HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-04/10/2017 PH 1
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Southold, New York
7 April 10 , 2017
6 : 00 P . M.
10 JU 1 5 2017 e3� pn1
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S ahold 1'ovvn Clerk
12 Board Members Present :
w 13
14 JAMES H . RICH, III , Vice-Chairman
15 PIERCE RAFFERTY, Board Member
16 MARTIN H. SIDOR, Board Member
17 DONALD J. WILCENSKI, Chairman (Excused)
18 WILLIAM CREMERS , Board Member (Excused)
April 10, 2017 2
6 Polak Agricultural Barn 3-5
7 Krupski & Zachariadis 15-17
8 Sannino Winery & Tasting Room 17-26
9 Martz , Theodore, C . Jr, 26-34
10 North Fork United Methodist Church 34-38
13 Polak Agricultural Barn 5-15
t 25
April 10, 2017 3
3 public hearings . The first public
4 hearing is Polak Agricultural Barn .
5 This Agricultural Site Plan is for a
6 proposed 60 ' x40 ' , 2400 square feet
7 agricultural storage barn on 2 . 28
8 acres in the R-80 Zoning District .
9 The property is located at 57995
10 Route 25 in Southold. SCTM#
11 1000-55-6-34 .
12 Anyone wishing to address the
13 Planning Board on this issue? Please
14 step forward and please state your
15 name and sign your name . You will be
16 directing your comments to the
17 Planning Board and not anybody else
18 or the audience . We appreciate that .
19 Thank you . Anyone wishing to address
20 the Planning Board on this .
21 I think the applicant is here;
22 correct?
23 We did have a couple of questions
24 possibly that you might answer for us .
f 25 This is not for resell? This is just for
April 10, 2017 4
1 your storage? State your name, okay?
2 MR. POLAK: Kevin Polak.
4 Planning Board just had a couple of
5 questions . This is not for retail?
6 This is strictly for storage?
7 MR. POLAK: Strictly storage .
9 anticipate having refrigerators
10 there?
11 MR. POLAK: No .
12 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : No refrigeration?
13 None whatsoever?
14 MR. POLAK: No .
15 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Any electricity?
16 MR. POLAK: Electricity yeah, for
17 light .
18 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: Lights . Just
19 electricity for lights . No heating?
20 MR. POLAK: No . Just basically
21 going to be cold storage .
22 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : And most of
23 stuff you store there is going to be
24 stuff you grown?
j 25 MR. POLAK: Yes . What I grow.
April 10, 2017 5
1 Equipment . A place that I can repair
2 equipment .
3 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Thank you .
4 MR. POLAK: You ' re welcome .
5 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Anyone else
6 wishing yo address the Planning Board at
7 this time?
8 MEMBER RAFFERTY : Move to close
9 the public hearing.
10 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
11 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: I have a motion
12 to close the hearing and a second.
13 Any questions?
14 (No Response . )
15 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : All in favor?
19 Opposed?
20 (No Response . )
22 carries .
23 ******* **************************
24 Since we closed the hearing. We ' re
�` 25 going to move back and do a resolution
April 10, 2017 6
1 for Polak Agricultural . This
2 agricultural site plan is for a proposed
3 601x40 ` 2400 square feet agricultural
4 storage barn on 2 . 28 acres in the R-80
5 Zoning District . The property is located
6 at 57995 Route 25 in Southold.
7 SCTM# 1000-55-6-34 .
9 Southold Town Planning Board hereby
10 waives certain site plan application
11 requirements as noted above .
12 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
13 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: Motion made by
14 Pierce . Seconded by Martin.
15 Any discussion?
16 (No Response . )
17 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : All in favor?
21 Opposed?
22 (No Response . )
24 resolution is carried.
April 10, 2017 7
1 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Southold
2 Town Planning Board hereby waives the
3 parking requirements as noted
4 above .
6 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made
7 by Pierce . Seconded by Martin .
8 Any discussion?
9 (No Response . )
10 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: All in favor?
14 Opposed?
15 (No Response . )
17 resolution is carried.
19 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Southold
20 Town Planning Board that this
21 proposed action is consistent with
22 the policies of the Town of Southold
23 Local Waterfront Revitalization
24 Program.
25 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
April 10, 2017 8
1 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made
2 by Pierce . Seconded by Martin.
3 Any discussion?
4 (No Response . )
5 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : All in favor?
9 Opposed?
10 (No Response . )
12 carries .
14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Southold
15 Town Planning Board grants approval
16 to the site plan shown on the survey
17 for SCTM #1000-55-6-34 for Kevin
18 Polak prepared by Nathan Taft III
19 dated February 28 , 2012 and last
20 revised May 23 , 2012 and authorizes
21 the Chairman to approve the site plan
22 with the following conditions .
23 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
24 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made
25 by Pierce . Seconded by Martin .
April 10, 2017 9
1 Any discussion?
2 (No Response . )
3 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : All in favor?
7 Opposed?
8 (No Response . )
10 carries .
12 WHEREAS , this Agricultural Site Plan
13 is for a proposed 60 x 40 (2400 square
14 feet ) agricultural storage barn on 2 . 28
15 acres in the R-80 Zoning District,
16 Southold; and
17 WHEREAS , on February 17 , 2017 , Kevin
18 Polak, owner, submitted an application
19 for Site Plan review; and
20 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning
21 Board, pursuant to Section 280-133C of
22 the Southold Town Code, has the
23 discretion to waive any or all of the
24 requirements in Section 280-133 for those
25 applications involving uses strictly
April 10, 2017 10
1 related to agriculture as long as they
2 are not necessary to further the
3 objectives set forth in Town Code
4 Section 280-129 to maintain public
5 health, safety, and welfare . The Planning
6 Board has found that this application is
7 eligible for a waiver of certain elements
8 of the Site Plan requirements because it
9 is an agricultural use, the details of
10 which are included in the Staff Report
11 dated February 27 , 2017 ; and
12 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning
13 Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code
14 Section 280-131B ( 5 ) , has the discretion
15 to vary or waive the parking requirements
16 for Site Plan Applications where doing so
17 would not have a detrimental effect on
18 the public health, safety or general
19 welfare, and will not have the effect of
2;0 nullifying the intent and provision of
21 the Site Plan Requirements chapter of the
22 Town Code . The Planning Board has found
23 that this application is eligible for a
24 waiver of parking requirements because
25 there is no need to provide for parking -
April 10, 2017 11
1 the application is for an agricultural
2 use, the building is for storage only,
3 and owner use and the parcel is large in
4 size relative to the proposed structure
5 ( less than 30 lot coverage ) ; and
6 WHEREAS, on February 27 , 2017 , the
7 Planning Board formally accepted the
8 agricultural application as complete for
9 review with additional information
10 required; and
11 WHEREAS, on February 27 , 2017 , the
12 Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to
13 State Environmental Quality Review Act
14 (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617 . 5 (c) ,
15 determined that the proposed action as a
16 Type II Action as it falls within the
17 following description for 6 NYCRR, Part
18 617 . 5 (c) (3 ) agricultural farm management
19 practices, including construction,
20 maintenance and repair of farm buildings
21 and structures, and land use changes
22 consistent with generally accepted
23 principles of farming. The action is for
24 the construction of a 60 ' x 40 ' (2400
�1 25 square feet . ) Agricultural storage barn
April 10, 2017 12
1 accessory to an existing farm operation
2 including production, general farming and
3 a farm stand; and
4 WHEREAS, on February 28 , 2017 , the
5 Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town
6 Code Section 280-131 C . , distributed the
7 application to the required agencies for
8 their comments ; and
9 WHEREAS , on March 7 , 2017 , the
10 Southold Town Chief Building Inspector
11 reviewed and certified the proposed
12 Agricultural Storage Building as a
13 permitted use in the R-80 Zoning
14 District; and
15 WHEREAS, on March 8 , 2017 , the
16 Southold Town Fire Inspector reviewed and
17 determined that there was adequate fire
18 protection and emergency access for the
19 site; and
20 WHEREAS, on March 21 , 2017 , the
21 Southold Fire District determined there
22 was adequate fire protection for the
23 site; and
24 WHEREAS, on March 27 , 2017 , the
25 Architectural Review Committee reviewed
April 10, 2017 13
1 the application and approved it as
2 submitted; and
3 WHEREAS, on April 5 , 2017 , the Town of
4 Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the
5 above-referenced project and has
6 determined the proposed project to be
7 consistent with Southold Town LWRP
8 policies ; and
9 WHEREAS, on April 6, 2017 , the
10 Southold Town Engineer reviewed the
11 above-referenced application and has
12 determined that the proposed building and
13 site meet the minimum requirements of
14 Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management ;
15 and
16 WHEREAS, on April 10 , 2017 , the
17 Southold Town Planning Board determined
18 that all applicable requirements of the
19 Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280
20 - Site Plan Approval of the Town of
21 Southold, have been met; and
22 WHEREAS, on April 10, 2017 , a Public
23 Hearing was held and closed; therefore,
24 be it;
25 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town
April 10, 2017 14
1 Planning Board hereby waives certain Site
2 Plan Application requirements as noted
3 above; and be it further
4 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town
5 Planning Board hereby waives the parking
6 requirements as noted above; and be it
7 further
8 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town
9 Planning Board has determined that this
10 proposed action is consistent with the
11 policies of the Town of Southold Local
12 Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be
13 it further
14 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town
15 Planning Board grants Approval to the
16 Site Plan shown on the Survey for
17 SCTM#1000-55 . -6-34 for Kevin Polak,
18 prepared by Nathan. Taft Corwin III , dated
19 February 28 , 2012 and last revised May
20 23 , 2012 and authorizes the Chairman to
21 endorse the Site Plan with the following
22 conditions :
23 Conditions :
24 No exterior lights were reviewed or
25 approved in connection with this site
April 10, 2017 15
1 plan . Any exterior lights on or around
2 the outside of this barn must be reviewed
3 and approved by the Planning Board and
4 must meet Town Code Section 172 Lighting .
