HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS4 Final 2017 Annual Report 3258632975 MS4A. nniml MCC for for period ending March 9,1 2 O � 1 � 7 � SPDES ID This cover page must be completed by the report preparer. N � YJR � 2 � 0 �A � 5 � 2�4 ' Joint reports require only one cover page. Choose one: (0) This report is being submitted on behalf of an individual MS4. Fill in SPDES ID in upper right hand comer. Name of MS4 � TIO � W �N � O � Fj S � O � I UT- 1 � � � II1 0LD � OR This report is being submitted on behalf of a Single Entity (Per Part ILE of GP-0-10-002) Name of Single I-Aitily OR This is a joint report being submitted on behalf of a coalition. Provide SPDES ID of each permitted MS4 included in this report. Use page 2 if needed, Name of Coalition _I � L � � a_ L _I � 1 L L � � I SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID N � Y a R 2 0 �A. N ' Y] R2I 01A � N �Y � RJ21 O �A � SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID N I Y R 2 0N A Y R 2OA NY R. 2 0 A � ! � J SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID 'N Y R 2 0 A �N ]' Y � R � 2 � 0 Al �NYAR � 2 ' 0 A. SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID N Y Rig 0 A �NY ' R � 2 0 A N ! YR � 2 ' 0 A SPIES ID SPDES IDSlI DES 11) NAY R 2 0 A, �N Y RI 2 0 A �N Y R � 2 0 A ! SPDES IDSPDES ID SPDES ID N . Y I. 2 0 A N ' Y R 2 % 0 A N Y R 2 0 A Cover Page 1 of 9714632978 MS4 Annual Report Cover e C form for period ending rc , 2 0 1 _7 Provide SPDES ID of each permitted NIS4 included in this report. SPDESID( SPDESID SPDESID NI.Y R1 2 0 AC I �NIY] R � 2 0 A j INIY � R � 2 �-O �I A, 1 l SPDESID SPDESID SPDESID N � Y � RJR 2 0 A J N ,Y R 2 A I JN' Y �,R � 2 0 d1 ) SPDESI 1D IA', SP ESI SPDES 1D NIYJR12 01 �'N �YIR 2 0 �A . 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IV Y E. ; O l 1 SPDESID SPDESID SPDESID N _Y R 1 2 0 A I N Y R 2 O ,1 I I3 ' Y k: 2 0 1 A SPDES 11:) SPDES ID SPDES ID N Y E. � 2 � O A I I N I'Y E 2 1 0 A N Y R. 2 0 I`,. SPDES ID SPDES ID SPDES ID 11 " I :' OJAI N Y .R 2 0 Nj Y R 2i 0 A . ('over Page 2X76` 3855151783 AIS4 MCC form for period ending March 9,� 21 0 [1 � 7 SPITES II) Name of MS-1h TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � N � Y � IZ12 � 01A 5 � 2141 Each MS4 must submit an MCC form. Section I - MCC Identification Page Indicate whether this MCC form is being submitted to certify endorsement or acceptance of: An Annual Report for a single MS4 * A Single Entity(Per Part ILE of GP-0-10-002) * A Joint Report Joint reports may be submitted by permittees with legally binding agreements. If Joint Rqoo,enter coalition name: ` I ' � I I U Cl 1 CCC 1 11C C I � [ [ 1 CC � CC� MCC Page 1 5690581587 MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification(MCC) Form MCC for for period ending March 9,� 2 0 � 1 � 7 SPIDESID Name of MS41 TWIN OF I SOUTH01 I D �N � Y R 1 2 � 0]A � _5 2 4 Section 2 - Contact Information Important Instructions - Please Read Contact information must be provided for each of the following positions as indicated below: 1. Principal Executive Officer, Chief Elected Official or other qualified individual (per GP-0-08-002 Part VIJ). 2. Duly Authorized Representative (Information for this contact must only be submitted if a Duly Authorized Representative is signing this form) 3. The Local Stormwater Public Contact (required per GP-0-08-002 Part VII.A.2.c & Part VIII.A.2.c). 4. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator (Individual responsible for coordination/implementation of SWMP). 5. Report Preparer (Consultants may provide company name in the space provided). A separate sheet must be submitted for each position listed above unless more than one position is filled by the same individual. If one individual fills multiple roles, provide the contact information once and check all positions that apply to that individual. If a new Duly Authorized Representative is signing this report, their contact information must be provided and a signature authorization form, signed by the Principal Executive Officer or Chief Elected Official must be attached. For each contact, select all that apply: * Principal Executive Officer/Chief Elected Official * Duly Authorized Representative * Local Stormwater Public Contact * Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator * Report Preparer First NameMl Last'Narne SCIO T T �A � R] U S S � E � L � Lj Title ' ' U PIE R I SO � R � Address 5 3 � 0 9151 � R , o-� uj t e 2 5 City State /Jj;) S10 U t, � h o lid N Y eMail S C 0 T T I.R. I U S E I., E., @ T ' O � TAT ,' N � . IS � 0 U TIHdO � L D � . �NIY . � U ' S Phone Cot illy � 6 3 1 7 6 5 1 8 R 9 (J F 1,�' O L' K M(,,,(,' llag(..° 2 5690581587 MS4 Municiml COMDliance Certification(M.C.C.) Form MCC for for period ending March 9, � 2 � 0 1 1 1 7 � SPDESID Name of MSS1 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD N � YJR � 2 � 0 �AJ512d� 41 Section 2 - Contact Information Important Instructions - Please Read Contact information must be provided for each of the following positions as indicated below: 1. Principal Executive Officer, Chief Elected Official or other qualified individual (per GP-0-08-002 Part VU). 2. Duly Authorized Representative (Information for this contact must only be submitted if a Duly Authorized Representative is signing this form) 3. The Local Stormwater Public Contact (required per GP-0-08-002 Part Vll.A.2.c & Part VIII.A.2.c). 4. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator(Individual responsible for coordination/implementation of SWMP). 5. Report Preparer (Consultants may provide company name in the space provided). A separate sheet must be submitted for each position listed above unless more than one position is filled by the same individual. If one individual fills multiple roles, provide the contact information once and check all positions that apply to that individual. If a new Duly Authorized Representative is signing this report, their contact information must be provided and a signature authorization fonn, signed by the Principal Executive Officer or Chief Elected Official must be attached. For each contact, select all that apply: 0 Principal Executive Officer/Chief Elected Official 0 Duly Authorized Representative 0 Local Stormwater Public Contact 0 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator 0 Report Preparer First Name JAI Last Name � 1J A. R I M E � ,S A C HTER Title 1' 10 � RM � W �AJT � ERj MNJINJG � E Is R Address 5 � 3 0 9 5 M A I N R 0 A D City Stale Zile S OJU "17 � H � OL � D ' N Y 1 1 91 7 1 Wail J AIM I � E ' R� I C � H � T � E � R � @ , T � 01' W N S 0 U U H 0 L, D N � Y . � U � �; Phone Canna} 6 3 1 i 7 6 E, 1 ! 6 0 S U F F OLK MC'(.,, Pag(., 2 5690581.587 Municipal li Certification(MCC) Form MCC form for period ending arc 210 117 SPDES ID Name of MS4 TOWN of SOUTHOLD N Y R 1 2 0 ..A. 5 2 1 4. Section — Contact Information Important Instructions - Please Read Contact info ation must be provided for each of the following positions as indicated below: 1. Principal Executive Officer, Chief Elected Official or other qualified individual (per -0-0 -002 Part VI.J). 2. Duly Authorized Representative (Information for this contact must only be submitted if a Duly Authorized Representative is signing this form) 3. The Local Stormwater Public Contact (required per -0-08-002 Part VII.A.2.c & Part VIII.A.2.c). 4. The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator(Individual responsible for coordination/implementation of SWMP). 5. Report Preparer (Consultants may provide company name in the space provided). A separate sheet must be submitted for each position listed above unless more than one position is filled by the same individual. If one individual fills multiple roles, provide the contact information once and check all positions that apply to that individual. If a new Duly Authorized Representative is signing this report, their contact info ation must be provided and a signature authorization form, signed by the Principal Executive Officer or Chief Elected Official must be attached. For each contact, select all that apply: O Principal Executive Officer/Chief Elected Official O Duly Authorized Representative Local Stormwater Public Contact Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Coordinator Report Preparer First Name MI Last Narne M � I C F[ fit. F Ll � M � OJL L I_ N ' C Title T C} WJN Fi N L � E FIR Address 5� 31 91 5 M A I N � R O D1 c i,ay State Zaj) O ! r:r H 0 L :ra N Y 1 1 9 ! 7 1 Wail :C.. C:. If. A. k" I., C 0 L L, Q:: . I > ,r T W_ N S7 U l a C D I Y Phone t."aaa,aa�ty ( � 6 3I i 7 _6 5 1 5 5 0 q Fa F O L K I I 4643023765 MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification (MCC) Form MCC for for period ending March 9,� 2 � 0-1 1 � 71 SPD(ES FOWN OF SOUTHOLD �N �Y I R121 OIAj--51214 � Name of MS4 Section 3 - Partner Information Did your MS4 work with partners/coalition to complete some or all permit requirements during this reporting period? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, complete information below. Submit a separate sheet for each partner. Information provided in other formats will not be accepted. If your MS4 cooperated with a coalition, submit one sheet with the name of the coalition. It is not necessary to include a separate sheet for each MS4 in the coalition. If No, proceed to Section 4 - Certification Statement. Partner/CoalitionName I I _ � _ � � l 1 � Y � � I �, Partner/Coalition Namelclon"ta SPIDES Partner ID-ifiapplicable IN �Y 2 01 1 Address City State lip� 1 d I I email � � 1 1l I � l [ 1C � f[ � FI � . Phone Legally Binding Agreement in accordance ( � , i � ) I � ] .0. I I with GP-0-08-002 Part W.G.? 0 Yes 0 No What tasks/responsibilities are shared with this partner (e.g. MMI School Programs or MultiplI le Tasks)? 0 mm, MM2 C: f 1 �> MM31 � C 1 MM4 MM5 MMS Additional tasks/responsibilities Watershed Improvement Rrategy Best Management Practices required for MS4s in impaired watersheds included in GP-0-08-002 Part IX MCC Page 3 316 5 3 315 1.8 MS4 Municipal Compliance Certification(MCQ-Form MCC form for period ending March , 2 0 l l 7. SPIESIf Name of 41 'OWN OF S��u���ttOLD N I.Y �R € 2 0 A 5 1 2 [ 4 Section - Certification Statement "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. ase on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate, and complete. I a aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described i -0-0 -002 Part VI.J. FirstName I La st Name f SIC 01 .E �T ( I L 1 1 �A� LI � Lj I�I T5t1eDgCPle��rE1R`iv�v�ll.�fsind®1dRua1^�i �til����u���ia�'�I I Sigmatul`a Date Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 M(Xr` Page 4 �' 1100364151 MS4 Annual port For This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9, 2 0 1 1 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESI ID Name of MS4/Coalitioron�TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N Y 4 R 1 2 0 A 5 2 4 M�ater QualitV Trends, The information in this section is being reported (check one): On behalf of an individual MS4 O On behalf of a coalition How many MS4s are contributed to this report? 1. Has this MS4/Coalition producedy reports documenting water quality trends related to so water? If not, answer No and proceedMeasure One. O Yes 0 No If Yes, choose one of the following O Report(s) attached to the annual report O Web Page(s) where report(s) is/are provided below Please provide specific address of page where report(s) can be accessed - not home page. URL, it URI.. i URL itWater QLiality Treads Page I. of I 4286299954 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 � 0 � 1 J 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name of MS4/Coa1J1i(,0� TOWN OF-SOUTHOLD N I Y� R 1 2- 1 0_[A � 5 � 2 1 � 4 11 Minimum Control Measure 1. Public Education and Outreach The information in this section is being reported (check one): * On behalf of an individual MS4 * On behalf of a coalition How any MS4s contributed to this report.? 1. Targeted Public Education and Outreach Best Management Practices Check all topics that were included in Education and Outreach during this reporting period: 0 Construction Sites 0 Pesticide and Fertilizer Application * General Stormwater Management Information 0 Pet Waste Management 0 Household Hazardous Waste Disposal 0 Recycling * Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 0 Riparian Corridor Protection/Restoration • Infrastructure Maintenance 0 Trash Management • Smart Growth 0 Vehicle Washing • Storm Drain Marking 0 Water Conservation • Green Infrastructure/Better Site Design/Low Impact Development 0 Wetland Protection • Other: 0 None Other 2. Specific audiences targeted during this reporting period: 0 Public Employees 9 Contractors * Residential 0 Developers * Businesses 10 General Public * Restaurants 0 Industries * Other: 0 Agricultural MCM I Page I of'4 7870299956 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 1 0� 1 7 � If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY R2 0 �A 5 4 Name of MSI/Coahlioni- 3. What strategies did your MS4/Coalition use to achieve education and outreach goals during this reporting period? Check all that apply: • Construction Site Operators Trained #Trained • Direct Mailings #Mailings • Kiosks or Other Displays #Locations 0 List-Serves H In List 0 Mailing List #In List 0 Newspaper Ads or Articles #Days Run * Public Events/Presentations #Attendees * School Program #Attendees * TV Spot/Program H Days Run * Printed Materials: Total#Distributed 13 3 � 6 Locations (e I ihmrios,town officcs,kiosks) T.1O � w rt � ' 0e f f -i.. C I d * Other: 0 Web Page: Provide specific web addresses - not home page. Continue on next page if additional space is needed. URL h t � t p / � 2 � 41 , � _3 � 8 2 8 2 � 2 8 2 � 0 � 4 0 w e b i n 1 k 0 e d � o � c � / 4j7 � 82 � 2 � 1 , / >3_ G. 1 2 � 0 o f 96 2 0 B c) a t � % 120 � H � ea. jdills URL t tib 2 4 3 81 2 81 2 2 8 2 0 4 0 w e b 1 i k C 417 8 � 22 ' 0 � / a � iOiof t P 26 2 0 P M P ' O U M C,M I Page 2 ofl- 0704299955 M'S4 A n n tia I Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9, 2 � O � 11 '71' If submitting this farm as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name of MS4/Coafition�11 OWN OF SOU ITIOLD N Y � R � 2 � O �A � 5 � 2 � 41 3. Web Page con't.: Provide specific web addresses - not home page. URL �hIt � t �p1 - � / � / 2 � 41 -d3j 8:1 1 1 2-' 8 2 '2 � 8 2 1 0 1 4"1 0 w I e I b.1__11 i n k] . I - I � / 10 � / le :_dlo � c � / 14 � 718212121 [B [a S --. � i c I� s� -� 2 � 01 0 f10 2 1 O �N o 2 0 [D � i s � chja � r � gje 2 1 0 z o n e_. s] - �pld � f URL h �-t � t �-p 1 2 4 1 31 8] 2 8 2 2 � 81 2 � O � 4 � 01_ w e b 1 i n k � / � O � /- � e � d � o-� c-�-/ 4 � 7 � 8121lI 8 1 / � B � alyslc � al'pli �,n� g � - � pld1fI I H 1l 1r 1 [I p 1 1 1C � C URL h � tlt �p [ / " 2] 41 - 13 � 8 � 2 � 8 � 2 � 2 � 8 � . 12 0.140 , / w e � bj p.. j i � njkj 0 � / � e' 1_d � o � cl / � 417� 812 � 1 �9 � / Mjo1vj i � n� g,j -0- 1 21 O � Dj i � r] t � . � p d1 f I1 11 11 1511 1 111 IIRL, I OSourC h � t t 1p 2 4 31 8 2 81 1 22� 8 2 0 1 4 O � I/ w e b 1 i.. n�, kj n-' t -1 I� e� 1 / � Oj / je � d � ojcj / � 4 � 7 � 8 � 217 � 9 N o np12� o � i `� � 20PC� ; llution i1p1d , � 1 ht � t � p � 81 � 2 � 81 . 12 � 21 8 � : � 210141 01 / � w-, e � b � 11 i � n� k� � / � O � -/ �-e d � -O / � 4 � 7 � 8 � 2) 9 � 61 / � Sje � p 1 31 , � I _� t � i c S y t elm 2 0 2 � 0 � Fja c � t � 9c, � 2 � 0 � S � hj'e � e � t � 1p1dlf � -� 3 � 8 � " 121 81 � � 2 � 21 8 � : ' 2 � O � 4 � O � w � e � b �11 � ijn� k� 0 e I d � o c ' 4 8 2 9 i 8 I � S � 0u t h o � l � d � 96 � 2 0 C n S e r,� d V i � o � �n. � 96 2 O �Algje � njd � a � , Jp � dj f. URL h. t t P 2 4 � 3 � 81 . 2 � 8 � , � 2 � 2 � 8 2 0 4 0 w e bI Jn J. k 0 e: d o 4 8 2 � 91 / J / � T � h , e ' 96 21 0 S � c � o � o � p � 5h ! 2 � 0I o n. 20PeL `0- 20P (:) (,-) p . pdf MCM I Page 3 of'4 6932504403 S4 Annua Its rt Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9, If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDiESID Name ofMS4/Coaliti a� 'SOWN OF SOUTHOLD N I Y R III�_2 I 0 1 A J 5 2 1 4 4. Evaluating Progress Toward Measurable Goals MCM 1 Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan ( ), including requirements in Part III.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize the Measurable Goal identified in the SWMPP in this reporting ei . 1. Track and report on the education/outreach activities performed for the general public and target audience including number of people attended, amount of materials distributed, etc; 2. Track and report all training activities; and 3. Track and report where educational brochures are available and how many are distributed. B. Briefly summarize the observations indicated a overall effectiveness oft is Measurable Goal. Information above tracked and reported as part of this annual report, C. How y times was this ose do ese or evaluated int is reporting period? 1 D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this Measurable Goal during this reporting period? Yes O No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth int e ? 0 Yes O No F. Briefly summarize the stor water activities planned to meet the goals oft is MCM during the next reporting cycle (including an implementation sc e ule). Continue to implement the educational program as per the SW PP. I MCM 1 Page 4 of 4 4961183103 MS4 Amin-111 Inc port Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,1 21 01 1� 7 If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank, SPDES ID Name of S4/Coalition TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N Y R U20A 5 2 1 4 M � _L I— Minimum Control sure 2. Public Involvement/Participation The information in this section is being reported (check one): 0 On behalf of an individual MS4 0 On behalf of a coalition How many MS4s contributed to this report? 1. What opportunities were provided for public participation in implementation, development, evaluation and improvement oft e Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan during this reporting period? Check all that apply: 0 Cleanup Events #Events L i I 0 Comments on SP Received #Comments 0 � 0 Community Hotlines Phone# ( C I Phone# Phone# U I J Phone# I Phone# 'I J I Phone H Phone# Phone H Phone# Phone 9 Phone# t I I 0 Community Meetings #Attendees • Plantings Sq.Fc • Storm Drain Markings #Drains 0 Stakeholder Meetings H Attendees • Volunteer Monitoring #Events • Other 2. Was public notice of availability of this annual report and Stormwater Management Program (S P) Plan provided? 0 Yes 0 No 0 List-Serve # in List • Newspaper Advertising #Days Run • TV/Radio Notices 4 Days Run d e s s i10 ri. * Other- � Tlo w 11 9 Web Page URL: Enter URL(s) on the following two pages. L MCM 2 Page 1 of 6 1693183102 MS4 Annual Revort Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 � 0 1_ 1 � 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank, SPDES ID Name of M SeVOKI I i un�I FOWN OF'SOUTHOLD N �Y I R 12 l 0 �A 5 1 2 4 2. URL(s) can't.: Please provide specific address(es) where notice(s) can be accessed - not home page. URL � h I ltlt-� pl : l / � / iww �w � . 1s � o � u � tlh � o,ll � d � tlowlnn _y , � glo �v / [ 5 � 6I � 71 / SJLolrlmwja t e r M �-a n a g e M e n t P r o I g-Ir a m J � j ----- Il Il 1I I A I l �� 1 URL I-- 'F" 1, 1C [ I l Il I tll I [ � l� a l � I I l : [1I IC -ICS P[ Ii f1 URI II1 I I � 1110' � I � [ 11l l I URL e.1 RL 1 C l f1 � 111 l URL MCM 2 Page 2 of 6 3714183108 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 1 0 � 1 � 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPIDES ID blank. SPDES ID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Name of MSVCoahtion� N Y � R 2 � 0 A 5 2 4 2. URL(s) con't.: Please provide specific address(es) where notices can be accessed - not home page. URL URI, ............ ...... URL URI, URI, I IJ URL URI, MCM 2 I)age 3 of'6 544117201.5 41 Anytial e .)()rt o This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9, 2 01 1 7. If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name ofMS4/Coalition TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N_1 Y1,R 2 1 0-1 A 5 12 4 3. Where can the public access copies of this annual report, Stormwater Management Program ) Plan and submit comments on those documents? Enter address/contact info and select radio button to indicate which document is available and whether comments may be submitted at that location. Submit additional pages as needed. 4. S4/Coalition Office 0 Annual Report 9 SWP Plan 0 Comments I..�el�aNdmnea�t � ®JW �N � ] C � L [EJR � K � II Addi'", Gly 0 1 9 5 II`' 1 O �UI 1. 1EI � 2151 1 1 Indy 1 O 1;J -T1H1O .1:1 11 I 1 N Yj 1] 1� 7 l Phone ( 61311� ) � 71615 � - � 1181010 �. Library O Annual Report 0 SWMP Plan O Comments Address 1 1 I ! I I � C I 1 I1 C_ it Zip � II 11 11C M F-11 1 1 Phone O Other 0 Annual Report 0 SWMP Plan O Comments Address I J it Phone }} 1 a Web Page URL: 0 Annual Report 0 SWMP Plan O Comments h t t P w / / wlw_1w o ult h o 1j 0614183104 MS4 Animal Ret)ort Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9, 2 0 1 1 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. j SPES I Name of S I/CowalitiOn TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ( N �Y R 2 0 A 5 1 2 1 4 4.a. If this report was made available on the internet,what date was it posted? Leave blank if this report was not posted on the i ternet, 0 � 5 0 1 / � 2 ' 011 � 7 � 4.b. For howdays was/will this report be posted? 9 l 9 9 If submitting a report for single MS4, answer 5.a.. If submitting a joint report, answer 5. .. . . Was an Annual Report public meeting held in this reporting period? O Yes 0 No If Yes, what was the date of themeeting? � / j ... 1 . If No, is one planned? O Yes 0 No 5.b. Was an Annual Report public meeting heldall MS4s contributing tot is report during this reporting period? O Yes 0 No If No, is one planned for each? C) Yes 9 No 6. Were comments receive this reporting period? O Yes 0 No If Yes, attach comments, responses and changes made to SWMP in response to comments to this report. MCM 2 1"age 5 of 6 2013032775 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 92 � 0 � 1-1 71 If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SES ID blank. SPDESID Name of MS,4/Coilhfion� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD [N � Y � R2 � O �A- 5 � 2- � 4 7. Evaluating Progress Toward Measurable Goals MCM 2 Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in Part III.