HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOEHR, GEORGE TRUSTEE/; '-~z John M.:Brcdemeyer, gl, Pmsic~em Albert J. 'Kr. a~ Jr., Vice President !oM B- Tuthill W~m/~; Albertson ~?:Telepr~ :¢~) 76~-1892 Fax 5-1823 BOARD OF TOtV~' TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOOT-HOLD SUPErViSOR SCOTT L 53095 Main P.O. Southntd. October 23~ !9~2 Georqe Loehr 2200 Hobart Road Southold, ~/ 11971 RE: Waiver for deck SCTM Dear Mr. Loehr: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees on Th~rsd~y~ October 22, 1992: RESOLVED that the Southold ~own Board of Trustees grant a waiver to construct a 10' X 24~ deck attached to existing dwelling. If you have any questions, please do no~ hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours~ President, Boar~ of Trustees J~B:jmd cc: Bldg~ Dept. % % O -/ / LINE ALONG :, FT. SURVEY OF PR( AT SO TOWN OF SOUT SUFFOLK I000 064 SCALE 1" = OCT ~4 , 1988 I.Y.S, LIC N0.49668 'RS , P, C. 0 LOT NUM{~EP~$ REFER TO ;"SUBD~V{SION t~AP ~'. O~ OF FOUNDERS ESTATES" FLLED MAY JO, 1927 ~ ~O~D IN THE OFtCE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY