HomeMy WebLinkAboutValmont Structural Certification Letter 446 c!• val ort V E C E � W E AUG 2 4 2017 STRUCTURES Southold Town Planning Board ovem er , Town of Southold Building&Planning Departments Town of Southold Annex Building 54375 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Ref: Design and failure modes for a 120'AGL Tapered Monopole w/Cell Silo Quality of Steel and Fabrication of a Monopole Structure Valmont Project No: 335736-1-1 Site Name:Laurel Stone Pole Designed with a Theoretical Fall Radius of 60'-0" Code:ANSIITIA-222-G-2-2009 To Whom it May Concern: As detailed below,the 120 ft multi-carrier disguised monopole proposed by Elite Towers,LP,at the captioned site,and as depicted in Construction Drawings prepared by Dewberry Engineers Inc.,revision 4, dated 10/07/16,will comply with all applicable federal,state,and local structural standards.Valmont,as manufacturer of the monopole,offers the following in order to assure you of the high quality of all Valmont products: Tapered Monopole Design Standards and Failure Modes: • Communications monopole structures designed by Valmont are sized in accordance with the latest governing revision of the ANSI/TIA 222 standard unless otherwise requested by our customer. This standard has been approved by ANSI/ASCE, which has dealt with the design of antenna support structures for over 40 years. The TIA standard, based on provisions of this nationally known specification, has a long history of reliability. At its core philosophy is it's first and foremost priority to safeguard and maintain the health and welfare of the public. • The TIA standard designates a minimum wind loading for each county in the United States. Valmont uses the wind loading listed in the TIA standard unless a'greater value is specified by our customer. Structures are also designed for radial ice at a code specified reduced design wind loading. Code designated coefficients are used to ensure that the structure will survive the designed wind speed. The structure can usually survive even a greater wind load than the basic design wind speed because of these conservative coefficients. • Design and loading assumptions that are used for the analyses of these structures are very conservative in nature when compared to other codes,which makes structural failure highly improbable. • Failure of a steel monopole occurs when a point is reached where the induced stresses exceed the yield strength of the material. At this point,the deflections induced in the material are no longer temporary. Hence,a permanent deflection in the monopole would exist. • The term failure above refers to local buckling at a designated point on the pole. Local buckling does not cause a free failing pole;rather it relieves the stresses from the pole at this location. Monopoles are flexible,forgiving structures,which are not generally susceptible to damage by impact loads such as wind gust or earthquake shocks. When local buckling occurs,a relatively small portion of the shaft distorts and"kinks"the steel. When the pole begins to bend the exposure area is reduced and therefore,the force due to wind is decreased as well. Even though buckling exists,the cross section of the pole is capable of carrying the entire vertical load. Therefore,wind induced loads could not conceivably bring this type of structure to the ground due to the excellent ductile properties,design criteria,and failure mode. • Valmont's communication poles have proven to be very reliable products. Valmont has provided structures that have performed well during earthquakes in California, hurricanes in the South(including Hugo,Andrew,Opal and Katrina),and a number of tornadoes. In over 25 years of engineering and fabricating thousands of monopoles,to our knowledge Valmont has never experienced an in service failure of a communication pole due to weather induced overloading,even though,as in the cases of Valmont Microflect,Valmont