HomeMy WebLinkAboutVHB Visibility Study One - Mile Radius Visibility Study May 2017 Proposed Wireless Communications Facility 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York PREPARED FOR Elite Towers,LP and New York SMSA Limited Partnership 44 WestJeffryn Boulevard d/b/a Verizon Wireless Suite Q5 4 Centerock Road Deer Park,NY 11729 West Nyack,NY 10994 New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC and Mattituck Fire Department (AT&T) 1000 Pike Street One AT&T Way Mattituck,New York 11952 Bedminster,New Jersey 07921 PREPARED BY 040061- 100 Motor Parkway,Suite 135 Hauppauge,NY 11788 (631)787-3400 Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................................1 Methodology..............................................................................................................................................6 1-Mile Radius Visibility Results..................................................................................................................8 Photographic Simulation Analysis...........................................................................................................10 Findingsand Conclusions.......................................................................................................................15 List of Figures Figure1 —Site Location Map.....................................................................................................................3 Figure2—Site Plan&Notes.....................................................................................................................4 Figure 3—Compound Plan&Elevation....................................................................................................5 Figure4—One-Mile Radius Map...............................................................................................................7 Figure 5—Photographic Simulation Location Map..................................................................................11 List of Appendices Appendix A—One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map and One-Mile Radius Visibility Photographs Appendix B—Visual Analysis(Photographic Simulations)by Creative Visuals, Inc. Introduction A one-mile radius visibility study was performed for the proposed communications facility installation on the Laurel Stone Supply Plus,Inc.property,located at 7055 Main Road in the hamlet of Mattituck,Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York (see Figure 1).The subject property is designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000—Section 122.00—Block 06.00—Lot 035.004. The proposed action involves installation of an Elite Towers,L.P. ("Elite Towers"), New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless,New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC("AT&T"),and Mattituck Fire Department(collectively,the "Applicants")communications facility.Specifically,the Applicants intend to install a 120±-foot above grade level(agl)concealment pole and associated equipment within a 50-foot-by-50-foot(2,500-square-foot[SF])fenced equipment compound(see Figure 2).The proposed concealment pole would support the collocation of antennas of multiple wireless service providers(to be concealed within),including Verizon Wireless,AT&T,and up to two additional future carriers(see Figure 3).Additionally, a 12±-foot Mattituck Fire Department antenna would be affixed to the top of the proposed concealment pole,which would result in an overall maximum top height of 132±feet agl.Associated equipment for each wireless service provider would be installed within the fenced equipment compound upon four separate equipment pads.Specifically,a 12-foot-by-30-foot(360±SF)Verizon Wireless equipment pad with equipment cabinets,a generator and an overhead weather canopy(which would reach a top height of 9±-feet agl);a 10-foot-by-20-foot(200±SF)AT&T equipment pad with equipment cabinets and a generator;and two additional 10-foot- by-20-foot equipment pads for future carriers would be installed within the fenced equipment compound(see Figure 3).In addition,a 28±-SF Fire Department concrete pad with an equipment cabinet and a mesa cabinet would be installed at ground level within the proposed equipment compound,while a meter rack and transformer (by others)would be installed immediately outside of the compound.Proposed utility service would be routed underground in conduits from Main Road to the proposed equipment compound.Overhead cable trays would be routed from the equipment pads to the concealment pole.The proposed equipment compound would be enclosed within a six-foot agl chain link fence with an access gate.All proposed antennas(aside from the Fire Department whip antenna)would be concealed within the proposed concealment pole. 1 Introduction At the request of the Applicants,VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. (VHB)performed a one-mile radius visibility study on March 25, 2015,between the hours of 2:00 p.m.and 5:00 p.m.,to evaluate where,within a one- mile radius of the site location,the proposed communications facility would be visible.To facilitate this evaluation,a crane was positioned proximate to the location of the proposed communications facility with the boom extended to a height of 120± feet agl,with red flags affixed thereto to facilitate visibility. Land uses in the immediate area surrounding the proposed facility(within the one- mile radius)are mixed,and include