HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-02/06/2017 PH 1 I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK 2 ------------------- ----------- X TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 3 PLANNING BOARD MEETING 4 ------------------------------------------- X 5 6 Southold, New York 7 February 6, 2017 4 : 30 P .M. 8 9 RCEIVED 10 JUN 1 5 2017Q3-30P)'&A 11 . �T,12 Board Members Present : SvvnClerk 13 14 DONALD J. WILCENSKI, Chairman 15 PIERCE RAFFERTY, Board Member 16 JAMES H. RICH, III, Board Member 17 MARTIN H . SIDOR, Board Member 18 WILLIAM CREMERS, Board Member (Excused) 19 20 21 22 23 24 +'.._ 25 2 1 2 INDEX 3 4 HEARING PAGE 5 6 Philippou & Vallas 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 February 6, 2017 3 1 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : We have one 2 public hearing on the agenda for 3 tonight . Philippou & Vallas . This 4 proposed lot line change involves the 5 resubdivision of three lots and a lot 6 merger . Lot SCTM# 1000-31-2-6 . 2 is 7 vacant and is being eliminated and 8 would be split between the adjacent 9 lots ; where lot 1 10 ( SCTM#1000-31-2-6 . 1 ) will increase 11 from 15, 000 square feet to 116, 402 12 square feet due to the transfer of 13 10 , 589 square feet and merging of 14 90 , 605 square feet from 15 SCTM#1000-31-2-9 . Lot 2 16 SCTM#1000-31-2-7 will increase in 17 size by 6, 862 square feet to total 18 lot size of 23, 387 square feet . Lot 19 2 remains non-conforming in the R-40 20 Zoning District . The property is 21 located at 2090 Rocky Point Road in 22 East Marion, SCTM#1000-31-2-7 , 9, 6 . 1 23 & 6 . 2 . 24 At this point, I would like to open 25 the floor up to anyone n the audience who February 6, 2017 4 1 would like to address the Board on 2 Philippou & Vallas . Please direct your 3 comments to the Board and write your name 4 and say your name for the record. 5 MS . MOORE : Good afternoon. Pat 6 Moore on behalf of both the Vallas 7 Family and the Philippou Family. 8 This is a project were the Vallas 9 Family and Philippou Family bought 10 the middle lot . They agreed to split 11 the costs and split the property. So 12 we ' re here at the final stages of the 13 process . We had to get an area 14 variance for the creation of the 15 greater undersized lot . And we ' re 16 now moving the lot lines . I do 17 understand that there was a typo in 18 one of the notices . So we will ask 19 the Board to keep the hearing open 20 until next month. So we can send a 21 new certified letter to the owner 22 where the typo occurred. I am sure 23 there would be no issue . We would 24 ask that if the Board is ready to 25 grant our approval at the next February 6, 2017 5 1 meeting . The deeds have been 2 prepared. They ' re posted . We ' re 3 just waiting for the final approval 4 so that we can finish deeding out 5 each of the respective owners their 6 half of the property. Thank you . 7 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Thank you . 8 Would anyone else like to address the 9 Board? 10 MS . MURRAY : Yes . Hi . I am Ann 11 Murray. I am a resident of East 12 Marion . I live on Southern 13 Boulevard. And I am just wondering 14 what the purpose of these lot changes 15 are? And I can tell you that I am 16 concerned that it ' s possible that Mr . 17 Vallas will be using the expanding 18 lot south of his home as a parking 19 lot . He currently keeps -- well , 20 today there are 11 cars parked on his 21 property. Four of which are old used 22 cars on the very front lawn of his 23 property. Some with broken windows . 24 Kind of rusted out and all like that . 