Industries,Inc. 3575 25W Street Salem,OR 97302-1123 USA Toll Free:800-547-2151 Fax:503-316-2040 www.valmont.com 4 J,� w r valont V STRUCTURES Hurricanes Hugo,Andrew and Katrina,the wind speeds exceeded the design wind speed. We use the latest standards,wind speed information,and sophisticated analytical tools to"ensure that we maintain our unblemished record for quality. Valmont Quality of Steel and Manufacturing: • Monopoles are fabricated from ASTM A572 Grade 65 material with a controlled silicon content of 0.06% maximum to ensure a uniform galvanized coating. The base material is fabricated from Grade 50 material. All plate material meets a V-Notch toughness requirement of 15 ft-lbs.@-20 degrees Fahrenheit. By meeting the strict toughness requirement,monopoles are best suited to resist the cyclictfatigue type loading(i.e.wind induced loading)these structures exhibit. • Valmont's anchor bolts are fabricated from A615 Grade 75 material. The bolts are typically 2'/,in diameter,made from#18J bar stock. Anchor bolts come complete with five(5)A194 Grade 2H hex nuts. • For the past 40 years,our company has always guaranteed the quality of the steel used in building our structures. Material Certifications are available on all material at the time of fabrication. Fabrication of the monopole is performed in accordance with the provisions of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction and ASCE's Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures. All welding and inspection is in accordance with the American Welding Society's Specification 131.1-latest revision. Testing and inspection reports are available upon request at the time of fabrication. In addition,the monopole can be designed to theoretically fail at approximately the 60'elevation by purposely over designing the pole sections below this point.In the unlikely event the pole were to fail at this point,the significant loading reduction caused by the removal of the tower wind area and weight above would greatly reduce any chance that the remaining tower would have any structural damage,thereby providing a theoretical failure radius of approximately 60'-0"for the 120'AGL monopole.We are aware of Southold Town Code section 280-70G,which generally requires a"fall zone"of an area surrounding the r ar proposed antenna support structure by two times the height of the structure.However,we submit that the," Town allow the smaller fall zone as stated in this letter. Monopole Coordinates: 40"68'43.29"N 72"32'48.81"W I hope these comments address any issues that you might encounter relative to the anticipated performance of monopole structures and quality of steel fabrication. If you have additional questions or comments,I may be reached at(503)589-6626. Sincerely, OF NE�y � aM gc�'o9 . 5 COa 9 � t Nathan Ross,EIT yy Associate Engineer NOV a 3 zols Valmont Microflect,Valmont Industries,Inc. 3575 250'Street Salem,OR 97302-1123 USA Toll Free:800-547-2151 Fax:503-316-2040 www.valmont.com A L C c � - � L AUG 2017 R va ont F Southold Town Planning Board STRUCTURES VALMONT MICROFLECT 3575 25th St.SE Salem, OR 97302 PHONE: 1-800-547-2151- ENGINEER: Nathan Ross Reviewed by: COMMUNICATION POLE- DESIGN CALCULATIONS ��•� \JAM r O •x"° b � n. `r p RO 406' �`�c�' • ELITE TOWERS NOV 0 3 2016 VALMONT ORDER# 335736 SITE NAME: LAUREL STONE, NY POLE HEIGHT: 59FT (120 FT AGL) Page 1 val on, t ;V, STRUCTURES 11/3/16 ENGINEERING DATA for ELITE TOWERS LAUREL STONE,NY VALMONT QUOTATION 335736 1) STRUCTURE DESIGN CONFORMS TO EIAITIA-222-G INCLUDING: 120.0 MPH WIND(3 SECOND GUST,50 YR.RETURN PERIOD) 50.0 MPH ICE WIND(50 YR.RETURN PERIOD) DESIGN ICE THICKNESS=0.75 INCHES EXPOSURE CATEGORY C STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION III TOPOGRAPHIC CATEGORY 1 60.0 MPH BASIC WIND SPEED WITH NO ICE FOR TWIST AND SWAY 2) FEEDLINES ARE ASSUMED TO BE PLACED INTERIOR TO THE POLE. 3) ALL MICROWAVE ASSUMED TO BE 6 GHz UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4) TOTAL POLE HEIGHT IS 60 FT AGL 5) 60 FT CELL SILO TO 120 FT AGL 6) ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED FROM TOP OF BASE PLATE(APPROX 1 FT AGL) 7) POLE IS DESIGNED WITH A THEORETICAL 60 FT FALL ZONE 8) POLE TO BE PAINTED WHITE 9) LOADING AS FOLLOWS: 59.0'POLE 1 -36"DIA X 60'CELL SILO @ 59.0 1 -OMNI MOUNT @ 59.0 1-SD314-HF2P2SNM @ 59.0 STRUCTURE ANCHORAGE INFORMATION , POLE HEIGHT(FT): 59 NUMBER OF A.B.'s: 10 BOLTCIRCLE(IN): 50.50 DIA.OFA.B.'s(IN): 1.75 BASE VERTICAL(K): 25.15 LENGTH OF A.B:s(IN): 66.00 BASE SHEAR(K): 19.21 PROJECTION LENGTH(IN): 8.75 BASE MOMENT(FT-K): 1302 TEMPLATE OD(IN): 54.00 Valmont;- Structures. Enaineerinct Form#3098(12/05) Page 2 val ont- ;V* STRUCTURES BY DATE CHKD.BY DATE SHEET NO. -11/3/16 ENGINEERING,DATA for ELITE TOWERS LAUREL STONE, NY VALMONT QUOTATION 335736 EIA/TIA-222-G BASIC WIND: 120.0 MPH DESIGN ICE THICKNESS: 0.751N. WIND&ICE: 50.0 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C TWIST&SWAY: 60.0 MPH STRUCTURE CLASS.: III Ss: N/A TOPOGRAPHIC CATEGORY: 1 Sl: N/A DATA W.O.ICE DATA W/ICE QTY DESCRIPTION HEIGHT EPA WT EPA WT 1 36"DIA X 60'CELL SILO @ 59.0' 108.00 12000 150.00 18000 1 OMNI MOUNT @ 59.0' 5.00 250 10.00 500 1 SD314-HF2P2SNM @ 59.0' 3.47 21 9.93 167 Valmont - Structures--Enaineerinc>I- Form#3068(12/05) BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 ' Fuse *** SUMMARY Design Code: TIA-222-G Addendum 2 ---------------------------------------------------- DESIGN SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------- Height Above Base Plate (ft) 59.00 Ground Line Diameter (in) 44.00Q Pole Shaft Weight (lbs) 7840 Top Diameter (in) 35.999 Pole Taper (in/ft) 0.14408 Shape: 18 Sides Connections Between Sections /First/ Height Above Ground (ft) 30.00 Type Slip Joint Overlap Length (in) 74 Maximum Axial Force (lbs) 28563 Section Characteristics /First/ /Second/ Base Diameter (in) 44.000 41.066 Top Diameter (in) 39.678 35.999 Thickness (in) 0.31250 0.25000 Length (ft) 30.000 35.167 Weight (lbs) 4205 3635 Yield Strength (ksi) 65.00 65.00 ------------------------------------------- ANALYSIS SUMMARY ------------------------------------------- Pt. of Governing Governing Pole Fixity Level Sec.l Level Sec.2 Top Governing Load Case WIND WIND WIND WIND Height (ft) 0.00 0.00 30.00 59.00 Resultant Moment (in-kips) 15620 15620 9404 4858 Shear Force (lbs) 19235 19235 15242 10837 Axial Force (lbs) 24261 24261 18120 14394 Effective Yield Strength (ksi) 74.27 74.27 70.14 73.61 Combined Interaction Value 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.30 Total Deflection (in) 0.00 0.00 3.17 11.90 Note: Diameters are outside, measured across the flats Forces and moments are reported in the local element coordinate system BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse *** POLE SHAFT POINT OF FIXITY REACTIONS *** Loading Moments Moments Moments Moments ' Shear Shear Shear Notes Case About About Resultant Vertical In In Resultant Identifier X-Axis Y-Axis (X & Y) Torsional Force X-Direction Y-Direction (X & Y) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) ' (in-kips) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) WIND 11965 -10040 15620 0 24284 12345 14712 19205 ICE + WIND 1830 -1535 2389 0 37474 2000 2383 3111 T+S 1449 -1215 1891 0 20113 1501 1789 2335 Note: Positive vertical force is downward. Reactions are considered in the global coordinate system. BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse *** INPUT LOADS *** Design Code TIA-222-G Addendum 2 Loading Case WIND Orientation of System Basic Wind Velocity is 120.00 mph Ice Thickness 0.00 +******* +X-Axis Wind Orientation is 50.0 Degrees Clockwise From +X Axis * * (Transverse) Structure Weight Overload Factor is 1.200 Exposure C, Gust Factor 1.10 Structure Category 3, Topographic Category 1, Crest Height 0.00 ft (Longitudinal) * * (Vertical) Orientations are Measured Clockwise From +X Axis +Y-Axis * * +Z-Axis