5 This building is approved for
6 agricultural storage only . It may not be
7 used for retail sales or access by the
8 public . Agricultural storage includes the
9 storage of equipment , tools and other
10 items necessary for growing crops on
11 site, as well as produce grown on site .
12 Storage of produce grown elsewhere is not
13 permitted.
14 ****************************************
16 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: Okay. We will
17 return to the public hearings . The
18 next public hearing is Krupski &
19 Zachariadis . His proposed lot change
20 will transfer . 62 acres from
21 SCTM#1000-103-5-5/SCTM#1000-97-8-31 . 2
22 to SCTM#1000-103-5-1 .
23 SCTM#1000-103-5-1 will increase
24 from 0 . 43 acres to 1 . 05 acres
25 and SCTM#1000-103-5-5 .
April 10, 2017 16
1 SCTM#1000-97-8-31 . 2 will decrease
2 from 22 . 21 acres to 21 . 59 acres in
3 the R-80 and R-40 Zoning Districts .
4 The property is located at 195 Little
5 Neck Road, approximately 1 , 684 feet
6 south of Eugene ' s Road in Cutchogue .
7 SCTM#1000-103-5-5 , 1 and
8 1000-97-8-31 . 2 .
9 Anyone wishing to address the
10 Southold Planning Board on the proposed
11 lot line change, please step forward and
12 state your name .
13 Anyone wishing to address the Planning
14 Board on this action?
15 (No Response . )
16 MEMBER RAFFERTY : I make a motion
17 to close this hearing.
18 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
19 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made
20 by Pierce .
21 Seconded by Martin to close this
22 hearing .
23 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: All in favor?
April 10, 2017 17
2 Opposed?
3 (No Response . )
5 carries .
6 *************************************
9 Sannino Winery & Tasting Room.
10 This Site Plan is for the proposed
11 construction of a 6, 440 gross square foot
12 winder, (wine production, retail area,
13 wine education room and 3600 square foot
14 basement ) and thirty-nine parking stalls
15 on two adjacent pacts (to be merged
16 purchase to ZBA File 6882 ) totalling 8 . 94
17 acres in the A-C Zoning District . The
18 property is located at 7495 Alvahs Lane,
19 plus or minus 490 feet southwest of
20 Alvahs Lane and County Road 48 in
21 Cutchogue . SCTM#1000-101-1-14 . 4 and
22 14 . 6 .
23 Anyone wishing to address the
24 Planning Board, please step forward.
25 Address your remarks to us and sign and
April 10, 2017 18
1 state your name .
2 MS . SLEZAK: My name is Frances
3 Slezak. I live 7405 Alvahs Lane,
4 Cutchogue . I fi May give you some
5 papers .
6 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : You certainly
7 may. You think you have given us
8 this before; right?
9 MS . SLEZAK: No, I haven ' t .
10 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Okay. Thank you .
11 MS . SLEZAK: Now I gave you the
12 actual site plan . So you can refer
13 to what I am actually saying my
14 opinion on this matter . Each parcel
15 of land is part of a larger parcel
16 for today. For tomorrow, for the
17 people and for the community. We
18 want and safe and health environment
19 with peace and safety and comfort for
20 all . Their building is 65 feet
21 closer to Country ( sic) Road 48 and
22 to relocate parking areas, does not
23 mitigate the many adverse effects the
24 winery brings to this location as it
" "� 25 brings serious traffic concerns to
April 10, 2017 19
1 the community. When you look at the
2 map, you could see the winery
3 building is crowded with its parking
4 areas extending full narrow 190 feet
5 with 5 feet width . To bring traffic
6 and its disturbances to both eastern
7 and western abutting homeowners and
8 church property. As people look to
9 enjoy their homes and church on
10 Country Road 48 and Alvahs Lane .
11 Parking is in congested limited
12 spaces . Some grassy areas can be
i 13 affected by changing weather to
14 adversely affect safe driving .
15 Drivers may even chose not to park in
16 the designate areas or be directed to
17 park in more grassy areas and cause
18 adverse traffic flow problems . Also
19 in these tight areas , it might be a
20 threat to people gathering . And to
21 abutting western properties . Eastern
22 abutting properties may be endanger
23 or traffic parking actually facing
24 their property. As drinking drivers
25 may not be in the best control of
April 10, 2017 20
1 their vehicles . These spaces on this
2 property, there might be a
3 concentration traffic noises . People
4 just trying to merge and leave the
5 property. With ongoing vehicular
6 activity and people may not behave
7 with their best intelligence . Ample
8 space is required for the safe
9 maneuver of vehicles and people .
10 Especially the activities that are
11 ongoing and for extended periods of
12 time and people are drinking . I
13 object to the site plan and for this
14 plot to be used for a winery Tasting
15 Room with adjacent activities that
16 brings unlimited members of the
17 public to this location . Southold
18 Town General Code 280-143 K considers
19 whether the primary is sufficient .
20 Appropriate and adequate for the use
21 and the reasonability of the
22 participated preparation and
23 expansion thereof. Be aware that
24 danger on the roads increases u-turns
25 to visit this parcel at Alvahs Lane .
April 10, 2017 21
1 To intermingle with traffic from the
2 church and Country Road 48 and from
3 traffic coming from Alvahs Lane .
4 Southold Town 280 . 41 . 0 the affect of
5 the location of the proposed use and
6 the location that exits and enters
7 may have upon the creation mer undue
8 of increase of vehicles , congestion
9 on streets , highways or sidewalks to
10 ensure the public safety. It
11 wouldn ' t be long for the public of
12 the winery to avoid this dilemma . To
13 interfere with the outdoor family
14 activities of running, jogging
15 walking the baby. To cause more
16 traffic who live on these roads and
17 Alvahs Lane . Alvahs Lane already has
18 its traffic from the Sannino Bed and
19 Breakfast . Traffic and the big box
20 heavily loaded trucks servicing local
21 sod and tree farms and greenhouses
22 and properties in the nearby area .
23 Heavily loaded trucks take time to
24 stop, brake and made wide turns into
25 properties and even find it difficult
April 10, 2017 22
1 to enter into wide service roads
2 backwards . Creating traffic
3 interactions and sometimes dangerous
4 crossings of cars and trucks occur .
5 People drive with different
6 mindsets . Different missions .
7 Different health aspects . Different
8 abilities . Vehicles can become
9 dangerous entities when driven
10 unsafely. Southold 280-142 C,
11 That the safety, the health, the
12 welfare, the comfort, the convenience
13 or the order of the Town will not be
14 adversely affected by the proposed
15 use and its location . This parcel
16 of land is part of a subdivision
17 from 1990 . And Suffolk County Care
18 was given to have one building on for
19 each parcel, with concern for less
20 density use rather than more density
21 use . The firewell not yet built . To
22 plan for tomorrow is to care for the
23 land and its dedicated use forever .
24 This site plan brings dangerous
25 conditions to our community and our
April 10, 2017 23
1 roads as it ' s bringing unlimited
2 number of the public who more than
3 likely will be drinking and driving
4 to very close proximity of a string
5 of homes and a church, where there is
6 a gathering of our community. This
7 site is in dangerous proximity to the
8 Alvahs Lane intersection . Ultimate
9 routes bring increasing traffic. To
10 even place a traffic light 'at
11 Alvahs Lane, it will still bring the
12 concentration of cars to turn. For
13 more possible mishaps . Increasing
14 traffic to this site promotes more
15 density use of this land. And
16 overuse is more than likely with
17 its various wine activities planned
18 for unlimited number of people from
19 the public . The Sannino property
20 with this residence of six for a
21 five bedroom bed and breakfast and
22 it ' s new agricultural barn, not
23 within its building envelope is in a
24 crowded arena . Southold Town Code
,y )
25 100 . 251 B3 says, prevent overcrowding
April 10, 2017 24
1 of land and buildings . Southold Town
2 Code 100-252 D says natural resources
3 that priority be given . 100-252 , the
4 protection of surface water from
5 contamination of pollutants .
