HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-56.-6-3.4 OFFICE LOCATION: ®��OF SO(/jyOl MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex '` P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) G @ Telephone: 631765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 �® P .r LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date July 26, 2016 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref C & L REALTY, INC. #6975 SCTM# 1000-56-6-3.4 C & L REALTY, INC. #6975 - Request for Variance(s) from Article XIII, Section 280-56 and the Building Inspector's June 8, 2016 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for A building permit to demolish and rebuild a portion of an existing storage building, at; 1) less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 25 feet, located at: 61600 NYS Route 25, Main Road, (Adj. to Budd's Pond, Southold Bay) Southold, NY. SCTM#1000-56-6-3.4 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. The proposal is not discordant with the existing neighborhood character and will not result in moderate to large impacts to the natural resources of the area. Stormwater shall be controlled pursuant to Chapter 236 Stomwater Management of the Town Code. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: William Duffy, Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ®��®F SO(/jy®l 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 p Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer _ G Q Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Homing �'�. • �O 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneider ®I�COWN Southold,NY 11971 9 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax (631)765-9064 June 21, 2016 Mark Terry,Principal Planner D C 2 (ta (Lr,� np LWRP Coordinator E V Planning Board Office Town of Southold JUS 216 Town Hall Annex South6ld Town Southold,NY 11971 Planning Board Re: ZBA File Ref.No. #6975 —C &L Realty Inc. Dear Mr. Terry: We have received an application to demolish and rebuild a portion of an existing storage building in Southold. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-5D is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. \ Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairperson By:ck Encls. FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD !w ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: June 8, 2016 TO: C&L Realty 61600 Route 25 Southold, NY 11952 Please take'notice that your request dated May 11, 2016 For permit to demolish and rebuild a portion of an existingstorage torage building at Location of property: 61600 Route 25, Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 56 Block 6 Lot 3_4 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction in the MII District is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-56, which states, "No building shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the MH District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedules incorporated into ' this chapter by reference with the.same force and effect if such regulations-were set forth herein in full." Pursuant to Bulk Schedule a minimum side. and setback of 25 feet is uired. The building notes a-siri leg side yafd-setback of+/- 1 foot. A t orized Si ture Cc:File,ZBA" r Fee:$ Filed By: Assignment No. APPLICATION TO,THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS II // AREA VARIANCE �" ,-��,, House No. 61 W Street fgia l(0 , l\d- Hamlet �01, Y7 U SCTM 1000'Section_6k—Block w Lot(s) Lot Size 2— Zone I(WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDINGSP +CTOR DATED 1 L9 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED S �t CIO 012- Owner(s): 1/ae L«hl e�pq SS�c zf� y,j Mailing Address:_ �' �d' j 7 Telephone: � 5-o- Aat 3/-` ?mail: Ban"� s e ,2D�e nen rte ' V NOTE:In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent, architect,builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative:_ _ _-.:r( ) Owner( )Other: Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: Pleas check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: pplicant/Owner(s), ( )Authorized Representative, ( ) Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY UILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE P DATED ,/ `� and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED FOR: M uilding Permit ertificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction /� ( ) Other: (�Pn2D�i5 (,1t2� I'P.6/.t��cY /,L DOrT/M 0 Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) Article: kn.) ] Section: Subsection:- Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( )A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ( )Reversal or Other A prior appeal.(>rhas, ( ) has not been made at any time with respect to this property, UNDER Appeal No(s).3 q S' ' 'Year(s). (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office for assistance) Name of Owner: .Z (t7 3 1(?i;r ZBA File# L Name of Owner: �QL° ZBA File# REASONS FOR APPEAL (Please be specific, additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): 1.An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or ja detriment to nearby� properties if granted,because: /rte ref a.,'rS Will he- n8a,- S �rrti c�lwt 2 erg, 's fi'i2 n o a�;'e �1 r al e� r .c� d le f� Wn l/ffw "q p/, Lzca•-e-ls 114-We � -7-he- Gt' Ana and budi LAJtV � ire � � , s1�ee ' /-/*/-/* e oS Ws2ymth(�MJ or Zeo�2.The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be h� b© � pursue,`other than an area variance,because: -')1Lpa�e1Q y-0s'�ansP_ 4-ke "p l f cQ li & h fs- ea*sn -W d b/ 40,` 7*e- SkQ4&IQ •fv r j,y 7rr2.s I-eey hte-5 e 16M5� -ft 2 a-6- -en��-e 3.The amount of relief requested is not substantial b cause: Ut��d porb'e") ��' 74/W- • s-�''�uu r� J 4.The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or im act on the physical or environmental conditions in Up ti, awe b�orhood or district because: -Vie ��y c/q��o� ha,--r Dcllde W a-, P1� � r �t 1 d I �s � � • . w r� � - ` tee � 1;(5, �cd •� rvdr�- b offers an a- ,esus. Dov nie&4bd,,- wk-o fs also &be,74- 1 -045 w!z 5.Has the alle ed difficultybeen self created? { } Yes, r WNo Sl`v�cF �s�n '$ Ak�'P'-- �lG�ti. 6 �KdGw�X�7 F46 vul'�t� 7pe "TOrwn OAY17�Yr•! r1�j / Q -� O4ttrJt'fS Q �e-E- Q✓Istrl2as 4 moue -Pw" .Vd p,� v,P�ai�. � Y-S leo r � h Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? { } No { } Yes(please furnish a p 4W4 jj,7j This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety,and welfare of the community. SigrIature of A lica t or Authorized Agent 6 �jj (Agent must sub written Authorization from Owner) H t Swom to before me this p a of 20i( Notary Public CON141E D.BUMCN Notary Public,State of New York No.01BU6185050 Quatlfied in Suffolk County�hh-� CammldAlon Expires AAM 14,1.�C) APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT: / Ll�jjl 'i f7 DATE PREPARED: �f 1.For Demolition of Existing Building Areas L �� `Z, Please desc, e areas emg removed:/ 411te- iCir 5r` "-e- -Hatt 6- m Y!1 n r-' H.New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: Dimensions of new second floor: Dimensions of floor above second level: Height(from finished ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed?If yes,please provide height(above ground)measured from natural existing grade to first floor: M.Proposed Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes) (Attach extra sheet if necessary). Please describe building areas: ?jj ? Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFOREAlterations: ­/-X6 y�Gtl/y Will ��� s n a be- 0"'. �e S is ` C S i'e LL' :s ck rre S'Qmi�f Number'of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: Proposed increase of building coverage: /Ve Nls i Square footage of your-lot* Percentage of coverage of your lot by buuilldding area: V.Purpose of New Construction: ' /o re_ � ���i �n ,*6n- 42140 vi- -54eYe__ ::at� 6e')�Vdwen boa,17 Aq `es7f3 vlsi�� C/�e , VI.Please describe the land contours (flat,slope %,heavily wooded, marsh area,-etc.)on your land and -how it relates'to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): r7 A IJ'7 �inc7l� L� a s ocathelp AeuYW Please submit 8 sets of photos,'labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction,and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. r 4/2012 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? Yes -�No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours?` �No Yes please explain on attached sheet. C. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? //0 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application? 3.)Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? VeS 4.)If y ur property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: is ' ," and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions and pproved survey. ' J D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? Ile S E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting? Alo Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as pproved by the Building De artment and please describe: -Z7 es, S/1pws-ao/K, �lw- fp rnee, r� she G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking,please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? es If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. j o I. flease list pre ent use or operatio d c e� thi aree �" / .S !% ��, P/A drllri e S�f S. `an l-ie op�os u i- it tie-M'e � drjZP�� 3(>(Z �1existing single family,proposed.s me with II t� J garage,pool or then) i A horized sig and Date : FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. -Z..2113............. Date ....................gebr.axy..2............. 1965.'.• THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .....Halm.-Rcmd,-Zatut fold•............•.... Street MapNo. .....ern,,.n.,...... Block No...,......,,.--------- Lot No. ............................................ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated ..........°.............MarcIL-ij......... 19.611,.. pursuant to which Building Permit No. . dated ...............10,3,LCh..1.4....................., 19....64 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ........ .....................................matsi..ua3ts.................................................................................................... The certificate is issued to ....Mary,..S...Aarrim........ ........ ............................. (owner, lessee-or tenant) of the aforesaid building. ............� '..: r ................................ ............ .... .. Building I Spector l SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE r South Street BUILDING DEPARTMENT Main Street Greenport, N. Y. Southold, N. Y. Tel. Greenport 7-0560 Tel. Southold 5.3783 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. JMW 2 STORY Mfl tL UNITS BUILDIN OFFICE XIM mammal C111111111 0 1 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. 179 Date Aunts? 19-0 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at SA MA in Road. Street, Map No. 3= , Block No. XXX , Lot No. XXX SoUthold, NoYe in the Town of Southold, conforms substantially to the approved plans and specifications heretofore filed in this office with Application for Building Permit dated 00#4 21 19.0t, pursuant to which Building Permit No.H , dated Olt 19-6, was issued, and conforms to all of the require. mems of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is Sransi!@nt occnpMey MOTEL =its# This certificate is issued to Mar= S' Morris Owner (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. rM Building Inspector i (The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued only after the Building Inspector is convinced of the completion of the construction in compliance with the Multiple Residence Law and with other laws, ordinances or regulations affecting the promises, and in conformity with the approved piens and specifications.) FORM HO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold,, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No.Z 53 5.7- . . . . . . Date . . .`. . . . . . . .i.,ttgtit. 7.7. . . .119-73 . THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at . .617.50 .SIS .Bain .load . . . Street Map No. . . x-,;'. . . . . . . Block No. . -X)G . . . . .Lot No. XX. . . . . .Southold T .Y.Y. . . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . . . .0eo _28.r, 19.70 pursuant to which Building Permit No. . .;111t .180 dated . . . . . . . . . . . .De* . 23, .,/19­70,7.p, was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is -14,_tltiple•Residence- (Motel units)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to . . . 141ehael•J, •14erris• • • • • • • • • • • • - . • - • • - • . . • • (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. . Psnding . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER .61920, -6185OBtreet . . .1-Jain .8oad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sotxth41d.7. X"X.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Inspector 3 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S_ OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No .. ... .. Date .. ...J1 ly..11V. ........191.$... THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .?l►�?....1-14d4.RQad, -.••• .•-••••• ... Street Map No ... . .. . ... . Block No. ........ ... . .... . 5?Z1 r 014.7 ... �.t. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated A r I 0 19 .�} . , pursuant to which Building Permit No..7..27 ................ ...P.. .. .................... . , dated "g�p�I . .....19.E L, was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ............ .......... H�°t.... .. 5V:a"aesa...bll �.dltg. ....... .... .................. ... ... ........... ................ This certificate is issued to ..MarY....S..•. .xbrmis. ............ ........... . ............................................. (owner, lessee or tenant) r of the aforesaid building .. ..................� . ...................... ....1` ...... Building Inspector i FORINT N0. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO. ' Z 837...... Date QgtQbgr 19 . , 1960- THIS Sf0•THIS CERTIFIES that the building located ai 0/6 -1l+A1rt.RQaLd, . .SQtttahold. Street Map No. .. Block No. Lbt No. tk �k tt conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office November 24 5� Q ' 909 dated .......... . ..... .. 19 . .... pursuant to which Building Permit No. ..... . . ... . November 24 59 -3ated ............. , 19. was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the,applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ... ........................ BUSINESS BU ,D Gl. J5 go W.R Q%j". WORKS;RQP & .GARAGE This certificate is issued to .. .....D$A:t:y- a` .Miaha-al KOVri#r...Gw%03;0 ........................ ... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. T-7 ...... .. ...... . ..........1.... ... .............. Building Inspector a - FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERIC'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CER'T'IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY � No. ........