. P05T5 SHALL BE 5TEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD. OF STONE. can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by INTENT AS COMPLIANT WITH ANY APPLICABLE REGULATORY CODE REQUIREMENTS WITH THE IESNA LM-79&IESNA LM-80 Testing: operation,most efficient output and maximum LED life 100,000 hours of operation. calling 811,the national call before you dig EXCEPTION OF TH05E SPECIFICALLY STATE)ON DRAHIV75 CREATED AND SUBMITTED BY RAB LED luminaires have been tested by an by minimizing LED junction temperature. Other 2. FILTER(LOTH TO BE TO BE FA5TENED 5EGURELY TO WOVEN WIRE 6. SURFACE WATER ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CON- number. For excavation work completed on RAB. THE LI6HTIN6 DE5I6N 15 ISSUED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,A5 ADVISORY DOCUMENTS FOR i independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA Housing: g " CON5TRUGTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED AGRO55 THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 personal property, it is the contractors' INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND 15 NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION NOR AS BEING PART OF ! LM-79 and 80,and have received the Department of California Title 24: FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24 AT TOP AND MID SECTION. A PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PACKAGE. Energy"Lighting Facts"label. Predsion die cast aluminum housing,lens frame. FENCE 5HALL BE WOVEN HIRE, 112 1/2 6AU6E,6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. IMPRACTICAL,A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPCS WILL BE PERMITTED. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact See WPLED101PC for a 2013 California Title 24 1.MAINTENANCE -THE ENTRANCE 5HALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL DigNet. Having utility lines marked prior to LED Characteristics Mounting: compliant model. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY 5HALL BE OVER- PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING of SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF-WAY,ALL digging is free of charge. Lifespan: Junction box. Patents: LAPPED BY 51X INGHE5 AND FOLDED. FILTER (LOTH 5HALL BE EITHER FILTER X, SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED OR TRAGTED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT5-0F-WAY 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 Green Technology: The LPACK design is protected under patents in the MIRAFI IOOX, 5TA$ILINKA TI40N,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 15 NOT RESPON51BLE FOR 5AFETY results and TM-z1 calculations. U.S.Pat.D608,040,Canada Pat.130,243,China Pat, RAB LEDs are Mercury,Arsenic and UV free. AND SECURITY RISKS DUE TO INADEQUATE LIGHT LEVELS. THIS ry' 200930183252.2,and pending patents in Taiwan and 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS 5HALL BE 6EOFAB,ENVIROFENCE,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 8. WHEN WA5HING 15 REQUIRED, IT 5HALL BE DONE ON A AREA 5TABILIZED WITH 15 NOT A RECOMMENDED 1_1614T LAYOUT. IT 15 A DE516N Color Consistency: For use on LEER Buildings: Mexico. STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. 5A5ED UPON THE TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD CODE - 5ECTION 1-12 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent IDA Dark Sky Approval means that this fixture can be Warranty: L16HTIN6 OUTDOOR fixture-te-fixture color. 5. MAINTENANGE 5HALL BE PERFORMED A5 NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN used to achieve LEER Credits for Light Pollution RAB warrants that our LED products will be free from "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. 9. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH Col°r Stabliity Reduction, p defects in materials and workmanship for a period of LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more Gaskets: five(5)years from the date of delivery to the end user, US.DEPARTMENT OF A6RIGULTUFZE US.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 2$" than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. High Temperature Silicone. including coverage of light output color stability,driver STABILIZED g p performance and fixture finish. SERVICE SILT NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE [60.70] Color Uniformity: NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION Equivalency: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GON5ERVATION NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION �- � ----------_---__-.- _ RAB's of CCT(Correlated color temperature)follows NEW YORK STATE 501E t WATER CONSERVATION GOMMITTIE FENCE NEW YORK STATE 501E a WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ENTRANCE I Ij the guidelines of the American National Standard for The WPLED10 is Equivalent in delivered lumens to a I Il Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State 70W Metal Halide Wallpack. m ¢3. Juntion Box Mount Lighting(SSL)Products,ANSI C78.377-2015. HID Replacement Range: m I� ('� ConstructionThe 2'X4"WOOD FRAME [121.76] ' onfiguraton Metal Halide 0 can aces based replace 5- Omens. :. O Finish: pon . -t -- - - -------- Our environmentally friendly polyester powder W N _ STAKE coatings are formulated for high-durability and long- 911� 1. 3 lasting color,and contains no VOC or toxic heavy ^ 1' 2$ 2g metals. FABRIC-1 1 [53.fi7] 1 [53.67] (60.70) -- -- ......_............._._..____ _ _ _ - --_._._... _._..__..._.........._._..-........................_....._._......... _....__.._...._............... O [29.53] 'I- jI _._._.._.--.. - _ . _ - Galculation Summary r; 1 W m III IIILIIII-IIILIIII f. . .,. - �- Label Description Its Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Pt5pcLr Pt5pcTh W LL - ° GalcType Un _ 1 1 "�4]� GalcPts Site Readings Taken at 0'-0" AF6 Illuminance Fc 021 4.16 OA NA. NA. 3 3 Z 1111=1�=III_ °a 1111=1111-1111=111 0 [6350] CD oo DROP INLET BURIED FABRIC Q W d� WITH 6ATE RAME p_ OF �- GATHER EXGE55 AT i `?.��_.,f r } � GORNER5 VIII ' I WLU U CT 1 018 I PROPOSED METAL BUILDING g\. �Gti ° �,_".`•.it.,O_:i-G.•.,r'yun � ENGINEER:GONSTRUGTION SPEGIFIGATIONS Bo;ru AREA; . . FIN. SE I. FILTER FABRIC,5HALL HAVE AN E05 OF 40-85. BURLAP MAY BE U5ED FOR 5HORT TERM U5E: .EL. =.EL. BARN 5.0' �,�� / 02% OF NEW yo I►.` APPLICATIONS. U : p�/ T 2. GUT FABRIC, FROM A GONTINUOU5 ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINT5. IF JOINT5 ARE NEEDED THEY / co � / 9 WILL BE OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT 5TAKE. v * Cr w 3.5TAKE MATERIAL5 WILL BE 5TANDARD 2" x 4" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A (4) LED IOW WALLPAGK MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET. MODEL No. WPLEDIOY WARM Ll6HT C3000K) / o.loa 05 4. 5PAGE 5TAKE5 EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE A MINIMUM IS INGHE5 MOUNTING HE16HT = 12' ABV GRADE a95 DEEP.5PAN5 GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRIDGED WITH THE U5E OF WIRE ME5H BEHIND ° , `� oAR0 S\oj THE FILTER FA13RIG FOR SUPPORT. Es 5. FABRIC,5HALL BE EMBEDDED I FOOT MINIMUM BELOW 6ROUND AND BACKFILLED. IT 5HALL ° / / / / / °\ JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. BE 5EGURELY FASTENED TO THE 5TAKE5 AND FRAME. / 6. A 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME 5HALL BE GOMP'LETFD AROUND THE GRE5T OF THE FABRIC, FOR OVER FLOW 5TABILITY. MAXIMUM DRAINIA6E AREA I ACRE A O U.5.DEPARTMENT OFA iaLTURE FILTER FABRIC �'g.2 Os C0� O j NATURAL RE50URGES CONSERVATION 5ERVIGE DROP INLETn go v NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CON5ERVATION °B� Q NEW YORK STATE 501L a WATER GON5ERVATItON COMMITTEE PROTECTION ° O z D LL z < z Co Q Wwmp z O < CL LL o -0 ° lL < � SART I AL L 1 C HT I NC PLAN _ w O k\� i / \� 40 80 w O _ Zn - 4 O GRAPHIC, SGA 1 _ 40'-0'O a ~ Z LL m N LL ppb l i, Q N L O N O O � z � � n O < Luminaire Schedule C' Symbol Tag G4 Label Arrangement TI Lamp Lumens Lum.Lumens LLF Description MNT5 HT. Lum.Watts Arr.Watts Total Watts D A 4 WPLEDIOY 51N6LE 3,504 87b 1.000 LED IOW KjNLLPACK 12.0' 20D LOA 80.0 /�' ° WARM L16HT(30001) RILL CUTOFF,FULLY SHIELDED v I I __ I - I I I I I 1 1 2 of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRIGTI=D TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART,15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARGHITI=GT.TITLE TO THC-SE PLANS SHAH REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. 5EPARATION D15TMOE REQUIREMENT5 FOR STORM DRAINAGE GAL,: PROPOSED SITE PLAN: ZONING INFORMATION: D CAST IRON FRAME AND OVER TO GR GRADE PROPOSED LEACHING STRUCTURES AND CAMPBELL 1152 G OR APPROVED EQUAL STORM WATER DRAINAGE 5TRZTURE-5 PROVIDE FOR 8200 LOW-DEN5ITY RE5IDENTIAL "a . PIPING (OTHER THAN RE5I0ENTIAL): RUNOFF FROM PROPOSED STRUCTURES ONLY. 51TUATE AT: ORIENT 7F STORM LOT 51ZE;200,000 5.F, MIN N�Evs oy e `��`nErl, o d FINAL GRADE HORIZONTAL 5EPARATION D15TANCE5 OR 5 D TOWN OF 5OUTHOLID �� DRAINAGE LEACHING POOLS: EXI5TIN6 O.A.: 1,505144 5.F. (34552 ac) s Q ys to VOLUME = AREA X RAINFALL X COEFFIGIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK EXI5TING WETLAND: 86,g14 5.F• (2.0 ac) a a iv 6 rHK PROPERTY LINE = 10'MINIMUM MIN. » 5GTM NO.: 1000-Iq-OI-1.3 AND 1.4 ` p o BUILDINGS WITH GELLAR = IO'MINIMUM RAINFALL = 2/HR = 0.167 EXI5TING UPLAND: 1,418,140 5.F. (32552 or,) �' o�►�yin, er 15"PIPE DIA MIN. - ® ® ® DOVER BUILDINGS ON SLAB = 10'MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF ROOF = ID ZONING 015TRICT: R-200 LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ; I PROP05ED: N.G. .N 1%MIN.(AS REQUIRED) ® ® ® 1 WATER SERVICE LINE/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 10'MINIMUM CURRENT USE: FARM 3' MIN. I� ® ® ® ® 1 3' MIN. I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM PROP05ED ARCHITECTURAL 5TORA6E BARN PROPOSED USE: N.G. LOT WIDTH;210' MIN ® ® ® w ® ® SANITARY SEPTIC TANK = 20 MINIMUM J PIPE' ® ® ® ® m ® ® 1 SANITARY LEACHING POOL = 20'MINIMUM ROOF AREA = 8,664 5.F. FEMA FLOOD ZONE: WA HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE 040M � ® ® ® ® � ® ® 1 � 8,664 5.F, x 0.161'x 1.0 = 1441 G.F.VOL. EXISTING: ±1233' SIZE, - ® ® ® ® ® ® 1 WRAP STRUCTURES WITH GREASE TRAP = 20 MINIMUM I '0 P = 51TE DATA: E: EXISTING: PROPOSED: PROPOSED: N.O. o,�o DRN INLET To 50 CONN = tom MIN 1 FILTER FABRIC 05E PUMP STATION = 20 MINIMUM 1,441 CU.FT./68.42 5.F.(0 L. � NI-e- ROOF 5v ro sv CONN = Is"m MIN ® ® ® ® ® ® 6EOTEx 351,BY PROPER) MANHOLE = 20'MINIMUM 21.15 VERT FT. REQ'D OVERALL 51TE: FAR ±1,505,144 5.F. (34.552 AG) N.G.LDR CONN = 4'm MIN LOT DEPTH;400' MIN 1 PRIVATE WELLS = 5o MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIRED: 1,441 GU.FT. WETLAND AREA: WETLAND 86 q14 S.F. 2.0 AG H.G. EXISTING: 1,044.11' -� .� � � a z RETAINING WALLS = 10 MINIMUM - UPLAND AREA: FAR ±1,418,140 S.F. (32.552 AG) N.G. '0 90 10-0DIA. NON-RATEABLE FUEL STORAGE TANKS(BELOW GROUND) - 20 MIN PROP05ED: N.G. =' N (.31;11_;1 3' y U5E: ! '" SITE iv SOIL HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM (8) 10'0x3' LIQUID DEPTH LEAGHIN6 POOL FRONT YARD SETBACK;b0' MIN GLAD WTR DRAINAGE NON-LEACHISTRUCTURES: (OPEN DOVER) IMPERVIOU5 SURFACE: NG 'r I. WATER SERVICE LINE5/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 5' MINIMUM EXI5TIN6 AREA: 3,23 5.F. (0.4154%) EXI5TIN6: 142.q LOCATION g CGOLLAR MATERIAL 6' MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM VOLUME PROVIDED = 1,642 GU.FT. ap a I p 1 (PENETRATION) GREASE TRAP = 5'MINIMUM INTERCONNECT A5 5HOWN PROP05ED AREA: 4,46 5.F. (0.5141%) PROPOSED: 520.0 4 RATEABLE 501L PUMP STATION = V MINIMUM (PERGENTA6E5 BASED O UPLAND AREA [118,368.q 5.F.] ) REAR YARD 5ETBAGK: 100' MIN MANHOLE = 5'MINIMUM EXI5TIN6: 5gb.6' 5E IG TANK = 5'MINIMUM P05TAL D15TRIGT: 5OUTH LD ___SANITARY� PROPOSED: N.G. 56HOOL D15TRIGT: OYSTER PON05 UFSD UNDERLYING SAND AND 61ZAVEL 5TRATA VERTICAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM �--- A�">is FIRE DISTRICT: ORIENT FI DEPT. ° o DRAINAGE LINES: _\ 51DE YARD 5ET13AOK: 30 MIN o �, , » -� ELECTRIGAL 5ERVIGE: P5 6 LI1475' WATER SERVICE LINES = IS MINIMUM EXI5TIN6: c� �o NOTES: SANITARY WASTE LINES = I8"MINIMUM FLOOD ZONE: WA PROPOSED: N.G. ' 1.GOLLAR DEPTH 15 NOT REQUIRED WHEN RATEABLE MATERIAL EX15T5 FOR FULL DEPTH. a Snsi y 2. COLLAR MATERIAL SHALL BE GLEAN GRAVEL ONLY. ` J M j j x � 51DE YARD 5ETII CUMULATIVE: 60' MIN irs �P �s Eagle P1 3.ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES MUST BE WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC. � F P�` x� 4.USE 15 DIA GORRI6UGATED HIGH DEN511Y POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) HEAVY DUTY PIPE FOR : SOS 0 x \J _ EXISTING. 11b.q' :w � a os \\\'r INTERCONNECTION OF ON-51TE STORM WATER LEACHING POOLS < �'L� x -� 5 PROPOSED: Sq3 2' s� I A.HDPE PIPE 5PECIFIGATION AA5HT0 M'-294) II � ( 10 B. INSTALLATION OF HDPE 5PEGIFIGATIOIN(ASTM D-2321) , � 2� �� \���j LIVABLE FL. AREA/DWL6 UNIT: 850 5.F. MIN 4'0 �°` 9 L ng 8cacit Flay G. WATER-TIGHT JOINT TESTING 5PEGIFIGATION(A5TM 0-3212) (0(rI o•� , g o EXI5TIN6: N.A. D.GASKET SPECIFICATION(ASTM F-477) \ Oa'CON� 'i�� ��� PROP05ED: N.A. 'X� osfo 4° `� ::'` '' ' Well,nds P �/ ��, � � "�.::.:;�•!�:�..;'� 1, TYPICAL STORM RATER `�� MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: �`` LOT COVERAGE: 5% MAX,10,5015.F. SD DETAIL 2 LEACHING POOL LAPLAND ARE�J (FOR H IGH GROUND WATER) ��0 I 2� FOR WORK IN TH S AREA: EXISTING: 1,132 S.F. (0.12210 POND � � PROP05ED: 10,386 5•F. (0.1331%) f ''� :' :; ' NOT TO SCALE (N 2 �� x0.5 PROPOSED PARTIAL SI PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.l I ��;.. :,..; :...... Browns Pr N �O �� \` PROPOSED PARTIAL LIGHTING PLAN SEE DRAWING No.2 BLo6 EXIST NG3 3 o i i sTSi'TM� M ' ```•. i r''�\ �� / PROP05ED: ±28.5' / 11 5TY Peters Neck Pt A0 .�' X LOCATION MAP: • ix x \ 10 ,� xl.o' N.T.S. s BDG INFO / AREA COVERAGE o EXISTING PROP05ED PROP.GVR6 ^ DE51G. STRUCTURE/USE: GRADE SCOPE OF WORK: �- \ o Ist FL. Ist FL. N Ea Q T EX. 1 5TY FR.BUILDING, 1185 5F WA VE)5 5F I. BUILD PROP05ED METAL AGRICULTURAL BARN(ITEM 'E'). PROP05ED METAL BUILDING ' 9 ® 2. PROVIDE 5TORM DRAINAGE 5Y5TEM POWER AND LI6HTIN6 (L/ ('(� °2\ \� /Q3 EQUIPMENT STORAGE + p COMPACT FILL TO PROP05ED BUILDING. �0 o / AREA: 8,664 SQ.FT. `� •L (�� �'� ( FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' ��� �� © EX. I STY FR BUILDING, ±8T SF WA 81 SF n% PRDF05EP U5E: AORIGULTURAL BARN GARDEN SHED m }- X \>P + PROVIDE 5TABILIZED 5_ j i;� r� w W EROSION CONTROL \. HORSE STALLEfUILDING 1118 SF WA 1118 5F 4 j :.._. - .._._. - r ,-�:y�4 O © `� 'v » ELEGTRIGAL 5ERVIGE '' '� �• d 2 MIN MIN ,�`I n L'._: !' .,t''_._',_ : ` �--I X Z W GONSTRUGTION ENTRANCE O EX. 1 5TY FR.BUILDING, 1142 5F WA 1142 5F GABLE IN CONDUIT: G • OG6UR5 AT PROP05ED 51TE AGGE55 D CHICKEN COOP T.O.CONDUIT 200 AMP(2" CONDUIT,MIN), ij 1 ;�� � • INSTALL PER DETAIL ON DW6 No.2 © I t T KINC7 LI E3 BUILDING WA Sb64 5F 8664 SF 320 AMP (ivy CONDUIT,MIN) I < ti N I � EAST WINS-LIVESTOCK, . 0 C T aRc�i 2013 i � (n � Q 3 WE5T WING-FARM EQUIPMENT, PROPOSED L.P. SERV. 400 AMP(4" CONDUIT,MIN) S.G. TAX No. 1000-19-0I-1.4 ^ �'` CENTER-FEED 3 HAY STORAGE INSTALL/PROVIDER LP-GAS CODE .-. DEVELOPMENT R16HT5 CONVEYED ° NFPA 58,FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL GOMMUNIGATION _ Q x1.0' / o AREA TOTALS: tl;f32 5F Sb64 5F 10,3�i6 5F - � � Q x (,ODE5. 5EE 5P5 FOR TRENCH DETAIL � TO TOWN OF 50UTHOLD / / ° / � (N d TELA �I � O EXISTING 51TE GOVERA65 1,132 5.F. (0.12210 TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL PROPOSED {\2w�o� s ° / / ° PROP 51TE COVERA65 10,386 5.F•(OZ331%) L m \\ EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: t /( EXIST NG FAR. - 0.001221 (1,132 S.F) L.P., POKIER GOMMUNIGATION SERVIGES � 1 0� I o s o IN5TALL 51LT FENCE BARRIER PROP FAR = 0.001331 (10,386 5F) •• OCCURS WHERE SHowN �� �� NOT TO SCALE \ • APPROX.11,586 LF OF FENDING a o � .•:�: <':. x±4.38' TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD W j / " SEE DETAIL ON PHO Not , ° 00NDITION5 FOR APPROVAL: ►-� 10 PROP05ED \ ° �Z / a WORK 5E5510N HELD ON: AUGUST 20,200 ° \ DETERMINATION LETTER DATED: AUGUST 24,201e, ENGINEER: p a. LIVE5TOGK PADDOCKS,5HELTER5 AND ENGLO5URE5 SHALL BE LOCATED I" WATER 5ERVIGE LINE / a ) PROPOSED U/6 POWER TO BLDG, OUTSIDE THE VEGETATED BUFFERS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN; *�� � 5/ / 5EE TRENCH PTL, �p O b. LIVE5TOGK 5HALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING THE VEGETATED � � \ y o :.:j ° D EX.FR.BLDG THI5 DWG X BUFFERS. 5 / 12.3'x'60,31 /�0 � ATEA 1 c. VEGETATED BUFFER Not AND VE6ETATED BUFFER No3 5HALL BE 9 \ / AREA: 142 5.F. "x MANA6ED FOR THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: * ,� R Cr N/O/F PRDPOrD p�E CENTER WETLAND FINGER \a r COLLEEN MCDONou�H +. PO1„�R CONN PO1 �o ��,e m / 1. PROVIDE DENITRIFICATION AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE - z d HELEN HOOKE \ TAP FROM EXISTING " If SLOW WATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE INFILTRATION f w� '� / Ill TRAP POLLUTANTS IN 5URFAGE RUNOFF 8 5UB5URFAGE FLOW �` �0 \ \ ORMER,GONNEGT PER * x3.15' p 2 iv STABILIZE SOILS 2s '� UTILITY I 'S REQ'MT5 0 �e g� � ' `j x \�� F� 349 p,4Z d. VE6ETATED BUFFER N0.1 5HALL 13E MANAGED TO MAINTAIN EXISTING TREES,A Cry B i�PtE GtG�0 SHRUGS AND 6ROUNDGOVER; OFESS\ EX.XFRMR o 6q �� LANDWARD 1376E OF TIDAL PROPOSED METAL BUILDING �C\/ APPLICANT: �� �\ EX.ELEC.MTR o 3 b� © tti hETLAND5 AS DELINEATED BY /L AREA: 8,664 SQ.FT. S\\,��o & THE BARN AND THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BARN SHALL BE U5E0 FOR JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. MORTON BUILDINGS 3�2' 5UFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING IND. O / A6RIGULTURAL PURP05E5 ONLY A5 PER THE TOWN'S EASEMENT; FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' D \ EXI5TIN6 WELL �. (J. USE: AGRIGULTURAL BARN / oGj 22355 COX LANE,UNIT No.4 + FF EX.FR.BLD6 s ON JANUARY 25,2001 )k pP�' p /So F. THE PUBLIC IS NOT PERMITTED TO ACCESS THE BARN; GUTCHO6UE, NY IIg35 +�yc \ „ y� 8.4'x 10.3' Rs��s, \ Q p o \0�� /::'.1/ g. ANY SIGN THAT REQUIRE5 A 516N PERMIT MUST BE REVIEWED AND � J 4 .y3 AREA: 81 5.F. s, � 631-134-4060 �`T / �X ,qk 3:: C of> So� • o � � o APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION; t� 63 0A�5 EX.FR.BLD6 \ �L='b�2.1' / / 1, 1 h. THE ONLY EXTERIOR LI6HT FIXT RE5 PERMITTED AT TH15 51TE ARE A5 = EQ 51TE PLAN BASED ON ORIGINAL 5UR BY: 9 ��� 63 IAREAI�IS S.F. \ s966, ���\ s ' / o �0 /� 5HOWN ON THE LIGHTIN6 PLAN OF THE APPROVED 51TE PLAN. ANY FUTURE 1- 1- NATHAN TAFT CORWIN,LAND 5URVEY�R �� ��' $ \ o / o EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE5 BEYOND TH05E SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLAN v 1586 MAIN ROAD 9 \ A EX.FR BLD6 �� o � y / o / MU5T BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNIN6 JAME5PORT, NY 114141 N/O/F „ x{0.00 z43'x 32.3' ��� �� > / �JoQ BOARD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. C/ SURVEYED: JAN. 25 2011 CAROL LEE TAYLOR °�j4 1O \ AREA: 185 S.F. s }- 1L (Q -iP> ��h � oX' THE PLANNING BOARD 5TRONGLY ENCOURA6E5 THE PROPERTY Z D LAST UPDATED: FEB, lo,2011 x ��� o \0 /:::s:.}� / t, ��,;;?> o OWNER TO FOLLOW THE 6UIDELINE5 DEVELOPED BY THE U50A �- Q \ F 6 LU FOR SUSTAINABLE NUM5ER5 OF ANIMALS ON PASTURE. THE • • CO ELEVATIONS BA5ED ON TOP06RAPHY MAP - \ os:;r / °''Y� Z } 6, / �7'" `S� s d::: BOARD FURTHER ENCOURAGES THE FARM OWNER TO REQUEST W V) 5 EASTERN TOWNS, n 3y � 5� Z SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY x3. \ EX.WIRE FENGE ��'� ° p �Q / Y `� ' ° A NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE ANIMAL HU56WRY DATED: 10-03-Ig15 AROUND GARDEN s �O `� / /, �'� ' \O \ O O R. \mac �o .s \ � � � Q ��i �2� PORTION OF THE FARM A5 WELL A5 GONSULTIN6 WITH THE � ~ DATUM. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO \ �`° \ s �x _ \ �, 16 NATIONAL CONSERVATION 561ENCE.THE BOARD AL50 p/ VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON MEAN 5EAL LEVEL %, V PPROP. EROSION CONTROL MEASURE 0 1L I %� � 4 `` INSTALL SILT FENCE BARRIER \-\ 5TRONGLY EWOURAGE5 THE PROPERTY OWNER TO DEVELOP OF Ig2q A5 E5TABLI5HED BY THE U.5. COA5T AND O 6 Tim w� \� s P < GEODETIC, SURVEY AT 5ANDY HOOK N.J. }° \ VE6ETA �+ " o� • OG6UR5 WHERE SHOWN ADDRESS NUTRIENT LOADNUTRIENT N6 TO SURFACE AND 6(RouND TO O rd /F �y BUYER Not ti} APPROX. ±1,178 LF OF FENGING n >5 �, E� o NOTES: dNDAHII NA. ABATI o 50'ALONG WSW /�/ • 5EE DETAIL ON DW6 Not o WQ\ ° WATER5 BY WORKIN6 WITH THE SUFFOLK COUNTY 501L AND C� W Q s PROPERTY LINE rye �' �' \� ` o WATER CONSERVATION D15TRIGT AND/OR U50A NATURAL a W Q I-- 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENGED TO 9� \ n � ^Y� 0 ' ' ° Z - � x2.5' o' - �,.. / RESOURCE CONSERVATION 5ERVIGE. w FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPO6RAPHIGAL MAP sq �� �'� ° ���`' \0'�'S� `:.4 / o Uj [� O EXI5TIN5 ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THU5: x5.0 S.G. TAX No. q l2� o ~ Z m 1 EXI5TIN6 GONTOUR LINES ARE 5HOI-N THUS: - -5 - - Q` \0 / Q W N DEVELOPMENT �` ¢ LL O �f ° LEGEND: •d- N www.dig etnycli.com �'c�� R1GHT5 RETAINED �jb ' QP ,�4� 1 � PROPERTY LINE v LL r Q r c \ 0 51ZED FOR ROOF RUNOFF OF PROP05ED BLDG ONLY Q of NEW YORK CITY www.cal 811.com �W�p �o o / USE: •' &LONG ISLAND (for other states) \ �i� �o 'A QP : / • (L / (8) 10'0 x 3' LIQ. DEPTH STORM WATER LEACHING STORM DRAIN -sv so 5D- Z POOLS OPEN COVER W 00-272-4480 1 811 \ STATE OF NEW YORK x2.0' _ �� ��` 59 \CO Y' • INTERCONNECT TO 6UTTER AND LEADER 5Y5TEM FLOW/PITCH ARROW /^\ d j O < �4 `IE ASD �P �� g V\ /� • IN5TALL PER DETAIL,THI5 5HT O (� `�O 8�7, k\2 / ,A ., •. 5TORM LEAGHIN6 POOL I O -7 PROP. EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: By law, excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly / PROVIDED FOR INLET PROTECTION five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouraged to call as well when planning any a0Q NL-�iETAIED /Q�� / ``` ° \�� � • EXISTIN6 CONTOUR 6 Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact type of digging on their property.Homeowners BUPEER No.1 0 5\\, OGGUR5 AT ALL OPEN COVER 0?2 DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by 5 5W CORNER / ��� DRAINA6E 5TRUGTURE5PA(5E : � EXISTING GRADE x 6.0 \ / I cx but no more than 10 working days(excluding calling 811,the national call before you dig OVERALL ALL S I T �� x / 3.0OP • 5EE DETAIL ON DW6 No.2 1�1, p weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning number. For excavation work completed on I /� an mechanized digging or excavation work to personalproperty,It is the contractors �+ o m o PARTIAL SITE �L1rtl`l FIN15HED FLOOR ELEVATION FIN. FL. EL. Y 99 9 P 8\ �• P� ensure underground lines are marked. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact Excavators and contractors can also submit DigNet. Having utility lines marked priorto locate requests online,through ITIC. If you do not digging is free of charge. 100 50 O 100 200 300 �� currently use ITIC,please call 1-800-524-7603 ORAPHIC SCALE 1" = 100'-O" o y o �!`' � X AREA OF DISTURBANCE: for more information. x6.5' 40 20 O 40 80 120 ORAPHIG 5GALE 1" = 40'-0" 51,815 50.FT. of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL 51TE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERM155ION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WOVEN WIRE FENCE SYMBOL WPLED 10Y (MIN. 14 1/2 6AU6E - - - ---- t* N 5o'MIN. EXISTING RAB NOTES: __ _ _ ___ __ N o PAVEMENT *THE L16HT L055 FACTOR(LLF)15 A PRODUCT OF MANY VARIABLES,ONLY LAMP LUMEN -� --- ' l0' MAX. G. TO G. 1"V MAX. 6" MESH 3 S./ DEPRECIATION(LLD)HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE CALCULATED RESULTS UNLESS LED INFO: p a OTHERWISE NOTED. THE LLD IS THE RESULT(000TIENT)OF MEAN LUMENS/INITIAL LUMENS WATT5: IOW o " MIN LEN TH FENCE EXISTING FILTER -� MOUNTABLE PER LAMP MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. COLOR TEMP: 3,000K o 6 „ -/ CLOTH PROFILE BERM COLOR 83 GRI POSTS DRIVEN MIN. 16 GROUND INAiIOH VALUES SHOWN(IN FOOTCANDLES)ARE THE PREDICTED RESULTS FOR Y' (OPTIONAL) IN SPAN. 00 INTO &ROUND. 7 *I PLANES OF CALCULATION EITHER HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL OR INCLINED AS DESIGNATED } ON SUMMARY. METER ORIENTATION IS NORMAL TO THE PLANE OF so'Ml"• of NEWYORK CI THE CALCULATION L10 LIFE loop I LUMENS 816 z &LONG I$LARO CALCULATION �. i EFFICACY: 13 LPW z HEIGHT OF FILTER .. .. = Ib'MIN *THE CALCULATED RESULTS OF THI5 L16HTING SIMULATION REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED ;,r 800-272-4480 81 ` EXISTINGPREDICTION OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. ACTUAL MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM y 1k W k GROUND THE ANTICIPATED PERFORMANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO MEANS AND METHODS WHIGH ARE .I y .i ` I �, i z 12'MIN. www.di netn cli.com BEYOND THE CONTROL OF RA13 LIGHTING,INC. �0 y EXISTING 9 y I DRIVER INFO: y �' N PAVEMENT or *MOUNTING HEIGHT DETERMINATION 15 JOB SITE SPECIFIC,OUR u6HT1N6 SIMULATIONS TYPE: CON5TANT CURRENT PERSPECTIVE VIEW www.call811.com ASSUME A MOUNTING HEIGHT(INSERTION POINT OF THE LUMINAIRE SYMBOL)TO BE TAKEN 1201(: O.IA PLAN VIEW z (for other states) AT THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL FOR CEILING MOUNTED LUMINARIES AND AT THE BOTTOM OF 205V: 0.01A :9 36" MIN. FENCE POST -� THE 5YMBOL FOR ALL OTIC LUMINAIRE MOUNTING CONFI6URATION5. 240V: 0.06A O By law, excavators and contractors working in the LED 10W&13 Wallpacks.Patent Pending thermal management system.100,000 2-(-1V: N/A WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and *RAB 116HTING,INC.LUMINAIRE AND PRODUCT DESIGNS ARE PROTECTED UNDER U.S.AND hour L70 lifespan.5 Year Warranty. INPUT WATTS: I2W , 6AU6E W/ MAX. 6" MESH N Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. color:Bronze Weight:3.3 lbs U0 lu SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours PATENTS ISSUED OR PENDING APPLY. o FLOW z CONSTRUCT I ON SEG 11=I G, T I ONS but no more than 10 working days(excluding .. -------............_-_._._............... ............. .. ................................._......._..._..........._....... . �- WA weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning THE LI6HTIN6 ANALYSIS,EZ-LAYOUT,ENERGY ANALY515 AND/OR VISUAL 51MULATIONS UNDISTURBED GROUND Technical Specifications 1. STONE SIZE - USE 2 STONE,OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. any mechanized digging or excavation work ("LIGHTING DESIGN")PROVIDED BY RAB LIGHTING,INC.('RAB9 REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED GOMPAGTED 501E ensure underground lines are marked'. PREDICTION OF L16HTIN6 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE BASED UPON DESIGN PARAMETERS AND Listings Electrical p `A cO 2. LENGTH - NOT LE55 THAN 50 FEET(EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE Cold Weather Starting: p N o Excavators and contractors can also submit INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. THESE DESIGN PARAMETERS AND INFORMATION UL Listing: Driver: ' 3' A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). 9 The minimum starting temperature is-40°C/-40'F r= EMBED FILTER CLOTH locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not PROVIDED BY OTHERS HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY RA13 AND THEREFORE ACTUAL A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUND. ? currently use ITIC, lease call 1-800-524- 603 MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. RA13 RECOMMENDS Suitable for Wet Locations as a Downlight.Suitable Ambient Temperature: Multi-chip 1O high output long life LED Driver $ 0 0 L 3. THICKNESS - NOT LE55 THAN 51X(b) INCHES. y p THAT DESIGN PARAMETERS AND OTHER INFORMATION BE FIELD VERIFIED THE REDUCE for Damp Locations as an Uplight.Wall Mount only. Constant Current,Class 11,120V-24OV,50160/Hz, - - for more information. Suitable for Mounting within 4ft.of ground. Suitable for use in 40°C(104'F)ambient 350mA. 5ECTION VIEW 4. WIDTH - TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM,BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT VARIATION. temperatures POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRE55 OCCURS.TWENTY-FOUR(24) FOOT IF 51N6LE For safe reasons, homeowners are strongly RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED WITH REGARD TO ACTUAL MFA5URED Dark Sky Approved: Optical CONSTRUCT I O N Si��G I I'I G1�T I ONS g y LIGHT LEVELS OR ENERGY CONSUMPTION LEVELS AS COMPARED TO TH05E ILLUSTRATED BY Thermal Management: ENTRANCE TO SITE. encouraged to call as well when planning any THE LI6HTiN6 DE516N. RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED,NOR The product al Dark Sky Association has approved Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for Lumen Maintenance: . this product as a full cutoff,fully shielded luminaire. 5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING type of digging on their property.Homeowners REPRESENTS THE APPROPRIATENE55,COMPLETENESS OR SUITABILITY OF THE LIGHTING DESIGN optimal heat sinking.The LPACK is designed for cool The LED will deliver 70%of its initial lumens at I. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FA5TENED 5EGURELY To FENCE P05T5 WITH WIRE TIE5 can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by INTENT AS COMPLIANT WITH ANY APPLICABLE RE6ULATORY CODE REQUIREMENTS WITH THE IESNA LM-79&IESNA LM-80 Testing: operation,most efficient output and maximum LED life 100,000 hours of operation. OR STAPLES. P05T5 SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T° OR °U° TYPE OR HARDWOOD. OF STONE. calling 811,the national call before you dig EXCEPTION OF THO5E SPECIFICALLY STATED ON DRANIN65 CREATED AND SUBMITTED BY RAS LED luminaires have been tested by an by minlmizing LED junction temperature. Other 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE TO BE FA5TENED 5EGURELY TO WOVEN WIRE b. SURFACE WATER- ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD GON- number. For excavation work complete on RAB. THE LIGHTING DE516N 15 ISSUED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,AS ADVISORY DoaHENT5 FOR independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA Housing: CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACRO55 THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING I5 personal property, it is the contractor INFORMATIONAL PURPO5E5 AND I5 NOT INTENDED FOR CON5TRUCTION NOR AS BEING PART OF 1 LM-79 and 80,and have received the Department of California Title 24: Energy"Lighting Facts"label. Precision die cast aluminum housing,lens frame. FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24 AT TOP AND MID SECTION. IMPRACTICAL,A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact A PROJECT'S CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PACKA6E. See WPLEDI O/PC fora 2013 California Title 24 FENGE 5HALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 12 1/2 5AU6E,b" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. DigNet. Having utility lines marked prio to LED Characteristics Mounting: compliant model. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY 5HALL BE OVER- 1.MAINTENANCE -THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL digging is free of charge. € Lifespan: Junction box. Patents: PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-0F-WAY,ALL 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 Green Technology: The LPACK design is protected under patents in the LAPPED BY 51X INGHE5 AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH 5HALL BE EITHER FILTER X, SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED OR TRAGTED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT5-0F-WAY JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 15 NOT RE5PON51BLE FOR SAFETY results and TM-21 calculations. U.S.Pat.D608,04D,Canada Pat.130,243,China Pat. MIRAFI IOOX,5TABILINKA T140N,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. AND 5EGURITY R15K5 DUE TO INADEQUATE L16HT LEVEL5. THIS RAB LEDs are Mercury,Arsenic and UV free. 200930183252.2,and pending patents in Taiwan and 15 NOT A REGOMMENDED L16HT LAYOUT, IT 15 A DE516N Color Consistency: For use on LEER Buildings: Mexico. 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS 5HALL BE 6EOFA5,ENVIROFENGE,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 8. WHEN WASHING 15 REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON A AREA STABILIZED WITH 5A5ED UPON THE TOWN OF 50UTHOLO CODE - 5ECTION 172 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent IDA Dark Sky Approval means that this fixture can be Warranty: STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. LI6HTIN6,OUTDOOR fixture-to-fixture color. used to achieve LEED Credits for Light Pollution 5. MAINTENANCE 5HALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN Q. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH Color Stabiii Reduction. RAB warrants that our LED products will a free from "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. Stability: defects in materials and workmanship for a period of LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more Gaskets: five(5)years from the date of delivery to the end user, 3" than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. including coverage of light output,color stability,driver 2- Y P High Temperature Silicone. US.DEPARTMENT OF A&ZICULTURE US.DEPARTMENT OF A6RIGULTTIRE 8 performance and fixture finish. NATURAL RESOURGEs CONSERVATION SERVICE SILT NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION 5ERVIGE STABILIZED [so.7o] color uniformity: CONSTRUCTION - _ _ _ ( Equivalency: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GON5ERVATION NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - - ----- --- RAB's of CCT Correlated color temperature)follows NEW YORK STATE 501L t WATER GON5ERVATION GOMMIT7EE FENCE NEW YORK STATE 501L E WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ENTRANCE the guidelines of the American National Standard for The Metal Halide is Equivalent in delivered lumens to a 70W Metal Halide Wallpack. F }, Mount Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State " Juntion Box Mount Lighting(SSL)Products,ANSI C78.377-2015. HID Replacement Range: �•/� O '�' Construction ^ 921.76 Configuration The WPLEDIO can be used to replace 35-100W a ,[� 2'X4"W00D FRAME [ ] Finish: Metal Halide Walipacks based on delivered lumens. .� W Our environmentally friendly polyester powder vt coatings are formulated for high-durability and long- . N �JTAKE 21„ ` „1„ r $ lasting calor,and contains no VOC or toxic heavy ^ r --� `g �$ a- metals. �+i - /� -v w FABRIC 1" [53.67] I [53.67] I [60.70] -....--_._.__..........._._..----- .._. -.-- -_._-- - ___... -.__ _.__.._.-.__......__-- -_....._..............._.............._..........._..._.__...._._....__..-...._............... T . 8 ' [28.53] z _1111- ,�' ' ___. i,,� : :.,...._.. ::.--• - ='• -t_--�: Description GalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min PtSpcLr PtSpcTb � W I I I-1111=III II u o ; 2 " 5° GalGPts Site Readings Taken at 0'-0" AF6 Illuminance Fc 021 4.16 OA NA. NA. 3 3 LL X Z _-1111_Ii11-III_ �a I I=1 =1 I (=1 I [63.50] [127.00) v MM ED DROP INLET BURIED FABRIC �; W WITH 6ATE FRAME r-ti � ru � � � � IIIII � 3 m _ 6A-MER EXGE55 AT 1 f --� V I I I w W � � ��0 C T 1 � 2018 PROPOSED METAL Ell)ILDING ���1 j F ;;i;`.,;,:'; ENGINEER: GONSTRUGTION SPEGIFIGATIONS AREA: 8bb4 SQ.FT. FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' o� oar:` '~ O +,. I. FILTER FABRIC 5HALL HAVE AN E05 OF 40-85. BURLAP MAY BE U5ED FOR 5HORT TERM U5E: ACRICULTvRAL BARN pF�pi ��'�O� T` APPLIGATION5. 1�7 2. GUT FABRIC FROM A GONTINUOU5 ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINT5. IF JOINTS ARE NEEDED THEY Cr WILL BE OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT STAKE. o ,? 1 w 3.5TAKE MATERIAL5 WILL BE STANDARD 2" x 4" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A (4) LED IOW WALLPAGK / V. i ° v 2 MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET. MODEL No. WPLEDIOY WARM LIGHT (3000K) p / 0.102 os 4. 5PAGE 5TAKE5 EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE A MINIMUM IS IN( MOUNTING HE16HT = 12' ABV GRADE u / /� / s�.o 4g3 Pav / t� DEEP. SPANS GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRIDGED WITH THE USE OF WIRE MESH BEHIND o � AOFESS\� THE FILTER FABRIC FOR 5UPPORT. 5. FABRIC 5HALL BE EMBEDDED I FOOT MINIMUM BELOW 6ROUND AND BACKFILLED. IT 5HALL JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. BE 5EGURELY FASTENED TO THE 5TAKE5 AND FRAME. b. A 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME 5HALL BE COMPLETED AROUND THE GRE5T OF THE FABRIC FOR 0 OVER FLOW 5TABILITY. MAXIMUM DRAIINA6E AREA I ACRE \ A I ° En U.5.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FILTER FABRIC °9� Q ~ VICE ( \05 1 s pS7 v -7 NATURAL CO15ERVATION SER DROP INLET °B 02 ` �. p. NEW YORK 5TATE OFARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GON5ERVATION PROTECTION v o / o NEW YORK 5TATE 501L 4 WATER GON5ERVAVON COMMITTEE u ° N••� �" LL X04' `o � ►-'� Z Z \ o Z < z CO } W_ m LL < ts- D �o �n 0 - °� i�T I AL L_ I CcHT 11�C i�L �l N o Ir- 7 �7 �1\Q� /p / \2 o z O r Uj40 20 O 40 80 120 IY O Q N 6RAPHIG SCALE I" = 40'-o" / a Q Z LLL O N o g\\,� / u Pip I I, MJF N v LL - O Z z ED o o < Luminaire Schedule � � Symbol Tag Qty Label Arrangement TI Lay Lumens Lum.Lumens LLF Description MNT5 HT. Lum.Watts Arr.Watts Total Watts Aft M O A 4 WPL.E:DIOY 51N6LE 3$04 876 1.000 LED IOW WALLPAGK 12.0' 20.0 10.0 &0.0 WARM L16HT(3000K) FULL CUTOFF,FULLY SHIELDED PA(5E : I . . I _ __I I I - I __ _ I I I I I _j THESE DRAWINGS AND AGCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS,AS INSTRUMENTS OF 5ERVIGE,ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RE5TRIGTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHIGH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY t-ETHO ,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT.TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF AGGEPTANGE OF THESE RE5TRIGTION5. of 2 SEPARATION DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR 5TORM DRAINAGE GALL: PROPOc.� � SITE PLAN: ZONING INFORMATION: ND CAST IRON FRAME ACOVER TO 6RADE 5TORMWATER LEACHING STRUCTURES AND : : c� 4 CAMPBELL 11,82 C EQ OR APPROVED UAL STORM WATER DRAINAGE STRUCTURES PROVIDE FOR 8200 LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL yap PIPING (OTHER THAN RESIDENTIAL): SITUATE AT: ORIENT Ev4 7RUNOFF FROM PROPOSED STRUCTURES ONLY. LOT SIZE;200p00 S.F. MIN �• FINAL &RADE HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD \~n=�s� p •1 DRAINAGE LEAGHING POOLS: I G, 01 l0 SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK EXISTING OA.: 1,505144 S.F. (34552 ac) ss 'yy,. z VOLUME = AREA X RAINFALL X COEFFICIENT p H N MIH PROPERTY LINE = 10 MINIMUM EXISTING WETLAND: bbl 5.F. (2.o ac) b" THIG GONG • 5GTM NO.: 1000-I9-OI-1.3 AND 1.4 BUILDINGS WITH CELLAR = ID MINIMUM RAINFALL = 2 MR = O.Ib1 , , EXISTING UPLAND: 1,418,140 S.F. (32552 ac) 15'PIPE DIA.MIN. _ ® � ® COVER BUILDINGS ON SLAB = IO'MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF ROOF = 1.0 ZONING DISTRICT: R-200 LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - I PROPOSED: N.G. IRS MIN.(AS REQUIRED) WATER®_ �_ ®_ _ 1 WATER 5ERVIGE LINE/LATERALS/MAIN5 = 10'MINIMUM CURRENT USE: FARM Fo 90 fit' o 3' MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM PROP05ED USE: N.G. _ © ® © ® ® 1 3' MIN. I PROPOSED ARCHITECTURAL STORAGE BARN LOT WIDTH;2101 MIN o I SANITARY 5EPTIG TANK = 20 MINIMUM FEMA FLOOD ZONE: N/A PIS: ® ® ® � _ ® ® ROOF AREA = 8,664 S.F. Ii16H DENSITY POLYETHYLENE(1-bPEI m' I SANITARY LEACHING POOL = 20 MINIMUM , EXISTING: 11233 SIZE, I ® © ® ® ® ® WRAP STRUCTURES ll GREA5E TRAP = 20'MINIMUM 8,664 S.F. x O.Ib1 x ID = 1,441 G.F.VOL. PROPOSED: N.G. o DRN INLET TO SD CONN = to m MIN ® © ® � ® � I 1 SITE DATA: USE: EXISTING: PROPOSED: /F • I FILTER FABRIC, NSE PUMP STATION = 20 MINIMUM 1,441 GIUFT./b8.42 5.F.(10� L.Pa = Nv o�5D TO 5D CONN = 15.0 MIN ® ® ® © ® I 6EOTEX 351,BY PROPEX) MANHOLE = 20'MINIMUM 21.15 VERT FT. REQ'D OVERALL SITE: FARM 11,505,144 S.F. (34.552 AG) N.G. ROOF LOR CONN = 4'0 MIN LOT DEPTH;400' MIN PRIVATE WELLS = 50'MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIRED: 1,441 GU.FT. WETLAND AREA: WETLAND 8b l S.F. (2.0 AG) N.C. EXISTING: Ip44.11' .: a RETAINING WALLS = 10 MINIMUM z UPLAND AREA: FARM 11418140 S.F. (32.552 AG) N.G. 10'-0" DIA. NON-RATEABLE FUEL STORAGE TANKS(BELOW GROUND) = 20'MIN PROPOSED: N.G. SOIL N (.3s,It-�.. r�SITE USE: HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM (8) 10'0x3' LIQUID DEPTH LEACHING POOL z 6ND WTR i -ti DRAINAGE NON-LEACHING STRUCTURES: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: FRONT YARD SETBACK;60 MIN � ,+ I WATER SERVICE LINESMTERALS/MAINS = 5'MINIMUM (OPEN��� EXISTING: 142.q �GOLLAR MATERIAL b" MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM VOLUME PROVIDED = 1,642 CUPT. EXISTING AREA: 3,233 S.F. (0.4154 ) PROPOSED: 441,8' oq4 4 1'� °�� LOCATION INTERCONNECT AS SHOWN PROPOSED AREA. 4,464 S.F. (0.5741%) (PENETRATION) GREASE TRAP = 5'MINIMUM RATEABLE 501L PUMP STATION = 5'MINIMUM (PERCENTAGES BASED ON UPLAND AREA M5,36,5A S.F.) ) REAR YARD SETBACK: 100' MIN MANHOLE = 5'M NIMUM EXISTING: 5gb.b' �q ' SANITARY 5EPrIG TANK = 5'MINIMUM POSTAL DISTRICT: 50UTHOLD -� PROPOSED: N.G. UNDERLYING SAND AND &RAVEL STRATA / 5GHOOL D15TRIGT: OYSTER PONDS UF5D VERTICAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM -�` , P�Rs y Cr.rn , _1 90 o FIRE DISTRICT: ORIENT FIRE DEPT. a , DRAINAGE LINES: \ ELECTRICAL 5ERVIGE: P5EG LI 510E YARD SETBACK: 30" MIN NOTES: WATER SERVICE LINES = 18"MINIMUM : EXISTING: 1415 SANITARY WASTE LINES = 18 MINIMUM p��. FLOOD ZONE: N/A PROP05ED: N.G. :: 1.COLLAR DEPTH 15 NOT REQUIRED WHEN RATEABLE MATERIAL EXISTS FOR FULL DEPTH. I �`pp2t�' Soni r i 2. GOH AR MATERIAL SHALL BE GLEAN GRAVEL ONLY. / ��N� ;2� x �_ _x. �,. _...._. _ QQ _..._.._..._......_.\ ..._._........... .. �. 3.ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES MUST BE WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC. appPNx�x� �S \ SIDE YARD SETBACK CUMULATIVE: b0' MIN �rs w 4 `� �sr Esg1eP1 I POLYETHYLENE HD HEAVY DUTY PIPE FOR : oG� x� N EXISTING: 8lb.q W a 4.USE 15 DIA GORRIGUGATI=D HIGH DENS TY (HOPE) / E \ 9 INTERGONNEGTION OF ON-51TE STORM WATER LEAGHING POOLS k•2� n�X \ may, / PROPOSED: 343.2' sS A.HDPE PIPE 5PEGIFIGATION(AA5HTO M-294) 10 ` 0 \ �� 1 B. INSTALLATION OF HDPE 5PEGIFIGATION(ASTM D-2321) � 2� NGS \ O LIVABLE FL. AREA /DWLG UNIT: 850 5.F. MIN \ F� ° a L ng Beadi Bay I ' G. WATER-TIGHT JOINT TESTING SPEGIPIGATION (ASTM D-3212) (O(I o•N�j /�� a EXISTING: N.A. �`°`� $ G Slat:,Tkl�ll k;`' D. GASKET 5PEGIFIGATION (ASTM F-4l-I) QA ONS \� PROPOSED: NA. TYPICAL STORM ,4TER MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: i \ LOT COVERAGE: 5% MAX 10,l S.F. s EACHING POO SD DETAI 2 � � (U 1 (UPLAND AREA) l y EXISTING: 1,732 S.F. (0.12218x) (FOR HIGH GROUND WATERS Gj• j� POND i} :•A �� PROPOSED: 10,346 S.F. (0.13318x) I '� ::. `.�.. , NOT TO SCALE �N• �� / / `..;:.::::. �:•,. Browns Pt �D 5 x0.5' \ FOR WORK IN THIS AREA: BLD& HEIGHT: 35 Fr. / STY'S MAX \���N PROPOSED PARTIAL SITE PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.l EXISTING: 13.0' / 1 STY ' 3C / PROPOSED: ±2&.5' / U4 STY o,, AL PROPOSED PARTIAL LIGHTING PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.2 1 I Peters Neck Pr o A0 '1% '1% x _'. I � LOCATION MAP: . � xl.o' N.T.5. lY� 10 BLDG INFO / AREA COVERAGE o f \ EXI5TING PROP05ED PROP.GVRG ^ DE51G.: STRUCTURE/USE: GRADE SCOPE OF WORK: r Ist FL. Ist FL. 1 PROPOS b META BUILDING °� ® Ex. 1 5TY FR BUILDING, ±185 5F WA 1785 5F I. BUILD PROPOSED METAL AGRICULTURAL BARN(ITEM 'E). V AREA: 8 64 50 T. - EQUIPMENT STORAGE 2. PROVIDE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM POWER AND LIGHTING (Y1 1,�j0�\,3 �,a��� o o COMPACT FILL TO PROPOSED BUILDING. ^ °2 �, � .� FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0 3� EX. I STY FR.BUILDING, ±81 5F WA ±81 5F Q USE: AGRICULTURAL BARN �+ 'p © �j GARDEN SHED � ERA510N CONTROL MEASURE: EX. 1 5TY FR BUILDING, 1118 SF WA ±118 5F �z O r---1, \/`mom' X +� PROVIDE STABILIZED \ 5� O © HORSE STALL jE 411 `J w ELECTRICAL 5ERVIGE I I ��� GON5TRUGTION ENTRANCE h1 �" �� EX. 15TY FR BUILDING, ±142 5F WA ±-142 5F �. 2" MIN .MIN GABLE IN CONDUIT: � O Z 7 L- Z • 000rJR5 AT PROPOSED 51TE ACCESS D CHICKEN COOP :: NGS • INSTALL PER DETAIL ON DWG Not o / g2�� T.O.CONDUIT 200 AMP(2 CONDUIT, MIN), ? v 1 d lli STY STEEL BUILDING WA 8,664 5F 8,664 SF „ O �\ 320 AMP (3<'2 CONDUIT MIN) D n r Q EAST WINS-LIVESTOCK, (I, U < 1f� �' O a � � �� WEST WING-FARM EQUIPMENT, PROP05ED L.P. SERV. 400 AMP(4" GONDUIT, MIN) lI T_ 5.C. TAX No. 1000-19-01-1.4 I / / o / SUN CENTER-FEED b HAY STORAGE INSTALL /PROVIDER,LP-GAS GODS L \ DEVELOPMENT R1GHT5 CONVEYED NFPA 58,FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL O^ x7.0' o AREA TOTALS: ±1,132 5F 8,664 5F 10,396 5F COMMUNICATION SEP 2 6 2018 O x E i CODES. SEE 5P5 FOR TRENCH DETAIL (TV $ TEL) N O TD TOWN OF 50UTHOLD l/ o \\ \ >A o EXISTING SITE COVERAGE: 1,132 5.F.(0.1221%) Southold Town - \ PROPOSED w;0� 9 ¢J p\R�` y PRcOP05ED 51TE COVERAGE: 10,3gb S.F.(0.1331;x) TYPIGAL TRENCH DETAIL @ Planning Board m EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: ,;2 `"� \° �L. Q. ;� �,`' EXISTING F.A.R. = 0.001221 (1,132 5•FJ L.P. POWER GOMMUNIGATION SERVICES J \ ; INSTOLGGI 5 ARE SHOWRRIER �y,� �' p0 / PROPOSED FAR R = O.001331 (10,3gb 5F� NOT TO SCALE �\ APPROX.t1,5b6 LF OF FENCING i ° +_ TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD W UJ GONDITION5 FOR APPROVAL: / • SEE DETAIL ON DW6 Not � PROPOSED x \ WORK SESSION HELD ON: AUGUST 20 2018 10 ,�� ° U/G POWER SERV. TO BLDG, �`t \ (" WATER SERVICE LINE o / `- IGH DTE,THIS DWG ,� \ DETERMINATION LETTER DATED: AUGUST 24,200 }NE \a b'L° LIVESTOCK PADDOCKS,SHELTERS AND ENCLOSURES SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE VEGETATED BUFFERS SHOWN ON THE 51TE PLAN; ��Q� fJ \ p b. LIVESTOCK SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING THE VEGETATED �•p, \sem b'�` ; o P� ` > x �� BUFFERS. *g \ 6� c. VEGETATED BUFFERS SHALL BE MANAGED FOR THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: > n � 9 , N/0/F o `� ) 1. PROVIDE DENITRIFICATION AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE "I` *Z`J ; u \ p �Oc p I y\ EX.FR.BLDG `X PROP05ED METAL BUILDING / 0 5 r- iY.'r� \ s uj uj I \ I 123"x 60.3' �A�� xa AREA: 8,664 SQ.FT. ° I 11 SLOW WATER RUNOFF AND ENHANCE INFILTRATION m _�' f,; COLLEEN MGDONOUGH\ POWER CONN POINT AREA: 142 S.F. / ° ill TRAP POLLUTANTS IN SURFACE RUNOFF 4 SUBSURFACE FLOW Z ' 4 HELEN HOOKE \ \ t FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' o dy �� TAP FROM EXISTING I x 0 / � LANDWARD EDGE OF TIDAL / /so iv STABILIZE SOILS \ \ TR W5 ORMER,CONNECT PER o x x3.15' NETLMD5 AS DELINEATED BY z USE: AGRICULTURAL BARN ° ,O 5�_ \ oA 0734 ,'3 \ d. THE BUFFER IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER SHALL BE MANAGED TO MAINTAIN 6. 5l1FFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING,INC. x \ UTILITY ER5 REQ MT5 �� \ o ° EX15TIN67 TREES,SHRUBS AND GROUNDGOVER; �� �• �, ON JANUARY 25,2001 4pj EX.XFRMR ; / 6`: B �� �� \ /:. ::::: `0•��•-...ems.-..!'M J o / ���� � \ e. THE BARN AND THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BARN SHALL BE USED FOR APPLICANT: 5 �\ Ex,ELEG.MTR ° 3 6i � © - \ �,� �¢¢\� / Q /n ° AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY AS PER THE TOWN'S EASE ENT; JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. MORTON BUILDINGS 3 ti x\ \ $$ / F. THE PUBLIG I5 NOT PERMITTED TO ACGESS THE BARN; 22355 COX LANE,UNIT No.4 \a- EXISTING WELL EX.FR.BLDG s A \ ��` F$�G o g. ANY SIGN THAT REQUIRES A 516N PERMIT MUST 13E REVIEWED AND \ 8.4'x 10.3' �S,S, GUTGHOGl1E,NY I Ig35 \ + A 3 \ ,- f P� j °5� 0 , o,/ h. THE ONLY EXTERIOR LIGHTD BY THE IN6130ARD PRIOR To FIXTURES PERMITTED AT THITE ARE A5 5 �� k "15 AREA: 81 S.F. S, C:> / INSTALLATION; - I 631-134-4ob0 \ , o �,, o \ 63 OAA EX.FR.BLDG ¢0 0 \0'D /:::•. �� SHOWN ON THE 1.1G14TING PLAN OF THE APPROVED 51TE PLAN. ANY FUTURE O 3 9 11.5'x 10.3' �` p\ Q / l2� / ° 2 SITE PLAN BASED ON ORIGINAL SURVEY BY: Q \� N 6 �v; AREA: 118 S.F. \ �x �� ' o / Y90 -! / / \ EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES BEYOND TH05E SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLAN (- NATHAN TAFT CORWIN, LAND SURVEY R �` \a �� yea' V s �0 1� MUST BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING v 1586 MAIN ROAD A EX.FR.BLDG O y 50 5 o BOARD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. < DO 24.3'x 32.3' \� `� .,1 r� D Q o.•?Y 1\0 }- JAMESPORT,NY IIg41 N/0� X10• AREA: 185 S.F. P v� Q l2 \ THE PLANNING BOARD STRONGLY ENCOURAGES THE PROPERTY SURVEYED: JAN. 25 2011 G OL LEE TAYLOR ° 4 I / � LL 18 \ �X ° �° OWNER TO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES DEVELOPED BY THE U50A Z Q O LAST UPDATED: FEB. 10,2011 5 FOR SUSTAINABLE NUMBERS OF ANIMALS ON PASTURE. THE Z }- Q \ BOARD FURTHER ENCOURAGES THE FARM OWNER TO REQUEST • • Z < Z CO W ELEVATIONS BASED ON TOP06RAPHY MAP - \ g,/ ��0 o ix } \/ \� X o o p ° A NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY �.t to n Z 5 EASTERN TOWNS, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY x3. EX.WIRE FENCE ��'� 6�� \N vj'. \R ° PORTION OF THE FARM,AS WELL AS CON5ULTIN6 WITH THE Q Q 2 Q DATED: 10-03-1415 s� � Q/ A \ AROUND GARDEN \ .S, 6 \ 5 \ \2 ° o NATIONAL CONSERVATION SGIENGE.THE BOARD AL50 O - ~ < D_ DATUM: ELEVATIONS ARE REFEREN TD o ' `� /::1 �' P ° � •6 zz, \ � o o Y p .. �.. / STRONGLY ENCOURAGES THE PROPERTY OWNER TO DEVELOP < O VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON MEAN SEAL LEVEL\ �S, R� ' �� �_z ��_ \p'�5 y P. IL I / �P \ �i l A COMPREHENSIVE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN OMP) TO 13' Q OF Ig2q A5 ESTABLISHED BY THE U.S. COAST AND �j, \ /� 6sg , ww¢ I 21 ` o / ADDRESS NUTRIENT LOADING TO SURFACE AND GROUND �+ in Q GEODETIC SURVEY AT SANDY HOOK N.J. /� \O 6 JOHN N.\�ABATINO � s Q�� �\\�G p WATERS BY WORKING WITH THE SUFFOLK COUNTY 501E AND � Q NOTES: 4LINDA A. 'ABATIHO / INSTALL 51LT FENCE B WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND/OR USDA NATURAL a �J-1 Q s >l90. • OCCURS WHERE 5 Pt"'G'(• RESOURCE CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1JJ Q 1- I. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO Q - ,� ry x25' APPROX. ti,778 LF ENG( ti� PROP. EROSION CONTROL Mfg s w Z �L FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP \ s9 \t� • SEE DETAIL OND 2 // ° PROVIDED FOR INLET PROTECTION EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE 5HOWN THU5: x5.o '� ' o \ti¢ OCCURS AT ALL OPEN COVER F--•I O _ N 5.C. TAX No. Q ~ z° m EXI5TIN6 CONTOUR LINES ARE 5HOWN THUS: - - 5 - \ �4- -�T � � / / $P� DRAINAGE STRUCTURES � O �' N 1000-Iq-OI-1.3 6 o $�G • SEE DETAIL ON DWG Not F DEVELOPMENT ,� % , �� O o \Cti / / �� $ LEGEND: www.di etn cli.com ticF \ R16HT5 RETAINED b �`� �� S$R w o,' / ° ti0 or y �QQ o �fz OS � of NEWYORK CITY •� � PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: PROPERTY LINE N v O O www.cal18ll.com o� o $4 0 51ZED FOR ROOF RUNOFF OF PROPOSED In •' &LONG ISUND (for other states) >x �o � / P�' / / BLDG ONLY STORM DRAIN -so s7 so- O p \2 o v� ... p.�. / ° USE: Z 1� N/O/F x2.0' / . \�' rc o / • 00-272-4480 811 STATE OF NEW YORK �� (8) 10 0 X 3 LIQ. DEPTH STORM WATER FLOW/PITCH ARROW d Z (� < �S � ATS� �P �� / p'`� / LEACHING POOLS,OPEN COVER }i ° �. p '� / • INTERCONNECT TO GUTTER AND LEADER STORM LEACHING POOL 1 O O O / o / SYSTEM / v By law, excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons,homeowners are strongly m 1___' / • INSTALL PER DETAIL TH15 5HT five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouraged to call as well when planning any ?` o ' EXISTING CONTOUR 6 Suffolk Counties on Long Island mustcontact typo of digging on their property.Homeowners . DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by 5 A \ EXISTING GRADE x 6.0 but no more than 10 working days(excluding calling 811,the national call before you dig OVERALL SITE PLAN ��� / �x.0 � CoQ 5/ weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning number. For excavation work completed on FIN, FL. EL. any mechanized digging or excavation workto personal property, it is the contractor's ?��� / I y° / PARTIAL SITE I- LA I`1 FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ensure underground lines are marked. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact +� o Excavators and contractors can also submit DiigNet. Having utility lines marked priorto ^`� �¢ locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not digging is free of charge. 100 50 O 100 200 300 �/ Y� \ o/ YI''� currently use [TIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 GRAPHIG SGALE I" = 100'-O" J y \ 40 20 O 40 80 / AREA OF DISTURBANCE: for \ ° GRAPHIG SC-ALE 1' = 4 '��� 51,815 5Q.FT. Of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND AGGOMPANYING 5PEGIFIGATION5,AS INSTRUMENTS OF 5ERVIGE,ARE THE EXGLU51VE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR U5E AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL 51TE FOR WHIGH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUGTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARGHITEGT.TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARGHITEGT. V15UAL GONTAGT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENGE OF AGGEPTANGE OF THESE RE5TRIGTION5. WOVEN WIRE FENCE 5YMBOI_ WPLED 10Y (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE 5o'MIN. EXISTING RAB NOTES: o PAVEMENT *THE LIGHT L055 FACTOR(CLF)15 A PRODUCT OF MANY VARIABLES,ONLY LAMP LUMEN 10' MAX,G. TO G. MAX. b" MESH 3 S./ DEPRECIATION(LLD)HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE CALCULATED RESULTS UNLE55 i LED INFO: o OTHERW15E NOTED. THE LLD 15 THE RESULT(QUOTIENT)OF MEAN LUMM/INITIAL LUMEN5 i WATT5: IOW o 56" MIN. LENGTH FENCE EX15TING FILTER MOUNTABLE PER LAMP MANUFACTURER'S 5PEGIFIGATION5. COLOR TEMP: 3pOOK o POSTS DRIVEN MIN Ib" GROUND CLOTH *ILLUMINATION VALUES SHOWN IN FOOTCANDLES ARE THE PREDICTED TS FOR GY. PROFILE ERM COLOR ACCURACY: 83 GRI (OPTIONAL) 5PAN TED IN 00 B •. ..... GROUND INTO PLANES OF CALCULATION EITHER HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL OR INCLINED RESULTS DESIGNA L70 LIFE IOOp N SUMMARY METER ORIENTATION IS TD 5o'M1"• 9 of NEW YORK CITY THE GALGULATIO NORMAL THE PLANE OF &LONG ISLAND CALC4ATTON. LUMENS bib HEIGHT OF FILTH z Hca' EFFICACY: 73 LPW ? = Ib'MIN. O 8 80 811 *THE GALCULATED RE5ULT5 OF THI5 LIGHTING 51M�LATION REPRESENTS AND ANTIGIPATED u 1 y 00-272-44 EXISTING _ PREDICTION OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. ACTUAL MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM �':° ;E,,.• GROUND THE ANTICIPATED PERFORMANCE AND ARE%BJEGT TO MEANS AND METHODS WHIGH ARE l S BEYOND THE CONTROL OF RAB L16HTIN6 INC,. y z 12 MIH. EXISTING www.dignetnycli.com I DRIVER INFO: y N PAVEMENT or *MOUNTING HEIGHT DETERMINATION 15 JOB SITE SPEGIFIG,OUR LIGHTING 51MLLATIONS I2 PE: CONSTANT RRENT Q www.cafl8ll.com ASSUME A MOUNTING W16HT(INSERTION POINT OF THE LUMINAIRE 5YM3OU To BE TAKEN PERSPECTIVE VIEW z (for other states) AT THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL FOR GEILING MOUNTED WMINARIE5 AND AT THE 30TTOM OF 206V: O.OIA PLAN VIEW THE SYMBOL FOR ALL OTHER LUMINAIRE MOUNTING GONFI6URATION5. 240V: 0.06A 36" MIN. FENCE POST 0 By law, excavators and contractors working in the LED 10W&13 Wallpacks.Patent Pending thermal management system.100,000 2T]V: N/A five boroughs of New York Ci and Nassau and *RAB L16HTIN6,INC.LUMINAIRE AND PRODUCT DE516%ARE PROTECTED UNDER U5.AND hour L70 lifespan.5 Year Warranty. WOVEN WIRE FENGE (MIN. 14 1/2 g �' INPUT WATT5: 12H GAUGE W/ MAX. b" MESH o Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. Color:Bronze Weight:3.3 lbs SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811 at least 48 hours PATENTS 155UED OR PENDING APPLY. g X GONSTRUGTI ON SPEG I F I GATI ONS ___..._.._...._..__..._._ ......._... _._.. -....._._..--._.__..._..° _._...-__._ _..-- -._.__._...._....._......._..... _ -- - FLOW but no more than 10 working days(excluding ._..-.........................._...._...___.__.._._._....._ WA weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning THE LIGHTING ANALYSIS,EZ-LAYOUT,ENERGY ANALYSIS AND/OR VISUAL SIMULATIONS UNDISTURBED GROUND I.STONE 51ZE - U5E 2" STONE,OR RECLAIMED OR REGYGLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT. any mechanized digging or excavation workto ("L16HTING DE-516N")PROVIDED BY RAB L16MIN6,INC.(T2AB')REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED Technical Specifications COMPACTED SOIL ensure underground lines are marked. PREDICTION OF LIGHTING 5Y5TEM PERFORMANCE BASED UPON DC51GN PARAMETERS AND Listings Electrical p � 2. LENGTH -NOT LE55 THAN 50 FEET(EXGEPT ON A 51NOLE RE5IDENGE LOT WHERE Cold Weather Starting: N Excavators and contractors can also submit INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. THESE DESIGN PARAMETERS AND INFORMATION Driver: v EMBED FILTER CLOTH 3 A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). locate requests online through ITIC.If you do not PROVIDED BY OTHERS HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY RAB AND THEREFORE ACTUAL UL Listing: The minimum starting temperature is-40°Ci-4o`F A MIN. OF b" IN GROUND. current) use ITIC, lease call 1-800-524-7603 MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. RAB RECZMMB05 Suitable for Wet Locations as a Downright.Suitable Ambient Temperature: Mufti-chip 10W high output long life LED Driver L� 4• 3. THICKNESS -NOT LE55 THAN 51X(6) INCHES. y p THAT DESIGN PARAMETERS AND OTHER INFORMATION BE FIELD VERIFIED THE REDUCE for Damp Locations as an Upright.Wail Mount only. Constant Current Class!1,120V-24oV,50!601 Hz, for more information. Suitable for Mounting w thin Oft.of ground. Suitable for use in 40°C(104°F)ambient 350mA. SECTION VIEW 4. WIDTH -TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM,BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT VARIATION temperatures CONSTRUCTION SPEC I F I GST 10N5 POINTS WHERE INGRE55 OR EGRESS OCCURS.TWENTY-FOUR(24) FOOT IF 51NOL.E For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED WITH REGARD TO ACTUAL MEASURED Dark Sky Approved: Thermal Management: Optical LIGHT LEVELS OR ENERGY GONSUMPTION LEVELS AS COMPARED TO THOSE ILLUSTRATED BY ENTRANCE TO SITE. encouraged to call as well when planning any The International Dark Sky Association has approved Lumen Maintenance: THE LI&MN6 DE516N. RAB NEITHER WARRANTEE5,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED,NOR this product as a full cutoff,fully shielded luminaire. Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for 5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLAGING type of digging on their property.Homeowners REPRESENTS THE APPROPRIATENESS,CaVLETENE%OR 5VITABILIW OF THE LIGHTING DESIGN optimal heat sinking.The LPACK is designed for cool The LED will deliver 70%of its initial lumens at I. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES can contact us direct) at 1-800-272-4480 or IESNA LM-79&IESNA LM-80 Testing: operation,most efficient output and maximum LED life 100,000 hours of operation. OR STAPLES. P05T5 SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD. OF STONE. Y Y INTENT A5 COMPLIANT WITH ANY APPLICABLE REGULATORY CODE REQUIREMENTS WITH THE b minimizin LED junction p calling 811,the national call before you dlig EXCEPTION OF TH05E SPECIFICALLY STATED ON DRAWINGS CREATED AND SUBMITTED BY RAB LED luminaires have been tested by an Y g U ction temperature. Other b. SURFACE WATER- ALL 5URFAGE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD GON- number. For excavation work completed on RAB. THE LIGHTING DENCA 15 155UED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,A5 ADVISORY DOGLMENT5 FOR independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA Housing: 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE TO BE FA5TENED 5EGURELY TO WOVEN WIRE California Title 24: „ GONSTRUGTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 personal property, it is the contractors INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND 15 NOT INTENDED FOR GONSTRUGTION NOR A5 BEING PART OF LM-79 and 80,and have received the Department of FENCE WITH TIE5 5PAGED EVERY 24 AT TOP AND MID 5EGTION. IMPRAGTIGAL,A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 5LOPE5 WILL BE PERMITTED. responsibility--NOT the homeowner's-to contact Energy"Lighting Facts"label. Precision die cast aluminum housing,lens frame. A PROJECT'S GONSTRUGTIDN DOCUMENT PACKAGE. See WPLED10/PC fore 2013 California Title 24 FENCE 5HALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 12 1/2 GAUGE,6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. DigNet. Having utility lines marked prior to LED Characteristics Mounting: compliant model. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER- 7.MAINTENANGE - THE ENTRANGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHIGH WILL digging is free of charge. Llfespan: Junction box. Patents: PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC, RI6HT5-0F-WAY,ALL 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 Green Technology: The LPACK design is protected under patents in the LAPPED BY 51X INGHE5 AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED OR TRAGTED ONTO PUBLIG RIGHT5-0F-WAY JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. 15 NOT RE-SPON51BLE FOR SAFETY results and TM-21 calculations. U.S_Pat,D608,040,Canada Pat.130,243,China Pat. MIRAFI IOOX,5TABILINKA T140N,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. MU5T BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. RAB LEDs are Mercury,Arsenic and UV free. 200930183252.2,and AND SECURITY RISKS DUE TO INADEQUATE LIGHT LEVELS. THIS pending patents in Taiwan and 15 NOT A RECOMMENDED L16HT LAYOUT. IT 15 A DE-51614 Color Consistency: For use on LEED Buildings: Mexico. 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE 6EOFAB,ENVIROFENGE,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. S. WHEN WASHING 15 REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON A AREA STABILIZED WITH BASED UPON THE TOWN OF 50UTHOLD CODE - SECTION 112 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent IDA Dark Sky Approval means that this Bxture can be Warranty: STONE AND WHIGH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED 5EDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. LIGHTING OUTDOOR fixture-to-fixture color. 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED A5 NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN ' used to achieve LE=D Credits for Light Pollution RAB warrants that our LED products will Q. PERIODIG IN5PEGTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH Reduction. a free from Color Stability: defects in materials and workmanship fora period of "BUL6E5" DEVELOP IN THE 5ILT IFENGE. LED color temperature is warrantied to shi=t no more Gaskets: five(5)years from the date of delivery to the end user, 3" than 200K in CCT over a 5 year eriod. including coverage of light output,color stability,driver Y p High Temperature Silicone. performance and fixture finish. U5,DEPARTMENT of A6RICULTURE U5.DEPARTMENT OF A6RICULTURE STABILIZED NATURAL RE50URGES CONSERVATION SERVICE 60.70 Color Uniformity: SILT NATURAL RESouRGEs CONSERVATION SERVICE [ � Equivalency: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT of ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NEW YORK STATE DEPARP-ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION :..- ---------- RAS's of CCT(Correlated color temperature)follows FENCE { the guidelines of the American National Standard for The WPLED10 is Equivalent in delivered lumens to a NEW YORK STATE SOIL t HATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE NEW YORK STATE SOIL t WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ENTRANCE 1 Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State 70W Metal Halide Wallpack. T 1 in 43" Juntion Box Mount Lighting(SSL)Products,ANSI C78.377-2015. HID Replacement flange: v= O 921 7 Configuration The WPLED10 can be used to replace 35-10OW !� 2'X4'WOOD FRAME Finish: Metal halide Wallpacks based on delivered lumens. - �. -._.-.._-..._-_..__..---------..____.___.__.__._ Our environmentally friendly polyester powder � r C)r Coatings are formulated for high-durability and long- _ STAKE 1" 1. �, fasting color,and contains no VOC ar toxic heavy 2$ 28 28 ; metals. � - v- FABRIC [53.67] I j53.B7] �[Ii0.70] ---- --. . ................_.__._...._._.w__-._.._._._......_......_..------._._._..._...-•------.__.__.__....-- ......._..----------�...._._...._..._..._---_.........______..._____..__................-..._._.._-.__.._.., � � [29.53] t - _.. - -II II- 4 J-di I : ...__.__. .-:.: _�` Label Description GQIcTt a Units Avg Max Mtn Avg/Min Max/Min PtSpcLf PtSpcTb < II -1111=111=1111 0 22" I 3" Ga1GPts 51te Readings Taken at 0'-0' AF6 Illuminance F6 0.21 4.7b 0.0 N.A. N.A. 3 3 0 ? 1111_-11-III °a I I I I-1111-1111=I 11 o [63.50] `` 1127.001 ( l < O DROP INLET BURIED FABRIC Q L1 � WITH 6ATE Q FRAME r z w IIIIILW �- CATHER EXCESS ATPROPOSED METAL BUILDING AREA: 8,664 5G.FT. 1 FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0' USE: AGRICULTURAL BARN ° / �' ENGINEER: GONSTRUGTI ON SPEC 1 F I CATI ONS 1. FILTER FABRIG SHALL HAVE AN E05 OF 40-b5. BURLAP MAY BE U5ED FOR 5HORT TERM Ez� ° �Q'FP r APPLIGATION5. �P j�6, � 2.GUT FABRIG FROM A GONTINUOU5 ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINT5. IF JOINTS ARE NEEDED THEY �r\G� ° 0.102 O.5 WILL BE OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT STAKE. A \ u, 3.5TAKE MATERIALS WILL BE 5TANDARD 2" x 4" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A Qp5o0/ ° , / �, MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET. 4. 5PAGE 5TAKE5 EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE A MINIMUM Ib INGHE5 ° / 073493 DEEP. 5PAN5 GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRIDGED WITH THE U5E OF WIRE ME5H BEHIND FS tom THE FILTER FABRIC, FOR SUPPORT. ° 5. FABRIG SHALL BE EMBEDDED I FOOT MINIMUM BELOW GROUND AND BACKFILLED. IT SHALL / / A JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. BE 5ECURELY FA5TENED TO THE 5TAKE�a AND FRAME. ° ° b. A 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME SHALL BE GOMPLETED AROUND THE GRE5T OF THE FABRIC FOR /°'Ic �� Q OVER FLOW 5TABILITY. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA I ACRE ( os s ¢Qp�O 08 0.2 q\ : . o ° O U.5.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FILTER FABRIC C NATURAL RE50URGE5 WW-ERVATION SERVICE DROPINLET / O NEW YORK 5TATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION < NEW YORK STATE 501E d WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE PROTECTION (4) LED IOW WALLPAGK / ° Z Q LL MODEL No. WPLEDIOY WARM LIGHT (3000K) ° u- MOUNTING HEIGHT = 12' ABV GRADE Z O Q Z < z m } SEP262018 Z O Southold Town O ~ Q- o / °��� � Planning Board Q U_ / ON �1?00'1PART I AL L I CHT I NC PLAN o Lu oo � zI- O V jW �O J O 40 20 O 40 80 120 z 6RAPHIG 56ALE I" = 40'-0" CJ / / LL r O 5 Z �Q � `,.J � W C) / a < C3 ° i 7� S PACE : Luminaire schedule Symbol Tag Qty Label Arrangement TI Lamp Lumens Lm.Lumens LLF Description MNT6 HT. Lm.Hatts Arr.Watts Total Watts O A 4 WPLEDIOY SINGLE 3,504 8-16 I DOO LED IOW WALLPAGK 12.0' 20.0 IOD BOA HARM L16HT(3000K) FULL CUTOFF,FULLY SHIELDED 2 1 of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING 5PEGIFIGATION5,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARGHITEGT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RE5TRIGTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLIGATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXGEPT BY WRITTEN PERM15510N FROM THE ARGHITECT.TITLE TO THE-5E PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARGHITEGT. VISUAL GONTAGT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF AGGEPTANGE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. OFFICE.- CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 128TENEDIOS-2 204'-0" 84'-0" 36'-0" 84'-0" �— — — — — — — — — — — —— — —� O r C • D5 o A B I A o D3 D4 I D3 0 — - C `J� o 1E 1E El El E5-1 El r6l 1l71 a M / T4D F4 i w O I � -------------- I i ( I z _ � W – – – – -- �jG-SZC,��- – – – – – – I – – – – – – – �' – – – – I o Z O i r> � I O i�tb�l' [-�-��tT-E!� � ® til-����7 O i � b_ W "' v 11 ------------- - ------------ - - ------------- 1 1 1 (100 R9 R2 yk7 36 X 24 LOFT ABOVE W 1 1 UP I z w I z 10 w ,:o El © a © © © a o 0 o a a a a > – I 61 I 5 D — — — — — — — — — — — o C? B c0 P D4 E2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o0 U D5 LJ-1 Z F'— O 0 = O vv v- - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - � v E1 U o D5 O zm 84'-0" 36'-0" 84'-0" r ^ iLiL 84'-0" 36'-0" 84'-0" d 1 1 1 0 N LU d 204'-0" N W S COLUMN PLAN LEGEND COLUMN PLAN —' Z Q ❑ - 3-2x6 LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION D - 3-2x8 LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION ® - 3-2x8 LAMINATED COLUMN W/(2) 2X8 LAMINATES LOCATION ■ - HEADERED TRUSS LOCATION 0 - 6068 9 LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF WITH EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK FIBERSTEEL DOUBLE WALK DOOR WITH FIXED ASTRAGAL, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE (RIGHT PANEL FIXED) WITH KEYED LOCKSET AND CLOSER z❑ - 3068 9 LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF WITH EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK FIBERSTEEL WALK DOOR, IN SWING, RIGHT HINGE WITH KEYED LOCKSET AND CLOSER 31 - 3068 9 LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF WITH EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK FIBERSTEEL WALK DOOR, IN SWING, LEFT HINGE WITH KEYED LOCKSET AND CLOSER ® - 3068 9 LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF WITH EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK La FIBERSTEEL WALK DOOR, IN SWING, RIGHT HINGE WITH KEYED LOCKSET AND CLOSER ❑s - 4072 METAL CLAD DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE WITH STAINLESS STEEL HINGES, LATCHES AND FASTENERS © - 4072 METAL CLAD DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, RIGHT HINGE WITH STAINLESS STEEL HINGES, LATCHES AND FASTENERS DRAWN BY.• KCONLEY 0 - (10) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE WITH STAINLESS STEEL HINGES, LATCHES AND FASTENERS DATE. 9/21/2018 ® - (3) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE WITH STAINLESS 14�A g k CHECKED BY.' J.HASSE STEEL HINGES, LATCHES, FASTENERS AND ALUMINUM YOKE GUARD 10 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, RIGHT HINGE WITH STAINLESS D DATE.' 9/24/2018 0 ( ) I STEEL HINGES, LATCHES AND FASTENERS - � - (3) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, RIGHT HINGE WITH STAINLESS SEP 2 5 2 U t r3 REVISED DATE,' --- STEEL HINGES, LATCHES, FASTENERS AND ALUMINUM YOKE GUARD REVISED DATE: ---- >> - 3068 INTERIOR WALKDOOR W/ LEVER LATCHSET Southold Town R - Planning Board REVISED DATE: 0 - (6) 2'-8"x 3'-6" DH2836 ANDERSON VINYL CLAD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW(S) RE ---- WITH LOW E INSULATED GLASS WITH ARGON, REMOVABLE WOOD GRIDS, E2 DOW VISED DATE.- SCREEN AND 14" X 43" OPEN LOUVER SHUTTERS Lil LLE O - 12'-0" X 10'-0" DIAMOND 'M' DOUBLE SLIDING END DOOR (DOOR PANEL SLIDE _ NOTE: BUILDING EVALUATED BOTH DIRECTIONS) WITH TEMPERED INSULATED GLASS WITH ALUMINUM GRIDS BETWEEN THE GLASS, PAINTED STEEL CROSSBUCK TRIMS AND INTERIOR FINISH AS PERSONAL USE. -(��ED WITH T&G CAR SIDING, STAINLESS STEEL EXTERIOR PULLS AND BRUSH WEATHERSTRIPPING IVC Q - (2) 16'-0" X 10'-0" DIAMOND 'M' DOUBLE SLIDING END DOOR(S) (DOOR PANEL SLIDE E1 LOFT LAYOUT 40 _ `p�W.STo BOTH DIRECTIONS) WITH TEMPERED INSULATED GLASS WITH ALUMINUM GRIDS D5 Q `Z' BETWEEN THE GLASS, PAINTED STEEL CROSSBUCK TRIMS AND INTERIOR FINISH WITH T&G CAR SIDING, STAINLESS STEEL EXTERIOR PULLS AND BRUSH WEATHERSTRIPPING PRELIMINARY DRAWING - 8'-0" X 7'-6" DIAMOND 'M' DOUBLE SLIDING LOFT DOOR(S) (DOOR PANEL SLIDE BOTH DIRECTIONS) WITH TEMPERED INSULATED GLASS WITH ALUMINUM GRIDS This document is the property of Allied Design, Inc. and represents p Q� BETWEEN THE GLASS, PAINTED STEEL CROSSBUCK TRIMS AND INTERIOR FINISH a preliminary layout and rough sketch of a Morton building. Use ASC` 32111 y� WITH T&G CAR SIDING, STAINLESS STEEL EXTERIOR PULLS AND BRUSH WEATHERSTRIPPING of this document for purposes of construction is strictly prohibited. OF NES p (6) 3'-6"SQUARE CUPOLA(S) WITH 4,220 CFM FAN WITH DUCT WITH SHUTTER AT BASEReproduction of this document by anyone for any reason without AND 30" 'M' WEATHERVANE30X30 ATTIC ACCESS PANEL(S) (VERIFY LOCATION) Iq written permission from Allied Design, Inc. is prohibited. - (2) 30X30 ATTIC ACCESS PANEL(S) (VERIFY LOCATION) - ALL STEEL FASTENED WITH STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS 2' 8 SCALE.'AS NOTED - ROOF LAP RIB SEALANT TAPE SCALE: = I i SHEET NO. 1' 4' 16' ALLIED DESIGN ARCHITECT �GINEERING GROUP, P.C. Lf D 1 of P D5 OFFICE.• CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 128TENEDIOS-2 101 - 12 61-- 12 1 � Mx H E -1 L T7 H —F I I I I T—T 01 ' o N I I I I I ' 0 6-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 1 1 1'-10 1/4" 1 6'-1 3/4" 18'-0" 1 18'-0" 6'-1 3/4" 1 1 V-10 114" 1 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 6'-0" w m CJ O O O O O O \ O O O `7 O O O O O O O Z CJ �0 a0 b N V Z0 r �t N b � � ' Or1-100 1/ LU c� V U) 10 O 00 O N c� 0 a Z O O SOUTH ELEVATION c�1 Z F w Lu O 12 o 12 61--- , 1- w �- 6 t< - z } LJJ Z H: 102 10—AO 12 ® ® ® o w — P7 �M J l F— 0 L --------------- -Till Ij LL O 3'-6" 5'-6" 20'-0" 20'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 20'-0" 20'-0" 9'-0" o X O �o O O O O O O O OO O - O Z-) o N oa O 00 00 '0 O CIO04 a EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION LO c� Z Lu = W D N w g zQZ 12 ----------------- ----------------- o - s -' DQa..P7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" i 12'-0" 12'-0" 1 F-10 1/4" 1 6'-1 3/4" 4'-0" 1 6-0" 1 8'-0" 1 8'-0" 6-0" 4'-0" 6'-1 3/4" 1 1 V-10 1/4" 1 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 6-0" DRAWN BY: KCONLEY c� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "v o 0 0 0 0 0 DATE. 9/21/2018 CD �O 0 O N �t �0 r It 00 N O �O O M ' c7 �Y LO 10 O co 0o 01 O N 7 � � 1 � 00 r N r r O CHECKED BY: J.HASSE NORTH ELEVATION C�N ' D C E � � � �EVSEDDATE: 9/24/2018---- SEP /24/2018SEP 2 6 2018 REVISED DATE.- ---- REVISED DA TE.- ---- Southold Town REVISED DATE. -- Planning Board -- 2' 8' ED qq SCALE: 11111 11=11111 -\9 W Q PRELIMINARY DRAWING This document is the property of Allied Design, Inc. and represents ). 03211 Q E�yo a preliminary layout and rough sketch of a Morton building. Use N of this document for purposes of construction is strictly prohibited. bay^,8 Reproduction of this document by anyone for any reason without 7- written permission from Allied Design, Inc. is prohibited. SCALE:AS NOTED ALLIED DESIGN ARCHITECTMJOGINEERING GROUP, P.C. SHEETNO. PD20F PD5 OFFICE.' CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 128TENEDIOS-2 . o 10 U � 0 N 0� M w m OZ Q/ w Z r V Z FLUOROFLEX (TM) 1000 HI-RIB STEEL FLUOROFLEX (TM) 1000 HI-RIB STEEL 2x4 PURLINS @ 24"O.C. 2x4 PURLINS @ 24"O.C. (NO. 2 SPF) (NO. 2 SPF) 1 1 1 1 I 1 Z INSULATION STOP/ INSULATION STOP/ O AIR DEFLECTOR AIR DEFLECTOR _ 2x4 BEV. PURLIN 2x4 BEV. PURLINUJ Q Z FILLER STRIP FILLER STRIP Z F :<;ys's.:. J 2x6 BEV. FASCIA 0 2x6 BEV. FASCIA o LU ,., W 5"O.G. GUTTERS 5"O.G. GUTTERS W O ;o T#144 $. 146 FASCIA TRIM ---� CUSTOM 40' S.C. TRUSS T#144 & 146 FASCIA TRIM CUSTOM 40'S.C. TRUSS ;;.p SOFFIT ------- SOFFIT W � HI-RIB/SOFFIT CAP R-38 BLOWN-IN INSULATION HI-RIB/SOFFIT CAP R-38 BLOWN-IN INSULATION V) 2x6 OVERHANG NAILER 4 MIL VAPOR RETARDER 2x6 OVERHANG NAILER 4 MIL VAPOR RETARDER F— .h INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL U `O 2x4 ADDITIONAL NAILER 2x4 TOP BLOCK &T#1 1 2x4 ADDITIONAL NAILER 2x4 TOP BLOCK &T#11 1 I 1 J (2) 1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS & (2) 1/2"x5 1/2"M. BOLTS & (8) 20d R.S. NAILS (8) 20d R.S. NAILS ~— ce O O T#37 T#37 ( ' ::E vQ/ o 2x10 TRACK GIRT x O ca FLUOROFLEX (TM) 1000 HI-RIB STEEL FLUOROFLEX (TM) 1000 HI-RIB STEEL STALL FRONT PIPE SECTION Z O 3-2x6 LAMINATED STUB COLUMN 12'-0" ( 3 ) ROWS 2x4 NAILERS (2100 MSR) 12'-0" ( 3 ) ROWS 2x4 NAILERS (2100 MSR) u3-2x6GRADE TO HEEL 3-2x6 LAMINATED COLUMN GRADE TO HEEL LAMINATED COLUMN v� LU LU CL 2x2 VERTICAL BLOCKING 2x2 VERTICAL BLOCKING AT COLUMN LOCATION AT COLUMN LOCATION (7) ROWS UNTR. 2x8 T&G SPLASHBOARD Q '� T#167 TRANSITION TRIM T#167 TRANSITION TRIM l l l 8 2x6 NOTCHED NAILER —J 2x6 NOTCHED NAILER (NO. 2 SPF) (NO. 2 SPF) —� FLUOROFLEX 1000 HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT FLUOROFLEX 1000 HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT 7/16"OSB PROTECTIVE LINER 7/16" OSB PROTECTIVE LINER Z T#167 BASE TRIM T#167 BASE TRIM (20) 114"x 2 1/2" POWER LAG WASHER HEAD (20) 1/4"x 2 1/2" POWER LAG WASHER HEAD YELLOW ZINC SCREWS YELLOW ZINC SCREWS 4" CONCRETE FLOOR* 4" CONCRETE FLOOR* (1) ROW TR. 2x8 T&G SPLASHBOARD U f. f. FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE 4"MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE 4"MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE OR IN SITU GRANULAR SOIL OR IN SITU GRANULAR SOIL 360M & 370M BRACKETS FASTENED TO MFS 360M &370M BRACKETS FASTENED TO MFS 4'-0" W/(2) HUS-P 6x40/5 SCREW ANCHORS EACH 4'-0" W/(2) HUS-P 6x40/5 SCREW ANCHORS EACH 4'-0" (1) ROW 2x8 TREATED SPLASHBOARD FASTEN TO 360M & (1) ROW 2x8 TREATED SPLASHBOARD FASTEN TO 360M & A 370M BRACKETS WITH #14A x 1 1/2"MILLED SCREWS A 370M BRACKETS WITH #14A x 1 1/2" MILLED SCREWS MFS PRE-CAST CONCRETE COLUMN MFS PRE-CAST CONCRETE COLUMN 21"THICK CONCRETE PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). 21"THICK CONCRETE PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). : 21"THICK CONCRETE PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). DRAWN BY: KCONLEY 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN a 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN �d 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"x14" AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"x14" AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"x14" DATE. 9/21/2018 24"0 THREAABOVEDED ROD BOTTOM OITH AN F PRECASSTDITIONAL MINIMUM 1"CONCRETE COLUMN. 24"0 ABOVEDBO TOM OOD ITH AN F P ECASSTDITIONAL MINIMUM CONCRETE COLUMN. 18,10 ABOVE DED ROD WITH AN BOTTOM OF PRECAST DITIONAL CO CONCRETE COLUINIMUM MN. CHECKED BY.' J.HASS E PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM OF PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM OF PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM OF DATE.' 9/24/2018 LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. REVISED DA TE: ---- REVISED DA TE: ---- SIDEWALL SECTION A SIDEWALL SECTION B i p E C Ev E REVISED DA TE. ---- SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SEP 2 6 2018 REVISED DA TE.- ---- Southold Town el Planning Board ,, SRIED A�"�� �O•` ott W. PRELIMINARY DRAWING � � This document is the property of Allied Design, Inc. and represents pA Q� a preliminary layout and rough sketch of a Morton building. Use 3211 �O of this document for purposes of construction is strictly prohibited. OF NEW Reproduction of this document by anyone for any reason without written permission from Allied Design, Inc. is prohibited. (SCALE:AS NOTED ALLIED DESIGN ARCHITECTUGINEERING GROUP, P,C, SHEET NO. PD3 OF PD5 FOFOFFICE.• CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 128TENEDIOS-2 1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLT & (4) 20d R.S. NAILS LO 10 10 rc C� 01 0 0 LU LU ca D Z FLUOROFLEX (TM) 1000 HI-RIB STEEL zUj 2x4 PURLINS @ 24" O.C. 0 (NO. 2 SPF) (L INSULATION STOP/ AIR DEFLECTOR 2x4 BEV. PURLIN Lj_j FILLER STRIP U-1 V) 2x6 BEV. FASCIA 0 0 0 5" O.G. GUTTERS 5-0" T#144 & 146 FASCIA TRIM CUSTOM 40' S.C. TRUSS W4.,fF SOFFIT x 3/4"T&G PLYWOOD z ...L E,4 R-38 BLOWN-'I'N INSULATION DECKING Hi-RIB/SOFFIT CAP LJJ z ............ .......... (2) 1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS & JOIST HANGER 2x6 OVERHANG NAILER 4 MIL VAPOR RETARDER (8) 20d R.S. NAILS LU .......... INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL0 ................. FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C. Uj (2) 1/2"x5 1/2" M. BOLTS & (8) 20d R.S. NAILS 2X4 TOP BLOCK & T#11 W .......... X. 6" (R-19) BLANKET INSULATION W/ 2x4 ADD'L NAILER MeL YnA 16" DEEP UNPAGED FIBERGLASS 4 MIL VAPOR RETARDER A-r v v V_ --------- --------- x Lo INSULATION UTILIZED AS FIRE BLOCK 5'-10 3/4" 22'-9" L L FLUOROFLEX (TM) 1000 HI-RIB STEEL 2x12 HEADER 0 ly 0 2x4 STRIPPING U � INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL 11171-00 5? 16" DEEP UNFACED FIBERGLASS INSULATION UTILIZED AS FIRE BLOCK 0 14'-0" 14'-0" 0 GRADE TO HEEL ( 3 ) ROWS 2X4 NAILERS (2100 MSR) GRADE TO HEEL 3 ) ROWS 2X4 NAILERS (2100 MSR) a: INTERIOR HI-RIB STEEL 12'.-0" 0 2x4 STRIPPING z 3-2x6 LAMINATED COLUMN -2x8 LAMINATED COLUMN LJLJ = 3 Cn Ly LU 2x2 VERTICAL BLOCKING 2x2 VERTICAL BLOCKING Q vi AT COLUMN LOCATION AT COLUMN LOCATION T#167 TRANSITION TRIM T#167 TRANSITION TRIM LU 8 2x6 NOTCHED NAILER (NO. 2 SPF) 2x6 NOTCHED NAILER (NO. 2 SPF) FLUOROFLEX 1000 HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT FLUOROFLEX 1000 HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT 7116" OSB PROTECTIVE LINER x 7116" OSB PROTECTIVE LINER z T#167 BASE TRIM T#167 BASE TRIM X (20) 1/4"x 2 1/2" POWER LAG WASHER HEAD (32) 1/4"x2 1/2" POWER LAG WASHER HEAD YELLOW ZINC SCREWS YELLOW ZINC SCREWS 2x4 NON-TREATED BASEBOARD I 1/2"xl" BLOCK &T#109 BASE TRIM 4" CONCRETE FLOOR+ 4" CONCRETE FLOOR+ 4' WIDE R-10 PERIMETER INSULATION* 4' WIDE R-10 PERIMETER INSULATION* 3' BLACK PLASTIC 3' BLACK PLASTIC 8" 8" xj 114_. 0 FINISH GRADE 4"MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE♦ 4" MINIMUM COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE FINISH GRADE 1. .,. -1, OR IN SITU GRANULAR SOIL OR IN SITU GRANULAR SOIL 2x6 TREATED BOTTOM PLATE 2x8 TREATED BOTTOM PLATE 4'-0" 360M & 370M BRACKETS FASTENED TO MFS W/(2) HUS-P 6x40/5 SCREW ANCHORS EACH 4'-0" 360M &370M BRACKETS FASTENED TO MFS (1) ROW 2x8 TREATED SPLASHBOARD FASTEN TO 360M & W/(2) HUS-P 6x40/5 SCREW ANCHORS EACH 370M BRACKETS WITH #14A x 1 1/2" MILLED SCREWS (1) ROW 2x8 TREATED SPLASHBOARD FASTEN TO 360M & A d MFS PRE-CAST CONCRETE COLUMN '-A 370M BRACKETS WITH #14A x 1 1/2"MILLED SCREWS 21"THICK CONCRETE PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). MFS PRE-CAST CONCRETE COLUMN A a. 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN 21"THICK CONCRETE PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). DRAWN 13 Y., KCONLEY AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"xl 4" 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN DATE. 9/21/2018 24"0 THREADED ROD WITH AN ADDITIONAL MINIMUM 1" 24"0 AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"x14" 24"0 24"0 ABOVE BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN. THREADED ROD WITH AN ADDITIONAL MINIMUM 1" CHECKED BY: J.HASSE PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM OF ABOVE BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE COLUMN. DATE: 9/24/2018 LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM OF LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. REVISED DA TE: ---- REVISED DA TE: SIDEWALL SECTION C SIDEWALL SECTION DE C E v E- REVISED DATE:SCALE: 1/2" V-0" SCALE: 1/2" V-0" REVISED DA TE SEP 2 6 2016 : Southold Town Planning Board 00kED ,JN W. PRELIMINARY DRAWING JA This document is the property of Allied Design, Inc. and represents 1'21 ht a preliminary layout and rough sketch of a Morton building. Use of this document for purposes of construction is strictly prohibited. OF N 0*4 Reproduction of this document by anyone for any reason without q12 written permission from Allied Design, Inc. is prohibited. rS CAL E:AS NOTED ALLIED DESIGN ARCHITECTMik3GINEERING GROUP, P.C. SHEET NO. PD40FPD5 OFFICE.' CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 128TENEDIOS-2 3 1/2" MAX. 1 1/2"TO 2" DIAMETER 34"TO 38" TO FRONT OF TREADS HANDRAIL (ENDS SHALL BE • 0 RETURNED TO WALL)* O. HANDRAIL DETAIL Uj Do D Z rj000 LU (.DZ 0= (L CD Lj-j Lu 7'-1 7/8" CLEAR @ TOP OF STAIRS V) 13'-1 1 5/8" 0 0 Q DOUBLE 2x12 STAIR HEADER Lij 3/4"T&G PLYWOOD DECKING Z TREAD AND JOIST HANGER LIJUj aU RISER ARE 2x12 FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C. 34"TO 38" W 0 FLUSH - NO , NOSING > Lij Lo 101, U �z V) -j V LJ-J . z NOSING 0 3'-9 1/2" DETAIL JOIST HANGER TOP OF LANDING TO 0 3/4"T&G PLYWOOD DECKING 2x12 TREADS 7 9/16" TO OF FLOOR ADD'L 2x4 NAILER 2xA(8. RIM JOIST 1x8 RISERS HANDRAIL (ENDS SHALL RETURN TO WALL)# (3) 2x12 STRINGERS 7 3/4" —\ � 2x4 KICKER 0 2x8 JOISTS @ 16" O.C. 7 9/16" O DOUBLE 2x4 2x8 JOISTS @ 16"O.C. 2x12 HEADER TOP PLATE LjLj 12'-0" H Ile JOIST HANGER JOIST HANGER 12'-0" TOP OF CONCRETE C:) LU TO TOP OF FLOOR TOTAL STAIR RUN: 4'-2" 4'-7 114" 0- 34"TO 38" cli LI-j 8'-2 1/2" 11 1/2" 8'-2 1/2" TOP OF CONCRETE —7 TOP OF TO TOP OF LANDING CONCRETE 2xl 2 TREADS -< TO TOP OF LANDING z (RIPPED TO FIT) 1x8 RISERS (3) 2x12 STRINGERS 2x4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. TREATED 2x4 BASEPLATE 9116, TREATED 2x4 KICKER 7 3/4" 7.7' 4'-8 3/4" TOTAL LOWER STRINGER RUN: 10'-0" 4'-0" STAIR CRITERIA 7F 7r UPPER STRINGERS 6 RISERS: 1 @ 7 3/4", 5 @ 7 9/16" = 3'-9 1/2" LOWER STRINGERS 5 TREADS @ l0"= 4'-2" UPPER STRINGERS LOWER STRINGERS �7 A. 13 RISERS: 1 @ 7 3/4" , 12 @ 7 9/16" = 8'-2 1/2" A 12 TREADS @ 10" = 10'-0" A DRAWN BY.- KCONLEY L—SHAPED STAIR SECTIONS E "A DA TE.* 9/21/2018 CHECKED BY.* J.HASSE DA TE.* 9/24/2018 REVISED DATE.- ---- REVISED DA TE.- E C E v E REVISED DA TE.- SEP 2 6 2018 Southold Town Planning Board E W. PRELIMINARY DRAWING This document is the property of Allied Design, Inc. and represents a preliminary layout and rough sketch of a Morton building. Use of this document for purposes of construction is strictly prohibited. OF N Reproduction of this document by anyone for any reason without written permission from Allied Design, Inc. is prohibited. (—SCALE.-AS NOTED ALLIED DESIGN ARCH ITECT &I N EERI NG GROUP, P.C. SHEET NO. PD50F PD5 SEPARATION DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE GALG: PROPOc.�ED 51TE PLAN. ZONING INFORMATION: CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER TO GRADE STORMWATER LEACHING 5TRUGTURE5 AND �2v CAMPBELL 1182 G OR APPROVED EQUAL PIPING (OTHER THAN RESIDENTIAL): STORM WATER DRAINAGE STRUCTURES PROVIDE FOR SITUATE AT: ORIENT 8200 LOW-DENSITY RE5IDENTIAL FINAL GRADE7 HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR STORM RUNOFF FROM PROPOSED STRUCTURES ONLY. LOT SIZE 200,000 S.F. MIN nE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EXISTING OA.: 1,505,144 S.F. (34552 ac) 10" DRAINAGE LEAGHING POOLS: VOLUME = AREA X RAINFALL X COEFFICIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK EXISTING WETLAND: BbcM4 S.F.(2.0 ac) N z �� PROPERTY LINE = 10' MINIMUM N � _ MIN. b THK LONG 5CTM NO.: 1000-Iq-OI-1.3 AND 1.4 BUILDINGS WITH CELLAR = i0 MINIMUM RAINFALL = 2 /HR = O.Ibl , , EXISTING UPLAND: 1,418,140 5.F. (32552 ac) �' s OLD MAI 0- FEE]]PIPE DIA.MIN. ® ® COVER BUILDINGS ON SLAB = 10' MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF ROOF = ID ZONING DISTRICT: R-2'00 LOW-DENSITY RE-51DENTIAL ® ® ® I WATER 5ERVIGE LINE/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 10'MINIMUM CURRENT USE: FARM PROPOSED. N.G. IAS MIN.(AS REQUIRED) 1 3' MIN. ® ® ® ® ® 1 3' MIN. 1 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = V MINIMUM PROPOSED ARGHITEGIURAL STORAGE BARN PROPOSED USE: N.G. LOT WIDTH;2-701 MIN ° ® ® ® 4 0 ® ® I SANITARY SEPTIC TANK = 20 MINIMUM ROOF AREA = HI T E S.F. FEMA FLOOD ZONE: N/A !7 s •-• .- PIPE' ® ® ® rn ® ® SANITARY LEACHING POOL.= 20'MINIMUM EXISTING: ±1233' ; HI`5k DENSITY POLYETHYLENE(1•17 i ® ® ® ® }F ® ® I WRAP STRUCTURES WITH GREASE TRAP = 20'MINIMUM 8,664 5.F. x 0.161' x 1.0 = 1,441 G.F. VOL PROPOSED: N.G. SIZE: " ® ® � ® i`li ® ® 1 51TE DATA: USE: EXISTING: PROPOSED: Fp DRN INLET TO 50 CONN - tom MIN 1 FILTER FABRIC, NSE PUMP STATION = 20 MINIMUM 1,441 COPT./68.42 5.F.(10'(P L.Pa = 50 TO 50 CONN - 15"40 MIN ® ® ® ® ® ® I 6EOTEX 351,BY PROPEX) MANHOLE = 20'MINIMUM 21.15 VERT FT. REQ'D OVERALL 51TE: FARM ±1,505,144 5.F. (34.552 AC) N.G. LOT DEPTH 400' MIN \ s ROOF LOR CONN - 4.0 MIN 1 PRIVATE WELLS = 50'MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIRED: 1,441 GU.FT. WETLAND AREA: WETLAND 86.g74 S.F. (2.0 AG) N.G. � RETAINING WALLS = 10 MINIMUM EXISTING: Ip44.1-7' �o UPLAND AREA: FARM ±I 418140 S.F. (32.552 AG) N.G. z 10'-0" DIA. FUEL STORAGE TANKS(BELOW GROUND) = 20'MIN USE. PROPOSED: N.G. ° L RATEABLE y s t•.)�;1i;3�'+ - Y SITE HORIZONTAL SEPARATION 015TANGE5 FOR STORM (8) 10'40X3' LIQUID DEPTH LEACHING POOL FRONT YARD SETBACK;60 MIN 6ND WTR DRAINAGE NON-LEAGHING 5TRUGTURE5: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: WATER SERVICE LINES/LATERALS/MAINS = 5'MINIMUM (OPEN� � EXISTING: 742.9 a QOLLAR MATERIAL b" MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES = 5'MINIMUM VOLUME PROVIDED = 1,642 GUPT. EXISTING AREA: 3,233 S.F. (0.4154515) P, LOCATION INTERCONNECT A5 SHOWN PROPOSED AREA: 4'46q S.F. (0.574150 PROPOSED: 519.q oqQ 4 & .,• '� (PENETRATION) GREASE TRAP = 5'MINIMUM RATEABLE SOIL PUMP STATION = 5'MINIMUM (PERCENTAGES BA5E , ON UPLAND AREA [778,368.q S.F.] ) REAR YARD SETBACK: 100' MIN MANHOLE = 5'MINIMUM EXISTING: �SANITAt Y 5E IG TANK =•5'MINIMUM POSTAL DISTRICT: GUTCH06UE PROPOSED: N.G. SCHOOL DISTRICT: SOUTHOLD UNDERLYING SAND AND 6RA1/EL STRATA / VFRr1rAl SEPARATION DISTANGE5 FOR 5TORM DRAINAGE LINES: FIRE DISTRICT: 50UTHHOLD 510E YARD SETBACK: 30' MIN �^ °1;' ELECTRICAL 5ERVIGE: LIPA w -L k WATER SERVICE LINES = I$ MINIMUM EXISTING: 14-75 C� R �o'ti' ! NOTES: SANITARY WASTE LINES = 18"MINIMUM 6l u$. FLOOD ZONE: N/A PROPOSED: N.C. I.COLLAR DEPTH 15 NOT REQUIRED WHEN RATEABLE MATERIAL EX15T5 FOR FULL DEPTH. X309.6`PP2�' 2. COLLAR MATERIAL SHALL BE GLEAN GRAVEL ONLY. N� 1'a\2� x rt SII' a_ : x ........ .._.. _..._...._......._._.._..�. ......_...._...... �. PSE x� c!1 \ 510E YARD SETBACK CUMULATIVE: 60 MIN Eagle Pt 3.ALL DRAINAGE 5TRUGTURE5 MUST BE WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC. OF P xi �. x \s 5E x� EXISTING: oyI rr 4.U5E 15" DIA GORRIC 7ATED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE(HDPE) HEAVY DUTY PIPE FOR Eo o 09 INTERCONNECTION OF ON-51TE STORM WATER LEAGHING POOLS 2$' x� ` FER LINE wo �5 PROPOSED: 393.2' 1s G' A.HDPE PIPE 5PEGIFIGATION(AA5HT0 M-244) I 0 i w \ 1 I I B. INSTALLATION OF HDPE SPEGIFIGATION(ASTM 0-2321) 10 LIVABLE FL. AREA /DWLG UNIT: 850 S.F. MIN \• Fo 19 Ling Beaci,Flay G. WATER-TIGHT JOINT TESTING 5PEGIFIGATION(ASTM D-3212) 6' N�� �� / ' -`• LANDWARD EDGE OF EXISTING: N.A. stat,,Iicial D.GASKET SPEGIFIGATION(ASTM F-477) FRE5HWATER KETLAN05 PROPOSED: N A. G 3 / A5 DELINEATED BY SCOPE OF WORK. 1, 1c� �\ y SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: •• .� � o00 "�•::•.:< '�. l . TYPIGAL STORM f ITER / / rg� � 5po \�� coN511LTI1r6,TNG. I. BUILD PROPOSED METAL GOAT BARN BARN (ITEM 'E'). LOT COVERAGE: 5% MAX 70801 S.F. y ON JANUARY 25,2001 2, PROVIDE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, POWER AND LIGHTING TO PROP05ED (UPLAND AREA) i LEAGHING POOL (SD2 DETAIL b, ` BUILDING. EXISTING: 1,-732 S.F. (0.12210 ':'`;:: (FOR HIGH GROUND WATE'.R) gtie 1 2 / / \ a NOT TO 50ALE S w�2 / / �. / / I ''\ :.::.:`Cz>;'' • / �c POND �°�c PROPOSED: 10,396 5.F. (0.-733156) •: Browns Pt 5 I x0.5' . I ` ... ` g0� x/� Fj FOR WORK IN THIS AREA. �GHEIC EXISTING353 T �2�5TY'5 MAX '.:,'::::. i�• ; TY PROPOSED PARTIAL SITE PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.1 PROPOSED: ±285' / �4 STY /� ILL PROPOSED PARTIAL LIGHTING PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.2 I , Peters Neck Pt "� /X �ETAL \ LOGATI ON MAP: ° 60 2 .jx�x X PROP05ED BUILDING xl.o 10 AREA: IN FL.EL. = 0.FT. ,� BLDG INFO / AREA COVERAGE N.T.S. o USE: GOAT �RN DE,51G.: STRUCTURE/U5E: EXISTING PROPOSED PROP.GVRG PROPOS 1 �`\ °cro�� Ist FL. Ist FL. GRADE LEGEND: W EROSION CON1ROL EX. I STY FR BUILDING, ±785 5F N/A ±-185 5F PROPERTY LINE V = INSTALL SILT FENCE ,4RRIER ��3 EQUIPMENT STORAGE o y GOMPACT FILL (Y m 0?,1 o / OGGUR5 WHERV5HOWN \ O `O 5 W /��. / STORM DRAIN —5D 5o so EX. I STY FR.BUILDING, ±Sl 5F WA ±8l 5F 6 �{ + 3 • APPROX. ±I;T18 LF OF FENCING GARDEN 5HED _ �/� / • SEEOETAIL'O DWG NO.2 \ z o �\ 9 �tg• /� EX. 1 5TY FR BUILDING, ±118 5F WA ±115 5F FLOW/PITCH ARROW PROP05M EROSION CONTROL MASIRIE1 �':J HORSE STALL LU 411 5/ PROVIDE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE \ �, C° ELEGTRIGAL 5ERVIGE LU 1L ° -� '� �,, �`�' 2" MIN .MIN, STORM LEACHING POOL � O � X Z EX. I STY FR BUILDING, ±'142 5F WA 1742 5F GABLE IN CONDUIT: N / • OCCURS AT PROP05ED 51TE ACCESS o \ @ CHICKEN COOP T.O.CONDUIT / 200 AMP (2" CONDUIT MIN) No� • INSTALL PER DETAIL ON DW6 Not �✓ / 5� L 1 t h STY STEEL BUILDING WA 8,664 SF Sb64 SF „ O \ / C\�� ` ( 320 AMP ( '2 CONDUIT,MIN) � o \ �, $ 0 ,,, EAST WING-LIVESTOCK, EXISTING CONTOUR 6 h� s _ x v PROPOSED L.P.SERV. 400 AMP(4 CONDUIT,MIN) O 2 n \ I \� WE5T WING-FARM EQUIPMENT, CENTER-FEED I HAY STORAGE INSTALL /PROVIDER,LP-6A5 CODE EXISTING GRADE x 6.0 CL s NEPA 58,FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL COMMUNICATION O ` �\ x-7.01 s 5 a > so s. -.: o . ' AREA TOTALS: ±1,132 5F Sb64 5F 10,3gb SF CODES. SEE 5P5 FOR TRENCH DETAIL S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-01-1.4 Y RIGHTS CONVEYED E)KISTING SITE COVERAGE: 1,132 S.F.(0.12210 (Tv $ TEL) FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FIN. FL. EL. \ . 5 DEVELOPMENT G S CONVE �, \ TYPIG�L TRENCH DETAIL% TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Vkllt�2 woo o ��p. ��l ,�a PROPOSED 5111=COVERAGE: 10,386 S.F.(0.13310 Cf� X ( P�"�'(,. \ E,KISTING F.A.R. = 0.001221 (1,132 S.F.) L.P. POWER GOMMUNIGATION 5ERVIGE5 AREA OF DISTURBANCE: \ f s PROPOSED FAR = 0.00133100,386 5.F) rn \ a 100,' \ NOT TO SGALE 51,8-75 SQ.FT. -1 438 BUFFER LINE F- 1 /..,0 FER LINE-- q$ S.C. TAXNo. 1000-19-01-1.4 /o\ � ENGINEER: PROP05ED sg.01 \ \ DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS CONVEYED , U/G POWER SERV.TO BLDG, x req\ < N E Y N/ ���2 \ f� /tea \ o TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'yo �\ all, y 0 OR COLLEEN GDONOU6H \�\ QQ 8 ` 5EE TRENCH OTL,THI5 DWG ,� ,`ti � I HELEN HOOKE y_� ` �j � � � lytta � ,� � ✓�,�fi\ a�1, ��_ �Q,� LANDWARD EDGE OF FRESH%ERONMENTAL TER WETLANDS g �prp EX FR.BLDG �� \� \ �x 1 PROPOSED METAL BUILDING / �0' Nfi. gin. �; w AS DELINEATED BY SUFFOL12 3'x 603' �P xd } AREA: 8,664 SOFT.POWER CONN. POINT !� V CONSULTING,TNG.ON JANUAR2001 '� AREA:742 S.F. � �. a FIN.FL.EL. = 5.0 / �\ TAP FROM EXISTING r 0 x/ \ � ,�,_ \ X�, o /sd `�� • ,�°' ? \ ORMER,CONNECT PER x xf3.15' 2 / USE: GOAT BARNCP g0 \\'. U00, ON UTILITY PR6VlIZRS RE(`MT5 ✓ `� r'P�� t2 :( �j 3 LANDWARD EDGE OF TIDAL WETLANDS A5 DELINEATED BY SUFFOLK ' APPLICANT: EX.XFRMR ° 0 BpdQ�C� `�, ' �� , BZ 6� ` G x ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING,INC. POND \ \ /, EX.ELEG.MTR o 33x2 6\ O ON JAf�IAR(25,2001 � / cy� ��L¢° / � �-1 JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. MORTON BUILDINGS k ,-o' 22355 COX LANE,UNIT No.4 \� =�� EXISTING WELL EX.FR.BLD6 GUTGHOGl1E, NY 11935 RB � 8.4'x 10.3' fs jso \ \ `• r0\\.� ° �o� 3 \ 0 Q 631 134-4060 5-_/ �\ �� ,53"•N AREA: 81 S.F. /S� P r\�� �� EX.FR.BLDG \ P aS 63 oAh'S3 9 IIS'x 103' P\ �P/ / O/ 2�\O 51TE PLAN BASED ON ORIGINAL SURVEY BY: - \ 63 ♦— k 1`1 �s; AREA: IIS 5.1. r /::.,,Y / g.r 5A Cj9 \ NATHAN TAFT GORWIN, LAND SURVEY R s� \ i \ �\ a:€ : s/ y �:::: `� LANDWARD EDGE OF FRESHWATER 1 v 1586 MAIN ROAD .a , EX. ''x BLDG . A � � �, � / � / n WETLANDS A5 DELINEATED BY - O JAMESPORT, NY I Ig4l 1 0.00 \ 0 24.3'x 32.3' \� /Iq,�\ / 4?0• �°c� r ! °•i j o SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, [� S 0 00� TNG. ON JANUARY 25, 2001 z Q O SURVEYED: JAN. 25, 2011 GA OL L/�TAYLOR ,go5�F AL '1�11 w \\ AREA: 185 S.F. \� % / Z z LAST UPDATED: FEB. 10,2011 ELEVATIONS BASED ON TOPOGRAPHY MAP - AL \ \�� �� \� \ �! �' _ o a/ Lu (f) K Z O 5 EASTERN TOWN5,SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY x3. �� DATED: 10-03-Iq-75 \ EX.WIRE FENCE �r .\ 6, / l I:;.••\/ \C\ /� fi�P \ ' _ O CL/ ul AROUND GARDEN \ s�o ' xi its°ij Nfi 0 O I ~ CL DATUM: ELEVATIONS ARE REFEREN TO so \ / :.Y� v� ° < O VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON MEAN SEAL LEVEL\ rs S.C. TAX U. V q'+ �� P� �� so ��_'r \0��`� �X. / Z !l < Q CLCL OF 1929 A5 ESTABLISHED BY THE U.S. COA5T AND oma- \ 1000-19-01-1.3 \ / 6 �, aw�� � t2� GEODETIC SURVEY AT SANDY HOOK N.J. N �' DEVELOPMENT +/� / �� PROP" EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: JOHN NI�BATINO \ / INSTALL 51LT FENCE BARRIER �p \,\ NOTES: dLIhJDA A. ABATING \' RIGHTS RETAINED �/� / • OC,C,U�y�{E�SFIOWN p�S�Ez`�' \�� PROP. EROSION CONTROL MEASURE: \ I. El EVATION5 ARE REFERENCED TO �� ti� APPROX. if, LF OF FENCING �0 1 �¢� PROVIDED FOR INLET PROTECTION w Z n O V r LANDWARD EDGE OF TIDAL WETLANDS d' ^ x25' \. FIVE EASTERN TOWN5 TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP s� \ �� b^'� • SEE DETAIL ON DWG No 2 0 tL0 ° �\JG� • OCCURS AT ALL OPEN COYER AS DELINEATED BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL EXI5TING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: x5.0 GONEULTIN6,INC.ON JANUARY 25,2001 \ � � � D\� / \L�� DRAINAGE STRUCTURES F . / \ goo o� �v� / � • \ 7- 0 EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: — —5 — —\ r o \ q � / p ��\2 /�OOp�EO SEE DETAIL ON DW6 NO2 V� Oj O N PROPOCED STOW VIRAINASE SYSTEM: u C1<1 r-yP �``� 40 / ° �(�_1� www.diCA ethycli.com \ � '� r4\ QP 4' ° .�C�/ �.. / 0 51ZED FOR ROOF RUNOFF OF PROP05ED BLDG ONLY N v LL O of NEW YORK CITY °r � \�, �, ��,`° �e / o`` � / \A : � — — USE: N O p A www.call 11.com Cl LONG I$LARO (for othe states) ��`g �Q`C� , ° _rfi� Y, .. �.. (T� F2 LINE • (8) lO'� x 3'LIQ. DEPTH STORM WATER LEACHING 0 e� � �'•\ 5 �"� / 0 ��� / SFE \ POOLS,OPEN COVER Z LU ®-272-448Q 811 N/O/F 0' \ / �` • INTERCONNECT TO 6UTTER AND LEADER SYSTEM Z CQ F-- STATE OF NEW YORK _ \� / \ �Q�� /�\,P�� \ • INSTALL PER DETAIL,11H15 5HT O Q By law,excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouraged to call as well when planning any \� JUN 2 8 2017 Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact type of digging on their property.Homeowners " DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by ✓ I I LANDWARD EDGE OF but no more than 10 working days(excluding :calling 811,the national call before you dig \X / x3.0' OVERALL 5( T PLAN�l TIDAL WETLANDS A5 DELINEATED BY �¢ \. Southold To',vn weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning number. For excavation work completed on ' \J Flanniny Board y digging property, . \ rs�+ N / SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC,. \ PARTIAL SITE PLAN an mechanized di ,n or excavation work to personal ,t is the contractor's '�', ensure underground lines are marked. reslponsibility--NOT the homeowner's—to contact + �^� ON JANUARY 25,2001 \�Q Excavators and contractors can also submit DigNet. Having utility lines marked prior to LANDWARD EDGE OF TIDAL WETLAND5 \ o locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not digging is free of charge. AS DELINEATED BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL 100 50 O 100 200 300 4 9 Y gg g g CON5ULTIN6,INC.ON JAWARY 25,2001 �� I \0 \ currently use ITIC, please call 1-800-524-7603 GRAPHIG SGALE 1" = 100-0" for more information. \ 40 20 O 40 &0 120 \ GRAPHIC, SGALE 1" = 40'-0" of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXGLL151VE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLIGATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXGEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECT. TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACGEPTANGE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WOVEN WIRE FENCE SYMBOL WPLED 10Y 5o'MIN. EXISTING RAB NOTES! (MIN. 14 I/2 GAUGE 3, PAVEMENT THE LIGHT LOSS FACTOR(LLF)IS A PRODUCT OF MANY VARIABLES,ONLY LAMP LUMEN '-. —'".-------•------------....-.-___ __....._.___-. 10' MAX. G. TO G. VV M' �� MESH iilS;/ DEPRECIATION(LLD)HAS BEEN APPLIED TO THE CALCULATED RE5ULT5 MLE55 I LED INFO: nn OTHERW15E NOTED. THE LLD 15 THE RESULT(QUOTIENT)OF MEAN LUMENS/INITIAL LUMENSy 13 WATTS: IOW PER LAMP MANUFAGTURER'5 5PEGIFIGATION5. 36" MIN. LENGTH FENCE EX15TINO —� FILTER —� MOUNTABLE COLOR TEMP: 3,000K POSTS DRIVEN MIN. 16" GROUND CLOTH PROFILE BERM SPAN GY. 'ILLUMINATION VALUES SHoI^Al(IN FOOTCANDLES)ARE THE PREDICTED RESULTS FOR COLOR AGCURA • 83 GRI 77 INTO GROUND. (OPTIONAL) Ll0 LIFE 100,000 50'MIN IN PLANES OF CALCULATION EITHER HORIZONTAL,VERTICAL OR INCLINED AS DESIGNATED of NEWYORK THE GALCULATION SUMMARY. METER ORIENTATION 15 NORMAL TO THE PLANE OF n LUMENS: 8lb LONG ISLAND CALCULATION. EFFICACY: 13 LPW HEIGHT OF FILTER w =16'MIN e� 'THE CALCULATED RE5ULT5 OF THI5 LIGHTING 51M�LATION REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED EX15TING 800-L/Z-4480 811 PREDICTION OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. ACTUAL MEASURED RESULTS MAY VARY FROM v .v� v w •. z GROUND \ THE ANTICIPATED PERFORMANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO MEANS AND METHODS WHICH ARE 1 0 12'MINEXISTING www.dineon g ycliBEYOND THE CONTROL OF RAB LIGHTING,INC. �� z_ . .com + DRIVER INFO: .i. y NV 4 or TYPE: CONSTANT CURRENT .r PAVEMENT www.call811.com 0 MOUNTING HEIGHT DETERMINATION 15 JOB SITE SPECIFIC,OUR LIGHTING SIMULATIONS 120V: O.IA PERSPECTIVE VIEW A55 K A MOUNTING HEIGHT(INSERTION POINT OF THE LUMINAIRE SYMBOL)TO BE TAKEN PLAN VIEW z (for other states) AT THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL FOR CEILING MOUNTED LWINARIE5 AND AT THE BOTTOM OF 20av: o.o-tA THE SYMBOL FOR ALL OTHER LUMINAIRE MOUNTING CONFIGURATIONS. 240V: 0.06A 36" MIN. FENCE POST O By law,excavators and contractors working in the LED 10W&13 Wallpacks. Patent Pending thermal management system.100,000 277V: N/A five boroughs of New York Ci and Nassau and "RAB LIGHTING,INC.LUMINAIRE AND PRODUCT DE51GN5 ARE PROTECTED UNDER U5.AND hour L70 lifespan.5 Year Warranty. WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 g INPUT WATT5: 12H GAUGE W/ MAX. b" MESH O Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact INTERNATIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY L46. Color:Bronze Weight:3.3 lbs SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours PATENTS 155UED OR PENDING APPLY. GONSTRUGT I ON SEEG I F I GAT I ONS but no more than 10 working days(excluding _-.........-...............-..._.. - -' - -- -....._.-_._......_........_..._ ._... ........_.. .._._. .... -._..___._. ................_..--.---...__......._._............................... -- FLOW ? �""� WA weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning THE LIGHTING ANALYSIS,EZ-LAYOUT,ENERGY ANALYSIS AND/OR VISUAL SIMULATIONS UNDISTURBED GROUND Technical Specifications I.STONE SIZE --USE 2 STONE,OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT, any mechanized digging or excavation work to ('LIGHTING DE51GN)PROVIDED BY RAB LIGHTING,INC.CRAB)REPRESENTS AND ANTICIPATED ensure underground lines are marked. PREDICTION OF LIGHTING 5Y5TEM PERFORMANCE BASED UPON DE51GN PARAMETERS AND Listings Electrical COMPACTED SOIL Q, 2. LENGTH -NOT LE55 THAN 50 FEET(EXGEPT ON A 51NC7LE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE g Cold Weather Starting: _ Excavators and contractors can also submit INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS. THESE DESIGN PARAMETERS AND INFORMATION UL Listing: Driver: � EMBED FILTER CLOTH _ A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTH WOULD APPLY). locate requests online,through ITIC. If you do not PROVIDED BY OTHERS HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY RAB AND THEREFORE ACTUAL The minimum starting temperature is-40°CI-40`F 3 A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUND. ? current) use ITIC, lease call 1800-524-7603 MEASURE RESULTS MAY VARY FROM THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS. RAB RECOMMENDS Suitable for Wet Locations as a Downlight.Suitable Ambient Temperature: Multi-chip 1 OW high output long life LED Driver 4= 3. THIGKNE55 - NOT LE55 THAN 51X(b) INCHES. y p THAT DESIGN PARAMETERS AND OTHER INFORMATION BE FIELD VERIFIED THE REDUCE for Damp Locations as an Uplight.Wall Mount only. Constant Current,Class li,120V-24OV,501501 Hz, for more information. Suitable for Mounting within Oft.of ground. Suitable for use in 40`C(104`F)ambient 350mA. SECTION VIEW 4. WIDTH - TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM,BUT NOT LE55 THAN THE FULL WVARIATION. AT temperatures POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESS OCCURS.TWENTY-FOUR(24) FOOT IF SINGLE For safety reasons, homeowners are strongly RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED WITH REGARD TO ACTUAL MEASURED Dark Sky Approved: Optical CONSTRUCT I ON Si�EG I F I GST I ONS LIGHT LEVELS OR ENERGY GONSIIMPTION LEVELS AS COMPARED TO 7H05E ILLUSTRATED BY Thermal Management: ENTRANCE TO SITE. encouraged to call as well when planning any The productional Dark Sky Association has approved Lumen Maintenance: THE LIGHTING DESIGN. RAB NEITHER WARRANTEES,EITHER IMPLIED OR STATED,NOR . this product as a full cutoff,fully shielded luminaire. Cast aluminum Thermal Management system for o type of digging on their property.Homeowners REPRESENTS THE APPROPRIATENESS,COMPLETENE55 OR SUITABILITY OF THE LIGHTING DESIGN optimal heat sinking.The LPACK is designed for cool The LED will deliver 70%of its initial lumens at I. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE P05T5 WITH WIRE TIES 5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE. can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by INTENT AS COMPLIANT WITH ANY APPLICABLE REGULATORY CODE REQUIREMENTS WITH THE IESNA LM-79&IESNA LM-80 Testing: operation,most efficient output and maximum LED rife 100,000 hours of operation. OR STAPLES. P05T5 SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD. calling 811,the national call before you dig EXCEPTION OF THOSE SPECIFICALLY STATED ON DRAWN65 CREATED AND SUBMITTED BY RAS LED luminaires have been tested by an by minimizing LED junction temperature. Other b. SURFACE WATER-ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD GON- number. For excavation work completed on RAB. THE LIGHTING DE516N I5 ISSUED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,AS ADVISORY DOCUMENTS FOR independent laboratoryin accordance with IESNA Housing: 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE TO BE FASTENED 5EGURELY TO WOVEN WIRE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING 15 personal roe INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CON5TRUGTION NOR A5 BEING PART OF I LM-79 and 80,and have received the Department of California Title 24: p property,rty,it is the contractor's Energy"Lighoin Facts"label, Precision die cast aluminum housing,lens frame. FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24 AT TOP AND MID 5EGTION. A PROJEGT5 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PACKAGE. g See WPLED10/PC for a 2013 California Title 24 FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 12 I/2 GAUGE,b" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. IMPRACTICAL,A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED. responsibility--NOT the homeowners-to contact DigNet. Having utility lines marked prior to LED Characteristics Mounting: compliant model. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER- '1•MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHIGH WILL digging is free of charge. Lifespan: Junction box. Patents: PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIG RIGHT5-0F-WAY,ALL Green Technology: The LPACK design is protected under patents in the LAPPED BY 51X INGHE5 AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED OR TRAGTED ONTO PUBLIG RIGHTS-0F-WAY 100,000 hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 9Y g JEFFREY T. BUTLER, P.E. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SAFETY : results and TM-21 calculations. U.S.Pat.D608,040,Canada Pat.130,243,China Pat, MIRAFI IOOX,5TABILINKA T14ON,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. MU5T BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. AND 5ECURITY RI5K5 DUE TO INADEQUATE L16HT LEVELS. THIS RAB LEDs are Mercury,Arsenic and UV free. 200930183252.2,and pending patents in Taiwan and Color Consistency: For use on LEED Buildings: Mexico. 8. WHEN WASHING 15 REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON A AREA STABILIZED WITH IS NOT A RECOMMENDED L16HT LAYOUT. IT 15 A DE-516N9 4. PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE 6EOFAB,ENVIROFENCE,OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. BA5E0 UPON THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CODE - SECTION 1-12 7-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent IDA Dark Sky Approval means that this fixture can be Warranty: STONE AND WHIGH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. LIGHTING,OUTDOOR fixture-to-fixture color. used to achieve LEED Credits for Light Pollution 5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN Reduction. RAB warrants that our LED products will a free from Q. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH Color Stability: defects in materials and workmanship for a period of "BULGE5" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more Gaskets: five(5)years from the date of delivery to the end user, 23= than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. Nigh Temperature Silicone. including coverage of light output,color stability,driver U5.DEPARTMENT OF A6RIGULTURE US.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STABILIZED 8 Color Uniformity: performance and fixture finish. SILT NATURAL RE50URGE5 CONSERVATION SERVICE [617.7D] Equivalency: NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSTRUCTION ' RAB's of (Correlated color temperature)follows NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL GOK5ERVATION NEW YORK 5TATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION The WPLED10 is Equivalent in delivered lumens to a NEW YORK STATE SOIL t WATER GONSERVATIOK COMMITTEE FENCE NEW YORK 5TATE SOIL d WATER GON5ERVATiON COMMITTEE ( I the guidelines of the American National Standard for 70W Metal Halide Wallpacic ENTRANCE r Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State � m 43. Juntlon Bax Mount Lighting(SSL)Products,ANSI C78.377-2015. HID Replacement Range: � O 4 Coti�l Ufcltlfli� Construction The WPLED10 can be used to replace 35-10OW 2"X4"WOOD FRAME 112T 76] Finish: Metal Halide Wallpacks based on delivered lumens. d) Our environmentally friendly polyester powder N �1t Coatings are formulated for high-durability and long- _ • j-- _ STAKE— 1 1 23 testing color,and contains no VOC or toxic heavy metals. • FABRIC [53.87] i [63.87] ( [60.70] ---- -........................_.._,__._.........._...____._..__......._.._...._._.....____..---------._._...__.__._..._......... -----------�..........._..._.__---_._.......----------__...._....._._........._._.__.__--- tY � ± -- Calculation Summary X + Label Description CalcUnits - A Max Min A in Max/Min Pt Lr Pt TbLU LI_ a 7r _ 9 9 5f' II11-1111=II ILII ll o _..I 22" 1 i 6a CalcPts 51te Readings Taken at 0'-0" AFG Illuminance Fc 021 4.1b OA NA. NA. 3 3 Z 1111=1�=I �_l l o 1111=1111-1111— o (63.50] 1127.001 o T_ DROP INLET BURIED FABRIC !Z LU WITH GAS FRAME S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-01-1.4 /0,>, , '�- DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS CONVEYED -1y), STI III TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �, m �_' ti � k i h h h � 3 — � �,�,�• \ ,,tet, � F 5 PROPOSED METAL BUILDING W 6A-MER EZES5 AT AREA: 8,664 50.FT. o ` W GORNER5 I I I I I FIN.FL.EL. = 5D' o 0,2% USE: GOAT BARN GONSTRUGTI ON SPEG I E I GATI ONS I. FILTER FABRIC,SHALL HAVE AN E05 OF 40-b5. BURLAP MAY BE U5E0 FOR SHORT TERM APPLIGATION5. / ��NO j 0.10.2 0.5 2. GUT FABRIG FROM A GONTINUOU5 ROLL TO ELIMINATE JOINTS. IF JOINT5 ARE NEEDED THEY WILL BE OVERLAPPED TO THE NEXT STAKE. 3.STAKE MATERIALS WILL BE STANDARD 2" x 4" WOOD OR EQUIVALENT. METAL WITH A / / o BO MINIMUM LENGTH OF 3 FEET. / / , / LANDWARD EDGE OF FRE5HWATER 4. 5PAGE 5TAKE5 EVENLY AROUND INLET 3 FEET APART AND DRIVE A MINIMUM IS INGHE5 / � WETLAND5 AS DELINEATED BY R0 ESS\O� DEEP. 5PAN5 GREATER THAN 3 FEET MAY BE BRI06ED WITH THE U5E OF WIRE MESH BEHIND / A o SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, THE FILTER FABRIC FOR SUPPORT. /0,X ING. ON JANUARY 25, 2001 5. FABRIC SHALL BE EMBEDDED I FOOT MINIMUM BELOW GROUND AND BACKFILLED. IT SHALL 0.1 JEFFREY T. E3UTLER, P.E. BE 5EGURELY FA5TENED TO THE 5TAKE5 AND FRAME. Q o b. A 2" x 4" WOOD FRAME SHALL BE COMPLETED AROUND THE GRE5T OF THE FABRIG FOR f s oe2 1 0s �i F ' • . . Q OVER FLOW STABILITY. MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA I ACRE (4)' LED IOW WALLPAGK U.5.DEPARTMENT OF MRICULTURE FILTER FABRIC MODEL No. WPLEDIOY WARM LIGHT (3000K) ° MOUNTING HEIGHT = 12' ABV GRADE O O NATURAL RE50URCE5 CONSERVATION SERVICEDROP INLET NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NEW YORK STATE 501L 8 WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE PROTECTION � • � � u_ z Z Q 10 �Vop��o Q tx I— P ¢ BOO < cL ° o OO ° — PARTIAL L I C HT I NC PLAN LINE � o LU o of BVFFE� _ Z � � V ILu a J O 40 20 O 40 80 120 a F' .ZO O m N GRAPHIC SCALE 1 40-O" O N ° / U d- zs N LL / TEDGE OF iETDAL WETLANDS A5 DELINEATED BY --f' j ►-4 O O SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, ING. I S � Z Ll1 ON JANUARY 25, 2001 ��� '_- i--t Z (� JUN 2 8 2017 I� p p U1010 Pt3rni,;n C3ar i i111, __...._._ PA(5E 1- minalre Schedule Symbol Tag Qty Label Arrangement TI Lamp Lumens Lum. Lumens LLF Description MNTG HT. Lw.Watts Arr.Watts Total Watts D A 4 WPLEDIOY 51NGLE 3,504 b1b 1.000 LED IOW WALLPAGK 12.0' 20.0 10.0 60.0 WARM LIGHT(3000K) FULL OJTOFF,FULLY SHIELDED 2 of 2 THESE DRAWINGS AND AGGOMPANYING 5PECIFIGATION5,AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXGLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARGHITEGT AND THEIR U5E AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRIGTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUGTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, 15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE ARGHITEGT.TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. V15UAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF AGGEPTANGE OF THESE RE5TRI6TION5. OFFICE.- DESIGN AND EXPLANATORY NOTES CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 1.)Q -ROTATE 90°COLUMN FROM STANDARD 128066509 CN Q CV N N N N N N N N �# ;t O O I r O t� i N N N � _1 _ E + _1 1 t t O co N O Co ZO ;q N _1 N N bo co N 1 1'-10 1/2" ^ 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" co 12'-0" N 12'-0" � 12'-1 1/2" 0 b'-l 0 1/2' �O 5'-3" 11'-6" 5'-3" 6'-10 1/2"(y) 24'-2 1/4" cv 24'-0" � 24'-0" � 11'-9 3/4" MONITOR INTERIOR COLUMN ----- !. MONITOR INTERIOR COLUMN LOCATION DIMENSIONS ,f LOCATION DIMENSIONS I I I I I I I I I I { V-0"NON-VENTED ENDWALL OVERHANGS I I 1'-0"VENTED 5'-8 1/2" 24'-4" 5'-8 112" SIDEWALL OVERHANGS 1'-0"VENTED - - - - - I N N (N co 00 CV cv N S8 / 2 0" EYEBROW o N - I V-0"VENTED SIDEWALL OVERHANGS O � e � _� O SIDEWALL OVERHANGS 1'-0" NON-VENTED o N Q _ _ — L— — — — — — ^" a .�- V-0" NON-VENTED 1 _1 _, _� _1 _1 I - - 1 _i _1 _1 1 1 ! 1 ENDWALL OVERHANG N o w d' 0Ict 'O �-- — - N � �ocl� b b ENDWALL OVERHANG 1 l'-10 1/2" 12'-0" 12'-0" co 12'-0" N 12'-0" r 12'-1 1/2" -� 12'-1 1/2" 12'-0" ��� 12`-0"- c I 12'-0" I 12'-0" 1 l'-10 1/2" 56'-9" 5 6 00 1-911: 18"R 16"R 16"R T 6"R 16"R 18"R �--�� �" —`—'"-'"- -T N o A 4'-0 5/8'1 4'-0 5/8" C ®CN H_ 4'-0 5J8" __�` \ -- 4`-05/8" C? 1 S5 -10 3/4„I I $6 I I I S1 1 ! _ 10 3/4” i--- ol 50'-4 1/2": . 24"R r ' ) a ! I \ I o� 59-41/2 chi _ _ — — I — --i- _ — —I- — --I- _ — —I- — — 7 — -- _ 1 -- - _- -- -- -_ -- - -_ ____ _� — — — c ���_��1 - - -__ -__ — -=_ ,a= __- -__ =s.._ - 8 R 1 s"R - - _j ��z � __:1:.: �_�.�� �"`" _ - �-_ �`�_�.M�� `�= -__ � �___ ._.._. _ 391-911— - 4T-10 /2' w 16"R © 16"R © 16"R © 16 R i 6"R ® 16 R 1116 R ❑ 116"R Q 16"R ! �\ �� ® 6"R n 16"R ? 1 f�'., 6"2 16"P 16"R 16"R Q -16"R ® 16"R o I I i� I ��� �'� I 10 ( Z m 2'-0" EYEBROW ` 71 w 42'-10 1/2" - — �� ! ` ' 24"R l ,r> — - 42'-101/7' 12'x12' II 12'x12' I 12'x12' 24"R , -#_f kEINTIED 33'-10 1/2" - — 16'R 2'-0" EYEBROW RI — - 33'-101/7' ( BAR M lii BAR M I WASH . 2 (- SID-WA OVERHANGS I � y STALL II STALL STAT V ` ' S 1 1 I �'? co a 16"R JJ1 10 ( 18"R ® 0 Q -------------- ffi i3 — ■ 18'"R 1 2T-7112 35'-4 1/2" - — 27'-7 1/2" -� 24"R 35'-3 3/4" J 24"R 24'R 24"R 24"R— 24"R 24"R ' 24R ;�!1"R "0''k 24"R j � `1 le, L _J ' ' L—J S11 S11 B I L? 1 1 1 1 S, S6 ;o I sQ 24"R 18"R — — — I �O 27-101/2' B ' ' ® �I Sb S11 Sil ` S11 V Lo ' 24'R 30"R 30"R , 24"R 24"R 24"R 24"R 24"R 24_yR R 20'-4 1/2" - - 12'-1 1/2" I 18"R n n n —�R 16"R 16 R 24" R ■ ® ■ 2 1$ 18"R I 12-11/2, -51/4 W >- Q Lu z 1 � F— Lu 'c i I 12'x12' 12'x12' 12'x12' ' L-J 1 -1 BAR M BAR M BAR M i N W ° Ll � 5'-10 1/2" - — I I� 16"R STALL STALL STALL 16"R I I — - 5'-101/2'— - 12'-1 Q 1/2" - — �} ( 24" 1 24"R }� \ 12'-101/T F N W C? S8 El16"R 16"R i 6'f� � 16"R 16"R 16"R 16"R �16"R 16"R 16"R "R R 16 16'R - LU 7'-10 1/2" _ — Or O„ i� __ �_ __ �� — -� �" 4,rR 24"R ;z a�� - ,� �, ._. ��us� �; �� .i .n: �� t.:::�= r T - ^="�r . . _ m0-0 - - T-101/2' ._- Z N N O UIF o I I I I i I I I S10 © I I s I ! I I 00 O 1 T'-10 1/2" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0' 12'-012'-1 1/2" 118'R 16 R 16 JR � 1 6"R © 16"R ©18"R 12'-1 1/2" 1 12'-0!' ,.� Q" 1 12'-0" 12'-0" I '2'-Q" 1 1'-10 1/2" 01-01, Z CV N Na / -- - — -- - � — \� N ev ! <,4 (V fV Z Z O Z O z Z V � �V ZO C7 N N �P f3 tr; "v p O O 00 6'-10 1/2" 7'-0" 8'-0" T-0" 6'-10 1/2' co ® O V 0 CA Q Z Q Z a 3'-0" EYEBROW Q z Q z 3 W � w v (1) - 0 _ Q Jz uj � z � z Q o o I I o ® ui � ` oaLu mLu � � � Wz I I I I I i '° `^' .N N (°'� ! ' I ca�, z 00 � Q ® 8 Z } w1 Q Q U 4 U �' 11'-10 1/2" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-1 1/2" 35'-9" 24'-2 1/4" 1 2 '-01" 24'-0" 11'-93/4" '''.' 0 UO et ® vt 0 I OC14 C14 C14 C14 a (14 O o z ! ® Z ! O ry N N .. I (V O UO `o Y CV C' iz2 N C� 10 co N N `� co COLUMN PLAN COLUMN PLAN LEGEND ❑ -3-2x6 LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION -(6) 3'-6"SQUARE CUPOLA'S W/4,220 CFM FAN W/ DUCT,SHUTTER AT BASE ® -3-2x6 LAMINATED STUB COLUMN LOCATION AND 30""M"WEATHERVANE e -3-2x8 LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION -(3) 30"'x30"ATTIC ACCESS PANELS (VERIFY LOCATIONS) 19 -4-2x10 LAMINATED COLUMN LOCATION W/ -ALL STEEL FASTENED W/S.S.SCREWS ADDITIONAL 2x10 TREATED LAMINATES -ROOF LAP RIB SEALANT TAPE ■ -HEADERED TRUSS LOCATION 16"R-16" DIAMETER FOOTING WITH 4'TO BOTTOM OF 21"THICK CONCRETE F11 -(1) 6068 9-LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF W/ EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE FIBERSTEEL DOUBLE WALK DOOR W/FIXED ASTRAGAL, OUT SWING, COLUMN AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4''x14"THREADED LEFT HINGE (RIGHT PANEL FIXED) W/KEYED LOCKSET &CLOSER ROD WITH AN ADDITIONAL MINIMUM 1"ABOVE BOTTOM OF PRECAST M -(2) 3068 9-LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF W/ EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK CONCRETE COLUMN. PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM FIBERSTEEL WALK DOOR, IN SWING, RIGHT HINGE W/ KEYED LOCKSET &CLOSER OF LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. DRAWN BY: VANDERKLEIJ M -(1) 3068 9-LITE TEMPERED GLASS IN LEAF W/ EMBOSSED CROSSBUCK 18"R-18" DIAMETER FOOTING WITH 4'TO BOTTOM OF 21"'THICK CONCRETE DA TE. 5/30/2017 FIBERSTEEL WALK DOOR, IN SWING, LEFT HINGE W/ KEYED LOCKSET & CLOSER PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE -(1) 4072 METAL CLAD DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE W/ COLUMN AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"xl 4"THREADED CHECKED BY. B. WOLF S.S. STEEL HINGES, LATCHES & FASTENERS ROD WITH AN ADDITIONAL MINIMUM 1"ABOVE BOTTOM OF PRECAST d Q -(1) 4072 METAL CLAD DUTCH DOOR, OUT SWING, RIGHT HINGE W/ CONCRETE COLUMN. PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM DATE. 6/5/2017 S.S. STEEL HINGES, LATCHES & FASTENERS OF LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. REVISED DATE.' ---- © -(10) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOORS, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE W/ 24"R-24" DIAMETER FOOTING WITH 4'TO BOTTOM OF 21"THICK CONCRETE S.S. STEEL HINGES, LATCHES & FASTENERS PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). 20" BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE REVISED DATE.' ---- F -(3) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOORS, OUT SWING, LEFT HINGE W/ COLUMN AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"x14"THREADED REVISED DATE.' --- S.S. STEEL HINGES, LATCHES, FASTENERS, &ALUMINUM YOKE GUARD ROD WITH AN ADDITIONAL MINIMUM 1"ABOVE BOTTOM OF PRECAST ® -(10) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOORS, OUT SWING, RIGHT HINGE W/ CONCRETE COLUMN. PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM REVISED DATE. --- S.S. STEEL HINGES, LATCHES & FASTENERS OF LOWER COLUMN IN ONE OPERATION. �� y' Q -(3) 4037 METAL CLAD HALF DUTCH DOORS, OUT SWING, RIGHT HINGE W/ 30"R-30"DIAMETER FOOTING WITH 4'TO BOTTOM OF 21"THICK CONCRETE S.S.STEEL HINGES, LATCHES, FASTENERS, &ALUMINUM YOKE GUARD PAD(2500 PSI MINIMUM). 20"' BELOW BOTTOM OF PRECAST CONCRETE Q-(6) 2'-8"x3'-6" DH2836 ANDERSON VINYL CLAD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS W/ COLUMN AROUND EXPOSED REBAR CAGE AND 3/4"x14"THREADED LOW E INSULATED GLASS W/ARGON, REMOVABLE WOOD GRIDS, ROD WITH AN ADDITIONAL MINIMUM 1"ABOVE BOTTOM OF PRECAST z Oi'•• e SCREEN & 14"x43"OPEN LOUVERED SHUTTERS CONCRETE COLUMN. PLACE CONCRETE BELOW AND ABOVE BOTTOM f Od (D-(l) 12'-0"xl0'-0" DIAMOND "M" DOUBLE SLIDING END DOOR (DOOR PANEL SLIDE OF LOWER COLUMN {N ONE OPERATION. AY01 • f • ,f. BOTH DIRECTIONS W/TEMPERED INSULATED GLASS W/ALUMINUM GRIDS BETWEEN GLASS, PAINTED STEEL CROSSBUCK TRIMS & INTERIOR FINISH W/T&G CAR SIDING, S.S. EXTERIOR PULLS & BRUSH WEATHERSTRIPPING Q-(2) 16'-0"x10"-0"DIAMOND M" DOUBLE SLIDING END DOORS (DOOR PANEL SLIDE C\ BOTH DIRECTIONS) W/TEMPERED INSULATED GLASS W/ALUMINUM GRIDS BETWEEN D{r :`- �`- ��I= _/7 O f (� -�� T i it �L 111 THE GLASS, PAINTED STEEL CROSSBUCK TRIMS & INTERIOR FINISH W/ 1&G CAR SIDING, S.S. EXTERIOR PULLS & BRUSH WEATHERSTRIPPING ���� I� 2017 28 (D-(2) NON-FUNCTIONAL 8'-ON7 4' DIAMOND"M" DOUBLE SLIDING LOFT DOORS SCALE: � (DOOR PANEL SLIDE BOTH DIRECTIONS) W/TEMPERED INSULATED GLASS W/ALUMINUM SouthoiJ'To� r ®. 1' 4' 16' GRIDS BETWEEN THE GLASS, PAINTED STEEL CROSSBUCK TRIMS & INTERIOR FINISH W/T&G Planning Boars SCALE.AS NOTED CAR SIDING, S.S. EXTERIOR PULLS & BRUSH WEATHERSTRIPPING SHEET NO. S1 of S12 OFFICE.• DESIGN AND EXPLANATORY NOTES CUTCHOGUE, NY JOB NO. 1.) EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW LOCATIONS ARE TAKEN FROM THE EXTERIOR FACE 128066509 OF THE NAILERS AND ARE TO THE CENTER OF THE DOOR AND WINDOW UNITS. VERIFY ALL DOOR, WINDOW, SKYLIGHT AND SIDELIGHT LOCATIONS WITH THE 48'-0" 1$'-0" O W N ER. 48'-0" 18'-0„ 12 T#16 GABLE TRIM 4 3'-6"x3'-6" CUPOLA --- ,-- -; `_— VENT-A.-RIDGE -- �.SA^_S0. arS+e^.•.e.SJ.TF€'°7„S'-,t'nr> :-'�,n+`st"yc"L.•*.:_ -v13s.•ss .. 1sru.R.''?8.,"^waWS.^.sa:R..GN3bsl :r,=ar,.c':T+r ".s6^dxtt-ti '.'`�aSw.;t2!- ,;- �-�s:5y 7�7 __. _ -_ __ I -- •—w - -�-v r _ T#78 EAVE TRIM 12'47T# & T#167 TRIMS � Tl 21 4 12 1 D 0 i ���.�%� 5"O.G. GUTTERS U � a HI-RIB STEEL U7, T#21 CORNER TRIM m T#167 TRANSITION TRIM 4�= HI-RIB STEEL WAINSCOT a T#167 BASE TRIM w co 12'-0" I I IT#48 T#21 T#21 T#481 12'-0" 12'-0' 6'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 11'-10 1/4!' 6'-1 3/4" 18'-0' 6'-1 3/4" 1 11'-10 1/4" 1 12'-0" 12'-0' 12'-0" 12'-0 12'-0" 6'-0" OZ Lu _ 0 O O O O C� O O 9 O O O C? ® O C� = 0 10 O CV �1 `0 N O co 00 0 C`i �Y e0 bp O O � c? 10 p O O Ni c� to W h O p. 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WOLF leg; 1 _ DA TE., 6/5/2017 REVISED DATE.- --- F " 1 REVISED DA FE.- _ , I REVISED DA TE., Do® •Dod REVISED DATE.—T—T I I I I I I I I- t I I I I ---- I I I ( I , i i 1 i i 1 11'-10 1/4' 1 6'-1 3/4" 4'-0" 6'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 6'-0" 4'-0" 6'-1 3/4" 1 11'-10 1/4" 1 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" f 6'-0" F NEW y �0 6'-0" 12' 0" 12'-0" 12'-0' 12'-0" - .•� • • � • • � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • �' O 0 p c0 O N �O V' 00 N 0 �O O <") 00 0 ZN �t ;0 aJ L O O to 10 O 00 00 01 O N co �O f� O� e -_ !J / •�� cq O I` JUN 2 NORTH ELEVATION N 20)7 U.110iFl21302-rd 2' 8' SCALE.•AS NOTED SCALE: , , Iv _ SHEET NO. 1' 4' 16' S4 OF S 12 4L Ni L &MIA LA hi 4"Jkli LLw! h6i� B ' I WIT M5 17—M: + L� � - •k � � i'°_,. P d � — f _ M wit • Oj , bo •, � , `lea .. _ F 7 , �' " ,ti°r::. � ' i i� ,i "��r ..•�F .. _"air f .0' °� �� •,.,� r", �'._ Mr� � , . I � x u -!A • _ r , •rte. • 6-r� r 4:e- F'k .� 'i," s , 'a`'#. 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YC l Wl ll 1, 2-1 ✓ YAW H9VHHADJ VHMV I, 9\1,MvHC TS Vy: ✓ M�)M I HD11 P%,�L"'I'Vd OASWOM A\ rr rt ON, 0 MWM a AG M,1,A'13 Olt A WO 110,. ................. �)MOM'30 ACIO') AVEIL A� - 1 1 Clh, li/N 31,V l 1,"'I'lli Vd, D, wa 1141, i,v��ON,1�tlU )6X> IPwu, TIt l;j �111 A 5"(7) V MV y x TW YNII V1,Ov Cyv','j,W NO,;(01'11—e�:-0� A. r9y�,Iiqvg, �G lllh PO 0,0� �(""91)1 x V,A ol" l 0 yAk v3W I'Klb Or� r/ lifK,POvi", I idc 11 IN,"N-li-,lvl,,01 -o 'It ie, il� ir .AVL i,, ` 4,W Y4,Ytl .. 111y, ✓tW 0, MASS, wl-,1��A'A- �NIIYWi it'i'v, 71.171TIV17�9^�°pUVII IT T�,r OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldt ownny.gov 0000 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 9, 2019 Ms. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Conditional Approval: Tenedios Agricultural Barn & Greenhouse 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3 Dear Ms. Moore: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, July 8, 2019: WHEREAS, this amended agricultural site plan is for the addition of a 60' x 24' (1,440sq. ft.) greenhouse to a site where a one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment has conditional approval from the Planning Board, on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact (the greenhouse is located in the 5-acre area and the barn is located in the 29.5-acre area) in the R-200 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on February 11, 2019, the Southold Town Planning Board granted an amended approval with conditions for the Tenedios Barn and Greenhouse site plan, authorizing the Chairman to endorse the site plan after Conditions "A" through "G" were met; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2019, the Orient Fire District provided correspondence to the Planning Board as required; and WHEREAS, on April 1, 2019, Pat Moore, authorized agent, submitted revised site plans for review; and Tenedios Greenhouse Page 12 July 9, 2019 WHEREAS, on May 7, 2019, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued permit#1-4738-03952/00003 for the subject site plan application; and WHEREAS, on May 14, 2019, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed Greenhouse as a permitted use in the R-200 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on June 7, 2019, Pat Moore, authorized agent, submitted revised site plans for review; and WHEREAS, on July 2, 2019, the Office of the Town Engineer confirmed that the proposed construction and ground disturbance is in compliance with Town Code Chapter 236; and WHEREAS, on July 3, 2019, Jeff Butler, authorized engineer, submitted final site plans; and WHEREAS, on July 8, 2019, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that conditions A— G of the conditional site plan approval have been met; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board authorizes the Chairman to endorse the Site Plan with one (1) condition, for the Site Plan entitled "Amended Site Plan for Tenedios Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E. dated March 22, 2017 and last revised July 1, 2019. Condition • The perimeter of the area of disturbance shall be staked out prior to the commencement of any construction activity. Conditions of approval (ongoing) Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended Site Plan Application 1. The purpose of this amended site plan is to consolidate and replace the plan that received conditional site plan approval on January 14, 2019, entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017 and last revised October 16, 2018; and to acknowledge the proposed construction of a 1,440 sq. ft. greenhouse; 2. The public is not permitted to access the barn or greenhouse; 3. The barn and the driveway to the barn shall be used for agricultural purposes only as per the Tnwn's easement; Tenedios Greenhouse Page 13 July 9, 2019 4. Livestock grazing, paddocks, shelters and enclosures shall be located outside the vegetated buffers shown on the site plan; 5. Livestock shall be prevented from entering the vegetated buffers; 6. Buffers: Vegetated Buffers 2 & 3 shall be managed for the following benefits: a. Provide denitrification and nutrient uptake; b. Slow water runoff and enhance infiltration; c. Trap pollutants in surface runoff & subsurface flow; d. Stabilize soils. Vegetated Buffer 1 shall be managed to maintain existing trees, shrubs and groundcover; 7. Signs: Any sign that requires a sign permit must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation; 8. Lighting: No exterior lights were reviewed or approved in connection with this amended site plan. Any exterior lights on or around the outside of this greenhouse must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board and must meet Town Code §172 Lighting; 9. The Planning Board strongly encourages the property owner to follow the guidelines developed by the USDA for sustainable numbers of animals on pasture. The Board further encourages the farm owner to request a nutrient management plan for the animal husbandry portion of the farm, as well as consulting with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). The Board also strongly encourages the property owner to develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) to address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters by working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or USDA NRCS. Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Site Plans: 1. Any new lighting fixtures beyond those approved as part of the Lighting Plan must conform to the Code and may require Planning Board approval depending on their number, size, intensity and location. Fixtures shall be Tenedios Greenhouse Page 14 July 9, 2019 shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways and shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries and conform to §172 of the Town Code. 2. All storm water run-off from grading, driveways and gravel areas must be contained on site. 3. Proposed storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Town Engineer at the time of installation. Please call the Southold Town Engineer prior to beginning this work. 4. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 5. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 6. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a Final Site Inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector James Richter, Stormwater Manager By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy. Print name: 'lx ict = _, Applicant — Steve Tenedios "�-- Date: J :. Signature: _._�.. - OFFICE LOCATION: MAnJNG ADDRESS: P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 111 971 Town Hall Annex � " � 64375 State Route 26 (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) Telephone:631765-1938 Southold,NY WWW.southoldto .gov 'UN' PLANNING BGS OFTICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 12, 2019 Ms. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Amended approval -Tenedios Agricultural Barn & Greenhouse 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3 Dear Ms. Moore: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, February 11, 2019: WHEREAS, this amended agricultural site plan is for the addition of a 60' x 24' (1,440sq. ft.) greenhouse to a site where a one story 8,664 sq.ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment has conditional approval from the Planning Board, on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact(the greenhouse is located in the 5-acre area and the barn is located in the 29.5-acre area) in the R-200 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board granted an approval with conditions on January 14, 2019 on the agricultural site plan for the 8,684 sq. ft. barn. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, necessary permits from.the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NY SDEC) are required to be obtained ,and reviewed by the Planning Board to ensure they are substantially in agreement with the site plan. Any differences in the site plan approved by the Planning Board and the plan approved by the NYSDEC may require the site plan approved by the Planning Board to be amended prior to building permits, depending on the nature and significance of the difference; and Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended Page 2 February 12- 2019 WHEREAS, on November 2, 2018, Patricia Moore, authorized agent, submitted an amended Site Plan Application for review; and WHEREAS, on November 19, 2018, the Planning Bound found the application incomplete for review and required additional information; and WHEREAS, on November 26, 2018, Patricia Moore, authorized agent, submitted information to the Planning Board for review; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2018, Patricia Moore, authorized agent, submitted information to the Planning Board for review; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2018, Patricia Moore, authorized agent, submitted information to the Planning Board for review; and WHEREAS, on December 14,, 2018,. after discovering the greenhouse construction had begun prior to the site plan being approved, a Stop Work Order pursuant to §280-130 8 was issued by Southold Town Code Enforcement along with three summons after failure to comply with previous verbal warnings; and WHEREAS, on December 17, 2018, the Planning Bound accepted the application as complete for review and did not authorize any further construction of the subject building prior to site plan approval and the issuance of a building permit; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to §280-133 C of the Southold Town Code, has the discretion to waive any or all of the requirements in §280- 133 for those applications involving uses strictly related to agriculture as long as they are not necessary to further the objectives set forth in Town Code §280-129 to maintain public health, safety, and welfare, The Planning Board has found that this application is eligible for a waiver of certain elements of the Site Plan requirements because it is an agricultural use, the details of which are included in the Staff Report dated November 19, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §.280-131 B ( ), has the discretion to vary or waive the parking requirements for Site Plan Applications where doing so would not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety or general welfare, and will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and provision of the Site Plan Requirements chapter of the Town Code. The Planning Board has found that this application is eligible for a waiver of parking requirements because there is no need to provide for parking -the application is for a agricultural buildings not open to the public and the parcel is large in size relative to the proposed structures (less than 1% lot coverage total); TenedLi!js Bare & Greenhouse Amended Page 3 February 12 201 WHEREAS, on December 17, 2018, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action is a Type 11 Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, 617.5(c)(3) agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming. The action is for the construction of a one story 1,440 sq. ft. greenhouse, and amending the previous approval for the agricultural barn; and WHEREAS, on January 4, 2019, the Planning Board, pursuant to, Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHERE-AS, on January 10, 2019, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and determined that there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and WHEREAS, the action is exempt from the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC); and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2019, the Southold Town Agricultural Advisory Committee provided comments to the Planning Board for consideration; and WHEREAS, on January 14, 2019, the Public Hearing was held and closed; and WHEREAS, in further coordination with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) permit(s) will be required from the NYSDEC for the greenhouse and barn structures; and WHEREAS, in coordination with the Office of the Town Engineer, the ground disturbance and construction for both the greenhouse and the barn structures and their associated infrastructure must be considered together to determine whether the application is in compliance with Chapter ;236 Stormwater Pollution Prevention, and whether a NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required, and a plan reflecting this must be provided for review; and WHEREAS, on January 28, 2019, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) reviewed the proposed project and approved it as submitted; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2019, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined it to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies provided that the Planning Board considered and required recommendations to the greatest extent practicable; and Tenedios 'Barn & Greenhouse Amended Page 4 Febr!112�2019� WHEREAS, at a Work Session on February 11, 2019, the Planning Board reviewed comments from referral agencies and staff analysis, required revisions to the site plan, and determined that once revisions are made to the site plan, certain conditions as listed below are met, and a permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is received, all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280—Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold will have been met, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants an amended approval with conditions for the Tenedios Barn and Greenhouse, , and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the site plan after Conditions "A" through "G" below are met: Conditions (to be fulfilled prior to endorsement of site plan) A. Revise the site plan. The purpose of this amended site plan is to consolidate and replace the plan that received conditional site plan approval on, January 14, 2019, entitled "Tenedi!os Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017 and last revised October 16, 2018; and to add the proposed construction of a 1,440 sq. ft. greenhouse to that plan. Please include the following on the plan: a. Combine the barn plan and the greenhouse plan so that the original detail and conditions are all on one plan and both the barn and the greenhouse are shown. b. Add the updated wetland delineation lines as approved by the NYSDEC (dated November 8, 2018). These lines are shown on the plan entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, L.S., dated January 25, 2017 and last revised December 7, 2018. The distance of the closest point of the greenhouse to the wetland line should be provided, however the entire 100" wetland distance line is not necessary to provide (unless it can be shown without interfering with demarcation of the Planning Board's required vegetated buffers). c. Illustrate the areas of disturbance and provide the total area of disturbance calculations, and calculate the drainage for Chapter 236 for both the greenhouse and barn and related infrastructure; d. Conditions 1 - 9 listed below; B. Provide a minimum of five (5) revised site plans, including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan; TenedioS Rnrn P. Greenhouse Amended Page 5 February 12, 2.010 C. Provide a written determination from a licensed engineer on whether a NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution, Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required due the amount of ground disturbance associated with the proposed construction of the agricultural buildings and related infrastructure (barn, driveway, utilities and greenhouse). This certified written determination must be provided to the Office of the Town Engineer for review and concurrence. If it is determined that a DEC SWPPP is required, the SWPPP must be filed with and reviewed by the NYS DEC, and a copy of the NOI and the SWPPP documents must be filed with the Southold Town Engineering Department; D. Written confirmation from the Office of the Town Engineer that the proposed construction and ground disturbance is in compliance with Town Code Chapter 236 must be received by the Planning Board; E. Provide a letter of non-jurisdiction or wetland permit from the Southold Town Board of Trustees; F. Written correspondence from the Orient Fire District regarding fire safety; G. A use certification from the Chief Building Inspector as required by Town Code. Condition (to be fulfilled prior to the issuance of a building permit) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, necessary permits from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) shall be obtained and reviewed by the Planning Board. The DEC permit(s) and associated plans approved by the NYSDEC must be submitted to the Planning Board for their review to ensure they are substantially in agreement. Any differences in the site plan approved by the Planning Board and the plan approved by the NYSDEC may require the site plan approved by the Planning Board to, be amended prior to building permits, depending on the nature and significance of the difference; Conditions of approval (ongoing) Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended Site Plan Application 1. The purpose of this amended site plan is to consolidate and replace the plan,that received conditional site plan approval on January 14, 2019, entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017 and last revised October 16, 2018; and to acknowledge the proposed construction of a 1,440 sq. ft. greenhouse; 2. The public is not permitted to access the barn or greenhouse; Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended Page 6 Cebruary +- 2 °I9 3. The barn and the driveway to the barn shall be used for agricultural purposes only as per the Town's easement; 4. Livestock grazing, paddocks, shelters and enclosures shall be located outside the vegetated buffers shown on the site plan; 5. Livestock shall be prevented from entering the vegetated buffers; 6. Buffers Vegetated Buffers 2 & 3 shall be managed for the following benefits: a. Provide denitrification and nutrient uptake; b. Slow water runoff and enhance infiltration; c. Trap pollutants in surface runoff& subsurface flow; d. Stabilize soils. Vegetated Buffer 1 shall be managed to maintain existing trees, shrubs and groundcover; 7. Signs Any sign that requires a sign permit must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation; 8. Lighting No exterior lights were reviewed or approved in connection with this amended site. plan. Any exterior lights on or around the outside of this greenhouse must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board and must meet Town Code §172 Lighting; 9. The Planning Board strongly encourages the property owner to follow the guidelines developed by the USDA for sustainable numbers of animals on pasture. The Board further encourages the farm owner to request a nutrient management plan for the animal husbandry portion of the farm, as well as consulting with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). The Board also strongly encourages the property owner to develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) to address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters by working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or USDA NRCS. Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended Page 7 Febr a 12 w 2019 If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector James Richter, Stormwater Manager By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Building Permit and 'Certificate of Occupancy. Print name: � "° °` Applicant— Steve Tenedios : �Signature. ..... Date. . 11, '� 91!8 jol sluaw;ajinb;aj Burled 9qj 9AleM JO AJBA 01 UOIjGJOSIP 9ql Seq '(9) 9 tOk-Oaz§ apoo umo_L ploqlnoS of juensind 'Pj8O8 buluuBld UmO I--pjoqjnoS ;9ql 'SV3�i3HM PUB 'LWz `t,Z Ainr pajap :podaU jjejS eqj ui papnloui aje qoiqm 10 sl!el;DP aql 'asn jBinlinopbe ue sl ji asneoaq sluawaimbei U181d qj!S eqj 10 SIU@W;919 UMPOO 10 J9AIBM e joj elq!bile sl U011eoldde siql jeqj punol seq pjeog 6u[uueld , 'Wellem pug lfi4ajes IqIILeq oilqnd i9q I U!BluIBLU 04 6ZV08O§ OPOO UMOJ Ul, qIJOI 19S SOA]IO@fqo eqj jaq:pnj of fijesseoeu jou Gie Aqqj se Buol se ainlinoij6e 01 pelelai A113!jls sasn bUIA10AUI suoileoildde asoqj jol£s� -09Z§ ui s1pawgiinbei E)LIJ 10 lie JO AUB ;DAIBM 01 UOIJQJOSIP Gql SeLl apoo umoj_ ploqlnoS qqj;oO 88k-08Z§ olluensind 'PJ809 Buluusld umo I,ploqlnoS 9qj 'SVDU3HAA PUB 'M;D[A;DJ JOI 9191dwoo se upileoildde eLli paidDooe punog buluueld 9ql 'LWZ 'LZ Ajnr uo 'SV3183HAA Pug ,MeIAGJ JOI UOIIIBO!IddV ueld aj!S e ppjj!wqnsju96e p9zijoqjne 'Ajja)j weijj!AA 'LLOZ gZ ;au.n-p uo ISV3-d3HM pug 10!jlsl(] 6UjuOZ OOZ-U ;qqj ul joelui slqBij luewdoleAep GA8q MOB 9 pug umo m _L ploqlnoS Aq plaq slqBij juawdolanap 9ABq s9JOe 9'6Z qOlq jo -wiel ajoe 5'j,£ e uo juawdinba wiel pug s@ijddns 'pq;qj ;910jS PUB MOOISGAII asnoq of Buipl!nq *:4 ,bs t,99'8 Ajols auo pasodoid e jol sl U81d 9j!S Isinjinoift siqj 'SV3213HM :6LOZ 'K fjenuer 'Aiapuon UO pjeOI3 Buluueld umo_L ploqlnoS ;aql jo buileaw L, le peldope ejam suoilnlosai 6uimolloj ;aqi Cl '9 17'L-V'6l-OOOWUOS juaijo 19Z qjno�j g PBO�j J@AIj:j mO-UBN 10 J9uJOO mls 19Z ejno�j SAN 0 61782 ujeg leinjinoift SOlp9U8_L- 17BAoiddV :ani 9C6 L L AN '9n6oq3jnO v#wn -E)ue-i xop 99szz A119>1 LUBIIHAA 'JIN MZ lqL Ajenue.r (IrioHjlflos do NMOJI HalaaO C[HVOE[DNINTNvrlcl 0 "kO2-xUUmOjPjOxjjUOs-tAA%M N ILN 1pjapnoS 996T-99L 1199 :3UOqdG%aL r.s2uno2R-ma ure --loo) . 