6 100-253 , the protection of water
7 quality. Town Code 280-143 P
8 states ; whether the natural
9 characteristics of the site are such
10 that the proposed use may be
11 introduced there without undue
12 disturbance or disruption of
13 important natural features, systems
14 or processes and without risk of
15 pollution to groundwater and surface
16 waters on and off the site . This
17 site presently has long standing
18 trees and the animals and habitants
19 will be disturbed and changed
20 forever. Traffic maintaining on this
21 site may cause erosion and may not be
22 contained and not appropriate for its
23 usage and high intensity. Traffic
24 affects the ground. The ground
25 affects safe driving. Traffic brings
April 10, 2017 25
1 noise, pesticide and pollution to
2 impact air quality and possible
3 affect air quality issues . Unsafe
4 driving conditions most likely occur
5 when there is inadequate space for
6 vehicles -- unlimited number of
7 vehicles as this space limits for
8 safe driving. Southold Town 280-143
9 M says, whether the site of the
10 proposed use is particularly suitable
11 for such use . This site would be in
12 better use with less intensity
13 without a winery and Tasting Room ten
14 acres of land are required for a wind
15 ery Tasting Room. And this site does
16 not have the intensity and required
17 acres or adequate space for this
18 site . A dangerous precedent would be
19 set for our community. Not only for
20 today but for tomorrow.
21 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Anyone else
22 wish to address the Planning Board?
23 (No Response . )
24 MEMBER RAFFERTY : I will make a
25 motion to close the hearing.
April 10, 2017 26
2 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made
3 and seconded to close the hearing .
4 Any questions?
5 (No Response . )
6 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : All in favor?
10 Opposed?
11 (No Response . )
12 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Hearing is
13 closed.
14 *************************************
16 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: Next order of
17 business is Martz, Theodore C . Jr. ,
18 This proposal is for a standard
19 subdivision of a 1 . 62 acre parcel
20 into two lots . Where Lot 1 equals
21 0 . 71 acres and Lot 2 equals 0 . 82
22 acres . Located in the R-40 Zoning
23 District . The Zoning Board of
24 Appeals granted an area variance to
25 allow for Lot 1 to be less than
April 10, 2017 27
1 40 , 000 square feet . The property is
2 located at 555 Broadwaters ,
3 approximately 80 feet west of
4 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue SCTM#
5 1000-104-12-6 . 1 .
6 Anyone wishing to address the
7 Planning Board on this issue? State and
8 sign your name . Thank you, sir .
9 MR. FLEMMING : Good evening. My
10 name is Xavier Flemming . I have an
11 improved lot known as Lot 2 on the
12 Nassau Point Subdivision Lot . It ' s
13 an improved lot with a single family
14 home on it . It borders the southern
15 end of the variance -- area variance .
16 I would like to start with a question
17 for you, Mr . Chairman, if I may?
18 Does this application hinge on the
19 approval by this Board.
20 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : My opinion,
21 this has been issued by the ZBA. We just
22 have the mitigate the circumstances and
23 do -- I don ' t want to call it field
24 work, the conditions for the variance .
25 It has already been issued by the
April 10, 2017 28
1 ZBA.
2 MR. FLEMMING : Let me push you a
3 little more than . Does the Planning
4 Board have the authority to overall
5 alter, amend, a decision made by the
6 Zoning Board?
8 believe we do .
9 MR. FLEMMING: That is something
10 that I would like to find out . If
11 you could leave this open. In 2010 ,
12 the Zoning Board approved the
13 subdivision for Mr . Martz on the
14 subject property with a north south
15 borderline with the stipulation that
16 both homes be demolished. Apparently
17 the applicant didn ' t like this . So
18 he came back in 2015 and applied to
19 have the property line go east-west
20 with the rear lot accessed by a
21 right-of-way creating a flag lot . I
22 am going to give you two letters and
23 a map after I reference them. Prior
24 to the 2010 hearing, Mr . Sidor wrote
25 a long letter pointing out all the
April 10, 2017 29
1 reasons why the Planning Board at the
2 time did not support this application
3 and they made that recommendation to
4 the Zoning Board. The Zoning Board
5 disregarded the concerns there .
6 There is density . There is the
7 Southold Master Plan . There is
8 additional pollution traffic . And I
9 think the most important thing to
10 consider is the potential affect of
11 additional subdivisions particularly
12 on Nassau Point would create an
13 overbuilt situation . And Mr . Sidor
14 noted all these things in 2009 . In
15 2015 , Chairman Wilcenski referred
16 back to the original letter of
17 Mr . Sidor and had said that "our
18 position has not changed. " Agree
19 with the original letter on this .
20 And I agree with the Planning Board ' s
21 previous letters on this and I would
22 like to do everything in my power and
23 I encourage you to do everything in
24 your power to not approve this
25 subdivision . And I think the key
April 10, 2017 30
1 question and it ' s a legal issue is ,
2 does the Planning Board have the
3 authority to change, amend or alter
4 Zoning Board decision and I would
5 like a response from that, if I may
6 please? And I don ' t mean tonight
7 because you have to talk -to your
8 lawyers . Thank you .
10 MR. CORNWELL : I am Tom Cornwell .
11 I live at 500 West Cove Road, Nassau
12 Point . I represent the Nassau Point
13 Property Association. We have, as an
14 Association, objected to this
15 subdivision from the beginning and
16 voiced our opinion in 2010 . And
17 wrote to the Zoning Board. The
18 creation of a flag lot is
19 unprecedented on Nassau Point .
20 There are no other flag lots that
21 would require an easement at all .
22 And we are very much concerned that
23 with a lot of the larger price of
24 properties on the Point, that if this
25 precedent is allowed that we would
April 10, 2017 31
1 give further flag lots and that
2 creates all kinds of havoc in our
3 opinion . And this is something that
4 is a great concern to us . More
5 concerned that the size of the
6 property quite frankly. And for
7 this reason, particularly for this
8 subdivision as it has now been
9 approved with the ZBA, we have a
10 problem with it . Thank you.
11 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Thank you .
12 MR. MILNER: Good afternoon.
13 Michael Milner . My wife and I live
14 at 530 Broadwaters Road. I just want
15 to second on what has already been
16 said. This is -- the variance should
17 never have been approved. What
18 you ' re going to end up with is
19 Douglastown in Queens . If we wanted
20 to live in Queens , we would. You ' re
21 going to have one house on top of the
22 other house . It is already too much
23 density. There is too much runoff
24 and we oppose the granting of this
J 25 subdivision .
April 10, 2017 32
1 MR. FLEMMING: Another comment if
2 I may. When Mr . March had brought
3 this property, it had been merged by
4 the previous owner. So he knew that
5 he had a merged piece of property.
6 They were nonconforming because it
7 was two dwellings on it . If he had
8 bought the piece of the property
9 with the anticipation that he was
10 going to get the approval . It seems
11 to be that it ' s going to be a little
12 presumptuous at the very least .
13 Because it was -- we now have the
14 lot size that is non-conforming and
15 now we have a lot flag lot by the
16 road. This is very disconcerting .
17 Enough said.
18 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Thank you .
19 Anyone else wish to address the
20 Planning Board?
21 MR. CANTELL : Yes . Craig Cantelli,
22 55 Broadwaters Road. I would like to
23 support the other comments that have
24 been made on this . My wife and I
25 live adjacent to this property at
April 10, 2017 33
1 255 Broadwaters . So we would be
2 negatively affected by this because
3 it would create a flag lot that
4 would essentially put a house in our
5 backyard . And if you look at all
6 the other houses on Broadwaters , all
7 the setbacks of the street are
8 exactly the same . So it would
9 change the nature of that . So we
10 would just like to be on the record
11 that we oppose this . That would
12 stick that house right in our
13 backyard. Thank you .
14 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Thank you .
15 Anyone else?
16 (No Response . )
17 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Okay. All your
18 comments will be considered by the
19 Planning Board as we move through this
20 application .
21 At this point, we ' re going to leave
22 the hearing open for another month and
23 probably reschedule a continuation of
24 this hearing next month . We will
( 25 leave the hearing open indefinitely
April 10, 2017 34
1 until we get some answers from the
2 attorney on your question specifically .
3 So at this point, we are not closing the
4 hearing but we will ask for a motion
5 to adjourn -- hold the meeting open
6 but adjourn it for now .
8 MEMBER SIDOR: Second .
10 questions?
11 (No Response . )
12 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH: All in favor?
16 Opposed?
17 (No Response . )
19 carries .
20 **********************************
23 hearing is North Fork United
24 Methodist Church. This site plan is
25 for -the proposed construction of a
April 10, 2017 35
1 7 , 640 square feet place of worship
2 and 42 parking stalls including a 4
3 ADA on 2 . 45 acres in the Limited
4 Business (LB) Zoning District . The
5 property is located at 43960 County
6 Road 48 in Southold. SCTM#
7 1000-63-1-15 .
8 Anyone wishing to address the
9 Southold Planning Board on this
10 issue, step forward and state your
11 name, please?
12 MR. HARVEY: Hi . Dave Harvey.
13 D & D Architects, Sag Harbor . Just
14 hear to provide a little bit of
15 information. The North Fork United
16 Methodist Church is looking to create
17 a new home for worship . It ' s located
18 at the corner of Hornton and North
19 Road or County Road 48 . The building
20 is 7600 square feet . One story.
21 It ' s going to be basically a federal
22 style or traditional building. We
23 have sited the building . It ' s
24 basically 100 feet back from all
25 roads . Basically keeps it within the
April 10, 2017 36
1 setback restrictions . We placed the
2 parking behind the building. Least
3 intrusion . We also have vehicular
4 access from Hornton Lane about 200
5 feet back from the corner, actually
6 puts it as far back as we can get it .
7 Basically it ' s -- there is about 760
8 landscaping . It ' s not a very high
9 density of improvement on the site .