$... ..6. 9..... Date .............................AT ne,..17.. . .. ., 19 ... THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .....I.......... Street Map No. e:�ni W....... Block No. ......!'?'........... Lot No. ......' !....................... ......... .. ...................... tames conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated November 28 19.§P.. pursuant to which Building Permit'No. ........ 7 .............................. .. .... dated ...................;Roy-embe ................� , 19.Ad., was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ........ ...............................3iJS lad.8� 1.....................�7 ................................................................................ The certificate is issued to ....MY -IF..XU4$,RI:.XprizAn...... WA3O.V. 1.............. ........................... (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. ��Building Inspector FORINT NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date THIS CERTIFIES that'the building locaied at ...S./Sy.....1!Main-Road................. - .......... .... Street Map No. .....J=......... Block No. .......XXX........ Lot No. ..xx.......Soilk`o.1dq. .K..•Y...................... conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this ,office dated ....................................July..:.......33....... 19.j&)+.. pursuant to which Building Permit No, .244.9 2 dated .......................ZaY.....1.3.............. 19-64., was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ........ Buflijuxis... .......:........................................................................... :... The certificate is issued to Ul dhae3 .•Mor.X-• a.•.•••(:sc>uthold...Visle,zig.•.Sta.t:I.Oi .....Q-w_ max` (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. .{.•. :.�,�.1J..r:�::�...�..... .:r.:: ;:..�.�.5 ...................... Building Inspector r FORM NO. 4 t - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . .Auguf;t .7p . . . . . .. 19.7.3. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .61850 .S/S. .Ma1A .BwA . . . . Street Map No. . . 'Mc. . . . . . . Block No. .RX. . . . . . .Lot No. . . Southo ld 9 K.Y. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . . . .Dec. . 2?+1., 19.b. pursuant to which Building Permit,No. .24159. dated . . . . . . . . . . . .Pao.. 24 j ., 19 b$ ., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is l issued is . . Rus:.rless. Auildiug-rFlslling. Atatlon.& Stora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to . d. hael I s. Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. . . pQndiAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER . .61. 5Q. . . . . . Street . .M$1-A -Road.* . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .Soutk�ald.�-- .X.. . . . . . . . . .. . I Building Inspector FORM NO. t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT i Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . August lr • 1973 THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at 6,1-756- $f3• tin• 110aA. • • • • Street Map No. XX . . . . . . Block No. . .Xy . . . . .Lot No. .)a . . . . .. aoutholdy N.Y►• conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan's .9;-, 19.70. pursuant to which Building Permit No. . . ."OU dated . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Tand .0y ., 19.70, was issued, and conforms to all of the require. ments.of the applicable provisions of, the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . Bus's nese•Building-ftles•&•RtIsa,ri -Mwp . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to .Michael. Morris • • • • • • • • • • • • - • (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval ... . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. pan&&Ag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER . . . . . 6�?50 . . Street . . . .Mai�cc •Roaxt� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ..Southoldt •N-&Y4 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iinspector• '!• Building• ���L•-• g " 1 !� FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Date .`. . . . . . . . . . . . Avgiist. 7.1. . . ., 197.3 . THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at 6 .750 . .li4;L4.$p&$. . . . . . . . Street Map No. . . . . . . . . . Block No.'. .XX . . . . .Lot No. A. . . . . .Southold N.Y. . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . .JY?t .�5� , 19.72. pursuant to which Building Permit No. . .57..3Z dated . . . . .. . . . . . . .JA-t .27.s ., 1972 ., was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is .$?a, ?e .S .$t �.dg-Sa�,� .&. R� .t. .&fop. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to . . .Mgix toy. .-T,-. Motes.&. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. .p!A4148. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER 6IM . . . . . . ..Street . A.M4.Road. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .011PA4d4. Y fkk . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . Building Inspector FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-28456 Date: 05/22/02 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATIONS Location of Property: 61600 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No_ 473889 Section 56 Block 6 Lot 3.4 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JULY 2, 2001 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 27503-Z dated JULY 25, 2001 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is FIRE REPAIR AND ALTERATION TO AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to SUFFOLK COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEV. AGCY. (OWNER) of the aforesaid building_ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO_ 1039618 03/18/02 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 05/07/02 DINIZIO PLUMBING & HEAT. Authorized Signa t e Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I No: Z-30134 Date: 04/15/04 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATION Location of Property: 61600 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO_) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No_ 473889 Section 56 Block 6 Lot 3.4 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No_ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated DECEMBER 6, 2002 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 29217-Z dated MARCH 13, 2003 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ALTERATION TO TWELVE MOTEL UNITS IN AN EXISTING MOTEL AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to C & L REALTY INC (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO_ 1173787 03/04/04 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 03/23/04 DINIZIO PLUMBING uthorized Signature Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z-30414 Date: 09/10/04 I THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATIONS Location of Property: 61600 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO-) (STREET) (H-]AMLPT) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 56 Block 6 Lot 3.4 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated APRIL 14, 2004 pursuant to which i Building Permit No. ' 30318-Z dated M-AY 17, 2004 I was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is "AS BUILT" ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING SHOWROOM AS APPLIED FOR. s The certificate is issued to C & L REALTY INC MkTER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPART OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A Au orized S ature Rev. 1/81 1 FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z-33105 Date: 06/18/08 THIS CERTIFIES that the building COMMERCIAL HOOD SYSTEM Location of Property: 61600 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County-Tax Map No. 473889 Section 56 Block 6 Lot 3.4 Subdivision Filed Map No_ Lot NO_ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated APRIL 16, 2004 pursuant to which Building Permit No_ 30299-Z dated MAY 7, 2004 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The •occupancy for which this certificate is issued is HOOD SYSTEM FOR EXISTING FISH MARKET AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to C & L REALTY INC (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMDU OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. N/A PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A I Authorized Agnature Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO_ 31147 Z Date MAY 19, 2005 Permission is hereby granted to: & L REALTY INC C MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for PARTIAL DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING OFFICE AND MARINE RETAIL SHOWROOM. at premises located at 61600 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 056 Block 0006 Lot No. 003 . 004 pursuant to application dated MAY 19, 2005 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on NOVEMBER 19, 2006 . Fee $ 102 .50 l �f Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 ybfFfttt Town of Southold Annex 9/26/2013 P.O.Box 1179 54375 Main Road 1 Southold, New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 36529 _ Date: 9/26/2013 THIS CERTIFIES that the building COMMERCIAL REPAIRS Location of Property: 61,600 Route 25, Southold, SCTM#: 473889 See/Block/Loi: 56.-6-3.4 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this officed dated 11/14/2012 _ pursuant to which Building Permit No. 37669 dated 12/6/2012 was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: Storm Related Damage Repairs to Existing Commercial Structure(11 Unit Hotel):• Replacement(All Non-Structural)of Sheetrock Insulation Wall&Floor Coverings, Es applied for_, The certificate is issued to C&L Realty Inc -- --- — (OWNER) — of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 37669 2/6/13 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED Authorized Signature Town of Southold Annex 1/22/2014 P.O.Box 1179 54375 Main Road `$ r� Southold, New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 36722 Date: 1/22/2014 THIS CERTIFIES that the building COMMERCIAL REPAIRS Location of Property: 61600 Route 25, Southold, SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 56.-6-3.4 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this officed dated 6/11/2013 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 38304 • dated 9/4/2013 was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: BOARDWALK REPLACEMENT AND INCLINED WALKWAY CONSTRUCTION AS APPLIED FOR PER ZBA APPROVAL#6672 DATED 08/22/2013 The certificate is issued to C&L Realty Inc - (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 38304 12-03-2013 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED A to4zedSEnature ���OSUFF�t'tcp Town of Southold 6/29/2015 3 P.O.Box 1179 o - "' T. 53095 Main Rd .�� Southold,New York 11971 dol � ,��` CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 37632 Date: 6/29/2015 THIS CERTIFIES that the building COMMERCIAL ALTERATION Location of Property: 61600 Route 25, Southold SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 56.-6-3.4 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 6/1/2015 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 39879/ dated 6/17/2015 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: ALTERATION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING FOR A CAFE FOR HOTEL/MOTEL GUESTS ONLY The certificate is issued to C&URealty Inc of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED Autoed S� atur TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK C I t>ec tea, APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. 6Z? DATE ..,October, 1984 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1 (We) PORT OF EGYPT ENTERPRISES,..INC1....Of ...Main Road....... ............................. 1. ..... ........ .... ..... ...... .... Name of Appellant Street and Number Southold New York ................................ ...................I...........I.... ............HEREBY APPEAL TO ...... .............. ..... . Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION DATED: FOR: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO PORT QF„EGYPT„Ei�TERPRISES „INC Nome of Applicant for permit of S/s,Main Roads .... Southold New York .. .. ..... .......!?..... ...... ............ . . ... Street and Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ( X) PERMIT TO BUILD Motel 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ..S./s Main Road, Southold Light Industrial Street and Hamlet Zone Lewis Homes Co. , Inc. 1 to 9 OWNER(S) : , same, as,above• • •• • • ,• , ldlap Na. Lot No. 10/31/78 DATE PURCHASED: 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article VIII , Section 100-80 and Article VIII Section 100-81 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for X V.) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Low Chap. 62 Cons Laws Art 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4 PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal IhW (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ..DNA „Dated REASON FOR APPEAL ( } A Variance,to Section 280A Subsection 3 (XA A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that we would like to construct a forty (40) unit motel on the site of the present fishing station. Form ZB1 (Continue on other side) ' 4 REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because the current use as a fishing station is passe, resulting in operating losses for the owner. Continuation of the fishing station use would result in denying the owner a reasonable return on its property. 7. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because there are few parcels similarly zoned and situated on the Bays abutting Southold Town. This parcel and the surrounding uses are unique in the aggregate constituting a tourist business, dining and recreation area. 3 The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because the proposed use is consistent with other harbor/marina areas such as Montauk Lake and Greenport-Sterling Basin. The use would compliment the existing marinas and restaurants near the use. Transient housing is necessary for the tourist in- dustry in Southold Town. The parcel is best suited for the "M-1" which is a higher and better use than "Light Industry" . , PORT OF EGYPT ENTERPRISE INC. STATE OF NEW YORK ) � ... . ssBy:.... .............. ................... COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Signature (William Lieblein) - President October Swornto this ........lS:�.............................. day of........................................................ �q84 ............ .. .... .rjotary..Public ............. ............ ALLEN M.SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.62-3714226 Quallf led In Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30,19 A 10/5/81 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE ....................... ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 2863 by application Dated August 3, 1981 Filed August 5, 1981 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Edward John Boyd V, Esq. as attorney for Appellant Southold Marine Center Land Holding Corp. Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on October 2, 1981 the appeal was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance (X) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article VIII, Section 100-81 i i. SF7LsiAoi �6kk` o�> i� � ilXix� ��n ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph .........I.......... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because Public Hearing: 9/17/81: Application of Southold Marine Center Land Holding Cor . , Main Road, Southold, NY (by Edward John Boyd V, Esq. ) for a Variance from the determination of the Building Inspector for: (1) insufficient buildable upland area; (2) proposed easterly lot will have existing buildings with insufficient sideyards; per Bulk and Parking Schedule and Section 100-81. Location of Proper- ty: South side of Main Road (S.R. 25) , Southold, NY; bounded north by S.R. 25; west by O'Hara; south by Budd' s Pond; east by Port of Egypt, Inc. ; County Tax Map Parcel Item No. 1000-56-6-2 & 3; 1000-56-4-15. (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship because (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because (SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. CG:lk ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FORM ZB4 Page 2 - Appeal No. 2863 Action of the Zoning Board of Appeals Rendered 10/2/81 Matter of Southold Marine Center Land Holding Corp. By this appeal, appellant seeks variances to. the zoning ordi- nance, Article VIII, Section 100-81, Bulk and Parking Schedule, to divide premises located on the south side of Route 25, ,a necessary prerequisite to a sale of the westerly portion thereof. The Building Inspector's reasons for disapproving such division, in effect, -are as, follows: (1) insufficient buildable upland area, (2) proposed easterly lot will ,result in existing •buildings having , insufficient side yards, (3) the easterly lot with existing buildings and uses will- (possibly) be without the required off- street parking for that use [off-street parking to be determined by the Planning 'Board] . The premises -in question has a total acreage on the south side of Route 25 of approximately 3.6 acres, which includes approximately 1.2 acres of underwater land on the west side. The proposed west- erly parcel will contain an area of approximately 77,400 square feet (45,500+- under water and 32,000+- upland) , with 222 feet along Route 25. The proposed easterly parcel will contain an area of approximately 82,700+- square feet, with 222.96 feet along Route 25. The premises in question located on the north side of Route 25 has an acreage of approximately one acre, with 200 feet along Route 25. The location of the division line between the westerly and easterly parcels located on the south side of Route 25 as proposed will leave a sideyard setback of the most northerly structure (on the easterly parcel and labeled one-story frame building on applicant' s survey dated 8/28/72 and presently used for showroom and storage .pur- poses) of approximately four feet, and a sideyard setback of the southeasterly structure (on the 'easterly parcel -and labeled 2-story frame motel and which has been used as a "scallop house") of ap- proximately one foot. The structures located on these premises are as follows: (1) proposed westerly parcel at the south side of Route 25 : docks and concrete platform; (2) proposed easterly parcel at the' south side of Route 25: one-story frame building to the north and recently used for showroom and storage purposes; one two-story and one- one-story frame buildings [labeled motel on applicant' s survey] ; small locker; one-story frame building presently used for retail sales and containing one dwelling unit; (3) parcel located at the north side of Route 25: substantially large metal building presently used for boat storage. Upon personal inspection of the premises, the Board finds that the areas to be,utili,zed by the public for egress and ingress are unpaved, unlevel and of very poor condition. This Board also agrees with the determination of the Building Inspector that park- ing requirements should be as' determined by the Planning Board. Page 3 Appeal No. 2863 Action of the Zoning Board of Appeals Rendered 10/2/81 Matter of Southold Marine Center Land Holding Corp. The Board finds that the relief as requested is not substantial in relation to the zoning requirements of the Town; that the relief requested is within the spirit- of the zoning ordinance; that if the relief is granted no adverse effects will be produced on available governmental facilities of any increased population; that the relief if granted will not change the character of the neighborhood; that the practical difficulties are unique; and that the interests of justice will be served ,by granting the relief requested, subject to the conditions as listed below. On motion by Mr. Goehringer, seconded by Mr. Sawicki, it is RESOLVED, that Southold Marine Center Land Holding Corp. , Appeal No. 2863, be granted a variance to divide the premises for purposes of sale of the westerly portion thereof as shown on the map annexed to the appeal, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That vehicular access to the southerly portion of the proposed westerly parcel located on the south side of Route 25 shall be provided along the easterly boundary of said westerly parcel, if possible, or by access through the easterly parcel which is to be retained by the present owner. Suitable recordable instruments giv- ing such right-of-way shall be provided for this appeal record and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office. Any such access shall have a minimum width of 30 feet. 2. That access roads affording ingress and egress by the public of both parcels located on the south side of Route 25 shall have a minimum width of 30 feet; shall remain open and unobstructed at all times; shall be regraded and paved in accordance with the following specifications, to wit: (a) Surfaced with a minimum depth of four inches of packed 3/4" stone blend so as to afford access for emergency and other vehicles; such stone blend may be either applied to the ground sur- face and shaped, or the surface may be excavated -to permit the application of packed blend to a depth of 411; or in the alternative (b) Shall have topsoil removed to a depth of 8", and then filled with 8" of a good grade stone and sand bank run. The surface shall then be covered with a layer of two to four inches of 3/4" stone blend, or oiled with a minimum of 4,/10ths of a gallon of road oil per square yard. 3. That there shall -be no storage of boats or other material within 35 feet of the Main Road on two of the parcels in question at any time (the two parcels in question being located on the north side of Route 25 and the easterly proposed parcel at the south side of Route 25) . No storage of boats or mother materials to be within 16 feet of the northerly property line on the westerly proposed parcel at the south side of Route 25. Page 4 Action .of the Zoning Board of Appeals Rendered 10/2/81 Matter of Southold Marine Center Land Holding Corp. 4. That the existing buildings and uses shall remain as is as of the date of this variance; and in the event a building or use is proposed to be altered, modified,, changed, added, increased, in any way, such proposal shall be subject to the prior approval of this Board, except that the three buildings located along the easterly boundary line of the proposed easterly parcel at the south side of Route ' 25 and used in whole. or in part for dwelling units shall comply with the living floor area requirements of Section 100-42 of the zoning code. 5. That no further businesses or uses are permitted ,on any of the three parcels at any time in the future without the express written prior approval of this Board. 