HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCC MFD l' REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases_,7here FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display-of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license.9r : .:;Federal Communications CommissionAUG 2 4 2017 ' Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Southold Town RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION Planning board Call Si File Number LICENSEE: MA'TTI'liC1;CK FIRE I}I„S'TRICT � WQWR327 11,:a,• 6, Radio Service PW-Public Safety Pool,Conventional ATTN:DISTRICT MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRYC'T £' 1000 PIKE STREET , PO BOX 666 q �' r' Regulatory Status MATTITUCK,NY 11952 �M PMRS Frequency Coordination-Number FCC Registration Number(FRN): 00035066641,:;:; Grant Date Effecti e`Il61 e: { Expiration Date Print Date 10-28-2015 10-28-2415; 10-28-2025 STATION TEC CA SPECIFICATIONS • - r Fixed Location Address or Mobile Area of Operation ,,,,�, Loc.I Address:507 Middle Line Highway(088143) w City:Sag Harbor County:SUFFOLK State:NY” ,a Lat(NAD83):40-58-10.8 N Long(NAD83):072-2f}� 6.6 W-.;ASR No.: 1014849 Ground Elev:77.1 Loc.2 Area of operation r `' Operating within a 32.0 km radius around fixed location 1 Loc.3 Address: 1000 Pike St. City:Mattituck County:SUFFOLK State:NY Lat(NAD83):40-59-33.4 N Long(NAD83):072-32-033W, RNo.: 1247335 Ground Elev:8.0 Loc.4 Area of operation i Operating within a 32.0 km radius around fixed location 3 'k a Antennas ;f Loc Ant Frequencies Sta. No. No. Emission On, uERP Ant. Ant. Construct (MHz) g Designator ( `�HtJT AAT Deadline No. No. Cls. Units Pagers Desi ator Power wolfs},:.,` p (watts) , ' ffiI ter9 meters Date 1 1 000460.31250000 FB2 1 11K2F3E 50.000 �h5.000 A 158.6 10-28-2016 2 1 000460.31250000 MO 25 11K2F3E 35.000 35.60(y'', 5,'� 10-28-2016 Conditions: " Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subjectkto-the,- following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor ahy', i# iif•th�i�6s,of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized heiein. 'Neither the license not the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C. §310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606., FCC 601-ULSHSI Page 1 of 2 August 2007 Licensee Name: MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT tk Call Sign:WQWR327, File Number: j Print Date: Antennas,/, Loc Ant Fr`equericies ;=s Sta. No. No. Emission Output,ERP Ant. Ant. _ Construct No. No. (MHz); :;X� Cls. Units !Pagers Designator Power (watts) Ht./Tp AAT Deadline (watts) meters meters Date 2 1 000465.31250Q0�: MO 25 11I{2F3E 35.000 35.000 10-28-2016 3 1 000460.3125060(YA FB2 1 i lk2F3E 100.000 125.000 27.4 30.2 10-28-2016 4 1 000465.31250000 MO 25 ! 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 10-28-2016 4 1 000460.31250000 MO 25 ! 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 10-28-2016 Control Points <� Control Pt.-No.lr'<` '""s Address: 1000 PIKE ST City:MATTITUCK County: SUFFOLK =`Stith:NYj + Telepho �e Number:(631)298-8833 Associated Call Signs " ,\ <NA> =.. ' µe 41 f Waivers/Conditions: § -, NONE _ ,`•,. J f `•� Zz"l `. 1 1 FCC(601-ULSHSI Page 2'of 2 f - August 2007 I - REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this refdrence copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license. Federal Communications Commission r> Public Safety'and Homeland Security Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION r LICENSEE:MATTITUCI`FIRE,pITRICT can Sign File Number KBL994 0006459465 Radio Service • ;; PW-Public Safety Pool,Conventiondl ATTN:JOHN HARR.SION MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT" raj; 1000 PIKE STREET PO BOX 666 ` Regulatory Status PMRS MATTITUCK,NY 11952 y Frequency Coordination Number FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003506664'°:m; Grant Date Effective``Date• Expiration Date Print Date 09-16-2014 09-1. 