HomeMy WebLinkAboutEastern Box Turtle Investigation (NPV) 6/2017 NELSON, POPE 6 VOORHIS, LLC
Eastern Box Turtle Investigation
NP&V Job No 00026
Prepared for: Town of Southold J U N
Planning Board .. _ . .....__
Town Hall Annex Building Planning
(I Town
54375 Route 25 Pllanning Board
P.O. Box 1179 � �
Southold, Q UVJ
Prepared by: Nelson, Pope&Voorhis,LLC JUN 2 p 2017
Environmental Planning Consulting
572 Walt Whitman Road Southold Town
Melville,New York 11747 Planning Board
Contact: Charles J. Voorhis, CEP, Al
Date: June 16, 2017
1.0 Summary
A series of site visits were conducted by Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC (NP&V) staff from May
15, 2017 through May 24, 2017 to locate Eastern box turtles within the area of proposed clearing
and relocate any turtles that were found to an undisturbed area of the property. The site
reconnaissance was completed by Hannah Emouna, Environmental Scientist of NP&V, a
restoration ecologist with education, training and experience in wildlife assessments including
habitat for Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina), and Elizabeth Cartwright, Environmental
Engineer of NP&V, with training and experience in wildlife assessments including habitat for
various Terrapene sp., under supervision of Charles J. Voorhis, CEP. AICP, Managing Partner of
NP&V. Please see Attachment A for qualifications of the firm and individuals involved in this
habitat assessment. Upon inspection, 12 individual Eastern box turtles were relocated outside of
the area of disturbance,two additional turtles were found injured and transported to Turtle Rescue
of the Hamptons, Inc. for assessment and treatment.
3.0 Eastern Box Turtle
The Eastern box turtle(Terrapene carolina)is native to the region and listed as a species of special
concern by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC). The Eastern
box turtle can be found in a variety of habitat types including deciduous or mixed forests,
grasslands and shrublands, but generally prefer habitats with moist soils. The species has been
known to burrow or"hide"within leaf litter and loose soils. The species prefers to forage and hunt
during cooler early morning hours and will often soak in puddles or seeps to avoid higher mid-day
572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, NY 1 1747-21 ee 156 Route 59, Suite C6, SUFFERN, NY 10901
PHONE:(631)427-5665 • FAX:(631)427-5620 PHONE:(645)3EB-1 472 • FAx:(B45)366-1 572
Heritage at Cutchogue
Eastern Box Turtle Investigation
2.0 Project Site investigation
The site boundaries were easily identified using aerial photographs,field survey information,fence
lines, silt fencing and adjoining development and/or farmed properties. The project site was
divided into two-acre plots determined in the field based on Phase I site clearing schedule. Site
investigations were completed May 15, May 17, May 19, May and May 24. All investigations
began within an hour to an hour and a half after sunrise to ensure surveys were conducted during
prime hunting and foraging times. A total of 4 survey hours per acre of clearing was devoted to
the detection and relocation of Eastern box turtle. Each two-acre plot was randomly traversed for
complete coverage of the property. Particular care was taken to turn leaf litter and survey under
heavy ground cover to increase the overall efficacy of the Eastern box turtle survey as the species
is known to hide and/or burrow in these areas.
Upon inspection, 12 individual Eastern box turtles were relocated outside of the area of
disturbance, two additional turtles were found injured and transported to Turtle Rescue of the
Hamptons, Inc. for assessment and treatment. Table A shows number of turtles detected per
survey day.
Table A
Eastern Box Turtle Detection
Date Eastern box turtles detected
May 15 2
May 17 2
May 19 2
M4y 22 5
May 24 1
Total 12
Any turtle found within the clearing area was immediately relocated outside of the silt fence
boundary at the maximum distance from the clearing area boundary. Care was taken to relocate
each individual to habitat similar to where they were originally found, within the project site
boundaries. No two individuals shared the same relocation point in order to reduce immediate
competition for resources in the relocation area.
5.0 Conclusion
Site inspections were carried on May 15, May 17, May 19, May 22 and May 24 to detect and
relocate Eastern box turtles within the Phase I clearing boundary. Upon inspection, twelve (12)
individuals were relocated outside of the project boundary. A total of four survey hours per acre
of clearing were devoted to the detection of Eastern box turtles within the clearing boundary. This
Eastern Box Turtle Investigation report documents the activities to assure conformance with the
Town of Southold Planning Board condition of approval addressing the methods for turtle
identification and relocation under the site plan approval for proposed development project.