10 We ' re going to be selectively
11 clearing trees on the corner. It ' s
12 not clear cutting the whole property.
13 And the building will basically sit
14 on the lawn area . Basically it ' s 144
15 seat sanctuary and there is another
16 room in the building for kind of a
17 mixed use gathering room. Do you
18 guys have any questions? I am here
19 to answer anything you might have .
20 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Anyone else
21 wishing to address the Planning Board
22 on this?
23 MEMBER RAFFERTY: I make a motion
24 to close the hearing .
25 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
April 10, 2017 37
1 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made and
2 seconded .
3 I am sorry. We have an error in the
4 mailing on this . So we ' re going
5 to have to hold this hearing open also .
6 MR. HARVEY: Okay. Thank you .
7 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Thank you .
8 Reverend Burns?
9 REV. BURNS : Thank you.
10 Mr . Chairman, as you know, the
11 church is for churches . Working
12 towards this end. I guess if your
13 think of problems in traffic, we
14 removed traffic from problems in four
15 locations . But that is not the real
16 issue . The church has worked towards
17 this for five years . Four years .
18 Five years . And will continue to s
19 our contention and our hope to work
20 with you as we move ahead in planning
21 a building that is both asthenically
22 beautiful, located in an area that is
23 useful and helpful and will
24 accommodate our congregation and be
25 okay and beautiful for the community.
April 10, 2017 38
1 And we look for your help and your
2 consideration and will be glad to
3 work with you . Thank you .
4 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Thank you .
5 Anyone else?
6 (No Response . )
7 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : So again, the
8 hearing will be held open .
9 MEMBER RAFFERTY : Make a motion to
10 leave the hearing open .
11 MEMBER SIDOR: Second.
12 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion made
13 to keep this hearing open until the
14 correction is made and corrected and
15 close the hearing later on .
16 All in favor?
20 Opposed?
21 (No Response . )
23 carries .
24 *** ****************************** **
j 25 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : Motion for
April 10, 2017 39
1 adjournment .
3 VICE-CHAIRMAN RICH : All in favor?
7 Opposed?
8 (No Response . )
10 carries . Have a good evening .
12 (Whereupon, the meeting
13 concluded. )
April 10, 2017 40
1 C E R T I F I C A T I O N
5 I , Jessica DiLallo, certify that the
6 foregoing transcript of audio recorded
7 Meeting/Public Hearings was prepared
8 using required electronic transcription
9 equipment and is a true and accurate
10 record of the meeting.
13 Signatur -- — — ---
14 J ssicaDiLa to
17 Date : May 1, 2017
18 t
21 021
April 10, 2017 41
21[1]-12:20 617.5[1]-11:14 29:8,29:11 applicable I1]-13:18
21.59 I1]-16.2 617.5(c)(3 I1]-11:18 Address Ill-17:25 applicant 12]-3:21,
#1000-55-6-34[1]- 22.21 I1]-16:2 62[l]-15:20 address[ii]-3:12, 28:17
8:17 23[2]-8:20,14:20 65 I1]-18:20 3:19,5-6, 16:9, application[12]-
236[1l-13:14 6882 Ill-17:16 16:13, 17:23,25:22, 6:10,9:18, 10:6,
0 2400(41-3:6,6:3, 6:00[l]-1:7 27:6,32:19,35:8, 10:23, 11:1,11:8,
9:13, 11:24 36:21 12:7, 13:1, 13:11,
0.43 Ill-15:24 25[21-3:10,6:6 7 adequate[4]-12:17, 27:18,29:2,33:20
0.71[1l-26:21 255(1]-33:1 12:22,20:20,25:17 Application I1]-14:2
0.82[1l-26:21 27[4]-10:11,11:6, 7[1]-12:9 adjacent[3]-17:15, applications I1]-9:25
11:11, 12:24 7,640[l]-35:1 20:15,32:25 Applications[11-
28[3]-8:19 12.4, 7405[1]-18.3 adjourn[2]-34:5, 10:16
14:19 7495[11-17:18 34:6 applied Ill-28:18
1(3]-26:20,26:25, 76%[1]-36:7 ad -
40:17 28-32[11-2:10 adjournment 1]1 [ appreciate[1]-3:18
1,684[11-16:5 280-129 I1]-10:4 7600[l]-35:20 39:1 appropriate[11-
1.05[t]-15:24 280-131[1]-12:6 adverse[21-18:23, 24:22
1.62[l]-26:19 280-131 B[1]-10:14 8 19:18 Appropriate I1]-
280-133(11-9:24 adversely 121-19:14, 20:20
10[3]-1:7,13:16, 280-133C I1]-9:21 8[11-12:15 22:14 Approval[2]-13:20,
280-142 Ill
100[1l-35:2480 Ill-27:3 21:4,25:3,29:10 approval 131-8:15,
'100-252 I2]-24:2, 280-143 I31-20:18, PP
20-24:3 24:7,25:8 affected[31-19:13, 27:19,32:10
280.41.0[11-21:4 9 22:14,33:2 approve[21-8:21,
100-253[l]-24:6 affects[21-24:24, 29:24
100.251[1]-23:25 3 9-11 Ill-2:7 24:25 approved[71-13:1,
1000-104-12-6.1 I1]- afternoon[1]-31:12 14:25,15:3,15:5,
27:5 3%[1]-11:5 A agencies I1]-12:7 28:12,31:9,31:17
1000-55-6-34[21- 3-5[11-2:6Agree I1]-29:18 April[51-1:7,13:3,
3:11,6:7 abilities[�]-22:8
3600 I1]-17:13 above-referenced(2] agree I1]-29:20 13:9,13:16,13:22
1000-63-1-15[1]-35:7 Agricultural[91-2:6, Architects Ill-35:13
-13:5, 13:11
4 abutting[3]-19:7, 2:13,3:4,3:5,6:1, Architectural[1]-
16:8 9:12,11:25,12:12, 12:25
11-20[1]-2:8 4[1j-35:2 19:21, 19:22
14.611]-17:22 AC[1]-17:17 15:8 area[61-17:12,21:22,
40[21-9:13,11:24 AGRICULTURAL Ill- 26:24,27:15,36:14,
144 Ill-36:14 40,00011]-27:1 accepted[z]-11:7,
3:1 37:22
17[l]-9:17 42111-35:2 agricultural[1o]-3:7, areas[61-18:22,19:4,
1 T2[1]-15:4 access I3]-12:18,
43960 I1]-35:5 6:2,6:3,9:14,10:9, 19:12,19:16, 19:17,
190[1]-19:4 15:7,36:4
195(1)-16:4 accessed(�]-28:20 11:1, 11:8, 11:18, 19:19
19:10,21:2,35:6, 15:6,23:22 arena I1]-23:24
1990[l]-22:17 35:19 accessory(1]accommodatea[[11-1]- agriculture I11-10:1 Article[11-13:19
490[1]-17:19 ahead I1]-37:20 aspects I1]-22:7
2 37:24
accurate[1]-40:9 air[2]-25:2,25:3 Association[2]-
2[21-26:21,27:11 5 acre[11-26:19 allow Ill-26:25 30:13,30:14
2.28[3l-3:7,6:4,9:14 acres[1a]-3:8,6:4, allowed Ill-30:25 asthenically Ill-
5[3]-10:14,13:3, alter[2]-28:5,30:3 37:21
2.45111-35:3 19:5 9:15,15:20,15:24,
16:2,17:17,25:14, Alvahs[10l-17:18, attorney[1]-34:2
20-28[1]- :4 50 [1]-2:13:1 17:20,18:3,19:10, audience Ill-3:18
200[11-36:4 500 Ili-30:11 25:17,26:21,26:22,
