HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-766Board Of Southold Town SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 766 DATE: .9~t, 3, 1972 PERN4JT, NO, 2 pillngS 337 ISSUED TO co3;r~dQ, ~,~£t3a ................... fha State o~ New York, 18~3~ aha Chapter 404 o~ ~he L?s o~ State of New York 1952t and the Sou~hold Town Ordinance ~i+led "RE~ULATIN~ :AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUOTI~N~ IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AN~ PUBLIC LANDS and ~he REMOVAL OP 5AND, GRAVE~ OR ·OTHER MATERIALS LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in e~cordanc~ with Resolution of The Board adopted a~ a meeting held on oc~. ~.., 1972 , and in co~slderafion of the sum of $ 2~tSO paid by Corrado ~ci~a o{ ..Oaklawn..A~e,. Sou~hold, N. Y, an~ sub eof f0 fhe Terms a.d CondJfio,s JJsfed on fha reverse side hereof, of Seufhold Town Trustees authorizes and perm fs the fo and float 4 ft. by 12 ft. ([98 sq. ft,), with 2 pilings at his property on JoCkey Creek Oak~a~ Avenue, Southol~, New York, all m accordance wi~h the defamled spec f caf'OhS as presented 'h the originating applcaf~on. IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, The sa~d Board of Trustees here- by causes.~fs Corpora~ 5~al fo be affixed, and these p~esenfS be subsc,bed by e ~elorify of +he se~d Board es of Shes TERMS and CONDITIONS l~he Permittee Corrado Macina Oaklawn Avenue, Southold, ~ ~. Y., as residing at pa~x of the consideration for the isst/an~e of the Permk d~ ~nde~tand and p~e~fib~ ~b t~e lol- l. That ~e said Board of T~/ees ~d ~e Town of ~u~ld ~e released ~iW~ any ~fl all damages, or cla~ for d~ag~ bi suits ans~g ~r~tly ot in'rely ~ a re~lt ~i ~y atmn penormed p~su~t to th~s per.t, and ~e Sa~d Pe~t~e ~11~ at h~s or her b~n expe~e~ &fend any aha all ~u& stats mluated ~y ~d parne~, and ~e said Per~ttee ass~! f~H wiE ~espect thereto~ t0 ~e complete e~d~ion of the Bo~d of T~ees of ~e T~ ~f 8ou~old 2 Yhat t~s Pe~it is valid foz a period 6f~ 1~ mos. whi& ~ confid~efl to be ~e est~mted thee requi~ed zo complete ~e w~rk involved, ~t should dr~st~c~ w~r~t, ~equ~t i~' an exte~siot~ ~ay be made tO the Board at a Inter 3. 2~at &is Permit ~hould be ~eta~ed ~definitely, or as Iong as the said Permitf~e wi~es eo maintain the ~tzacmre or pV0je~ involYed, to provide evidence zo ~yone concerned ~at ~r~a~on was cHgi~ally obtained. 4. ~at the work involved will be s~bject w ~e ~specfi~n and approvfl of ~i ~d or its ~gents. a~d ~-compliance with the provisions of the od~nafi~fl appIic~tio~ may b~ cause revoc~n o~ thi* Permit by resoluti6n of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreaso~ble interlerence ~ navigation as a ~esul~ ~t ~e work here~n ~uthorized. 6. That there shy. fl ~ no interference with the Hght of ~e ~blic w pass and ~p~s along the be~ch he~een high a~d Iow Water marks. 7~ Thae if future oper~tions of ~e Town ~ 5outhold req~e the r~oval an~, o~ flterations in the location of the work herein a~or~ed, or fi, in ~e opi~on of ~e BoaM of T~fiste~, ~e work shah ca~e unrea~enable obs~uction to ire* navigation~ the said Perigee ~tl be upon due notice, to re:wove or Mter ~is Work or p~o~ect herein 5tag~ Wi~out ~xpemes ~ the To~ of Soufl~otd. 8. That the s~id Board will be ~otlfied by the Per.tree of ~e completion 0f the wozk ~ed. 9. That tt:e Permittee will obtdn all o~er permits and consen~ ~at may ~ ~ui~ed pIe~ental to ~is permit which may be subje~ to revoke upon fa~ure to obt~ BO.~RD OF $OUTHOLD TOWN .TRUSTEES AA j2 ~' r~e~ /72 APPLICATION FOR FIXED and/~r FLOATING DOCKS l. Applicant's name' & ad~ress~ ~J~OO . 2. Contractor's na~/:& address: 3. Briefly expla~ thepurpose of this application: I 4. After issu~ce of a Permit, t expect to: (mark by an-X) (a) Co~ence work ..... AT ONCE ; ASAP~; UN~OWN . ~ 1~.~ FUTURE (b) Complete work in--1DAY~; 1MO. ; -- Secure the correct Area M~p from the Secretary of this Board ,and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE ~dicate as closely as possible the location of this dock. ~ the reverse side of this ~p, provide a SCALE D~WING which will show Ord~ary High Water Mmrk, the shade and size of the dock and any supplemental pil~gs which are needed to hold a float~g deck or tie-up a boat. Give ali dimensions necessary to determ~e the ares of the dock surface which extends offshore from the O.H.W.M. 6. Will any portion of this construction ext~d offshore Lnto To~ Waters beyond an imag~ary l~e or bo~dary fo~ed by other similar st~ctures along the area's shoreline? ~ or NO. tf it does ex~end beyond this so-called dock l~e ~ndicate by how far, approxim~ t ely, ft. 7. Provide the follow~g documents: (a) A Licensed ing~eer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans & Soecifications. Will this construction require the Fill~g of any land offshore of the Ord~ary High Water b~rk or the Dredg~g of any material from To~ ~nds under water? ~ or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Fitl~g) must be completed and attached as part of this application. 9. In r~quest~g approval of this application, I submit that: the ~fo~ation pres~ted here~ is true and correct to the best of my ~owledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans and Spec- ifications attached ; I have read or am familiar with the pro- visions of any Southold Tov~ Ordinance pert~ent to th~ work ~ ~voived; and further,i ~tend to adhere~co ~hd'Rbide~by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. Ac~p~~.~ Dated'~