�' Page 2 of 3
Heritage at Cutchogue
Eastern Box Turtle Investigation
Attachment A
Page 3 of 3
a ..
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC
572 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, New York 11747
Phone: (631) 427-5665
Fax: (631) 427-5620
Email: npv@nelsonpopevoorhis.com
Id' s ," rf'pr`ii + Jll!
Qualityof Staff.......................................................... 4
Relevant Project Experience..................................... 6
SO¢Pl�inning 1017
M*w Paq2 i
Nelson, Pope &Voorhis, LLC(NP&V) is an environmental planning firm, founded in 1997, and brings a wealth of
experience and expertise to complex planning, zoning and environmental analyses, and resource assessment and
management. We have office locations in Melville and Suffern, NY. NP&V consists of three divisions, created to
better serve clients with high quality, innovative and responsive consulting services. The three divisions are:
The Environmental Resource and Wetland Division prepares wetland delineations and evaluations,
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), conducts stormwater modeling and green infrastructure
planning and implementation, ecological analyses, and other scientific studies, and landscape restoration.
This division assists clients with permitting and SEQRA processes.
The Environmental and Community Planning Division prepares comprehensive plans, comprehensive or
strategic zoning amendments, long-term focused planning studies, corridor redevelopment studies, and
brownfield plans. The group is effective in the use of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping to
evaluate issues and present baseline data. Effective community outreach strategies are developed and
tailored for each project and the community in which the project is taking place. The group represents a
number of planning boards in the Hudson Valley and Long Island regions.
The Phase 1/II ESA and Remediation Division prepares Phase 1/11 Environmental Site Assessments and
conducts soil and groundwater sampling services, lead based paint, asbestos, radon, and mold inspection
services,and environmental sampling.The division evaluates the implications of past contamination on future
land uses.
With significant experience in long range planning, NP&V believes in planning before action and applies recognized
planning methodologies to prepare creative action oriented strategies for our clients. NP&V's staff have the
diverse capabilities to perform the following tasks:
Ecological & Wetlands: Wetlands Wetland Permits, Wetland Delineation, Feasibility Studies, Permit
Plans, Restoration/Mitigation Plans, Ecological Studies Wildlife Surveys Endangered Species Surveys,
Pond Management Plans, Invasive Species Control, Natural Resource Surveys, Aquatic Species Habitat
Management, Coastal & Waterfront Management Waterfront Management Plans, Waterfront
Certifications, Coastal Erosion Hazard Area & FEMA Compliance,Shoreline Restoration& Improvement
Plans, Ecological Landscape Design LEED Projects, Landscape Plans, Low Impact Development,
Lnvironmental Education & Signage Educational Outreach, Interpretive Signage ...
Environmental Analysis: SEQRA Services Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental
Assessment Forms (EAF), SEQRA Administration, Municipal SEQRA Review Services, GEIS & Regional
Impact Analysis, Noise Monitoring & Assessment, Air Impact Analysis, Visual Assessment, Cultural
Resources Assessments, NYC CEQR Analysis Environmental Assessments, ULURP, Waterfront
Certifications, Scientific Studies Watershed Management Plans,Water Supply Studies, Groundwater&
Water Quality Studies
Nitrogen Load/TMDL Evaluation ...
Environmental Audits: Phase I ESA & Due Diligence Investigations Phase II ESA, Groundwater
Investigations, Soil Sampling, Soil Gas Surveys, Monitoring Wells & Peizometers, Tank Sampling,
� f
Pesticide Sampling & Plans, Soil Management Plans, Remediation Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup
Plans, RCRA Closures,Superfund Sites,Sampling Services Asbestos Surveys, Influent/Effluent Sampling,
Lead Based Paint Surveys, Mold Sampling, Soil Borings & Classifications, Subsurface Investigations &
Related Services, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Pipe Camera, Magnetometer, Groundwater
Mounding Studies, Flow Studies ...