35:3 20:25,21:3,21:17, audio I1]-40:6
2009[11-29:14 530[1]-31:14
2010[31-28:11, 55[1]-32:22 Act[1]-11:13 23:8,23:11 authority[2]-28:4,
action[51-7:21, amend 121-28:5,30:3 30:3
28:24,30:16 555[1]-27:2
2012[a]-8:19,8:20, 57995[2]-3:9,6:6 11:15, 11:23,14:10, Ample[1]-20:7 authorizes[z]-8:20,
16:14 AND[3]-6:25,7:18, 14:20
2016[21-28:18,29:15 Action[1]-11:16 8:13 avoid[1]-21:12
2017[15]-1:7,9:17, activities(a]-20:10,
6 animals I1]-24:18 aware I1]-20:23
10:11,11:6,11:11, 6[31-11:14,11:17, 20:15,21:14,23:17 answer 12]-3:24, Aye I3o]-5:16,5:17,
12:4, 12:9,12:15, 13:9 activity Ill-20:6 36:19 5:18,618,6:19,
12:20,12:24, 13:3, 6,440[l]-17:11 actual I1]-18:12 answers Ili-34:1 6:20,711,7:12,
13:9,13:16,13:22, 60[2]-9:13,11:24 ADA[1]-35:3 anticipate I1]-4:9 7:13,8:6,8:7,8:8,
40:17 60'x40[2]-3:6,6:3 additional 131-11:91 anticipation[11-32:9 9:4,9:5,9:6, 16:24,
-� Appeals Ill-26:24 16:25,17:1,26:7,
April 10, 2017 42
26 8,26.9,34:13, bringing[11-23:1 37:7,38:4,38.7, Conditions[1]-14:23 crossings[1]-22:4
34:14,34:15,38:17, brings[5]-18:24, 38-12,38.19,38:22, conditions[51-8:22, crowded[2]-19:3,
38:18,38:19,39:4, 18:25,20:16,22:24, 38:25,39:3,39:6, 14.22,22:25,25:4, 23'24
39:5,39:6 24:25 39:9 27:24 Cutchogue[41-16:6,
Broadwaters[5]- change[41-15:19, conforming[11- 17:21, 18:4,27 4
B 27:2,31:14,32:22, 16:11,30:3,33:9 32:14 cutting[11-36.12
33:1,33:6 changed[2]-24:19, congested[i 1-19:11
B3111-23:25 brought[11-32:2 29.18 congestion[11-21:8
baby[1]-21:15 building[141-11.2, changes[11-11:21 congregation[1]-
backwards[1]-22:2 13:12, 15:5, 18:20, changing[11-19:13 37:24 danger[11-20:24
backyard[2]-33 5, 19:3,22:18,23:23, chapter 111-10:21 connection[11-14:25 dangerous[51-22:3,
33:13 35:19,35:22,35:23, Chapter Ill-13:14 consider[1]-29'10 22:9,22:24,23:7,
Barn[31-2:6,2:13, 36:2,36:13,36:16, characteristics[1]- consideration[11- 25.18
3:4 37:21 24:9 38.2 Date[1]-40:17
BARN[11-3:1 Building[2]-12:10, Chief[11-12:10 considered[1]-33:18 dated[31-8:19,
barn[61-3:7,6:4, 12:12 chose[11-19:15 considers[11-20:18 10:11, 14:18
9:14, 11:25,15:2, buildings 12]-11:20, CHURCH[11-34:21 consistent[41-7:21, Dave[1]-35:12
23.22 24:1 church[61-19:8, 11:22, 13:7, 14:10 decision[2]-28.5,
basement[11-17:14 built Ill-22:21 19:9,21:2,23:5, construction[4]- 30:4
BE[31-6:25,7:18, Burns[i1-37:8 37:11,37:16 11:19, 11:24, 17:11, decrease[11-16:1
8.13 BURNS[11-37:9 Church[31-2:10, 34:25 dedicated[11-22:23
beautiful 12]-37:22, business[1]-26:17 34:24,35:16 contained[1]-24:22 demolished[1]-
37:25 Business[11-35:4 churches[11-37:11 contamination[11- 28:16
become[11-22:8 circumstances[11- 24:5 density[6]-22:20,
bed Ill-23:21 C 27:22 contention[1]-37:19 23:15,29:6,31:23,
Bed[1]-21:18 clear 111-36:12 continuation[11- 36:9
bedroom[11-23:21 Cantelli[1]-32:21 clearing[11-36:11 33.23 description[1]-11:17
beginning[11-30:15 Care[11-22:17 close[9]-5:8,5:12, continue[1]-37:18 designate[11-19:16
behave[11-20:6 care[11-22:22 16:17, 16:21,23:4, control[11-19:25 details[11-10:9
behind[1]-36:2 carried[21-6:24,7:17 25:25,26:3,36:24, convenience[11- determined M-
best 121-19:25,20:7 carries p1-5:22, 38:15 22:12 11:15, 12:17, 12:21,
better[11-25:12 8:12,9:10, 17:5, closed[31-5:24, Coordinator[1]-13:4 13:6,13:12, 13:17,
big[11-21:19 34:19,38:23,39:10 13:23,26:13 comer[3]-35:18, 14:9
bit[1]-35:14 cars[21-22:4,23:12 closer 111-18:21 36:5,36:11 detrimental[11-10:17
BOARD[21-1:1, 1:3 certain[31-6:10, closing 111-34:3 CORNWELL[11- different[1]-22:5
Board[46]-1:12, 10:7,14:1 Code[io]-9:22,10:3, 30:10 Different[3]-22:6,
1:15, 1:16, 1.18, certainly[1]-18:6 10:13,10:22, 12.6, Cornwell[11-30:10 22:7
3:13,3:17,3:20,4:4, certified 111-12:11 15:4,20:18,23:24, correct[1]-3:22 difficult[11-21:25
5:6,6:9,7:2,7:20, certify[1]-40:5 24:2,24:7 corrected[11-38:14 DiLallo[2]-40:5,
8:15,9-21,10:6, Chairman M-1:14, cold 11]-4:21 correction[1]-38:14 40:14
10:13, 10:22, 11:7, 1:17,8:21,14:20, comfort 121-18:19, Corwin[1]-14:18 dilemma[1]-21:12
11:12, 12:5,13:17, 27:17,29:15,37:10 22:12 Country[31-18:21, directed[1]-19:16
14:1,14:5, 14:9, CHAIRMAN[671-3:2, coming[1]-21:3 19:10,21:2 directing[11-3:16
14:15, 15:3,16:10, 4:3,4:8,4:12,4:15, comment[11-32:1 County[41-17:20, disconcerting[11-
16:14, 17:24,25:22, 4:18,4:22,5:3,5:5, comments[4]-3:16, 22:17,35:5,35:19 32:16
26.23,27:7,27:19, 5:11,5:15,5:18, 12:8,32:23,33:18COUNTY 111-1:1 discretion[2]-9:23,
28:4,28:6,28:12, 5:21,6:13,6:17, Committee 11-12:25 10:14
[ couple[21-3:23,4:4
29:1,29:4,30:2, 6:20,6:23,7:6,7:10, community[61- Cove Ill-30:11 discussion[4]-6:15,
30:4,30:17,32:20, 7:13,7:16,8:1,8:5, 18:17, 19:1,22:25, coverage[11-11:5 7:8,8:3,9:1
33:19,35:9,36:21 8.8,8:11,8:24,9:3, 23:6,25:19,37:25 Craig[11-32:21 disregarded[11-29:5
Board's[1]-29:20 9:6,9:9, 15:16, complete[11-11:8 create(31-29:12, disruption 11]-24:12
borderline[11-28:15 16:19, 16:23, 17:1, concentration[2]- 33:3,35:16 distributed[11-12:6
borders[11-27:14 17:4,17:8, 18:6, 20:3,23:12 creates[1]-31:2 District[s]-3:8,6:5,
bought[11-32:8 18:10,25:21,26:2, concern[2]-22.19, 9:15,12:14,12:21,
box 111-21:19 26:6,26:9,26:12, Creating[11-22:2
31:4 creating 111-28:21 17:17,26:23,35:4
brake[11-21:24 26:16,27:20,28:7, concerned[21-30:22, creation[2]-21:7, Districts[11-16:3
breakfast[11-23:21 30:9,31:11,32:18, 31:5disturbance[1]-
Breakfast[11-21:19 33:14,33:17,34:9, 30:18
34.12 34.15,34.18 concerns[21-18:25, CREMERS 111-1:18 24:12
bring 131-19:5,23:9, 29:5 disturbances[11-
1 23:11 34:22,36:20,37:1, crops[11-15:10
-- concluded[11-39:13 19:6
April 10, 2017 43
disturbed[11-24:19 essentially[l]-33:4 foot[2]-17:11, 17:13 22:11 21:8
DONALD[1]-1:17 Eugene's[l]-16:6 foregoing[ll-40:6 hear[ll-35:14 increases[ll-20:24
Douglastown 111- evening[21-27:9, forever 12]-22:23, Hearing[2]-13:23, increasing[l1-23:9
31:19 39:10 24:20 26:12 Increasing[11-23 13
drinking[3]-19:24, exactly[l]-33:8 FORK[1]-34.21 HEARING[t]-2.4 indefinitely[1]-33.25