2�t `' 12-12-2024 09-16-2014 STATION TECANWA SPECIFICATIONS Fixed Location Address or Mobile Area of Operation Loc.1 Address:PIKE ST FIRE HOUSE City:MATTITUCK County:SUFFOLK Siate:NSA Lat(NAD83):40-59-33.4 N Long(NAD83):072=32=03;3 W- ASR No.: Ground Elev:8.0 Loc.2 Area of operation Operating within a 8.0 km radius around fixed location 1 Antennas Loc Ant Frequencies Sta. No. No. Emission Output,,E,RP Ant. Ant. Construct No. No. (NM) Cls. Units Pagers Designator P"o*Orr;(Watts) Ht./Tp AAT Deadline Q(watts) x• meters meters Date 1 1 000046.34000000 FB 1 100 20KOF3E kOOO MOW,, 23.0 1 1 000046.46000000 FB 1 100 20KOF3E 3OOg0%30.000 23.0 2 1 000046.30000000 MO 20 20KOF3E 5.000 ?5:000" " ; 2 1 000046.34000000 MO 20 20KOF3E 30.000 `30'4)00;`` 2 1 000046.38000000 MO 20 20KOF3E 30.000 30.00O,, '• . - ✓� 'N Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subject to the. following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor ao-riglit iittlie:use:oEthe frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorizedherein 'Neither the license not the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. FCC 601-ULSHSI Page 1 of 2 August 2007 Licensee Name: MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT Call Sign:KBL994_<"`„ `;s File Number: 0006459485 Print Date:09-16-2014 Antennas,-' Loc Ant Frequencies;,,,, Stu. No.„ ;No. EYmission Output ERP Ant. Ant. Construct No. No. (MHz);;t Cls. Units j Pagers Designator Power (watts) Ht./Tp .AAT Deadline f (watts) meters meters Date 2 1 000046.46000000 =j': MO 20 20KOF3E 30.000 30.000 Control Points Control Pt.No.1 4 frD , Address:FIRE DEPT PIKE ST /r. w City:MATTITUCK County: ;SUFFOLK;- State:NY Telephone Number:(631)298-8833 Associated Call Signs <NA> I Waivers/Conditions: 46.34 ERP LIMITED TO 30 WATTS. I. , 4 FCC,601-ULSHS1 Page 2 of 2 I August 2007 I i REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license:It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases.where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC„licen9e. # ,.,;,F_ ederal Communications Commission- Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: MATTTTiTC1 F11 DISTRICT Call Sign File Number sN WQCU716 0006705852 YEN Radio Service - ATTN:JOHN HARRISCIN' " "� PW-Public Safety Pool,Conventional MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT "; 1000 PIKE STREET PO BOX 666 "` Regulatory Status w f:,.:. MATTITUCK,NY 11952 <. PMRS Frequency Coordination Number FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003506664,,',%k Grant Date Effective'Date� Expiration Date Print Date 03-13-2015 03-T3�=20115,' 05-31-2025 03-13-2015 STATION TJ'C NIC SPECIFICATIONS Fixed Location Address or Mobile Area of Operation Loc.1 Address: 1000 PIKE STREET a ,. City:MATTITUCK County:SUFFOLK `.•State:N Lat(NAD83):40-59-33.4 N Long(NAD83):072-32=03.3 W,,ASR No.: 1247335 Ground Elev:8.0 Loc.2 Area of operation h Operating within a 24.0 km radius around fixed location 1 z1y'M Loc.3 Area of operation Land Mobile Control Station meeting the 6.1 Meter Rule:Nt Antennas .s' F,• Loc Ant Frequencies Sta. No. No. Emission ;'Outou'i ERFi Ant. Ant. Construct No. No. (MHz) Cls. Units Pagers Designator;;Power (wafts) Ht./Tp AAT Deadline =Y(va!atts) meters meters Date 1 1 000453.51250000 FB2 1 250 11KOF3E- 35 OW1 !A 68.000 24.7 30.3 05-31-2006 2 1 000453.51250000 MO 55 11KOF3E 4.000 ;'4 0�0 �s 05-31-2006 2 1 000458.51250000 MO 55 11KOF3E 35.000 35X0 " 05-31-2006 2 1 000460.13750000 MO 55 11KOF3E 35.000 35.000 51 rYa 05-31-2006 Conditions: ` ! Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subject,to the.-, following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any rigtit,in tfiewuse:of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized�lieje 1�'ei3ther the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. FCC 601-ULSHSI Page 1 of 2 August 2007 i Licensee Name: MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT i Call Sign:WQCU7 61 File Number: 1000670502 Print Date:03-13-2015 Antennas�r'r`,yy ,; a k? Loc Ant Frequencies;Vt k Sta. - No. No. E ssion ..Output ERP, Ant. Ant. Construct No. No. (MAz);���. : Cls. - Units Pagers Designator Power (watts) Ht./Tp AAT Deadline (watts) meters meters Date 2 1 000465.38750000x- ,.Yf =? MO 55" I 11KOBE 4.000 4.000 05-31-2006 2 1 000465.412500,60-a'„�' z al::.