commercial,residential,industrial, transportation,agricultural,religious institutional,recreational,and open space uses. Topography in the surrounding area(within the one-mile radius)is relatively flat, without significant changes in elevation.Elevations in the one-mile radius area range from approximately zero feet to 50 feet above mean sea level(amsl).The proposed facility location is at approximately 28 feet amsl.Elevations generally are highest in the northern and western portions of the one-mile radius,in the vicinity of Sound Avenue.The most significant topographic changes occur west of the proposed facility location,around Laurel Lake,with elevations increasing from five±feet amsl to 45±feet amsl over a distance of approximately 0.13 mile. 2 Introduction b �1 Long island 4:a: ti ;4• a 41 Ile, I - ,r ^ 'J°may fi ,�`• fil r.� �' s •'Dong Wand qb 400 .♦ 40, • Laurel Ysnk,C—y Cj b A ) °� r t * ••• –• • – – �• – • • • • 500 1,000 : W- F A GENERAL NOTES 1. SUBJECT PROPERTY IS KNOWN AS DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 122. BLOCK 06, LOT ELIT TOWERS LP. 35.4 AS SHOWN ON THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TAX MAPS 2. APPLICANT: ELITE TOWERS LP. 44 WEST JEFRYN BLVD, SUITE 05 ELITE TOWERS L P DEER PARK, NY 11729 44 WEST JEFRYN BLVD CO-APPUCANT7 NEW YORK SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SUITE 05 P 4CEIZO WIRELESS NTERRROAD DEER PARK, NY 11729 / WEST NYACK. NY 10994 bo / CO-APPLICANT. NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC (AT&T) ONE AT&T WAY LAUREL STONE S / 2P 9. ` BEDMINSTER, NJ 07921 4\f \ 3. PROPERTY OWNER: LAUREL STONE SUPPLY PLUS, INC. \ 7055 MAIN ROAD / Q P• \ PROPOSED 120' TALL MATTITUCK. NY 11952 / CONCEALMENT POLE 4. SITE PLAN DATA OBTAINED FROM SURVEY BY AMERICAN ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING. P.C., STEPHEN E. RAVN. P.E., L.S., DATED OCTOBER 28, 2014. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS / C-2 5. THE PROPOSED USE IS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR 6 04/14/17 Fm FOR RUNJ / PERMANENT EMPLOYEE OCCUPANCY. THEREFORE, POTABLE WATER, SANITARY 5 03/27/17 IS,ED FDR CONSTR1C9CN SEWER AND ADDITIONAL ON-SITE PARKING ARE NOT REQUIRED. 4 10/07/16 IS9,ED FDR CD61RDM / 'f• \ , 6. FACILITY SHALL BE VISITED ON THE AVERAGE OF ONCE A MONTH FOR 3 09/29/16 ISSUED FDR O(7STRJCIICN i°j TS• \ 44 1 MAINTENANCE AND SHALL BE CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED FROM A REMOTE 2 OB/22/16 153FD FDR C0451R CTICN FACILITY 1 07/13/16 1SSLED FOR CONSTRUCTION I7. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ALL CURRENT APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND 0 05/01/15 ISSUED FOR OONS RX.'IION I / 4s• F r n ' 1.. I FALL ZONE RADIUS LOCAL CODES, INCLUDING ANSI/EIA/TLA-222. AND COMPLY WITH ELITE TOWERS D 04/06/15 Rfl1SED PER O3MWNTS / 4 O .r'r L.P. SPECIFICATIONS. I ?0 1pz• 22'-1"t �<� //-�,,'E: cas/31/1s F£,15ED PER a01.1"fNis 2h `S'� } _1 '� z I 8 IDENTCONTIFICATION SHALLCTOR N UNDERGROUND UTIUTIES CONTACT "CALL EPRIOR YOU DIG- "START OOF CONSTRUCTION 2a�'0 9 I NO LIGHTING AT THE TOWER IS PROPOSED OR REQUIRED BY THE FCC OR FM Dewberry 10 THERE WILL NOT BE ANY SIGNS OR ADVERTISING ON THE ANTENNAS OR y I EQUIPMENT. Dewberry Engineers Inc. ODD PARSIPPANY ROAD 11 THERE IS NO PROPOSED GRADING REQUIRED FOR THIS LOCATION SUITE 301 PARSIPPANY,NJ 07051 /V�t PHONE. 3 0[I FAx W3.7.73B2710A710 - �(J QLp x\ ePROPOSED 50'x50' (2500 SF) _ .;�a J p. , �0 O C_2 EQUIPMENT COMPOUND CENTERLINE OF - �y. j•!,p t ACCESS ROAD 4J / 9 / 8k � � l/ •''.�.., N I 1 .y� R IS A VIOLA 'YAW 110fe THEY ARE ACT MECTION,OF A� e�� .,; �• Ch' LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 10 ALTER THIS LEGEND: O Ah BULK REQUIREMENTS FOR ON • B - NRA RUSINESS MOMENT S 82'17'5614 PROPERTY/EASEMENT LINE `'� �AS`�9 / REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED REMARKS DRAWN BY: IA -,sbna LIGHT LINE WORK AND TEXT 19k LOT SIZE 30,000 71.725 SO FT NO CHANGEFT -- DENOTES EXISTING CONDITIONS / S0' 1.6466 A REVIEWED BY: JWS PROPOSED HEAVY UNE WORK AND TEXTLOT WIDTH 150 DENOTES PROPOSED CONDITIONS \ SO FT. 105 28 NO CHANGE CHECKED BY: GHN BUILDING/STRUCTURE / \ .` - - CHAIN LINK FENCE ykq�'� LOT DEPTH so FT 439 35 NO CHANGE 50 PROJECT NUMBER: 50070398 {t UTILITY POLE s / �`RJ ^'t•. LANDSCAPE AREA 355 >35% NO CHANGE JOB NUMBER: 50070399 - SETBACK LINE - - [--- ELECTRIC SERVICE — — � SETBACKS FRONT _ d 149'-5' 1291'-6" SITE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE SERVICE e PROPOSED UNDERGROUND POWER & 165'-5" y TELCO CONDUITS FROM STREET TO 'a SIDE 25 FT. 142'-8" AUSL ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL C-4 PROPOSED EQUIPMENT COMPOUND � BOTH SIDES 50 FT 1102'-6' 1138'-3" ABOVE GROUND LEVEL ' 35 Fi t295'-8" ±85�-4 SPOT ELEVATION REAR 7055 MAIN ROAD EXISTING CONTOUR HEIGHT 3s Fr > 3s Fr 1zo Fr MATTITUCK, NY 11952 DISTANCE PROPOSED POLE TO PROPOSED CONTOUR FACILITY TO NEAREST - - HOUSE _ RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE ±496'-3" LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DISTANCE PROPOSED FACILITY To NEAREST POLE TO WITH SILT FENCE PROPERTY LINE WITH - - R-40 = ISHEET TITLE RESIDENTIAL USE ±420'-9" BRUSH LINE HEIGHT OF ANTENNA SITE PLAN NOTES: SITE PLAN SUPPORT STRUCTURE 80 FT. - 120 Fr. & NOTES �� SCALE:1"-60' FOR 11"x17" 1 DISTANCE OF SHEET NUMBER 1 EXISTING MONUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE 1"=30' FOR 22"x34" POLE TO STREET - - ±319'-8" DISTURBED. 