Positive Y Axis is 90 Degrees Clockwise From +X Axis Foundation Rotation of 0.00 Degrees Elevation of structure base above surrounding terrain = 1.00 ft Load Mounting Load Load Orientation Number Height Height Eccentricity in XY Plane Force-X Force-Y Force-Z EPA (ft) (ft) (ft) (Degrees) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ft^2) 1 59.00 94.23 0.00 50.00 6164 7346 14400 108.00 1-36" DIA X 6 2 59.00 121.00 0.00 50.00 301 358 300 5.00 1-OMNI MOUNT 3 59.00 124.00 0.00 50.00 210 250 25 3.47 1-SD314-HF2P2 S BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse *** INPUT LOADS *** Design Code TIA-222-G Addendum 2 Loading Case ICE + WIND Orientation of System Basic Wind Velocity is 50.00 mph Ice Thickness 0.75 +******* +X-Axis Wind Orientation is 50.0 Degrees Clockwise From +X Axis * * (Transverse) Structure Weight Overload Factor is 1.200 Exposure C, Gust 'Factor 1.10 Structure Category 3, Topographic Category 1, Crest Height 0.00 ft (Longitudinal) * * (Vertical) Orientations are Measured Clockwise From +X Axis +Y-Axis * * +Z-Axis Positive Y Axis is 90 Degrees Clockwise From +X Axis Foundation Rotation of 0.00 Degrees Elevation of structure base above surrounding terrain = 1.00 ft Load Mounting Load Load Orientation Number Height Height Eccentricity in XY Plane Force-X Force-Y Force-Z EPA (ft) (ft) (ft) (Degrees) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ft^2) 1 59.00 94.23 0.00 50.00 808 963 ' 21600 150.00 1-36" DIA X 6 2 59.00 121.00 0.00 50.00 57 68 600 10.00 1-OMNI MOUNT 3 59.00 124.00 0.00 50.00, 57 67 200 9.93 1-SD314-HF2P2 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse *** INPUT LOADS Design Code TIA-222-G Addendum 2 Loading Case T+S Orientation of System Basic Wind Velocity is 60.00 mph Ice Thickness 0.00 +******* +X-Axis Wind Orientation is 50.0 Degrees Clockwise From +X Axis * * (Transverse) Structure Weight Overload Factor is 1.000 Exposure C, Gust Factor 1.10 Structure Category 3, Topographic Category 1, Crest Height 0.00 ft (Longitudinal) * * (Vertical) Orientations are Measured Clockwise From +X Axis +Y-Axis * * +Z-Axis Positive Y Axis is 90 Degrees Clockwise From +X Axis Foundation Rotation of 0.00 Degrees Elevation of structure base above surrounding terrain = 1.00 ft Load Mounting Load Load Orientation Number Height Height Eccentricity in XY Plane Force-X Force-Y Force-Z EPA (ft) (ft) (ft) (Degrees) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ft-2) 1 59.00 94.23 0.00 50.00 749 893 12000 108.00 1-36" DIA X 6 2 59.00 121.00 0.00 50.00 37 44 250 5.00 1-OMNI MOUNT 3 59.00 124.00 0.00 50.00 25 30 21 3.47 1-SD314-HF2P2 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse *** Properties *** Distance Diameter From Across Wall D/t W/t Moments of Connection Base Flats Thickness Across Across Inertia Area Locations (ft) (in) (in) Flats Flats (in^4) (in^2) Top of Sect 2 59.00 35.999 0.2500 144.00 23.63 4579 28.37 54.00 36.720 0.2500 146.88 24.14 4861 28.94 49.00 37.440 0.2500 149.76 24.64 5155 29.51 44.00 38.161 0.2500 152.64 25.15 5460 30.08 39.00 38.881 0.2500 155.52 25.66 5777 30.65 34.00 39.601 0.2500 158.41 26.17 6107 31.22 30.00 40.178 0.2500 160.71 26.57 6379 31.68 Top of Sect 1 30.00 39.678 0.3125 126.97 20.62 7641 39.04 29.00 39.822 0.3125 127.43 20.71 7726 39.19 26.42 40.194 0.3125 128.62 20.92 7946 39.56 Base of Sect 2 23.83 40.566 0.3125 129.81 21.13 8171 39.93 19.00 41.263 0.3125 132.04 21.52 8602 40.62 14.00 41.983 0.3125 134.35 21.93 9064 41.33 9.00 42:703 0.3125 136.65 22.33 9542 42.04 4.00 43.424 0.3125 138.96 22.74 10037 42.76 Pt of Fixity 0.00 44.000 0.3125 140.80 23.06 10445 43.33 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse Forces and Moments for Pole in the Local Element Coordinate System Loading Case WIND Dist. From Resultant Shear Shear Resultant Base Mx My Mx & My Torsion X-Dir. Y-Dir. Shear Axial (ft) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 59.00 3722 -3123 4858 0 6966 8302 10837 14394 