•''"�, M03 10 � 11KOF3E 2:000 2.400 05-31-2006 2 1 000465.41250000 ° ' MO 55 1]KOBE 2.000 2.000 05-31-2006 3 - 1 000458.51250000 '',; . TX1 1 1XKOF3E 10.000 10.000 : a Control Points Control Pt.No.l Address:PIKE STREET FIRE HOUSE # City:MATTITUCK County: SUFFOLK NStat N Telepho ie Number:(631)298-8833 Associated Call Signs ' Cit ! • �„$L I <NA> Waivers%Conditions: A ,;3� "`"�"< NONE `a :vA:r ""�•-Y" .W • i G FCC 601-ULSHSI Page 2 lof 2 ` August 2007 I i t' REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC,licesnse. ederal Communications Commission Public_Safety and Homeland-Security Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: FIItE-DISTRICT Call Sign File Number ITITC�i' „`.° WQIE426 Radio Service ATTN:DISTRICT MANAGER`;` PW-Public Safety Pool,Conventional MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRrCT� 1000 PIKE STREET PO BOX 666 ` '' Regulatory Status MATTITUCK,NY 11952 ` „fes,. `Y ;. r PMRS Frequency Coordination Number FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003506664; . Grant Date Effeetive DAte:. Expiration Date Print Date 01-16-2008 10=2r2015 01-16-2018 STATION TEM—NICA1 SPECIFICATIONS Fixed Location Address or Mobile Area of Operation ' Loc,I Address:507 Middle Line Highway(088143) City:Sag Harbor County:SUFFOLK Sate:NY::a Lat(NAD83):40-58-10.8 N Long(NAD83):072-20 46.6 W xaASR No.:.1014849 Ground Elev:77.1 Loc.2 Area of operation ' Operating within a 32.0 km radius around fixed location Loc.3 Address: 1000 PIKE STREET City:MATTITUCK County:SUFFOLK State:NYS Lat(NAD83):40-59-33.4 N Long(NAD-83):072-32-03.3 W- No.:N/A Ground Elev:4.0 Loc.4 Address: 1000 Pike St. --�� City:Mattituck County:SUFFOLK , State:NY Lat(NAD83):40-59-33.4 N Long(NAD83):072-32-03.3 W ASR No.Y247335 :Ground Elev: 8.0 Loc.5 Area of operation ? f Operating within a 32.0 km radius around fixed location 4 Antennas '} Loc Ant Frequencies Sta. No. No. Emission Output:'ERP't. Ant. Construct No. No. (MHz) Cls. Units Pagers Designator Power (vvatts : Ht./Tp AAT Deadline (watts) meters a meters Date 1 1 000484.37500000 FB2 1 1 MUM 50.000 75.000,�`92� �¢x;158.6 01-16-2009 r Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subj,"'o`then•., following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor ari}rnglit iii thi:,use.of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorizedthereui:~Neither the license not the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. FCC 601-ULSHSI Page 1 of 2 August 2007 Licensee Name: MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT i Call Sign:WQIE426 : ' N File Number: ' Print hate: e,3 Antennas „y F •^� s I , Loc Ant Frequencies„, Sta. No. !No. Emission Output ERP Ant. Ant. Construct No. No. (NfHz)s:'` f Cls. Units Pagers ]Designator Power (watts) Ht./Tp AAT headline (watts) meters meters hate 2 1 0004873150,00Q4'',,- ` MO 25 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 01-16-2009 2 1 000484.37500001}" MO 25 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 01-16-2009 3 1 000487.37500000 " : ,. ''s'h FM 1 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 6.1 -3.9 01-16-2009 4 1 000484.37500000 41 •FB2 1 I MHE 100.000 110.000 27.4 30.2 10-27-2016 5 1 000484.37500000 MO\, 25 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 10-27-2016 5 1 000487.37500000X25 11K2F3E 35.000 35.000 10-27-2016 a: Control Points Control Pt.No.l Address: 1000 PIKE STREET City:MATTITUCK County: SUFFOLK State:=NY I Telephone Number:(631)298-8833 Associated Call Signs ; WQCU716,KBL994 <NA> Waivers/Conditions: NONE A ' •1 ,•.�, .`moi Y ++ NH FCC 601-ULSHSI Page 2;of 2 August 2007