0' 30' 60' NOTE. COMPOUND LOCATION IS WITHIN 500 FEET TO RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ePROPOSED FIRE SLIT TOWERS LP.. DEPARTMENT WHIP C-4 ANTENNA TOP OF PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT WHIP ANTENNA ELITE TOWERS L P ELEV. - 132'-0" ac L 44 WEST JEFRYN BLVD SUITE 05 -0. DEER PARK, NY 11729 .0 TOP PROPOSED (3) VERIZON WIRELESS 36 -"I i _TOP OF PROPOSED CONCEALMENT POLE ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE T ELEV. - 120'-0"AG L r — — - - x CONCEALMENT POLE (BY OTHERS) zx x x x x x x x x x x - CL PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS x IIII W ELLEE'VN=A 115'-6 aG L LAUREL STONE BOTTOM OF ANTENNA SECTION _ LI LI 'N x I ELEV. - fl-0--O A.0 L r r n I x PROPOSED (3) AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTEDIIII - CL of AT&T ANTENNAS_(BY OTHERS INSIDE CONCEALMENT POLE (BY OTHERS) ELEV - 105'-0"A G L BOTTOM OF ANTENNA SECTION - — u CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS x ELEV. - 100—0 A.p.L - 6 04/14/17 IESLED FOR FILING PROPOSED CE AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTS) IIII 4 03/27/17 /27/16 I AD FOR OOrS9 NS cnoN x 10'x20' EQUIPMENT I INSIDE CONCEALMENT POLE BY OTHERS IIII CL OF AT�eT ANTENNAS H ELEV. - 95'-0"aG L AREA BOTTOM OF ANTENNA SECTION - LLU 3 09/29/16 ISSUED FOR OOSIRUCIIW PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS x ELEV - 90-­DA.G L n 2 08/22/16 WAD FOR OOrSDd1CTION 12'x30' EQUIPMENT AREA WITH I I 1 G7/13/16 ISSIAD FOR 07ZTRl;.TCN x CABINETS, GENERATOR AND I II - -CL OF FUTURE ANTENNAS PROPOSED 120' TALLI OVERHEAD WEATHER CANOPY I I ELEV. - 85-0 aG L 006/01/15 ISSUED FOR COPSIR>CIION PROPOSED 6' HIGH 5 (BY OTHERS) x CHAIN LINK FENCE I I D 04/06/15 Reb1SE31 PER COW"IS CONCEALMENT POLE C-3 BOTTOM OF SECTION � — — H c 03/31/15 r�AgD PER aor,4JD41s I ELEV - 80-0 A.G L x -- --20'-0" -CL OF FUTURE ANTENNAS L PROPOSED FIRE x I I ELEV. = 75-0 aC L J Dewberry — — — �'1 .-DEPARTMENT CABINET C- I I " :�' ON 4'-0" X 7'-0" p_q BOTTOM OF ANTENNA SECTION o I CONCRETE PAD ELEV. - 70-0 A.G L ------------— _________ j j Dewberry Engineers Inc. -o -------------,� x PROPOSED 120' I I - -CL OF FUTURE ANTENNAS 900 PARSIPPANY ROAD TALL CONCEALMENT POLE o I I I L ELEV. - 65'-0 A.G L SUITE 3DI PROPOSED 4'-0" X 5 I I I I a PARSIPPANY,NJ 07054 x I L — — 7'-0" (28 SF) C-q i t BOTTOM OF ANTENNA SECTION - PH ONM 8717399400 ` CONCRETE PAD I PROPOSED FIREELEV. - 60--0A.G L FAX:973.7399710 ��---- ----- ----------- it x DEPARTMENT 3 I UNDERGROUND POWER C-4 x I i it AND TELCO CONDUITS i e Y Ntw 10'z20' EQUIPMENT 10'x20' AT&T CONCRETE x Q� R M. ARE I I EQUIPMENT PAD WITH I I �P x I I 11 CABINETS AND GENERATOR II PROPOSED FIRE I Q o (BY OTHERS) II DEPARTMENT 7/8.0 I II x COAX CABLE TO BE I o I ROUTED INSIDE PROPOSED 50 I 'x50' (2500 SF) CONCEALMENT POLE EQUIPMENT COMPOUND 3 -� OC x I W PROPOSED FIRE 6 II I PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 9'-0" � DEPARTMENT OVERHEAD a IIx PROPOSED MESA e I TALL OVERHEAD WEATHER CANOPY CABLE TRAY C-4 3'-11" J I CABINET p_q i (BY OTHERS) (BEYOND) C7 x PROPOSED FIRE r- - n � ePROPOSED (2) 6' WIDE PROPOSED AT&T 10'-0" x 20'-0" TOgyq��� — — — — I DEPARTMENT 7/8"0 I 'i - C-3 ACCESGATE I (200SF) CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD `^' SE J COAX CABLE TO BE I 1— S WITH CABINETS BY OTHERSi ROUTED INSIDE ( rtrs• oll p�r� ,ULESSx CONCEALMENT POLE r 5 PROPOSED 6' HIGH I PROPOSED MULTI-METER E E SED P A91THY TOIiLTERMS -0" CHAIN LINK FENCE I RACK WITH 800 AMP DOCUMENT x x I x x x 2-0• C_3 I SERVICE C-4 - - - - _ _ I —�x I I 1'_p• PROPOSED PAD IDRAWN BY: M PROPOSED 50'x50' (2500 SF) x - x — — _ MOUNTED TRANSFORMER I PROPOSED MESA/-2-'\ EQUIPMENT COMPOUND / — — (BY OTHERS) I C-4 REVIEWED BY JWS PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED P I—� — — — — — — _ O O — — — I TRANSFORMER (BY OTHERS) / — I CHECKED BY: GHN PROPOSED BOLLARD J/ I (�•) - PROJECT NUMBER 50070398 e5 PROPOSED (2) 6' WIDE PROPOSED UNDERGROUND POWER & 6 ACCESS GATE e PROPOSED MULTI-METER RACK TELCO CONDUCTS FROM STREET TO e 44'0 BASE�•1 JOB NUMBER 50070399 C-3 C-4 WITH 800 AMP SERVICE PROPOSED EQUIPMENT COMPOUND C-3 ' SITE ADDRESS: NOTES, 1 PROPOSED 120' CONCEALMENT POLE AND CONCEALMENT POLE FOUNDATION TO BE DESIGNED BY COMPOUND PLAN OTHERS 2 CONCEALMENT POLE FOUNDATION SHALL BE DESIGNED TO SUPPORT THE CONCEALMENT POLE 7055 MAIN ROAD 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE OF COMPOUND SCALE 1"-10' FOR 11"x17" BUILT TO CAPACITY UTILIZING A GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION BY A LICENSED NY P.E. SHALL BE RESTORED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS i`=5' FOR 22"x34" MATTITUCK, NY 11952 3 THE CONCEALMENT POLE AND FOUNDATION SHALL BE DESIGNED PER THE TW-REV F STANDARD. 