54.00 4238 -3556 5533 0 7460 8891 11606 15006 49.00 4790 -4020 6253 0 7951 9476 12370 15634 44.00 5377 -4512 7019 0 8438 10057 13128 16277 39.00 5999 -5034 7831 0 8920 10630 13876 16936 34.00 6655 -5584 8687 0 9397 11199 14619 17606 30.00 7204 -6045 9404 0 9797 11676 15242 18120 30.00 7204 -6045 9404 0 9780 11656 15216 18142 29.00 7344 -6163 9587 0 9870 11763 15356 18445 26.42 7714 -6473 10070 0 10113 12052 15732 19219 23.83 8092 -6790 10564 0 10343 12326 16090 20010 19.00 8823 -7403 11517 0 10763 12827 16745 20851 14.00 9609 - -8063 12543 0 11179 13323 17391 21737 9.00 10424 -8747 13608 0 11584 13805 18022 22641 4.00 11269 -9456 14710 0 11997 14297 18664 23558 0.00 11965 -10040 15620 0 12364 14735 19235 24261 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse Deflections and Stresses for Pole Loading Case WIND *** Deflections and Stresses *** Distance Defl. Axial Flexural Shear Torsion Combined Effective From Defl. Defl. Resultant Defl. Interaction Interaction Interaction Interaction Stress Yield Base X-Dir Y-Dir X & Y Z-Dir Rotation Term Term Term Term Interaction Strength (ft) (in) (in) (in) (in) (deg.) (ksi) 59.00 7.6 9.1 11.9 0.1 1.85 0.01 0.29 0.03 0.00 0.30 73.61 54.00 6.4 7.7 10.0 0.1 1.72 0.01 0.32 0.03 0.00 0.33 73.01 49.00 5.3 6.4 8.3 0.1 1.58 0.01 0.35 0.03 0.00 0.36 72.42 44.00 4.3 5.1 6.7 0.1 1.43 0.01 0.39 0.03 0.00 0.40 71.82 39.00 3.4 4.1 5.3 0.0 1.28 0.01 0.42 0.03 0.00 0.43 71.22 34.00 2.6 3.1 4.0 0.0 1.11 0.01 0.45 0.03 0.00 0.46 70.62 30.00 2.0 2.4 3.2 0.0 0.98 0.01 0.48 0.03 0.00 0.49 70.14 30.00 2.0 2.4 3.2 0.0 0.98 0.01 0.36 0.03 0.00 0.36 77.14 29.00 1.9 2.3 3.0 0.0 0.95 0.01 0.36 0.03 0.00 0.37 77.05 26.42 1.6 1.9 2.5 0.0 0.87 0.01 0.37 0.03 0.00 0.38 76.80 23.83 1.3 1.6 2.0 0.0 0.79 0.01 0.39 0.03 0.00 0.39 76.55 19.00 0.8 1.0 1.3 0.0 0.64 0.01 0.41 0.03 0.00 0.42 76.09 14.00 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.48 0.01 0.43 0.03 0.00 0.44 75.61 9.00 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.31 0.01, 0.46 0.03 0.00 0.47 75.13 4.00 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.14 0.01 0.48 0.03 0.00 0.49 74.66 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.50 0.03 0.00 0.51 74.27 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse Forces and Moments for Pole in the Local Element Coordinate System Loading Case ICE + WIND Dist. From Resultant Shear Shear Resultant Base Mx My Mx & My Torsion X-Dir. Y-Dir. Shear Axial (ft) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 59.00 546 -458 713 0 988 1178 1537 22393 54.00 620 -520 809 0 1084 1291 1686 23420 49.00 701 -588 915 0 1178 1404 1833 24463 44.00 789 -662 1030 0 1271 1515 1978 25522 39.00 883 -741 1153 0 1363 1624 2120 26596 34.00 984 -826 1285 0 1453 1732 2261 27684 30.00 1070 -898 1396 0 1530 1824 2380 28563 30.00 1070 -898 1396 0 1526 1819 2374 28564 / 29.00 1092 -916 1425 0 1543 1839 2400 29017 26.42 1150 -965 1501 0 1569 1893 2471 30192 23.83 1209 -1015 1578 0 1631 1944 2538 31375 19.00 1325 -1112 1730 0 1710 2038 2660 32605 14.00 1450 -1217 1893 0 1787 2129 2779 33889 9.00 1581 -1327 2064 0 1861 2218 2895 35179 4.00 1717 -1441 2242 0 1936 2307 3012 36467 0.00 1830 -1535 2389 0 2004 2389 3118 37473 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse Deflections and Stresses for Pole Loading Case ICE + WIND *** Deflections and Stresses *** Distance Defl. Axial Flexural Shear Torsion Combined Effective From Defl. Defl. Resultant Defl. Interaction Interaction Interaction Interaction Stress Yield Base X-Dir Y-Dir X & Y Z-Dir Rotation Term Term Term Term Interaction Strength (ft) (in) (in) (in) (in) (deg.) (ksi) 59.00 1.1 1.4 1.8 0.0 0.28 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.06 73.61 54.00 1.0 1.2 1.5 0.0 0.26 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 73.01 49.00 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.24 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.07 72.42 44.00 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.21 