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Cc: Betsy Perkins; Steve Tenedios Subject: greenhouse Hi Brain: Mr. Tenedios is requesting a CO for the greenhouse on the east side of the property. Before the building department can issue the CO we will need a site plan inspection. Could you please let me know when you can inspect. The property is accessible, please let yourself in...if you need anything please let me know. Pat PATRICIA C. MOORE physical & mailing address 51020 Main Road Southold NY 11971 tel # 631.765.4330 fax # 631.765.4643 www,rnooreatt s . ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. i CONSENT TO INSPECTION c ""1 d 1"') � �� °"'t _._. .,•the undersigned, do(es)hereby.-stale: Owner(s)Name(s) That the undersigned(is) (are)the owner(s) of the premises in the Town of Southold,,located at which is shown and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section , Block 'k. ,Lot 4 That the undersigned(has) (have) filed,or cause to be fled,an application in the Southold Town Bui�din. Ins ector's Office for the following: ^ r i Cu r-" .c R � ' r.• _ .. ..�._... .__.. ......... ..... mm. � That the undersigned do(es)hereby give consent to the Building Inspectors of the Town of Southold to enter upon the above described property, including any and all buildings located thereon,to conduct such inspections as they may deem necessary with respect to the aforesaid application,including inspections to determine that said pi emisiz comply with all of the laws, ordinances,rules and regulations of the Town of Southold. The undersigned, in consenting to such inspections,do(es)so with the knowledie and understanding that any information obtained in the conduct of such inspections hioy be used in subsequent prosecutions for violations of the laws, ordinances,ru.l. regulations of the Town of Southold. Dated: l t 1. atual (Print Name) (Signature) (Print Name) From: Betsy at Moore Law Offices <betsy@mooreattys.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2019 11:26 AM „ To: Michaelis,Jessica; Cummings, Brian A.; Lanza, Heather .. m""""" Y Y Cc: Moore Patricia; margaret; Steve Tenedios;William Kelly RECEIVED Subject: Tenedios Ag Barn Attachments: DEC STAMPED APPROVED PLAN.pdf; PERMIT.pdf MA`( 0 7 r""019 P6aniroiin II:�:°:��ird good morning! w, .. ,,n_..................._. .a attached please find the NYS DEC permit. kindly make part of the file as it is a condition to the approval granted January 14, 2019. thank you. Betsy Perkins LA SAVE A TREE'- PLEASE DO NOT PRINT EMAIL UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED TO Moore Law Offices William D. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4663 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4330 mailing & physical address: 51020 Main Road Southold NY 11971 fax number for both 631.765.4643 www.mooreaifys.corm iV(,)').".CCE': 'Z'h.is and the to LLa.cchm(---xAt...; cr: t::ea, (' dray-, r ai l c()nt:a j� -t and/or:— Lc..t. raf' rrrrr.a t. i _:.c;r,tt. 1 t r'.."� Arzt.crrar�rec�' t.yr .frar r.rs>�„ �?°ry ttic, aaraane�c; dice Rntc:end eco a°e.c A ]:G.e;rxt cr.a: t.Pa:r.,4, c.e..-r.Ra.J yrcr ra c.ai:-�t ca r.� _'t., yc:r�.a are—, lit:r et^ryr rM r>P. r f.r e.(J (_tra t. an).C' or rce>�ay l�.ce.�� rr.f- r`.hls �;.�..n7'a.i_.l. crct� Lh( rlL�-achrracrrt.ca h r e(-: r, -1 is art r r'c fr t.tr t:ar.o.hJ. 1 t.:ced.. t .yvrz have t:ta:i..> ra`iaeaer.t r L 1 tr not_ r" )rtr. the (,.mrtee.r k,:)y te -.-phwie car -e.rrnane=n t.:l ty d 1 r=t:e;t Lh r."s' ta.rart i::he <ai t ra�rcttrner�raf_., hear cetera, If ca.raa.i c:?c:�st.rcr.yraary� t,.rr�isr�:<vrtat� t� :ra.r e.�raa�. ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Environmental Permits,Region I SUNY @ Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11790 P:(631)444-0365 1 F:(6311)444-0360 wwwdec.ny.gov May 1, 2019 Fresh & Co. Farm LLC 315 Madison Ave., RM 1501 New York, NY 10017 Re: Permit No. 1-4738-03952/00003 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit for the referenced activity. Please carefully read all permit conditions and special permit conditions contained in the permit to ensure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather and a Notice of Commencement/Completion of Construction. Please note, the permit sign and Notice of Commencement/Completion of Construction form are sent to either the permittee or the facility application contact, not both. Si le(Trely, SUsan V. Ackerman Regional Permit Administrator SVA/Is Conservation Aft NEW YORK STATE� D E PA RTM ENTO F ["IN V I RON'M ENTAL CON'SERVATION I'acility DEC 11) 1-4738-03952 PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law (HCL) Permittee and Facility Information Permit Issued To: Facility: FRESH&COFARM LLC FRESH&COFARM, LLC PROPERTY 315 MADISON AVE RM 1501 28410 MAIN RD (RTE 25) @-NARROW RIVER RDISCTM# 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4 NEW YORK,NY 10017 ORIENT,NY 11957 Facility Application Contact: PATRICIA C MOORE 51020 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 (631) 765-4330 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Village: Orient Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 728.089 NYTM-N: 4558.869 Latitude: 41'09'56.7" Longitude: 72'16'55.0" Project Location: 28410 Main Road Authorized Activity: Construction of a new barn, dirt road and greenhouse in conformance with the attached plans prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler dated 3-22-2017 and last revised 3-21-2019 (sheets I &2) and stamped NYSDEC approved on May 1, 2019. Note: No permit is necessary under Freshwater wetlands 6NYCRR Part 663.4(d)(9) "Conducting an agricultural activity, as defined in the act or section 663.2 of this Part" is listed as an exempt activity. Part 663.2(c)(ix) "erecting structures, including fences, required to enhance or maintain the agricultural productivity of the land". Permit Authorizations ......... ..... ........ ...............---------------------............ ------....... ..... ................-.... ......................... ................ Tidal Wetlands - Under Article 25 Permit ID 1-4738-03952/00003 Ncw Permit Effective Date: 5/1/2019 Expiration Date: 4/30/2024 Page 1 of 6 a NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03952 - ..............—`- .......------ NYS DE.... ._.. C-11, ------ . .... ....... Approval By acceptance of this permit,the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administrator: SUSAN ACKERMAN,Regional Permit Administrator Address: NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY 11 0 -3409 Authorized Signature: Date ............ Distribution List .......................... ---------------- PATRICIA C MOORE Marine Habitat Protection SUSAN ACKERMAN Permit Components -—--------------- - ------------ ------------------ NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS, APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS . .............. -.A ..... ..... . NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS - Apply to the Followi..............ng Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS ................. I. Post Permit Sign The permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected from the weather. 2. Notice of Commencement At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project,the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work. 3. No Construction Debris in Wetland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area(upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. Page 2 of 6 Aft dame NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION lqw Facility DEC ID 1-4735-03952 4. No Disturbance to Vegetated Tidal Wetlands There shall be no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 5. Storage of Equipment,Materials The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined within the project work area and/or upland areas greater than 75 linear feet from the tidal wetland boundary. 6. No Unauthorized Fill No fill or backfill is authorized by this permit without further written approval from the department(permit,modification, amendment). 7. Install,Maintain Erosion Controls Necessary erosion control measures, i.e., straw bales, silt fencing, etc., are to be placed on the downslope edge of any disturbed area. This sediment barrier is to be put in place before any disturbance of the ground occurs and is to be maintained in good and functional condition until thick vegetative cover is established. 8. Maintain Erosion Controls All erosion control devices shall be maintained in good and functional condition until the project has been completed and the area has been stabilized. 9. Restrictions All manure piles and used livestock bedding must be kep a minimum of 100' from any freshwater or tidal wetland areas and must be prevented from entering wetlands or surface waters. 10. Seeding Existing cleared/disturbed areas within the "vegetated buffer" areas, as shown on approved plans, should be seeded with a native seed mix and allowed to revert to natural. Buffers may be mowed once a year. 11. Buffers Buffers shall be fenced so as to prevent livestock from grazing in them. 12. State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 13. State May Order Removal or Alteration of Work If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State,or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State,the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require,remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. Page le NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NEW Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03952 14. State May Require Site Restoration If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed,the applicant shall,without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may lawfully require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 15. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict confonnance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or applicant's agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler 3-22-2017, last revised 3-21-2019 (sheets 1 &2) and stamped NYSDEC approved on May 1,2019. 16. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings,paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. ...... .. _ _ -.. m. ..... r,..ro GENERAL CONDITIONS Apply to ALL Authorized Permits _.___... _.... _.w... . ._... � .. ... .... ...._. .....— 1. Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation(the Department)to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this pen-nit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. Page 4 of 6 Aft NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION MW Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03952 3. Applications For Permit Renewals, Modifications or Transfers The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal,modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal,modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional Permit Administrator NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY11790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewal Application The permittee must submit a renewal application at least 30 days before permit expiration for the following permit authorizations: Tidal Wetlands. 5. Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the pernlit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions,relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Enviromnental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. Page 5 of 6 PW NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 119W Facility DEC ID 1-4738-03952 . ......... ...... ------........ NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS .............. ........ ...... . ...... Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impainnent of any rights,title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Page 6 of 6 NOTICE gE.CO`dMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION Am RETURN THIS FORM TO:COMPLIANCE Or Fax to: 631-444-0297 Bureau of Marine Habitat Protection-NYSDEC doma 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 PERMIT NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: PERMITTEE NAME&PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME&ADDRESS: TELEPHONE Dear Sir: Purspant to the special conditions of the referenced permit,you are hereby notified that the authorized activity shall commence on � ,••• •, . We certify that we have read the referenceU permit and approved plans and fully understand the authorized project and all permit conditions. We have inspected the project site and can complete the project as described in the permit and as depicted on the approved plans. We can do so in full compliance with all plan notes and permit conditions.The permit,permit sign, and approved plans will be available at the site for inspection in accordance with General Condition No. 1. (Both signatures required) PERMITEE: �•_m DATE CONTRACTOR: _ __.._ ..._ DATE lo' THIS NOTICE MUST BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS AT LEAST TWO DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROJECT AND/OR ANY ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES. FAILURE TO RETURN THIS NOTICE, POST THE PERMIT SIGN, OR HAVE THE PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AVAILABLE AT THE WORK SITE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT MAY SUBJECT THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR TO APPLICABLE SANCTIONS AND PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS. Cut along this line X X X X X X X NOTICE OF COMPl_ELio CJI-CONSTRUCTION RETURN THIS FORM TO:COMPLIANCE Or Fax to: 631-444-0297 Bureau of Marine Habitat Protection-NYSDEC AM 50 Circle Rd. MOW Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 PERMIT NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: PERMITTEE NAME&PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME&ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Pursuant to special conditions of the referenced permit,you are hereby notified that the authorized activity was completed on We have fully complied with the terms and conditions of the permit and approved plans.(Both signatures required) rr PERMITEE: DATLi. CONTRACTOR: CSA"f THIS NOTICE, WITH PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE COMPLETED WORK AND/OR A COMPLETED SURVEY,AS APPROPRIATE, MUST BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. Ln C) fu LIJ cn con 00 CZ Om v u Ln a (D 0 LnUW Eye. 0 UJ g CL u Li 13 0 ra U ED Or 4-1 EE E v _{ a VM NMVt 91O M -N 601" •• ££04LL�£9'xrd HYB66�L'IE9 :IabA e x0a HTS' f.L'iLNl/'.�a+ 2'm d4 t,P OA S1`IOi�/S 40 ISt�AJ"J E9 v CXOB'O'd " ti'Y dW EY I I4}:JUI�+N H'L'J5 Y �rar a,r�aro-e� ��z�rst��td its a�ffta,�^iv F 1 ,b � w �d h: p a� il �..._. "Y aha 106 L! Ul .r» x` 11 i�as gg i I� 4 Ulu � ��' � ��..�� E � NN dt rvF lI R s ops ' m gg � , o I f milli � a ytoe. • s� PIT,I It M1 � I its. vs Pit. 4 d r} ua�`�%a aHURMISid eask11 M4 Jul / �f spa k� ME @y /yy qty E �c 55 y°sUPIP F I@' � `„✓f "ate \ `:^ �`. .. �'". p%� 4 � � �k�d79 x � € 6. � t 427 � �8� ���a% {'� �� ..• ��r} �Q �h }p�%!�� 11M 0111"ze aLr Aa adroaddv "uoz-zz-£o aLva I�w. E£OBLZL'I£4'Xd� OSB@'QOZ'I£9 '731 ` O'd21 'A9 NMb'b0 £100_1 �o1J 80(' 04E4�XO8 dd tl O�gY41fGG5 j0 NMOl Y'IOd:fti�O A1Nf100 W „ N Wl'7S y.--, ,�r .�.d•.H'd'2Id'I.LIlB'�,AH2I33�[ AN'ix3ia0 voz�Pr�a alrez Q< 0 YtdVd SOIp�N31 TV SM& QNV Nd'h°ONI.LH'JI'I b A r9y -F��r 11 1 il 1 1 d �P pp � 4 F.s�z�s���F�'B,E"kMl aOq AT€sra8 Fs R3ruy� � MSN 19.1 u s M "�s 3 MIR - ry q sy np ''L F 5 11 @@ J� RPH a � iiq ay 3 44g �i §a �iYcpg g u#g SPFPZE�€���P hk1� � -� V,•' �1 ��Y "���� I �g� � tF � §8 � g €rkx x °^ � H1111&�mk'FR oil: ...�, I a •ra� � i s Willi 5 J5 g g� 3i 3 ti i $ I3ib Yg v a �3 �P tfd�� s� Pnf� y g' �3 �F� t. ya C"#s p .Fa $" m s m , x < T ¢IDID�IDu� ( ON w i z x IN 1 Lu s z .: �g � Y� s YY} 51 ..� / Pon, o n' � " � " P� e": #da , ���� M1 £F i _ �y] ! pip j I I�, Michael J. Domino President Town Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer III,Vice-President . 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski Telephone (631) 765-1892 GregWilliams , 9" Fax(631) 765-6641 N�- fy � BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES _�.gym. E_m ED _- . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I V. E B 2 0 201 MEMORANDUM° n" �" Board TO: Brian Cummings, Planner FROM: Michael J. Domino, President Board of Trustees DATE: February 15, 2019 RE: Proposed Tenedios Agricultural Barn & Greenhouse Amended Site Plan 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#: 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4 Thank you for the opportunity to review the site plans for the proposed Tenedios Agricultural Greenhouse. The construction of the proposed greenhouse is non jurisdictional with respect to the Town's Wetland Code and the wetlands boundary as depicted on the December 7, 2018 revision of the survey by Nathan Corwin, III as flagged by Suffolk Environmental Consulting on November 8, 2018. To: 2-18-19 Town of Southold Planning Board Attn: Brian Cummingst From: IIYY N ED Bill Kelly (, �N ...., a ,,.. Owners Agent Ref: f-a'OULhold V01 TENEDIOS AGRI. BARN 8 nn4-i9 i"-loar SCTM#1000-19-01-1.3 & 1.4 28410 Route 25 Orient, NY 11935 Brian, Attached is a copy of site plan for above referenced project showing a proposed relocation of proposed agricultural barn, moved to the west side of access road, closer to utilities. Please review and comment as to how we should proceed should we want to relocate building as shown. Respectfully Bill KeIly 631-235-9841 OFFICE LOCATION: 5az' MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex scut, P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold,NY vvww.southoldtownny.gov NV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 12, 2019 Mr. Donald Sayre c/o Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 Re: Request for Review: Tenedios Barn & greenhouse Amended Site Plan 2.8410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1- 1.4 Mr. Donald Sayre: The enclosed Site Plan Application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. This amended agricultural site plan is for the addition of a 60' x 24' (1,440sq. ft.) greenhouse to a site where a one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed„ supplies and farm equipment has conditional approval from the Planning Board, on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact (the greenhouse is located in the 5-acre area and the barn is located in the 29.5-acre area) in the R-200 Zoning District. Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Brian Cummings Planner Encls.: Site Plan Application Site Plan Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — Februa 11 2019 — Page 2 Project name: Harbes Greenhouse & Farm Shed SCTM#: 11000-120-1-3 Location: 555 Sound Avenue, ±830' w/o Aldrich Lane, Mattituck Description: Site Plan is for construction ® � � tion: t T ction of a 30' x 96' (2,880 sq. ft.) greenhouse, a 12' x 16' farm shed and a 10' x 16' poultry pen on 13.5 l acres in the A-C Zoning District. Status: Approved Pending Final Inspection _ �...... .. _ Approval Extension Action. _ ®m... ... Attachments: Staff Report I i ....... Amended SCTM#' 11, _ Pro'ect name Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Ame19-1-1.4 Location: 28410 Route 25, Orient Description: This amended agricultural site plan is for the addition ofa60' x24' (1,440sq. ft.) greenhouse to a site where a one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment has conditional approval from the Planning Board, on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact (the greenhouse is located in the 5-acre area and the barn is located in the 29.5-acre area) in the R-200 Zoning District. Status Pending..Action: . Staff Report Review Attachments: Referral. .. , _.. _ ... W e. ... ......._ ............ .... Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-54-3-14.8 Pro ect name: ie ert _ ®._��. ..... Description: _ H,_ ...m_ hold .. _.. 1 escri tion: This proposal is for the standard subdivision of a 2.43-acre vacant lot into' two lots, where Lot 1 equals 54,134 sq. ft. and Lot 2 equals 54,134 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District. This parcel is located +/- 100' southeast of the intersection of Jennings Road and Hortons Lane, in Southold. . _ Status: Pending Action: Conditions of Conditional Sketch j Attachments: I Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review Date February 11, 2019 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Tenedios Ag Barn & Greenhouse Amended Applicant: Steve Tenedios Date of Submission: June 28, 2017 Tax Map Number: 19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Project Location: 28410 NYS Route 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-200 II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 5 acres — development rights in tact (19.-1 1.3) 29.5acres — Southold Town Dev. Rights (19.-1-1.4) Building Size 1,440sf This amended agricultural site plan is for the addition of a 60' x 24' (1,440sq. ft.) greenhouse to a site where a one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment has conditional approval from the Planning Board, on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact (the greenhouse is located in the 5-acre area and the barn is located in the 29.5-acre area) in the R-200 Zoning District. III: Analysis 1. Existing (to remain): a. 785sf One story equipment storage building (on 19.-1-1.3) b. 87sf Garden shed (on 19.-1-1.3) c. 118sf Horse Stall building (on 19.-1-1.3) d. 742sf chicken coop (on 19.-1-1.4) 2. Proposed scope of work : a. Construct 1,440sf greenhouse; b. 8,664sf Barn (conditional approval — not yet constructed) 3. Code requirements / Bulk Schedule (R-200). I a. Lot Coverage: i. Maximum: 5% ii. Existing: 0.12% iii. Proposed: 0.73% b. Parking: no parking has been proposed, this is for owner use only and not open to the public Staff: the Planning Board has waived the parking requirement for this agricultural use not open to the public; 4. Note that this greenhouse was issued a Stop Work Order on December 14, 2018 pursuant to §280-130 B by Southold Town Code Enforcement along with three summons after failure to comply with previous verbal warnings; 5. SEQRA Type II: Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(3) agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming. The action is for the construction of a one story agricultural greenhouse. 6. Public Hearing Issues Raised (held and closed January 14, 2019): • Impact to groundwater and surface water: o All water quality and environmental concerns raised with the barn are equally valid with respect to the greenhouse; o The Planning Board should impose significant conditions to the protect the wetlands and other adverse impacts on the environment, wildlife and human health; o the agricultural use /farm proximity to sensitive and vulnerable DEC tidal wetlands, o a tidal wetland permit is required from the DEC; • Code Violations: the Planning Board should not grant any approvals to the applicant for this property while there are open violations; o What penalties might be imposed for flaunting regulation and constructing the greenhouse prior to approvals Staff: answered by Town Attorney Bill Duffy, Town cannot comment on a pending violation; 2 • Use: concern that the greenhouse, although proposed as an interim protective measure for animals, would not be removed after the barn is built and could therefore allow additional animals to be bred and maintained on site; 7. Referrals: a. Agricultural Advisory Committee The application presented to the Planning Board is appropriate and the Committee recommends the application be approved as presented; b. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) January 28, 2019, the ARC approved the application as submitted; c. Office of the Town Engineer • Combine the barn and greenhouse plans onto one plan; • Show the areas of disturbance, provide total area of disturbance calculations and calculate the drainage for Chapter 236 for both the greenhouse and barn and related infrastructure; • Provide a written determination from a licensed engineer on whether a NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required due the amount of ground disturbance associated with the proposed construction of both the agricultural buildings and related infrastructure (barn, driveway, utilities and greenhouse). This certified written determination must be provided to the Office of the Town Engineer for review and concurrence. If it is determined that a DEC SWPPP is required, the SWPPP must be filed with and reviewed by the NYS DEC, and a copy of the NOI and the SWPPP documents must be filed with the Southold Town Engineering Department; • Obtain NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) permit(s) as required; d. Fire Marshall Responded with no comments or concerns regarding the proposed p roj ect; e. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) February 4, 2019: the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) determined permit(s) will be required from the NYSDEC for the greenhouse and barn structures. f. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP, provided that the Planning Board considers and requires the following recommendations to further the listed policies to the greatest extent practicable: • Policy 2.2(A)(1): Conduct a site survey to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources in the project's potential impact area. o Recommendation: The NY Department of State GIS — Public Access map was referenced for occurrence of archeo-sensitive areas on site. The parcel is located within an archeo-sensitive area and it is recommended that the applicant contact the NYS Office of Parks Recreation and Historic preservation (OPRHP) to determine if a cultural resource survey is required in the areas where development would occur. • To further Policy 6, the importance of manure management to control pathogens and nutrients at the location of the greenhouse is emphasized This recommendation is made with consideration of the Best Management Practices (BMP's) and other conditions regarding agricultural practices on the property as outlined in the January 14, 2019 Planning Board resolution. g. Southold Town Trustees & Orient Fire District: responses not yet received, these referrals were inadvertently not sent out at the same time as the referrals listed above; 4 V: Planning Board items to consider: 1. Consider the recommendations of the LWRP as described above; 2. Consider the following conditions (A-D to be fulfilled prior to endorsement of site plan) for a potential conditional approval at tonight's public meeting. These conditions are in addition to those required for the original barn application: A. Provide a minimum of five (5) revised site plans, including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. The purpose of this amended site plan is to consolidate and replace the plan that received conditional site plan approval on January 14, 2019, entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017 and last revised October 16, 2018; and to add the proposed construction of a 1,440 sq. ft. greenhouse to that plan. Please include the following on the plan: a. Combine the barn plan and the greenhouse plan so that the original detail and conditions are all on one plan and both the barn and the greenhouse are shown. b. Updated wetland delineation lines as approved by the NYSDEC (dated November 8, 2018). These lines are shown on the plan entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, L.S., dated January 25, 2017 and last revised December 7, 2018. The distance of the closest point of the greenhouse to the wetland line should be provided, however the entire 100' wetland distance line is not necessary to provide (unless it can be shown without interfering with demarcation of the required vegetated buffers). c. Show the areas of disturbance, provide total area of disturbance calculations and calculate the drainage for Chapter 236 for both the greenhouse and barn and related infrastructure; d. Conditions 1 - 8 listed below; B. Provide a written determination from a licensed engineer on whether a NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required due the amount of ground disturbance associated with the proposed construction of the agricultural buildings and related infrastructure (barn, driveway, utilities and greenhouse). This certified written determination must be provided to the Office of the Town Engineer for review and concurrence. If it is determined that a DEC SWPPP is required, the SWPPP must be filed with and reviewed by the NYS DEC, and a copy of the NOI and the SWPPP documents must be filed with the Southold Town Engineering Department; 5 C. In addition, written confirmation from the Office of the Town Engineer that the proposed construction and ground disturbance is in compliance with Town Code Chapter 236 must be received by the Planning Board; D. A use certification from the Chief Building Inspector as required by Town Code; The following conditions are the same conditions required for the approval of the barn. Consider whether to keep them the same for the amended site plan, which would replace the barn conditional approval Condition (to be fulfilled prior to the issuance of a building permit) • Prior to the issuance of a building permit, necessary permits from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) shall be obtained and reviewed by the Planning Board. The DEC permit(s) and associated plans approved by the NYSDEC must be submitted to the Planning Board for their review to ensure they are substantially in agreement. Any differences in the site plan approved by the Planning Board and the plan approved by the NYSDEC may require the site plan approved by the Planning Board to be amended prior to building permits, depending on the nature and significance of the difference; Conditions of approval (ongoing) Tenedios Barn & Greenhouse Amended Site Plan Application 1. The purpose of this amended site plan is to consolidate and replace the plan that received conditional site plan approval on January 14, 2019, entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017 and last revised October 16, 2018; and to acknowledge the proposed construction of a 1,440 sq. ft. greenhouse; 2. The greenhouse is for agricultural purposes only and access to this greenhouse by the public is not permitted, 3. Livestock grazing, paddocks, shelters and enclosures shall be located outside the vegetated buffers shown on the site plan; 4. Livestock shall be prevented from entering the vegetated buffers; 5. Buffers Vegetated Buffers 2 & 3 shall be managed for the following benefits: 6 a. Provide denitrification and nutrient uptake; b. Slow water runoff and enhance infiltration; c. Trap pollutants in surface runoff & subsurface flow; d. Stabilize soils. Vegetated Buffer 1 shall be managed to maintain existing trees, shrubs and groundcover; 6. Signs Any sign that requires a sign permit must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation; 7. Lighting No exterior lights were reviewed or approved in connection with this amended site plan. Any exterior lights on or around the outside of this greenhouse must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board and must meet Town Code §172 Lighting. 8. The Planning Board strongly encourages the property owner to follow the guidelines developed by the USDA for sustainable numbers of animals on pasture. The Board further encourages the farm owner to request a nutrient management plan for the animal husbandry portion of the farm, as well as consulting with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). The Board also strongly encourages the property owner to develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) to address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters by working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or USDA NRCS. 7 u. NEW YORK STATEDEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Environmental Permits,Region 1 "' " . SUNY a Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,IVY 11790 P:(631)444-03651 F:(631)444-0360 Y.E 8 0 14 Z()19 avwwalec.ny.gov L11f) I'u;wn Planning Board RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON SITE PLAN January 31, 2019 Brian Cummings, Planner Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd. Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4 Dear Mr. Cummings: Thank you for offering this Department the opportunity to review the referenced site plan. Please advise the applicant that the proposed project appears to be located within 300' of a NYSDEC-regulated tidal wetland. As such, the proposed project will require a Tidal Wetland permit from this office. Sincerely, ar ,Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst ti k^4E'WY RK Departmentof 1�hlr'ir M ............... al Conservation Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 <<� w t1P, Southold,NY 11971-0959 C) Southold, BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD V 0 2 201 MEMORANDUM a�a�r�ip��r OW11� Board TO: Donald J. Wilcenski, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: November 1, 2018 RE L11R MENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Tenedios Agricultural Buildin Location: 28410 NYS R4, 25, Orient SCTM# 1000— Section 19- Block 01 —Lot 1.4 Date: March 22, 2017 Revised Date: October 17,_2018 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE Agricultural Buildin r IS A PERMITTED USE IN THIS R-200 DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. Michael J. Veli Chief Building Inspector OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annexe `�''� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ��� � � r Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) 1� Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY CIO www.southoldtownny.gov q PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector Damon Rallis, Building Permits Examiner From: Brian Cummings, Plannep,�., Date: October 23, 2018 4� Re: Use Certification Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Building Located at 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board has found this Site Plan Application suitable for determination pursuant to §280-131 F (1) and refers the application to you for final review and certification. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Your certification is requested by November 2 2018. Thank you for your cooperation. Encls: Site Plan Application Site Plan Submissioll, Without a Cover Letter - . Sender: h,�7�nrr�r Iclai ���� .. � ., Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - L�- Date: I I Comments: Submissioll, Without a Cover Letter �����a°kr'rir'gj Dane Sender: lO(1` a d . T S ubj ect: ed'�uS SCTM#: 1000 - tot Date: \OI 1 \g Comments: HD k � Patricia C. MooreLiPlanninqhol Town P3pard Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel.631-765-4330 Fax: 631-765-4643 October 1, 2018 Hon. Scott Russell, Supervisor and Town Board Members Town of Southold 53095 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Donald Wilcenski, Chairman and Members of the Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 William M. Duffy, Esq. Southold Town Attorney Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re. Site Plan Application Tenedios/Fresh & CoFarm, LLC/Ag. Structures SC'TM 1000-19-1-1.3 and 1.4 Dear Supervisor Russell and Members of the Town Board, Chairman Wilcenski and Members of the Planning Board, and Mr. Duffy: 1 am the attorney for Fresh & CoFarm, LLC (Tenedios) with respect to its application to the Town Planning Board for site plan approval of an agricultural storage building/barn to be constructed on its property. This letter is written in response to a letter dated October 1, 2018 from Super Law Group, LLC which has raised arguments claiming that the Town of Southold cannot allow an agricultural structure to be built on this property. Patricia C. Moore Attorney at Law Re: Site Plan Application'renedios/Fresh & CoFarni, LLC SCT M 1000-19-1-1.3 and 1.4 October 1, 2018 In 2002 the former owner of this agricultural property sold the development rights to the ToNA,j) of Southold. This sale was done in accordance with the provisions of New York's General Municipal Law § 247 and Southold Town's ,I,-Ficultural LandPreservalion local law,' The "Deed of Development Rights" cites the authority,pursuant to the above-referenced General Municipal Law, under which the Town of Southold acquired the Development fights on this property. The Deed permits, requires or restricts the use of the premises "exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 Of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises and any "Irtictures thereon for any purpose other than agricultural production." (Deed pg, 1) The Town's local law provides the applicable definition of "Agricultural Vn3 ls" and "Agricultural Production." Section 70-3 of the Town Code defines "Agricultural Land" as"Lands used in bona tide agricultural production." The Code further defines "Agricultural Production" as The production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock produds,but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of'such crops, livestock or livestock products. 1,and used in agricultural production shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes, Section 70-3 (ernphasisadded). The Town's purchase of the development rights does not prohibit the current property owner from constructing the buildings and structures expressly authorized by the Town's ,Igplcultural Lands Preseri,ation Law. If the Town had negotiated and acquired the rights to prohibit the construction of agricultural Structures, the Deed of Development Rights would not have included and incorporated by.reference the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Town Code which permit such structures. The correspondence of counsel for those neighbors who object to the constrUC6011 Of the agricultural barn incorrectly argue that the "Deed of Development Rights" includes a "scenic easement" that prohibits any structures from being built on the property. If the Town "V.,hed to restrict the use of the property and acquire all rights to prohibit agricultural productioi) on the property, the Town could have acquired these rights Under the Town's Open 1;I)ace -Preservation local law set Forth in chapter 185 of the Southold 'T'own Code.2 ........................................ Thic" Fown's loc,,d law wits enact.cd in Loc�:d 1,m'2-11984, and at.the Hoare off.he sale mi 2002 was set fodh ill Jmjptor 25 dol the SoWhokiTown Code, H is nmv, �,viOlonl rel(.,vi titwi i ei idineni,,sel foiriih in chapi.ef-70 of Mc S0L)Th()1dTo,wn Code '111le Fmvn's Open Space,llresetvwllioli[ clnnoedl in lmc.fl Law 2 N88 urs "ll."Cottlance %Vd.11 the vtanled iii Nvw Ymk (Yeneral iMmicipal 1,aw§ 2,17, Patricia C. Moore Attorney at Law Re: Site Plan Application Tenedios/Fresh.& CoFarm, LLC SCT M 1000-19-1-1.3 and 1A October 1, 2018 .............................. The proposed agricultural structure,,; are expressly permitted on the property and the Plartning Board's approval of such legally permitted structures does not constitute a "transter of development rights fi-om the Town to the applicant" as claimed by the opposing neighbor& 'File owner of the property retained and reserved all of the rights to use and improve the property in accordance with the deed conveying the development rights to the Town under the farmland preservation program. Approval of the agricultural structure does not constitute an alienation of town property and the neighbors' call for apublic hearing and Town-wide referenda are simply not applicable to the property use reserved by the owner of this property, Simply stated,the Town did not acquire the rights to prohibit agricultural production (as defined in Chapter 25 on this property, and the Town is not alienating or "giving back" a right the property owner never conveyed to the To in the first place. The neighbor's invocation of the "public trust doetrinc" does not apply. The Planning' Board's already lengthy and thorough review of this application inust be brought to an end and the site plan approved in accordance with the long-standing practices of the Town for applications such as this. Y , ia M -c �166ic , (11'. ooz PCM/mr cc: Reed W. Super, Esq. Southold Town Land Preservation Comm. Submission Without a Cover Lettere A L. l�l' C E C E I Sender: �j 1 �L-�� SE 2 6 U1 th ld"tom Subject: --��.��vS tlrrwirr� oard SCTM#: 1000 - – — • �'"�" Date: Comments: 5 SQ +S S TO Michaelis, Jessica a a A er�ur6 p Y � From: cmoore@mooreatt s.com (�Di�; Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 4:32 PM To: Reed Super; Duffy, Bill; Hagan, Damon; Lanza, Heather; Cummings, Brian A.; Cantrell, Elizabeth; Domino, Michael; Spiro, Melissa; Michaelis, Jessica Cc: Mike DiGiulio;william.kelly@mortonbuildings.com Subject: RE: Site Plan Application - Tenedios/Fresh&CoFarm LLC In response to yet another accusatory letter. The owner of the property held a family celebration on August 25, 2018. This family party was not a "special event" and is specifically excluded pursuant to Town Code 205-3 (B)(3). The family gathered on the property, enjoyed a lovely meal together until it was disrupted by two individuals who trespassed 100 feet onto the private driveway and began taking pictures of the family. This disruption caused a great deal of anxiety to the owner and his family but in the interest of avoiding further confrontation my client refrained from calling the police. Thank you for your continued patience. Pat PATRICIA C. MOORE physical & mailing address 51020 Main Road Southold NY 11971 tel # 631.765.4330 fax # 631.765.4643 www.mooreatt s.com -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Site Plan Application - Tenedios/Fresh&CoFarm LLC From: Reed Super <reedtsuperlawgrour,> Date: Fri, September 14, 2018 4:06 pm To: bill clu�N@town.. ouithold.ny.us, d g1Q.L1 I,J g .@tpwr7. o�uth o d n�.y...L�.: , "Lanza, Heather" <h al�her.lanzacbtown,soutl QIA,, ty h ,>, "Cummings, Brian A." <brian,cum rnmu s atow n sou .hold.ny. s>, Il a elhrAmlr ll@town.sou,tho1d.nyy q , -n-ki cJl doomono@to +r_.southold,ny us, mehssa J "Michaelis, Jessica" <jessic m .southollclto nnn o_> Cc: Mike DiGiulio <rrurliueu-IyaroLl„p ccrrr>, w IN i a m.pal'lyfq,nl w�r�r�d��uA,ldiru o , p nioore:� au�u or ttys.. r�u�rn, Good afternoon, Please see the attached correspondence dated September 14, 2018, addressed to the Planning Board, with copies Board of Trustees, Land Preservation Committee, and Town Attorney, regarding the site plan application for the former Cullinane farm property (Fresh&CoFarm LLC). This letter concerns an activity that occurred on the PDR parcel on August 25, 2018. 1 Very truly yours, Reed Super *************************************** Reed W. Super SUPER LAW GROUP, LLC 180 Maiden Lane, Suite 603 New York, NY 10038 (212) 242-2273 (direct) (212) 242-2355 (main) (646) 345-9658 (mobile) (855) 242-7956 (fax) reed Odsuperlawgroup.com ww.su aw.9.rouPp qorrr, *** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE *** This e-mail is from Super Law Group, LLC, a law firm, and may contain information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, copy or distribute the e-mail or any attachments. Instead, please notify the sender and delete the e-mail and any attachments. Thank you. 2 Super Law Group Mail-]encdimu/Fresb&CoSite Plan Application httpm:Hmoi|.gong|e.oum/muiVu0/?ui=2&ik=o0|bh454dO&jmvcr--3OGyL � Reed 8upmr<reed@eupedoxvgnoup.com> Tenedios/Fresh&Co Site Plan Application pomoonm@mmonamttys.com ^pomoove@mooventtyo.00m> Fri, Sep 14. 2U18at1:41 PM To: Reed 8uper<naed@eupodawgroup.00m>. biU.duffy@town.00utho|doy.uo. damon.hagan@bown.00utho|d.ny.uo. "Lanza. Heather" <haathedonza@bown.aoutho|doy.us>. "Cummings, Brian A.^ <bhan.cummingo@bown.eoutho|doy.uo>. e|izabeth.00ntroU@bown.eoutho|doy.uo. michaeidomino@bown.aoutho|d.ny.uo Cc: Mike OiGiu|io<mike@auper|owgroup.com>.wiUiam.koUy@mohonbui|dingo.00m. SheveTenodioo <stenodioo@gmaiioom> Dear Mr. Super: Thank you for the copy of the letter submitted to the Town. My client advised me that when he contacted his farm hand about the picture and incident reported by your letter yesterday, his farm hand apologized to Mr. Tmnedios and told him that he had brought in a temporary farm hand to help him out, and that farm worker had inadvertently left the gate open. He brought in additional farm help My client goes far beyond the typical requirements of proper farm management practices, he has a significant investment in his property and your client's oversight is unnecessary. I believe this sufficiently addresses your client's observations. Thank you Pat PATRICIA C. MOORE physical Q mailing address 51020 Main Road ~� _�~ Southold NY 11971 /�) ~ �� ����x~���e- � �� W�-�- ~~ o- '� tel # 631.765.4330 /— \ ��_�1��� (� fax # 631.765.4643 �� ���7�� �- �_ (�_v�/ ~� r- www.moureabyazom | cfk-r C) /13 | /73 . P/ e 0 S(' _ _ � �_~ . ---- (}hgina| ��eeomge---- Subject: Tenedioa/Fremh&CoSite Plan Application From: Reed Supmr<need@supedavvQroup com> Date: Thu, September 13, 2O183:28 pm Tb: U| duffy@tavvn aoutho|d,nyus. damon hagan@tom/n Southold nyue. ''Lanza. Heather^ <heather|anza@(mwnaouLho|d nyus>. 'Cummings. Brian A"<brian cunimings@tom/n Sou1ho|d nyus>` e|izabeth,c-,intneU@tavvn.00utho|d.ny.ua, mioheeidomino@town southo|dnyus Cc Uke DiGu|io <mike@muper|esgroupoom>. wiUiam keUy@mortonbui|dingo,corn, pomomre( moureattyscmm Please see attached correspondence addressed to the Planning Board Board of Fruatees and Tbwm Ahorney regarding the site p|am app|ioadon for the former Cullinane tann property (Fnemh&CoFann LLC) Super Law Group Mail-Tenedios/Fresh&Co Site Plan Application https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=a01bb454d0&jsver-30Gyf... Reed W. Super SUPER LAW GROUP, LLC 180 Maiden Lane, Suite 603 New York, NY 10038 (212)242-2273 (direct) (212) 242-2355 (main) (646) 345-9658 (mobile) (855)242-7956 (fax) reed@superlawgroup.com www,superlawgroup.com ' CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE*** This e-mail is from Super Law Group, LLC, a law firm, and may contain information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, copy or distribute the e-mail or any attachments. Instead, please notify the sender and delete the e-mail and any attachments. Thank you. 2 of 2 11/1/2018,2:28 PM OFFICE LOCATION: i i MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ��G' IJP J, P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �g . Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 { www.southoldtownny.gov a i. PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 24, 2018 Mr. William Kelly 22355 Cox Lane, Unit#4 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Tenedios Farm Agricultural Building 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1- 1.3 & 1.4 Dear Mr. Kelly: The Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced Site Plan application at their Work Session held on August 20, 2018 and determined the following: Please provide the items listed below on a minimum of five (5) revised Site Plans including the seal stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan; (for your reference, a staff marked site plan is enclosed) 1. Revise the subject site information to provide the correct postal, school and fire district; 2. Move the location of the proposed building 200' to the west; 3. Remove all the wetland boundary lines shown to the west of the site. These wetland boundaries may have shifted, and to avoid the cost of having to re-flag and survey, the Board is requesting that buffers be from the property boundary rather than from the edge of wetlands. 4. Remove all wetland buffer lines, 5. Add buffers to protect the adjacent tidal wetland to the west of the property (and Narrow River and Hallocks Bay) from stormwater runoff, and access by livestock. Label them as "vegetated buffers". Buffers to be added are as described below, and as shown on the marked-up plan attached: Tenedios A Barn Pa i c' 12 August 24, 2018 a. 50' wide 'vegetated buffer' along the southwest property line; b. 50' wide vegetated buffer from the deer fence that angles across the property at the northern end of the southwest property line. c. A 'vegetated buffer' in the southwest corner of the property to protect the wetlands on the property located there. The buffer begins in the southwest corner, and runs 200' along Narrow River Road, and then in an arc to a point that is 90' from the western property line, running along the development-rights retained parcel line. 6. Add a buffer around the drainage ditch in the central south area of the property. The buffer should be shown along the existing fence line to the west, and to the existing edge of the tilled land to the east. It begins approximately 300' to the southwest of the southeast property corner on Narrow River Road, runs for approximately 300' along Narrow River Road, then runs about 600' north, 180'+/- to the east, then back down to Narrow River Road. 7. Modify the proposed lighting to be less than 2700K. LED's are recommended to be at 2700K or less to make them more dark-sky compliant; 8. Provide the following conditions on the site plan: a. Livestock paddocks, shelters and enclosures shall be located outside the vegetated buffers shown on the site plan; b. Livestock shall be prevented from entering the vegetated buffers; c. Vegetated buffers shall be managed for the following benefits: i. Provide denitrification and nutrient uptake; ii. Slow water runoff and enhance infiltration; iii. Trap pollutants in surface runoff & subsurface flow; iv. Stabilize soils. d. The buffer in the southwest corner shall be managed to maintain existing trees, shrubs and groundcover; e. The barn and the driveway to the barn shall be used for agricultural purposes only as per the Town's easement; f. The public is not permitted to access the barn; g. Any sign that requires a sign permit must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation; Tenedios_Ag BarnAugust 24, 2018 h. The only exterior light fixtures permitted at this site are as shown on the Lighting Plan of the Approved Site Plan. Any future exterior light fixtures beyond those shown on the approved plan must be reviewed for compliance and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation. The Planning Board strongly encourages the property owner to follow the guidelines developed by the USDA for sustainable numbers of animals on pasture. The Board further encourages the farm owner to request a nutrient management plan for the animal husbandry portion of the farm, as well as consulting with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). The Board also strongly encourages the property owner to develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) to address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters by working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or USDA NRCS. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Respectfully, Brian Cummings Planner Encl: Staff Marked Site Plan cc: Patricia Moore, Esq. Steve Tenedios SEPARATION 015TANGE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE GALL: ZONING INFORMATION: CAST LL �� VEp STORMWATER LEACHING STRUCTURES AND WILIAL STORM WATER DRAINAGE STRUCTURES PROVIDE FOR �'�OPOSED S I T� PL>�N: 'R200' LOW-DEN5ITY RE5I0ENTIAL s�yp PIPING(OTHER THAN RESIDENTIAL): 51TUATE AT: ORIENT RUNOFF FROM PROPOSED STRUCTURES ONLY. LOT SIZE;200,000 5F. MIN FINAL GRADE HORIZONTAL 5EPARATION D15TANGE5 FOR STORM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 10.. DRAINAGE LEAGHIN6 POOLS: VOLUME= AREA X RAINFALL X COEFFICIENT SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK EXI5TIN6 OA.: 1,505,144 S.F.(34552 ac) PROPERTY LINE = 10'MINIMUM EXISTING WETLAND: 86,814 S.F.(2.0 ac) MIH - 6" THK GOP(G BUILDINGS WITH CELLAR= f0'MINIMUM RAINFALL= TAR = O.Ibl' 5GTM NO.: 1000-lq-OI-1.3 AND 1.4 ` Orli ;o 90 15'PIPE DIA MIN. ® ® I COVER BUILDINGS ON SLAB= lo'MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF ROOF = ID ZONING DISTRICT: 'R-200' LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING UPLAND: 1,418)40 S.F.(32552 ac) oln ai � IRS MIN.(AS REaU1RED) ® ® ® I WATER SERVICE LINE/LATERAL5/MAIN5 = 10'MINIMUM CURRENT USE: FARM PROPOSED` N.G. 161. ®I I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES= 5'MINIMUM PROP05ED ARCHITECTURAL STORAGE BARN PROPOSED USE: N.G. � 4I 3'MIN. ® ® ® ® ® 3 MIN. SANITARY 5EPTIG TANK= 20'NINIMUM FEMA FLOOD ZONE: NIA LOT WIDTH,210 MIN _........... PIPE. � L� ® ® Q © ®1 SANITARY LEACHING POOL.= 20'MlNIM1 M ROOF AREA = 8664 S.F. EXISTING: 11233' H16H DENSITY POLYETHYLENE(H:� I® ® ® ® ®I WRAP STRUCTURES WITH GREASE TRAP=20'MINIMUM bb64 S.F.x 0.161'x 1.0 = 1,447 G.F.VOL ° 51ZE. I 1`i, I . 51TE DATA: USE: EXISTING PROP05ED: PROPOSED` N.G. DRN INLET TO 5o CONN= 1o'm MIN ® ® ® ® FILTER FABRIC,±USE PUMP STATION= 20'MINIMIR•1 1,441 GUFT./68.42 5.F.(10 0 LP,) _ � �oF W TO 5D C,OW-15'0 MIN I� � ® ® � �1 6EOTEX 351,BY PROPEX) MANHOLE= 20'MINIMUM 21.15 VERT FT.REQ, OVERALL SITE: FARM 11,505,144 S.F. (34552 AG) N.G. , ROOF LOR C40M-4•m MIN PRIVATE WELLS= 50'MINIMUM WETLAND AREA- WETLAND bb•,474 5.F. (2.0 AC) N.G. LOT DEPTH;400 MIN 1 VOLUME REQUIRED: 1441 Gl)FT. z RETAINING HALLS= 10'MINIMUM UPLAND AREA: FARM 11 418 140 5_F. (32552 AG) N•G• EXISTING: 1,044.17' � � 9 101-0" VIA. NON-RATEABLE FUEL STORAGE TANKS(BELOW GROUND) = 20'MIN PROPOSED: N.G.USE: � x {3i !1 1'�i" o SITE i4 SOIL HORIZONTAL SEPARATION D15TANGE5 FOR 5TORM (b) 10'0x3'LIQUID DEPTH LEAGHIN6 POOL FRONT YARD SETBACK,60 MIN f &No WTR DRAINAGE NON-LEAGHING STRUGTURE5: IMPERVIOUS 5URFAGE: ; HATER SERVICE LINE5/LATERAL5/MAINS=5'MINIMUM (OPEN EXISTING AREA: 3,233 S.F. (0.4154%) EXISTING: 742.q LOCATION -tiCOLLAR MATERIAL 6' MIN. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES= 5'MINIMUM VOLUME PROVIDED= Ib42 CUFT. PROPOSED: 51q.g' (}'ENETRATION) GREASE TRAP =5'MINIMUM INTERCONNECT AS SHOWN PROPOSED AREA. 4,46q S.F. (0.5741%) yo .":y i RATEABLE 5011- PUMP STATION = 5'MINIMUM (PERCENTAGES BASED ON UPLAND AREA [71b,3bb,A S.F.]) REAR YARD SETBACK. 100' MIN MANHOLE = 5' IMUM EXISTING. 5gb.b' 4q w --SANITARY5EPTIG TANK=.5'MINIMUM P05TAL DISTRICT. GUT'GHOGUE �P05ED: NC s� UNDERLYING SAND AND 6RA�/EL STRATA SCHOOL 015TRIGT: SOUTHOLD VERTICAL SEPARATION DI5TAJNGE5 FOR STORM nrirs 1 '' fp / DRAINAGE LINES. FIRE D15TRIGT: 5OUTHHOLD 51DE YARD SETBACK: 30'MIN �^ "o'`"' ° �� ELECTRICAL SERVICE: LIPA HATER SERVICE LINES= I$"MINIMUM EXISTING: 1415' c� Llnrt° `O NOTES: SANITARY WASTE LINES - 18'MINIMUM 6' tix$ FLOOD ZONE: WA PROPOSED: NG• a J o L COLLAR DEPTH 15 NOT REGtUIRED WHEN RATIJABLE MATER IAL EX15T5 FOR FULL DEPTH. G ciT" 1 j,=309 6 Se t u2+�' a Sri 2 1 Q _ \ + - 2.COLLAR MATERIAL SHALL BE CLEAN GRAVEIL ONLY. SnS2a x 3.ALL DRAINAGE 5TRUGTURE5 MUST BE WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC. QP �x cll SIDE YARD SETBACK CUMULATIVE: 60 MIN sr ? f Eag1eP( 4.USE 15"DIA GORRI6UGATED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE(HDPE)HEAVY DUTY PIPE FOR EOG rix a`° EXISTING: 616.q' w oelS 9 sr INTERGONNEGTION OF ON-51TE STORM WATER LEAGHING POOLS 2$' x� LINE o �5 PROPOSED: 3q3 2' int a' A.HDPE PIPE SPEGIFIGATIDN(AA5HT0 M-2Q4) 10 �1 0 / / \ I B.INSTALLATION OF HDPE SPFLIFIGATION(ASTM D-2321) ga<2� e ` , \ c LIVABLE FL.AREA/DWL6 UNIT: 850 5F.MIN , �o 9 L U 8eacii F33y I G.WATER-TIGHT JOINT TESTING SPEGIFIGATION(ASTM D-3212) 66' o-N{� Et -� �Op EXISTING: NA. $ G State tiul.rl D.GASKET SPEGIFIGATION(ASTM F-4T7) \ 609 (A`� / / \ \R� X1125 ATER WETLAND5 PROPOSED: NA. �osQ u2 / A5 DELIWAlM BY o M f�4T�R P SCOPE OF WORK: � ` SIFFOLK ENWROW ENTAL I o m/•6°;:-.5 i • TYPICAL STOR ' / ' , , MAXIMUM PERMITTED DIMENSIONS: Q9s 3 o Q \ Gp,51�T,N6,TNG. i a s SD E I / oN JANIARY 25.2001 I. BUILD PROPOSED METAL GOAT BARN BARN(1T7_M E). LOT GOVERAGE: 5%MAX,70,807 5F. Rn` G POOL 2. PROVIDE STORM DRAINAGE 5Y5TEM,POWER AND L16HTIN6 TO PROP05M r I , EAGHI 5� /*' A AREN 1 I. 2 !< a BUILDING. 1 \ir.; �k V (FOR HIGH GROUND WATE: S Rte 2� • \ EXISTING: 1,732 S.F.(0.1221%) t i S+AVV 1"A / I i / PROPOSED: 10 b 5F.(0 7331%) I `� .:;;: .``;. NOT TO 5GALE / PDND Browns Pt 1 / �W x05' \ \�� ( \ C ::. O /� / 5 FOR WORK IN THIS AREA: BLDG HEIGHT: 35 FT./ 5TY'5 MAX _•ps`�R x EXISTING- 13.0'/1 STY �/� / & ' PROPOSED PARTIAL SITE PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.l PROPOSED: i2b5'/ ►2 STY I j INE PROPOSED PARTIAL LIGHTING PLAN, SEE DRAWING No.2 I , Pelers Neck Pf °Z�Nt� x� / I � �. LOGATIO>�l MAP: xi X \ / PROPOSED METAL BUILDING A IO/ AREA: bb64 50.FT. 1 \ N.T.S. m \ c w \ FIN.FL.EL. = O' IL \ BLDG INFO / AREA COVERAGE o r ���� (Z ��� 0 U5E: 60AT N �? EXISTING PROP05ED PROP,GVR6 DENG.: STRUCTURE/U5E: \ A �a o GRADE LEGEND: T` ��l�. 1St FL. Ist FL. QP ��Q j•r' / / 13, G� /• BION GOMROL MEASURE: /'1 EX.I STY FR.BUILDING, t185 5F WA t1b5 5F PROPERTY LINE �,[ �30N 3 �,o��� / , / o INSTALL 51LT FENCE,�,4RRIER 5HOHN \ VEY EQ(11PMENT STORAGE o COMPACT FILL /yT / ? APPROX OCCURSw 117th OF FENCING `� GARDEN FR ILDING, t8T 5F WA t815F STORM DRAIN —sD—50 sv— �/ O '" ► /� / % • SEE DETAIL O DWG No 2 Ex I STY FR EIUILDING tub 5F wA tnb SF z o w m X + 9 ZA5 Q FLOW/PITCH ARROW d �SQP �/ / : A HORSE 5TALL 5/ PROVIDE STABILIZED GONSTRi1G1TON ENTRAJVC,E `� �- \ �. � 2"MIN MIN, ELEGTRIGAL 5ERVIGE i�� LIJ LL �l'!J STORM LEACHING POOL ( O XO Z EX.I STY FR BUILDING, 1742 5F WA 1142 5F GABLE IN CONDUIT: • OCCURS IAT PROPOSED SITE ACCESS \ CHICKEN COOP T.O.CONDUIT / 200 AMP(2'CONDUIT,MIN), �� O y NG • INSTALL f�DETAIL ON DW6 Not ° ( 5 \ i\/ E I t d4 STY STEL 6UILDIN6 WA Bb64 5F 8664 SF 320 AMP(32 CONDUIT,MIN) �_ _� o \A � EA5T WIN6-LNE5TOGK, pRpPOSED L.P.SERV. 400 AMP(4"•CONDUIT,MIN) �5TIN6 CONTOUR —6 � < 1) o s 33� GENTER F�t HAY STORAGE O W INSTALL/PROVIDE LP-6A5 CODE AL NFPA 55,FEDERAL,5TATE AND LOCAL EXISTING GRADE x b.0 j1- 5 AREA TOTALS: ±1,132 5F bb64 SF 10396 5F GOMMUNICATION \ C,ODES. 5EE 5P5 FOR TRENGH DETAIL O S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-01-1.4 g EX15TINO 51TE COVERAGE 1,732 5.F.11`0.1221%) u) O � � •. 5 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS CONVEYED � • . \ (�/ d TELJ FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FIN.FL.EL. - TYPI GAL TRENCH DETAIL �� TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �2 W�o� o 9 . 1 a PROPO��ED 51TE GOVBZA6E: 10�g6 SF.(0.1331%) m Pt"'(,`�'' �. \ EX15TING FAR.= ODO1221 (1,132 5FJ L.P. POWER, GOMMUNIGATION SERVICES AREA OF DISTURBANCE: PROPO5ED FAR = 0.007'331 Q0,3gb SF) it NOT TO SCALE 51,15 5Q.FT.1,00 -1 xt43B W 10 \ ! � S.C. TAX No. 1000-19-01-1.4 /oo\ F o ENGINEER: PROP05EDo, X j DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS CONVEYED N/ \ - , U/6 POWER SERV.TO BLDG, �o TO TOWN OFSOUTHOLD all, F NE y COLL"14 1h�QcvoNou6H 5EE TRENCH DTL,THI5 DWG Oq d HELEN OKF yS Q�� 11 f� LANDWARD EDGE OF TER WETLANDS ` EX FR.BLDG ,( A `X 5 PROPOSED METAL BUILDING / ° �Q� /r1g SII p r^, ►� SUFFfl K E R0Nr1ENTAL 123'x boa 6p1� " xo 1 AREA: 8 b4 50.F - AS DELINEATED BY FRET \ POI�®Z C.OML POINT �� !� m�, ,(� T CONSULTING,INC.ON JANUARY 2001 AREA:142 S.F. / x ` , r TAP FROM EXISTING z O FIN.FL EL. = 5.0 I U5E: GOAT BARN \ TORMER,CONNECT PER x .1s' a / / \p UTILITY PR9V R5 REO 5 ✓ \ LANDWARD ED6E OF TIDAL HETLAT / t2�, �' \ 5 3 A0 �P• `„ • tem `- EX.XFRMR O \• B �P — A5 DELINEAl137 BY SUFFOLK ` 26 G EWIRONMENTALC 45ILTTN6,ING. APPLICANT: 1� EX.ELEG.HTR 3$ bl O MORTON BUILDINGS POND \� 0 3gL �T. \ ON JAWARY 25,2001 ,jj ry IeP ° / JEFFREY T. BUTLER,P.E. 22355 GOX LANE,UNIT N0.4 \X i EXISTING WELL EX.FR.BLD6 vs o GUTGH06UE,NY IIg35 T +! 8.4'x l03' �olro ` �, / g\\� 631-T34-4060 5'-� X\} \ oga53� AREA 8 EX FR BLDG \ � 5p i Q J 1 a 563 053 y 115'x 103' �\ � 0/ \0 �' � I l � l \ �� O SITE PLAN BASED ON ORIGINAL SURVEY BY: 8 �4 ` 1163 u AREA:IIB S.F. \ ° \ �'': o NATHAN TAFT CORHN,LAND SURVEY R sr rz \+ ` a= ti I:>:.. p`� LANDWARD EDGE OF FRESHWATER ® EX.FR.BLD6 \ �' i �� n WETLANDS A5 DELINEAIFD BY d O ` \ r 1586 MAIN ROAD - + �� cb JAME5PORT,NY IIg4l NiO� „ 1 0.00 ' 24.3'x 32.3' \�� o. r�1 /0°/ r a o SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL GON5ULTING, k )- W AREA:185 5.F. SURVEYED: JAN.25,2011 GA OL LEE TAYLOR 5-/g°5410 ''�� , \ /\ / 0 s �� TNG.ON.IANUARY 25,2001 Z Q LL LAST UPDATED: FEB. 10,2011 p �`�� G IS ELEVAT10N5 BASED ON TOPOGRAPHY MAP- �� A o Z 5 EASTERN TOWNS,SUFFOLK COUNTY,NY \3 EK WIRE F\E � r \ 6 \' �/� m �O Z O DATED: 10-03-Ig15 ,� AROLND 6AROEN \� s 'Q \, ?`° \�\a �/� O Tl �2� fo w -:>s j r7 /� DATUM. ELEVATIONS ARE REFEREN TO .ro !a.Y ' _ y a Q O !1 VERTICAL DATUM BASED ON MEAN SEAL LEVEL lr S.C. TAXNo. / e�P ` s,,✓�'�`' \p'0`'� / \ < CL OF Ig2q AS ESTABLISHED BY THE U.S.COAST>D o�� ` 1000-19-01-1.3 \ /1 '' 6ssr ��� 121 r?. + I p In 0 < O GEODETIC SURVEY AT SANDY HOOK N J. aurvvA A. AeATINo �' RIGHTS RETAINED / / INSTAL• SILT FEN CONTROL P�ASURE: \0 N1JQ� �' � DEVELOPMENT � /�- � � � � JOHN N. �6ATIN0 � _ �} INSTALL 51LT FENCE BARRIER �o NOTES: , • OCCURS MERE SHOVM P g'�o' \�Ft PROP. EROSION QWnZ0L MEASURE, I.ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO 69��; ^tip \ x25' • APPROX tll7b LF OF FENCING YcG�' gyp. PROVIDED FOR INLET PROTECTION � • Z r LANDWARD EDGE OF TIDAL WETLANDS r ,I �\' OP9 W FIVE EASTERN TOWN5 TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP AS DELIIEATED BY SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL 9Y ^� • SEE DETAIL ON DWG N0.2 \� � + W EXI5TING ELEVATIONS ARE 5HOWN THUS: x5.0 CONSULTING,IMG.ON JAWARY 25,2001 i\ �b e ( . E \ yr ' OCCURS E ALL TURF COVER O J O � "y\.�. .�/g\\- DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 1� �' � O O N EXI5TING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: — —5 — \ row �b, // \• q / rip\1 '. �/ ���� SEE DETAIL ON DW6 Not \ O z O N cTJ N °1 �r 6ie,�, ��� O o \G� "� O I k, �� \ /``S 4 / 5 vY / 'PR0!'OSED STORM DRAINAGE S,YSTT�T, d) i- f www.di etnycli.comc 4\ Q 4' 3 O, ° _ ((� of NEI'J YORK ITIf or �, �e soy' SIZED FOR ROOF RUNOFF OF PROPOSED BLDG ONLY N v u- O www.call 11.com '( 5 / \ Ya fG USE: O DygLONG ISLAK9 (forothe�states) �4 b.\ S���p�� / �0�0 �pQ � LINE 1 . • (8) 10'0 x 3'LIQ.DEPTH STORM WATER LEAGHIN6 } Z Y``,A / R POOLS,OPEN COVER {- W 00-272-4480 811 N'°'� ¢- �� a • NTERGO T LEADER SYSTEM O �- %/�0 � I NNEG ro 6urrER AND � � STATE OF NEW YORK �. �S- \`} / �P N” • INSTALL PER DETAIL,TH15 5HT CP By law,excavators and contractors working in the For safety reasons,homeowners are strongly\ AL five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and encouiraged to call as well when planning any Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact type o$digging on their property.Homeowners / JUN 2 8 201 1 . DigNet, 1-800-272-4480 or 811,at least 48 hours can contact us directly at 1-800-272-4480 or by \ / /� I I I LANDWARD EDGE OF ( P A(5E but no more than 10 working days(excluding calling 811,the national call before you dig J\ / x3.0'' O Y ERAL L SITE PL A I�i TIDAL WETLANDS A5 DELINEATED BY \ weekends and legal holidays)prior to beginning number.For excavation work completed on Sonning 7oard '� + ll. I SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL GONSULTING TNG. \ PAIN I AL SITE PLA1�1 Planning 8nartl any mechanized digging or excavation work to personal property,it is the contractor's \ 1� b ' ensure underground lines are marked. responsibili NOT the homeowners-bo contact + �� ON JANUARY 25,2001 Excavators and contractors can also submit DigNlet.Having utility lines marked prior to \ LANDWARD EDGE OF TIDAL�� / off` locate requests online,through ITIC.If you do not digging is free of charge. 5\ i I 1 —1 1 AJ`DMINFATED 13Y SUFFOLK ENVIROfflWAL C' 100 50 O 100 200 300 1 111=11 tAN5ULTIN6,W.ON JAWARY 25,2001 C2� GRAPHIC SCALE " = TOO'-O" 1 �� \ currently use IT]C,please call 1-800.624-7603 40 20 O 40 50 120 for more information. \ 111 \ GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 40'-0" of 2 THESE ORMIN65 AND AGGOMPANYING 5PEGIFIGATION5,AS IN MA-ENT5 OF SERVICE,ARE THE EXGLUSIVE PROPERTY OF THE ARGHITEGT AND THEIR USE AND PUBLICATION SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL 51TE FOR WHIGH HO THEY WERE PREPARED.REUSE,REPRODUGTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY MET"140D,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,15 PROHIBITED EXCEPT BY WRITTEN PERM155ION FROM THE ARGHITEGT.TITLE TO THESE PLANS SHALL REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THEM SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RE5TRIGTTON5. WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, August 20, 2018 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 2:30 p.m. Executive Session — Advice from Town Attorney 4:00 p.m. Applications mm Project Name: Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM#: 1000-19-171.4 & 1.3 Location: 28410 Route 25, Orient Descn tion: � building to ho r p g" ral Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. g use livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R- 200 Zoning District. Status': Pending ._......... Action: Referral Review ...._ 1,1 Attachments: Staff Report Project name: Harold R. Reeve & Sons, Inc. SCTM#: , 1000-140-1-6 w . . e. Location: 1605 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.1 acre split-zoned parcel into 4 lots where Lots 1-3 equal 1 acre each in the R-40 Zoning District and Lot 4 equals 1.8 acres located in both the R-40 and B Zoning Districts. This proposal includes a Change of Zone Application where the zoning on Lot 4 is proposed to change from the R-40 and B Zoning Districts to the LB Zoning District Status: ( Conditional Sketch Approval Action: Extension Request Attachments: Staff Report Gonzalez Subdivision ( SCTM#: 1000-2 Project Name: ! _ 7-1-9 1 Location: 2050 Platt Road, approximately 1,823' to the south of NYS Route 25, Orient Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 4.29 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 = 2.13 acres and Lot 2 = 2.17 acres located in the R-80 Zoning District, Status: Conditional Sketch Approval .............. reliminary Plat Completeness Action: P Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application — Referral Review Date August 20, 2018 Prepared By: Brian Cummings & Heather Lanza I. Application Information Project Title: Tenedios Agricultural Building Applicant: Steve Tenedios Date of Submission: June 28, 2017 Tax Map Number: 19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Project Location: 28410 NYS Route 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-200 II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 34.5acres — Southold Town Dev. Rights (19.-1-1.4) 5 acres — development rights in tact (19.-1-1.3) Building Size 8,664sf This agricultural site plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building for storage of farm equipment, housing of livestock and storage of feed and supplies on 34 acres of Southold Town Development Rights land in the R-200 zoning district, Orient. Table of Contents: .. . ... . IIL Issues _ VI Proposed Scope of Work ...... ... �... ...�_� ..�.�� .... ... ............ .-----.. IV Other Referral Comments VII Existing Conditions tions VII Site Plan Requirements V Staff Recommendations .... ..- - ............................ VIII Timeline III. Issues A. Scenic Impacts/Consistency with Development Rights Easement 1. Public concerns over this expressed at the hearing and in writing a. Visual impact from the proposed barn size and location b. Proposed barn not consistent with easement language and intent • Too large • Proposed location & orientation not optimum • No buildings should be allowed on PDR land. I 2. Architectural Review Committee Comments submitted 8/20/18 a. Building structure is too massive for such a prominent view shed location • Move construction 200ft. westward • Delete two 12 ft. bays from each end of structure to reduce massive size • Divide the building into three (3) separate structures, to reduce overall scale • Add trees and bushes to mitigate view shed 3. Land Preservation Committee: a. June, 2018 determination of consistency with the Town's easement • Proposed location of barn is not consistent • Move the barn 200' to the west of current location and it will be consistent. b. Uses permitted in the easement area = agricultural production as defined in Town Code Chapter 70 "The production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in agricultural production shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." • Livestock, farm equipment, feed and hay storage are allowed c. Town Deed of Development Rights (May, 2002) includes scenic value d. Town Board's 2002 Resolution included scenic value as a reason to preserve: 4. Landowner: a. Agreed to move the proposed location of the barn 200' to the west b. Barn is to protect equipment and animals from weather, and to store feed. c. Equipment needing to be stored: • John Deere Tractor • John Deere gator • John Deere zero turn radius lawn mower • Ford F-150 pickup truck d. Barn location selection Does not interfere with row crop area of farm 7 • Close to animal pens • >500 feet from Route 25 >100' from wetlands 5. Agricultural Advisory Committee: a. The barn is for agriculture and the easement allows it. b. Scenic vista — a new barn could be part of the scenic vista. It doesn't block the view — it is set so far back from Main Road, it would be part of the scenic view. 6. Staff comments: a. Consider conditions relative to Land Preservation Committee comments Move the barn 200' to the west (must be required to be consistent with the Town's easement) The barn and the driveway to the barn shall be used for agricultural purposes only as per the Town's easement. The public is not permitted to access the barn b. Related to visual impacts: Exterior signage. Require that any sign that requires a sign permit receive Planning Board approval prior to installation; B. Impacts to wetlands/surface waters from runoff/animal waste • bacterial pollution of shellfish beds, • nitrogen pollution of groundwater and Hallocks Bay • related issues: o management of number and type of animals o soil conservation, o air quality/dust, noise & odor 1. Public concerns about the above issues were expressed at the hearing and in writing. a. How many animals do they have and how many should be allowed b. Identify areas of farm on site plan where animals and row crops are located. c. How will animal waste be managed d. Suggested conditions of approval: i. Establish and Manage Vegetated Buffers 3 ii. Develop and Implement a Farm Conservation Plan iii, Implement Reduced Tillage and Cover Cropping on Cropland iv. Manage Agrichemicals v, Manage Animal Waste and Bedding vi. Exclude livestock from Wetlands, Wetland Buffer, and other Vegetated Buffers vii. Prevent Pollutants from Leaving the Site through Culvert(s) into the Narrow River 2. Southold Town Trustees a. Barn location is outside Trustees jurisdiction b. Hallocks Bay is open to shellfishing (except for marina area) c. Narrow River is being considered for re-opening to shellfishing by NYSDEC due to improving water quality d. Concern over animal agriculture causing coliform and nitrogen pollution to Narrow River and groundwater, and causing degradation to water quality. e. Owner to seek professional guidance from NRCS/Cornell Cooperative Extension/Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District to implement best management practices and structural controls for animal waste to lessen, to the maximum extent practicable, potential impacts to shell fishing. f. Identified tidal and runoff connections via a dye test from this property to Narrow River and Hallocks Bay. i. The central drainage ditch on the property connects to Narrow River directly via a culvert running under Narrow River Road. ii. High quality tidal wetlands are located just over the property line in the southwest corner of the property beginning at Narrow River Road and running northwest for approximately 1000 feet. iii. See marked-up plan with these areas highlighted. g. Suggested protections for wetlands i. Increase the buffer to the high quality wetlands in the southwest corner by fencing off animals farther away than the current deer fence. ii. To protect Hallock's Bay's living marine resources, provide stormwater containment of at least 3" for all portions of the property containing animals. The final design should be by a 4 competent licensed design professional working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District/Cornell Cooperative Extension/NRCS. iii. All ditches and culverts found to be directing stormwater to Hallock's Bay should be closed off with approved materials that block above/below grade stormwater movement or infiltration. iv. Consider a wetland creation component to help assimilate Nitrogen and remove pathogens to the maximum extent practical (using existing man-made wetlands such as the drainage ditch located in the center of the southern part of the property). 