Planning Services: Municipal Planning Municipal Review Services, Planning & Zoning Analysis, Build
Out Analysis, GIS Analysis, Code Preparation & Review, Downtown Revitalization, Regional Planning &
Land Use Plans, Recreation Planning, LWRP & Harbor Management Plans, Implementation & Action
Plans, Demographic Analysis, Grant Writing &Administration, Public Outreach & Community Surveys,
Community Visioning, Economic Planning Comprehensive Economic Development Plans, Business
Retention & Expansion Strategies, Downtown Revitalization, Demographic Studies, Institutional
Planning District Mapping,Spatial Analysis of Call Database, Needs Assessment, Demographic Analysis,
SEQRA Administration ...
Economic & Market Analysis: Fiscal Impact Analysis, Economic Impact Analysis, IMPLAN and RIMS II
Economic Impact Modeling, School District/Community Service Impact Analysis, Market Studies,
Feasibility Studies, Niche Market Analysis, Demographic Studies, Sales Tax Impact Analysis, Tax Base
Analysis, Leakage Analysis, Municipal Economic Planning Comprehensive Economic Development
Plans, Business Retention & Expansion Strategies, Downtown Revitalization, Demographic Studies,
Funding, Financing& Tax incentive Assistance IDA Financing Assistance, Cost—Benefit Analysis ...
Stormwater Management:Construction Permit Compliance/SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Plans (SWPPP), Erosion & Sediment Control Plans, Construction Phasing & Related Services, NYSDEC
"Qualified Inspectors" for Construction Field Monitoring, Municipal Stormwater Planning _&
Compliance Stormwater Management Programs, NYSDEC Annual Reports, SWPPP Review,
Construction Stormwater Field Monitoring,Outfall&Infrastructure Inventory,GIS Mapping&Analysis,
Stormwater BMPs Stormwater Management Planning, Low Impact Design, LEED Site Planning...
. �,
At NP&V our primary focus is to provide quality consulting services that meet the needs and goals of our clients
while respecting the parameters of environmental realities. We pride ourselves on being extremely response to
each client's requests. Our employees are recognized as experts and include Certified Planners, an Economist,
Grants Specialist,GIS Professional, Ecologists, Hydrologists, and Certified Environmental Professionals.We use an
intuitive approach, utilizing the skills and experience of the staff most appropriate for the specific project. To this
end, every client works with a partner-level professional from project start to finish. Bios for NP&V key wildlife
personnel are highlighted below and detailed resumes can be provided upon request.
Charles J. Voorhis, CEP, AICP
Mana,Qinq Partner Long Island Office
NP&V is managed by founder Charles J. Voorhis, CEP, AICP, who has 35 years of diverse planning and
environmental problem solving experience. Mr. Voorhis has managed municipal projects including regional and
local planning studies,wetlands and shoreline restoration, environmental impact statements, permit compliance
and environmental analysis. He served in the position of Director of Environmental Protection of the Town of
Brookhaven, and supervised the environmental implementation of the Town of Brookhaven Comprehensive Plan
Update. As a private consultant for the past 28 years, Mr. Voorhis has managed environmental planning and
analysis of large scale planning and development projects throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Recent
projects include stormwater management studies on the north and south shores for the Town of Brookhaven and
Town of Islip, completion of the Water Supply Management & Watershed Protection Strategy for the Town of
Southold, completion of the Suffolk County North Shore Embayment's Watershed Management Plan, and
completion of the Lake Agawam Comprehensive Management Plan, as well as numerous environmental impact
statements,wetland and shoreline feasibility analyses and management plans. Mr.Voorhis is the environmental
consultant to the Southampton ZBA and Sag Harbor Committee, delineates all wetlands on sites, and oversees
wetland and coastal applications for these villages.
Hannah Emouna
Environmental Scientist
Hannah Emouna holds a Master's Degree in Biology with a concentration in Applied Ecology, an Advanced
Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Science and a Bachelor's Degree in Wildlife Science. Her extensive training in
geospatial science includes the use of remote sensing programs and GIS mapping across multiple platforms. Ms.
Emouna is trained to perform environmental monitoring and assessment of both wildlife and plant populations.
She regularly performs environmental monitoring that includes habitat composition, analysis, and delineation,
ecological modeling and field assessments and for a variety of terrestrial and marine habitats. She holds a NYSDEC
Endangered/Threatened Species: Scientific license which authorizes the collection and release of select
endangered and threatened species within multiple counties across New York State. Ms. Emouna serves as a
point of contact for NP&V and oversees wetland permit applications with the NYSDEC, Army Corps of Engineers
(ACOE), NYS Department of State (DOS), and Towns and Villages for several projects across Long Island.