2 PROPOSED GRADES TO MATCH EXISTING GRADES, 0' S' 10' IT SHALL PROVIDE A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEALMENT POLE PREPARED BY A UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LICENSED NEW YORK PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFYING THAT THE PROPOSED CONCEALMENT POLE AND FOUNDATION HAVE SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO SUPPORT ALL PROPOSED ANTENNAS. SUPPORTS AND APPURTENANCES AND COMPLIES WITH THE CURRENT NEW YORK ADOPTED BUILDING CODES AND TLA CRITERIA. SHEET TITLE 4 THE CONTRACTOR HT5TRUCTURALL A ANALYSIS CERTIFICATION. PRIORINSTALLATION STALLATION ND ALL ATTACHMENTS MATCH THOSE LISTED NECOMPOUND PLAN /-� & ELEVATION SOUTHWEST ELEVATION / _ SHEET NUMBER SCALE:1"=20' FOR 11"x17" 1 J 1"=10' FOR 22"x34" 0' 10' 20' C - 2 Methodology Four representatives of VHB,along with staff from Creative Visuals,Inc.,performed a field inspection to obtain familiarity with the site and the surrounding area.A crane was positioned proximate to the location of the proposed communications facility,and the top of the crane was set at 120±feet agl(to represent the height of the proposed concealment pole).The top of the crane provided a reference point,via red flags attached thereto,for the photographs that were taken as part of this one-mile radius visibility study. Digital photographs were taken by two representatives of VHB from an approximate height of five feet above street level.This height represents an average between a driver-eye-level and a pedestrian-eye-level.These photographs were taken on March 25,2015,between the hours of 2:00 p.m.and 5:00 p.m.The conditions were mostly cloudy,with leaves off of the deciduous trees. A one-mile radius was plotted onto an ESRI street map(see Figure 4).Every public roadway within a one-mile radius was driven by car.'Observations were made along all streets within this radius,and,if the reference flags on the crane could be seen at an intersection,a photograph was taken.Additional photographs were taken at non- intersection locations where appropriate.The data collected during the visual study was overlain onto a base aerial photograph of the one-mile radius area in order to illustrate those areas from which the proposed facility would be visible or partially visible(see One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map in Appendix A). The results of these observations revealed that the proposed facility would be visible and partially visible generally within a distance of 0.6±mile,with more limited visibility due to local topography and the presence of intervening mature vegetation and existing structures farther away within the one-mile radius. V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5nly publicly-accessible roadways were traversed.Private roadways were not accessed. 6 Methodology oa N a J' Ay w n 5� �evi n fe ?'E•e b a Voa ; r(, Q�� mt *� ♦ a{ Mattituck 01 p 'nc SorP� ♦♦♦ Pve �,IiOVK Av ♦� `f'r N°V� 90v�♦ New VA-06te Olds°un I� ue � � ,`rlo ♦ G E Legion Ave • n f Al le O • � n I o 1 1 Lau*eJ $ ( rP d) 1 1 d i 1 Leurpl 1 /�' {yVd o n 1 Beach Chslrel 1 Park 1 • Lanai -L.lur�lknk•� 1a' • Lake P,., S`d .,unUy�l+rb y` 1 ♦ tAhn '6�� �' Matiduck Park 'y. • Oy R7 ❑islTcl Be ac • 94 • n I • Laurel • � I � I r I • `M Tri C. Q CkI 44. +L � ♦ ' Proposed Concealment Pole Location 0 0.25 0.5 ; � One-Mile Radius Proposed Wireless Communications Facility- Laurel Stone Figure 4 - One-Mile Radius Map 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold ` 001 Source: ESRI vhb One-Mile Radius Visibility Results Sixteen(16)color digital photographs are included herein.These photographs were primarily taken from roadway intersections where the crane was,at least,partially visible.Some photographs from non-intersection locations are also included in this report.As the crane may be difficult to view in some of the photographs,arrows have been added to indicate its location. The following is a list of the photograph locations from which the crane could be seen,numbered to correspond with the One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map in Appendix A: 1. From Mattituck Park District Beach at Peconic Bay Boulevard(partial); 2. From the northern terminus of Delmar Drive(partial); 3. From the eastern intersection of Main Road and Old Main Road(partial); 4. From the western intersection of Main Road and Old Main Road; 5. From the intersection of Main Road and Bray Avenue; 6. From the intersection of Bray Avenue and 6th Street(partial); 7. From the intersection of Bray Avenue and Th Street(partial); 8. From the intersection of Bray Avenue and Albo Drive(partial); 9. From Laurel Court(partial); 10. From Laurel Trail(partial); 11. From the intersection of Laurel Trail and Laurel Way; 12. From the intersection of Main Road and Laurel Trail; 13. From the parking lot east of the intersection of Main Road and Hobson Drive(partial); 14. From the intersection of the Long Island Rail Road and Sound Avenue (partial); 15. From Laurel Lake Park(partial); 16. From Main Road,north of Laurel Links Country Club; Photograph locations for the above-listed photographs are identified on the One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map included in Appendix A.Areas shaded red on the One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map indicate areas of unimpeded visibility.Those areas with intermittent visibility or visibility amongst deciduous vegetation and other visual obstructions(e.g.,existing structures)are indicated as partially visible on the One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map in blue.Private roads,which were not travelled, are indicated by yellow shading. 