6 . That the structures on any, of these parcels 'shall not exceed 20% lot coverage. 7. That the outer easterly side of the most northerly struc- ture (known as the building used for showroom and storage purposes) cannot at any time be used for storage of boats or other items. 8. That the grant' of this variance is subject to obtaining approvals from the Southold Town Planning Board for parking and subdivision. 9. That this matter shall be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Suffolk County Charter, and shall be subject to such action of the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Location of Property: North and South Sides of Route 25, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcels No. 1000-56-6-2 & 3; 1000- 56-4-15. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Douglass, Goehringer, Sawicki and Gr-igonis. (Member Doyen [Fishers Island] was absent. ) APPROVED jphman Board of A al BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson la souryo 53095 Main Road • P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer C, Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank George Homing • �O 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Ken Schneider OlyCOU Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net R CEIVE J ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS tet' 3 13 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AUY 2 6 2013 Tel.(631) 765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 n FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF AUGUST 22,2013 ZBA FILE 6672 NAME OF APPLICANT: C&L Realty, Inc. SCTM 1000-56-6-3.4 PROPERTY LOCATION: 61600 Main Road(aka State Route 25)(adj.to Budd's Pond),Southold,NY SEORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated July 11, 2013, stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review tinder Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated Aug. 6, 2013. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as' well as the records available to us, it is our recommendation that the proposed action to construct decking additions to an existing commercial building within the FEMA Flood Zone AE, and outside of the FEMA VE Flood Zone, at less than the code required bulkhead setback of 75 feet, and at more than the code permitted lot coverage of 30% in the MII District are CONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Further, the expansion of the boardwalk in the FEMA VE Flood Zone is recommended as INCONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. However, at the request of the Board, on August 15, 2013 the applicant's agent submitted an updated survey by John Metzger dated August 12, 2013 showing the location of the VE and AE flood zones, and an amended boardwalk plan by Garrett Strang, Architect, that removed the portion of the proposed deck in the VE zone(24 sq. ft.). Subsequently,this Board now determines the application to be CONSISTENT with the LWRP. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The Applicant's property is a 81,478 sq. ft. waterfront parcel in the MII Zone. The northerly lot line measures approximately 258 along Main Road, Route 25. The parcel is improved with several commercial structures that are currently in use as a motel, and marina complex as shown, with the proposed new decking additions, and the existing and proposed lot coverage, on the survey drawn by John T. Metzger,LLS/Peconic Surveyors dated August 6, 2003, last revised August 12,2013. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variances from Article XXII Section 280-116(B) and AiticIe XIII Section 280-56 and the Building Inspector's June 28, 2013 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for building permit to construct decking additions to an existing commercial building, at; 1) less than the code required bulkhead setback of 75 feet, 2)more than the code permitted lot coverage of 30% in the MII District. Page 2 of 3-August 22,2013 ZBA#6672—C&L Realty,Inc. SCTM#1000-56-6-3.4 RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests a variance to replace concrete steps, landings and walkways that had existed before the substantial storm damage that occurred in October 2012 with a wood boardwalk and decking that will be wheelchair accessible with a bulkhead setback of 28.3 feet, where Code requires a minimum of 75 feet, and a variance for 31.3% lot coverage,where Code permits a maximum of 30% in the M11 Zone District ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Applicant has received NYSDEC pen-nit##1-4738-04140/00002,dated April 25,2013, and Southold Town Trustees amended permit#7770 dated Dec. 12, 2012 as a part of the approval process for the proposed project. This parcel was the subject of a prior ZBA decision # 2863, dated Oct. 5, 1981,when the Board granted a variance for a subdivision of the parcel. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on August 8, 2013,at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony,documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law§267-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The Applicant is basically proposing to replace concrete walkways, steps and landings that had existed before being damaged or destroyed by Super Storm Sandy in late October 2012, with a wood boardwalk and decking that will be more resilient to any future weather event and also wheelchair accessible per compliance with the American's With Disabilities Act(ADA). 2. Town Law§267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The replacement decking will be constructed within 75 feet of existing bulkheads, and therefore requires a bulkhead setback variance, and the decking will exceed code allowed lot coverage by+1%,which also requires a variance. 3. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(3). The variance granted herein for a 28.3 feet bulkhead setback for decking, where Code requires 75 feet, is mathematically substantial, representing +62% relief from the code. However, replacing in kind the original concrete steps, landings and sidewalks that existed prior to severe storm damage was deemed unsuitable due to heaving. By the use of wood decking with the proposed erosion control, potential damage in the future will be minimized and the safe access of persons using the marina's motel and the docks and boat slips will be enhanced. The variance granted herein for 31.3% lot coverage, where code allows a maximum of 30% is not substantial, representing a 1.3% increase. 4. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(4) No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The Applicant proposed to mitigate flooding impacts to the site by raising the boardwalk elevation to +5.25 feet in the FEMA Flood Zone AE areas and locating the entire boardwalk and platforms landward of the VE Zone. In addition, the applicant submitted a letter dated August 8, 2013 in which she described the use of landscape cloth and rocks to protect the bulkhead area from storm erosion. Finally, the applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. 