Beth Cartwright
Environmental Engineer/GIS Specialist
Beth Cartwright is an environmental engineer specializing in spatial analysis,groundwater and pollutant modeling
and mapping using a Geographic Information System (GIS), as well as fieldwork involving various avian surveys
and identification. She also performs annual field work that includes habitat identification and mark/recapture as
well as GIS analysis and mapping in support of protecting Diamondback Terrapins for the Friends of Flax Pond.
This work includes training and experience related to Assistant NY General Wildlife rehabilitator for reptiles and
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Wildlife Studies
NP&V has two ecologists on staff, and has conducted numerous ecological
site investigations to assess habitat conditions, rare plant investigations,
breeding bird surveys, mapped barriers to fish passage, performed YA
shoreline and Stormwater inventories, as well as developed signage and ,, j
brochures to educate the public about their surrounding natural resources. All
brings resources and experience to coastal management and marine
resource planning. Our expertise ranges from the preparation of large
scale watershed and harbor management plans to site specific design of
shoreline restoration projects. Our coastal services also include biological
monitoring; erosion control/shore protection; regulatory analysis and _
agency coordination; and harbor and marina planning and design.
Ecological Studies Environmental Education &Signage
Ecological Studies &Wildlife Surveys Educational Outreach
Endangered Species Surveys Interpretive Signage
Pond Management Plans
Invasive Species Control Sioretention Services
Natural Resources Inventories Raingarden Design
Aquatic Species Habitat Management Bioinfiltration Basin
Ecological Landscape Design
LEED Projects
Landscape Plans
Low Impact Design
,�� i Page to
Calverton Avian Surveys and Ecological
NP&V, utilizing staff ecologists, performed avian surveys along the eastern
runway at the former Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) �^
C w ohyruor+
located in Calverton, NY. Avian surveys were performed during breeding W yr Va
season utilizing methodology recommended by the NYSDEC in order to A ,
provide a comprehensive inventory of avian species utilizing the grasslands
along the runway as potential breeding grounds. Additionally, winter
observations were collected in order to provide a comprehensive inventory •;� -�"
of species utilizing the site. Several rare, threatened and endangered ,.;" 4r-
species were encountered within the former NWIRP site including
grasshopper sparrows, vesper sparrows, whip-poor-wills, short eared owls, r
northern harriers, and Eastern meadowlarks. r „
NP&V also surveyed a ±300 acre portion of the NWIRP to characterize the
existing habitats exhibited at the property. Multi-season site inspections
were performed to collect data for vegetation and wildlife species and their associated densities in order to
provide a habitat characterization for the study area, as defined by Edinger (2002). Habitats identified on-site
included pitch pine-oak forest, pitch pine-heath barrens, successional pine barrens grassland, conifer plantation
and freshwater wetlands.
HempsteadFriends of
Plains, Town of Hempstead
NP&V performed invasive species identification and mapping and prepared an
invasive species management plan for the Hempstead Plain Preserve, located
to the southeast of Nassau Community College. The plan included inventorying
existing conditions, identification and quantification of the existing native and
invasive plant species on the site, the extent of the site where invasive species
have infiltrated and the development of a management plan to eliminate
and/or restrict the expansion of invasive species.
-Hempstead Plains Natural Resource Inventory,Town of Hempstead
NP&V performed a natural resources inventory for the remnant Hempstead 1
Plains, located to the southeast of Nassau Community College. The project
included inventorying existing conditions, identification of the existing native
and invasive plant species on the site, and consultation with NY Natural
Heritage program. Presence/absence surveys were conducted for multiple
species(avian, insects and plants) noted in NYNHP correspondence.
Cold Spring Pond Park,Town of Southampton Ecological Inventory
NP&V was retained by the Town of Southampton Trustees to provide an
environmental inventory and assessment for a 53 acre parcel of land
located on the north side of Cold Spring Pond. The environmental
assessment included an ecological inventory of flora and fauna located on
the parcel,identification of natural communities that comprise the site,and
identification of the presence or absence of rare,threatened or endangered
species identified by the New York Natural Heritage Program as being
located in proximity to the parcel. The assessment included identification i
and mapping of invasive species on the site. Conceptual trail design was
provided for consideration of future development of a passive park.