8 One-Mile Radius Visibility Results The visibility of the proposed concealment pole would be limited to within approximately 0.6-mile of the subject site,with very limited visibility beyond that distance within the one-mile radius.The greatest visibility of the proposed facility would be along portions of Main Road,Old Main Road and Laurel Trail (Photographs 4,5, 11 and 12).Visibility of the proposed facility would diminish rapidly due to intervening vegetation,existing structures and surrounding topography,as distance from the subject site increases in all directions. In addition,there would be partial visibility of the proposed concealment pole from various locations in all directions(Photographs 1-3,6-10 and 13-16).However,the visibility of the proposed facility at these locations would be largely obscured by seasonal vegetation.As indicated,all other areas within the one-mile radius had no visibility due to intervening vegetation,existing structures and topography,or were private roads. As discussed above,and as depicted on the One-Mile Radius Visibility and Photograph Location Map in Appendix A,there would be limited overall visibility of the proposed facility within the one-mile radius.Additionally,this study was done during the"leaf-off" season and,thus,depicts a worst-case visibility scenario.It is anticipated that during the growing season(i.e., "leaf-on" condition),the proposed facility would be obscured in views from many of the locations that were identified as having partial visibility.Although the Fire Department whip antenna would be installed atop the concealment pole at an overall top height of 132±feet agl(i.e., 12± feet above the top of the 120±-foot tall pole),the whip antenna,due its slender appearance and neutral coloration,would be barely visible or indiscernible at most locations where the concealment pole would be visible.Importantly,the proposed facility has been designed such that the antennas would be concealed within the slender-profile pole,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts associated with the proposed action. 9 One-Mile Radius Visibility Results Photographic Simulation Analysis Photographic Simulation Methodology Creative Visuals,Inc.prepared photographic simulations of the proposed communications facility.On March 25,2015,Creative Visuals,Inc.conducted a field inspection to obtain familiarity with the subject property and surrounding area.Field work was performed between 2:15 p.m.and 5:30 p.m.The weather and visibility conditions were partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies with leaves off of the deciduous trees.Photographs were taken to provide reference points for calculation of the placement of the proposed facility,using red flags attached to a crane(set at a height of 120±feet agl),as seen from each view point,where visible. Nine(9)View Points proximate to the proposed facility location were selected for analysis as areas of potential visual impact of the completed project.Photographic simulations of the proposed facility were prepared from nine representative locations from which the proposed facility would be visible.It is noted that the photographic simulations were prepared prior to a redesign of the facility to include a 12±-foot Fire Department whip antenna affixed to the top of the 120±-foot agl concealment pole at an overall top height of 132±feet agl.However,the proposed location of the concealment pole has not changed,and the whip antenna would be slender in appearance and have a neutral coloration,such that it would be barely visible or indiscernible at most locations where the concealment pole would be visible.As such,the photographic simulations that are presented in this report still provide an accurate representation of the visual effect of the proposed facility.A Photographic Simulation Location Map depicting the View Points is included as Figure 5. A complete letter of methodology is included with the photographic simulations in Appendix B. 10 Photographic Simulation Analysis e J ip Ax do � l ter`\1_ � �`� f•� _ .�v �-.+ '., � `GNaP '�\. Af ,i (j � �C�: � y �1� /gyp w•a �� t L � .• • • ;-.ts I � Photographic Simulation Analysis The results of the photographic simulation analysis are summarized below,with existing conditions photographs and photographic simulations included in Appendix B. View Point 1—from Kirkup Lane,adjacent to the Nature Preserve,3,619±feet west of the proposed facility location.The View Point 1 existing conditions photograph depicts the area near Laurel Lake,including fairly dense deciduous trees around the lake.The photographic simulation indicates that a small portion of the top of the proposed concealment pole would be visible above the treeline from this location. However,antennas would be concealed within,and the proposed concealment pole would be almost entirely obscured by intervening vegetation,especially during the "leaf-on"months.As such,the proposed facility would not result in significant adverse visual impacts from this view point. View Point 2—from the Mattituck-Cutchogue ball field,2,235±feet southwest of the proposed facility location.The View Point 2 existing conditions photograph depicts the Mattituck-Cutchogue ball field,with surrounding structures among a densely wooded backdrop.The photographic simulation indicates that the upper portion of the proposed concealment pole would be barely visible among the surrounding deciduous trees from this location.However,the concealment pole would conceal the proposed antennas within,would be minimally visible during "leaf-off" conditions,and would be obscured from view during the"leaf-on" months. Therefore,the proposed facility would not result in significant adverse visual impacts from this view point. View Point 3—from adjacent to eastbound Route 25,approaching the intersection with Laurel Trail/entrance to Laurel Links Country Club(Private),926±feet southwest of the proposed facility location.The View Point 3 existing conditions photograph depicts residential and commercial structures along Main Road,in addition to overhead utility lines and support poles.The photographic simulation indicates that the proposed concealment pole would be visible from this location, although it would be partially obscured by utility lines and trees,and the proposed antennas would be concealed within.Based on the stealth design of the proposed concealment pole and the presence of intervening deciduous vegetation and utility lines,the proposed facility would not result in significant adverse visual impacts from this view point. View Point 4—from near the intersection of Albo Drive and Bray Avenue,1,291± feet southeast if the proposed facility location.The View Point 4 existing conditions photograph depicts residential structures,trees and overhead utility lines and support poles along Bray Avenue.The photographic simulation indicates that a small portion of the top of the proposed concealment pole would be visible from this location.However,as most of the pole would be obscured by existing vegetation, and the pole appears no higher in the horizon than existing vertical elements(e.g., 12 Photographic Simulation Analysis utility poles and trees)there would be no significant adverse visual impacts from this View Point. View Point 5—from the entrance/exit road to Mattituck Park District Beach, overlooking Husing Pond Preserve,3,403±feet southeast of the proposed facility location.The View Point 5 existing conditions photograph depicts a natural area consisting of trees and low-lying vegetation,with overhead utility lines and support poles along Peconic Bay Boulevard in the foreground.The photographic simulation indicates that the upper portion of the proposed concealment pole would be visible from this location.However,the visible portion of the proposed concealment pole appears relatively small compared to existing overhead utility line support poles, and would not significantly alter the existing visual character.Additionally,the trees along Peconic Bay Boulevard would further obscure the proposed concealment pole during the'leaf-on" months.Therefore,the proposed facility would not result in significant adverse visual impacts from this view point. View Point 6—from near 245 Bray Avenue,661±feet southeast of the proposed facility location.The View Point 6 existing conditions photograph depicts residential and commercial structures along Main Road,and surrounding trees,overhead utility wires traversing the roadways,and support poles along Bray Avenue and Main Road.The photographic simulation indicates that the proposed concealment pole would be visible from this location.However,the proposed antennas would be concealed within,and the structure would be no taller in the visual horizon than existing vertical elements(e.g.,trees).Thus,the proposed concealment pole would not significantly alter the existing visual character.Furthermore,intervening deciduous vegetation would further obscure the proposed concealment pole during the'leaf-on"months, such that the proposed facility would not result in significant adverse visual impacts from this view point. View Point 7—from across from 565 Old Main Road,923±feet east of the proposed facility location.The View Pont 7 existing conditions photograph depicts commercial structures along Old Main Road,in addition to surrounding trees and overhead utility lines and support poles.The photographic simulation indicates that the proposed concealment pole would be visible from this location.However, wireless antennas would be concealed within the proposed concealment pole, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View Point 8—from the sidewalk adjacent to westbound Route 25,846±feet northeast of the proposed facility location.The View Point 8 existing conditions photograph depicts commercial structures,trees and overhead utility lines along Main Road.The photographic simulation indicates that a portion of the proposed concealment pole would be visible from this location.However,the concealment pole would be largely obscured by existing structures and deciduous vegetation, with the latter further obscuring the concealment pole during the'leaf-on"months. As such,the proposed facility would not result in significant adverse visual impacts from this view point. 13 Photographic Simulation Analysis View Point 9—from the subject property,66±feet north of the proposed facility location.The View Point 9 existing conditions photograph depicts the existing structures and outdoor storage area at the subject property.The photographic simulation depicts the base of the proposed concealment pole and the equipment compound.The proposed equipment compound would be situated behind existing structures on the subject property,such that it would be obscured from view from the adjacent roadway.Additionally,the proposed antennas would be concealed within the proposed pole,mitigating potential visual impacts. As the visual analysis indicates,the proposed communications facility would be visible from various locations throughout the surrounding area.However,the proposed facility would be partially obscured by intervening vegetation and structures from many vantage points,and as the photographic simulations were prepared in early spring(leaf-off)conditions,it is anticipated that the presence of leaves on the trees during the growing season would provide additional screening,if not completely block the facility from view.Should future collocation occur,the proposed facility has been designed to conceal the additional wireless communications antennas within the pole,and associated ground-based equipment would be situated behind existing structures,such that the new equipment would be shielded from view from the adjacent roadway,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts.As such,the proposed communications facility would not have a significant overall adverse visual impact on neighborhood aesthetics,and is sited and designed so as to be the least visually and physically obtrusive as possible. 