HomeMy WebLinkAboutCourt Reporting Services RESOLUTION 2017-513
JUNE 6, 2017:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Agreement between the Town of Southold and Flynn
Stenography&Transcription Services,to provide Court Reporting Services for the Town of
Southold Justice Court, subject to the approval oftheTown Attorney.
Elizabeth A.Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman
SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell
ABSENT: William P. Ruland
I't]]S A:;l.L£1qT NT n, do and catered inu) ;lis l {lay of1.20_l_l,b,-.,=.e l,et`.1 r:cn Tr)..r, c,;
Southold (Iiereinafter referred to as "T:)yin"!, a mumcipal corlioraccl3 otOz;?'red and extstin; unser
and b}' irtue of the Ia1>>s of the State o} yen York (mailing address- c/o 1_.lizabetn A. Neville,Town
Clerk, 11 0 Box 11 (9,•rSoediold, ?u r_ York 11971-0959), party of the j"n-st I)art, 211d
?rY' et
,. e rcr rcr`trxed to a: "yCon ratios"; �viti; an :address
pp t��of thc sccvnd oast.
VVI-II,REAS die Town of Southold-,v;she, to engage the services of Certified Court Repoite_•s for the
purposes of maintai-ling the records of various Court.,lppeaxance,and Town proceedings;and
WHEREAS Contractor, a certified Court Rr ,porter, wishes to perform stenographer services for the
benefit of the Town at said hearings;and
NOW THEREFMI E the Town and Contractor, for the consideration named, hereby ngree as
I- Independent Cotarroctor. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. the ToIY•n
i hereby eng-ages the Contractor as an independent contractor to perforin the services set forth
herein,and the Contractor hereby accepts such engagement. This Agxee,nent shall not render the
Contractor au employee,partner,agent of,or joint venturer with the Town for any purpose. The
Contractor is and will remain an independent consrzctor in [his or her] relationship to the Town
The To on shall nor be responsible for wirhhold:ng taxes with respect to the Conaactor's
corr_pcn52tlon hereunder, The Contractor shall have no claim against the Town hereunder or
otbeiAvise for vacation pay, sick leave,retirement benefits, social security,worker's compensation,
health or dlsabiliry benefits,unemployment insurance benefits,or ealployee benetirs of.tny kind-
ind_Duties=The Contractor will perforin the duties of certified court reporter. fHe or she] %,!]report
directly to the justice Court Director and to any other party designated said Director in
connection with the performance of the duties under this An eemem and shall fulfill any other
duties reasonably requested by the Town acid agreed to by the Contractor.
3. Term- This engagement shall conlrlcllcc upon e-xecution of tiiis Agiccrncct and shall continue in
full force and effect until termination or completion of the Contractor's dames under this
_loreenlrnt The Agreernerit will continue indefinitely unless terrlltnared rariier by c)perauctl of and
in :lccordarce with this Agreement.
1C;�t�lpcn_atic�n. Two Hundred and Fitn- (S250.00)Dollars per app,n:nulce aa;,or.lnt•I)axt therer>f
for re,-::hu court calend.a.d-iteJ and jur', r6als. In the event that Cominctor has been booked For
c_•tirt calendar date or jute uT.121, 'nld illat date is cc-ncclled for a ,rc.u,on other than meleePiero n.