20:12,23:3 Excused(2]-1:17, Fork[3]-2.10,34:23, hearing[211-3:4,5:9, INDEX[1]-2:2
drive[11-22:5 1:18 35:15 5:12,5:24,15:18, information[2]-11:9,
driven[11-22:9 existing(1]-12 1 formally 11]-11:7 16:17, 16:22,25:25, 35:15
Drivers[ll-19:15 exits lit-21:6 forth[i]-10:3 26:3,28:24,33:22, Inspector[2]-12:10,
drivers(1]-19:24 expansion[ll-20:23 forward[41-3:14, 33:24,33:25,34:4, 12:16
driving[5]-19:14, extended[1]-20.11 16:11,17:24,35:10 34:23,36:24,37:5, intelligence[ll-20:7
23:3,24:25,25:4, extending[ll-19:4 four[1]-37:14 38:8,38:10,38:13, intensity[3]-24:23,
25:8 exterior[21-14:24, Four[l]-37:17 38:15 25:12,25:16
dwellings 11]-32:7 15:1 Frances[l]-18:2 Hearings[ll-40:7 intent[l]-10:20
frankly 111-31:6 hearings[2]-3:3, interactions[1]-22:3
E F full[11-19:4 15:17 interfere[l]-21:13
FURTHER[31-7:1, heating[ll-4:19 intermingle[1]-21:1
easement[l]-30:21 facing[ll-19:23 7:19,8:14 heavily[l]-21:20 intersection(t]-23:8
east[1]-28:19 falls[ll-11:16 Heavily 1l]-21:23 introduced[1]-24.11
east-west[1]-28:19 family[2]-21:13, G held[2]-13:23,38:8 intrusion[1]-36:3
eastern[l]-19,6 27:13 help[t]-38:1 involving[1]-9:25
Eastern[1]-19:21 far[i]-36:6 gathering[31-19:20, helpful[l]-37:23 issue[5]-3:13,27:7,
education[ll-17:13 farm[41-11:18, 23:6,36:17 hereby[4]-6:9,7:2, 30:1,35:10,37:16
effect[21-10:17, 11:20, 12:1, 12:3 general[2]-10:18, 14:1,14:5 issued[21-27:21,
10:19 farming[21-11:23, 12:2 Hi 11]-35:12 27:25
effects[1]-18:23 12:2 General[l]-20:18 high 12]-24:23,36:8 issues Ill-25:3
electricity[21-4:15, farms[1]-21:21 generally[i]-11:22 highways[11-21:9 IT[3]-6:25,7:18,8:13
4:19 favor[sol-5:15,6:17, given 13]-18:7,22:18, hinge 11]-27:18 items[l]-15:10
Electricity[1]-4:16 7:10,8:5,9:3,16:23, 24:3 hold[21-34:5,37:5
electronic[l]-40:8 26:6,34:12,38:16, glad[1]-38:2 home[21-27:14, J
elements[l]-10:7 39:3
granted[a]-26:24 35:17
eligible[2]-10:7, features[t]-24:13 granting[1]-31:24 homeowners[11- JAMES[l]-1:14
10:23 February P]-8:19, grants[2]-8:15, 19:7 Jessica 121-40:5,
elsewhere Ill-15:12 9:17, 10:11, 11:6, 14:15 homes[3]-19:9, 40:14
emergency[ll-12:18 11:11,12:4,14:19 grassy[21-19:12, 23:5,28:16 jogging[ll-21:14
encourage[1l-29:23 federal[1]-35:21 19:17 hope(1]-37:19 JR[ll-26:15
end[31-27:15,31:18, feet[15]-3:6,6:3, great[1]-31:4 Hornton[2]-35:18, Jr[21-2:9,26:17
37:12 9:14,11:25,16:5, greenhouses[l]- 36:4
endangerli]-19:22 17:19, 18:20, 19:4, 21:21 house[4]-31:21, K
endorse[1]-14:21 19:5,27:1,27:3, gross[1]-17:11 31:22,33:4,33:12
Engineer[11-13:10 35:1,35:20,35:24, ground[21-24:24 houses 11]-33:6 keep Ill-38:13
enjoy[i]-19:9 36:5 groundwater[q- keeps[1]-35:25
ensure[ll-21:10 fi[1]-18:4 24:15 Kevin 141-4:2,8:17,
enter[1]-22:1 field[1]-27:23 grow lil-4:25 9:17,14:17
enters[11-21:6 File[ll-17:16 growing Ill-15:10 11[l]-11:16 key[11-29:25
entities[i]-22:9 Fire[2j-12:16, 12:21 grown[3]-4:24, 111[3]-1:14,8:18, kind[l1-36:16
envelope[1]-23:23 fire 12]-12:17, 12:22 15:11,15:12 14:18 kinds[i]-31:2
environment[ll- fireweil[l]-22:21 guess[1]-37:12 impact[ll-25:2 known[1]-27:11
18:18 first[ll-3:3 guys[ll-36:18 important[2]-24:13, Krupski[2]-2:7,
Environmental[l]- Five[11-37:18 29:9 15:18
11:13 five[2]-23:21,37:17 H improved[2]-27:11, KRUPSKI[1]-15:15
equals 12]-26:20, flag[6]-28:21,30:18, 27:13
26:21 30:20,31:1,32:15, habitants[1]-24:18 improvement[1]- L
Equipment[l]-5:1 33:3 Harbor[i]-35:13 36:9
equipment 13]-5:2, FLEMMING[41-27:9, HARVEY 12]-35:12, inadequate[1]-25:5 land[71-11:21,18:15,
15:9,40:9 28:2,28:9,32:1 37:6 included[1]-10:10 22:16,22:23,23:15,
erosion[l]-24:21 Flemming[1]-27:10 Harvey[1]-35:12 includes[11-15:8 24:1,25:14
error p]-37:3 flow[i]-19:18 havoc[1]-31:2 including[3]-11:19, landscaping[1]-36:8
ery 11]-25:15 following[3]-8:22, health[51-10:5, 12:2,35:2 Lane[l q-17:18,
Especially[ll-20:10 11:17, 14:21 10:18, 18:18,22:7, increase 12]-15:23, 17:20, 18:3,19:10,
April 10, 2017 44
20:25,21:3,21:17, 13:14 2722 non-conforming[11- papers[1]-18:5
23:8,23:11,36:4 management(1]- mixed[1]-36:17 32.14 parcel[71-11:3,
large 11]-11:3 11:18 month[21-33:22, nonconforming[1]- 18:14, 18-15,20:25,
larger[2]-18:15, maneuver[11-20:9 33:24 32:6 22:15,22:19,26:19
3023 map[2]-19:2,28.23 most[3]-4:22,25:4, None[1]-4:13 park[2]-19:15, 19:17
last 121-8:19, 14:19 March[51-12:9, 29:9 NORTH[1]-34:21 parking[11]-73,
lawn[1]-36:14 12:15, 12:20, 12:24, motion[61-5:11, North[4]-2:10, 10:15, 10:24, 10:25,
lawyers[1]-30:8 32:2 16:16,25:25,34:4, 34.23,35:15,35:18 14:5,17:14, 18:22,
LB[11-35:4 Martin[5]-6-14,7:7, 36:23,38:9 north(1]-28:14 19:3,19:23,35:2,
least Ill-32:12 8:2,8:25, 16:21 Motion p71-5:21, noted[s]-6:11,7:3, 36:2
Least(11-36:2 MARTIN[1]-1:16 6:13,7:6,8:1,8:11, 14:2,14:6,29:14 Parking[1]-19:11
leave[51-20:4,28:11, MARTZ[1]-26:15 8:24,9:9, 16:19, nullifying[11-10:20 Part[21-11:14,11:17
33:21,33:25,38:10 Martz[3]-2:9,26:17, 17.4,26:2,34:7, number[3]-23:2, part[2]-18:15,22:16
legal 111-30:1 28:13 34:18,37:1,38:12, 23:18,25:6 participated(1]-
less[a1-11:5,22:19, Master[1]-29:7 38:22,38:25,39:9 NYCRR[21-11:14, 20:22
25.12,26:25 matter(11-18:14 Move[2]-3:2,5:8 11:17 particularly[3]-
letter[31-28:25, mean(11-30:6 move[3]-5:25,33:19, 25:10,29:11,31:7
29:16,29:19 meet 121-13:13, 15:4 37:20 O peace Ili-18:19
letters[2]-28:22, meeting 13]-34:5, MR 1161-4:2,4:7, People[2]-20:3,22:5
29:21 39:12,40:10 4:11,4:14,4:16, object[11-20:13 people[7]-18:17,
light(2]-4:17,23:10 MEETING[1]-1:3 4:20,4:25,5:4,27:9, objected[1]-30:14 19:8,19:20,20:6,
Lighting[11-15:4 Meeting/Public[11- 28:2,28:9,30:10, objectives[1]-10:3 20:9,20:12,23:18
Lights[11-4:18 40:7 31:12,32:1,35:12, occur[2]-22.4,25:4 periods 11]-20:11
lights[31-4:19, MEMBER[411-5:8, 37:6 OF[a]-1:1,1:1, 1:2 permitted[z1-12:13,
14:24, 15:1 5:10,5:16,5:17,6:81 MR.CANTELL[1]- One 11]-35:20 15:13
likely pi-23:3,23:16, 6:12,6:18,619, 32:21 one[21-22:18,31:21 pesticide(11-25:1
25:4 6:25,7:5,7:11,7:12, MS[31-18:2,18:9, ongoing[2]-20:5, piece 12]-32:5,32:8
limited[1]-19:11 7:18,7:25,$:6,8:7, 18:11 20:11 PIERCE[1]-1:15