25 And this has been a concern of the February 6, 2017 7 1 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Pat , can you 2 answer that? If you would like? 3 Ann, are you finished speaking? 4 MS . MURRAY : Yes , thank you . 5 MS . MO.ORE : I have the Vallas 6 Family. Mr . Vallas is a car 7 collector . He has told me so 8 himself . He can address whatever his 9 plans are with his cars . The 10 Philippou Family, they just want to 11 control so that somebody did not 12 build a house next to them. So 13 certainly the Philippou Family wants 14 to expand their yard to eliminate a 15 house . And the same was for the 16 Vallas Family. You ' re here . Do have 17 any ideas? I know you collect cars . 18 MR. VALLAS : Theo Vallas . One of 19 the owners . Yes , I am just a car 20 collector . I am not a car dealer . I 21 am not in any kind of business or 22 anything like that . I would be 23 moving the cars that are in the front 24 lawn of the house . I would be moving 25 them to the back. This way the February 6, 2017 8 1 neighbors don ' t see them anymore . 2 And they will be out of sight . 3 People won ' t be able to see them 4 anymore from the front . 5 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Thank you . 6 Please sign your name for the record, 7 please . Yes . 8 MS . APRIL : My name is April 9 (Inaudible) I live on 3131 Rocky 10 Point Road. And one of my concerns 11 about having that many cars on 12 unpaved land is this is all adjacent 13 to Suffolk County Water Authority 14 wells . It seems as though since 15 there is no paving under any of these 16 cars except the ones that are in his 17 driveway, that might not be the best 18 thing for the environment . So I was 19 wondering if we were moving cars 20 closer to the wells , how that would 21 impact the safety of the wells . 22 There doesn ' t appear to be any -- 23 like repairs or fixing up of the 24 cars . They ' re continuously 25 deteriorating over time . These cars February 6, 2017 9 1 have been there for years . So they 2 have cars with fluids in them and 3 they ' re very old. There can be 4 leaks . 5 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Thank you . 6 This hearing will be left open . So 7 we will probably ask the applicants 8 agent to answer some more of these 9 questions in detail . Yes . 10 MS . GOMEZ : Ellen Gomez . I too, 11 live on Rocky Point Road. And I have 12 the same concern about the expansion 13 of the property being an expansion of 14 parking of these bombed out cars . So 15 that is all I have to say. 16 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Thank you . 17 Would anyone else like to address the 18 Board on the Philippou and Vallas? 19 (No Response . ) 20 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Anybody? 21 Seeing and hearing none, I will need 22 a motion to keep the hearing open? 23 MEMBER RICH : Motion that we keep 24 the hearing open till next month . 25 MEMBER SIDOR: Second. February 6, 2017 10 1 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Motion made 2 to keep the hearing open for one 3 month made by Jim. Seconded by 4 Martin . 5 Any discussion? 6 (No Response . ) 7 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : All in favor? 8 MEMBER RICH : Aye . 9 MEMBER SIDOR: Aye . 10 MEMBER CREMERS : Aye . 11 MEMBER RAFFERTY : Aye . 12 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Aye . 13 Opposed? 14 (No Response . ) 15 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Motion 16 carries . 17 Need a motion for adjournment? 18 MEMBER RICH: I make a motion for 19 adjournment . 20 MEMBER SIDOR: Second. 