Wen-i Cz or stMe of enlerfcrcv, ,xith Iess than forty eight (48) hours nonce given ,;riox to
c_rnccil---6on, Conuactor shall be enritled to a cancellation fee of One 1-1und:ed (5100` dcaars. In
the. en: of the clneelin:ior of a co-,ii, ealendai date for inclement weather or�-i;tic of emci,enc,<
CC- S11fd] be un;en
1 9.liC !{1rJn t ecs In the Grail Char 7 rlan-;crip i of Colin procceaings is "rlt.ucd b-, the C-out"a•
Conlrnctor '4haj; Charlie the lo`k'tl a p"tiit1111" i,gSi rlf lhicc �,5.001 })haat-; ]-(.1- -noc or Iu)111011
(ora cer". -cd tla.nsuipt. ,
pornel r
6 shol.nig zhzC dare
!Irld illnesthey Perforri-sed said scry ice :inn %1-01 n1so thC an-lollm dit!Tcv,)l 0%vez' :O dlepi for
dav in numbers. Ilils will be proj,!,.6 io Town%; r V rs elf ,.heir
juz:tice Court Direcro o e -_ is,,
perforni-xice after the work is ccxaip!,-Lco., -,I aainplv ifivoMe is -.itached for Tour The Town
Ba-aid �ilall process any vo"Achcl rtczn:V'_d 'zoin as CxPeOluously as pos�v-)!C. Trl the
Client that dle Town disputes or ob:;ccLs to any porl-ion of nny vouclicr subnLu-ed I)v Contlactor
pursuam to t17-1S P2tPgl,2-Dh the To-wn bh-,nL watilin 301 Cla^S (_'f Ole rfrejpt of slich Voucher, notift,
cont_-=ctox in Writing of S'Lich disT c Knovledges diat Conn-actor s
P-1 til objection. i("'onb-.-icwr -ac' I
r with the r4zqwrCzicnt5 ot section 1 18 of dhe Town L-Lw vOlich,1 i effect, pi-oliNt.payment
of a- cn-�zcl ,ouchei v-1--crefote sball h:ve
.9,; of Contractor's c o
Iii,)is ig.,J ist Ch-, T wil unless n it
been presented to the Town.Board or To%vo Co-ppaoller and Shall have been. audited and allowed
by the To-wn Board or Town Comptroller.
7. Conflict; of interest, Non-hire Provision. The Contractor rt.,presejic, that (lie or she] is flee to
enter into this Aggrceirsent. ird that :his C.n.gag <lot:, not '01�te the tcrins of any agreement
em-crit vi .
between the Contractor and any thii-_d pzrr)-. Coiirrrct(-r hczcbv agrees .1h and hold
io mdcmv
'J'own hal nkss from any action sLelillning from previouq existing din y ir, a third The
Cort ractor is expressly free to perform scurvices for other parties-while.perforiTling services for the
To-wD. For a period of one year following any cermitindon, the Contractor shall not, directly or
indirectly hire,solicit,or encoura-ge to leave the Town's el niplloymenL any employee,corisUlt-'_OL or
contractor of the ToLxrja or hire nny such employee, consulu-int, or conar?Ctor who has left the
Tb en's contractiW engagement Nvithis, one Year of this engagen-eft".
8, 'gbto 7njluacrioel. Ilie Contractor expressly agrees that the Town shall be entitled to injunctive
provislon or
and orher equitable relief in the event of, or to pieverit -i breach of an-, F this
Agreement by the Contractor. Resort to such equitable rt:Uef,howe,,rer, shall nor be const-rued to
be a waiver of any oder rights or remedies thrt the 71 cl�_n may have for darn-ages or otlitrwise.
The various rights and remedies of the Town i_,nder this Agreement or otherwisc Shall be
construed to be cumulative, and no one of them shall be c-<chisivc of any other or of any xigbt at
serricay allowed by haw_
9. a-ermigntion. Either party to this agreement may terminAct! :his Agreemem at any time by 10
working days'written notice to Che oTiher. In addiuoz, if the Conwictot is convicted of any crime
or offense, fails ot refuses to comply,N6th the-mitten policies of reasonable d'U_ec6-,,c of the Towr,
is guilty of serious rniscorlduct.In C:on!!ecf_'or'1 With perforrntince hereunder,or mated—ll; bleaches
provisions of this Agreement the Towri nc any -_:Ine may TCr'n-_11V!(C the engagement Of the
Ccsiitl.?.Cior imnlediaarely and withoilt pvio:written notice to the contractol..
0. Lq—Sprapge, The Contractor -wil"I. carry Insurance Oncluding nia.11]ractice insurance, if
v Z
- i
'watralitc,71) lative to an ' ce that thc u_- she, pellorins F-) f-Town.-C I .. 'i I di
I The Contrac-or-agrccs to andeni-13t; and s2v,- TIc Tmvnt's and
its Ol"!Ccx�;. ,gca
cinpjol-ces h-amless froin :inn Jlnbi:)-L'. J.-SipUsed Ow 'Yowr.' 'J� '-fficer."' and/of
canployee,q arising horn the negligence. -lcuve or passive, of the Cont,,.icLor fuid rioin and aprainst
any cialirs, or C.xpcl-.scs� Includl-'—p .1clionn'bic artorncy's fecs' off';ontnrclor"'
i)rcich, of zllc A,,
grccincot or rjoni ac"s oi- 011115,i!6;s rILSIUIC Ulc ,C,3[)C 01
l "d, Parries I -
Anrecni,znr cr 2risng Our u aims or icunn_ Parries Lontracto_- I),; of 1his
• f " n�
.)t ficill perform:incl othis is Ag-eTme
12 Successor,_ars( A -it rte_ All" of the 1;1. i tuns of d11s r1•?rcement sh<al he binding upon and irx.re
to tile bCnCfit Of IhL patULS 1iC1eiU:diel (lieu respective heirs,a a_y,successors,and assigns.