5. Town Law $267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has not been self-created, but is directly related to unusually severe storm damage caused by Super Storm Sandy in Oct.2012. 6. Town Law &267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a new and rebuilt boardwalk decking, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community. Page 3 of 3-August 22,2013 ZBA#6672—C&L Realty,Inc SCTM#1000-56-6-3.4 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Horning, seconded by Member Dantes, and duly carried, to GRANT,the variances as applied for, and shown on the survey by John Metzger dated August 12, 2013 and the Proposed Walk Replacement Plan by Garrett A. Strang, Architect, dated 6/10/13 and received August 15, 2013 by the Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the survey,site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays andlor a .possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s) granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis to nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson), Goehringer, Schneider, Dantes, Horning This Resolution was duly adopted(5-0). c J - Leslie Kanes eisma ,Chairperson Approved for filing 0/1A /2013 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval,use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. 1. Name of Applicant: X�/ �a¢— �� ����kd G(�� /� 2. Address of Applicant: &1 80 div(GC' O T It--e—t Al 3. Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant): 4. Address of Land Owner: 4�6 6° �a�� �`� N`/ IC-P`7"/ 5. Descriptio of Proposed / � Project: O f,�Cen�llYyt�Lc d t� Gt /PQdt� OL' qO( -2!�`St/`�2� �S7—o�"A�- . 6. Location of Property: (road and Tax map number)-- o — 5 t te 7. Is the parcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? { } Yes N No 8. Is this parcel actively farmed? { } YesNo 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s)of 114d within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff,it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937)or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. ti NAME and ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners) Si ature of Appli n Date Note: 1.The local Board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2.Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3.Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part i -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. i7 9�w Part 1 -Project and Sponsor Information Xae, Usn C v ish, e ba4 Or1hm W, n �e�I. i` bora Name of Actioivbr Project: , Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): TW rt.eRre?s &"SS S142�- (Description of Proposed / ossed Action: l o �ir1 a (�,-� f U4 � rV S enu Brief Sp erg jL a�� P h b44 �s e e as � /fes vi 61� so �y ¢ � �/ ac ryn!� v uv ir��sS o O�dyi S�fUI //ZQiYi%L° ss Of Ll d>V ua. .ate Name o Applicant or Sponsor: Te ephone: i fl E-Mail: f 'e s e �� A ress: 1p 1 le 00Gc�h City/PO: State: Zip Code: _'®u iw M //cl/ 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,'attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? acres 4. Check all land usesthe occur on,adjoining and near the proposed tion. ❑Urban 6Rural(non-agriculture) industrial X..Commercial ❑Residential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑ Aquatic ❑ Other(specify):�Y an bG'A.k1 hP+ tiers ❑Parkland /rce' Jv+`2 i/Ls /7�� j�dY, /�%eii en �Y'�(�//e pa 4' � J'� r�7t�2 ,�/ ce, o W� BLtd lilt Page l of 4 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? W 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does_ it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: rrlt= 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: ,&Xf5'n1J&e IV#tf6kApr RO[ 046 09_SITAr WILL 1{?1yE& 5�r�f7L S jS; 1 �Y�7 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NN,OO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: /`" 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? A. b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? X b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ❑Shoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional X Wetland ❑Urban ❑Suburban '01, bf AMnXe 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? XNO ❑YES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and torm drains)? If Yes,briefly describ ❑No YES 0-190rc) Page 2 of 4 l� 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO. YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or N YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Date: Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large z, impact impact may may A; ;•'r �_ ` occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in.an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) i Page 4 of 4 APPLICANT/OWNER TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME : � 1*tyJ (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance X1, Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent;or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If No,sign and date below.If YES,complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. / Name of person employed by the Town of Southold VM& Title or position of that personii1 Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check-the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP C - Al l.alco Submitted this/& day of 20 20 Signature Print Name it a Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# J aoa The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. Ea Building Dept. 0 Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, planning activity,agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license,certification: Nature and extent of action: CSL ire • � , a�`,�s � �� ��sGr � �/� an Location of action: S Iq Lw'yr- of -//U- aeo/e&j Site acreage: � Present land use: '- 151?rd luile'l _ &r'ZOez S/"`OsrJjiP &I � r d Veroyce (tr d of Present zoning classification: f� 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: C4L &A4s 1Zl�e�n��aP�"`�"ss RV' V -Of 7T6 (b) Mailing address: O kd0 1VA1>1 / So I , N /!9'7/ (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) 3/' J�� 390a(0 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ (Not Applicable- please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No [(Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWicP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No 0 (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes 0 No E (1 of Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes E No (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes M No (Not Applicable—please explain) 1 Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. See Section III—Policies Pages; 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No i�(Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes 1:1 No U (Not Applicable—please explain) PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Ye�D No❑ (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ (Not Applicable—please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable—please explain Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable—please explain Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No Not Applicable—please explain co TOWN OF SOUT4OLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD R OWNER--- - STREET (�-� (�ti VILLAGE DIST. - SIB. LOT r KS L S C ACR. � REMa q 4 afk2-fr ,—(eb.