14 Photographic Simulation Analysis Findings and Conclusions The one-mile radius visibility study,in conjunction with the photographic simulation analysis,indicates that the proposed concealment pole would have limited visibility throughout the surrounding area.Specifically,the proposed pole would conceal antennas within;would generally be no higher in the visual horizon than existing vertical elements(e.g.,trees,utility poles,buildings,etc.);and would be visually similar to existing utility structures.Moreover,surrounding vegetation would at least partially obscure the proposed facility from the majority from viewing locations in the one-mile radius area,especially during"leaf-on" conditions.Thus,the proposed facility has been sited and designed to be the least visually and physically obtrusive as possible and has mitigated potential adverse visual impacts to the extent practicable. \\vhb\proj\Longl4md\29476.00 Laurel Stone\PmjRecords\FinalDocs\Elite Towers_Laurel Stone_One-Mile Visual Study_Rev2_5-17-No Logo.do 15 Findings and Conclusions ■ Appendix A Appendix A Marrotaoka r dye• \, u ■ ., a�.a`. •.- ` -,` _ West 6t� m Pond y-' ' OtkAve '0/4roe LIRR M.ttituck�� , r * M� • Deep Hale b�� s� s': a i Creek 12 NoAon P •X m f/ `"-_` tan Pt a y W4 � .. • SOV r' a �6• - ` `y• rs cb°t A,;i .. sound A\�. Vur�galo;v Ln ' Y Sarn4AytiR,�..,xi o r , aa, • Mattitur*Aviatsan lam. �f- I •� 1 s, ,' � � �, � ' t se Rd _ "1 4 _ ,+4► t E gi'on Ava r Krau F,. w nd�Ave' - y lk 4 66 � ,,• t��o- 't I � •' �� V. - ate• �/ �°• • I � � ■ 'fls• �� fCJ1J7C'S { 't _ - - ,1• ` iii ■■ ®, C©y` ' Cr E e' ,^t"01 -` SITE* ,. r ,sl ./• W SCJ �1d►•'.. _ � 7� .�i�y 1 1 Laurel Lake Y. �cti t 1V C, ® i V' Nbo Dr Norton ' ^•~. Creek 0 a ■ •++� ^1 L a. S Laurel Lake Park �^ ra• + Matmuck 6 ■ i •�' f" PS '�® 4 i LJ y d Park Dish•rc• f Reach 10 Lang Island I sCourC•aufi 14 ■ \a` �� . •, `i. - -t y' -s� VI-Ml`- }:a��'Jal -V L�f�.�.��`��- .�Q.J���J I��U'�C e e e - • � � • Ona Island ,./-. 1 . .��+.' .� 'C• `'. � O� / y'. _h� a n a Appendix • - One-Mile Radius Visibilityand Photograph Location / Proposed • • Stone 7055 Main '•.• eet Hamlet of Mattituck, Townof • • • 1 500 1,000 2,000 Private R•'• One-Mile Radius Project Num•-r: 29476.00 - I )k , Visib • Photograph L• • andNumber Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Laurel, Town of Southold One-Mile Visibility Study Photographs-March 25, 2015 Photograph No. 1:View from Mattituck Park District Beach at Peconic Bay Boulevard. ` f r - JL,_ Photograph No.2:View from the northern terminus of Delmar Drive. Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Laurel, Town of Southold One-Mile Visibility Study Photographs-March 25, 2015 Photograph No. 3:View from the eastern intersection of Main Road and Old Main Road. Photograph No.4:View from the western intersection of Main Road and Old Main Road. Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Laurel, • of Southold Visibility Study • •• i� Photogral2h No. 5:View from the intersection of Main Road and Bray Avenue. Photograph No. 6:View from the intersection of Bray Avenue and 611,Street. r Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road IIhb Hamlet of Laurel, • of Southold Visibility Study • •• Jk , few) Photo,-zraDh No. 7:View from the intersection of Bray Avenue and T',Street. 1111"i HIM, 7,T 1,10d T1111 Photograj2h No. 8: View from the northern intersection of Bray Avenue and Albo Drive. ,�_. - ��1►� ;�, 0�"��� t� ,rig ti���r�"- fl r r Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Laurel, Town of Southold One-Mile Visibility Study Photographs-March 25, 2015 y i3 Photograph No. 9:View from Laurel Court. 7 ar` Photograph No. 10:View from Laurel Trail. Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of .urel, Town of • • • Visibili Stud Photo• . •hs—March 25, 2015 • Photo-araDh No. 11: View from the intersection of Laurel Trail and Laurel Way. Photograph No. 12:View from the intersection of Main Road and Laurel Trail. y i Y V S 1 tt V j �m t Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of •urel, Town of • • • Visibility •y Photograp • a ,ral2h No. 13:View from the parking lot east of the intersection of Main Road and � , a ! !!! FFF y .'�► { ! �p. ,'�S. Dahl g�,'� .� �'"* ,'�±►Z ��� ' 'I ��. .� ! r i'; f'ecl�p��`` ?1.wer 4i e. ,_,`. -aa^® Hobson 1 +• � ee Photograph No. 14:View from the intersection of the Long Island Rail Road and Sound •aat0�1 y� __ ..