13. Choice of Law. The laws of tines:tete of New York shah govern the validity of this-�greerr_en,the
consauction of its terms:,net the interp:ctauon of the ii rots and duties of the parties hercro.
14. Venue. The proper venue for any and al] claims ansing from this agrcetnent, and all parties
consent to,County of Suffojk,State of illcw York.
15. blSection hoaclxn7s are nor to be considered a part of this Agrecinent and are not
intended to be a full and accurate descripvon of the contents hetcof.
16. Waivcr by one parry hereto of bicac_i of any provision of this Agrreerncnt by the other
shall not operate or be construed as a continuing-waiver.
17.Assi-mntllenr. The Contractor shall not aSS%1111 any of(his or her) rights under this Agreement, or
delegate the performance of any of jhis or]let] duties hereurider,rithout the prior tvdtten consent
of the To«m_
18. Notices. Any and all notices, dernands, ox other communications requited or desired to be given
hereunder by any party shall be in wiirng and shad be validly given or made to another ptu-ty if
personalty served, or if deposited in the united States nail, certified or registered, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested. If such notice or demand is served personally, notice shall be
,--� deemed constructively made at the tunic of such personal service. If such notice,demand or other
communication is given by mail, such notice sluill be conclusively deemed given five days after
deposit thereof in the UT-6ted States snail addressed to the party to-whom such notice, demand or
other communication is to be given as follolvs:
If to the Contractor:
ddress_ _Tel.:
If to the Town.
Tow12 of Southold
c/o Elizabeth.l_ \evil:c' 1-o.vn Clerk
P.O-Box 1179
Southold.'New, York 1 i97 1-0959
Any part; hereto may change its :iddre; f-,r purposes of this paragraph by written nouce.g1wr, in
the manner proviccd above.
19. -Modification or_Anlendrne-T \o anteru!rr :at, charige o1.mod:hcaiion of rills Agreement si:aq be
valid unless in wricing&fined by the p.::ics hereto
1 1 t,jjjt---,-L.-C! This dio--nacrit ani! nm-
and z�.rncn[ o" -.0 p,!- ror ---:1-2ns, nni�
tl,c�."Old 3m ;,!!d ali '.;;r 1-^,
are heteby -,cimmated and cancelled in die- enuTen- fmd are o' -o force
nud effec'.At no ti-m-,shall the docum'Clit beheld ncgativrly ww'm CIS the Jr? to
lnpLL.Len; Rck-,icw. 111C Contractor Aclmuw I edges havinoo, rccc1v,:d, mid, and lane.ciscood 63�s
..b mil. and ntrachnnens there.m. Conzractor furrhe- ncknowled es O)n-, Town h;a� nccordco;
Contractor 2rilpid 111-31C and oppo-umiitv to consult with Independent legal coun,-,el and offici
adv,,soz% of Its owrx choosi3lg concumng the potemr-m! beneffis and risks of cnmring into do-is
22. -!,ereof, 1'5j-e;d
to be invalid and uncnfoxceable,then the teinahi&x of this Agxetment shall nevertbe3es-,remain in
fi-ffll force and eE"ca.
23. 1"ncsirmle Tninsmittall For the purpose of this Agreern"t, i faczil-nik of-,j Signature shall 'Cie
decined an original.
IN WHEREOF the undersigmr d have executed this Agreement as of dic dzv and year Elm
Ue sigr �phy&T
wnuep above. The parties hereto agree fhat facs;jn, ntmes shall be as effective
1_93 GTiffing Avmue
To,on of Sou ld Contractor swndF(OorROOMC
Scott A.Russell,Siapenisor paint N,a me-