-t) sr^ -�im), r c_ 7� TYPE OF BLD. ', } r 4-tj•�� C_ '^ O J} fit. " ID iraxiqp— s}iawroom PROP. CLASS o LANG IMP. TOTAL DATE Lo Lo ri i r P1ti� rr r t: c�a -Be#3 41v53 a-a-r 6 ns` —r'Q, F- 0 Zg .S =-�A� r.�s RP# 0 Lo zoty3 49 eS V-7 CA Lo m Lo Lo m Lo FRONTAGE ON WATER TILLABLE FRONTAGE ON ROAD WOODLAND m _ - DEPTHMEADOWLAND m BULKHEAD HOUSEILOT _..-- --_-- TOTAL i+H_±tftj m ._. -.. s.. .ti .. - - , ,.. _ .•a!~;a.��' '•it F�.-J ,]r TOWN OF. 'SO.U! :`#"IOLM. ` 1 x% .i 5 ry •� '' .'`z _ ',y? j�i+p �'� � 1.. •?• '=4,,x.1. 'rr�: 'r'�' -,{:fit ' , IL OWNER STREET ::�' , :Vl.t;�tt? �' DIST. SUB:'}`: LOT FORMER OWNER 5. C_ :J-+> ', �1 N F E ACR. �.Q' d147�G L6�3rr� S W TYPE OF BUILDING, OFi 1 ` Imo' /f�•� T,/✓� fJ} f 1f��'� _,(j �f lY��l� �,L a Ci!! •Y 61��, •.4 005 1 c+Jlr¢.*19R "'4 �. Y f�• MK7c K•�+ , s �. FN& o RES. SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value 7 � �' UN cn co LO LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS e,51.4rst ->i' `err , a rryy� �. � ,rte sp I. - Ql`1�40 '7d Q S. ji t l d7,�;�i! / LO r.� .a x 74--0 N 1 _ -� +•s � �r7E✓ 5 �7O X12 Ll t 3 149 fi37 ,a 1 z -CLd r .y — 5' 6-/ ViaLO :, LOGAFLO 2hl O t ti. -ark01 LO ro m Tillable FR014TAGE ON WATER A) 90 it i Units, m Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD ����y.rr�� — m d��G1� r'►' d. a r Meadowland DEPTH m m House•Plat BULKHEAD Total y 511-1 t014 W# -20? S h r r v (SD . . O,PERTY •REOR - " . " w OWNERSTREET DISTRICT SUB. LOT FORMER OWNER cID H a �- » GN E T Ar�EtEAjGE f / n S y� t " TYPE OF BUILDING RES. SEAS. VL, FARM O 1 IND. CB. , MISC. I Est. Mkt. Value LO o LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS Cn Ld ua � LO far— Nlj o LOC u iJi /�s �s t' 3 sa -- NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FRONTAGE ON WATER Farm Acre VaIue Per Acre Valu,- LO alue FRONTAGE ON ROAD �G `f LO r BULKHEAD Tillable l � DOCK Tillable 2 LO Tillable 3' Ln Woodland N 9 Swampland 10 Brushland - 9 _ , House Plot Tot I . o �?T A A -r— — CED � a �!Al its Lo Co wcn — LO 56.-6-3.4 3/2014 ___I SCC-.:: - ••1... ^r.i?-:%?r�i� i I I-.'_ 0 `•ti'i�T h�S���.f+u`r- tTS•SC'�-r��n..ti�:::.'..':'.c`":."`.:. �.e'... .. t -, r — - � $6-5-3.4`.9104 LO a � p Bath. Foundation Bldg. In1� k I 0 W '_ �I-- o��f Floors l s ;r ltpa�Ef 3 �6� B merit +h�d tension �• � C _ 4t� Ext. Walls S Interior Finish —_ -- — tension ---- o �� 470� Fire P'iace �a jReat tension ' : , �,a I _ Porch Roof Type Lo X �f �f 44 f Parch Rooms 1st Floor Lo LO q� �' ' Roams 2nd Floor Patio LO 'eezetiY�Y• - 10 Qriweway Dormer Ln ❑rrige - 1 qt 9 . B. r i OW NE R. STREET- VIL F51RICT SUB. LOT ' .,/;�,�%fi1 y�i �. .i .. �. .. . 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SEE SEC Owawis ' N WTCtI--�—.--_-- `S SEE SEC NO ON OR vet. N BME46NOE6 t8 __ t.vwotr..tontwrw.�u.Nvrsao NOTICE COUNTY OF SU ..u. —O — y.rv.•r.. .o »...e.t-er- _—.-- .aan.nK,p.a..�0.,.�, ,,m K41 1EAoK>KEat Real Property Tax S DJMMMOKOF4M'OORTIONCFTW County CORM Powrl.M_ v±+ - w.P+ut+ W gt�vFOUtOOtMfV T,�tyWlt v40tWri:O YJLLENI[ET.= _ �t-- rra.uotrau.--4 �tnt —� w1mog WAM 4ERMASION OF tw tpprsW `� vaaMrtR RF4t NOv6aNGERVIMAGENcr 7 4�tw -�� MOrt4w -ter-- Y1✓•tr�.N1W--M�- c) ,rw ----- r..�ortr —s-- • Y.w� � _ya• t .. - a O Z c� O F� 0 � w LL=- L L--j 4L �L-A= w cam/ w O a Vlw) O x a z FRONT ELEVATIONQ SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" O Fq u V) w W W Z . z � ZU-) LEFT ELEVATION J (.0 o N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" Z m 0 ti 0 cj (/) 0- 0 (0 LL 0- DRAWN BY: JF 6/5/2016 SCALE: SEE PLAN REAR ELEVATION �� ` SHEET NO: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" mmm C= be w. p'��=FSSl0t4k- O V 24 81-011 O Z 71-611 O 1 611 '\V o. 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M I I EXISTING BUILDING co w °0 (�� ;---------------------- W Z ' Z � ZUn Qx -i I Z O O co SIMPSON HDU8HSS 5X5}C3/8� O -� � �-- _ HOLD DOWN I (Typ7 I , , Un 0 co 71 8O w (n � N LG D100611-4 N LGD100611-4 LL � OVERHEAD DOOR O 10 101-011 15'-O"' L 14'-2" 71-4" - o a. Ln 46'-6" lot-oil , , , , , 64'-6" , , , DRAWN BY: JF ,4 2 6/5/2016 FLOOR FLAN SCALE: SEE PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" li r 'Evil SHEET N O.. U 0 z � 2X12 RR @16"OC - — 3/4" + 1/2" SHEATHING O Z H 0 —BOTTOM OF ... . . .. . .... .. .. .. .. VV I RD R RAFTERX65STEL . G12 H W ....::.:.. .... v .. . .. .....::... . . . . . . ... . . .. . ....: wz w oC w o A HSS 5X5 HSS 5X5 a STEEL STEEL O COLUMN COLUMN O 2X6 STUDWALL O (TYPICAL) v ° TOP OF SLAB W ° d • p ♦ d d • p • d d • p • • d • d • p • • d d • p • • d d • p d d • p • d d • p — — 4, 4" THICK CONCRETE SLAB w/ WMM REINFORCING a 8" PC •,d ♦a° .a° WALL rn D♦• O i♦ c p a 16"X8" CONC. FTG. (2) #4 REBAR W SECTION A-A z z 2 SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" , Z Z X 0 QOOc� zOm � ti (n � = M U) 0- Oc(o PITCH ROOF 1/4" PER FOOT 3/4"+1/2"SHEATHING LL 2X12 RR @16"OC O 6"GUTTER 77 7 CL (2) 2X12 PLATE (2) X12 PLATE W12X65 STEEL W1 X65 STEEL 2X6 STUDWALL (TYPICAL) 6" 6" DRAWN BY: JF 4"THICK CONCRETE SLAB w/WMM REINFORCING . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. COMPACTED FILL 8" PC 6/5/2016 WALL SCALE: SEE PLAN 16"X8"CONC. FTG. (2)#4 REBAR SHEET NO: SECTION 5- 2 4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O° '= r1° ; � J- . ^ .O O «. SURVEY OF PROPERTY A T SO UTHOLD TOWN OF SO UTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, MY 1000-56-06-3.4 SCALE: 1-r 40' AUGUST 6, 2003 AUGUST 28, 2003 ( RIGHT OF WAY) SEPTEMBER 24, 2003 JANUARY 31, 2012 (UPDA 1F OF PARKING AREA) JUNE 26, 2012 (PROP. R.O.W.) JUNE 27, 2013 (PROP. BOARDWALKS 8 PLATFORM PIPE UTI0, 6 Rg Lj1 f QN M , 0 PSE o li/• N68 "- "11 SIGN 15.1 8.0 Y RB GON'GRf �i Z6•s 0 G•8' �%0`�RN� t� Ln !�. �' � �•c AIc U,Noop PLAt. ON Sao 3.5' ;OGp6•s N cA�R m ETp� A� N STY• BUILGING IDG. < 5• FR• o � o +4.0' N 2 p s w nUUN�TSP�,1• A�JAPA" 5 UPOLE UTILITY AONG WOOp POI � Q 1$0 O � GO GRpUN 4► -� O P i •0 E N OU�N� Q 4.6' � UPROP�N a+ _ O `N AQP `• �Z� m N UNITS PLAT r vrOOD y\ \ 010 I' 'v+ l r A/G 'n nuc +4.4' /� m ON �G Lo `Oo 0 20 X-3 4.3/�%, 30- > Z6 5 1A t I- cpell q5l 6. . Z 30 w 0 U tY U, �W !E m �' POS WA 323 Cr -LOT COVERAGE EXISTING - 22720 SO. FT. o ` 227RO181_478 - 28% PROPOSED BOARDWALKSPvSwoo° 8 Iwo `� N a8 c PLATFORM 1893 SOFT. 2549318147854313.3% AFTER CONST. STY c• �� � BL G G� r9 W Z . B�p� \, g•3 g. .C) EXISTING IMPROVEMENT IN AREA OF PROPOSED cf- `°�n�'`o 8 STY,PLATFORM A BOARDWALKS NOT SHOWN HEREON ..'PB OG'�Q FR- ,y_e 29 0EA3q.3 Ulla I`N ' 131, 5• G � W w o re � S1�•2� V Z Ncro� U� �w�\e 65.80 , 'L po' • CT �� 6' Z3 g' P 0 K o c 416-00 �C♦'►��'G Z °%, tag Wo 26 O S. P����l o c Zto 0A11NG 9�•�5 v LA CERTIFIED TO: "W SUFFOLK COUNTY NA TIONAL BANK TICOR 777LE GUARANTEE COMPANY OAG O� FLTIN o a � z O PILING o PILING �� N C PILING ND % $UDD� S p0 �, AREA=81,478 SO. FT. TO 77E LINES C, EXISTING 30' RIGHT OF WAY TO BE REMOVED ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. '` `' < � ' g• .� . YS. LIC. N0. 49618 FLOOD ZONE AE (EL. 8) ECDNI �E)'ORS, P.C. FIRM J610JC0159 G ANY ALTERATION OR ADD17ION TO THIS SURVEY IS A WOLA770N ,31���65-`'`5(120 FAX (631) 765-1797 OF SECTION 7209OF 7HE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA77ON LAW. EXCEPT AS PER SEC77ON 7209—SUBDIVISION 2 ALL CER 77FICA 77ONS P.O. Pox"909 HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF 1230 TRAVELER STREET 03 - 208 SAID MAP OR 'COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR SOUTHOLD, N.Y 11971 WHOSE SICNA RE APPEARS HEREON. i