3. Land Preservation Committee a. Town Board's 2002 Resolution included proximity to wetlands as a reason to preserve: b. Verify wetland delineation and flood zone requirements relative to building location prior to view shed analysis. c. Ensure protection of all natural resources and values covered in the Deed of Development Rights • prime agricultural soils, • wetlands, • surface waters and • ground water, both on and off the subject property • Require applicant to work with NRCS/USDA/Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District to develop a farm management plan and use best management practices to protect the resources the easement is meant to protect. 4. Landowner: a. provided information about how they plan to manage the animals based on USDA guidelines b. Animals raised for pleasure and personal use. No intention to become a commercial animal farmer. c. 15 acres currently leased for row crops d. 14+ acres for owner use, raising various animals, other crops e. Good farm management practices are followed i. Rotational grazing ii. Vegetated buffers from wetlands iii. collectible animal waste is disposed of in dumpsters —weekly pickup 5 5. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): a. Soil (at the site) has no limitations for construction of a barn. b. proposed barn location not encroaching into the wetland area c. Bedding and manure for livestock kept in barn must be managed properly. The farm manager indicated that all manure will be placed in dumpsters and hauled offsite. The barn will have a concrete floor which will eliminate any chance of nitrogen leaching into ground water. d. Composting is another suitable way of managing the manure and bedding in an acceptable way. • Compost is a valuable resource that would help to increase soil organic matter, improve soil health and provide nutrients to the crops being grown on site. • Compost area requires an impervious liner installed below ground to prevent leaching of nutrients. • A grass filter strip to surround the composting facility to filter and absorb runoff generated during wet conditions. • NRCS can assist with the design of a suitable composting facility. e. recommend minimum 50' buffer to wetlands be maintained in permanent grass cover to act as a buffer and filter to protect these areas. f. Fence off wetlands to prevent access by livestock. 6. Agricultural Advisory Committee: a. Hallocks Bay is open to shell-fishing — has good water quality b. Permits from NYSDEC & Suffolk County required and will address issues about nitrogen loading and runoff c. The permits above and Best Management Practices are all that are needed to sustain a viable environment at this agricultural site in Orient. 6 d. To allow the industry to be viable and sustainable with the high cost of land and operations, there have to be no additional restrictions placed on agriculture by the Town. e. Detailed list of potential animals on site i. USDA requires reporting on this over a certain number ii. This is micromanaging a business and not necessary f. Delineation of animal pastures and pens i. Subject to change depending on crop chosen g. Water Flow and Usage i. Purview of NYSDEC, not Southold Town ii. Existing well — 4" diameter— private water source iii. When property changes ownership, NYSDEC requires inspection of the well 1. NYSDEC determines if it can produce >100,000 gpd 2. existing well estimated to pump 45 gpm or not more than 65,000 gpd if run continuously 24/7. iv. Farm water needs — 1. estimated at 200 gpd for animals 2. 50,000 to 60,000 gallons per year for irrigation of crops h. Number of employees and bathroom facilities i. This is under the authority of the NYS Dept of Labor 7. Long Island Farm Bureau: a. Concern over setting precedent on other lands within the Town if restrictions on farm practices are required as part of this site plan,. b. Don't regulate the farm operation beyond the construction of the barn. c. Ag & Markets Law governs agricultural operations. d. IEn+courale the farm to have a voluntary Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) and Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) done by the local Soil & Water Conservation District and Cooperative Extension Service, e. Buffers could be a part of an NRCS Conservation Plan on a voluntary basis by the farmer. f. Number of animals used on the farm is the purview of the farmer and should not be restricted by the Planning Board. 7 g. Pesticide and fertilizer application regulated by other entities. h. Water use regulated by DEC,. 8. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) a. Encourage a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) to address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation Service and/or USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. b. Address potential impacts to surface waters from stormwater runoff on Narrow River and Hallocks Bay and their shellfish restoration projects. c. Address potential impacts from culverts connecting the subject property to Narrow River under Narrow River Road. d. Buffers i. Require 100' wide vegetated buffers ii. Collaborate with Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service to determine the buffer design necessary to provide the following functions and values: 1. Denitrification and nutrient uptake 2. Slow down storm water runoff and enhance infiltration 3. Trap pollutants in surface runoff 4. Trap pollutants in subsurface flow 5. Stabilize soils iii. Require that paddocks and sheds are moved out of the buffers.. iv. Prohibit animal grazing and browsing in the buffers.. v. Require a covenant that establishes the boundaries, maintenance activities and supplemental plantings within the vegetated buffers. 8 9. Staff comments a. Observations from site visit i. Most of the paddocks had good quality grass cover; ii. The pig enclosure is very close to the high quality wetlands, and was all mud (no vegetation); iii. Numerous goats were allowed to browse in an area with direct access to the high-quality wetlands in the southwest corner; iv. The drainage ditch in the south central part of the property was heavily vegetated with phragmites, a natural densely vegetated buffer on the east side, and a mowed buffer from which large animals were fenced away from on the west side. b. Flood zones were checked with Building Dept— building is located properly; c. Trustees verified the building location is far enough away from wetlands; d. Research into how best to prevent animal waste from causing an adverse impact to groundwater and nearby surface waters indicate that conditions of a future approval could include the following: i. Encourage or, if a stronger measure is desired, impose a condition that the landowner follow the guidelines developed by the USDA for sustainable numbers of animals on pasture. These guidelines are specific to type and size of animal, as well as pasture type and soil, and because the number and type of animals and pasture will likely change over time, no specific numbers are recommended to be imposed by the Board; only that the landowner seek out and follow the guidelines. ii. Encourage the farm owner to request a nutrient management plan for the animal husbandry portion of the farm. This can be obtained by the farm owner from the Suffolk County Soil and Conservation Water Service at no charge. These plans are confidential; however they would follow a successful model being implemented on dairy farms upstate to protect the water supply for New York City. (this may accomplish the same as item a.) e. Move the enclosure for pigs at least 50' off of the southwest property line (to prevent runoff to the tidal wetland); 9 f. Close the southernmost paddock gate to prevent livestock from entering the wetland area in the southwest corner of the property (or consider allowing only occasional browsing in this area to reduce impacts); g. Is the wooded area in the southwest corner regulated by the DEC due to the tidal wetlands and the existing trees? Needs clarification. h. The deer fence around the exterior can stay on the plan, because that likely won't change, but the internal fencing is something they have said they might change over time, so those should not be shown on the plan. Instead there should be a note on the plan something like this: i. Changes to the location of internal fencing is not subject to Planning Board review (unless there is some fencing required by the Board, then that would be an exception). ii. Changes to the location and number of small animal shelters (those too small to require a building permit), are not subject to Planning Board review C. Environmental Review procedure/SEQRA 1. Public Hearing comments related to SEQRA: Should be reviewed as a Type I action under SEQRA 2. Staff comments: Agriculture is a Type II action. The SEQRA rules do not allow a Type II action to be classified as anything else, even if adjacent to a Critical Environmental Area. D. Future Use of Property for Special Events and other non-agricultural uses. Related — small outbuildings added to the site and not shown on the site plan. 1. Public concerns over this expressed at the hearing and in writing a. Noise, traffic from special events attended by the public. b. small outbuildings being used for things other than agricultural purposes. 2. Staff comment: a. Special events would not be allowed in the barn or on the PDR land. b. Site visit observation all small outbuildings in use as animal shelters or other farm-related uses. c. Applicant submitted photos of all as required by the Board. 10 IV. Other Referral Comments A. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) • Determine if a cultural resource survey is necessary within the agricultural barn footprint (submit request for a determination from the NYS OPRHP CRIS system); B. Suffolk County Planning Commission: Matter for local determination; C. NYSDEC • Building may require a permit from DEC (based on original location); D. Orient Fire District: Replied that they had no recommendations or requirements. E. Southold Fire Marshall 1. Fire Access Road is required from the main road to the building. (F503.2) • Min. 20 feet wide (F-503.2.1) • Min. 13'-6" vertical clearance (F-503.2.1) • Min. support for emergency vehicles 75,000 pounds. (F-D102) • Existing dirt road to have a turnout for turning trucks. • Fire Well/Hydrant to supply a minimum of 2500 gpm for a minimum of 2 hours. (F-507.5, App B) 2. In addition: Water for fire protection will be provided as soon as combustible material arrives on site. (F-3312) F. Town Engineer (summary): i. May need DOT review for curb cut; ii. Recommend stone-blend road compacted over stable sub-base (to support emergency vehicles) — may need to be wider than 12'; iii. All compacted dirt roadways & parking areas generate stormwater. Drainage and permanent sediment controls must be designed to prevent erosion and silt damage to the adjacent wetlands on site. Meet requirements of Chapter 236 Stormwater Management. 11 V. Staff Recommendations A. Consider the recommendations above under "Issues" and "Other referral comments". B. Provide a revised site plan with the following: a. Revise the subject site information to provide the correct postal, school and fire district; b. Move the proposed building 200' to the west; c. Show only wetland buffer lines that are agreed upon by the Planning Board and the applicant; d. Modify the proposed lighting to be less than 2700K LED's are recommended to be at 2700K or less to make them more dark-sky compliant; e. Any other conditions as specified by the Planning Board. VI. Proposed scope of work: • Construct 8,664sf metal agricultural building; • Provide stormwater drainage, electric, water and lighting to proposed building. VII. Existing Conditions (to remain): • 785sf One story equipment storage building (on 19.-1-1.3) • 87sf Garden shed (on 19.-1-1.3) • 118sf Horse Stall building (on 19.-1-1.3) • 742sf chicken coop (on 19.-1-1.4) • several small outbuildings/animal shelters VIII. Site Plan Requirements — Code Compliance Review A. Code requirements / Bulk Schedule (R-200): • Lot Coverage: Maximum permitted by Code: 5% Existing: 0.12% Proposed: 0.73% • Parking: no parking has been proposed; owner use only and not open to the public. 12 B. Storm water Drainage System: • Eight (8) 10' x 3' deep leaching pools for the building are proposed; • Erosion and sediment controls have been provided for the building and the construction entrance. C. Access to site: • One existing farm road to remain from NYS Route 25; • Proposed 12' wide dirt road to connect the existing farm road to the proposed building. D. Exterior lighting: four (4) LED wall pack fixtures at 12' above grade are shown on the photometric plan <5.Ofc and at 3000K. E. Exterior Signage: no exterior signage is proposed. IX. Timeline: June 28, 2017: Application submitted. July 27, 2017: Application accepted as complete. Sept. 8, 2017: Public Hearing (adjourned without a date for more information). I Sept. 28, 2017: PB letter requiring correction of insufficient material. Nov. 14, 2017: Submission of info by applicant. Jan. 22, 2018: Work session status update / review info submitted. March 16, 2018° PB requires visual impact analysis and photos of existing buildings. March 19, 2018 Agent for applicant responds with objections . j April 5, 2018:: Town Attorney responds to agent affirming requirement. May 30,2018: Visual Impact Analysis submitted. July 5, 2018: Photos of existing buildings submitted.. July 9, 2018: Public Hearing continued and closed. 13 Michaelis, Jessica From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Tuesday, g 14, 2018 10:34 AM b� TonMichaelisJessica Subject: FW:Tenedios Attachments: 2018-08-10_23-14-44.png ;ry , zr��iri ru'td'T��:r�^ui , I°oe irw rrrr Board From: William Kelly [mailto_ WiVi�an''I Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 8:06 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Cc: Steve Tenedios Subject: Tenedios Brian, Attached is revised rendering for barn as viewed from northwest, changes made: Monitor roof on wings changed to straight gable Converted center building from gambrel to gable roof Changed colors to: Silver sides Charcoal roof White trims Please forward to ARC Basically lowered profile by 2' 1 F V 1 ate. ICA r� f 7;07, Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson j.y� 1jff01 Town Hall Annex Reynolds duPont, Jr. 54375 Route 25 Ronald McGreevy ZID PO Box 1179 Stephen Geraci Southold,NY 11971 Patricia Butler James Garretson Telephone: (63 1)765- 1892 " Fax(63 1)765-6641 www.southoldtownny.gov Town of Southold ] Architectural Review Committee AUGMinutes fi ') 4:OOp.m., August 9, 2018 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Members Present: Elizabeth Thompson,Chairperson;James Garretson; Stephen Geraci; Patricia Butler; Ron McGreevy; Brian Cummings, Town Planner; Elizabeth Cantrell,Secretary The minutes for the June 7,2018 meeting were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes,and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations, together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. Revisited. ,gip 1ic� ,: 4 Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.3 &1.4 William Kelly, contractor with Morton Buildings presented this application for the construction of an 8,664 sq. ft.building to house livestock,store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights in tact in R-200 Zoning District. The Committee reviewed the application and is recommending the following: Scale of building structure is too massive and adversely affects the open space and scenic value of this prominent view shed,protected by covenants to the development rights on this property. Committee has the following recommendations to address some aspects of this concern. -Move construction 200 ft westward, further from Narrow River Rd. -Delete two 12 ft. bays from each end of structure to reduce massive size. -Building is shown with a separate and distinct use in each of the 3 sections of this 8,664 sf structure. Committee recommends reducing massing by dividing the building into 3 separate structures. This would have the added practical benefit of separating petroleum fumes and machine shop noise from livestock living quarters. • Morton building color chart was submitting showing "Charcoal" roof, "Silver" walls and "White" trim. These colors are acceptable. • -A computer perspective dated 8/10/18 was submitted, attached to these minutes, showing elimination of solid clerestory from east and west wings. This change lowers those roofs by 3 ft., from original drawings stamped received by Planning Dept. 6/28/17. The committee approves this reduction in massing. • After building footprint and location is finalized, ARC recommends planting of appropriate trees and bushes to further mitigate negative effects on view shed. • Additional information provided at meeting but not indicated on submission: -Animals to be housed include 40 goats,15 sheep,50-60 chickens, 6 hogs 2 horses and 1 cow,for personal use. -There is a 1,000 sf mezzanine for feed storage above the shop not indicated on drawings. The Committee recommends revision and resubmission of the drawings in response to these comments. Motion made and seconded. .............. Elizabeth Cantrell, A.R.C. Secretary - 2 - Lanza, Heather From: Bredemeyer, John Sent: Tuesday,July 31, 2018 4:20 PM To: Lanza, Heather; Terry, Mark Subject: FW: Question concerning bona fide Agricultural Activity near DEC Freshwater Wetlands(Tenedios Property) Attachments: Clear Cut by the Numbers .pdf FYI From: Lewis, Daniel E (DEC) [daniel.lewis@dec.ny.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 9:32 AM To: Bredemeyer, John Cc: Knoll, Christina A (DEC) Subject: FW: Question concerning bona fide Agricultural Activity near DEC Freshwater Wetlands(Tenedios Property) John, sorry, got my numbers backwards. The 10 square feet refers to areas of timber harvest where there is replacement trees less than 6 inches in diameter that add up to 30 square feet. Use the 30 square feet for determining if a lot is clear cut or not. 30 square feet should be the threshold. I don't use this definition often enough to be on top of it. I have attached a document that will help with the math. Dan -----Original Message----- From: Lewis, Daniel E (DEC) Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:34 AM To: 'Bredemeyer, John' <john.bredemeyer@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Knoll, Christina A(DEC) <Christina.Knoll@dec.ny.gov> Subject: RE: Question concerning bona fide Agricultural Activity near DEC Freshwater Wetlands(Tenedios Property) John, I have cut and pasted the definition of agricultural activities from the regulations. You can see that they are very liberal. If you look at (v) below you can see that farmers can clear cut shrubs and herbaceous species as needed in the wetland and adjacent area for the purposes of growing ag products without a permit. They can even drain the area to improve the growing conditions. If they clear shrubs swamp and then use that area for any other purpose than growing ag products we would consider it to be a violation of the ECL. More importantly look at the bottom of the list for activities that are not exempt and most likely would not be approved. The first is clear cutting of trees. I have also attached the definition of clear cutting. We have in the past interpreted this to mean that as long as there are enough trees (6" in diameter or larger) (in jurisdiction) on any given acre of worked land that equal 10 square feet or more then that acre is not clear cut and the farmer can selectively remove trees as long as they don't drop below that threshold. This becomes more difficult when an area has been clear cut pre law. in a case like that we would not expect the farmer to plant trees to get up to the 10 square feet, but we would not allow for the removal of any additional trees. I So if the wetland you describe is just shrubs and herbs then the farmer can clear it all to produce ag products. If there are trees then he will need to determine if he meets the 10 square foot threshold before removing any trees. If the area is a mix of trees and shrubs and he cannot remove any trees because of the 10 square foot threshold then there is no reason to be removing the understory and we would consider that, most likely, to be a violation as it would be very difficult to grow crops in the understory of a canopy of trees. We would prefer that they leave the 100 foot buffer alone but the regulations do allow for the above disturbance. The farmer should be clear that at any point when they stop working the area the vegetation must be allowed to revert to natural. They cannot clear an area for ag purposes, work it for 5 years and then call the area legally cleared and do some other activity. Let me know if you want to discuss in more detail. Daniel Lewis Biologist, Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook,NY 11790-3409 P: (631) 444-0278 I F: (631) 444-0272 I daniel.lewis@dec.ny.gov www.dec.ny.gov (c) Agricultural activity means: (1) the activity of an individual farmer or other landowner in: (i) grazing and watering livestock; (ii) making reasonable use of water resources for agricultural purposes; (iii) harvesting the natural products of wetlands; (iv) the selective cutting of trees; (v) the clear-cutting of vegetation, other than trees, for growing agricultural products; (vi) constructing winter truck roads of less than five meters (approximately 16 feet) in width for removing trees cut in accordance with subparagraph (iv) of this paragraph, where construction is limited to cutting vegetation and compacting ice and does not alter water flows; (vii) operating motor vehicles for agricultural purposes; (viii) draining for growing agricultural products; (ix) erecting structures, including fences, required to enhance or maintain the agricultural productivity of the land; (x) using chemicals and fertilizers according to normally accepted agricultural practices, in order to grow crops for human and animal consumption or use, in or adjacent to wetlands, where authorized by other State, Federal 2 or local laws; including application of stabilized sludge as fertilizer when applied at agronomic loading rates in accordance with a valid Part 360 or 364 landspreading permit; or (xi) otherwise engaging in the use of wetlands for growing agricultural products such as crops, vegetables, fruits or flowers; but (2) does not mean: (i) clear-cutting trees; (ii) constructing roads that require moving earth or other aggregate or that alter water flow or in any way deviate from subparagraph(1)(vi) of this subdivision; (iii) filling or deposition of spoil, even for agricultural purposes; (iv) mining; or (v) erecting structures not required to enhance or maintain the agricultural productivity of the land. (i) Clear-cutting means any cutting of trees over six inches in diameter at breast height over any 10-year cutting cycle where the average residual basal area of trees over six inches in diameter at breast height remaining after such cutting is less than 30 square feet per acre, measured within the area harvested; provided, however, that where regeneration is assured by stand conditions such that after such cutting, the average residual basal area of trees at least one inch in diameter at breast height is at least 30 square feet per acre, measured within the area harvested, a clearcut will not be deemed to have taken place unless the average residual basal area of trees over six inches in diameter at breast height is less than 10 square feet per acre, similarly measured. -----Original Message----- From: Bredemeyer, John [mailto.john.bredemeyer@town.southold.ny.us] Sent: Monday, July 30, 2018 5:42 PM To: Lewis, Daniel E (DEC) <daniel.lewis@dec.ny.gov>; Domino, Michael <michael.domino@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Question concerning bona fide Agricultural Activity near DEC Freshwater Wetlands(Tenedios Property) ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Good morning Mr. Lewis, In researching a parcel containing a portion of a mapped Freshwater Wetland in Orient that is actively farmed, where I expect the Southold Trustees may be providing input to the Southold Town Planning Board, questions have arisen concerning allowed setbacks for legitimate Ag activities from Freshwater Wetlands. What is your agency's position on how close activities can be performed adjacent to the mapped edge of a the Freshwater Wetland? Presently there appears to be a 100' vegetative buffer. Does your agency recommend any best management practices for buffers or their size/structure/constituents? Any input you might offer is appreciated. Sincerely, 3 John Bredemeyer. V.P., Southold Trustee 4 �o ? o o X o s -q s orD D a- Q 3 _ 1 �0 CL ~ D n < cu Q Q Q Q O a rt (D rD C cn U N O (D n _ .�* rD r+ ° C 3 z W Q �' S fD O _6 rD T , 'O r0 O `C F+ ► C '+ C Ort �N 7 W M n fD LO O ° rh rD D� O rb C IAI rrb 3 d •G rD O f•1 d C n W r*6A Zrr+ C N _Q C n r+ cn A N O 00 Ql A N O 00 Ol rp C i� Q kn cu C O v 0 g S - N — 3 C 4 flD 3 pq rD (D O- Dq 3 S r1 O W cn' -n 6 d rD r0+ N N -0 fu -G M 3 b O rQr Q 3 a M s v, D a C O_ �" ` H m ,� < a rD c g S r+ m n � 61 N F N rte+ '"� E. rV+ N W fD '"� < N I--� O lD w �l M U'i A W O v ? 7 'C O 'C •G O S O F-+ C OQ O. F+ cx rD � rD C A 3 fD r+Ln =rr+ cu r+ •••� H rC—+ W (D S S M 7 rD � O cD rp a_a a � r* •* rp v+ O y S n = Q o tn o m Ln < =ti ° C r- 0 a s a- c c ti �, rD 3 0 a rD - 3. cfD, °� r�o cn 3 4 O c '+ �+ vlu •• Cr o o Q rD m w m 4N N o W m � W N a = i•• f~O 61 K •< 3 -moi CU "^ O m C �' O F, A lD CT V, C71 LD rp oo C — S rD rD obi 0, (A 3 to r+ pJ r+ rD _ N n S m S Q' 7 O S rD rD W W W W W W W W W W N Q N -0 Ln Q M r0+ G. N O �Q v+ C C � •P 41. •P � � � � - P O .G -+ C rD rt (D n Ul Ln CP CP U1 Ul C31 Cn Cn Ln r�D ^► O c n m rt 7 m 3' r+ CD CD CD CO CO (.0 CO (D CO CO O. C Q rD rD W rt =r j m O r+ y AW W N N r7 rt G NS to rD (n w I-� Ul O In �--� V U7 N C N N S Q n r3+ N O A F W W 00 O OD Q. r+ rD rD cu rC+ F-� N In F-' lD F-� (.n W W rt OCA M rte+ vc S Q, C S n rr+ 1 r* '• rD S r+ rD rp ryq' .* S W N N F+ N F+ O O O O O Q OS S -9 Fi Cn F+ V A O V Ln W N 0 C rte+ rD A A 00 V O V l0 In N O M 3 N N S 4 (ArD O `- `� N n N Zr In <Z 0^1 OS1 tn n O 1 O n �'• C W rp C O1 O ar '^ ^ N o C N �O o r+ Z. °" •c d n 00 D. C d v m = d 4 C' rD N F+ cu CL O F+ F+ F+ N N N W U7 00 Ln r+ -h O N A V N-L w w w m W Z O A ° lu O O 7 7 CL 1' CL N CL r+ O r0 rp W O -0 0- -1n (D 3 (D (D r�r I aq � UQ (D cn' L O 2 <CD (DD (D r+ Cl Qjj N Ln v (D aj W O (D Q N _. w W O rf (D rt IN (D to 9 ,J (D O (D �q L (D r�r rr (D .r O j% --h (D d Q) � t r� ` O O C' t I Or O—h (D J D 0s cn - 1 fD D rD N W (D N O Ln rr < O X N N O LO fi (D r r h ,+ r-r ' R. LING DRESS: So OFFICE LOCATION: ' � Town Hall Annex ��f P.O. Box 1179"��� /�Q 54375 State Route 25 "° Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov OOUNV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson Southold Town Architectural Review Committee From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: July 30, 2018 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you. Encls.: Visual Impact Analysis Land Preservation Comments Submission Without a Cover Letter FJUL 0 5 2018 Sender: Q04- NA d fire awthold Town l lar:nrll i Board Subject: 11 SCTM#: 1000 - 1 cl Date: --I I .11j 1 t Comments: v i r.•: 44 5 1 a we qT f •f L d6 7�` * v AL rr -G 1. • 'n r - I - t uC� } t A 1 , • sir iv ll y ! i�t' r w 1 I i { I f . .-. ._ .. .r .yam.,•. } - - � ' #A .1 • �1 q r • f j"i T1' 1 Y fir. •'F��� �A. 5.'.�y. �� �� � - x + ��L }'TS tF + _ 1}� rl �IJJJ�' .'f�• Sys r ,, +� ;:•r. e r -• it h � � , A 3� 4 k + f P 'r + �1?1 ? A Y , • �i . •. .• Irk Y J ' � `���_-��Fs-_ ^__ .i �i OFFICE LOCATION: ocrz �� MAILING ADDRESS: Viv SO Town Hall Annex ' ' " r •• P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southol dtownny.gov ,COON � 11 X PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 10, 2018 Mr. William Kelly 22355 Cox Lane, Unit#4 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Public Hearing Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3 Dear Mr. Kelly: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, July 9, 2018 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Submission Without a Cover Letter iE C_ y V) S ender: I� -� rev (,(-A Yl.5 i 4 I L 0, 6 2 018 Whold Town Subject: �-���v S "irq���y��� �su SCTM#: 1000 - 1 C( — I — I . qt 1 . 3 Date: '—I I I g Comments:. ve Cfs C-5- V-C ca-v- ds- PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF Fresh & co Farm LLC (Tenedios) MAILINGS SCTM Parcel # 1000-19-1-1.4 & 1.3 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, BETSY PERKINS, residing at Mattituck, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 28th day of June, 2018, 1 personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southold, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( X ) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. ____ ----- (S" Wre)r B T SY PEI ��NS Sworn to before me this day of a t Public) PATRICIA :n.., ���r�lc:!�C. r�it���t�l.,� ����le OORE �� .._� � Mary Public®State of New York �. �.�� I 66 Suf fofl<County-No.48616"68 a Jur« 1�� wrr'�rrui° i � ° l e 1 °° �, l� � isro r�on e ack of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 Main Road Orient, NY SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 J1. 13.-2-7.13 A 13.-2-7.14 J 3. 13.-2-8.37 J 4. 13.-2-9 J 5. 13.-2-10.1 J 6. 18.-4-7.6 J 7. 18.-6-21.8 J 8. 18.-6-21.9 J 9. 18.-6-21.10 -%/10. 18.-6-23.1 J11. 18.-6-24.3 (/12. 18.-6-25 J 13. 18.-6-28 ✓14. 19.-1-2 J 15. 19.-1-7.6 m w �® M M e �tl YY� C�err@afikrcC mall Foo �Y Y YI Ln Fx@r;t�rar+rla:Ans d�I�stt.n(r.rrr�tl m rrru,�carai✓<i^r�u aat i�,4,npYtarR�lp rq ❑Return Recelpt copy) $ C3 ❑Return Receipt(o Ic) S Po rk:, O [:]Certified Wail R ed Delivery $ Ad Signature R�ulte9 $ y, i E:3 �❑Ad�u�Signature Required 63er&4ve¢y$ D — J The Calverton Group, Ln PO Box 455 O r- Orient, NY 11957 Y M ru M CIDFm IC rU q _....._ .... Cer)tred Mail reg Ln 9extCtt'Sh@YlCar3&W�49�*,t u-PmarcrArFzra'r acH¢N�rrau� ,runka ,""� (,J 8 rq ❑Return Receipt(hare) y) $ r'` ✓ +" ^' M ❑Return Recelp @(aaleetraNc) Postmark S 0 ❑ I MWI R tricked®ell $ Her - D ®Adult Signature Required �0� I, Adult Signalaiae Reised Delkw$ 9'a,3atayyaa _a o Latham Farms Property LPN ` a 31900 Route 25 / c3 Orient, NY 11957 .............. 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OFFICIAL ti � ;iraad MaPp rae USE rUtil&eilPwtagF ,aae( ackd xndPPaaa;mpaernPhp $ Lr) $ P Extra cats ®R R (electronic) $ rk a bar r Jere (hard py)k t arx,a Ad P¢e araP rnPdn,r, LfI r-9 Return R p4 copy) $�.—� r� ❑ �--� FxRr 1:3 ttWrr Receipt ma Py) $ Return Receipt olootrunic) p Adult Signature11R Required $ \ O ❑Adult SCertifieignature Mallm(Required ed Delivery $.. s�,.. Slgnatura R Nary$.„�.. .., r, DPQ k. C3 ❑ Mall Da $ wfaR� o ❑ @aa JilYy,J —Postage ❑Adult a„9 L1 Adult Sugnntvm Meted Delivery$._. ...�. r . PafJ92Ci e N 1 —a 6 C3 Ryan Drumm o Robert E Hanlon `^ "' Jessica A Frankel � Jennifer Avedon � v ��,�� ------------------ N 205 E 63rd St., Apt 5A rte- P.O. Box 178 New York, NY 10065 ------------------- Orient, Ny 11957 LL • ® :eW « W _.. am wee.W. „.. �... « e « :WW • .. _t .. . ea ran.® _.. .. -.. V...®... « .. 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Demarest SAepnoski Family Farm, LLC. ° a i 0 27965 Route 25 J _,,. .W__.. CL29335 marest ----._ __ C3 / Orient, NY 11957 ....e____ r` Route 25NY 11957 r ■ � t� P fm MEMO= M ru m rn ni=E. i r ottwdeed IMWI Fee ru ceptarl�ect n>Ge Ln �34drtt rS'Ckd"Id'¢.'fi123' '.�ee•t Cihrsah.d;rrx,sCd J%Nk Sik^S po-aajuuyyar9 rdY j f / cJmeMktr,atlsras E]Return Receipt t r E]Return Receipt r -aaplaw. a'Jaktr-rl .E]Return Receipt(elactrnlc) 0 ❑Return aRestrictedl . Sr Witlecti Cefled Mall De ry ❑ MWI Restrict Delivery 0 ❑Ado�MJ& E]d ICe ea ❑ SSignatureReMdctedDeAlvny$ ""- tmeSt -h B ti ❑Adult Restricted R7! Ivrary$ p P Pscsvt ter. d „ ' Q t�ettntpe ✓ EE3 New York State Dec �!v Ln Lee M. Kerman t-n Attn: Bureau of Real Property o Elaine G. Wood ................. o Surly Bldg 40 r- 940 Park Ave#2B l Stony Brook, NY 11970-2356 __a..---- New York, NY 10028 ,. • :r r �, t_..•. 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'� Sign tur j a Print your name and address on the reverse X w ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. p f� 1 (Pifinkeu�t... ❑Arta ry a Attach this card to the back of the mall lece, ®) _ ed C. pate of Delive d or on the front if space perrnits�. 7 The C�aw�t�trr����mr r�'• a D. Is deli�r�'r gess d (TOM,item 17 G.:1 Yes r If Y §a ter deltiver tt to below: El No j alvertmGroup, 2 SD 4 . �Orient,''INY 1.1.957 Y � 3. Service it III I I 'II I I I III I I I III I I I I I II I II I I I I III ❑Adult Signature El❑Roltlls rw�idlExprmO Mali' ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑11 WH Restrictat( 9590 9402 2472 6306 2682 93 ®Certlfled MWIO Deidvery ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return ReoaIII for ❑Collect on Delivery Merolroendlse �2. I I� "" Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery [I Signature ConfirmatlonTM Article Number(°Transfer from m vice labeC� ry pp p p 99 yy ❑�r7ratGced M�3V ❑Slgraeturo Confirmation II 9 N V I� 0 tl ❑immvrW Mail Restricted ¢�strdotod 9 ry ¢river$500) r PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt i 2 ® •c o o va v c Q Q ' r7A a co � Z � aooA E XD fig N N d E A b'C U •Oc E 3 a¢¢ocainm¢ " m 11130 ❑ ❑❑ MR ¢.¢ ¢ rnwal� E r 9 t:J❑ Ll ❑❑ o E E , o m^ . "", � LU ID C N fq�y a Zo ® A. c ?CO 4) o o mw w r ) a� � c � 75C L ( ao d �$�cSciB � u '' ori❑❑❑❑❑u�❑C, ri❑❑❑❑❑E)Jvh"' UU r) o )� m U o � � � co I m O > C — OTO o � O 8 rracl7 m o �y . � == CCOVm o E •�i00 m o E 6Iym CD c t - oN o OCD y m O CO O� Z p to Crj �eU Y Z S-0 y .0 N LOc _ inn S vt O N 7 u- nV1 N � ..w —N7 CrV cy « u CV � � NN +' O -- Ty _z oE E EEa - p :9 i 20 [ aOm3 O T �f • t7 c O z m 00 0- U) O *' a .� rrN tm U O O 0 Ln � Ma oL« Cl) L oo mE m U. U O •C LO O JM Ol go UawQO ]zN 0 1c1 p I QO N ro { rof - a Complete Items 1,2, d 3. 0 Print your name and a dlvss on the�reywse Agent so that we can return the card to you. _ 13 Addressee w Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, aivad by l "rirtterJ "'� C. Date of Delivery j or on the front Ifspace permlts. o _ A¢lt4ro °ed to - D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? U Yes If YES.enterI1jve acfd ass below: 0 No Robert E Hanlon 0 � i Jessica A Frankel I P.O. Box 178 Orient, Ny 11957 1 II ISI I I II I I I I I I I III I I I I I Ii 1. I II I I 'II 3. Service Tyj� ' r �le1l � Adult S1e0 Ro AdSR ry rricled 9590 9402 2472 6306 2681 18 °Certified Mall® Dry"very ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑rietur ern Ruoa)pt for ❑Collect on Delivery MharudVia LIG II ton )ahv Rojtrfcted I ve 0�Ignarturo Coratirmallon'm 2. Article Nu bar r�sl"cr Imm s rvfca Jaiv ^ " 9� J4 T I f f [ I I 'r P I�! � I I � P)In r d M W I� Y 7l �J atloatura Cocut uavatdatt In it tijred Mall atrict l Delivery Reetrlot•d DeWwy (over 500) Ps Form 38111,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Recelpt w E a ¢ € m v ux �s ¢ E€ If 0 W > a. to CL - w! E m m a c c— x•,—y•� Its �q m m 'n'+ Q 0 }` W [�j-qqq+++.o o•x -22 0H 11 ' w Nom"A l9 CJW+.YI N Y N N m .G'(tl N E3 � 9 a mrnco ® U r •• c99>- � mm •m acarArrgmwac E 3 n Qs�a mm E m ❑❑❑ ® ❑❑` m ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑❑ O ` E oa o ` 1,D m > `-. c• d a c v m m O O �� .Z My rA c j W DO c °a � c�� Ed ' d � ?, K etio L31 11, E.I oi❑❑❑❑❑❑13 0 ri❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ LOp o � P M C N ....... t i O ■_ .. p CP � _ •� Ivj m o L N • m o E .• wwr• 00 N C: .. N • m o E cp .c >, o L a) (W) Y� ~ M „ L') O� Nb i co w P o z 0)i to r ® z Cd ® ro co ate. � 0to ® ' as � � a v` c oLa � A _— N ®NC � . 'Co N . N . O O Ql N NN V, 1-1 Co ••• ma � O LN ® o • UOdN Qc — a UJ L oE - >- c Z M Zee Z l � w Ln vM `f) aE O 10 Lo c4c 41 ~ O O O O \ UC � �O v N OO .._. rMOFC u 0 Complete items 1,2,and 3. q atom dent Moi Print your name and address on the reverse �� 11 Address so that we can return the card to you. ----� ■ Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, ehved by(Ar�rl ed Name) D Of very or on the front ifs ace permits. D Is�del v �� �* i� P' " delivery address hflerent from Rem 1? e If YES,enter dell very address below: I j. S[epnoski Family Farm, LLC. 1' 27965 Route 25 Orient, NY 11957 11111111 1 1111 T 111111 1 11111111 3.❑AdulSignatureService e ❑Rrl hMerMoll od WPM ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑R�,p Morud Mail Resi rfOod 9590 9402 2472 6306 2681 70 ❑Certified Mall® DeM[very ❑Certflled Mall Restricted Del" ❑Rokurn Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merr hurandiso 2. Article NaJmb r(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConflrmatlonT'" ln� M 11, ,,, ! ❑Signature Confirrnatlon ln�ei4r4d l,R 6t ,D l� �' $estrictedDelivery i 5L3 f PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. °' nature ■ soint thatour wen can return hadde card to youess on the . X . .. ❑E-0—Of 1 CI' ddte ee� Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, B. ecelved by(Panted Name) , at Ilvrry or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from Item" ? 9,yes If YES.enter delivery address Wow No Ryan Drumm Jennifer Avedon 205 E 63rd St., Apt 5A New York, NY 10065 3. ice 1 Ill I I III I I I 1111 it III 11 1111 ❑AdultSignature 0Signature eRestricted Delivery ❑Rrr�gWI ed�M l Rest ted' 9590 9402 2472 6306 2681 25 ❑Certified Mall® Doi ❑CerUfied Mall Restricted Delivery ❑I Reretpt for ❑Collect on Delivery Mori hirdise __. (Tra..,:._...rfro ❑Si nrrtureConfrmatfonTO I 2. Article Number rarrsfer from service!abet ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery g � � }, � ❑Insored MaVj 4 t.9 Signatureorrtlr°(br;aUUPI i ❑jots fod Wit#esilti purl f qr r$gtk Delivery i ��, - t PS Form 38,11,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt Complete Items 1,2,and 3. 7Rsignature ent AntedPAmr p Addreso tht we can return the card to ou:���` � �A�dressee■ Print our name and address on the reversep y ry_......_fr _ _ -mm c ermits. a mallplece, Dell e I e back of th 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from Item 11 � or thefrontIf space .. . _ Yes If YES.enter delivery address below: p No colleen McDonough ; Helen Hooke j 333 E 79t'St, Apt 14Y New York, NY 10021 3. Service Type 0 111 Jill 11111111111111 111111 111111111 l ExrI ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 11i tt rmdiMall P estir od, 9590 9402 2472 6306 2681 63 ❑Certified MallO ry ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Ralum Rec!tpt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2.mArticle Number,(rare sforfrom serrrrce lobe() ❑Collect on Crelrvery Restricted Doll very ❑Signature ConfirmatlonTM a tlesaar t!l f l ❑Signature Confirmation ( 1 I 1 d In r��l 11 e pi t Delivery Restricted Delivery (over$600) PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return 71;J 13.-2-7.12/13/14 Zimmer,LLC. c/o Mark Breen 24405 Main Rd. Orient, NY 11957 13.-2-8.37 Suffolk County 330 Center Rd. Riverhead, NY 11901 13.-2-9 Lee M. Kerman Elaine G. Wood 940 Park Ave#2B New York, NY 10028 13.-2-10.1 Jeffrey L. Demarest Kara Demarest 29335 Route 25 Orient, NY 11957 18.-4.7.6/7 Sepnoski Family Farm, LLC. 27965 Route 25 Orient, NY 11957 18.-6-21.8 Colleen McDonough Helen Hooke 333 E 79t'St,Apt 14Y New York, NY 10021 18.-6-21.9 Katherine J. Knight Maria J. Cartagena 15 E 36t'St., Apt 3C New York, NY 10016 18.-6-21.10 John N Sabatino Linda Sabatino 27756 Route 25 Orient, NY 11957 18.-6-23.1 Carl Demarest Danielle Demarest 28280 Route 25 Orient, NY 11957 18.-6-24.3 Ryan Drumm Jennifer Avedon 205 E 63rd St.,Apt 5A New York, NY 10065 18.-6-25 Robert E Hanlon Jessica A Frankel P.O. Box 178 Orient, NY 11957 18.-6-28/19.-1-2/19.-1-7.6 New York State Dec Attn: Bureau of Real Property Suny Bldg 40—50 Circle Rd. Stony Brook, NY 11970-2356 18.-6-19.3 The Calverton Group, PO Box 455 Orient, NY 11957 19.-1-7.4 Latham Farms Property LP 31900 Route 25 Orient, NY 11957 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as < ro C m„ m . w�b . by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster ha main d in pi ce for s"en days prior to the date of the public hearing onr-0, 1w "l` w . ° I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every,property which is across T'Irf"F-7 i.._.rvu Your Name (print) Address Da otary P,ubI 'c 13ETSY A.PERKINS 1q0tary Public'State of Now York No. VE 13163 Quallfied In Suhlo4k «our4 commission Expires ul' 18» �L-J, PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon, Fri., 7/6/18 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM#s: 1000-19.-1-1,4 & 1.3 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, July 9 2018 6:06 .m '3u bf forlf3, H Cr.�-AT,.GC Submission Without a Cover Letter Q JUL 1 0 2018 Southold Tovin 1Z ,^ Planning Board Sender: _T�' 1 C�� r),e-)� Subject: 'I S SCTM#: 1000 - Date: ---I I l L-) 1 g Comments: Su ty-ek 6 �� ccr-, - w.��-I a rte, b - d � - N10 1Y CARL DEMARES?' SURVEY OF PROPERTY •� / & DANIELLE DFMARES 7' SI T UA TED AT � 'I (*Fu CESSPOOL �"ER 'W.. ., DATE OF'�NEY) ORIENT 0. 11 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o ta .I SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK �, S.C. TAX No. 1000-18-06-21.8 SCALE 1"=50' w' SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 OCTOBER 27, 1999 ADDED SITE PIAN ULe ` DECEMBER 6. 1999 REVISCC! SITF PIAN 0 AREA = 74,348.53 sq. ft. r � 1.707 ac. CXClVFI.&—W2 N -oma HELEN HOOKE � COLLEEN McDONOUGH �.i U+ NOTES: Q 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO H.G.V.D. 1929 DATUM n EXTSTPK ELEVAIHONS ARE SJROWN EMUS: !J& LA Z4 2. tO1 NUABER+, n"OW" THOS!1.OT!+ RFT�R .0 _EV �'�• J `.p HMnFt 31YRD". ON MADE. PYTT) ;ORSptP14 At BTM+QIA 4ATAT9R - -�- �}' -g 3. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR A 1 TO 4 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1,000 GALLONS. 1 TANK: 8' LONG, 4'-3' WIDE, 6'-7' DEEP 4. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR A 1 TO 4 BEDROOM HOUSG IS 300 sq 11 SIDEWALL AREA. 2 POOLS: 6' DEEP, 8' die. - 1W-F. PROPOSED EXPANSION POOL JJ � � l• ! PROPOSED LEACHING POOL PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK 7C l 5. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD q } + V OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 6. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: '. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO065 G ,y 4 ZONE AE: BASE FLOW ELEVATIONS DETERMINED ' ` 1 IONS X'- MFRS OF Soo-YEAR FLOOD:MFRS OF 100-YEAR FLOOD ATEH AVERAGE DEPTH OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAMAOE AREAS LESS 1HAN 173 I SOUARE WILE. AND MEES EAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 100-YEAR ILL)OO I! p ZONE X: AREAS DETERUBAD TO BE OUTSIDE 500-YFAR rLOOOPLAW 7. ZONING USE DISTRICT: R-80 TYPICAL SEIVACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM A4. B, Icr To soul r�ti 1 1 - �1 r�xMuw•...re..... PK' 6 zz wW it us i ice..' i ra g. SIL Tal.f 9.4A eoi![�1r1YC b.Ii.�r.r^l.Fl.1b p�Pr ,,�r,� •r� ,.n Asq wu.»a:r x w a.Als.re I r.ruwr_ rvxr a rel k1oL xL a0 w tr0wxw u car.w.At a s�r w71®oaa la Fru e.K uAw�woo n mlixx Ut waA R a.U10..' •S,T�t�P� .�r..wf1Q wsm u uunA a wr.e r.w�a avm Au uTew wur we oc va...r.rrrm H11� r TNREPARlD N ALZ;11R `L MD, 1r.E, W1MIAlW -tAh1jWP-. I'm rnlef':F.'to AS ESTA8LIS"m if, nut I-A *PTF AMEN ADOPTED Flt ..KI. ..,A LAND Joseph A. Ingegno OR ZED Ai it RATION OR A01)fnD14 nTtE -J-'A 0DA9 IS . VIDLA,ION ,�� Land Surveyor 14 '�Dr 1M[NEN TOiIY.STARE r� �ty�. -= .7 ca'+ ' � '; � . - — -- - ---- -- — ul IM SUIIVLY WAP NOT Brverx: in SURVEYOR'S "KED SEAL OR o SEAL S4A-1-NOT OE C01MDERED ,1 :A110 TRUE COPY. !< LIM Surreys -- Subdivisiens - Site Plans - C0n5truct1'0n Layout 7' JIT IIXI$eArCATCU HEREON RUN 14E KIT"1FOR WHOM THE nRE SURVtY T)T• �- PHONE (516)727-2090 Fnx (516)722-5093 'ABED,AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE 71P�TN LISTED NI G WA AND OK AND OFFICES LOCATED AT "LING ADDRESS Ag5f011[ES Of THE LEF6RNa p6T1- *' kt rd.Y,S 4+}8513 One Union Square P0. Box 1931 (.'FRTPICATXINS ARE FRIT TRANSTETAME __-- � � -� -- Aque"ue, Naw York 11931 Rived' New YorY 11901 Michael J. Domino,President ¢ ►�q SOuT�j Town Hall Annex John M. Bredemeyer III,Vice-President ` 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith Southold, New York 11971 A. Nicholas Krupski d ,gyp Telephone(631) 765-1892 Greg Williams ,f COU Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES rH y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD U L 0 0 2 018 Southold Town July 6, 2018 Pianninq Board Donald Wilcenski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: FRESH & COMPANY APPLICATION 28410 ROUTE 25, ORIENT SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4 Dear Chairman Wilcenski and Planning Board Members, I write this communication at the request of Southold Town Trustee President, Mike Domino and in my capacity as Chairman of the Southold Town Shellfish Advisory Committee with extensive experience in *animal agriculture and *environmental protection. The Trustees and Shellfish Advisory Committee are extremely concerned that expansion of animal agriculture on the Fresh and Company site, absent robust storm water controls, may irreversibly impair the sanitary water quality of Narrow River and the main body of Hallock's Bay, Orient. This potentially leading to shellfish harvest closures by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) in their capacity as the NYS Shellfish Control Authority. Hallock's Bay, our most productive embayment, has enjoyed two recent harvest upgrades this year; additional closures will deprive our residents of livelihood, recreation and sustenance and be inimical to the Trustee's mission. The Town Trustees and Southold Town Shellfish Advisory Committee performed a dye test of Trustee lands and waters at the marine headwaters of Narrow River, Orient on Monday, May 7, 2018 with drone orthographic photography employing FDA approved non-toxic dye. Dye placement took place at 2:30 and 4:15 AM, respectively, to allow for sufficient die mixing in Narrow River's headwaters to display flow from the headwaters during one outgoing or "ebb" cycle. The weather was fair and calm with less than 5 mph winds and the tidal ranges observed to be "light". The drone imagery, attached, taken near the time of low tide, confirms what preliminary dye tests had shown in that tidal flow from the Narrow River headwaters reaches the vicinity of the nearest NYSDEC shellfish water quality sampling point in one tidal cycle. This imputes that stormwater run-off from the Fresh and Company site containing fecal coliforms from animals could be sampled largely undiluted by the NYSDEC within 6-7 hours post-rainfall, being a legal sample and meeting the agency's protocols. Samples contributing to a station's database exceeding statutory limits are capable of creating a harvest closure of many years, typically longer than five years. The undersigned has observed flooding of Narrow River Road and flow from the site into Narrow River with as little as 0.5" rainfall. Whereas standard stormwater engineering controls for construction are typically codified to require onsite containment for a 2.0" rainfall and since the NYSDEC shellfish unit samples waters up to and including a 3.0" rainfall for inclusion in their database, the Trustees offer the following: • The applicant, in addition to meeting standard stormwater controls for building construction, should, in order to protect Hallock's Bay's living marine resources, provide stormwater containment of at least 3"for all portions of the property containing animals. The final design should be by a competent licensed design professional working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District/Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Town Engineer, and may include a berm and similar retentive structure. All ditches and culverts found to be directing stormwater to Hallock's Bay shall be closed off to an engineering certainty and blocked with approved materials that block above/below grade stormwater movement or infiltration. • The Trustees would recommend that the aforesaid stormwater containment consider a wetland creation component to help assimilate Nitrogen and remove pathogens to the maximum extent practical. • To the extent permitted by law and with the consent of the Southold Town Planning Board, the Southold Town Board of Trustees are prepared to identify man-made wetlands on site to enable wetland creation elsewhere on the property as part of a comprehensive stormwater management plan on a minimum one-to-one exchange basis. • The Trustees can only participate cooperatively with the applicant when certain pending alleged infraction(s) of the Town Wetlands Code attributed to Mr. Steven Tenedios are concluded to the Board's satisfaction. The Trustee's and Shellfish Advisory Committee wish to thank the Planning Board for the opportunity to participate in the review of this project. *The undersigned is prepared to provide a copy of his Curriculum Vitae in support of his experience and qualifications upon Planning Boards request Very Truly Yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III Vice-President, Board of Trustees Chairman, Shellfish Advisory Committee Attachment cc Board of Trustees Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Michael Collins, Town Engineer Patricia Moore, Esq. r •;,�.+1.,•,.,.r. _. � the '+ ' I, as r41, y y��. OFFICE LOCATION: MELISSA A. SPIRO � '� � � �" a Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR 54375 State Route 25 melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.usy" ��"uy (corner of Main Road& Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York Telephone(631)765-5711 Facsimile(631)765-6640 � �� � Y MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 UN „. °d .. Southold, NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION p6, H Lt MT P-4- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 6 2 To: Planning Board From: Land Preservation Committee �A,1111,Yw,�B� � Date: June 21, 2018 Re Planning Board Referral & Re nest for Review Site Plan for Tenedios.Agricultural Barra SCTM #1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 At its regular meeting held on June 12, 2018, the Land Preservation Committee reviewed the view shed analysis attached to the June 8, 2018 referral from the Planning Board for a determination as to whether the proposed barn is consistent with the scenic component of the development rights easement held by the Town. The Committee presented and passed the following motion: MOTION made that after considering the view shed analysis, and in accordance with the open space and scenic,value component of the easement, the Land Preservation Committee suggests that moving the proposed barn approximately 200' westward will retain the length of the view from Main Road and Heath Drive southeastward across the farm, Narrow River Road, and the open lands beyond. The Land Preservation Committee agrees that a barn of this size and type for agricultural production purposes is consistent with the terms of the recorded easement. In addition, the Land Preservation Committee suggests considering a less contrasting color to further mitigate the visual impact of the building. /md Page 1 of 1 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Tenedios Agricultural Barn Address: 28410 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 Land Owner (if other than applicant): Fresh & Co. Farm LLC. Land Owner Address: P.O. Box 35, Orient, NY 11957 Description of Proposed Project: This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Property Location (road and tax map #): 28410 Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19-1- 1.4 & 1.3 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-18.-6-19.3 The Calverton Group, P.O. Box 455, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 1000-19.-1-7.4 Lantham Farms Property LP, 31900 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-13.-2-7.12 Zimmer LLC c/o Mark Breen, 24405 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-18.4-7.7 Sepenoski Family Farm LLC, 27965 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is V--oped relative to the location of farm operations identified above. Appli ant/Agent Signat Date ' OFFICE LOCATION: MELISSA A. SPIRO � *" �� Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR ��" 54375 State Route 25 melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.us (corner of Main Road& Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York Telephone(631)765-5711 r� Facsimile(631)765-6640a� MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION p6, H Lt MT fbr— TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Planning Board From: Land Preservation Committee PWtt0q,Board Date: June 21, 2018 Re: Planning Board Referral & Reguest for Review Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM #1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 At its regular meeting held on June 12, 2018, the Land Preservation Committee reviewed the view shed analysis attached to the June 8, 2018 referral from the Planning Board for a determination as to whether the proposed barn is consistent with the scenic component of the development rights easement held by the Town. The Committee presented and passed the following motion: MOTION made that after considering the view shed analysis, and in accordance with the open space and scenic,value component of the easement, the Land Preservation Committee suggests that moving the proposed barn approximately 200' westward will retain the length of the view from Main Road and Heath Drive southeastward across the farm, Narrow River Road, and the open lands beyond. The Land Preservation Committee agrees that a barn of this size and type for agricultural production purposes is consistent with the terms of the recorded easement. In addition, the Land Preservation Committee suggests considering a less contrasting color to further mitigate the visual impact of the building. /md Page 1 of 1 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex X\OF S � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25y Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outhol dtownny.gov COUr'm� PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 5, 2018 Mr. William Kelly 22355 Cox Lane, Unit#4 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Set Hearing - Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3 Dear Mr. Kelly: The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, June 4, 2018: WHEREAS, this Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, September 11, 2017 regarding the above-referenced application and the Public Hearing was adjourned without a date for the purpose of gathering more information about the application. The record remained open to written comment during the adjournment; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2018 the Southold Town Planning Board sent a letter to the agent requiring a visual impact analysis and photos of structures existing on site that are not shown on the site plan; and WHEREAS, on May 30, 2018 the agent submitted the visual impact analysis, and stated their intent to submit the photos of existing structures by June 8 2018; therefore be it Tenedios 6g Barn Page 2 June 5 2018 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, July 9, 20'18 at 6;06 p.m. for the continuation of the. Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Tenedios Farm", preparedby Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017. The Public Hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. Please return the Affidavit of Posting/Mailing,Posting/Mailing, included in the packet, a!2Dq with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12,00 noon on Friday, jully 6 2018. The sign and the post,need to be returned to the Plannin I Board Office after the public hearin is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Ad'acent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for an Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-200 Zoning District; 4. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2"d FI., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website sutholdtownrey.g2v; 2. Click on Town Records Weblink/Laserfiche icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: JessicaM(l DSOLItlioldtowv in .qoy; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, Jul 9 2018 at 6:06 m. in the MeetinHall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Fresh & Co Farm LLC Date: 6/5/2018 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 Main Road Orient, NY SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 1. 13.-2-7.13 2. 13.-2-7.14 3. 13.-2-8.37 4. 13.-2-9 5. 13.-2-10.1 6. 18.-4-7.6 7. 18.-6-21.8 8. 18.-6-21.9 9. 18.-6-21.10 10. 18.-6-23.1 11. 18.-6-24.3 12. 18.-6-25 13. 18.-6-28 14. 19.4-2 15. 19.-1-7.6 � s w 9 � n ✓�'' m!��� t s w >, �� ��h✓h _.. � ffi ."%` �to � I an a g A q yy �� � w4 I 1 I �( . C..L .... ["IJ ..... k --..- _.... AVU c tt 'YO077Vy _ $ 4 MO V 3Nf 5M FSS fN N '3 0�m 9 m f / i n C lt, �N a kf Q XIZ/ts f�✓ , ✓�`` s ti w m Ht MH ✓ ✓ o s Al' f _w rou 51 /41 YS w m� mf•� a 1 `s3N y+`t td 11 11 -.1UJAHAI-Imu www M4TGH __SEES UNE C ....._.--- .-.._._. y o y j' ✓ �� 8�g ( ria � �/ .� `��,f Fr wig --"n-tic4. ,•_'�.,�,� w i I f a o � r � c v c C o n _ ku r ok qm ZH M f .✓/ T i S + I 5 u � I ro \ I f" o J f v I } f .. '..w.._ ......nF-�, • ' 'a 8 I� �� ti io'mo ( Ylp 1 111V� �1� ���� 1 � 1� � w ��� ✓1 I 0 I I I I . Y1411 w. e I r � � I � ' it � ��f,./� �•'� 4.G`_ I �(�" i I ' e �m NALLOCK BAY ' I AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Tenedios Agricultural Barn Address: 28410 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 Land Owner (if other than applicant): Fresh & Co. Farm LLC. Land Owner Address: P.O. Box 35, Orient, NY 11957 Description of Proposed Project: This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq,. ft. building to house livestock and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Property Location (road and tax map #): 28410 Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19-1- 1.4 & 1.3 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-18.-6-19.3 The Calverton Group, P.O. Box 455, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 1000-19.-1-7.4 Lantham Farms Property LP, 31900 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-13.-2-7.12 Zimmer LLC c/o Mark Breen, 24405 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-18.-4-7.7 Sepenoski Family Farm LLC, 27965 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. .. Applicant/Agent Signature ...... . � .. Date �.. �� .....� . �.. ...te 9 a ,tom,., p M1 �/y.,� �� �, �3 ✓ � ©rn 9 dB s' i��a u/ ✓� W 4 /9, j Q� ek a 4-1r _ rd r „x, I +n r VII I I J iu I ��w�wzp --- dVH 14 c� n ",✓r ,��,.`a l � /\ ✓ �°�� p^p'r i y O 2 z '� e, 68� F f"m t,, /X, L N p''' %�i/' rvV--`_,✓"""t..`,- ...,, .. � g p � ��'s' "r p V,f p� �rx• ,.✓ .�'✓/ H°- j O u i i �. V S9 3 �3a8 S�J�A '3 s+ xa aL ad�oa B889, s. .�.... .i ��.'. A4ttCH 6EE�.020 LINE ol o i +A e LL r: y 1 / -0 Is Ica t �a � U 4 wR� I i 014 ��w a� ` of 41�"^ i t f � Yl VIII i' 1 Lf I � �'r`•✓tel f I I I I l fl I IIP U � �J � 3FI5iHi z 1 I I rg g9p ya 9Z HALLQCK BAY '.t r 'I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 7/6/18 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM#s: 1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3 Date of Public Hearing: lond'a cul 9 X016 6:06 rn. Michaelis, Jessica w - L-aml . From: Cummings, Brian A. ..._�. - Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 9:33 AM MAY 201$ -^ ' To: Michaelis, Jessica Cc: Terry, Mark; Lanza, Heather liol f Ccr+wrri Subject: FW: Tenedios Farm 28410 Main Rd, Orient, NY Planning ward Attachments: combined render 4163jpg; combined render 4164jpg; combirL- ric� nrr ain rToaci.Ipg; combined render 4161jpg; combined render 4162 jpg; SITE PLAN PHOTO LOCATIONS.pdf From: William Kelly [nb1,9::raa�rP�l� i �.Nrir i�rgirnL� a@riip ;. i—�] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 5:40 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: Tenedios Farm 28410 Main Rd, Orient, NY Brian, Attached are the renderings for visual impact analysis the planning board has requested. We have provide views from five different locations. Also attached is a site plan indicating the location from which the photos were taken and the direction of view. The location of the photo from North Rd is not indicated on the map but was taken from the Northwest corner of the intersection of Heath Dr. and Main Rd Route 25 facing South. Please advise as to when this project will be scheduled for next work session. Respectfully Bill Kelly i Michaelis, Jessica mm„ From: Steve Tenedios <stenedios@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 8:06 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica VVlAy 3 X018 J i Cc: pcmoore@mooreattys.com;William Kelly; Betsy Subject: Re: FW:Animal Bedding and Manure getting into Hallock's Bay Orint Thank you all for bringing this to my attention. The area will be cleared by EOD today, May 3rd. To the concerned photographer: This is a drainage area where there is typically little to no water and NOT contiguous to Narrow River as falsely stated. (look up the definition of contiguous) Just coincidentally, According to the date stamp, you took this picture during a period of record and repeated rain fall, which tells me that the concerned residents of Orient are hard at work, watching my property with the intent of finding anything and everything that they possibly can to twist in their favor. I wonder if I took a sample of soil from the photographer's own yard to see what HIS septic system and HIS alone is directly injecting into our watershed, what the results would be? Please multiply that by the number of people that are complaining and clueless. Thank you for your attention and close scrutiny. Now look in the mirror. BTW what did you people talk about at the Post Office on Saturday mornings before I came along? Steve Tenedios On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 8:52 AM, Michaelis, Jessica ari.sotaticldtcwn�s - wrote: Good Morning, As requested by Southold Town Trustee John Bredemeyer, please see email below and attachment. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Clerk Typist Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 i Email 1cs ic,'iM scrt tl caldtownr aEll From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 3:44 PM To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: FW: Animal Bedding and Manure getting into Hallock's Bay Orient At John Bredeineyer's request, please forward this email to the applicant and applicant's agent for the Tenedios barn application. From: Bredemeyer, John Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 12:49 PM Subject: Animal Bedding and Manure getting into Hallock's Bay Orient Good morning Donald, Heather and Mark, Trustee President, Mike Domino, urged me to follow up with you on my recent finding in reference to proposals now before the Planning Board for the Fresh and Company, Orient . The attached photo, that I recently took, reflects animal bedding and manure being piled up and directly contiguous to and contacting the waters of Narrow River in Orient at the Fresh and Company site. Narrow River, the major tributary to Hallock's Bay, is slated to reopen for shellfishing for the first time in nearly 20 years when the presently pending regulatory order at NYSDEC is filed. The Trustees do not believe that this activity represents a proper best management practice for wetlands and shellfish lands and would encourage those responsible to stop immediately. 2 The Trustees would welcome a dialog with the owner and management to avoid inappropriate outcomes for agriculture and shellfishing in Orient as we try to encourage both. On behalf of the Trustees we would respectfully request that you place a copy of this communication in the Planning Department record for Fresh and Company and pass along a copy to their representative(s). We request that those responsible be compelled to address this situation before any approvals are entertained by your agency. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very Truly Yours, John Bredemeyer, Trustee Vice President 3 Michaelis, Jessica From: Lanza, Heather ° ° P �',Y Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 3:44 PM VI 0 1 To: Michaelis,Jessica { Subject: FW:Animal Bedding and Manure getting into Hallock's Bay Orie� t Attachments: DSCF0400.JPG � At John Bredemeyer's request, please forward this email to the applicant and applicant's agent for the Tenedios barn application. From: Bredemeyer,John Sent:Tuesday, April 24, 2018 12:49 PM Subject:Animal Bedding and Manure getting into Hallock's Bay Orient Good morning Donald, Heather and Mark, Trustee President, Mike Domino, urged me to follow up with you on my recent finding in reference to proposals now before the Planning Board for the Fresh and Company, Orient . The attached photo, that I recently took, reflects animal bedding and manure being piled up and directly contiguous to and contacting the waters of Narrow River in Orient at the Fresh and Company site. Narrow River, the major tributary to Hallock's Bay, is slated to reopen for shellfishing for the first time in nearly 20 years when the presently pending regulatory order at NYSDEC is filed. The Trustees do not believe that this activity represents a proper best management practice for wetlands and shellfish lands and would encourage those responsible to stop immediately. The Trustees would welcome a dialog with the owner and management to avoid inappropriate outcomes for agriculture and shellfishing in Orient as we try to encourage both. On behalf of the Trustees we would respectfully request that you place a copy of this communication in the Planning Department record for Fresh and Company and pass along a copy to their representative(s). We request that those responsible be compelled to address this situation before any approvals are entertained by your agency. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.: Very Truly Yours, John Bredemeyer, Trustee Vice President I IL Y� 4�I�INY9� YN 4 8 p gob �y s x v, V 1J/ u`� y %P f r r N /^j (3C Jesse Gordon & Elizabeth Gordon 1150 Drive Dre Orient, 1 NY 11957 I ill April 25 2018 � i'ita�iiri>>��I,c+rr1 Re: Proposed Site Plan for the Tendrios Farm Agricultural Building SCTM# 1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Donald Wilcenski, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Norman McCullough, Chairman Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Messrs Wilcenski, Domino and McCullough and Members of the Town of Southold Planning Board, Board of Trustees and Land Preservation Committee: We are writing to you to express our family's concern regarding the above referenced application for site plan approval pursuant to Chapter 280, Article XXIV of the Town Code. We would like to unequivocally express our support for the approach currently being taken by the Planning Board in connection with Mr. Tendrios' application. By requesting relevant information from the applicant, soliciting input from the public and other interested organizations and agencies, diligently evaluating the site plan application, and insisting upon appropriate actions by the applicant, the Board is properly carrying out its responsibilities and legal obligations pursuant to the Southold Town Code. It is imperative that the land use proposed does not adversely affect the well being of the community as a whole and does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. It is our hope that the Panning Board will stringently review Mr. Tendrios' site plan application and apply the appropriate legal standards to any such review. Furthermore, it is exceedingly important the Planning Board involve all other agencies with jurisdiction over this matter in their review, as allowing the proposed usage is likely to have a significant negative impact upon our community and the surrounding environment. It should be noted, that any efforts by Mr. Tendrios and his representatives to bypass the requirements and reasonable requests of Planning Board are indicative of the applicant's concern that providing such information and materials will result denial of their application. As such, Mr. Tendrios should be required to submit all required and reasonably requested information, including but not limited to, an analysis of environmental impact and a visual impact study. Thank you for considering our concerns and for your continued efforts to preserve Orient and the entire Town off Southold. Sincerely, Jesse Gordon Elizabeth Gordon lip � � � MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: ��.,, Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 ,e Fax: 631 765-3136 1' Ti LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ,o} �J �( To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Directory „����� LWRP Coordinator Date: April 25, 2018 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM# 1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which, 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is recommended as CONSISTENT with the LWRP, provided the Planning Board considers and requires the following recommendations to further the below listed policies to the greatest extent practicable: 1. Require a photographic visual impact analysis to adequately assess the orientation, design and location of the agricultural barn on-site. 2. Determine if a cultural resource survey is necessary within the agricultural barn footprint. 3. Encourage the development of a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) to address nutrient loading to surface and ground waters working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation Service and/or USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. 4. Address potential impacts (if any) to surface waters from non-point pollution (surface runoff) on Narrow River and Hallock Bay waterbodies and the ongoing shellfish restoration projects conducted by Dr. Stephen Tettlebach (LIU) and Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension. 1 5. Address potential impacts from point source pollution sources (under road culverts). 6. Require 100' wide vegetated buffers that are effective in the removal of nutrients and pathogens. Include mowed areas within vegetated buffer designs. 7. Collaborate with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service to determine if buffers proposed are sufficient in design, composition and maintenance practices to maximize and retain function and values. Design buffers to provide the following functions and values: a. Provide denitrification and nutrient uptake b. Slow water runoff and enhance infiltration c. Trap pollutants in surface runoff d. Trap pollutants in subsurface flow e. Stabilize soils 8. Require that the paddocks and sheds observed in the field are removed from the 100' wide vegetated buffers. 9. Prohibit animal grazing from the 100' wide vegetated buffer areas. 10. Require a covenant that establishes the boundaries, maintenance activities and supplemental plantings within the vegetated buffers. This LWRP coastal consistency recommendation takes into account comments and input received from other jurisdictional Boards and agencies. LWRP Policies not completed in the application materials were evaluated to the action based on available information. Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character,preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The property is zoned R-200 or 5 acre zoning. The purpose of the district is defined as: The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low-Density Residential R- 80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts is to reasonably control and, to the extent possible, prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion of the Town's economy t-ind those areas itith sensifive eriOr onlnetxtaf&yfures including aquifer recharge areas and bluffs. In addition, these areas provide the open rural environment so highly valued by year-round residents and those persons who support the Town of Southold's recreation, resort and second-home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for all citizens by limiting loss of such areas are well documented and have inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of this land to further the same purposes while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. The proposed agricultural use, including animal husbandry, is consistent with the above purpose of the zoning district. However, due to the proximity of the property to high value ecological 2 and commercially significant tidal and non-tidal wetlands (Hallock Bay and Narrow River), flood zones, sole source aquifer and characteristic shallow depth to groundwater and high scenic qualities identified as important to the community and NYS scenic designations, there are concerns about how the proposed use could impact surface and ground water quality and community character. The below aerial photograph shows the subject parcel (center) in relation to New York State Route 25, Narrow River Road and wetlands (Figure 1). ^M,q ,n}✓�� ' k � Sg" ;A""r ri �,; '"^ "?