21 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Motion made 22 by Jim. Seconded by Martin. 23 All in favor? 24 MEMBER RICH : Aye . 25 MEMBER SIDOR: Aye . February 6, 2017 11 1 MEMBER RAFFERTY : Aye . 2 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Aye . 3 Opposed? 4 (No Response . ) 5 CHAIRMAN WILCENSKI : Motion 6 carries . Have a good evening . 7 8 (Whereupon, the meeting 9 concluded. ) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 {` 25 November 7, 2016 12 r 1 l 2 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 3 4 5 6 I, Jessica DiLallo, certify that the 7 foregoing transcript of audio recorded 8 Meeting/Public Hearings was prepared 9 using required electronic transcription 10 equipment and is a true and accurate 11 record of the meeting . 12 13 14 Signature : 15 Jes i.ca DiLallo 16 17 18 Date : May 1, 2017 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 November 7, 2016 13 Authority[l]-8:13 consider Ill-6*10 floor 111-3.25 leaks(i]-9:4 -- Aye[9]-10:8, 10:9, continuously[1]- fluids[i]-9:2 left(l]-9 6 1[2]-3:9,12:18 10:10,10:11,10:12, 8:24 foregoing Il]-12,7 letter 12]-4:21,6.2 ` 10,589 Ill-3.13 10:24, 10:25,11:1, control Ill-7:11 Four[i]-5:21 line[2]-3.4,6.23 1000-31-2-6.2 Ill-3:6 11:2 costs[l]-4:11 front[31-5:22,7:23, lines[ll-4:16 11[1]-5:20 COUNTY[11-1.1 8.4 live[3]-5:12,8:9, 116,402[1]-3:11 B County[1]-8:13 9:11 15,000[l]-3:11 creation[1]-4:14 G located[1]-3:21 behalf[1]-4 6 CREMERS 121-1:18, look[1]-6 4 2 best[1]-8:17 10:10 GOMEZ Ill-9:10 between[1]-3:8 Gomez[1]-9:10 M 212]-3.15,3:19 BOARD[2]-1:1, 1:3 p grant Ill-4:25 2017[2]-1.7, 12.18 Board p5]-1:12, great[l]-6:17 Marion[21-3:22,5:12 2090[l]-3:21 1:15,1:16, 1:17, Date Il]-12:18 greater 111-4:15 MARTIN(1]-1:17 23,387 Ill-3:18 1:18,41,4:3,4:19, dealer Ill-7:20 Martin[2]-10:4, 4:24,5:9,6:2,6:8, deeding[11-5:4 H 10:22 3 6:17,6:18,9:18 deeds[i]-5:1 meeting[3]-5.1, bombed Ill-9:14 detail[1]-9:9 half Il]-5:6 11:8,12:11 3131 It]-8:9 bought Ill-4:9 deteriorating Ill- HEARING Il]-2:4 MEETING Ill-1.3 Boulevard Il]-5:13 8.25 hearing P]-3:2,4:19, Meeting/Public[ll- 4 broken Ill-5:23 D[Lallo[2]-12:6, 9:6,9:21,9:22,9:24, 12:8 build[ll-7:12 12:15 10:2 Member[41-1:15, 4:30[11-1:7 building Ill-6:24 direct Ill-4:2 Hearings[l]-12:8 1:16,1:17, 1 18 business Ill-7:21 discussion Ill-10:5 Hi Il]-5:10 MEMBER(»)-9.23, 6 District[1]-3:20 himself Ill-7:8 9:25, 10:8, 10.9, DONALD[11-1:14 home[l]-5:18 10:10,10:11,10:18, 6[11-1:7 C 6,862(l]-3:17 driveway[1]-8:17 house[31-7:12,7:15, 10:20,10:24, 10:25, car[5]-6.12,6:16, due Ill-3:12 7:24 11:1 6.1 Ill-3:22 7:6,7:19,7:20 6.2(�1-3:23 Members(l]-1:12 carries 121-10:16, E merger[l]-3:6 11:6 merging[1]-3:13 9 cars 1131-5:20,5:22, East[21-3:22,5:11 ideas[11-7:17 middle[il-4:10 6:14,7:9,7:17,7:23, electronic Ill-12:9 ill[il-1:16 9I�1-3:22 might[2]-6:19,8:17 90,605[l1-3:14 8:11,8:16,8:19, eliminate Ill-7:14 impact 11]-8:21 month[3]-4:20,9:24, 8:24,8:25,9:2,9:14 eliminated[1]-3:7 Inaudible(1]-8:9 10:3 A certainly Ill-7:13 Ellen Ill-9:10 increase 121-3:10, MOORE[2]-4:5,7:5 certified[1]-4:213:16 enact[1]-6:19 Moore Ii1-4:6 able Ill-8:3 certify[ll-12:6 environment[t]-8:18 INDEX[il-2:2 motion[3]-9:22, accurate[1]-12:10 Chairman[1]-1:14 equipment[1]-12:10 involves[ll-3:4 10:17, 10:18 address[4]-4:1,5:8, CHAIRMAN[151-3:1, evening Ill-11:6 issue[2]-4:23,6:20 [Notion[5]-9:23, 7:8,9:17 5:7,6:6,7:1,8:5, except Ill-8:16 10:1, 10:15, 10:21, adjacent(2]-3:8, 9:5,9:16,9:20,10:1, Excused Ill-1:18 J 11:5 8:12 10:7,10:12,10:15, expand Ill-7:14 moving I41-4:16, 10:21,11:2,11:5 JAMES I�]-1:16 adjournment[21- expanding Ill-5:17 7:23,7:24,8:19 chance[1]-6:4 Jessica[z]-7 2:6, 10:17, 