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize the Measurable Goal identified in the SWMPP in this reporting period. I. Number of SWMPP related meetings and attendees 2. Number of public comments received on the annual report 3. Number of volunteers trained to take water quality samples 4. Number of public comments received on the SWMPP B. Briefly summarize the observations that indicated the overall effectiveness of this Measurable Goal. 1. No meetings held. 2. No comments received on annual report. 3. Nine volunteers received DEC sampling training. 4. No public comments received on SWMPP. C. How many times was this observation measured or evaluated in this reporting period? 1. 'cx D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this measurable goal during this reporting period? 0 Yes 0 No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth in the SWMPP? 9 Yes 0 No F. Briefly summarize the stormwater activities planned to meet the goals oft is MCM during the next reporting cycle (including animplementation schedule). Continue to implement the public involvement/participation program as per the SW PP. MC M 2 Page 6 of'6 7368169291 MS4 Annual Renort Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9j_2 10.� 1 1 71 If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPIES ID blank, SPDESID Name of MS4/Coafifion� FOWN OF SIOUT1 IOLD N �,Y] R � 2 � 0 �AJ _5 � 2 � 4_ � Minimum Control Measure 3. Illicit DisebarLye Detection and Elimination The information in this section is being reported (check one): 0 On behalf of an individual MS4 0 On behalf of a coalition How any MS4s contributed to this report.? 1. Enter the era approx. percent of outfalls mapped: 1 2 7 # J_ lj O � O �% 2. How many of these outfalls have been screened for dry weather discharges during this reporting period (outfall reconnaissance inventory)? 6 � 3.a.What types of generating sites/se wersheds were targeted for inspection during this reporting period? • Auto Recyclers 0 Landscaping (Irrigation) • Building Maintenance 0 Marinas • Churches 0 Metal Plateing Operations • Commercial Carwashes 0 Outdoor Fluid Storage • Commercial Laundry/Dry Cleaners 0 Parking Lot Maintenance • Construction Vehicle Washouts 0 Printing • Cross-Connections 0 Residential Carwashing • Distribution Centers 0 Restaurants • Food Processing Facilities 0 Schools and Universities • Garbage Truck Washouts 0 Septic Maintenance • Hospitals 0 Swimming Pools • Improper RV Waste Disposal 0 Vehicle Fueling • Industrial Process Water 0 Vehicle Maint./Repair Shops • Other: 0 None • Sewershe& R e L h t, e d U �c ' b a. n J.. z e d S e W � MCM3 Page 1 ot'4 5953169299 MS4Annqa1Reor 1.) _ % tForm -1 This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 1 0 � 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name of MS4/(-.'(,), I'OWN OF SOUTHOLD N_J Y I R , 2 0 A 5 2 4_� 3.b.What types of illicit discharges have been found during this reporting period? • Broken Lines From Sanitary Sewer 0 Industrial Connections • Cross Connections 0 Inflow/Infiltration • Failing Septic Systems 0 Pump Station Failure • Floor Drains Connected To Storm Sewers 0 Sanitary Sewer Overflows • Illegal Dumping 0 Straight Pipe Sewer Discharges (0 Other: 0 None S I W � i �m �m J_i I n �-g � [p � o � o � 1 d,[ il, s � cjh [a � r � gje� � 1i � n , e ' 1 1 4. How many illicit discharges/potential illegal connections have been detected during this reporting period? 5. How many illicit discharges have been confirmed during this reporting period? 6. How many illicit discharges/illegal connections have been eliminated during this reporting period? 7. Has the storm sewersd mapping been completed in this reporting period? 9 Yes 0 No If No, approximately what percent was completed in this reporting period'? 1 % ® Is the above information available in GIS? 0 Yes 0 No Is this information available on the web? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, provide RL(s): Please provide specific address of page where map(s) can be accessed ® not home page. URL h ' t t p I I b iit . ljy 1 k [R Z 7 � P � URL MCM 3 Page 2 of 5820169292 MS4 Annual rt Form This report is being submitted fort the reporting erio ending arc , 2 0 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. 1 SPDESID� �. Name of S4/CoalitioeiTOWN OF SOUI'HOLD I Y R 2 0 ,A 5 2 4 . (s) c ' .: Please provide specific ss of page where (s) can be accessed - not home page URL � � � Llllffll � � . i � llll � � � f 1 URL 1101 t1C ....� lI r I 1 a � G' Ll I I ti l I i IC 1I URL 1 1 i l l J[ 1 Ill f L l URL, IURL f 1 ! l 1 ! I 9® Has an IDDE law been adopted for each traditional MS4 and/or have IDDE procedures been approved for all non-traditional MS4s contributing tot is report? 0 Yes O No I.O.If Yes as every traditional MS4 contributing to this report certified that this law is equivalent tote ISYS Model IDDE Law? 0 Yes 0 No O NT I®What percent of staff in relevant positions and departments has received IDDE training? l 0 01 IVICM 3 Page 3 of 4 9126383899 S4 Atinual fie �)ort Form This report is being submitted fort the reporting periodending arc 9, 2 0 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SES ID blank. SPDESID ` Name of Iv1S4/Caaiiq oebal GOWN of SOUTHOLD N .Y R2 ® A . 5 ..2 4 12.Evaluating o ess Toward Measurableos Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan(S ), including requirements in Part III.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize the Measurable Goal identified in the SWMPP in this reporting erio . 1. Number and percent of regulated outfallsmapped; 2. Number of illicit discharges detected and eliminated; 3. Percent of outfalls for which an outfall reconnaissance inventory has been performed 4. Percent of regulated MS4 system mapped; 5. Training sessions held and number and percent of staff trained; 6. Number of public information and outreach activities conducted including number of attendees and informational brochures distributed, etc. B. Briefly summarize the observations indicated the overall effectiveness oft is Measurable Goal. For items 1-2 see information included on this annual report above. 3 - An outfall reconnaissance inventory was performed for 36% of outfalls during this period. - 100% of MS4 system mapped. 5 -No training sessions held. All relevant staff have already received training. 6 - No activities conducted. C. How many times was thisobservation measured or evaluated in this reporting period? D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this measurable goal during this reporting period? Yes O No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth in the °? (9 Yes 0 No F. Briefly summarize t e s or water activities planned to meet the goals oft is MCM during e next reporting cycle (including an implementation schedule). Continue to implement the I DE program as per the SW MCM 3 Page 4 of 4 5624056356 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted fort the reporting periodending arc , 2 1 0 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name Of S4/Coallt][�tyl TOWN OF SOUTHOL D N YJR 2 0 A 5 2 4 Minimum Control res Construction Site and Post-Construction Control The information in this section is being reported (check one): is On behalf of an individual MS4 O On behalf of a coalition --- -- How many MS4s contributed to this report? Ia.Has each contributing tot is report adopted a l , ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides equivalent ecio tote NYS SPDES Generale for Stormwater Discharges from ConstructionActivities? 0 Yes O No s each ity and/or Village contributing to this report documentede law is equivalent a Local Law for Stormwaterent and Erosion Sediment i er an attorney cerfification or usinge NYSDEC Gap Analysis ? 9 Yes O No O NT If Yes, Towns, Cities and Villages provide date of equivalent NYS Sample Local Law. 009/2004 0 03/2006 O NT 2. Does your / oaition have a SWPPP review procedure in place? 0 Yes O No 3. How a Construction Stor water Pollution PreventionPlans (S s) have been reviewed in this reporting period? p ® Does your MS4/Coalition have a mechanism for receipt and consideration of public comments related to construction SWPPPs? 9 Yes O No O NT If Yes, how many public comments were received during this reporting period? 0 5. Does your MS4/Coalition provide education and training for contractors about e local SWPPP process? 0 Yes O No lel(.."M 4/5 I-)agc 1 of"2 3951056357 6. Identify is of the following types of enforcement actions you used during the reporting period for construction activities, indicate the number of actions, or note those for which you do not have authority: 0 Notices of Violation # 0 No Authority 0 Stop Work Orders # l 0 No Authority 0 Criminal Actions # 0 No Authority O Termination of Contracts # 0 No Authority O Administrative Fines # 0 No Authority O Civil Penalties # 0 No Authority O Administrative Orders # 0 No Authority O Enforcement Actions or Sanctions O Other # 0 No Authority MCM 4/5 Page 2 of 2 9445612573 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending arch 9,C 2 0 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPBES ID Name ofMS4/Coalition TOWN of SOUTHOLD � �N �Y � Rf210 �A � 5 � 2 � 4 � Minimum s i its Stormwater Runoff Control The information in this section is being reported (check one); On behalf of an individual MS4 O On behalf of a coalition How many MS4s contributed to this report? ® How many construction projects have been authorizedor disturbances of one acre or more during this reporting period? 0 ® How many construction projects disturbing at least one acre were active in your jurisdiction during this reporting period? 0. 3. What percentof active construction sites were inspected dur this reporting perio ? O NT °!o ® What percentof active construction sites were inspected more than once? 0 N..I, Ci % ® Do alinspectors working on behalfof the MS4s contributing tot is report use the NYS Construction Stormwater Inspection Manual? O Yes 0 No O NT ® Does your MS4/Coalition provide public access to Stormwater Pollution PreventionPlans ( s) of construction projects that are subject to MS4 review and approval? Yes O No O NT If your MS4 is Non-Traditional, are SWPPPs of construction projects made available for public review? O Yes O No If Yes, use the following page to identify location(s) where SWPPPs can be accessed. MCM 4 Page i of I _J 7482169883 Annuall Report This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,[ 2 01 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave S DES ID blank, SPDES IDl Name ofMS4/Coahtio9► TOWN OFSOUTHOLD I N .Y R 12 1 1 0 A 15 1 1 2 1 4 . con't.: Submit additional pages as needed, S4/Coalition Office L01Fi►uEtI C ( E O P T H E E N G I N E E R ` h 1 Address � 513 . O � 915 � A I N R O1A D.l I 1- 1 f Cit [ ( IGS � S � O � UJT � H � O � L �'D �' l �N � Yj 1 1 9� 7I lI Phone 6 3jl� ) � 7 � 615� 1L5 _61 0. O Library Address Ci[11ti I 11 1] '�"J ---- -- I..... I Phone f O Other Address City Zj�► cc Phone O Web Page URLs}: Tease provide specific address where SWPPPs can be accessed - not home page, URL L L , r.►Ri_, MCM 4 Page 2 oi'3 7935007876 MS4 AnnualReport Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,1 21 0 1, 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDES ID Name O1'�VJS4ll('0�1hlion Town of SOUTIHOLD �N �-YJR � 2-� O �A � 5 � 2 � 4 � 7. Evaluating Progress Toward Measurable Goals MCM 4 Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan( P ), including requirements in Part III.