� Proposed Wireless Communications Facility at 7055 Main Road Hamlet of Laurel, • of Southold Visibility Study • •• Photograph • from Laurel Lake Park. Y Photograph No. 16:View from Main Road,north of Laurel Links Country Club. • _�� � --'-+ter ■ Appendix B Appendix B This binder is for the convenience of viewing on a monitor: the resolution is not sufficient for printing VISUAL ANALYSIS PUBLIC UTILITY WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILTY 7055 Main Road Mattituck, New York Prepared for Elite Towers, LP Prepared by Creative Visuals, Inc. April 2015 Creative Visuals, Inc. 32 Maiden Lane Kingston,NY 12401 Phone (914) 388-1952 email: cvisuals(aaol.com April 13, 2015 Elite Towers,LP 87 Industry Court Suite J Deer Park,New York 11729 RE: Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communication Facility To Whom It May Concern: The following is a description of the methodology used in preparing the visual analysis study and photo realistic renderings of a post-construction Elite Towers,LP public utility wireless communication facility("Facility")to be located at 7055 Main Road,Mattituck,NY. The analysis depicts the proposed 120' AGL(Above Ground Level)concealment pole and associated ground equipment as depicted on the plans drawn by Dewberry Engineers Inc.,the Applicant's engineers. Creative Visuals,Inc. has prepared a visual study of the completed Facility utilizing the process described below. The study was performed during leaf-off conditions, thus providing a"worst-case" scenario. An on-site visit was made to obtain familiarity with the terrain and its surrounding neighborhoods. Nine view points were selected for analysis as areas of potential visual impact and for photo representation of the completed Facility: Description of View Point Approximate Distance to Site View point 1 —from Kirkup Lane,adjacent to the Nature Preserve; 3,619' View point 2—from the Mattituck-Cutchogue ball field; 2,235' View point 3—from adjacent to eastbound Route 25,approaching the intersection with 926' Laurel Trail/entrance to Laurel Links Country Club(Private); View point 4—from near the intersection of Albo Drive and Bray Avenue; 1,291' View point 5—from the entrance/exit road to Mattituck Park District Beach, overlooking 3,402' Husing Pond Preserve; View point 6—from near 245 Bray Avenue; 661' View point 7—from across from 565 Old Main Road; 923' View point 8—from the sidewalk adjacent to westbound Route 25; 846' View point 9—from the subject property. 66' Larry Heimel took photographs of the site from each of the view points under study using a Canon EOS 5D digital camera with a 50mm lens. The fieldwork was done March 25, 2015 between 2:15 and 5:30 P.M.; conditions were partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies. These photos presented a reference point for calculation of the placement of the Facility,as seen from each view point where visible,using red flags attached to a crane. The red flags were attached to the crane and set at 120'AGL above the approximate proposed pole location. For the simulation of the ground equipment, traffic cones and reflective signs were used as references. A representative of Elite Towers,LP indicated the location of the proposed Facility. The photos were taken as digital high-resolution files. A 3D program was used to create a model of the actual proposed Facility using measurements taken in the field and dimensions and drawings furnished by the Applicant and Dewberry Engineers Inc. 3D software photorealistically rendered the proposed Facility as seen from each of the photo simulation view points,maintaining the perspective of the mm lens used during photography. This resulted by exporting the location of the Facility and view points into the 3D program from AutoCAD. The 3D software utilized this imported file to reference the Facility and view point locations, thus maintaining their relative X,Y and Z (the difference in elevation,bearing and distance to)distances. The Facility was generated with its actual dimensions as a vectorized 3D model. Each view point including the site was elevated to its relative AMSL(Above Mean Sea Level). The 3D program cameras were set at each view point's X,Y and Z location and photographed the model with the mm lens correlating to the view point photos. The X,Y and Z coordinates allowed the 3D camera to render the Facility to its correct scale,rotation and angle from each view point. The Facility was assigned"photorealistic" materials in the 3D software. 3D software simulated sunlight on the 3D model,taking into account the site latitude, date and time of day of the view point photographs. Adobe Photoshop software was used in the process of overlaying the 3D model onto the corresponding visible references used during photography. The removal and inclusion of intervening vegetation is approximate, however, it provides the viewer with sufficient information to evaluate the potential visibility of the proposed Facility. The placed references were digitally removed from the view point photographs. Finally, the photorealistically- rendered 3D model was integrated into the site photos. Conclusion Based upon our over twenty years'experience in visual analysis,as well as analyzing over 1,000 public utility structure sites throughout the region,we are confident that the enclosed visual study reasonably reflects the appearance of the Facility,at the captioned site. 4Pr Visuals, Inc. Its - A ,\ ,r✓," ti1, �,�- tEruyS. Pse 6 Ve- Wa y O r' �. .� ^2s 'do } yi Uo Ales� • a r' lbAL At` �' , ' . •may �. • LIM !,-t lwgw_ .4%q4 01 M kq- law IPA fit" now" 1 isA"j W�,. V, i A AFJW— Tap, Vi t gin t • ► Pic w, - 4 P 1 a , , 0 -_ I - _1460�z�l V . 'Aw, 5, a, I-%; Ut 2m I i 39'4r f".7 Of 0 Nap. Vb_ IL TIP A 40-LIN 1.4 Qr 14* NN ta A0. SM. i kirw 'go I/pA �W.',or- i"W" ...... l 49 MAI I, 'dipf I -fir Q7 W-2- 011 ► lot JA o 4 WA It x qP.'I jV&Aftfta A, V al 41� AV .4 VZAVI� !Wk N vt I, nI WX_ Ali" A*k` Ls "A WND TA NI ell S 'T-- IM7 IN 1i,p'ME IN5 Alto' ffi—No b Al Aw. 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