�;" r r / r ,�� � �" "'`"'�" �'"i� N N r L r V iJr�� a` °'M;� � �; "%i �P« �); r rr rlG,uy 6i " n�uhhlr ui� r✓ Prr r l 1 r '�'✓ 4"" ;L t �m'✓�i�"par4`�uww P'71�,�� i0i I"U"rl 1 P!r r�r � ,,, � r y ai ri ✓r `l ✓ � ,,/o�V ,,ir m � " r� ` ' ✓vj�ri�� lr" 7 � `�!!w%r r / e J i ✓ i�riNr�I r 1 1 H tl r" r/a,/ r 1 Wi r: �k� r ✓ i "i' � Y / U � //w„,�;�� rl ��!. J `,r ri�yy, >-,�y%l�� f� �1 ar, r l ;P� /�". r r✓ki/ �l ��Ofi'�� iu� r w�: r"" / /�„f i � V 1 f 0 ) �" ( r! J, "a ",�"" / ,��ro� /, Geri✓//� ✓` «u� r �b/,a � �' �� �" r " /P ly�%r. �" r f I i ✓�' 4' r rr r�' f " f7 "ir� rt' ��r�r°i P P P � ����„,{ i� f/// r" � tli " f �1 r il�/ r+�l�OP r ✓ l� d fj P G�1/ 1'I,��r���W � (, r � ,� �' .,�'� ��a �''"�✓< w� •a ,�/ r���( f � r�Ih�F�i�d���� G ^(�� �rvN,µ'����I�"H�r�"��Jr")I r �P4''r r r�r�J i�- rm�,r �� �;�«,w " l�l f�� Pl���C�,,�7, "� y %, 'iN 1 ✓»r� r°1 rh"4sNUar�at ��'j/f� r ��%r//1;,,. %f J,,,� Gni! w' "1 �; ' ° l�` ✓/ DY"> /rli"�"W"I" .,w it ' ✓i /// r �����r � °/dal✓ ^'.�,� r ✓ ti a t r 6Jy fir' �1 � ,✓ r ri q P """ f J r� r it �rrn f �r r / , W3, iM✓ � r // '� ! r. �I r�' 9 d r//. Ael ,1/ // "" //I r r "'� r "%r r/r'/ p� �� r i � /r �j7"�.DrD ✓ i� fi�t rJ/i/ /r�r�i,�, rP ✓ r�,�l (r,� /�mq ,l i�' "" 'r /ji/�j/r rfy/r/��% t/ii r%"ri/i/�!"//rr l/, J✓ �%%rr�'1,� / 6 �j� „„� J - r ” P T' % /�'/'i r r r//r,11�'ry /r 1 ;✓1� �f�/� P ,r,lx✓/ rt/' , , �if r, 1 r � r r�� r r r/ / ✓y I/ oS✓l XMIi� ,:,,, &`ww' ' �<,, „r. 3�f��fi „o"P� ! �,�'A��/¢ 11 „r;,,,,,, �, ,,, �,,,, b,r YP.✓i��� Figure 1. Subject parcel hatched (AreMap). Traffic safety is an important issue on New York State Route 25, the increased traffic due to trucks entering and exiting the parcel should be discussed. The interaction of vehicles and access points into the property should also be discussed. Policy 2.2. Protect and preserve archaeological resources. A. Conduct a cultural resource investigation when all action is proposed o» all archaeological site,fossil bed, or in all area identified for potential archaeological sensitivity on the archaeological resources inventory maps prepared by the Nei, York State Departnient of Education. 1. Conduct a site survey to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources in the project's potential impact area. The New York Department of State GIS- Public Access map was referenced for occurrence of archeo-sensitive areas on site. The parcel is located within an archeo-sensitive area and it is recommended that the applicant contact the NYS Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation to determine if a cultural resource survey is required in the areas where development would occur. 3 Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. The proposed action does not fully support this policy. The LWRP recognizes that the Town of Southold contains a variety of unique and beautiful scenic components. These resources are defined by traditional patterns of development that were based on agriculture, the strongest visual element in Southold, and maritime activities. Visual quality of the landscape is a major contributor to the community character of the Town of Southold. The intent of this policy is to protect and enhance the visual quality of the Town of Southold. The preservation of the aesthetic, historic, and scenic character of the Town is critical to the continuance of its attraction and economic vitality as a year- round waterfront community. Many of the important scenic components in the Town of Southold can be viewed from local roads. The Town of Southold promotes the protection of the scenic components associated with New York State Route 25 (NYS Route 25) through the Comprehensive Plan. 4 %YD�i`a/�/ I/�/1;1'j r r/��/" f i 1 �'��' ;� (,,�1.. . r" � �� �' r ���1„'! /'l✓� r �/� ✓, :�'� �� pr rf✓/y� ...fpr 117f%//�//�� (dJ P��` C / ,�..,,r%Iw �', / 'r, +) i r,.�y f r! 7r.// /„71�� i, N, ,� ,� f .im¢,�, /�/„✓Y�G rJ.�f /l� �� l�x �,„J, %ir�� ��� r� �y/,�>�a I/ /' / / / /f i,r -�� ,i./ mr / //a�� / s�% v; �rlr%f,11,,�,t� f�i fr. lv � �� 1. � ,, N /' 9�, f�''%i✓-: / r � ,�9➢.. I.. .., r � �i�(ur /641��if 1 .. vA�,f' r �., w �.uff �1)!o s:,y„i.f� ,.,'f � �,,,,, re. �i r�/� Il ✓�r�/T��� / /���f�'i!%�i /�%f i�✓��/����rs��!��6�r err„%,,,,, � rr�N„' �N�” � � I ���, ° 1 Gi%�11✓�^!/ ���i�f�i/i��� r/!i///f/ � i//4"�F11 n �r1/ 7l Ilii o i ra w r i r� 0✓�� N ���1��11t i / q r / r Figure 2. Example scenic view from NYS Route 25 looking east across parcel (Google Earth). J. Protect visual quality associated with public lands, including public transportation routes,public parks and public trust lands and waters. The parcel is located directly south of the New York State Designated Scenic Byway; NYS Route 25 and possesses rural, scenic qualities identified as important to the community. The pro posed actiop is consistem witli this policy due to the sate of de elo. I eilI rights oii the 29.5 acres to Southold Town which preserves scenic c Llalities a101r NYS Route 25 together with agricultural uses. However, a large agricultural barn is proposed to be located 519.9' from the front property line with a proposed 204' east/west span and 8,664 sq. ft. structural area. It is difficult to assess if the siting of the structure in its current location would result in potential impacts to the scenic qualities from public transportation routes and vantage points. To determine if a re-location or re-design would better protect and preserve scenic qualities, it is recommended that the Planning Board require a photographic visual impact analysis that identifies and assesses potential scenic impacts from NYS Route 25 and other areas from the proposed agricultural barn. 5 K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. The re-orientation of the agricultural barn to reduce the interruption of scenic views important to the community should be assessed and considered to further this policy. Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. The agriculture barn is partially located within the AE EL 6' flood zone. The structure should be designed to meet all State, local and Federal flood requirements. It is recommended that the Planning Board address the location of flood zones in relation to the agricultural barn location to further this policy. The storing, keeping and raising of animals and raising field crops in floodplains are a common practice that could lead to water quality impairments. Storm water runoff and flooding of pasture and field crop areas may result in the flushing of animal waste and fertilizers to lower elevations including wetlands. Nutrients and pathogens are then delivered to the waterbody and are capable of adversely affecting water quality. Avoidance of agricultural practices in floodplains is one way to prevent such impacts. There is no ability to relocate agricultural practices outside of the floodplain/zones in this instance. Toward NYS Route 25 a narrow band of AE base flood elevation 6' occurs, then 0.2 percent annual chance flood hazard and flood zone X. Policy 5.2. Minimize non point pollution of coastal waters and manage activities causing non- point pollution. The proposed action does not fully support this policy, additional best management practices are recommended. Hallock Bay and tributaries are located to the south and east of the property. Approximately 1,300 acres in size, the area is comprised of several different ecosystems that include Narrow River, tidal salt marsh areas,NYSDEC owned lands and Orient Beach State Park which contains a rare example of maritime cedar forest. The bay is less than 6 feet deep at mean low water. A shellfish restoration project managed by Long Island University and Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program has been ongoing in Hallock Bay for a period of 13 years. Research data from the shellfish restoration project indicates that the bay has changed over the last ten years; experiencing a complete decline in eelgrass and bay scallop populations. This decline has been largely attributed to intense commercial clamming and/or warming water temperatures. It is also believed that existing farming in the watershed and the application of herbicides and insecticides could also be impacting the health of the ecosystem (Tettlebach, telephone conversation September 27, 2017). 6 Land used for agricultural purposes are frequently flushed by storm water events creating surface runoff capable of transporting pollutants to low areas and waterbodies as non- point pollution. Animal husbandry operations generate nitrogen and pathogens (coliform bacteria) capable of entering surface waters during such events. Management of pollutants is dependent upon the type, life and source. In certain situations, pathogens can be effectively controlled using sand/soil filtering of surface runoff. Nutrient inputs can also be partially mitigated through biological processes that involve natural materials, including wood chips and vegetation. The management of pathogens and nutrient loading on site is a concern due to the close proximity of animals to surface waters. A site inspection on September 27, 2017 revealed a number of goats in the south wetland area,the 100' wetland setback, and in close proximity to standing water on the NYSDEC owned parcel to the south. Animal (waste) deposited near or in wetlands and surface waters could result in non-point pollution impacts to wetland areas. Correspondingly, animal paddocks and run in sheds are also located in the south of the property in close proximity to Narrow River, an estuarine wetland and tributary of Hallock Bay. The paddocks and sheds are not shown on the site plan. It is recommended that they are added to the site plan to determine the distance from the wetlands and vegetated buffers. As indicated above, nutrient loading is also a concern. Hallock Bay is shallow. Due to the depth of the bay, the summer months of July, August and September warm the waters and have the potential to facilitate bacteria growth resulting in hypoxic (low levels of oxygen) or anoxic (no oxygen) conditions which could lead to species mortality (algal blooms, die-offs). Due to the connectivity of the parcel to Narrow River and Hallock Bay, avoidance and minimization of pathogens and nutrients entering the waterbodies is recommended. Farm practices and methods should be outlined and managed in a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) working with the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District and/or the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. The subject parcel and the waterbody Narrow River are separated by Narrow River Road. A hydrologic connection through a under road culvert was observed and should be assessed to determine if the connection could contribute to the conveyance of additional pollutants to surface waters. All direct connections that are capable of directly discharging sediments and pollutants into Narrow River or other water bodies should be addressed. The above agricultural environmental management practices would further this policy Policy 5.3. Protect and enhance quality of coastal waters. 7 The proposed action does not fully support this policy as proposed. Hallock Bay currently meets the National Shellfish Sanitation Program for pathogen standards and is not a NYSDEC listed impaired waterbody, meaning, a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for coliform bacteria has not been established, however a portion of Hallock Bay (Narrow River) is classified as uncertified for shellfishing as a result of pathogens. This is an administrative closure due to proximity of a marina from May 1 through October 31. As discussed above, the increase in nutrient loading from the raising of animals in close proximity to wetlands and Hallock Bay is a concern. The nutrients may detrimentally impact water quality and result in expanded shell fishing restrictions and even species mortality. Correspondingly, pathogens (coliform bacteria) sourced from animals are capable of entering into water bodies and threatening human health. The parcel is directly connected to the Narrow River estuary and therefore, conveyance of pathogens into surface waters via storm water is a possibility. The treatment of pathogens through soil layers is recommended in buffer design. Additional management practices to mitigate impacts form pathogens could include stock piling of manure and/or transferring manure off—site. Manure may also be mixed with soils on site. To further this policy and protect the quality of coastal waters it is recommended that the design of functional, vegetated buffers combined with the development of a CNMP (see discussion above) is required. Policy 5.5. Protect and conserve the quality and quantity of potable water. The peninsula that comprises Orient is not served by public water and is dependent upon a sole source aquifer. To meet and further policies 5.2, 5.3, and 5.5 above and protect the ground water and surface waters of Narrow River and Hallock Bay from additional pathogen and nutrient loading, it is recommended that the appropriateness of constructing a wetland, or denitrification bioreactors is addressed in a CNMP. The establishment of functional, vegetated buffers designed to trap pathogens and fixate nutrients together with the development and implementation of a CNMP furthers this policy. Water quantity or use would depend on agricultural operations on-site over time. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem. Hallock Bay comprises a large and relatively undisturbed coastal estuarine ecosystem. Areas such as this are rare in New York State, and provide habitat for a diversity of fish and wildlife species (NYSDOS). Policy 6.3. Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. 8 Due to the high ecological value of Hallock Bay, several designations have been applied over the years to the waterbody and wetlands. Hallock Bay is a New York Department of Environmental Conservation Critical Environmental Area,New York Department of State Significant Habitat Area, NECAS Significant Ecological Complex, Peconic Estuary Critical Natural Resource Area and Critical Duck Habitat. Portions of the subject lot are designated a New York State Significant Coastal Habitat area(Figure 3) and the proposed agricultural barn is located just outside of the designation. The susceptibility of the Hallock Bay as a New York State Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat to outside influences is high, as identified in the below narrative listing the qualities and threats to the area. Any activity that would degrade water quality, disrupt tidal patterns, increase sedimentation, or eliminate wetlands would adversely affect the birds and shellfish found in this area. All species offish and wildlife may be affected by water pollution, such as chemical contamination (including food chain effects resulting from bioaccumulation), oil spills, excessive turbidity, waste disposal (including boat wastes) and stormwater and road runoff. Tidal wetlands habitats, which assist in maintaining water quality, are especially vulnerable to activities that disrupt tidal patterns, and reduce or eliminate tidal connection. Eelgrass beds are also particularly sensitive to water quality degradation. Restoration opportunities for eelgrass may exist in the Long Beach Bay if water quality parameters are appropriate, and should be explored. It is essential that high water quality be maintained in the bay to protect the bay scallop and hard clam fishery. 9 IR11 �I,%- Aw J I . tn,wpm i op ��NiNV �m¢W �M �s a �5�dom�rranmaamu�ryo ma9 - � i Am a w � Figure 3. Barn location in proximity to New York State Significant Coastal Habitat shown as solid polygons (ArcGIS). E. Maintain buffers to ensure that adverse effects of adjacent or nearby development are avoided: L Maintain buffers to achieve a high filtration efficiency of surface runoff. 2. Avoid permanent or unnecessary disturbance within buffer areas. 3. Maintain existing indigenous vegetation within buffer areas. 1'l e proposed action fuarther dais )olic . The applicant is proposing 100' wide wetland buffers from the eastern wetland system boundary, the wetland bordering the west property line, and the two wetland systems in the south and southwest of the property. Buffers between wetland and upland areas provide many functions and values. Wetland buffer widths from 50 -100 feet are typically recommended to protect water quality and buffer widths of 100 to 350 feet or more are recommended to provide important wildlife functions. Wetland buffer widths assume that a buffer is vegetated with a r �tiwe pl�� t C011.111I Mit' necessary to provide adequate buffer functions. If a buffer (existing or otherwise) is sparsely vegetated, grass, or dominated by invasive species, the buffer should be enhanced with appropriate native species or widened. It is important to note that improving buffer vegetation (species composition and 10 percent cover) is more effective in maintaining and/or enhancing buffer values and functions than merely widening the buffer. It is also important to recognize that most nitrogen (N) enters surface waters through surface flow and groundwater by leaching nitrates (NO3). Plant uptake does not result in the significant, permanent removal of nitrogen and plants need to be harvested and removed from site. Otherwise N returns to the system when the plants die and decay. The 100' wide wetland/vegetated buffers proposed should include existing hardwoods and understory vegetation to further the purpose of Chapter 275 Wetlands and Shorelines of the Southold Town Code, this policy and provide denitrification and pathogen containment functions. The vegetated buffers should be designed to provide the following functions and values: 1. Provide denitrification and nutrient uptake 2. Slow water runoff and enhance infiltration 3. Trap pollutants in surface runoff 4. Trap pollutants in subsurface flow 5. Stabilize soils To maintain the effectiveness of the vegetated buffers, the following should be considered in a covenant: 1. Wetland vegetation within the vegetated buffers should remain undisturbed. 2. Non-wetland vegetation(except trees and shrubs) should be mowed during and at the end of the growing season and removed from site to maximize N removal. Grass filtration strips that are frequently mowed with the cuttings mulched or removed from site could be established. 3. Remove paddocks and fence vegetated buffer areas to avoid use by animals where practicable. Policy 9.2 Protect and provide public visual access to coastal lands and waters from public sites and transportation routes where physically practical. A. Avoid loss of existing visual access. 1. Limit physical blockage of existing visual access by development or activities due to the scale, design, location, or type structures. See discussion for Policy 3 beginning on Page 3 above. 4. Use Community Preservation Project Plan funds to obtain scenic easements to protect key scenic vistas from transportation corridors and other public sites. 11 This policy has been met with the purchase of development rights on SCTM# 1000-19.-1-1.4 by the Town in 2002 for the preservation of scenic qualities associated with open space. B. Minimize adverse impact on visual access. 2. Use structural design and building siting techniques to preserve or retain visual access and minimize obstruction of views. See discussion in Policy 3 beginning on Page 3 above.: Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. The LWRP identifies Hallock Bay as an important social and economic asset to the community. Well known for shellfishing, commercial and recreational harvesting, the waterbody contributes significantly to the economy of the Town and region. COntillUCd_Use of' the r•esoUrc�,sw dep nds on maintainingthe lopgterni health and abundance of marine fisheries resource,, and their habitats. Ensuring that the resources are sustained in usable abundance and diversity for future generations requires the active management of marine fisheries, protection and conservation of habitat, restoration of habitats in areas where they have been degraded, and maintenance of water quality at a level that will foster occurrence and abundance of living marine resources to provide valuable recreational experiences and viable business opportunities for commercial and recreational fisheries (LWRP). The -no dosed use is c,onsisteiit with this policy, however, agricultural management practices developed to reduce potential pathogen and nutrient loading into Narrow River/Hallock Bay should be implemented to further this policy. Policy 12.1 Protect agricultural lands from conversion to other land uses. A. Avoid conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses. rl°h.e proposed action furthers thiLLx')1icy and the Town goals to retain agricultural lands in large contiguous blocks. Policy 12.2 Establish and maintain favorable conditions which support existing or promote new coastal agricultural production. Loss of agricultural lands is often exacerbated by conditions that reduce the profitability of farming, such as high costs related to land, labor, and utilities. Creating a favorable economic environment to support agriculture is an important component in ensuring that agriculture is sustained in Southold. Avoidance of activities that would alter market conditions also is a consideration. The following 12 standards should be used to guide decisions that might impact on agricultural production. D. Support acquisition of development rights of agricultural lands. The proposed action inec.is ibis .� �licy. Development rights were purchased on 29.5 acres of the parcel (SCTM# 1000-19.-1-1.4) by the Town in 2002. The preservation of scenic qualities associated with the open space values on the property was identified within the agreement. Policy 12.4 Preserve scenic and open space values associated with the Town's agricultural lands. Scenic and open space values associated with agricultural lands should be protected. Farming, as an element of landscape, makes a particularly important and dominant contribution to the community character of the Town of Southold. It must be recognized that visual and open space qualities are reliant on an active and viable agricultural industry. This requires that farmers be allowed the flexibility to farm in an economically viable fashion, incorporating modern techniques and farm operations, as well as farm structures. B. Allow farms to operate using appropriate modern techniques and structures. �i"�po�ed qtion sL )martsthis colic however, due to the location and size of the proposed agricultural barn there are concerns that the scenic views from public roadways could be impeded. It is difficult to assess the level of impediment (if any) without a photographic visual impact study and whether an alternative location or re-orientation of the agricultural barn would better preserve open space values. Please contact me at (631) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above.. Cc: Brian Cummings, Planner 13 Ter , Mark From: Bredemeyer, John Sent: Tuesday,April 24, 2018 12:49 PM To: don @briarclifflandscape.com; Lanza, Heather;Terry, Mark Cc: Michael Domino; Goldsmith, Glenn; Krupski, Nick;Williams, Greg; Hagan, Damon; Cantrell, Elizabeth; DiSalvo, Diane; Richter, Jamie; Collins, Michael Subject: Animal Bedding and Manure getting into Hallock's Bay Orient Attachments: DSCF0400.JPG f I, ''yrilleC�k�1PY A�'�k��JV� . Good morning Donald, Heather and Mark, P3, kA L. Trustee President, Mike Domino, urged me to follow up with you on my recent finding in reference to proposals now before the Planning Board for the Fresh and Company, Orient . The attached photo, that I recently took, reflects animal bedding and manure being piled up and directly contiguous to and contacting the waters of Narrow River in Orient at the Fresh and Company site. Narrow River, the major tributary to Hallock's Bay, is slated to reopen for shellfishing for the first time in nearly 20 years when the presently pending regulatory order at NYSDEC is filed. The Trustees do not believe that this activity represents a proper best management practice for wetlands and shellfish lands and would encourage those responsible to stop immediately. The Trustees would welcome a dialog with the owner and management to avoid inappropriate outcomes for agriculture and shellfishing in Orient as we try to encourage both. On behalf of the Trustees we would respectfully request that you place a copy of this communication in the Planning Department record for Fresh and Company and pass along a copy to their representative(s). We request that those responsible be compelled to address this situation before any approvals are entertained by your agency. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very Truly Yours, John Bredemeyer, Trustee Vice President 1 � � . � � �,� ��.,. u �, �� � �w �r � t i ,���� �� �� ���r� �" ria �� f a;, � �' ��v y � r��� �, �/ ai �irf aa�r�G i, 1wu���l�Ga �, �. H ,� �mwo�wiu ay;�a � � INrb�rr,,,.,,� � i' r �%N, �,- 1% r ,, ;. 1 �.' , '�y- /iti u�y�� Vi ��L' �. i! �`` �� �:, �~ �,. ,� w �, ", _„ �, a�1�, i � � i. � A �w �ii,�� ,: „�� <,,. ���n r �: � r �� � w V�;�^ ��atrr "� � aa��� � iii "�� i �a�/ �.,. io, � �; � ����� J}arc ,,. ��� y�ai �a r r, r � � �HI�,F/�i � ��� �� as ar�1l�%iia a%�� ���' �� � IOa��"/a �� �° y ,� ��r� I i�D� a �ya���f�'��W�?a +_ti ,,,, ,,. +: � o/i a v4�� ��1y%��!r�t��-u 9 ���„ /�i, ;-,r��,,,,�u a-t o�aaa� ;, ��� ��� � � �� <�ye; {r,� rg�:; "�" d- � ���N,�,�,, � ! 1 �� '� , a r, I`��Kl� r �` j' � �� iai�, �,� i f / a a a ��, � � `� ai a i � �,, � / a a/ii r� � k SUPER LAW GROUP, LLC WRITER'S DIRFCT DIAL: 212-242-2273 April 16, 2018 EMAIL: reed@superlawgroup.com Donald Wileenski, Chairman Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Planning Board Town of Southold Board ol"Trustees P.O. Box 1179 1'.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Southold,NY '11.971 .m.... ...., .e Norman"Sam"McCullough, Chairman ��, ¢ Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee P.O. Box 1179 ' Southold,NY 11971 Re: Proposed Site Plan for the Tenedios Farm Agricultural.Building, 8410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road&NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM# 1000-19.4- 1.3 & 1.4 Dear Messrs. Wilcenski, McCullough, and Domino and Members of the Planning Board, Land Preservation Committee,and Board of Trustees: This firm represents a group of concerned citizens who reside and own property in Orient near the Tenedios property, including Ambriel Floyd Bostic, Hawes Bostic,Douglas Gray, Clifford Cohen, Leslie Cohen,David Miller, and Judith Scofield Miller. We write in regard to Mr. Tenedios's application for site plan approval pursuant to Chapter 280, Article XX1V of the Town Code. Our clients wish to express their support for the approach the Planning Board has taken with respect to the application. By requesting relevant information from the applicant, soliciting comments from other interested agencies and the public,carefully evaluating the site plan application,and considering the imposition of appropriate conditions and safeguards, the Board is properly and effectively carrying out its responsibilities under the Town Code. °'I"hose responsibilities include ensuring that land uses in Southold do not adversely affect the well-being of the community or impair the environment. Authorift of the Pla no ing. Board to Consider a Broad Ran a of Factorsand t2 Impose Conditions and Safeguards As you are aware,the'Town Code requires site plan approval from the Planning Board prior to the issuance of a building permit for every type of land use in the"Town except for certain single-family residential and non-agricultural accessory uses, § 280-127. In enacting this requirement, the Town Board sought to"protect the unique rural and open space character of the Town . . .with due regard to the public interest." § 280-128(A). The purpose of the site plan process is to determine whether"the proposed site use would impact beneficially oil the well- being of the population in general." !d. More specifically, the site plan approval requirements are designed to: (1) Protect the established character and value of the adjoining properties, both public and private,and of the neighborhood in which they are located. 180 MAIllF.N LANE,, Surri� 603 • Ni:w YORK, NFw YORK 10038 212-242-235J FARC: 855-242-7956 www.superlawgrrrup,emn Messrs. Wilcenski, McCullough, and Domino April 16,2018 Page 2 (2) Lessen and, where possible, prevent traffic congestion on the streets and highways upon which the site fronts or which provide vehicular or pedestrian access thereto. (3) Prevent overcrowding of land or buildings. (4) Secure safety from fire,flood and other dangers and provide adequate light, air and convenience of access. (5) Mitigate the environmental impacts of new development on the land, air and water resources. § 280-128(B). In considering and acting upon site plans,the Planning Board is authorized to"take into consideration the public health, sallety and well'arc, the economic itnpact:and the: comfort and convenience of the public in general and the residents Of the immediate neighborhood in particular." § 280-129. Not only does the Planning Board have the right to deny site plan. applications for failure to comply with the Tower! Code, see § 280-131(M), but the Board may "prescribe appropriate conditions erre safe a ards"as may be required to accomplish certain objectives including giving"high priority""to"I t1he protection of groundwater and surface water frotn contamination by pollutants," aatd **[t'1he conservation of a'll natural features on and ad acent to the site, including but not limited to natural drainage courses, fresh-and saltwater wetlands and marshes,dunes, bluffs, beaches, escarpments, woodlands, large trees, unique plant and wildlife habitats,flood hazard areas and wildlife breeding areas." § 280-129(D) (emphasis added). Because the proposed land use involves activities that can be highly polluting, the Board should use its authority to put reasonable conditions on any approval to mitigate this harm. Animal manure is a primary source of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution to surface and groundwater and is also a source of®pathogens. Given that large animals produce far more waste than humans,even a small animal husbandry operation can cause substantial impacts, For example, because pigs produce ten times as much fecal waste as humans, the waste li`r om,just six pigs is equivalent to that of 60 people, the waste from ten pigs is equivalent to that of 100 people, and so on,all disposed of without sewage treatment. There are fresh and tidal wetlands, groundwater, surface water, and other important and sensitive environmental resources on and near,the site, as well as open-space and scenic values potentially at risk. Manure runoff froin cropland,pastures or animal feeding operations often reaches surface and groundwater through runoff or infiltration. Regulating these activities and requiring best manage gent practices are critical to protecting water quality, and these issues are explicitly within the purview of the Planning Board (not only state agencies) as set forth in the Town ("ode provisions cited above.. ' As the Board of Trustees noted in its August 31,2017 memorandum to the Planning Board: There is a serious concern that intensified animal agriculture on the Narrow River watershed, on lands subject to flooding, may put shellfish harvest at risk by adding coliforms used in shellfish Messrs. Wilcenski, McCullough, and Domino April 16, 2018 Page 3 As a result,the position taken by,the applicant and its representatives— i,a, that the Board should rubber-stanip rather than scrutinize this agricultural proposal and all of its potential adverse impacts—is simply incorrect and inconsistent with the Planning Board's authority and responsibility under the Town Code. Arwthtirit of the Land l r servation Committee to Participate in the Angrin2! Process and Protect the Public Trust in t1a Tow n4lleld DevellopmentRights The Land Preservation Committee is authorized under the Town Code to "serve as a review board for the granting of permits for construction, reconstruction and additions of and to structures in or on agricultural lands in which the development rights have been acquired by the Town." § 70-5(c)(2)(a)(3). Because the Town owns the development rights oil the Tenedios site acid there is a conservation easement in place,the Committee has a critical role in this process. The Committee is tasked with determining whether the proposed land use and application, conform with the deed restrictions and the Town-held development rights. The Committee correctly reads these restrictions as protecting both the agricultural character of the property and the scenic character of the property. While the property must be used for agriculture,this use cannot degrade the scenic and open space value of the property. As the Committee recognizes, the development rights plainly require a balancing, which preserves the scenic and open space value of the land, including its environmental integrity, while allowing for some agricultural production. 'The Land Preservation Cornmittec's request for more inflornlation, including a visual impact study and a clarification about the intended uses of the barn, is well within its authority. The Board wisely supported the Cornrnittec in these requests and should continue to do so. Notably,the development rights were purchased by tile Town for the public's benefit. As a New York,State appellate court recently explained in a case involving the purchase of development rights in agricultural lands elsewhere in Suffolk County, such rights are part of the public trust and require the same level of care, protection,and attention as any other publicly protected lands, See Long Island Pine Barrens &,)cy., Inc. v. Suffolk County Legislature,2018 N.Y, App. Div. LEXIS 1563, *5-6(2d Dept., March 14, 2018). The Town,though its Planning Board and Land Preservation Cornillittee,are obligated to protect these rights when considering any site plan approval. In particular,the definition of"agricultural production" in the Town Code explicitly excludes"land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of. - . crops, livestock or livestock products." § 70.3, That definition is incorporated into the deed restrictions imposed on the property. Thus, the applicant is prohibited from selling or otherwise merchandising any agricultural products or conducting any activities beyond growing or raising food in a manner that does not otherwise conflict with the deed restrictions,Town Code, and other applicable requirements. Any approval considered by the Board and Committee should sanitation monitoring or pathogens into surface runoff and Hallock's Bay,as Nvell as contribute an additional Nitrogen burden capable of pronioting harinfut algal blooms. Nearly, all the waters of Hallock's Bay are open for shellfish harvest year round and Narrow River has improving water quality and pending consideration by the NYSDEC Shellfish Unit to restore it to seasonal harvest. Messrs. "Wilcenski, McCullough, and Domino April 16, 2018 Page 4 include conditions explicitly proscribing all such prohibited activities. The Board's Reguests for Informafi2_ to the A licant Following the Planning Board's work session on January 22, 2018, the Board's staff produced a list of items the Planning Board is considering requesting:from the applicant prior to re-opening the adjourned public hearing. Our understanding is that the Board has not met since then to determine which of those items the Board will, in Eact,request, Nevertheless, the applicant has provided some information, while objecting to other items on the list of potential requests. When the Board mects again to finalize its list of requests, presumably in a work session, the Board should continue to insist upon a robust list of items, consistent with its potential list from January,and not curtail its evaluation due to the recalcitrance of the applicant. Agricultural land uses are not calitled to a ftee pass from regulation;they warrant appropriate scrutiny and regulation,as we believe the Board understands well, The Board should not let itself be hamstrung by the absence of information it deems relevant to the application process. Among other things,the Board should request that the applicant clarify the intended uses for the property and specifically respond to the reports that his,intention is to operate an agricultural event center on the property. While the applicant has stated that lie intends to use the barn solely to support his personal animal husbandry (.for personal consumption)and not to ,support a commercial agricultural enterprise, previous statements in the media and on the applicant's website (later removed)suggested his intention was to include an event venue on site. As the Committee has noted,this would violate the deed restrictions and the Town-held development rights. The Board should request that the applicant explain this discrepancy. Furthern-tore,the Board should include in any approval reasonable conditions prohibiting such uses. The Public Hearing As noted above,the re-opened public hearing should be held after the Planning Board has made a final determination as to the material it will request from the applicant and the applicant has provided that information. The public hearing will provide a vital opportunity for members of the Board to hear directly from all stakeholders and all interested members of the community, before it deliberates on the application. Central to those deliberations should be the development of an appropriate set of conditions to include in any approval. Our clients and a very large number of otherTown residents have expressed significant interest in supporting the Town's review of this proposal to ensure that it does not harm neighbors,the community or the environment. Thank you for considering the above comments and for your important efforts to preserve and protect the character of Orient and its environs, Messrs. Wilcenski,McCullough, and Domino April 16, 2018 Page 5 SAl erel ,. Reed Super Mike DiGiulio WILLIAM McQUAIDSCOTT A.RUSSELL TOWN ATTORNEY Supervisor bill.duffy@town.southold.ny.us Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 DAMON A. HAGAN P.O. Box 1179 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY ` Southold,New York 11971-0959 damonh@southoldtownny.gov Telephone(631) 765-1939 � �t1Facsimile(631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUT OLD April 5, 2018 117a.ITi'i iniilc?(Ind F111311 CIMYS Iil Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold New York 11971 Re: Tenedios Site Plan Application 28410 Route 25, Orient NY Dear Ms. Moore: I am writing to you on behalf of the Town of Southold Planning Board("theBoard") in response to your correspondence dated March 19, 2018 regarding theBoard's request for a visual impact analysis as part of its review of the above-referenced site plan application. The Board rejects your claims that the request is improper,unreasonable or without legal basis. Similarly, your assertion that the request for a visual impact analysis on farmland is unprecedented is, quite frankly, wrong. As you are aware, the Town of Southold purchased easement rights on the subject property from a prcvio1:1s owner. The Land Preservaition C"ornniittee ("LPC") serves as a reviewing bo ard lor. the granting of permits for tli.e Coaistrasctioii of stra,MINS on 1,ands in whicli the Town 11 as acgtdred an interest or right. Here, as part of its review, the LPC leas re(,piested as vistual uin[)act analysis. The Boarcl f els that it would be the best use o°l"rnjjjalicipal resources to have the visual analysis done and have the LPC make their determination regarding tlic location of the proposed structure prior to the Board rendering a decision on the application. The Board also received numerous comments at the public hearing that the proposed structure, among other things, would have a detrimental impact on the scenic views of the surrounding area. A visual impact analysis will aid the Board in deciding the potential impact of the proposed structure. Moreover, if the Board agrees that proposed location is appropriate; having the visual impact analysis in the record will support the Board's decision and aid in defending an approval from any potential challenges. I respectfully submit that once you complete your investigation, you will find that with the advances in technology the cost and time to complete the visual impact analysis will be less than you imagined. Patricia Moore,Esq, April 5, 2018 Page-2- As is its custom and practice, the Board, through planning staff, asked the applicant to address certain issues raised by speakers at the public hearing. In your letter, you have stated that the applicant"must"receive a written statement that the Board is satisfied that the applicant has addressed other issues identified by staff prior to the applicant even agreeing to undertake a visual impact analysis. Please be advised that the Board is not going to engage in a"quid pro quo' arrangement in order to entice the applicant to prepare the requested analysis. Moreover, the public hearing has not concluded, therefore it would be inappropriate for the Board to render a determination as to whether certain issues raised have been properly and/or fully addressed. The visual impact analysis is the only item the Board requires to proceed with the hearing and continue to process the application. Obviously, the decision of whether to proceed with the visual impact analysis ultimately lies with the applicant. Please be advised however, should the applicant decide not to submit a visual impact analysis,the applicant runs the risk of having the application denied (without prejudice)if the Board feels it does not have enough information to proceed. Please be guided accordingly. Very k 1-t:1l y.Yours, William M. Duffy' Town Attorney cc: Donald Wilcenski (via email) Heather Lanza(via email) Steve Tenedios (via email) PATRICIA C. MOORS Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 � � Tel:(631)765-4330 Fax:(631)765-4643 March 19, 2018 Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Agricultural Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Building Premises: 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient Dear Mr. Wilcenski and Board: We received correspondence from Brain Cummings requesting a Visual Impact Analysis. In addition, we received from Heather Lanza, as "a courtesy", the names of companies who perform this work. We continue to object to this improper, unreasonable request. Before we agree to undertake this potentially expensive and certainly time consuming analysis, we must receive in writing from you that the Board is satisfied that we have addressed the list of 9 questions [ (a) through(l)] in the email dated January 23, 2018 received from Brian Cummings. We advise you in writing that we did not agree to preparation of a "Visual Impact Analysis". This request has also been objected to by the Agricultural Advisory Committee, a committee which was established in 2002, to specifically advise the Town Board on matters related to the agriculture industry in order to fully promote a viable agricultural industry within Southold Town. The excuse used for a "Visual Impact Analysis" is that Land Preservation Committee requested this information. Land Preservation incorrectly relies on inconsistent language within the easement document "that the use is consistent with both agriculture value of the property and scenic value of the property". They place more value on this language than is legally permitted. The Development Rights easement recorded against this parcel is NOT a scenic easement. The Town of Southold and Land Preservation has a standard form which they use for scenic easements; that form prohibits structures on the scenic easement. The language of scenic easements must be clear and unambiguous, as a matter of law, to give notice of the restriction to property owners. The DR easement on this property is not a scenic easement. Ms. Cullinane purchased the property in February 2001 and had planned agricultural uses on the property with a four lot subdivision. Her intention was to develop the property for commercial agricultural uses, including construction of a barn for shipping her produce, and residential lots on Rt 25. Town records of the sale of Development Rights with Maureen Cullinane of the subject property begins January 2001 through May 2002. The Town of Southold sought a grant from New York State Agriculture and Markets to assists the funding of this acquisition. The grant was for the purposes of preservation of agriculture and to abandon the proposed subdivision. We are investigating the cost and time for a visual impact analysis, but my client is adamant that the location of the proposed barn has been carefully studied and is not negotiable. The barn is out of Trustees jurisdiction, maintains the wetland buffer, and does not interfere with the row crops or my clients orchard and animal grazing areas. A change to the orientation of the proposed barn will adversely impact the agricultural use of the parcel. Moreover, the proposed action is a SEQRA Type II Action and exempt from SEQRA. Finally, there are no standards for a Visual Impact Analysis. The only reference to a visual impact analysis in the Town Code is for the construction of cell towers. The Planning Board staff request for a visual impact analysis on farmland is unprecedented. As the Agricultural Advisory Committee's letter of October 6, 2017 stated, "North Fork farmlands are the most expensive to acquire and operate in the United States." Imposing visual impact studies is yet another cost that drives up the ownership and operational expenses of farm ownership. Your Board does not need a visual impact analysis to visualize what a barn, set back more than 500 feet from the road, will look like on the property. More importantly, imposing the visual impact analysis requirement for a barn which is an expressly permitted structure under the development rights deed and our zoning code, without any guidelines or standards in Chapter 70 is without legal basis. I hope that the above information, particularly the history of the purchase of these Development Rights, will have you and the Board withdraw the staff demand for a Visual Impact Analysis. Thank you for your consideration and response. Very trulours, LP tri C. Moore cc: Steve Tenedios Bill Kelly Agriculture Advisory Counsel Land Preservation Scott Russell, Supervisor OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,o � P.O. Box 1179 f SO 54375 State Route 25 AN Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov OuN PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 16, 2018 Mr. William Kelly, 22355 Cox Lang,Unit #4 Cutchogue, NY 1,1935 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Tenedios Farm Agricultural Building 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1- 1.3 & 1.4 Dear Mr. Kelly: The Planning Board has reviewed public testimony and input from relevant agencies regarding the above referenced site plan application and has determined that the information listed below is required to be submitted prior to re-opening the public hearing. 1. Submit a visual impact analysis using photo-simulation for the proposed building on the subject property. This analysis has been required by the Land Preservation Committee to assess whether it is consistent with the terms of the Development Rights Easement. It is recommended that a basic analysis to include at least 2 photographic views, one from Route 25, and one from Narrow River Road, is provided to illustrate how the building will look on site from those vantage points. Also, providing a view that orients the building in a different direction for comparison's sake will be helpful. To assist applicants with this requirement, the Planning Board is compiling a list of companies that provide this service (the list, a work in progress, is attached for your convenience). 2. Provide photographs of structures that are currently on site and not shown on the site plan. i Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 March 16, 2018 If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, Brian A. Cummings Planner cc Steve Tenedios Patricia Moore Companies that can provide photo-simulation services i VHB (on Long Island) 100 Motor Parkway, Suite 135, Hauppauge,New York 11788 Phone: 631.787.3400 Contact:Angelo Laino ALaino@VHB.com AKRF (Long Island)AKRF 1695 Church Street, Holbrook,NY, 11741 Contact: Kenneth Mack, Director of Graphics/GIS. k�r� cls k�f.rosn Phone: 646-388-9819 • Artistic Engineering. (California) Contact via email:niiii. rt e"iIII.S.Con-1 (One of only a few companies where this is their specialty. They will do high-end photo-simulations where they travel here and do the field work themselves,but also less expensive and more basic productions (visual footprint),where the client sends in viewpoint photos, elevations of the building, and a site plan to show the location.) o WSP Consultants (formerly Parsons Brinkerhoff). New York. http://www.wsp-pb.com Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application — Status Update Date March 1, 2018 (follow-up to 1/22/18 work session) Prepared By: Brian Cummings & Heather Lanza I. Application Information Project Title: Tenedios Agricultural Building Applicant: Steve Tenedios Date of Submission: June 28, 2017 Tax Map Number: 19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Project Location: 28410 NYS Route 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-200 II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 34.5acres — Southold Town Dev. Rights (19.-1-1.4) 5 acres — development rights in tact (19.-1-1.3) Building Size 8,664sf This agricultural site plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building for storage of farm equipment, housing of livestock and storage of feed and supplies on 34 acres of Southold Town Development Rights land in the R-200 zoning district, Orient. III: Analysis Staff Report Table of Contents: 1 — Existing conditions 5 — Referral Comments 2 — Proposed Scope of Work 6 — Potential Items to be required with agent response 3 — Public Hearing comments 7 — Next Step 4 — Owner Narrative Objective — determine the next steps of the application and any integral information necessary to be submitted prior to re-opening the public hearing. Review of information submitted by the applicant, public testimony and staff comments; 1. Existin Conditions (to remain): a. 785sf One story equipment storage building (on 19.-1-1.3) b. 87sf Garden shed (on 19.-1-1.3) c. 118sf Horse Stall building (on 19.-1-1.3) d. 742sf chicken coop (on 19.-1-1.4) I e. several small outbuildings (not shown on site plan) 2. Proposed scope of work : a. Construct 8,664sf metal agricultural building; b. Provide storm drainage system, power, water and lighting to proposed building 3. Public Hearing, Summar (adjourned 9/11/17) comments by topic: - Livestock concerns from the public: impacts to wetlands, groundwater, surface water; run-off to adjacent freshwater and tidal (saltwater) wetlands, Hallocks Bay; Waste & nutrient management. Will a nutrient loading plan be required?; Total number of livestock on site is unknown and the total number should be verified as a safe amount to be contained on the size of the subject parcel (Goats, Pigs, Sheep, Horses, Chickens); Unknown percent breakdown (ground area of use) of livestock vs. row crops; Water usage details and potential impact on the aquifer and/or saltwater intrusion. Impact to water quality and water supply; Air quality — dust, noise, odor The building as proposed does not seem adequate or appropriate for the types of animals proposed; - Proposed Building concerns from the public: Overall size and orientation; Impact on scenic view shed and concern for whether the proposed building is consistent with the terms of the Southold Town Development Rights Easement with regard to scenic value; Construction in a flood zone; Special Events; - Other concerns from the public: Numerous out-buildings :5100sf with unknown use have been added to the site; 10, Worker housing or Employee bathrooms; - Environmental Review procedure/SEQRA concerns from the public: This should be reviewed as a Type I action under SEQRA Staff: Agriculture is a Type II action. The SEQRA rules do not allow a Type II action to be classified as anything else, even if adjacent to a Critical Environmental Area. That it is a Type II action under SEQRA does not preclude the Planning Board from investigating environmental impacts, it just won't be under SEQRA. 4. Narrative from Steve Tenedios, Owner - Summary (see attached for entire letter): (also includes some additional information from the applicant's attorney— see attached for letter from Pat Moore) a. Owner is not a commercial farmer, and has no plans to become one. b. Commercial farmer leases land to grow vegetables on 15 acres (row crops) (leaving 14+/- acres for animals) c. Owner purchases vegetables from farmer and other local farmers for his NY City stores d. Animals raised for pleasure and personal use. i. Chickens for eggs (>300 —from applicant's website) ii. New Zealand goats (for meat). 16 currently on site iii. Sheep. 1 currently on site iv. Horses. 3 on site, may breed horses in future for pleasure. v. Cow. (for meat). 1 on site vi. Pigs. 6 were there, none at the moment. vii. No intention to become a commercial animal farmer. e. Equipment needing to be stored: i. John Deere Tractor ii. John Deere gator iii. John Deere zero turn radius lawn mower iv. Ford F-150 pickup truck f. Barn location selection i. Does not interfere with row crop area of farm ii. Close to animal pens iii. >500 feet from Route 25 iv. >100' from wetlands g. Good farm management practices are followed i. Rotational grazing ii. Vegetated buffers from wetlands iii. collectible animal waste is disposed of in dumpsters —weekly pickup h. Barn is to protect equipment and animals from weather, and to store feed. 3 5. Referral Comments: a. Land Preservation Committee (summary — see attached for entire memo) (September, 2017) i. Town Deed of Development Rights (May, 2002) o "...exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 of the Town Code..." o "...the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises and any structures thereon for any purpose other than agricultural production..." o "The use of this property shall be consistent with both... a agricultural value is scenic value o Use of the property shall not detract from, or adversely affect a open space value • scenic value ii. Town Board's 2002 Resolution for the PDR included reasons to preserve: o agricultural value o scenic value o proximity to wetlands iii. The Land Preservation Committee intends to ensure this proposed use is: o in accordance with all terms of the recorded Deed, o consistent with the agricultural value o consistent with the scenic value o does not detract from, or adversely affect the open space and scenic value iv. Stake the location of the proposed building v. Provide a scenic view shed analysis o assess visual impacts from Main Road and Narrow River Road o proposed location and alternative locations and orientations. vi. Provide the view-shed analysis to the Land Preservation Committee for further comment. vii. Verify wetland delineation and flood zone requirements relative to building location prior to viewshed analysis. Staff note: Wetlands have been verified by Trustees, and Flood Zones reviewed with Building Department. viii. Ensure protection of all natural resources and values covered in the Deed of Development Rights 1. prime agricultural soils, 4 2. wetlands, 3. surface waters and 4. ground water, both on and off the subject property 5. Scenic views 6. Require applicant to work with NRCS/USDA/Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District to develop a farm management plan and use best management practices to protect the resources the easement is meant to protect. ix. Use = agricultural production as defined in Town Code Chapter 70 "The production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in agricultural production shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." x. Livestock, farm equipment, feed and hay storage are allowed xi. Any uses in the 5-ac building area not allowed by the easement must use the right of way to Narrow River Road, described on the survey for the easement. xii. Easement states that utilities can be run under the land to the 5-ac building area from Main Road, but must be buried at sufficient depth to not interfere with continued agricultural use. xiii. Town Development Rights Easement (see attached) b. NYSDEC The proposed project appears to be located within 300' of a NYSDEC- regulated tidal wetland. Requires permit. c. Board of Town Trustees (summary - see attached for entire memo) i. Barn location outside Trustees jurisdiction (wetland boundary field- checked by Trustees) ii. Hallocks Bay is open to shellfishing (except for marina area) iii. Narrow River is being considered for re-opening by NYSDEC due to improving water quality iv. Concern over animal agriculture causing coliform and nitrogen pollution to Narrow River and groundwater, and causing a degradation to water quality. v. Fencing at the 100' setback from wetlands. vi. Owner to seek professional guidance from NRCS/Cornell Cooperative Extension/Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District to implement best management practices and structural controls for animal waste to lessen, to the maximum extent practicable, potential impacts to shellfishing. 5 d. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (summary - see attached for entire memo) i. ....soil (at the site) has no limitations for construction of a barn. ii. proposed barn location not encroaching into the wetland area iiia bedding and manure for livestock kept in barn must be managed properly. The farm manager indicated that all manure will be placed in dumpsters and hauled offsite. The barn will have a concrete floor which will eliminate any chance of nitrogen leaching into ground water. iv. Composting is another suitable way of managing the manure and bedding in an acceptable way. • Compost is a valuable resource that would help to increase soil organic matter, improve soil health and provide nutrients to the crops being grown on site. • Compost area requires an impervious liner installed below ground to prevent leaching of nutrients. • A grass filter strip to surround the composting facility to filter and absorb runoff generated during wet conditions. • NRCS can assist with the design of a suitable composting facility. v. recommend minimum 50' buffer to wetlands be maintained in permanent grass cover to act as a buffer and filter to protect these areas. vi. Fence off wetlands to prevent access by livestock. e. Agricultural Advisory Committee October, 2017 memo (summary - see attached for entire memo) i. SEQRA is Type II for agriculture ii. Hallocks Bay is open to shell-fishing — has good water quality iii. Scenic vista — a new barn could be part of the scenic vista. It doesn't block the view — it is set so far back from Main Road, it would be part of the scenic view. iv. Permits from NYSDEC & Suffolk County required and will address issues about nitrogen loading and runoff v. The permits above and Best Management Practices are all that are needed to sustain a viable environment at this agricultural site in Orient. vi. To allow the industry to be viable and sustainable with the high cost of land and operations, there have to be no additional restrictions placed on agriculture by the Town. January memo (summary - see attached for entire memo) 1) Visual impact analysis a. Costly — not necessary, or Town bear the cost b. Alternatives exist such as site visits to existing barns 2) Staking will happen anyway prior to beginning construction a. Size of barn could house 32 horse stalls 6 b. Size of property would allow 32 horses at the code-prescribed number of one horse per acre. 3) Floor plans a. Use of interior space in barns can change over time out of necessity b. Overly intrusive to ask for detailed floor plans c. A rough floor sketch on a brown paper bag is as much detail as should be expected. 4) Detailed description of agricultural equipment to be stored in the barn a. Irrelevant b. Breaches Right to Farm and Ag & Market laws. c. Anything that supports agriculture is agricultural equipment 5) Detailed list of potential animals on site a. USDA requires reporting on this over a certain number b. This is micromanaging a business and not necessary 6) Delineation of animal pastures and pens a. Subject to change depending on crop chosen b. If it is something for curiosity's sake, another sketch on a paper bag should suffice. 7) Water Flow and Usage a. Purview of NYSDEC, not Southold Town b. Existing well —4" diameter— private water source c. When property changes ownership, NYSDEC requires inspection of the well i. NYSDEC determines if it can produce >100,000 gpd ii. existing well 45 gpm or not more than 65,000 gpd if run continuously 24/7. d. Farm water needs — i. estimated at 200 gpd for animals ii. 50,000 to 60,000 gallons per year for irrigation of crops 8) Number of employees and bathroom facilities a. This is under the authority of the NYS Dept of Labor 9) Other structures not shown on the site plan a. This might be a reasonable request b. Hand-draw them on the existing plan f. Southold Fire Marshall i. Fire Access Road is required from the main road to the building. (F503.2) • Min. 20 feet wide (F-503.2.1) • Min. 13'-6" vertical clearance (F-503.2.1) • Min. support for emergency vehicles 75,000 pounds. (F-D102) • Existing dirt road to have a turnout for turning trucks. • Fire Well/Hydrant to supply a minimum of 2500 gpm for a minimum of 2 hours. (F-507.5, App B) 7 ii. In addition: Water for fire protection will be provided as soon as combustible material arrives on site. (F-3312) g. Orient Fire District: no recommendations or requirements. h. Town Engineer (summary): i. May need DOT review for curb cut ii. Stone Blend road compacted over stable sub-base recommended (to support emergency vehicles) — may need to be wider than 12' as proposed. iii. All compacted dirt roadways & parking areas generate stormwater. Drainage and permanent sediment controls must be designed to prevent erosion and silt damage to the adjacent wetlands on site. Meet requirements of Chapter 236 Stormwater Management. iv. Discrepancy noted in paperwork submitted for building size as 8,772 SF and also as 8,664 SF. v. SWPPP application to DEC required if total ground disturbance of 1 acre or more (includes building, roads, drainage) i. Suffolk County Planning Commission: Matter for local determination 6. Potential items to be required (and agent response) by the Planning Board prior to re-opening the public hearing as noted in previous staff report at the 1/22/18 work session: 1) Provide a Visual Impact Analysis to measure the potential scenic impact of the building and its orientation on the subject parcel (details to be discussed); Staff: see discussion on this in memo's from the Agricultural Advisory Committee and the memo from the Land Preservation Committee. Also concerns raised by public in the public hearing, and the response from the applicant's agent dated 2/8/18. • The visual impact analysis has been required by the Land Preservation Committee, which is charged with determining whether a building proposed to be constructed on land where the Town holds development rights is consistent with the easement. In this case, and this case is somewhat unique, the easement specifically requires that any future structures not detract from the scenic values. • Only about 15% of all easements held by the Town specifically mention scenic values, and so requiring a visual impact analysis is not expected to be precedent-setting for all future farm buildings, because very few properties have this restriction. 8 0 The Planning Board typically waits to give their approval for properties where an easement is held by the Town until the Land Preservation Committee has made their determination that the proposed building complies with the easement. In this case, the Land Preservation Committee has required the visual impact analysis before they can make their determination. Agent Response 2/818: They object to this requirement 2) Stake the corners of the proposed building and provide an indication of the height of the building on site; Staff: applicant's attorney has indicated they are in the process of doing this now (in an email from February 1, 2018). Agent Response 2/8/18: They have staked the corners of the barn. They offered to use balloons to demonstrate the height of the building on site, but questioned the need for this. Elevations submitted with height dimensions: 23'3" to 27'6" (to peak) 3) Provide a detailed floor plan showing the uses inside the building; Staff: A general plan for the use of the barn has been provided. Agent Response 2/8/18: A more detailed floor plan has been submitted 4) Provide a list and description of the agricultural equipment to be stored Staff: provided in letters from applicant and applicant's agent; 5) Provide a detailed list of potential animals on site and the maximum number of each at any given time, including whether they will be on pasture or housed entirely within a building. Also include how the animals will be used (meat, dairy, eggs), and how they or their products will be processed and stored. Once received, Planning Staff would coordinate with the USDA to verify if the subject parcel can sustain the prospective type and quantity of animals; Staff: Based on discussion with the Suffolk County Soil & Water Conservation office and other research, as well as the memo from the Agricultural Advisory Committee, this may not be useful information and is not an advisable way to proceed. 9 More useful would be to encourage the landowner to abide by the USDA guidelines for the maximum number of animals that can be sustained on pasture while avoiding erosion and pollution of groundwater from excess nitrogen. This depends on the type and size of animal, the type of pasture and soil, and could change as the owner changes the type of animal over time. Agent Response 2/8/18: They will not provide this information, but they did provide information related to this from NRCS and Oklahoma State University. 6) Provide a farm management plan that delineates animal pastures/ holding pens and row crops as proposed, and provides the size, in acres, of each area/pasture; Staff: Similar to number 5 above. Agent Response 2/8/18: NRCS report provided. Locations of pens and pastures will change over time. Buffers to wetlands recommended in NRCS letter are already in place. (Note from staff: Agent stated NY State regulates the number of animals, but they only make recommendations for best practices—they don't actually regulate when the number of animals is under a certain amount.) 7) Provide water flow and usage details for the proposed operation; Staff: See Agricultural Advisory Committee notes above where estimates of water usage are provided. Agent Response 2/8/18: William Kelly delivered water usage (gallons per day) for each species presently on the property. 8) Provide the number of employees and prospective bathroom facilities (if portable bathrooms are used, show the number and location); Staff: See Agricultural Advisory Committee notes above. Required facilities for employees are covered by the Dept of Labor. Also, the number of employees may not be necessary due to this site not being open to the public, and there being plenty of open area for employees to park on the existing farm roads and areas around the barns. Agent Response: The number of employees may change, presently there is one employee. There are tenant farmers in active agriculture on the premises. There are portable bathrooms next to one of the existing barns, location of portables may change (we can agree to keep them a certain distance from the property line)....if a permanent bathroom is provided in the building at a later date, my client would install a nitrogen free system (per Health Department standards). 10 9) Note location, size and use of any buildings/structures added to the site and not shown on the site plan. Staff: these can be hand-drawn on the existing plan. Agent Response: There are multiple animal shelters which are less than 100 sq.ft. and are accessory to the agricultural use. They do not wish to show them on the plan because they may be relocated or additional small shelters added as needed in the future. 7. Next step a. Determine whether there is enough information to proceed with the hearing and complete the review of the application. 11 To:The Town of Southold Planning Board 2-9-18 Fr: Bill Kelly Re:Tenedios Farm, 28410 Main Rd 25, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.4& 1.3 Attached: 1) NRCS, Balancing your animals with your forage. 2) Oklahoma State University,Stocking Rates and calculations. 3) North Dakota State Extension Service, Livestock Water Requirements 4) Water and feed consumption Poultry 5) Floor plan with uses labeled 6) Elevations with heights labeled DESIGN AND EXPLANATORY NOTES I EX I ER ERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW LOCATIONS ARI" FOM HE BIERIOR FACE i7CkCb6u.nUy OFTHE.NA(ILERS AND ARE 10 THE CE14TER OF rHE DOOR AND WINDOW UNITS, VERIFY ALL DOOR,WINDOW,SKYLIGHT AND FFIDELICHT i.r.x-xrioms WITH THE 901 OWNE cy, lis 7 R. —------------- —------ ......... 4a Cr Uf 0 .............. ............... ri116 GABBLE TRIM dti AP 4 VFNT�A�RIDCE Ti 11078 SAVE.rRim -f IN66r0167 IFUMS -mvr,0 771' S" GUITERS 12 MvHI-RIBSTEEL miCORINERTRIM CL: ro 16?rRAINSLRON TRIM HI RIB STEE.I.WAINSCOT rK 167�ASE rRim I L ............. 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SNOISN3WIa NOLIV301 NW11100 HOMINI V011NOW N".I I X-A; :,Z, S)Z� 'D NWnlOD NOIN31NI M011NOW 4 pz �D pz W�Z,�z I ZI I UI -.,k7 1 LM Z�l OL z/1 Z N 4 aNVGMVISV40M NW11103.06 RVA M-< h Rof Sll—ON �80iVN' "�-Xj-dWWCAUG V +, w r r /T t,; 4�i✓' �f��ll%r iN% ( I JW 7ffY%'JYir' y How many animals should How many acres of pasture be on your pasture? do your animals need? If you have a limited V '" If you have a lot of land amount of land but a but you want to keep a fixed flexible herd size, you number of livestock, you probably want to know the probably want to know maximum number of the minimum amount animals that you can of land your animals need to graze on your pasture. graze. Finding the right balance between your herd size and your available forage is essential to good grazing management whether you are you are using a continuous or rotational grazing system. To answer the questions above, you'll need to know: • the length of your grazing season in days OR you can figure how much you will need for the whole year by using 365 days. • the average weight of one of your animals • the total number of acres available for grazing (many people also include their hayland) • the average yield of your pasture per acre (Use your own yield figures if you have them. If not, you can get average yield estimates from your local NRCS Office. • The daily utilization rate for livestock. This is always the same number, .04, or 4%. This figure is used because livestock need to have 4% of their weight in forage each day (2.5- 3% intake, .5 trampling loss and .5-1% buffer). EXAMPLE FARM Beefy Acres is a cow/calf operation located in the Southeast. • We are going to try to figure out how much we will need the whole year (365 days) • The average weight of one beef cow/calf is 1200 Ib • We have a total of 20 acres of pasture • We have 10 ac of bermudagrass and ryegrass with an average yield of 11,500 Ib/ac/yr • We have 10 ac of fescue with an average yield of 7,500 lb/ac/yr • Together, the average yield of both pastures is 9,500 Ib/ac You may have heard a rule-of-thumb is that it takes 1.5 to 2 acres to feed a cow calf pair for 12 months. That means we should be able to have 10 to 13 cows. Let's see how this rule-of-thumb holds up. Balancing your Animals with your Forage Let's start with how many animals should be on our example farm. Total Number (total acreage 20 ac) x (average yield per acre 9,500 Ib/ac) of Animals _...........�......... ........... (.04) x (average animal weight 1200 Ib) x (grazing days 365) ----__.-.—.... ---................ � (20) x (9,500) 190,000 � ) ..._ 12. .............�w _ _,,..