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 71.82 39.00 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.19 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.08 71.22 34.00 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.17 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.08 70.62 30.00 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.15 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.09 70.14 30.00 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.15 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 77.14 29.00 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.14 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.07 77.05 26.42 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.13 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 76.80 23.83 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.12 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 76.55 19.00 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.10 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 76.09 14.00 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.07 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.08 75.61 9.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.08 75.13 4.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.09 74.66 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.09 74.27 BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse Forces and Moments for Pole in the Local Element Coordinate System Loading Case T+S Dist. From Resultant Shear Shear Resultant Base Mx My Mx & My Torsion X-Dir. Y-Dir. Shear Axial (ft) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) (in-kips) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 59.00 449 -377 587 0 841 1002 1309 12266 54.00 512 -429 668 0 901 1074 1402 12754 49.00 579 -485 755 0 961 `1146 1496 13252 44.00 649 -545 848 0 1021 1217 1588 13759 39.00 725 -608 946 0 1080 1287 1680 14276 34.00 804 -675 1050 0 1138 1357 1771 14803 30.00 871 -731 1137 0 1187 1414 1846 15231 30.00 871 -731 1137 0 1185 1412 1844 15232 29.00 888 -745 1159 0 1196 1426 1861 154'73 26.42 932 -782 1217 0 1226 1461 1907 16100 23.83 978 -821 1277 0 1254 1495 1951 16733 19.00 1067 -695 1393 0 1306 1556 2032 17396 14.00 1162 -975 1517 0 1357 1618 2112 18094 9.00 1261 -1058 1646 0 1407 1677 2189 1BB04 4.00 1364 -1144 1780 0 1458 1738 2269 19527 0.00 1449 -1215 1891 0 1503 1791 2338 20112 J BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse Deflections and Stresses for Pole ` Loading Case T+S *** Deflections and Stresses *** Distance Defl. Axial Flexural Shear Torsion Combined Effective From Defl. Defl. Resultant Defl. Interaction Interaction Interaction Interaction Stress Yield Base X-Dir Y-Dir X & Y Z-Dir Rotation Term Term Term Term Interaction Strength (ft) (in) (in) (in) (in) (deg.) (ksi) 59.00 0.9 1.1 1.4 0.0 0.22 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 73.61 54.00 0.8 0.9 1.2 0.0 0.21 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.05 73.01 49.00 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.19 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.05 72.42 44.00 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.17 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 71.82 39.00 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.15 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 71.22 34.00 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.13 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 70.62 30.00 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.12 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 70.14 30.00 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.12 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.05 77.14 29.00 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.11 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.05 77.05 26.42 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.11 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 76.80 23.83 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.10 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 76.55 19.00 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.08 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 76.09 14.00 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.06 75.61 9.