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize e Measurable Goalidentified in the SWMPP in this reporting period. 1. Number of SWPPPs reviewed 2. Number of complaints received and the number and type of enforcement actions 3. Percent of active construction sites inspected once 4. Percent of active construction sites inspected more than once 5. Number of training events attended by Town personnel and the number of people trained. B. Briefly summarize the observations indicated a overall effectiveness oft is Measurable Goal. For 1-4 see information included above. 5 - There were no active construction sites to be inspected. 6 -No personnel were trained during this reporting period. C. How many times was thisobservation meas re or evaluated in this reporting period? lr ./W1 L.a4 �rn vi'I D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this measurable goal during this reporting period? Yes O No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth e S ? Yes 0 No F. Briefly summarize t e stormwater activities planned to meet the goals oft is MCM during the next reporting cycle ( c u i g an implementation schedule). Continue to implement Const ction Site Runoff Control MCM as per the SWMPP. Mtv M 4 Page 3 of 3 1048119251 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted fort the reporting period ending March 9, 2 1 01 1 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank, SPDESID. Name of 1MSG .d,('Nllil ion TOWN OF SOUTHOL.D N Y R 2 0 P, 5 � 2 4_.. Minimum Control Measure 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management The information in this section is being reported (check one): On behalf of an individual MS4 O On behalf of a coalition How many MS4s contributed to this report? 1. How many and what type of post-construction stor water management practices has your MS4/Coalition inventoried,inspected and maintained in this reporting period? # #Times Inventoried Inspections Maintained O alternative Practices l O Filter Systems Infiltration Basins 1 5 1 5: O Open Channels C �. O Ponds 1 I O Wetlands I I Ll Other 1 1 1 11. 2. Do you se an electronic tool (e® . GIS, database, spreadsheet) to track post-construction BMPs, inspections a ai to a ce? O Yes 9 No 3. What types of non-structural practices have been usedto implement L,ow Impact Development/Better Site Design/Green rasr c re principles? O Building Codes 0 Municipal Comprehensive Plans O Overlay Districts 0 Open Space Preservation Program , Zoning O Local Law or Ordinance O None 0 Land Use Regulation/Zoning O Watershed Plans O Other Comprehensive Plan O Other: MCM 5 Page 1 of 3 909111925 7 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted fort the reporting periodending arc , 2 0 1. 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDES ID Name of MS4/Coalitiml.rIWN OF sOU']f HOLD N Y R , 2 0 _A IIS_ 2 4 . Are the MS4s contributing tot is report involved in a regional/watershed wide planning effort? Yes O No Does the MS4 have a bankingcredit system for stor water managementpractices? O Yes 0 No c. Do the SWMP Plans for each contributing tot is report include a protocol for evaluation and approval of banking and credit of alternative siting of a stor water management practice? O Yes 0 No How any star water management practices have been implemented as part oft is system int is reporting period? 0 5. What percent of municipalofficials/MS4 staff responsible for program implementation atte e training on Low Impace Development(LID),Better Site Design (BSD) and other Green Infrastructure principles int is reporting period? 0 % MC M 5 I)age. 2 of 1610116332 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 0_I 1� 71 If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDES ID Name of MWCoafition TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N � YJR � 210 �A 5 � 2 4 6. Evaluating Progress Toward Measurable Goals MCM 5 Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your for water Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in Part 111.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize the Measurable Goal identified in the SWMPP in this reporting period. 1. Document the number of SWPPPs reviewed. 2. Document the number and type of enforcement actions. 3. Document the number and type of post-construction stormwater management practices inventoried, inspected and/or maintained. B. Briefly summarize the observations that indicated the overall effectiveness of this Measurable Goal. For 1-3 see information included in this annual report, C. How many times wast isobservation measured or evaluated in this reporting period? (ex.: sauir.)le8lr)artic.ipant.sleveiit.$) D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this measurable goal during this reporting period? 0 Yes 0 No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth in the SWMPP? 0 Yes 0 No F. Briefly summarize the stormwater activities planned to meet the goals of this MCM during the next reporting cycle (including animplementation schedule). Continue to implement Post-Construction Stormwater Management MCM as per the SWMPP. MCM 5 Page 3 of 3 6894134836 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 1 01 11 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name of MS4/Coafifloii� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N y FR 1 2 1 0 1 A � 5 2 � 4 Minimum Control Measure 6. Stormwater ManaLxement for MuniciDal Orwrations The information in this section is being reported (check one); * On behalf of an individual MS4 * On behalf of a coalition How many MS4s contributed to this report? 1. Choose/list each municipal operation/facility that contributes or may potentially contribute Pollutants of Concern tote MS4 system. For each operation/facility indicate whether the operation/facility has been addressed in the MS4's/Coalition's Stormwater Management Program(SWMP) Plan and whether a self-assessment has been performed during the reporting period. A self-assessment is performed to: 1) determine the sources of pollutants potentially generated by the permittee's operations and facilities; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and 3) identify the municipal operations and facilities that will be addressed by the pollution prevention and good housekeeping program, if it's not done already. Self-Assessment 3 Operation/Activity/Facility, Addressed in SWMP? xma? Street Maintenance............... ........ 0 Yes 0 No .................... 0 Yes ONo Bridge Maintenance............ 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No Winter Road Maintenance.......................................... 0 Yes 0 No 9 Yes 0 No Salt Storage................................................................. 0 Yes 9 No ...... 0 Yes No Solid Waste Management........................................... 0 Yes 0 No ................ 0 Yes * No New Municipal Construction and Land Disturbance.. (9 Yes 0 No 9 Yes 0 No Right of Way Maintenance............—..... ........... 0 Yes 0 No a Yes ONo Marine Operations................................. ................ 0 Yes 0 No . ............000000 0 Yes No Hydrologic Habitat Modification.. 0 Yes * No 0 Yes 0 No Parks and Open Space................................................. a Yes ONo 0 Yes 0 No Municipal Building......... ......-............. .........—..- 0 Yes No ................. 0 Yes 41 No Stormwater System Maintenance................................ 9 Yes ONo .............. 9 Yes () No Vehicle and Fleet Maintenance,... ...... 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes No Other.......................................... ....... ............ 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes No L MCM 6 Page 1 of 3 —J 6445134838 Annual Report ori'll. This report is being submitted fort the reporting erio ending arc 9 2 0 7 If submitting this form as part of a joint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDES 1D TOWN OF,SCb�ITHOLL7 N Y R 2 1 0�A. 5 1LLL2 4 Name ofMS4/Coalil.pa°�p� � 2. Provide the following information about municipal operations good housekeeping programs: O Parking Lots Swept (Number of acres X Number of times swept) # Acres ! Streets Swept (Number of miles X Number of times swept) # Miles , 2 1 g Catch Basins Inspected and Cleaned Where Necessary # 1 4 Post Construction Control Stormwater Management Practices # } Inspected and Cleaned Where Necessary 1 5 O Phosphorus Applied In Chemical Fertilizer #Lbs. O Nitrogen Applied In Chemical Fertilizer #Lbs O Pesticide/Herbicide Applied # Acres (Number of acres to which pesticide/herbicide was applied X Number of times applied to the nearest tenth.) 3. How y stormwater management tr i i gs have been providedto municipal employees during this reporting period? 1 0 4. What was the date of the last training? 0 3 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 5. How many municipale loyees have been trained int is reporting period? 01 6. What percent of municipal employees in relevant positions and departments receive so water management training? E 3 ®�® µ. MCM 6 Page 2 of`3 7123078468 MS4 Annual Report Form This report is being submitted fort a reporting period ending March 9 21 01 1 71 If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD # YIR � 2 � 0 �A � 5 � 2 � 4 � Name of MS4/0)11dition� 7. Evaluating Progress Toward Measurable Goals MCM 6 Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your for water Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in Part III.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize the Measurable Goal identified in the SWMPP in this reporting period. I. Acres of parking lots swept 2. Miles of streets swept 3. Number of catch basins inspected and/or cleaned 4. Number of post-construction control stormwater management practices inspected and/or cleaned B. Briefly summarize the observations that indicated the overall effectiveness of this Measurable Goal. For 1-4 see inforruation included in this annual report above. C. How many times was this observation measured or evaluated in this reporting period? ! ' I (ex.: saiTipleslpar,ticipantsleve!JLS) D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this measurable goal during this reporting period? * Yes 0 No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth in the SWMPP? 0 Yes 0 No F. Briefly summarize the stormwater activities planned to meet the goals of this MCM during the next reporting cycle (including animplementation schedule). Continue to implement Stormwater Management for Municipal Operations Program as per the SWMPP. MCNI 6 Page 3 of 3 7123078468 IMS4 Annualjlelport Form This report is being submitted for the reporting period ending March 9,� 2 � 0 1 11 7 If submitting this form as part of ajoint report on behalf of a coalition leave SPDES ID blank. SPDESID Name of MS4/Coafition� TOWN 017 SOUT14OLD N � y I R � 2 � 0A �-5 2-1 4 ® Evaluating Progress Toward Measurable Goals MCM 6 Use this page to report on your progress and project plans toward achieving measurable goals identified in your Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMPP), including requirements in Part 11I.C.1. Submit additional pages as needed. A. Briefly summarize the Measurable Goal identified in the SWMPP in this reporting period. 