� ....._. _ 11 animals 04 x ( 00) X (365) 17,520 This is the maximum number of animals. You can always stock less animals. Now let's figure out the minimum amount of pasture our animals would need. Let's use the 11 beef cows from above. Acres of (animals 11) x (average animal weight 1200 Ib) x (.04) x (grazing days 365) Pasture — ............... Needed (averageyield � 9 p per acre 9,500 lb) (11) x (1200 Ib) x (.04) x (365) 192,720 --__...m..WW............._W... . ...._.............................................................................. . m � _ �_ — 20 acres (9,500 Ib/ac) 9,500 This is the minimum amount of land. You can always use more than the minimum, It looks like our rule-of-thumb held up pretty good, 11 cows on 20 acres, is 1 .8 acres per cow. We have enough forage to feed our cows for the whole year. These figures give you a good estimate and are a great place to start. Unfortunately, grass does not grow in equal amounts the entire year. So, we'll need to break this down on a month-by-month basis. To do this, you'll need to know the growth pattern and rate of your forage for your area. You can get the growth rates for your area from your local NRCS office or use your own numbers if you have them. Let's look at the example monthly growth rate of our pastures below. Table 1: Monthly Growth Rate in Ib/ac .M... _... __ Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC bermuda/rye 11,500/yr 62 112 1080 1140 1674 1410 1 2015 1798 930 589 570 120 fescue 7,500/yr 93 410 1 1085 1500 1178 450 155 248 540 1 1178 1 570 93 Page 2 Balancing your Animals with your Forage How much forage do our animals need each month? We know each animal needs 4% of its weight in forage each day (daily utilization rate .04). If we multiply the daily utilization rate times 30 days, we get the monthly utilization rate which is 1.2. To figure our how much forage our herd needs each month we multiply the monthly utilization rate (1.2) times the number of animals (11) and the average weight (1200 Ib). Amount of forage needed each month (1.2) x (11 animals) x (average weight 12001b) = 15,840 Ib How much forage do we have each month? To figure our how much forage we are producing each month, we take the monthly lb/acre produced by our pastures from Table 1, and multiply this amount by how many acres we have of each pasture. For example, looking at Table 1, we know that the bermudagrass/rye pasture produces 62lb/ac of forage in January. We multiply this by 10 acres to give us 620 Ib. This is the total produced by that pasture in January, as shown in the Monthly Forage Balance Sheet below. Beefy Acres: Monthly Forage Balance Sheet Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 10ac bermuda- 620 1,120 10,800 11,400 16,740 14,100 20,150 17,980 9,300 5,890 5,700 1,200 grass/rye 10ac fescue 930 4,100 10,850 15,000 11,780 4,500 1,550 2,480 5,400 11,780 5,700 930 Total Amount 1,550 5,220 21,650 26,400 28,520 18,600 21,700 20,460 14,700 17,670 11,400 2,130 Available Total Amount 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 15,840 Needed Surplus 5,810 10,560 12,680 2,760 5,860 4,620 1,830 deficit 14,290 10,620 1,140 4,440 13,710 Putting it all together: The monthly forage balance sheet gives you a good idea of what to expect during the year. You can use this information to plan your management activities. For example, you can stockpile part of a pasture or cut it for hay when you have a surplus and use it during the months you have a deficit, such as in the winter. You will also need to keep your animals off the pasture during the winter when the grass is not growing or growing very slowly. Overgrazing at this time can slow down spring growth or, if done for long periods, will severely damage your pasture. In our example above, we could probably graze until mid November. Looking at the height of the forage is the best way to de- cide when to start and stop grazing. Remember, the forage balance sheet is an estimate. The yields will vary each year, so you should be prepared for a drought or an early freeze. You can also revise the information each month as your animals gain weight during the season. Getting the proper bal- ance of animals and forage is the foundation to good grazing management. Page 3 Helpis Available Nat�.uraa ReSOUrces onservatJon Service Technical Help Is Available Your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office has experienced conservationists that can assist you with balancing your animals with your forage. They can also help you develop a Conservation Plan to solve other problems you have identified on your farm. There is no charge for our assistance. Simply call your local office at the number listed below to set up an appointment and we will come to your farm. You may also be eligible to receive financial assistance, Helping People Help the Land through a state or federal program. Your NRCS office will explain any programs that are available so you can make the best decision for your operation. All NRCS programs and services are voluntary. For More Information Contact the: Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office: 100 W. Capitol St., Ste. 1321 Jackson, MS 39269 www.ms.nres.usda.gov Twitter: NRCS MS The United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basic of race,color,national ori- gin,gender,religion,age,disability,political beliefs sexual orientation,and marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information(Braille,large print,audiotape,etc.)should contact the USDA`s FARG T Center at 202-720-2600(voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination,write USDA,Director,07ffice of Civil Rights, Room 326W Whitten Building, 14th and independence Ave.,SW,Washington,D.C.,20250-9410,or call(202)720-5904(voice)or(202)720-1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. January 2009 OKLAHOMA COOPERAT/VE EXTENS/ON SERV/CE PSS-2871 Stocking e: The Key to Successful Livestock Production "_ ;k— Daren D. Redfearn State Extension Forage Specialist Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets Terrence G. Bidwell are also available on our website at: Professor and State Extension Specialist http://osufacts.okstate.edu Rangeland Ecology and Management There are many important ingredients in a successful Because cattle and other grazing animals are not the livestock production system.One of the most important tasks same size, it is often necessary to convert to animal unit is to keep detailed records on livestock stocking rate,livestock equivalents.The term animal unit equivalent(AUE)is useful performance,and forage production. Forage production and for estimating the potential forage demand for different kinds stocking rate records are critical in making timely management of animals or for cattle that weigh more or less than 1,000 lbs. decisions.No othersingle management practice affects profit- Animal unit equivalent is based upon a percentage (plus or ability of livestock more than stocking rate.This publication minus)of the standardAU andtakes into account physiological discusses how to determine the proper stocking rate for your differences. land. Once again,assuming a forage dry matter demand of 26 lbs.per day,the 1,000 Ib.cow is used as the base animal unit Some Working Definitions to which other livestock are compared.The AUE for cattle of In order to discuss stocking rate and its effect on animal 900 lbs.or less, is calculated as: performance, it is necessary to establish some definitions. AUE=(BODY WEIGHT+100)=1,000 Stocking rate is defined as the number of animals on a given amount of land over a certain period of time. Stocking rate is or,for animals of 1,100 lbs.or more, generally expressed as animal units per unit of land area.Car- rying capacity is the stocking rate that is sustainable over time AUE=(BODY WEIGHT-11 00)=1,000 per unit of land area.A critical factor to evaluate is how well the stocking rate agrees with the carrying capacity of the land. Table 2 illustrates several different kinds and classes of animals, A term that is used to help understand and estimate forage their various AUEs,and estimated daily forage demand. requirements is the animal unit(AU)concept(Table 1). Another calculation can be used to demonstrate the usefulness of the information contained in Table 2.Suppose Table 1. Carrying capacity in terms of the animal unit a producer has 100 head of stocker calves that weigh ap- (AU)concept. proximately 500 lbs., the size of the pasture is 100 acres, and the grazing season is 6 months long.The stocking rate Concept Abbreviation Definition would be calculated as before with the exception that the total number of AUs must first be calculated using the AUE Animal unit AU 1,000 Ib.cow with calf information from Table 2. Animal unit day AUD 26 lbs.of dry forage Animal unit month AUM 780 lbs. of dry forage Example 2:Calculation of stocking rate using AUEs: Animal unit year AUY 9,360 lbs.of dry forage First,estimate the total number of AUs based on AUEs: (#Head)x(AUE)=Total AUs Calculations 100 head x 0.6=60 AUs A livestock producer has 50 head of 1,000-Ib cows on 200 acres for 12 months.The stocking rate of this operation Then,calculate the stocking rate as before.. would be calculated as follows: Total Land Area_[(#AUs)x(grazing season)]=Stocking Rate Example 1:Calculation of stocking rate: 100_(60 x 6)=0.27 acres per AUM or 1.7 acres for the season, Total Land Area_[(#AUs)x(Grazing Season)] Calculating stocking rate is relatively simple once the con- 200 acres_[(50AUs)x(12 months)]=0.33 acres per AU cept and terminology are understood.The ability to calculate month(AUM)or 4 acres per AU year(AUY) stocking rate and make timely management decisions is vital to maximizing net returns from the livestock operation. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources o Oklahoma State University Table 2.Animal unit equivalent(AUE)and estimated daily Table 3. Suggested residue height of selected introduced forage dry matter (DM) demand for various kinds and forages for optimum animal performance and stand classes of animals. persistence. Animal type AUE DM demand Species Residue Utilization (lbs.per day) Height Maximum .. _...� (inches) N Cattle . Calves Alfalfa 4 6°" 50 300 lbs. 0.4 9 Annual ryegrass 3 4" 75 400 lbs. 0.5 12 Arrowleaf clover 3 4" 50 500 lbs. 0.6 15 Bermudagrass 1.5 3" 75' 600 lbs. 0.7 18 Intermediate wheatgrass 4 6" 50 Cows 1.0 26 Oat 4 - 6" 75 Bulls 1.25 32 Old World bluestem 3 4" 65 Horses 1.25 32 Pubescent wheatgrass 4 - 6°' 50 Sheep 0.2 5 Red clover 4 6" 50 Goats 0.17 4 Rye 4 6°" 75 White-tailed deer 0.17 4 Tall fescue 4 5°" 70 Tall wheatgrass 6 8" 50 Wheat 4 6" 75 Differences in Stocking of Introduced White clover 2 3" 75 ...................nd and Rangeland Forages 'Can be higher given adequate precipitation and Na Although the concepts of stocking rate determination are similar for introduced and rangeland forages, there is one This concept is best illustrated using another example. major difference in estimating stocking rate: allowable use Assume a livestock operation that has 100 acres of bermu- (percent utilization of available forage)is lower for rangeland dagrassand long-term production records indicatethe pasture forage.This can not be emphasized enough; introduced for- is capable of producing 5,000 lbs.of forage DM per acre over ages can be utilized to a higher degree than rangeland for- the growing season.In this particular example,a producer may ages if adequate moisture and fertility are available.Working wish to know how many head of 500 Ib.stocker calves they through some examples for both types of systems should help may expect to stock in the pasture. First, estimate the total clear up any misunderstanding. Utilization does not equal amount of available forage DM based on historical records consumption by the animal for any kind of forage.Utilization and the percent utilization factor from Table 3. includes decomposition,waste,and consumption by insects and other herbivores. Example 3:Calculation of available forage for grazing: Stocking Rates on Introduced Forages (Average DM in lbs.per acre)x(#Acres)x(%Utilization Factor) Introduced forages are generally non-native species that 5,000 x 100 x 0.65=325,000 lbs,of Forage DM have been selected for rapid growth and grazing tolerance. Next,estimate the number of animal units that could be Introduced forage grasses common to Oklahoma include stocked on the pasture given the above forage production bermudagrass, tall fescue, Old World bluestem, weeping potential. In other words,calculate the stocking rate in AUs. lovegrass, various cereal grains, and ryegrass. Oklahoma producers also use several introduced legumes, including Example 4: Calculation of stocking rate(# head) based alfalfa,hairy vetch,and numerous clover species(red,white, on available forage: arrowleaf,rose,berseem).Most introduced forages will tolerate a heavier degree of grazing pressure than rangeland forages (Total Forage DM)_[(#Grazing Days)x(Daily Forage Demand for because of their rapid regrowth capabilities.Although many 1 AU or AUE of the animal in question)]_#of Head introduced forages are tolerant of close grazing, not all the forage produced can be removed.Some residue must be left 325,000_[(120 days)x(15 lbs.DM per day)]=Stocking Rate for the plant to carry out basic metabolic functions. 325,000_1800=181 Head Table 3 contains suggested residue levels for some for- In this example,a bermudagrass pasture was assumed ages commonly used in Oklahoma.This information will help to be capable of producing 5,000 lbs.of forage DM per acre prevent overgrazing of pastures. and it was estimated that a stocking rate of 181 head of 500- Using the information in Tables 2 and 3, producers can Ib.stocker calves could be used for a typical 120-day growing quickly estimate the animal forage demand and the stocking season. To express this production scenario as a stocking rate for their livestock production system. For fine tuning of rate,you would return to the equation used in Example 2. stocking rates on specific ranches;however,forage production information from long-term record keeping will be necessary because long-term data takes into account fluctuations in precipitation. Moisture is generally the most limiting factor relative to forage production. 2871-2 Example 5:Calculation of AUs from AUEs: Ecological Sites and Soils 0An ecological site,previously known as a rangeland site, 181 Head x o. 1t Head x A . =Total AUs =109 AUs is an area of land with a combination of soil, climatic, topo- graphic, and natural vegetation features that set it apart sig- Now adjacent areas.Ecological sites are expressed Now simply use the equation developed in Example 1 to in terms of soil depth, topography, slope, plant production, calculate the stocking rate. and species composition. Vegetation on a particular site will (Total Land Area) _(#AUs)=Stocking Rate vary in composition and production from one region of the state to another and from year-to-year because of changes 100_ 109=0.92 acres per AU in precipitation. Stocking Rates on Rangeland Forage Production and Standing Crop Rangeland is the most abundant type of land in Oklahoma Stocking rates are based on the amount of forage that and contributes heavily to the beef cattle and recreational is standing at the end of the growing season in an ungrazed leasing industry. Rangeland is the primary source of wildlife condition.End-of-season standing crop is not total production habitat throughout the state.Lands that are dominated by na- because much of the production has been lost to decomposition tive grasses,forbs,shrubs,or scattered trees are considered and insects.Actual forage production is often twice as large as rangelands. In order for rangeland to be sustainable for beef the end-of-season standing crop.Forage production informa- cattle production, the number of animals and their forage tion is useful but is very time consuming to obtain.That is why demand must be balanced with forage production. Forage end-of-season standing crop is used for estimating stocking production varies from year to year because of changes in rate. precipitation (Fig. 1-2). Stocking rate should be based on Standing crop should be measured by clipping within average long-term end-of-season standing crop values (Fig. grazing exclosures in key areas. The exclosure should be 2)for an operation to remain productive and sustainable.The moved each year during the winter.The more years of stand- procedure for calculating stocking rates can be used on either ing crop information that can be assembled, the better the forests or rangelands. stocking rate decisions will be. Otherwise, producers must rely on guesses or information from Standard Soil Surveys, which tend to underestimate standing crop. 50 y d 40 C 30 0 ;? 20 'a L 10 a 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Figure 1.Precipitation at the Oklahoma State University Research Rangeland,Stillwater,OK. 10,000 Average 6,360 lbs/ac 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Figure 2.End-of-season standing crop on an ungrazed Loamy Prairie rangeland site in Payne County,OK. 2871-3 Stocking Rates and Harvest Efficiency Next,use forage standing crop to calculate how many stocker The recommended stocking rates for rangelands are cattle this 1,000 acres of rangeland can carry. From clipping based on moderate utilization(economic long-term optimum)of data, it was determined over the past 10 years the average the annual forage standing crop and assume uniform grazing peak forage standing crop was 6,360 lbs.per acre from the distribution. It is also assumed that 50% of the annual peak monitoring program (Fig.2). standing crop can be removed from the ecological site without Using these forage standing cropvalues,onecan estimate negatively affecting the plant community relative to species how many cows could be stocked on this ranch.Using a 25% abundance or for beef cattle production.This is the origin of harvest efficiency for rangeland forages,the stocking rate is the"take half and leave half'rule-of-thumb that is often used. estimated as follows: This is also the source of difference in stocking rate manage- Example 7:Calculation of available forage for grazing: ment between rangeland and introduced forages. Of the 50% of rangeland forage (grasses or forbs)that (Avera is assumed to be removed,the assumption is also made that (Average Standing Crop)x(%Utilization Factor)x(Total Acres)_ one-half(25%of the total)is actually consumed by livestock Available Forage and the other one-half(25%of the total)is trampled,laid on, consumed by insects or other animals,or disappears because (6,3601bs.)x(25%)x(1,OOOacres)=1,590,OOOIbs.AvailableForage of decomposition.These assumptions lead to a harvest ef- ficiency of 25%.Another way to look at this is to assume that Example 8: Calculation of AUs based on available for- 25%of the total forage is actually consumed by the grazing age: animal. Plant requirements regarding remaining residue and waste by grazing animals set these limits.Harvest efficiency, Available Forage_[(#Days in Grazing Season)x(Daily Forage however,can be increased by using rotational stocking(Table Demand)]_#AUs 4). This calculation should be adjusted for the presence of bulls, replacement heifers,or other grazing animals. 1,590,000 lbs._[( 365 days)x(26 lbs.per day)]_ Assume 100 head of cows that average approximately 168 AUs(cows)for 1 year 1,000 lbs.with calves on a 1,000-acre rangeland pasture.The goal for this cow herd is continuous stocking for 12 months. 1,000 acres=168 AUs=6 acres per AUY The stocking rate would be calculated using information A slight twist on the calculation would be to assume livestock contained in Table 1. smaller than the standard AU.Let us assume calves with an Example 6:Calculation of stocking rate. AUE of 0.6 (500-Ib. calves)that are to be grazed all year. For a 1,000 Ib,cow,AUE=1.0(Table 2) 1,590,000 lbs._[(365 days)x(26 lbs.per day)]=168 AUs (100 head)x(1.0 AUE)=100 AUs 168 AUs_0.6 AUE=280 (Total Land Area)-[(#AUs)x(grazing season)] Therefore,280 calves that wiegh 500 pounds could 1,000 acres-- [(100 AUs)x'(1 2 months)]=0.83 acres per AUM or be stocked on this same amount of forage. 10 acres per AUY Example 9: Calculation of AUs from AUEs: Table 4. Example of impact of harvest efficiency on stocking rate. (#Head)x(AUE)=Total AUs """"" 170 head x 1.0=170 AUs or for livestock smaller than 1 AU Continuous Rotation 170 head X 0.6=102 AUs Rangeland forage 6,360 lbs.per acre 6,360 lbs.per acre Note:Cows should usually be assigned the AUE of about 1.4 standing crop because of the presence of bulls and replacements. Available for use 50% 50% Forage Utilization Amount available 3,180 lbs.per acre 3,180 lbs.per acre Forage utilization of key plant species must be known for use in order to effectively adjust the stocking rate of rangeland Use efficiency, 25% 35% forages.Therefore,you must be able to identify the key plant %of 6,360 species of each ecological site. Forage utilization can be monitored throughout the year using a utilization class rank- Forage supply 1,590 lbs.per acre 2,226 lbs.per acre ing system of 1 through 5(Table 5). Utilization is measured by rating the standing crop of native grass inside and outside Stocking rate 2.04 AUM per acre 2.85 AUM per acre the grazing enclosure.A utilization score of 3 should be the annual goal. In order to get an accurate picture of forage Stocking rate 5.88 acres per AUY 4.21 acres per AUY utilization on rangeland,a systematic grid should be established Cows per 1,000 acres 170 cows 238 cows (Fig.3). The grid is observed at several different times during the per year grazing season and a utilization class ranking (Table 5) is 2871-4 barbed wire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 electric wire Figure 3.Grid points are evenly spaced approximately 260 feet apart.Transects are 240 feet apart(120 feet from fenc- es). assigned to each area.A grazing utilization pattern can then expensive herbicide applications. be developed to assess the harvest efficiency. Producers Conversely, understocking results in patch (or spot) will often find that the same areas are either under-utilized or grazing. Patch grazing occurs where animals repeatedly over-utilized each year(Fig.4).If utilization scores are above graze the same area as soon as regrowth is available.Ani- or below 3, then corrective measure should be taken such mals continue to utilize previously grazed areas because the as developing new water sources, moving mineral feeders, immature regrowth is more palatable and of higher nutritive developing new fencing patterns,and the application of pre- value.Ungrazed areas in the pasture continue to increase in scribed fire. maturity, decline in nutritive value, and become increasingly Another method of judging grazing utilization ismeasuring less palatable.The decline in forage utilization (harvest effi- the height of key grazing species throughout the pasture ciency)results in wasted forage and decreased profit potential (Table 6). This method requires a measuring device and a from the livestock operation. In either case, proper stocking systematic grid similar to the previously described method. rate and some form of rotational stocking could improve the Utilization heights are different for different ecological sites net profitability of the livestock production system. and different regions of precipitation. In forests or savannas, Stocking rate has a major impact on animal performance use the height for tallgrass prairie. and overall profitability of the livestock production system.Fig- Once a grazing pattern is evident,you must then decide ure 5 indicates that maximum individual animal performance whether improvements such as building cross fences,spray- occurs at light stocking rates because there is little competition ing herbicides, developing new water sources, or changing for the best forage plants in the pasture.As stocking rate is stocking rates will improve the profitability of the operation. increased, the level of animal performance is reduced due Using the previous examples, producers with good forage to increased competition. The opportunity for diet selection production records can determine the proper stocking rate afforded by low stocking rates ensures that individual animal for their land. performance is maximized. Figure 5 also indicates that as stocking rate increases,the amount of weight gain produced Stocking Rate Effects on Livestock per acre is increased up to a threshold and then declines. A famous football coach once commented that three Production Systems possibilities exist when you throw a forward pass, and two Overstocking of rangeland, or overstocking introduced of the three were bad.The same situation exists for stocking forages coupled with a poor fertility program,typically leads rate; three possibilities exist (correct stocking, over-stock- to a reduction in desirable forage species and an invasion of ing, under-stocking) and two of them are unacceptable in weeds and undesirable grasses such as broomsedge and a production system. The most important aspect of Figure threeawn.As the incidence of undesirable species increases 5, however, illustrates the stocking rate at which maximum at the expense of the more desirable forage species,animal net return occurs.This generally takes place at a moderate performance declines and the carrying capacity of the grazing stocking rate,ora compromise point between forage resource management unit is reduced.This situation is characterized conservation and animal performance. as an overgrazed situation because of a change in forage Moderate stocking rate will vary according to those forage species. The results are decreased profitability both from species used in the specific production system. Producers a livestock production standpoint and the possible need for who continually use heavy stocking rates in an attempt to improve net profitability, however, should realize that they have already passed the point at which maximum net return may be realized. 2871-5 Table 5.Guidelines for estimating forage utilization on native rangeland. Utilization Key species Plant description class degree of use 1 0-20% Little or no use of the key grazing species.Grazing use is not apparent from a dis- tance.With close inspection,a few plants of the key species show evidence of light use. Grazed patches are small or not present,grazed heights 8 to 10 inches. 2 21-40% A few of the key grazing species have short stubble heights,but this is not evident as seen from a distance.Otherwise,key species appear unused.Grazed patches 2 to 3 feet in diameter, grazed from 4 to 8 inches. 3 41-60% Stubble heights of key grazing specles are non-uniform because of varying degrees of grazing between individual plants.Some use of less preferred species.Grazed patches greater than 3 feet in diameter,grazed from 2 to 6 inches.Most plants will show some grazing use. 4 61-80% Stubble heights of key grazing species are fairly uniform and quite short. Less preferred species have received some use.No ungrazed patches.Some trampling damage and bare ground. 5 81-100% Stubble heights of key grazing species are uniformly short. Heavy use of less preferred species.Trampling effects from concentrated animal use are evident. barbed wire IV O O O O © O © OO (D 0 electric wire Figure 4.Grid points are evenly spaced approximately 260 feet apart.Transects are 240 feet apart(120 feet from fences). A grazing utilization pattern will help to assess the harvest efficiency. soil fertility. There is some misunderstanding regarding po- tential profitability of introduced forage and native rangeland Summary livestock production systems. Some people believe that Stocking rate is the key element to successful livestock because some introduced forages can generally be grazed production.The use of improper stocking rates can reduce both more heavily than native rangeland,the profit is proportionally thevigorof desirable forage species and animal performance. more. Introduced forages, however, if not managed wisely, This results in decreased profitability and sustainability of the can increase input costs, but the producer may realize little, production system. if any, increased production or profitability when compared Introduced forages generally have higher production to native rangeland systems. potentials than native plant communities, but the increase Different management techniques are required for intro- comes at a cost for inputs associated with maintenance of duced forages relative to native rangeland.Native rangeland 2871-6 Table 6.Height of key forage species by plant community type. Plant Community Type High Gain/animal -" -•- _ - Net Retumlacre Level Tallgrass Midgrass Shortgrass of use Prairie Prairie Prairie '" . Light or No_ne >10 inches....�. ...�..-..mm. �,,» . � •.�. >6 inches >4 inches Moderate 6-10 inches 4-5 inches 2-3 inches •°""wM�,.. Zero , Gain/acre Heavy 4-5 inches 2-3 inches <2 inches Severe <4 inches <2 inches <1 inch ... ........ _• Very Light Moderate Heavy light Stocking Rate can not be utilized to the same degree as introduced forages Figure 5.Influence of stocking rate on individual animal except under specialized conditions.Itis criticalthat producers performance,gain per acre,and net return per acre. understand the forage resource under their control and stock livestock appropriately.For more information,contact your lo- cal county Cooperative Extension Agriculture Agent or obtain PSS-2864 Grazing Forest-Rangeland in Eastern one of the following OSU Extension Publications. Oklahoma NREM-5032 Lease Hunting Opportunities for Oklahoma PSS-2567 Grazing Systems for Pastures Landowners PSS-2584 Forage-Budgeting Guidelines E-926 Grazing Management on Rangeland for Beef Production E-927 Using Prescribed Fire in Oklahoma 2871-7 The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Bringing the University to You! The Cooperative Extension Service is the largest, 0 It provides practical,problem-oriented education most successful informal educational organization for people of all ages. It is designated to take the in the world. It is a nationwide system funded and knowledge of the university to those persons guided by a partnership of federal, state, and local who do not or cannot participate in the formal governments that delivers information to help people classroom instruction of the university. help themselves through the land-grant university 0 It utilizes research from university, government, system. and other sources to help people make their own Extension carries out programs in the broad catego- decisions. ries of agriculture,natural resources and environment; 0 More than a million volunteers help multiply the family and consumer sciences;4-H and other youth; impact of the Extension professional staff. and community resource development. Extension staff members live and work among the people they 0 It dispenses no funds to the public. serve to help stimulate and educate Americans to 0 It is not a regulatory agency, but it does inform plan ahead and cope with their problems. people of regulations and of theiroptions in meet- Some characteristics of the Cooperative Extension ing them. system are: 0 Local programs are developed and carried out in • The federal, state, and local governments co- full recognition of national problems and goals. operatively share in its financial support and 0 The Extension staff educates people through program direction. personal contacts, meetings, demonstrations, • It is administered by the land-grant university as and the mass media. designated by the state legislature through an 0 Extension has the built-in flexibility to adjust its Extension director. programs and subject matter to meet new needs. • Extension programs are nonpolitical, objective, Activities shiftfrom yearto year as citizen groups and research-based information. and Extension workers close to the problems advise changes. t,Jklaronrtt stage university,in corrtd:sYi arwcm•vollh TWe V1 and Vll of the t;avlll Aiht:,,y+cl of 19,64,Executivo ader 11246 a.. amenJud,%Iqe IX of the Education Amendmerits of 1972,,Aenodcans with Oi;nubllitlen A V.1 of'1990,and other fedoiral Irani and e 'mations,lour A riot dilicrimPlaW on the hash cd tmxe,color,,n.alRn)M origin,deridor,age,religion,disability,or status as a vongan in ally of d6s lnerolirVuupractices,or trriwlilitom,.°I"his inclwrrdus 61 is not Ilaaa to d to rt4'trd14'S wicarru„v;rrnt5t.ry fuenl,firm tial aPict,and erduralionai nrnvla.os. Ir l.aaatd In furRiant arice 0 rv,o,e,!r AlS"v Epq nil'i loll work,r;rcN o,toey N and limo-,ail 1014,in Corvlreralron venh the IJ`,.,Drif ar niont art AI]riculiure,Rot�.led E.Whitson,Director of Qwest ouMive Cox.. tlenorin Semico,C1flnkol mnax Siam Urlivrn.,1,Sldlwator„416+Irpharnn,1tai�t ptlbli:%atiorr i grl,nlei�t and hrlmf,1 by Dklahorro State @JNvonAy,a��r uthcor+r.�r.J by the Vice f resident,Dean,w�wd Director of tiro r PvWir n rig Atli mirnal�fl�tntnrA�. .1arid Nativai RF,!,CJaa^amn acid hn:;barren praeµsarwod rrea�j nt a cast of b2 f,i a'rts per Copy,0703 2871-8 Agronomy Facts 43 Four steps t rotational A well-managed pasture program can be the most Table 1.Animal units of various species and classes of economical way to provide forage to ruminant livestock. animals. On dairy farms where pasture makes up a significant portion of the forage program, feed costs LWESTOCK ANIMAL UNITS may be reduced during the grazing season by$.50 to airy* $1.00 a day per cow. However, careful planning and 1000-Ib dairy caw(maintenance) 1.0 sound management are needed to optimize pasture 500-Ib dairy cow(last 2 months of gestation) 1.0 utilization and animal performance. Knowing your 1000-Ib dairy cow(last 2 months of gestation) 1.2 1300-Ib dairy cow(last 2 months of gestation) 1.5 animals,plants,and soils and being able to respond to b mature dairy bull 1e4 their needs are skills that must be developed if 1505500-I0-1-lb growing dairy heifer 1.4 rotational grazing is to be successful on your farm. Using your land resources to develop a pasture Beef cattle system that fits in with your total animal, forage, and 1000-Ib dry cow 1,0 1300-lb dry cow 1,3 crop program is an important first step in pasture 1000-lb lactating cow(first months after calving) 1.3 management. A major goal is to provide quality 1300-Ib lactating cow(first 4 months after calving) 1a6 pasture for the grazing animals throughout the grazing 2000-Ib mature bull 1.7 season. Information provided in this brochure can 550-lb growing-finishing steer(2 Ib per day gain) 1.2 help you plan to attain this goal. See • 110-Ib brood ewe .15 Example:A beef cow herd of thirty 1300-pound 132-Ib brood ewe .17 cows with calves and one 2000-pound bull is used 175-lb brood ewe 20 as an example to demonstrate the four steps to 300-lb mature ram .40 rotational grazing. 110-to 132-Ib replacement ewe®Iambs,yearlings .22 ---------- ...... 220-lb replacement ram®lambs,yearlings .42 STEP 1. *Animal units for lactating cows are difficult to determine Determine the number of animal units that will be in because of supplemental feeding. the grazing system. The first step to rotational grazing is to determine the Determine total AU of herd using the equation forage requirements of your herd or flock based on AU X number of animals=AU animal units(AU). One animal unit is equivalent to +AU X number of animals=AU the daily forage intake of a 1000-pound dry cow Total AU of herd (about 25 pounds of dry forage per day). Dry matter forage intake varies with animal species and class. Example: 1300-1b cow with calf= 1.6 AU, and Table 1 gives some typical animal unit values for 2000-1b bull= 1.7AU various species and classes of livestock. 1.6 AU X 30 cows=48.0 + 1.7AUX 1 bull= 1.7 49.7 (50)AU of herd PENNSTATE_• . mmmm_IT College of Agricultural Sciences•Cooperative Extension STEP 2. medium-producing orchardgrass and white clover Estimate how many acres will be needed throughout pasture would need only 0.7 acres for each AU. the grazing season. Estimating the number of acres required to pasture a herd or flock depends on both the feed requirements Example: Step 1 determined that the herd con- of the animals and the available forage produced. tains 50 AU. The herd will be grazing medium- Pasture growth is dependent upon plant species, soil producing orchardgrass and white clover pasture. characteristics,topography, fertilization,temperature, May (0.7 acres/AU)X 50 AU=35 acres and soil moisture. Because of the variability in pasture June(0.7 acres/AU)X 50 AU=35 acres growth, we can only estimate the number of acres required for grazing animals. Table 2 provides some July (1.2 acres/AU)X 50 AU=60 acres estimated values of the acres required for grazing Aug(1.2 acres/AU)X 50 AU=60 acres Sept(1.2 acres/AU)X 50 AU =60 acres animals on various types of pasture. To estimate how much pasture a herd or flock will Oct(6.2 acres/AU) X 50 AU=310 acres need, first calculate the total AU of the herd(Step 1). Using Table 2, estimate how many acres each AU For the example herd, 60 acres will be sufficient will need during each month of the grazing season. for much of the year. However,there will be excess For example, if the herd will be grazing medium- forage in the spring,and the herd will need to receive producing Kentucky bluegrass and white clover supplemental forage in October. During this deficit pasture in June,approximately 1.3 acres will be period in the fall, stockpiled tall fescue or brassicas needed to support each AU. The same herd grazing could be utilized. Table 2.Acreage required to provide the forage needs per animal unit assuming 70 percent pasture utilization. PASTURE ANNUAL ACRES REQUIRED TO PROVIDE FORAGE NEEDS FOR ONE ANIMAL UNIT* PASTURE SPECIES PRODUCT DM YIELD APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TIA ACRES/AU Bluegrass and medium 2.0 5.4 0.6 1.3 5.5 5.5 2.2 3.5 white clover Orchardgrass low 2.0 1.0 1.1 1.8 1,8 1.8 9.2 and white clover medium 3.0 0.7 0,7 1.2 1,2 1.2 6.2 high 3.5 0.6 0.6 1.1 1,1 1.0 5.3 Orchardgrass low 2,0 5.4 0.8 1.3 2.8 2.3 1.8 9.2 plus nitrogen medium 3.0 3.6 0.5 0.9 1.8 1.5 1.2 6.2 high 4.5 2.4 0.4 0.6 1.2 1.0 0.8 4.1 Stockpiled tall medium 4.5 2.4 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 fescue Summer seeded medium 3.0 0,9 0,4 0.4 brassicas *Based on an animal unit consuming 25 pounds of dry matter forage per day with 70 percent of pasture utilized. Note:Actual acreage will depend on pasture yield,dry matter intake,and efficiency of pasture utilization. 2 STEP 3. STEP 4. Estimate how large each paddock should be. Estimate the number ofpaddocks needed. Paddock size depends on the AU of the herd,the The number of paddocks needed for a rotational amount of available pasture at the beginning of grazing system will depend on the number of days the grazing, and the desired grazing period. Available animals graze in a paddock and the maximum sum- pasture is pasture present in a paddock at the start of mer rest period needed. Rest periods should be based grazing minus the amount present when the animals on the growth rate of the pasture,which will vary with are removed from the paddock. Depending on plant the season and weather conditions(Table 4). density,typical Pennsylvania pastures have about 300 pounds of pasture for each inch of height. If a herd is Table 4. Paddock rest periods for rotational grazing turned into a paddock when the pasture is 7 inches tall systems. and taken off when the pasture is 4 inches tall, WEATHER GROWTH approximately 900 to 1000 pounds of pasture are SEASON CONDITIONS RATE REST PERIOD available. Table 3 provides some suggested paddock Spring Cool®moist Fast 10®14 days sizes(acres per AU)for rotational grazing. Spring Warm,dry Medium 14®20 days Summer Hot,moist Slow 30-35 days Summer Hot,dry fiery slows 40-60 days Table 3.Paddock sizes based on grazing period and available pasture. Since growth rate is affected by soil productivity GRAZING AVAILABLE PASTURE PERIOD, %PASTURE (LB DRY MATTER PER ACRE) and fertility levels, even within a pasture system, rest DAYS UTILIZATION* 750 1000 1500 periods will vary. The best way to manage this ACRES/AU situation is to have a flexible rotational scheme, 1 80 0.042 0.031 0.021 moving animals to those paddocks that have reached 2 75 0.089 0.067 0.044 their optimum available pasture.Animals should be 3 75 0.133 0.100 0.067 kept off a particular paddock until it reaches its 4 70 0.190 0.143 0.095 desired optimum available pasture. 5 65 0.256 0.192 0.128 Spring management usually involves diverting some of the paddocks out of the rotation scheme and These are estimates of the percentage of pasture actually using the forage for hay or silage. This effectively consumed.Utilization is usually improved as grazing pressure is shortens the rest period between grazings and im- increased, proves utilization of rapid spring growth. (Maximum days rest divided by number of days To calculate paddock size,multiply the suggested grazing)+ I =paddock number acres per AU by the AU in the herd. Example: The herd will graze each paddock for 3 Example:The herd will graze each paddock for 3 days, and the maximum rest period between days when 1000 pounds of pasture are available. grazings will be 35 days. 0.1 acre/AU X 50 AU=5 acres in each paddock (35 days rest divided by 3 days grazing)+ 1 = 13 paddocks Use of temporary interior fences is recommended .. for flexibility. Species and class of grazing animal may determine the grazing period. Since lactating dairy cows need consistent forage quality,the grazing period for them may be anywhere from .5 to 2 days. However, beef cows, brood ewes, and most other ruminants do not need consistent forage quality, so a grazing period of 3 or more days may suffice. 3 Prepared by J.Craig Williams,assistant extension agent,and Marvin H.Hall,associate professor of agronomy. Where trade names appear,no discrimination is intended,and no endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is implied. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work,Acts of Congress May 8 and June 30, 1914,in cooperation with the U.S.Department of Agriculture and the Pennsylvania Legislature. J.L.Starling,Director of Cooperative Extension,The Pennsylvania State University. This publication is available in alternative media on request. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs,facilities,admission,and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability,performance,or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities.The Pennsylvania State University does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry,color,disability or handicap,national origin,race,religious creed,sex,sexual orientation,or veteran status.Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director,The Pennsylvania State University,201 Willard Building, University Park,PA 16802-2801;tel.(814)863-0471;TDD(814)865-3175. @ The Pennsylvania State University 1994 R5M296ps 'AS1763 L m ivestock, Water 0 t Requiremen Is Miranda A. Meehan Gerald Stokka Michelle Mostrom Extension Livestock Extension Veterinarian/Livestock Veterinary Toxicologist Environmental Stewardship Specialist Stewardship Specialist Providing adequate water y �^ to livestock is critical for animal health and production. A 10 percent loss of body water is fatal to most species of domestic livestock. r'� �✓ i' !U '/�/ .,>> ,�� o,W `� �p 44 � Water accounts for more than � 98 percent of all molecules in the body and between 50 and er 81 P f an animal's cent o total body weight at maturity. r �� 1 Water is required for regulation � � �� i i i N I i � r4 �a�/Jbx� �1%ip�����R'� ✓ Y�ort��f����lf J.. r (, I' C ,; ✓ ��. � ✓� G I(� ✓%W ✓aG r+ Ir ni✓�4 I,�111r� bJ of body temperature, growth, � ,� � � ,��' ' � ��,����`��'� ���� ,��� �� �,��, ✓,�� � ��T ���� ,,�, ,7, � ,��� � �;('�J���✓,Jti,�„� �i� � ✓��11�1 h�;�% ✓, �G/l�f�H���� jilf� �1 i P1j�i f����l4 �/��y,✓� `ti✓�' ,����Vi��/%/1 N�%J�� reproduction, lactation, I' �i✓ � ,. �/� 1,J ✓iii/>.. � r��Mft��/��r� l✓ rw�i i ✓ i � l it ✓, ✓ f�r��f'1�'r d f�/ �' /i r a 4i�„� 1 a�l l f��✓✓°� r y digestion,lubrication of � �<<� � ;� � � w��r,� �� � � �`�� � � � ���� ✓�� y err„ joiu nts, and eyesight. �,<v ✓'; � '� i,� i�u� , .: � i A ,.a °lis �, . �J ,✓ G � ��M!,,,; , Livestock water requirements vary significantly depending on the species. Water consumption is influenced by a number of factors, including age,rate of gain,pregnancy, lactation, activity, type of diet, feed intake and environmental temperature. Livestock obtain water to meet their requirements from wells,fountains, surface water and moisture found in feedstuffs. NDSUEXTENSION SERVICE July 2015 Beef Cattle Water requirements of beef cattle are a function of the stage of production,lactation and environmental temperature (Table 1). Beef cattle water requirements increase as the weight of the animal increases,during pregnancy and lactation, and with elevated temperatures. Water requirements also vary depending on the moisture in feedstuffs (Table 2). Limiting water intake reduces feed consumption and animal performance. Table 1. Estimated daily water intake (gallons per head per day) for beef cows based on temperature and level of production. Growing Cattle Finishing Cattle Pregnant Cows Lactating Cows Mature Bulls Temp. 400 lb 600 lb 800 lb 600 lb 800 lb 1,000 lb 900 lb 1,110 lb 900 lb 1,400 lb 16,000 lb 40 4.0 5.3 6.3 6.0 73 .... 87 6.7 6.0 11.4 8.0 8.7 50 4.3 5.8 6.8 6.5 7.9 9.4 7.2 6.5 12.6 8.6 9.4 60 5.0 6.6 7.9 7.4 9.1 10.8 8.3 7.4 14.5 9.9 10.8 70 5.8 7.8 9.2 8.7 10.7 12.6 9.7 8.7 16.9 11.7 12.6 80 6.7 8.9 10.6 10.0 12.3 14.5 17.9 13.4 14.5 90 9.5 12.7 15.0 14.3 17.4 20.6 16.2 19.0 20.6 Adapted from Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle:Seventh Revised Edition:Updated 2000,2000,NRC Table 2. Water consumption estimates for beef cattle based on thermal environment and dry-matter (DM) intake. Thermal Environment Water Requirements >95 F 8 to 15 pounds of water per pound of DM intake 77 to 95 F 4 to 10 pounds of water per pound of DM intake 59 to 77 F 3 to 5 pounds of water per pound of DM intake (young and lactating cattle require 10 to 15 percent more water) 29 to 59 F 2 to 4 pounds of water per pound of DM intake <29 F 2 to 3 pounds of water per pound of DM intake(increases of 50 to 100 percent occur with a rise in ambient temperature following a period of very cold temperatures;for example, a rise from minus 5 to 30 F.) Adapted from Effects of Environment on Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals, 1981,NRC Dairlyr Cattle Water constitutes 87 percent of milk with, Table 3. Water requirements (gallons per head per day) approximately 30 percent of water consumed for dairy cows based on level of production. by dairy cattle being lost through milk. Class Age Milk Production Water Intake Thus, dairy cattle water requirements are -�. strongly influenced by the stage of production (lbs milk/day) Calves 1 to 4 months 1.3 to 3.5 and level of milk production(Table 3). Heifers 5 to 24 months 3.8 to 9.6 Milking cows 24+ months 30 18 to 22 The majority(about 83 percent) of water Milking cows 24+ months 50 23 to 27 consumed by dairy cattle is consumed by Milking cows 24+months 80 30 to 36 drinking,with the remaining water coming Milking cows 24+months 100 35 to 41 from feedstuffs. Water requirements are Dry cows 24+months 9 to 13 influenced by the animal's diet and will increase with increases in dry matter, salt and protein. Horses Horse water intake is highly variable. Table 4. Estimated daily water intake (gallons per head per day) Water intake is a based on body weight, for horses as influenced by class, activity level and temperature. age,diet,exercise intensity and duration, Class Activity Level Body Weight Temp. Water Intake lactation and temperature (Table 4). ...................__......-.._. . (Ib) (F) Horses fed a fiber-rich forage-based Yearling Moderate 661 14 4.8 diet require more water than those Yearling Moderate 661 68 5.0 fed a more digestible grain diet. Pregnant 1,102 68 8.1 Horses that are hot from exercise Lactating 1,102 68 13.5 should have limited access to water Mature Idle 1,102 -4 11.1 Mature Idle 1,102 68 8.2 to prevent colic,laminitis and/or Mature Idle 1,102 86 12.7 exertional rhabdomyolysis (tying up). Mature Moderate 1,102 68 10.8 Mature Moderate 1,102 95 21.7 Adapted from Nutrient Requirements of Horses:Sixth Revised Edition,2007,NRC Sheep Table 5 lists water requirements Table 5. Water intake (gallons per head per day) for different categories of sheep. for sheep. Sheep are able to obtain most of their Class Weight Water Intake water requirements from forage consumption. In addition to weight (ibs) Lambs 5 to 20 0.1 to 0.3 and level of production,water intake Feeder Iambs 60 to 110 1.0 to 1.5 also increases in response to increases Pregnant ewes 175+ 1.0 to 2.0 in environmental temperature. Lactating ewes 175+ 2.0 to 3.0 Rams 175+ 1.0 to 2.0 Swine Table 6 provides water requirements Table 6. Water requirements for swine based on level of maturity (gallons per pig per day) for swine. and weight. Other factors that influence Class - Water Intake swine water requirements include dtemperature,housing d Nursery(up to 60 lbs) 0.7 to 1 diet, tem P g anGrower(60-100 lbs) 2 to 3 feeding methods. Finishing (100-250 lbs.) 3 to 5 Nonpregnant gilts 3 to 5 Water intake increases as protein and Pregnant sows 3 to 6 salt increase in the diet. Swine fed a Lactating sows 5 to 7 high-energy diet that are deprived of Boars 3 to 6 water(such as can occur during power outages) then are allowed free access to water(power restored) are at risk of salt poisoning(cerebral edema). They should be given access to water sparingly until fully rehydrated. Dehydration ii Limited water access,limited water availability, Water consumption can be impacted by water quality environmental temperatures,stress and illness can Livestock that are provided low-quality water will result in dehydration or lack of water. Common signs have reduced water and feed intake,resulting in of dehydration include lethargy,tightening of the skin, reduced production. Certain salts and gases in solution, weight loss,and drying of mucous membranes and eyes. such as those consisting of sodium,potassium,calcium, magnesium,chloride and sulfate make water more Here are some other s palatable.However,these same salts and gases can be toxic if present in excess. Cattle and sheep—The eyes will appear sunken and dull. In lactating dairy cows, dehydration results in Livestock never should be forced to drink dirty or a near cessation of milk production. contaminated water. Dirty or stale water can reduce water consumption.Providing grazing livestock with Horses—Dehydration reduces skin elasticity. One way fresh water has been shown to increase weight gains. to determine if a horse is dehydrated is by skin folds. Dirty water is a hast for disease organisms. Disease can Pull the skin over the shoulder and hold a moment. Release and count the seconds until the fold disappears. spread rapidly if animals drink from the same water If the horse is dehydrated,the skin will stand for several source,so sick animals should be isolated and waterers seconds. should be cleaned frequently. Swine—Dehydration can result in salt poisoning and Waterers can be disinfected using a dilute bleach solution often is fatal. Early signs of dehydration in swine include following cleaning.A dilute bleach solution of 2 to 3 ounces thirst,constipation,skin irritation and lack of appetite. for each 50 gallons of tank capacity of bleach containing This often is followed by nervousness, apparent deafness 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite applied weekly also and blindness. Pigs affected by salt poisoning will be will suppress algae growth. uncoordinated and have intermittent convulsions. Proper installation of the waterer or tank base will prevent fecal contamination of water. The base should be wide Stress enough so animals easily can place their front legs on it while drinking,but not their hind legs.This will keep Reduced water consumption can be a sign of unfamiliarity, animals from defecating in the water. sickness or other stressors.New animals initially may refuse water due to unfamiliarity of water sources and differences in palatability. Water intake in new livestock should be monitored Water is an important, but often overlooked, carefully to make sure they have located the source and are consuming water. With lightweight calves and sheep, nutrient. Livestock water requirements are be sure the watering source is of adequate height to affected by many factors including, size, allow access because animals may not be able to reach productivity, diet and environmental the source. conditions. Good water quality and cleanliness can increase water intake and improve livestock production. Limited access or reduced water consumption can result in dehydration, which can be fatal to livestock. Cover photo by Gerald Stokka For more information on this and other topics,see www.ag.ndsu.edu NDSU encourages you to use and share this content,but please do so under the conditions of our Creative Commons license. You may copy,distribute,transmit and adapt this work as long as you give full attribution,don't use the work for commercial purposes and share your resulting work similarly.For more information,visit www.ag.ndsu.edu/agcomm/creative-commons. North Dakota State University does not discriminate on the basis of age,color,disability,gender expression/identity,genetic information,marital status,national origin,public assistance status, sex,sexual orientation,status as a U.S.veteran,race or religion.Direct inquiries to the Vice President for Equity.Diversity and Global Outreach,102 Putnam Hall,(701)231-7708. County Commissions,NDSU and U.S..,Department of Agriculture Cooperating. This publication will be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities upon request,(701)231-7881. 200-7-15 .'oultry Water consumption Page 1 of 4 l Ill Hu Prr IN;''II ri s!: OHaini°u I1111:10i;' e I110e,i�Il�l'.<:�Q liriail :nun'ess y xIlAaa iod u,�,'rr�'uila 0 NOi,an���u.utiv y IIu��O"S I3oovkNa4s, su ui:uwl',tlll'h'l',Ilii @+,mr,Mu Cc�:s Nie,nU' POULTRY WATER CONSUMPTION THIS PAGE CONTAINS GRAPHS OF 1. Water consumption of Leg horn Pullets at varying temperatures 2. Water consumption of standard meat type pullets at varying temperatures 3. Water consumption of standard leghorn pullets in cages at varying temperatures 4. Water consumption of straight run broilers at varying temperatures 5. Water consumption by standard meat-type growing pullets for females grown separately, on daily or skip-a-day feed restriction at varying temperatures 6. Daily water consumption of broilers raised in hostile climates at varying temperatures 1. Water Consumption of Leghorn Pullets at varying temperatures A—go t ft" - 10C 3 260 3 °C 3$®C— w --- — --- - Ile 100 o 1 2 3 4 S d 7 8 9 10 11 19 19 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 91 22 Age(weeks) Water consumption of Leghorn growing pullets. 2. Water Consumption by Standard Meat Type Pullets at varying temperatures https://www.heatstress.info/heatstressinfo/Admin/WaterandFeedconsumptioninpoultry/tabi... 1/30/2018 oultry Water consumption Page 2 of 4 T uro ---10°C - - -21.0°C aM —32.011C .- ---38.0°C e CL200 6 100 2 4 6 9 So 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Age(weeks) 3. Water Consumption of Standard Leghorn Pullets in Cages at varying temperatures wo 450 d 9r� n �. aso 300 . -� _ ,Qc �. 200 100 rA m 1 2 3 4 5 6.7 8-12 13-18 19-48 99-49 60-60 Weak of egg production Water consumption of standard laying Leghorn pullets In cages, 4. Water Consumption of Straight run broilers at varying temperatures https://www.heatstress.info/heatstressinfo/Admin/WaterandFeedconsumptioninpoultry/tabi... 1/30/2018 oultry Water consumption Page 3 of 4 A no T -10°C - -. - 21°C 260 — — 32°CCD 380C W CL 200 . w® �i150 % . _ . _ . . . - --- - -- � too // T _ —. �� —,. ..�...� .� — ..-, .� •—_ so o 1 2 3 4 5 4 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 Age(weeks) S. Water consumption by standard meat-type growing pullets for females grown separately, on daily or skip-a-day feed restriction at varying temperatures 4M 7 m _ a ---10°C SM 52 _..21.0°C 25 4M —32.0°c 38.000 ip E No z 2 4 6 a 10 12 14 15 1e 20 22 21 Age(weeks) 6. Daily water consumption of broilers raised in hostile climates at varying temperatures One bird in one day at different temperatures* Temp Week 1 =Week Week 3 jI Week 4Week Sf Week 6 E30°c 30mL� 100mL 18omL250mL 300mL 400mL 32oc35 c 95mL 1 6mL 220mL 270mL 340mL 420mL 55mL 150mL 250mL 300mL 400mL 450mL *Temperature taken inside shed at bird level https://www.heatstress.info/heatstressinfo/Admin/WaterandFeedconsumptioninpoultry/tabi... 1/30/2018 oultry Water consumption Page 4 of 4 ©Ruth Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd ©Rural Chemical Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved do Privacy .Statement �V arms a 9P Base https://www.heatstress.info/heatstressinfo/Admin/WaterandFeedconsumptioninpoultry/tabi... 1/30/2018 PATRICIA C. MOORE C �� ... Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road ' ` Southold,New York 11971 I Tel: (631)765-4330 f Fax: (631)765-4643 February 8, 2018 Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Agricultural Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Building Premises: 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient Dear Mr. Wilcenski and Board: William Kelly will be providing, under separate cover, additional documents in response to the email from your staff. In addition we submit the following written response: a. Provide a Visual Impact Analysis to measure the potential scenic impact of the building and its orientation on the subject parcel(details to be discussed); We do not agree to prepare a "Visual Impact Analysis" for this agricultural structure. This request is unnecessary, contrary to "right to farm law" and an expensive and time consuming request. The proposed barn is more than 500 feet from Route 25. The agricultural view shed is protected, the view from Route 25 is active agricultural production (Row Crops). The barn is between the row crops and pastures where it is needed for farming of the lands. As stated in my October 24, 2017 response "we object to preparation of a "view shed analysis". Our position has not changed. We concur with the Agricultural Advisory Committee letter dated January 31,2018. b. Stake the corners of the proposed building and provide an indication of the height of the building on site; We have requested that Nathan Taft Corwin III, surveyor, stake the corners of the proposed barn. As soon as this is done we will advise you. The height of the proposed structure is, conforming to code, therefore, the height is not an issue. William Kelly will provide a copy of the elevations in your file showing the height of the building. The Planning Board and your staff are capable of reviewing plans and visualizing a barn. We do not understand how to assist the Board with the following request... "provide an indication of the height of the building on site"- all I can suggest is extending a balloon to the height of the corners of the proposed structure. Certainly a structure which is conforming to the zoning does not need this visual cue. As planning professionals you do not need this. It is not your role to educate the neighbors, particularly not at the owner's time and expense. Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair Southold Town Planning Board February 8, 2018 Page 2 c. Provide a detailed floor plan showing the uses inside the building;Yes- William Kelly will deliver on February 8, 2018 a copy of the floor plan in your possession with hand written description of the interior agricultural uses. The space in the building provides flexibility between housing animals and equipment storage. The interior spaces will be used for legal agricultural uses. We are not site planning a CVS drug store (retail, storage etc.), this agricultural barn has been designed for general agricultural uses. Storage of animals and equipment in accordance with the DR easement. d. Provide a list and description of the agricultural equipment to be stored;This was provided to you already on October 24, 2017. The larger equipment was itemized in the letter (John Deere Tractor, John Deere gator, John Deere zero turn radius lawn mower, pick up truck). Site plan review does not include micro management of the farm equipment. The barn may store wagons, drag, plow, cultivator, disk-harrow, row planters, and farm tenant's equipment. The equipment is constantly changing. There does not need to be any more description. e. Provide a detailed list of potential animals on site and the maximum number of each at any given time, including whether they will be on pasture or housed entirely within a building. Also include how the animals will be used(meat, dairy, eggs), and how they or their products will be processed and stored. Once received, Planning Staff would coordinate with the USDA to verify if the subject parcel can sustain the prospective type and quantity of animals; No, you are micro managing the farm operation. We provided to you in October (snap shot) written list of animals on the farm "chickens, goats, pigs and horses". In October he had 3 horses. His pigs were sent to RI to be slaughtered for family and friend consumption, spring pigs are expected. His goats are also consumed in the spring. This building is proposed for multiple animal husbandry uses i.e. lambing, birthing, medical treatment, and shelter (William Kelly will deliver to you "stocking rates" from professional university sources. This property can sustain the animals on the property. The State of New York regulates this issue, it is not in the Town's jurisdiction.) Mr. Tenedios had already addressed this issue in October. He has a family farm primarily for family consumption (eggs, pigs and goats). The balance of the farm is commercial row crops by his tenant farmer. Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair Southold Town Planning Board February 8, 2018 Page 3 f. Provide a farm management plan that delineates animal pastures/holding pens and row crops as proposed, and provides the size, in acres, of each area/pasture; No- the location of the pastures, pens and row crops may change. This farm is well managed and the location of pastures, pens and crops will be decisions made by the farmer, are not to be site planned, and not reviewable by the Planning Board. Nevertheless, this is answered by the "stocking rates' above, This farm will comply with proper farm management practices...this can be a "condition" of site plan approval. In addition, we provided a letter from Alan Connell, Conservation Specialist frorn USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service dated November 20, 2017. He made a site inspection and provided his written comments. He had no concern regarding the number of animals, the location of the pastures, pens or row crops. His recommendations for buffers from wetlands are already in place. g. Provide water flow and usage details for the proposed operation; William Kelly will deliver by separate cover water usage (gallons per day) for each species presently on the property. This further addresses e., f. and g. above. The State of New York regulates water usage. h. Provide the number of employees and prospective bathroom facilities (if portable bathrooms are used, show the number and location); The number of employees may change, presently there is one employee. There are tenant farmers in active agriculture on the premises. There are portable bathrooms next to one of the existing barns, location of portables may change (we can agree to keep them a certain distance from the property line)....if a permanent bathroom is provided in the building at a later date, my client would install a nitrogen free system (per Health Department standards). i. Note location, size and use of any buildings/structures added to the site and not shown on the site plan. There are multiple animal shelters which are less than 100 sq.ft. and are accessory to the agricultural use. They are not permanent structures and are subject to relocation depending on the needs of the animals. We do not want to list them because the number may change. The chicken coop does not need to be site planned. Accessory structures should not be site planned on an agricultural site plan. Any list would be obsolete and inaccurate as soon as completed because the sheds could change every season. It is my understanding that the Board and staff have been to the property, if there is a particular shed you want us to list or have hand drawn onto the plan, we can discuss it specifically. Once the building is constructed, the location and need for sheds will change. Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair Southold Town Planning Board February 8, 2018 Page 4 There is no more to be studied or said about the proposed barn. You have professionally prepared drawings and site plan for an agricultural barn. My client clarified in writing, what appeared to be a misunderstanding in the Orient community of this farm as a result of social media and other hearsay sources. We met with several members of the community to give personal assurances of the farm uses. On November 13, 2017 1 submitted the application and SEQRA Long EAF correcting the small mistakes in the original application and responded to many of the same questions repeated by the recent email. We sought professional advice from Alan S. Connell, USDA. You have completed all your referrals. You asked for additional comments from the Agricultural Advisory Committee. While this was unnecessary, we welcomed their January 31, 2018 strong letter supporting agriculture. Enough is enough. Please approve this barn. Very truly-y. urs, f (—'Patricia C. Moore c: S. Tenedios Chris Baiz, Chairman P �a ,, Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 Douglas Cooper PO Box 1179 Jim Glover ° r Southold,NY 11971 Lou Caracciolo u� Tom Stevenson " John Sepenoski w , John B. Sepenoski, Jr. Karen Rivara 0 G° Mark Van Bourgondien AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ' ' ' ` `"'° January 31, 2018 Mr. Donald Wilcenski, Chairman And Members of the Planning Board Planning Board,Town of Southold 54375 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Planning Board Office Memorandum January 23, 2018 Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn, Orient, NY Dear sirs: The January 23, 2018 Memorandum from the Planning Board Office asks for comments on a number of demands that one might construe as precedent-setting because there is no basis in law for agriculture in the Town of Southold to be so micro-managed as to have to produce such information for a farm operation requested in Mr.Cummings'letter. If there ever were such law,it would contradict not only the Town's own "Right to Farm Law" found in Chapter 280, the Zoning Code, but would also contradict New York State Agriculture & Markets Law as well as New York State Agricultural District Law to which protections the Tenedios Farm is both registered to and entitled to with New York State.These laws were created because the Town of Southold and New York State realized decades ago that others,who are not the owners of farm lands, were over reaching in their own self-reverence for something that they otherwise could not afford to purchase themselves. The members of the Planning Board are fulling aware of the fragile nature of agriculture's economics, both in regard to the dollar costs and time costs of the specific demands presented here, as well as the efforts of others to reach beyond their own property lines. If others are so interested in a piece of farm land that needs to be economically viable in order to exist—or go out of business-those others should have purchased the property when it was available. Of course, if their hearts are true, they should privately make that offer today without charging the Town of Southold. If the buyer had been an Orient farmer, would the same demands be made?Where the Town might yet not have understanding is legally matching the needs of agriculture in Town law to the all-encompassing costs' structures in place on the North Fork of Long Island today. The United States Department of Agriculture at the Secretariat level has determined that our Town's farmlands are the most expensive to purchase and the most expensive to operate agriculturally,both for direct and indirect costs,in the United States of America. Cornell University, the State Agriculture College of New York State, doesn't understand how Southold Town's farm operations survive in these cost structures.Their implications are that agriculture should go out of business here by planting the final crop,of up to 20,000 more residential structures. Contrarily, the Town's agricultural industries, and these are businesses — not hobbies — can keep agriculture alive, and property taxes down for all other property owners along with other infrastructure demands and expenses,by keeping the lands in agriculture.This requires investments in those businesses, including property, plant, and equipment, as well as inventory in finished goods.This all means dollars of investment and capital. A ten-acre farm to be self-sustaining in the Town of Southold is today a multi- million dollar investment, at least$2.5 million to$5 million, plus the annual working capital requirement. The result is that the Town has failed to match the legal operating needs of agriculture for so many decades, that few of its agricultural businesses survive today, without massive out-of-town investment dollars.The Town and its non-agricultural residents should count their blessings that outsiders are willing to make such investments to keep the Town's lands in agriculture, despite all the smoke and chaff of the inexperienced and self-reverential residents. 1. Visual Impact Analysis—for agricultural purposes such a requirement may be at the discretion of the Planning Board only. It is not a legal requirement. The Planning Board will of course bear in mind the significant expense to graphically display such an analysis on paper($25,000 to$50,000). Perhaps, if it is so important to the Planning Board, the Town of Southold should bear the costs of such an analysis.The proposed barn is less than one-half of one percent in area of the 29.5 acre parcel it is to be sited.The parcel is allowed up to twenty percent lot coverage by barns and other agricultural structures, approximately 250,000 square feet, per the Town bulk schedules, versus 8700 square feet. Further, the barn is to be more than 500 feet set back from the Main Road— NYS Route 25, and more than 200 feet back from Narrow River Road for an end view of the barn. It is not just fifty or sixty feet back, as in so many commercial-zoned structures.There are many existing examples of barns in the Town of Southold of this proposed size, and much larger, that have not been required to produce such expensive documentation.To wit,the Hidden Lake Riding School barn on Rt. 48 west of Southold, the Lenz Winery storage barn behind the primary residence and its original barns, the Pindar Storage and winery barn of some 35,000 square feet, the Raphael winery,the van Bourgondien Family greenhouses, and the stables and riding barn in Mattituck behind the McDonald's, as examples. A field trip of not more than one hour's duration to these six sites might offer a more realistic concept of visual impact by observing existing agricultural structures. In fact, these and other agricultural buildings are the scenic vista. Members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee could join the Planning Board on such a site visit inspection to discuss. Then, there is the Port-of-Egypt boat storage building of a height of three boats high (30 feet or more?)and only one-building-width off the Main Road—NYS Route 25 near the Mill Creek Bridge. Due to lack of setback from the highway,that building may be construed as having"visual impact". 2. Staking the outline of a new barn is an "asked-and-answered" request, as the builder will have the batter boards in place, marking the corners of the agricultural structure, prior to beginning construction. Remember, the proposed barn is less than 8700 square feet in area. If it were to be used as a horse stall barn averaging 250 square feet per horse for both individual stalls and common center runway,this barn would have sixteen stalls per side, able to house thirty-two horses with a small tack room of 700 square feet. This size of agricultural building is too small to include an indoor training arena, unlike other horse-oriented agriculture buildings in the Town of Southold do.And, for pasturing and grazing, the size of the property of 29.5 acres plus 5.0 acres of the residential building lot, in total, would justify a thirty-two-stall-horse barn per Town Code of Town of Southold at one acre per horse.This is a small agricultural structure versus others that exist in the Town of Southold 3. While detailed floor plans showing the uses proposed inside the barn building might be interesting to those who also might be building their own agricultural barns,the activities of agriculture space usage and its designation are always evolving along with agricultural practices, crops, and markets.A tractor stall one year could be baled hay storage the next.This seems to be a question posed by one not so familiar with agriculture, and more interested in claiming in the future that the usage is not as originally stated and therefore a violation.The intent of the request is therefore suspect. The use of the Tenedios' agricultural barn is agriculture, and any effort to further differentiate is inconsistent with Agriculture District Laws of New York State, Ag and Markets Laws of New York State, and the Town of Southold's "Right to Farm Law". The Tenedios Farm is a registered farm property in the Agriculture District#1 of the Town of Southold with Suffolk County and New York State. The Agricultural Advisory Committee recommends the Planning Board might ask for a rough floor sketch,perhaps on the face of a brown kraft-paper grocery bag,which is all that should be offered. 