Limited[1]-35:3 8:13,8:23,9:4,9:5, must[2]-15:2, 15:4 open[81-28:11, Pierce[51-6:14,7:7,
limits[1]-25:7 16:16,16:18, 16:24, 33:22,33:25,34:5, 8:2,8:25,16:20
line[2]-16:11,28:19 16:25,25:24,26:1, N 37:5,38:8,38:10, place 131-5:1,23:10,
live[6]-18:3,21:16, 26:7,26:8,34:7, 38:13 35:1
30:11,31:13,31:20, 34:8,34:13,34:14, name[9]-3:15,4:1, operation(1]-12:1 placed[1]-36:1
32:25 36:23,36:25,38:9, 16:12, 18:1,18:2, opinion[41-18:14, Plan 1131-3:5,9:12,
loaded[21-21:20, 38:11,38:17,38:18, 27:8,27:10,35:11 27:20,30:16,31:3 9:19,10:8, 10:16,
21:23 39:2,39:4,39:5 narrow 111-19:4 oppose 12]-31:24, 10:21, 13:19,13:20,
Local[2]-7:23, 14:11 Member(31-1:15, Nassau[5]-27:12, 33:11 14:2, 14:16,14:21,
local[1]-21:20 1:16,118 29:12,30:11,30:12, Opposed[10]-5:19, 17:10,29:7
Located[1]-26:22 members[1]-20:16 30:19 6:21,7:14,8:9,9:7, plan[10]-6:2,6:10,
located 181-3:9,6:5, Members[1]-1:12 Nathan[2]-8:18, 17:2,26:10,34:16, 8:16,8:21, 15.1,
16:4,17.18,27:2, mer[1]-21:7 14:18 38:20,39:7 18:12,20:13,22:22,
35:5,35:17,37:22 merge[1]-20:4 natural[31-24:2, order[21-22:13, 22:24,34:24
location 151-18:24, merged 13]-17:15, 24:8,24:13 26:16 planned[11-23:17
20:17,21:5,21:6, 32:3,32:5 nature[11-33:9 original[21-29:16, planning 11]-37:20
met[11-13:21 nearby[11-21:22 29:19 PLANNING[2]-1:1,locations[1]-37:15 Methodist(3]-2:10, necessary[2]-10:2, outdoor Ill-21:13 1;3
15:10 Planning 3s
look[a]-19:1,19:8, 34.24,35:16 outside[1]-15:2 g[ 1-3:13,
33:5,38:1 METHODIST[1]- Neck 111-16:5 overall[1]-28:4 3:17,3:20,4:4,5:6,
looking[11-35:16 need 11]-10:25
34:21 overbuilt[11-29:13 6:9,7:2,7:20,8:15,
LWRP(2]-13:4,13:7 Michael[11-31:13 negatively[1]-33:2 overcrowding[1]- 9:20,10:5, 10:12,
might 14]-3:24, never ll]-31:17 23:25 10:22, 11:7, 11:12,
M 19:19,20:2,36:19 new[21-23:22,35:17 overuse(11-23:16 12:5,13:17,14:1,
MILNER[1]-31:12 NEW[1]-1:1 owner[31-9:18, 11:3, 14:5,14:9,14:15,
mailing[11-37:4 Milner[11-31:13 New[1]-1:6 32:4 15:3,16:10,16:13,
maintain(11-10:4 mindsets[11-22:6 Next[21-26:163 34:22 17:24,25:22,27:7,
maintaining[11- minimum[1]-13:13 next[21-15:18,33:24 P 28:3,29:1,29:20,
24:20 minus 11]-17:19 nine[1]-17:14 30:2,32:20,33:19,
maintenance[1]- mishaps[1]-23:13 noise[1]-25:1 P.M[11-1:7 35:9,36:21
11:20 missions[11-22:6 noises[1]-20:3 pacts[1]-17:15 plot[11-20:14
/ Management[1]- mitigate[21-18:23, non[1]-32:14 PAGE 11]-2:4 plus 11]-17:19
April 10, 2017 45
Point[6]-27:12, 28:14,28:19,31:6, reason[1]-31:7 REV[il-37:9 safety[5]-10:5,
29:12,30:12,30:19, 32:3,32:5,32:8, reasonability 111- Reverend 11]-37:8 10:18, 18:19,21.10,
30:24 32:25,35:5,36:12 20:21 Review[2]-11:13, 22:11
point[2]-33:21,34:3 Property[i]-30:13 reasons[1]-29:1 12:25 Sag[11-35:13
pointing[11-28:25 proposal li]-26:18 recommendation[11- review 121-9:19, 11:9 sales[il-15:7
POLAK[9]-3:1,4:2, proposed[181-3:6, 29:3 reviewed M-12:11, sanctuary[i]-36:15
4:7,4:11,4:14,4:16, 6:2,7:21,9:13, 11:4, record[21-33:10, 12:16, 12:25, 13:4, SANNINO[i]-17 7
4:20,4:25,5:4 11:15, 12:11,13:6, 40:10 13:10, 14:24, 15.2 Sannino[4]-2:8,
Polak le]-2:6,2:13, 13.12, 14:10, 15:19, recorded[1]-40:6 revised 121-8:20, 17 9,21:18,2319
3:4,4:2,6:1,8:18, 16:10, 17:10,21:5, refer[1]-18:12 14:19 SCTM,[51-3:10,6:7,
9:18,14:17 22:14,24:10,25:10, reference[1]-28:23 Revitalization[2]- 8:17,27:4,35:6
policies[3]-7:22, 34:25 referenced[21-13:5, 7:23,14:12 SCTM#1000-101-1-
13-8,14:11 protection[41-12:18, 13:11 RICH[681-1:14,3:2, 14.4[l]-17:21
pollutants[il-24:5 12:22,24:4,24:6 referred[i]-29:15 4:3,4:8,4:12,4:15, SCTM#1000-103-5-1
pollution[3]-24:15, provide[21-10:25, refrigeration[t]-4.12 4:18,4:22,5:3,5:5, [21-15:22,15:23
25:1,29:8 3514 refrigerators ll]-4:9 5:11,5.15,5:18, SCTM#1000-103-5-5
position 11]-29:18 provision 111-10:20 Regulations[i]- 5:21,6:13,6:17, [11-15:25
possible[2]-23:13, proximity[zl-23:4, 13:19 6-20,6:23,7:6,7:10, SCTM#1000-103-5-5,
25:2 23:7 related[1]-10:1 7:13,7:16,8.1,8:5, 1 Ill-16:7
possibly[11-3:24 Public[i]-13:22 relative 11l-11:4 8:8,8:11,8:24,9:3, SCTM#1000-103-5-51
potential[1]-29:10 public[13]-3:3,5:9, relocate[11-18:22 9:6,9:9,15:16, SCTM#1000-97-8-
power[21-29:22, 10:4, 10:18,15:8, remarks Ill-17:25 16:19, 16:23, 17:1, 31.2[1l-15:21
29:24 15:17,15:18,20:17, removed[1]-37:14 17:4,17:8,18:6, SCTM#1000-55.6-34
practices[1]-11:19 21:10,21:11,23:2, repair[2j-5:1,11:20 18:10,25:21,26:2, [i]-14:17
precedent[21-25:18, 23:19 Report[1]-10:10 26:6,26:9,26:12, SCTM#1000-97-8-31.
30:25 purchase[1]-17:16 represent[il-30:12 26:16,27:20,28:7, 2[1J-16:1
preparation[il- pursuant[4]-9:21, require[1]-30:21 30:9,31:11,32:18, seat[1]-36:15
20:22 10:13,11:12,12:5 required 161-11:10, 33:14,33:17,34:9, Second 111]-5:10,
prepared[31-8:18, push[1l-28:2 12:7,20:8 25:14, 34:12,34:15,34:18, 6:12,7:5,7:25,8:23,
14:18,40:7 put Ill-33:4 25:16,40:8 34:22,36:20,37:1, 16:18,26:1,34:8,
Present[1]-1:12 puts[1]-36:6 requirements[iol- 37:7,38:4,38:7, 36:25,38:11,39:2
presently 11l-24:17 6:11,7:3,9:24,10:8, 38:12,38:19,38:22, second[2]-5:12,
presumptuous 11]- Q 10:15, 10:24, 13:13, 38:25,39:3,39:6, 31:15
13:18,14:2, 14:6 seconded[2]-26:3,
prevent[11-23:25 Quality[il-11:13 Requirements[1]- right-of-way[1]- 37:2
previous[2]-29:21, quality[31-24:7, 28:21
10:21 Seconded[5]-6:14,
32:4 25:2,25:3 risk[1]-24:14
reschedule[i]-33:23 7:7,8:2,8:25, 16:21
price 11]-30:23 Queens 12]-31:19, resell Ill-3:25 Road[13]-16:5,16:6, Section 16j-9:21,
primary[11-20:19 31:20 ,17:20 18:21, 19:10,
residence(i]-23:20 9:24, 10:4,10:14,
principles[1]-11:23 questions[61-3:23, resolution[3]-5:25, 21:2,27:4,30:11, 12:6,15:4
priority Ill-24:3 4:5,5:13,26:4, 6:24,7:17 31:14,32:22,35:6, see[i]-19:2
34:10,36:18 35:19
problem[i]-31:10 RESOLUTION 11l- selectively[11-36:10
problems[3]-19:18, quite[11-31:6 2:12 road[i]-320:2 SEQRA[il-11:14
37:13,37:14 roads 15]-20:24,
R RESOLVE[i1-6:8 serious[11-18:25
processes[il-24:14 RESOLVED[7]-7:1, 21:16,22:1,23:1, service[11-22:1