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06 75.13 4.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 74.66 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.07 74.27 MINIMUM DEFLECTION RATIO // DEFLECTION LIMIT / DEFLECTION // IS BY VALMONT INDUSTRIES FOR: ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736 DATE 11/03/2016 Fuse r NUMBER SHIPPED PROJECTION GALVANIZED THREAD OF BOLTS DIAMETER LENGTH WEIGHT AS LENGTH LENGTH SIZE (IN.) (IN.) (KIPS) (IN.) (IN.) 10 1.750 66.00 0.63 BOLTS, TEMPLATES 8.75 66.00 5-UNC-2A STEEL STEEL MAXIMUM BOLT MAXIMUM BOLT FACTORED NOMINAL STRESS INTERACTION CONFIGURATION OF SPEC. SPECIF. FORCE SHEAR FORCE TENS. STRENGTH AREA VALUE BOTTOM END VALMONT (KIPS) (KIPS) (KIPS) (SQ. IN.) S23 A615 103.57 1.92 152.00 1.90 0.71 THREADED WITH HEAVY HEX HEAD NUT NOTE: BOLT INTERACTION VALUE WAS CALCULATED BY DIVIDING SHEAR FORCE BY FACTOR RELATED TO DETAIL TYPE d] IN EIA-G SPECS. *** BOLT COORDINATES (IN.) *** BOLT NO. X-COORD Y-COORD * BOLT NO. X-COORD Y-COORD 1 25.250 0.000 * 2 20.428 14.842 3 7.803 24.014 MAX. BOLT CIRCLE = 50.50 IN. TEMPLATE DIAMETER = 54.00 IN. *** BASE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS GOVERNED BY LOADING CASE WIND *** BASE PLATE BASE PLATE ACTUAL RAW MATERIAL, POLE DIAM. DIAMETER THICKNESS WEIGHT WEIGHT (MAJOR DIAM.) (IN.) (IN.) (KIPS) (KIPS) (IN.) 55.72 1.75 0.86 1.52 44.00 EFFECTIVE PLASTIC MOMENT IN PLASTIC FACTORED PLATE WIDTH SECTION MOD. BASE PLATE MOMENT RESISTING MOM. (IN.) (CII. IN.) (IN. -K) (IN. -K) (IN. -K) 13.82 10.58 336.60 529.16 476.25 STEEL STEEL EFFECTIVE STRESS SPECIF. SPECIF. YIELD STRESS RATIO VALMONT OTHER (KSI) S56 A572 50 0.71 ** LOADS AT POLE BASE IN THE GLOBAL COORDINATE SYSTEM ************************** LOADING CASES ************************* LOADING CASE IDENTIFICATION WIND ICE + WIND T+S ]MAX CRITERION- LOAD CASE MOMENT ABT. X-AXIS (IN-KIP) 11965 1829 1446 ]MOMENT ABT. X WIND MOMENT ABT. Y-AXIS (IN-KIP) -10040 -1535 -1215 ]MOMENT ABT. Y WIND SHEAR FORCE (LB.) 19205 3111 2335 ]RES. MOMENT WIND VERTICAL FORCE (LB.) 24284 37473 20112 ]SHEAR FORCE WIND ]BOLT FORCE WIND ]BOLT TENSION WIND Quote/Order No.: 'M,f'pIn 673 ENGR �ik t r,•3., Total Regpola height=`.e a �12,Q R Date* 11/312016 36.0 Height of pole=i ^t l'ill.It —120 it Silo pipe change ft Diameter fl Diameter of cellsllo= ;ni#1s,¢+8;In Height ofcellslla- 66it Flag dimensions=220Rfi+f fix `-`=ft 3-sec gust windsmph #of Top Whip Antennas ;i ryQjD default 0 #of Ail tennas=,5 '8 default#ofCaniers'3 80 it #of Callers i 60 R Paint Type `", default Gray Weight- 12.0D k Togo= default Exposure= x I .'S OK defaulOK t2 SWCt Class= , Windarea of silo-CAA - 108.0 f, 60 it Height of omni- 10.011 i Windarea of omnl-CAAA= as fl' includes mount Windpressure per EIA-G= 583 psf Force from top part of silo- 6.71 k Force from entire silo= 1007 k Force from omnl- 0.79 k d,du-PLs/3EI- 51.5 In Moment at pipe change= 2855 0 In-k -2212 fl-k Moment at base of silo= 4858 0 In-k -404.8 ft-k Silo upper support pipe: Silo support pipe- 12.75"OD x 0.500"Wall Thickness Supportplpeweightperfoot- 65.48 lbsM Z. 75.07 in' fe=M/Z= 3531 4, h 1�1�9.60ks1,OK Pipe to pipe weld size= 7PII8jin Z,. 11064 In' Weld stress= 24.00,3WWeo.76'0.W70ksf,OK Bolts for vine to Pipe 0anne: holtdlameter-�,�,t In area of boll= 1.325 Int - number of belts= silo silo e e• Flange bolt circle=r d 4 d in I 3.125 In Max boll force= 88.6 k Max bolt strase= f18.8j;rl,;*y'—MRat=0.76.105ksI,OK 8I Silo pipe to pipe Range: + Moment In silofange- 2765580892in-k Fb- 60 ksl trequlred= 1751n t= Wier iIR75;tn re"d,OK Halts for base Range: bolt diameter=. 