5. Pounds of phosphorus and nitrogen applied in chemical fertilizer 6. Acres of pesticides/herbicides applied 7. Number of municipal operations and facilities assessed as part of MCM6 S. Number of new practices/policies implemented 9. Training sessions held and number and percent of staff trained B. Briefly summarize the observations that indicated the over effectiveness oft is Measurable Goal. For 5-6 and 9 see information included in this annual report above, 7 -No municipal operations or facilities assessed. 8 -No new practices/policies implemented. C. How many times wast isobservation measured or evaluated in this reporting period? D. Has your MS4 made progress toward this measurable goal during this reporting period? 0 Yes 0 No E. Is your MS4 on schedule to meet the deadline set forth in the SWMPP? 0 Yes 0 No F. Briefly summarize the stormwater activities planned to meet the goals of this MCM during the next reporting cycle (including an implementation schedule). Continue to implement Stormwater Management for Municipal Operations Program as per the SWMPP. MCM 6 Page 3 of 3 2732136127 Progress Report for Part IX.0 Pathogen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strateav Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name I sudds Pond MS4 Name Town of Southold ) Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) a Reaffirmation for No Discharge_ The Municipal Se erste Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal street,, catch basins„ curbs cutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the I MS4Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4„ into the[ Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody odds Pond is not impaired by pathogens as per theambient pathogen monitoring data provided by NYSDEC therefore there is no need to address the source of pathogens to this waterbody at this time If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above 1, Public Education & Outreach of Pathoqens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program, During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town 1 buildings and offices I 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stot water runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. Flow are behavior chanales being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136128 Permit# ( NYRL 20 A524 ...... .._ __ 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Discharqe Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either6a. or 6b. 6a. ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Cwowmalete Either 7a. (Mar)) or 7b. (Written Response) '7a, Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) ...... ...... Ib. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections o (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Fuge 2 of 4 I 4007136122 Permit# ( INYR20A52E Post Construction Stormwater Manaaement 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SNIPS a ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management NA for this waterbody as Budds Pond is not impaired 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months NA for this waterbody as Budds Pond is not impaired Municipal Overations Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA i 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# NYR20 A524 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11a. Is the goose population an issue in the MS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11 c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4842296947 MS4 Semi Annual Resort Form Certification Semi Ainin maul Ilf elpour form for period endiiiing o -� ! c) 1 9 2 I 0 a. � ���7 (MVIiDD Y) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold NYR20A 5 2 i 4 Certification Statement -MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name Title (Clearly print title of individual signing report) ort u Signature Date Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2732136127 Progress Report for Part IX.0 Pathoaen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strateav Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name I Deep Hole Creek MS4 Name Town otSouthold Reporting Period Ending 11 (mm/dd/yyyy) 0z 1 °r Reaffirmation for No Discharae The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs., gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the I _ MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into the[ Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody Existing stormwater infrastructure has been mapped and will be maintained to minimize the input of pathogens to Deep Dole Creels If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. Septic systems located close to the waterboy may contribute pathogens based on the observation that ambient pathogen levels are often high in the summer in the absence of rainfall and relatively low in the summer after a heavy rainfall Public Education & Outreach of Pathos ens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Descril:)tion of the education program. During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136128 Permit# I INYR20A52d ..... 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. During an Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory mara rd outl and marc rd out2 and ofl willis creek were inspected by the Engineering Department Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a, X No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made No discharge was observed during a dry weather inspection of the outfall pipes 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? i Comalete Either 7a, (Maa) or 7b. (Written Response) 7a, Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) Outfalls mara rd out] and mara rd out2 and oft willis creek were inspected during dry weather and no illicit discharges were observed Page 2 of 4 4807136122 Permit# ( NYR 2 0 A524 Post Construction Stormwater Management 8, Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody #SMPs ( o ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management The focus will be on maintaining the existing post construction stormwater management practices 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional post construction stormwater management practices are planned as there appears to be no causal link between rainfall and elevated pathogen levels Municipal Operations Pollution P ventionlCood HOUse ee in ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Feet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste t problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem?Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? A. 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# NYR20Awr 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11 a. Is the goose population an issue in the MS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. IVB 11 c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property i 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations i Page 4 of 4 4842296847 MS4 Semi Annual Report Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending 0 3 0 9 2 0 1 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID m . Name of MS4 Town of Southold III Ir l� 2i „ 5a Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name S C o t t A R u s s e L Title (Clearly print title of individual signing report) ro o w n S u p e t IV s 0 :1: Signature Dal Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2 7321361.27 Progress Report for Part 1.0 Pathoqen-Impaired Watershed Improvement Strategy PERMIT# ( NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name I Goldsmith Inlet MS4 Name Town otSouthold Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) Reaffirmation for No Discharge i] The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catd) basins, curbs, qutters4. ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the Hasa Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into the[ Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody It is unknown if this waterbody is actually impaired by pathogens as the NYSDEC ceased routine pathogen sampling in 2003 The Town is working with NYSDEC to obtain ambient pathogen monitoring data to determine whether or not this waterbody is currently impaired If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above Public Education & Outreach of Pathoqens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? i The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136128 Permit# | NYm 4. What are the education plans and Aoo|S h»�th� O�>tO months? _ Continue to distribute informational brochures 10the public 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved inthis recmnnaioeonc�� � Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 8G. L] NoIllicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Exp|ainhovvthe detenninmdonfor NoU|)c� Discharges vvaannade � N& aanoinspections vverccouducteddnringthiarepnding period Ob. || Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the nnunioipa|ih/ determined �onnthe illicit diochargeethat have been found? � ' NAaaooinspections were conducted during this reporting period COMDlete Either 7a. (Man) or 7b. (Written ReSDonse) 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit diaohargea, and if the discharge has been nennoved, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it iaentering the system (i.e. Direct connection tothe IVI84. overland connection, structural failure of the &184pipinQ network) 7b Give the number ofinspections performed during this reporting period. # |nnpeotionsLr l --� o | � (Provide municipal identification #afor all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether ornot the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection tothe IVI84, overland connection, structural failure of the K8S4piping network) - NAosooinspections were conducted during this reporting period � � � N Page 2of4 � 4807136122 Permit# NYR 2 0 0521 Post Construction Stormwater Management 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SMPs ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management There are no post construction stor water management practices currently installed within the regulated sewersheds of this waterboy 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional infrastructure planned at this time as there is no evidence that Goldsmith Inlet is currently impaired by pathogens Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeepinq ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this wateroy as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? � NA i i 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# NYR 20 A524 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11a. Is the goose population an issue in the IVIS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4842296847 MS4 Semi AnnUal Report Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending o �, o 9 ,? o 1 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES I - - 5 2 ', 4_I Name o Town of Southold Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name - _,i S C C t t A R u S S C Il Title (Clearly print title of individual signing report.) C' o w n S u p e _r v i s C r. Signature Date Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office t:. Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2732136127 ro re a ort for Part 1.0 Pathogen Impaired Watershed Improvement StrateqV Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name I Goose Creek MS4 Name Town of southoId Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) Reaffirmation for No Discharge The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch tmsirts, CUrbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the �_ MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, Into the[ Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody There is no known pathogen impairment of Goose Creek as all ambient pathogen monitoring data provided by NYSDEC currently meet the shellfishing standards The Town is working with NYSDEC to obtain additional ambient pathogen monitoring data in support of recertification of this area for shellfishing If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above i I Public Education & Outreach of Pathogens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program. During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audicnce is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 I 4209136128 Permit# NXId::0 A524 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public iiiicit Diacharw e Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a. ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period twmrtpl Either 7& M ritten Re 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b, Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) i NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Frage 2 of 4 4807136122 Permit# NYR 2 0 A524 Post Construction Stormwater Manaplement 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) # SIVIPS that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody L1 As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in#8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management Existing infrastructure is maintained as necessary 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional infrastructure planned at this time as there is no evidence that Goose Creek is impaired by pathogens Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping 11 Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem?Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# 1Od. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11o. Is the goose population an issue in the IVIS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11b. |fthe geese are aproblem, where has bbeen found b» beaproblem? Provide o description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA - 11o. What strategiesare inplace tomanage the population mfgeese onmunicipal properties? There imamunicipal law prohibiting the feeding ufgeese onmunicipal property 1 1d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections gfthe Sevverahed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations � � � N Page 4 of N 4842296847 4 Semi Ar�rl al a ort Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending o 3 o 9 2 0 1 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold NYR20A 5 2 �i 4 I Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name ' S C 0 t t A R L s s e1 1 WIIe (Clearly print title of MndrvicNr.Na signorr g reporty . I � J 0 r -1. Signature Date - - --- r1 / ��� / [ � dI Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 27 311 36127 ro ress Report for Part 1 .0 thoen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strateav Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name ( Hashamomuck Pond Zone HP 1 MS4 Name Town of Southold ( Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) 0 3 0 9 z o i Reaffirmation for No Discharge The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gt.9tters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the � MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into the Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody The Town is working with NYSDEC to obtain additional ambient pathogen monitoring data in support of recertification of portions of this area for shellfishing Existing stormwater management infrastructure has been mapped and will be maintained as necessary If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. Septic systems may contribute to pathogen loading of this waterbody as some elevated pathogen levels are not well correlated with rainfall I Public Education & Outreach of Pathogens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program, During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136128 Permit# I N1CR20 A524 ...... ........ ......... .I 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a. ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b, ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Complete Either 7a. (Map) or 7b. (Written Response) 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections o (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period i l Page 2 of 4 I 4807136122 Permit# NYR20A524;� Post Construction Stormwater Management 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SMPs ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management i Existing infrastructure will be maintained as necessary 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months Additional infrastructure may be planned based on the results of ambient pathogen monitoring being conducted with NYSDEC Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. :Pet waste is not an issue in the sewerses of this waterboy as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b.. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie, dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c. What strategies are in lace to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What 9 p g P p strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11 a. Is the goose population an issue in the MS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. N.A. 11 c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Wage 4 of 4 4842296847 I Annual Report Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending 0 3 0 9 2 0 1 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold N Y R A s 2 4 Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name S C 0 t tY A R u s s e itpe (Clearly print title of individual signirig report) Town Supe,, i.- visor Signature Date— - - `p� Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office : MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2 '3213 6127 Progress Report for Part 1.0 thon Impaired Watershed Irovement Strateav Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name ( Hashamomuck Pond Zone HP 2 MS4 Name Town otSouthold ( Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) �� �, sr �� a Reaffirmation for No Discharge El The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, urb$, qutters, . ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the j_ rasa Name j _. _. owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, Into the[ Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody There is no known pathogen impairment of Hashamomuck Pond Zone HP 2 as all ambient pathogen monitoring data provided by NYSDEC currently meet the shellfishing standards The Town is working with NYSDEC to obtain additional ambient pathogen monitoring data in support of recertification of this area for shellfishing If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above Public Education & Outreach of Path�s as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program. During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices I i 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 _j 4209136128 Permit# 4. What the education for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved inthis rauonnmiooance� period �m Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 0a. [J NoIllicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No U|iob Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 8b. [] Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection tothe W184, overland connection, structural failure ofthe &184 piping network) 7b. Give the number ofinspections performed during this reporting period. # |nopeotiVno /-| [ ( o | (Provide municipal identification #efor all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection tothe IWG4, overland nonnection, structural failure of the &4S4piping network) --------- -------- ' ---- - l NAoanuinspections were conducted during this reporting period | � N Page 2of4 N 4807136122 Permit# NVIR2 0AV Post Construction Stormwater Management $. Number of that discharge Post to annstruction MS4 that drains wtoter Management the listed aterbod Practices (SMPs) # SMPs Y ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management Existing infrastructure will be maintained as necessary I I 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional infrastructure planned at this time as there is no evidence that Hashamomuck Pond Zone HP 2 is impaired by pathogens unici ; l aerations Pollution Prevention/Good' Flousekee in ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem?Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c, What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# IVYR 20 A524 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11 a Is the goose population an issue in the IVIS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4842296847 MS4 Semi Annual Report Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending 0 3 0 9 2 0 1 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold N Y R 0A � 4 Certification Statement -MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name CM Last ,4ai°rie S o o t t A R 1 i„ Title (Clearly print title of individual signing report) T o ' w ! n S :: k.