Bioretention Design Services
NP&V is proud to have recently welcomed Rusty Schmidt , landscapes
ecologist to our staff. Mr. Schmidt has 20 years experience in ecological
design for yards, campus and parks with an emphasis in solving water
issues on the property. Mr. Schmidt is a nationally known rainwater
garden specialist who has created specialized landscapes for the small -
garden in a home to large scale campus designs to resolve water issues •
with multiple projects working together for an entire complex, mall church
or university. '
Bioretention or Bioinfiltration Basins are gardens strategically placed to
catch rainwater from downspouts, sidewalks, driveways, roads,or parking e.
lots. Many beautiful plants thrive in bioretention(raingardens)and can be Y
used to enhance your yard, property, or landscape. These strategically
placed gardens soak up rain where it falls, mimicking nature. They reduce
rainwater runoff, erosion and remove pollutants such as Nitrogen and Phosphorous. Raingardens create
attractive landscapes that raise the value of the property, provide outdoor recreation, habitat for pollinators and
wildlife, and decrease the maintenance needs of a property.
NP&V has the experience to design these gardens and locating them to have the largest potential impact. As
society's understanding and enforceable and mandated sustainability requirements for infrastructure projects
continue, the potential environmental and social impacts of both large and small infrastructure projects has
grown. NP&V has worked diligently to integrate the latest technologies and concepts into our projects like
bioretention. These concepts, such as sustainable design, low-impact development, smart growth, and green
infrastructure are not pursued simply as eco-friendly add-ons to an existing project. They are considered at the
beginning of the design process and are seamlessly and almost invisibly integrated into the final product.
NYSDOS South • Inventory
NP&V has inventoried and assessed potential barriers to fish
passage as part a study funded by the NYS Department of State
and South Shore Estuary Reserve (SSER) through the
Environmental Protection Fund. In an effort to restore the
historic habitats of diadromous fish (such as alewife,American
eel and sea-run trout) in the tributaries of Great South Bay,the
project goal was to inventory stream crossings and barriers -*
such as dams to develop a prioritization strategy for the ,
removal or modification of structures which inhibit fish passage `
to their spawning grounds. Stream assessments (e.g. crossing a. . .
& dam location size in-stream and riparian habitat
assessments)and related information(e.g.watershed land use,
barrier owner information) were incorporated into a GIS
database to aid this prioritization assessment. The fish barrier database can now be easily expanded to include
inventories of additional streams within the region, as well as to track the progress of habitat restoration
initiatives, including dam removals and installation of fish ladders. Streams evaluated include: Carll's River,
Brown's River, Swan River, Mud Creek, Beaver Dam Creek and the Carman's River. Additionally, NP&V prepared
a Watershed Management Plan for Beaver Dam Creek.
Picnic Beach Expanded EAF, Endangered/Threatened
Species Assessment
NP&V prepared an Expanded Environmental Assessment
Form regards to a Local Law amending Chapter 80 & 86 with
respect to vehicles and parking of vehicles on a local beach in
the Village of Southampton. NP&V contacted the New York
State Natural Heritage Program to determine the presence of
any rare, threatened or endangered species at or near the
project site. Five endangered and/or threatened species were
identified by NYNHP, and therefore NP&V conducted site
surveys to determine if these species were present at the site
prior to construction.
,Tiger Salamander Monitoring,Jericho, NY
NP&V performed Tiger Salamander habitat identification and
monitoring for a proposed development of an assisted living ,.
residence and associated parking which is adjacent to a ..
previously documented potential tiger salamander habitat. A
habitat survey was conducted prior to monitoring to determine
potential suitability of the project site. _ r
.lam _
Page 13
Charles I Voorhis, AICP, CEP
NELSON, POPE &e V009 is. LLC
Title Professional Experience
Managing Partner of Firm, Nelson, Charles Voorhis is a professional planner (AICP) and a certified
Pope & Voorhis, LLC; Melville, New environmental professional (CEP) with both private sector and public
York sector experience. Mr. Voorhis has managed municipal projects including
regional and local planning studies, wetlands and shoreline restoration,
Education &Training environmental impact statements, permit compliance and environmental
analysis. Charles Voorhis has over 35 years of professional environmental
■ SUNY at Stony Brook;Master of planning experience, including the position of Director of Environmental
Science Environmental Engineering, Protection of the Town of Brookhaven, supervising the environmental
concentration in Water Resource implementation of the Town of Brookhaven Comprehensive Plan Update
Management,1984 and secured grants under the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. As
■ Princeton Associates;Groundwater a private consultant for over 23 years, Mr. Voorhis has managed
Pollution and Hydrology Short environmental planning and analysis of large scale planning and
Course, Princeton, New Jersey,1983 development projects throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Recent
■ New York State Health Department, projects include a study to eradicate aquatic invasive nuisance species in
Environmental Health Training upper and lower Canaan Lakes,Yaphank, stormwater management studies
Course, Hauppauge, New York,1982 on the north and south shores for the Town of Brookhaven and Town of
■ Southampton College of Long Island Islip, completion of the Water Supply Management & Watershed
University; Bachelor of Science in Protection Strategy for the Town of Southold, completion of the Suffolk
Environmental Geology,1977 County North Shore Embayments Watershed Management Plan, and
completion of the Lake Agawam Comprehensive Management Plan,as well
Professional Affiliations, as numerous environmental impact statements, wetland and shoreline
Certifications&Training feasibility analyses and management plans.
