HomeMy WebLinkAboutForbes, Deaneal CC -a--E-- _V ___APR__2:_9V_,2013_ uthold-own------ Board of Trustees James F King,President ��<S'Z UFO(,(-COG P O Box 1179 Bob Ghosio,Jr,Vice-President y Southold,NY 11971 Dave Bergen ? Telephone(631 765-1892 John Bredemeyer u. Fax(631)765-6641 Michael J Domino Southold Town Board of Trustees Field InspectionMlork Session Report Date/Time: d DEANEAL FORBES & CAROLYN AMEEN requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss extending the permitted dock structure out to deeper water as it is not useable in existing location. Located: 755 Luptons Point Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 115.-11-4.1 MEET WITH DEANEAL FORBES — cell: 839-8099 Type of area to be impacted: _Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland -- of Town Code proposed work falls under: _Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland _Coastal Erosion _Amendment Administrative_Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Info needed: Modifications: -�rvice �i oww� Conditions: Present Were: /J. Ki 9 "'-B. Ghosio D. Bergen, �Bredemeyer ! Michael Domino D. Dzenkowskl other Form filled out in the PpId J Mailed/Faxed to: Date: l � John M.Bredemeyer III, Presicierit 0��tO So /yo� Town Hall Annex Michael J.Domino,Vice-President '` O 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski G ® �� Telephone(631) 765-1892 �COUNT`1, Charles J. Sanders �® Fax(631) 765-6641 l' �� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 15, 2016 Carolyn R. Ameen Deaneal Forbes 755 Lupton Point Road Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: 755 LUPTON POINT ROAD, MATTITUCK SCTM#: 1000-115-11-4.1 Dear Ms. Ameen and Mr. Forbes: Unfortunately, the drawings that were dropped off at the Trustee office for your property at 755 Luptons Point Road, Mattituck earlier this week are not to scale or neat enough for the Board of Trustees to use. While plans for an amendment to an existing dock permit do not always need to be rendered by a licensed architect or engineer, they do have to be neat and accurate and to scale. To accomplish this I would suggest you take the have, from your submitted drawing and carefully place them on lined graph paper to a scale of one inch equals ten feet. Also, at a minimum, you will need to complete an application for a transfer of permit#1705 and an application for an administrative amendment to said permit to accompany your scale drawing, and submit a fee of$100 to this office. I have enclosed a copy of your previously submitted plans and the associated paperwork which you will need to fill out and return to this office. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions. Ya erely,MBrede yer II, President rd of Trustees JMB/dd .......... n e Ise J Pro �Oso 3:)0(-k - Lt, � t i r\j, kaj ; rs John M. Bredemeyer III, President cow Town Hall Annex Michael J- Domino, Vice-President ;`�� y<'h, 54375 Route 25 Glenn Goldsmith 2 N z "i P.O. Box 1179 A. Nicholas Krupski ® ,Y Southold, NY 11971 Charles J. Sanders `' ol , ��'�=Y Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 r� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: c Ch. 275 Ch. 111 � 3 INSPECTION SCHEDULE �o ` ti1 Pre-construction, hay bale line/silt boom/silt curtain 1St day of construction '/2 constructed Project complete, compliance inspection. INSPECTED BY: COMMENTS: p G ,/Ii/) �l1 r(f 4wJ AA ��2f �9 (2 �a,��/`e / en�� %( J v- rev,a�,f�41 cwt+�I �"7 0S, . 