produce(zl-15:11, R-40[2]-16:3,26:22 7:19,8:14,13:25, 35:25 servicing 11l-21:20
15.12 R-80[51-3:8,6:4, 14:4, 14:8, Room[5]-2:8,17:9,14:14 set 121-10:3,25:19
production[21-12:2, resources 11]-24:2 OM l-13,25:15 setback 11]-36:1
9:15, 12:13,16:3 ROOM[i -17:7
17:12 RAFFERTY 1221-1:15, Response[21]-5:14, setbacks 111-33:7
Program[21-7:24, 5:20,6:16,6:22,7:9, room[,36:1 13, shown[21-8:16,
5:8,5:17,6;8,6:19, 36:16,36:17
14:12 6:25,7:12,7:18,8:7, 7:15,8:4,8:10,9:2, 14:16
project[21-13:5,13:6 9:8,16:15,17:3, Route(z]-3 3 6:6 sic[1]-18'21
8:13,9:5, 16:16, routes[11-23:9:9
promotes[11-23:14 16:25,25:24,26:7, 25:23,26:5,26:11, sidewalks[il-21:9
[5]-19:21, 33:16,34:11,34:17, running 111- :23 Sidor[31-28:24,
properties 34:7,34:13,36:23, runoff[i]-31:23
19:22,21:22,21:25, 38:9,38:17,39:2, 38:6,38:21,39:8 29:13,29:17
30:24 39:4 response[1]-30:5 SIDOR 121]-1:16,
property[191-3:9, rather 111-22:20 restrictions[1]-36:1 S 5:10,5:16,6:12,
6:5,16:4, 17:18, real[11-37:15 retail 131-4:5,15:7, safe 15]-18:18,19:14, 6:18,7:5,7:11,7:25,
19:8,19:24,20:2, rear[i]-28:20 17:12 20:8,24:25,25:8 8:6,8.23,9:4,16:18,
`-� 20:5,23:19,27:1, return[i]-15:17 16:24,26.1,26:8,
April 10, 2017 46
34:8,34:14,36:25, stalls[21-17:14,35:2 T tum[ll-23:12 39:3,39.6,39:9
` 38:11,38:18,39:5 stand Ill-12:3 turns[2]-20:24, Vice-Chairman[l1-
sign[31-3:15,17:25, standard Ill-26:18 Taft[21-8.18, 14:18 21:24 1:14
27:8 standing Ill-24:17 TASTING[11-17:7 two[a]-17:15,26:20, VICE-CHAIRMAN 1671
Signature(ll-40.13 start[ll-27:16 Tasting(5]-2.8, 17:9, 28:22,32:7 -3:2,4:3,4.8,4.12,
single(ll-27:13 STATE[1]-1:1 20:14,25:13,25:15 Type Ill-11:16 4:15,4:18,4.22,5:3,
sit[1]-36:13 state[a]-3:14, 16:12, ten Ill-25:13 5:5,5:11,5:15,5:18,
Site[12]-3:5,9:12, 18:1,35:10 Theodore[2]-2:9, U 5:21,6:13,6:17,
9:19,10:8,10:16, State 13]-4:1,11:13, 26:17 6:20,6:23,7:6,7:10,
10:21,13:19,13:20, 27:7 THEODORE(11- u-turns Ill-20:24 7.13,7.16,8:1,8:5,
14:1,14:16, 14:21, states Ill-24:8 26:15 Ultimate[11-23:8 8:8,8:11,8:24,9:3,
17:10 step(41-3:14, 16:11, therefore[ll-13:23 undue[2]-21:7, 9:6,9:9, 15:16,
site[25]-6:2,6:10, 17:24,35:10 thereof[t1-20:23 24:11 16:19, 16.23, 17:1,
8:16,8:21, 12:19, stick(l]-33:12 thirty Ill-17:14 United[3]-2:10, 17:4,17:8, 18.6,
12:23, 13:13, 14:25, still Ill-23:11 thirty-nine Ill-17:14 34:23,35:15 18:10,25:21,26:2,
15:11, 18:12,20:13, stipulation Ill-28:15 threat[i]-19:20 UNITED Ill-34:21 26:6,26:9,26:12,
22:24,23:7,23:14, stop[1]-21:24 tight[1]-19:19 unlimited[4]-20:16, 26:16,27:20,28:7,
24:9,24:16,24:17, Storage[21-12:12, today[2]-18:16, 23:1,23:18,25:6 30.9,31:11,32:18,
24:21,25:9,25:11, 15:12 25:20 unprecedented[1]- 33:14,33:17,34:9,
25:15,25:18,34:24, storage[12]-3:7,4:1, Tom Ill-30:10 30:19 34:12,34:15,34:18,
36:9 4:6,4:7,4:21,6:4, tomorrow[3]-18:16, Unsafe[ll-25:3 34:22,36:20,37:1,
sited Ill-35:23 9:14,11:2,11:25, 22:22,25:20 unsafety[11-22:10 37:7,38:4,38:7,
situat[on Ill-29:13 15:6,15:8,15:9 tonight Ill-30:6 up Ill-31:18 38:12,38:19,38:22,
six[1]-23:20 store[l]-4:23 tools[1]-15:9 usage Ill-24:23 38:25,39:3,39:6,
size[3]-11:4,31:5, Storm[1]-13:14 top Ill-31:21 useful[11-37:23 39:9
32:14 story[11-35:20 totalling Ill-17:16 uses Ill-9:25 visit[11-20:25
SLEZAK 13]-18:2, street[ll-33:7 towards[2]-37:12, voiced Il]-30:16
18:9,18:11 streets Ill-21:9 37:16 V
Slezak[11-18:3 strictly 121-4:6,9:25 Town[331-6:9,7:2, w
sod[1]-21:21 Strictly Ill-4:7 7:20,7:22,8:15, variance 7:2 26:24,
� sometimes(l]-22:3 g 27:15,27:24,31:16 waive[2]-9:23, 10:15
strip Il]-23:4 9:20,9:22,10:3, waiver[21-10:7,
sorry[11-37:3 structure Ill-11:4 10:12,10:13, 10:22, various[1l-
south 12]-16:6,28:14 11:12,12:5,12:10, vary les[11:1155
structures(�]-11:21 waives[41-6:10,7:2,
southern Ill-27:14 [2]-4:23,4:24 12:16, 13:3,13:7, Vehicles �l-22:8 SOUTHOLD 121-1:1, style Ill-35:22 13:10,13:17,13:20, vehicles[5]-20:1, 14:1,14:5
1:2 Subdivision[1]- 13:25, 14:4,14:8, 20:9,21:8,25:6, walking Ill-21:15
25:7 Water[1]-13:14
Southold(3s1-1:6, 27:12 14:11,14:14,15:4, vehicular[21-20:5, water[21-24:4,24:6
3:10,6:6,6:9,7:1, 20:18,21:4,22:13, Waterfront[21-24:6
subdivision[n- 36:3
7:19,7:22,8:14, 22:16,26:19,28:13, 23:24,24:1,24:7,
9:16,9:20,9:22, 29:25,30:15,31:8 25:8 Vice[ll-1:14 14:12
10:12,10:13, 11:12, 31:25 TOWN[21-1:1,1:2 VICE[67]-3:2,4:3, waters Ill-24:16
12:5,12:10,12:16, traditional[i]-35:22 4:8,4:12,4:15,418, weather[ll-19:13
12:21,13:4,13:7, 29:11 Traffic[al-21:19, 4:22,5:3,5:5,5:11, welcome[l1-5:4
13:10,13:17,13:21, subject[ll-28:14 24:20,24:23,24:25 5:15,5:18,5:21, welfare 13]-10:5,
13:26,14:4, 14:8, submitted[21-9:18, traffic[rsl-18:253 6:13,617,6:20, 10:19,22:12
14:11,14:14, 16:10, 13:2 19:5,19:18,19:23 6:23,7:6,7:10,7:13, West[i]-30:11
20:17,21:4,22:10, sufficient[1]-20:19 20:3,21:1,21:3, 7:16,81,8:5,8:8, west[2]-27:3,28:19
23:24,24:1,25:8, 21:16,21:18,22:2 8:11,8:24,9:3,9:6, western[21-19:7,
SUFFOLK(�l-1:1 9:9,15:16, 16:19, 19:21
29:7,35:6,35:9 Suffolk[�]-22:17 23:9,23:10,23:14'
southwest[ll-17:19 29:8,37:13,37:14 16:23,17:1,17:4, whatsoever lit-4:13
space[a]-20:8,25:5, suitable Ill-25:10 17:8,18:6,18:10, WHEREAS[15l-9:12,
P transcript 111-ll- 25:21,26:2,26:6, 9:17,9:20,10:12,
25:7,25:17 transcription(�l-
spaces[2]-19:12, 32:23 26:9,26:12,26:16, 11:6,11:11,12:4,
surface[2]-24:4, 40:8
20:1 transfer[i]-15:20 27:20,28:7,30:9, 12:9,12:15, 12:20,
Survey 24:15 tree[l]-21:21 31:11,32:18,33:14, 12:24,13:3, 13:9,
s uare 19]-3:6,6:3, y[l]-14:16 trees[2]-24:18,36:11 33:17,34:9,34:12, 13:16, 13:22
9:13,11:25,17:11, survey Ill-8:16 34:15,34:18,34:22, whole Ill-36:12
systems 11]-24:13 trucks[3]-21:20,
17:13,27:1,35:1, 36:20,37:1,37:7, wide[2]-21:24,22:1
21:23,22:4 38:4,38:7,38:12, width Ill-19:5
35:20 true[i 1-40:9
Staff Ill-10:10 trying Ill-20:4 38:19,38:22,38:25, wife[21-31:13,32:24
April 10, 2017 47
Winery[2]-2:8, 17:9
3:19,5:6, 16:9,
16:13, 17:23,27:6,
i years[3]-37:17,
Zoning[15]-3:8,6:5, R CEIVED
17:17,26:22,26:23, J� � 5 011
28:6,28:12,29:4, �' %�
— S® h®Id T®wrt Clerk