■ American Planning Association,
Washington,D.C. Project Experience
■ National Association of Environmental ■ Great Cove Watershed Management Plan,2011
Professionals,Alexandria,VA Town of Southold Comprehensive Plan Update, Economic Chapter,2010
■ Environmental Assessment Association, Beaver Dam Creek Watershed Management Plan,2009
Scottsdale,Arizona Lake Agawam Comprehensive Management Plan,2009
■ American Water Resources Association, ■ Southold TDR Planning Report and GEIS,20o8
Syracuse,New York The Residences at North Hills, DEIS and FEIS,2005-o6
■ New York Water Pollution Control Town of Southold Comprehensive Implementation Strategy,2003
Association,Riverdale,NY Southampton Agricultural Opportunities Subdivision,DEIS, FEIS and
■ Water Pollution Control Federation, Findings,2001
Washington,D.C. Old Orchard Woods, DEIS and FEIS,2000
■ Long Island Seaport&EcoCenter,Inc., ■ Town of Smithtown Armory Park,DEIS,2000
Director,Port Jefferson,NY Town of Southold Water Supply Management&Water Protection
■ Boy Scouts of America,Trained Strategy,2000
Scoutmaster,Nathanial Woodhull District, ■ Knightsbridge Gardens, DEIS and FEIS,1997
■ Historical Society of Port Jefferson, • Camelot Village @a Huntington, DEIS,1997
Trustee,Port Jefferson,NY ■ Airport International Plaza, DEIS and FEIS,1996
■ Environmental Conservation Board, • Price Club @a New Rochelle, DEIS and FEIS,1995
Village of Port Jefferson,NY ■ Commack Campus Park @ Commack DEIS and FEIS 1994
■ Port Jefferson Village,Waterfront
Water Mill Shops
Advisory Committee,Port Jefferson,NY @Water Mill DEIS,1993
In Town of Brookhaven Land Use Plan,1987
■ Town of Brookhaven Mount Sinai Harbor Advisory Committee,Medford, NY
• Brookhaven Conservation Advisory
4 `
Hannah Emouna
Title Professional Experience
Environmental Scientist Hannah Emouna holds a Master's Degree in Biology with a concentration in
Division of Environmental Wetlands& Applied Ecology, an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Science and
Resource Assessment a Bachelor's Degree in Wildlife Science. Her extensive training in geospatial
science includes the use of remote sensing programs and GIS mapping across
Education &Training multiple platforms. Ms. Emouna is trained to perform environmental
monitoring and assessment of both wildlife and plant populations. She
■ Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Science, regularly performs environmental monitoring that includes habitat
cum laude, State UniversityNew composition, analysis, and delineation, ecological modeling and field
York College of Environmental Science assessments and for a variety of terrestrial and marine habitats. She holds a
and Forestry NYSDEC Endangered/Threatened Species: Scientific license which authorizes
■ Advanced Graduate Certificate in the collection and release of select endangered and threatened species
Geiversi a-Science,Stony Brook within multiple counties across New York State. Ms. Emouna serves as a
University-State of New York point of contact for NP&V and oversees wetland permit applications with the
■ Master of Arts in Biology- NYSDEC, Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), NYS Department of State (DOS),
Concentration in Applied Ecology, and Towns and Villages for several projects across Long Island.