° v i c� x.M Signature Date 0ji Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at'. MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2 732 13 6 r 27 Proaress ReDort for Part IX.0 Pathoaen Imnaired Watershed Improvement Strateciv Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name ( James Creek MS4 Name Town,of Southold i Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) 0 3 a 9 z o 1 J Reaffirmation for No Discharge ❑ The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, cath ba 4is, urbs, qutters,_, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the I_ MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into the[ Waterbody Name ] Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody There is only one municipal outfall to James Creek which was previously retrofitted by the Town to treat stormwater in a bioretention area This bioretention area will be maintained If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. I Ambient pathogen monitoring of this waterbody utilizes a sampling location located near a marina which may contribute to high pathogen levels In addition septic systems located close to the waterbody may contribute pathogens based on the observation that ambient pathogen levels are high in the summer even in the absence of rainfall Public Education & Outreach of Patlot ens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program, During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at 'Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterboies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136128 penmit# 4. VVhsd are the education and goalsfo the next 6months? Continue to distribute infori-national brochures to the public 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved inthis reconnaissance. During an Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory hayVut] was inspectedhmthe Engineering Department Answer Either 6a. or 6b. Oa. X NoIllicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made No discharge was observed during a dry weather inspection of the outfall pipe 8b. |J Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and ifthe discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the IVI84, overland cVnneotion, structural failure of the K8S4 piping network) 7b. Give the number Ofinspections performed during this reporting period. # |nopections � (Provide municipal identification #efor all outfalls inspected) - - - State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection tothe MG4, overland connection, structural failure of the IVIS4 piping network) | - - - - '- -- --'--'— - Outfall bay 0utl was inspected during dry weather and uo illicit discharges were observed � & Page 2of4 � 4807136122 Permit# ININK20 ,2,u Post Construction Stormwater Manaqement 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SMPs ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management The existing retention area treats the sole Town outfall and the focus will be on maintaining this practice 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional post construction stormwater management practices are planned as the sole outfall has already been retrofitted unici al Operations Pollution Prevention/ oo l 1, OLIS egpLng ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewershed of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in this area over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste i Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# I NYR 2 0 A524 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed area for illicit discharges also includes looking for pet waste 11 a. Is the goose population an issue in the IVIS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed area 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11 c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? tnspections of-the sewershed area for illicit discharges also include looking ffor significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4842296847 MS4 Semi Annual Report Form Certification Semininu�alll Ilf elpor fourim four period eiriudin 01 6 u (GW �II�iID[.)I(1 YY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold NYR20A 5 2 4 Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name C a t t A R u s ` e Title ( Bearly print title of individual signing report) 1" 0 W i I S U 1. r. v i s, o I,. Signature � Date- - - d S' 110 [a10_1 .-71 Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2732136127 Progress Report for Part 1X.0 Pathoqen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strategy Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name � Mattituck Inlet MS4 Name Town of Southold Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) Reaffirmation for No Dischar.qe ........ ..... The M'un"i"c"i"pa'l"'S"e-pe'rate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, Curbs, quffers, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the � MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into t* Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody Existing stormwater infrastructure has been mapped and will be maintained to minimize the input of pathogens to Mattituck Inlet The Town will work with Suffolk County to identify unknown or potential subsurface interconnections between the two municipal storm sewer systems as Suffolk County has a substantial amount of subsurface infrastructure along County Road 48 . .. .. .... .. .. If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. Public Education & Outreac[Lqf Pathog Ins as the_Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program. During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136126 Permit# NYR 1 0 A52 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a, ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Complete Either 7a. (Map) or 7b. (Written Response) 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections o (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Page 2 of 4 4807136122 Permit# 1 NY 20A524 _..... j Post Construction Stormwater Management 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbo ly # SMPs 2 12 ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater managernent The focus will be on maintaining the existing post construction stormwater management practices 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months Identify unknown or potential subsurface interconnections between the Town and Suffolk County storm sewer systems and determine if additional post construction stormwater management practices are necessary t�nici aai aerations 'ollc�tior Pre er Good Hotjseke� N _q ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem?Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# vYi 20A'1r° 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11a. Is the goose population an issue in the MS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11 c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4642296847 MS4 Semi Annual Report Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending 0 3 0 9 2 0 1 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold III °"1` IIR 0 A 5 2 4 Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name S c o t t:: A RuSsel- 1 Title (Clearly print title of individual sHgning report) Signature Date �`ao !if1 Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 27 3 2 L36 127 Progress Report for Part IX.0 Pathoqen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strategy Areas PERMIT# j NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name Richmond Creek MS4 Name Town of Southold Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) c Reaffirmation for No Discharqe ❑ The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal stir'eet, , atch basins,°ase curbs, .jutters„ ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the � MS4 Nome owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into the[ Waterbody Name ] Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody Existing stormwater infrastructure has been mapped and will be maintained to minimize the input of pathogens to Richmond Creek If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. Septic systems located close to the waterboy may contribute pathogens based on the observation that ambient pathogen levels are often high in the summer in the absence o rainfall Public Education & Outreach of Patho ens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program. During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices I 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of storinwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 42079136128 Permit# ( NYR20A52V 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Disch'Trice Detection and' Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a. ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period CL)nipltithera. ap) �...7h,, \ �ritter� IRpk nqe,Dr Vs 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections 0 (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Page 2 of 4 4807136122 Permit# 114 YR tel A52 _ J Post Construction Stormwater Management 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SMPs e ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management The focus will be on maintaining the existing post construction stormwater management practices 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional post construction stormwater management practices are planned as there does not appear to be a strong causal link between rainfall and elevated pathogen levels unicl pal Operations Pollution Preveiition/Good 1 ouse ee inc ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem?Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA I I I I 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste IFlage 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# I NY R 2 0 A.S24 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11 a, Is the goose population an issue in the IVIS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 1 1c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4842296847 MS4 Semi Annual Report Form Certification Seim Ilii Aninitial Re�lpoirtfoirin foie Illpeiirlili d t indiing 0 i 3 our 9 2 o -1. 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 'Town of Southold N,Y R,2 O'A! 5 _2 4 Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name 1 Title (Cleairly_pront tithe of ondividLjal signing report) Tn If tiro 1 J L: T E 0 � � Signature Date Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2732136127 Prowess Report for Part 1X.0 Pathoqen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strateply Areas PERMIT# NYR VVaterbndyNama �,sfirlmq Creek K8S4Nomo | To�nnf3uu�om | Reporbn� PehodEnding / / / -/ naoyzn � � --------- (mnn�|dmvvv) �� .�.' �_.�/ [] The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CIFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, ditches, Ol3D'[O8d8 Ch8DDe|S. or storm drains that the � owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another 88 . int0th8| VVaterbodyNamo l Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source ofpathogens tothe innpainedvvaterbody There is no known pathogen impain-nent of Stirling k as all ambient pathogen monitoring data provided by NYSDEC currently meet the shellfishing standards The Town is working with NYSDEC to obtain additional ambient pathogen monitoring data in support of recertification of this area for shellfishing |fyou suspect the sources ofpathogens that contribute mload 0othis watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe tobathe suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above Public Education & Outreach of Parthoaens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered toeach target audience? | - - - - ---------------------------- ---- �The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how tnminimize the pathogen impact Vfutoonvvmterrunoff septic SyStecnu and boats on Town m/eterbodieo 3. How are behavior changes being measured? | � Number o[brochures distributed � Page of � 4209136128 Permit# NYR 2 6 A.524 ......._ _.... ......._ _.. 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit §char ee eteoionw lirrr�itation 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. i Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a. ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period f t lmplete Either 7a.AMa) or 7b. (Written Response) 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period Frage 2 of 4 4807136122 Permit# NYR 2 U A524 Post Construction Stormwater Manaqement 8, Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) # SIVIPS that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody El As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management Existing infrastructure will be maintained as necessary 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional infrastructure planned at this time as there is no evidence that Stirling Creek is impaired by pathogens Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeepinq El Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste lla. Is the goose population an issue in the IVIS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 48422.96847 MS4 Semi Annual Resort Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending o 3 o n ,IIVIf.