HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTITUCK PARK DISTRICTMade tie d;y of · ~i~eteen hundred ~nd six,y-five BOARD OF TRUST~..ES OF THE TOWH OF SOUTPIOLD. a ~uici~l party of the ~rst part. and t~aTTITUCK PARK DISTRICT, a d/~triet corparatton organized and created ~der and by virtue of the L~ws of the ~tate of New Yolk. having its office and ~r~ci~l place of b~ine~ at ~ituck. ~ ~e To~ of So,cid. $~ffo~ C~nty. Hew York. ~ party of the second part, '17 ~n and Ho/lO0 ($I0.00]~ ..................... Dollars, lawf=l moaey of the United States, paid by ,he party of the aeco=d par~. the ;eco=d part, does hereby rem/se, re]ea=e ~d quitclaim ~nto the par~z itB Successors a~d ~ssigns forever, ~[{ that certain pict. piece or parcel o/land. ~vith the buildi~s and improve- ments thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Counly of Saffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follow~: ISEGI~INING at a point on the southwesterly line of Love Lane at the northerly corn~-~ar ~ ~ 6 ~ aho~ on "Map of ~ of li~. Cla~ ~'. ~e~~ filed in the Suffo~ County Cle~'~ ~i~ ~ ~p Ho. 2t2; f~m s~d po~t of $ou~westerly along ordimu ~h water ~k of Mattitu~ C~ek ~ ~o~ on s~d map 140 feet, more or tess, to a b~ad and ord~ high wa~r Creek ~ f~; ~n~ ~arly ~ ~en ~hwesterly and then northeasterly al~g said ~ ~ter ~k 178 f~t, more ~r le~, to a direct e~e~ion ~we~te~ly ~aid ~ouihwe~terty lh~ ~ ~ve ~e; ~ence souihea~e~ly ~g s~d e~en~ion 69 feet, ~ore or less, to ~e ~t of with the appurtenances and aH the estate and rights of the party o£ the t~rst part in and. the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, and assigns £orever. AI~D t/-~e paa't~ of th~ fi~'s~ ps~, ~n compl[~n~ ~h ~c~on 1~ o~ ~he ~[en ~, hereby cove~ ~ the ~ ~ the ff~ p~ ~ r~e[ve ~he c~[de~t~on ~o~ ~ co~ey~nce ~n~ ~ ho~ ~ ~ht ~e ~e~ive such consi~t~on ~ ~ t~ f~d ~o ~ applied fi~ for ~e ~ o~ p~y~g the ~ of ~e ~roveme~ a~ wilt ap~y ~he same f~$~ to ~e pa~ent ~ ~e c~ o~ ~ ~p~ve~nt befo~ ~ a~v ~ of ~ t~tal of t~ same f~ any o~ ~se. a~xed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized oEScer S the day and year ~rst above written. OF P~[ip Weiler ~tatt ~f New York ~ SS.: ~oun~ ~f Suffolk On the day of 19 before me came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in ~at he is the of the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he ~mows the seal ~aid corporation; that the sea! ai~xed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so ~xed o~der of the board of of said corporation; and that he signed h ~ame thereto by like order. SI~ilTB, T~kSi~[2ER, ~INRELST]EII~ ~kND LUNDBERG March 15, 1965 Mrs. Marion Regent, Secretary Southold Town Board of Trustees Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Town Trustees w! Mattituck Park District Dear Marion: I recently sent you the deed from the Trustees to the Mattituck Park District and also advised you that I had paid Van Tuyl's bill in the amount of $46.00 and suggested that you collect this from the Park District. I thereafter hilled the Town Board for this disbursement, and the Supervisor advised me that I should either bill the Trustees or the Park District. I think iT would simplify matters Lf I billed the Park District, and accordingly, I enclose a -voucher to the Park Dis- trict for reimbursement of this expenditure. I would suggest that you collect this from the District before you deliver the deed to them. RWT :JM Enclosure Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TA SKE R SI~iITI~. T~$]~ER. ~IArKELSTEIi~ ~ LUArD]BERG March 9, 1965 Mrs, Marion Regent SecreTary to Board of Trustees of Southold Town Town Clerk's Office Southold, New York Re: Board of Trustees w/ Mattituck Park District Dear Marion: In accordance with the wishes of the Trustees, I have obtained a map and survey description of the premises at Mattituck Creek which the Trustees are to convey to the Park District, and have drawn a deed in conformity therewith. The deed and two prints of the map are enclosed herewith. For your informatian, Van Tuyl's bill for the map and description is $46. 00, which we have paid. It is my belief that the consideration for this conveyance is nominaL, and therefore, I would think that the Park District should reimburse the Town for the expense of the survey work. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT: JM Enclosures 9 II Z h,4A~ OF' L. AND OF' ~X/1ATTITLJC, KPA~K DISTP-tCT "-~-'<DW N OF ~OI.JTt-~OLD, N .Y. ~_OAD