'tel In area of bolt= 1.325 Inz number of dusters- 8 bolts per cluster=&" 1 �4n1 Flange bolt cirde= 301n Max cluster force= 1080 k Max bolt force= 54.0 k s o floncie, Max bolt stress- 40.7 A4,1a ,h78ft5ka1=0.76.105ka1,OK 7.5 In Silo base 0anae: 8 In Moment In silo Range= 809,8695682 In-k _ Fy= 60 ksl 1,uhd= 300 In l=r,7, fli.Ta4'd,OK Silo tower support Pipe: No,of Spokes=6 Silo support pipe= 14"OD x ,0.750"Wall Thickness _ Support pipe weight per foot= 106.23lbslft Z= 131.01 Ino 1= 922.08 in' fe=M2= fFsl 37p 9 � .50ksI,OK tapered note Rance: Pipe to Range weld size= � ?5 In 3 In Z-ld= 174 28 in Weld stress= 27 9 rZ:97F5k91?0.76'0.6.70ksl,OK O 8 In Tapered Pole 0anne: Moment in pole Range= 323 8878273 In-k Fy= 50 kat Mgww= 190 In tapered Pole weld. req'd,OK B I Flange to pole weld slze- 36 In0 �f 0 5 1n Total weld- 99 In x+,75 in Z„•u= 202.49 In' 2.5 In Weld stress= 24 0X31?6 sj*11.75'0.8.70ks1 OK ITEM NO. FEATURES UNIT WEIGHT ID READ WEIGHT(LBS) (LBS) 1 1 SECTION A VALMONT 5-22 0.313" THK (A572 GR65) 4,205 4,205 2 1 SECTION B VALMONT S-22 0.250" THK (A572 GR65) 3,635 3,635 3 1 BOTTOM CAGE PLATE 105 105 4 10 1.75" ANCHOR BOLT, LENGTH=5.50' A615 GR75 96 956 [NOMINAL] 5 1' BASE PLATE VALMONT S-56 1.750" THK (A572 GR50) 864 864 1191- 0.00" 1 TOP CAGE PLATE (REMOVE BEFORE SETTING POLE) 136 136 3 GROUNDING LUG 2 6 GALVANIZING 201 201 6 3 HAND HOLE STD (9" x 24") 48 144 7 3 HAND HOLE STD (9" x 24") 48 144 8 3 HAND HOLE STD (6" x 12") 22 66 1 POLE CAP 61 61 I 109'- 0.00" 12.75"0 X 0.500" WALL MAST HOLE COORDS (INCHES) 25.25" I I TYP 412.13" HOLE X-COORD Y-COORD Y (10 REOD) 25.25 0.00 20.43 14.64 991- 0.00" 7.80 24.01 II 9'68 + TYP X 33.00" I I 0,0 56.58" TYP II 891- 0.00" (6) 36"0 X 10' CANISTERS NOTES: 1. BASE PLATE THICKNESS = 1.750" 2. BASE PLATE ALLOWABLE STRESS (KSI) = 50 3. ANGLES ARE MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM 0 DEGREES 4. MAXIMUM BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER = 50.50" 5 MAXIMUM CAGE TEMPLATE DIAMETER = 56.50" II BASE PLATE ANCHORAGE CHARACTERISTICS 79'- 0.00" NOTES: 1. FACTORED REACTIONS FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN._ MOMENT = 15,620 IN-KIPS SHEAR = 19,205 # VERTICAL = 25,144 # 14"0 X 2. GALVANIZED PER ASTM A-123. 0.750" 3. DESIGN CRITERIA: ANSI/TIA 222-0 ADDENDUM 2 WALL MAST 4. THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR THE FOLLOWING LOADING: EXPOSURE CATEGORY = C STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION = 3 TOPOGRAPHY CATEGORY = 1 69'- 0 00" WIND LOAD CASES ARE BASED ON 3 SECOND GUST AND 100 YEAR WIND RETURN PERIOD A. CASE 1: WIND = 120 MPH WIND SPEED B. CASE 2: WIND = 50 MPH ICE AND WIND SPEED DESIGN ICE THICKNESS = 0.75 INCH C. CASE 3: WIND = 60 MPH WIND SPEED D. EQUIPMENT MTG CENTROID WITHOUT ICE WITH ICE HT. HT. EPA WT EPA WT ----------DESCRIPTION---------- -(FT)- (FT) (FT**2) (LBS) (FT**2) (LBS) - ------ ------- ----- ------- ----- 1-36" DIA X 60' CELL SILO 59.00 94.23 108.00 12000 15000 18000 1-OMNI MOUNT 59.00 121.00 5.00 250 10.00 500 591- 0.00" 1-SD314-HF2P2SNM 59.00 124.00 3.47 21 9.93 167 581- 0.00" 5 FEEDLINES ARE PLACED INTERIOR TO POLE SHAFT (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) . 6. TOTAL POLE HEIGHT IS 60 FT AGL e 7. 60 FT CELL SILO TO 120 FT AGL 8. ELEVATIONS ARE MEASURED FROM TOP OF BASE PLATE (APPROX 1 FT AGL) 9. POLE IS DESIGNED WITH A THEORETICAL 60 FT FALL ZONE 10. POLE TO BE PAINTED WHITE 2 DESIGN LAP SPLICE = 74.00" of NE�,S, IAM Co ;e y� 7'- 0.00" AUG 2 4 2017 04 7 Q �. 3'- 0.00" Southold Town RDF NOV 3 2016 65 Planning Board o'- 0.00" (TOP OF BASE PLATE) 4 3 1 11/3/16 NAR ANTENNA MODEL REVISED HEVSECTION INFORMATION ID DATE B DESCRIPTION IT�35 BASE OD TOP DD THK MATL ORDER PROJECT FILE IO SCALE DATE ENGR 335736 335736 335736 NONE 09/16/16 NAR1 valino 7t 44.00" 39.68" 0.313" A572 65 KSI DESCRIPTION 41.07" 36.00" 0.250" A572 65KSI ELITE TOWERS 120' POLE, SITE: LAUREL STONE, NY 335736