�Il..y SPIDESID a 4 ; Name of MS4 Town of Southold Y 2 sI Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name S C o t t. A R u s s % 1 1. uU r; Cfooirlly print}title of individual signing report) u C) I][ :y r,.) pe r v i s o a' Signature Date Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2°721..361..27 Pro resp Report for Part I .0 Pathoqen Ipaired__W__atershed Improvement Strateqy Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name (Town Jockey Creek MS4 Name Town otSouthold Reporting Period Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) 0 3 0 9 z o i Reaffirmation for No Discharqe The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal sti°eets, catch basins, Curbs, clutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the �_ MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4„ into the[ Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody There is no known pathogen impairment of Town Jockey Creels as all ambient pathogen monitoring data provided by NYSDEC currently meet the shellfishing standards The Town is working with NYS EC to obtain additional ambient pathogen monitoring data in support of recertification of this area for shellfishing If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above Public Education & Outreach of Pathoqens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program. During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater-runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being measured? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 4209136128 Permit# NY R 2 0 A524 4. What are the education Flans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public _I Illicit Discharge Detection and El nilination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. During inspection and cleaning of Town drainage structures on Hobart Road the Engineering Department walked the road looking for illicit discharges and connections Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a, ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made 6b. X Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? A private residence had a PVC pool backwash discharge routed to Hobart Road upstream of a municipal outfall to Town Creek which would not contribute pathogens to this waterbody Q9) l l w E itL1e1L ,__(1"jpj_ r 71� Writtp�Li Rc� p an 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections 2 (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) Overland illicit pool backwash discharge to Outfall of hobart rd side ditch was removed by the homeowner and pool backwash is now contained on the homeowners property Page 2 of 4 4807136122 Permit# ins YR.z0A524 Post Construction Stormwater Management 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SMPs s ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management Existing infrastructure will be maintained as necessary 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months No additional infrastructure planned at this time as there is no evidence that Town Jockey Creek is impaired by pathogens Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeepinq ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this watefboy as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem?Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PERMIT# � NVVa20A52 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11a. Is the goose population an issue in the MS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations i Page 4 of 4 4842296847 Semi Annual ReDort Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending 0 3 0 9 2 p 1. 7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 ',Town of Southold N " !� � O ISI s a 4 - Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name iMI Last Name S r 0t t 1 it1c. eaU ron� title of individual signing report) Signature Date Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at; MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505 2732136127 Prowess Report for Part 1X.0 Pathogen Impaired Watershed Improvement Strateqv Areas PERMIT# NYR 2 0 A524 Waterbody Name i West Harbor Darby Cove MS4 Name Town of Southold I Reporting Period Ending 0 3 / 0 9 / 2 0 1 7 (mm/dd/yyyy) Reaffirmation for No Discharqe The Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8) and (16) including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, Curbs, quiters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that the ` MS4 Name owns or operates does not have any outfalls that discharge directly or indirectly through another MS4, into t* Waterbody Name Watershed Status Please describe what your stormwater management program is doing to address the source of pathogens to the impaired waterbody West Harbor Darby Cove is not impaired by pathogens as per the ambient pathogen monitoring data provided by NYSDEC therefore there is no need to address the source of pathogens to this waterbody at this time If you suspect the sources of pathogens that contribute a load to this watershed through the MS4 are something other than the sources listed in the TMDL, please state what you believe to be the suspected sources and how they were determined. NA see above Public Education & Outreach of Pathe ens as the Pollutant of Concern 1. Description of the education program, During this reporting period educational brochures were distributed to the public at Town buildings and offices 2. Who are the target audiences and what is the message delivered to each target audience? The target audience is the general public including residents and visitors to the Town and the brochures describe how to minimize the pathogen impact of stormwater runoff septic systems and boats on Town waterbodies 3. How are behavior changes being rneast,ired? Number of brochures distributed Page 1 of 4 _j 4209136128 Permit# NYR 2 Q A524 4. What are the education plans and goals for the next 6 months? Continue to distribute informational brochures to the public Illicit Dischar e Detection and Elimination 5. What has been done to actively look in these watersheds for Illicit discharges? Describe procedures and staff that are involved in this reconnaissance. Nothing during this reporting period Answer Either 6a. or 6b. 6a. ❑ No Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period Explain how the determination for No Illicit Discharges was made NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period 6b. ❑ Illicit Discharges were discovered during this reporting period What has the municipality determined from the illicit discharges that have been found? NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period I dam eto fi ilk r F . ( N ?LYr-i 7a. Attach a map showing where IDDE outfall inspections have occurred this reporting period, which outfalls have illicit discharges, and if the discharge has been removed, where the illicit connection is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) 7b. Give the number of inspections performed during this reporting period. # Inspections (Provide municipal identification #s for all outfalls inspected) State which outfalls have illicit discharges and whether or not the illicit discharge has been removed. Also describe where the illicit discharge is in the system and how it is entering the system (i.e. Direct connection to the MS4, overland connection, structural failure of the MS4 piping network) NA as no inspections were conducted during this reporting period i Page 2 of 4 I 4807136122 Permit# l NYR 20 A,r2p Post Construction St rinriwater p lana ement 8. Number of Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs) that discharge to an MS4 that drains to the listed waterbody # SMPs ( ( n 11 ❑ As part of the RFI sent by the Department in August 2016, the information in #8 has already been submitted a. Describe the municipality's policy on post construction stormwater management NA for this waterbody as West Harbor Darby Cove is not impaired 9. Describe the Post-Construction Stormwater Management plan and goals for the next 6 months NA for this waterbody as West Harbor Darby Cove is not impaired MunLciij?Lal O.p ra i nr s Pollution Preventi n/Go d l ousel e pi ❑ Non-Traditional MS4 (skip Question 10) 10a. Is pet waste an issue in the MS4 areas? If pet waste is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Pet waste is not an issue in the sewersheds of this waterbody as no significant pet waste problem has been observed or reported in these areas over the last four years 10b. If pet waste is a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Are there any areas where pets are known to frequent (such as parks, road ends, boat launches, marinas, trails). Are there any indications that pet waste is being disposed of improperly (ie. dumped into a catch basin)? NA I 10c. What strategies are in place to manage the proper disposal of pet waste? What strategies are planned to improve pet waste disposal practices in areas identified in need of improvement? There is a local law requiring the proper disposal of pet waste Page 3 of 4 0304136120 PER MIT# 1NYR20A524 10d. What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for pet waste 11a. Is the goose population an issue in the MS4 areas? If the goose population is not an issue please describe, in the box below, the reasoning behind this viewpoint. Goose populations are not an issue as no significant goose populations have been observed or reported within the regulated sewershed areas 11 b. If the geese are a problem, where has it been found to be a problem? Provide a description of the location or a map showing the areas of high population density of geese. NA 11c. What strategies are in place to manage the population of geese on municipal properties? There is a municipal law prohibiting the feeding of geese on municipal property 11d, What measurable indicators are being used to help determine the effectiveness of these strategies? Inspections of the sewershed areas for illicit discharges also include looking for significant goose populations Page 4 of 4 4842296847 MS4 Semi Annual Report Form Certification Semi Annual Report form for period ending 3 0 9 2 0 1 .7 (MMDDYYYY) SPDES ID Name of MS4 Town of Southold N Y R s a 4 ---I- j Certification Statement - MS4 Official (Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official) or a Duly Authorized Representative of the MS4 Official "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing of violations." This form must be signed by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative of that person as described in GP-0-15-003 Part VI.J. First Name MI Last Name S c 0 t t A � Russell.. Title (Clearly print tolls of individual signing report) Signature Date Lo1-� � a � � � ao� � ��� - Send completed form and any attachments to the DEC Central Office at: MS4 Permit Coordinator Division of Water 4th Floor 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-3505