HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1205BOard Of Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO ........ :~.95. ............... ~:~ ~- '~ :-DATE: ~.e..~.~e.~....6., ISSUED T~~ Ra~nd & ~n ~th~e ............................................. Pursuanf fo fhe prows~ons o'~ Chapfer 615 o{ '~he Laws o fhe Sfa+e o~ New You'll 1893; and C~ap+er 404 o~ {'he L.aws o~ Sfafe o~ New York ] c~52i .a~l ~'h~ Sou+hbld To~vn Ordinance en~ ~'~fled ~REF=ULATIN~ AND THE PLAC1NC= OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND .ON TOWN WATERS, AND PUBLIC LANDS and REMOgk~' OF SANb, SR'AVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and ;n accordance w~fh Resolu+~on o~ The Board aclop{'ed a~' a mee~'inc3 held on ,~.~.~m~' 6 · -19....~.., and ~n cons]dera'Hon o~ fhe sum o~ $ ........ .~...00 ....... pa~d by P.O. Box 1236 o~ 8.0.,.Arr, o.w__Lane,,.._So~Y-ho3-cl,-, lq, Y. and sub~ec{' fo Terms-and~ Condlfions lis{'ed .on '~le rev.erse s~de ~.ereo~. o~ Sou~;hokl Town 'Trus~'ees aufhorlzes and perm~fs ~'he Permission for dock at Core~ Creek· ~unnakoma Waters, Sou%hold, N.Y. ali in accordance wlfk "the rlefai[ed specifications as presenfed in ~'[qe or[glna~qng ap~[ca~ion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The sam 8oard o~ ,Trusfees kere- ~y causes ifs Corporate Seal fo be a{~xed~ an~ +hese presenh fo be sub~rlbed by a maiori+y 'of fhe said Board as of +his daf,e. /.- TERMS and CONDITIONS TSe P~mi~t~ Raymond & Joan Mathi~ r~i~g ac 80 Arrow ~ne, P.O. B~ 1236, Southold, N.Y., p~ ~ ~e co~id~on f~ ~e ~,~-~e of ~e ~Pe~ d~ ~d~ L ~ ~e s~d B~d ~ T~ ~d &e To~ ~ damage% or cia;ms for ~ag~ of ~ ~g ~y or ~y m a r~t of ~y o~- defend ~y ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d p~, ~ r~p~ ~em, ~ &e ~mpI~e ~on of ~ 2. That ~ Pe~ ~ v~d for a ~ of ~2 . mos. w~ ~atM ~e ~ to compIe~ ~ work ~vot~ ~ ~d ~o~ w~ r~ for ~ e~on may be ~e to &e B~ ar a later da~ 5. ~t ~s Pe~t shoed be re~ ~d~tely. or as m ma~ma~ the ~e o~ pm~e~ ~volv~, ~o pro.de or~adon w~ ori~mHy obt~e& 4. ~t &e wo~ ~volv~ ~ be mSj~ to ~e mspm i~ ag~, ~d non-~mpH~ce ~& &e pro~m of ~e o~-g appH~o~ ~y ~ ~ for ~on of r~s Pe~t ~ r~ud~ o! ~ said B~. her~ ~ed. 6. That &~e shah ~ no ~teff~en~ ~ the ~ of &e ~c to p~ ~d ~ ~o~ ~e bea~ ~e~ ~ ~d low water 7. ~t ff ~e op~adom of &e To~ of ~ld r~e ~ r~ ~d/ot ~t~6om ~ the l~ffon of ~e wo~ h~ autho~ or fi, ~ ~e o~ of ~ Bo~ of T~, ~e w~ ~ ~e u~ble obs~ to flee na~, ~e ~d u~n due nofim, to r~ove or ~ter ~ work ~ pmj~t h~ ~t~ ~ ~es to ~e To~ of So~ol& 8. ~ar ~e s~d Bo~d w~ ~ no~ by the Peewee 9. ~t ~e P~m~ee ~ ob~ ~ o~erp~d BOARD'OF TOWN-TROSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COwN ~.T~_~ - 516 765-3783 m ~/< "~:- -- - ,g~ ~, December 7, 1976 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Please be advised that all of the docks at the boat basin in the subdivision "Nunnakoma Waters", Corey Creek, developed by Henry Smith have been approved by the Board of Southold Town Trustees under separate applications of the individual dock owners as required by us. The approvals for these docks were granted at out regular meeting held on December 6, 1976. Very truly yours, Board of Southold Tovzn Trustees cc: file BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS ................................ ......... ............................................................................... , ......... ............................ 3. Briefly oxpl*in tho?urp*m ~ this ~pplicotion: ........... ~~ ............ .. ............................................ After issuance of ~ Pormit, I expect to: (m~rk by *n ~ (o) Commenco work ~ AT OMC[ ............ ; ASAP ............ ; U~K~M ............. (b) Complete work in -- 1 DAY ............ ; ] MO ............. ~ ] YR ............. j FUTURE ...... 5. Secure the correct Are~ M~p from the Secrot~ o{ this Board, ~nd by usm0 ~n X WITHIN A CIRCkE indicate ~s closely as possible the Ioc.tion o{ this dock. Oe the revere sldo o{ this mop, provide ~ SCAEE D~WI~G which will show Ordinory High W~ter ~ork, tho shako *nd size o{ tho d~k and ony supplemental pilings which ore no'od to hold o fl~tin~ d~ or tie-up e boot. Giro all dimonsions n~e~s~r~ to de~ermine the oroo o{ tho dock surface which extends offshore {rom the O. H. W. M. Will ~ny poff~on o{ this construction extend offshoro into Town Woters boyond ~n im~0in~ line or bounD*~ formed by other simil*r structures alon0 the oreo's shorelino? Y[S or ~O. If it d~s e~end boyond this s~c~lled dock line indicate by how ~r, opproximotely,. ......... 7. Provide the {ollowin~ documents: (~) A kicensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Pl~ns ond Specifications. 8. Will this construction require tho Fillin0 o~ ~ny Iond offshore of the Ordinary Hi0h Water Mork or ~he Dred~in~ of any m~leri~l from Town k~nds under woter? YES or ~O. If it does, Form A/4 (Application {or ~rod0in0/Fillin0) must be completed ond ottoched os ~ of this application. I~ requesting approval of thi~ application, I submit tha¢: the information presented herein is true and correct to the best of my k~ow[e~ge and belief; I am the per~ accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans a~d specifications attached; I have read or am familiar with the provisions of any Southold Town Ordinance ~inent to the work involved; and father, I intend to adhere to and abide~e Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued ¢o me. ~ Dotod: ,Accepted by: .