4. A detailed description list of agricultural equipment to be stored in the Tenedios barn might lead some people to run off to Agway or the Tractor Supply Company to fill Noah's Ark. But in substance, this request is irrelevant and breaches Ag District law, Ag & Mkts laws, and Town of Southold's Right to Farm laws.The list could run the range from a shovel, or two,to a half dozen tractors. And don't be surprised if you discover granny's 1957 Cadillac parked over in the corner waiting to be worked on some day. The Committee suggests that one look at and read the owner's letter which states clearly that it is agricultural equipment to be placed in the building.The Agricultural Advisory Committee would include forks and spoons in that list in order for the farm workers to eat their meals. In other words, anything in the barn that supports the agricultural operation in any facet is agricultural equipment. Don't forget the kitchen sink. 5. The request for a detailed list of potential animals and their numbers on site is another request in Mr. Cummings letter. The Agricultural Advisory Committee's question to the Planning Board members is, "Is this before or after harvesting for food production each season?" As the Planning Board is fully aware, both the United States Department of Agriculture and New York State have laws on their books stating the minimum numbers of agricultural animals that can be on an acre of agriculture land before the operation needs to report numbers.This is called the "CAFO", or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulates and permits such operations in New York State. New York State reports that there are about 500 CAFO operations in state which have 300 cows, or more— mostly dairy operations and associated livestock operations.The Agricultural Advisory Committee suspects that Tenedios will not reach such numbers. If its five hundred chickens, should the farm operator report by species of chicken,or color of eggs. Again, while the request might be one of mere curiosity, based on the written language of the request,the intent may be construed as an effort for a basis to forge a violation in the future.The Town of Southold cannot and does not micro manage other businesses in town. Therefore, this request not only exceeds federal, state, and town laws, it makes suspect the intention for information in the first place. 6. Delineation of animal pastures and pens is another"asked-and-answered" request. It is wherever fences are put up for the agricultural efficiency of the operation. One year's row crop field, will certainly become another year's grazing field. If the Planning Board would like something for curiosity's sake only,the board might ask for another brown-paper-bag sketch. 7. The water flow and its usage are within the purview and regulation of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, by law. Not the Town of Southold. Not the Town Planning Board. The Agricultural Advisory Committee has been advised that there is a well-bore on the Tenedios Farm of four inches in diameter. This is deemed a private water source (not Suffolk County Water Authority, which is public) and as such is a NYSDEC regulatory and monitoring issue by law. When the farm property was purchased by the Tenedios agricultural investment,the NYSDEC required an inspection of the well on change of ownership. At that time NYSDEC makes a further determination as to whether the well will produce more than 100,000 gallons per day(GPD). If it does, production rates and monitoring must be reported periodically. If it does not, no further reporting is required. In this instance, a four-inch diameter well bore would not produce more than 45 gallons per minute (GPM) based on pump motor and bore-diameter limitations.This would equal not more than 65,000 gallons per day, if continuously run 24/7. Thirty-two horses, the maximum number allowed by Town Code could not drink on average of 2,000 GPD each. Maybe just five gallons per day. Likewise, a thousand chickens could not each drink sixty-five gallons per day. First-hand experience tells one that a chicken will not exceed four ounces liquid per day per chicken.So now the Planning Board has the range of water needed and consumption —at most 200 GPD - from biggest to smallest most likely North Fork-like farm animals to be raised to come to the proper determination of"this is not in the Planning Board's purview". More importantly, the operator would not want to pull such a high rate, so as to avoid creating a salt-water intrusion into the freshwater aquifer, due to its porosity and permeability supplying the well. Contrarily, all the residential properties drawing on the aquifer in the Orient locus draw more than 150,000 to 300,000 GPD. Which activity is more likely to cause salt water intrusion? Some residences of Orient have already reported to the Agricultural Advisory Committee that they have experienced such intrusions in their homes' water supplies. Perhaps the Planning Board should be thinking along the lines of reducing the number of residences allowed to be occupied in Orient instead. Agriculture is not the water problem. It is the overbuilding of residential edifices. It also might be necessary to irrigate food and feed crops once a week for a couple of hours, but only eight to ten weeks per year,at most 50,000 to 60,000 gallons per year.This is in a North Fork area which averages 42 to 48 inches of rain fall per annum, or more than 43 million gallons per year,just on the Tenedios Farm's thirty-five acres. How about all of Orient? 8. The request for numbers of employees and bathrooming facilities is, again, an "asked-and- answered" request. By law, it is New York State's Department of Labor regulation and control of authority. The agricultural operation is always subject to Department of Labor inspections and reporting requirements. The operator must put in place what NYSDOL requires: Worker Protection Standards practices requirements,Workers' Compensation coverage postings,as well as periodic inspections of farm worker spaces, and numerous other requirements. As to number of employees, any one running a business wants only as many people needed who are working the whole shift. As all are aware, it is next to impossible to find enough would-be employees to keep any operation on schedule, especially on eastern Long Island. Something always falls behind, or gives, on all the tasks of a day. The Agricultural Advisory Committee has been informed,for example,that wait staff at wedding events in the Town of Southold in season are commanding $45 per hour plus tip. Agriculture must compete at about$11 to $16 per hour in contrast,without tip. 9. Other ancillary structures not currently on the site plan, might be a reasonable request,although by observation it is doubtful these additional small structures would approach the legal lot coverage of twenty percent of the total square footage allowed by the Town bulk schedule, or some 250,000 square feet. Perhaps, an old copy of the survey with the odd buildings sketched in would not exceed legal requirements. In conclusion, wherever, in the Planning Board Office's letter of January 23, 2018, agencies of federal or state regulatory purview are noted in this response, will require that the owner/operator of the Tenedios agricultural investment must apply for and obtain permits when needed from those agencies before it can operate.This is beyond the legal reach that the Planning Board and its Office can demand. Although it might be considerate of the owner/operator to provide the Planning Board with copies of such permits,when received,as a courtesy. There is no chicken-or-egg conundrum in the timing sequence for the Tenedios Farm application for an agricultural building — regardless of any of all the possible internal uses relevant to agriculture in this building.Site plan approval is first,so that the building construction can begin. Further, the site plan should have been approved without public hearing. Only if the structure may have approached 250,000 square feet in size,the legal maximum for the size of the property, might there be a public hearing prior to site plan approval. This site plan should not be going through a Planning Department review approaching one year or more for a structure of less than one percent of the allowed lot coverage.The state and federal permitting comes afterthe building is in place and is beyond the scope of the Planning Office and Planning Board's right to require prior to site plan approval. It is incumbent upon the Planning Board to show discretion in favor of the farm land owner rather than the self-indulgent, none-owners who think their rights exceed their own property lines. Otherwise,what is the future viability of agriculture in the Town of Southold,even on lands which are "protected" with development rights sold (DRS)?When the Planning Department and Board, let alone the Zoning Board of Appeals, or the Building Department, or Land Preservation Department, stall applications for any and all agricultural uses and farming practices, says to the outside world agriculture is not wanted in Southold. This begs the question. How can a local government given all its boards and departments which are solely geared for"development", i.e. residential and commercial building, as per the Cummings letter which calls the Tenedios barn "development", when agriculture is in fact "un"development. Such an agricultural structure is solely an effort to bring the per acre cash flows to a high enough dollar value to justify an economically viable agricultural operation in the highest cost Town of Southold. Expert land preservationists have said, the best way to viable land preservation is not through land preservation programs, but through economically viable agricultural operations. On behalf of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Respectfully submitted, Chairman, Agricultural Advisory Co ktee OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex4 01/ , P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ; �'Ua " Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NYS 6�G ,y� � �,,����� i� f �r� Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov 62 a PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Chris Baiz, Chairman Agricultural Advisory Committee From: Brian Cummings, Planne� Date: January 23, 2018 Ike: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Route 25 & Narrow River Road, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, review and comments. The file is available at your convenience. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft, building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Please note that the Board appreciated your comments submitted previously, however they are interested in additional comments related to the next step for this application. The Board is considering requiring additional information be provided to aid in their decision about this application, and requests your comments on the following list: 1. Provide a Visual Impact Analysis to measure the potential scenic impact of the building and its orientation on the subject parcel (details to be discussed); 2. Stake the corners of the proposed building and provide an indication of the height of the building on site; Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 January 23, 2018 3. Provide a detailed floor plan showing the uses proposed for inside the building; 4. Provide a list and description of the agricultural equipment to be stored; 5. Provide a detailed list of potential animals on site and the maximum number of each at any given time in the future, including whether they will be on pasture or housed entirely within a building. Also include how the animals will be used (neat, dairy, eggs), and how they or their products will be processed and stored. Once received, Planning Staff would coordinate with the USDA to verify if the subject parcel can sustain the prospective type and quantity of animals; 6. Provide a plan that delineates animal pastures/ holding pens and area(s) for row crops as proposed, and provides the size, in acres, of each area/pasture; 7. Provide water flow and usage details for the proposed operation; 8. Provide the number of employees and proposed bathroom facilities (if portable bathrooms are used, show the number and location); 9. Note location, size and use of any buildings/structures added to the site and not currently shown on the site plan. Thank you for your cooperation. (This file may be viewed in the Town's LaserFiche under the folder: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4) Cummings, Brian A. From: Cummings, Brian A. Sent: Tuesday,January 23, 2018 12:25 PM To: William Kelly (WILLIAM.KELLY@mortonbuildings.com) Cc: pcmoore@mooreattys.com; Lanza, Heather Subject: Tenedios Site Plan Application Good afternoon, Based on public testimony, the following is a list of potential items to be required by the Planning Board prior to re-opening the adjourned public hearing: a. Provide a Visual Impact Analysis to measure the potential scenic impact of the building and its orientation on the subject parcel (details to be discussed); b. Stake the corners of the proposed building and provide an indication of the height of the building on site; c. Provide a detailed floor plan showing the uses inside the building; d. Provide a list and description of the agricultural equipment to be stored; e. Provide a detailed list of potential animals on site and the maximum number of each at any given time, including whether they will be on pasture or housed entirely within a building. Also include how the animals will be used (meat, dairy, eggs), and how they or their products will be processed and stored. Once received, Planning Staff would coordinate with the USDA to verify if the subject parcel can sustain the prospective type and quantity of animals; f. Provide a farm management plan that delineates animal pastures/ holding pens and row crops as proposed, and provides the size, in acres, of each area/pasture; g. Provide water flow and usage details for the proposed operation; h. Provide the number of employees and prospective bathroom facilities (if portable bathrooms are used, show the number and location); L Note location, size and use of any buildings/structures added to the site and not shown on the site plan. Please let me know if you have any questions.. Brian Brian A. Cummings, Planner Southold Town Planning Department 53095 Route 25 i WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, January 22, 2018 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications Project Name: Front Street Offices SCTM#: 1000-45-7-5.3 Location: 75795 Route 25, Greenport Description; This proposed Site Plan application is to demolish an existing two story dwelling and construct a 2,902 sq. ft. one story professional office building and 16 parking stalls on 0.8 acres in the Residential Office (RO) Zoning District. Stat endin _ us. Action: Review Revised Plan Attachments: Staff Report Project Name. Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM#: 1 1000-19-1-1.4 & 1.3 _ . „ r Location° 28410 Route 25, Orient Description, This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. � building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have 1 development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Status: Pending _ Action° Status u date, review additional information _ p _ _ _ Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Purita Production Building SCTM#: 1000-51-3-5.1, 4.12, 4.13& 4.14 Location: 19110 Soundview Avenue, on the n/s/o Old North Road, approximately 286 ft. w/o County Road 48, Southold Description: This Amended Site Plan application is to construct an addition to the wine production and storage building that is under construction. Status: New Application Action. Review for Completeness Attachments _ Staff Report _ Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Status Update Date January 22, 2018 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Tenedios Agricultural Building Applicant: Steve Tenedios Date of Submission: June 28, 2017 Tax Map Number: 19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Project Location: 28410 NYS Route 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-200 II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 34.5acres — Southold Town Dev. Rights (19.-1-1.4) 5 acres — development rights in tact (19.-1-1.3) Building Size 8,664sf This agricultural site plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building for storage of farm equipment, livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and storage of feed and supplies on 34 acres of Southold Town Development Rights land in the R-200 zoning district, Orient. III: Analysis Objective — determine the next steps of the application and any integral information necessary to be submitted prior to re-opening the public hearing. Review the information submitted by the applicant, public testimony and staff comments; 1. Existing as shown on site plan (to remain):: a. 785sf One story equipment storage building (on 19.-1-1.3) b. 87sf Garden shed (on 19.-1-1.3) c. 118sf Horse Stall building (on 19.-1-1.3) d. 742sf chicken coop (on 19.-1-1.4) 2. Proposed scope of work : a. Construct 8,664sf metal agricultural building; 1, b. Provide storm drainage system, power, water and lighting to proposed building 3. With reference to the Planning Board letter dated September 28, 2017: a. Provide a corrected Site Plan Application form that accurately identifies that the parcel has been preserved by a sale of development rights, and answers the question about lot recognition; Submitted: yes; b. Provide a completed/corrected Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Consistency Assessment Form; Submitted: yes; 4. Public Hearing (adjourned 9/11/17) comments by topic:. - Livestock concerns including: impacts to wetlands, groundwater, surface water; run-off to adjacent freshwater and tidal (saltwater) wetlands, Hallocks Bay; Waste & nutrient management. Will a nutrient loading plan be required?; Total number of livestock on site is unknown and the total number should be verified as a safe amount to be contained on the size of the subject parcel (Goats, Pigs, Sheep, Horses, Chickens); Unknown percent breakdown (ground area of use) of livestock vs. row crops; Water usage details and potential impact on the aquifer and/or saltwater intrusion. Impact to water quality and water supply; v The building as proposed does not seem adequate or appropriate for the types of animals proposed; - Proposed Building concerns including: Overall size and orientation; > Impact on scenic view shed and concern for whether the proposed building is consistent with the terms of the Southold Town Development Rights Easement with regard to scenic value; Construction in a flood zone; Special Events; - Agricultural Impacts concerns including: Agricultural Impacts on water quality; Air quality impacts from dust, noise, odor; Numerous out-buildings :5100sf with unknown use have been added to the site; Worker housing or employee bathrooms?; - Environmental Review procedure/SEQRA concerns including: This should be reviewed as a Type I action under SEQRA Staff: Agriculture is a Type II action. The SEQRA rules do not allow a Type II action to be classified as anything else, even if adjacent to a Critical Environmental Area. That it is a Type II action under SEQRA does not preclude the Planning Board from investigating environmental impacts, it just won't be under SEQRA. 5. Potential items to be required by the Planning Board prior to re-opening the public hearing: a. Provide a Visual Impact Analysis to measure the potential scenic impact of the building and its orientation on the subject parcel (details to be discussed); b. Stake the corners of the proposed building and provide an indication of the height of the building on site; c. Provide a detailed floor plan showing the uses inside the building; d. Provide a list and description of the agricultural equipment to be stored, e. Provide a detailed list of potential animals on site and the maximum number of each at any given time, including whether they will be on pasture or housed entirely within a building. Also include how the animals will be used (meat, dairy, eggs), and how they or their products will be processed and stored. Once received, Planning Staff would coordinate 3 with the USDA to verify if the subject parcel can sustain the prospective type and quantity of animals; f. Provide a farm management plan that delineates animal pastures/ holding pens and row crops as proposed, and provides the size, in acres, of each area/pasture; g. Provide water flow and usage details for the proposed operation; h. Provide the number of employees and prospective bathroom facilities (if portable bathrooms are used, show the number and location); L Note location, size and use of any buildings/structures added to the site and not shown on the site plan. 6. Staff Recommendations & Next Steps a. Require all of the items listed above be submitted by the applicant prior to the hearing being re-opened. b. After the required information is submitted, Planning staff would provide an analysis to the Board and consult with appropriate agencies for additional information or corroboration. These would include Cornell Cooperative Extension, Natural Resources Conservation Services, Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the USDA. 7. For future consideration Preliminary research into how best to prevent animal waste from causing an adverse impact to groundwater and nearby surface waters indicate that two conditions of a future approval could include the following: L The Planning Board can impose a condition that limits the number of animals per acre according the guidelines that have been developed by the USDA. These guidelines are "animal-specific", meaning there are different numbers for each type of animal being raised; and ii. The Planning Board could encourage or require the farm owner to request a nutrient management plan for the animal husbandry portion of the farm. This can be obtained by the farm owner from the Suffolk County Soil and Conservation Water Service at no charge. These plans are confidential, however they would follow a successful model being implemented on dairy farms upstate to protect the water supply for New York City. 4 fresh&cofarm LLC 315 Madison Ave, 15`h Fl New York NY 10017 December 11,2017 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road E� Southold NY 11971 Re: 28410 Main Road, Orient setm: 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4 Dear Ms. Moore: I, Steve Tenedios, managing member of fresh&cofarm LLC, owner of the above referenced property hereby authorizes you to make any and all applications with the Town of Southold Planning Board 4trul;v, , anaging member SCOTT A. RUSSELL ����` �� ����� "�;�� ", JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR ' °m MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. � s TOWN HALL — 53095 MAIN ROAD �� � a r�� TOWN OF SODTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 , �NIN;IIN'wB _l.0 rll 631 ( d"v�/h560 I1II b1(ab 0J1 r=_41^ (d^b ) ;y,r f ( ) 765Fax 631 765—9015 d6�Avr '!rr4;UI616N1 1— OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J l Donald J. Wilcenski DecemI5 1'5R 2017 ° Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient, NY SCTM #: 1000— 19—01 — 1.3 & 1.4 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Site Plan indicating the proposed construction of an 8,772 S.F. Farm Structure to house livestock and store feed on property where the development rights have been sold. This site plan has been prepared by the office of Jeffrey T. Butler, P.E., P.C. and has been dated: 3/22/17. Please consider the following: 1. Has the DOT reviewed this location with regard to a Curb Cut Permit? 2. The access to the proposed structure has been noted as a 12' wide dirt road. This proposed new road would be the continuation of an existing dirt farm road. This type of farm road would not be considered wide enough or structurally stable for emergency equipment especially under extreme weather conditions. Stone Blend roads compacted over a stable sub-base is recommended for the entire building access route extending back to NYS Rte. 25. 3. Is there a list of all intended uses for this proposed commercial structure? Will there, at any time, be any public access allowed into this building? 4. What parking requirements will there be for this proposed structure? 5. Depending on the intensity of all planned uses, the 12' width of road may not be adequate to support the new facility. 6. All compacted dirt roadways & parking areas, even if parking surfaces are only for farm equipment, will generate stormwater. Drainage designs and permanent sediment controls for these areas must be incorporated into the Site Design to prevent erosion and silt damage to the adjacent wetlands on site. These designs must meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Stormwater Management. Page 1 of 2 Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman - Planning Board December 15, 2017 Re: Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM #: 1000— 19—01 — 1.3 & 1.4 Page 2 of 2 7. Why have building envelopes and property line setbacks been shown or indicated on the site plan on property where development rights have been sold? 8. The new building dimensions indicate a structure with an overall foot print of 8,772 SF. The plan keeps referring to 8,664 SF. Is this just an oversight? 9. Have the local Fire Commissioners been contacted to determine whether or not a fire well would be required? 10. Is there a valid reason why this commercial Farm structure is not going to be constructed within the parcel where development rights have not been sold? 11. Please keep in mind that if the total ground disturbance for this project, (which will include but may not be limited to all roads, foundations, drainage & utility work), reaches one acre in area this project will require a "SWPPP" application to the DEC.. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, James A. Richter, R.A. cc: Vincent Orlando (Superintendent of Highways) PATRICIA C. MOORE ' Y Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel:(631)765-4330 � o Fax:(631)765-4643 November 13, 2017 Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chair Southold Town Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Proposed Agricultural Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Building Premises: 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient Dear Mr. Wilcenski and Board: Pursuant to Mr. Cummings' letter dated September 28, 2017 enclosed please find corrected Site Plan Application and corrected LWRP. With regard to the requested corrections: • The proposed barn will be located on Tax Lot 1.4 with Sold Development Rights. Tax Lot 1.3 is the reserve area. • Lot Recognition: The parcels were reviewed by Land Preservation and Town Board during the development rights sale in 2002. The deeds of this parcel pre-date 1983 and the parcel has been recognized by the Town of Southold. This parcel has been owned by several generations of prior farmers. Maureen Cullinane, who sold the development rights, farmed this parcel and sold the property to my client. With regard to the comments made by Land wPreservation_in their letter dated October 4, 2017. • The Agricultural Advisory Committee responded thoroughly to their comments. We concur with the response submitted on October 6, 2017 by the Agricultural Advisory Committee. We appreciate the Agricultural Advisory Committee's response which supports the intended agricultural use of the property. The land is required to be in agricultural use, pursuant to the Development Rights Covenants, yet the letter has an adversarial tone. The site plan and site plan application states the proposed agricultural use of the property. There is no need to look beyond the application or neighbor hysteria. • The application for the barn conforms in all respects to the agricultural covenants. • My client addressed his intended use and the existing use of the property. The barn is for the storage of farm equipment and materials and the housing of the livestock(chickens, goats, pigs and horses). He currently has 3 horses. His pigs were sent to RI to be slaughtered 3 weeks ago, so no more pigs until April. Mr. Tenedios clearly addressed the agricultural use of his property. • We ask that the application ne expedited. His storage tent was blown away during the last big storm a couple of weeks ago. He does not have a structure to keep straw and hay for the winter or his equipment protected from the weather. We object to the recommendation by the Department of Land Preservation to re are a"view shed anal sis". � ......... ....__...._.._._._...._.X�.®.... • This is an abuse of process in this case. The proposed agricultural building is 519 feet away from Route 25. The proposed location of the structure was intentionally set away from the road, with the Latham cultivated fields along the road,the agricultural view shed is preserved. The barn is proposed not just because it will look best 519 feet from Route 25 but also where the structure is needed for the agricultural use. Since this parcel is to be used for agriculture, the location of the barn should not be compromised by"subjective" standards of a view shed analysis. A view shed analysis is not required. • The Planning Board merely needs to drive along Route 25 and observe similarly sized and similarly located agricultural barns along route 25. The existing farms and barns along Route 25 are, in part, the reason that Route 25 was designated a scenic byway. As to the ITfreshwater.wetlands.mm, • The wetlands were flagged prior to the sale of development rights and shown on the site plan. The proposed barn is 50 feet beyond the 100' setback from the flagged freshwater wetlands. There is absolutely no possibility that the proposed barn is less than 100' from the edge of the freshwater wetlands. Again,this request from Department of Land Preservation only adds expense and delay for an issue which does not exist. The Planning Board and your staff has made their own site inspections. The survey was prepared in 2017 and the surveyor(Nate Corwin) who is very familiar with wetland ordinances would have identified a noticeable change to the edge of wetlands. The proposed location of the barn is beneficial to the agricultural use of the property and located outside of both the Trustees and NYSDEC juirisdiction. • The primary role of Department of Land Preservation where Development Rights Land is the subject of an application is to preserve agriculture and assure that the uses on the Development Rights Land conforms to recorded restrictions. The barn will conform to the Covenants &Restrictions. If the owner violates these covenants then the Town has legal remedies. Comments regarding the livestock on the property was based on hearsay and assumptions, not based on the record or the existing conditions on the farm. Raising of livestock on a farm is consistent with the Agricultural Covenants. The owner currently applies proper farm management practices and will continue to do so. As stated in my client's letter,the farm is small, his animals are raised for consumption by his family and friends. He does not intend to be a commercial livestock farmer. The site plan and application is for an agricultural barn, we ask that the site plan be approved without further delay. The barn is needed this winter. Vcrtr� yt�r, 1''ricia C. Moore cc: Steve Tenedios William Kelly SUT OLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM Site Plan Name and Location (1&sVA0Q�01) Site Plan Name1 _._ � 17 � t �rt� ppli :�tion Date: `/ /_ / Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-�- ` - 1., V Other SCTM#s �P✓v'2 Street Address: ... �kLl�0 ' Hamlet: �e Distance to nearest intersection: Type of Site Plan: _ New__________Amended .......Residential Zoning District _Ac___ Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list r atne tttct�lat erciclte}s , and�raltr �e number fr r the read alar below: Oro Property O . m :t' t '.. s /1 "-ter t ......4."� li p Ywner Street -- e"3 Is- . - ... ... ... .. , cilY... a State AA-1, ......___--- %ip 5P Home tele phone r �. Other " ... � > ....... ........ ....... Aj,j [ G..... ..... ...... " il �. - _ State. .�.................. ....._..— _... __. Home l"c9ellrcnlc. ._. .. Other — - .......................................................................... . .. ................................................................................__...................................,,,,,,......,,..... ..............�.... _ Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Persons * mm Street Z ......... . "it State .. ./t�' —.., ._zip Office Telephone 9'3(- 7-3L/- Z106 00ther � / *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Site Plan Application Form 2/18/2010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New Mod ifitc,�,tt ioti off i sli ing S 1�1110 U M _X`oAgriCU1tU1-al (7,b a jige of Lise Property total acreage or square footage: e ac,/sq, It .......... Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage� _ _ :ft. ......................... ------- —------------------------- ------ ------—---- Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes Y No If yes, explain: ................. Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognitionr N If"yes", explain (and attach any necessary documentation-title report, subdivision approval, etc,), 4 1 1. �e '(2 y ------ ............... ..........................................---------------------------- Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: . (,�, '7 / /- Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes—No If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. -------------------------- .... . .......................................... Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: :! -�4AL)Mls /tv OZ%,L) c/ List all proposed property uses: ....... .......:�... ...... Other accessory uses: ...................................... ..................... 1�;, - -7431% 'Xistii:ig lol'coverape� P. Proposed lot coverage:0. ......... A-1 Gross floor area of existing strucftirc(s);5�gk, sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s): 700 SF7,. ---------- ----- -J� "7 ........... .................................................................. Parking Space Data: #of existing spaces: #of proposed spaces 1,oadiiig Berth: Yes No X ................................................... ....... .................... ................................................................. ............ ...............-111111111111........... ...................................... I ................................... ......................... Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage- 9/o Proposed lajidscape coverage:., 1/o ........................................................... .......................... ......... ........... ...... ....... .............. ld ? Yes Wetlands: Is this properly within 500' of a wetland areaX.,No Maybe ["------------------------......................................................................................... ...........------ ---..................................................................... ...................................... 1, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. -7 Signature of 11rel-M1,01, .......... ....................... e Date: ............ 2 Site Plan Application Form 211812010 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1, All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal.Erosion Hazard Area. 2, Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant ben f do iil and adverse fl"ovs... lio��,ml.6�e�cr��stal al"ea which iric Ludes all._orS udiold '1 own 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. "I"hus, each answer nest be rx rhaind in detail til lisl:in1 bothi siu :p dor"li �w and now supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SI ITE A N 1) l Ole' Sl+D ACTION .. µ PROJECT NAME Ae�/,? 66................................................ The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board M Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): {{ l (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital I� construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) El (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) L 1 (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action Location of action. Site acreage: Present land use: Present zoning classification: 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: ( .,, (a) Name of applicant: "° .. . .. ....�° �� . (b) Mailing address: (c) Telephone number: Area Code 91 9-6.... ..... ........ ............................................................. (d) Application number, if any: . Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No X❑ If yes,which state or federal agency?— C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III–Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable . : .. _ � A.....t....... ddi .......... �..... .........� ..................... �..... tach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III–Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria tl .wwwww �.�_ Yes ❑ No Not Applicable . � el .... ° . _____ ____�...................... ry ---—------.r............. Attach additional sheets if necessa Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable ... ........ ....... t M 6 - # Attach addi�kioj l slrec(s if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria E] Yes 1:1 No X Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary ----- -------........ .......... _ Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria �...- Yes No ❑X Not Applicable ...., ...- ---...r ....ei __ ...__................................... -- --- ----------- ....... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. l::] Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable _.._______....____...._..________............,,,............W...r.—.----------- __--------...............___.....__________........................,,,,��„rrr,.W Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No FXNot Applicable ........ ......._ --------------------- --- ---..... ------------------ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. E] Yes ❑ No X Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. y { Yes _ No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. El Yes ❑ No F V1 Not Applicable ........................................................ .............._................ ..................._.........._._......... _..... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. LJ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary ^ Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes No❑ Not Applicable "' � �� � 1 ",_.� """ c �� rte' _.. ..... i .. .1' . . � ... . �".� r ". � err ............... Attach,,u]&1ional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable PREPAREDY .�: :... ....._ DArE „��.o..... ............... TITLE ' .�..._.. ........_..—...._...� �............_.............. Amended on 811105 �t Steve"henedios 17327 Main Rd. Cast Marion, NY i 19;19 Mr. .Donald ,l, Wilcenski,Chair � rls6ta 1a�uVut twlainnkitBosrt Southold Town Planning Board P.O.Box 1179 Southold; NY 11971 October 24, 2017 Re Proposed Agricultural Site Plan Por IIIenedios Agricultural Building 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient Dear Mr. Wilcenski, Chair and Planning Board members Based on the comments at the public hearing held for the proposed agricultural building it appears that I should clarify what is presently on my farm and why I wish to construct a barn. I am not a commercial .farmer, I have a commercial farmer growing vegelahles on my land. OFthe 29 acres, 15 acres are actively farmed with row crops by my tenant farmer, Dan l,atham. .i buy.fresh vegetables From him as wel I as other farmers frond the North f=ork for illy stores in NY City. Consequently, my stores in NY City directly support local larrninc. The balance of my land I farm for pleasure. I raise chickens for pleasure, I distribute the eggs to friends, family and neighbors. i don't plan on being, a coinnlercial poultry or egg Panner. As you know. this farm, under the previous owner, was a commercial egg farm. I also raise and breed pure breed New Zealand `7, n oats for pleastnre, I do al intend to be a commercial goat farrier. 1 do not sell goat meat in my stores, I have 16 coats and one sheep. 1 will probably eat a few goats over the next 12 months, certainly for luster! I have three horses. I do not intend to be a commercial horse breeder, clllhough I may breed my own horses in the future for my own pleasure. I have one cow. This cow will provide fresh beef to my family and friends in tile near future. I had G pigs but now they are in the freezer and ready for (lie B130 I phut to share the meat with friends, family and neighbors. I do not intend to be a conlurncrc al pig fanner. I need a barn. Winter is coming. I take verb- good care of my animals. i :<tnt to >rovidc them a warm hollle. i have more than `615 )00 in 111achlnel'v and equipmcl?t :;ilich presently sits owside, I own a John Deere Tractor. as John Deere gator and John Deere Zel'O tUl"11) mchus klwn mower Which sit waside. Inn addifion, miyfiord p.°-1)gyp pick up truck also sits (,)utsidcI 1-mve proposc,.d a bcaufflul barn whk.,h boflh in size and charactei-issumjiar to an barins on the North Fork, The location was careftdly se�lectcd withi inptit from[ Dan Latham a.aind my fiarim The proposed �ocation ofthe baini will 111ot hitel4'ere with Dan L,athnm�s aorimfltura� manager. . X�' operation, The barn is close to the aniniaJ -pens, and it is away very Saar(more than 500 Feet) fron) ROUte 25, We IbIlow "good farm management practices. My anirnals graze on different pens and pastures on the property so as to give the land the, abifity to regCDerak- I maintail'il vegetative buffers from weflands, Since taps is a small Farm, p dispose oCaH cofllecdbp e animal waste ln an dumpster with weekly scheduled pick. up. My business hi the city derives favorable m,,,irkoing and inedia attention by my advertisinp the fact that we have au flarm, suppori iocap farming and with the he�p o ll'Dan Latham are able ton.in as "Iairm to taUe"bUSiYICSS- The flIedkI Mtention also promoles fianning on flw east and, which can Use all the hedp it can get- I hope that this letter makes ClearthaL my [`orrn is no different thatt any other small Farm ill Southold. Our Property is �u111 thc J)�litrict, we compy with the Developrnent Rights Covenants and we are also entitled to dw protecfions oath Fariners, BlH of'Riohts, The proposed barn will enable us to preserve and niamtapn the property in active farming, I hope d-lat you can expe&te the agricurural site plan process. My armnals and ocIt6po")ent necd to be protected this wrater. hit ""PW, ("(uurtesy Chris Baiz, Chairman Town Hall,53095 Route 25 Douglas Cooper PO Box 1 1- Jim Glover Southold, , t a Lou Caracciolo � ,ym�wli��ui� m Tom Stevenson d ��V John Sepenoski � _ F John B. Sepenoski, Jr. aiiwaCr9 II"'� u Karen Rivara Mark Van Bourgondien 1;pE"°,tqY.� �rl�ps°d AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 6, 2017 Mr. Donald Wilcenski, Chairman And Members of the Planning Board Planning Board, Town of Southold 54375 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Tenedios/Fresh & Company Animal Barn, Orient Dear sirs: The members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, in response to the views put forth by Orient residents at the September 11 public hearing of the Planning Board at Southold Town Hall, are presenting the facts in regard to the above captioned agricultural operation's application for a barn to house animals,farm equipment, animal feed, and agricultural workers' office support. NYSDEC SEQRA Review: Structures such as barns are specifically stated in NYS law to be a Type 2 SEQRA review, rather than a Type 1 review. The applicant filled out the correct NYS Department of Environmental Conservation form, contrary to the statements made at the public hearing. NYSDEC Water Quality of Long Beach Bay,alias Hallock's Bay:Contrary to hear-say among people speaking against the Tenedios barn at the public hearing that "Hallock's Bay is on life-support and that this barn will kill it", NYS DEC data and maps show that in fact Hallock's Bay is flourishing and open to shell fishing year round. This is the DEC's highest standard for water quality in New York State —that one can harvest and consume the shellfish. The only exceptions are the small area of the Hallock's Bay marina which the DEC restricts due to unmeasured quantities of boat toilets docked in the marina. And second,the very head waters of the bay, Little Bay, by the Plum Island ferry and marina slips at the east end of Orient due to minimal tidal waterflow, like many other creek and estuary waters in the Town. Scenic is r s` aWhile the deed to the 29.5acres of DRS farmland states at a scenic vista exists, there is nothing to indicate in the deed that an agriculturalstructure such s a barn is not alsoscenic vista.The property is registered in the Town of Southold Agricultural District No. I whichs NYS Agricultures laws applicable .The current Town bulk schedulee percent lot coverage i ric structures n the Tenedioslands. If certain es of Federal preservation dollars were specifically us in the purchases vel t rights, lot coverage could have been restricted my a % and the Deed would explicitlysay so — which Federals were not used for the Tenedios Farm.The 29.5 acresr represent illi ® re m i ® iv thousand (1,285,000) square feet. The Tenediosseight-thousand-seven (8,700) square ric tural building, less I e (0.500%) percent of the land area to help make agricultureparcel c is I si r, it has been indicated by e owner that tis to located r 700 feet backi (State Route 25). Such a setback is deemed scenic vista. it doesn'tc the view. It is the view. NYSDEC General Permit/Suffolky i sP c.® The owner of the propertyill be required to file applicationsfor various r its with regardi i issues from animals,septic r workers, and other sources such as decaying vegetation in the fields. These permits will include requirements to manage such issues to an extent that other farms on the North Fork have already had to contend i , as their crops are animals, rather than vegetables. The Agricultural AdvisoryCommittee understands that the foregoingit requirements along with Best rcic s ) willsustain a viable environmentthis agricultural site in Orient. In conclusion, rk farmlands are the mostexpensive ric l acrest c it n operate in the Unitede e isU.S. Department of Agriculture,other than a few locations i a Hawaiian Islands. To support an agriculturaltip in such r cost s requires not onlycapital c isii , but also for the infrastructure and its cost, to create value-added s) that can support that cost and make agriculture economically viable. It is telling on Town of Southold agriculture, right now, that outside investors e one of e major sources of investment s in continuing the Town' ric heritage. It can be done. But for thoseill invest,they must know that the restrictions to agric I on our lands are hands-off in order to allowi industry to be viable and sustainable. er is , t 's farmlands will arrive at the lastcrop, and muchmight think or wish. On behalf of the Members of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Attachment: Chapter 280, rt6c�e XXI, 2810/97-103 " i r L " Town of Southold,NY Friday,October 6,2077 Chapter280. Zoning Article XXI. Farmland Bill of Rights [Added 5-27-1997 by L.L. N0. 11-1 71 § 280-97. Right to farm. A. The Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that farming is an essential activity within the Town of Southold. Farmers provide fresh food, clean air, economic diversity and aesthetic open spaces to all the citizens of our Town. In addition, land in agricultural uses requires less tax dollars for services than does land with residential or commercial development. Accordingly,farmers shall have the right to farm in Southold without undue interference from adjacent landowners or users. For the purpose of reducing future conflicts between people residing on tracts adjacent to farmlands and farmers, it is necessary to establish and give notice of the nature of the farming activities to future neighbors of farmland and farming activities. B. Agricultural activities conducted on farmland, undertaken in compliance with applicable federal,state,county and Town laws, rules and regulations,are presumed to be good agricultural practices and presumed not to adversely affect the public heaI th safety and welfare. We find that whatever nuisance may be caused to others by such uses and activities, so conducted, is more than offset by the benefits from farming to the community. Therefore, all such activities shall be protected farm practices within the Town of Southold. Definitions. When used in this chapter,the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: CROPS, LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS include but are not limited to the following: A. Field crops, including corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes and dry beans. B. Fruits, including apples, peaches,grapes,cherries and berries. C. Vegetables, including tomatoes, snap beans, cauliflower, pumpkins, cabbage, carrots, is and onions. D. Horticultural specialties, including nursery stock, ornamental shrubs, ornamental trees and flowers. E. Livestock and livestock products, including cattle,sheep, hogs,goats, horses, poultry,fur bearing animals, milk,eggs and furs. F. Maple syrup. G. Christmas trees derived from a managed Christmas tree operation whether dug for transplanting or cut from the stump. H. Farm woodland, meaning land used for the production for sale of woodland products, including but not limited to logs, lumber,posts and firewood. I. Horse boarding operations. I Bees/honey. § 28o-99. Right to undertake protected farm practices. A. Farmers all have the right to undertake protected farm practices in the active pursuit of agricultural operations, including, but not limited to: clearing;grading; plowing; aerial and ground spraying; the use of legal agricultural chemicals (including herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers); raising horses, poultry, small livestock and cattle; processing and marketing produce; installing water and soil conservation facilities; utilizing farm crop protection devices; designing and constructing and using farm structures, including barns, stables, paddocks,fences, greenhouses and pump houses; using water; pumping; spraying; pruning and harvesting;disposing of organic wastes on the farm;extensive use of farm laborers; training and others int use and care of farm equipment, animals;traveling local roads in properly marked vehicles; and providing local farm produce markets near farming areas. B. These activities can and do generate dust,smoke, noise,vibration and odor.These activities may occur on holidays, Sundays and weekends, at night and in the day. Such activities are presumed to be reasonable. Such activities do not constitute a nuisance unless the activity has a substantial adverse effect on the public health, safety and welfare. § 280-loo. ® to notice provided by Town agencies. A. The Town Planning Board,the Town Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals shall require, as part of any approval of any development immediately adjacent to or within 500 feet of any parcel of at least five acres in size,which,at the time of such approval, is in active agricultural use,that a notice of protected farm practices be given to all purchasers of such developed property. B. The notice of protected farm practices shall be included in permanent covenants and restrictions which shall run with the land on each parcel when such parcel is subdivided or developed. C. if,in any development,it is the intent to make the common or green space available r agriculture, the noticer r i II be i !uded i permanentv is and restrictions. ® Right to notice by brokers and agents. II persons dealingin real estate in the Town of Southold as brokers, representatives or owners,agents of the of any parcel of land adjacent to any parcel of'land of at least five acresin size currently in agricultural use shall provide to every purchaser or such parcel an original and one copy of the notice of protected °Farm practices at the time of a potential r is consideration and inspection of the parcel. The personlin i real estate shall have such purchaser sign and date the duplicate notice.The notice r c farm practicesr shall beavailable II persons required provide tices free of charger l r office. Enforcement. Failure Iy with any provisioni t shall constitute a violation. ® Severability. If any partr provision of this it r the application thereof to any person,entityr circumstances shall be adjudgedinvalid court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confinedin its operation and enforcernent to the part of or such provision r application directlyinvolved in the controversyin whichjudgment shall have been rendered and shaII not affect or impair the validityremainder this article or the applicationt r n ,entities or circumstances. OFFICE LOCATION: MELISSA A. SPIRO0�� T� Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR r 54375 State Route 25 k w�,tia melissa.spiro@town.southold.ny.us "P (corner of Main Road& Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York Telephone(63 1)7 65-5 711 h �� Facsimile(631)765-6640 fir„ �� �� �� MAILING ADDRESS: � �c „ � P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 1.1971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD '"�� - To: Planning Board 1 �� J J l From: Land Preservation Committee - . Had Date: October 4, 2017LI �� Re: Planning Board Request for Review:-Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3&1.4 The Land Preservation Committee (Committee) has reviewed the August 24, 2017 referral from the Planning Board for: "An Agricultural Site Plan for a proposed one story 8,664 sq.ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep& chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District." The Site Plan dated 3/22/2017 shows the building as located within the 29.5 acres subject to the recorded Deed of Development Rights. The Town purchased the development rights on May 22, 2002, and a Deed of Development Rights (Deed) dated May 22, 2002 was recorded on June 6, 2002.The recorded Deed includes restrictions, including but not limited to: o Restricting the use of the premises"exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises and any structures thereon for any purpose other than agricultural production..." o Requiring that "The use of this property shall be consistent with both the agricultural value and the scenic value of the property. Use of the property shall be conducted in a manner that does not detract from, or adversely affect the open space and scenic value that is protected by this development rights purchase and easement." Although not specifically stated in the recorded Deed, it was noted in the Town Board's April 9, 2002 resolution to purchase the development rights easement that the property was listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value, in addition to its scenic value and proximity to wetlands. Page 1 of 3 The Land Preservation Committee puts forth the following comments and request for additional information to ensure that the proposed use of the property is in accordance with all terms of the recorded Deed, is consistent with both the agricultural value and the scenic value of the property and does not detract from, or adversely affect the open space and scenic value protected by the development rights purchase and easement. 1) The applicant should be required to stake the location of the proposed building and be required to provide a scenic view shed analysis to provide information to assess visual impacts from Main Road and Narrow River Road for the proposed location and alternative locations and orientations. Once this information is presented, the Land Preservation Committee will prepare comments regarding the scenic component. a) The wetland is shown as delineated by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on January 25, 2001. Prior to the view shed analysis, it is important that the 2001 wetland delineation is verified to ensure that the analysis will not be impacted if there are changes in the wetland area, and associated wetland setback, which will result in revisions to the proposed building location. b) Prior to the view shed analysis, it is important that flood zone requirements are verified to ensure that the analysis will not be impacted if there are changes to the proposed building height due to flood zone building requirements. 2) The Committee questions whether increases to the livestock use on this particular farm will have adverse impacts to the natural resources protected by the recorded Deed. The applicant should be required to work with a qualified agency, such as NRCS or Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District, to develop a livestock best management plan and a detailed plan for the management of animal waste to ensure protection of all natural resources, including, but not limited to, prime agricultural soils, wetlands, surface waters and ground water, both on and off the subject property. Once this information is presented,the Land Preservation Committee will prepare comments regarding any impacts to the values protected by the development rights purchase and easement. 3) The use of the 29.5 acres subject to the recorded Deed is restricted to agricultural production as defined in Chapter 25 (now known as Chapter 70) of the Town Code.Agricultural Production is defined in Chapter 70 as: "The production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in agricultural production shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." The building information shown on the site plan indicates that the building use is for"livestock, farm equipment, feed and hay storage."These uses are allowed under the agricultural production definition; however, as noted above,the use must be consistent with the terms of the Deed and is subject to the reviews noted in Numbers 1 and 2 above. Any action on the site plan should ensure that all uses are in accordance with agricultural production as defined in Town Code Chapter 70. Page 2 of 3 4) The current referral and Agricultural Site Plan does not include requests for anything other than the one story 8,664 sq.ft. building. However, a review of the applicant's Website indicates that additional uses are planned for the site. As noted above,the Deed restricts use of the property to agricultural production as defined in Chapter 70. It appears that some of the uses are not consistent with the terms of the Deed and thus would not be allowed within the area subject to the recorded Deed. If the additional uses are proposed for within the five (5) acre building area, it is noted that the Deed includes specific descriptions and restrictions pertaining to a twenty (20)foot right-of-way from Main Road to the retained five (5)acre building area and a twenty(20)foot right-of-way for residential purposes from Narrow River Road to the retained five (5) acre building area. In particular, the purposes of the twenty (20) foot right-of-way from Main Road to the five (5) acre building area are described as for installation, maintenance and repair of underground utilities and for the continued use as a dirt farm road for agricultural purposes. Uses other than those described for this r-o-w from Main Road will not be consistent with the terms of the recorded Deed. In addition, the Deed includes a requirement that all utilities within the above mentioned r-o-w from Main Road shall be buried at sufficient depth so as to not interfere with continued agricultural use. 5) The Site Plan Application Form, Page 2 should be corrected to reflect that there is an existing Sale of Development Rights.The "No" line is checked on the form. MS:md Enc: Deed of Development Rights dated 5/22/2002, recorded 6/6/2002, Liber D00012190, Page 149 Page 3 of 3 USDA tl United States Department of Agriculture ( � Natural Resources Conservation Service 423 Griffing Avenue.Suite 110,Riverhead NY 11901 SOIli Voice; (631)727-2315 ext.3 Fax: 1-855-889-1416 ��tlfl,p,t iii November 20, 2017 Mr. Steven Tenedios C/O Ms. Patricia Moore 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Moore: I have conducted an onsite inspection of the location for the proposed barn at the Tenedios property. The Suffolk County Soil Survey identifies the majority of the soil at the site as Haven loam (HaA). Test holes at the proposed building location verified that the soil is in fact Haven loam. In the two test holes I excavated I found 1 ft. of well drained medium textured loam over coarse sand and gravel. This soil has no limitations for construction of a barn. The east edge of the proposed building is located on a soil identified as Scio silt loam(ScA). This soil consists of deep moderately well drained medium textured soil that formed in a mantle of very fine sandy loam, or silt loam over coarse sand and gravel. This soil has a moderate limitation for building sites because of a seasonal high water table at a depth of 1.5-2 feet but this limitation would only be a problem if the building were to have a basement or septic system. It should not pose a problem for the construction of a barn. The proposed location is not encroaching into the wetland area to the east and south. Since one section of the barn will be used to house livestock, bedding and manure must be managed properly. The farm manager indicated that all manure will be placed in dumpsters and hauled offsite. 'The barn will have a concrete floor which will eliminate any chance of nitrogen leaching into ground water. Composting is another suitable way of managing the manure and bedding in an acceptable way. The compost could then be spread on the fields used to grow vegetable crops. This is a �'itluable resource that helps to increase soil organic matter improve soil health and provide nutrient-:to the crops being grown. The compost facility would need an impervious liner installed below ground to prevent leaching of nutricnts. A grass filter strip should also surround the composting facility to filter and absorb runoff generated during wet conditions. Our office can assist with the design of a suitable composting facility. An Equal Ooportumty Provider and Employer ...S ... iiiwUnited States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service 423 Griffing Avenue,Suite 110,Riverhead NY 11901 Voice (631)727-2315 ext.3 Fax; 1-855-889-1416 I would also recommend that the areas upslope from the wetlands be maintained in permanent grass cover to act as a buffer and filter to protect these areas. The buffer should be a minimum of 50 ft. in width. The wetlands should also be fenced off to prevent access by livestock, If you have questions or need further assistance with this project please contact our office. Sincerely, e-JMad )Vpc" I� Allan S. Connell Conservation Specialist An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Soil Map Date:1/112006 Customer(s)AIJILTANIM4111111111118M Field Office:RIVERHEAD SERVICE CENTER Agency:USDA-NRCS District_SUFFOLK COUNTY SOIL&WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Assisted By:Allan S Connell �y '� i iii i �� rn r �u � ( m 1 irr�j i 1 1A � �r" i � �nw�V�✓ P" sue it f°Gf � � 'r N � ,ups ✓t� �. 'try nog, ,,� Field 4 i 3.5 mc. �� iii Yoh TO r J HaA Tm �a w r HaEl Field 1 15.O ac �t �.z Field 3 3.9 ac. v �'� HaA �i�� G� 1l/Y �leid rel H �y !✓ 1 ac Field 2 r 5.9 ac RNd 2A rb SdA f)}/f / J/ j ',J l I�yyf �q✓�y J�i f1 I Ily 'I � ys i n L.ep nd r h Consplan Solis Map musym HaA HaB --� SdA N Tm Image:ortho1-1 ny1O3.sid I Illlllf!f II flll!(illi IIIII Illif Ilill IIIII Ilill Ifll Ilii I IIIIII IIIII IIIII Ifll IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 06/06/2002 Number of Pages: 10 At: 11:05 :20 AM TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 01-42628 LIBER: D00012190 PAGE: 149 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 019.00 01.00 001.004 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS • Deed Amount: $425,000.00 i Received the Following Fees For Above instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $30 .00 NO Handling $5. 00 NO COE $5.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $25.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0 .00 NO RPT $30 .00 NO SCTM $0. 00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0. 00 NO Fees Paid $105.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 01-42628 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County J U L 2 4 2002 TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD u Number of pages 10 RECORDED TORRENS 2002 Jun 06 11105:20 AN Edward P.Romaine Serial i! _...._. CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY Certificate 9L D00012190 ...._ P t49 �Tjk 01-42628 Prior Cif.#__..... �....... _ lI Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps p n FEES Page/Filing Fee " Mortgage Amt .. Handling ,.. 1.Basic Tax TP-584 ' 2.Additional Tax wNotation ......... _.._ � Sub Total EA-52 17(County) M Sub Total 5pecJAssit. _. _ _....... _. Or EA-5217(Stale) F�� �� Spec./Add, R.P.T.S.A. r TOT.MTG.TAX r Dual Town Dual County Comm.of Ed. 5 00 Held for Apportionment Affidavit +* a Transfer yCC-P-rpf , . „_....... � .. _ CertifiedManiTax Copy son x�� � �-- -- -- ,... t�lne�In olrq�;�crbveur;u��l try Cirr s ar�aru1t7"6�e�is01'Reg.Copy _........ ., _,.. �� LI be impiovcd by a otte m two f„Om dy v ill Sub Tota] melting only. YB5 or NO Other If NO,see appropriate tax clause on page N GRAND TOTAL—/T4 of this instrument. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 6 Con-u-n1irri�'ty� Preservation Fund Dist Section B Lock Lot Consideration Amount$ '12 Gr�aO.raD Stamp 02012942 1000 01900 0100 oolooa crF rax Due �1 . Dale RdlhAlN�, lnilials U . Na Vatatrit I..anrcl t / 7atixfaeList 11toperaywrwvnersmimmy,Address TD � RECORD&R17 WIN TO: TI7 _...µm...M .. e coxTD rw r-"t II Title Company Information Co.Name � "l r !7 Jrrp - Title# 491, Suffolk County Recolding & Endorsement Pq ' This page forms part of the attached P( e/ ,�TM' A4' ��rr�P/1 f p �' .„ y, made b (SPECIFY TYPE OF I NSTRUMEN f The prernises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK iO In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of `® BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIMED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) DEED OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS THIS INDENTURE, madc this 22nd day of May, 2002, ""'0/y2a/'h Pd, BETWEEN MAUREEN CULLINANE, residing at P.O. Box 35, Orient, New York 11957 panty of the first part, AND the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation having its office and principal place of business at Main Road, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part in consideration of FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($425,000.00) lawful money of the United States and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, by which is meant the permanent legal interest and right, as authorized by section 247 of the New York State General Municipal Law, as amended, to permit, require or restrict the use of the premises exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises and any structures thereon for any purpose other than agricultural production, to the property described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Orient III the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Main Road (NYS Route 25) and the westerly side of Narrow River Road; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Narrow River Road south 26 degrees 30 minutes 36 seconds east, 1044.17 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Narrow River Road and the northwesterly side of Narrow River Road; THENCE along the northwesterly side of Narrow River Road south 34 degrees 48 minutes 36 seconds west, 945.21 feet to land now or formerly of Young; THENCE North 45 degrees 15 minutes 07 seconds West, 152.28 feet; THENCE North 34 degrees 48 minutes 36 seconds East, 367.28 feet; THENCE North 45 degrees 15 minutes 07 seconds West, 510.63 feet; THENCE South 63 degrees 44 minutes 53 seconds West, 382.63 feet; THENCE South 78 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds West, 190.00 feet to land now or formerly of Taylor; THENCE along said last mentioned land and land now or formerly of White and Sabine, North 22 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West, 697.49 feet to the southerly side of Main Road (NYS Route 25); r' THENCE along said southerly side of Main Road (NYS Route 25)the following three (3) courses and distances; 1. North 65 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East, 315.35 feet; 2. North 64 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds East, 609.66 feet; 3. Easterly along the arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 1604.28 feet, a distance of 309.66 feet to the corner first above mentioned, to the point or place of BEGINNING. 2 • TOGETHER with the non-exclusive right, if any, of the party of the first part as to the use for ingress and egress of any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, insofar as the rights granted hereunder are concerned. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Development Rights in the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever; AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, to use the premises on and after the date of this instrument solely for the purpose of agricultural production. AND The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, that the parcels of real property described herein are open lands actually used in bona tide agricultural 3 . production as defined in GML section 247 and shall remain open lands actually used in bona fide agricultural production. This covenant shall run with the land M perpetuity. AND the party of the first part, covenants in all aspects to comply with Section 13 of the Lien Law, as same applies with said conveyance. THE party of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby covenant and agree in perpetuity that either of them or their respective heirs, successors, legal representatives or assigns, shall only use the premises on and after this date for the purpose of such agricultural production and the grantor covenants and agrees that the underlying fee title may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map pursuant to Sections 265, 276 and 277 of the Town Law and Section 335 of the Real Property Law, or any of such sections of the Town or Real Property Law or any laws replacing or in furtherance of them. The underlying fee may be divided by conveyance of parts thereof to heirs and next of kin, by will or by operation of law, or with the written recordable consent of the Purchaser. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the sale of the underlying fee or any portion thereof. THE word "party" shall be construed as if it reads "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. 4 THE party of the first part, the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it will (a) not generate, store or dispose of hazardous substances on the premises, nor allow others to do so; (b) comply with all of the Environmental Laws; allow party of the second part and its agents reasonable access to the premises for purposes of ascertaining site conditions and for inspection of the premises for compliance with this agreement. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. THE party of the first part, its heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and hold party of the second part and any of its officers, agents, employees, and, their respective successors and assigns,harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, responsibility for legal, consulting, engineering and other costs /and expenses which may arise out of (1) any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any representation or warranty made by seller in this agreement; (2) the breach or non-performance of any covenants required by this agreement to be Performed by the party of the first part, either prior to or subsequent to the closing of title herein; or (3) any action, suit, claim, or proceeding seeking money damages, injunctive relief, remedial action, or other remedy by reason of a violation or non-compliance with any environmental law; or the disposal, discharge or release of solid wastes, pollutants or hazardous substances; or exposure to any chemical substances, noises or vibrations to the extent they arise from the ownership, operation, and/or condition of the premises prior to or subsequent to the execution of the deed of Development Rights. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity, 5 iTHE party of the first part hereby reserves a twenty (20) foot right-of-way for residential purposes including for ingress and egress running from Narrow River Road to seller's retained five (5) acre building area. Said right-of-way shall be located a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from the wooded tidal wetland edge and as shown on the attached survey. Seller reserves the right to improve and maintain said right-of-way with pervious material and with such drainage as may be required by applicable regulatory agencies, at her own cost and expense. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. THE party of the first part hereby reserves a twenty (20) loot right-of-way from Main Road to the retained five (5) acre building area for installation, maintenance and repair of underground utilities. Said right-of-way shall include the right to install, maintain and repair such utilities as water, electric, gas and cable, and such other utilities or public services as may become available. Howe* r, said utilities shall be buried at sufficient depth so as to not interfere with the continued agricultural use of the property. Said right-of-way shall run along existing dirt fann road and be of sufficient width to accommodate all underground utilities as well as continued use of dirt farm road, for agricultural purposes. This covenant shall nm with the land in perpetuity. IT is hereby agreed and understood by the party of the first part and the party of the second part that the faun road may cross the Development Rights property in its present location and rrray be relocated, as needed, as long as the road continues to be used for farming purposes. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. THE use of this property shall be consistent with both the agricultural value and the scenic value of the property Use of pile property shall be conducted in a manner that 1' 6 does not detract from, or adversely affect the open space and scenic value that is 1 ase and easement. This covenant shall run protected by this development rights Purch with the land in perpetuity. AS set forth in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS acquired by the Town pursuant to the provisions of that capter shall not thereafter be alienated, except upon the, affirmative vote of a inaJoritY Of h the Town Board after a public hearing and upon the approval of the electors of the Town votinon a proposition submitted at a special or biennial town election. No subsequent g amendment of the provisions of this subsection shall alter the limitations unposed upon the alienation of development rights acquired by the Town prior to any such amendment. This covenant shall run with the land in Perpetuity' THE following shall be a covenant running with the land in perpetuity subject to the New York State Department of Agriculture the Town receiving grant money from ../ reimbursing the Town for the partial or total purchase price of this interest in land: "P..Il ed easement (tile covenants and restrictions set forth in this amendments to the approv Department of Agriculture". This Deed) inust be authorized by the, New York State covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity- ith the land in perpetuity subject to THE following shall be a covenant running w the Town receiving grant money from the United States Departirielit of Agriculture lal or total reimbursing the Town for the part (USDA) Farmland Protection Program purchase price of this interest in land: "Contingent Right in the United States Of America: Ill the event that the county or local government and approved co-holding land trust, if all , falls to enforce any of the teens of this easement [or other interests in land], as y 7 deterinincd ui the sole discretion of the Secretary of the United States Department of - the said Secretary of Agipculture and his or her successors and assigns shall Agriculture, right to enforce the terms of the easement through any and all authorities have the g available Linder Federal or State law. In the event that the county or local government and approved co-holding land mist, if any, attempts to terminate, transfer, or otherwise fan rights, title, or interests of this easement [or other interests in land] divest itself o Y culture without the prior consent of the Secretary of the United States Department of Agri and payment of consideration to the United States, then, at the option of such Secretary, ' e and interest in this easement [or other interests in land} shall become vested all right, title, etuit in the United States of America. This covenant shall run with the land in perp y• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part and the party of the seond part have duly executed this deed the day and year first written above. m�n'du—fli"n Seller: aure purchaser: Town of Southold By stlwa Y, florto,n, Supervisor 8 .---_... ............... 602 31,M) STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss. F lY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Ma , 2002, before me personally appealed MAUREEN On the 22nd day of Y 11 known to me or provided to me an the basis of satisfactory CULLINANE, Personally whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and evidence to be the individualher signature on the owledged to me that she executed the same and that by individual acted, ackn t the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the i instruen , executed the instrument. t40TARY PUBLIC 9EMO 01 No .. _ t iia�4tic,cI n t olkcoat arch fit, Nc�l.ary t'ul P colninissiou Expiru tall STATE OF NEW'YORK ) )ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 22nd day of May, 2002, before ills personally appeared 30SHUA Y- on NORTON, personally known to me or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory whose name is sllbscnbed to the within instrument and evidence to be the individualas Su ervisor of the acknog wled OF ed to me that he executed the sante in his capacity p dtividual or the �n SOUTHOLD, and that by his signature on the instrument, TOWN executed the al cor oration upon behalf of which the individual acted, t the mumcip P NNELANIF 001 OW,, instrument. NOT y pt)BLIC,.Vate cit Now" No.010 46 4870 � .l" s" a WL) . . . ..m. _ Notary Public '. 9 MAILING DRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI c �;;��% < Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS '; nl %!;ii fl Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAF'F'ER7TY r ���a�j��� �� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES 13,RICH DI (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) AFi TTN H.SIDOR Southold,NY M Telephone:631 765-1938 www.southoldtovmny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTOLD September 28, 2017 Mr. William Kelly 22355 Cox Lane, Unit Cutchoue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed SiteI for Tenedios Agricultural Building 28410 NYS Route 2 , s/w corner of Narrow River Road & NYS Route 25, Orient CT #1000-19.-1- 1. 1.4 Dear Mr. Kelly: I am writing with regard to the above-referenced Site Plan application. The application was submitted with incorrect information and must be corrected at your earliest convenience as follows: 1. Provide a corrected Site Plan Application form that accurately identifies that the parcel has been preserved by a sale of development rights, and answers the question about lot recognition; 2. Provide a completed/corrected Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LW ) Consistency Assessment Form. Please contact Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator in this office if you have any questions regarding the completion of this form. Pursuant to the Planning Board resolution dated August 1 , 2017 and the State Environmental Quality Review Act ( ) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(3): agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming,- This arming;This application, therefore, is not subject to further review under SEQR and an Environmental Assessment Form ( AF) is not required. Tenedios Agricultural Building Page 2 September 28, 2017 Please note that although this application falls under the Type 11 category in SEQRA, this does not preclude the Planning Board from examining impacts to the environment. Pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-128 X129, the purpose and objectives of site plan review require the Planning Board to, among other things, Mitigate the impacts of new development on the land, air and water resources, and give high priority to tile conservation of natural features on and adjacent to the site including wetlands and flood hazard areas, and protect groundwater and surface water from contamination by pollutants. The Planning Board is currently reviewing the public testimony and gathering input from relevant agencies to help determine whether additional information may be required to assist in their review of this application. If you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at 631-765-1938. Very truly yours, Brian A. Cummings Planner 4A' 1E4.d�+A� rmi t Planning Board ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23300 Main IC Rad, Orient, NY 11957 631-323-2445 9 Fax 631-323-9706 orientfired optonkne.net September 25, 2017 Brian A. Cummings, Planner Planning Board Office Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Cummings, The Board of Fire Commissioners reviewed your letter dated August 24, 2017 and site plan for the Tenedios Agricultural Barn located at 28410 Route 25, Orient N.Y. and found no recommendations are necessary. Sincerely, Donald R. Sayre,�e'cretary Orient Fire District Elizabeth Thompson,Chairperson Town Hall Annex Ronald McGreevy543 5 Route 25 Stephen Geraci 40f James Garretson »' Southold,NY 11971 William Coster Reynolds du4ont,Jr. Fax(631)765-6641 Telephone:(631)765-1892 r www.southoldtownny-gov Town of Southold �� Architectural Review Committee J MinutesJP 4:00p.m.,September 14,2017 �� Town Hall Annex Executive Board RoomSougaiq -T®�rin.. , ry Planning Board Members Present: Elizabeth Thomps on, Chairperson; Ron McGreevy;Stephen Geraci;James Garretson; William Coster;Brian Cummings, Town Planner; and Elizabeth Cantrell, Secretary The minutes for the May 11, 2017 meeting was approved. Introduction• All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations, together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Site Plan Applications: • FRONT STREET OFFICES SCTM# 1000-45-7-5.3 Scott Boger, property owner and Charles Southard, Architect presented the proposed Site Plan application to demolish an existing two story dwelling and construct a 2,902 sq. ft. one story professional office building and 16 parking stalls on 0.8 acres in the Residential Office (RO) Zoning District. Located at 75795 Route 25 in Greenport. The Committee reviewed the application and approves the proposed project and the color scheme for the building that is depicted on the attached photograph submitted September 14, 2017. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. �......�_...._.� ..�W� ...,,,w... ............ .. ... .. 1 ,m. • TENEDIOS AGRICULTURAL BARN SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.4 &1.3 Bill Kelly of Morton Buildings presented the Site Plan for the proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats,sheep &chickens)and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. The Committee determined to adjourn the application review until a N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Permit has been issued and submitted to the Planning Department. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. l fizabtA�h A.R.C. Secretary m.. ,, .. ... . wa .._... .. .. .. .. ._. ....._ ..... , -2 - \ ƒ\ � : . . . y ` r » / COUNTY OF SUFFOLK � �rVµ tN Steven Bellone SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE Department of Economic Development and Planning Theresa Ward Deputy County Executive and Commissioner Division of Planning and Environment September 19, 2017 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Attn: Brian Cummings Dear Mr. Cummings: Pursuant to Section 2391&In of the General Municipal Law,the following site plan which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s).A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Site Plan Address Filo. Tenedios Agricultural Barn SCTM# 1000 01900 0100 001003 et al (/A Note: Does not constitute acceptance of any zoning action(s) associated therewith before any other local regulatory board. Very truly yours, Sarah Lansdale Director of Planning Andrew P I relen APF/cd Chief Planner H.LEE DENNISON BLDG ■ 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY,11th FI 0 P.O.BOX 6100 ■ HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 ■ (631)853-5191 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION � Division of Environmental Permits,Region 1 SUNY @ Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11790 P:(631)444-03651 F:(631)444-0360 �" I0) /", www.dec.ny.gov Southold 4ratwru Manning IBQ ariil:J RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON SITE PLAN August 30, 2017 Brian Cummings, Planner Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4 Dear Mr. Cummings: Thank you for offering this Department the opportunity to review the referenced site plan. Please advise the applicant that the proposed project appears to be located within 300' of a NYSDEC-regulated tidal wetland and may be located within 100' of a NYSDEC-regulated freshwater wetland. As such, the proposed project will require permit(s) from this office. Sincerely, Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst I d'LWYOtRK Departmentof Environmental UI{prl I al la I'u' ?- Conservation �y '�� Michael J. Domino President , � Town Hall Annex John M. Bredemeyer III,Vice-President 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Charles J. Sanders ei Southold, New York 11971 Glenn Goldsmith Telephone (631) 765-1892 A.Nicholas Krupski �� ° ��� Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUMFil TO: BRIAN CUMMINGS, PLANNING DEPARTMENT �IJi ,lt FROM: MICHAEL J. DOMINO, PRESIDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES RE: TENEDIOS AGRICULTURAL BARN— ��iu:a, I� „+:9 .a._ ... SCTM#: 1000-19-1-1.3 & 1.4—28410 RT 25,ORIENT DATED; AUGUST 31,2017 Thank you for the opportunity to review the site plans for the proposed Tenedios Agricultural Barn. The construction of the proposed agricultural barn is non-jurisdictional with respect to the Town's Wetland Code and the wetlands boundary and offset depicted on the 3-22-2017 site plan of Jeffrey T. Butler,as flagged by Suffolk Environmental Consulting on 1-25-2001,remains largely unchanged since then. Of concern is the apparent recent clearing of trees and vegetation within the"100'Wetland Offset Boundary” as depicted on the site plan. Whereas there is an exception in the Town Wetland Ordinance for pre-existing bona fide commercial agriculture,which to date has been largely vegetable crops and flowers, it is open to interpretation whether the exception could include intensive animal agriculture within the 100'of wetland boundary set-offs where they appear to have been recently disturbed. Other than the recent small flock of chickens maintained outside of the wetland zone,there has not been significant animal agriculture on the site for at least 75 years. There is a serious concern that intensified animal agriculture on the Narrow River watershed,on lands subject to flooding, may put shellfish harvest at risk by adding coliforms used in shellfish sanitation monitoring or pathogens into surface runoff and Hallock's Bay,as well as contribute an additional Nitrogen burden capable of promoting harmful algal blooms. Nearly all the waters of Hallock's Bay are open for shellfish harvest year round and Narrow River has improving water quality and pending consideration by the NYSDEC Shellfish Unit to restore it to seasonal harvest. Accordingly,and in light of plans to put more animals on the site,we suggest the following: 1)All "100'Wetland Boundary Offsets" should have permanent fencing to exclude animals from the adjacent wetland area. 2)The operator/owner should seek professional guidance from: USDA-NRDS/Cornell/Cornell Cooperative Extension/Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District to develop and implement comprehensive best management practices and structural controls for animal waste to lessen to the maximum extent practicable potential impacts to shellfishing. Accordingly,the Trustees see this site as not desirable for animal agriculture. a�r MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ;;�` � P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI f � ' Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ? Town Hall Annex �� 54375 State Route 25 PIERCE RAFFERTY JAMES H.RICH III � � (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY .r'.� Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk cc: Town Attorney From: Brian Cummings, Plannq!5> Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �p�� n � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ���„«" � Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS �� yu r� Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY w 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �I0, ' �,�,� '' (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Brian Cummings, Planneri) Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS d��`� i tt G P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKISouthold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J.CREMERS � PIERCE RAFFERTY � �� r 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ���� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Peter Doherty, Code Enforcement Officer Robert Fisher, Fire Marshall From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3&1.4 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �� muu P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS v Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY ��� c� ; 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III rn -;` (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � ;uSouthold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission From: Brian Cummings, Planner® Date: August 24, 2017 RE: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narror River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and Following is information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Project Name: Tenedios Agricultural Barn Address: 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient Tax Map #: 1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Requested Action: This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 August 24, 2017 SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings, Planner (631)765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan • Site Plan Application 2 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �,�� �� ��, �� P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSffi o„�� � Southold NY 11971 dt ti� ��� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ' � ��°� Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � I � 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III Nm"�� is (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Brian Cummings, Plann� w' Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R=200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project and issues of concern you believe should be evaluated. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Encl: Site Plan Site Plan Application MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS DONALD J.WILCENSKISouthold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ; i r Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY + p � " 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ° " p � b�� 1 J7a Southold, NY " Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 24, 2017 Ms. Felice Semon c/o Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Route 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 Dear Ms. Semon: The enclosed Site Plan application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, �( ( ,ry Urian Cummings Planner Encls.: Site Plan Site Plan Application MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �l�'` �� �� ' P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSHI �y' Southold, NY 11971 Chair �"✓ "�"��� � � uu uillll r`;; OFFICE LOCATION: 1 r Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J.CREMERS i PIERCE RAFFERTY �� a�. 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � " 11 ff Southold, NY e Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation From: Brian Cummings, Planner Dater August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 August 24, 2017 Project Name: Tenedios Agricultural Barn Address: 28410 NYS Route 25, Orient Tax Map #: 1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Requested Action: This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings, Planner (631)765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan • Site Plan Application 2 wMAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �a:1 � ° P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 tis � �� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: �. WILLIAM J.CREMERSTown Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 ' � � ,!�" JAMES H.RICH III ' ���� ^ro�� .� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY y p.. Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector Damon Rallis, Building Permits Examiner From: Brian Cummings, Planner® Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation.. Encls: Site Plan Site Plan Application MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ,� �� �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS �' Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � r�r 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �� �" ,{� (cor. Main-Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY "Oil , Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outhol dt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Encls.: Site Plan Application and Site Plan a MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS f�,r� � i�� �� P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI uW Southold, NY 11971 Chair rrur��� a '���� ' OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ;� � Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � � aC 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III � �mou� rtl (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR . � ��'��"' . ������ Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-rmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Engineering Inspector From: Brian Cummings, Planner® Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Preliminary Subdivision Map Final Subdivision Map Road Profiles Grading and Drainage Plans Other �l Site Plan (Dated: 3/22/17) Revised/Amended Site Plan Grading and Drainage Plans Other (AS BUILT) Project Description: This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District Thank you for your cooperation. Encls.: Site Plan & Site Plan Application MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS " P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��'� '"� Southold, NY 11971 Chair 01 OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �,a h� � ` 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III � � p � 4� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � � r �'' Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-nny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Memorandum To: Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson Southold Town Architectural Review Committee From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: August 24, 2017 Re: Request for Review: Site Plan for Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Rt. 25, s/w corner of Rt. 25 & Narrow River Rd., Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Zoning District: R-200 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan Application to your committee for review and comments. This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District. Thank you. Encls.: Site Plan Site Plan Application Building Elevations xx fie: MAILING SS: / P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.VVILCEI�ISPLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �� s " ` Southold, NY 11971 4 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CRE MERS � Town Mall Annex PIERCE RAF'F'ERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ��� �'�� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) U . : , MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY r Z Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 15, 2017 Mr. William Kelly 22355 Cox Lane, Unit#4 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: SEQR Classification & Set Hearing - Tenedios Agricultural Barn 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1-1.4 & 1.3 Dear Mr. Kelly: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, August 14, 2017: WHEREAS, this Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have development rights intact in the R-200 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description for 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5(c)(3) agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming. The action is for the construction of a one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type 11 Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further Tenedios Ag Barn Page 2 August 15, 2017 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:03 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Tenedios Farm", prepared by Jeffrey T. Butler P.E., dated March 22, 2017. The Public Hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. Please return the Affidavit of Postin lMailin included ire the acleet alon , with the certified mailin recei is AND the si ned seen return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, September 8, 2017. The si n and the post need to be returned to the PlaqpLnA Board Office after the ublic hearin is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls, zr GT; MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �� a P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSIfI � Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE A N: WILLIAM J. CREMERS ,k Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY y C;A 4 54373 State Route 25 SS JAMES H.RICH III TM,.a. (cora .Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ,, " "� J�� Southold, NY 1�! 0x� � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-imy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 27, 2017 Mr. William Kelly 22355 Cox Lane, Unit #4 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Tenedios Farm Agricultural Building 28410 NYS Route 25, s/w corner of Narrow River Road & NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-19.-1- 1.3 & 1.4 Dear Mr. Kelly: I am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on July 24, 2017 where the Planning Board formally accepted the above-referenced Site Plan for review with the information requested below to be submitted. Please provide a description of the extent/limitations of the farm layout design including specifying if livestock will be permitted to interact with the freshwater wetlands. The Planning Board, its Staff, Town Departments and relevant agencies will provide additional comments following full review. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at 631-765-1938. Very truly yours, . _C� " Brian A. Cummings Planner WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, July 24, 2017 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meetin Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications Project Name: f Front Street Offices SCTM#: 1000-45-7-5.3 j Location; 75795 Route 25, Greenport Description: This proposed Site Plan application is to demolish an existing two story dwelling and construct a 2,902 sq. ft. one story professional office building and 16 parking stalls on 0.8 acres in the Residential Office (RO) Zoning District. Status: New Application Action: Completeness _ Attachments Staff Report _ 000-1 _ Pro je ect Nam ���n��°T�� wios��°Alltffl'11 � 1 SCTM# 1000-19-1-1.4 & 1.3 ¢ Location: 28410 Route 25, Orient Description: This Agricultural Site Plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building to house livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and store feed, supplies and farm equipment on a 34.5 acre farm, of which 29.5 acres have development rights held by Southold Town and 5 acres have pright'sZoning,District. develo ment _intact in the R-20,0 Status: New Application Action: Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: f Miller & Brinckerhoff SCTM#: 1000-8-1-5.1 & 6.5 Location: 2348 and 2851 Middle Farms Pond Road, north of Beach Pond, Fishers Island Description: This re-subdivision proposes to transfer 0.55 acres from SCTM#1000- 8.-1-6.5 to SCTM#1000-8.-1-5.1. Lot 6.5 will decrease in size from 6.7 acres to 6.15 acres, and Lot 5.1 will increase in size from 3.71 acres to 4.26 acres. Status: Pending _ Action: Hearing Comments & Request for SCDHS Waiver Attachments: Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness Date July 24, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Tenedios Agricultural Building Applicant: Steve Tenedios Date of Submission: June 28, 2017 Tax Map Number: 19.-1-1.3 & 1.4 Project Location: 28410 NYS Route 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-200 II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: 34.5acres — Southold Town Dev. Rights (19.-1-1.4) 5 acres — development rights in tact (19.-1-1.3) Building Size 8,664sf This agricultural site plan is for a proposed one story 8,664 sq. ft. building for storage of farm equipment, livestock (goats, sheep & chickens) and storage of feed and supplies on 34 acres of Southold Town Development Rights land in the R-200 zoning district, Orient. III: Completeness Review See attached checklist for Site Plan Requirements. IV: Analysis 1. Existing (to remain): a. 785sf One story equipment storage building (on 19.-1-1.3) b. 87sf Garden shed (on 19.-1-1.3) c. 118sf Horse Stall building (on 19.-1-1.3) d. 742sf chicken coop (on 19.-1-1.4) 2. Proposed scope of work : a. Construct 8,664sf metal agricultural building; b. Provide storm drainage system, power, water and lighting to proposed building 1 Olt 3. Code requirements / Bulk Schedule (R-200)- a. Lot Coverage: i. Maximum: 5% ii. Existing: 0.12% iii. Proposed: 0.73% b. Parking: no parking has been proposed, this is for owner use only and not open to the public Staff: the Planning Board may waive the parking requirement for this agricultural use c. Storm water Drainage System: i. Eight (8) 10' x 3' deep leaching pools for the building d. Access to site: i. One existing farm road to remain off of NYS Route 25; ii. Proposed 12' wide dirt road to connect the existing farm road to the proposed building Staff: erosion and sediment controls have been provided for the building and the construction entrance e. Exterior lighting: four (4) LED wall pack fixtures at 12' above grade are shown on the photometric plan <5.Ofc and at 3000K f. Exterior Signage: no exterior signage information has been provided; V: Staff Recommendations 1. It is recommended that the application be found complete and the review process to begin as specified below; in addition, consider the following: a. Due to this being an agricultural application, the following items are recommended to be waived: i. Parking requirements; Staff: this building is for employee use only to store farm equipment and livestock and is not open to the public. It is 2 situated on 34.5acres where considerable room for farm vehicle parking exists; ii. Separate key map showing the locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500' of the subject site; Staff: use aerials, GIS and site visit iii. Separate key map showing all existing buildings and uses within 200' of the subject parcel and include key elements of those existing sites (e.g. buildings, curb cuts, parking area(s), landscaping, etc.). Staff: use aerials, GIS and site visit 2. Require the applicant to clarify if any bathroom facilities are proposed within the building; 3. Require the applicant to provide a description of the on-site operations including the extent/limitations of the farm layout design (will livestock be permitted to interact with the freshwater wetlands?) 4. Classify the action as Type II (agriculture) under SEQRA; 5. Set the public hearing at the August 14, 2017 meeting, for September 11, 2017; 6. Refer the application to: Orient FD, Town Engineer, ARC, LWRP, Fire Marshall/Code Enforcement, Building Dept., Land Preservation, Town Trustees, NYSDEC, Suffolk County Planning Commission; Southold Planning Department Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness - Section 280-133 Project Name: Tenedios Agricultural Building Completed by: Brian Cummings Date: July 24, 2017 Received Comment A. Submission of a complete site plan application shall consist of: (1) A completed site plan application form. (2) The site plan review fee, as specified in Subsection B below. Editor's Note: See now § 280-138, Fee schedule for site plan applications. (3) A completed environmental assessment form. Short (4) Nine copies of the site plan. (5) Four copies of a property survey, certified by a licensed land surveyor. B. Standards. Site plan design shall include the following items: (1) Technical data: (a) The lot, block and section number of the property, taken from the latest tax records. (b) The name and address of the landowner on record: [1] The names and addresses of adjoining landowners. [2] The name and address of the applicant, if not the same as the landowner. (c) The name and address of the person, firm or organization preparing the map, sealed with the applicable New York State license seal and signature. (d) Date, graphic scale and North point, whether true or magnetic; if magnetic, show the date of reading. (e) A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's map or base reference map. All distances shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot. All angles shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in 10,000. (f) The locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way within 500 feet of property lines. If none exist within 500 X Waive; use GIS feet of the subject property, indicate the distance to the and aerials nearest intersection with a public street. (g) A separate key map showing location and owners of all Waive; use GIS adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest X and aerials tax records, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet. (h) The location, width and purpose of all existing and Southold Town proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas Dev. Rights dedicated to public use within or adjoining the property. 1 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department (i) A complete outline of other existing easements, deed restrictions or covenants applying to the property. Q) Existing zoning, including zone lines and dimensions. (k) Site plans drawn at the scale of one inch equals 20 feet. If all required information cannot be shown clearly on one plan, the information should be separated as �l follows: [1] Alignment and schedule plan. [2] Grading and drainage. [3] Landscaping. [4] Other, e.g., site utilities. (2) Natural features: Received Comment (a) Existing contours with intervals of two feet or less, referred to mean sea level as per United States Geological Survey datum. (b) Boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or Freshwater stormwater overflows, tidal bays, saltwater marshes, wetlands beaches and all freshwater bodies, including wetlands �l and intermittent streams, perimeter boundaries of shoreline bluffs, dunes and beaches. (c) The location of existing natural features, including but not limited to natural drainage swales, watercourses, wooded areas and wetlands, as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Board of Trustees of Southold Town, marshes, ponds, dunes, bluffs, beaches, kettleholes, escarpments, wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas, erosion-prone areas and trees of six inches in diameter at a point three feet above the trunk base. (d) The location of any existing cultural and historical features within 500 feet of the property boundaries. N/A (3) Existing building structures and utilities: (a) The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, as defined in § 280-4 of this chapter, and all uses of the �l site. (b) Paved areas, including parking areas, sidewalks and vehicular access between the site and public streets. (c) The locations, dimensions, grades and flow directions of any existing culverts, waterlines or sewage disposal systems, as well as other underground and �l aboveground utility poles and utility lines within and adjacent to the property. (d) The location and use of all buildings and structures, Waive; use GIS including curbcuts, within 200 feet of the boundary of the X and aerials subject property. 2 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department (4) Proposed construction: Received Comment (a) The location of proposed buildings or structural improvements, indicating setbacks from all property lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. (b) The location and design of all uses not requiring structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas and pedestrian circulation. (c) The location, direction, power level and time of use for any proposed outdoor lighting or public address systems. (d) The location and plans for any outdoor signs must be in accordance with applicable sign regulations. X (e) The location and details of aprons, curbs, sidewalks, fencing (type and location), and grading, including existing and proposed topography with two-foot contours (on site and 200 feet beyond the property line) and spot elevations for buildings and all structures, drainage calculations, details of drainage structures and watershed areas, where applicable.. (f) Grading and drainage plans shall be based upon site stormwater retention, in conformance with Chapter 161, Highway Specifications. (g) The location and listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity X and location. (h) The location of water and sewer mains, electrical service, cablevision and telephone installations, ground transformers, fire wells and fire hydrants and/or any alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. (i) Building elevations for all facades and floor plans showing the proposed use of floor area. Notes: N/A = Not Applicable Site Plan Application elements waivers: § 280-133 C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board shall have the discretion to waive any or all of the requirements of this § 280-133 by resolution at a duly noticed public meeting, for those applications involving modifications to existing structures with no substantial change to the existing footprint, where the Planning Board determines that such modifications or any change in use will not require significant changes to existing major site design features, as well as applications involving uses strictly related to agriculture (but excepting retail winery operations), if it determines such requirements are not necessary to protect and maintain the public health, safety, or welfare and to further the objectives set forth in § 280-129. 3 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Submission Without a Cover Letter Lt Sender: Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - I Date: U Comments: P Nc)--F Cf D b • TV( f/1,5 QG` r3l SCS vre • C— kl�7 a Arch, Plans A4. SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM ! l Site Plan Name and Location � . CHJI r.�d 7o va Site Plan Name: % C�J�I C1Sf� Application Date: Suffolk County Tax Map#1000- / - ©/ Other SCTM#s Street Address: ;?Rl a 04mm AIV m Hamlet �ie1��t�t1 Distance to nearest intersection: Type of Site Plan: lNeNN, Amended Residential Zoning District Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list name, inailhig address, and l;Vwne number or the pe(yk below:' Property Owner Street 0 l�V-1—i:1 0�5 City O K 1ew l State zip Home Telephone.... .. .. _W.. _ .. .... Other Applicant Street adwo /�0U a5 City l�l State y zip 57 Home Telep�lioe Other Applicant's Agent or Representative: ContactPerson(s)* Street da 3 6'6- C'U Cite l tmme, /, t b StateZip Office Telephone ('i?jl 73 - V06 Other ��l' a�7 ' IAN .w......................... 7 . *Unless otherwise requested,correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Site Plan Application Form 2/18/2010 Site Data New Modification of Existing Structure Agriculwraq Proposed construction type: ..........V................. �6: 1 Clunge of use Property total acreage or square footage: 0C sq. ft. Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage- -.—.-ac./sq. ft. Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes—No V/ If yes, explain: ............... este parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? Y—N If"yes", explain (and attach any necessary documentation-title report, subdivision approval, etc.) Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: Ci Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning or of Appeals required? Yes—No If yes, have you submitted an application-to the ZBA? Yes m�mmmmNo If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. Id List all existing property uses: List all proposed property uses: Other accessory uses: Existing lot coverage: /o Proposed lot coverage: Gross floor area of existing structure(s):_ _s ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s):_ 12-3,-n-r —--------------------- Parking Space Data: #of existing spaces- of proposed spaces: _(�D Loading Berth: Yes No_Z .......... Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: C;> % Proposed landscape coverage: C> % .......... Wetlands: Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes Y No Maybe ___ ............................ 1, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. Signature of rerer mm ate: 1-1 2 ..... Site Plan Application Form 2118120 RAW" pit. Steve WHO 84 p tt Madn p dp Orient . NY 11957 Re: Authorization LUer t" r SCITNI 0 1000-1941-4.3 hk L- p. Steve Teedios, mmer of up , SCTN4 0 Rm t-1.3 AMM . „ located at 284 101 Main Road, (Xie t, W, in the Tomm in Nth,oM, h- ryp.y Authorize Wp.p.pp rn Kelly tory Acct as agent handUng all necessaq w T wflvetvi I the Southold "'p myn Phin-ningDept,, in mdei"u) aC.quk, prCl''4dkon to may I %,,ise btidding to 11OLISC fiveskmk,, pbmi equip:merit std iage, h,yIT!"FM d r pi Stock at the above r�epdu >4 cede pop eny. Signature of owner S%vorn me this '[fda , in the y'eart NOtsry Purbfic,Stade of Now b No,D I ZA61 8 r (Quahfied r New"ec.-,m unty ,.da,.aP°tl`f'nil'',sbn r Carr 14,2010,, APPI B""N' l S AF"l�'11;iW A VtI' i"v'WIv."l"l! t W °" NEW OIU," COUNTY T, 1_x:1rF "1: ,.K ' being duly sworn, deposesarid says diat lie resides s aat aua the State of New York, aank,'I thaut laau is tlae owner of the above property, or that lie as the of the cor li° aec pa�a taxi l:°° � �� whichis hell-eby mahig application; that (bere are not existing ru tures or improvernerAs, onthe land wlalch are not alaaa w;ri on the Site 111an that the:title to the entire parcel, ituelaaalang all rights- of-way, i ht-of wwaa , has been clearly established a.ti is aalfaown rasa said,Plan; that no laaa°t of the Plan infringe upon any didy, filed plan which has not been abandoned both as tai irbt vasal as to roads; that lie has examined all roles and regulations adopted by the l laaaaaaaaag,Bo an.l for tlae llling gat Site Pl'aaauaa and will coni al�� with Stanme; � � � „, g � tl iaaaa S�aaulaanit.ta�al, �aaa ag;:aa�ca�sealp ^w«�all' aaa.at l.�a� alta:�a�auu ��alaaaaaWa�a�al lea any taaaaaaaer witla .nut tl m she's"V(' flee Planning aaa Boardeasel that the a,aetuu al lila aie�al imp� -Ove cent e instaa c .in strict accordance Nritla the plan as approved"by:"the Planning B, au d: i ;maeal sigried lla rtner of Coaporau' Offieer aan,d Title) tiaa nut "1� � �. ..� �... .a..�, " m . ._ .... Notaryl tIblic hl.� KONST!,INTINOS ZAMFOTIS Notary Public,State of New York ND 01ZA6165890 Qualified in New York County Commission Expires May 14,2019 APPI.1C f'S AFFIDAVIT AIFILICN?N'l. S AF'F'IDAVIT STATE OF' N`EW YORK co .,\ fy OF SUFFOLK _ .. -- being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at ° .,... . // – ! ��ry � /� in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of property located at or that he is the of the O�� �� ...._ ._...(Title) � pfy �hethcf Partnership or Corp.) and said Corporation is the owner of the above property, which is hereby making a Site Plan application; that there are not existing structures orimprovements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way. has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan-, that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all les and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the PlanningBoard-, and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in str' acro a.nc ,ith,itthe plan as approved by the Planning Board. Si(rre Signed—, (Partner I-porate Officer and Title) Sworn to me this `�F... k > Ir {p Notary 1 i l�isEVE L.GATMCHWAMBORN Mr NOTARY PUBLICSTATE OF NEW YORK Resists-anion No.01.GA6274028 Qualified in Suffolk County CoinzPniisSion Expires Dec.24,20,20 -TLmRcrcn r&z.,N 'Southold .Plannine DeLmrtrnent Applicant Transactional Diselos u re Form The Town (if Southold's Code of Rhies prohibits conflicis of im!,crM on the parl:of officers and ernployees., Pie purpose(if this foam is to provide infimnation kOiMcan,alert- the of possible conflicts of interest and allow Otto take whatever action is i ecessary to avoki same. YourName: g��iRll�f :R_nN1L12_r_2_U Last., Fim middle unifi?) unless'31101f are qppvft in Me name ol'someorte eGe or oihey'e?fi,, VU647 6LV CJ OOMPQI 's,(1, hT,dkafe Me otherpersoer 7s or rompa),,w"' Nature of Application (Check A that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivisum SRe 111?n Other(Plea,sz narne other,acti viw- pyo you personally(orthrougb your cornpany,s mse,si fing, nt o child)ha, e a reiationship with any officer or Tx b➢. pare r mployce of theTown of Southold? "Relationship includes by Wood,man business interest. "Business intemst'means a business, including a partnershlip.,inwhich Che to-w-n officer or qnptoye�:has even a pazlpal Ownership of(or cruployment.by)a corporation in which die town ofTicer ar empt:,sycc.owns more than 5%ofthv shares- If you answered"Yes"complete the bahance of this f6m,and date and sign wherc� indicated, Name of the person employedby the 1"myn o Sq Title orpstun oftht piNhon Describe the Fdationship belhvevn your (dicappkartt)and ghe town offic"-ortemployce, Eithercheck the al)PTOPTiate line A through D andior describe in the space pnvvided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse.sllbiling,paren.t or child is richeck all that appl A. the owner,ofe g -f theshares of "ock of the appliemni (when the gater than 5%o app ficant is a corporation); ............... B,the legal or benericiM interest in a nomf�rpara,',.entity(when the appikant is mot as corporatkm);.,,,-° C alit of c irixtor,partner or empoyetl oftheappHc-ant;or tun] appficivift Description of Relationship: ... ................ .... .......... Submitted di�, of _0 KONSTANTINOS-ZAMFO71S WM'Outft,-State 6f°New York No.a17_A61&890 poffleci-Irf r4" C.Oun,ty 'res , 14"m 91 Cs PF- Conimission Print,Name Applicant DisclosureTransactional The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information hic can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: Last,First,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business interest''means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment y)a corporation in which e town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes No If you answer "Yes"complete the balance of 's fo adg-e`and i where indicated. Name of the person employ by�the Taar�r�l Southold ,. Title or position of that person . Describe the relationship,* en yourself(the applicantt"aa e town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A th gt and/or describe in the e provided. The!:� ° 'i er or employee or his or her ouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply) A.the o er 'rester than5%of e shares of a corporate stck- the applicant(when e appiicant' a co oration); B. tk ^Qal or beneficial owner of any interest i ncorporate entity(when the applicant is not rrp+oration); C.an officer,director,partner or e oyce of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description ofRelationship: _u Submitted this day okk j# f „ o Si natur �F q ifs ;: fl i Print Na 'e ... EVE L.GATZ-SCHWAMBORN Disclosure Form NOTARY PUBLIC.STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No.OIGA6274028 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Dec.24,2020 Owl 4*1k, M r7-4 74 ............. TOW r4 OFSCH jT1 IOL I) �I3 L i-)1 (3 D F F"A,RIA4 1 1' S 0 U,I,I�II(")1,a), 'V' NOTICE OF' DIS APPROVAI, D/'�TLI June 1), 2017 �'O, bill Kelly, Mouton Buildings (Cullin.ane) 22355 ('I R 48' Unit 4 D.achogu.e, NY 11935 Please talie notice that your request dated Mq 9 201.7 L.y .................................. For permit ft.)r the construction(:) �.,nq,.,jcu.ftura]. building at ............................................ .............................................f 5 ....................I...................—1.................................. Location of property- 28410 Route 25 C)rient.,NY ................ --------- County Tax Map No. 1.000 - Section 19 Block 1 1.4 .............. .................... The pppsgid_constructiano jnqj2proval ('roin the Southold '11- wn n flan. 7,,&(mrd, as -.� well as a roval fro the Southold Tovrn L d Preservation office. TO OF SOUTHOLD BUDGNG 54375 ROUTE 25 -- ------------------------------------- SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Authorized Signature 631-765-1802 39300981882516 SALE WD: 2516 Stour: 0001 lrei-m 0001 REF#: 00000001 Batch #- 100 RRIq: 716412602011 06113117 08.03:43 T`iians 11D- 387164434235697 APIPIR 063614 OSA AMOUNT`' $1 '1 1111 APPR'ZNED1---— VISA CRECNT AID-1 A0000000031010 TVR: 00 80 00 80 00 TSL F8 00 ,rHANK YOU CUSTOMER COPY FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. �✓ �� o i NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: June 9, 2017 TO: Bill Kelly, Morton Buildings (Cullinane) 22355 CR 48, Unit 4 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Please take notice that your request dated May 9, 2017 For permit for the construction of an agricultural building at Location of property: 28410 Route 25, Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 19 Block 1 Lot 1.4 e1ct construction requires site lar� approval from the c�ui p� ygta. �...... . well as approval from the Southold Town Land Preservation, Bg Ur� a --- ------------- --- ------- ------- a.thoa ized Signature Cc: File, planning ' mmm C FOR INTERNAL USE urv�- SITE PLAN USE ®ET ER[11I ISIf TlOE:J ���11 Southol��"�a�r� �L-- _ Initial Determination _ - - - Date Sent: �-L f Date:_) Project 02 Project Address:�..�...��`-I- - W Zoning District: . Suffolk C-ounty Tax Map P„ west' eg - - dtcuner�ttion as to (Note: Coley of B-uildirg Perrnit pptication and su.pporfang -proposed use or use st would he sUtmttec9.) Initial Dete . rniinaf�on as to whether use is permitted:... ewike�b Initial-Dete-rmination as to whether AL site p tan is required:! -_- _. Signature of Building lnspector artment (P.D.) Y Referral: Planning Dei 7 f t 7 Date of Comment: _/ __--- P-.-Date Received:�Gormnmj __J___1®------ ants` Signature of Plannin ept--Staff Reviewer Final eter1111liation Date: �� � __ " 9 ------------- 747 Iii1ciinc, In- nPct�r TOWN OF SOUTHOLDIL IT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING EPA ENT ou have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUT OL , NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey South oltownny. ov'- P.E.R1NUTNO. Check .._... Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees C.O.ApplicationITIT Flood Permit Examined mmmIT ,20 Single&:Separate.. Truss Identification Form Storm-Water Assessment Form Co I tact. Approved__,__ 20 ,-ail to: 61-3& : . DisaPproved Phone:6,31,2057- 7J1.. Expiration�" p� mm .. Ex l ED Ll Inspc r SAY 9 2017 APPLICATION FOR BUIL I G PERMIT .. DEPT.BUrLDING Date � �a�L'/ , 20/7 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submittedto-the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings-on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. . Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of'Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced' within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,th6 wild` g-Inspector may authorize, in it' g,the extension of the pe it for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit'sliall"bz required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, oialteratio s or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code,housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. "Signa re .t applio name,if a corporation} °!i� addr s of a 1� �� +" e g Pp cant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder _.. . Name of owner of premises / /OS ................ y. to • on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature Ma I iut,,,& b 'Ilfficer 'A u�'A" &4una�°,# (Name and title of corporate"offWbPP L-> 3 m4m.!+n Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be do r House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Block / __ Lot i Subdivision ... _ _Filed Map No. Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of prein ses and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy VA G b. Intended use and occupancy �~- 3. Nature of work (check which applicable):New I3u.ilding__ i Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work 4. Estimated Cost �� � �°� DO Fee (Description) wellin number ofdwllin (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If g, a g units of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6.' ]Cf lru itr��s;'�o�rru ei i rra..'crr n'.,dxed occupancy, sl.ecdf'y nature and extent of each type ofuse. A - a ,- 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Depth Height Number of Stones—'-_ Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front , r: Depth Height -'" Number of Straes Height x new const ctio :Trorat "� Rear. Depth 8. Dimensions of entire g "5 Number of Stories A r 9. Size of lot: Front Rear DepthOLic.4 10. Date of Purchase Name of.Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises-are situated r 12. Does proposed construction violatey g an zoning law ordinance or regulation? YESNO 13. Will l.ot be re-graded" YES NO Will excess fill be rernoved from premises? YES ...NO 1.4. Nadraes of Owner of pt'enri:ses / Address �, Phone No, Name of Pkr6bitect Address Phone No Narc.e of Contractor r Address���� � honP No. 41y' 0 15 a.. Is this property within 100 feet ofrya tidal wetland,or;a freshwater wetland" *YES NO k IF YES, SO1.11°l HOLD `I'O TRI,I-S°fEES & D.E.C. PE TS MAY BE REQUIRED. b.. is this property within 300 feet of a,tidal wetland? * YES NO * IF YES D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate fbtffdation plan distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at y:p6 mt�on prope is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there anycoven'ants andfes-,`c�ici s ' ®th'r s ct tot s prope ? * S NO * IF'YES, PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) S : COUNTY OF �-~ beiirc=deal� y SIV sa s that(s)he is the applicant (Name,of individual signing contract) above named, Notes" ' " (S)He is the ...... C�+�rrt (Contractor gen, rp estate Officer, of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the-,said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge aril belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this 32- day of � NotaryPhblic, 9 e fApplicant a•,. Ll— FOR FOR INTERNAL- USE UNL • [j �.I,_ � ., SITE PLA USE DE ERM NATI ;,, z) pan . Initial ten-6ination D ate sent: J�_Z Date: Project Name .m " .. ILt 1_0 PK project Address: 2-- " I I . m Zoning Dist'lict Sufolk County dap��o.: �0�- . � A Request� T (Note: Coir of Suiiding F+e� ,r jf A apiic tic r and supporting documentation a to -proposed use or uses should be s��lrailted.) ,o Initial Determination as to whether use is percitted: . la Initial-DeterrKination as to whether site Pan n is required:_ Signature of Building Inspector ..�.�. A Planning Depart- ment(p.D.) Referral*, f 7 = if? Date of Comment:_—— P.fl_.Hate Received:. � COMM ell St .. z y e t.-Staff Reviewer Signature of PIannln�" p- Fina[ DeterntinaVOn of Rriildin❑ in- tor _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT ou have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health _ SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: ( ) 765-1802 Planning Board approval-..._ FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey t o t y ...o �� "P ".NOm Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees ..... C.O.Application Flood.Permit ll,xtnined.�. ....-,20 Single "Separat:.'�... Truss Identification Form Storm-Water Assessment Form Contact: Approved _...... 20 Mail to: Disapproved a/c Phone.Gam, &2-055 yy(/ Expiration—- DDmmmmmm Building Inspector M AY o 2017 APPLICATION FOR 13UILDING PERMIT BUILDING DEPT. ��/2�L- /7 20/ Date TOWN�T OF SOUTHOLD INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings-on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. , c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues aCertificate-of"Occupan'cy. - f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance.or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or,other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Bui lding Inspector may authorize;in writing;the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit small be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, ®r,'alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code,housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Sign ureM�fr-e' if a corporation) Vni Mlicant) f State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Name of owner of premises ST6& %,�/O S -------------------- H uj_,s � on the x roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signage` �*th fitl"bitcer "elm,90 01dis,.An rq to (Name and title of corporate'OfI Builders License No.J3 — ITIT Plumbers License No, Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. �... p p �: 1. Location of land on which � ��work will of �s House Number Street Hamlet „ County Tax Map No. 1000Section' � � i�ro��.:�,1��,: t�� Lot Subdivision Filed Map No° Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy T144A lL _>j'W4D 6(e-0 C j 0/ 5' 3. Nature of work (check 'which applicable): New Bp:ilding /� Addition. Alteration Repair Rernowd Demolition Other Work 4. Estimated Cost f " d0 Fee (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of d el:l.i,n.g units Number°of dwelling units on each floor Ifgara e number of cars _... _..._. _ 6.` If u sir es C50` mffi 6ibial°or mixed occupancy, specify nature,and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of y' ng structures, if any' Front re Depth- existi . . Height ���" Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: FrontRear Depth / Height -r- '` '.)mber cif St6de°s 8. Dimeht ions of?entire new constru Numbeor o:5i f Stories ��nt R10 - ear Depth. r 9° Size of lot: Front 1 Z'sL4Rear qAis Depth L14-j 10. Date of Purchase , Name of Fortner Owner, 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12° Does proposed cons ctibn violate y o °ng law,-ordinance or re latio ? S No 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO Will e'x'C"eks-fill be`fe ovedfrom' premises? YES NO 14. Names of Owner of premises Address 2EI-0 E 'gip Pleb No 9s7- '79G-79� Name of Architect Address hone No Name of ContractorOL/I b11Q)A4e, 7ALf. . .ddress� Pltone o° ter 15 a. is this property within,1,0,0 feet of a tidal wetland off,a freskawat��r wetland? * IF YES, SO 1THOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERNIIT"S AYj BE REQUIRED. b° Is this-property within300 feet,of a'r al etl d?� SLX_NO * IF YES 'D E.C. PERMITS UAY BE REQUIRED, 16. Provide survey,to scale, °th#curate foundation plan distancesito property lines. ; - 17° If elevation at!any poinVio,'i property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey, q 18° A:t there any coy+en nts and restficli& with'r to t ps-props ? * YES NO IF YES, 1 ROVJDE A COPY. . ;TATE OF NEW YORK) SS: �OUNTY®F + being:duly s wrfl I SV4 th acne of individual of 4w at(s)ho is the applicant (N vidual signing contract) above named, � ' t 'S He is the (Contractor gen�, rpo`rateCo fficer, etc."l )f said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed-the_'said work and to make and file this application; hat all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be )erformed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith, 'worn to before y e.this dr�l' � „ro Notary Piii.bllic e f Applicant Town of Southold 1 ' l'' COSIST.E ' ASSESSMENT FORM X11 i', l /`; A. INSTRUCTIONS v and w� �P,���rAnug L All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant icant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town 3 If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be exillained in detaiL, listing both-supporting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# /oo p - /9 - 0/ - /- _3 PROJECT NAME ST ✓f--- Y1 9-WE'�>t 4S The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board[;� Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees �. 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) Li (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Location of action: ANIO Site acreage. --------- Present land use., 41(�� (Idm 6CLOf--5!UZ-74' Present zoning classification: 00 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: -7411i�1 (b) Mailing address:_,,,,,,,,,,,, —7— 5(d)(c) Telephone number: Area Code � o2 35 O Application number, if any:., ........... Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes 0 No If yes, which state or federal agency?,, C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the for be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold tate aces community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III–Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. 1:1 Yes No [Z/Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III–Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes 1:1 No � ot Applicable .............. ......................................... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria 7 Yes F7 No [Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes No [;I Not Applicable .......... . ................ ....................... ........... ....... ..... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria 1:1 Yes El No Not Applicable . ......... Attach ——------- --- .......... additional sheets if nece s sary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal is and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. 1:1 Yes [:] No [�Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes 7 No YNot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes 1 No Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICEES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use o , coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 6 for evaluation criteria. 8 � Yes No Not Applicable _._............._. _... additional sheets if necessary WORKING AST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. F� Yes E No Ll� Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Townwaters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes 1:1 R'N`�of Applicable No L ................ .......... ............. ................ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands inthe Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. D Yes Ll NoF;rNot Applicable ............ ............ . .............. ......... ... ...................... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section M—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. 1:1 Yes [:1 No Evot Applicable .......... PREPARED BY TITLE DATE Z-7- Amended on 811105 617.20 I Appezzdix I3r Short Environmental Assess»zent Form Instructions for Completing 6' na� Part I-Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or finding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information NXV�V/ - �cl��16 S ame o....._�...m.-....-. -.-....__.....__ _._.._ ,. � ....�. .. .,.. .... f Action or Project: Protect Location(describe,and attach a location map): a�, oar°fir, A/y 19 57 Brief Description of Proposed Action: e7beAC,F C>F FAk l"T l-�il 1k-C-FrM ---'.C40'L' r'Z>,, STWkc-&- df- Name f- PPSponsor: a p _ 2/ � _ .. e Name/,of�/A Applicant or Tele hone: " ' E-Mail: ......_. -� OR al��_. tvz1/i an-t. �F�ll y @Inofi r` .covet Address: 12a 3 S C0kAITy Ci /PO: _...... Slate: Zip ode: u H()C�_� �� �," 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or finding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: ` -3.a.Total _..--- acreage of the site of the proposed action? ��' _ acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? �_ i cs c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? , �-_,tri as 4 Check all land uses tthat occur on, oinin�and near the fir,.. �_ �,.,�, .. ���- -� _ ( � oposed action. C Urban Rural (non-agriculture) C Industrial C Commercial Residential suburban x o Forest )(,Agriculture C Aquatic C Other(specify): C Parkland Page ll of 4 __m..,.� � � _ 5. proposed action, . ... Is tire prop — ......_..._.—_.—._._....._ __ �NO YES, N/A _.µ... . .. a.A.pen-nitled use under�0ie zoning regulations? Is. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? proposed p _.. _,_ 6. 1's the :aro posed aaction consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? the site of the prop . n, ......__e... I state Pasted P. Is proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,as � .._ Critical Ii'nv'dronnreuutaal Area? NO 'YES IfY es,identify.--- — 3, a,Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic c above resent P P p levels? NO YES Is. Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? c,-Are any pedestrian accornmodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9s Does thet action osed ro meet P P ...��.....t or exceed the state enemy Dods requirements? NO.�.. ,S 3 �requirements,IT describe design features and technologies: If'the ��a�s�o�r«u:�ed action exceed . �. _ .. .m ..._. 10, Will ehc proposed adi connect public/private V4 water supply? NO YES t;CE_ E If No,describe method}br providing potable^wur<ater 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method fore rovidin wastewater treatments P 7 2, s thesite contain a structure that is listed a,Doe . l._ .. .. on either the State orT�Tat.. .._�......_ .. .. Tonal Register of Historic NO YES Places? b,Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13,a,Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain N0 YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14s Identify Shoreline typical Forest I-ricultural/grasslands �.0 .. mm typ" types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ,� ' Early mid-successional Wetland D Urban 0 Suburban 15.I.boes the site of the proposed action contain•any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed -� No_ by the State:or Federal u,oveinmen:t as threatened or endangered? 16,]s the y)roject site located urthe 100 ycarflood ..�I—laar? ... �.a 1. Will the ao nosed action create storms wva.tea cixscluaaruYc,catl�ueu Erewura. _...... p 1 _. poria or non point sources? �°Q9 YES S 11"Y;s, a_"i1 l storm water d" �lacerut l uolreu ,e„r i Cl IF Vf uu��rn¢Pu;r-cVusc a ra cs tler�.v 9.o dna YY Vy Ws1V �rullu" usclu"tu,oc;u Ilatl,cllara;(,tc,.el to c.,r,b]IisNdr;rV a,omci�ctiauc;c.,w Ca.flaa;!u au r.wr. lG and ar)nuu r9anaraa.)a ai Yes,, briefly rla�, a uuGati : 6 ' ...................._... ..........._._. „.gem.,m . .... ..— 18.roes the�.ro posed nuc tion hiclaud�couustn.ictnonr or other activities to ..__.. .... w —. --- - p 1 neat re5:ranit in the impoundment of �'�� � V]liA5 water or anther liquids(e.g. retention pmid,waste lagooan,c:wn)? ,explain purpose and size if�s,..... �.. . .... -- _ .�.. .� ... ....... �.. 19„1-'.las tlue site ofthe.Jpn oposedaction on-an adjoini rig property been the location.of an active or closed N0 ES solid wast,nIlaunagement:facility";? If Yes,descrrib �_.._ 2Q1.l a s the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject ofrennuediatu"on (o ngoiona ou NO YE completed):for lna7.au does waste? If Yes,describe. I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO E BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Appa.licarnt/spons nan:rne: hates 1 Signatures w.. ....... ._. Part 2-Impact Assessment, The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2, Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in fart 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action i... pair the character orquality of the existing community? 1. Will the prognosed action have an iinnrnp:nact on the environmental dhasacteui<stics that caused the establishment ofa Critical Environmental Area(C1.'.A)? 5. W`ill flue proposed action result in an "adverse change nn the existing level of traffic or aff ct existing infrastructnnre for mass transit, biking or waaulcway? d. Will the proposed action cause nau inciease inn the n.ase of en er.Y and nt taails to incorporate reasonably available a,nrCr,-}r conservation antioin on renna,swable enei,y.oppor �.... .... ... .. �..... ... ......,. %. "i''lailG the gnaropo ccl aac 6onn uvnrvl,at F xi s6na g: a. lie Q a .—........ Ilr. nnn�rlis,f nui r nuc, wfi u��Cu.�alauic,r { l l 1' _ r it tlnu iaa:r rt+ c c1 as tavrrn reran u r Plra � vd rrAc°t�,r a rcau alut� ccfarun wa. �artu Inratcr m., arch_tcunial cu <cslboicc.sou ccsw? .... .... t- --------- 9, � c �iul PNucprucaased a�tunc ue, ut nui nradverse,challf1c,to rr1u �Glncarr �,��,u� � , tmnca, ...._ I. vatcrbocliiesc 1-1-0uurud ti ntu r, Air cloa da t' fkcjlau and Fauna)? a)l i cNcy,c'; 3 fol'4 Moderate No,or small to large impact impnel: rn a y May occur occur ............. 10. Will the proposed action i esult in wi increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? .... ...... 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources orhurnan healtli? .. ........ Part 3--Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion offart 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact rnay occue%or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will norresult in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact shauld be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long--tenn and cumulative impacts. —Che""c'-k d")."is—box—if'yo'u--]—iav"—edet-e...... i-mined,based on the infan-nation and analysis above,and any supportin,c) documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or rnore potentially large envirowniental impact statement is required. or significant adverse impacts and: an Check this box if you have determined, based on aie inf6miation and analysis above,and any supporting(Jocumentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Nanie of Lead A-ency Date -P r--i t-i't or T);--e N,w tn ofleus-p-o-Iiis i—bI e 0-4-1-1 cle"i in L,e—adAug-e—ncy- ------ title of sibJe Officer ........... Signature of Responsible Officeir in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if diffei-ent from Responsible Of .................... ......... 1'11' 1�:c 4 of"I MAILING S: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��� fiF S004 P.O. Box 1179 �{t` Southold, 11971 DONALD J. LCE�vS , , e', t.4 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cox°. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �� �" X� Southold, NY OUN Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department J\, Date: June 29, 2017 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date/No. Tenedios Farm Site Plan 19-1-1.3 & 1.4 $500.00 6127/17-#113524 Morton Buildinsmmmmmm mm _ ,0 ,..., - MOMN ink 11DINGS, WC. PA 113524 70 P3r0 � lP'Itt�f�ll�l!IJII� L!�I"�Pl^a� r` D ct! M0111VION,ML 61550-0399 r�r MOF?T0114 aMdulP IEM11 wG , 18'14::.. PURq VIII PASP#!'' 06?11l:'N uui, ACCU llNJ I ,w VALID OVEFi` $500.00 5 e(✓)all`s W �� )u: mm .. LL35240 1:071L232041: L20 L54u' `,.,�/,,, w ,a. �; 1,,,�,,.,Y ✓. r,e,':A..,n,m.. .�,k': ar`, ,i_.�.w, m Nr, '!� ar-.�s� n, ev,—'i, .,:� "�� prr� -'�:,.,!„ry rt v�.`:Pr � ,...0,:,. n d _