6e� g s /?a S' 144 k-&Woet CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Ori To 7r{moi --'----.L ---� ---'-�- -- - t fvv i•ilrV�l':GS 1t. $`::z�.:.J :XSfi' D:.S:LAY VISIBL:. a�CV. 1:.V :11.Ta1J:J:.J ALL DCt aS i'+::D ni.L:aIEADS MUST DIS PL.1: VIS 7 i1-t_ P� .:II� idU:'-1n— :'-S r�7���� �� /4''/�'�� � i±s�'�l.•����r .. � ':.S.R�_.�.C� .�„C•'�:..-irZ'yp�•� �ti.;�: l+(rte'�r��!.^_.•;.T: ���it�,r--�.d+��F ��.4. _ - �' �� r _' - `�`:v `t_:.�.1 `rnq:. ti�fr.s+: c_.7sr M,y Yr>• Sy-7��^�1- it. .a `.:Yi 'E! t~:��r.,.,-f ��'`r1 ..tY:.,r�'m•.. .r' F�. ... �vr%-w7 T 1�yrii"frr 6 .j �Y�f. ' •-���.ry rr��`�a:� .t> - ..,•�S:C�J::�� �� t:'i.�>�f �itllltu�• '"r::Y:r .... .0 A'`-y!"'-�:�W�k '-�/Z[. �`~�1.+�.��_�--"- �„t•+r:l•�.-:3:•.i'.�r'���•�1' .,.~�� 7._1y�T�Y i"�f:.���ti•(•r ''ci`�^-i �. t,•� YE�s , DJQrd ' Of So t (.1 Q' 1 own T! ustees .•-- ' :e•i SOU HOLD, NEW YORK .17NG NO. MCC 1705 Oct. 24 983 MDw 'Vii, PERMITNC. DATE:' { (� X. ;;� ale,. ' ISSUED Tack Drobet ........ ... :.......... _ ._... k t► ��':_�:f uy.'y �4 yyyJ -� r ��1 ' - _ I_'• I�4{{ �b ✓�Jf`..�';T{ y.��[. !;:;� Vii... N\ Pursuant to ,the provisions of Chapter-;b15 of`_;he Laws, of fhe Srlafe of New York, 180. and Chapter 404 of the Laws-_of th? F,- -::+,; State of New York 1952; ;P nd the Souihald Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE ?LACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS,A`i 1N .AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the %�f';S �` :� _•t: ` REMOVAL.b SAND, GRAVEL OR-'OTh ER MATER' FROM �� ?=:.-: .14 LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS; and in accaraance�witn the - t 1 Oct. � :<= i Resolution o, The Board adopted of a meeting held on ll 1 .� r... '`4 8 14... 3 and in consideration of the sum r 5 of �...._.,.'.......GO _ pais by ''-_ • NO t •"-_-•• .• _tel' 4�j .. alt Mattituck ' x'°°•`� �`-' of _.. .. .. _... ..._.................. N. Y. and, subject to the Terms .and , Conditions _listed on the reverse: side • f �=-- �;..t;<, - ', • � hereof, .,•�•-` ,�, ;,•��� '-1, ,x_ !•7 of SouinoId Town Trust ees autnorizes and,permits the following: Z4,i�M� „• �W.z`��•� > Application approved under the Grandfather Clause _�- i. ;,mit to `secure a permit for a dock in Deep• Hole- Creek. Fs z.-�.'_�_, .�,.. L+``rte fit,~��Y•.•••i4:•f all in aeecrdance with the deta)lea 5 ecificatlons as presented in Ie;..^ the criginating application. by WITNESS WHER � EOF, The said Eoard of Trusiees,here- #.i - ' }�,''1 : i cit,• L � ' W 'by causes its Corporate Seal 110beaffixed, and these pres'e' nts fo be subscribed b a majority of Ir said `t{',��•''I•+c—�� y Board as o his date. 711 �!-`i ••r ���f u`� ............ _ ...._..... ���s.•4 y1\ r _ , moo,`•• �t�Lr_ N �.i 4 Z. Vr.l .. Yom:+i1:r°�.�::.'C�-.i17. LY.y.:9���%. '4,1�:� 1+ny�,,,�:v �:-J:"• �a�.;���+..�f, _. +.`��„)?'r.�-•,�'�. -e511 �.' t fc� <` 1- lL o-sd� . 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