Stony Brook University-State of New
York Relevant Experience
• Pknis.J3e-ach--F. panded EAF, End anizered]Threate❑a lr�p-r-ie S,5.5 nieM
■ Hempstead Plains Endangered/Threatened Species Assessment
Professional Affiliations& ■ Habitat Suitability Study for the Northern Bobwhite Quail(Colinus
Certifications virgianus)in Suffolk County, NY-Collaborated with members of the
■ NYSDEC Endangered/Threatened Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District to utilized GIS,
Species: Scientific License remote sensing,and citizen science combined'with the known life history
■ Long Island Native Plant Initiative characteristics of the species to locate potentially suitable habitat for
(LIN PI):Active Board Member Northern Bobwhite quail in Suffolk County. Presented recommendations
■ New York State GIS Association for alternate monitoring of released individuals and located historical
(NYSGIS) breeding locations with the potential to support the species.
■ Long Island GIS Association(LIGIS) In Threatened Species Monitor—MB Environmental Consulting Inc., Fire
■ Ecological Society of America(ESA) Island, New York-Determined appropriate Peregrine Falcon nest box
■ Long Island Native Plant Initiative locations based. Monitored breeding activity of adult falcons.-Completed
(LINPI), Board Member tri-weekly assessments of chick health and survival. Recorded the daily
■ Ecological Society of America, Member activities of breeding adults and offspring including movement,hunting
activity,and prey species identification.Assessed the impact of
construction activities on nest success and overall bird health.Composed
and distributed reports,as well as weekly summaries to multiple
departments including the NYS DOT and NYS DEC.
■ Field Researcher—White Sea Biological Station, Russia-Completed avian
species surveys and point counts.Collected,classified,and analyzed
marine invertebrates.Classified and analyzed lichen growth rates to
determine time of last disturbance.
■ Wildlife Rehabilitation Intern—Sweetbriar Nature Center Smithtown, NY
Provided rehabilitative care to various native avian and mammalian
species.Assisted in wildlife intake assessments and the
creation implementation of care plans.Guided educational group tours.
• ELeld Researcher- Cr-anbcrr-y Lake 6iolo icaati _n' Lake,-New
York-Assisted in mist netting,measuring,and collection of blood samples
for genetic analysis of the white-throated sparrow as part of an ongoing
project run by Indiana State University.Analyzed minnow populations to
determined relative abundance and distributions using seine nets.
Participated in a small mammal population surveys.
Elizabeth Cartwright
Title Professional Experience
Environmental Engineer/GIS Beth Cartwright is an environmental engineer with the firm specializing in
Specialist spatial analysis, environmental modeling and mapping using GIS, as well as
databases analysis and management. Ms. Cartwright utilizes Spatial
Education &Training Analyst to delineate watershed boundaries using USGS Digital Elevation
• Master of Science,Civil Engineering, Models which are then refined utilizing local information from fieldwork
with honors; University of Texas, and site specific information. Ms. Cartwright will provide spatial analysis
Austin,TX 1988;Water Resources and and mapping expertise and provide integration with GIS data sources to
Environmental Engineering; produce quality graphics,mapping,and data synthesis.
■ Bachelor of Science,Civil Engineering,
with honors;University of Texas at Relevant Experience
Austin,�g84 NPV Field Work
■ ustiSGS ground water modeling Field identifying various avian species by sight and call.
courses,during employment X988- New York Audubon Society Volunteer
X995 Bird watching for hobby and citizen science(Cornell Christmas Bird
Count every year since 199o).
■ Friends of Flax Pond Volunteer
Professional Affiliations, Field work including habitat identification and mark/recapture as well as
Certifications &Training GIS analysis and mapping in support of protecting Diamondback
■ Long Island GIS Users Terrapins on Long Island, New York.This work includes training and
■ American Geophysical Union, experience related to Assistant NY General Wildlife rehabilitator for
Hydrology division reptiles and amphibians.
■ Save The Sound Volunteer
Field work in support of various environmental protection projects for
CT Fund for the Environment.
Technical Expertise and Skills
■ Programming languages: FORTRAN,C, BASIC,Visual Basic, Python
■ Operating Systems:Windows, Linux,and others.
■ Partial differential equations,finite-difference,finite-element,analytic
elements,etc.and experience with many ground-water flow and solute
transport models(MODFLOW,SHARP,SUTRA, MOC).
■ Other software includes:GIS(ESRI, Intergraph),statistical packages,
and others.
■ Comfortable learning and teaching new software,especially for
mathematical applications.