HomeMy WebLinkAboutMASTROSIMONE, MICHAEL-BL AGREEMSI~iITII, T~SEER. FINI{ELSTEIlg ~klifD LIJEDBER¢ April 1, 1968 Board of Trustees Southold Town Clerk's Building SouthoId, New York Re: Boundary Line Agreement with Mastrosimone Dear Sirs: In accordance with your instructions I have had Otto Van Tuyl prepare a descrip- tion for a boundary tine agreement between the Trustees and Michael Mastrosimone covering premises adjacent to Gull Pond. The boundary line agreement has been drawn and the original and copy thereof are enclosed herewith. Both copies of the agreement should be signed by all parties and the original should be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk~s Office. Yours very truly. RWT:MY Enclosures T~ of ~ ~fo~ Co~, ~ew York, and ~e ~y Off the second ~y of ihe ~ ~ ~ lying ~o ~ ea~ ~he~e~; aad ~v~E&~, t~e ~tes h~o des/re to fl~ a~d d~itely e~b~sh [he ~ ~ b~we~ the t~ ~ above me~ion~, res~ti~ely O~e~'by them as afore~/d, c~e~ ~d a~ t~t ~he sa~ bowery line be a~ the ~me her~y i~ ~e~g at a ~ ~ t~ o~ high ~tet ~rk ~ ~aI1 ~ at t~ ~o~hea~er~ ~r oi ~ ~ ~mone ~d the be~ng bein~ ~o~h 82 de~eee~ 55 ~autes 50 ~ ~ easterly ~ne of a pei~te r~d ~ ~r~herly f~m ~set ~ ~ e~a~, a~d t~ ~td ~y of the s~ ass~s ~r~ver~ a~lI ~ ~he rig~, ~Ie a~ ~e~ o~he ~y of ~ second ~un~ :line ~ the ~ies ~o ~se priests tha~ t~s a~eem~t ~a~l and ~e b~ u~ a~ i~e to the b~t of the resp~tive ~reto, ~N ~ ~R~F, the ~es ~reto ~ve here~ s~ ~heir ~s an~ s~ the ~y an~ y~r first above $O~'~T~OL~ TO~:~'~ I~OAED OF T~U~TE~E~ MS.: ~ ~ m, ~ho, being b~ me re~de~ in the To~ of ~ut~ ~ou~ a~ ~II ~ ~ me. ers of the ~d. of T~u~ez of ~id ~o~ ~ ~o~1 they ~h~y ~ew the co.rate afl, ed to t~e f~re~in~ ~nst~me~ ~o. 52-3233120 S~ffolk Count~ · / .~ (lay of April. 196//o before me ~~ eame and who ex~eu~ed the foregoing execut ed the ~ame. -8- i Avenue~ Sp~inEfield G~rd~ns~ NeWl , 1 ~ ~ and ~r goo~ of s~ribed as~follows ;~.a monument.'o~ the easter~ly line ~of.a Manhanset monument on the nertherly ~tine Of 'Manhanset :terly corner of land of the party of ~the first p~ rt~ g 627.18 fe~t easterly along said no~herly point of heeling r~ing ~long ~, p~vate road~ N. 5o 09~ 10'~ W.-~I.28 feet to a mon~ent and thence a!o~ s~id~.land of Ra~or~ N~ 82° ~m~nerthwes. ~ westerly shore ~sald Gull Pond ~Ir~et~ bm tes~ id.m-eenter~ bei~ $~.~ ~62° gl'/E- ~38:.16~ fe~%~ fr~~ %he 5~~' 10 ~ E.-27~56 feet said %ii Part~ pss'siH~t~hru'~nd irO~IPe and ay monument, E. <~$o 50' ;h a :right~.:of w~y over s~id' $9~?private ro~' ~lOh~ ?thin'west- premi~e~ ~and along the westerly line of :land of~C~:r~ ~ehau ths~'$O~t~e~te~!y co~er of ~d~ :~n~<'~~ ~:~:'- .~he~westerly l~ne of~the premises and-the Eoning~Ordirmnees of 't~le Tow~ of~ SoUthold'~. ~':: ~ T~,.BE, part of~th~:premiSe~':e~nV~Ye~ ~he first part by~deed.dmted~September~:!9? 19%8 a: Cierk,s office in~:-Liber ~519 at~P~g~ -2~, ~conveyenee and the pre~isss hereby conveyed.are ~ to ~ions and restrictions t~ereinLset~ forth. ~~ -~ ......... ~ ~ ~ ~ right of way above mentioned shall~r~:~th the land' hereby.oon ~hal! be for the partiem of the second part~ their successors in ~ tenantss licensees and invitees. The pa~tieSmo~m~.ih~ second ~their successors in title ?~thout ~ss~ing the obligatiSh~there- the ~right ~ a t ~.the~r~ ov~ ~ e~ae ~. to j~ improve ~-a~d .~gre~e~ said same in good and msafe condition~ parties of the first pert t ~ey~ ~ave not do~e ot W.batever. grantoz, in compliance w.~t~ Secflou 13 o.~ ~he L]~ La~: covenants f~at ~ Will bold ¢~e ~ig~ ~o ~ece~ve ~ppHed ~st [or ~he put.se of paying "' the c~st ~ ~ne ~p~ovemen~ and that the t~e same~rst to t~e paymen~ of the cost of the ~mp~wement before using any parlor ~e total part ies o~ t*~ ~r~t p~t ~s ye *~.,~to set their and year first above the lividual C, OH