10:19 expansion[21-9:12, MR[11-7:18 afternoon Ill-4:5 change(21-3:4,6:23 12:15 9:13 Jim Ill-10:3, 10:22 MS P]-4:5,5:10,6:7, agenda[1]-3:2 changes[11-5:14 7:4,7:5,8:8,9:10 agent[ll-9:8 closer[1]-8:20 MURRAY[3l-5:10, agreed[i]-4:10 code[21-6:9,6:19 F K 6:7,7:4 Ann[21-5:10,7:3 collect[11-7:17 Family[e]-4:7,4:9, keep[41-4:19,9:22, Murray[11-5:11 answer[2]-7:2,9:8 collection[ll-6:13 7:6,7:10,7:13,7:16 9:23,10:2 appear[1]-8:22 collector[21-7:7, favor[2]-10:7,10:23 Keeps H applicants[1]-9:7 7:20 February(11-1:7 kind[11-7:21 approval I21-4:25, comments[1]-4:3 feet[6]-3:11,3:12, Kind It]-5:24 name[4]-4:3,4:4, 5:3 concern[2]-5:25, 3:13,3:14,3:17, 8:6,8:8 APRIL Ill-8:8 9:12 3:18 need[1]-9:21 April[1]-8:8 concerned(1]-5:16 final(21-4:12,5:3 L Need[1]-10:17 area Ill-4:13 concerns[1]-8:10 finish Ell-5:4 [and Ill-8:12 neighborhood[21- audience[1]-3:25 concluded[1]-11:9 finished[l]-7:3 last[1]-6:3 6:1,6:21 ti audio Ill-12:7 conforming Ill-3:19 fixing Ill-8:23 lawn[2]-5:22,7:24 neighbors Ill-8.1 November 7, 2016 14 NEW[l]-1:1 6-5,9.13 SIDOR[5]-1:17,9:25, W new[11-4:21 proposed[i1-3.4 10.9,10:20,10:25 New[il-1:6 public[i]-3:2 sight[iI-8:2 waiting[11-5:3 next[4]-4:20,4:25, purpose 121-5:14, sign[i]-8:6 wants[il-7:13 7:12,9:24 6:22 Signature[il-12:14 Water 111-8:13 non[il-3:19 put[11-6:24 signs[il-6:13 week[i]-6:3 non-conforming Ill- size[2]-3:17,3:18 wells[31-8:14,8:20, 3:19 Q south[11-5:18 8:21 none[11-9:21 Southern[il-5:12 WILCENSKI[isl- notices[i]-4:18 questions[11-9:9 SOUTHOLD[21-1:1, 1:14,3:1,5:7,6:6, quite[2]-6:1,6:21 1:2 7:1,8:5,9:5,9:16, O Southold[il-1:6 9:20, 10:1,10:7, R speaking[il-7:3 10:12, 10:15, 10:21, occurred[il-4:22 split[31-3:8,4:10, 11:2, 11:5 OF[4]-1:1, 1.1, 1:2 R-40 Ill-3:19 WILLIAM[11-1:18 RAFFERTY[31-1: , 4:11 old[2l-5:21,9:3 15square[sl-3:11, windows[i]-5:23 One[il-7:18 10:11, 11:1 wondering[21-5:13, 24 ready Ill-4: 3:12,3:13,3:14, 9 one[51-3:1,4:18, 3:17,318 8:19 6:11,8:10,10:2 realize[11-6:7 record[31-4:4,8:6, stages 11l-4:12 write[il-4:3 ones[il-8:16 STATE[1]-1:1 open[sl-3:24,4:19, 12:11, recorded[11-12:7 Suffolk Ill-8:13 Y 9:6,9:22,9:24, 10:2 SUFFOLK[1]-1:1 Opposed[21-10:13, regular[i1-6:19 suggest[il-6:18 yard[il-7:14 11:3 regulate[i]-6:9 years[1]-9:1 owner.[11-4:21 remains[1]-3:19 T YORK[i]-1:1 owners[2]-5.5,7:19 repairs[i]-8:23 York[i1-1:6 required 11]-12:9 Theo[1]-7:18 P resident[1]-5:11 three[11-3:5 Z respective[i1-5:5 today[1]-5:20 P.M Ill-1:7 Response[41-9:19, tonight[ll-3:3 Zoning[�]-3:20 PAGE[1]-2:4 10:6,10:14,11:4 total[1]-3:17 parked[1]-5:20 resubdivision[i]-3:5 TOWN[2]-1:1, 1:2 parking[21-5:18, RICH[51-1:16,9:23, Town[il-6:18 9:14 10:8,10:18,10:24 transcript[11-12:7 Pat 121-4:5,7:1 Road 131-3:21,8:10, transcription Ill- paving[11-8:15 9:11 12:9 People[il-8:3 Rocky[3]-3:21,8:9, transferll]-3:12 Philippou[81-2:6, 9:11 true[11-12:10 3:3,4:2,4:7,4:9, rusted[1]-5:24 typo[2]-4:17,4:22 7:10,7:13,918 photos[il-6:4 S U PIERCE[11-1:15 Planning 13]-6:2,6:8, safety[i]-8:21 under[i]-8:15 6:17 Sale Ill-6:15 undersized[11-4:15 PLANNING[21-1:1, SCTM[11-3:6 unpaved 11]-8:12 1:3 SCTM#1000-31-2-6.1 up[2]-3:25,8:23 plans[11-7:9 Ill-3:10 Point[31-3:21,8:10, SCTM#1000-31-2-7[21 V 9:11 -3:16,3:22 point[11-3:24 SCTM#1000-31-2-9[i] vacant[il-3:7 possibility Ill-6:11 -3:15 VALLAS[1]-7:18 possible Ill-5:16 Second[21-9:25, VallasIll)-2:6,3:3, RECQVED posted Ill-5:2 '10:20 4:2,4:6,4:8,5:17, prepared[2l-5:2, Seconded 121-10:3, 7:5,7:6,7:16,7:18, 12:8 10:22 9:18 4oh Present[i]-1:12 see[2]-8:1,8:3 Vallas'[il-6:12process[il-4:13 Seeing[il-9:21 variance[1]-4:14 project[i1-4:8 send[1]-4:20proper'tyM-3:20, sent[11-6:2ld Cork To�lrn 4:11,5:6,5:21,5:23, set Ill-6:9